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Carlos Padrón
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Edited by J. Novick, K. Novick, D. Barrett, & T. Barrett Parent Work Casebook
How often do we hear, “I don’t treat children—it’s too hard to work with their parents”? Parent work u ndoubtedly brings many challenges. This casebook brings together the voices of 40 psychoanalysts from a round the world to illustrate contemporaryviews about whetherand how to workwith parents. The idea s proposed in the model ofdynamic concurrent parent work are illustrated and explored here through cl inical vignettes, commentaries from experienced child and adolescent analysts, and reflections by th e volume’s editors. The value of parent work is affirmed as a substantive contribution to pragmatic, e ffective, and life-changing child and adolescent psychoanalysis.
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What Can a PsychoanalystWhat Can a Psychoa ystnal Learn from Charlie Chaplin? Learn froom Charlie C plin?ha
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Luke Hadge Psychoanalytic Stories “Standing on the psychoanalytic precipice, looking out at the horizon, the young analyst sees an obscure object of desire.”
Thus begins one of the eight stories in this slim collection of psychoanalytic e xplorations. Riding on the subway to his office in New York City, working with patients, contemplating in spaces, the author delves intohisdevelopmenttobecomeananalystandhisexperiencepracticinga n“impossible”andirrepressible profession. In the end, he just wants to fall asleep one night and d ream. . . . Keep analyzing . . .
James Siena, Otis, Massachusetts