DD EXPRESS (Vol.1, Issue 2, January 2021)

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Issue Two

Coordinator:- Fr. Leon Rodrigues sdb

Editors:- Cl. Jins Joseph sdb

Cl. Aegidius Pereira sdb

DTP:- Cl. Alan D’silva sdb Cl. Ethan Fortes sdb Published at Divyadaan Institute of Philosophy, Nashik.

Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price


The Rector Major of the Salesian Congregation, Fr. Ángel Artime Fernández released the Strenna for the year 2021 on 26th December 2020, entitled ‘Moved by Hope’. In it, he speaks of the present situation that the world is currently experiencing and urges all Salesians and members of the Salesian Family to be messengers of hope to all those in need. Hope is a fundamental virtue in our Christian living. We hope because we are certain of a positive reality in the future. Christ, the pearl of great price, is the source of all our hope and in encountering Him, our lives receive the hope we seek. But, this hope that we receive cannot be kept only with us. Rather, this hope urges us to go beyond our frontiers and spread this hope to all those we meet. This issue of DD Express focuses on Christ being the pearl of great price and our source of hope. As we enter this new year let us work towards being messengers of hope spreading the hope of Christ to all those we meet. Cl. Ethan Fortes sdb

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Carl Scott was a brilliant student, talented musician, and the most popular and sought -after-guy in college. It’s around the time of the auditions for the College Annual festival. Carl is selected to play P.T. Barnum, the lead role in the musical – The Greatest Showman. The rehearsals progress and Carl gets deeper into the character of Barnum. One day as Carl is sitting on stage rehearsing his parts, the director comes in and begins to explain the next scene, a scene in which P.T Barnum realizes that all his fame, his money, his tours are a sham and his true happiness, his greatest treasure is his family; his wife and your son whom he side-lined due to his over-ambitious and selfcentered outlook. For the first time, Carl begins to think about his own life. Questions arise in his mind as to “what/ who is that greatest treasure in his life?” and thus begins Carl’s journey in search of his treasure. The success of the musical does not distract Carl from his search. He commits himself to finding the treasure the pearl of great price for himself. He goes to various people he knows, asking them a simple question: What is the treasure of great price? While he is at college, Carl’s friend, Ronny, gauging something unusual in Carl’s behavior asks him the reason for his gloomy mood. Carl tells Ronny about the question that has clouded his mind. Ronny seems to think that Carl needs a holiday with his co-star. At this moment, Carl, disappointed with Ronny’s lame advice heads out of the campus. Walking down the street he sees from a distance, a boy being bullied. He rushes towards him. He asks the bully to let go of the boy to which the bully pays no attention but runs away as soon as he sees the Principal of the College walking towards them. Carl observes a little picture in the hand of the boy who tightly holds on to it. On inquiring, he realizes that it Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price

was the picture of the boy’s mother who passed away some years ago in an accident. Carl now even more surprised at the composure of the boy, asks for his secret. The boy invites Carl to a Faith-Sharing meeting at a nearby chapel. In the course of the faith meeting each one introduces himself and then one of the group members shares his faith experience. This is the turning point of Carl’s life. That night Carl goes to bed with the awareness of God’s love for him. He realizes what it was that he was missing. After this encounter, he begins to live with a renewed sense of meaning in life. He had found his pearl of great price. He realized that Jesus was that missing link that he had been looking for! Very often we find ourselves amid dilemmas that challenge us to move out of our comfortable spaces. To have Jesus as one’s pearl is to make a conscious decision and say “NO” to actions that contradict the teachings of Christ and to continue to discover the beauty of this precious pearl. Cl. Alan D’silva sdb

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... In mid-November 2020, the American Pop Star ‘Lizzo’ posted a video in which she confessed that money and fame could not make her happy, even though money gave her a better standard of life. She also said that chasing money and fame had its toll on her, that is, it made her mentally fatigued. She also urged her audience to work on their internal issues, because she realized that in her own case money, fame or age could not solve her inner issues. Many celebrities were moved to tears after listening to her and appreciated her for her honest confession. When a priest or a preacher tells us that money, fame, power, and pleasure can’t buy happiness, many find it difficult to believe; St. Thomas Aquinas calls these four, ‘substitutes for God’. However, when a rich and famous pop star tells us from his/her life experience, it can be very provoking. Thanks to Lizzo, I was able to grasp this reality even better. One basic reason for tiredness of mind is the conflict in all of us, between ideal and achievement, between what we ought to be and what we are, between our longing and our having, between our powers of understanding and the incomprehensible mysteries of the universe. The basic truth about human nature is that human desires are infinite, and the finite things of this world cannot satisfy man for long. Sooner or later he/she feels empty, fatigued, and barren. We must realize that we were made for happiness. But, to be happy, we have to satisfy the higher calling of our being, namely, our intellect and our will. Our intellect and will need to cooperate with the power of God. Divine energy of truth and love does not originate in us but flows through us. When our dedicated will unites with this divine energy, our character is transformed. This happens in our relationship of surrender to the divine. This unity of wills and our relationship of love with God is the Pearl of Great Price – it is Heaven itself. Whether we know it or not, we all long for it; and that is what we were made for. Cl. Samson Ribeiro sdb Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price

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Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price


“LOVE” has an important role to play in society, church, and the world at large today. When speaking in terms of “Love” in Catholicism there is no doubt that “Jesus is Love"(1 John 4:8) who loves eternally and unconditionally, who even went to the extent of giving up his own life for us. It shows that Jesus always chooses to LOVE us as the eternal lover, He does not just love but He is Love. No matter how bad and good we are, His love always overshadows and envelops us.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life" (John 3:16). Indeed! God's unconditional love is made manifest in and through Jesus who lived like us but without sin. He lived a life of love and forgiveness and died for you and me on the cross. His love for us is indescribable, unimaginable, unfathomable, unconditional, and eternal. His love has no reasons, no conditions, no limits, no boundaries, and no restrictions. That is what exactly ‘Love’ is. The effect of this eternal love is that He has loved you and me for all eternity. He has known us even before the foundation of the world and will know and love you and me forevermore. There never was a time that He did not perfectly love us and there never will be a time when His love will fail. We can understand that His love is eternal, but we will never be able to comprehend the depths of His love.

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He is passionately busy loving you and me. He is just waiting for our response to His love with arms open wide like that of the Father in the parable of the prodigal son. There may be moments when we have failed to recognize His love, moments when we were indifferent to His love, moments when we misunderstood His love; but then, He never minds or considers anything of the above rather shows His love that overflows in abundances, love that keeps us growing, love that makes us alive, love that renews us, love that makes us more human, love that makes us move closer to Him. A small act of love can make a big difference in life. Love can change everything and anything. It is powerful and beautiful. That's how, Jesus our love, the eternal lover changed the world by destroying sin and death and thus granting new life to all of us and the grace to be with Him forever. Let these words always echo in our hearts and minds: “Jesus loves me all the time! He is my Love and everything!" Cl. Dekkala Uday Kumar sdb

Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price

In our Indian context, we know how great a day it is when a child is born in the family. There is distribution of sweets, bursting of firecrackers, delicious meals and a family get -together to celebrate the long awaited day. All these celebrations are held because a child is born, ‘the child’ who will bring glory and fame to the family, who will protect and take care of the family, who will carry forward the name of the family through his offspring. The parents therefore bestow all their love, care, money, treat him like a sovereign and often spare it its wrongdoings. In our Christian faith we see something very contrary to this, in {Jn-3:16} we hear “For God so loved the that He sent His ‘only son’” , how intimate and beautiful must have been this relationship of the Father and the child and yet irrespective of the child’s happiness the Father sent him on a mission that would come to its climax with his death this would be a showcase to the whole world the Father’s deep love for them and His great desire for their salvation. The child being none other than our Lord Jesus, who obedient to the Father and His will, was willing to take up this great mission. He was born in the form of a helpless babe with no place to be born, lived a life deprived of everything, and finally died on the cross stripped of his last garments praying for the forgiveness of his persecutors. As Jesus went through all the persecution, opposition, criticism, mockery we see in his life a sense of joy, endurance, conviction, and immense patience to carry on the mission. It raises a question in our mind, from where did Jesus receive all

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this strength to carry on and accomplish it. The answer is that even though the Father sent his son from heaven to earth the Father was always with him; in his every step, guiding, strengthening, and loving him. The first instance when the Father proclaimed his deep love for the son was during the baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan when suddenly the heaven opened to him and the spirit of God descended like a dove and a voice from heaven said “This is my son, the beloved with whom I am well pleased� {Mt- 3: 16-17}. On the other hand Jesus was well aware of his 0Father’s presence in his life and therefore was 24/7 in union with the father and he did all things with the power of the Holy Spirit. The gospels presents us many instances where Jesus withdrew himself and went to the hillside to a quiet place to spend his time with the Father. We know before he could even begin his ministry he spent his time in the wilderness {Mt-1:12} and before being taken into captivity by the Romans to be crucified he went to the garden of Gesthamane {MT-26:36}. What was he actually doing? The son was praying to the Father, listening to him, receiving love and strength. He was in an intimate relationship with his beloved Father. This shows that from the beginning of his life to his last breath on the cross he was Always with his Father and the Father never left the side of his son. Thus, Jesus through his obedience, humility, and sacrificial love is the pearl of great price that can lead us to the Father. Cl. Godwin Naik sdb

Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price

As we begin this new year filled with hope, I wish to present you with 5G’s which like the latest 5G network will help you change your life and the life of others this new year. These 5G’s are gifts you can share with your family, friends, poor, lonely, and needy. So let me introduce them to you one by one. 1. The Gift of Time: The first G is the gift of time. Let us strengthen our bonds through communication with our family members and friends. Let us make time to listen to them without interrupting, daydreaming, picking up your mobile, or planning your response. Let just listening and spending time with others be our mantra during this new year. 2. The Gift of Kindness: The second G is the gift of kindness. Let us be kind in our words and actions. Kindness is the most important tool to spread love among humanity. True kindness lies within the act of giving without the expectation of something in return. So let us be selfless spreaders of joy and happiness in whatever we do and be kind to all in need. 3. The Gift of Prayer: The third G is the gift of Prayer. Let us strengthen our relationship with God. Prayer changes hearts and lives. Let us pray for all people around the world who have no one to care for them. This new year let us make prayer the steering wheel of our life and not just a spare tire. Let us also pray for all those who have died and are suffering from Covid – 19. 4. The Gift of Forgiveness: The fourth G is the gift of forgiveness. Let us make it a season of forgiving. During the past year, we might have had clashes or misunderstandings with many people. Let us forgive all of them and lighten our hearts. Let us forgive all those who have hurt us as quickly as you expect God to forgive you and build bonds of friendship with them.

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5. The Gift of Service: The fifth G is the gift of Service. Let us be generous and share our talents and knowledge with others. Let small actions demonstrate the love you have for your family and friends. Let us lend a helping hand to those people who are in need, as the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. Thus let us be the reason someone smiles during this new year. The beauty of all these gifts is that they are all priceless so let us be generous this new year to share them. Wishing you a very prosperous new year 2021! Cl. Aegidius Pereira sdb

Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price


Nga kwah ban ïa thuh ïa phi ïa ka jingjia kaba la jia ha ka jingim jong nga. Ba kumno nga shem ia ka jingieid ba pura jong u Jisu ha ka jingim jong nga. Kane ka jingjia kala jia ha ka por ba nga dang don hapoh pre-novitiate (Bosco Home Herma). Ha kato ka por nga ïa kynduh bun ki jingeh kiba pynkulmar jingmut ïa nga bad kiba pynduh jingkyrmen ïa nga. Nyngkong eh nga shem jingeh ban kren ia ka jingshisha ia kaei kaba nga thrang ne kwah ha ka jingim jong nga. Kawei na ki jingeh kaba nga shem ka long ba ngam shlur ban kren ïa ka jingshisha ba ngam don jingthrang ban long riewniam. Shaphang kane nga shem jynjar ban kren ne pyni ïa ka jingthrang kaba rhem hapoh ka dohnud jong nga. Lyngba ki jingpyni bad ka jingpynsngewthuh jong u Fr. Rector (Matthew), nga shim ïa ka rai ban mih noh napoh pre -novitiate. Kane ka jia ha ka por ba ngi wan shuti tlang ha u bnai Nohprah. Hynrei kaba nga sngew phylla pat ka long, haba nga la mih noh napoh pre-novitiate, ngam shem jingkmen ha ka mynsiem. Kane kala pynkulmar jingmut shuh shuh ia ka jingmut jingpyrkhat jong nga. Ka pynbabe ia kaei kaba nga leh. Ngam shem jingtngen ha ka mynsiem jong nga. Bun ki jingkylli ki wan ha ka jingmut jingpyrkhat jong nga. Kaei kaba u Blei u mang na ka bynta jong nga hangne ha sla pyrthei? Shaei pat ngan shem ïa u? Ha kito ki por ngam nang ban leh eiei. Nga leit sah shi taiew bad u madeng (Fr.Sylvester Nongsiej, of Nongstoiñ Diocese) ha Mawthong. Dei hangne ha ka por ba nga dang pynleit jingmut ha ka jingduwai,nga ioh jingshlur ban join

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biang. Ia kane, ngam shem la pynsah tang ha lade hynrei nga pyntip ha u madeng bad ha u Fr. Rector sha Bosco Home bad nga pan jingbit na u ba long ne em ba ngan wanphai biang. Ka jingong hooid jong u ka la nang ai mynsiem bad ai jingshlur ïa nga ban iaid shaphrang. Ka mynsiem jong nga ka dap miar da ka jingkmen, ka jingkmen ka ba ngam shem la ïoh mad mynno mynno. Kane ka pynsngewthuh ïa nga kumno ba u Jisu u ieid shisha ïa nga hangne ha sla pyrthei. Ka jingieid jong u ïa nga kam dei ba nga long u briew uba hok. Hynrei ka dei namar ba nga long u briew uba tlot. Ka jingieid jong u ka dei ka jingieid ba nylla, ka jingieid bashisha, ka jingieid ka ba wan na ka mynsiem, ka jingieid ka ba ïai neh. Khublei shibun Jisu ïa ka jingieid ba nylla kaba me la ai ha ngi iwei pa iwei hangne ha sla pyrthei. Cl. Malcom Nongsiej sdb

Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price

Scientific laws and theories, have through the ages, touched the heights of what was thought impossible. It is also lucidly seen that it seems to have in hand answers to things yet to be explained. This is marvelous. But we have another marvel of a man, who two thousand years ago did something incredible and impossible. This man is Jesus Christ. A man, who defied the scientific laws of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Because when he walked on water, he defied Physics, when he changed water into wine, he defied chemistry, and when he raised a man dead for days to life, it is biologically unexplainable. This “unexplained greatness” is truly astounding. This greatness is only possible through God. But what is greatness for God? Because these defying phenomenon are simply the qualities of God, whose power infinitely transcends human beings. So simply, “It’s God’s doing”. But Jesus Christ shows the broader meaning of greatness when as a human, he loved unconditionally, showing compassion without limits, and even giving himself up for others till death. These are great acts coming from the humility of God who humbles himself and took on flesh. He didn’t state laws on how to love or show mercy, because, he wants to show it through example. The miracles of Jesus are great, and yes the love he gave to others was even greater, but the very fact that he did all the great miracles, for the sake of us, ‘is the greatest of all’. Cl. Lamkupar Nonglang sdb

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We have just celebrated the great feast of Christmas a month ago. The Joy of it is the truth and beauty of what happened at Christmas time; God becoming man and coming into our world as a little vulnerable child. We all are familiar with the sequence of events leading to Jesus’ birth. Joseph took Mary and with high hope and expectation went to his city, pretty sure that he would find lodging for Mary. This place for Christ the Savior would be perfect to come into the world. The whole of creation was groaning for redemption; all were expecting his coming; it was foretold and God did send many messengers and prophets to announce his coming. Tragically what happened on the first Christmas day was heartbreaking. What could be more distressing than this line in the gospel account on the birth of Jesus, “There was no room in the inn.”? The Lord and Creator, the one to whom belonged whole of heaven and earth, did not find even a simple home, where he could be born. There were enough and more rooms for all but not for our Lord, the master of the universe. Jesus left his kingship, crown, and scepter for the love of us, only to be born in a stable. The stable would be the last place for the people to look for the Messiah. Yet, in a filthy stable Christ was born. Justin Bieber once said, “Jesus wasn’t an elite guy; He found me in my dirt and pulled me out.” We can’t but see the love of Christ; He gave himself up even to the worst and most acute situations. Nowadays we celebrate Christmas with much gaiety, splendor, and magnificence. However, in all the hustle and bustle to celebrate Christmas, we forget the true meaning of Christmas, and sadder still, celebrate a Christ-less Christmas. When that glorious day, the nativity of our Lord comes, and if the same is said of us, that will be an awful tragedy. Let it not be said of us, “there was no room for Jesus in their hearts.” Does not our Lord, Creator, and Master deserve a space in our hearts? Can we not offer a little corner for Him, in the coziness and warmth of our heart? The Person for whom our heart longs and without whom our hearts are restless will be knocking at the door of our hearts. Let us be alert and be attentive to it. By allowing Him to be born in our lives, giving Him a room in our hearts, we will be doing more good to ourselves. I believe that the painful and sad experience that our Lord underwent 2000 years ago is more than Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price

enough. Will our hearts tolerate or bear to see the little babe born again in a stable? And sadly this is what takes place many a time in our celebrations. We have plenty of room for picnics, outings, shopping, parties, endless programs and gatherings, and entertainments: yet, we don’t set aside even a little space for the baby Jesus. Let us make this new year a time where we are Christ-filled and not a Christ -less year. It is of my high opinion that the person in whom we believe is far greater and important than what we believe. The person whom we celebrate is better than all the other external celebrations put together. This is what Stephen Curry said, “There’s more to me than just this jersey I wear, and that’s Christ living inside of me.” How true it is! Christ should live in each one of us. May all of us enjoy a grace-filled preparation and a hope-filled waiting for that Glorious Day!!! Cl. Chichanbemo George Patton sdb

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Haba u nongpang u leit sha hospital, nyngkong eh ba ki doctor kin leh ka long, ba kin peit bñiah shwa ia ka jingtied u klongsnam (heart beat) bad hadien kin sa phah leh kiwei pat ki test khamtam ia ka snam (blood test). Haba u klongsnam um treikam bha ngi lah ban ioh bun jait ki jingpang bad ruh ka lah ban ialam ia ngi sha ka jingiap. Ha ka biologi ngi pule ba u klongsnam u long u dohjem uba kongsan tam ba ngin sumar khnang ba ngin don ka met ka bakoit bakhiah. U klongsnam uba khlaiñ u pyni ia ka jingkhlaiñ jong ka met u briew. U Nongpynkhiah uba khlaiñ tam, u Jisu, u hikai ia ngi ba ka dohnud jong ngi ka long kaba kongsan tam ha ka jingim mynsiem jong ngi. Lada ka tlong ka long kaba bha, kaba mih na ka ruh ka long kaba bha. Lada ngi khmih lynti ba ka um kan long kaba khuid, ka jaka kaba ngi pyllang ne buh ia ka ruh ka dei ban long kaba khuid. Kam dei ban don kano kano ka jingjaboh ne jingjakhlia. Ha kajuh ka rukom ka long bad u briew, lada ka dohnud jong u ka long kaba khuid, ka jingim ba ka jingleh jong u baroh kan long kaba khuid. U Jisu hi dalade u kren shaphang kane ba “ym don eiei nabar kaba rung hapoh jong u briew kaba lah ban pyntngit ia u. Pynban dei kata kaba mih na u briew keiñ kaba lah ban pyntngit ia u”(Mk7:15) “naba na shapoh na ka dohnud u briew ki mih ki jingkwah ki basniew kiba ialam ia u ban tuh, ban pyniapbriew, ban klim, ban khwan lalot, bad ban leh ki kam sniew har rukom; ka jingshukor, ka jingkhlemraiñ, ka jingpihuiñ, ka jingthadrong, ka jinghangamei bad ka jingmutlop biej- baroh kine ki jingsniew ki mih na shapoh u briew bad ki pyntngit ia u.” (Mk 7:20-23) Dei tang haba ngi kloi ban pynkhuid bad pynkyntang ia ka dohnud jong ngi, ngin lah ban mad ia ka jingieid u Blei bad ia ka bor jong u. U Syiem Dabid haba ula hap ha ka pop, u phai sha u Blei da ka dohnud kaba kloi ban kylla bad u dwai ruh na ka bynta ka dohnud ka bathymmai. (Ps 51:10) Ban pynlong ka dohnud jong ngi ka Tabernakyl ngi dei ban tip khyndiat shaphang ka dohnud jong ngi. Harum ki long ki mat kiba nga lah ban ai ha phi. Ka dohnud ka tempyl u Blei (1 kor 3:16): “Phi long ka tempyl u Blei bad u mynsiem u Blei u shong ha phi.” Man uwei pa uwei u briew udei ban sngewthuh bad ban peiphang ba ka dohnud jong u/ka, ka long ka tempyl kaba u Blei bad u mynsiem U shong U sah. Kumba ju long kiwei ki tempyl na kane ka tempyl ruh ka dei ban mih ka jingdwai bad jingmaneblei bad ka jingkynud ia ki sur iaroh ia u Blei. Barabor hi ka tempyl ka dei ka jaka kaba u Blei u shong u sah. Te, lada ngi shah ba u Blei un shong un sah ha ka Tabernakyl jong ka dohnud jong Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price

ngi, u Blei un im bad un heh un san ryngkat bad ngi, bad ka dohnud jong ngi kan dap kyrhai da ka jingieid Blei. Ka kyndon na ka bynta kane ka long, ka jingkhuid ka dohnud- “Suk kiba khuid ka dohnud, naba kin iohi ia u Blei.” (Mt 5:8). To ngin sngewthuh ba ka dohnud jong ngi, kam dei ka kynja tiar kaba ngi lah ban pynjaboh, pynjakhlia bad ban hap ha ka pop, hynrei kadei ka spah kordor ban tyrwa sha u Blei da ka jingieid (Rom 12:2). Te, lada uno uno u pynbyrsieh ia ka tempyl lajong u Blei, U Blei un pynjot ia u, naba ka tempyl jong u Blei ka long ka ba khuid bad phi, phi long kata ka Tempyl (1 Kor 3:17). Ka dohnud ka duwan jong ka jingieid: Ka dohnud kam dei tang ka tempyl, hynrei ka dei ruh ka duwan. Ynda ka dohnud ka kylla long ka duwan ka bakhuid jong ki bakhuid (Holy of holies), U Blei u Kpa un pdiang hun ia ki jingkñia kiba tyrwa na ka. Ka dohnud kadei ban dap da ka jingieid ia u Blei bad ia ki parabriew (Mt 22:37-39). Ka jingkhot kaba kongsan na ka bynta u briew ka dei ban ieid iwei ia iwei. Ka jingied kam dei tang kajjingsngew (emotion) hynrei kadei ka jingaiti lut ialade. Ka nuksa ba nga lah ban shim dei ka jingieid u Blei na ka bynta jong ngi ba u aiti ia la u jong u khun ban iap halor ka diengphna. Ka jingphlei jong ka snam na u baroh kadei ba u ieid eh ia ngi bad ia kane un ym don mano mano ruh ba lah ban pyndam na ka dohnud jong ngi. Halor ka duwan ka ju don barabor ka jingtyrwa. Ha ka juh ka rukom ha kane ka duwan jong ka jingieid, ka dei ban don ka jingtyrwa jong ka jingieid, jingaiti bad ka jinglenlade. Ka dohnud kaba kloi ban plie ia u Khrist (Jpw 3:20): “Hakhmih, nga ieng ha jingkhang, bad nga tied. Lada uno-uno un iohsngew ia ka sur jong nga bad un plie ia ka jingkhang, ngan rung hapoh iing bad ngan shong bam lem bad u, ma u ruh lem bad nga.” Ban sngap ia ka ktien bad ka sur jong u Blei, ngi donkam ban don ka dohnud kaba kloi ban plie bad ban pdiang ia ka. Naba u Khrist u wan rung tang sha ki dohnud kiba kloi ban plie bad pdiang ia U. Ha ka jutang bathymmai ngi shem ba ka jingkylla ha ki briew ka wan haba ki plie ia la ka dohnud na ka bynta u Trai. Ngi iohi ia ka nong Samaria, haba ka plie ia la ka dohnud sha u Trai, ka jingim jong ka, ka kylla. Ka ieh ia ka jingbymhok bad ka im ka jingim bathymmai (Ïo. 4:1-42). Ngi iohi ruh ia ki ar ngut ki synran, kiba leit sha Emmaus hadien ka jingmihpat u Trai. Ka dohnud jong ki ka dap da ka jingsngewsih bad jingsngewdiaw, hynrei hadien ba ki la ia kynduh ia u Jisu bad ki plie ia la ka dohnud sha u, Ka dohnud jong ki ka

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dap da ka jingkmen (Lk 24:13-35). Ha kajuh ka rukom haba u Sakkheus u plie ia la ka dohnud na ka bynta u Jisu, u ioh mad ia ka jingpynim (Lk. 19:1-10). To ngin long kiba kloi ban plie ia la ka dohnud ba la khang na ka bynta u Blei, to ngin plie da u shabi jong ka jingiaieid bad jingiamap markylliang. Da ka jingpangnud nga pule ia kane ka dkhot, “Ka la pynthiah ia u (khyllung Jisu) ha ka shyngoid, naba kim shym la ioh jaka sha ha ka iingbasa (Lk. 2:7).” Haba ki briew ki khang ia la ka jingkhang na ka bynta ka Iing ka Sem Bakhuid, nga tharai kim shym la tip bad sngewthuh ba ki khang pyrshah ia u Khrist u Nongpynim. Man la ka sngi, u Jisu u thrang ban rung ha ki dohnud jong ngi, ha bun ki lad bad ki rukom. Hato ngi kloi mo ban pdiang ia u? Lada ngi kloi ban pdiang ia u Jisu ha ka dohnud jong ngi ha ka por Mas Bakhuid, ngi dei ruh ban long kiba kloi ban pdiang ia u, haba u wan ha ka dur jong u bathngan, baduk bad kiwei de. Jingpynkut: Ban pynlong ia ka dohnud jong ngi ka Tabernakyl, ngi dei ban pynkhuid bad pynkyntang ia ka kumba u Paulus Bakhuid u ong “To kynther ia ka rukom ba mynshwa bad ia u briew barim, uba la pynpyut plak da ka jingram-ia bad ka jingthrew (Eph 4:22). Ngi lah ban leh ia kane ka jingkyntu jong u Paulus, da kaba leit sha ka Sakramen jong ka jingpyniasuk bad pdiang ia u, ha ka Iukharis Bakhuid kum ka jingbam mynsiem. Lada ngi leh ia kine, ki aiñ jong u Blei kin tyngshaiñ ha ka dohnud jong ngi (Jer 31:3) bad ruh kan iarap ia ngi ban heh ban san ha ka jing riewblei (Jer. 31:40). U Kpa Bakhuid Alexander u ong, “wat lada ia u Jisu la kha ha ki hajar tylli ki shyngoid, hynrei ym shem la kha ha ka dohnud jong ngi. Kaei ka jijngmyntoi?” Ym dei tang ha ka miet khristmas ba u Jisu u wad ka jaka ba un shong un sah ha ka dohnud jong ngi, hynrei u iai wad beit man la ka sngi. Hato na ka liang jong ngi, ngi kloi ne em ban pdiang ia u bad ban plie ia ka jingkhang jong ka dohnud jong ngi ba un rung? To ngin long barabor kiba kloi ban pdiang ia u ha ka dohnud jong ngi, khnang ba ka dohnud jong ngi kan long ka Tabernakyl, ha kaba u Blei un shong un sah shyrta bad ruh bad ai lem ia u sha kiwei pat. Cl. Arkidon Derek Kharmawphlang sdb

Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price


Ki symboh jong ka jingshisha ki don ha manla ki niam ha satlak ka pyrthei hynrei ka jingpynjanai jong kine ki niam ki long tang ha u Jisu Khrist. Te dei na kane ka daw ba ki briew baroh, naduh mynhyndai ki bym shym la tip ïa u Khrist, ki lah ban їoh їa ka jingpynim. Lyngba kane ka jingthoh jong nga, ngan pyrshang ban pyni ba kumno ka Niam Khasi ruh kam dei ka niam kaba don ha ka jingdum hynrei ka dei ka niam kaba tip ia ka jingshisha. Ka ba nyngkong nyngshap, ka Niam Khasi kam dei ka Balang, hynrei ka dei ka Niam kaba don la ka jong ka riti ka dustur. Kam dei ka kynhun jong ki briew ki ba їalum lang, hynrei ka dei ka niam kaba don ka kñia ka khriam. Haba don ka kñia ka khriam, don da duwan ka dupat; haba don ka duwan ka dupat, don u Lyngdoh; haba don u Lyngdoh, don ka Niam ka Jutang kaba їalam ïa ki breiw sha U Blei. Ka kñia ha ka niam ka rukom ka dei ka jingkñia ban sait їa ki pap ki sang jong ki briew bad ban kñia pyndon burom ia u Blei Nongbuh Nongthaw ka bneng bad ka kyndew. Te ka Niam Khasi ka dei ka niam kaba tip ia u Blei ba-im. Hynrei ka Niam Khasi kam pat long ka niam kaba janai namar u nongkñia (u lyngdoh Khasi) u dei uba don pop. Man la ka por ba kñia, u hap ban kñia shuwa na ka bynta ki pop jong lajong bad hadien pat їa ki pop jong u paidbah. Te namar kane ka daw u hap ban kñia man la ka por khnang ban їoh їa ka jing map pop. Ka jingkñia їa u syiar ka long kaba shongkun namar shuwa ban wan u Jisu kane ka long ka jutang jong u briew bad u Blei. Kane ka dei ka jutang ba rim bad kaba pdianghun ha khmat u Blei. U syiar u long u nong lam khubor jong u Blei bad ka niam Khasi ka dei ka niam ap-jingong ka ba ap ia

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u ta u sim pah u sim song bad u ba lah u ba їai, bad un kit їa ki pap ki sang jong ki briew baroh. Une u ba ngi ap u dei U Jisu Khrist, u ban pyn urlong ia ka jingiathuh lypa ki riewstad jong ngi bad pyn janai ia ka niam Khasi. Kam dei ba nga poi sha kane ka jingpynkut khlem da pyrkhat jylliew hynrei nga poi sha kane ka jingpynkut da kaba їa nujor їa ka jutang ba rim (Niam Khasi) bad ka jutang ba thymmai (lyngba u Jisu). Ha ka jutang ba rim ngi don u nongkñia u ba hap ban kñia їa u syiar man la u snem na ka bynta ki pop jong u shimet bad na ka bynta ki pop jong u paidbah paidbhur, hynrei ha ka jutang ba thymmai ngi don U Nongkñia U ba kñia tang shisien, da kaba tyrwa їa lade, ym da u syiar. Kane ka jingkñia ba thymmai ka jia tang shisien bad ka pynkhuid їa ngi shi junom. Ka jutang ba rim ka thung їa u lyngdoh da u briew u batlot hynrei ka jutang ba thymmai ka thung їa u lyngdoh da u khun u Blei, u ba long u bajanai shi junom. Te namar kata ka daw, ka niam Khasi ka don ki symboh jong ka jingshisha kiba yn sa pynjanai da u Jisu Khrist u ba wan ym ban pynduh byndam ia ka Niam barim hynrei u wan ban pynjanai ia ka. U Jisu keiñ u dei u ta u sim-pah u sim-song bad uta u ap-jingong ba u khun Khasi Khara u ap. Cl. Biangjingsuk Dkhar sdb

Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price

So here’s the thing a few days ago a friend of mine hit me up on a popular social media site saying Friend: Bro…… (Followed by a lot of full stops) I too replied Me: yes ……… (With more full stops) Following this, we had a rather normal conversation of asking about each other’s families, health, studies, life and other general things friends ask each other. Then the conversation took a bit of a serious tone when he said the following, Friend: Bro………….. I need to tell u smthng…………… Me: (Putting my spiritual director cap on): Speak lord your servant is listening…………….(1 Sam 3:7) He went on to share a few things about his life, it continued for some time and the conversation looked like this; Friend: ……………… I hd 2 say …………. I feel……………. Quite lonely………………… And nt jst lonely ………………… bt ………………….lonely amng 4.6 Bn…………………( and the conversation continued) But this statement ‘lonely among 4.6 Bn’ stayed imprinted in my mind for some time According to Statista there are 4.66 Bn people actively using the internet. Facebook – 1.5 Bn, Insta – 1.25 Bn, Twitter 1 Bn, and Whatsapp 1Bn. The statistics are updated regularly but is always seem to be seen on the rise. This shows the number of people trying to socialize with each other. Among these, there are many, like my friend who try to socialize and feel complete with the people they virtually meet online. Another statistic according to worldindata.org, shows that there are about 11- 17% of people globally who are undergoing depression, anxiety, loneliness, stress, suicidal tendencies and even dying of it. This is another statistic that is later seen to be on the rise.

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This brings us to the vague conclusion that people around the world are trying to stay connected with each other to socialize and avoid entering into the negative thoughts and moments of depression, but the results are not very promising. The Covid-19 pandemic is raging around the globe and now it even has mutated itself to become even stronger. The lockdowns and quarantines have led people to stay home behind closed doors which in turn has led to more cases of depression, anxiety, and loneliness. The staying home chaos has also created voids like discontentment because of being handicapped from accomplishing tasks important to the person’s needs and fulfillment. But these are voids pretty dominant in every one of us. We are rational beings in search of the truth, we are beings filled with holes, scars, and indelible marks. That is, was and maybe our case in the times to come. Our Christian calling is therefore to transform ourselves into holy, wholesome, and healed humans. This transformation can only be brought about by one person. The person of Jesus. St Augustine said and I quote “God, who created you without you, will not save you without you”. It is in our Christian calling therefore to respond to this invitation of God to transform our whole selves and rise like the phoenix. It is in this man who took upon himself the lowliness of man from his divine state at the incarnation and was born of a virgin at Christmas. It is this man who took the sins of the world on Calvary’s brow so that we may be redeemed. It’s this and in only this man that we find our source of wholeness, holiness, and healing. It is not a utopian idea of having a relationship with him to gain these graces but a mutual understanding, because in taking our humanness he has taken upon himself all the bells and whistles of a normal human being. He understands us through and through behind and before. Therefore, as we find ourselves at the beginning of this new year let us take the initiative to daily build on our relationship with this man. As a bonus to heal us of our loneliness he gives us his Mother and the hosts and Powers of heaven to be ever at our side. Cl. Melton Suares sdb

Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price

I’ve been searching everyday For a friend whom I can trust and swayed And I’ve found no one in this world Who can always pull me when I fall? There are those who for sometimes do But trials came and away they flew There are those who wanted to be true But fear gripped their hearts through and through I know I’ve found in Jesus a friend With whom my life I can spend For he knows and understands me Because he even died to set me free. Cl. Jeronimus Susngi sdb

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A few decades ago, the mode of communication was rather difficult. People used various means to communicate with each other. The people of high authority had their messengers and doves to carry their message across to the intended person. While, for the ordinary village folk the only means of communication was either through a person who went on a journey to another village, or the ideal place to communicate and to share news and views of one another would be the marketplace. Later, the telegram and post office came into existence; and one could write the letter and send it via peons. It was a long process and sometimes it took days, weeks, and even months to reach the receiver. But with the advent of modern science and information technology, everything is made easy. Thomas L. Friedman, while speaking of the transformative power of information technology in the contemporary world would say, the knowledge hierarchy has been demolished by a new information technology and the new order level of playing field, which he calls “the flat world”. In the ‘flattened world’ information is no longer the prerogative of the privileged few, but is available to all at their fingertips – at the click of a mouse, as they often call it. We have just finished celebrating Christmas a month ago. The forerunner, John the Baptist prepared the way and herald the coming of the Messiah. At his coming sweet chiming bells rang, angels sang in one chorus: ‘Glory to God in the highest and peace to people of goodwill.’ Indeed the Messiah was the center of all creation and the joy of all man’s desire. He is the Emmanuel: God with us. For the coming of his beloved Son and dwelling amongst us, God too had gradually prepared the people from all eternity. He sent His messengers, judges, kings, and prophets. He spoke through them and conveyed His message to His chosen people. But, now, with the coming of His beloved Son Jesus, He speaks to us through Him. His message is: love. This love impels us to go forth and be messengers of hope to all those in trials and difficulties. As we enter this new year 2021 let us spread God’s message of love to all those we encounter and thus become missionaries of hope. Cl. Lakra Lalit sdb Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price


Ka jingsngewmeng mysiem ka pynlamwir ϊa nga Jngai na me kynrad babha Hrnrei ka jingieid jong me ka khring ϊa nga Ban wanphai sha me u kynrad jong nga To peit to khmih ko trai ϊa nga Da ka jingieid jong me baroh shyrta Bad to ai ba u angel nongiada Un lam ia nga sha me ko pa Bunsien nga klet ia ka jingieid jong me Ka ba sait khuid ia ki pop ki sang jong nga Man ha ki por ba nga leit phla Cl. Jeronimus Susngi SDB

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Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price

The encyclical Fratelli Tutti begins by stating that there are dark clouds everywhere. The whole world is suffering in all aspects. The cruelty of the human race is undeniable. We live on a planet in which the right to life has been infringed. The world is gripped by natural disasters. Yet in all these, there is hope! Hope is what makes life worthwhile despite all these life-threatening events. The Holy Father talks about a stranger. Who is this stranger? This stranger is one whom we have never met in our lifetime. Yet they need our help. We are all called to be helpers to one another. Further, this stranger is not only the one whom we don’t know but the one who is abandoned. They communicate with us even if they are not able to speak to us directly. The human person is limited but we are not limited when it comes to taking care of the stranger, abandoned by society. Love would call us to move beyond our small world. How would we put love in action? We put into practice this value by sharing whatever we have with others. Going beyond our limitedness would signify our openness to others. When we open ourselves to others, there would be no “others,” no “them” but only “us.” Hence, life would spring forth from such an existence. When we refer to the “other” as “them,” we are creating barriers. Fraternity would call for acceptance of one another as our brothers and sisters. With acceptance comes joy and with joy comes love and with love comes transformation. The fact that God is our Father should be the unifying factor in our differences. The major cause for disunity in this world is that people have failed to acknowledge the fact that God is their Father and that they are his children. God created us all in his image and likeness. Therefore, it is of no avail for us to make comparisons as to who is the better or the best. All of us are unique or irreplaceable in the sight of God. This is the basis of the dignity and worth of the human person. As humans, we not only have duties to love but rights as well. Human rights are universal and inalienable and therefore cannot be sacrificed. It has its base in the Biblical teaching; that all humans are created in the image and likeness of God. This teaching conveys the unity of the human species as well as

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the worth of every human person. The Hebrew tradition has gifted the West with justice, mercy, and , other values. This encyclical is a humanistic encyclical . that is deeply rooted in the Gospel of truth among love, relationship, fraternity, and social friendship. Andy Warhol says, time changes things, but you have to change them yourself and Mahatma Gandhi says that we must become the change we want to see. The Holy Father through this encyclical speaks of change. He opines that change is what is needed so that we might be able to treat one another as brothers and sisters. This would call for a change in our attitude towards our brothers and sisters. Growth comes about only when there is change. It is only when the seed falls to the ground that a plant comes out. The seed falling to the ground would signify change and the plant that comes out would signify a better world. Are we willing to fall to the ground sometimes to bring about change in society? We are all like the stranger on the road needing help. It is the love of the Good Samaritan that healed the stranger on the road. It is this love that enables us to create one great family, where all of us can feel at home and thus resolve all our conflicts. In love is truly seeing, and caring, about another human being’s existence and welfare. Love is wanting to be there for someone, supporting and helping someone grow. It is to make a difference in someone’s life; to share in and care about someone else’s happiness and struggles. The Holy Father speaks of fraternity and social friendship. This friendship is defined as a concern for the sake of the other and therefore involves a certain degree of intimacy. It is being there for the person and caring for the person. When we care for the other, society is shaped. We speak of change in society. How can we bring about change in society unless we don’t take simple steps of being a friend to one another? The Holy Father however mentions certain things that prevent universal love. These include despair and discouragement, polarization at all levels, sacrifices done for vested interests, inequality of rights, and the weakening of spiritual values. All these are the results of a selfish love. To conclude, we need to ask the following questions for reflection:  Who are the strangers that we meet in our life?  Do we respect, accept, recognize and love every human person equal in dignity, rights, and duties and hence love every human being without borders? My humble prayer and wish for all of us is that we recognize Christ in the discarded, the excluded, and be close to them. They are human beings and precious children of God. They are our brothers and sisters and we need to care for them to build a world of human fraternity. Cl. Kajiche Moses Moshihorii sdb Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price


In the encyclical Fratelli Tutti, the Holy Father addresses the global issue of migration. For him, equality lies in the fulfillment of one’s basic needs. For instance, even if our neighbor’s basic needs are not fulfilled or forbidden then he/she is a migrant in his/her own country. People migrate to find a place where their needs can be fulfilled. There is no ready-made solution to this issue. However, we can avoid unnecessary migration by creating the possibility of safe living and that too with dignity. The Pope recommends four pillars when it comes to migration: welcome, protect, promote, and integrate. This can be put into practice, for instance, by facilitating the obtaining of visas, by developing humanitarian corridors for refugees who are genuinely in an emergency, with the right to integration into the education system and the safeguarding of their religious freedom. The arrival of people from different cultures should not immediately be viewed as a threat, but rather as a source of mutual enrichment. It is therefore really necessary to take into account the cultural, historical, and religious differences. That is why we are once again called to a new legal, political, and economic world order that can look after and deal with these new problems on a global scale. The aspect of a helping mentality needs to remain the fundamental attitude when people come knocking at our door. We should not ask straight away what benefit that brings us. The criterion must always be that we continue to see each other as a part of the great human family. The poles of ‘globalization’ and ‘localization’ will always be present and cannot be denied, but we must ensure that they are brought to a viable balance. Globalization does not hinder the respect and growth of the local. Growing towards a greater universality does not mean that we have to deny our history and roots, but at the same time, one should be open to the other person’s historicity. We are called to see the whole human community as one big family. Fraternity calls for a better kind of politics where one serves the society with the aim of the common good. To achieve this everyone must be provided with equal opportunity. For example, education, concern

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for the poor, a well-integrated view of life, and spiritual growth. All these are essential, with the help of these, one, can fight against injustice and abuses at the social, .political, and economic level. However, the term politics is often misunderstood by most of us due to issues like corruption, false promises, and inefficiency. As a consequence, society is suffering from grave structural deficiencies, while needs fundamental reforms and a major renewal of systems. Pope Francis suggests that these can be addressed through healthy politics which involves everyone without any discrimination. He continues that a renewed appreciation of politics as a lofty vocation is the need of the hour. This would be possible through true charity. In politics, one can find a charity. This political charity is born of social awareness that transcends every individualistic mindset. Good politics will seek always to build up communities at every level of social life. This charity, which is the spiritual heart of politics, is always a preferential love that is shown to those in the greatest need. It is also expressed in a spirit of openness to everyone. It is something nobler than posturing, marketing, and the media spin. The authenticity of this political charity is built upon respect for the law and open dialogue between individuals. Dialogue is the most fundamental aspect of our daily living. A patient dialogue can bring us all to a common ground where we can encounter and help each other. Dialogue involves mutual openness of views and opinions of each other. In dialogue, one need not agree always with what the other person is saying, but both must look for the common ground. Now the question arises that whether the media today serves to mediate this kind of dialogue. There are a lot of opinions exchanged over the internet, but there is no guarantee of dialogue taking place. There is a great deal of manipulation involved, and there is a danger that we will allow ourselves to get carried away by these manipulations. In a pluralistic society, dialogue is essential, and it must be based on an openness to the views of others and a rational approach. Thus, a dialogue always aims at sincerely seeking the truth, serving the weakest, and building the common good. Therefore, let us work towards a culture of encounter. It is the path that leads to truth and profound peace. It cannot be achieved overnight rather it is a slow process towards the end. At the basis of such a culture of encounter is, of course, mutual respect, which must be developed towards each other. As Saint Paul says, “the way of treating others can take different forms: an act of kindness, a concern not to offend by word or deed, a readiness to alleviate their burdens�. In conclusion let us, as one family, move towards one goal that is Fraternity. Let us be kind and loving to all those whom we meet and be more committed to those who are in need. May the good Lord be with us all in this journey! Cl. Edwin Raja Mudiappan sdb

Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price

“The world we live today is a broken world which is at war with itself and it is running the risk of ending in something that could properly be described as a ‘world suicide’” (Mystery of Being: Reflection and Mystery, Vol. 1, 22-23). Our world, like a wagon, is passing through a dark tunnel of horror and darkness of suffering. Humanity is blinded by the evils of injustice, inequality, oppression, discrimination, etc. from seeing the light of peace. Peace! Humanity is craving for peace. Pope Francis defines peace as “not merely the absence of war but a tireless commitment especially on the part of those of us charged with greater responsibility to recognize, protect, and concretely restore the dignity of the human person which is often overlooked or ignored.” The present “world is constructed by the power of words emptied of authentic context. The words such

as liberty, person, democracy, are being more and more lavishly used and are losing their authentic significance.” (Mystery of Being: Reflection and Mystery, Vol. 1, 33). Therefore Pope Francis urges these people with responsibility to be peacemakers to build a peaceful world. This process, as Pope Francis tells, begins with a renewed encounter. In this culture of encounter, the human person occupies the central position in all political, social, and economic activity to foster his or her dignity and respect for the common good. The starting point of this renewed encounter is truth. It is truth that unmasks the empty diplomacy, hidden agendas, dissimulation, double speech, and good manners that mask reality. He further adds that truth along with justice and mercy contributes to peace. Among these notions, the Holy Father emphasizes mercy, as gushing forth from the spring of reconciliation. The modern world is sick of the word ‘reconciliation’ because it is seen as a sign of weakness, an incapacity for dialogue, an avoiding of problems by ignoring injustice, the inability to deal with problems, and opting for apparent peace. But then the Holy Father sees reconciliation as a personal act that cannot be imposed upon others. Forgiveness does not entail trampling others but defending one’s dignity,

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which is God’s gift. Authentic reconciliation is achieved in conflict and not by fleeing from it. It comes , through dialogue and open, honest, and patient negotiation. In.encounter, we enter into a relationship with

the object encountered. We participate in something with that object, and both the ‘I’ and the ‘You’ are transformed by the relation between them. (Martin Buber, I and Thou) We are used to this dictum: “forgive and forget” but Pope Francis here makes a groundbreaking statement that we should forgive and not forget. We should not forget the injustices the world underwent in the past and the events that ashamed humanity. A ‘monadic self’- an egoistic kind of self, is only concerned with its interests and welfare. (Mystery of Being, Vol 2, Faith and Reality, 23). Such a self is incapable of forming genuine community- the community of love and friendship (Gabriel Marcel, Philosophy of Existence, 53). As a result, this self suffers unbearable alienation, anguish, and despair (Mystery of Being: Reflection and Mystery, Vol. 1, 22). Free and heartfelt forgiveness is a reflection of God’s infinite ability to forgive. By forgiving past events we might break away from the vicious circle of an egoistic community of the self; we might halt advancements that force destruction, alienation, anguish, and despair; we might prevent spreading the spirit of vengeance in society and create a genuine community of love and friendship. But in forgetting past events we will repeat the past of viciousness, alienation, anguish, etc. The present world nations compete in a race to self-sufficiency, by improving its resources, weaponry, military expenditure, etc. As a result, there is always a possibility of confrontation or a war like situation at hand. However, the Holy Father, in this Encyclical, condemns the very word ‘war.’ He tells us that even the terminology of ‘the just war’ is not permissible. War is the negation of all rights and a dramatic assault on the environment. It is never a solution because of its adverse effects which are always more than its benefits. He urges the leaders of the nations to listen to the stories of the victims of violence; to look at the reality through their eyes; to spent money to end hunger instead of weapons and military expenditure.

Being, in its very nature, is not an enclosed monad but an “openness” that reaches out to others and allows others to enter. It is by reaching out to others and allowing others to enter that reaching its fulfillment. The more we include others in our existence, the more we ‘are.’ Therefore the basis for the fullness of life must be ‘inter-subjectivity’ (Mystery of Being, Vol 2, Faith and Reality, 8). This encyclical also witnesses an interesting standpoint of Pope Francis on punishment and his condemnation of the death penalty. He affirms the need for structural rules for an orderly civic life and therefore violation or infringement of those rules is to be punished according to the gravity of its violation. Pope Francis makes here an insightful statement on punishments telling that it must not be viewed out of fear and resentment but as healing and reintegration into society. He also urges the people of goodwill to abolish the death penalty and improve prison conditions enhancing the dignity of the person. In achieving this we affirm the role, place, and existence of every human person in this world. “The Modern man, of

politics, economics, public institutions, even much personal life, is characterized by existential angst, worries of meaninglessness, and the sense of impending doom. These aspects have alienated them from the world because the modern world is exclusively an ‘it’- world” (Martin Buber, I and Thou). Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price

Pope Francis emphasizes the role of religion to create a future where, a sense of inter-subjectivity would be developed, and outlook towards others would transform from ‘it’ to ‘you,’ where bonds of unity would be bridged, where peace and fraternity would be fostered. However the modern society is in a crisis for its slackened outlook towards religion, faith, and morals. As a result, there is desensitizing of the human conscience, distancing of religious values, rise of materialistic philosophies that deify the human person, attempts to make God as an ideology paving way to idolatry, and synthesis of religion with politics. The Holy Father also thrusts upon the political nature of the Church. He urges religious ministers to refrain from party politics and to embrace and work upon the political dimension of life which involves attention to the common good and concern for the integral development of all. “A

leader is a delegate, so that I can always say that it is not for his sake, but for the sake of that collective will, that I have deprived myself of my natural rights and civic privileges” (Mystery of Being: Reflection and Mystery, Vol. 1, 150). The Church becomes a home with opened doors when she becomes authentically political. Such an image of the Church is symbolized in Mary. “In imitation of Mary, we want to be a Church that serves, that leaves home and goes forth from its places of worship, goes forth from its sacristies, to accompany life, to sustain hope, to be the sign of unity, to build bridges, to break down walls, and to sow seeds of reconciliation.” Religious freedom is yet another aspect emphasized in the Encyclical, for a harmonious understanding between different cultures and religion, for a peaceful co-existence, for acceptance of difference, and rejoicing as children of God. We are aware of our freedom and it is up to us to choose to open ourselves

up for others or to shut ourselves within our world. In the end, the choice is ours. (Mystery of Being, Vol 2, Faith and Reality, 107)

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Cl. Santhosh Sebastian sdb

The Encyclical Letter of Pope Francis – Fratelli Tutti – on “Fraternity and Social Friendship” calls for a love that transcends the barriers of geography and distance and thus expresses the essence of a Fraternal Openness that allows us to acknowledge, appreciate and love each person, regardless of physical proximity, regardless of where he or she was born or lives. In writing this encyclical, the Holy Father acknowledges that these pages have been inspired by the life of Saint Francis of Assisi who, wherever he went, sowed seeds of peace and walked alongside the poor, the abandoned, the sick, and the outcast, the least of his brothers and sisters. In this way, he became a father to all and inspired the vision of a fraternal society. I see this Encyclical as the beacon of hope which gives light to all those who are around it. The theme of the encyclical is “apt to the time”, because we now live in a closed world completely covered by dark clouds. In our ‘present-day experience’, we encounter certain trends that hinder the development of universal fraternity; for example: the end of historical consciousness, a throwaway culture, conflict and fear, globalization and progress without a shared roadmap, the present pandemic, an absence of human dignity, the illusion of communication, etc., the list can go on and on. In order to understand these obstacles that hinder the development of universal fraternity, we need to take a step back and examine our immediate history. In the modern period which explicitly marks the rise of experimental science and secularization, there arose a selfishly closed conviction that human person is the sole master of his or her self, the life, and society. This ‘exaltation of the self’ made the human person to do away with the concept of God so that he or she designs his or her own destiny. The empiricists, the idealists, and the psychoanalysts on their part made of man a simple psychological phenomenon, something absolutely individualistic and subjective. This radical and absolute “self-importance” led to the world wars and the extreme denial of the other as individual subjects, also Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price

the denial of freedom of conscience and of religious freedom which left the humanity impoverished. A convincing solution to this egoistic drive can be achieved through ‘a process of detachment’ or ‘the avoidance of excessive importance to the self’, so that, we are able to reach out to the other and build a relationship based on love that integrates and unites everyone to enjoy equal dignity and the common good. In this regard, dialogue plays an inevitable role in ensuring the common good, justice, and peace in the society; because the goal of dialogue is to establish friendship, equality, harmony, and to share spiritual and moral values and experiences in a spirit of truth and love. To build a world of peace, recommends Pope Francis, the religions must be at the service of fraternity. Since, the different religions, based on their respect for each human person as a creature called to be a child of God, contribute significantly to the building of fraternity and defending justice in society. The religious convictions about the sacred meaning of human life permit us “to recognize the fundamental values of our common humanity” and allow different voices to unite in creating a melody of sublime nobility and beauty. In building up fraternity and social friendship, we, the Church must, firstly, listen to the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is the source of the joy born of compassion, the tender love born of trust, the human capacity for reconciliation and human dignity. Secondly, we are called to imitate Mary, the Mother of Jesus, to leave our homes and go forth from our places of worship, from our sacristies, in order to accompany life, to sustain hope, and to be the sign of unity. By doing these, we can confidently declare the adoption of a culture of dialogue as the path; mutual cooperation as the code of conduct; reciprocal understanding as the method and standard for attainment of fraternity and social friendship. Cl. Rajkumar sdb

Issue Two

Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price

‘Behold, I make all Things New!’ A global crisis like the Coronavirus puts us all in an equally vulnerable situation. All the while when humanity was busy trying to convince itself that we were in control of our lives, a small virus reminded us of our helplessness. While countries were racing to become superpowers, the virus did not spare even the President of America. The situation affected everyone in different ways and unwanted terms like masks, sanitizers, and quarantine became a part of our daily living. It is in these situations that our beloved Rector Major, Fr. Angel Fernandes invites us to be ‘Moved by Hope’ and remember that ‘Jesus is making all things new.’ 2020 was indeed a challenging year for people from all walks of life. 2021 will surely be brighter with the vaccination drive that has already started in many places in our country. But we still encounter many viruses that need to be ruled out. Virus of Selfishness: The virus of selfishness does not allow us to go out of ourselves but compels us to look out for ways to increase our security and comfort. Jesus ‘sent’ his disciples out to preach the Good News. Don Bosco too went on the streets of Valdocco to look out for boys. As Salesians, we need to go out of ourselves to think of others. Hope of Christ encourages us to go to the abandoned and marginalized and bring Christ’s love to the poor.

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Virus of Security: Something that all human beings yearn for us ‘security in life’. The pandemic reminded us that the security that was imagined was only a farce. The greed for security paralyzes us from reaching out to anyone. If Don Bosco had looked out for security, he would never have left the Convitto Ecclisiastico. With complete hope in the Lord, he took up the challenge of inviting young people to him. We can give ‘Hope’ to others only when we can stop thinking about our securities and think about someone else. Christ himself became Hope even while dying on the cross when he promised paradise to the repentant thief. Virus of Fear: Virus of selfishness and virus of security are both rooted in the virus of Fear. The most important question that a person asks himself/herself in fear is ‘what if….?’ Fear is the spark that ignites the fires of selfishness and insecurity. The disciples experienced fear in the boat but Jesus gave them Hope to them when he said to the disciples, ‘do not be afraid.’ Pandemic like this could generate fears even in the bravest of us. Hope in Christ keeps us going on in life. St. Paul tells the Ephesians that before meeting Christ they did not have hope but Christ became this hope. Christ is the reason for all of us to be hopeful in every situation. In this new year that lies ahead of us, let us be people who are ‘moved by hope’ and know the ‘Jesus is making all things New.’ Cl. Sanket Chauhan sdb

Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price

Across Biblical passages, it is observed that hope is a keyword to the extent that it seems interchangeable with faith. Our Christian life is distinguished by the fact that we know that our lives will not end in emptiness. The certainty of a positive reality in the future infuses a hope that helps us live the present well. Pope Benedict XVI re-emphasized the importance of hope in our daily life in his encyclical letter Spe Salvi. He says that this hope comes from a real encounter with God and moves us to share it with others. In the early Church, people were open to a new hope. This is because the divine was seen in cosmic powers, like an impersonal deity. However, a life ‘according to Christ’ changed that. It showed that there was a personal God who governed the universe and not laws of matter and evolution. This brought about a dichotomy in one’s disposition to life. A patient endurance of trials to receive what is promised was seen as a life based on the certainty of hope and a shirking away from adversity indicated the absence of a hope-filled faith. This reasoning continues even today. At times, it has happened that the attempts to represent heaven as the object of hope have been incentives for many people to be individualistic in their quest for eternal salvation. Contrary to this is the idea that salvation is social and communal; establishing a unity of humankind. It is this approach to salvation that helps us gaze upon God – the source of joy. In present times, modern hope is faith in human progress and scientific advancement. The origin of this kind of faith is seen at the time of the Enlightenment with the French Revolution and the institutionalization of Kant’s rational faith. The transcendent Kingdom of God as preached by Jesus is replaced by an immanent Kingdom that is governed by a simple rational faith and attempts to overcome the shackles of faith and the Church. This idea was further propagated by Karl Marx and the

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Communists. However, this modern hope and immanent Kingdom become unethical and perverse. This is because when reason is integrated with faith, it is capable of differentiating between good and evil and freely directs the will along the right path. Hence, man needs God. And, reason and faith need each other to fulfill their mission and realize their true natures. In our hope for the Kingdom of God, we come across dark and stormy circumstances. During these times, it would be difficult to spot Jesus, the true Light. And so, we need the reflectors of this true Light, namely, the people who have lived good lives. Among all these is Mary who shows us the way to Christ and His Kingdom. She is the star of hope that guides the Church to see Christ even in the most difficult and darkest of times. In our present situation, when we are faced with the difficulties accompanying the COVID-19 pandemic, all our scientific advancement and human progress seems to be in vain. People seem to have lost hope in themselves and the world, leading to the belief that we are nearing doomsday. However, it is hope itself that can reinvigorate us to respond to the crisis at hand. The hope for a better tomorrow has led humankind to overcome universal hardships. It is this hope itself that can help us through these dark times. The world has gone into ‘standby mode’ waiting for this COVID storm to pass by. However, this has led to further sinking in into the depths of darkness and despair. As Christians, we are called to plunge into this darkness, carrying the light of hope – the light of Christ – to those who have lost all hope in life. Imitating Mary, the star of hope, we need to help the world understand the meaninglessness of hope in a kingdom based solely on scientific advancement and show them the true light of hope that seeks out the transcendent Kingdom of God. The life ‘according to Christ’ lived in the present global scenario can help eradicate the false hope promised by scientific advancement devoid of any relation with faith and redirect humanity towards the hope of a positive reality in the future, namely, the Kingdom of God. It will also help in building up endurance against the troubles and worries accompanying the pandemic. The hope linked with Christ begins with a real and personal encounter with God, needs to be shared with others to help live the present more fully. The theme of Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical letter Spe Salvi reechoes into our present scenario. Our response to it can help us change the way the world looks at the present. Let us learn to be reflectors of hope – reflectors of Christ’s light – to a world that at present is sailing through dark and stormy seas. Cl. Ethan Fortes sdb

Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price

Issue Two

Jesus, The Pearl of Great Price

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