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Divya Jindal

Portfolio Divya Jindal Address: Oosteinde, 136 2611SP,Delft, The Netherlands Phone number :+31 613664655 Address: 206 , Sector 44 A Chandigarh, 160047 India Phone Number: 0172-2661735 Email address : divya.jindal85@gmail.com

2. Balancing Landscapes Buenos Aires,Argentina

1. Re-invisioning Chandigarh Chandigarh,India

3. Regenerating Hofbogen Plein Rotterdam,The Netherlands

5. Inflibnet Library Gandhinagar,Gujrat, India

4. Thinking a New Beauty Ijmuiden,Amsterdam, The Netherlands

6.Institute of Management Ahmedabad,Gujrat, India

Oosteinde, 136 2611SP,Delft, The Netherlands Tel:+31 613664655 Email: divya.jindal85@gmail.com House no. - 206, Sector 44-A Chandigarh. India Pin: 160047 Tel.: 01722661735 Email: divya.jindal85@gmail.com

C U R R I C U LAM V I TAE Visa Status: Marital Status: Date of Birth:

Job Search Visa- The Netherlands until June 2015 Unmarried 27.11.1985

June 2014 -September 2012:

Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands Masters of Science- Urbanism

Thesis Project, Re-envisioning Chandigarh, India Balancing Landscapes, Buenos Aires, Argentina Connecting Holland, Haarlemmermeer, The Netherlands Regenerating Hofbogen Plein, Rotterdam Think me a new beauty, Ijmuiden, Amsterdam

July 2013 -August 2013:

Summer Internship, Palmbout Urban Landscapes, Rotterdam

LABO XX –Masterplan for larger Antwerp, Belgium August 2008-June 2012:

Architect, Vastu Shilpa Consultants, Sangath, Ahmedabad, India

INFLIBNET Library, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India Hanj Kunj Habitat, Nalsarovar, Gujarat, India ISHIRA House, a private residence in Ahmedabad, Gujarat Refurbishment of Bhadra Square, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Calcutta Riverside Housing, Batanagar, Kolkata, India

June 2006- December 2006:

Internship, Navkar Architects, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Faltan House, Maharashtra, India

January 2007-May 2007:

Internship, Design 360, Chandigarh, India

Kamal House, Chandigarh, India

August 2003- June 2008:

Chandigarh college of Architecture, Chandigarh, India Bachelors of Architecture


Proficiency :

Member of council of architecture ,India. Lifetime member of National Association of Students of Architecture (NASA), India. Member of Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage, (INTACH) Member of Auroville Earth Institute, certified by UNESCO. Member of Polis –Platform for urbanism,Delft university of Technology. Member of Urbanism Week -2013 Committee,Faculty of Architecture and Building environment, Delft Univeristy of Technology. Knowledge of all concerned project drawings. Good command on all architectural softwares ArchiCAD, AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop,Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, MS Office, Sketch up, Corel Draw, and Space syntax. Presentation and rendering skills, by hand and computer. Good organization and management skills. Good command on English spoken and written.


Gave a Lecture at the FADU-University of Buenos Aires, on Chandigarh-The way of living.

Team member for the organizing Urbanism week -2013, a weeklong programme of seminars, discussions, symposiums on urbanism.

Published as a design team member for Inflibnet Project in an Indian magazine IA &B in a June 2012 issue.

Organized seminar on Chandigarh a changing scenario of contemporary Indian architecture in Chandigarh College of architecture, October 2009.

Won National Level Award for Documenting and Redesigning Stock Exchange Office at Ludhiana, Punjab, India, NASA 2005.

Won certificates for designing flooring patterns and wall claddings for Grasim Indust ries Limited, India.

Attended the international conference organized by UNESCO on management of historic urban landscapes of the 20th century.


As an architect and as an aspiring urbanist i thoroughly enjoy travelling,sketching, painting, photography and reading.


Ar.Rajeev Kathpalia Prof.Frits Palmboom Partner-Architect,Urban Van Eastern Chair Designer,Planner. Delft Univeristy of Technology Vastu Shilpa Consultants Founder-Architect, Urbanist Sangath -380054 Palmbout Urban Landscapes Ahmedabad, India Schiedamsedijk 44 Email: vsc@sangth.org 3011ED, Rotterdam Tel:+91 9825066374 The Netherlands Website:www.sangath.org Email:F.Palmboom@palmbout.nl Tel:+31 0621572021 Website:www.palmbout.nl/en

Prof.Vikramaditya Prakash Prof. of Architecture,Adjunct Prof. of Landscape Architecture,Adjunct Prof. of Urban Design & Planning Director,Chandigarh Urban Lab Univeristy of Washington,Seattle Box-355720, Seattle WA 98195-5720 Email:vprakash@uw.edu Tel:+001 2066169091

“Dull, inert cities, it is true, do contain the seeds of their own destruction and little else. But lively, diverse, intense cities contain the seeds of their own regeneration, with energy enough to carry over for problems and needs outside themselves.� - Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities.

New Delhi



Chandigarh Area: 114 sq. km Density: 9,300/ sq. km Population: 1 million


New Delhi

Re-invisioning Chandigarh, as a graduation project focused on understanding the dynamics of political and economic processes in India and reflecting upon them with in the context of chandigah and its peripheral region. Further, it intended to realise the ongoing regional and local processes and aligning them towards a more comprehensive goal.Where multiple government organisations and stakeholders, social improvement and ecological concerns were main aspects of the overall process. It was vital to the project to widen the spectrum of understanding these fast growing and highly transformative processes and look at it from multiple directions where both spatial planning and design have a large impact on actual urban form.

Project: Urbanism Master’s Thesis Project Duration:10 months (September2013-June 2014) Reserach mentor: Dr.Diego Sepulveda (TU Delft) Design mentor: Prof. Frits Palmboom ( TU Delft) Third Mentor: Prof.Vikram Aditya Prakash (University of Washington,Seattle) External Examiner:Ir.Eveline Brandes (TU Delft) Individual Project

Re-Invisioning Chandigarh Role of Urban peripheries in formation in case of Chandigarh and its surrounding Region,Chandigarh,India.

Shivalik Hills

Chandigarh Area: 114 sq. km Density: 9,300/ sq. km Population: 1 million

Panchkula Area: 816 sq. km Density: 260/ sq. km Population: 0.2 million

Mohali Area: 1093 sq. km Density: 640/ sq. km Population: 0.7 million

Zirakpur Area: 50sq. km Density:3000 / sq. km Population: 0.15 million



Urban Form

Regional Scale

Urban Scale

Multi-scalar Approach To understand the multiple complexities of the context,where multiple governments, stakeholders are involved, it was vital to use a multiscalar Methodology.Where each aspect could be understood more in detail and its corresponding impact could be made more clear. Further, the method was helpful in understanding the role of each parameter of Infrastructure, landscape and urban form selected.Moreover, the methodology helped in bridging the already existing gap in planning and design interventions in India.Where the lack of inter-relationship between policies and urban design is reflected in urban realm.

Local Scale

Maintaning the River belt and the Forest Reserve

Connecting the Belt to the existing urban fabric

Design of new city park and railway station to form a meeting point

Development of existing and new neighbourhoods

Design Proposal The design was based on the idea of city making as mentioned by kevin lynch in his famous book, The image of the City, saying - “ The city is in itself the powerful symbol of a complex society .If Visually set forth, it can also have a strong expressive meaning.� The proposal involved four stages where, the first part was improving the condition of the green belt and making it a place for people to visit and interact.Secondly, to add softer connections between the two adjacent cities and the green belt and make the green belt part of everyday life.Further resulting in formation of some new landmarks like railway station and the city park forming the corner stone of the different interventions.And lastly the impact of these actions could help form a more distinct and recognized neighbourhoods and also give place to new ones to come up with in the area making it a more open and comprehensive part of the urban region.

Design Impact The design focused on creating a better city life while at the same time giving utmost importance to the ecological reserves.And also to align the government proposals and plans towards a more comprehensive vision for the entire region rather than a segregated set of enforced plans. In the process it was also intended that the project can become a tool to understand the pressure that the second grade cities in India are enforced with, in order to grow and intensify.And if interventions like these could help these processes become more aligned and help find the fragmented loopholes and collaborate them towards a better future of such regions.

Design as a process It was the main intention of the project to not only understand the current phenomenon better but make use of design as a process rather than a final outcome. In the present phase of growth and economy where there is much more uncertainty it is vital that the design and future fo cities is also reflected in the same way.Futher it cannot be just a one way dialogue anymore,where a vision can exemplify what a city would look like,rather must be a process,where both the city, and the design transform with the newer possibilities and conditions offered by multiple factors.

Parana Delta

Buenos Aires Improve fragmentation by integrating connection and sharing resources.

Buenos Aires

Create a connection along coast and make better connection to the city,

Preserve water system and bring green to the city.

Project The project focused on understanding the present condition of the parana delta , and the relationship that the Buenos Aires city has with it.And how could this be improved in the future, given the condition that the delta is growing towards the city. As presently the city has little connection to the delta and not open to its vast natural reserve, the project tried to open the dialogue between the city and nature by making this interaction more fluid .Further making more room for the rivers in the city which could help in further improving the region from regular floods and natural disasters.

Project: Fourth Quarter Project Project Duration:2.5 months (Mid April 2013 - June 2013) Main Tutor: Dr.Diego Sepulveda (TU Delft) Second Tutor: Dr.Flavio Janches ( FADU, Buenos Aires,Argentina) Group Tutors: Maria Jesus Juarte, Juliana Marcus ( FADU, Buenos Aires,Argentina) Overall group of 12 students, with a sub-group of 4 focusing on the regional scale.

Balancing Landscapes

Forming an interwoven network within the city and the delta in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Detailed figure ground map of a part of buenos aires, explaining more in detail the relation between city and the delta.





Socio-economic Structure

15 km

Methodology To understand the vast expanse of the project, it was important to understand the multple layers of factors that concern the region.Further on regional scale the project mainly focused on creating a dialogue between the delta and the city started which was majorly missing in the present condition. To achieve the same multiple interventions were proposed majorly concerning with opening up the rivers within the region to make more space for water and also making the zone flood protected. While doing the same it was proposed to have more schools and housing settlements and parks and green spaces within those areas which could act as both dikes and add to the spatial value of the area.

Phase I -Next 10 years, the development of main lines of interaction and nodal points.

Phase II -Next 20 years, the development along nodal points and new cen


Phase III -Next 40 years, an interwoven network along green infrastructure and water

Phasing With a project of this scale and concerning such large ecological reserves, it was vital to understand the time line of the interventions made. Where the flood protection took the first place with an utmost urgent need to be improved. Where with in next ten years the areas along the delta which are majorly industrial in nature could be improved upon and many nodal points could act as trigger points to interact with the natural reserve of such scale.While over a period of time many newer and smaller interventions in the belt could take place creating a web of small and big points of interaction and making a well inter connected city life.Where all new and old major nodal points could act as a tool in the process.

Amsterdam Rotterdam

The project concerned social intergration of a neighbourhood in the northern part of rotterdam, which was majorly occupied by immigrants and has a rich historical value as an old railway line crossed the entire neighbourhood. It focused on colloborating with different social groups of area to form a much more livable and safer place,while also forming a better network with the rest of the parts of the city and giving the area a new and a better meaning. To investigate the same, the neighbourhood was divided into several blocks to understand the qualities of each in detail.

Project: Second Quarter Project Project Duration:2 months (November 2012 -January 2013) Main Tutor: Luisa Calabrese (TU Delft) Second Tutor: Mauricio (PHD Researcher TU Delft) Individual project

Regenerating Hofbogen Plein Understanding the socio-urban processes of a city through Hofbogen Plein, Rotterdam,The Netherlands.

Rotterdam Central Station Connecting water square to the hofbogen



Station Hofplein,Mini Mall

Playing with space within the hofbogen.

Bamboo, plantations to create an atmosphere fo a dry forest.

The glass screen for illusion of space in the linear square.

Creating a multi level network

The void to relate to the floor below .

Creating more connections within different parts

A water body to make a connection with the sky above.

Open-air plaza Football Ground

Detailed diagram of the Hofbogen Plein, describing the scheme of a dynamic experience of the linear train line.

Play the city The design proposal was to make the block like a game, with an experience while walking all along it.And to do the same, a series of small scale interventions were done.One part was to make the water square in front of zadkine school buildings more inter-related to the hofbogen line behind them. Which could be done by opening up the school building in certain areas.Which was proposed by small opening with in the building.While second part was opening up the walk along the hofbogen line from moving into a series of experiential zones where one connects one self to different planes at the same time. Where ,while walking along the water body one can relate to the sky and in the next part while a cutout relate also to the ground below and with adding a mirror wall, one can relate to space behind creating a series of visual illuisions making the experience more dynamic and spontaneous.

Resulting in not only opening up more space for the neighbourhood to open out to the rest of the city, but also making more dynamic and synergetic space with in the intense fabric of rotterdam. Also helping the area to become much safer with more interactive and open spaces, than the enclosed and dark alleys. The project intended to act as a tool for transformation ,by designing more strategic and spontaneous spaces within one of the most unsafe neighbourhoods of rotterdam.

Ijmuiden Amsterdam Rotterdam

Jagged Edges Ijmuiden is a small post war town next to the river Ij near amsterdam, forming the entrance to the Netherlands through the North sea.Being close to the sea and also to the port the city has many interestng edges of raw nature, and industrial silluettes all along its sides. The project focused on finding ways to make it a more active and synergetic town.To make it possible it was chosen to open the city to its surrounding edges and make an interactive and throbbing place.

Project: First Quarter Project Project Duration:2.5 months (September2012-midnovember 2012) Main Tutor: Prof.Henko Bekkering (TU Delft) Second Tutor : Inge Kirsten (PHD Researcher TU Delft) Group of 4 + Individual Intervention


a N ew Beauty

Opening the city of Ijmuiden to its surrounding natural reserve and industrial area around, Ijmuiden, Amsterdam,The Netherlands.

Enroute to the Sea

Need for a new Square

Opening the city to its borders

Enroute to the Sea

Water reservoir and water as an element

Need for a new Square

Opening the city to its borders

Water reservoir and water as an element

Throbbing city Square As a post war town, though the city has a square done by famous dutch architect Dudok but is little active because of lack of activities and interesting interventions. The new intervention dealt with opening the city to a barren area which could become the city park and further adding a city square which could help open the place to its surroundings and help make more vital roads than just one existing main spinal street . The intervention was divided into multiple parts which could further open to the river and help make a better relationship to nature.

Public park It was important to the city to make use of it vast natural reserve of dunes and forest reserve and to achieve the same a city park was proposed, which could be more urban in nature and help make the transition from the city heart to the natural reserve and the sea line more subtle. Where little mounds along the path could both add a sense of scale and space to the park and also help exaggerate the effect of a street further more. Where this long ribbon like street could connect to many parts of the city and could help make the connection between different natural view points of the city more seamless.

New Delhi

Gandhinagar Mumbai

Regional Dynamics As Ahmedabad and gandhinagar are cities rich of cultural and eductational heritage, the library was proposed by the central Universities Grants Commision (UGC), was a rather great opportunity to design and invetigate into new possibilities. The project focused not only on making a library and documentation centre for research from all across the country but also make significant efforts in understanding the importance of climate and how buildings need to adapt to the same. The project has been documented in several construction and design magazines in India for its new approach and possible outcomes.

Project: Research Documentation Library Project Duration:2.5 Years (August 2008 -January 2010) Project Head: Soenke Hoof,Partner-Design,Vaastu Shilpa Consultants,Sangath,Ahmedabad,India Contribution: Concept to Construction Stage As a Team Leader with a team of 5-6 people (architects and interns)

Inflibnet Library

The library for documentation of all research docmentation of all India level research,Gandhinagar, Gujarat,India.

Being a very linear site, it was both challenging and fascinating to both justify the site and respond to the climatic needs of the place at the same time. Considering the fact that Ahmedabad comes in the most dry and hot climatic regions of India,it could have not been a better place to understand the possibilities of the climate based design. To understand the same many studies were done to understand the work space requirements, library storage and lighting needs to understand the various aspects of climatic conditions and basic requirements of the building program.

Phase wise development of the project

Phase IV

Phase III

Phase II

Design to interact To make the building complete with all its required set of programme, it was required to make it verysleek and linear but cut out spaces in between in order to make small courtyards and spaces with in which could not only help in the air circulation better but also help in creating spaces which people from different fields and research backgrounds could come together and interact. Phase I

Make walls to Breathe The project dealt to manage its climatic conditions via making walls which were not just acting as walls but actually breathing as they were helping trap the hot air from outside and further channelling all the cool air from the natural but mechanised cooling systems into the floors of each floor. Where the windows were also not only specifically angeled to help reduce the external heat gain but also were making the complete interactive system to flow the hot air out of the library and office spaces, thorugh their detailed and custom designs.

New Delhi

Ahmedabad Mumbai

The project was a two part project focusing on the Institute of Management in Ahmedabad, by the important foods and beverages company named Rasna,Where the first part was the insitution itself and and second part focused on the housing with in the campus for the students, staff and researchers. The housing part was focusing on current trends of small but well equipped personal space and also how building blocks are not just a series of independent rooms but an interactive place where students and teachers could interact and socialise and new ideas could emerge.

Project: Institute of Technology Project Duration:1 Year (August 2011 -January 2012) Project Head: Rajiv Kathpalia,Partner-Design,Urban Design & Planning,Vaastu Shilpa Consultants,Sanga th,Ahmedabad,India Contribution: Concept Stage As a Team Leader with a team of 4-5 people (architects and interns)


of Management

Housing for a new engineering College sponsored by Rasna,Ahmedabad, India.

Housing Both because of space constraints and climatic conditions the spaces were narrow and interwoven to create corridors and inner courtyards for more personalised and usable spaces. Also the use of wind tunnels and natural methods, much more cooler enviornments were proposed. Further , alot of importance was given to the interaction between the faculty blocks and the housing units to create privacy and border less spaces at the same time.

Playing with Module To investigate the housing more comprehensively, a detailed study was made of a single module being multiplied to create different bigger modules and spaces when collaborated together.Creating a series of networked and interactive spaces of courts, streets, plazas with in the campus on ground as well and multiple levels. Which could both create an effect of a dense interwoven network of spaces and greens all along the campus, but also help keep the outdoor spaces much more cooler in summers which would further help make them be more useful in nature.


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