K divya impact of training and development on employee performance

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2016 Impact of Training and Development on employee performanceK.

Impact of Training and Development on employee performance K. DIVYA M.com, M.phil ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SDNB VAISHNAV COLLEGE FOR WOMEN CHROMPET 8438230051 shabridivya@gmail.com

2016 Impact of Training and Development on employee performanceK.

ABSTRACT: “The essence of training is to allow error without consequence.” ― Orson Scott Card, Ender's Game Training has an important role to play and it is expected to inculcate positive changes in knowledge, skills and attitudes. Employees training tries to improve skills so that employee is better equipped to do his present job or to prepare him for a higher position with increased responsibilities.. Training and Development programmes are necessary in any organization for improving the quality of work of the employees at all levels particularly in a world of fast changing technology and environment. . The paper is divided into three parts. The introductory part provides brief overviewrelated to employee development and its affect on employee performance. The second part analyzes the views and studies of the past researchers related to employee development and employee performance. In the end, paper presents the proposed model along with the discussion and conclusion . Keywords: Introduction of training; human resource development, employee performance, impact of training on employee performance.

‘Training is the act of increasing the skills of an employee for doing a particular job’ -

Edwin Flippo,

2016 Impact of Training and Development on employee performanceK. INTRODUCTION: Training is the systematic development of the knowledge, skills and attitudes required by an individual to perform adequately a given task or jobs. Training can involve learning of various kinds and in various situations i.e. on the job, off the job, in the company or outside the company. It can involve the use of many techniques like demonstration, practice, coaching guided reading, lectures, discussions, case studies, role playing, assignments, projects, group exercises, programmed learning, seminars, workshops, games, quizzes etc., These techniques can be deployed by many people, specially by company Trainers, Managers, Supervisors, colleagues or External Trainers and Educationists. ‘The organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and/or skill for a definite purpose’. Training refers to the teaching and learning activities carried on for the primary purpose of helping members of an organization acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes needed by a particular job and organization. - Dale S. Beach Emp[loyee performance can be enhance by exposing employee's to positives messages that can increase motivation. The quotes below are designed to help uplift employee's in the workplace and help increase productivity. Exposure to these types of messages can realign the thought process, and keep employees on track toward achievement.

“Employee performance is defined as whether a person executes their job duties and responsibilities well. Many companies asses their employee's performance on an annual or quarterly basis in order to define certains areas that need improvement. Performance is a critical factor in organizational success”.

Effects of Training on Employee Performance Companies can reap the rewards of providing training for their employees because welltrained workers help increase productivity and profits. Investing in employee training should

2016 Impact of Training and Development on employee performanceK. improve worker retention rates, customer satisfaction and creativity for new product ideas. Effective training saves labor by reducing time spent on problem-solving and saves money in the long run by producing a better workforce.

• Saving Time and Costs Investment in training can improve a company’s financial standing. Poor performance often results when employees don’t know exactly what they’re supposed to do, how to do their jobs or why they need to work a certain way. Training can help solve these performance problems by explaining the details of the job. This should reduce duplication of effort in the workplace, the time spent correcting mistakes and the problem solving necessary to correct bad performances. Improved performance from employee training can reduce staff turnover, lower maintenance costs by reducing equipment breakdowns and result in fewer customer complaints. Better performance from employees typically creates less need for supervision and brings increased worker output.

• Employee Satisfaction Job satisfaction generally increases and self-esteem improves when employees better understand the workings of the company. Training can also enhance morale on the job and loyalty to the company. Workers who believe their company offers excellent training opportunities are generally less likely to leave their companies within a year of training than employees with poor training opportunities, according to Howard Community College in Maryland, which points to a poll of employees by Louis Harris and Associates

• Expectations and Needs Training plays a key role in employee commitment, according to Scott Brum of the University of Rhode Island. The training program must meet expectations and needs of the employees, though. Companies are more likely to retain employees who view their training as relevant to their jobs and subsequently have a positive commitment to their company. A successful training program consists of management providing employees with accurate information and communication about the training as well as a program that ensures that training is relevant to their jobs.

2016 Impact of Training and Development on employee performanceK.

• Turnover Costs Keeping well-trained employees pays off significantly for companies because the cost of employee turnover can be high. Costs include separation costs, such as exit interviews, administrative functions related to termination, severance pay and unemployment compensation. Replacement costs consist of attracting applicants, entrance interviews, testing, travel and moving expenses, pre-employment administrative expenses, medical exams and employment information. A study by the University of Wisconsin found that 75 percent of the demand for new employees was related to replacing workers who left the company.

• Training Factors Many factors determine whether a training program will be effective for a company that has lost employees, depending on how many workers are leaving. For example, using temporary workers to fill in for former employees on occasion might actually save costs. Management can determine if a training program will work out by looking at the increased workloads for employees caused by vacancies, the stress and tension from turnover, declining employee morale and the decreased productivity that results from high loss of employees

Literature review: Eichel and Bender (1984) reveals performance evaluations were designed primarily as tools for the organization to use in controlling employees. He states that past performance was used to guide or justify manager His method of appraisal was subjective, which is still common with EPAS in many agencies today (Vroom, 1990). Levinson (1992) conceals that to help the development of the process of identification it is necessary for the manager to also examine his own process and needs of interacting with the subordinates. He also states several barriers which may come in the way of such legitimate process of identification as; lack of time, intolerance, of mistakes, complete rejection of dependency needs repression of rivalry, and unexamined relationship. Mbiti (1994) uncover employee into four major vegetations and rejecters.

2016 Impact of Training and Development on employee performanceK. Carlson et al. (2006) proposed five human resourcemanagement practices that affect performance which aresetting competitive compensation level, training and de-velopment, performance appraisal, recruitment package,and maintaining morale. Teseema and Soeters (2006)have carried out study on eight HR practices includingrecruitment and selection practices, placement practices,training, compensation, employee performance evalua-tion, promotion, grievance procedure and pension orsocial security in relation with the perceived performanceof employees. They concluded that these HR practiceshave positive and significant associations with theperceived performance of employees Conclusion: “Your performance depends on your people. Select the best, train them and back them. When errors occur, give sharper guidance. If errors persist or if the fit feels wrong, help them move on. The country cannot afford amateur hour in the White House.� – Donald Rumsfeld

The dynamic nature of modern management and the challenges thrown by the changing environment needs competent, motivated and result oriented employees. The changing social, political, economical and technological environment demands employees to analyse problems and take decision to meet the challenges of change. With the advent of technological, economical, socio-political, cultural, ecological, psychological changes and challenges, the need for proper utilization of available manpower in increasing in the cooperative sector and this cooperative sector have a pivotal role to play in Indian economy. Training and development programmes for cooperative employees assume Paramount importance in the context of global competition Training and development programmes should be carefully planned and systematically executed for the employees, since training programmes paves way for the growth and development of employees and organizations and training is the means to achieve the goals of the organization.

2016 Impact of Training and Development on employee performanceK.

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