The Show
Must Go On! Guest Editorial
GREG KOZERA | Shale Crescent USA Last weekend when I was in Houston for our National Speakers Association (NSA) Winter Conference, one of the topics discussed was the Corona Virus. For professional speakers, it is a big concern since speaking at conventions or conferences is a major source of their income. Canceled meetings mean lost revenues. A panel of experts told the attendees to expect many meetings to cancel out of caution especially international meetings. They also gave us hope. Several years ago, one of the panelists had been to the region of China where the virus initiated. He told us the population in that region is over 20 million. The number of reported virus cases in that Region is approximately 200,000. A person in that
high- risk region has a 0.0001% chance of getting the virus and an even lower chance of being killed by it. We probably have a higher chance of getting the flu. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be concerned or take common sense precautions. The panel made the point, speaking is a delivery system. This is a time to be creative. There are other ways to communicate information like webinars or video conferences to name just two. The point is, we can’t control the spread of the Corona Virus and we can’t control the decision of an organization or company to cancel a convention or conference. We can’t control the actions of others. We do have control of our own actions and how we react to a problem. Show continued on page 8
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