Postal Patron
July 24-30, 2014: Vol. 13, No. 15; • 1-888-323-1662 • Fax 330-264-1132 •
Meeting needs worldwide
Calendar July Weber Girls Red Cross Blood Drive is today The Holmesville American Legion Post No. 551 will be hosting the annual Weber Girls Red Cross Blood Drive today (Thursday) from 3-7 p.m. at the post home. Come to donate and receive a coupon for $10 off Cedar Point admission and an American Red Cross T-shirt honoring those who serve.
Holmes taking assistance applications through Friday The Holmes County Veterans Service Center will accept applications for assistance for July through July 25 at noon. The Veterans Service Commission Board meeting will be July 28 at 6:30 p.m.
Home canning series continues The Aug. 26 program, presented by the Holmes See Pg. 4 — CALENDAR
Mennonite Central Committee Relief Sale adds new event By BRANDON ZAFFINI Staff Writer An historic auction that continues to attract thousands of people for a good cause, the Mennonite Relief Sale and Auction is in its 49th year. The event is a local expression of an international organization — the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), a nonprofit that meets needs around the world, responding to crises and working for peace and justice. Last year, the auction was held at the Buckeye Event Center, at 624 Henry St. in Dalton, for the first time. That will also be the location for the auction this year, where it looks to be better than ever. There’s a new feature to the event. A 24-hour bike ride will get everything
Submitted photo
Steve Andrews, auctioneer, works the crowd at the quilt auction at last year’s Mennonite Central Committee Relief Sale. The event this year will begin Friday, Aug. 1. MCC is a nonprofit that meets needs around the world, responding to crises and working for peace and justice. started at 3 p.m, Friday, Aug. 1. On an 11-mile loop track, teams will ride for as long as the event lasts — until 3 p.m. the next day — with every mile sponsored by local
Locally owned and operated
6 S. Washington Street, Millersburg, OH 44654
businesses and individuals. As with past years, a 5k will kick things off on Saturday, at 8 a.m., offering another physical activity for the fitness-inclined.
Yet the event has so much more, appealing to a wide variety of tastes and preferences and to people of all ages, according to event organizer Earl Weaver, who also
said the auction seems to improve and get better every year. All stands and auction displays officially open at See Pg. 9 — SALE
Do You Have “Vintage” Hearing Aids? “Trade Them In” for the Latest Technology. Get up to 35% OFF EarQ pricing and a Lifetime Supply of Batteries. See office for details.
Financing Available! Call Today to Schedule Your Appointment.
Laurie Page H.A.S. F/T
Craig Rowland Owner H.A.S.
2 — Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Groceries • Veggies • Baked Goods Bent & Dent
Christmas in July shoebox project is Saturday at Holmes Flea Market
d, 2014! n 2 & t s 1 t Augus
OUTDOO R GRILLIN G! And FRE E Samples on Saturday !
Operation Christmas Child Ohio East Team is having “Christmas in July” on Saturday, July 26 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Holmes County Flea Market, just east of Berlin. Take your own wrapped shoebox (filled or to fill) or
one can be provided. Purchase shoebox items from vendors, include $7 for the shipping and be eligible for three grand prize drawings — a one-night stay at Glenhaven Cabin, Walnut Creek Farms tickets and two tickets to The Confession.
Sale Prices Good July 28th – August 2nd
GRAND OPENING SPECIALS 2 DAYS ONLY Virginia Ham ..............................................$3.29 LB Mountain Bologna .......................................$1.45 LB Colby Horn ................................................$2.89 LB Alpine Swiss ..............................................$3.49 LB Smith’s Vitamin D & 2% Milk ........................ $2.99 GAL Walnut Creek Butter.....................................$2.59 LB ......................................................... $93.24 CASE Sauder’s Large White Eggs ...............................99¢ DOZ *5 Dozen Limit* Walnut Creek Whipped Topping ............................... 99¢ 8oz. Whale of a Pail Ice Cream..............................$4.39 EA Bananas ..................................................... 59¢.LB Pineapples ................................................$1.95 EA 50# White Sugar ........................................ $24.99 EA Nickels Honey Buns ................................... $1.65 DOZ Nickels Wheat Bread ....................................$1.49 EA Assorted Kellogg’s Cereals ............................$3.89 EA *While supplies last. *NO RAINCHECKS
DELI SPECIALS Honey Ham...............................................................$2.89 Colby Mini Horns ...................................................$2.95 Provolone ........................................................... $2.95 lb. RACHEL’S COOKIE FILLING IS BACK!
10 - $20 Gift Cards
Red Tomato Market – The Area’s Finest Selection of Foods & Groceries 16000 East Main St. • Mt. Eaton, OH
Ad deadlines
Display ads, Monday at noon; Classified ads, Tuesday at 3 p.m.
RT 62 ent N’
*1 Ticket Per Family *1 Winner Per Family *No Cashback
Discount Groceries
1295 US RT 62 • WILMOT, OH 44689 M-F 8-6, SAT 8-4, / CLOSED SUN 330-359-0481
Lots of Canning Supplies! Mrs. Wages Tomato Mixes Pickling Lime • White Sugar Jar Lids • Freezer Bags Freezer Pops 120 ct. $5.25 While Supplies Last Tuesday Evening Special! 4 – 6 P.M. 10% off
$50 or more!
Storage Area open to Customers on Saturdays!
N of A ew Lo ad ir C on Deh umi ditione difie r rs, e s tc.
enic Valley c S
Gift Basket
Blueberries Cantalope Watermelon Red Potatoes Peaches
8375 Criswell Rd., Fredericksburg, OH 44627 Mon.-Thur. 8-5; Fri. 8-7; Sat. 8-4; Sun. Closed
Grand Prize $200 Gift Card
There also will be children’s activities, games and prizes; craft projects for shoebox items and authentic Philippine banana egg rolls. There will be promotion items available, including Operation Christmas Child DVDs. For more information, call Esther Troyer, Ohio East Area Coordinator/OCC at 330852-4039.
“Take the Scenic Route, You never know what you’ll find...”
Air Conditioners Bikes Bowcases Carpets Comforters Curtains Dehumidifiers Luggage Sets
Microwaves Miscellaneous Tools 10½' Lighted Patio Umbrellas Patio Umbrellas Patio Wicker Sets Roller Skates Sheet Sets (Various Sizes)
Speakers Tackle Boxes Quilts Wooden File Cabinets Miscellaneous Clothing Vacuum Cleaners
& Much More...
10258 S. KANSAS RD • FREDERICKSBURG, OH 44627 • 330-231-5034 3 1/2 Miles South of US 250 • 1 1/2 Miles North of SR 241 (At Ashery) On TR 652
CASH OR CHECK Mon. 10-8; Tues.-Fri. 8-5; Sat. 8-4
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Thursday, July 24, 2014 — 3
Groceries • Veggies Baked Goods
We reserve the right to limit quantities on all sale items.
Sale Dates JULY 21–26, 2014
Bent & Dent
Shanesville Bicentennial Women’s Tea and Queen Selection is Aug. 8 Ladies of all ages, take your Sesquicentennial dresses (they will probably need altered) and bonnets out of your cedar chest and join us for a Dinner Tea on Friday, Aug. 8 at 6:30 p.m. at the Sugarcreek First United Church of Christ. The menu includes soup, sandwiches (small, assorted), fresh fruit cup, cheese, vegetables/dip, cookies (small, assorted), hot tea, cold tea punch. Donations will be accepted to help cover expenses for the tea. A Shanesville Bicentennial Queen will be chosen from those in attendance who are 75 years or older and whose family lived in Shanesville. Women who wish to be candidates are requested to wear period dress, but arrangements will be made for a dress to be provided if necessary. The queen will then be determined by random selection of flowers.
Door prizes (table decorations) will be awarded. Collectible Shanesville Bicentennial teacup for everyone in attendance. Musical entertainment will be provided by the Mast Family, Earlene Moomaw, Valley Voices (Ladies Barbershop). RSVP required: You can RSVP by going to the “Shanesville: 200 Years on the Hill” Facebook Page, clicking the “Join” button (directly underneath the cover photo) and posting here the number of people in your party or
call Diane Zimmerman at 330-852-4282. If you leave Diane a message be sure to provide the same information (name/number of guests). Reservations are due by Friday, Aug. 1. Shanesville Bicentennial Community Worship Service The Sugarcreek Community is invited to come together to worship and praise God and remember our Christian heritage that played a major role in the early history of our See Pg. 4 — TEA
Holmes County Hub Shopper (Copyright 2014)
P.O. Box 151, Millersburg, Ohio 44691 Millersburg office: 25 N. Clay St Phone: 1-330-264-1125 Publisher: Andrew S. Dix; Managing Editor: Lance White; Ad Director: Rhonda Geer Email: Published Thursdays by the Holmes County Shopper Hub. Entered as periodicals, postage paid at Wooster, Wayne County, Ohio. Direct address changes to: The Daily Record, P.O. Box 918, Wooster, Ohio 44691. Office hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
$1.99 4lb.
40lb. bale
Grocery Lis t
MARBLE CHEE SE ........................ ............................ $3.79/LB BRICK CHEESE Michigan .............................. ...........................$3 .49/LB Blueberr ies OFF-THE-BONE HAM ..................... $ 2 5 .95/10 lb. bo ..........................$3. 79/LB x HONEY ROASTE D TURKEY BREA ST ...................$3. 99/LB Romaine Lett uce KELLOGG’S RICE KRISPIES ............ $1.28 ............ $3.19 12.2 5OZ TROYER’S CHIP S WHITE BAG... ............................$ 1.99 Local ME TOO WHITE Cantaloupe SUGAR............... ..........................$$11. .9999//44LLBB.. 2/$5.0 OR $18.99/40 LB 0 . BALE REITER MILK 2% , 1%, SKIM ......... ......................$$22..669 .............................. 9 GAL. .............................. ....VIT. D MILK $2.7 9 GAL GERBER’S NATU RAL/REG. DRUM S . $0.59LB./40LB. BOX SMITH’S WHALE -OF-A-PAIL ......... ........................ $3 .79 COOL WHIP ...... .............................. . $1.09/8 OZ
Gold Dole Pineapple $1.78 ea. South Caroli na Blackberries $5.98 qt
Now Open until 8pm on Fridays
4 — Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Groceries • Veggies • Baked Goods Bent & Dent
July 25th - July 30th 7841 CR 373, BIG PRAIRIE, OH Velveeta Cheese 2LB ............. $3.99
Mon, Tues, Fri 8am-6pm Wed 8am - 7pm • Sat 9am-5pm Closed Thurs and Sun
Golden Puffs 30.6OZ ......... $1.99 Gatorade VARIETY PACK 24CT ...$11.99 Name Brand Toilet Tissue
1000 SH. PER ROLL 20CT .......... $11.50
New Load of Patio Furniture Lots of Insect & Mosquito Repellants
SUMMER GOLD PEACHES Squash • Beans • Zucchini • Cabbage • Candy Onions • Tomatoes • Homegrown Cantaloupe • Pickles • Cucumbers • Red Potatoes Sweet Cherries • South Carolina Watermelons • Peaches • Jams & Jellies • and lots more
Country View Produce
2 mi. south of Mt. Eaton, 10548 Massillon Rd. (Off of CR 241) Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 9-7; Thurs. and Sat. 9-5; Closed Sunday
CRAZY 8 SALE! t Look for these Grea deals & many more!
T.G.I.F. Potato Skins 22 oz. Bags
August 5th
5% OFF EVERYTHING August 7th
2 for $8.88
August 8th & 9th
Klondike Ice Cream Snacks ONLY 8¢
one per visit
8% OFF EVERYTHING ENTER T O WIN a Shopp ing Bask et Full of G roceries
(From Page 1)
hold fish fry
p.m. The focus will be on hydraulic fracturing and the County OSU Extension American Legion Post toxic waste stream destined Office as part of a food 494, of Sugarcreek, will for communities across preservation series, will sponsor a benefit family Ohio. The majority of this be about canning meats, fish fry on Saturday, July fracking flowback waste is soups and stews. All pro- 26, 4-7 pm. at the Post injected into the earth via grams are free and open Home on North BroadArea citizens will be host- Class 2 injection wells and to everyone. Reservations way Street in Sugarcreek. ing a free public forum at enhanced recovery injecare required. To reserve a The benefit will aid the the Loudonville Public tion wells. spot in the class, contact NITRO Girls Softball Library, 122 E. Main St., the Holmes County Office Team in raising funds to on July 26 from 6:30-8:30 See Pg. 5 — CALENDAR of OSU Extension at 330- go to the Nationals Softball Tourney later this 674-3015. summer. Everyone is welcome. Post 494 ville Lutheran Church in (From Page 3) Sugarcreek. Sugarcreek to Hydraulic community. There will be Pastor Bonnie GerCommunity Worship Ser- ber (Sugarcreek native), NEW vice on Saturday, Aug. 9 Lutheran pastor of NOW DELI! at 10 a.m. at the Shanes- Columbus, will be the OPEN! guest preacher. Her sermon theme will be: “A J & F City Set on a Hill.” Discount Anyone who likes Groceries to sing is invited to be Joe & Fannie Bowman a part of a community Hours: M-F 8:30-6p • Sat. 8:30-5p 4992 Twp. 628 • 1 1/2 mi. SW Mt. Hope choir. Practices are being Hours: Church Orders Please Order By Thursday Mon., Wed., Fri., 8:00am - 6:00pm; held on Wednesdays, July Tues. - Thurs., 8:00am - 5:00pm; 23, 30 and Aug. 6 at 7:30 Sat. 8:00am - 4:00pm Meat & Cheese Trays p.m. at the Shanesville 330-600-1763 Lutheran Church. BrenCall for Prices da Widder will be directName Brand Milk Choc. Cake Mix $1.15 each (or) ing the choir and Mary Browned Chicken Breast ......................... $3.39 lb case of 12 $13.69 Sue Schlegel is the piaMild Yellow Cheddar ............................... $2.79 lb nist/organist. M&M’s $1.65 lb. Members of the SugarPRICES GOOD JULY 24 TH – JULY 30 TH Name Brand Foggers 3pk. creek Ministerial Asso1430 S. Washington St., Millersburg • 330.674.3888 $1.85 ciation will also be parbetween Advance Auto Parts and Verizon ticipating in the service. Lots of Insect repellent! Dress is casual. Please Frozen 5 Alive Concentrate wear comfortable clothes While Supplies Last and enjoy the day.
Doughty Farm Meats
5362 S.R. 557 Millersburg, OH 44654 (330) 674-6257
Now – Aug 9 2014 th
Gift C ert Avail ificates able
Smoked Sausage Patties ........................$3.49/lb. Breakstone Breaded Chicken Patties .......... 10# /$31 Chicken – Pork Hot Dogs .........................$3.49/lb. 20lbs. or more $2.99/lb. (Made with Gerbers Chicken and our pork)
Beef - Pork Hot Dogs ...........................$4.79/lb. Pasture Raised Whole Fryers ....................................... $2.59/lb.
(8 lucky w
2430 TR 183, Baltic, Oh 43804-9607 330.897.3536 • Fax 330.897.2061 Mon., Thurs., Fri. 8-5; Tues. 8-7; 5 Closed Wed.; Sat. 8-4; Closed Sun.
fracturing forum is planned at Loudonville library
Our hogs are raised and processed right here on the farm. Our hogs are bred for meat quality and flavor. Are No Artificial Full line of smoked & fresh products. StateWeInspected Growth Hormones
PEACHES — PEACHES — PEACHES Limited Supply of Contenders Red Haven will be in apporx. 8/4 Also July Prince – August Prince which are excellent for canning or freezing
We Have Pineapples • Watermelons Cantalopes • Tomatoes • Bananas • Potatoes Cauliflower • Hartville Radishes • Baby Carrots Lemons • Zucchini • Cucumbers • Local Sweet Corn PLUS ALL LOCAL PRODUCE AVAILABLE We Are Located 1 ½ Mi. North of Mt. Hope On SR 241 At Stone Barn Furniture. PH: 330-231-0983 or 330-601-3705
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Thursday, July 24, 2014 — 5
Community Briefs Personal The Gallion reunion will be Sunday, Aug. 10 at noon at the Glenmont School community center.
Complaint filing process established
Church briefs Tent Revival Meetings set
Everyone is welcome to attend Tent Revival Meetings being held Millersburg water nightly through July 27 in Berlin, across from the report available Farmstead Restaurant Millersburg’s 2013 annual water qualwith Ivan Weaver from ity report is available at www.millersBethel, Pa. as the or by calling gelist. Starting times will 330-674-1886 to receive a copy in the be as follows: Thursday mail. For more information call Village and Friday, 7:30 p.m.; SatAdministrator Nathan Troyer at 330urday and Sunday, 7 p.m.; 674-1886. and Sunday, 10 a.m. The meetings are sponsored Let your family Take a free driving by the area conservative Mennonite churches. If know you’re safe permit practice test you have any questions, Practice makes perfect and that goes If your community experiences a call 330-464-1261. for driving. Be confident when you take disaster, register on the American Red your driving test by using the new free Cross Safe and Well website, available permit practice test available on the through to let your fam- NewPointe Holmes County District Public Library’s ily and friends know about your wel- Church to show website. HCDPL is one of only a few fare. libraries in Ohio that offers the practice If you do not have Internet access, call movie Sunday 1-666-GET-INFO to register yourself NewPointe Community test. To get started visit www.holmesli- and your family.Register for Health and Church will be showing and click on the “Free Per- Safety Classes at 1-800-RedCross or at “The LEGO Movie.” mit Practice Tests” icon located on the Visit movies.newpointe. homepage. It’s as easy as that. For more For more information on American org for more information. information or to find out about other Red Cross programs, to make a dona- NewPointe Community free reference resources, visit the Cen- tion or to assist with the Holmes County Church, 8882 state Route tral Library or call 330-674-5972, Ext. Chapter, contact Executive Director 39, Millersburg. Service Patricia Lang at 330-674-5861. 203. times are 9 and 11 a.m. Environments for birth through 12th grade are available. 330-943-2012. Visit the website at new(From Page 4) for the Ohio Environmen- — Personal Impact Sto- tal Council. ries and Forum Closing The forum will consist of — Injection Wells 101 Comments. several presentations: — Overview of Class 2 There will be a question Answers in — Fracking In Ohio — A injection wells and threats and answer session durbasic overview of hydrau- posed to local communi- ing each segment of the Genesis lic fracturing and Ohio ties presented by Brian forum. Answers in Genesis legislation presented by Kunkemoeller, Conserva- For more informa- Weekend will be held at Melanie Houston, MS, tion Manager of the Ohio tion contact: Bill Baker, Cornerstone Community Director of Water Policy Chapter of the Sierra organizer, at 419-612- Church, 6029 State Route & Environmental Health Club. 4069. 754, Millersburg. On July The Holmes County Board of Elections has instituted a complaint filing process. Complaints about a voting concern should be filed with the board, and forms are available at www.holmescountyboardofelections. com and at the office, 164 E. Jackson St. Complaints will be placed on the agenda for the next business meeting of the board. For more information call 330-6744841.
26 at 6:30 p.m., topics will be “Dinosaurs and the Bible” and “Science Confirms the Bible.” On July 27, 9:30 a.m.noon, topics will be “Genesis: Where the Gospel Begins” and “Genesis: Does it Really Matter?” There will be a carry-in potluck at noon for everyone and at 1 p.m. the topic will be “Creation Evangelism: Why Won’t They Listen?” For more information, 330-275-9803.
Renners to hold Celebration in the Country Renners St. Paul United Church of Christ will hold an outdoor gathering on Aug. 2. There will be games, fellowship and food from 6-7 p.m. The menu includes grilled hot dogs, coneys, sloppy joes, chips, cookies and a beverage. At 7 p.m., relax and listen to guest musical performers. The performers include the barbershop quartet “The Faithful Four,” featuring Dick Johnson, Bob Price, Carl Pearsen and Don Sprangle. Also performing is the Chestnut Ridge Bluegrass Band comprised of Jim Dunfee, Jeanell Branstool, Mickey Holback, Peter Streiber, Duane Hardesty and Rex Hackley. From state Route 36, go 6.5 miles north on County Road 93. From Baltic, take state Route 93 south, turn
left on County Road 88, then turn right on Renner Road. Take lawn chairs or a blanket. In case of rain, activities will be moved inside.
Monthly Saturday sing planned Faith Baptist Church will hold a Saturday Sing beginning at 4 p.m. Featured artists will be Testimony Quartet and Jamie Tolley. An offering will be taken and tax deductible donations are accepted. Refreshments and fellowship will follow. The church is at 775 W. Main St. 330-447-4339.
Joint services set Clark and Millersburg Presbyterian Churches have announced summer worship service times changes as well as upcoming joint worship opportunities. Through August, Clark Presbyterian worship will be at 9 a.m. and Millersburg will worship at 10:15 a.m. Joint worship services on Oct. 5 will be at Millersburg Presbyterian Church at 10 a.m.
Donations needed Donations are needed to help troubled boys. The Trading Post Thrift Store is located at 7703-B state Route 241, just west of Mount Hope. All proceeds will go to support the Ohio Wilderness Boys Camp. Call 330-857-5516. or 330-464-1261.
Clubs TOPS OH 1573 On July 16, eight members of TOPS OH No. 1573 weighed in with a loss of 3 1/4 pounds with only a ¾-pound gain. For the third week in a row Eileen Lowe was best weekly loser. Leonard Jones was best weekly rededicated loser. He said to stay focused on goals. Lana Rush was the best weekly KOPS. Tom Alexander gave a program from the July 2013 TOPS magazine titled “Faring Well at the Fairs.” Deep-fried food can ruin a diet by overloading calories. Also skip sauces. Share favorite treats, limit your high cal-
weight loss winner for the week was Kathy Freese and best rededicated winner was Esther Miller. Best KOPS were Emma Carpenter and Mary Ann Miller. The forbidden food for the week is candy and the thing to do is to have a loss at the weigh-in next meeting. Contest winners were Verna Yoder and Kathy Freese. A new contest was started. For more TOPS OH 1243 information about TOPS TOPS OH 1243, Sugar- call 330-897-6007. creek met on July 17 at the United Methodist Church in Sugarcreek with 10 Killbuck Valley members weighing in and having a no gainer meet- Writers’ Club ing with a weight loss of Has anyone ever told 14 pounds. Best TOPS you “You should write a orie drinks. Search for or take healthy low-calorie foods and take plenty of water. On Wednesday the group will meet at the Lakeville United Methodist Church instead of in Nashville. Lowe will have the program. Weigh-in is at 5:15 p.m. and the meeting is at 5:45 p.m.
book”? Maybe you even started one but never finished. Or, you have a great idea but just can’t seem to take that first step toward getting something on paper. The Killbuck Valley Writers’ Guild (KVWG) might be just what you need to make your book a reality. KVWG is a group of serious adult writers who are working on novels, short stories and non-fiction. KVWG meets most Sundays at 1 p.m. in the Fireplace Room at Jitters Coffee House, Millersburg. Call 330-464-0624 or go to for more information.
Liberty Coalition
of the month at 6:30 p.m. and on the following noon The Holmes County Lib- (first Friday of the month). erty Coalition meets the Both meetings are held at second Thursday of each The Hotel Millersburg. month at the Millersburg Comfort Inn at 7 p.m. ProArts Council grams vary. Holmes County Arts Community meets the Knights third Wednesday of each Gaming Society month at 6 p.m., at Young Knights of Gaming Board Uniforms and Scrubs, Gaming Society meets Millersburg. Contact the third Saturday of the Phyllis Young 330-674month from noon-6 p.m. at 0676 or 1-866-386-2026. the Holmes County District Public Library, Millersburg. Zen Society The Zen Society of Millersburg Wooster meets for meditation and discussion on Lions Club ondays at the Unitarian Millersburg Lions Club Universalist Church, 3186 meets the first Thursday Burbank Road, Wooster.
6 — Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Untangling the Web
HAROLD’S EQUIPMENT Sales • Service • Parts Harold Neuenschwander 2120 Co. Rd. 168, Dundee Ph. 893-2348
The Parts Place of Millersburg, Inc.
• Automotive Parts • Machine Shop • Paint & Supplies 980 S. Washington St., Millersburg, OH
FAITH VIEWbooks BOOKS, MUSIC, FAMILY DVD’s, CANDLES, BOXED CARDS & MORE. Mon. - Fri. 8-5 • Sat. - 8-3 • 330-674-0684
One mile west of Mt. Hope, right on Twp. Rd. 616. Watch for sign.
Millersburg, OH
Matrix Chi Tigi
1/4 mi. E. of Berlin on Rt. 39 330-893-3786
Jim, Ron, Jamie, Tiffany & Jake St. Rt. 39 W. Millersburg 330-674-4811
Photo Credit
ife moves fast and sometimes as we move along, we can quickly and unwittingly become entangled by our free will and human nature in a delicately woven gossamer net of deception. The web can be so captivating that by the time we realize we must free ourselves, we may feel helpless to do so. Together with God, we have the strength we need…all we need to do is ask for help. We can trust in the unconditional love of the Creator to escape a soul-strangling situation and begin anew. Worship this week break free from the web - discover a new beginning. Weekly Scripture Reading Jeremiah Jeremiah Jeremiah Lament. Lament. Lament. Isaiah 31.1-22 31.23-40 33.1-26 3.1-24 3.25-57 5.1-22 38.1-20
Attorneys at Law 88 S. Monroe Street Millersburg, Ohio 44654 330-674-7070
Monument Sales 212 Jones St., P.O. Box 501 Shreve, Ohio 44676 (330) 567-2291
CHEVY • BUICK • GMC TRUCK Rt. 39 East, Millersburg 330-674-4015 • 1-800-686-6777
urthmann Restaurant “Where the Locals Eat” Open Daily 5:30am-8pm; Closed Sunday Daily Specials - Homemade Pie
4819 E. Main St. • Berlin • 330-893-3287
FINNEY’S MARATHON AAA 24 Hour Towing Service 11069 St. Rt. 39 - Millersburg Ph. 674-7338
AND TRANSMISSION Twp. Rd. 311, Millersburg, OH Mon-Fri 8am-5pm 180 S. Mad Anthony St. (330) 674-6979 Ph. 674-1122 Millersburg, OH 44654
YOuR OnE StOP COnvEniEnCE StORE • Fresh Deli • Groceries • Beverages • Wine And More!
Skilled and Intermediate Care • Comprehensive Rehabilitation • Alzheimer’s Center
105 Majora Lane • Millersburg
5452 St. Rt. 557, Millersburg
Country Mart
“All Your Grocery Needs” 330-674-9775
The Pizza Shop
“Pizza, Soup, Salads, Subs” 330-674-9933
5362 S.R. 557 Millersburg (330) 674-6257
This message brought to you by these community minded businesses.
New & Used Tires Rotation & Repair Brake Service • Batteries
330-674-0025 450 Railroad St. • Millersburg
HOLMESVILLE ELECTRIC Electrical contractors for all of your commercial and residential needs!!
Phone 330-279-4522
Fax 330-279-2610
HOLMES REDIMIX, INC. READY MIX CEMENT 5420 Co. Rd. 349 Call Collect 330-674-0865
Quality Sand - Gravel - Limestone Dozer Work - Excavating Co. Rd. 189, Millersburg • 674-0038
$8 Minimum
No job is too big or too small
Order At 330-674-6096
& Country mall 330-893-2131
Trail View Plaza LTD 42 North Grant Street, Millersburg
5029 Somerset Rd., Berlin Ohio, 44610
“Full Service Christian Bookstore” 4925 West Main St., Berlin * 330-893-2523
Tom Bryan Owner 330-674-1369 We Deliver!
Gazebos • Patio Furniture Pergolas • Arbors • Bridges
Doughty Farm Meats 8101 St. Rt. 241, Mt. Hope • 330-674-0922 Mon-Sat 7am-8pm •
Complete Building Center 893-2251 • 1-800-362-6682
Your Full-Line Bakery
The Best of Home Cooking Since 1938
Buyer Of Standing Trees - Logs 13720 St. Rt. 62, Killbuck Ph. 276-5911
Since 1988
©2014, Keister-Williams Newspaper Services, P.O. Box 8187, Charlottesville, VA 22906, oyd
“Keep Looking Up, Someone Cares” St. Rt. 515 2 mi. N. of Walnut Creek Ph. 893-3244
Scriptures Selected by the American Bible Society
B W&
Ashland Oil Bulk Plant Randy Wengerd, Rian Wengerd, Agents Co. Rd. 623 - Millersburg Phone 674-2096 • 674-6826
Cell: 330-674-8374
For All your Home Improvements
330-852-3600 * 330-674-5533 2465 SR 39 Between Sugarcreek & Berlin or 1492 S. Washington, Millersburg
Visit Our Showroom! Let us design and build your dream home.
LLC 4609 TR 371,
330-893-2015 Millersburg
KAUFFMAN’S COUNTRY BAKERY Of Bunker Village Across From Heini’s Place Open Daily ~ 893-2129
4500 SR 557 in Charm
6139 SR 39 • Millersburg
Outfitting sportsmen for the great outdoors!
pHONe: 330-893-2057 5503 County Rd. 120, Berlin, ohio
Between Berlin & Bunker Hill 4540 US 62 Millersburg 330-893-3149
KIDRON • Boarding • Grooming • Puppy Daycare • Laundro-Mut
5456 CR 120 (S. Market St.) Berlin Owned and operated by East Holmes Veterinary Clinic
Trimmers - Tillers - Lawn Mowers - Blowers - Chain Saws
6848 Twp. RD. 630, MiLLeRSBuRg 1/4 Mile E. of Benton Off CR 207 • (330) 674-0479
Berlin 5862 N. Market St.
(330) 893-3273 Walnut Creek 2804 St. Rt. 39
(330) 852-2888 Mon- Sat. 8-5, Closed Sun.
P Stony oint SUPPLY
2010 pRO ReTAiLeR OF THe YeAR
7880 Stony Point Rd. N.W. • Sugarcreek
We ship UPS on most items
Monday-Friday 6:30am to 5:00pm ; Sat. 7:00am to 11:30am
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Thursday, July 24, 2014 — 7
Groceries • Veggies • Baked Goods Bent & Dent
Sign up for Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Scramble Sign up now for the 2014 Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Scramble, to be held Aug. 1 at Fire Ridge Golf Course. Registration begins at 5
p.m. followed by a nine-hole scramble. Cost is $42 per player (season pass holder, $33; season pass holder with private cart,
$25). There will be proximities, door prizes, 50/50 drawing and refreshments. Deadline to register is July 28.
Contact Jayne Muse at 330- Hole sponsors are current763-1109 or Karen Shaffer at ly being accepted for $25 330-763-1006 with any ques- each. tions or to donate a door (And don’t forget to wear prize. pink.)
8439 TR 527 • Shreve, OH 44676 330-567-2569
July 24th - July 30th
HOURS Mon. - Fri. 8:30 - 5:30 Sat. 8:30 - 4:00
8221 CR 192, Holmesville, OH 44633 330-279-2619 Hours: M,W,Th & Sat 8-5; Tues & Fri 8-7
Week of July 28th - August 2nd
Weekly Specials
Sandwich Trail Bologna .....................................$3.89/lb. Pan Roasted Turkey Breast ...............................$3.79/lb. Smokey Cheddar.................................................$3.59/lb. Provolone .............................................................$2.99/lb. Prairie Gold Flour ...................................................69¢/lb. Snackers Crackers..............................................$1.45/ea. 5 Compartment Trays 25ct ...............................$1.09/ea. Gatorade Mixes 51oz.........................................$8.61/ea. 8.5oz........................................$1.63/ea. Taking Orders for Peaches, Blueberries & Cherries
Holmesville 330-279-2283 2 miles north of Holmesville on SR 83
SALE DATES: July 28th – Aug 2nd
Peaches Are Here! — Fresh Produce — Sweet Corn • Green Beans • Red Potatoes • Candy Onions • Slicer Tomatoes • Red Beets • Zucchini • Summer Squash • Cucumbers • Cantaloupe • Seeded & Seedless Watermelon
Taking Orders:
Alpine Swiss Cheese .........................$3.79 lb. Virginia Ham .................................$3.49 lb. SAF Instant Yeast 1 lb. pkg ...................$2.99 Gummi Fruit Snacks ... $1.89 lb. / 5 lb. bag $8.50 Party Mix 2 lb. pkg .............................$3.49 Walnut Creek Peanut Butter 28 oz jar ........$3.19 Home Baked Goods • Bikes, Parts, Service Coming Soon - Our Own Sweet Corn!
CALL TO ORDER Starting at
Blueberries & Sweet Cherries
~ Deli ~ Brown Sugar Ham .................$3.19 lb. Corned Beef ...........................$4.59 lb. Colby .....................................$2.99 lb. Provolone ..............................$2.89 lb.
Mon. – Fri. 9-7; Sat. OHIO FOOD STAMPS 9-6; Closed Sunday
12636 SR 39 • BIG PRARIE, OH 44611 • 330-231-0786 OPEN: MON.-SAT. 9-6 SELF-SERVE AFTER HOURS
8 — Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Public record Sheriff
July 14 — Holmes County Sheriff’s Office received a report of breaking and entering on Grover Street in Killbuck. July 15 — Fraud was reported on Township Road 506 in Ripley Township. A report was taken of burglary on Market Street in Holmesville. Domestic violence was reported on Township Road 271 in Monroe Township. July 16 — Fraud was reported on County Road 22 in Knox Town-
Woman’s Magazine
Woman of the Year We are seeking out Wayne and Holmes Counties most outstanding women for our second annual “Woman of the Year” contest. Do you know a woman who has a never-ending compassion for her community, a woman who puts the lives of others before her own, a woman who has a remarkable talent she uses to make a difference in the lives of others? Send us a letter with your nomination and why we should consider her. Please include your name, address, phone and email (if available). The winner will be announced in the January 2015 edition of HerSide!
ship. July 17 — Grand theft was reported on state Route 39 in Knox Township. A report was taken of attempted breaking and entering on County Road 329 in Prairie Township. July 18 — A report was taken of domestic violence on County Road 23 in Knox Township. Criminal damaging was reported on Door Drive in Salt Creek Township. July 20 — Breaking and entering was reported on state Route 83 in Prairie Township.
Millersburg Police July 14 — Millersburg Police Officers responded to a report of drugs found at a residence on East Adams Street. Theft was reported at a residence on South Washington Street. July 16 — Automobile theft was reported at a residence on Wooster Road. A report was taken of an assault at a residence on South Washington Street. July 17 — Theft was reported at a residence on See Pg. 9 — POLICE
Deadline for Nominations:
Send nominations to:
Spectrum Editor 212 E. Liberty St. Wooster, OH 44691 or email: with “Women of the Year” in the subject line.
Ohio’s Alternative Energy
Retail & Wholesale Commercial & Residential Grid-Tie or Off-Grid Systems Sales & Service LED Lighting
US RE L16 XC 6 VOLT • 441 AMP HR
Installation of Alternative Energy Systems
US2200 6 VOLT • 232 AMP HR
Come See Us at the Holmes County Steam Engine Show
5977 State Route 515 • Millersburg, OH 44654 Phone 330-893-7033 • Fax 330-893-1070
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Thursday, July 24, 2014 — 9
Sale 4 p.m. Friday, shortly after the bike ride gets started, joined later by volleyball and cornhole tournaments, by live music from the Walking Roots Band and John Schmid, and by a silent auction, all of which start at 6 p.m. An all-you-can-eat breakfast, by donation only, will be offered bright and early Saturday morning at 7 a.m., with pancakes, sausage and eggs. Auction stands open back up at 8 a.m., with the wood, art and tool auction starting at 9 a.m., followed by the quilt auction at 10 a.m. A children’s auction, where the kids do the bidding, starts at 10:30 a.m, complementing other arts and crafts, geared for kids, that will take place throughout the event. Food stands will also be open, selling egg rolls, chicken lo mein, barbecue chicken, Amish noodles, pulled pork sandwiches, trail bologna and swiss cheese, homemade ice
Police (From Page 8) North Grant Street. Police took a report of fraud that occurred to a resident of South Washington Street. Theft was reported at a business on South Washington Street. Five reports were received of bad checks passed at a business on South Washington Street. A report was taken of
theft at a residence on North Grant Street. July 18 — Theft was reported at a residence on North Grant Street. July 19 — Theft was reported at a business on South Washington Street. Assault was reported at a residence on South Washington Street. The department responded to a report of theft that occurred at a business on South Washington Street.
Submitted photos
There was a line waiting for barbecue at a previous MCC Auction. A wide variety of food will be available this year at the Relief Sale, Aug. 1-2.
Lonita Mast, longtime Relief Sale volunteer, serves up homemade ice cream at a past sale. unique, said Weaver, in “its long history in the community,” and has been variously described as providing a festival atmosphere for people coming far and wide, and as “‘love in action,’” according to promotional materials online. There is no admission
fee, and all members of the public are welcome. For more information about the event, visit Reporter Brandon Zaffini can be reached at 330674-5676 or
• Off-Grid Solar and Wind Power Systems • Solar & Battery Water-Pumping Systems
• Natural Gas Generator Setups • Solar Panels
We Service all Brands!
New Bikes & Accessories
ph: 330.852.2865 4854 County Road 172 Hours: Mon & Wed 3-7 PM Sugarcreek, Ohio 44681 Sat. 8 AM -12 PM other evenings by chance
Berlin Furniture Celebrates 35 Years Sale on batteries thru August 6th
Assorted Batteries & Fa ns in Stock!
AC or DC Copiers, Typwriters, Cash Registers Large Selection of ink & ribbons in stock
5044 CR 120, Millersburg • 330-893-3261 V.M.
Hours: Monday thru Friday 7:30-4:30 Saturday 7:30-3:30; Evenings By Chance
cream, dumplings, cotton candy, kettle corn, fresh squeezed lemonade and much more. The auction will feature a lot of outdoor items, Weaver said, and will include “small wooden toys, chairs and rockers, and lots of tools, from regular power tools to commercial grade equipment.” All of the items are donated, and the event is run by many volunteers, Weaver added, who have generously donated their time and effort for a great cause. The MCC uses the money all around the world, in more than 50 countries, to relieve hunger and homelessness left in the wake of disasters like floods, wars, famines and earthquakes, advocating for justice and encouraging people to work together despite their differences,” as stated at As one fundraising event among many across the country, the Mennonite Relief Sale and Auction is
(From Page 1)
Relax, Grill & Entertain
45 W. Jackson Street Millersburg 330-674-0000
A New Look
For a Great Deal on a Generac Generator Call
Holmesville Electric
Introducing Shelby
330-279-4522 Commercial • Residential • Farm Fire Alarms • 24hr. Service
Did you know? There are 250,000 sweat glands in a pair of feet. Sweat glands in the feet excrete as much as half a pint of moisture a day. This moisture makes your feet warmer. Warm feet are tired feet. Let Carolina DRYZ insoles help your feet stay dry and cool.
Automatic Standby Generator
CHESTNUT RIDGE SHOES 330-893-4020 • Hours: 8 - 5 Mon. - Fri. • Sat. 8-3 Closed Sun. 2 miles west of Walnut Creek on St. Rt. 39 Millersburg, OH 44654 (across from Chestnut Ridge School)
Our New Stylist
50% OFF Hair Services
Offer Good thru August 7, 2014 Offer or Coupons cannot be combined.
the product line that allows you to realize your dreams for your outdoor project .
• • •
Driveways Backyard patio Outdoor kitchens Retaining walls
w w w. M t H o p e F e n c e . c o m
330.473.1170 M-F 7:00-4:30 Saturday 7:30-4:30 7102 County Road 77 Millersburg, OH 44654
10 — Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Pomerene Foundation Fall Trail Run is Sept. 6 The Pomerene Foundation Fall Trail Run is set for Saturday, Sept. 6. The run will take place at the Millersburg Trail Depot (Rails to Trails) located at Clinton and Grant streets. Registration begins at 6:30 a.m. or 30 minutes before the start of each event. The half-marathon (13.1 miles) will be offered again this year. Registration will begin at 6:30 a.m. and the race will start at 7 a.m. The
fee for the half-marathon is $55 and includes a Tek shirt, along with other items. Marathon runners will receive a medal for participation in this event. Other events include: 10k Race — 7:30 a.m. (competitive); 5k Race — 8 a.m. (competitive); Fun Walk/Run — 9 a.m. (non competitive, 2 miles). Pre-registration fee for these events is $22 and includes a T-shirt. Day-of-event
registration is $25, and shirts will be available while supplies last. A new addition to this year’s event is the Subway Challenge Series. For participants who are not familiar with this challenge, you may visit for more information. Contact Callie Selders at 330-674-1584 Ext. 1100 or email callies@ for more information.
HerSide Woman’s Magazine
2nd Annual
The Bachelor Edition Bachelor Submissions:
Once again we are looking for Wayne/Holmes Counties most eligible bachelors for the October edition of HerSide magazine. To submit a bachelor, please include the candidates name, photo, address, phone and email (if available), along with why we should consider them.
Deadline for nominations: July 28, 2014
Send nominations to:
Spectrum Editor 212 E. Liberty St. Wooster, OH 44691 or email: with “Bachelor Nomination” in the subject line.
Submitted photo
The Pomerene Foundation Fall Trail Run is set for Saturday, Sept. 6. The run will take place at the Millersburg Trail Depot (Rails to Trails) located at Clinton and Grant streets. You may also register online at or visit www. pomerenefoundation.
org to print off a registration form. If mailing in your form, please send to: Pomerene Foundation, Attn: Cal-
lie Selders, 981 Wooster Road, Millersburg, OH 44654. Checks are made payable to Pomerene Foundation.
Immunization clinics The Holmes County Health Department offers children’s immunization clinics at various sites throughout Holmes County each month. Take a copy of the child’s immunization record. August clinics are: — Holmes County Health Department, 931 Wooster Road, Millersburg, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2-4:30 p.m. (Health Clinic only, closed first and third Wednesday afternoons of each month. First and third Monday’s from 10
a.m.-1 p.m. and 2-6:30 p.m.) — Walnut Creek Mennonite Church, 2619 Township Road 144, Aug. 12 and 26, 8:30-11:30 a.m. — St. John’s Lutheran Church, 8084 State Route 241, Mount Hope, Aug. 6 and 20, 8:30-11:30 a.m. — Keim Lumber, 4465 State Route 557, Charm, Aug. 13 and 27, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Please take your immunization record. If a child has had immunizations, no shots will be given with-
out the parents’ record. Those covered by health insurance, please bring your insurance card and social security number and date of birth of the person named on card. Immunizations help prevent diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, HIB, measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox and hepatitis B. Children should begin their immunizations at 2 months of age and should be fully immunized before they are 2 years of age.
20OFF %
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Thursday, July 24, 2014 — 11
Local Entertainment His and her happy little habits This fall, my husband and I will celebrate our 15th anniversary. We’ve been together through sickness and health, good times and bad, and even survived extended road trips with all three kids fighting in the backseat. There is no one else I would rather spend my life with, and am thankful for every day he puts up with my weirdness. But just recently I think we’ve gotten more comfortable with each other because within the last month I have found out about a couple of my quirky habits of which I was completely unaware. “Do you realize you always eat ice cream that way?” he asked at a restaurant while I was downing my delight from the ice cream sundae bar. Not sure what he was talking about, I offered up a questioning look and he and the children all demonstrated. “You put the spoon in your mouth and then you turn it upside down. Every single time.”
Euchre Card Party
“Yes, you do. I hear you walk in, shut the door, Karrie and you blow your nose.” McAllister After making myself aware of it, I found out Dirt Don’t it was absolutely true. A Hurt complete robotic routine I didn’t even know I was doing. Just like the flip “No I don’t!” I argued, of the spoon. How many but while enjoying other instinctive behavseconds of ice cream I iors have I been putting noticed he was exactly right. I flip the spoon over him through for all these in my mouth. I am a freak years? How could he not go stark-raving mad and instant panic set in — here I was, for the last watching me eat ice cream and listening to me honk15 years thinking I was a model of perfection with- ing my nose? How could he stay with me through out any annoying habits all of this madness?!? to irritate my family. Wondering and watchApparently I was wrong. ing every step I took The devastation continand action I did, I woke ued not long after. “Do you realize that every time up early, made coffee, and poured it for my you go to the bathroom kind-hearted and patient you blow your nose?” husband. He came down“No I don’t!”
August 4-9, 2014 MillErSBurG, OhiO
New shipment of flickering light canvas pictures! New shipment of candles! Lots of new CD’s! These Books will be a great help whether you are just beginning or if you’ve played awhile. - Merle Ray
FAITH VIEW 1 Mile West of Mt. Hope 330.674.0684 Mon – Fri: 8-5 • Sat: 9–3
Purchase all your passes at the
Season Pass $16.00 Grandstand Seating for the week $25.00
Come Visit Our
readers!) because as much as it drives me crazy, I know these little habits make happy marriages. I’m sure of it. We’ve got 15 years under our belt to prove it.
Millersburg CSB South Clay St. Office
Summer Concerts In The Courtyard
am not able to make so loud a sip. I dare say that if I hooked up a vacuum hose to the rim of a coffee cup, it may not rival it. But I say nothing (and neither will you, dear
come to the
Hotel Millersburg
Public Euchre Card Party will be held TuesFriday, July 25th day, July 29, 7 p.m., at St. 7-10 pm - Thumbs McGee Luke Community Center, Rambo Street, Danville (turn west at traffic light, go ½ block — directly Friday, August 1st across street from Dan7-10 pm Stockdale Brothers ville High School); $1 admission; prizes and *Weather Permitting refreshments. 330-674-1457 • 35 W. Jackson St., Downtown Millersburg
stairs and grabbed his coffee and commenced his routine of drinking it with the loudest sip I have yet to hear in my entire life. Even when I attempt to mock him I
Secretary and Concession Manager Pre-Fair Office Hours Sat., July 26, 9AM-Noon • Fri., Aug. 1, 9AM-1PM • Sat. & Sun., Aug. 2 & 3, 10AM-7PM Contact Scott Stallman 330-567-5964 for vendor or concession information.
Tues., August 5
Solution Action SportS, FMX/BMX Show at 8PM Enter to win a BMX Bike
Wed., August 6
BArGAin huntEr Kid’S dAy Fun Activities • Vendor Discounts 12-4PM Ride All Day & Night For $10 With Purchase Of Armband Between 12-6PM VEtErAn’S dAy FRee ADMissiON - Active Military & Veterans with proper iD.
fri., August 8
Ride All Day & Night For $10 With Purchase Of Armband Between 12-4PM cEntrAl ohio trActor pull at 7PM every dAy! SEnior citizEnS - 65+ $4.00 Admission
00 Admission Price 10 & Under free
includes Parking, Grandstand & csB stage on the Green
unliMitEd ridE SESSionS: Monday rides open at 4PM - $12.00 $14.00 Tues.-Sat., N oon-10PM News & Events
12 — Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Farming Brook Hollow Farm wins awards at District 7 Holstein Show The Ohio District 7 Holstein Show was held Saturday, July 12, at the Wayne County Fairgrounds in Wooster. Seventy top quality registered Holsteins competed for the ribbons and championship awards. Judge for the show was Nathan Thomas, Triple T Holsteins, Cable. His choice for Senior Champion and Grand Champion of the Open Show was the winning Four Year Old, Mac Acres Dy 523-Red sired by Scientific Destry, and shown by Brook Hollow Farm, Delbert and Heather Yoder, West Salem. Intermediate Champion and Reserve Grand Champion was the Senior Three Year Old, Miley Reality Fortune
Barbwire Barb Lumley Gina sired by HurtgenVue Reality-Red, and shown by Miley Holsteins, West Salem. The Reserve Intermediate Champion in the Open Show was the Junior Three Year Old, Brook Hollow Dundee Rose sired by Reagancrest Dundee, and shown by Brook Hollow Farm. The Reserve Senior Champion was the second place Four Year Old, Miley Advent B Gemini-Red sire by KHW Kite Advent-Red, and shown by Miley Holsteins, Adam Miley, West Salem.
2 Ea
$ 99
1 lb Can
Wasp Spray Enforcer Solar Panel Kit-70 Watt
17900 Ea Kit
Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor Awards were won by Brook Hollow Farm. The Junior Champion of the Open Show was the Winter Calf, Lingle Goldwyn Freaky Girl sired by Braedale Goldwyn, and shown by Lingle Holstein Farms, Wooster. Reserve Junior Champion was the second place Winter Calf, Toppglen Goldwyn Want sired by Braedale Goldwyn, and shown by Tanner Topp, New Bremen. In the Junior Show the Senior Champion and Grand Champion was shown by Adam Miley, the Four Year Old, Miley Advent Gemini-Red. Intermediate Champion and Reserve Grand Champion in the Junior Show was shown by David Miley, the Senior Two Year Old, Miley Attitude Gloss-Red-ET. Reserve Intermediate Champion was shown by Anna Miley, the Junior Two Year Old, Miley Sanchez D Marquee-ET. Junior Champion of the Junior Show was shown by Tanner Topp, the Winter Calf, Toppglenn Goldwyn Want-ET. Reserve Junior Champion of the
Junior Show was shown by Marissa Topp, Toppglenn Guthrie WildfireET. Honorable Mention went to the Spring Heifer Calf, K-Land Kilo Black Diamond shown by Ashley Hawvermale. Junior Showmanship placings were: 1. Marissa Topp, 2. Logan Schlauch, 3. Logan Topp, 4. Ashley Hawvermale, 5. Allison Morlock. Senior Showmanship placings were 1. Tanner Topp, 2. Allison Mangun, 3. Shannon Akers, 4. Greg Cornish, 5. Kaleb Kliner. Ribbons and awards were passed out by Ohio Holstein Queen, Allison Mangun. Spring Heifer Calf: 1. (JR) Ashley Hawvermale, 2. (JR) Logan Topp, 3. (JR) Shannon Akers. Winter Heifer Calf: 1. Lingle Holstein Farms, 2. (JR) Tanner Topp, 3. Lingle Holstein Farms. Fall Heifer Calf: 1. Lingle Holstein Farms, 2. (JR) Marissa Topp, 3. Lingle Holstein Farms. Summer Yearling: 1. (JR) Anna, Adam, David Miley, 2. Brook Hollow Farm, 3. (JR) Sarah Phillips. Spring Yearling: 1. Anna, Adam, David Miley, 2. (JR) Tim Gunkleman,
Farmerstown Community Livestock Auction LLC FAT CATTLE SALE 1st Tues. of the Month SHEEP-LAMB SALE 3rd Tues. of the Month
Produce and Poultry Auction
6qt Lifetime Ice Cream Freezer $ 31000 Ea
Dee Cee BreeZ 12 Volt Table Top Fan
Every Tuesday @ 10:00am Also selling... baked goods, eggs, rabbits, household items, chickens, misc. Auctioneer: Bert Raber call Fred at 330-231-6809
4500 Ea
Sale Good From July 24th thru August 6th 3939 CR 135 • Between Berlin and Walnut Creek
Mon.-Thur. 7-5; Fri. 7-4; Sat. 8-12
2807 State Route 557 (in Farmerstown)
330-897-6081 or 330-897-2275 Cell: 330-231-6809
3. (JR) Allison Mangun. Winter Yearling: 1. (JR) Logan & Wyatt Schlauch, 2. Lingle Holstein Farm, 3. Raygor Farms LLC. Fall Yearling: 1. (JR) Logan & Wyatt Schlauch, 2. (JR) Tanner Topp. Junior Champion Junior Show: Winter Calf, Tanner Topp. Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show: Fall Calf, Marissa Topp. Junior Champion Open Show: Winter Calf, Lingle Holstein Farms. Reserve Junior Champion Open Show: 2nd Winter Calf, Tanner Topp. Junior Best Three Females: 1. Lingle Holstein Farms, 2. Toppglenn, 3. Miley Holsteins. Junior Two Year Old: 1. (JR) Miley Holsteins, Anna Miley, 2. Brook Hollow Farm. Senior Two Year Old: 1, (JR) David Miley, 2. Brook Hollow Farm, 3. Miley Holsteins. Junior Three year Old: 1. Brook Hollow Farm, 2. Lingle Holstein Farms, 3. Brook Hollow Farms, 4. (JR) Miley Holsteins, Adam Miley. Senior Three Year Old: 1. Miley Holsteins, 2. Raygor Farm LLC 3. Paul Haskins. Intermediate Champion Junior Show: Senior Two Year Old, David Miley. Reserve Intermediate Champion Junior Show: Junior Two year Old, Anna Miley. Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion: Junior Three Year Old, Adam Miley.
Intermediate Champion Open Show: Senior Three Year Old, Miley Holsteins. Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show: Junior Three Year Old, Brook Hollow Farm. Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion: Senior Two Year Old, David Miley. Four year Old Cow: 1. Brook Hollow Farm, 2. (JR) Adam Miley 3. Lingle Holstein Farms. Five Year Old Cow: 1. Brook Hollow Farm, 2. Brook Hollow Farm, 3. Paul Haskins. Aged Cow: 1. Brook Hollow Farm. 125,000 Pound Cow: 1. Brook Hollow Farm. Senior Champion Junior Show: Four Year Old, Adam Miley. Senior Champion Open Show: Four Year Old, Brook Hollow Farm. Reserve Senior Champion Open Show: 2nd Four Year Old, Adam Miley. Grand Champion Junior Show: Four Year Old, Adam Miley. Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show: Senior Two Year Old, David Miley. Grand Champion Open Show: Four Year Old, Brook Hollow Farm. Reserve Grand Champion Open Show: Senior Three Year Old, Miley Holsteins. Honorable Mention Grand Champion Open Show: 2nd Four year Old, Adam Miley. Premier Breeder: Brook Hollow Farm; Premier Exhibitor: Brook Hollow Farm.
4-H The Classy Critters 4-H Club met Tuesday, July 15, at the Cornerstone Church where the 4-H Pledge was led by Josh Carter and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jenna Stertzbach. Roll call was to name a favorite ice cream flavor. There were 16 members, three advisers and one guest present. Members were reminded club dues and resource book fees were due. Demonstrations were given by Grant Miller on ways to pitch a baseball and Pacee Miller on events people can compete in through track. The club talked about decorations for animal pens. A group picture was taken along with individual pictures to use for the stalls. Snack was provided by Rachel Baird.
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Thursday, July 24, 2014 — 13
Farming Plan to attend 2014 Farm Bill Weekly Market Reports Commodity Crops meeting Wayne & Holmes Counties
The 2014 farm bill makes some big changes in the way commodity crop programs will be administered and in how potential payments will be made. Crop growers will have some important decisions that must be made to take advantage of program options. In order to help growers understand some of the basics of the farm bill programs and what will be required of them, a series of introductory Farm Bill Commodity Crops meetings has been scheduled around Ohio. The meeting for our area of the state will be held on Aug. 18 at 1 p.m. at Fisher Auditorium located on the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development campus in Wooster. The meeting address is 1680 Madison Ave. The purpose of the meeting is to provide an overview of the commodity crops program options, introduce growers to terminology, provide an expected schedule of deadlines and grower requirements, discuss some of the decision making tools that will be available and provide some time to answer grower questions. We are privileged to have two distinguished farm policy experts provide information about the 2014 farm bill crop commodity programs at this meeting. Jon Coppess is clinical assistant professor of law and policy in the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Economics at the University of Illinois. Coppess recently served as chief counsel of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and was influential in shaping some of the 2014 Farm Bill policy. Carl Zulauf is professor in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics at The Ohio State University. His specialty is agricultural policy. Many will recognize Zulauf
Services Agency and The Ohio State University Extension. Scout corn for leaf disease The Wayne County Extension integrated pest management (IPM) scouts are reporting gray leaf spot in many of the corn fields that they scout. Some corn varieties are more susceptible to the disease and in these varieties the disease is progressing up the corn plant. The fungus responsible for gray leaf spot overwinters on corn residue on the soil surface. Pierce Paul, OSU Extension corn and wheat pathologist says that gray leaf spot develops best at temperatures between 70°F. and 90°F., especially when conditions are consistently wet and humid. Infection occurs when the leaf surface is wet for 11-13 hours and relative humidity in the canopy is at or above 90 percent for an uninterrupted period of 12-13 hours. Symptoms of gray leaf spot are tan to brown lesions that are rectangular shaped and bordered
Rory Lewandowski Agricultural and Natural Resources OSU EntensionWayne County
from his outstanding policy presentations at agriculture outlook meetings. We are expecting large turnouts for these regionally based meetings. In order to help organizers plan copy numbers for handouts, pre-registration is requested. An on-line option is available at: Registration can also be accomplished by contacting your local Farm Credit Mid-America office at 1-800-444-3276 or visiting in person. Preregistration is requested by Aug. 8. Registration also will be accepted at the door the day of the event. Thanks to generous sponsorships, there is no charge for this meeting. This series of 2014 Farm Bill Commodity Crops meetings are being sponsored by Farm Credit Mid-America, Ohio Farm Bureau, USDA Farm See Pg. 15 — BILL
Andy R. Miller, Hiland Supply, Ltd. 3878 County Road 135, Millersburg, OH 44654
WOOSTER HAY AUCTION TOWN & COUNTRY July 12 29 LOADS — 1st cutting 60-310 ton; rd. 72.50 ton; rd. by bale 16; 2nd cutting 230-255 ton; straw 3-3.10 bale and rd. bales 130 ton; eggs 3. July 26, Machinery Auction
BUTCHER HOGS — 240260 lbs. 94-99; 260 lbs.-up 81-103; butcher sows 81-down. CATTLE — Steers 153153.50; heifers 107-148; bulls 86-117.50; good beef cows 98-105; medium-good cows 92-98; fair-medium cows 84-92, common cows 83-down; Holstein feeder steer & bulls 162-down. SUGARCREEK TOTAL HEAD — 244. LIVESTOCK 15 LOADS — Hay, 1st cutAUCTION INC. ting 125-325 ton; rd. hay 90 July 14 ton; big rd. bales 20-50 ton; 71 CALVES — Choice eggs 1.50-2.65. calves 275-305; good calves 225-270; light & thins 80-down; MOUNT HOPE back to farm, bulls 225-305; AUCTION Holstein feeders 130-167.50. July 16 FEEDERS — Steers and 15 HOGS — 280-300 lbs. bulls 110-187.50; heifers 90.50-99; sows, heavy 75-75.50; 142.50. sows light 60-74. 182 CATTLE — Choice 6 FEEDER PIGS — 100steers 146-156; good steers 140 lbs. 102.50-135. 1138.50-145; Holstein steers 22 FAT CATTLE — Choice 115-130; choice heifers 140- Holstein steers 130-140.50; 153; good heifers 135-144; good Holstein steers 115-130; good Holstein cows 100- Holstein heifers 111-125. 113.50, yellow and thins 12 BULLS — 1,000-1,500 95-down; good beef cows lbs. 113.50-137; 1,500-2,000 90-113; bulls 105-150. 116.50-132.50. 97 HORSES — Top horse 80 CULL COWS — Good 1,000; top pony 170. 105-120; medium-good 95-105; fair-medium 85-95; light-thin FARMERSTOWN 85-down; 178 FEEDERS — LIVESTOCK Steers and heifers 125-245; 80 2907 Township Road 190 HOLSTEIN STEERS — 800Baltic; 330-897-6081 1,000 lbs. 163-171; 1,000-1,220 330-897-2275; 330-231-6809 lbs. 150-158. July 15 31 DAIRY — Bred heifers CALVES — Good to choice 1,725-down. calves 250-275; medium to 156 CALVES — 95-120 good calves 220-250; fair to lbs. 220-290; good 160-220; medium calves 190-220; com- common 160-down; back to mons and lights 190-down; farm Holstein heifers 95-120 cross bred calves 200-320; lbs. 200-290; crossbred bulls back to farm, bull calves 275- 70-310; Jersey/crossbred heif315; back to the farm: heifer ers 150-285. calves 180-345. 262 GOATS — Kid 160PIGS — 70 lbs.-up 127-152. down; billies 280-down; nanSHEEP — Feeder lambs nies 175-down; wethers 340120-182; sheep for slaughter down. 20-80. 1,086 HEAD SHEEP — GOATS — Kids 30-32. Bucks and ewes 60-90; lambs
40-60 lbs. choice 210-282.50; 40-60 lbs. 160-210; 60-80 lbs. 160-232.50; 80-100 lbs. 155200; 100-130 lbs. 160-180; 130 lbs-up 150-172.50. TOTAL HEAD — 1,856. 65 LOADS — Alfalfa, 2nd cutting 200-430; alfalfa, 3rd and 4th cutting 275-340; mixed 1st cutting 130-375; mixed 2nd cutting 210-460; lg. bales hay 12.50-75 bale and 60-200 ton; wheat straw 150-225; lg. straw bales 130-160 ton; ear corn 160. KIDRON AUCTION July 17 37 HOGS — 210-230 lbs. 100-101; 230-260 lbs. 84-107; butcher sows 50-82; boars by weight 26-27. 344 FEEDER PIGS — Up to 40 lbs. 55-65; 41-50 lbs. 100152.50; 51-60 lbs. 100-175; 61 lbs.-up 135-215; bred sows and gilts 195-260; service boars 105-175; roasters 75-225. 68 CALVES — Back to farm, bulls 110-330; back to farm, heifers 125-270; light & thin 100-down. 108 CATTLE — Heifers 110-128.50; bulls 116-127; good beef cows 108-117.50; medium to good 99-107; thin-poor 98-down; FEEDERS: Steers 86-147.50; heifers 77.50-103. 15 SHEEP — Feeder lambs up to 85 lbs. 155-175; cull ewes and bucks 55-75. 29 GOATS — 25-250. 239 DAIRY CATTLE — Cows 2,235-down; bred heifers 2,300-down; service bulls 875-1,480; open heifers 6001,350-down. Total Consignors 189; total head 840. 34 HAY & STRAW — Hay 1st cutting 55-210; hay 2nd cutting 180-370; lg. bales 25-45 each and 75-120 ton; straw 120-140 ton.
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14 — Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Facing brain surgery? Know all your options (BPT) — Fear is a normal reaction when you’ve just been told your headaches and blurry vision are symptoms of a brain tumor which is serious enough that you will need treatment. Whether you’re facing the prospect of brain cancer or another neurological problem, it’s important to face your concern by becoming informed about your condition and all treatment options. You are not alone. As of 2010, more than 688,000 Americans have been diagnosed with a primary brain or central nervous system tumor, and nearly 70,000 new cases of primary brain
tumors were expected to be diagnosed in 2013, according to the American Brain Tumor Association. “While conventional surgery may be the only way to go in some cases, Gamma Knife radiosurgery can often serve as an adjunct or alternative for others,” said Dr. Dheerendra Prasad, Medical Director, Radiation Medicine at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute. “It offers excellent accuracy with submillimeter precision and can destroy tumors that are very close to critical structures — such as the optic nerve.” Professional BMX bike rider Josh Perry knows
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to mind for patients who have received a brain cancer diagnosis. For some patients, surgery may afford the best outcome and is often used in combination with other treatments. Drawbacks, however, include risks such as infection and extended period of recovery. — Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy drugs, taken orally as a pill or injected into a vein, can kill tumor cells. While chemotherapy drugs destroy cancer cells, they can also harm healthy cells within the body. Common side effects include fatigue, nausea and vomiting, weight loss, potential infections and hair loss. — Drug therapy: Certain drugs can be used to target specific abnormalities in cancer cells, causing those cells to die. Because the drugs target only cancer cells, this type of treatment has fewer side effects than traditional chemotherapy. However, only a small percentage of patients will be able to benefit from these drugs based on the genetic characteristics of their disease. — Radiation: In this type of therapy, high-energy beams such as X-rays, are used to kill tumor cells. Depending on the type and extent of the cancer, doctors may recommend targeting the area of the brain where the tumor hides, or applying radiation treatment to the entire brain. Seasonal Tips fatigue, Side effects include
headaches and skin irritation of the scalp. — Radiosurgery: A noninvasive form of surgery, stereotactic radiosurgery uses beams of radiation to deliver a highly focused dose of radiation to tumor cells in a very small area. Multiple beams meet at the target point to create a dose powerful enough to kill tumor cells. Typically, patients need just one treatment and can go home the same day. Common side effects can include fatigue, headache and nau-
(StatePoint) A change of routine can be an excuse for bad eating habits. But don’t let your family’s well-balanced meals take a vacation this summer. “Summer break is an opportunity to spend time with your kids and help them understand the importance of healthful eating,” says Vandana Sheth, registered dietitian nutritionist and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Consider these healthy tips: — Take the kids along to the grocery store or farmers’ market and let them pick out healthy foods they like.There are a bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables available dur-
Don’t be a Drip this Season
Advertising Works! Disconnect outside water hoses.
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sea. For some neurological conditions, radiosurgery may be a better option for some patients. How you choose to treat your brain tumor will depend on its type, size and location your overall health, your doctor’s recommendations and insights, and your own preferences. Your doctor can help you determine what treatment option is right for you, and remember to seek a second opinion and research all your options before making a decision.
Keep kids eating healthy this summer
Here are a few simple preparations from your local Roto-Rooter Plumbing & Drain Cleaning experts that will help prevent headaches and costly Serving Wayne & Holmes repairs throughout the cold weather months.
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firsthand the benefits of being informed about surgical options. Perry has twice undergone brain surgery to remove cancerous brain tumors near his optic nerve. In 2010, he underwent traditional brain surgery — having never had any type of surgery before. “It was the scariest thing I had to think about, not knowing if I’d lose the ability to see or hear, or not wake up at all,” he says. Post-surgery recovery was long, and it took months before he regained his confidence to continue performing. When the tumor returned in 2012, Perry opted for Gamma Knife radiosurgery. The radiosurgery experience was vastly different from what he’d gone through with traditional brain surgery. Gamma Knife radiosurgery “was like getting an MRI done, but shorter,” Perry says. “It wasn’t bad at all.” Best of all, he adds, because radiosurgery is noninvasive, the recovery time was significantly less than with traditional, invasive brain surgery. “I was riding again within a week after the procedure.” Patients like Perry who face a diagnosis of brain cancer have many options to consider. Common treatments include: — Traditional surgery: “Going under the knife” is, perhaps, the type of treatment that most often comes
ing the summer months, so steer the cart out of the junk food aisle and into the produce section. — Assign kids age-appropriate kitchen tasks. For example, let older kids chop and cook, and have younger kids mix ingredients and set the table. — Headed to the pool? Pack lunch so you aren’t tempted to order from the snack bar. — Sit down as a family and eat together. — Remind kids about the importance of physical activity and urge them to be active outside for at least an hour a day. More tips can be found at
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The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Thursday, July 24, 2014 — 15
Loudonville Car Show winners, sponsors listed Perfect weather brought a huge crowd into town on July 5 for the 14th annual Loudonville Car Show. The event has been rated No. 1 in Top Ten Downtown Events in Cruisin’ Times Magazine in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 under the medium category in downtown events. This year attracted 500 registered cars. John Shapiro from Cruisin’ Times Magazine estimated 600 plus at the Car Show. The 1st 400 entries were given dash plaques and 35 awards were presented. 2014 winners and sponsors in various categories were: Best Modified — 1939 Buick Special, Marion Espenschied, Dover. Sponsor: American Legion Post #257. Oldest Vehicle — 1923 Ford Model T Pickup Hot Rod, William Weckesser, Howard. Sponsor: American Legion Post #257. Best Sports Car — 1965 Ford AC Cobra, Dave and
Betty Firebaugh, Wooster. Sponsor: Ashland Times Gazette / Loudonville Times. Best Street Rod — 1932 Pontiac, Rick Murray, Frazeysburg. Sponsor: John “Doc” Simmons, In Memory of Bob Frey, 30 Years of Racing Photos. Best Ford Motor Company Vehicle — 1964 Mercury Comet, Gary and Tyler Still from Wooster. Sponsor: Cal Hans Ford, Inc., In Memory of Cal Hans. Best Chrysler Company Vehicle — 1961 Chrysler 300 G, Dick Wilk, Lisbon. Sponsor: American Legion Post #257 Best Truck — 1954 Chevy Pickup, Mike Bates, Ashland. Sponsor: Cal Hans Ford, Inc., In Memory of Cal Hans. Best Van — 1977 VW Camp Mobile, Stan Garnes, Wharton. Sponsor: Fraternal Order of Eagles, Loudonville Aerie 2275. Best Original, Overall — 1958 Ford Skyliner,
Bryan and Ann Sevenich, Columbiana. Sponsor: PV Communications, Inc. Best Customized, Overall — 1955 Chevy Bel– Air Hard Top, Danny and Cheryl Atkins, Willard. Sponsor: American Legion Post #257. Best Foreign Car — 1967 Volkswagen Karmann Ghia, Mark Richmond, Grove City. Sponsor: American Legion Post # 257. Best Corvette — 1971 Chevy Corvette, Mike Markley, Castalia. Sponsor: Buzzard’s Family Shoes. Best T-Bucket — 1924 Ford T-Bucket, Richard Todd, Massillon. Sponsor: Koppert Insurance. Best Custom Paint — 1956 Ford F-100 ProStreet, Joshua Clark, Norwalk. Sponsor: Mansfield Plumbing Products, LLC Best Custom Interior — 1950 Buick, Ary Van Harlingen, Mansfield. Sponsor: American Legion Post #257.
by the veins of the corn leaf. As the disease develops, lesions can join together creating large lesions and severely impacting the photosynthetic ability of the leaf. The lower leaves are typically infected first and the infection can move up the plant. According to an OSU Extension fact sheet, “Potential yield losses from gray leaf spot generally range between 5-40 bushels/acre. Losses as high as 90 percent-100 percent have been reported. This loss of leaf area results in a loss in sugar production, which translates into less grain. Extreme leaf damage leads to premature death of plants. Premature death lowers the value of the corn as silage and makes the corn more
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susceptible to stalk rot.” Unfortunately, late planted corn is often most susceptible to higher gray leaf disease pressure and potential yield loss. Fungicides can be used to control gray leaf spot but must be applied in a timely manner and before the disease gets too severe. Paul offers the following comments regarding fungicide use: Just prior to tassel emergence, plants should be examined for disease symptoms. A foliar fungicide application should be considered under the following situations: Susceptible hybrids: If disease symptoms are present on the third leaf below the ear or higher on 50 percent of the plants examined. Intermediate hybrids: If disease symptoms are present on the third leaf below the ear or high-
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er on 50 percent of the plants examined, AND the field is in an area with a history of foliar disease problems, the previous crop was corn, and there is 35 percent or more surface residue, and the weather is warm and humid through July and August. Resistant hybrids: Fungicide applications generally are not recommended. You are most likely to see a return on your fungicide investment when grain prices are high, fungicide and application costs are low, the hybrid is susceptible, and disease levels are high. For more information contact the Wayne County Extension office at 330-264-8722.
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Moser, Orrville. Sponsor: Lingenfelter Jewelers. Best Original 1980-2000 — 1987 Pontiac Fiero GT, George Johnson, Castalia. Sponsor: CES Credit Union. Best Customized 19802000 — 1982 Chevy S-10, Roger Stitzlein, Loudonville. Sponsor: CES Credit Union. Sponsor’s Choice — 1954 Chevy Corvette, Stephen and Nancy Kidwell, Martinsburg. Sponsor: Mohican Tavern. Best Custom Truck — 1930 Ford Model A Pickup, Joe Skaggs, South Amherst. Sponsor: Loudonville Motor Company. Dare to Be Different — 1936 Ford, Norman Lewis, Wooster. Sponsor: Lingenfelter Jewelers. Best Rat Rod — N/A. Sponsor: Farmers and Savings Bank. Longest Distance — 1940 Ford Deluxe Coupe, Dick Wagner, Mishawaka, Indiana. Sponsor: Loudonville Lions Club.
Ohio Department of State Route 60: Mowing State Route 83: MillersTransportation will be U.S. 62: Stillwell to Knox burg to Clark — Mowing. working this week in these County. line — Pavement State Route 520: MowHolmes County areas: repairs. ings.
Antique Market will be held in Smithville An Antique Market will be held Saturday, Aug. 16, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on the grounds of the historic Mishler Weaving Mill, 381
If we can’t repair your rod, we’ll buy it! Roy M. Miller • VM 330.852.0034 • Evenings & Saturdays; Closed Sundays
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E. Main St. (state Route 585), Smithville. The event is being held in conjunction with the Smithville Community Historical
Society. An open house at the Pioneer Village and Mishler Mill will be 1:304 p.m. For more information all 330-669-9455.
Back to school clothes offered at St. John’s St. John’s Church of Millersburg Missions Committee will offer free back to school clothes for kids age 5 and up on Saturday, Aug. 16. Clothing will be available in the Fellowship Hall of the church from
9 a.m. until noon. There will be a limited number of gift certificates for new socks and underwear. St. John’s Church is located just west of Millersburg on state Route 39.
the heart of the market
Rory Lewandowski is an OSU Extension Agriculture & Natural Resources educator and may be reached at 330-264-8722.
Call to board your pets
Best Customized 19001940 — 1934 Chevy Master Sedan, Don and Viki Campbell, Vermilion. Sponsor: CES Credit Union. Best Original 1941–1949 — 1941 Ford Deluxe Coupe, Joe Immler from Massillon. Sponsor: Harris Automotive Best Customized 19411949 — 1941 Willys, Tim Hickey from Ashland. Sponsor: Koppert Insurance. Best Original 1950-1970 — 1969 Plymouth GTX, Ed Perz from Medina. Sponsor: American Legion Post 257. Best Customized 19501970 — 1953 Studebaker, Dion Margo from Parma. Sponsor: American Legion Post 257. Best Original 1971–1979 — 1972 Grand Torino, Neil Moore from Heath. Sponsor: Landoll’s Mohican Castle. Best Customized 1971– 1979 — 1973 Chevy Z-28 Camaro, Randy and Joyce
Behind the barrel
Bill (From Page 13)
Best Custom Engine Compartment — 1964 Chevy Biscayne, Wesley Crum, Mount Vernon. Sponsor: PV Communications, Inc. Best General Motors Company Vehicle — 1957 Chevy Bel-Air, Tom Keimer, Castalia. Sponsor: Modern Home Supply. Cruisin’ Times Magazine Choice — 1948 Chevy Coupe, Don and Connie Hiner, North Canton. Sponsor: Farmers and Savings Bank. Judge’s Choice — 1933 Chevy Sport Coupe, Herb Jackson, Dalton. Sponsor: Farmers and Savings Bank. Best of Show — 1928 Hupmobile, Kim Little, Lexington. Sponsor: Mohican Tavern. Best Convertible — 1957 Chevy Bel-Air Convertible, Leonard Carpenter, Wooster. Sponsor: Buzzard’s Family Shoes. Best Original 1900-1940 — 1928 Chevy, Franklin C. Boner, Newark. Sponsor: CES Credit Union.
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Millersburg Office 40 West Jackson Street Millersburg, Ohio 44654 Phone 330.674.7355 Fax 330.674.0612
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16 — Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
The noise factor still eats at diners One of our pet peeves is dining in a restaurant where the noise level is so high you can’t hear yourself talk, let alone your dining companion. We were in a situation like that recently, having been given a gift certificate to one of those wing places. The wings were great, but we will never go back there again. In the first place, we had the misfortune of choosing what is fondly known as “fifty cent wing night.” Apparently that is very popular because we found the parking lot jammed and had to walk quite a distance to get into the place.
The place was very crowded, but we were told if we didn’t want to wait for regular seating, we could seat our selves at one of the high tables. That was fine with us since they are easier for seasoned citizens to get out of than the lower chairs. However, when our waiter approached and asked for our order we had to shout to be heard. It went down hill from
there. Apparently we had chosen a table that was on the path to and from the kitchen. It’s no place to go for intimate conversation. Besides the noise there were numerous TVs strategically placed so you could catch at least eight sporting events at once. Of course, if we owned the same electronic devices that most people do today we could have just looked at those and avoided any conversation whatsoever. We are not the only people who do not like noisy dining. There was a recent survey done in downtown Charleston with an article written about it in our local
newspaper. Of the 20 restaurants checked they were all way above the decibels of normal conversation. Some were compared to a hair dryer or city traffic. The loudest equaled a power lawn mower. No, thanks. If people are going out and spend money on a nice meal it should be more conducive to relaxation. Although I do suspect that a lot of the younger generation are somewhat hearing impaired today as a result of abusing their ears with loud music — so maybe they don’t notice the din. Of course, if you go
some place where alcohol is served, the more people drink the louder they tend to get. Unless they are the kind that just fall asleep and then you have another kind of problem. If you frequent restaurants that have carpet on the floor, table clothes and cloth napkins on the tables and curtains at the windows, it will be much quieter. Places like the old Tangier restaurant in Akron are difficult to find these days, even in the high buck places. One of the worst offenders is that steak house where you are encouraged to throw peanut shells on the
floor. The food is great but don’t go there if you expect any kind of a visit with your dining companions. A couple of our evenolder-than-us friends say if they are unfamiliar with a place they stick their heads in first. If it’s above their desired level they go elsewhere. I can remember going into a hamburger place in Ohio called Red Robin. As the hostess was walking us to our table we noticed the noise, and the number of small, rowdy children present. We made a quick retreat for the door and never went back to that establishment.
Ashland Women of Achievement nomination forms available Nominations are being sought for the 2014 Ashland County Women of Achievement awards program and nomination forms are now available at Ashland and Loudonville public libraries. Deadline to turn in nominations for
this annual recognition of women is Monday, Aug. 25. Former recipients, friends, employees and family members may nominate women who have reached beyond themselves to contribute
substantially to the quality of life in Ashland County through involvement with family, career, community and social issues. A written biography with photograph should accompany the nomination form. The committee will evaluate nominees on the scope and impact of the nominee’s verified achievements and the extent to which her
efforts provide inspiration for other women. Criteria include the uniqueness of the nominee’s contributions and the impact on past, present or future generations. Nominations with biography and photograph should be mailed to WOA, 696 County Road 1302, Ashland, OH, 44805, c/o Suzanne Carruthers. For more information,
call 419-289-3735 or contact The ceremony to honor a maximum of six 2014 inductees will take place at 5:30 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 9, at First United Methodist Church, 220 Sandusky St., Ashland. Members of the Women of Achievement board include Georgene Aber, Sue Banks, Marilyn Byers,
Suzanne Carruthers, Judith DeVaul, Bonnie Manos, Jane Roland and Sandra Tunnell. Kay Conrad established the Women of Achievement awards in 1991 and created a fund as a permanent legacy to the women of Ashland County. Women of Achievement has founder-member status with Ashland County Community Foundation.
Entries being accepted for Art is Ageless contest
Support Your Holmes County 4-H-FFA Jr. Livestock Sale “An Exhibition Of 4-H-FFA Excellence” th Thursday,August August97th, 2014••5:30 5:30p.m. Thursday, , 2012 p.m. Sale Order:Market MarketLambs, Lambs, Market Dairy Goats, Sale Order: Market Dairy Goats, Market Market Meat Goats, Market Hogs
Meat Goats, Market Hogs
th 2014 • 5:30p.m. Friday,August August10 8th, Friday, , 2012 • 5:30 p.m.
Sale Order: Order: Broilers, Feeders, Turkeys, Sale Turkeys, Dairy Rabbits, Broilers, DairyRabbit, Feeders, Ducks, Dairy Products, Dairy Steers, Beef Steers Dairly Products, Dairy Steers, Beef Streers
Sale registration courtesy of Rea & Associates, Inc., Millersburg Sale clerking courtesy of The Commercial & Savings Bank
Quality Meat Animals For Sale Contact the Holmes County Cooperative Extension Service For Sale Information
2 Days
Entry forms are being accepted for the fourth annual “Art is Ageless” Contest and Exhibit, to be held on Aug. 22 and 23 at Walnut Hills Retirement Community. The contest is open to amateur artists ages 55 or older who reside in
Holmes County. Artists may submit up to three entries, and there is no entry fee. All art must have been completed when the artist was age 55 or older. Information on categories and general contest guidelines are
included on the entry forms, which can be picked up at the Darb Snyder Senior Center in Millersburg and at Walnut Hills Retirement Community in
Walnut Creek, or forms can be printed directly from the Walnut Hills website Entry forms are due by Aug. 8.
Family Tree help available Would you like to start your family tree, or are you a beginning genealogist? Holmes County Genealogy Library is open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 1-4 p.m. There are experienced genealogists manning the library, and they would be very happy to help you get started. There are forms to help you get your family information written down, and suggestions to get you going. The Genealogy Library is located on the lower level of the Castle Club, next to the Victorian House.
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Thursday, July 24, 2014 — 17
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18 — Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Health & Wellness Good reasons to make the move to a medical home (BPT) — The American health care environment is rapidly changing. One model of health care that’s expanding across the country is the patient-centered medical home. A medical home is not a physical location, as the name implies, but a team-based model of health care delivery led by a physician or other qualified provider (for example, a physician assistant or nurse practitioner) that emphasizes a life-long, personal relationship between patient and physician from
birth to old age. “From sick visits to chronic conditions, patients really benefit from the team-based care approach,” says John Burke, PhD, president and CEO of the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC), an accrediting body for health care organizations. “However, there are a variety of aspects and options to consider when determining if a medical home is the best choice for you.” Focus on the patient: Medical homes help
patients and families to manage, organize and participate in health care decisions as fully informed partners in their care. This leads to patients seeking the right care, from the right place, at the right time. “Whether visiting your primary care doctor or a specialist, your entire family’s health records are centrally located to be quickly and easily accessed by any provider, from childhood through old age,” says Burke. “As your needs and care changes, your primary
care could co-locate with a specialist needed, like an OB/GYN.” Comprehensive coordination: In a medical home, a team of care providers is wholly accountable for the patient’s physical and mental health care needs, which includes the entire spectrum of care from prevention and wellness to chronic, longterm care. Physicians and nurses ensure care is organized across the broader health care system, should patients require a hospital stay or visit to a specialist,
like a cardiologist. This level of comprehensive coordination means patients are less likely to seek care from emergency settings, delay care or leave conditions untreated. It also means providers are less likely to order duplicate tests or procedures, which can lead to lower costs and more efficient treatment for patients. Accessibility: Medical homes have been shown to reduce wait times, increase patients’ access to their doctor and keep better
electronic health records. A more accessible doctor means a patient is more likely to receive preventive care, reducing the incidences and severity of chronic diseases. Commitment to quality and safety: Knowing how patients fare after leaving the doctor’s office results in fewer future hospitalizations and readmissions. So physicians and staff are tasked with monitoring quality improvement goals and using the data to track their patients’ outcomes.
Q: What are some ways A: Spending time out- for daily exercise and an to protect my children from doors with your family can escape from the technology the sun this summer? be fun, providing options that surrounds us. However, it’s important to remember the sun’s rays pose a threat, even during times of cloud cover, and protection is a must. SunBERLIN FAMILY burn, even in childhood, can increase the risk of developing skin cancer. Fortunately, there are several simple methods you can use to battle the sun’s rays and protect your children. For instance, avoiding midday sunlight prevents exposure from the strongest
and most harmful UV rays. If you cannot get indoors at this time, finding shelter in the shade is another option. Wearing clothing that covers the skin, such as long sleeves, is another helpful way to protect against harmful exposure to the sun. Hats with wide brims are beneficial to shade the face, scalp, ears and neck. Sunglasses that fit closely against the face and wrap around the eyes are another great way to protect your child from UV exposure, which otherwise can lead to
cataracts later in life. Purchase sunglasses that block both UVA and UVB rays. Of course, protective clothing is not always practical. As a result, it is always best to combine protective clothing with the use of sunscreen to achieve maximum protection. Use a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15 that protects against both UVA and UVB rays. Too often, sunscreen is applied only after people are out in the sunshine or even in the water. However, sunscreen is most
effective if applied to dry skin 30 minutes before sun exposure. Apply generously and remember to target areas such as the nose, ears, lips, shoulders and the tops of feet. While sunscreen provides a great initial barrier, you should take additional sunscreen with you to reapply throughout the day, especially if exercise or swimming is involved. Make sure you follow the directions on the packaging for sunscreen products since some are not intended for infants under 6 months of age. The best protection for babies is shade. No single method of sun protection is as effective as staying indoors, but following these simple steps can help protect your children from sunburn and other health problems while ensuring they enjoy the outdoors and some fun in the sun this summer.
Health talk
James M. Miller, O.D.
Ari T. Yoder, O.D.
• Comprehensive vision and eye health exams including diabetic eye exams • Management of ocular disease including glaucoma, macular degeneration and cataracts • Emergency eyecare for injuries and foreign body removal • Pediatric eye examination and management of lazy eye • Fashion and children’s eyewear with on-site lab for your convenience • Comprehensive contact lens services • Laser refractive surgery and cataract consultation and comanagement
Four Great Tasting Flavors Cherry, Grape, Orange or Peach Available in Sizes: 16 oz., Half Gallons, or Gallons
FAMILY PLAN AVAILABLE The office offers expanded appointment hours including evenings and Saturdays. Emergency Care service available. We accept most major medical and vision insurances including Medicare, Primetime, Humana, Aultcare, Anthem, United Healthcare, Summacare, VSP and most Eyemed plans.
4907-B Dalbey Lane, Berlin
Naturally Boost Immunity Fight Colds and Flu Ask for it at your local Bulk Food or Variety Store or Visit Our Eastern Ohio Dealers (Ashland, Coshocton, Geauga, Holmes, & Wayne counties) Elite Nutrition, LLC 8868 N 650 E Odon, IN 47562 USA Ph: 1.800.990.9926
Andy L Miller, Fredericksburg Charm Wellness Center, Charm Clara Barkman, Big Prairie Country Harness, Middlefield Cross Cut Country Store, Middlefield D & S Farm and Garden Supply, Middlefield East Union Bulk Foods, Orrville Erb’s Variety, Middlefield David I Yoder, Ashland, Maysville Country Store Fredericksburg Harness Healthy Choices, Berlin Hillside Bulk Foods, Baltic Honeytown Market, Applecreek JSR Fabric and Shoe, Sugarcreek Mahlon Lehman, West Salem Millcreek Bulk Foods, Fresno New Bedford Variety, Baltic Pleasant Hill Bulk Foods, Fredricksburg Schlabach Country Store, Fredricktown The Country Pantry, Fredricksburg Troyers Bargain Shed, Sugarcreek Yoder’s Grocery, Millersburg Yoders Fabrics, Middlefield Maysville Country Store 10202037
Robert L. Miller O.D., Inc.
Melissa A. Seifried, MD, general pediatrician Cleveland Clinic Children’s, Wooster Family Health Center The information in Health Talk is general in nature and is not intended to be a substitute for the medical advice of your health care provider. For your specific health concerns, you should always consult your practitioner.
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Thursday, July 24, 2014 — 19
20 — Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Line up, Ladies, and pucker up for a kiss from Jolly Roger Ladies attending the Holmes County Fair will have an opportunity to join the 600 women who
have received kisses from the Jolly Roger. He is a widower from Walnut Creek who believes that-
every great lady deserves other man in Ohio. a kiss — and aims to He’ll be at the Holmes bestow kisses on more County Public Library’s great ladies than any booth from 3 to 5 p.m., Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, August 4, 6 and 8. Every lady receiving a kiss will be asked to make a small donation to the JULY Rece SALE: Friends of the Library, ive a Treat f which supports the library ed F ree Plus lo or! a district’s operation and Offe 6% disc r end s July ount! activities. 31st. The Jolly Roger has given kisses to Amish and English ladies throughout the area, including female residents and staff of the Walnut Hills Retirement Community, ladies
your backyard
attending Millersburg’s Girls Night Out, bank tellers, store cashiers, waitresses and a policewoman. Although he offers bronze, silver, gold and platinum kisses, most ladies get the daily special — a Hershey’s chocolate kiss. With each kiss, a lady receives a card stating: “Every great lady deserves a kiss.” The Jolly Roger notes that his address and telephone number are printed on the back of the card and suggests that ladies contact him whenever they
need another kiss. The Jolly Roger is Roger Hippsley, a resident of the Walnut Hills Retirement Community. He explains that he began giving kisses following the death of his wife in 2010. “Without a wife to kiss, I’ve focused my attention on every other great lady I meet.” He’s looking forward to meeting those great ladies coming to the Holmes County Fair.“I’ll be giving out kisses until my lips chafe,” he joked, “but I’ve bought lots of lip balm.”
Training Center classes start Aug. 20 10x14’ Elite Gable
8x12’ Barnstyle 4’
Students attending the program will begin the Center staff in-service/ Holmes County Train- school year Aug. 20. Hol- orientation will be Aug. ing Center school-age mes County Training 18-19.
ph 330.359.5708 toll free 800.359.7522 1.5 miles West of Winesburg on US 62
2014 Parade of Homes
Monday-Friday 7-5 Saturday 9-2
10x14’ Alpine Cove
Fridays 3:00-8:00, Saturdays: 1:00-8:00 Sundays: 1:00-6:00 $1.00 Per Person–Per House, Children 12 & Under Free Smithville-Western
83 MilltownRd.
Highland Ave.
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Company Parade House Address MD Custom Builders, LLC ....................... 5253 Settlers Trace, Wooster Dave Schlabach Custom Homes ............. 5271 Settlers Trace, Wooster Zollinger Builders ...................................5238 Crooked Creek, Wooster Ratliff Custom Homes Inc. .....................5233 Crooked Creek, Wooster Straub Homes, Inc. .................................. 4733 McCauley Rd, Wooster Capstone Homes By Weaver ..........................4050 Inverness, Wooster Weaver Custom Homes Inc. ......................2490 Michael Way, Wooster Yoder Builders .......................................2191 Lochwood Glen, Wooster Straub Homes, Inc. .................................... 375 S. Smyser Rd, Wooster Yoder Builders .............................................1730 Twp Rd. 675, Dundee
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Thursday, July 24, 2014 — 21
Send help!
Experience is definitely the best teacher at this camp The phone call seemed to confirm what I had already suspected. Another hallowed summertime tradition was at risk of going the way of 15-cent ice cream cones, Super Elastic Bubble Plastic and the wanton drowning of Japanese beetles in Mason jars filled with kerosene. Building Block Engineering Camp was about to price itself out of existence. “I’m really sorry, but our costs have risen substantially,” said the supplier of the program which begins with “L” ends in “O” and is a homonym of a certain brand of frozen waffle that no one seems to be able to keep their hands off of. “This price increase is the only way we can cover our costs.” With a melancholy sigh, I was about to resign myself to a summer
John & Kristin Lorson
Daily Record Columnist & Illustrator
devoid of the youngest of our shining minds on the tiny college campus where I work; but then my caller offered a glimmer of hope. “Of course, if you can come up with an instructor on your own, there IS a substantial savings,” she said. “Supply your own teacher and I can knock off 30 percent per child. Can you think of anyone who might be willing to go through the training and take on the class?” “Oh, I can think of one guy in particular,” I said. “He’s typically willing to do anything for a cheap thrill.” And with that I added
“Building Block Engineering Camp Instructor” to my resume. Actually, it wasn’t quite as easy as that. I did have to go through the training process, via teleconference, whereby I was tutored in the advanced basics of building tiny vehicles with plastic blocks. Doing this over the telephone — which included deciphering the names of each of the ridiculously small and incredibly similar pieces — was akin to learning to fly an airplane while wearing a blindfold. I’m willing to wager that I used the word “thingy” more times in two hours than the word “Lord” is used in the Bible. And while there were plenty of crash-landings along the way, I was eventually awarded my credential. Newly minted as a highly-trained Building Block
Library events for July July events at the Holmes County District Public Library include: Family Movie Matinee — Saturday, July 26 at 1 p.m. at the Central Library. Join us for the second movie about a blue parrot from Rio. Take a comfortable chair or blanket, a packaged snack and a drink with a lid and enjoy the show. For movie title call 330-674-5972, Ext. 211. Teen Science Extravaganza Overnight Lock-In — Monday and Tuesday, July 28-29 from 7 p.m.-7
a.m. at the East Branch Library in Walnut Creek. Teens age 11-18. Watch movies. Other activities include: Fact or Fiction, dry ice experiments, Myth Busters, mystery dinner, brushbots robot making, glowing JELLO® and more. Registration is required and begins July 14. Permission slips are required and available at the Central Library, East Branch or online. For more information or to register stop by a library location or call 330-674-5972.
News Deadlines — Briefs, news, club
notes, stories, photos and features are due by noon the Monday before publication date.
WE HAVE ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR SUMMER BBQ 115 South Market St. Wooster, Ohio 44691 330.264.7119 Monday thru Friday | 9:30am to 6:00pm Saturday | 9:30am to 5:00pm Sunday (Apr.–Dec.) | 12 noon to 5:00pm
Engineering Camp “Professor,” I was still a weebit anxious about taking on my first class of cadets which was set to run with 28 young minds ages 6-13. It wasn’t the minds I was worried about, however, it was the 224 fingers, 56 thumbs and over 20,000 tiny pieces-parts. I feared I’d be crushing tiny red building blocks underfoot for the rest of my days on campus if I didn’t get some help. I recruited my 20-year-old son, Ben — himself a veteran of countless hours of practice in the art as a boy — in a last minute move to preserve my own sanity. Four long days and nearly 300 individual building projects later, I realized that bringing Ben aboard not only helped me keep my blocks in order, it quite likely helped me keep my marbles as well!
Holmes County bookmobile Family Movie Night at the East Branch — Tuesday, July 29 at 6 p.m. It’s family movie night at the library. Registration is not required. For movie title call the East Branch at 330-893-3464.
Monday — Der alte Quilt Shop, 12:15-1:15 p.m., Winesburg Public, 2-6:30 p.m. Tuesday — Maple Valley Bulk Foods, 1-2:45 p.m.; Dan Raber, County Road 59, 3:15-4:15 p.m.; Flat Ridge School, 5:156 p.m.; Joe Troyer, Township Road 188, 6:15-7 p.m.
Wednesday — Becks Mill, 9:30-10:15 a.m.; Roy Miller, Township Road 154, 10:30-11 a.m.; Edward M. Raber, Township Road 157, 11:15-noon; Paul Miller, Township Road 371, 1-2 p.m. Sycamore Run, 2-2:45 p.m.; Nature’s Food Market, 3-6 p.m.
Thursday — Countryview Wood, State Route 241, 9:3010:15 a.m.; Mary Shetler, County Road 77, 10:30-11:15 a.m.; Heini’s Cheese, 11:30noon; Abe Yoder Jr., Township Road 355, 1-2 p.m.; P&G IGA, Killbuck, 3-5:15 p.m.; Nashville Elementary, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Enjoy the Summer with a NEW
starting at
231 S. Market St., Wooster • 330-262-5851
22 — Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Entertainment briefs Ales for Trails event to benefit The Wilderness
glass with friends and see for yourself on Saturday, Beer just tastes better July 26 when The Wilderoutdoors. Come raise a ness Center will host Ales
Lumber Company Lumber Company
for Trails — a fundraiser to support much needed trail and bridge repairs. The evening will feature
tastings from Great Lakes, Sierra Nevada and Blue Moon Brewing Companies and will include tunes from Roger Hoover and the homegrown, acoustic sounds of Wormz and The Decomposers. Food, sodas and full sized beers will be available to purchase. Beer and music are nearly as good indoors, so in the event of bad weather, the party will just move inside. Visit or call 877359-5235 for more information.
Make sure you call or go online to guarantee a seat at the performance of your choice.
Cruise-in at Wooster Pizza Hut
Pizza Hut/Wingstreet, 1831 Beall Ave., Wooster, will hold a cruise-in each Wednesday through Sept. 24 from 5-9 p.m. It is a community event, geared for the entire family. It is free and open to all makes, models and years of cars, trucks and motorcycles. Features will The Confession to include Wing Night (10 percent off to all cruisrun until Aug. 16 ers) with giveaways, door The musical The Con- prizes and games. JR the fession is being presented DJ will provide music serat the Carlisle Inn Sugar- vices with the best from creek. the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s. Ten cast members put A number of area busitheir musical gifts and nesses are contributtheir training together ing partners: Buffalo and the result is inspir- Wild Wings, Applebee’s, ing, entertaining and Advance Auto Parts, unlike anything you have Wayne Lanes, Fiore’s ever experienced on any Italian Restaurant, of your trips to Ohio’s Hartzler Family Dairy, Amish Country. The Butcher Block & For tickets call the Car- Deli, Chipotle’s Mexilisle Inn Sugarcreek at can Grill, Arby’s Taco 855-344-7547 or go to Bell, Starbuck’s Jones www.amishcountrymu- Potato Chips (Mansfield), and buy your Famous Hair, Green Leaf tickets online. Group Restaurant, Triway Lanes, rates and packages are Auto Zone, Best Cuts, available. The Confession Frito-Lay of Wooster, will run through Aug. 16. Longhorn Steakhouse, This will be the final sea- Beall Avenue Car Wash, son of The Confession at Farmer Boy Restaurant, Carlisle Inn Sugarcreek. Ryans, The Barn (SmithIf you haven’t seen it — ville) and Long John Sil2013 or want nEw to seePRODUCtS it again, vers.FOR Other businesses now isBULK the time. Shows interested BAGGEDin being a part • Bull/Bark Mix through• Pine Mini of Nugget • Black Lavacontact Rock are Tuesday Satthe event can • Screened Top Soil Country urday with matinee• Potting and Soil Jeff Rickel,• Bull 419-884-7075 • Red Lava Rock evening performances. or Corey at• Marble the Chips Wooster MossPizza Hut. • Cypress Tickets are selling• Peat fast.
Variety Of Mulch To Choose From
10% OFF 10% OFF July 21 thru August 2, 2014 Fans & Air Conditi Fans & oners Air Conditioners
July 21 thru August 2, 2014 Summer Rebate Sale $.50 /sq.ftSummer . Rebate on your Mirage Floors Purchase Rebate Sale
Applicable on ALL Standard Mirage Hardwood Floors from July 7 - August 15, 2014. $.50 /sq.ft Rebate Floors Purchase For .more details,on Visityour Keim’sMirage Flooring Department. Applicable on ALL Standard Mirage Hardwood Floors from July 7 - August 15, 2014. 4465 SR 557 Charm, OH details, 44617 Visit | 800-362-6682 For more Keim’s Flooring| Department. Mon. 7am-7pm Tue-Fri. 7am-4:30pm Sat. 7:30am-12 Noon 4465 SR 557 Charm, OH 44617 | 800-362-6682 | Mon. 7am-7pm Tue-Fri. 7am-4:30pm Sat. 7:30am-12 Noon
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Variety Of Mulch To Choose From • Bark Mulch • Leaf Compost • Bull Country Compost (Different Mixes Available of the Above Products)
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The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Thursday, July 24, 2014 — 23
Work to begin next week on state Route 515 to be resurfacing project Work is set to begin Monday, July 28, to resurface over five miles of state Route 515 in Holmes County. State Route 515 will
be resurfaced from state Route 39 at Walnut Creek to U.S. Route 62 near Winesburg. Two-way traffic will be maintained with flaggers.
ODOT’s contractor for this $1.2 million project is Superior Paving & Materials Inc., from North Canton, and the completion date is October 2014.
Culvert repair project begins at Millersburg Work is getting under way today to repair a culvert located on U.S. Route 62 just south of Glen Drive near McDonald’s in Millersburg, Holmes County. A liner will be installed to repair the
• Safety Toe • Waterproof
tions with flaggers are expected. ODOT’s contractor for this $189,000 project is Turn-Key Tunneling Inc., from C o l u m b u s, a n d t h e completion date is mid-October.
VM: 330-674-0560 7222 Twp. Rd 328 • Holmesville, Ohio 44633 Open: Mon., Wed. & Fri. 7:30 to 8:00 Tues. 7:30 to 4:00 • Sat. 7:00 to 11:00 A.M. Closed Thur.
101 Lakeview drive, Millersburg, OH 44654
330-674-7187 Call Today
Convenient location to Historic Downtown Millersburg 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Available, Rental Assistance may be available
On site laundry; 24/7 Maintenance; Air Conditioners; Appliances; Community Room; Playground; Water; Sewer; Trash Included This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer
Hunting & Fishing Supplies Shoes & Boots For The Family
existing metal plate pipe arch culvert, and rock channel protection will be placed at its outlet end to extend its useful life. Traffic will be maintained. Only very minimal traffic disrup-
24 — Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
LITTLE SWITZERLAND of OHIO Health levy on ballot
Need has been made more critical because of measles outbreak
Ski Country Limited Edition
2014 Beagle Decanter
the additional funds necessary, while enabling the health district to return to a funding pool $207,000 annually awarded to the district from inside millage. If passed, it would cost the owner of a $100,000 home about $26 a year for the next 10 years. While past requests failed at the polls, the need remains, and it has
been made even more critical because of the local measles outbreak, said Holmes County Health Commissioner Dr. D.J. McFadden. Since late March, there have been more than 370 cases — including 58 in Holmes County — of the disease confirmed in the area. As a consequence, members of the Board of Health have joined
Esther’s Home Bakery
119 E. Main St. P.O. Box 473 Sugarcreek
NEW Breakfahstes n Sa dwic
Sweetwater Farm Michigan Blueberries, Contender Peaches, Home Grown Sweet Corn, Tomatoes, Green Beans & Beets
“Made from scratch with TLC”
FREE Cup of Coffee w/ Creamstick Purchase *Limited to one free cup of coffee per customer with creamstick purchase. Exp. 8/6/14
with others in Ashland, Coshocton, Knox, Richland and Wayne in declaring the outbreak a public health emergency. Staff, recognized for their efforts during the outbreak, have administered more than 5,100 doses of MMR vaccine at 27 clinics, according to McFadden, who said the local outbreak is the largest to hit the United States since 1994. In an official resolution, the board gave accolades to the staff, members of which have “worked tirelessly and respectfully to protect the community
from this disease through disease surveillance, health education and vaccination.” Their efforts, according to the resolution, help to “protect the health of Holmes County, to prevent the spread of disease, and to promote the practices which keep even the most vulnerable Holmes County residents safe from disease.” Sharing with the board comments made during a recent trip to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, McFadden said See Pg. 25 — LEVY
Miller’s Table & Chair Rental
20 Tables & 80 Chairs
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We have the seating covered
of Health on Friday took the final step necessary to place an operating levy on the November ballot. MILLERSBURG — The 0.75-mill levy would Members of the Holmes generate $656,018 annuCounty District Board ally, which would provide By CHRISTINE L. PRATT Staff Writer
• Weddings • Family Reunions • Company Picnics
4610 Twp. Rd 422 • Sugarcreek, OH 44681 • 330.763.1675
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2149 Dutch Valley Dr. Sugarcreek, OH 44681
STOP IN AND CHECK OUT THE EXCITEMENT Bring Your Best Voice! 980 West Main Street, Sugarcreek, OH 330-852-2403 Hours: Mon.-Tues. 11-12 • Wed.-Sat.11-1 • Sun. 12-8
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All You Can Eat Fish with 2 Sides Home-Made Pies Optional
330-852-4644 Hours: Mon-Thurs & 115 Andreas Ave., Sat 11am - 8pm Sugarcreek, Ohio 44681 Friday 11am - 10pm
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Thursday, July 24, 2014 — 25
Public record Divorces Annette Bernhart, 8391⁄2 Railroad St., Killbuck, and Ronald E. Bernhart, 6131 State Route 241, Millersburg. They were married in 1995. Angela K. Doty, 1811 W. Buckhorn Drive, Millersburg, and Donald L. Doty, same address. They were married in 2007. Kelly A. Smith, 4437 Township Road 305, Millersburg, and Shannon Smith, 4215 Township Road 305, Millersburg. They were married in 1997.
Dissolutions Tracy Hartman, 10799 Township Road 262, Millersburg, and Jeffrey Hartman, 133 W. Jackson St., Apt. 2, Millersburg. They were married in 1991. Misty Quinteros, 600 Douglas St., Apt. B3, Mount Gilead, and Lorenzo Y. Quinteros, 90 S. Mad Anthony St.,
Apt. A, Millersburg. They 9043 County Road 245, were married in 2012. Holmesville, house cleaner. E. Baker, Marriage licenses 40,Jonathan 6539 Township 568, Duane A. Yoder, 22, Holmesville, invento2971 Township Road 190, ry-Wayne Dalton, and Baltic, Weaver Barn’s, Suzanne G. Gallion, 41, and Rosanna W. Yoder, 6539 Township Road 568, 24, 4745 State Route 93, Holmesville, pharmacy Sugarcreek, unemployed. tech. Michael L. Kline, 23, Joseph R. Miller, 21, 17475 Dover Road, 9434 State Route 241, Dundee, woodworker, Fredericksburg, Yoder and Kjolene R. Weaver, Blacksmith, and Alma E. 21, 6783 State Route 241, Miller, 21, 7872 County Millersburg, retail. Road 201, FredericksMyron D. Shetler, burg, baby-sitter. 21, 2936 Shetler Road, Robert L. Troyer, 21, Sugarcreek, laborer, and 9716 Copperhead Road, Karen A. Burkholder, 20, NW, Sugarcreek, roofer, 2614 Township Road 190, and Lori E. Weaver, 20, Baltic, homemaker. 1333 County Road 168, Philip D. Slabaugh, 24, Dundee, Frosty Twins. 7839 Township Road Justin E. Miller, 24, 2784 671, Dundee, machine County Road 70, Sugaroperator, and Melissa D. creek, excavator, and Kratzer, 20, 5776 State Sara E. Miller, 22, 2715 Route 515, Millersburg, State Route 93, Sugarsecretary. creek, CNA. Simon J. Yoder, 27, 1572 Joshua M. Wilson, 22, W. Kittle Road, Mio, 6988 State Route 83, HolMich., lumber mill, and mesville, welder, and BarAnn C. Gingerich, 23, bara A. Yoder, 26, 12363
Goodwill Golf Classic is July 28 Goodwill Industries of Wayne and Holmes counties will hold its 17th annual Goodwill Golf Classic on July 28 at Wooster Country Club. Registration of $500 per team includes an 18-hole golf scramble, cart rental, driving range, sleeve of
balls, games and prizes, light breakfast, snacks, lunch, buffet dinner and a free return round of golf at Wooster Country Club. Primary event sponsor is the Commercial & Savings Bank. To register a team or to inquire about tee, green
or cart sponsorship, contact Cyndi O’Donnell at 330-264-1300, Ext. 227, or A registration form can be downloaded through Goodwill’s Facebook page and the organization’s website,
County Road 330, Big Prairie, homemaker. Henry S. Erb, 25, 2730 Township Road 162, Baltic, Eagle Machinery, and Marilyn E. Yoder, 24, 17266 Harrison Road, Navarre, Weaver Leather. Norman R. Miller, 20, 33477 State Route 206, Brinkhaven, construction, and Arlene R. Keim, 20, 14682 County Road 75, Brinkhaven, unemployed. John D. Burkholder, 23, 3877 Township Road 374, Millersburg, drywall contractor, and Lori R. Troyer, 21, 4138 State Route 93 NW, Sugarcreek, unemployed. Michael L. Weaver, 25, 7646 Township Road 570, Holmesville, mason, and Tina M. Erb, 22, 10320 Skyline Drive, Sugarcreek, secretary. Freddie E. Troyer, 24, 2709 State Route 643, Baltic, Pine Pallet & Framing, and Michelle D. Raber, 21, 510 Mill St. NW, Sugarcreek, unemployed.
Marlin M. Stutzman, 23, 7806 W. 750 N., Etna Green, Ind., grain elevator, and Rachel V. Yoder, 21, 8780 Township Road 323, Holmesville, unemployed. Christopher N. Cremeans, 38, 242 Bias Fork Road, West Hamlin, W.Va., laborer, and Tori M. Bragg, 23, 869 Lower Mud River Road, West Hamlin, W.Va., receptionist/Nationwide associate agent. Matthew S. Mckelvey, 41, 437 S. Monroe St., Millersburg, unemployed, and Lisa M. Miller, 39, same address, laborer. Enos J. Hershberger, 71, 3395 County Road 160, Millersburg, harness repair, and Mary A. Troyer, 51, 4293 Township Road 628, Millersburg, housekeeping. Samuel C. Miller, 21, 10683 Massillon Road, Fredericksburg, farmer, and Esther M. Wengerd, 19, 8940 Township Road
609, Fredericksburg, homemaker. David D. Miller, 22, 7070 Township Road 362, Millersburg, woodworker, and Susan H. Bowman, 21, 4552 Township 366, Millersburg, unemployed. Michael F. Yoder, 25, 3396 State Route 39, Millersburg, shop worker, and Miriam H. Bowman, 25, 4552 Township Road 366, Millersburg, unemployed. Zane D. Yoder, 27, Box 145, Wilmot, farming/ trucking, and Regina R. Beachy, 24, same address, vision therapist. Harvey J. Miller, 30, 7620 State Route 241, Millersburg, woodworker, and Fannie E. Hershberger, 27, 7812 Township Road 611, Fredericksburg, homemaker. Joshua J. Blake, 24, 86 N. Grant St., Apt. A, Millersburg, tow motor operator, and Ashley D. MartinWilson, 18, same address, cashier.
Business note Antiques in the Alley Starlight Antiques will have vendors set up in the alleys and sidewalks in downtown Millersburg on Saturday, Aug. 2 for the Antiques in the Alley event. Most downtown businesses are participat-
ing this year with outside displays. Crafters will be set-up on the courthouse lawn. There will be plenty of food! Starlight Antiques will have a sale table out front featuring a selection of $1, $3 and $5 items. There are plenty of treasures to find both inside and outside. The business has recently
expanded its gift shop. Artist Billy Jacobs will be on hand at Starlight Antiques on Oct. 26, 1-4 p.m. Business hours are: Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Or by chance or appointment. Call 330-466-8835 to set up an appointment at other times.
share of taxes on casino revenues. Not only is the health district facing the cost of moving toward accreditation, it also faces cuts in direct funding from the state and increasing expenses — to compensate for services no longer provided by the Ohio Department of Health and general operations.
In recent history, Holmes County voters have rejected similar ballot issues — in May and November 2013 — to support the health district’s operations.
Levy (From Page 24) leaders there indicated “they don’t believe measles among Amish anywhere else would have gone as well as in Ohio.” That can be attributed to a “highly functional public health system that is built on relationships,” according to McFadden, who said local officials have been very successful in spreading a public health message that pro-
motes, in part, small personal sacrifices for the greater good of the community. The success of that outreach, according to board member Kurt Rodhe, is evidence “there’s always something good to come out of something bad.” But, that response, as well as all of the workings of the health district, have not come without a price. Without requested emergency funding
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from the state and federal governments, the cost of responding to the measles, McFadden said will significantly impact the district health fund, which initially was budgeted to include revenues of $515,529 and expenses of $484,500 for the year, putting the district into deficit spending for the year. Furthermore, McFadden said, the $80,000 in reserves at the end of
2013 were intended to be used to fund the district’s move toward accreditation, which is required by 2020. Accreditation is necessary for continued funding from the Ohio Department of Health. The cost was made a little more manageable with two $80,000 appropriations — given in 2013 and 2014 — from the Holmes County commissioners, who drew the money from the county’s
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Reporter Christine Pratt can be reached at 330674-5676 or She’s @ drnewsgirl on Twitter.
26 — Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Chance reflects on Cy Young season 50 years ago A few thoughts from the week in sports ... The players in the Major League Baseball All-Star Game held Tuesday in Minnesota probably seemed like they’re from another world to area youths dreaming of making it to “The Show.” All-Stars like Mike Trout, Andrew McCutchen, Clayton Kershaw and, of course, Derek Jeter — honored throughout his final mid-summer classic of a legendary career — can appear larger than life as they shine on the big stage. They all had to start somewhere, though. Once in a while AllStars even come from tiny high schools like Northwestern. Fifty years ago this summer, Major League Baseball never seemed closer to locals in Wayne County. They knew anything was possible when 23-year-old Dean Chance started the 1964 All-Star Game and went on to win the Cy Young Award after that sensational summer. Asked to reflect on the 50th anniversary of that magical year, Chance said, “It’s unreal how fast it went. “It’s an award that people always remember you for,” added the 73-yearold Chance, who lives on a farm in New Pittsburg not far from where he grew up. “It’s like winning the Heisman Trophy in football.” Just a few years after leading Northwestern to Class A state titles in basketball (1958) and baseball (1959), Chance put
Aaron Dorksen Daily Record Sports Editor
this area on the national map when he represented the Los Angeles Angels by starting the 1964 MLB All-Star Game at Shea Stadium in New York. The 6-foot-4 righthander finished the season 20-9 with 11 shutouts and a 1.65 ERA, while striking out 207 batters and walking just 86 in 278 innings pitched. He was voted the Cy Young winner back when only one award was given out between both leagues. Chance did all that despite pitching for a recent expansion team, which began play in 1961. He won five games 1-0 to tie the major league record and his 13 career 1-0 wins are fifth in baseball history, according to STATS, LLC. My favorite stat from Chance’s Cy Young season is this: He allowed only one earned run in 60 innings against the eventual World Series runner-up New York Yankees. That run came on a homer by the legendary Mickey Mantle. START OF SOMETHING BIG — Chance had arguably the greatest high school pitching career in OHSAA history, setting records that still stand including career wins (52-1), no-hitters in a season (eight) and in a career (17). There was no draft then
SPORTS FANS! Every baseball fan worth his salt knows the answer to the famous trivia question, who did Now York Yankees legend Lou Gerhig replace to begin his consecutive games played streak of 2,130? It was Wally Pipp, of course. But before Gehrig took the field in place of Pipp at first base, he was sent to the plate as a pinch-hitter. So actually, the very first player Gehrig replaced, before Pipp, was Pee Wee Wanninger, in the eighth inning on June 1, 1925, in a loss to the Washington Senators. The only way this one could have been any better was if it had happened on Father’s Day. In late May of 2014, in a Class A Midwest League game, Conrad Gregor of the Quad Cities River bandits blasted a three-run homer in the sixth inning of a 5-2 win over Cedar Rapids. It was Gregor’s very first home run as a professional baseball player. Incredibly, Gregor’s tater just so happened to have been hit directly into the stands where his father, Marty, was sitting, and Marty caught the ball. How about that? Sam Schmidt drove arguably the most historic laps ever at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway a few days before the 2014 Indy 500, topping out at a sizzling... 97 miles per hour. How’s that? Because Schmidt was left quadriplegic after a practice accident in 2000. The owner of Schmidt Peterson Indy team drove a modified Corvette with infared sensors and cameras to detect his head movements, sending signals to the wheel, gas pedal and breaks. The vehicle is called a SAM car - a semiautonomous motorcar. According to cArfAx, over 70% of the current used vehicle inventory Are one-owner vehicles At spurgeon chevrolet in wooster
AP file photo
Three Los Angeles pitchers cornered the market on the Cy Young Award back in the 1960s, winning it every year between 1962-66 back when there was only one pitcher honored between both the AL and NL. Posing for a photo at the Los Angeles baseball writers preseason dinner held at the Hollywood Palladium in March, 1965, are Dodgers Don Drysdale (left, 1962 winner) and Sandy Koufax (right, 1963, ’65-66), along with the Angels’ Dean Chance (1964). and the Baltimore Orioles outbid other suitors by paying Chance $30,000 for his services. He signed the day after graduating from high school. The American League expanded in 1961, though, and after the Orioles didn’t include Chance on their list of 25 protected players the newly formed Angels selected him in the expansion draft. Chance saw his first time in the big leagues in 1961, going 0-2 for the Angels, followed by marks of 14-10 and 13-18 before embarking on his dream season. ALL-STAR MOMENT — Although Chance’s record at the All-Star break was just 5-5 in 1964, he had a 2.19 ERA and had just pitched 14 straight scoreless innings. It helped persuade AL manager Al Lopez of the White Sox to tab him as the starter. Pitching in front of 50,580 fans at Shea Stadium, Chance still recalls that magical moment like it was yesterday. “The first two hitters I faced were Roberto Clemente (Hall of Famer) and Dick Groat of the Pirates and I struck them
both out,” said Chance, who wound up pitching three scoreless innings in what turned out to be a 7-4 loss for the AL. The Phillies’ Johnny Callison hit a walk-off, three-run homer in the bottom of the ninth. “I started the 1967 All-Star Game while pitching for the Twins and gave up one run in three innings — a home run to Dick Allen (Phillies) — but we lost 2-1 in 15 innings (at Anaheim Stadium) on a home run by Tony Perez (Reds).” BEST STUFF IN BASEBALL — The 1964 season ended with an historic run for Chance, as he went 15-4 in the second half to easily win the Cy Young Award. He beat out the likes of Hall of Famers Sandy Koufax, Bob Gibson and Juan Marichal. “You’ve gotta get the breaks,” Chance said. “Koufax got hurt that year and he was out a month. “I actually had started the season in the bullpen because of a blister and could only pitch for an inning or two before it broke open. Once it healed and I got into the rotation, things just
started to click.” Denny McLain, a twotime Cy Young Award winner for the Tigers and the last man to win 30 games in a season, visits with Chance several times a year. McLain, who spoke at the 20th anniversary Roy Bates Banquet in 2013, said Chance was the best pitcher in baseball when at his peak. “For a time, he had as good of stuff on the mound as there ever was,” said McLain, who went 31-6 for the Tigers in 1968. “He played with some terrible teams, though. If he had played with our Detroit teams in the ’60s he might have won 30 games (in a season) like I did.” Chance easily topped 90 mph with his fastball, which coupled with a devastating slider and intimidating windup made him virtually unhittable at times. Former Angels outfielder Rick Reichardt described to me in a 2004 interview what it was like to watch Chance pitch. “He had a real twisting motion, he’d look toward second and then whip back around,” said Reichardt, who was a rookie
for the Angels during the second half of the 1964 season and later played against Chance. “He had an excellent fastball that really moved and he wasn’t afraid to come inside. “He also had a great breaking ball, but with that motion you just couldn’t trust him that he wasn’t going to put one in your ear.” Reichardt was in the lineup when Chance earned his 20th win by beating Jim Kaat and the Minnesota Twins on Sept. 25, 1964. Chance struck out eight as he won a 2-1, complete-game decision in Los Angeles’ Dodger Stadium, which the two teams shared until Anaheim Stadium opened in 1965. AWARDS CIRCUIT — It was pretty much a foregone conclusion that Chance would win the Cy Young after the season. The announcement was still a pretty big deal even though there was nothing like today’s 24-hour news media. “I was home in Ohio and got a phone call that I won it,” Chance said. See Pg. 27 — CHANCE
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Thursday, July 24, 2014 — 27
Chance (From Page 26) “They were doing ‘The Merv Griffin Show’ in Cleveland that day. They had me come up there and they had me on the show.” Friends and fans in Ohio were ecstatic about Chance winning the award and several people wanted to be the one to “throw him an awards dinner.” He had the distinction of being the youngest Cy Young winner ever until Dwight Gooden came along for the Mets in 1985. “A guy in Canton offered me money and he wanted me to throw a party over there,” Chance said. “You had to be careful who you trusted. “(Wooster attorney) Hank Critchfield said he’d put a dinner together and I said the only way I’d do it is if it was at Northwestern so they’d get the money. They got the money from that to start their football program. I think we charged $6.25 a person, which was a lot of money then.” The testimonial dinner was held in January 1965, and attracted a starstudded cast to the Huskies’ gym, which included the likes of Lefty Grove, Denny Galehouse, Luke Sewell, Gene Woodling and Harmon Killebrew. Angels owner and legendary cowboy Gene Autry even flew in from California. Local businessman Tug Maibach told The Daily Record at the time, “This is the biggest thing that’s ever happened to Wayne County.”
The wear and tear of topping 225 innings for six straight years led to injuries that eventually slowed his career, but despite playing on only one playoff team (1967 Twins) he was still named the Sporting News’ All1960s righthanded pitcher for the AL. LIFE AFTER BASEBALL — Chance has done many things since
AP file photo
This summer marks the 50th anniversary of Northwestern product Dean Chance winning the AL Cy Young Award as a member of the Los Angeles Angels. Chance also started the 1964 All-Star Game for the AL. In March 1965, Chance was honored at the Los Angeles baseball writers preseason dinner at the Hollywood Palladium and posed for a photo with Dodgers aces Sandy Koufax and Don Drysdale. The entertainers that night were Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr., who Chance got to know during those days. Chance made it back to the All-Star Game in 1967 with the Twins and later played briefly for the Indians, Mets and Tigers before retiring in 1971. He had a 128-115 record over 11 big league seasons, while compiling a 2.96 ERA and striking out 1,534 batters in 2,147 1-3 innings pitched.
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retiring, including serving as the president of the International Boxing Association. When he’s not at a fight, Chance tries to watch as much local high school basketball as he can and is still a big supporter of the Huskies. He’s carried on the legacy of his late former Northwestern coach, Roy Bates, by directing the Bates Foun-
dation that honors Wayne County senior studentathletes. Only one other graduate of an area high school has played in the major leagues since Chance retired: Orrville’s Mike Birkbeck (Brewers 198689; Mets 1992, ’95). That alone shows how tough it is to reach the majors, but they proved it’s not impossible.
PARTING SHOTS — It was another enjoyable awards dinner for the eighth annual Daily Record/Park Mazda/ Insurance Centre Athlete of the Year presentation Wednesday at the Olde Jaol Steakhouse. West Holmes’ Laina Snyder and Brady Arnold were deserving picks and both are also excellent students.
28 — Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Albert Hershberger, 75
Martha Banks, 92 Martha I. Banks, 92, Loudonville, died Thursday, July 3, 2014, at Colonial Manor Health Care Center after a short illness. She was born April 19, 1922, on the family farm near Perrysville to George C. and Gertrude E. (Hutchinson) Beck, and was a 1940 graduate of Perrysville High School. Her interest in music began as a young girl when she played the violin in the neighborhood “Sisters Orchestra.” She was a former member of Loudonville Community Choir and was a baritone and lead with the Holmes Echo Hills Chapter of Sweet Adelines. A faithful member of Zion Lutheran Church, she sang in the choir for more than 50 years and as a member, she participated in many church committees such as worship, intern, endowment, Culinary Crusaders for Christ, various church circles, Money Counters, and Bulletin Ladies. On June 30, 1946, she married Floyd F. Banks, and together they operated the Banks Funeral Home in Loudonville until 1976. He died Aug. 4, 1989. She was a member of Loudonville Music Club, Loudonville Women’s Club, and the Cents & Sense Club. For 15 years, she was a Red Cross volunteer at Kettering Hospital. Martha had resided at McMullen Assisted Care for the last few years. In the
past she enjoyed playing couples pinochle, Community Euchre at McMullen Assisted Care, and pinochle with local ladies. Surviving are a daughter, Sue Banks of Loudonville; and a sister, Vivian M. Eckert of Wadsworth. In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by her parents. Funeral services were July 7 at Zion Lutheran Church, with the Rev. Scott Henderson officiating. Burial was in Loudonville Cemetery. Lindsey Funeral Home, Loudonville, assisted the family. Online condolences may be left for the family at Memorial contributions may be made to Zion Lutheran Church, 222 E. Main St., Loudonville 44842; Loudonville Fire Department, 200 N. Market St., Loudonville 44842; or the Women’s Fund of Ashland County Community Foundation, 300 College Ave., Ashland 44805.
Noah Hostetler, 91 Noah J. Hostetler, 91, 11011 Gerber Valley Road NW, Sugarcreek, died Tuesday, July 8, 2014, at his home after a lengthy illness. He was born June 20, 1923, in Plain City to the late John M. and Lydia (Troyer) Hostetler, and married Sarah E. Hershberger Jan. 21, 1965. She survives. He was a retired farmer and a member of the Amish Church. Surviving in addition to his wife, are brothers, Lester (Janet) Hostetler, and Mose (Elsie) Hostetler,
both of Plain City and Ervin (Fannie) Hostetler of Brookfield, Mo.; a sister, Amanda Helmuth, and sister-in-law, Polly Hostetler, both of Plain City. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a brother, Dan; a sister, Verba; and a brother-inlaw, Al Helmuth. Services were July 10 in Sugarcreek with Aaron Coblentz officiating. Burial was in Hershberger Cemetery, Sugarcreek Township, Tuscarawas County. Smith-Varns Funeral Home, Sugarcreek, assisted the family.
Bishop Albert J. Hershberger, 75, of 16555 Pritchard Road, Danville, died Saturday, July 5, 2014 at his residence. He was born March 12, 1939 in Apple Creek to the late Jonas J. and Katie (Troyer) Hershberger. He was a member of the Old Order Amish Church. He is survived by 10 children, Jonas A. (Sarah) Hershberger, Danville, Erma (Dan) Weaver, Big Prairie, Andy (Anna) Hershberger, Brinkhaven, Eli (Elizabeth) Hershberger, of the home, Edna (David) Miller, Brinkhaven, Ruby (Earl) Hochstetler, Danville, Sarah (Urie) Byler, Danville, Ivan (Lizzie Ann) Hershberger, Danville, Roman (Ether) Hershberger, Brinkhaven, and Naomi Hershberger, of the home; 91 grandchildren; 28 great-grandchildren; four brothers, Roman (Mary)
Hershberger, Danville, Dan (Anna) Hershberger, Gallipolis, John (Lydia) Hershberger, Fredericksburg, and Junior (Naomi) Hershberger, Apple Creek; and five sisters, Mary (Jacob) Yoder, Apple Creek, Susan Yoder, Apple Creek, Edna (Robert) Troyer, Coshocton, and Katie (Mose) Troyer, Millersburg. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death Sept. 15, 2011 by his wife, Anna L. (Stutzman) Hershberger, whom he married Sept. 22, 1960; and a grandchild. Funeral services were July 8 at the residence, 16555 Pritchard Road, Danville, OH 43014. Burial was in the Mast Cemetery in Union Township. Fischer Funeral Home in Danville is assisted the family with arrangements. www.fischerfuneralhome. com.
Eleanor Gordon, 97 Eleanor M. Gordon, 97, Smithville, formerly of Rittman, passed away Saturday, July 5, 2014, at her home after a period of declining health. She was born in Medina July 20, 1916, to the late James and Elsie (Kraver) Rickert, and was the seventh of 11 children. She married Charles H. Gordon April 3, 1937, and moved to Rittman, where they lived until his death in 1988, one month shy of their 51st wedding anniversary. After her husband’s death, Eleanor moved to Smithville Western Commons. She was a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, where she was active. She also was active in the condo association, spent much time visiting friends and family and attending great-grandchildren’s sporting events. Surviving are a son, Jerry (Marcella) Gordon of Wadsworth; daughters Carol (Allen) Allebach of Massillon, Shirley Banker of Wooster and Linda Race of Millersburg; grandchildren Michelle (Bill) Cook, Amy Miller,
Andrew (Beth) Allebach, Jody (Dennis) Creamer, Debbie Hoffman, Tonya (Jim) Widder, Tony (Lee Ann) Race, Jill (Alan) Baughman and Beth (Jim) Lawrence; 20 great-grandchildren; a brother, Merle Rickert of Melbourne, Fla.; and numerous nieces and nephews. In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by her parents; grandchildren, Joseph Banker Jr., and Tami Jo Banker; four brothers; and five sisters. Eleanor was a loving, kind and thoughtful woman who will be greatly missed by all. Services were at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 777 S. Summit St., Smithville 44677, with the Rev. Kristy Buyok officiating. Burial was in Sherwood Memorial Gardens. Auble-Gillman Funeral Home, Rittman, handled arrangements. Contributions may be made to St. Paul Lutheran Church or LifeCare Hospice of Wayne County, 2525 Back Orrville Road, Wooster 44691.
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Mary Weaver, 83 Mary Belle Weaver, known as “Ma Duck,” age 83, beloved sister, mother, grandmother and friend, went peacefully to be with the Lord on Sunday, July 20, 2014. She was born Oct. 7, 1930 to Harold and Erma (Mobley) Swagler in Wadsworth. Mary spent her childhood in Seville and moved to this area with her family before entering high school. She graduated from Clark High School in 1949 and married Donald Weaver on Aug. 3, 1950. Donald and Mary raised their family in Glenmont and later moved to Killbuck. Mary retired from Shreiner Sole Co. in 1992. She was a faithful member of St. John’s United Church of Christ in Glenmont. Ma Duck enjoyed crafts, making favors for Christian Women’s Club, listening to John Schmidt, The Cleveland Indians, the Cavs and the Lady Knights Basketball games. Her favorite past time was visiting with her family and friends, reminiscing of the good ole days. Memories will be shared by brothers, Calvin (Janet) Swagler of Glenmont, Bob (Mary) Swagler of Nebraska; children, Joe (Penny) Weaver of Big Prairie, Debbie (Jerry) Kline of Loudonville, and son-in-law, Rene Weber of Millersburg. Ma Duck will also be greatly missed by her grandchildren, Hope (Brian) Blake, Melanie (Scott) Switzer, Drue Weber, Brad
Kline, Trenas (Cari) Weaver, Joey (Samantha) Weaver and Travis (Tiffany) Weber, step-grandchildren, Jeanne (Phil) Flinner and Scott, Michael and Douglas Moore, 11 great-grandchildren (soon to be the 12th great-granddaughter, Lola Belle), a great-great-grandson, nieces, nephews and her furry children, Winkie and Miss Kitty, who all survive her. Mary was preceded in death by her parents, husband; infant brother, Jerry Swagler’s daughter, Doris Weber; granddaughter, Alisha Weaver; and greatgrandson, Cannon Weber. Funeral services are today (Thursday, July 24) at Alexander Funeral Home with the Rev. Joanna Lance officiating with the burial immediately following at Killbuck Cemetery. Those who wish may make a donation to the St. John’s UCC of Glenmont, the Holmes County Humane Society or to the Weber Girls Scholarship Fund c/o the Holmes County Educational Foundation.
Richard Weaver, 88 Richard Dale Weaver, 88, of Millersburg, died Tuesday morning, July 1, 2014, at his home after an extended illness. He was born Sept. 20, 1925, in Canton, the son of Robert and Mary (McConnell) Weaver, and married Julianna Bubly Oct. 16, 1945. She preceded him in death July 10, 2002. He was a cabinet maker and had worked for the University of California in carpentry. He and his wife retired to Berlin, and became members of Berlin Mennonite Church. Richard had a passion for the nation of Israel, the mission of his church, storytelling and enjoyed his various pets over the years. After his wife passed away, he spent a few years in retirement facilities until he chose to move in with a retired nurse and family. He became a grandfather figure to the many grandchildren of the family.
Richard will be remembered as a generous giver and a real gentleman. He was preceded in death by a sister, Carol Brown and his wife. Graveside services were Monday, July 7 in Berlin Cemetery, with pastor Myron Weaver officiating. Memorial services followed at Berlin Mennonite Church. Memorial contributions may be made to Richard and Julianna Mission Fund at Berlin Mennonite Church. They established this fund in 2003 to support missions and Christian Education for youth. Alexander Funeral Home, Millersburg, handled arrangements.
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Thursday, July 24, 2014 — 29
Ralph Miller, 95
Rhonda Howland, 55
Lou and Betty, all of Millersburg, Patty of Creston and Theresa (Steve) of Warsaw. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Christina Lynn Snyder; her parents; a sister, Martha; and three infant siblings. Services were July 12 at Alexander Funeral Home, Millersburg, with pastor John Damron officiating. The family suggests contributions be made to Alexander Funeral Home, P.O. Box 108, Millersburg 44654 to help with expenses.
Legals 55
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Jase Everett Schrock, beloved son of Jason and Mary Jane (Miller) Schrock, 2195 Township Road 414, Dundee, joined the angels at 10:18 a.m. on Friday, July 18, 2014, at Akron Children’s Hospital. He was born at Ault-
Notices 55
LEGAL FUNDRAISER SUPPER, COUNTY : HOLMES Sunny Meadows School, The following applications Sat, Aug 2nd, 2014, and/or verified complaints 12-7pm. Silent Auction, were received, and the fol- Pig Roast, Chicken, lowing draft, proposed Homemade Ice Cream & and final actions were is- More! Donations only. sued, by the Ohio Envi- Carry-Out available. ronmental P r o t e c t i o n 7510 James Rd. Wooster Agency (Ohio EPA) last OH 44691 330-465-4770 week. The complete public notice including addi- FREE HAIRCUT by Dani of tanning pkg tional instructions for sub- w/purchase the month of July. Open mitting comments, reques- Daily. Ladybug Family Hair ting information or a pub- Care 330-567-3200 lic hearing, or filing an ap- CASH FOR scrap metal: peal may be obtained at: trucks, buses, cars, heavy equip., farm equip., copper, /actions.aspx or Hearing batteries, brass, aluminum, any metal. Call (330) Clerk, Ohio EPA, 50 W. and 473-8410. Town St. P.O. Box 1049, Columbus, Ohio 43216. Ph: 614-644- 2129 email:
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veteran of the U.S. Army, serving during World War II, and was a member of the Loudonville American Legion. Surviving are a son Ronald Ralph (Joyce) Miller of Holmesville and a daughter Edith Mae Hall of Orrville, 5 grandchildren, Ronald Ralph (Peg) Miller, Jr., Candi Ann Jarvis, Pennie Sue (Mark) Burns, Brenda Sue (Homer) Corbin and Darren Edwin Dawson, 11 great-grandchildren, Tricia Alexandrea Jarvis, Jamie Todd Jarvis, Lyndsey Nicole Miller, Brandon Sinnett, Jason Sinnett, Tabitha Corbin,
Tristan Clay Burns, Madison Rayne Burns, Greenly Isabelle Burns, and one great-great-great-grandchild Meira Jade Osborne. He was preceded by his former wife and wife, by his mother-in-law Gertrude Marion Taylor Spurgeon, brothers Vernon, Robert, Russell and Irvin Miller, and a granddaughter, Candi Ann Jarvis. Services were Wednesday, July 16 at Schlabach Funeral Home in Shreve with the Rev. Rex Dye officiating. Burial was in Nashville Cemetery. Online condolences may be shared with the family at
The family suggests memorial contributions may be made to LifeCare Hospice, 2525 Back Orrville Road, Wooster.
Jase Schrock, infant
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man Hospital in Canton on July 17 at 3:18 p.m. and despite many difficulties, lived to be 19 hours old. In addition to his parents, he will be greatly missed by grandparents, Allen and Betty Schrock of Millersburg and Roy Jr. and Christina Miller
Notices 75
Rhonda Howland, 55, of Lima, formerly of Millersburg, passed away Monday, July 7, 2014, at St. Rita’s Medical Center, Lima, after an extended illness. She was born March 13, 1959 in Loudonville, the daughter of Warren and Nellie (Middaugh) Hensel. She was a homemaker, and enjoyed her grandkids, collecting salt and pepper shakers and shot glasses. Surviving are daughters, Eva Moore of Millersburg, and Crystal Barnes of Sterling, and sons, Arthur L. Snyder Jr. and Doug (Stephanie) Moore, both of Michigan; grandchildren, Sarina, Trinidy, Kelcie, Anastasia, Michael, Cameron, Shyanne and Donald; brothers, Gary (Sue) of Wooster, Butch of Wooster, Mike (Linda) of Holmesville, and Kenny (Sharon) of Delaware; and sisters, Karen,
Ralph M. Miller, 95, of Shreve, passed away Saturday, July 12, 2014 at his residence. He was born July 22, 1918 in Holmesville, Franklin Township to Erwin Ellsworth and Ida Mae (Diehl) Miller. He first married Mary Elizabeth Ross Wagers. He later married Bernice Arlene Owen July 10, 1943, she preceded him Jan. 12, 2009. Ralph and Bernice had farmed in the Big Prairie area until 1982 then they moved to Shreve. He was also employed by Wooster Products for a number of years. He was a
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of Dundee; great-grandparents, Roy Wengerd and Ella Schrock, both of Millersburg, Roy and Fannie Miller of Dundee and Atlee and Mary Miller of Millersburg; and many aunts, uncles and cousins. His short life will leave an imprint on our hearts.
State Wide 75
Help Wanted AVERITT EXPRESS New Pay Increase For Regional Drivers! 40 to 46 CPM + Fuel Bonus! Also, Post-Training Pay Increase for Students! (Depending on Domicile) Get Home EVERY Week + Excellent Benefits. CDL - A req. 888-602-7440 Apply @ Equal Opportunity Employer - Females, minorities, protected veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Training/Education Want a Career as a HVAC Technician? Accelerated "Hands On Training" & Certifications Offered. National Average 18-22 Hourly! Lifetime Job Placement Assistance. VA Benefits Eligible! 1-877-994-9904 Misc. Meet singles right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-877-485-6669 SAWMILLS from only $4397- MAKE & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension. In stock, ready to ship. Free Info/DVD: 1-800-578-1363 Ext. 300N RVs for Sale 2010 Park Model 12x38, 2 Bed, 1 Bath. Vinyl siding, Shingle roof, Electric heat and air. ONLY $15,900. 1-800-686-1763 HOMEOWNERS WANTED!!! Kayak Pools is looking for demo home sites to display our maintenance-free pools. Save thousands of $$$ with our Year-End Clearance Sale. CALL NOW! 800-315-2925 discount code: 897L314
Services were Sunday, July 20 at the Mose Miller residence, 2040 Township Road 414, with Bishop Jeff Hershberger officiating. Burial was in the Yoder Cemetery. Spidell Funeral Home in Mount Eaton assisted the family with arrangements.
State Wide 75
Help Wanted Flatbed Drivers Starting Mileage Pay up to .41 cpm, Health Ins., 401K, $59 daily Per Diem pay , Home Weekends. 800-648-9915 or Help Wanted GORDON TRUCKING - CDL-A Truck Drivers Up to $5,000 Sign On Bonus & $.56 CPM! Solo & Team Positions, Great Miles & Time Off! No East Coast. EOE Call 7 days/wk! 866-954-8836 Training/Education Werner Enterprises is HIRING! Dedicated, Regional & OTR opportunities! Need your CDL? 3 wk training available! Don't wait, call today to get started! 1-866-203-8445 Training/Education AIRLINE JOBS begin here-Get Trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Housing/Financial aid for qualified students. Job Placement assistance. Aviation Institute of Maintenance. 1-877-676-3836 Business Services REACH OVER 1 MILLION OHIO ADULTS with one ad placement. Only $995.00. Ask your local newspaper about our 2X2 Display Network and our 2X4 Display Network $1860 or Call Mitch at 614-486-6677/E-mail or check out our website: Help Wanted "Partners in Excellence" OTR Drivers. APU Equipped Pre-Pass EZ-pass passenger policy. 2012 & Newer equipment. 100% NO touch. Butler Transport 1-800-528-7825
State Wide Training/Education Want a Career Operating Heavy Equipment? Bulldozers, Backhoes, Excavators. "Hands On Training" & Certifications Offered. National Average 18-22 Hourly! Lifetime Job Placement Assistance. VA Benefits Eligible! 1-866-362-6497 VACATION CABINS FOR RENT IN CANADA. Fish for walleyes, perch, northerns. Boats, motors, gasoline included. Call Hugh 1-800-426-2550 for free brochure. Website
105 General LOOKING FOR Individuals to work with developmental disabilities in Millersburg. If interested contact: 330-340-5487 ALTIMATE CARE is hiring for part time office assistant. Must be able to work well in a fast paced environment. Ideal candidate will have excellent customer service skills, be dependable, work well with others, and have basic computer skills. Hiring LPN’s for weekend only shifts in Wayne County. Must be dependable and have reliable transportation. Apply in person at 24 S. Clay St. in Millersburg or at P/T Secretary needed for construction company in Berlin area. Need to be knowledgable in QuickBook and previous secretary experience preferred. 330-231-6843 WANTED: Full-time logging crew. Call (330) 600-2130 HELP WANTED: part time and possibly full time. Construction related work. Driver's license a plus. (330) 893-0115
30 — Thursday, July 24, 2014
Tuscarawas County Public Library Branch Clerk Sugarcreek 12.5 hrs/week - $9.00/hr High school diploma required; customer service experience preferred. Branch Page Sugarcreek 9 hrs/week June-Aug; 6 hrs/week Sept-May $7.95/hr Send resume and application with 3 letters of reference to: Rebecca Woods c/o Tuscarawas County Public Library, 121 Fair Avenue NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663. For more information, please visit /content/employment. LAWN CARE, landscaping, and snow removal company in Millersburg accepting resumes for full time positions. Preferably someone with experience in driving a truck and pulling a trailer, as well as experience in lawn care and landscaping. Please send resumes to P.O. Box 354, Millersburg, OH 44654. WANTED: CAREGIVER for an ederly lady-stroke patient, no exp. required but helpful. If interested call (330) 275-9117
DAILY RECORD Carriers Needed
If you would like to have your name put on our list of prospective carriers or drivers in your area, simply call the circulation department at 330-264-1125 ext 2257 or 1-800-686-3958, or stop by our office at 212 E. Liberty St., Wooster. Please refer to the individual route number when calling. There is no collecting of money from any of our customers on any of our delivery routes.
FRONT DESK, part-time, evenings / wknds. Apply at Hotel Millersburg, 35 W. Jackson St. 330-674-1457.
SOL'S in Berlin is now hiring a full time position. Job duties include: decorating, cleaning, and providing friendly customer service. Must be dependable and willing to work Saturdays. Call (330) 893-3134 or apply within. RESIDENTIAL NEWSPAPER DELIVERY AKRON BEACON JOURNAL independent contractor opportunities available in the Wooster, Orrville and Marshallville areas. Earnings up to $1200 per month. Early morning hours and reliable vehicle required. Contact Mike Callahan 330-669-9337
DRIVERS: MONEY & Miles.. New Excellent Pay Package, 100% Hands OFF Freight, Great Home time, Monthly Bonus, 1 yr. OTR exp., No Hazmat 877-704-3773
120 Manufacturing /Industrial
Industrial Timber and Lumber, located in Loudonville, is seeking up-beat, energetic individuals for full-time general labor positions. We are looking for candidates on both 1st and 2nd shift openings. Primary responsibility will be lumber handling. We offer excellent benefits including 401k, medical, vacation and competitive pay. Please submit your resume to or stop by our office to complete an application. Our facility is located at 1 Merillat Courte, Suite 1. LOCAL STAIR Co looking for a stair/balustrade installer. Trim carpentry or custom woodworking experience helpful. Some local & some travel throughout Eastern US, home weekends. (330) 279-2554 for interview.
NOW TAKING Applications for housekeeping positions. Apply in person, Guggisberg Swiss Inn, 5025 ST RT 557.
TACO BELL Millersburg
Open Interviews All Positions Tuesday, July 22, 10am-12pm Thursday, July 24, 3pm-6pm
Comfort Inn
1102 Glen Drive Millersburg Must apply at t prior to interview
WANTED: RIDE to and from work. Walnut Creek to Winesburg. 330-359-5708 and ask for Alan or Jose.
Child Care 220 Construction Equipment 225
NEED BABYSITTER? Will babysit your children in my home through the week, days. 330-852-7403
150 Food Services SERVER & COOK POSITIONS. Apply at or 7501 SR 83, Holmesville, Monday-Sunday, 6am-9pm
Experienced Horse Stall cleaners needed. P/T AM job. 330-674-2503 Leave message w/ horse exp.
Employment application & job description available at the HELP WANTED in woodCentral Library, the East working shop, floater posiBranch or on the website at tion open, packaging, Comhouse & manufacturing, pleted application & resume Competitive wages, paid vaaccepted thru July 31. Return cations & holidays. Century to: Holmes County District Components 330-852-3610 Public Library, 3102 Glen Drive, Millersburg, OH 44654, ATTN: Director. No phone 110 Drivers Trucking calls-EOE AMISH CONCRETE crew looking for worker/foreman. Also, good pay for a driver with a good work ethic. (330) 763-4748
Drivers Trucking 135
Antiques Collectibles
NOTICE:ANTIQUE Dealers: old piano established in 1847, works. 8955 S.R. 514, Shreve, Ohio 44676
Appliances Electronics
WANTED: CHEST freezer in working condition. 15-25 cu. ft. (330) 359-5942
USED 14CU ft SunStar chest freezer, 12-24DC Volts. Excellent Retail $1,550 Reduced to $975. Mahlon Gingerich (330) 674-0905
Need BENEFITS? got food haNdliNg 01200 AD13425953 360 experieNce ? Need Money? YOU! WE WANT
We need packaging, processing and warehouse associates! Midnight and Afternoon shift Apply online: 125 Medical / Healthcare Wanting to make a difference in someone’s life? We can help! Seeking qualified HHAs/STNAs & LPNs willing to staff Coshocton and/or Tuscarawas Counties. Experience is necessary. 01250 AD13393545 For more information144 please contact Sara use at 740-623-2949 or 877-759-2106.
ad key 10246748 change copy per thum EOE
Library Assistant Technical Services The Holmes County District Public Library has an opening for a part time (20 hpw) position- $8.30 per hour, at the Central Library. Will assist with processing of library materials & circulation duties as assigned. The minimum education required is a high school diploma/GED equivalent. Benefits include prorated paid holidays, sick leave, & vacation; participation in Ohio Public Employees Retirement System.
105 General 110
105 General
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
130 Administrative / Office WAYNE INSURANCE Group has an opening in our Farm Underwriting Department. Minimum qualifications include an associate degree, 3 years of insurance experience, farm underwriting or farm work experience. Wayne Insurance Group offers a competitive salary and a complete benefits package. Submit resume to Wayne Insurance Group, Attn: HR, 3873 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691 or
6FT. WASH machine flex shaft, like new w/ brackets & motor. $250 Ruben L. Troyer 330-893-0423 x2 1 PREMIER gas range, good cond., $200. 2 garage door openers, good cond. (330) 473-7500 25 CU. ft. chest freezer, good for an ice box. exc. cond. Ervin Weaver Jr. (330) 695-2905 FOR SALE: Ashland Wood Cook Stove, older but works okay. Reservoir needs new tank $650 740-610-1776
'98 Cat D5C-III XL w/ six way $25,000 Case 850G w/ forestry package, winch, & arch $34,000 Case 850D w/ forestry package, winch, & arch $30,000 Excavators '06 Komatsu PC200LC-8 $93,000 Mini Excavators '07 TB145 excavator only 1500 hrs. Hyd thumb $37,000 '06 TB153FR low hrs $35,000 '11 ZX50U-3 Cab, Heat, Air nice $42,000 '06 Volvo ECR38 1500hrs $21,000 '04 Yanmar VIO35 mini hoe $18,500 Loaders '07 JD605C crawler loader w/ forks $37,500 JD 555G crawler loader, rebuilt trans $21,000 Case 455C Loader $17,500 '09 Cat IT14G Wheel Loader cab, heat, air 7K hrs. nice $30,000 '05 JD310G Back hoe only 2200 hrs $35,000 Skidders 2- JD 540B Skidder $19,500 each '83 JD 640 Skidder $22,500 JD 440C Skidder $20,000 Call Firmen at 330-464-1428 OR 330-567-3886 4 SOLID rubber tires with hubs for John Deere 444 loader, Trico Enterprises, (330) 674-1157
FOR SALE: Takeuchi Mini good condition, 330-231-0117.
17 CU. ft. gas Diamond fridge used 1 year, excellent cond., $1600. (330) 231-6867
02200 AD13413624 144 1X2 Construction Equip. Rental
FRIG, NATURAL gas, 18cu ft, working condition, white, $750. (330) 749-1054
FOR SALE: Maytag Electric Dryer $125, Kenmore gas dryer $175 OBO. (330) 359-1902
220 Construction Equipment JOHN DEERE 350 Dozer w/ 6-way blade rops wench. Good cond., $10,500. (330) 377-5208 FOR RENT: Takeuchi TB 135 mini excavator. Heat & air conditioning. Different size buckets available with trailer, $25. per hour. Day time phone 330-231-5065 or 330600-9917. Duane Raber. 580K EXTENDAHOE backhoe, 4x4, foam filled tires. 16" 24" & 3 ft. dredging bucket, good cond., asking $15,000. (330) 663-4583 Dozers '09 750J LGP 7K hrs, heat, air $84,000 '06 JD650J LGP only hrs $54,000 '06 Case 650K 1300hrs winch $47,500 '05 JD450J LT w/ six $32,000
FOR RENT: IH 80 pull-type combine. New replacement blades for 6 ft. bush hog. 330-279-2089
New Equipment All Crop Hay Loaders, Pull Type 64”...................................... $4,300
Hay Equipment New Holland 9’ Rotary Rake.......... $2,400 New Holland 469 Haybine ..............SOLD JD 24T baler ................................. $2,400 JD 224T baler, good condition ........ $2,800 New Holland 268 baler, very tight machine..$2,400 Gehl hay head ................................... $1,000 JD Bale Thrower .................................. $750 JD 670 rake, good solid rake ........... $1,950
Tractors Farm Trac 360, 4WD, Loader 800 Hrs Nice .................................... $12,500 JD 5210, 45hp., 4300hrs., NEW tires .......................................... $9,500 MF 255, 52hp., nice solid tractor ..... $6,500 JD 420 Crawler 1-Phase Good Condition ................................SOLD Farmall 460, NF, show room ready............................... $6,900
Corn Imperial row cultivator ....................... $800 New Idea 2 row narrow picker, SUPER..................... $5,000 02250 576 $1,700 New Idea 1 rowAD13418906 picker ..................... 10271507 Arts Way 325 w/scales ...................... $3,000
MH 3-point 3x14” plow ....................... $400 10’ spike tooth, drag, new evener ....... $450 MM8 Transport Disc......................... $1,500 JD 24’ Hay Elevator, Good Condition ................................... $800 10’ Spike Tooth Transport ................ $1,500 8’ Dunham cultimulter, pivots in center .................................. $1,500 10’ packer........................................... $1,100 72” finish mower, 3-point .................... $900
Manure Spreader, 2 Wheel Ground Driver ....... $10 Per Hour
NATURAL GAS consul fridge in good cond. Noah Miller (330) 275-2504
FOR SALE: large chest freezer, good for ice box. $100 OBO (330) 359-5942
TB-135 Excavator, 3000-hrs.
Farm Equipment
330-897-1222 Ext. 3
Farm Equipment
New and used tractor parts in-stock!!! More equipment arriving weekly. Give us a call.
Mt. Hope Tractor 7501 CR 77 Millersburg, OH 44654 1/2 mile S. of Mt. Hope
330-674-3637 Ask for Marion
OLIVER MANURE Spreader, not PTO driven good cond. 46650 TR 221, Millersburg OH (740) 622-6920 1 SET tractor wheels was on L3450 Kubota, 12.4x24 hard rubber, back wheels, (good shape) 7x16 air boss front wheels, 1 wheel has 1 lug missing. (330) 893-1475
FOR SALE: Cummins Diesel 100HP w/ clutch, good cond., uses no oil, $3800. Oliver 880 Tractor, good cond., $3800. (330) 600-9624 FOR SALE: 7 ft. MC Deering grain binder. Good condition. Aden Mullet, 8056 Criswell Rd. Fred 695-2208
HILAND BIKES thSeervAingrea
FUJI • JAMIS • SCHWINN • SUN Since 1985 Rechargable Headlights Starting at
cab, 3000 with way
2 Locations to Serve You
4860 TR 367 Millersburg, Ohio 4441 CR 70 Charm, Ohio 330-893-2769 330-893-2411 Mon. & Tues. 8-8; SALES & SERVICE Mon. 8-7; Thurs. & Fri. 8-5:30; Sat. 8-2 Tues, Thur, Fri. 8-5; Sat. 8-12
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Thursday, July 24, 2014 — 31
Farm Equipment 230 Farm Products Produce 250
ONE TON WAGON hay wagon type. 852-0301
BED, 330-
NH TS-100 tractor w/Alamo ditch bank mower, dual remotes, 12-spd. shuttle shift, $14,900; MOLINE 4-bottom 3-pt. plow, $375. (330) 377-4190 FOR SALE: Mc-Deering 7ft grain binder. Mc-Deering no. 9 6ft mower. Abe Raber 5150 CR 229 FDBG. (330) 695-6793 PEQUEA HAY Tedder, model 710 ground drive, in good cond., Noah Troyer, 6840 TR 568, Holmesville (330) 674-0851 NEW HOLLAND 48HP Tractor, 1100hrs, good condition, $9,900. (330) 359-1127 FOR SALE: 2013 John Deere Tractor, 5065. 65HP, 475hrs, still on warranty, like new. $24,000 330-473-3503 CASE 1030 Tractor, 6cyl 451 cu. in. 100HP, runs good, great for silo blower, $2600. (330) 377-4190 MANURE SPREADER Gehl 309 single axle side shoot, good for chicken litter or saw dust $800. (330) 377-4190 JOHN DEERE 24T Baler needs some work. $1000. (330) 749-9453 JD 24T Square Baler, NH 256 & 258 Hay Rakes, Sitrex 10 wheel V-rake, NH 3-point sickle bar mower, No. 9 hay mower 6' bar, Brillion Cedar 10'. Andy Raber (330) 600-0391
FOR SALE: Ear corn & horse hay, small square. 330-473-8650 or home 330-893-4119
9614 James Rd., FDBG Fri & Sat 25th/26th from 7:30-? Dishes, clths, & kerosene lights.
FOR SALE: 2013 conventional ear corn. 330-3590290 ext. 3, 10454 Zuercher Rd., Dundee, OH 44624
MULTI FAMILY Garage Sale: 90 N. School St., Mbg., July 25th, 12:00 noon to 5:00 PM July 26th 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Hunting clothes & access., small fridge, elec. paper shredder, men's shirts, ladies access., household items, old books, more. Price to sell (cheap)
FOR SALE: Dry Oat Hay, oat/grass mix. Cheap. (330) 231-4738 FOR SALE: 2 young Saanen Billy Goats out of good milkers. Also a bale thrower for NH baler, very good cond., make offer. Elmer H. Yoder. 330-893-3687 x1 MAPLE SYRUP. For Sale $36/gallon. Also, half gallon, quarts and pints available. Elmer H. Yoder 5184 TR 118, 330-893-3687 ext 1. WILL DO CUSTOM INLINE Bale Wrapping. $5.75/per bale. (330) 231-6640. ATTENTION: Will do Custom round baling hay, manure hauling, mowing, plowing & misc. Mark Allen Miller, (330) 473-5366
CUSTOM HAY WRAPPING with tube wrapper or single wrapper. Phil Hershberger, (330) 852-9331.
FARMALL 560 Diesel tractor with belt pulley. 330852-9701 FOR SALE: Dion threshing T22-38 machine, Case 350 dozer. Both in good cond. Paul Hochstetler, 5882 CR 203, Millersburg, Ohio 44654 330-674-3386 FOR SALE: 1 Horse Manure spreader with shaft, good shape. (330) 279-2143 Skid Steers & Tractors Case IH 4210 open 2-WD 1 owner nice $13,000 JD401B industrial tractor 60HP Diesel $7,500 '06 Bobcat S185 $15,500 '06 Bobcat S130 1570 hrs $17,250 '99 JD 270 very good $15,500 '88 Case 350B Loader $5500 Call Firmen at 330-464-1428 or 330-567-3886
230 Farm Products Produce
Firewood Fuel
FOR SALE: Split seasoned firewood, slab wood & also boom truck loads available. Also, hollow campfire logs. 330-231-8462. FIREWOOD, KILN Dried, cut offs. Good for maple syrup, cooking & kitchen stove. 10 yd, load, delivered. Henry J. Miller. Sugar Creek, 330852-3363.
Garage Yard Sales
MOVING SALE, 7/25-7/26, 9-5, 7086 TR 319, Mlbg. Fork Lift, Freezer, Riding Mower, Filing cabinets, furniture, industiral drill press. (330) 231-1421 13871 TR 473, Lakeville, Aug 1, 8-3, Aug 2, 8-til sold out. Exercise equip, ping-pong table, bookcases, computer desk & chair, home decor, books, encyclopedia, dressers, washer, antiques, steamer, humidifier, bar signs, Longaberger, coffee table, end table, tons of misc.
FIRST CUTTING mixed hay $50 per round bale. (330) 359-6149 TAKING ORDERS for sweetcorn incredible Call (330) 852-2383 x3. Earl Erb 2263 Co. Rd. 70, SC. HEREFORD FEEDER Calves for sale, approx 1yr old. First cutting mixed hay, round bales, 5x5, $35/ea. Call eve. (330) 231-8264
BIG YARD SALE: 8880 St. Rt. 83, Holmesville. ThursSun, July 31st-August 2nd from 9-5.
Horses Livestock
5 YR old all purpose Mare, broke double, needs some work single, (330) 715-0363 4 YR old Sorrel Buggy Size, Trotting gelding, TSS, strip, 1-white sock, well broke. Adrian Coblentz, 7540 TR 601, Fredericksburg (330) 674-1034 1 ANGUS Heifer 500LB, 15 Cross Bred beef feeder calves, 350-450LBS, delivery avail. (740) 567-4205. 10 YR. old black/white paint gelding, been on trail rides, $800/firm. Aden Troyer, 13518 Harrison Rd., Apple Creek, OH 44606.
GARAGE SALE at Lighthouse Installation 8216 TR 568, FDBG. Huge 12 leaf dining tbl w/ 6 chairs, New Home sewing machine w/ stand, cedar chest, 2 100lb full propane tanks, high chair, end table, chest of drawers, & lots of misc! Fri 25th/Sat 26th 7-?
Horses Livestock 260
5 YR old Standard Gelding, TSS, good eler, mostly trot, boys $1,800. Allen Miller, 567-5944
Bred travtype, (330)
11 YR old black Standard Bred Cross Bred Mare, TSS, anyone can drive, would make good Brood Mare. (330) 893-1390 FOR SALE: 3 yr. old gelding standard bred dutch cross. Nice. 330-893-1130 1
NUBIAN Wether 4/16/14 $95 OBO. 852-1425
DOB (330)
FOR SALE: 3 yr. old gelding, all trot, easy to drive. Most women can drive. 2 hind angles& star white, TSS. V.M. 330-852-0159 Dale Schlabach FOUR YR. old Bay Friesian Paint Cross Mare. Sire Joey, broke, TS, lot of drive. Also, 11 yr. brown white racking mare. TSS, well broke to ride. Been on lots of trails. Neck reins. Slate Acres Stables 330-600-1779 FOR SALE: 4 yr. old 54" Paint Pony Gelding. Green broke. Also cart and harness. Like new. Ben Raber, 5493 CR 68, Millersburg, Ohio 44654 330-893-1336 6 YR old trotting bred Mare, TSS, buggy size, (330) 674-1631 FOR SALE: 6 yr old black pony 48" broke to ride and drive, $650. (330) 601-4649
INCREDIBLE SWEET CORN, taking orders now. (330) 359-5674
PIONEER SULKY Plow, right hand, 14" oliver bottom, culter, spring lift, 3 yrs old, $1150. Wayne Wengerd (330) 359-0313 FOR SALE: 500 gal plastic tank liquid manure spreader. Also, 4 bale, round bale wagon, battery winch loading.330-893-1637
Garage Yard Sales 260
3 YR old. A Standard Bred Gelding w/ a stripe, TSS, buggy size boys horse, good for long trips. $2400. Allen Miller (330) 893-4908 NOTICE: FARMERSTOWN Livestock Auction is having a horse & pony sale, Sat, July 26th. Expecting a load from Indiana. Also a few surrey horses. Sale starts at 10am. Auctioneer Atlee Shetler. For more info contact 330-897-3410. COMING TWO Buckskin Filly $300, 49" gray Mare, broke $325, 2014 Black Bay Filly $175. (740) 824-4361
10 YR old Bay Standard Bred Gelding, broke for anyone, TSS, nice big horse. Duane Yoder, 4952 SR 557, Mbg, (330) 893-4068 10 YR OLD Big Black Percheron Gelding, broke to most farm machinery, TSS, 17.3H, $2,400. Duane Yoder, 4952 SR 557, Mbg, (330) 893-4068 4 YR old Standard Bred Gelding, mostly trot, easy to drive, $2,000 obo. (330) 359-0198 Call evenings. 2 YR old black pony Mare 42" broke good to drive, TSS, $400. (330) 897-0128
10 YR old Morgan Mare broke to ride. 3 YR old pony broke to ride and drive. Aaron Mast (330) 359-5192
BIG STANDARDBRED dark bay gelding. Surrey horse. Mostly trot, TSS, $2700. M Weaver, 9290 TR 609, Fred.
4 YR old Gelding by Jailhouse Jesse, dark Bay w/ 3 white socks. $4800. Also, 5 yr old Dutch cross Gelding, super broke, fancy, $4200. Lavern Yoder (330) 852-4062
FOR SALE: 2yr old Belgium Mare, good broke 16HH $2000. Atlee Yoder 5642 CR 59 Millersburg OH
14/15 YR old Standard Bred, TSS, something for older people or kids, $1000. (330) 763-4747 4 YR old Proven Katahdin Ram, $200. 6 mo old Ram, 10 6-month old ewes. $150/ea. (330) 897-6602 FOR SALE: 1 YR. OLD Freisian cross, very sharp. (330) 663-6602 FOR SALE, 10 yr old Bay Standard Bred Gelding, TSS, anybody can drive. Levi Raber 5435 CR 19 MLBG. (330) 893-4521 7 yr old, 42" Paint Pony Gelding, good broke for children. (330) 466-9476 FIVE YEAR old black and white mare, broke. Also, 8 year old paint. 40", broke. Call 330-674-0156
15 YR. old black standard bred trotting mare, tss, women can drive, $1200. 330-852-8621 WANTED: PONY 48-52" must be young, nice, and broke. (330) 674-0494 4
YEAR old Paint riding horse mare with five month old colt, broke. Call 330674-0156
LARGE EASY ENTRY Pony Cart. $675 (330) 893-7421 7 YR old Gelding, by Ken Warkentin, 4 whites & a strip, good traveler, women can drive, tss, $4500. Lavern Yoder. 330-852-4062 HOLSTEIN HEIFER calf 1-2 wks old from our herd. (330) 893-0174 VM 9 YR old Standard Bred Gelding, TSS, women can drive, $2100. (330) 279-9221
Horses Livestock 260
5 YR old Bay Gelding, trotter, boys or family horse, drives nice, $3,400. 5 yr old Big Black Double Gaited Gelding, been in buggy, family type, $2,500. 3 yr old Dark Bay Gelding, fresh, travels nice, $2,200. 2 wk trial. Marion Mast, (330) 279-2070 FOR SALE: 2 yr old Hamp ram, $300. 6 mo old 3/4 Dorset 1/4 Polypay ram $225. Robert M. Raber 8218 TR 568, FDBG. (330) 279-9083 3 YR old Belgian Gelding, well broke, yearling and weanling stud colts, older reg mares in foal, very safe. kid broke. (330) 359-5730 FOR SALE: Jacob sheeps, rams, & ewes. (330) 674-1945 or call during day (330) 600-1296. FOR SALE: DUTCH Harness Standard Bred Cross Weanlings, Sire by Winand, Also Standard bred mares, in foal to Winand. (330) 674-2890 FOR SALE or lease: 1.5 yr old Registered Jersey bull, Sire: Plus, Dam: Zuma, Genomic tested, +1000 milk, +159JPI, has been used on cows. Also 2 yr old quarter horse, well broke to ride, $500. (330) 600-9415 8 YR. OLD gelding, mostly trot, super driver, strong & powerful; 4 yr. old mare, upheaded, drives with snug lines. Both horses big enough for surrey, and tss. V.M. 330-852-0159 Dale Schlabach YEARLING PAINT stud pony, well built, very tame, well started in harness. $350/obo. 330-749-3973 4 YR. OLD Gelding, 15.3H, blk. w/3 whites & a star, stands to hitch, TSS, mostly trot, $2900. Jonas Jr. Yoder, CR 19. 330-893-0716 4 YR Old Bay 16H. Friesian Standard Bred Gelding. TSS. Broke single, and double. A good driver. $4,000. (330) 852-0703 x1 FOR SALE: 5 yr old Gelding, Surrey Horse, safe for women. Atlee Miller, 7640 Frease Rd, Fredericksburg OH (330) 695-9392† WANTED: BREEDING age New Zealand Holstein Bull to buy or use. (330) 852-7421 3 YR Old Standard Bred Gelding, TSS, 95% trot, in buggy 2 months, Wayne Weaver 330-473-2416
Horses Livestock
9 YR old Sorrel crossbred mare, broke to ride, good on trails, has been driven 8 yr old black & white paint mare, broke to ride, good on trails, has been driven also. Both need work. $1,200 each. Wayne Miller 3750 TR 124, MLB. (330) 893-8019 3 YR old miniature donkey, jack, tame, $200. (330) 231-9940 7 YR old Sorro Gelding, TSS, $1,700 obo. (330) 893-4026 Ext 1 FOR SALE: Full-blooded Heifer Angus. 330-674-5740 RIDING HORSE and Pony Auction Saturday August 2, 2014. Tack at 9:30 Horses 12 Noon. Will be selling all types of good broke riding horses, registered and grade Quarter Horses that they have been shown and used on cattle, poles, barrels, and trails, Miniature Horses and ponies and pony teams, Miniature Donkeys, one with 3 month old foal. Accepting tack and horse consignments through sale day. Smokey Lane Stables, Inc 686 Smokey Lane RD, Sugarcreek, OH 44681. (330) 852-2237. Auctioneer Myron Miller Apprentice Daniel Schrock. FOR SALE: 14 Organic Jersey, and Jersey Holstein Cross Heifers; 7 bred for fall freshening, 7 breeding age Heifers. (330) 600-9624 PLEASURE WAGON for team, Pioneer running gears, 2 side bench seats, full driver seat, brakes, LED lights, air tires, (740) 545-5047 FOR SALE: 7 yr old Standard Bred Gelding, TSS, all trot, $2,400. (330) 674-4505 FOR SALE: polled registered Jersey Bull, sired by Oliver P. Dam is excellent, 90, second lac. Leroy Miller (330) 695-9960 AMERICAN GUINEA Heritage Hogs, feeders, breeding pairs, and sows. (330) 465-3487 WANTED TO BUY: All types of horses & ponies, sound or unsound. J & S Horse Farm, 13914 Mt. Eaton Rd, Doylestown, 44230. Call or write. (330) 715-0363 TEAM OF Black Percheron Geldings, 8 & 9 yrs old, well broke to all farm equip. Brian I Yoder, 5070 TR 629, Mlbg, OH (330) 893-7014
6 YR old tri-colored Mare. Good broke to ride. $700. Sara Miller. 330-852-3809
FOR SALE: 4yr old Black Morgan Gelding, Top buggy broke, TSS, Call (330) 852-3237
7YR old Registered Tri-Color, Paint Mare, good trail horse, (740) 545-5047
FOR SALE: 17 yr. old Paint Pony Gelding. Broke to ride and drive. 330-600-0884
Smokey Lane Stables, Inc. Aug 2 R iding HoRse & Pony sale nd
Tack 9:30 • Horses NooN
accepTiNg Tack & Horse coNsigNmeNTs
THrougH sale Day
Aug 8TH
dRiVing HoRse CoRn RoasT sale
Rodeo AUGUST 16 7PM
Tack 5:30pm Horses 7:00pm
686 Smokey Lane Road NW • Sugarcreek, OH 44681 Phone: 330-852-2237 Fax: 330-852-2237
auctioneer Myron Miller • apprentice daniel shrock 10275567
32 — Thursday, July 24, 2014 260
Horses Livestock 260
4 YR old Standard Bred Gelding, TSS, very good broke family horse. John J. Weaver, 4250 CR 207, Millersburg 44654 between CR 77 & US 62. DORSET EWE lambs born in Feb. $125. Also, ram lambs. 330-600-1735 9 YR old Gelding, trots nice, very good broke, TSS $1800. 9 yr old trotting Mare, good broke, TSS $1900. Duane Weaver (330) 674-1777
The Holmes County Hub Shopper Horses Livestock 260
BUYING & SELLING Standard Bred & Crossbred horses. Call (330) 359-2852 WANTED: BLONDE Belgian gelding around 17H. Atlee Barkman, 8360 CR 373, Big Prairie, OH 44611
2 YR old 42" Brown Pony Stud, Green broke to ride & drive, $450. Coming 2 yr old Mini Black/White Stud, 36", green broke to ride & drive, $350. 5 yr old White Mule Jenni, 56" broke to ride, $250. 4 yr old Hackney, 50", broke to ride & drive, $600. (330) 473-8271
02600 AD12742403 216 livestock art
3 YEAR old mare. Friesian & standard bred cross. Sire Michelangelo. Registered sports horse. TSS, drives nice. 330-359-5601 ext. 1 8 yr old Hackney Mare, 52", good broke to drive. (330) 466-9476 3 YR old 56" black Welsh Pony Mare, kid broke, rides & drives, (330) 6742779†Ext.2 (330) 763-3764 1 PAIR of ring neck pheasants $45. (740) 291-7019
FOR SALE: 14 Dorset, Suffolk cross Ewes. $150 each. Roy A. Miller 13827 TR 471, Lakeville, OH 44638 FOR SALE: white Pekin Ducks. Ages two thru eight weeks old. Also, two year old Bishon female. Crist Miller, 6267 Short Rd., SW, Fresno, OH (330)897-1017
1 YR old Friesian Cross Gelding, Sire Tomte dam trotting bred sharkhead, good size, have wheeling fillings full sister. Call (330) 600-0539 TAKING ORDERS for golden comet pullets, ready to go first of September & first part of November. $8.50ea. Edward Miller 10878 TWP RD. 526, Shreve. (330) 600-8131 VM 14 YR old Standard Bred Gelding, TSS, anybody can drive, $1500. Alvin Hershberger (330) 473-0255
7 YR old Bay Gelding, TSS, broke for anyone to drive, $2000. (330) 763-1443 FOR SALE: Pygmy goat. 8 weeks old. Also large riding saddle. Call 330-893-3087 ext. 1.
4 YR. OLD Dutch standardbred cross mare, tss, been in top buggy, $2400. Amos Yoder (330) 897-1295, Ext 1
4 YR. old black trotter. 3 whites, 16.2 H.H. surrey horse, $4500. 10 yr. old bay mare in foal to Flashy, $1500. Both TSS and women can drive. Leave message, 330-279-3867
4 YR. OLD BELGIAN mare, broke to all farm machinery, Sire: RKD-Eddie, in foal to BJ Boilermaker. Amos Yoder (330) 897-1295, Ext 1 FOR SALE: 9 year old sorrel buggy horse. Traffic safe & sound, $2000. 330893-7065 ext. 3.
Horses Livestock 260
DUTCH HARNESS Standard Bred Cross Mare 100% TSS safe for women. 2 yrs old, Ben Yoder. 8905 Alabama Ave, Navarre DORSET/CHEVIOT SHEEP sell out, 9 3yr old ewes $200/ea. 2 3yr old proven breeder bucks $250/ea. 3 lambs $125ea. Aden A Yoder, 5189 Evans Creek Rd SW, Sugarcreek (330) 897-4603 5 yr. old gelding- Blissful Hall, good broke surrey horse, all trot, tss. Atlee Miller, 11265 Harrison Rd., Apple Crk. 330-695-2249x4.
Kaufman Auction House 3149 SR 39, Millersburg OH
Location: Kaufman Auction House next to Amish Country Theater, Directions 3.3 miles east of Berlin or 0.5 mile west of Walnut Creek, Ohio in Holmes County. From I-77 take SR 39 west approximately 12 miles to Auction House.
Monday, July 28, 2014 5:00 PM
Antiques * Glassware * Household * Furniture * Misc. Mobil and Penzoil 30 gal. cans; Molson light up sign; vintage baby stroller; large air horn; usual antiques & collectibles; very nice cherry dining set w/ 6 chairs; oak curio cabinet; oak gun cabinet, like new; clear gas floor lamp; rare Vitus J. Kaiser painting; new Home & Garden party items; Rubbermaid totes; chest of drawers; dresser; nice office desk; sofa chairs; rocker; misc. furniture; Rubbermaid chairs; tools; small air compressor; bench top drill press; step ladder; weed eaters; chop saw; bags of hand and power tools; appliance dolly; 21” mower Troy-Bilt; Dayton welder; air tank; lots of garden tools; metal welding table; small bandsaw; dog house. Note: Visit for photos and updates. For more information contact the auction house at (330) 204-4453. Terms: Cash, check, or any major credit card with valid I.D. 3% buyer’s premium will be waived for cash sales. Receiving Hours: Wednesday, 9AM-4PM Always Taking Quality Consignments
6 YR old brown Gelding 36" kid broke to ride & drive. TSS. $575 OBO. (330) 893-3808 FOR SALE: HORSES, 7 yr. old Reg. Morgan gelding 100% TS. Women can drive, 6 yr. old strawberry Roan Qtr. horse, Belgian cross. Good trail horse, 4 yr. old Perlino Qtr. horse gelding well started under saddle. More info leave message, 330-893-0026 PIGMY GOATS 6mo. old white w/ black markings. (330) 359-0103 FOR SALE: Used mini surrey in good condition, with LED lights. John Miller Jr. 330-852-0601. WORLD'S SMOOTHEST RIDING HORSE, Columbian Paso Fino Horses for sale. They have a 4 beat single foot gait. 3-Trained in dressage moves, $5,000 each, 4-untrained $1,750 ea, 2-Black trained, $2,200 ea. All geldings, (330) 674-2503 6 YR old Belgian Gelding, broke to all farm machinery, works w/ snap. $2500 OBO. Wayne Hochsteler (330) 698-1020 x4 5 YR old Chestnut Gelding, 47", Rides & drives, (330) 466-9476
Horses Livestock 265
Household Furnishings 270
3 YR old Gelding mostly trot, good broke, Surrey horse, TSS, $2950 Duane Weaver (330) 674-1777
OVAL 72"X48" Oak Table, Double Ped., Light Color, w/2 Leaves, and (6) Arm Chairs, $700. 330-844-3516
R&S TRAINING Full training & boarding. Western pleasure & driving. Colt starting indoor arena. Indoor round pen, outdoor arena. (330) 401-8297.
$$$ BRAND NEW QUEEN PILLOWTOP MATTRESS SET Still in Factory Plastic. $200.00 Can Help with Delivery Call 330-353-8849
FOR SALE: Dorsett $300. (330) 359-6149
FOR SALE: 5 yr old Belgian Gelding, broke to all farm machinery. $2800. (330) 359-0752 4 YR old Brown & White Gelding. Also 2yr old Paint Mare. Both 37", kid broke to ride & drive. (330) 674-2526 FOR SALE: Standard Bred Gelding, TSS, anybody can drive. Call 330-600-0695 FOR SALE: 11yr old Dutch Standard Bred Broodmore, black, 3 white socks $600 OBO, has a chironie Filly. Black, 4 whites & a blaze. John Troyer (330) 674-6003
4-SALE: New 12 ft. Ext. table w/sleeves, fruit wood finish, $600. Andy J. Miller, 13590 TR 472, Lakeville OH 44638 FOR SALE: 19 cu. ft. upright Fridge in non-working cond. Cabinet in Good Cond., $200. 330-359-0290 ext. 3. 2 SINGER sewing machine heads, 1-201 Both working. Herman Zook, 9928 Emerson Rd., A. C., OH 44606 FOR SALE: Necchi Flatbed Sewing Machine 536 w/ walnut stained oak cabinet, works very well, $300 (330) 464-5364
ELK RIFFLE Remington 700BDL, good cond., $525 (330) 988-2430
1st Choice
FOR SALE: Brand new Vanguard spotting scope we/ used Manfrotto tripod. Package prized. Also, used Bushnell Legend binoculars, in good cond. VM (330) 897-0860
ent of Supplemryw here!
Horsemen eve
02600 AD13444160 144 Questions/Comments: 10277406Sunrise Supply LLC 330.359.6152
Now available at over 400 locations — US/Canada
12 YR old black & white 52" paint pony mare w/ colt. Kids broke to ride/drive. Also, 3 yr old 42" black & white paint mare and 2 yr old 49" black & white paint mare both broke to ride/drive. 5571 CR 68, Millersburg (330) 893-4908 FOR SALE: Registered Yearling Belgian Philly, Red sorrol, will get big, easy to handle. (330) 852-2723
FOR SALE: Eberlestock Just One hunting pack, $250 Also Kelty backpacker, $125. (330) 695-6320 VM REMINGTON 770 243 with 3-9 X40 scope, like new. $475 obo. (330) 893-1426 voicemail.
Lawn & Garden
EX-MARK 48" walk behind mower, exc. cond., Andy Raber (330) 600-0391 WILL DO garden plowing, tilling, brush hogging, and get your new lawn ready for seeding. Henry J Miller, 330-852-3363. BACHTOL 26" brush mower w/ Honda engine $950.00. FERRIS 26" brush mower w/ Honda engine $1200.00 Charm Engine LTD (330) 893-3033
Hunting Fishing GRAVELY 12 h.p. walk be-
NUTRA-GLO™ Nutritional Feed Supplements (Liquid Products)
Hunting Fishing
REMINGTON 1187 VR, 12-ga, 30" barrel, Bushnel scope 9x40, $500; Thompson Center muzzle loader, 50 cal. Firehawk w/scope rings, $125. (330) 852-3620 MATTHEWS HELIM Compound Bow, full accessories, 60lb. 27" draw, whisker biscuit trophy ridge pin set, lost camo $900 OBO. 330465-5056, Winesburg. LOOKING FOR driver to go Deer Hunting, Coshocton & Knox counties, 330-6741054 REMINGTON 770 7mm mag black syn. stock Bushnell 3x9 scope in very good cond. (330) 464-2186
hind mower with tiller, plow, sulky, and sickle mower attachments. 330-852-2902
HUSTLER 48" Trim Star walk behind, $3498.98; Toro 48" hydro walk behind, $3999.98; Turf Beast 54" hydro walk behind, $2999.98. Charm Engine LTD 330-893-3033 FOR SALE: Mo Jack, Mower Lift, 8 ft truck bed liner call (330) 852-4058 STIHL FSE 60 Electric weed eater, curved shaft. Used very little, $75. Ph. 330-276-1114 LAND PRIDE 52" zero-turn w/new Honda engine, $2750; JD X-300, 38" deck, $1298; Yard Machine 42" tractor w/dbl. bagger, $698; Snapper NXT tractor, 46" deck, 23-hp, $1698. Charm Engine LTD 330-893-3033 WANTED: GOOD used 21" lawn mower reels for gang mower. Aden Yoder 7947 CR 373, Big Prairie OH 44611 WHEEL HORSE riding mower, 36" cut, w/bagger, $600. Steiner 230 5' mower w/5' snow blade, $6,800. Call (330) 763-4685
17-ft. Blue Fin boat w/Evinrude 88-hp motor & 265 Household Furnishings Evinrude 9.9-hp motor. Has live well, 4 new seats, new carpeting & all safety equip- CHERRY RIDGE Greenhouse has fall plants availaFOR SALE: Grandfather ment. Trailer has new tires & ble. Cabbage, broccoli, cauclock (oak) brand new, new lights. 330-674-7434 liflower, lettuce. Also, bean, works. $695. Wayne Miller, raddish, and carrot seeds. 2783 S. Carr Rd., Apple PSE BOW w/ all accessories (330) 852-4062 & bow case. (330) 893-4908 Creek OH 44606. STEINER 230, 60" deck, KITCHEN TABLE: solid ma- FOR SALE: 18ft Alumacraft 27-hp Kohler, $6599.98. boat w/ 60HP motor, fish ple 3'x5' butcher block style. Charm Engine LTD finder. (330) 695-2223 Like new, $80. Call 330-893-3033 330-674-1406 GARMIN 62ST GPS w/ camera, microSD card slot, US 48" EX-MARK comm. walk behind mower hydro. floattopo & bird's eye view ing deck. Looks and runs downloaded, like new, (330) good. $2500. 330-275-2563 275-9675
GaraGe Door auction Monday, July 28, 5:30PM
Located at: Wayne Co. Fairgrounds Wooster, Ohio, take Rt. 30 to Columbus Rd. exit follow signs to fairgrounds. Garage doors 8’, 9’, 10’, 12’, 14’, 15’, 16’, 18’ wide, residential & commercial garage door openers, garage door hardware, trim, tracks and springs. For more information call 1-800-491-2575 or go to terms: cash, charge card and check w/positive I.D.. 10% buyers premium will be charged. Tax will be charged unless you have vendors number. All doors must be removed 2 hrs. after completion of auction. owner Shoff Door co.
Jack GooDbar coMPLete auction Service
36th Annual Alpine Schools Consignment Auction Fri. Sept. 12, 2014 – 5:00 PM Hunting & Fishing Gear
Saturday, Sept. 13 – 9:00 AM New Furniture, Crafts, Quilts, Tack, New Shoes, Misc. For consignment advertising contact by Aug 18
PH. Paul Miller 330-359-6109 V.M. Aden Miller 330-359-6269 Ext 4
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Miscellaneous Merch. 280
USED DESKMATE Original Series Word Processor, w/Microsoft Word & Excel, Quickbooks 2011 Premier Accountant, $750. (330) 231-2042 CUSTOM BRUSH HOGING 6' brush hog $35 per hour. Used pony cart $900, harness $100, drip tape, $100. John Hershberger, Winesburg. 330-359-2507 FRUSTRATIONS? WE offer solutions. Deskmate Word Processors. Four models to choose from. Authorized distributor, Robert Yoder, 330-390-0177. FOR SALE: 500 gallon air tank $300. Robert M. Raber, 8218 TR 568, FDBG. (330) 279-9083 MINI SURREY for sale in good condition, new LED lights, $4500. Call (330) 473-3189 /VM NEW, NEVER used, burlap 36"x48" pcs, $3.60ea. Printed burlap feed bags $5ea. Ideal for home decor projects! 8718 TR 552, Shreve. 330-567-5960. FOR SALE: Rubber tire, open buggy, good cond. $650. Also, 6 wooden varnished chairs, used very little. Black Poly Glider, like new. (330) 359-0293
Thursday, July 24, 2014 — 33
Miscellaneous Merch. 280
Miscellaneous Merch. 280
Miscellaneous Merch. 280
FOR SALE: 6-pc. 5x10 chain length fence - 1 pc. has gate + 1 extra gate, $20/ea. or $100/all. Marvin L. Raber, (330) 897-8701.
FOR SALE: 500 sq. ft. 6 1/4 Hardie Plank Siding $1500. 21-New 30' 10 pitch attic trusses cost new $230 a piece, will sell all for $1,200 or $100/pc. (740) 610-1776
FOR SALE: Good Used Surrey, steel wheels, 330-2412650 12569 Cunningham Rd, Maynard Miller.
PORTABLE TWO burner propane camping stove, good cond., $60. (330) 359-6149
FOR SALE: campfire logs. Also seasoned firewood split. 330-893-0218
WINDOW AIR Conditioner, like new, 8000BTU, 115V/6.4AMP. $100 (330) 473-8271
CORN HOLE BAGS: $12/set of 8 bags...5 sets or more, $10/set of 8 bags. Norman C. Yoder, 4256 TR 374, Millersburg. 330-893-7421.
WANTED: LOCAL grass fed Beef for Butcher Block & Deli. Contact Sam @ (330) 345-6906
10X10 PLAYHOUSE, insulated, w/ a 6x10 porch in front, exc. cond., $750. 330-275-0795
BIO PONY harness for small pony, blinds, spots breast pads, like new $220. (330) 893-1058
FOR SALE: 8x7.6' good use steel Wayne garage door, one glass section, insulated, track and spring complete. $200. (330) 674-5525
FOOT MOUNTED corn choppers $90 free shipping. Also, Diaper Washer plans, $5/ea. James Hoover, 340 File Rd, Milton, PA 17847 FOR SALE: Surrey, some LED lights, brakes, front steel wheel. Clyde Yoder (330) 893-1097 LADY FINGER POPCORN that pops, organic $1.50#. Sold at LeRoy Coblentz's, FDBG (330)695-5395, also at Chestnut Ridge Shoes (330)893-4020 FOR SALE: new Raleigh 21 speed bicycles, boys & girls, leave message. (330) 674-0636 FOR SALE: 30ft. cooler trailer w/ Therma King cooling unit, works good. (330) 695-2223
3.6 ACRES OF LAND-2 MOBILE HOMES • 2 CAR GARAGE/SHOP-POND-COUNTRY LOCATION JD MOWER-SHARPENING TOOLS HOUSEHOLD To settle the estate will sell the following real estate and personal property at absolute auction on location at 11149 Stratton Road, West Salem, Ohio. From the junction of SR 604 and SR 539 in Congress, Ohio go North 1 mile on Stratton Road.
TUESDAY JULY 29, 2014 • 11:00 A.M.
REAL ESTATE TO SELL TO THE HIGH BIDDER AT 12:00 NOON Country investment opportunity. 3.6+ acres of land with trees, stocked pond, 2 mobile homes, and a 2 car garage used for a shop. One mobile is rented and the other is vacant. The garage did house a saw sharpening business. Buy the real estate and rent everything. Or park your camper on weekends and fish all day. Nothing fancy, but affordable. And it all sells to the high bidder. No minimums. No reserves. Terms are 10% down day of auction and balance due at closing. Arrange your financing and come bid your judgment. Starting at 11:00 with misc. tools and household. Real estate at Noon. Followed by JD mower and storage building. Property open for inspection 1 hour prior to auction. Pictures at Click on real estate auctions. MOWER-BUILDING-TOOLS-HOUSEHOLD John Deere X320 lawn tractor w/ 48 in. mower; 12x16 portable storage barn; Craftsman 10 table saw; rolling tools box; Pepsi clock; small chest freezer; Blatz and Marlboro signs; Craftsman 2HP portable air compressor; Lincoln welder; misc. dishes and glassware; misc. furniture; saw sharpening equipment w/ books; misc. hand and power tools; box lots; and more. NOTE: Small items and tools at 11AM, Real estate at Noon, followed by large items. Tool pictures at Auction by order of Attorney William Anfang, III, Ex. for ESTATE OF JOHNNY DOMALEWSKI Wayne Co. Probate #TBD
SHEEP FENCE, 4x4 holes, 5'x16' panels, hot dipped galvanized after welded, in stock $60. Call for quote on custom sheep feeders. Hillside Fabrication. (330) 893-1058 GAS GRILL with sideburner thermometer in hood. Uniflame. Roy L. Miller 3915 TR 366, MLBG. (330) 893-4408 FOR SALE: 10X10' GOOD use steel Wayne garage door, one section glass, track and spring complete, insullated. $450. (330) 674-5525
NH Skid Steer Steel Tracks, good condition. $1750 OBO. Call (330) 279-2910 FOR SALE: 95% efficient comfort Aire. Forced air gas furnace with central air cooling unit. $2350. 330852-0236
Miscellaneous Merch. 280
BAKER'S CHOICE Wood Fire Cook Stove 32" wide x 24" deep $400. Weslo Pro Crosswalk Exerciser $50. (330) 377-5208 FOR SALE: Approx 450 slate, 12x24, (330) 897-7830 BALL CANNING lids, jars. 330-234-0189
24X32 WHITE hoop building, used 2 yrs for a barn. $2000 (330) 601-3307 MAYTAG WASH Machine with 2.5 Honda engine $475 Leroy Kuhns 8085 CR 235 Fdbg OH. 330-674-3872 x4
Miscellaneous Merch.
ALICE & Jerry Books, good condition. (330) 359-6345 Ext 2. FOR SALE: 42"x72" drafting table with scales included, good condition. Buckeye Welding, (330) 674-2585 FOR SALE: 500 gal. air tank, $300. Aden Schlabach, 3398 T.R. 156, Millersburg, OH 330- 893-0026 FOR SALE: Surrey in good cond., LED lights, hydraulic brakes, & front. $1500. (330) 359-0140 FOR SALE: Rubber tire surrey, sliding door. Good condition. 330-893-1130
FOR SALE: Wagon, 43x93, 4 air tire wheels, tongue, light weight. Jr. Miller (330) 674-9060
BUGGY FOR SALE, child seat w/door, brakes, lights, steel wheels. Clyde Yoder, (330) 893-1097
FOR SALE: Silo, 10x40 cement stave silo, pipe & bucket, no roof. Make offer. (330) 359-6303
FOR SALE: HONDA 2.2 motor 4 1/2 flex shaft, mounting post, engine cover & brackets, $225. 330-897-0112
FOR SALE: 7 4x3 insulated steel windows, slider w/ screen, good used. $50 (330) 674-5525
MIGRATION FENCING for Broiler House, free standing. Hillside Fabrication. (330) 893-1058
NEW STAINLESS steel grill. Top of the line quality. Honda 13 HP Honda 8 HP Kawasaki 5 HP motors. Self propelled reconditioned lawn mowers. Abe Yoder, 2831 TR 151, Millersburg, OH 330-893-1521
FOR SALE: Air makeup 1,987,000BTU, natural gas. $4500 OBO. Contact Ohio Valley Finishings 740-295-0046 EXT 1.
RUBBER TIRE road cart in good cond., newly painted, call Jacob at 330-763-4388
TOP SOIL for sale! (330) 601-3307
Location: 5477 Maple St., Berlin OH 44610. From US 62/SR39 in Berlin take Elm St. south 1 block to Maple St. ¼ mile to property. (Behind German Village). Signs Posted.
THURSDAY, JULY 31, 2014 • 4:00 PM
100’x145’ Lot * Berlin Twp. * Holmes Co. * East Holmes LSD * Ranch Home * 3 Bedroom* 2 Bath * Vehicle * Household *
OPEN fOR INSPECTION: Wednesday, July 23, 5–7 PM Located on a quiet residential street in the Village of Berlin, this 3 BR ranch home features kitchen, dining room, living room, family room, and 3 bedrooms on the main floor. Replacement windows, partially finished basement, 2 car garage, screened in porch, central air, central vac, and large flat backyard are also included with this offering. Whether you’re looking for a starter home, place to raise a family, or retirement house, this home will do. All city utilities, large shade trees, and within walking distance to many amenities of Berlin. Real Estate will sell at 6:00 PM. REAL ESTATE TERMS: 10% non-refundable down payment day of sale, balance due at closing. No contingencies. Sells ASIS, and subject to all articles of record. Announcements day of sale will take precedence. Any required inspections must be completed prior to bidding. All information contained herein is deemed viable, but not warranted. LEgAL: Parcel # 0101143000, Berlin Twp., Holmes Co., East Holmes Schools. Taxes are $972.56 per half year. Agent related to the sellers.*Watch future ads for chattel listing* Sale by order of: David & Sarah (Yoder) Kandel Trust
FOR SALE: 20KW Marelli belt drive generator, 35HP Toyota Diesel, also line shaft, call 330-852-0259
FOR SALE: Now selling organo gold black coffee $20 a box 30 satchets ask about other organo gold products. Erb 2789 TR 406 MLB 44654 (330)893-0153vm BAKERY FULL-SIZE proof box. $700 (330) 897-1233
Hershberger Real Estate Auction
Location: 5774 SR 515, Millersburg OH 44654. GPS Coordinates: 40.562484, -81.713281. From SR 39 & SR 515 in Walnut Creek take SR 515 north 3 miles to location or from US 62 & SR 515 take SR 515 south 4 miles to location. Signs Posted.
Friday, August 1, 2014 6:00 PM
20.39 Acres * Walnut Creek Twp. * Holmes County * East Holmes LSD * Newer 2 Story Home * Barn * Shop * 1 Parcel Open for Inspection: Tuesday, July 22nd, 5:00-7:00 PM A rare opportunity is here for you nestled in the hills of Eastern Holmes County. Property consists of 20+ acres, beautiful 2-story home, newer shop, and barn. The acreage is mostly wooded with 6 acres of pasture. The 2 story home was built in 1997 by local craftsmen and features a Burkholder kitchen with pantry, dining area, living room, sewing room, 5 bedrooms, and 2 baths. Home also has a fully finished walk out basement with kitchen, living area, gas fireplace, and laundry room. Outside of the home you will find a front porch, rear deck/ patio, small pond, and beautiful landscaping surrounding the property. The 2 story shop was built in 2002 and constructed with poured walls and outside entrances to both level, it is also plumbed for a bathroom. The bank barn consists of 3 box stalls, 8 tie stalls, 2 loafing sheds, shop area, and fenced pastures. Home does have a private septic, spring water, gas/wood boiler heat, and is wired for solar lighting but has no electric. The Hershberger’s had built this home with plans of never leaving. Their change in plans is your opportunity to buy this home built with care and attention to detail. Hope to see you at open house or call Derrick for private showing. Real Estate Terms: 10% non-refundable down payment day of sale, balance due at closing. No contingencies. Sells AS-IS, and subject to all articles of record. Announcements day of sale will take precedence. Any required inspections must be completed prior to bidding. All information contained herein is deemed viable, but not warranted. Legal: Parcel #’s 2600510000 & 2600511000 in Walnut Creek Twp., Holmes Co., East Holmes Schools. Taxes are $1348.00 per half year, prorated till time of closing. Sale by order of: Owen & Amanda Hershberger
34 — Thursday, July 24, 2014 280
Miscellaneous Merch. 280
OPEN BUGGY w/rack & childs seat. G. cond. Lights, turn signal & blinker. A. Miller, 6771 T.R. 652, Mbg.
The Holmes County Hub Shopper Miscellaneous Merch. 280
SHOWER STALL, white fiberglass, 34in. deep x 48in. wide x 72in. high. $175. (330) 988-7953
FELLOWSHIP TOURS Hawaii Cruise • Dec. 1-23, 2014 Bus to Amtrak, Train to LA, 1 night in a LA motel, 2 week cruise to Hawaii and Mexico, sightseeing on 4 islands. Lancaster, New Jersey • Aug. 14-16, 2014 Northlandtz - 8 miles of track for model trains, Philadelphia Mint, (watch our coins made) Lancaster, Big Valley, Robotic Milking, etc. Finger Lakes, NY • Oct. 9-11, 2014 Rock City Park, Watkins Glen, Taugannock Falls, Letchworth State Park, Glendora Winery, and More. 2700 TR 414 • Dundee, OH 44624
Miscellaneous Merch. 300
NEW PFAFF Sewing & Embroidery Machines and Sergers for sale. Available at Lackman's Sewing Center, Apple Creek, OH 330-698-3060. 20 HAND Hewn timber. Also 75 nice foundation sandstone, 3'-5'. (740) 824-4063 FOR SALE: ACE School Circ.- Kdg grade (330) 473-5626
Home & 1st
Musical Instruments
FOR SALE: Fender Sonoran Elect. Acoustic Guitar, great tone, $200. Also Yamaha F310 Acoustic Guitar, $125. (330) 695-6320 VM
Pets Supplies
FOR SALE: Whelping Boxes, (24) 2x2, (6) 3x3 automatic water & feeding, 60W light bulbs under each for heat, like new condition, reasonable price. (912) 288-7228 11WK BLACK Golddoodle puppies. 3/4 Poodle, 1/4 Golden Retriever. $650 OBO. (330) 763-4840 AKC BEAGLE pups, 9wks, tri-color $150. 330-608-4836
FARMERSTOWN AUCTION TUESDAY, JULY 29TH, 4:30 pm 2453 SR557 (Between Farmerstown & Baltic)
90+ PIECES OF QUALITY USED FURNITURE, SEVERAL PIECES MID 19th CENTURY DECORATED STONEWARE, OTHER PRIMITIVES, ANTIQUES, FEW GUNS, LOTS OF AMMO, BUSINESS RELATED ITEMS INCLUDING 150+ STORAGE TOTES, COLLECTIBLES, HOUSEHOLD & MUCH MORE NOTE: GUNS, AMMO, ANTIQUES NOT ON PREMISES UNTIL AUCTION DAY This is a PARTIAL LISTING for a larger sale. Much being sold in large lots. See Auctionzip for photos, order of sale and more complete listing. NOTE: ELI & SALOMA MILLER ARE RETIRING AFTER 18 YEARS IN BUSINESS FURNITURE & BUSINESS RELATED: Bedroom sets, dining and kitchen sets to include wild cherry dropleaf table & 6 chairs, quality arts and crafts 4 piece living room set, desk by Baker, bookcases, china cabinets, rockers including an unusual Tell City rocker, cedar chests, lots of beds in all sizes, mattress sets, much in occasional tables and chairs, brand names to include Thomasville, Lane and others. Antique furniture including a sugar chest, dough box, flatback cupboard, organ stool, trunks, and much more. 15+ folding tables, 150+ RUBBERMAID/STERILITE STORAGE TOTES (20-60 gallon sizes), nice GOEBEL UPRIGHT GLASS DISPLAY CABINET (great for the antique mall), two 4’x7’ nice wood display shelves, moving dollies, packing blankets, and other supplies. GUNS & AMMO: Several guns to include Martin Firearms Model 56-22 lever action, JC Higgins Model 20-12 shotgun, Stevens over/under Model 22-410, Sheridan Blue Streak air rifle. MUCH AMMO to include Winchester, Western, Federal, Remington with much in full boxes of 12 ga. and lots of 12 ga. trap loads, some 410 ammo, 9 mm & others, shot shell primers & more. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Exceptional mid 19th century ovoid stoneware jug and RARE DECORATED BUTTERCHURN both with floral decorations and others, nice vintage four panel handpainted black lacquer oriental dressing screen, collectible pottery including Roseville, spongeware, yelloware, wall pocket and an unusual large oriental pottery piece signed KIMYA, vintage Chris Craft Challenger boat motor, collection of old woodworking planes, other collectibles to include head planters, glass butterchurn, few childs toys and old dolls such as a 26” doll with porcelain head and legs, two Kincade framed prints and other interesting wall art, graniteware, breweriana, large collection of vintage tins, unusual brass andirons, Longaberger baskets, Noblet clarinet, unusual 1960s mechanical yard Christmas ornament, lots of flatware & much more. MUCH HOUSEHOLD, LAWN/GARDEN & MISCELLANEOUS: Pfaltzgraf dinnerware and others, baby items, Singer Serger Ultralock, electric guitar, huge stainless steel pot, Troybilt 4 cycle weed eater, electric and gas power washers, and much more. MORE SURPRISES YET TO BE ADDED AND UNCOVERED. Owners: Eli and Saloma Miller and Edward Salabak Cash or good check (no out of state checks) Restroom, food, snacks, complimentary water Questions? Call 216-406-8782 John KeeneR, AuCtioneeR
Pets Supplies 300
STANDARD POODLES 14wk old, males, black, registered $500. 8wk old AKC Boxer puppies, great breeding stock $495. 330-375-0795 AKC ENGLISH Bulldog male, 11mo old, chocolate brindle, out of good breeding stock. $1,200. Wayne Miller 3750 TR 124 MLB, 330-893-8019 MOUNTAIN CUR Puppies, 10wks old, shots & wormed, bred for squirrel hunting, $100-female, $75-male. 330-601-6254
Pets Supplies 300
MINI LABRADOODLE female, 2 yrs old, great mom, $800. Registered New Foundland female, 6 yrs old $300. AKC 1 yr old black and tan German Shepherd male, good breeding stock $650. 8 mo old French Bulldog mix female $500. 330-275-0795
SHELTIE MIX pups, old, handled daily by children, will make family pets. $65. Raber (330) 359-5904
4 YEAR old tri colored beagle male. Runs rabbits. 330-674-0156
FOR SALE OR LEASE: German Shepherd AKC 4 yr. old male, proven breeder, police dog bloodlines, $1000. 330-852-0444
FOR SALE: AKC 2 yr old Female Boxer. (330) 621-3247
SIAMESE KITTENS 6 wks old, had first shots. $150. (330) 231-2223
AKC BOXER FEMALE for sale! 2yr old, brindle color. (330) 621-8426
FOR SALE: Chihuahua female, 7 yrs old, house trained, nice pet, $225. (330) 600-9240
2 YR old German Rottweiler Male, child friendly, but good watch dog, we're moving and can't take him with us. $300. (330) 749-6280 FOR SALE: ACA SILVER/ BLACK Pomeranian proven male, 3 yrs old, (330) 852-1084 FOR SALE: AKC 6mo old English Bulldog female mostly white. $500 (330) 465-9441 REDUCED PRICE: 10X14 BLDG, Med-S-Dogs, 3'x7' chain link runs, roof, wash down, whelping units, propane stove, $2,500. (330) 600-0046. FOR SALE: AKC 4 yr old Chihuahua male, fun colored, proven. 1 yr old Pom male, pure bred but no papers. Henry Mast 2619 CR 160, MLBG (330) 359-5629 FULL BLOODED German Shepherd pups, shots, wormed $400, $450. Black & tan (330) 897-1410 or (330) 897-0434 WANTED AKC PARTY Pomeranian, male. Adrian Troyer, 330- 897-9600
YOUNG Yorkiebea females, 1 bred, $150/ea. (330) 897-7830
WEST HIGHLAND Puppies, good breeding stock, dark in print, ready Sept 1, $500/ea. (330) 674-7517 6
PEN rabbit hutch with feeder and water, everything for $175. Another single rabbit hutch for $25. (330) 204-4134
18 MO OLD yellow Lab male. $100/obo. (330) 231-5173
E US -3 HOTH 1 N E 27 OP uly J
FOR SALE: 8 weeks old Toy Poodle-Pom. Mix. 1 male, 1 female. little cuties, family raised, lite tan, 852-7710
4 YR. old Cur female. Trees own coon. Beagles: 1 M. 4 yr. 1 F. 5 yr. Three 6 month old females, 1 male. Robert Mast 330-695-9807 FOR SALE: Siamese kittens. 5 females, 1 male. Shots up to date. Ph. 740-545-7296
306 W. Main St, Sugarcreek Lots of room in this 4 BR, 3 BA home with numerous updates. This home has original woodwork and lots of charm. Newer furnace and roof. $178,900 Pat Kaufman 330-204-6512
12647 TR 503, Big Prairie Beautiful Hearthstone hand hewn log home with Rumford fireplace and Alpine hickory cabinets on 1.63 acres. 13 course block basement & economical geothermal heating/ cooling. Open loft. $179,900 Steve Maag 330-763-4769
9MO OLD 3/4 English Bulldog, 1/4 Puggle, nice markings, $800. (330) 275-2597
1047 West Main Street Sugarcreek, Ohio 44681 330-852-4111 40 West Jackson St., Millersburg, Ohio 44654 330-674-7355 Toll Free: 888-852-4111
PUREBRED AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, black & white, merle color. $100/each. (330)674-7454.
9WK OLD Australian Shepherd black tri male. Make offer (330) 473-8336
1871 TR 675, Dundee Beautiful home built in 2011 in Crab Apple Subdivision on a nice 2 acre lot. 2 bdrm, 2 bath w/ full walkout basement. All appliances stay! 12’x20’ barn with box stall. Must see! $285,000 Curt Yoder 330-204-2447 Kate Overton 330-204-9339
The Ohio Department of Agriculture invites you to an informational meeting on Canine Brucellosis & Commercial Dog Breeders. ODA & Zoetis presentations and question & answer session Wednesday, August 6th, '14 6:30pm- 9:00pm 1477 CR 600 Baltic, OH 43804 For questions, call 614-728-6220
####### WARNING: Animals advertised for "free" are sometimes acquired by people who use them as bait in training other animals to fight or for science experimentation. Please offer your pet for a nominal fee in order to attract a sincere buyer. #######
FOR SALE: 3 1/2 month old Australian Shepherd male. NSDR registered black tri. Call 330-674-0889
2 YEAR old Min Pin male. Proven breder. 5 Year old Min Pin female, 330600-1735
8wks small great David
3 YR old 7/8 English Bulldog, 1/8 Beagle female, well mannered, good mother $300. 1 yr old 1/2 French Bulldog 1/2 Boston Terrior female, never been bred $500. 1 yr old 3/4 English Bulldog 1/4 Beagle female bred to AKC English Bulldog Male, due Aug. 14th, already showing $1500, or $2000 for all. (330) 893-3424
Pets Supplies
2345 Shetler Rd NW, Sugarcreek Nice 3/4 bdrm brick home on almost an acre. Detached 2 car garage with apt. above, could be used for additional income. All appliances stay. Nice country setting close to town! $185,000 Curt Yoder 330-204-2447 Kate Overton 330-204-9339
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Pets Supplies 300
Thursday, July 24, 2014 — 35
Pets Supplies 300
CAVALIER FEMALE, blk/tan AKC, 2 yrs old, bred to Tri Male, $900. Also available, Cavalier Pups. (330) 749-1054
AKC REGISTERED boxer puppy $475. Registered Great Dane puppies $650-$1200 depending on color. 330-275-0795
FOR SALE: 6wk old pups Cur/Fiest mix, 2 males, 1 female, (330) 897-2909 x1
11 MO OLD Beagle dogs, run & jump their own rabbits, (330) 674-2779†Ext.2 (330) 763-3764 FOR SALE: 3 3/4 Bulldog, 1/4 Beagle puppies, 8 wks old, Marcus Miller 330-567-5944 GOLDEN RETRIEVER pups. 1 male, 1 female, AKC, ready to go by 8-20, $450. After 5 PM ph 330-473-0297 FOR SALE: Yorkie Sellout! Older females $50ea., but good breeding stock. Also some young. Call for more info. (330) 439-8066 FOR SALE: mixed Breed Puppies, mother is good watch dog. $25/ea. Also 1yr old Black Lab mix female. (330) 674-2331 FOR SALE: ACA Siberian Husky male, 4 mo old, black/white markings, $475 obo. (330) 264-0102 1 YR old proven AKC boxer male fawn/black mask. $550 (330) 231-1665
YR old AKC Proven Golden Retriever Male, $500. 3 yr old Grade Red & White Cavalier male, $250. 2- Older Yorkie, & 1 Shih-tzu female. $100/ea. (330) 897-6602
FOR SALE: AKC YORKIE puppies; also AKC Sheltie puppies. WANTED: AKC Cairn male pup or young adult. Wayne Weaver, 330473-2416. FOR SALE: 2 Boxer-mix females, fawn/white, 7 mo.; 1 Boxer-mix male, brindle w/markings, 7 mo.; 1 Boston-Beagle female; 1 Beagle male; 2 Beagle females. All $100/each. 330-600-9133. 3/4 ENGLISH bulldog female, 2 yr, bred and showing, $1500. AKC/ACA English Bulldog 2 yr old, natural breeder, $1200. 1yr old AKC Great Dane female $800. 330-275-0795 BREEDING PARTI Yorkie Trio, 2 females 1 yr, 1 male 2 yrs, $1300. 1 blk/tan Yorkie male 8lb $300. (614) 558-2214 Joe. Free Delivery.
Moving to smaller quarters and will sell the following real estate at absolute auction on location at 7086 Township Road 319, Millersburg, Ohio. Located 1 mile East of Millersburg on State Route 39 and North 1 mile on TR 319.
TUESDAY AUGUST 5, 2014 • 6:00 PM
REAL ESTATE TO SELL TO THE HIGH BIDDER AT 6:00 P.M. A Summertime opportunity. Selling a country ranch home in a location with easy access to anywhere. This ranch home features 3 bedrooms, 2 patios, attached 2 car garage, and cement drive. A well maintained home ready for a new owner. Plus a picnic pavilion for family gatherings, storage shed, and fenced pasture. Plus room to park tractor/trailers and a service area for trucks. Everything is neat and clean and ready for a new family. And it all sells to the high bidder. No minimums. No reserves. No buyer premium. You pay what you bid. Terms are 10% down day of auction and balance due at closing. Arrange your financing and come bid your judgment. Pictures at Click on real estate auctions. OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY JULY 26 12:00 NOON – 1:30 P.M MILLER FAMILY TRUST, OWNER AUCTIONEER/REALTOR – Dave Acker BROKER – Jack Gant
Pets Supplies 300
10 UNIT wash down welping pen. 6 unit top, 5 unit bottom. Wash down stainless steel doors and feeders with automatic waterer. Mrs. Jonas J. Miller, 8356 Twp. Rd. 656, Fredericksburg, OH 44627 AKC SHIH-TZU puppies, non shedding, males & females, cream colored, brown & white. Up to date on shots and wormers. $400. (330) 674-4572 BICHEON PUPS, Registered, good breeding stock, 2-f, 3-m, taking deposits. 2 older Bicheon females, good moms, both for $800. (330) 749-1054 BEAGLE FEMALE, runs own rabbits, good pup trainer, also good to raise puggles. $50 David Miller, 6744 TR 603 Mlbg. (330) 674-5499x1 FREE 2 8yr old Beagles, run rabbits. (330) 275-2597 FREE nice kittens to good homes. (330) 695-5000. CHIHUAHUA MALE pies, teacup brown nice face markings, 1 oz at 11 wks old. 1 2lbs at 11 wks. $300. 359-5459
pupwith lb 13 cream (330)
Pets Supplies 310
NORWEGIAN ELK Hound puppy for sale, 8wks old, female, (330) 893-3850 SHIH TZU Puppies: 8 weeks old. Shots & wormed, $375. 330-600-1473 FOR SALE: Australian Shepherd Blue Healer Puppies, would make good watch dogs, 3 females, 2 males, born 5/28/14, Allen Yoder (330) 674-1300. ACA BLACK LAB, male, born Nov. 27, 2013. (330) 275-5247 / call after 4pm. BUYING ALL BREEDS OF PUPPIES, paying top dollar. (330) 674-1988 FOR SALE: AKC Boxer female, 4 yr., $250; Also 3 yr. Beagle male, needs work. $50 OBO Call 330-621-2781 FOR SALE: 10mo old 1/2 red 1/2 blue Heeler female good with cattle. Atlee Yoder 5642 CR 59 Millersburg FOR SALE: Italian Greyhound 6 females, 2 males. Toy Fox Terriers, 6 females, 1 male. Jack Russell 2 females, 1 male. 2 Mini-Poodle males. 1 Bichon Male. Kennel Sellout. (330) 600-9624
Combining several sellers items to be sold at public auction located at The Sprunger Building in Kidron Ohio 44636.From SR 30 take Kidron RD south 4 miles located behind the livestock sale barn.
9:00 AM SATURDAY, JULY 26th 2014
SELLER #1- 1853 gold dollar piece, 25 plus silver dollars, plus a mix of other coins, stamp collection, baseball cards, 1950 Ohio State- Michigan (Snow Bowl) ticket & program plus other sports items, baseball cards, Seth Thomas gold pocket watch, jewelry, Sterling silverware, all types of glassware, water sets, Hummel’s, Royal Doulton pieces, record albums, books some German, art supplies, paintings, nutcracker collection, Christmas, Tapestry, rugs, marble top tables, Victorian sofa & chair, Mersman table, Hitchcock table and chairs, upholstered furniture, china cabinet , dressers, knee hole desk, book cases, TV & stand, Memorex radio, all types of lamps including Hurricane, quilts, beer steins, ships, misc. hand tools, Mark lV Shop Smith plus more. SELLER #2- Victorian style rocker, marble top dressers, marble top wash stand, old hutch, entrance table, oak table, drop leaf table, hall tree, brass bed, Hoosier style cupboard, lamps, Treadle sewing machine plus others, 2) good old wall clocks, wall mirrors, glider bench, rocking chairs, plank bottom chairs, musical chair from Switzerland, wicker table, Childs wicker rocker, wicker baby buggy, lamps, patio table & chairs, games, puzzles, sheet music, record albums, Marks train set, glassware, early doctors sterilizer cabinet, White sample sewing machine, lantern, wood milk crates, milk cans, hand crank water pumps, corn sheller, corn planter, corn cutter, push cultivator, slip scoop, hay harpoon, Firestone Pilot bicycle, cast iron kettle, wedding dress plus much more. SELLER #3-Early chest of drawers including cherry, carpenters chest, drop leaf tables, writing table, Rattan table, Victorian style table, dining room chairs, Shaker arm chair, pair of Stiffel lamps plus others, artist easel, painted stool, mirrors, Igloo portable refrigerator, pair of Bang & Olufsen speakers . SELLER #4- Curio cabinet, sofa, wall mirrors, end tables, Remington style lamp plus others, security system, common household plus more. NOTE – This will be another great auction for this year with a lot good clean items from start to finish. Auction held inside with plenty of seating and rest rooms. Circle this date and hope to see ya sell day . Terms – Cash, good check, register for number, not responsible for accidents or usage of items after they are purchased. For sale by owners.
330-465-3232 330-939-5325
ASSISTINg AUCTIONEERS: Chuck Stiver Paul Emerson
For pictures go to ID # 12120
Sports Fitness 320
BARNETT QUAD 400 Crossbow w/ cranking device and Red Dot scope, like new. Also, Plaino case broadheads, bolts, and buck knife $400. (330) 345-6553 GIANT DEFY Alliance >0< Bike, White, like new, new sprocket, tire, chain, & more. Complete tune-up. For details 330-674-3203
Tools Machinery
ABRASIVE CHOP SAW with 5 new blades, $125. 330-852-4803 3HP GRIZZLY dust collector, 2300CFM, $350 OBO. (740) 291-7019 CANTILEVER RACK, light duty, 3' wide, x 6 1/2' high, 12" arms $275. 6x6 welding screens, free standing, excellent condition, $60ea. (330) 893-1058
Tools Machinery KUBOTA DIESEL Engine, 4
cylinder, 28 HP, Good condition. 330-852-9701
FORKLIFT: OLDER model Clark propane powered forklift for sale, 6000LB lift. $4500. Mt. Hope (330) 674-3001
100,000 BTU air makeup system. $4000 OBO (740) 502-5990
FOR SALE: 8 wk. old Beagle bulldog pups. Shots, wormed, 2 females. 330893-2328
FOR SALE: 2 cylinder duet 2 battery start. G. cond, 8" D. J. 20 Delta Jointer. Eli Zook, 4682 TR 628, Mbg, O 44654 FOR SALE: Used 2000W Honda inverter generator, $550 (330) 279-3005
Free Bees
Wanted to Buy
WANTED: 50' or 60' round pen, in good condition. (330) 473-9567
Sommers Auction
Location: 5303 SR 557, Millersburg OH. From US 62 & SR 39 1 mile west of Berlin take SR 557 south 1 mile to location.
Friday, August 1, 2014 10:00 AM
Farm Equipment * Scooter * Storage Barn * Shop Tools *Primitives & Household Farm Equipment: 2006 Bamford Turner LN Tiger side arm mower, like new; JD 7000 grow narrow corn planter; DeutzFahr Wrapmaster 3 pt. bale wrapper; AAPS 728 3 pt. backhoe w/ 2 buckets; United Farm lime spreader; Ford 3 pt. 3 bottom plows; 6’ bushhog; bale hugger; gravity wagon; w small elevators; front weight brackets and tractor weights; NH 100 disk; round corn crib; grain auger; Scooter: 2004 Vento Zip R31 4.9 HP 7000 RPM scooter; Storage Barn: 10’x20’ storage barn; Shop Tools: Agifab 17 cubic ft. garden trailer; Stihl 043 chain saw; sandblaster; 2 gal. oilless air compressor; buzz saw; drill press; elec. motors; Campbell 11 gal. air compressor; Craftsman 22” weed trimmer; Troy-Bilt elec. start rototiller; Lincoln 125 welder generator; 3 ton loy ram jade: chains and bolts; hydraulic jack; grease guns; wood lathe; circular saws; elec. drills; Craftsman router; 2 water pumps; Craftsman band saw; scroll saw; electrical boxes; new water well tank; Toro snow blower; engine hoist; 12 ton press; shop vac; jig saws; box of portable lights; hand tools; garden tools; Primitives & Household: old radios including Panasonic, Zenith and Airline floor model; Delco box radio; Thomas wooden box radio; box of old Wise school books 1920 and 1930; 4 wooden chicken crates; lightning rods; pulleys; Dewitts drug store bottle; 1964 Schlabach store pitcher; scythe; old harness stand; 2 man saws; old windows; wooden barrel; bucket of wheels; old wood doors; old gas cans and small drums; old croquet set; tractor manuals; old wall & desk telephone; erector set; oil cans; wooden crates; green quart jars; old license plates; old picture frames; books; 3 pc. bedroom suite; phone stand; architecture desk; Airtemp window a/c; table w/ 4 chairs; Singer sewing machine; Kirby sweeper; wooden airmore; sewing rocker; end table; round table; file cabinets; iron gate from gardening fence; brand new antenna; 2 replacement windows; small kitchen appliances; Craig CB radio; Sparkomatic AM/ FM, Sparkomatic cassette player, Cobra CB radio, Messenger 250 CB radio & CB antenna; meat slicer; lots of interesting boxes and items not listed anything could turn up; Terms on Chattels: Cash or good check Lunch Stand by School Owners: Merle & Harriett Sommers 330-674-7121 5303 SR 557 • Millersburg, OH 44654
36 — Thursday, July 24, 2014 355
Wanted to Buy 355
WANTED, 4x8 or similar size utility trailer, could be older, 330-852-4974, J.D Miller. WANTED: 7 ft. tube slide. (330) 897-7807
The Holmes County Hub Shopper Wanted to Buy 355
WANTED: SINGLE horse jogging cart with regular shafts in good condition. Call (330) 674-0608
Wanted to Buy
WANTED: SHALLOW WELL air pump in working cond., Roy A. Miller (330) 600-1109
Wanted to Buy 410
Standing Timber
03550 & AD13435671 Log Piles 108 Wanted Also, Standing Timber and piles. Al interested inLog pine
38.8 Acre Horse Farm and Contents
Location: 9234 Mcfadden Rd. Big Prairie OH 44611, From Shreve follow SR 226 SE for 3.2 mi. and turn right onto Mcfadden Rd. Property is just ahead on your right.
Saturday August 2nd
10:00 AM
38.8 Acres * 2 Parcels * Remodeled 1,836 Sq. Ft. Home * 80’x60’ Riding Arena * 140’x34’ Horse Barn * Machinery Shed * Bank Barn * Antiques * Furniture * Equip. * Tractor * 1993 Ford Probe GT * West Holmes LSD * Wayne County * Clinton Twp. * Free Gas Open House Tuesday July 22nd, 5:00 – 7:00 PM Excellent Southwestern Wayne County offering with top of the line buildings. This 1857 home has been completely remodeled with hardwood floors throughout, 3 spacious bedrooms, first floor laundry, reverse osmosis water system, central air, free gas per terms of the lease, 2 car attached garage, updated paint schemes and a sunroom. If that’s not enough for you the open kitchen is equipped with a dine in island, and corian countertops. Also on the first floor is a den, formal dining room and a cozy living room with plenty of natural light throughout the home. Newer windows, electric wiring, furnace and water heater provide security in your utilities. Large back deck allows for quiet nights enjoying the scenic views of the rolling hills. New in 2008 is Levi J. constructed 140’x34’ horse barn with 20 horse stalls, a bathroom, a wash bay, and an exercise room. Also new in 2008 is the 80’x60’ riding arena that leads to the barrel racing course. Additional buildings include a 3 bay machinery shed, bank barn located on parcel 2 as well as additional storage sheds throughout. If you’re looking for move-in ready please be sure to mark this on your calendar. The ground includes high tensil fence throughout the property as well as tiled bottom ground. The Skinner’s have decided to pack up and move back south after years of updating this gem, please join us at the open house and auction for this fine offering. Contact Pat Kaufman with any additional questions or for a private showing. Legal: Taxes are $1,878.34 per half year and are not subject to CAUV. Parcel #18-00047000 of Clinton Twp. in Wayne County with West Holmes LSD. Terms: 10% down the day of the auction with balance due at time of closing. No contingencies the day of the auction, all required inspections must be completed prior to bidding. Closing in 60 days upon auction completion. Chattel Terms: Full settlement the day of the sale and prior to removal of items. Cash or check with proper ID, 3% buyer’s premium will be implemented for payments w/credit card. Antiques, Furniture, Appliances: Heartland vintage style Gas Range (Lehmans), Fisher & Paykel washer and dryer, black Maytag fridge/freezer, Coca Cola chest cooler, vintage Coca Cola cooler, leather couch, leather sofa, green leather sectional sofa w/2 recliners, green leather recliner, Kroydon SS wooden shaft golf clubs w/original leather bag, Iron toys & banks, Ben Owen signed pottery, 1865 wing chair, Liberty bronze statue, antique Ohaus balance scale, wooden shaft golf clubs, cast iron Apothecary mortar and pestle, 3 pc marble top harp table set, Redware crock jug, 4 pc. oak B/R suit, oak rolltop desk, Coca Cola button sign, wooden wagon wheel, wooden lobster traps, wooden yolk Tractor, Car, Farm Equip: Mass. Ferg. 451 w/4wd. 912 hrs, 6 ft. brush hog and front end loader, 1993 Ford Probe GT 149,000 mi., 1051 fork lifts, Lots more items being added, check future ads for updated content list. air compressors, Grizzly 12” planer, Grizzly drill press, (2) bench top vises, routers, Grizzly belt and disc sander, Craftsman 16” scroll saw, Grizz. 6” grinder, stack on tool boxes, dove tailer, PC jointer kit, paint sprayer, 1.5 ton chain hoist, battery charge, plumbing & electrical, ladders, Husky tiller, Lincoln Pro-Mig 140 Welder, router bits, lathe knives, Troy Bilt chipper, patio heaters, Eco Brick Horse Tack & Supplies: 2 Sets of Bio draft horse harnesses, single draft horse harness, Pony size Forcart, collar pads, saddles, misc. horse tack, sleigh bells, single trees, neck yolks, horse collars Sale by order of: David and Kim Skinner
Dave Kaufman Auctioneer/Broker 888.852.4111 Patrick Kaufman Realtor/Appr. Auctioneer 330.204.6512
Call 419-651-0452
Patterson Trust Chattel Auction
Home Condo For Sale
HOME FOR sale by owner 7461 TR 317, Millersburg $195,000. 3BR, 3BA, big family room w/ fireplace all on one acre, call for more info. 330-473-3530
Apartment Rentals
SINGLE LADY wanting an apartment (or small clean house) to rent, or rent to own, in Holmes Co. area. (330) 275-9117
Location: 32737 TR 127, Millersburg OH 44654. From SR 83 in Clark turn east at blinker light on to TR 21, 2 miles turn left on TR 218 .3 mile, turn right on TR 127 follow TR 127 to auction on right. Signs posted.
Tuesday July 29, 2014 10:00 AM
Pickup Truck * Tractor * Tools * Antiques * Toys * Household * Glassware Truck, Tractor, Tools: 1990 Ford 250 pickup; David Brown 1200 tractor w/ bucket; 7 ft. 3 pt. blade. 6 ft. 3 pt. blade, 6 ft. brush hog; 16 ft. dovetail trailer; 16 ft. tandem trailer; various other trailers; Dodge truck doors, rust free; Huskee Supreme lawn tractor 25 hp, 50” deck, 709 hrs.; Century wire feed welder; 20 ton press; Craftsman 33 gal. air compressor; Dura-Craft drill press; Clark parts washer; winch w/ cable; pressure washer; acetylene tanks; pipe vise; battery charger; jump starter; 025 Stihl chain saw; 021 Stihl chain saw; metal shop steps on wheels; lots of chains and chain binders; various trailer hitches; heavy duty pulley’s; industrial air compressor, as is; bench grinder on stand; Makita metal cutting saw; grease barrel’s lots of tie down straps/ratchets; hyd. hose; ½ hp elec. motor w/ reducer; spud bars; grease guns; alum. ext. ladder; Dewalt skill saw; Makita Milwaukee – drills; Craftsman and S.K. wrenches; gear pullers; hyd. jacks; crescent tool set; reed bench vise; socket sets; screw drivers; crescent open end wrenches; pipe wrenches; bolt cutters; truck axle sockets; shovels; rakes; nuts; bolts; step ladders; air horns; hammers; concrete tools; live trap; scrap iron; firewood; 360 battery charger/starter; roofing nailer; finish nailer; Dewalt 14.4 drill; Hilti hammer drill; Craftsman weed eaters; wood splitter w/ 5 hp Honda; pick; adz; log hook; misc. truck parts & related equip. Toys & Antiques: (2) chimney stones; (3) grind stones; spinning wheel; wire egg baskets; butter bowl w/ paddle; butter prints; egg scale; metal tins; 8 gal. crock; various crock jugs; 6 qt. butter churn, old pictures; wood Gold Medal box; Walter Baker & Co.; trunk; 5 gal. crock churn; Arco Paints box; wooden boxes; oil lamps; wash stand w/ towel bar; school desk; wooden rocker; coffee grinder; wooden butter churn; brass bells; dinner bell – Hillsboro, OH; Red Jacket pitcher pump; fire hydrant – Coshocton OH; concrete Dalmatian; cast iron seat – Canton; 2 man saws; hay knives; screech coal thermometer; hay harpoons; sleigh runners; painted walking plow; (2) cast iron planter kettles; newer dry sink; set of RRP mixing bowls; hand corn planter; hand forged blacksmith tools; large anvil (rough); wood bench; (2) anniversary clocks; sad irons; high chair; 40+ toys including pedal race car, pedal fire truck, Lumar contractor crane, Tonka forklifts, road grader, plus John Deere, Buddy-L, Ertl, Structo, Nylint, interesting lot of toys; Longaberger baskets. Household, Glassware, Misc.: kneehole desk; nice oak china cabinet w/ glass doors; grandfather clock; 3 cushion sofa w/ matching chair; blue recliner; brown recliner; brown chair w/ ottoman; 6 shelf bookcase; 8 drawer jewelry box; Kenmore washer, Magic Chef dryer; Frigidaire fridge/freezer; 5 ft. chest freezer; Frigidaire glass top stove; cedar chests; coffee table; end tables; Eden Pure heater; oak glider rocker w/ ottoman; toy box bench; hall tree; Smoke-n-Grill; 8 ft. White Mt. ice cream freezer; child’s wagon; rocking horse; baby stroller; Kero-Heater; table w/ 6 chairs; mixing bowls; lots of clean Tupperware; lamps; boxes pots & pans; everyday dishes; popcorn popper. Note: Earl (Peck) Patterson was a milk truck driver for many years in the Becks Mill area. There are lots of tools, truck parts and misc. items not listed. Household items are clean. Will be selling in 2 rings most of the day. Chattel Terms: Cash – Check – Credit. 3% Buyer’s Premium; premium waived for cash or check sales. Lunch Stand. Auction by order of: Earl (Peck) Patterson Trust
SATuRdAy 7:00 AM - Breakfast! 8:00 AM - Stands and displays Open 8:00 AM - 5K Run and Walk 9:00 AM - Wood and Tool & Art Auction; New Ventrac 31 HP gas tractor with mower, locally-made fine furniture for your home, bookcases, hall trees, cedar chest, night stands, beds, chairs, marble rollers, dining table, decorative items. There will also be some outdoor furniture and a Little Cottage Playhouse. Tools include a Toro Lawn Mower, leaf blower, and lots more. 10:00 AM - Quilt Auction will feature fine quality hand-made quilts of all sizes, patterns and colors. 10:30 AM Children’s Auction – held in the children’s activity area. Kids do the bidding. Preview wood, tools, quilts, and art auction items at FRIdAy EvENINg 3:00 PM - 24 Hr bike ride begins 4:00 pm - Food stands and displays open 4:00 pm Silent Auction begins 6:30 pm Entertainment: Music –Walking Roots band and John Schmid. TOuRNAMENTS ANd & ACTIvITIES Friday Night; Cornhole Tournament – two-person teams Children’s Entertainmnet – train ride, games, carnival;Volleyball Tournament Auctioneers; Steve Chupp, Steve Andrews, Seth Andrews, Bob Graber, James Mast, Jason Miller, Apprentice Auctioneer - Eli Troyer, and Jake Schlabach. TERMS: Cash or good check with proper identification. Visa and Master card accepted. Auction will be held rain or shine! NOTE: Please visit our website for additional information and photos, as well as information about Mennonite Central Committee (MCC).
Location: New Location; The event will be held at the Buckeye Event Center, Located at 624 Henry Street in Dalton OH 44618.
Friday, August 1 & Saturday August 2, 2014
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Apartment Rentals 650
KILLBUCK. NICE Upstairs apt. w/ 2BR, stove, fridge, washer/dryer hook-up, snow removal, lawncare & maintenance inc. security deposit required. Ideal for a couple! $370mo. (330) 276-4091
Home Condo Rentals
FAMILY LOOKING for a house to rent, western Holmes county or surrounding area. 330-473-7481
2001 Chrysler Town & Country, high mi, runs great, $1200/obo; 2003 Dodge Gr. Caravan, 145k mi., loaded, well maint'd, $3200/obo; 2000 Ford Crown Vic, 149k mi, runs great, body rough, $950. Call or text: (330) 231-5745 '01 HONDA Civic, 4 door, LX auto, 139K, $3900. (330) 567-3928
Cleaning 775
207 Doors & Windows • Vinyl Windows •06500 FreeAD13113930 Installations 72 • Free10190485 Estimates 4881 CR 207 Millersburg, OH
HILLSIDE WINDOW and doors with composite jamb, $295. Vinyl windows with heavy duty aluminium screen. Free estimates. We install. We now stock doors. 330-897-1222 x3.
Mobile Home Rentals FOR SALE: 4x8 sheets fiber-
FOR RENT: 2 bedroom mobile home near Winesburg. Call 330-763-0370
Building Materials 695
Thursday, July 24, 2014 — 37
glass w/plywood backer. 3 colors to choose from. Gray, tan, white. Can be used for dog kennels, shop liners, milking parlors, porches, etc. Ben Raber, 5493 CR 68, Millersburg, OH 330893-1336
DUST BUNNIES Cleaning Co. offers an affordable housecleaning service tailored to meet your needs. Insured/bonded. Call Michelle at (330) 844-1604.
ELITE CONCRETE sealing & power washing. Specialty in power washing & resealing concrete driveways & patios to protect the investment. (330) 465-5690
Equipment Rental
DOUGHTY FENCE Builders. Building all types: board, split, rail, woven wire, non-climb horse, barb, horse, cote, hitensil. Also repairs. 330-893-1803 330-763-1433
WELDED WIRE panels, 4"x4" holes, 5'x16' panels, hot dipped galvanized after welded. Also with 2"x4" holes, delivery options. Hillside Fabrication. (330) 893-1058
LIGHT TOWER for rent $22 per hour. 33-567-9347.
3998 Cr 168 Millersburg, OH 44654 (330) 473-7727 Custom Welding Specializing in Aluminum 11200 AD13108799 144 Truck Beds • Tool Boxes TRUCK no 1
$ $
on $aving$ Windows
HAULING LIMESTONE, gravel, mulch, landscape gravel, top soil. Can haul 8 ton, competitive rates, Jerry's Trucking, Jerry Troyer, 330-763-4887.
LUNSFORD HAULING. Call Charlie 330-231-2224 or Dorothy 330-231-4607. 7 days work long or short trips
YODER'S FENCE & Brush Removal. Will build all types of farm fence. 23 yrs. exp. Free est. 330-763-0497
HAVE 27FT. flatbed dovetail w/ ramps, evenings & weekends. Brent Kline (330) 275-6518
Troy Ridge Mfg
Building all types of wood & wire fences. Have ambusher to clear old fence rows. Free est. United Fencing 330-359-2314 x1 / 231-8813
I BUY junk cars 262-9300
Cabinet Making
Now Offering Custom Cabinets, choose any style, specie color, or size. Bring your plans and we can help you. We also carry maple cabinets ready to install in 2-3 weeks. Willow Springs Cabinet 31479 TR 231, Fresno, OH 43824. 330-897-0099
Fencing 1120
FOGGED HOUSE WINDOWS? We can fix them without replacing the entire window. (330) 674-7556.
FOR Sale: 9.9 Yamaha outboard motor in good condition. Reuben Mast, 9295 TR 614, Fredericksburg, OH 44627 MERCURY 25 HP outboard boat motor. G. cond. Ervin M. Weaver, 9290 TR 609 Fredericksburg, OH 44627
Holmes County
14' SMOKER-CRAFT w/8HP Yamaha & fish finder, good condition. $1,500 (330) 359-2024 1995 20' Pontoon Boat, with 9.9 Yamaha 4 stroke, new fish finder, many updates, like new. $6,500 firm. (330) 600-1822
Clip and Mail to Classified
P.O. Box 918 • 212 E. Liberty St., • Wooster Ohio 44691
Motorcycles ATVs
'98 POLARIS 400 Scrambler 4-wheeler w/ title, runs good. $1500. 330-275-2563
Classification FOR SALE BY OWNER
'99 YAMAHA Big Bear 350, $2400 OBO. (740) 291-7019 FOR SALE: 2004 YAMAHA V STAR custom with trike kit. Must sell due to health. Call 330-763-4548
RVs & Campers
2002 TERRY 31 ft. camper w/ slide out. Excellent cond. $7,650. (330) 464-8450
VAN FOR RENT. 2008 15pass, hitch receiver. Now available July 14-21, Good Rates Mlbg. 330-231-4493
Building Materials
REFLECTIVE Insulation 3/8" -2" 4x8 sheets and rolls Delivery avail. 419-602-1837.
7.9 ac. property -- mostly wooded & private with spring water, 2-story house with walkout basement, 6BR, 3BA, 8’x24’ porch, 10’x34’ deck, attached garage. Lots of storage space. Pole barn with 3 box stalls & 2nd level. Pasture and chicken house. 1 - 1/2 mi. S. of New Bedford, 32580 CR 10, Fresno. Taking bids until Aug. 5th. We reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Call for private showing.
Adam Stutzman 330-897-0148
4 Weeks .....................$8.50 (4 Lines) Additional Lines Per 4 Weeks $2.00 All Ads Must Be Prepaid No Refunds or Credit For Early Cancellation CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE TUESDAY @ 2:30 PM Ads Received After Deadline will Run in Next Issue Place Your Order by Phone 330-264-1125 Mon. - Fri. 8am-5pm
4 8
Please Fill Out Box Below For Our Records - Thank You! (THIS INFORMATION WILL NOT BE PRINTED IN YOUR CLASSIFIED AD) Name Address City State Zip Phone ( ) Please mail check or money order with ad form. Check Cash Credit Card Credit Card Expiration Date Signature Security Code
38 — Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
330-345-5200 888-244-6632
Shop Online
We’ll Fit Your Lifestyle
College Hills Honda
Locally Owned and Operated
$229 MO. LEASE
$273 MO. LEASE
$283 MO. LEASE
We’ll Fit Your Lifestyle
We Specialize in the Sale of Honda Factory Certified Used Cars Exclusive in Wooster
College Hills Honda Used Cars
Powertrain Coverage
Non-Powertrain Coverage - Within New Car Warranty
The Honda Certified Cars Limited Warranty extends the powertrain coverage to 7 years*/100,000 miles.
2011 Pilot EXL W/DVD
$ P7781
2010 Accord EXL V6 44k
2011 CRV EX 4WD
2007 Camry LE
$ A306A
2007 CRV EX 4WD 40k
$ A394A
2006 Saturn Vue Red Line Pkg. V6
Mon. - Thurs. 9:00 - 8:00; Fri. 9:00 - 6:00 Saturday 9:00 - 5:00
2011 Honda Element EX 4WD 61k
2007 Uplander LT
2011 CRV LX 4WD
2002 CRV LX 4WD Just In!
$ A282A
$ P7768A
2011 Accord EX-L V6
2011 CRV EX 4WD
2011 Honda CRV EXL 23k
2011 Civic LX
Other Select Used Cars
The Honda Certified Cars Limited Warranty extends the nonpowertrain coverage by 1 year/12,000 miles to 4 years*/48,000 miles.
2006 Murano SL
Mon. thru Fri. 8:00 - 6:00 Saturday 8:00 - 2:00
13,588 A485B
2012 Civic LX 5 Speed
2008 Element EX 4WD 90k
$ A456A
2007 Fit 5-Speed Manual 99k
2012 Accord LX
2001 LaCrosse CXL
2003 Pilot EXL-DVD 155k
2008 Malibu LT
2007 Mazda 6s V6 Touring Very Nice
Mon. thru Fri. 8:00 - 6:00 Saturday 8:00 - 2:00
$ P7769A
2000 Jaguar S-Type 4.0
2009 CRV LX FWD 94k
$ P7774
2007 BMW X3 3.0 SI
$ P7757A
$ P7754
2011 Accord LX
4600 Cleveland Rd., Wooster, OH 44691
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
Thursday, July 24, 2014 — 39
YO U R U S E D CA R L E A D E R 2008 Chevy Impala LT
2010 Chevy Malibu LS
2009 Mazda 5 Sport
2011 GMC Terrain SLE
2010 Chevy Suburban LTZ
2010 Buick Lacrosse CXL
2011 Chevy Colorado
2012 Chevy Cruze LS
2012 Chevy Malibu LS
2011 Buick Regal CXL-4
2011 Chevy Malibu 1LT
2013 Chevy Sonic LT
2011 Ford Ranger XL
2011 Ford Fusion SEL
2009 Pontiac G8
2012 Chevy Malibu 1LT
2011 Chevy Impala LT
2011 VW Jetta SEL
2007 Chevy Suburban LTZ
2010 Ford Ranger XCAB Sport 4x4
More Arriving Daily! $16,900 2012 GMC Terrain SLE FWD
2012 Chevy Volt Electric
2011 Chevy Equinox 1LT
2011 Chevy Traverse 2LT AWD 2011 Nissan Murano S AWD 2010 Jeep Wrangler 2DR Sport 4x4 2011 Chevy Traverse LS AWD
2012 Chevy Equinox 2LT
2011 Chevy Silverado Crew 4x4 WT
2010 KIA Optima EX
2011 Chevy Impala LT
2012 Chevy Cruze 2LT
2013 Ford Edge LTD AWD
2011 Ford Fusion SE
2013 Chevy Equinox 1LT
2012 Chrysler 200 Touring LX
2012 Toyota Corolla S
2011 Chevy Equinox 1LT AWD
2013 KIA Soul
2011 Nissan Rogue SV AWD
2010 Chevy Camaro 2LT
2010 Chevy Traverse LS AWD 2008 Chevy Equinox LT AWD
2013 Mazda 2
2011 Mini Y Hardtop
2013 Chevy Cruze 2LT
2011 Ford Fusion SE
2010 Chevy Traverse LS
2010 Chevy Impala LT
2011 Chevrolet Colorado XL
2012 Ford Focus SE
2010 Dodge Journey SE
2011 Kia Soul Plus
2012 Nissan Versa S 5DR
2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee AWD 2010 Cadillac SRX Luxury AWD
2012 Chevy Crew 4x4 WT
2011 Buick La Crosse CXS
2012 Ford F-150 Crew XLT
2013 Chevy K2500 Crew LTZ
2010 Chevy Silverado Crew LT
2012 Chevy Suburban LTZ
MON. & THURS. TIL 9:00 TUES., WED. & FRI. TIL 6:00 • SATURDAY TIL 3:00
330-264-2300 800-589-2301 1119 W. Old Lincolnway • Wooster, Ohio 44691 Just across from the Wayne Co. Fairgrounds
40 — Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Holmes County Hub Shopper
BIG TRUCK SAVINGS LAST OF THE 2014 HD’ S HURRY IN FOR THE BEST DEAL OF THE YEAR! 14 GMC 3/4 TON REG CAB 4X4 6.0L V8, Auto, Air, Locking Rear Differential, Trailering Package with Brake Control. #167 MSRP..............................................$36,995 Sale Price ......................................$35,101 GM Rebate......................................$5,500 *Trade In Bonus Cash ......................$750
6.0L V8, SLE, Power Windows & Locks, Aluminum Wheels, Remote Start, Power Seat, Trailering Package with Brake Control. #165
SAVE $8,144
Sale Price
14 GMC 3/4 TON REG CAB 4X4
MSRP..............................................$43,260 Sale Price ......................................$40,547 GM Rebate......................................$5,500 *Trade In Bonus Cash ......................$750
SAVE $8,963
Sale Price
6.0L V8, Bluetooth, Rear Vision Camera, 18” Aluminum Wheels, Trailering Package, 6” Chrome Steps. #174
SAVE $8,781
MSRP..............................................$48,030 Sale Price ......................................$44,999 GM Rebate......................................$4,000 *Trade In Bonus Cash ......................$750
Sale Price
& LOCKS, #004
SALE PRICE $52,719
SALE PRICE $55,321
15 CHEVY 1 TON CREW CAB DUALLY 4X4 6.6L DURAMAX DIESEL, LTZ, POWER HEAT15 CHEVY CREW CAB 4X4 6.0L V8, LT, LEATHER SEATS, 18” ALUMINUM WHEELS, #044 MSRP $48,355 SALE PRICE $44,025 ED LEATHER SEATS, SPRAY IN BEDLINER, DEMO #020 MSRP $62,454 SALE PRICE $56,006 GM Reserves the right to change rebates at any time, which may result in higher or lower pricing. Vehicle color may not reflect sale vehicle. *Must trade in any make 1999 or newer vehicle to qualify for this Bonus Cash.**Must own a 99 or newer GM vehicle. ***Must own a 99 or newer Buick. Sale ends 7/30/2014
CHUCK NICHOLSON 1-800-803-8209 TOLL FREE 330-674-4015
Chuck Nicholson
Barry Nicholson
Jim Simo
Kevin Fair
The Original
Christi Wengerd
Tom Carder
Dale Brown
Pat Kaiser
• Mon. & Thurs. til 9 PM • Tues., Wed. & Fri. 5 PM • Saturday til 3 PM
Travis McQueen
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Jaynie Muse
• • • • • • • • • •
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• • • • • •