Streetsboro City Schools menu of possible budget cuts

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DRAFT Menu of Items for POSSIBLE reduction. This list is not in order, but a list of potential cuts based on the millage/levy the board of education determines as well as if the levy passes/fails in May. District: • S t a t e minimum busing (1 mile walk distance)- 9 drivers o 2 mile walk distance could reduce more o S t a t e minimum busing = K-8 students only (no HS busing) o Subscription-style busing with large group stops (K-8) • Eliminate Transportation Supervisor (already vacated) • Eliminate 1 mechanic (already vacated) • Eliminate 1 maintenance • Eliminate case manager position (reduces one intervention specialist) • Eliminate 1 social worker • Eliminate 1 assistant principal (MS) • Eliminate school psychologists extended year • Eliminate 12 recess/lunch aides at buildings • Eliminate gifted intervention specialist (1 secondary level social studies teacher reduced as a result) • Eliminate all extracurricular activities/supplementals district wide • R e d u c e athletic secretary to 25 hours per week • Eliminate Copy Center o Reduces one FTE secretary • Eliminate all field trips and extra curricular trips • Eliminate all PD during the day (unless funded by a grant or mandatory) • Eliminate busing for non-handicapped preschool students • Reduction in legal expenditures based on cases ending • C r e a t e copy limits for staff (already in process) • Heating/Cooling/Lights o Reduce overall heat by 3 degrees (from 71 to 68) o Change cooling temperatures o B e g i n warm-up/cool-down in mornings to one hour before building is occupied o B e g i n warm-up/cool-down in evenings to one hour after building is vacated o Lights off in all areas not being occupied • C l o s e facilities to outside use • Modify rates if facilities remain open to outside use High School: • Eliminate 1 secondary level social studies teacher (as a result of Gifted Intervention Specialist) • Eliminate Life Skills • Eliminate STEM • Eliminate TV Production DRAFT 117119

DRAFT High School Continued: • Eliminate 1 math teacher o Moving STEM Teacher back to math • Moving Life Skills teacher to Financial Literacy • Moving Financial Literacy teacher to math • Eliminate 2 English teachers • Eliminate 1 intervention specialist • Eliminate Radio Broadcasting classes o M o v e back to ELA • Eliminate Theatre Classes • Eliminate Song Writing • Eliminate Auditorium Coordinator • Eliminate 1 journalism teacher • Eliminate 1 foreign language teacher (French) • Eliminate all AP classes • M o v e in school restriction to only 3 days a week. • Eliminate 1 office aide • Eliminate library aide • Eliminate 2 HS Tutors o O n e already reduced 18-19 • Athletics: o Eliminate freshman sports o Eliminate boys/girls golf o Eliminate boys/girls bowling o Reduce all coaching staff o Eliminate all athletics (long term) o Increase participation fees Middle School: • Eliminate Life Skills at SMS o Reduces 1 middle school English teacher • Eliminate MS STEM o Reduces 1 middle school math teacher • Eliminate Foreign Language o N e t effect reduction of one district foreign language teacher • Eliminate 1 middle school aide (covering ISR) • Eliminate attendance aide • Eliminate library aide • Eliminate lunch/recess aides • Eliminate All middle school athletics o Hybrid- Only have 8th grade teams and allow 7th grade students to try out. • Eliminate Mohican Trip • Eliminate Washington DC trip DRAFT 1/7/19


Defer: • Eliminate 1 fourth grade teacher • Eliminate 1 fifth grade teacher • Eliminate Art • Eliminate Music • Eliminate Technology Teacher • Eliminate attendance aide • Eliminate library aide • Eliminate lunch/recess aides Streetsboro Elementary School: • Eliminate 1 Intervention specialist (due to numbers at elementary) • Eliminate 4 kindergarten teachers o m o v e to 1/2 day kindergarten o Possible tuition-based, all day program, with a cap. • Eliminate Art • Eliminate Music • Eliminate Technology Teacher • Eliminate 2 tutor positions (Title Tutors remain based on federal funding) • Eliminate library aide • Eliminate attendance aide • Eliminate recess/lunch aides

***Elimination of special teachers (art,music and technology) at the elementary would require a modification of the school day in order to get teachers their contracted planning time. Physical Education is required and cannot be eliminated.

DRAFT 1/7/19

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