History Timeline: Events of Ancient History
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by Divyaraj Jhala / August 30, 2015 / Featured, History / No
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With every passing second, new events are taking place all around the world. Each one of them brings about some change that is seen to be in direct effect on upcoming time. This text covers information about ancient history. The period ranges from 3500 B.C.E. to 500 C.E. but some of the basic pre-historic events are included here. This list compiles one of the greatest events that happened in ancient history. We are not generalizing on events. Most significant
History Timeline: Events of Ancient History Vastu shastra: Science of architecture 13 Unusual Mental Disorders
events that took place include the following:
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Timeline: Events that changed our world
1, 2015
We start our journey from ancient history with a few events and move
Comedy in
to modern history. Not everything on this list will interest you. Take a
look at the index below and skip to the topic that you find relevant.
August 21,
Ancient history is a wide subject. We handpicked the best of events
History of
that make the list complete. Suggestions are welcomed. History Of
Songwriting Index
In India August 17, 2015
1. Big Bang: The Universe Gets into Creation
2. Formation of Earth
Flying Away
3. Extinction of Dinosaurs
4. The Great Pyramid Constructed
August 20,
5. Hammurabi’s Code: First Legal System
6. First Olympic Games 7. Siddhartha Gautama Attains Enlightenment 8. Leonidas and the Brave 300 Spartans 9. Socrates Made to Drink Poison 10. Plato’s Academy 11. Alexander Battles for Issus 12. Ashoka Commits to Peace 13. China: 4,00,000 Buried Alive https://talecup.com/historytimelineeventsofancienthistory/
The Ashes: Quest to Regain the Urn August 26, 2015
History Timeline: Events of Ancient History
14. Eureka: Archimedes Discovers Way to Measure Density 15. Julian Calendar: Modern Calendar Founded 16. The Birth of Jesus Christ
1. Big Bang: The Universe gets into Creation Event Name: Big Bang Event Time: 13.7 billion years ago
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We aim to provide quality and unique content. Big Bang creation of Matter, Time Background: levviathor from
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Yes. You heard the above line right. To those who have had the fascinating experience of getting in touch with Physics, you may know
that. Everything in this world came into creation at the time of Big Bang. This included Matter, Energy, Space and Time. Temperatures in the range of billions of Kelvins were prevalent at the event. The density of matter being thousands of times greater than
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that of steel. Even atoms and other subatomic particles cannot stay
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in stable form. Everything came out of “singularity”. Big Bang was
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perhaps one of the greatest events in world history. https://talecup.com/historytimelineeventsofancienthistory/
not at risk. 3/20
History Timeline: Events of Ancient History
The Hubble space telescope pointed to a location that seemed to be empty space. The area was of size equal to 1/10th of that of the moon in its nearby region. Light collected for four months in a row generated an image. The area that seemed empty and dark in reality hosted dozens of galaxies far bigger than our Milky Way. Our point of interest being many of them where as far as 13 billion light years. We could see how our universe looked at the time of its creation, i.e. in its early stage. Big Bang is a theory published in late 1950’s. It still remains unchallenged with positive opinion from most of the researchers.
2. Formation of Earth Event Name: Formation of Earth Event Time: 4.5 billion years ago
Primordial Earth Art Concept Image: Wikipedia As one can roughly state, our planet is about one-third of the age of https://talecup.com/historytimelineeventsofancienthistory/
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universe. One can see from the graphic that historic situation of our planet was not meant support any life forms. There was total absence of atmosphere. This resulted in frequent collisions from asteroids and comets. The landscape was laden with molten lava and hot rocks. Temperatures were high for any life forms to survive. Water was absent on the surface of earth. Due to this, it took at least another billion years until first life forms came into being. It is also believed in theory that there occurred a collision of our planet with a large heavenly body. This made its axis of rotation tilted. Debris thrown out was enough in quantity to form our ‘Moon’. The formation of earth took place with the formation of our solar system. Everything of a ‘Dust-Cloud’ composed of Hydrogen and Helium.
3. Extinction of Dinosaurs from the Planet Event Name: Dinosaurs Extinction Event Time: 65 million years ago
Cretaceous Tertiary Extinction Event Scientists have long debated on what was the reason behind their extinction. Not only did the Dinosaurs got wiped from the planet but also several species of other animals, plants, marine animals, birds and reptiles. Most theories suggest that a large asteroid hit the earth scattering the debris over large areas and resulting in Tsunamis, https://talecup.com/historytimelineeventsofancienthistory/
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Volcanic eruptions and subsequent Blackout due to atmospheric pollution. The extinction of dinosaurs was not the biggest extinction event in world history. There have been many other where more than 95% of living species went extinct after the event. Despite this fact, dinosaurs have been researched and fancied upon the most by paleontologists making it to our list.
4. The Great Pyramid Constructed Event Name: Construction of the Great Pyramid Event Time: 2575 B.C.E.
The Great Pyramid at Giza Image: Wikipedia Looking at the Great Pyramid, one of the largest monuments till date and an architectural wonder, it makes one wonder about the technological and architectural advancement that human civilization achieved 4000 years ago. Each of the stones, from the 2.3 million blocks of stone used in construction of the Pyramid weighted more than a ton. Construction of such a massive object, about 130 meters high in such a short period was astounding. It is structured in a perfect square tetrahedral form with inclination of the sides matching exact alignment. The Great Pyramid was aligned with the star Orion to let the soul of king reach the stars. The tomb for King Khufu is one of the seven wonders of https://talecup.com/historytimelineeventsofancienthistory/
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ancient world and undoubtedly its construction was one of the greatest events that happened.
5. Hammurabi’s Code: First Legal System Event Name: Existence of Hammurabi’s Code Event Time: 1760 B.C.E
Hammurabi’s Code Image: Livescience Hammurabi, the king of Babylon from 1782 B.C.E laid down a judicial structure based on 282 laws creating the first ever noteworthy legal system. This has also been one of the earliest scripts to be deciphered entirely. The laws defined in detail what kind of punishments are to be enforced upon specific sets of crime. A system of professional judges was also set up to give rulings on various cases. Each convict was tried in a proper system of law. Property rights, Marriage rights, and host of other laws were enforced. Even the king was meant to abide by the laws. Some punishments were harsh but despite that, the ambiguity in the punishment enforced upon criminal was removed with endurance of legal principles, including collection of evidence, presumption of innocence and avoiding random justice which was the case in most civilizations at that time. https://talecup.com/historytimelineeventsofancienthistory/
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Hammurabi’s code marks a milestone in history due to its completeness and the time period when it was enacted. One may find communities in current modern period that are playing upon laws more orthodox than those at the times of Hammurabi.
6. First Olympic Games Held Event Name: First Olympic Games Event Time: 776 B.C.E.
First Olympic Games From this year, the Olympic games were held every year for 400 years until they were temporarily discontinued. Historians suggest and popularly believe that the games held at 776 B.C.E. were not the first ones, but first to be recorded. The games were held in a stadium with capacity of about 40000 at Olympia. King Iphitus, 9th century B.C.E was believed to be the one who https://talecup.com/historytimelineeventsofancienthistory/
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arranged the games at Olympia. The games were held every four years since then. Such was their importance that the games were used as a reference to make count of passing years. Olympiad refers to a period of 4 years historically used as an unit. Olympic games were originally religious in intent in honor of Zeus. A Greek myth suggests that it was Zeus himself who after his victory over his father Cronos, initiated the Olympic games.
7. Siddhartha Gautama Attains Enlightenment Event Name: Prince Siddhartha Attains Enlightenment Event Time: 527 B.C.E.
Siddhartha attains enlightenment Image: speakingtree Religious literature describes the life of Gautama Buddha. He sat below a bodhi tree in meditation at Bodh Gaya. Siddhartha Gautama determined not to move until he reached full enlightenment. After seven weeks of meditation, he attained enlightenment on the night of full moon. Buddha translates to ‘The Enlightened One’. He travelled for 45 years and preached all over Asia. He laid the foundation of Buddhism, considered one of the most peaceful religions. Buddhism as a religion is now followed by over 300 million people. It goes beyond being just a religion. Buddhism preaches the https://talecup.com/historytimelineeventsofancienthistory/
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way of life, being aware of our actions and develop sound understanding.
8. 300 Spartans: Courage and Determination Event Name: War Between Persians and Spartans Event Time: 480 B.C.E.
The 300 Spartans Image: Visual from the movie ‘300’ Xerxes achieved both victory and defeat when its massive army invaded Sparta. The battle was one of the most significant in the history. Sparta was remembered as the one who “didn’t lost and didn’t
gave up“. The Persian army with the strength of perhaps 2,50,000 was led by Xerxes. He was determined to avenge the defeat of his father Darius. The Persian army aimed at defeating Athenians and conquering Greece. Spartans decided to fight at land while the Athenians fought at sea. Spartan army was numbered no more than 7000, including 300 heavily armed Spartans. The defenders worked collectively for 2 days and fought wave after wave of attacks. The fight was termed “Battle of Thermopylae”. Eventually a farmer named Ephialtes betrayed the Spartans by showing a way around the mountain, and Spartan army was surrounded. The final stand by Spartans was ended by Persian arrows. The incredible fight put up by Spartans initiated a new wave of https://talecup.com/historytimelineeventsofancienthistory/
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determination among the Athenians. Their resolve to fight was strengthened and the cities united.
9. Socrates Made to Drink Poison Event Name: Philosopher Socrates dies after drinking poison hemlock Event Time: 399 B.C.E. Socrates had a reputation of being a sociopath. He had a band of devoted followers and liked to debate on various ideas. He asked difficult and irritating questions relative to those times and mocked those in power. He was also associated with some of the discredited leaders if Athens. Socrates was the founding personality of the western philosophy. Plato and Aristotle were one of his pupils, credited for significant efforts on research and thinking. No writings of Socrates by himself are known, and this event was taken from Dialogues of Plato. He was put on trial for disrespecting the gods and corrupting the men of state. He has the option of paying a fine for removal of charges but he instead chose not to, claiming he had done nothing wrong. Socrates was given death penalty by drinking poison hemlock, a herb that paralyses nervous system. In his last movements, he debated on immortality of soul and life after death with the friends that had gathered around him. He drank the poison in one swallow and death followed quickly.
10. Plato’s Academy: Philosophy and Science Event Name: Plato’s Academy Set Up Event Time: 387 B.C.E.
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Mosaic of Plato’s Academy dating 1st Century B.C.E. Plato was one of the pupils of Socrates and was the founder of Academia. Academia was one of the first institutes of higher studies in western world. It was set in a park of olive groves, and was also used for religious festivals and sport events. The area was used for teaching for some decades before Plato. It is not known if there was an official setup, but Plato is thought is have taught there until his death for 40 years. Aristotle was a regular attendee of Plato’s Academy for about 20 years. Academy survived for several hundred years and became well knows as the school of philosophers.
11. Alexander Battles for Issus Event Name: Alexander Defeats Darius in Battle at Gulf of Issus Event Time: 333 B.C.E.
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Alexander Battles at Issus The Persian army was outnumbering Macedonian forces by more than three-folds. The armies, divided by small stream met for battle at the gulf of Issus and witnessed one of the most significant battles of history. Alexander was the leading commander of his troops which numbered no more than 50,000 men. On the other hand, the Persian army led by Darius is said to have been 6,00,000 in number. The figures may have ambiguity but it was certain that the Persians were most likely to defeat Alexander. Alexander himself attacked Darius’s position with joint attacks by his cavalries. Darius fled the battle and his troops retreated, resulting in total collapse of Persians. The defeat made Alexander unstoppable in his further journey, where he conquered most of Asia. At the time of his death, he was just 32 years old, and is often called out as one who conquered the world.
12. Emperor Ashoka Commits to Peace Event Name: Ashoka Adopts Buddhism Event Time: 260 B.C.E.
History Timeline: Events of Ancient History
Ashoka Emblem with four lions Emperor Ashoka invaded his neighboring kingdom Kalinga and emerged victorious. 1,00,000 men were accounted to be killed and another large number of men injured. Filled with remorse and regrets after witnessing the landscape of horror he had painted, he embraced Buddhism and determined never to conquer by violence. The afterlife of Ashoka, after Kalinga war is said to be spent in constructive reforms. He ordered to build treatment centers, wells and rest houses. His authoritative texts were written over stone columns and 33 of them were erected at various locations in his kingdom. Largest of them being the Sarnath column, which is 50 feet high. Despite all his efforts, the empire he established broke down within few decades of his death.
13. China: 4,00,000 Buried Alive Event Name: Zhao Army of 4,00,000 Buried Alive Event Time: 260 B.C.E.
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Qin army defeats Zhao and buries 4,00,000 alive Image Text: Army in correction of Arly First of its kind unified Chinese empire was created after the western kingdom of Qin defeated its six major rivals including Zhao. This key battle between Qin and Zhao was known as Gaoping. It has also been illustrated in major media and feature films. The Qin army numbered more than half a million men. In a turn of events, the Qin army manages to surround Zhao’s army blocking it around a hilltop. Zhao army surrendered after the commander Zhao Kuo was killed. The Qin commander had an entire army of more than 4,00,000 men buried in a course of a single night in an attempt to prevent mass revolt. Archaeologists unearthed remains with large number of bones in mid 1990’s, supposedly belonging to this event.
14. Eureka: Archimedes Discovers Way to Measure Density Event Name: Archimedes Discovers Buoyancy Event Time: 250 B.C.E.
History Timeline: Events of Ancient History
Archimedes Discovers way to measure Density Archimedes was given the task of finding out whether a crown was made of pure gold by the king of Hieron. This was to be done without damaging the crown. Once while taking bath he noticed that the water level rose when he got in. He realized that he could measure the density by weighing the crown in water. The density is mathematically weight / volume, where weight was already known and volume can be calculated based on mass of displaced water. This discovery made him so exited that he is said to have ran naked in the street calling out “Eureka“, meaning I’ve
found it. Archimedes was both practical and theoretical scientist having works on mechanics, hydro-statics, refraction and mathematics. He is also credited for the invention of the Archimedes screw and Mechanical Lever. During the siege of Syracuse, he set Roman ships on fire by using mirrors and sunlight.
15. Julian Calendar: Modern https://talecup.com/historytimelineeventsofancienthistory/
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Calendar Founded Event Name: Modern Solar Calendar Founded Event Time: 45 B.C.E.
Early Julian Calendar having 8 days a week Early dates were based on lunar calendar, making a year of 355 days. The extra days were supposed to be added later and were announced by authority to keep up with solar year. On the advice of Astronomer Sosigenes, Julius Caesar introduced a newly revised calendar known as Julian Calendar. It was accurate to minutes and was based on solar year of 365 days and a quarter day. Extra day was added every 4 years. Astronomer Sosigenes had overcalculated the length of solar year by 11 minutes, 14 seconds and due to this, by 1500’s, seasonal dates were shifted by as much as 10 days. Pope Gregory XIII revised this error and published his calendar which is still in use today.
16. The Birth of Jesus Christ Event Name: Jesus Christ Born Event Time: January 6, 4 – 1 B.C.E
History Timeline: Events of Ancient History
Illustration showing birth of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity is born who becomes a powerful personality, teacher and spiritual healer later on. The tales from bible are more likely to be mythological. The date of birth, month, or even the year is not mentioned in bible. According to analysis it is likely to be in the period between 4 – 1 B.C.E. soon after the reign of king Herod. Early Christians celebrated the birth of Jesus on January 6. Fourth century onward it was celebrated on 25th of December. History is full of adventures. This text contains a few parts of prehistoric history as well to be compatible with the timeline. Due to limitations of a blog post, it is not possible to include all possible events. Willing to see suggestions in comments.
Divyaraj Jhala Divyaraj Jhala writes on History, Science and Arts in Talecup. He is an https://talecup.com/historytimelineeventsofancienthistory/
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ethical hacker and a web developer and likes gaming and biking. Follow him to know more.
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