WHPS Intructional Framework 8 30 13 revised

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Classroom Environment The Classroom Environment focus area has four (4) indicators of performance. For each indicator, exemplars of practice have been provided and, where applicable, student behaviors, outcomes and/or products have been suggested. Finally a list of teacher dispositions has been provided in support of the types of habits and patterns associated with establishing a quality classroom environment for learning. Dispositions

Safety-oriented, respectful, professional, nurturing, caring, responsive, culturally-sensitive, fair, honest, reflective, flexible, analytical, non-judgmental

Focus Area: Classroom Environment Indicators

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

A. Teacher creates an environment that is safe and conducive to learning.

Teacher does not effectively address negative student behavior, which interferes with the learning, safety or wellbeing of others.

Teacher inconsistently addresses student behavior, which impacts the learning, safety or wellbeing of others.

Teacher actively addresses and promotes student behaviors that supports a positive learning environment.

Teacher and students actively and consistently promote behavior that supports a positive learning environment.


The teacher acknowledges, promotes, and models responsible and respectful behaviors, corrects irresponsible and inappropriate behaviors and sets up clear rules/norms. The teacher promotes safety and respect in the classroom so that learning is accessible to all students including those with special needs. The teacher manages movement, manages attention, manages rules/norms, and sets up high expectations for all the students. The teacher interacts with students, supports student diversity, and reinforces positive interaction among students.

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

The students exhibit respect for the teacher and contribute to high levels of civility among all members of the class. The students respect rules/norms to promote safety in the classroom. The students assume responsibility for high quality learning by initiating improvements, making revisions, adding details, and/or helping peers. Routines are well understood and may be initiated by the students. The students interact with one another and the teacher.

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Focus Area: Classroom Environment Indicators

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

B. Teacher models and promotes an atmosphere of respect and responsibility for self, others and property.

Teacher provides little or no evidence of modeling an atmosphere of respect and responsibility for self, others and property.

Teacher provides some evidence of modeling an atmosphere of respect and responsibility for self, others and property.

Teacher-to-student and student-to- student interactions frequently demonstrate respect and responsibility for self, others, and property and sensitivity to students’ diversity and levels of development.

Teacher-to-student and student-to-student interactions consistently demonstrate respect and responsibility for self, others and property, and sensitivity to students’ diversity and levels of development.

Teacher establishes a classroom community that does not promote risktaking and learning.

Teacher establishes a classroom community that inconsistently promotes risk-taking and learning.

Teacher establishes a classroom community that frequently promotes appropriate social skills to support risk-taking and learning.

Teacher establishes a classroom community that consistently promotes appropriate social skills to support risk-taking and learning.


The teacher promotes safety and respect in the classroom so that learning is accessible to all students including those with special needs. Students share ideas openly. Students listen to one another and engage in discourse about the learning tasks. Students provide feedback to one another about their work.

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

Students respect established rules and norms in the classroom. Students act in ways that promote safety in the classroom.

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Focus Area: Classroom Environment Indicators

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

C. Teacher maximizes the amount of time spent on learning by effectively managing procedures and routines.

Teacher rarely uses learning time effectively.

Teacher inconsistently uses learning time effectively.

Teacher frequently maximizes learning time.

Teacher consistently maximizes learning time.

No evidence of rules, routines, expectations and procedures.

Some rules, routines and procedures are established but are Implemented inconsistently.

Classroom rules, routines and procedures are established and consistently implemented

Classroom rules, routines and procedures that promote student self-control are clearly established and consistently implemented by teachers and students


The teacher manages movement, manages attention, manages rules/norms and sets up high expectations for all students.

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

Students assume responsibility for high quality learning by initiating improvements, making revisions, adding details and/or helping peers. Routines are well understood and may be initiated by students. Students are on task and following teacher directions. Students complete tasks assigned.

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Focus Area: Classroom Environment Indicators

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

D. Teacher promotes student engagement by providing opportunities to participate and interact productively.

Teacher rarely promotes student engagement.

Teacher inconsistently promotes student engagement.

The teacher frequently promotes productive student engagement by providing opportunities for students to participate in the learning process.

The teacher consistently promotes productive student engagement by providing varied opportunities for students to participate in the learning process.

Little or no evidence exists of productive student participation and interaction.

Some evidence of productive student participation and interaction is identified.

Students participate actively Students frequently interact in the learning tasks and with one another to complete engage in discourse with learning tasks one another.


The teacher interacts with students, supports student diversity, and reinforces positive interaction among students.

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

The students interact with other students and teacher.

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Planning and Preparation The Planning and Preparation focus area has five (5) indicators of performance. For each indicator, exemplars of practice have been provided and, where applicable, student behaviors, outcomes and/or products have been suggested. Finally a list of teacher dispositions has been provided in support of the types of habits and patterns associated with planning classroom instruction for learning. Dispositions

Strategic, reflective, intuitive, flexible, adaptive progressive, culturally sensitive, knowledgeable, organized, responsible, detail-oriented, diagnostic, analytical, student-centered, creative, open-minded, student-centered, insightful, innovative, resourceful, confident

Focus Area: Planning and Preparation Indicators

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

A. Teacher designs instruction based on existing district curriculum guides.

Teacher’s planning process does not reflect the use of existing curriculum guides to design instruction.

Teacher’s planning process occasionally reflects the use of existing curriculum guides to design instruction.

Teacher’s planning process typically reflects the use of existing curriculum guides to design instruction.

Teacher’s planning process consistently directly aligns with existing curriculum guides to design instruction.


Teacher develops and implements strategies and resources targeted to individual needs consistent with CCSS and district standards.

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

High levels of student engagement throughout the lesson. Students successfully meet lesson objectives.

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Focus Area: Planning and Preparation (cont.) Indicators

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

B. Teacher designs lessons that meet the needs of all learners by planning differentiated learning tasks.

Teacher does not design lessons that meet the needs of all learners by planning differentiated learning tasks.

Teacher occasionally designs lessons that meet the needs of all learners by planning differentiated learning tasks.

Teacher designs lessons that meet the needs of all learners by planning differentiated learning tasks.

Teacher consistently designs lessons that meet the needs of all learners by planning differentiated learning tasks.

There is no evidence of the teacher’s knowledge of students’ background knowledge, interests and individual learning needs.

There is minimal evidence of the teacher’s knowledge of students’ background knowledge, interests and individual learning needs.

There is evidence of the teacher’s knowledge of students’ background knowledge, interests and individual learning needs.

There is substantial evidence of the teacher’s knowledge of students’ background knowledge, interests and individual learning needs.


Teacher differentiates based on multiple sources of data and resources, and opportunities for students to be assessed and demonstrate mastery in non-traditional ways.

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

Authentic artifacts that reflect higher levels of student understanding

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Focus Area: Planning and Preparation (cont.) Indicators C. Teacher plans meaningful and ongoing assessments that measure student understanding and mastery.

Level 1

Level 2

Teacher does not plan assessments that measure student understanding and mastery.

Teacher occasionally plans meaningful assessments that measure student understanding and mastery.

Level 3 Teacher plans meaningful assessments that measure student understanding and mastery.

Level 4 Teacher consistently plans and incorporates meaningful, ongoing assessments that measure student understanding and mastery.


Teacher designs assessment opportunities based on student choice, student self-assessment, use of rubrics, in-themoment checking for understanding, and use of formative and summative aligned with standards based instruction.

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

Higher levels of student mastery.

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Focus Area: Planning and Preparation (cont.) Indicators

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

D. Teacher plans lessons with multiple opportunities for student engagement using multimodal methodology and communication.

Teacher does not plan lessons with multiple opportunities for student engagement.

Teacher occasionally plans lessons with multiple opportunities for student engagement.

Teacher typically plans lessons with multiple opportunities for student engagement using multimodal methodology and communication.

Teacher consistently plans lessons with multiple opportunities for student engagement using multimodal methodology and communication.


Teacher designs inquiry based lessons with opportunities for student choice, the use of diverse instructional modalities and multiple resources.

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

Higher levels of student engagement, responsibility for work, and demonstration of mastery.

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Focus Area: Planning and Preparation (cont.) Indicators

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

E. Teacher plans lessons with relevant context (e. g., thematic units, real-world connections, crosscurricular, global or current events).

Teacher does not plan for contextual learning and lessons are frequently isolated from any context.

Teacher occasionally plans to promote student curiosityand understanding of the context (e.g., thematic, real-world connections, cross-curricular, global or current events).

Teacher plans to promote student curiosity and application of learning within a context (e.g., thematic, real-world connections, crosscurricular, global or current events).

Teacher consistently plans to promote student curiosity and application of learning within a context (e.g., thematic, real-world connections, crosscurricular, global or current events).


Teacher designs lessons implementing culturally relevant approaches, opportunities to demonstrate global relevance, use of developmental contexts that promote deeper student engagement, and research using diverse technology integration.

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

Student artifacts that reflect an appreciation of a broader world view, creative approaches to demonstrating learning, and the ability to apply knowledge to relevant life experiences.

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Instructional Practice The Instructional Practice focus area has seven (7) indicators of performance. For each indicator, exemplars of practice have been provided and, where applicable, student behaviors, outcomes and/or products have been suggested. Finally a list of teacher dispositions has been provided in support of the types of habits and patterns associated with quality instruction for learning. Dispositions

Reflective, analytical, metacognitive, respect for diversity, strategic, thoughtful, flexible, organized, thoughtful, intuitive, supportive, high expectations for all, attentive to detail, thoroughness, organized, diagnostic and prescriptive, advocacy, experimental, innovative, forward-thinking, technologically savvy, diagnostic, responsive, high expectations, student-centered, rapport-building

Focus Area: Instructional Practice Indicator

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

A. Teacher sets and communicates clear and rigorous expectations for learning.

Teacher rarely sets and communicates expectations for learning that are clear to students.

Teacher inconsistently sets and communicates expectations. Some confusion exists.

Teacher sets rigorous expectations for learning that are clear to students.

Teacher consistently set rigorous expectations for learning that are clearly communicated to students.

Expectations are frequently confusing and/or inappropriate for the students’ developmental levels.

Some confusion may exist.Clarification is necessary and frequently provided.

Teacher’s oral, written, and nonverbal communication is clear, and appropriate to students’ diversity and levels of development.

Teacher’s oral, written, and nonverbal communication is consistently clear and appropriate to students’ diversity and levels of development. Teacher proactively anticipates possible

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student misconceptions.


Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

Teacher communicates objectives clearly and explicitly. Teacher refers to objectives/expectations throughout the lesson. Teachers makes connections between objectives, essential questions and real world expressions. Students can articulate the objective and purpose of the lesson. Students follow the expectations and complete the learning tasks successfully.

Focus Area: Instructional Practice (cont.) Indicator

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

B. Teacher employs a variety of evidence-based strategies to enable all students to apply and construct new learning.

Teacher employs predominantly one evidence-based instructional strategy.

Teacher employs a limited number of evidence-based instructional strategies.

Teacher employs a variety of effective, evidencebased instructional strategies.

Teacher seamlessly and responsively employs a wide variety of highly effective, evidencebased instructional strategies.


Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

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Teacher designs lesson that include multiple evidence-based strategies and culturally relevant practices. Teachers give students opportunities to process new information and skills utilizing a variety of methods and strategies in alignment with the content and the individual student’s needs. The teacher implements a variety of strategies that respond to the individual needs of the students

Students experience challenge and engage in purposeful activities. Students demonstrate learning as a result of the teacher’s use of effective evidence-based strategies.


Focus Area: Instructional Practice (cont.) Indicator

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

C. Teacher uses differentiated instruction and interventions to support the diverse needs of students.

Teacher does not differentiated instruction, and consideration is not given to individual students’ needs, interests, or learning styles.

Teacher uses limited differentiated instruction, and gives some consideration to individual students’ needs, interests, or learning styles.

Teacher frequently provides differentiated instruction based on students’ individual learning needs, interests, and learning styles.

Teacher consistently provides differentiated instruction based on students’ individual learning needs, interests, and learning styles.


Teacher designs lesson from the start utilizing multiple representations of the task, multiple forms of expression and multiple forms of engagement. Teacher offers students multiple entry points into a learning experience. Differentiation occurs because there is a need based on the student’s ability to complete tasks. This is evidenced by multiple entry points and pathways to access learning material. Teacher provides scaffolding for students. Teacher makes appropriate use of support staff and other available resources (time, space, materials, technology) Students groupings are flexible and purposeful

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

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Students are engaged in work that is purposeful and appropriately matched to learning needs. Students utilize a variety of resources. Students are engaged in learning activities based on needs, learning modality, interests, and/or abilities, and learning objectives/goals. Students are engaged in rigorous tasks at all levels. Students work and artifacts are differentiated based on needs and interests.


Focus Area: Instructional Practice (cont.) Indicator

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

D. Teacher monitors student learning and adjusts instructional strategies and pacing, as needed, in response to student performance and engagement.

Teacher’s monitoring is limited to student task completion and/or behavior. Teacher rarely adjusts instruction relative to student performance and engagement.

Teacher’s monitoring of learning is focused on whole group understanding. Teacher makes few adjustments to instruction in response to student performance and engagement.

Teacher monitors student learning and adjusts instruction in response to student performance and engagement.

Teacher consistently monitors student learning and efficiently adjusts instruction in response to student performance and engagement.


Teacher routinely checks for understanding during instruction utilizing a variety of methods and strategies. Teacher individually coaches students to redirect instruction based on the students’ performance. Teacher utilizes data based measures to track student progress.

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

Students frequently ask questions and offer solutions. Students demonstrate persistence, effort and task completion.

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Focus Area: Instructional Practice (cont.) Indicator

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

E. Teacher incorporates available technological and digital resources to promote learning as appropriate.

Teacher uses available technology as a noninstructional tool.

Teacher facilitates the use of available technology to help students access, organize, and present information.

Teacher facilitates the use of available technology to help students evaluate, analyze, interpret and communicate information in order to demonstrate and apply learning.

Teacher incorporates student-centered use of technology to engage learners in critical thinking activities that promote cooperative problem solving, creativity and innovation.

Students have limited opportunity for interaction with technology. No technology was used to enhance the lesson.


Teacher utilizes technology and digital resources strategically during lessons. Technology is used as a resource to support a purposeful skill or process (e.g., higher order thinking, Bloom’s Taxonomy or Webb’s Depth of Knowledge). Teacher acts as a model exploring and using new technology. Teacher incorporates both low tech and high tech digital resources as part of the classroom experience for students. Teacher provides students with specific opportunities to express their learning using technology.

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

Students access and use a range of technological and digital resources to organize and present information. Students with different levels of experience with or exposure to technology outside of school experience equitable access to technology. Students demonstrate independence and efficacy in their use of technology resources. Transfer of agency from teacher to students is evidenced b y the way students utilize technology resources during their learning.

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Focus Area: Instructional Practice (cont.) Indicator

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

F. Teacher provides constructive feedback to students during instruction to improve performance.

Teacher provides limited and/or inaccurate feedback.

Teacher occasionally provides feedback to students about the quality of their work. Feedback is mostly general.

Teacher provides constructive feedback to students about the quality of their work. Feedback promotes active risktaking.

Feedback discourages creativity and/or discourages risk taking.

Level 4 Teacher consistently provides ongoing, specific and accurate feedback to students about the quality of their work that promotes risk-taking and enhances their learning.


Teacher routinely provides students with feedback that is specific, concrete and related to the target objectives. Teacher provides feedback to students in a timely manner.

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

Students make changes to their work that reflects feedback received. Students demonstrate growth over time. Students produce work that aligns with criteria and/or exemplars

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Focus Area: Instructional Practice (cont.) Indicator

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

G. Teacher promotes engagement through shared responsibility for the learning process.

Teacher provides limited active learning opportunities. Instruction is primarily teacher driven.

Teacher sometimes provides active, studentcentered learning activities. Teacher provides occasional opportunities for students to take responsibility for their learning.

Teacher provides active, student-centered learning activities. Teacher provides regular opportunities for students to take responsibility for their learning.

Teacher consistently provides active, studentcentered learning activities. Teacher provides ample opportunities for students to take responsibility for their learning.


Teacher designs lessons that invite active participation. Teacher provides multiple opportunities for students to interact and engage in discourse with one another about learning tasks and lesson content. Teacher provides scaffolding for students that promotes active student engagement and independence. Teacher provides students with choice of learning activities aligned to learning outcomes.

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

Students engage in collaboration and/or discourse throughout the lesson. Students interact frequently with each other and the teacher. Students participate actively throughout the lesson in a variety of ways. Students engage in selfassessment of their work. Students produce work that aligns with criteria and/or exemplars. Students work in pairs and groups to design, define and refine their learning products based on teacher input. Students are actively engaged and held accountable for their contributions. Students take on appropriate leadership roles in the classroom.

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Assessment The Assessment focus area has five (5) indicators of performance. For each indicator, exemplars of practice have been provided and, where applicable, student behaviors, outcomes and/or products have been suggested. Finally a list of teacher dispositions has been provided in support of the types of habits and patterns associated with the development and implementation of quality assessment for learning. Dispositions

Advocacy, interpretive, evaluative, encouraging, diagnostic, prescriptive

Focus Area: Assessment Indicators

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

A. Teacher uses a comprehensive variety of formative and summative assessments that align with the learning objectives and inform instruction.

Teacher does not use a variety of formative and/or summative assessments. Teacher relies on a single assessment or no assessment occurs.

Teacher occasionally uses formative and/or summative assessments that align with learning objectives and inform instruction.

Teacher routinely uses formative and summative assessments that align with learning objectives and inform instruction.

Teacher consistently uses a variety of formative and summative assessments that align with the learning objectives and inform instruction.


Teacher includes formative and summative assessment tasks as part of the learning experience. Teacher provides a range of alternative means aligned with the learning objectives by which students may demonstrate their understanding. Teacher offer students choices of ways to represent new learning through varied tasks and activities. Teacher’s use of a variety of formative and summative assessments is evidenced in his/her lesson and pre-conference. Teacher monitors and adjusts instruction summatively based on assessment data and results.

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

All students are assessed. Students demonstrate growth, student focus on performance and learning over grades, strengthening communication among all stakeholders

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Focus Area: Assessment (cont.) Indicators

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

B. Teacher uses a variety of alternative formative and summative assessments to differentiate for the diverse ways that students demonstrate their learning.

Teacher does not use a variety of alternative assessments to differentiate for the diverse ways that students demonstrate their learning.

Teacher occasionally uses alternative formative and summative assessments to differentiate for the diverse ways that students demonstrate their learning.

Teacher uses a variety of alternative formative and summative assessments to differentiate for the diverse ways that students demonstrate their learning.

Teacher consistently uses a variety of alternative formative and summative assessments to differentiate for the diverse ways that students demonstrate their learning.


Teacher provides accommodations and modifications to meet individual learners’ needs. Teacher provides a range of alternative means by which students may demonstrate their understanding. Teacher provides students with choices of activities by which to represent new learning. Teacher differentiates content, products and processes as for assessment, including providing options for students to show learning in multiple modalities or with varied media, scaffolding or cueing students to demonstrate knowledge or skills, and utilizing recordkeeping and data collection techniques that capture multiple forms of evidence of what students have learned.;

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

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Students have the opportunity to show their learning about a variety of content in a variety of ways, using a variety of modalities. Students feel all assessments are fair and within reach.


Focus Area: Assessment (cont.) Indicators

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

C. Teacher uses rubrics and/or assessment tools to guide student reflection, to improve student performance, and to promote responsibility for their learning.

Teacher does not use rubrics and/or assessment tools for student reflection.

Teacher occasionally uses rubrics and/or assessment tools for student reflection.

Teacher uses rubrics and/or assessment tools to guide student reflection, to improve student performance, and to promote responsibility for their learning.

Teacher consistently uses rubrics and/or assessment tools to guide student reflection, to improve student performance, and to promote responsibility for their learning.


Teacher routinely creates rubrics a part of the lesson design to accompany learning tasks. Teacher routinely uses rubrics connected to learning objectives to invite student self-assessment.

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

Student has growth mindset and knows what is expected. He/she tries to meet expectations. Students frequently engage in self-evaluation of their work.

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Focus Area: Assessment (cont.) Indicators

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

D. Teacher collaborates with colleagues to review and interpret assessment data to monitor and adjust instruction.

Teacher does not collaborate with colleagues to review assessment data.

Teacher occasionally collaborates with colleagues to review and report required assessment data to monitor and adjust instruction.

Teacher collaborates with colleagues to review and interpret assessment data to monitor and adjust Instruction to meet the needs of individual learners.

Teacher proactively shares and interprets multiple sources of student data with colleagues to improve individual student performance and monitor and adjust instruction to meet the needs of individual learners.


Routinely reviews data in collaboration with others. Teacher reviews multiple sources of data pertaining to student performance in a curricular area. Teacher uses data as the basis for planning and modifying instruction. Teacher sets objectives for students based on data.

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

Students feel successful.

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Focus Area: Assessment (cont.) Indicators

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

E. Teacher provides specific, constructive, and timely feedback to students and families to reinforce and improve student learning.

Teacher does not provide constructive feedback to students and families to improve student learning.

Teacher provides general and/or untimely feedback to students and families to improve student learning.

Teacher communicates specific, constructive, and timely feedback to students and families to reinforce and improve student learning.

Teacher proactively communicates specific, constructive, and timely feedback to students and families to reinforce and improve student learning.


Teacher reviews assessments immediately. Results of assessments are communicated to students in a specific and timely manner to promote progress.

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

Student always know how and when to improve. Parents know when performance changes (positive and negative)

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Professional Responsibilities The Professional Responsibilities focus area has five (5) indicators of performance. For each indicator, exemplars of practice have been provided and, where applicable, student behaviors, outcomes and/or products have been suggested. Furthermore, a list of teacher dispositions has been provided in support of the types of habits and patterns associated with professional practice and ethical behavior. Dispositions

Continuous/active learner, communicates with professional decorum, strong verbal skills, good intra/inter personal skills, curious, flexible, confident, self-awareness, risk taker, proactive learner, honest, flexible to learning

Focus Area: Professional Responsibilities Indicators

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

A. Teacher conducts self as a professional in accordance with CT Code of Responsibility for Educators and district policy.

Teacher does not comply with state/district policy and engages in activities that are not in the best interest of students.


Teacher maintains appropriate boundaries among parents, students and colleagues. Teacher demonstrates respect for ethnicity and cultural differences. Teacher demonstrates respect for student and family confidentiality. Teacher uses technology in an ethical manner.

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

Students display appropriate use of technology Student/teacher dialogues are respectful. Students maintain appropriate boundaries with teachers and other students.

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Teacher inconsistently complies with state/district policy and inconsistently engages in activities that are not in the best interest of students.

Teacher exhibits a high level of ethics and professionalism in compliance with district policy and frequently engages in activities that are in the best interest of students.

Level 4 Teacher consistently exhibits the highest ethical standards in compliance with state/district policy and consistently engages in activities that are in the best interest of students.


Focus Area: Professional Responsibilities (cont.) Indicators

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

B. Teacher collaborates with colleagues in a professional community.

Teacher rarely participates in the professional community and demonstrates little commitment to collaborate with colleagues.


Teacher actively participates and shares materials and ideas during collaborative meetings. Teacher demonstrates open-mindedness towards colleague feedback.

Student Behaviors/Outcome s/Products

Student shows a consistent increase in academic growth.

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Teacher inconsistently participates in the professional community and shows a developing commitment to collaborating with colleagues.

Teacher frequently contributes to the professional community and collaborates productively with colleagues.

Level 4 Teacher consistently contributes to the professional community, and proactively seeks opportunities to collaborate with


Focus Area: Professional Responsibilities (cont.) Indicators

Level 1

Level 2

C. Teacher engages in professional growth/development and reflection to enhance teaching and student learning.

Teacher rarely reflects on instructional practice, uses feedback, or engages in professional growth.


Teacher attends and/or presents at workshops and conferences Teacher utilizes new learnings acquired during professional development opportunities Teacher seeks opportunities to share practice and student work with colleagues Teacher aligns future professional development with their growth needs Teacher demonstrates a growth mindset in receiving constructive feedback

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

Student shows high engagement during lessons Student produces dynamic work product Student displays high quality of work

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Teacher inconsistently reflects on instructional practice, occasionally uses feedback, and participates in some professional growth opportunities.

Level 3 Teacher frequently reflects on instructional practice, uses feedback, and participates in opportunities for professional growth.

Level 4 Teacher consistently and proactively reflects on instructional practices, incorporates feedback, and seeks opportunities for professional growth to improve instructional practice.


Focus Area: Professional Responsibilities (cont.) Indicators

Level 1

Level 2

Teacher frequently communicates with and involves families in the educational program, often by using more than one method of communication.

Level 4 Teacher consistently employs a variety of methods to involve and inform families in the educational program and create a partnership between the school and families.

D. Teacher communicates with families to promote positive home- school relationships.

Teacher rarely attempts to inform and involve families in the educational program.


Teacher aligns method of communication with family needs Teacher uses district and building resources to support communication with family Teacher communicates academic, behavioral and emotional feedback to family about child. Teacher provides strategies for parents to support student learning

Student Behaviors, Outcomes/, and Products

Student shows a higher level of trust between student/teacher resulting in student higher risk taking Student accepts instructional assistance from teachers Student displays a higher achievement Student displays a decrease in adverse behaviors Student displays an Increase in student/teacher communication

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Teacher inconsistently attempts to inform and involve families in the educational program beyond required contacts.

Level 3


Focus Area: Professional Responsibilities (cont.) Indicators

Level 1

Level 2

E. Teacher exhibits sensitivity and respect for cultural, social, economic and learning diversity.

Teacher demonstrates limited sensitivity of cultural, social, economic and learning diversity through interactions or instruction.


Teacher uses language or words that avoid demonstrates Teacher acknowledges and address their personal biases

Student Behaviors, Outcomes, and Products

Student feels comfortable to take risks.

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Teacher demonstrates some sensitivity to and respect for cultural, social, economic and learning diversity through interactions and instruction.

Level 3 Teacher demonstrates sensitivity to and respect for most cultural, social, economic and learning diversity through interactions and instruction.

Level 4 Teacher consistently demonstrates a high level of knowledge, sensitivity, and respect for cultural, social, economic and learning diversity through interactions and instruction.


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