1 minute read

You’re never alone with a Samsung Jeff Gallagher

Jeff Gallagher

You’re never alone with a Samsung


This is the guy in the next cell one of your captive audience speaking from within the walls where he has recently retired to spend some time in solitary

where the south wall pounds to the generator throbbing and banshee thrash of guitars caressed by those giant lovers towering over the crowds

and the orient streams images of a photoshopped sunrise red lava tumbling to the edge of my outstretched feet and oceans impossibly blue

to the north I can see pictures beamed live from galaxies thirteen billion years old sitting at my right hand to be snuffed out by the remote

as big bang and hand of god are seen in slow motion loops while the lava becomes an ice rink for murder victims resurrected as applicants for equity release

I mute the tattooed inarticulate footballers and the pop stars with their post car crash makeovers as zombies in suits are misquoted by comically inaccurate subtitles

I can blind hare-lipped children and fill their faces with flies or with a drone’s precision take out a terrorist or land a ball in the beer of a random sports fan

and soon I will be my own host on a virtual desert island or advertise myself for myself with every tech tonic around me personalised to fit my environment

I look to the west to a brand new innovation in home entertainment beyond these walls to an old world waiting for me to decide what I should do with it

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