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d mq_[gbdm ŠKqZkleb\uc Zg]ebckdbc Dgb]Z ^ey deZkkh\ h[s_h[jZah\Zl_evguo rdheª L ; De_f_glv_\Z J.A. Shannon ² H[gbgkd ŠLblmeª ] ª

mq_[gh ijZdlbq_kdh_ ihkh[b_



Review ......................................... 3 &KDSWHU >h[jh ih`Zeh\Zlv \ :\kljZebx ...... 5 &KDSWHU RdhevgZy `bagv ................... 19 &KDSWHU JZaghh[jZab_ dmevlmj ............. 42 &KDSWHU Hebfibckdb_ b]ju ................. 56 &KDSWHU >bdZy ijbjh^Z :\kljZebb .......... 74 &KDSWHU FmaudZ b bkdmkkl\h ............... 86 &KDSWHU Hiul jZ[hlu ..................... 104 JZ[hqZy l_ljZ^v ............................ 121 Chapter 1 .................................. 121 JZ[hqZy l_ljZ^v ............................ 155 Chapter 2 .................................. 155 Chapter 3 .................................. 178 Chapter 4 .................................. 197 3Z[hqZy l_ljZ^v ............................ 206 Chapter 5 .................................. 206 Chapter 6 .................................. 221 Chapter 7 .................................. 238



<klmibl_evgh_ keh\h

Y jZ^ ij_^klZ\blv \Zf +DSS\ (QJOLVK Wlhl mq_[gbd ihagZdhfbl \Zk kh fgh]bfb Zki_dlZfb `bagb \ :\kljZebb bklhjb_c ]_h]jZnb_c dmevlmjhc yaudhf nehjhc b nZmghc :\kljZebckdh_ Ihkhevkl\h l_kgh jZ[hlZeh k Z\lhjZfb gZ^ ih^]hlh\dhc wlh]h mq_[gbdZ b y fh]m \Zk aZ\_jblv qlh \u g_ lhevdh memqrbl_ k\h_ agZgb_ Zg]ebckdh]h yaudZ gh b lZd`_ kfh`_l_ m\b^_lv :\kljZebx bagmljb Y gZ^_xkv qlh \Zf ihgjZ\blky aZgbfZlvky ih wlhfm mq_[gbdm b magZ\Zlv h[ :\kljZebb @_eZx \Zf mki_oh\ \ mq_[_ >` J ;_gleb :\kljZebckdbc ihkhe

IhagZdhfvl_kv k i_jkhgZ`Zfb Wlh ² ]eZ\gu_ ]_jhb k dhlhjufb \u \klj_lbl_kv \ Happy English-3. Hev]Z Djueh\Z q_lujgZ^pZlv e_l Oh^bl \ kj_^gxx rdhem \ Fhkd\_ Jhkkby Wlh ih_a^dZ \ :\kljZebx ² __ i_j\Zy ih_a^dZ aZ ]jZgbpm Hev]_ gjZ\blky bamqZlv yaudb KZrZ Djueh\ r_klgZ^pZlv e_l oh^bl \ kj_^gxx rdhem \ Fhkd\_ Jhkkby <u \_jhylgh ihfgbl_ dZd \klj_qZebkv k KZr_c \ +DSS\ (QJOLVK b +DSS\ (QJOLVK dh]^Z hg ihk_sZe <_ebdh[jblZgbx b Kh_^bg_ggu_ RlZlu :f_jbdb KZrZ ex[bl iml_r_kl\h\Zlv Hev]Z ² _]h k_kljZ Lhf Jhm r_klgZ^pZlv e_l oh^bl \ kj_^gxx rdhem \ Kb^g__ :\kljZeby Lhf gbdh]^Z g_ [ue aZ ]jZgbp_c Gh m g_]h fgh]h ^jma_c ba jZaguo kljZg Hg gZ^__lky qlh kdhjh ih_^_l aZ ]jZgbpm Hev]Z b KZrZ [m^ml `blv k Lhfhf b _]h k_fv_c ihdZ hgb [m^ml \ Kb^g__ AZq_f mqblv Zg]ebckdbc yaud" :g]ebckdbc \_jhylgh kZfuc rbjhdh jZkijhkljZg_gguc yaud gZ A_fe_ Ex^b ih \k_fm fbjm ]h\hjyl gZ Zg]ebckdhf Hgb g_ \k_ bkihevamxl _]h dZd bo hkgh\ghc yaud < g_dhlhjuo kljZgZo lZdbo dZd Gb]_jby b Bg^by kms_kl\m_l fgh]h jZaebqguo yaudh\ b ihwlhfm \ wlbo kljZgZo Zg]ebckdbc yaud bkihevam_lky dZd ŠhnbpbZevgucª beb Š\lhjhcª yaud ^ey ijZ\bl_evkl\Z [bag_kZ b h[jZah\Zgby Hij_^_e_ggu_ Šf_`^mgZjh^gu_ª ijhn_kkbb lZdb_ dZd ibehl Z\bZebgbc b Z\bZ^bki_lq_j lj_[mxl agZgby Zg]ebckdh]h yaudZ :g]ebckdbc lZd`_ jZ[hqbc yaud dhfivxl_jh\ ?keb <u agZ_l_ Zg]ebckdbc yaud <u fh`_l_ h[sZlvky k ex^vfb kh \k_]h fbjZ ihkj_^kl\hf dhfivxl_jZ 3

AgZeb eb <u wlh h[ Zg]ebckdhf yaud_" :g]ebckdbc yaud aZjh^beky hdheh e_l gZaZ^ \ :g]ebb < ^j_\g_Zg]ebckdhf [ueh \k_]h hdheh g_kdhevdbo lukyq keh\ < g_f [ueh gZfgh]h [hevr_ hdhgqZgbc q_f \ kh\j_f_gghf Zg]ebckdhf yaud_ K_cqZk \ Zg]ebckdhf yaud_ [he__ fbeebhgZ keh\ < Hdknhj^kdhf Keh\Zj_ [he__ jZaebqguo keh\ Kj_^gbc ihevah\Zl_ev agZ_l hl ^h keh\ Hkgh\gZy fZkkZ Zg]ebckdbo keh\ i_j\hgZqZevgh [ueb ba eZlbgkdh]h yaudZ <u fh]eb [u gZibkZlv khlgb kljZgbp gZ Zg]ebckdhf yaud_ bkihevamy hdheh keh\ bf_xsbo eZlbgkdh_ ijhbkoh`^_gb_ < kZfhf [eb`Zcr_f [m^ms_f dZ`^uc q_l\_jluc kfh`_l ]h\hjblv ih Zg]ebckdb Lu ² h^bg ba gbo

<hijhku ^ey h[km`^_gby Hl\_lv gZ \hijhku Kdhevdh q_eh\_d \ fbj_ ]h\hjyl gZ Zg]ebckdhf yaud_" About 1300 000 000 (one fourth of the world’s population) speak (QJOLVK Hdheh q_l\_jlb gZk_e_gby A_feb ]h\hjyl gZ Zg]ebckdhf yaud_

GZah\b g_dhlhju_ ba kljZg \ dhlhjuo ex^b bkihevamxl Zg]ebckdbc yaud dZd h^bg ba hnbpbZevguo yaudh\ ^ey ijZ\bl_evkl\Z [bag_kZ b h[jZah\Zgby Nigeria, India, Mauritius, Pakistan, Seychelles, Saint Lucia, Puerto Rico, Gibraltar, Malta, Kdhevdh \j_f_gb lu m`_ bamqZ_rv Zg]ebckdbc yaud" I have been learning English for 5(6,7,8,9, 10) years. L_[_ gjZ\blky mqblv Zg]ebckdbc yaud" Ihq_fm" Ihq_fm g_l" Yes, I do. I like to learn English because I can communicate with people from other FRXQWULHV >Z. fg_ gjZ\blky mqblv Zg]ebckdbc yaud ihlhfm qlh y fh]m h[sZlvky k ex^vfb ba ^jm]bo kljZg DZd lu bkihevam_rv k\h_ agZgb_ Zg]ebckdh]h yaudZ" I communicate with my pen friends in English. I try to read books by American and English writers in the original. Y h[sZxkv kh k\hbfb ^jmavyfb ih i_j_ibkd_ gZ Zg]ebckdhf yaud_ Y iulZxkv qblZlv dgb]b Zf_jbdZgkdbo b Zg]ebckdbo ibkZl_e_c \ hjb]bgZe_

AgZ_rv eb lu dZdb_ gb[m^v _s_ bghkljZggu_ yaudb" No, I don’t.

H l_[_ Ihq_fm lu bamqZ_rv Zg]ebckdbc yaud" IhklZ\v dj_klbd gZihjlb\ ij_^eh`_gbc dhlhju_ emqr_ \k_]h h[tykgyxl l\hb fhlb\u Y ohqm qblZlv dgb]b `mjgZeu b ]Za_lu gZ Zg]ebckdhf yaud_ 4

Wlh ij_^f_l \ fh_f mq_[ghf ieZg_ Wlh ihfh`_l fg_ gZclb ohjhrmx jZ[hlm Y ohqm iml_r_kl\h\Zlv aZ ]jZgbpm Y ohqm mqblvky aZ ]jZgbp_c Fg_ qZklh ijboh^blky jZa]h\Zjb\Zlv k bghkljZgpZfb Y [u ohl_e kfhlj_lv nbevfu b l_e_i_j_^Zqb gZ Zg]ebckdhf yaud_ Fh`_rv eb lu gZa\Zlv _s_ g_kdhevdh ijbqbg ih dhlhjuf klhbl bamqZlv Zg]ebckdbc yaud" Ih`ZemcklZ h[km^b k\hb b^_b b ijbqbgu k h^ghdeZkkgbdZfb I want to live abroad. I’d like to associate with people from other countries to learn more of their ways and culture. 5. DZdhc ba wlbo gZ\udh\ y\ey_dlky ^ey l_[y kZfuf \Z`guf" Ihq_fm" IhklZ\v hlf_ldb hl kZfuc \Z`guc ^h gZbf_g__ \Z`guc gZijhlb\ yq__d JZa]h\Zjb\Zlv gZ Zg]ebckdhf yaud_ IbkZlv gZ Zg]ebckdhf yaud_ QblZlv gZ Zg]ebckdhf yaud_ IhgbfZlv Zg]ebckdbc \ jZa]h\hj_

CHAPTER 1. >H;JH IH@:EH<:LV < :<KLJ:EBX JZa]h\hjgZy ijZdlbdZ

KZrZ b Hev]Z [m^ml `blv \ Kb^g__ \ Z\kljZebckdhc k_fv_ Hgb lZd`_ ih_^ml \ DZg[_jjm klhebpm :\kljZebb b \ F_ev[mjg Wlh i_j\Zy ih_a^dZ Hev]b aZ ]jZgbpm Ih`ZemcklZ ijhqlbl_ ke_^mxsb_ ^bZeh]b \kemo AZl_f jZau]jZcl_ bo k h^ghdeZkkgbdZfb H[jZsZcl_ hkh[h_ \gbfZgb_ gZ nhjfu ]eZ]heh\ Ihke_ lh]h dZd aZdhgqbl_ qblZlv ih`ZemcklZ \uihegbl_ aZ^Zgby ke_^mxsb_ aZ ^bZeh]Zfb Ijb[ulb_ \ :\kljZebx Lhf Ijb\_l <u ² KZrZ b Hev]Z" Y ² Lhf KZrZ b Hev]Z Ijbylgh ihagZdhfblvky Lhf Lhf Fg_ lh`_ ijbylgh ihagZdhfblvky >h[jh ih`Zeh\Zlv \ :\kljZebx DZd ijhreZ ih_a^dZ" KZrZ HgZ [ueZ hq_gv ^ebgghc Hev]Z Fu ijhe_l_eb qZkh\ dh]^Z magZeb qlh fu ijhe_l_eb lhevdh iheh\bgm jZkklhygby ^h :\kljZebb KZrZ Fu jZ^u [ulv a^_kv Lhf <u h[Z lZd ohjhrh ]h\hjbl_ ih Zg]ebckdb <u m`_ [u\Zeb \ Zg]eh ]h\hjys_c kljZg_" 5

KZrZ < ijhrehf ]h^m y _a^be \ Kh_^bg_ggu_ RlZlu :f_jbdb : ^\Z ]h^Z ^h wlh]h y [ue \ <_ebdh[jblZgbb Hev]Z Wlh ² fhy i_j\Zy ih_a^dZ aZ ]jZgbpm Lhf Kdhevdh \j_f_gb \u bamqZ_l_ Zg]ebckdbc yaud" Hev]Z < dhgp_ ]h^Z [m^_l m`_ ljb ]h^Z dZd y bamqZx Zg]ebckdbc KZrZ Fu gZ^__fky qlh a^_kv fu memqrbf k\h_ agZgb_ Zg]ebckdh]h Lhf M \Zk lZd`_ [m^_l \hafh`ghklv bamqblv Z\kljZebckdbc ^bZe_dl KZrZ Dh]^Z y mqbeky \ :f_jbd_ y magZe qlh kms_kl\mxl g_dhlhju_ jZaebqby f_`^m [jblZgkdbf b Zf_jbdZgkdbf Zg]ebckdbf :\kljZebckdbc Zg]ebckdbc kbevgh hlebqZ_lky hl [jblZgkdh]h b Zf_jbdZgkdh]h" Lhf g_l g_ hq_gv kbevgh G_dhlhju_ keh\Z ijbreb hl Z[hjb]_gh\ lZdb_ dZd [mf_jZg] b d_g]mjm Hev]Z Dlh lZdb_ Z[hjb]_gu" Lhf :[hjb]_gu ² dhj_ggu_ `bl_eb :\kljZebb dhlhju_ `beb a^_kv gZ ijhly`_gbb lukyq e_l ^h lh]h dZd \ :\kljZebx ijbieueb _\jhi_cpu <u ih_^_l_ \ ^jm]b_ ]hjh^Z ihke_ Kb^g_y" KZrZ >Z fu kh[bjZ_fZy lZd`_ ih_oZlv \ DZg[_jjm b F_ev[mjg Lhf Y ^mfZx qlh m \Zk [m^_l hq_gv bgl_j_kgZy ih_a^dZ Y b fhy k_fvy kqZkleb\u qlh \u [m^_l_ `blv k gZfb \h \j_fy ij_[u\Zgby \ Kb^g__ KZrZ b Hev]Z KiZkb[h qlh ijb]eZkbeb I_j\u_ \i_qZle_gby Lhf DZdb_ m \Zk i_j\u_ \i_qZle_gby h[ :\kljZebb" Hev]Z i_j\h_ qlh gZ f_gy ijhba\_eh \i_qZle_gb_ ² lh dZdb_ a^_kv \k_ \_`eb\u_ b \gbfZl_evgu_ Lhf >Z Z\kljZebcpu hq_gv ^jm`_ex[gu KZrZ a^_kv ^Z`_ \h^bl_eb ex[_agu Hgb hklZgZ\eb\Zxl fZrbgu qlh[u ijhimklblv i_r_oh^h\ Lhf M i_r_oh^h\ \k_]^Z _klv ij_bfms_kl\h gZ ^hjh]_ : ^ey Z\lh[mkh\ b lZdkb \u^_e_gZ ki_pbZevgZy ihehkZ qlh[u ex^b ihevamxsb_ky h[s_kl\_gguf ljZgkihjlhf j_`_ ijboh^behkv `^Zlv \ mebqghf ^\b`_gbb KZrZ Wlh a^hjh\h Lhf : lu Hev]Z Qlh lu aZf_lbeZ" Hev]Z GZ f_gy ijhba\_eh \i_qZle_gb_ dhebq_kl\h jZkl_gbc b ilbp `b\msbo ijyfh \ ]hjh^_ Lhf Kb^g_c hdjm`_g gZpbhgZevgufb iZjdZfb >Z`_ \ p_glj_ ]hjh^Z ilbpu ]g_a^ylky gZ ^_j_\vyo jy^hf k hnbkgufb a^Zgbyfb b h`b\e_ggufb mebpZfb 6

Hev]Z <b^bfh Z\kljZebcpu ^_ckl\bl_evgh ex[yl ijbjh^m Lhf >Z fu klZjZ_fky aZsblblv gZrm ijbjh^m b `b\hlguo Fu hkhagZeb ijh[e_fu hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^u lhevdh dh]^Z ihgyeb dZd fgh]h ^_j_\v_\ fu kjm[beb b kdhevdh \b^h\ `b\hlguo bkq_aeh K_cqZk fu bkihevam_f jZagu_ dhgl_cg_ju ^ey k[hjZ \lhjkujvy ^ey [Zghd [mluehd b ijhklh fmkhjZ \ jZaebqguo f_klZo ih \k_fm ]hjh^m K_cqZk ^_j_\vy kZ`Zxl ih \k_c :\kljZebb Hev]Z Y m^b\beZkv hfm qlh a^_kv hk_gv >hfZ k_cqZk \_kgZ KZrZ Fu lZd`_ aZf_lbeb qlh a^_kv `b\ml ex^b ba jZaguo kljZg Lhf Hdheh q_l\_jlb ]jZ`^Zg :\kljZebb jh^bebkv aZ ]jZgbp_c b fb]jbjh\Zeb \ :\kljZebx <u [u g_ ohl_eb ihclb kh fghc \ rdhem" Y [u ihagZdhfbe \Zk kh k\hbfb ^jmavyfb Fgh]b_ ba gbo ba ^jm]bo kljZg KZrZ K m^h\hevkl\b_f Lu oh^brv \ rdhem i_rdhf beb _a^brv gZ rdhevghf Z\lh[mk_" Lhf DZ`^uc ^_gv y _a`m \ rdhem gZ eh^d_ Hev]Z Lu ^h[bjZ_rvky ^h rdheu gZ eh^d_ Lhf >Z fhy rdheZ gZoh^blky q_j_a aZeb\ KZrZ Eh^db hq_gv ihimeyjgu a^_kv g_ lZd eb" Y aZf_lbe fgh`_kl\h iZjhfh\ ^ey i_j_\hadb ex^_c \ [mol_ Kb^g_y Lhf LZd dZd Kb^g_c [ue ihkljh_g hdheh fhjy qZklh i_j_ijZ\eylvky gZ iZjhf_ [uklj__ H ^bZeh]Zo Hl\_lv gZ \hijhku Ijb[ulb_ \ :\kljZebx DZdhc ]hjh^ ihk_sZxl KZrZ b Hev]Z" They are visiting Sydney. DZdhc [ueZ bo ih_a^dZ" Their yrip was very long. Kdhevdh hgb m`_ ijhe_l_eb dh]^Z magZeb qlh hgb ijhe_l_eb lhevdh iheimlb ^h :\kljZebb" They had been flying for 12 hours when they learned that theywere only half way to Australia. ;u\Ze eb KZrZ \ <_ebdh[jblZgbb" Dh]^Z hg lZf [ue" Yes, he has. He was there three years ago. ;u\ZeZ eb Hev]Z aZ ]jZgbp_c" No, she hasn’t. Kdhevdh \j_f_gb Hev]Z bamqZ_l Zg]ebckdbc yaud" She has been studying English two and half years. Kdhevdh \j_f_gb lu [m^_rv bamqZlv Zg]ebckdbc yaud d dhgpm wlh]h ]h^Z" 7

I will have been studying English for 45 years by the end of this year. :\kljZebckdbc Zg]ebckdbc kbevgh hlebqZ_lky hl Zf_jbdZgkdh]h b [jblZgkdh]h \ZjbZglh\" No, it is not very different from American and British English. Dlh lZdb_ Z[hjb]_gu" Aborigines are the Australian natives. They had been living in Australia for thousands of years before the first Europeans came. DZdb_ Z\kljZebckdb_ ]hjh^Z ihk_lyl KZrZ b Hev]Z" They will be visiting Canberra and Melbourne. K d_f [m^ml `blv KZrZ b Hev]Z \h \j_fy ij_[u\Zgby \ Kb^g__" They will be staying with Tom and his family. I_j\u_ \i_qZle_gby Qlh ijhba\_eh \i_qZle_gb_ gZ KZrm b Hev]m \ Kb^g__" Olga was impressed by the politeness and helpfulness of people. She was also impressed by the number of different plant and birds that live right in the city. Sasha was impressed by the fact that drivers stop to let pedestrians cross. >ey dh]h hklZgZ\eb\Zxlky \h^bl_eb" The drivers stop for pedestrians to cross. >ey Z\lh[mkh\ b lZdkb \u^_e_gZ ki_pbZevgZy ebgby" AZq_f" Yes, they are. Buses and taxis are given a special line, so that people who use public transport rarely wait in traffic. Ihq_fm \h \k_f Kb^g__ kZ`Zxl ^_j_\vy" Trees are being planted because Australians are trying to protect their nature. Q_f hdjm`_g Kb^g_c" Sydney is surrounded by national parks. =^_ jh^bebkv ^\Z^pZlv iylv ijhp_glh\ Z\kljZebcp_\" Twenty-five per cent of Australians were born overseas. =^_ gZoh^blky rdheZ LhfZ" Tom’s school is located across the bay. 2. KDG EHHQ IO\LQJ ² e_l_eb m`_ kdhevdh lh \j_f_gb

OHDUQW ² magZeb \ ijhrehf

VSHDN ² ]h\hjbl_ \hh[s_

KDYH \RX EHHQ ² [u\Zeb eb dh]^Z gb[m^v

ZHQW ² _a^be \ ijhrehf

KDG EHHQ ² ih[u\Ze ^h hij_^_e_ggh]h fhf_glZ \ ijhrehf

KDYH EHHQ VWXG\LQJ ² bamqZ_rv m`_ kdhevdh lh \j_f_gb

ZLOO KDYH EHHQ VWXG\LQJ ² [m^m bamqZlv dZdh_ lh \j_fy ^h hij_^_e_ggh]h fhf_glZ \ [m^ms_f

ZDV VWXG\LQJ ² mqbeky dZdhc lh i_jbh^ \j_f_gb

FRPH IURP ² ijbreb \ ijhrehf


KDG EHHQ OLYLQJ ² `beb ^h hij_^_e_ggh]h fhf_glZ \ ijhrehf

DUH JRLQJ ² ih_^_l_ aZieZgbjh\Zeb

ZLOO WUDYHO ² ih_^_f \ [m^ms_f

ZLOO EH VWD\LQJ ² [m^_l_ `blv dZdh_ lh \j_fy

ZDV LPSUHVVHG ² [ueZ ihjZ`_gZ \ ijhrehf

DUH JLYHQ ² ^ey gbo \u^_e_gZ \hh[s_

DP LPSUHVVHG ² f_gy ihjZ`Z_l k_cqZk

LV VXUURXQGHG ² hdjm`_g \hh[s_

EHFDPH ² klZeb \ ijhrehf

KDG EHHQ FXW ² [ueb kjm[e_gu ^h hij_^_e_ggh]h fhf_glu \ ijhrehf

KDG EHHQ ORVW ² [ueb ihl_jygu bkq_aeb ^h hij_^_e_ggh]h fhf_glu \ ijhrehf

DUH EHLQJ SODQWHG ² bo kZ`Zxl k_cqZk \ wlhl i_jbh^ \j_f_gb

ZDV VXUSULVHG ² [ueZ m^b\e_gZ \ ijhrehf

ZHUH ERUQ ² jh^bebkv \ ijhrehf

ZLOO LQWURGXFH ² ihagZdhfex \ [m^ms_f

LV ORFDWHG ² gZoh^blky \hh[s_

ZDV EXLOW ² [ue ihkljh_g \ ijhrehf

Lu dh]^Z gb[m^v [ue \ ^jm]hc kljZg_" ?keb ^Z jZkkdZ`b k\hbf h^ghdeZkkgbdZf h k\hbo \i_qZle_gbyo h kljZg_ GZijbf_j qlh lu aZf_lbe kjZam dZd ijb[ue \ wlm kljZgm" DZd kbevgh wlZ kljZgZ hlebqZ_lky hl l\h_c kljZgu" I have been to Great Britain. I visited it last year. The first thing noticed was that the English were very reserved and polite. They never pushed each other. They all patiently wanted in a line and no one thought of jumping the queue. The next thing was the fact that they drive on the left side of the road. Of course I knew about that but it still surprised me when I saw it with my own eyes. It was very inconvenient to cross the road as I had to look on the right and then on the left. It was strange to see that no one laughed or spoke in the Tube. They all read newspapers or just looked before themselves. JZau]jZcl_ ^bZeh] \ iZjZo H^bg mq_gbd [m^_l Lhfhf Z ^jm]hc [m^_l \RX Lhf Ijb\_l DZd ^_eZ" You +L ,¶P ILQH WKDQNV $QG KRZ DUH \RX" KiZkb[h ohjhrh : m l_[y"

Lhf Ohjhrh Ijbylgh ihagZdhfblvky You ,W¶V QLFH WR PHHW \RX WRR <aZbfgh Lhf Lu `b\_rv \ Jhkkbb g_ lZd eb" You <HV , GR $QG \RX"q$UH \RX %ULWLVK" >Z : lu" Lu ² [jblZg_p"

Lhf G_l g_ [jblZg_p Y ba :\kljZebb Lu `b\_rv \ ^hf_ beb \ d\Zjlbj_" 9

You , OLYH LQ D IODW Y `b\m \ d\Zjlbj_ Lhf DZd ^he]h lu bamqZ_rv Zg]ebckdbc yaud" You , KDYH EHHQ VWXG\LQJ (QJOLVK IRU \HDUV Y bamqZx Zg]ebckdbc e_l Lhf IjZ\^Z" Lu ohjhrh ]h\hjbrv ih Zg]ebckdb Lu dh]^Z gb[m^v [u\Ze \ Zg]eh ]h\hjys_c kljZg_" You 1R , KDYHQÂśW +DYH \RX EHHQ WR 5XVVLD" G_l : lu [u\Ze \ Jhkkbb"

Lhf G_l y g_ [ue \ Jhkkbb Dh]^Z lu ijb_oZe \ :\kljZebx" You , DUULYHG LQ $XVWUDOLD WZR GD\V DJR Y ijb_oZe \ :\kljZebx ^\Z ^gy gZaZ^

Lhf M l_[y _klv [jZlvy beb k_klju" You 1R , GRQÂśW $QG \RX" G_l : m l_[y"

Lhf M f_gy ^\Z [jZlZ b k_kljZ =jZffZlbdZ 3. I drink tea every day. (Present Simple) I am drinking tea now. (Present Progressive) I have never drunk tea. (Present Perfect) I have been drinking tea for 2 hours. (Present Perfect Progressive) I drank tea yesterday at a party. (Past Simple) I was drinking tea when my friend came in. (Past Progressive) I had already drank coffee when he suggested to go to a cafeteria.(Past Perfect) I had been drinking coffee for a couple of hours when I saw him. (Past Perfect Progressive I shall drink cocoa tomorrow. (Future Simple) I shall be drinking tea tomorrow at 10 o’clock. (Future Progressive) I shall have drunk my tea by this time tomorrow. (Future Perfect) I shall have been reading a book for 3 hours by the time you come. (Future Perfect Progressive)

IjhqblZcl_ b magZcl_ Kb^g_c GZdhg_p lh fu a^_kv <hl fu b \ Kb^g__ kZfhf [hevrhf b klZjhf ]hjh^_ \ :\kljZebb Kb^g_c y\ey_lky ^hfhf ihqlb ^ey q_luj_o fbeebhgh\ ex^_c gZk_e_gb_ Kb^g_y \ hkgh\ghf Zg]ebqZg_ ih ijhbkoh`^_gbx gh [he__ q_l\_jlb `bl_e_c jh^bebkv aZ ]jZgbp_c < hkgh\ghf \ Kh_^bg_gghf Dhjhe_\kl\_ b BjeZg^bb Gh\hc A_eZg^bb ?\jhi_ kljZgZo <hklhqghc ?\jhiu Eb\Zg_ b X]h <hklhqghc :abb G_kfhljy gZ lh qlh Zg]ebckdbc y\ey_lky hkgh\guf yaudhf dZ`^uc iyluo Z\kljZeb_p ]h\hjbl _s_ b gZ ^jm]hf yaud_ H[uqgh gZ blZevygkdhf ]j_q_kdhf ZjZ[kdhf eb\Zgkdhf dblZckdhf b bkiZgkdhf Lmjbklh\ kh 10

\k_]h k\_lZ ijb\e_dZ_l djZkhlZ Kb^g_y Kj_^ba_fghfhjkdbc debfZl _]h \i_qZleyxsb_ ]Ze_j_b fma_b Zjobl_dlmjZ b iZjdb Wlh ² jZchg \ dhlhjhf `b\ml KZrZ b Hev]Z < \uoh^gu_ ex^_c fh`gh m\b^_lv \h ^\hj_ Wlh ² rdheZ LhfZ HgZ [ueZ ihkljh_gZ e_l gZaZ^ Hi_jguc L_Zlj Kb^g_y ² h^bg ba kZfuo aZf_qZl_evguo ijbf_jh\ Zjobl_dlmju \_dZ Hg [ue aZ^mfZg ^Zlkdbf Zjobl_dlhjhf >`h_jghf Mlahghf Wlh ² kbf\he dmevlmjghc `bagb Kb^g_y DebfZl L_ieuc b mf_j_gguc khegp_ k\_lbl [hevrmx qZklv ]h^Z L_fi_jZlmjZ \h^u e_lhf ih P_evkbx Abfhc Ijb l_iehf kheg_qghf debfZl_ g_m^b\bl_evgh qlh Kb^g_c ² ]hjh^ ex[bl_e_c kihjlZ G_ m^b\bl_evgh qlh wlhl ]hjh^Z [ue \u[jZg ^ey ijh\_^_gbx Hebfibckdbo B]j ]h^Z < ahhiZjd_ \ LZjhg]_ fh`gh m\b^_lv i_jvy f_o ieZ\gbdb b deudb Ijbjh^gmx kj_^m h[blZgby lsZl_evgh jZajZ[Zlu\Zeb ki_pbZebklu < ahhiZjd_ h^bg ba kZfuo djZkb\uo i_caZ`_c \ Kb^g__ Kb^g_c hdjm`_g hd_Zghf b gZpbhgZevgufb iZjdZfb >Zcl_ djZldh_ baeh`_gb_ lh]h qlh \u magZeb h Kb^g__ Sydney is the largest and oldest city in Australia. Nearly four milion people live there. Most of its residents are English in background, buy more than a quarter of the population of the city was born overseas. Sydney is a beautiful city with numerous museums, impressive galleries, architecture and parks. Every year tourists from all over the world visit Sydney. The climate is warm and sunny. Many of its inhabitants are sport lovers and the city was chosen to host the 2000 Olympic Games. <uibrbl_ ij_^eh`_gby k iZkkb\guf aZeh]hf b i_j_\_^bl_ bo gZ jmkkdbc yaud 2Q ZHHN HQGV SHRSOH FDQ EH VHHQ LQ WKH \DUG < \uoh^gu_ ex^_c fh`gh m\b^_lv \h ^\hj_ ,W ZDV EXLOW \HDUV DJR HgZ [ueZ ihkljh_gZ e_l gZaZ^ ,W ZDV FRQFHLYHG E\ 'DQLVK DUFKLWHFW -RHUQ 8W]RQ Hg [ue aZ^mfZg ^Zlkdbf Zjobl_dlhjhf >`h_jghf Mlahghf 1R ZRQGHU WKH FLW\ ZDV FKRVHQ WR KRVW WKH 2O\PSLF *DPHV G_ m^b\bl_evgh qlh wlhl ]hjh^Z [ue \u[jZg ^ey ijh\_^_gbx Hebfibckdbo B]j ]h^Z 6\GQH\ LV VXUURXQGHG E\ RFHDQ DQG QDWLRQDO SDUNV Kb^g_c hdjm`_g hd_Zghf b gZpbhgZevgufb iZjdZfb )HDWKHUV IXU ILQV DQG IDQJV FDQ EH IRXQG DW WKH 7DURQJD ]RR < ahhiZjd_ \ LZjhg]_ fh`gh m\b^_lv i_jvy f_o ieZ\gbdb b deudb 1DWXUDO KDELWDWV ZHUH FDUHIXOO\ GHVLJQHG E\ H[SHUWV Ijbjh^gmx kj_^m h[blZgby lsZl_evgh jZajZ[Zlu\Zeb ki_pbZebklu 11

MgbdZevgZy bklhjby :\kljZebb DZiblZg >`_cfk Dmd hldjue :\kljZebx \ ]h^m ?]h ihkeZeb hldjulv h]jhfgu_ a_feb dhlhju_ ih fg_gbx fgh]bo ex^_c gZoh^bebkv d x]m hl wd\ZlhjZ Hg \ukZ^beky x`g__ lh]h f_klZ ]^_ gZoh^blky Kb^g_c \ Gh\hf X`ghf Mwevk_ Hg ij_^ty\be ijZ\Z gZ wlm qZklv a_f_ev ^ey dhjhey :g]ebb < lh \j_fy \ :g]ebb [ueh fgh]h khpbZevguo ijh[e_f ;ue \ukhdbc mjh\_gv [_ajZ[hlbpu Ij_klmighklv [ueZ h^ghc ba kZfuo [hevrbo ijh[e_f IjZ\bl_evkl\h gZdZau\Zeh ex^_c kZ`Zy bo \ lxjvfu J_r_gb_f ijh[e_fu i_j_iheg_gguo lxj_f ^ey :g]ebb klZeZ \ukuedZ aZdexq_gguo \ ^Zevgb_ dhehgbb Hgb fh]eb hljZ[hlZlv k\hc ijb]h\hj dZd q_jghjZ[hqb_ \ gh\uo dhehgbyo b \ dhgp_ dhgph\ aZjZ[hlZlv k\h[h^m Ihwlhfm \ ]h^m dZiblZg :jlmj Nbeebi [ue dhfZg^mxsbf gZ h^bggZ^pZlb dhjZ[eyo ieZ\msbo \ :\kljZebx Hdheh ba ex^_c gZoh^b\rboky gZ dhjZ[eyo [ueb hkm`^_ggufb Wlbo i_j\uo ihk_e_gp_\ ijb\_lkl\h\Zeb Z[hjb]_gu i_j\u_ h[blZl_eb :\kljZebb < :\kljZebb \ lh \j_fy `beh ijb[ebabl_evgh Z[ejb]_gh\ <_ebdh[jblZgby aZy\beZ k\hb ijZ\Z gZ \kx l_jjblhjbx :\kljZebb \ ]h^m < ]h^m ijb[ebabl_evgh \ lj_oklZo dbehf_ljZo hl Kb^g_y h[gZjm`beb ahehlh Ex^b mklj_fbebkv \ ahehlu_ ihey aZ khklhygbyfb Wlh ijb\e_deh jZa[hcgbdh\ dhlhjuo gZau\Zeb [jh^y]Zfb G_^ D_eeb [ue ba\_klguf ij_klmigbdhf Hg [ue hq_gv mfguf [Zg^blhf < ]h^m :\kljZeby klZeZ gZpb_c \ khklZ\_ ;jblZgkdhc Bfi_jbb \h \j_fy ijZ\e_gby dhjhe_\u <bdlhjbb Wlh gZa\Zeb kh^jm`_kl\hf :\kljZebb M :\kljZebb [ueZ hq_gv h]jZgbq_ggZy dhgklblmpby <_ebdh[jblZgby ijh^he`ZeZ ijbgbfZlv j_r_gby hkms_kl\eylv \g_rgxx iheblbdm :\kljZebb < ]h^m :\kljZeby h[j_eZ g_aZ\bkbfhklv hl <_ebdh[jblZgbb Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku KqblZ_rv eb lu qlh bklhjby :\kljZebb mgbdZevgZ" Lu fh`_rv gZa\Zlv _s_ h^gm kljZgm k ihoh`_c bklhjb_c ² k [jblZgkdbfb ihk_e_gbyfb dhj_ggufb `bl_eyfb m`_ `b\rbfb lZf ahehlhc ebohjZ^dhc" No, I don’t think Australia’s history is unique. There is a country with a similar history. It is the United States of America. When the British came to settle in America, the natives had been living there for many years. Only in America natives were Indians. And there was a goldrush DIWHU JROG KDG EHHQ GLVFRYHUHG LQ &DOLIRUQLD G_l y g_ kqblZx qlh bklhjby :\kljZebb mgbdZevgZ ?klv _s_ h^gZ kljZgZ k ihoh`_c bklhjb_c Wlh Kh_^bg_ggu_ RlZlu :f_jbdb Dh]^Z [jblZgpu ijb_oZeb 12

\ :f_jbdm dhj_ggu_ `bl_eb `beb lZf m`_ fgh]b_ ]h^u Lhevdh \ :f_jbd_ dhj_ggufb `bl_eyfb [ueb bg^_cpu B lZf lh`_ [ueZ ahehlZy ebohjZ^dZ ihke_ lh]h dZd \ DZebnhjgbb h[gZjm`beb ahehlh DZdmx qZklv bklhjbb :\kljZebb lu kqblZ_rv mgbdZevghc beb bgl_j_kghc" The fact that the first settlers were convicts is unique. I can’t remember any other country where something like that happened. I VXSSRVH LW KDG LWV LPSDFW RQ WKH IRUPLQJ RI WKH QDWLRQ lhl nZdl qlh i_j\u_ ihk_e_gpu [ueb dZlhj`gbdZfb mgbdZe_g Y g_ ijbihfgx ^jm]hc kljZgu \ dhlhjhc [ueh qlh eb[h ih^h[gh_ >mfZx wlh hdZaZeh \ebygb_ gZ nhjfbjh\Zgb_ gZpbb H[tykgbl_ agZq_gb_ wlh]h ij_^eh`_gby At that time there were many social problems in Britain, such as unemployment, crime and crowded prisons. JZkiheh`bl_ ih`ZemcklZ kh[ulby gZ \j_f_gghc rdZe_ 1770 — Captain Cook discovered Australia. 1788 — Captain Phillip commanded eleven ships with convicts on board to Australia. 1827 — Great Britain claimed all of Australia. 1851 — gold was discovered not far from Sydney. 1901 — Australia became a nation within the British Empire. 1931 — Australia gained independence from Great Britain. <uibrbl_ ]eZ]heu mihlj_[e_ggu_ \ nhjf_ ^_ckl\bl_evgh]h b kljZ^Zl_evgh]h aZeh]Z Active voice Passive voice 'LVFRYHUHG ² hldjue %HOLHYHG ² iheZ]Zeb /DQGHG ² \ukZ^beky &ODLPHG ² ij_^ty\be ijZ\Z :DV KDYLQJ ² bf_eZ :DV ² [ueZ 3XQLVKHG ² gZdZau\Zeh &RXOG ² fh]eb &RPPDQGHG ² dhfZg^h\Ze :HUH ² [ueb &ODLPHG ² ij_^ty\be ijZ\Z 5XVKHG ² mklj_fbebkv $WWUDFWHG ² ijb\e_deh %HFDPH ² klZeZ +DG ² bf_eZ &RQWLQXHG ² ijh^he`ZeZ *DLQHG ² h[j_eZ

:DV VHQW ² [ue ihkeZg :HUH JUHHWHG ² bo ijb\_lkl\h\Zeb :DV GLVFRYHUHG ² [ueh h[gZjm`_gh :DV FDOOHG ² [ueh gZa\Zgh

5. Discovered — the Past Simple Tense Believed — the Past Simple Tense 13

Landed — the Past Simple Tense Claimed — the Past Simple Tense Was having — Was — the Past Simple Tense Punished — the Past Simple Tense Could — the Past Tense Commanded — the Past Simple Tense Were — the Past Simple Tense Claimed — the Past Simple Tense Rushed — the Past Simple Tense Attracted — the Past Simple Tense Became — the Past Simple Tense Had — the Past Simple Tense Continued — the Past Simple Tense Gained — the Past Simple Tense Was sent — the Past Simple Tense Passive Were greeted — the Past Simple Tense Passive Was discovered — the Past Simple Tense Passive Was called — the Past Simple Tense Passive

:\kljZeby k_]h^gy :\kljZeby ² wlh h^gh\j_f_ggh b dhglbg_gl b kljZgZ b hkljh\ Wlh r_klZy ih \_ebqbg_ kljZgZ b kZfuc fZe_gvdbc dhglbg_gl \ fbj_ :\kljZeby jZkiheh`_gZ \ x`ghf ihemrZjbb Ihwlhfm lZf e_lh dh]^Z m gZk abfZ Z abfZ lZf dh]^Z m gZk e_lh Bgl_j_kgh magZlv qlh yg\Zjv ² kZfuc `Zjdbc f_kyp \ :\kljZebb Ihq_fm Yg\Zjv kZfuc `Zjdbc f_kyp \ :\kljZebb? January is the hottest month in Australia because when we have winter Australia has summer. :\kljZeby jZkiheh`_gZ d x]m hl :abb f_`^m Lbobf b Bg^bckdbf hd_ZgZfb :\kljZeby ² kZfuc kmohc dhglbg_gl \ fbj_ H]jhfgu_ mqZkldb a_feb gZklhevdh kmob_ qlh gZ gbo gbdlh g_ `b\_l GZ k_\_j_ gZoh^ylky ljhibq_kdb_ e_kZ gZ x]h \hklhd_ ² kg_`gu_ ihey \ p_gljZevghc qZklb ² imklugb Z gZ x]_ b x]h aZiZ^_ ² ieh^hjh^gu_ a_feb :\kljZeby lZd`_ kZfuc iehkdbc dhglbg_gl ihke_ :glZjdlbdb Ih`ZemcklZ, h[tykgbl_ agZq_gb_ wlh]h ij_^eh`_gby Huge areas are so dry that they are uninhabited. That means that the land there is very dry, there is hardly any water or plants there and no one can live there. :\kljZeby ² mj[Zgbabjh\ZggZy kljZgZ Hdheh gZk_e_gby `b\_l \ kZfuo [hevrbo ]hjh^Zo ;hevrZy qZklv gZk_e_gby `b\_l \ x]h \hklhqghc qZklb kljZgu b lhevdh gZk_e_gby `b\_l \ k_evkdhc f_klghklb DZg[_jjZ ² klhebpZ :\kljZebb Wlh g_ kZfuc 14

[hevrhc ]hjh^ Kb^g_c b F_ev[mjg ]hjZa^h [hevr_ RlZl LZkfZgby hl^_e_g hl dhglbg_glZ :\kljZeby Wlh rlZl ² hkljh\ Qlh lZdh_ island state? An island state is state which occupies an island. :\kljZebcpu ex[yl ^bdmx ijbjh^m :\kljZebckdh_ ijZ\bl_evkl\h m^_ey_l [hevrh_ \gbfZgb_ aZsbl_ hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^u < ijhrehf [ueh \ujm[e_gh fgh]h ^_j_\v_\ IjZ\bl_evkl\h ieZgbjm_l ihkZ^blv fbeebZj^ ^_j_\v_\ d ]h^m Hgb m`_ ihkZ^beb fbeebhgh\ ^_j_\v_\ K_cqZk ih \k_c :\kljZebb kZ`Zxl ^_j_\vy Ihq_fm ih \k_c :\kljZebb kZ`Zxl ^_j_\vy? The trees are being planted all over Australia because the Government pays a lot of attention to the preservation of the environment and because many trees had been cut down. :\kljZebcpu lZd`_ ex[yl kihjl :\kljZeby y\ey_lky h^`ghc ba g_fgh]bo kljZg dhlhju_ ijbgbfZeb mqZklb_ \h \k_o Hebfibckdbo B]jZo kl_o ihj dZd bo hj]Zgbah\Zeb Hebfibckdb_ B]ju ijh\h^bebkv \ F_ev[mjg_ \ ]h^m b [m^ml ijh\h^blvky \ Kb^g__ \ ]h^m Ih`ZemcklZ aZdhgqbl_ ij_^eh`_gb_ b h[tykgbl_ _]h agZq_gb_ Australia is one of the few countries in the world that has participated in all of the Olympic games since they were organized. That means that very few countries participated in all Olympic Games. Australia was one of them. :\kljZeby ² kljZgZ ]jZ`^Zg_ dhlhjhc hlghkylky d jZaebqguf dmevlmjZf q_l\_jlv gZk_e_gby jh^bebkv aZ ]jZgbp_c :\kljZeby klZeZ ^hfhf ^ey ihk_e_gp_\ ba kljZg :[hjb]_gu khklZ\eyxl \k_]h ebrv gZk_e_gby k_cqZk Ih`ZemcklZ, h[tykgbl_ agZq_gb_ wlh]h ij_^eh`_gby About a quarter of the population is foreign born. That means that a quarter of Australians were born in other countries and then came to live in Australia. >ey lh]h qlh[u [hevr_ magZlv h[ :\kljZebb bkihevamcl_ dZjlu \ wlhf mq_[gbd_ qlh[u hl\_lblv gZ wlb \hijhku DZdb_ kljZgu hd_Zgu b fhjy hdjm`Zxl :\kljZebx" Australia is surrounded by the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. It is to the south from Asia. < :\kljZebb ljb hkgh\gu_ j_db Fh`_l_ eb \u bo gZa\Zlv" Murray, Darling, Diamantina < :\kljZebb kZfuc [hevrhc dhjZeeh\uc jbn \ fbj_ DZd hg gZau\Z_lky" The Great Barrier Reef AgZ_rv eb lu dZdb_ gb[m^v bgl_j_kgu_ nZdlu h[ :\kljZebb" 15

Australia is located in the southern hemisphere so when we have warm months, it’s cold in Australia, though the lowest temperature is 17 degrees. The centre of the continent is a vast desert. Forests are tropical or deciduous. >ey bgnhjfZpbb DebfZl LZd dZd :\kljZeby gZoh^blky \ x`ghf ihemrZjbb k_ahgu a^_kv i_j_\_jgmlu ih hlghr_gbx d l_f dhlhju_ [u\Zxl d k_\_jm hl wd\ZlhjZ KZfu_ \eZ`gu_ f_kypu f_`^m Zij_e_f b bxg_f K_ahgu <_kgZ k_gly[jv ² ghy[jv E_lh ^_dZ[jv ² n_\jZev Hk_gv fZjl ² fZc AbfZ bxgv ² Z\]mkl Kj_^gyy fZdkbfZevgZy l_fi_jZlmjZ \ Kb^g__ H^_`^Z H^_`^Z gZ ih^deZ^d_ ² kZfZy ijZdlbqgZy \ mkeh\byo :\kljZebb <h^hg_ijhgbpZ_fZy dmjldZ ihe_agZ gh ^Z`_ \ k_j_^bg_ abfu iZevlh g_ y\ey_lky g_h[oh^bfuf \ Kb^g__ :\kljZebcpu h[uqgh h^_\Zxlky \ ih\k_^g_\gmx h^_`^m JZagbpZ \h \j_f_gb :\kljZeby gZoh^blky d aZiZ^m hl ebgbb i_j_f_gu ^Zl ]^_ gZqbgZ_lky ^_gv ihwlhfm khegp_ \ Kb^g__ \klZ_l jZgvr_ q_f \ [hevrbgkl\_ f_kl a_fgh]h rZjZ Dh]^Z \u \ Kb^g__ \uqlbl_ qZkZ ^ey lh]h qlh[u \uqbkeblv f_klgh_ \j_fy \ =hgdhg]_ qZkh\ ^ey lh]h qlh[u \uqbkeblv f_klgh_ \j_fy \ IZjb`_ qZkh\ ^ey lh]h qlh[u \uqbkeblv f_klgh_ \j_fy \ Ehg^hg_ qZkh\ ^ey lh]h qlh[u \uqbkeblv f_klgh_ \j_fy \ Gvx Chjd_ qZkh\ ^ey lh]h qlh[u \uqbkeblv f_klgh_ \j_fy \ KZg NjZgpbkdh qZk ^ey lh]h qlh[u \uqbkeblv f_klgh_ \j_fy \ Lhdbh :\kljZebckdbc Zg]ebckdbc F_gy ah\ml Kvxa_g ;Zle_j b y ba^Zl_ev \ ba^Zl_evkl\_ ŠKeh\Zjy FZdmZjbÂŞ Y jZ[hlZeZ g]Z^ keh\Zj_f k l_o ihj dZd _]h gZqZeb \ ]h^m Keh\Zjv FZdmZjb [ue \i_j\u_ him[ebdh\Zg \ ]h^m ?]h kqblZxl gZpbhgZevguf keh\Zj_f Z\kljZebckdh]h Zg]ebckdh]h yaudZ Q_f Z\kljZebckdbc Zg]ebckdbc hlebqZ_lky hl hklZevguo Zg]ebckdbo yaudh\ \ fbj_" Gm ^ey gZqZeZ k\h_c bklhjb_c Dh]^Z [jblZgkdh_ ijZ\bl_evkl\h hkgh\Zeh ihk_e_gb_ ^ey hkm`^_gguo \ [mol_ Kb^g_y hgh g_l aZ^mfu\Zehkv h ebg]\bklbq_kdbo ihke_^kl\byo Ih ijhr_kl\bb \j_f_gb dZlhj`gbdb b ihk_e_gpu \ayeb Zg]ebckdbc yaud b ijbkihkh[beb _]h ^ey bo gh\h]h ^hfZ baf_gyy agZq_gb_ keh\ beb aZbfkl\my gh\u_ 16

KZfuf ijhkluf kihkh[hf jZkijhkljZg_gby Zg]ebckdh]h yaudZ \ :\kljZebb qlh[u hl\_qZlv ihlj_[ghklyf ihk_e_gp_\ [ueh aZbfkl\h\Zgb_ ba yaudh\ Z[hjb]_gh\ hkh[_ggh \ hibkZgbb nehju b nZmgu LZd [ueb gZa\Zgu g_dhlhju_ `b\hlgu_ lZdb_ dZd d_g]mjm dhZeZ b \hf[Zl DmdZ[mjjZ ba\_klgZy Z\kljZebckdZy ilbpZ dhlhjZy a\mqbl dZd kf_o q_eh\_dZ lh`_ [ueZ gZa\ZgZ lZd ?keb \u ihk_lbl_ :\kljZebx \u fh`_l_ aZf_lblv qlh kms_kl\m_l jZagbpZ f_`^m klZjrbf b fheh^uf ihdhe_gb_f b f_`^m ex^vfb `b\msbfb \ ]hjh^_ b ex^vfb `b\msbfb \ [mr_ Ij_^klZ\bl_eb fheh^h]h ihdhe_gby `b\msb_ \ ]hjh^_ bf_xl kdehgghklv aZbfkl\h\Zlv fh^gu_ jZa]h\hjgu_ \ujZ`_gby ba :f_jbdb AZf_lgh Qlh g_kfhljy gZ jZaf_j :\kljZebb \k_ ]h\hjyl h^bgZdh\h GZrZ hjnh]jZnby hljZ`Z_l [jblZgkdmx ljZ^bpbx gh gZ gZk \k_ [hevr_ \eby_l Zf_jbdZgkdbc Zg]ebckdbc Fu hklZgh\bebkv ]^_ lh f_`^m gbfb Fu ibr_f FRORXU dZd FRORU beb dZd FRORXU gh qlh m^b\bl_evgh fu ibr_f PHWUH dZd PHWUH Z g_ PHWHU Hkgh\gu_ ]hjh^Z \ :\kljZebb L_ dlh ohl_e [u magZlv [hevr_ h[ hkgh\guo ]hjh^Zo :\kljZebb ih`ZemcklZ ijhqlbl_ wlb hibkZgby :^_eZb^Z klhebpZ X`ghc :\kljZebb DjZkb\uc ijhfure_gguc ]hjh^ GZk_e_gb_ hdheh q_eh\_d ;jbk[_g klhebpZ rlZlZ D\bgke_g^ Ljhibq_kdbc debfZl ^_eZ_l _]h djm]eh]h^bqguf dmjhjlhf GZk_e_gb_ hdheh q_eh\_d DZg[_jjZ klhebpZ :\kljZebb JZkiheh`_g gZ hkgh\ghc L_jjblhjbb :\kljZebb \ kZfhc x`ghc qZklb Gh\h]h X`gh]h MwevkZ ?^bgkl\_gguc ba hkgh\guo Z\kljZebckdbc ]hjh^h\ jZkiheh`_g g_ gZ ih[_j_`v_ GZk_e_gb_ hdheh q_eh\_d >Zj\bg klhebpZ b kZfuc [hevrhc ]hjh^ K_\_jghc L_jjblhjbb Ljhibq_kdbc debfZl GZk_e_gb_ hdheh q_eh\_d Oh[Zjl klhebpZ Z\kljZebckdh]h rlZlZ hkljh\Z LZkfZgbb Oheh^gu_ abfu GZk_e_gb_ hdheh q_eh\_d I_jl klhebpZ rlZlZ AZiZ^gZy :\kljZeby H^gb ba emqrbo debfZlbq_kdbo mkeh\bc \ :\kljZebb GZk_e_gb_ q_eh\_d Kb^g_c klhebpZ Gh\h]h X`gh]h MwevkZ KZfuc klZjuc b [hevrhc ]hjh^ \ :\kljZebb =eZ\guc ijhfure_gguc p_glj :\kljZebb Ihqlb q_l\_jlv Z\kljZebcp_\ `b\ml a^_kv GZk_e_gb_ q_eh\_d jZkl_l F_ev[mjg klhebpZ <bdlhjbb <lhjhc ih \_ebqbg_ ]hjh^ \ :\kljZebb < g_f ijh\h^bebkv Hebfibckdb_ b]ju ]h^Z GZk_e_gb_ hdheh q_eh\_d =hkm^Zjkl\_gguc ]bfg :\kljZebcpu ^Z\Zcl_ \hajZ^m_fky 17

Ihlhfm qlh fu fheh^u b k\h[h^gu M gZk _klv ahehlZy a_fey b bah[beb_ qlh[u ljm^blvky GZr ^hf hihykZg fhj_f GZrZ a_fey bah[bem_l ^ZjZfb ijbjh^u DjZkhlhc [h]Zlhc b j_^dhc GZ kljZgbp_ bklhjbb imklv dZ`^uc wlZi Ij_mfgh`Z_l DjZkhlm :\kljZebb < jZ^hklguo mkbebyo lh]^Z kih_f `_ Ij_mfgh`bf DjZkhlm :\kljZebb Ih^ kbyxsbf X`guf Dj_klhf Fu [m^_f ljm^blvky k_j^pZfb b jmdZfb Qlh[u gZr Khxa KlZe agZf_gbluf \h \k_o a_feyo K l_fb dlh ijb_oZe ba aZ fhj_c Fu ih^_ebfky [_a]jZgbqgufb jZ\gbgZfb H[t_^bgbfky `_ kf_eh Qlh[u ij_mfgh`blv DjZkhlm :\kljZebb < jZ^hklguo mkbebyo lh]^Z kih_f `_ Ij_mfgh`bf DjZkhlm :\kljZebb

>ey bgnhjfZpbb =_j[ :\kljZebb ² hnbpbZevgZy wf[e_fZ Z\kljZebckdh]h ijZ\bl_evkl\Z ² [ue ^Zjh\Zg dhjhe_f =_hj]hf 9 \ ]h^m =_j[ khklhbl ba sblZ kh^_j`Zs_]h wf[e_fu r_klb rlZlh\ >_j`Zl_eb sblZ ² ij_^klZ\bl_eb f_klghc nZmgu ² d_g]mjm b wfm F_klgh_ jZkl_gb_ k `_elufb p\_lZfb Z\kljZebckdZy ZdZpby lZd`_ ijhy\behkv \ ]_j[_ GZpbhgZevguc ijZa^gbd :\kljZebb yg\Zjy hlf_qZ_l ^Zlm \ ]h^m dh]^Z dZiblZg :jlmj Nbebii ba ;jblZgkdh]h Dhjhe_\kdh]h <h_ggh fhjkdh]h NehlZ dhfZg^h\Ze nehlbeb_c ba dhjZ[e_c b ijbieue \ Ihjl >`_dkhg ;molm Kb^g_y NeZ] :\kljZebb ² _^bgkl\_gguc neZ] jZa\b\Zxsbcky gZ^ \k_f dhglbg_glhf FZe_gvdbc ]hkm^Zjkl\_gguc neZ] Kh_^bg_ggh]h Dhjhe_\kl\Z <_ebdh[jblZgbb b k_\_jghc BjeZg^bb ij_^klZ\ey_l kh[hc bklhjbq_kdmx k\yav k ;jblZgb_c r_klv [hevrbc k_fbdhg_qguo a\_a^ ij_^klZ\eyxl r_klv RlZlh\ b L_jjblhjbc Z fZe_gvdb_ a\_a^hqdb ba X`gh]h Dj_klZ ² \u^ZxsZyky oZjZdl_jgZy q_jlZ ghqgh]h g_[Z \ x`ghf ihemrZjbb >ey bgnhjfZpbb KZrZ b Hev]Z ihemqbeb wlhl dhg\_jl \ kZfhe_l_ Dh]^Z e_l_eb \ :\kljZebx KiZkb[h Nhg^ >_l_c H[t_^bg_gguo GZpbc m`_ iylv^_kyl e_l [hj_lky k [he_agyfb g_^h_^Zgb_f b gbs_lhc Iheh`b\ k\h_ ih`_jl\h\Zgb_ \u ih^^_j`bl_ jZ[hlm ih kiZk_gbx `bag_c ^_l_c 18

<u fh`_l_ k^_eZlv ih`_jl\h\Zgb_ \ ex[hc \Zexl_ >Z`_ bghkljZggu_ fhg_lu b [Zgdghlu dhlhju_ \u g_ fh`_l_ bkihevah\Zlv ^hfZ fh]ml bf_lv agZq_gb_ ^ey j_[_gdZ Ih`ZemcklZ hl^Zcl_ dhg\_jl qe_gm wdbiZ`Z \h \j_fy ihe_lZ i_gkh\ ² \k_ qlh gm`gh ^ey lh]h qlh[u dmiblv dZikmeu \blZfbgZ : qlh[u aZsblblv ^_l_c hl ke_ihlu ijbqbghc dhlhjhc y\ey_lky iehoh_ iblZgb_ nmglh\ ² aZsbsZ_l j_[_gdZ hl r_klb [he_ag_c k e_lZevguf bkoh^hf GZ nmglZ fh`gh dmiblv gZ[hj mq_[gbdh\ ^ey gZqZevghc rdheu


Lhf KZrZ b Hev]Z jZa]h\Zjb\Zxl h rdhevghc `bagb \ :\kljZebb KZrZ b Hev]Z ihc^ml \ rdhem \f_kl_ k Lhfhf Ih`ZemcklZ ijhqlbl_ ke_^mxsb_ ^bZeh]b \kemo AZl_f jZau]jZcl_ bo ih jheyf k h^ghdeZkkgbdZfb H[jZsZcl_ hkh[h_ \gbfZgb_ gZ mihlj_[e_gb_ bgnbgblb\Z ]_jmg^by b ijbqZklby Ihke_ ijhql_gby \uihegbl_ ih`ZemcklZ mijZ`g_gby ke_^mxsb_ aZ ^bZeh]hf B^_f \ rdhem Lhf Fgh]b_ ba mq_gbdh\ fh_]h deZkkZ ohlyl k \Zfb \klj_lblvky Fu lhevdh qlh aZdhgqbeb bamqZlv bklhjbx Jhkkbb \ wlhf k_f_klj_ b gZf bgl_j_kgh magZlv [hevr_ h kh\j_f_gghc Jhkkbb Y [u ohl_e qlh[u \u ihreb kh fghc \ rdhem aZ\ljZ <Zf wlh ih^oh^bl" KZrZ AZ\ljZ [ueh [u aZf_qZl_evgh IjZ\^Z Hev]Z" Hev]Z >Z Y [u ohl_eZ m\b^_lv gZ qlh ihoh`Z Z\kljZebckdZy rdheZ KZrZ Y lh`_ L_[_ gjZ\blky l\hy rdheZ Lhf" Lhf Hq_gv RdheZ dhlhjmx y ihk_sZy fgh]hgZpbhgZevgZ LZf ^_ckl\bl_evgh bgl_j_kgh mqblvky ihlhfm qlh m f_gy _klv \hafh`ghklv \klj_qZlvky k ex^vfb kh \k_]h fbjZ Hev]Z Fg_ lh`_ gjZ\blvky \klj_qZlvky k ex^vfb ba ^jm]bo kljZg KZrZ Lhf dZdb_ m l_[y ex[bfuc ij_^f_lu \ rdhe_" Lhf Fg_ gjZ\blky bklhjby ]_h]jZnby mjhdb [bag_kZ b bgnhjfZlbdZ >mfZx fg_ gjZ\ylky [hevrbgkl\h fhbo ij_^f_lh\ Hev]Z A\mqbl lZd qlh l\hy rdheZ ij_^hklZ\ey_l fgh]h bgl_j_kguo dmjkh\ Lhf Hgb gZ kZfhf ^_e_ klZjZxlky ih^]hlh\blv gZk d `bagb ihke_ kj_^g_c rdheu GZf lZd`_ \u^_eyxl \j_fy gZf lZdb_ dmjku dZd dmebgZjby jZ[hlZ ih ^_j_\m gZ\udb jZ[hlu \ hnbk_ nhlh]jZnby ^jZfZ b nbadmevlmjZ 19

KZrZ Ihk_sZlv jZaebqgu_ rdheu \k_]^Z bgl_j_kgh Y ihk_lbe g_kdhevdh rdhe dh]^Z y [ue \ :f_jbd_ b \ :g]ebb Hev]Z Fu gZ^__fky ihk_lblv rdhem dh]^Z ih_^_f \ F_ev[mjg KZrZ GZ qlh ihoh` F_ev[mjg" Lhf LZf hq_gv ohjhrh <k_ ]h\hjyl qlh F_ev[mjg hq_gv ihoh` gZ _\jhi_ckdbc ]hjh^ Hev]Z <h kdhevdh fu \uc^_f aZ\ljZ qlh[u ihclb \ rdhem" Lhf Fu \uc^_f hdheh qZkh\ KZrZ Fu ihieu\_f \ rdhem gZ eh^d_" Lhf >Z IeZ\Zgv_ gZ eh^d_ ² qZklv ih\k_^g_\ghc `bagb \ :\kljZebb GZc^bl_ b i_j_\_^bl_ bgnbgblb\ ]_jmg^bc b ijbqZklby \klj_qZxsb_ky \ l_dkl_ 0HHWLQJ ² \klj_qZlvky +DYLQJ ILQLVKHG ² aZdhgqb\ 6WXG\LQJ ² bamqZlv .QRZLQJ ² magZlv 7R FRPH ² ijbreb 7R VHH ² ihkfhlj_lv 6WXG\LQJ ² mqblvky 7R PHHW ² \klj_qZlv 0HHWLQJ ² \klj_qZlv 6WXG\LQJ ² bamqZlv 7R SUHSDUH ih^]hlh\blv 7R WDNH ² aZgbfZlvky 9LVLWLQJ ² ihk_rZlv 7R YLVLW ² ihk_lblv %RDWLQJ ² ijh]medb gZ eh^dZo ieZ\Zgv_ gZ eh^dZo Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku Ohlyl eb fgh]b_ ba mq_gbdh\ \ deZkk_ LhfZ ihagZdhfblvky k KZr_c b Hev]hc" <HV WKH\ DUH M^h[gh eb KZr_ b Hev]_ ihclb k Lhfhf \ rdhem gZ ke_^mxsbc ^_gv" <HV LW LV Lu [u ohl_e ihkfhlj_lv qlh ba k_[y ij_^klZ\ey_l Z\kljZebckdZy rdheZ" <HV , ZRXOG Ihq_fm Lhfm gjZ\blky _]h rdheZ" 7RP OLNHV KLV VFKRRO EHFDXVH it is multicultural. Lhf kqblZ_l qlh \ _]h rdhe_ bgl_j_kgh mqblvky g_ lZd eb" Ihq_fm" <HV KH GRHV +H WKLQNV WKDW VWXG\LQJ LQ KLV VFKRRO LV LQWHUHVWLQJ because he has an opportunity to meet people from all over the world DZdb_ m LhfZ ex[bfu_ ij_^f_lu \ rdhe_" 7RP¶V IDYRXULWH subjects at school are History, Geography, Business Studies and Computer Science. 20

DZdb_ m l_[y ex[bfu_ ij_^f_lu \ rdhe_" 0\ IDYRXULWH subjects are Literature, Foreign Language and History. Ij_^hklZ\ey_l eb rdheZ LhfZ fgh`_kl\h bgl_j_kguo dmjkh\" Yes, it does. KqblZ_rv eb lu qlh ihk_sZlv jZaebqgu_ rdheu bgl_j_kgh" Qlh lu gZoh^brv bgl_j_kguf" <HV , GR , WKLQN LWœV LQWHUHVWLQJ WR learn about the courses, about students activities and clubs. DZdhc Z\kljZebckdbc ]hjh^ ihoh` gZ _\jhi_ckdb_ ]hjh^Z" Melbourne is similar to a European city. <h kdhevdh Lhf KZrZ b Hev]Z ihc^ml \ rdhem" 7KH\ ZLOO leave for school at 8 a.m. DZd hgb ^h[_jmlky ^h rdheu" 7KH\ ZLOO JHW WR VFKRRO E\ ERDW Ih^_ebl_kv fukeyfb h ihk_s_gbb rdheu ?keb [u lu [ue ^bj_dlhjhf kj_^g_c rdheu qlh [u lu k^_eZe" M dh]h [u lu fh] ihijhkblv kh\_lZ" If I were a high school principal I would try to make studies more interesting. I would organize different activities to encourage students to express their creativity. If I needed advice I would ask the students. Qlh lu ^mfZ_rv h[ mgbnhjf_ ^ey mq_gbdh\ kj_^g_c rdheu On the one hand uniform saves a lot of trouble. You don’t need to think what to wear. All students look the same and there are no problems of making someone not wear a very short skirt or metal chains. On the other hand students cannot express their individuality. Besides, a uniform might be not very comfortable, especially for those who wear jeans and sneakers. JZau]jZcl_ ih jheyf ke_^mxsbc ^bZeh] \ iZjZo H^bg mq_gbd [m^_l Lhfhf Z ^jm]hc [m^_l \RX Tom Y [u ohl_e qlh[u lu ihr_e kh fghc \ rdhem AZ\ljZ l_[_ ih^oh^bl" You <HV LW LV 'R \RX OLNH \RXU VFKRRO" Ih^oh^bl L_[_ gjZ\blky l\hy rdheZ"

Tom >Z Fg_ gjZ\blky fhy rdheZ Ihfbfh h[uqguo dmjkh\ fhy rdheZ ij_^hklZ\ey_l fgh]h bgl_j_kguo dmjkh\ dmebgZjby jZ[hlZ ih ^_j_\m nhlh]jZnby b ^jZfZ : dZdb_ dmjku ij_^hklZ\ey_l l\hy rdheZ" You: Our school offers Choir, Drama and Cooking. What are your IDYRXULWH VXEMHFWV" GZrZ rdheZ ij_^hklZ\ey_l i_gb_ \ ohj_ ^jZfm b dmebgZjbx DZdb_ m l_[y ex[bfu_ ij_^f_lu"

Tom Fg_ gjZ\blky bamqZlv bklhjbx ]_h]jZnbx mjhdb [bag_kZ b bgnhjfZlbdm : dZdb_ m l_[y ex[bfu_ ij_^f_lu" You: My favourite subjects are Maths, Geography and Computer 6FLHQFH 'R \RX JHW WR VFKRRO E\ ERDW" Fhb ex[bfu_ ij_^f_lu ² fZl_fZlbdZ ]_h]jZnby b bgnhjfZlbdZ Lu ^h[bjZ_rvky ^h rdheu gZ eh^d_"


Tom >Z Y \k_]^Z ^h[bjZxkv ^h rdheu gZ eh^d_ : dZd lu ^h[bjZ_rvky ^h rdheu" You , JHW WR VFKRRO E\ EXV Y ^h[bjZxkv ^h rdheu gZ Z\lh[mk_ Tom Kdhevdh \j_f_gb l_[_ lj_[m_lky qlh[u ^h[jZlvky ^h rdheu" You: It usually takes me about twenty minutes to get to school. And KRZ ORQJ GRHV LW WDNH \RX WR JHW WR VFKRRO" H[uqgh y ^h[bjZxkv ^h rdheu aZ ^\Z^pZlv fbgml : kdhevdh \j_f_gb l_[_ lj_[m_lky qlh[u ^h[jZlvky ^h rdheu"

Tom Y ^h[bjZxkv ^h rdheu aZ ^_kylv fbgml

=jZffZlbdZ 2. Tom is ill. His mother wants him to go to bad. She wants him to take medicine. She tells him to drink a lot of juice. She doesn’t want him to go and play. Sasha comes home after school. His mother expects him to take the dog for a walk. She wants him to feed the cat. His mother expects him to do his homework. She expects him to set the table for dinner. 3. 1) Did you hear her singing? 2) Do you often see them playing there? 3) Do your parents like you to take the dog for a walk? 4) Do you want her to explain everything? 5) Why doesn’t the doctor make him take medicines? 4. 0\ SDUHQWV ZDQW PH WR WKLQN JOREDOO\ DQG DFW ORFDOO\ ² Fhb jh^bl_eb ohlyl qlh[u y fukebe ]eh[Zevgh Z ^_ckl\h\Ze \ f_klghf fZkrlZ[_ 0\ SDUHQWV GRQ¶W ZDQW PH WR FXW ZLOG IORZHUV ² Fhb jh^bl_eb g_ ohlyl qlh[u y j\Ze ^bdb_ p\_lu 0\ SDUHQWV ZDQW PH WR WXUQ RII WKH 79 ZKHQ ,¶P QRW ZDWFKLQJ LW ² Fhb jh^bl_eb ohlyl qlh[u y \udexqZe l_e_\bahj dh]^Z y g_ kfhljx _]h 0\ SDUHQWV GRQ¶W ZDQW PH WR EUHDN JODVV ERWWOHV ² Fhb jh^bl_eb g_ ohlyl qlh[u y jZa[b\Ze kl_deyggu_ [mluedb My parents want me to turn off the lights when I’m leaving the room. ² Fhb jh^bl_eb ohlyl qlh[u y \udexqZe k\_l dh]^Z y moh`m ba dhfgZlu 0\ SDUHQWV ZDQW PH WR SXW JDUEDJH LQ WKH JDUEDJH FDQ ² Fhb jh^bl_eb ohlyl qlh[u y \u[jZku\Ze fmkhj \ dhjabgm 0\ SDUHQWV ZDQW PH WR UHF\FOH SDSHU ERWWOHV DQG FDQV ² Fhb jh^bl_eb ohlyl qlh[u y i_j_jZ[Zlu\Ze [mfZ]m [mluedb b [Zgdb 0\ SDUHQWV ZDQW PH WR EH KHDOWK\ DQG ILW ² Fhb jh^bl_eb ohlyl qlh[u y [ue a^hjh\uf b \ ohjhr_c nbabq_kdhc nhjf_ 0\ SDUHQWV GRQ¶W ZDQW PH WR ZDWFK 79 DOO GD\ ² Fhb jh^bl_eb g_ ohlyl qlh[u y kfhlj_e l_e_\bahj p_euc ^_gv 22

0\ SDUHQWV ZDQW PH WR VOHHS HLJKW KRXUV D QLJKW ² Fhb jh^bl_eb ohlyl qlh[u y kiZe \hk_fv qZkh\ \ kmldb My parents want me to go to bed at the same time, even on Saturdays. ² Fhb jh^bl_eb ohlyl qlh[u y eh`beky kiZlv \ h^gh b lh `_ \j_fy ^Z`_ ih km[[hlZf My parents don’t want me to take 5 spoons of sugar in my tea. — Fhb jh^bl_eb g_ ohlyl qlh[u y deZe iylv eh`_d kZoZjZ \ qZrdm 0\ SDUHQWV ZDQW PH WR HDW D ORW RI IUHVK IUXLW DQG YHJHWDEOHV ² Fhb jh^bl_eb ohlyl qlh[u y _e fgh]h k\_`bo njmdlh\ b h\hs_c 0\ SDUHQWV GRQÂśW ZDQW PH WR HDW D ORW RI VZHHWV ² Fhb jh^bl_eb g_ ohlyl qlh[u y _e fgh]h keZ^hkl_c 0\ SDUHQWV GRQÂśW ZDQW PH WR HDW D ORW RI VDOW ² Fhb jh^bl_eb g_ ohlyl qlh[u y _e fgh]h kheb 0\ SDUHQWV ZDQW PH WR MRJ HYHU\ PRUQLQJ ² Fhb jh^bl_eb ohlyl qlh[u y [_]Ze dZ`^h_ mljh 0\ SDUHQWV ZDQW PH WR JR VZLPPLQJ RQFH RU WZLFH D ZHHN ² Fhb jh^bl_eb ohlyl qlh[u y ieZ\Ze h^bg beb ^\Z jZaZ \ g_^_ex 0\ SDUHQWV ZDQW PH WR ULGH D ELF\FOH WR VFKRRO ² Fhb jh^bl_eb ohlyl qlh[u y _a^be gZ \_ehkbi_^_ \ rdhem 7. K qZFlbp_c WR to learn to practice to learn To memorize To listen To study

;_a qZklbpu WR

Speak Think repeat

11. 1) Peter likes playing tennis. Does Peter like playing tennis? 2) Ann is not keen on watching football. Is Ann keen on watching football? 3) David and Cathy enjoy going to the theatre. Do they enjoy going to the theatre? 4) John doesn’t like staying in the hotel. Does John like staying in the hotel? 5) Robert likes listening to music. Does he like listening to music? 6) Bill loves working in Sydney. Does he love working in Sydney? 12. E KDYLQJ JLYHQ ij_^eh`gh_ ^hiheg_gb_ EHLQJ DWWUDFWHG ijyfh_ ^hiheg_gb_ EHLQJ SXQLVKHG ij_^eh`gh_ ^hiheg_gb_ 4) GLVWXUELQJ h[klhyl_evkl\h KDYLQJ NHSW ij_^eh`gh_ ^hiheg_gb_ 14. a) 1) raining? 2) discussing? 3) speaking? 4) playing? 5) Working? 23

b) 1) reading this article. 2) Making such mistakes. 3) Going there. 4) Solving the mystery. 5) Sitting there on the sand. c) 1) telling him everything. 2) Continuing this work? 3) Getting her on our side? 4) Making such noise? 5) Watching TV? d) 1) in remembering his face; 2) answering; 3) travelling to China; 4) going there alone to talk to him. IjhqblZcl_ b magZcl_ >h[jh ih`Zeh\Zlv \ F_ev[mjg IjhdZlbl_kv gZ =hjh^kdhf Djm]h\hf LjZf\Z_ <Zf ihgjZ\blky iml_r_kl\h\Zlv ih F_ev[mjgm gZ =hjh^kdhf Djm]h\hf LjZf\Z_ Hg oh^bl dZ`^u_ fbgml k mljZ ^h \_q_jZ IhdZ kb^brv \ ljZf\Z_ dhg^mdlhj h[jZlbl \Zr_ \gbfZgb_ gZ kZfu_ bgl_j_kgu_ ^hklhijbf_qZl_evghklb F_ev[mjgZ F_ev[mjg ² fgh]hgZpbhgZevguc ]hjh^ ;he__ q_l\_jlb gZk_e_gby jh^behkv aZ ]jZgbp_c Wlh ^hf fgh]bo dmevlmjguo ]jmii ]h\hjysbo gZ yaudZo b ijb^Zxsbo F_ev[mjgm _]h g_ih\lhjbfuc oZjZdl_j < F_ev[mjg_ h^gb ba kZfuo [hevrbo ihk_e_gbc ]j_dh\ b blZevygp_\ F_ev[mjg ² ijbagZggZy KlhebpZ Dmevlmju \ :\kljZebb k fmaudhc lZgpZfb hi_jhc dhf_^b_c b l_Zljhf fbjh\h]h deZkkZ Ihwlhfm hldbgvl_kv b gZkeZ`^Zcl_kv ih_a^dhc :jobl_dlmjZ F_ev[mjgZ [ueZ lsZl_evgh ijh^mfZgZ Ijh_dlbjmy gh\u_ a^Zgby Zjobl_dlhju F_ev[mjgZ ^mfZxl h i_caZ`_ b h lhf qlh hdjm`Z_l kljhbl_evgmx iehsZ^dm GZpbhgZevgZy =Ze_j_y <bdlhjbb hkgh\ZggZy \ ]h^m y\ey_lky ]hkm^Zjkl\_gghc ]Ze_j__c bkdmkkl\ =Ze_j_y ij_^klZ\ey_l \uklZ\db bkdmkkl\Z dZd kh\j_f_ggh]h lZd b bkdmkkl\Z ijhreh]h ba :\kljZebb b ba ^jm]bo kljZg Wlh f_klh klhbl ihk_lblv <_ebdhe_igZy dhee_dpby h[sbf qbkehf [he__ jZ[hl gZqbgZy k dZjlbg kdmevilmju b nhlh]jZnbb b dhgqZy ijbdeZ^guf bkdmkkl\hf ]jZ\xjZfb b jbkmgdZfb Hldjuluc \ ]h^m <bdlhjbZgkdbc P_glj Bkdmkkl\ ba\_kl_g k\hbfb jhkdhrgufb ihf_s_gbyfb b ribe_f ba klZevghc iZmlbgu b \ukhlhc f_ljh\ Kfhljh\Zy IehsZ^dZ ;Zrgb JbZelh jZkiheh`_ggZy gZ wlZ`_ kZfh]h \ukhdh]h \ F_ev[mjg_ a^Zgby h[_ki_qb\Z_l iZghjZfguc \b^ gZ F_ev[mjg b hdjm`Zxsb_ ^hklhijbf_qZl_evghklb < P_glj_ gZoh^blky F_ev[mjgkdbc Dhgp_jlguc AZe Fma_c Bah[jZabl_evguo Bkdmkkl\ b ljb ]eZ\guo l_ZljZ \ dhlhjuo h[sbf qbkehf ihf_sZ_lky q_eh\_d k \jZsZxs_cky kp_ghc ki_pbZevgh ^ey hi_ju Wdkdmjkbb GZke_^b_ :[hjb]_gh\ G_ ijhimklbl_ \hafh`ghklv magZlv h[ h^ghc ba kZfuo klZjuo dmevlmj \ fbj_ Ihk_lbl_ ie_f_g24

gu_ a_feb Z[hjb]_gh\ ihagZdhfvl_kv k ex^vfb b magZcl_ h ljZ^bpbhgguo ih\_jvyo h h[jZa_ `bagb < F_ev[mjg_ `b\ml kZfu_ nZgZlbqgu_ kihjlkf_gu \ fbj_ L_ggbk ]hevn [_ck[he b nml[he k_jnbg] \h^gu_ eu`b ijh]medb gZ eh^dZo iZjmkguc kihjl \_ehkihjl b [_] hq_gv ihimeyjgu \ F_ev[mjg_ G_ aZ[m^vl_ ihk_lblv F_ev[mjgkdbc AhhiZjd Hkgh\Zgguc \ ]h^m hg y\ey_lky h^gbf ba klZj_crbo ahhiZjdh\ \ fbj_ Wlh ^hf ^ey [he__ `b\hlguo H[yaZl_evgh khc^bl_ k ljZf\Zy qlh[u ihijh[h\Zlv k\_`bc khd ba Zj[mah\ ^ugv fhjdh\b Zi_evkbgh\ b l ^ <u \u[bjZ_l_ njmdlu beb h\hsb b m`_ q_j_a fbgmlm iv_l_ hq_gv \dmkgmx kf_kv G_ [_kihdhcl_kv ke_^mxsbc Z\lh[mk kdhjh ih^hc^_l DebfZl mf_j_gguc < F_ev[mjg_ q_luj_ q_ldh jZaebqbfuo k_ahgZ AbfZ k oheh^gufb ghqZfb \_kgZ b hk_gv \hkoblbl_evgu E_lh l_ieh_ >h`^b jZkij_^_e_gu ihjh\gm gZ \_kv ]h^ L_fi_jZlmjZ \h^u abfhc e_lhf Yg\Zjv b n_\jZev ² kZfu_ l_ieu_ f_kypu \ F_ev[mjg_ l_fi_jZlmjZ ^hoh^bl ^h ]jZ^mkh\ Kmffbjmcl_ lh qlh \u ijhqblZeb h F_ev[mjg_ Ih`ZemcklZ mihlj_[ebl_ bgnbgblb\ ]_jmg^bc b ijbqZklb_ dh]^Z \hafh`gh You’ll enjoy travelling around Melbourne on the City Circle Tram. While you are sitting on the tram, the conductor will point out the most interesting sights in Melbourne. Melbourne is home to many cultural groups, speaking 170 languages and giving Melbourne a unique character. When designing buildings, architects in Melbourne think hard about the scenery and the surroundings of the building site. Melbourne is considered to be the acknowledged Culture Capital of Australia because it has world-class music, dance, opera, comedy and theatre The National Gallery of Victoria, established in 1861, is the state art gallery. This place is worth visiting.The magnificent collection, totaling over 70 000 works, range from paintings, sculpture and photography to decorative arts, prints and drawings. The Rialto Tower Observation Desk, situated on level 55 of Melbourne’s tallest building, provides a panoramic view of Melbourne and the surrounding landmarks. The Centre houses the Melbourne Concert Hall, Performing Arts Museum and three major theatres collectively seating 5 880 people with a revolving stage especially for opera. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn about one of the oldest living cultures in the world. The tourists can go on Aboriginal Heritage tours they will learn about one of the oldest cultures in the world, visit tribal lands and meet the people. 25

Playing tennis, golf, baseball and football, surfing, water-skiing, boating, yachting, cycling and running are very popular in Melbourne. Don’t forget to visit the Melbourne Zoo. Established in 1857, it is one of the oldest zoos in the world. Make sure to try fresh juice made of watermelons, melons, carrots, oranges etc.

:\kljZebckdb_ ^jmavy ih i_j_ibkd_ KZrZ b Hev]Z ihagZdhfbebkv k g_kdhevdbfb mq_gbdZf dh]^Z hgb [ueb \ Kb^g__ b F_ev[mjg_ Ke_^mxsb_ ibkvfZ hl wlbo mq_gbdh\ dhlhju_ ohl_eb [u bf_lv jmkkdbo ^jma_c ih i_j_ibkd_ Ih`ZemcklZ ijhqlbl_ ibkvfZ b hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku >hjh]b_ ^jmavy \ Jhkkbb Fg_ r_klgZ^pZlv e_l b y oh`m \ rdhem \ Kb^g__ < fh_c rdhe_ kqZkleb\Zy b \_k_eZy Zlfhkn_jZ <k_ ohjhrh hlghkylky ^jm] d ^jm]m Fu ghkbf nhjfm dhlhjZy ij_^klZ\ey_l gZrm rdhem Dhee_^` DZkbfbj Y `b\m \ :\kljZebb gh ih ijhbkoh`^_gbx y ² eb\Zg_p b y ]hj`mkv wlbf < :\kljZebb `b\ml ex^b k jZaghc dmevlmjhc j_eb]b_c b ijhbkoh`^_gb_f Y ba [hevrhc k_fvb ba iylb ^_l_c b m f_gy _klv fZfZ b iZiZ Fu bgh]^Z mkljZb\Z_f rZreudb qlh ^Z_l gZf \j_fy ih]h\hjblv ^jm] k ^jm]hf Dh]^Z y \ujZklm y ohqm klZlv j_ihjl_jhf gZ l_e_\b^_gbb >mfZx qlh [m^_l bgl_j_kgh b ijbylgh \u_a`Zlv b magZ\Zlv h \_sZo Z ihlhf jZkkdZau\Zlv bo \ gh\hklyo >bZgZ LZjZ[_c >hjh]b_ jhkkbckdb_ fZevqbdb b ^_\hqdb Ijb\_l f_gy ah\ml Djbk FmjlZ^bk Fhb jh^bl_eb ba =j_pbb gh y jh^beky \ :\kljZebb Y \ ^_kylhf deZkk_ b fhc ex[bfuc ij_^f_l ih\_jbl_ eb Zg]ebckdbc yaud Y oh`m \ Dhee_^` KljZlfhj \ F_ev[mjg_ m`_ q_luj_ ]h^Z Fg_ gjZ\blky b]jZlv \ Zf_jbdZgkdbc nml[he Hg ihoh` gZ h[uqguc nml[he gh ijZ\beZ g_fgh]h ijbkihkh[e_gu ih^ fyq h\Zevghc nhjfu Djbk FmjlZ^bk >hjh]b_ jhkkbckdb_ fZevqbdb b ^_\hqdb Ijb\_l Fg_ iylgZ^pZlv e_l b y oh`m \ Dhee_^` KljZlfhj \ F_ev[mjg_ K_cqZk y \ ^_kylhf deZkk_ M f_gy _klv ^\Z k\h^guo [jZlZ dhrdZ b kh[ZdZ Y gZf_j_\Zxkv bamqZlv f_^bpbgm dh]^Z aZdhgqm dhee_^` Fhb oh[[b ² b]jZ gZ ne_cl_ b gZ kZdkhnhg_ Fg_ lZd`_ gjZ\blky b]jZlv \ l_ggbk Fhb ex[bfu_ ij_^f_lu ² Zg]ebckdbc yaud ^jZfZ fmaudZ dmebgZjby b jZ[hlZ ih ^_j_\m :ebkby Wgg DZffbgk 26

>h[juc ^_gv Y ² k_fgZ^pZlbe_lgbc nbebiibg_p ² Z\kljZeb_p mqZs_cky \ Dhee_^`_ DZkbfbj \ Kb^g__ Y bffb]jbjh\Ze k Nbebiibg e_l gZaZ^ b ohly fhy k_fvy b y qZklh _a^bf gZ Nbebiibgkdb_ hkljh\Z fu \k_]^Z gZau\Z_f ^hfhf :\kljZebx < gZr_c rdhe_ mqZlky klm^_glu gZpbhgZevghkl_c hgb \k_ ih^oh^yl ih^ dZl_]hjbx ŠZ\kljZeb_pª B qlh m^b\bl_evgh kh \k_fb wlbfb jZaebqgufb dmevlmjZfb dhgnebdlu j_^db lZd dZd \k_ \b^yl fgh]hgZpbhgZevghklv dZd ij_bfms_kl\h ^ey \k_o Ihwlhfm dh]^Z ijb_a`Z_rv \ :\kljZebx g_ h`b^Zcl_ qlh [m^_l_ _klv lhevdh ]Zf[mj]_ju h`b^Zcl_ kiZ]_llb b d_[Z[u DZjfbgZ DZjgb]Ze Ijb\_l Jhkkby <u gZ\_jgh ^mfZ_l_ qlh m gZk \h ^\hjZo d_g]mjm b dhZeu gZ ^_j_\vyo Hgb ^_ckl\bl_evgh f_klgu_ `b\hlgu_ \ :\kljZebb b y\eyxlky kbf\heZfb gZr_c ij_djZkghc ^bdhc ijbjh^u gh bo g_evay \klj_lblv gZ mebpZo ]hjh^h\ Gh\uc X`guc Mwevk rlZl \ dhlhjhf y `b\m ² f_klh \ dhlhjhf `b\ml ij_^klZ\bl_eb jZaebqguo dmevlmj H[uqgh fu ohjhrh ^jm] k ^jm]hf eZ^bf b qm\kl\m_f fu \k_ Z\kljZebcpu Y mqmkv \ ^\_gZ^pZlhf deZkkm \ dhee_^`_ DZkbfbj Y bamqZx [bheh]bx fZl_fZlbdm ijZ\h\_^_gb_ Zg]ebckdbc yaud hkgh\u [bag_kZ bgnhjfZlbdm b j_eb]bx M f_gy ^\_ feZ^rb_ k_klju Y jh^beky \ ;_cjml_ Eb\Zg b ijb_oZe \ :\kljZebx dh]^Z [ue kh\k_f f_e_gvdbf Ihke_ hdhgqZgby ^\_gZ^pZlh]h deZkkZ y gZ^_xkv ihklmiblv \ mgb\_jkbl_l b klZlv beb mqbl_e_f beb bamqZlv f_g_^`f_gl \ dhff_jpbb >`Zm ;Zrb >hjh]b_ ^jmavy \ Jhkkbb Ijb\_l F_gy ah\ml >ZgbweZ DZfZqh b fg_ e_l Y jh^hf ba Ihjlm]Zebb Y \ deZkk_ b fhy rdheZ gZau\Z_lky dhee_^` DZkbfbj Wlh ohjhrZy rdheZ ihlhfm qlh m gZk _klv \hafh`ghklv h[sZlvky k ij_^klZ\bl_eyfb ^jm]bo dmevlmj : dZdZy m \Zk \ Jhkkbb rdheZ" Ghkbl_ eb \u nhjfm \ rdhe_" GZf ijboh^blky ghkblv nhjfm Fhb oh[[b ² dhee_dpbhgbjh\Zlv fZjdb b dZlZlvky gZ dhgvdZo Y lZd`_ ex[ex ]meylv k ^jmavyfb \h \j_fy dZgbdme >ZgbweZ DZfZqh >hjh]b_ ^jmavy Y mq_gbd deZkkZ \ dhee_^`_ DZkbfbj K_cqZk y bamqZx Zg]ebckdbc yaud fZl_fZlbdm _kl_kl\_ggu_ gZmdb gZ\udb jZ[hlu \ hnbk_ nhlh]jZnbx b ijh[e_fu hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^u Y gZiheh\bgm eb\Zg_p Z gZiheh\bgm Zjfygbg gh y ]h\hjx lhevdh ih Zg]ebckdb b ih eb\Zgkdb 27

Fg_ e_l b y `b\m k fZfhc iZihc q_lujvfy k_kljZfb b h^gbf [jZlhf Fg_ ^_ckl\bl_evgh gjZ\blky `blv \ [hevrhc k_fv_ KZg^jZ DZkkZ[bZg >hjh]b_ fZevqbdb b ^_\hqdb Ijb\_l Y ² iylgZ^pZlbe_lgyy ^_\mrdZ ba :\kljZebb Y `b\m \ =e_gjh_ qlh \ fbgmlZo _a^u hl F_ev[mjgZ b y oh`m \ kj_^gxx rdhem KljZlfhj K_cqZk y \ deZkk_ Fhc ex[bfuc ij_^f_l \ rdhe_ ² Zg]ebckdbc ihlhfm qlh y ex[ex ibkZlv Fg_ lZd`_ gjZ\blky fmaudZ b y b]jZx gZ Zevl kZdkhnhg_ \ rdhevghf hjd_klj_ Fhy ex[bfZy fmaudZ ² ^`Za Y \ rdhevghc ^bkdmkkbhgghc dhfZg^_ Fu khj_\gm_fky k ^jm]bfb rdheZfb jZchgZ Hkgh\gZy ijbqbgZ ihq_fm y ex[ex ^bkdmkkbb ² ihlhfm qlh y ex[ex \uklmiZlv k j_qvx Y bgh]^Z ex[ex imklblv iuev \ ]eZaZ Y lZd`_ ex[ex ijh\h^blv \j_fy k ^jmavyfb Fu kZ^bfky gZ ih_a^ ^h F_ev[mjgZ b b^_f \ dbgh beb oh^bf ih fZ]ZabgZf Y g_fgh]h agZx h Jhkkbb <u jZa^_ey_l_ dZdb_ gb[m^v ba fhbo bgl_j_kh\" Fg_ bgl_j_kgh dZdb_ rdheu \ Jhkkbb Mq_gbdb \ :\kljZebb ihk_sZxl rdhem k ^h Wfbeb :g^_jkhg >hjh]b_ ^jmavy Ijb\_l Y mqmkv \ Kb^g__ :\kljZeby Y oh`m \ dhee_^` DZkbfbj Fg_ gjZ\blky fhy rdheZ Ihlhfm qlh \ g_c Zlfhkn_jZ kqZklvy Fhy rdheZ ij_^eZ]Z_l [hevrhc \u[hj ij_^f_lh\ Fhb ex[bfu_ ij_^f_lu ijZ\h\_^_gb_ b bklhjby ^j_\g_]h fbjZ Y ex[ex qblZlv b kemrZlv fmaudm Y lZd`_ ex[ex oh^blv gZ iey` < :\kljZebb e_lhf fh`_l [ulv hq_gv `Zjdh Z abfhc hq_gv oheh^gh Fhb jh^bl_eb bffb]jbjh\Zeb \ :\kljZebx dh]^Z [ueb fheh^ufb Ih ijhbkoh`^_gbx y ² ihjlm]Ze_p b y [ue \ Ihjlm]Zebb h^gZ`^u Ihe <v_jZ >hjh]b_ ^jmavy \ Jhkkbb Fg_ ihqlb e_l b y mqmkv \h^blv fZrbgm DZd ^_eZ \ Jhkkbb" A^_kv \ :\kljZebb \k_ ohjhrh Fhy rdheZ gZau\Z_lky y dhee_^` DZkbfbj b wlh rdheZ k kh\f_klguf h[mq_gb_f Mq_gbdb gZqbgZxl oh^blv kx^Z \ deZkk b aZdZgqb\Zxl \ hf < gZr_c rdhe_ mqZlky klm^_glu jZaguo gZpbhgZevghkl_c Fh_ oh[[b ² dhee_dpbhgbjh\Zlv klbob Y lZd`_ ex[ex ibkZlv klbob =j_ckbZg I_eZch Kj_^gyy rdheZ KljZlfhj I_kdhm <_ce Jhm^ KljZlfhj L_e_nhg 28

>bj_dlhj fbkl_j D_g OZj[hle AZf_klbl_eb ^bj_dlhjZ fbkk >`Zg Fwkk b fbkk Eehck Djx]_j >ey f_gy [hevrh_ m^h\hevkl\b_ ijb\_lkl\h\Zlv klm^_glh\ ba Jhkkbb DZ`_lky fbj k dZ`^uf ]h^hf klZgh\blky \k_ f_gvr_ b fheh^u_ ex^b \ :\kljZebb eb beb \ Jhkkbb [m^ml ^_eblvky agZgbyfb b bgl_j_kZfb @_eZx \Zf m^Zqb \ mq_[_ b \ [m^ms_f D_g OZj[hle RdhevgZy nhjfZ < rdhe_ hl mq_gbdh\ h`b^Zxl qlh \k_ mq_gbdb ² deZkkh\ [m^ml ghkblv ihegmx nhjfm NhjfZ fZevqbdh\ Imeh\_j [mluehqgh]h p\_lZ k_jZy jm[ZrdZ k_ju_ [jxdb q_jgu_ dh`Zgu_ [hlbgdb b dmjldZ [_ck[hevghc dhfZg^u dhee_^`Z NhjfZ ^_\hq_d Imeh\_j [mluehqgh]h p\_lZ dhjbqg_\u_ lmneb dmjldZ [_ck[hevghc dhfZg^u dhee_^`Z E_lhf rdhevgh_ ieZlv_ beb iebkkbjh\Zggu_ rhjlu [mluehqgh]h p\_lZ Abfhc [_eZy jm[ZrdZ b beb rdhevgZy x[dZ ba rhleZg^db beb l_fgh a_e_gu_ [jxdb krblu_ ihjlguf Kihjlb\gZy nhjfZ Kihjlb\gZy jm[ZrdZ k dhjhldbf jmdZ\hf rdheu KljZlfhj b d_idZ ^ey b]jZ \ j_][b Q_jgu_ kihjlb\gu_ rhjlu b djhkkh\db Mq_[guc ieZg deZkk dhfie_dkgh_ h[mq_gb_ Zg]ebckdbc yaud bklhjby

]_h]jZnby fZl_fZlbdZ _kl_kl\_ggu_ gZmdb nbabq_kdh_ b ebqgh_ jZa\blb_ ^hfh\h^kl\h h[mq_gb_ ^ey `bagb nbabq_kdZy dmevlmjZ kihjl bkdmkkl\h bkihegbl_evgu_ \b^u bkdmkkl\Z fmaudZ ^jZfZ yaudb ]j_q_kdbc blZevygkdbc yihgkdbc l_ogheh]bb


bgnhjfZpby l_ogheh]by fZl_jbZeu b l_ogheh]by ² deZkku Zg]ebckdbc yaud bklhjby ]_h]jZnby fZl_fZlbdZ _kl_kl\_ggu_ gZmdb nbabq_kdh_ b ebqgh_ jZa\blb_ ^hfh\h^kl\h hlghr_gby f_`^m ex^vfb nbabq_kdZy dmevlmjZ bkdmkkl\h bkdmkkl\h b ^baZcg ]jZnbdZ h[s_gb_ nhlh]jZnby bkihegbl_evgu_ \b^u bkdmkkl\Z fmaudZ ^jZfZ yaudb ]j_q_kdbc blZevygkdbc yihgkdbc l_ogheh]bb ibs_\Zy l_ogheh]by l_ogheh]bb jZ[hlu k ^_j_\hf l_dklbevgZy bgnhjfZpby l_ogheh]by deZkk Zg]ebckdbc yaud fZl_fZlbdZ _kl_kl\_ggu_ gZmdb [bheh]by obfby nbabdZ ikboheh]by l_ogheh]bb bgnhjfZpbhggu_ l_ogheh]bb fZl_jbZeu b l_ogheh]bb ibs_\u_

fZl_jbZeu b l_ogheh]bb ih jZ[hl_ k ^_j_\hf


bkdmkkl\h bkdmkkl\h ^jZfZ ]jZnbq_kdh_ h[s_gb_ kj_^kl\Z fZkkh\hc bgnhjfZpbb fmaudZ fmaudZevgh_ bkdmkkl\h bahklm^by nhlh]jZnby

bahklm^by kdmevilmjZ b jZ[hlZ ih d_jZfbd_

]mfZgblZjgu_ gZmdb bklhjby ;; \_dZ bklhjby :\kljZebb bamq_gb_ :\kljZebb dhehgbZebaf b bfi_jbZebaf ]_h]jZnby kZgblZjgh_ ijhk\_s_gb_ jZa\blb_ q_eh\_dZ b h[s_kl\Z ebl_jZlmjZ nbabq_kdZy dmevlmjZ iheblbdZ yaudb blZevygkdbc kh\j_f_gguc ]j_q_kdbc h[mq_gb_ [bag_km [mo]Zel_jkdbc mq_l f_g_^`f_gl \ dhff_jpbb wdhghfbdZ ijZ\h\_^_gb_ deZkk Zg]ebckdbc yaud fZl_fZlbdZ _kl_kl\_ggu_ gZmdb [bheh]by obfby nbabdZ ikboheh]by l_ogheh]bb bgnhjfZpbhggu_ l_ogheh]bb fZl_jbZeu b l_ogheh]bb ih jZ[hl_ k ^_j_\hf

l_ogheh]bq_kdbc ^baZcg b jZa\blb_ ibs_\u_ bkdmkkl\h bkdmkkl\h ]jZnbq_kdh_ h[s_gb_ 31

fmaudZ fmaudZevgh_ bkdmkkl\h ]jmiih\h_ bkiheg_gb_ ij_^klZ\e_gb_ fmaudZevgh_ bkdmkkl\h bkiheg_gb_ kheh bahklm^by l_ZljZevgh_ h[mq_gb_ ]mfZgblZjgu_ gZmdb bklhjby :\kljZebb ]_h]jZnby jZa\blb_ q_eh\_dZ b h[s_kl\Z f_`^mgZjh^gu_ hlghr_gby ebl_jZlmjZ nbabq_kdZy dmevlmjZ ]hjh^ \ bklhjbb kZgblZjgh_ ijhk\_s_gb_ yaudb kh\j_f_gguc ]j_q_kdbc blZevygkdbc h[mq_gb_ [bag_km [mo]Zel_jkdbc mq_l wdhghfbdZ ijZ\h\_^_gb_ >hihegbl_evgu_ aZgylby RdheZ ij_^eZ]Z_l rbjhdbc \u[hj dhfZg^guo \b^h\ kihjlZ Z lZd`_ Zle_lbdm ieZ\Zgb_ b khj_\gh\Zgby ih [_]m ih i_j_k_q_gghc f_klghklb Ijh]jZffZ bkihegbl_evkdbo \b^h\ bkdmkkl\Z ij_^eZ]Z_l lZdb_ aZgylby dZd rdhevgh_ ijhba\h^kl\h rdhevguc hjd_klj b rdhevgu_ ZgkZf[eb MqZklb_ mq_gbdh\ ihhsjy_lky mqZklb_f \ jZaebqguo khj_\gh\Zgbyo b \jmq_gb_f ZdZ^_fbq_kdbo GZ]jZ^ aZ >hklb`_gby >Zevg_crb_ \hafh`ghklb ij_^hklZ\eyxlky q_j_a \_^_gb_ ^bkdmkkbb im[ebqgu_ \uklmie_gby ijZ\e_gb_ mq_gbdh\ b ijh]jZffm ih^^_j`db Q_f \u aZgbfZ_l_kv ihke_ rdheu" <ZrZ rdheZ ij_^hklZ\ey_l ^hihegbl_evgu_ aZgylby" Our school doesn’t provide many extracurricular activities. We have a school choir and some pupils play in it. sometimes we have drama classes but usually it is provided to stage something for a celebration. >hfh\h^kl\h < kj_^g_c rdhe_ KljZlfhj \k_ mq_gbdb ² deZkkh\ bamqZxl ^hfh\h^kl\h dZd h[yaZl_evguc ij_^f_l P_ev wlh]h ij_^f_lZ ² jZa\blv mf_gby \ ijb]hlh\e_gbb _^u b ihgylv ijbqbgu ijh[e_f kh a^hjh\v_f Mq_gbdb mqZlky ]hlh\blv jZaebqgu_ [ex^Z \dexqZy 32

Djhdh^beh\uc Oe_[ ² wlh oe_[ k [_dhghf a_e_guf i_jp_f b kujhf dhlhjuc \u]ey^bl dZd djhdh^be \ ]hlh\hf \b^_ Kmi k ;mehqdZfb k KhkbkdZfb b fgh]b_ ^jm]b_ \dmkgu_ [ex^Z IbsZ dhlhjmx fu _^bf \ :\kljZebb ² j_amevlZl [hevrh]h jZaghh[jZaby dmevlmj \dexqZy Zg]ebckdmx blZevygkdmx ZabZlkdmx jmkkdmx ]j_q_kdmx lmj_pdmx b fgh]b_ ^jm]b_ LZdbf h[jZahf gZa\Zlv [ex^Z dhlhju_ [ueb [u lhevdh Z\kljZebckdbfb keh`gh H^gb ba [ex^ oZjZdl_jguo ^ey :\kljZebb ² y[[bk b [bnrl_dk ba d_g]mjm Hq_gv ihimeyjguf kihkh[hf ijb]hlh\e_gby ibsb \ :\kljZebb y\ey_lky rZreud >`_g Fwkk Ihijh[mcl_ wlhl j_p_il Djhdh^beh\uc Oe_[ k kujhf b ;_dhghf Bg]j_^b_glu ^ey gZqbgdb lhgdbo ehflbdZ \_lqbgu gZj_aZggh]h dm[bdZfb a_e_gh]h i_jpZ ]jZff gZl_jlh]h gZ l_jd_ kujZ qZcguo eh`db a_jgbklhc ]hjqbpu Bg]j_^b_glu ^ey l_klZ ]jZff oe_[Z qZrdZ ijhk_ygghc fmdb ½ qZrdb ijhk_ygghc fmdb ba]hlh\e_gghc ba p_eh]h a_jgZ k hljm[yfb fe]j fhehdZ Kf_rZcl_ bg]j_^b_glu gZqbgdb I_j_p b [_dhg iheh`bl_ gZ kdh\hjh^dm b ]hlh\vl_ ijb gbadhc l_fi_jZlmj_ ^h lh]h dZd [_dhg klZg_l ijhajZqguf HoeZ^bl_ Kf_rZcl_ bg]j_^b_glu ^ey l_klZ < [hevrhc fbkd_ jZahljbl_ fmdm b fZkeh ^h l_o ihj ihdZ kf_kv g_ [m^_l gZihfbgZlv oe_[gu_ djhrdb >h[Z\vl_ \k_ fhehdh kjZam b i_j_f_rb\Zcl_ ^h fy]dh]h l_klZ Iheh`bl_ gZ ke_]dZ ihkuiZggmx fmdhc ^hkdm b f_kbl_ ^h lh]h dZd l_klh klZg_l ohjhrh \uf_rZgguf E_i_rdm l_klZ jZkdZlZcl_ \ ijyfhm]hevgbd gZ kZglbf_ljh\ GZfZ`vl_ l_klh ]hjqbp_c Ihkuivl_ k\_jom kf_kvx [_dhgZ b a_e_gh]h i_jpZ \f_kl_ k kujhf JZkdZlZcl_ dZd ^ey jme_lZ k \Zj_gv_f Bkihevamy gh`gbpu k^_eZcl_ gZ^j_au ih^ m]ehf ]jZ^mkh\ gZ ¾ lhesbgu l_klZ gZ ijhf_`mldZo ljb kZglbf_ljZ Ihhq_j_^gh jZaeh`bl_ dmkhqdb gZe_\h b gZijZ\h 33

KfZ`vl_ fhehdhf AZi_dZcl_ \ \_jog_c iheh\bg_ ^moh\db ijb l_fi_jZlmj_ ]jZ^mkh\ ih P_evkbx < l_q_gb_ ² fbgml beb ^h ahehlbklhc dhjhqdb KjZam `_ ih^Zcl_ gZ klhe

>ey bgnhjfZpbb Kh\_lu ijZ\bevgh]h iblZgby ?rvl_ [hevr_ de_lhqghc ibsb Ijbf_ju k\_`b_ h\hsb oe_[ ba g_h[jZ[hlZggh]h a_jgZ b djmiZ ?rvl_ [hevr_ ibsb k m]e_\h^Zfb Ijbf_ju iZklZ jbk b [h[u ?rvl_ f_gvr_ fykZ b ^jm]bo ijh^mdlh\ k \ukhdbf kh^_j`Zgb_f [_edZ Ijbf_ju fZkeh ybqgu_ `_eldb `Zj_gZy ibsZ ?rvl_ f_gvr_ kheb b kZoZjZ I_cl_ f_gvr_ dhn_ qZy b dheu >bkdmkkbhggZy dhfZg^Z >hjh]Zy >`be Y [ueZ jZ^Z qlh l_[_ ihgjZ\behkv fh_ ibkvfh b y k m^h\hevkl\b_f gZibrm _s_ g_fgh]h h fh_c ^bkdmkkbhgghc dhfZg^_ Y gZqZeZ ijbgbfZlv mqZklb_ \h \gmljbrdhevguo ^_[ZlZo \ ijhrehf ]h^m dh]^Z y [ueZ \ deZkk_ Y j_rbeZ aZgylvky wlbf ihlhfm qlh ohl_eZ memqrblv k\h_ mf_gb_ ]h\hjblv gZ im[ebd_ b ^mfZeZ qlh wlh [m^_l \_k_eh Y \k_]^Z lj_lvy dlh ]h\hjbl \ gZr_c dhfZg^_ qlh hagZqZ_l qlh y \ hkgh\ghf hijh\_j]Zx ^h\h^u ^jm]hc dhfZg^u kihjx qlh bo Zj]mf_glu g_\_jgu b kmffbjmx Zj]mf_glu k\h_c dhfZg^u Fg_ gjZ\blky [ulv lj_lvbf dlh ]h\hjbl ihlhfm qlh wlh hagZqZ_l qlh ihke_^g__ keh\h aZ fghc Dh]^Z \_^_rv ^bkdmkkbx k ^jm]hc rdhehc ihemqZ_rv l_fm ^ey dZ`^uo ^_[Zlh\ b l_[_ ]h\hjyl ijb\h^brv eb lu ^h\h^u ©aZª beb ©ijhlb\ª L_fu \Zjvbjmxlky hl \_k_euo ^Z k_jv_aguo \hijhkh\ Y mqZkl\h\ZeZ \ ^_[ZlZo ih lZdbf l_fZf dZd ©E_khaZ]hlh\dZ ^he`gZ [ulv aZij_s_gZª b ©Wlhl \b^ kihjlZ ^he`_g [ulv h[yaZl_evguf \ rdhe_ª \ dhgp_ dZ`^uo ^_[Zlh\ lj_l_ckdbc km^vy h[ty\ey_l kq_l b dhff_glbjm_l ^bkdmkkbx AZl_f h[ty\ey_lky emqrbc kibd_j b ih[_^b\rZy dhfZg^Z < ijhrehf ]h^m fhy dhfZg^Z k g_[hevrbf jZaju\hf \ kq_l_ g_ ihiZeZ gZ nbgZe < wlhf ]h^m fu ihiZeb lm^Z b [ueb g_ij_\ahc^_ggufb ihiZ\ \ ]eZ\gu_ nbgZevgu_ khj_\gh\Zgby D kh`Ze_gbx y b qe_gu fh_c dhfZg^u ijhb]jZeb ihqlb \ ihke_^g_c ^bkdmkkbb Fg_ gjZ\blky mqZkl\h\Zlv \ ^_[ZlZo ihlhfm qlh g_kfhljy gZ lh qlh wlh ly`_eZy jZ[hlZ b fh`_l [ulv mlhfbl_evghc hgZ ihfh]Z_l klZlv m\_j_gg__ b jZa\blv kihkh[ghklv ohjhrh ijb\h^blv ^h\h^u 34

Wlh lZd`_ iha\hey_l fg_ \klj_qZlvky k dhee_]Zfb ih ^bkdmkkbb ba ^jm]bo rdhe b [ulv qe_ghf dhfZg^u a^hjh\h B dhg_qgh \ub]ju\Zlv a^hjh\h Bkdj_gg_ l\hy Wfbeb :g^_jkhg

H[jZah\Zgb_ \ ;jblZgbb Ih`ZemcklZ ijhqlbl_ ke_^mxsbc iZjZ]jZn AZl_f hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku bkihevamy ih^q_jdgmlu_ keh\Z Fgh]b_ [jblZgkdb_ ^_lb b^ml \ rdhem \ beb ]h^Z _keb jy^hf k ^hfhf _klv b]jh\Zy rdheZ <k_ ^_lb b^ml \ gZqZevgmx rdhem \ \hajZkl_ e_l G_dhlhju_ jh^bl_eb ieZlyl aZ lh qlh[u bo ^_lb oh^beb \ qZklgmx rdhem gh \k_ ^_lb bf_xl ijZ\h ihclb \ ]hkm^Zjkl\_ggmx rdhem dhlhjZy [_kieZlgZy AZl_f hgb [m^ml mqblvky \ kj_^g_c rdhe_ ^h beb e_l G_dhlhju_ mq_gbdb j_rZxl ijh^he`Zlv h[mq_gb_ \ mgb\_jkbl_l_ beb \ ihebl_ogbq_kdhf dhee_^`_ ]^_ hgb bamqZxl ZdZ^_fbq_kdb_ ij_^f_lu >jm]b_ j_rZxl ihclb \ dhee_^` ]^_ hgb fh]ml bamqZlv [he__ ijZdlbq_kdb_ ij_^f_lu lZdb_ dZd bkdmkkl\h beb bg`_g_jbx Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku DZdZy rdheZ y\ey_lky i_j\hc \ dhlhjmx j_[_ghd fh`_l ihclb" $ SOD\ VFKRRO LV WKH ILUVW D FKLOG FDQ DWWHQG I_j\hc rdhehc \ dhlhjmx j_[_ghd fh`_l ihclb y\ey_lky b]jh\Zy rdheZ ?keb j_[_gdm e_l \ dZdmx rdhem hg hgZ oh^bl \ ;jblZgbb" ,I D FKLOG LV \HDUV ROG KH VKH DWWHQGV SULPDU\ VFKRRO ?keb j_[_gdm e_l hg hgZ oh^bl \ gZqZevgmx rdhem H[yaZl_evgh eb ieZlblv qlh[u mqblvky \ ]hkm^Zjkl\_gghc rdhe_" 1R LW LVQ¶W 6WDWH VFKRRO LV IUHH G_l g_ h[yaZl_evgh =hkm^Zjkl\_ggZy rdheZ [_kieZlgZy < dZdhf \hajZkl_ mq_gbd aZdZgqb\Z_l kj_^gxx rdhem" $ VWXGHQW FDQ OHDYH VHFRQGDU\ VFKRRO DW WKH DJH RI RU Mq_gbd fh`_l aZdhgqblv kj_^gxx rdhem \ \hajZkl_ beb e_l Dm^Z b^_l q_eh\_d qlh[u bamqZlv bklhjbx" $ SHUVRQ JRHV WR D XQLYHUVLW\ WR VWXG\ +LVWRU\ Qlh[u bamqZlv bklhjbx q_eh\_d b^_l \ mgb\_jkbl_l Ih`ZemcklZ gZibrbl_ hibkZgb_ kbkl_fu h[mq_gby \ \Zr_c kljZg_ KjZ\gbl_ k\hb aZibkb k aZibkyfb h^ghdeZkkgbdh\ Kh\iZ^Zxl eb aZibkb h^ghdeZkkgbdh\ k \Zrbfb" In Russia many children can go to a nursery at the age of 3 or 4. All children start primary school at the age of 7. Some parents can pay for a private school but every child can attend a state school. Then the children move on to a secondary school. They can leave it at the age of 15 or 17. They can continue their education at a college or go to a university. < Jhkkbb ^_lb fh]ml ihclb \ ^_lkdbc kZ^ \ ² ]h^Z <k_ ^_lb b^ml \ gZqZevgmx rdhem \ \hajZkl_ e_l G_dhlhju_ jh^bl_eb fh35

]ml ieZlblv aZ h[mq_gb_ \ qZklghc rdhe_ gh ex[hc j_[_ghd fh`_l mqblvky \ ]hkm^Zjkl\_gghc rdhe_ AZl_f ^_lb i_j_oh^yl \ kj_^gxx rdhem Hgb fh]ml aZdhgqblv __ \ \hajZkl_ beb e_l Hgb fh]ml ijh^he`blv h[jZah\Zgb_ \ dhee_^`_ beb ihclb \ mgb\_jkbl_l

H[jZah\Zgb_ \ :\kljZebb ijhlb\ h[jZah\Zgby \ Kh_^bg_gguo RlZlZo DZ`^uc rlZl b l_jjblhjby \ :\kljZebb ba^Zxl k\hb aZdhgu h[ h[jZah\Zgbb Lh `_ fh`gh kdZaZlv b h KR: B \ :\kljZebb b \ KR: \ gZebqbb bf_xlky qZklgu_ rdheu \ ^hiheg_gb_ d [_kieZlguf ]hkm^Zjkl\_gguf rdheZf < KR: ^_lb \ \hajZkl_ hl ^h h[yaZgu oh^blv \ rdhem < :\kljZebb ^_lb \ \hajZkl_ hl ^h h[yaZgu oh^blv \ rdhem aZ bkdexq_gb_f LZkfZgbb < LZkfZgbb ^_lb oh^yl \ rdhem ^h e_l < KR: ^_lkdb_ kZ^u y\eyxlky h[yaZl_evgufb Z \ :\kljZebb g_l < :\kljZebb mq_[guc ]h^ khklhysbc ba q_luj_o k_f_kljh\ gZqbgZ_lky \ n_\jZe_ f_`^m k_f_kljZfb kms_kl\m_l ^\_ g_^_eb dZgbdme Q_l\_jluc b ihke_^gbc k_f_klj dhgqZ_lky ijb[ebabl_evgh 20 ^_dZ[jy Jh`^_kl\_gkdb_ dZgbdmeu kh\iZ^Zxl k dhgphf rdheu b gZqZehf dZgbdme Mq_gbdb \ha\jZsZxlky \ rdhem \ n_\jZe_ < KR: dZgbdmeu ^eylky k bxgy ih Z\]mkl < :\kljZebb gZqZevgZy rdheZ ^_eblky gZ r_klv deZkkh\ Kj_^gyy rdheZ khklhbl ba deZkkh\ k k_^vfh]h ih ^\_gZ^pZluc <k_ mq_gbdb kj_^g_c rdheu ghkyl nhjfm Mq_gbdb kj_^g_c rdheu \ KR: g_ ghkyl nhjfm \ rdhe_ Mq_gbdb \ Kh_^bg_gguo RlZlZo _^yl ]hjyqbc e_gq \ rdhe_ :\kljZebckdb_ mq_gbdb g_l < :\kljZebb [hevrb_ rdheu gZoh^ylky \ [hevrbo ]hjh^Zo gZ ih[_j_`v_ Rdheu k h^gbf ij_ih^Z\Zl_e_f jZkiheh`_gu \ k_evkdhc f_klghklb Mqbl_ev \ k_evkdhc f_klghklb fh`_l mqblv \k_ deZkku \ dhlhjuo fh`_l [ulv ih h^ghfm ^\mf mq_gbdZf Mq_gbdb `b\msb_ ^Ze_dh hl ]hjh^Z mqZlky \ ŠRdheZo ih \ha^momª DZ`^uc ^_gv \h \j_fy \ dhlhjh_ ^he`gu [ulv rdheZ hgb kemrZxl mqbl_ey ih jZ^bh M mq_gbdh\ k\hb dgb]b Hgb hl\_qZxl gZ \hijhku \ fbdjhnhg Mqbl_ev hij_^_ey_l ^hfZrgb_ aZ^Zgby <uiheg_ggmx ^hfZrgxx jZ[hlm hlijZ\eyxl ih ihql_ mqbl_ex HgZ h[km`^Z_lky ih fbdjhnhgm bkijZ\ey_lky b hlkueZ_lky h[jZlgh < Kh_^bg_gguo rlZlZo g_dhlhju_ ^_lb mqZlky ^hfZ Bo jh^bl_eb y\eyxlky bo mqbl_eyfb Ih`ZemcklZ jZkiheh`bl_ ke_^mxsb_ ml\_j`^_gby ih gm`guf aZ]heh\dhf :\kljZeby beb Kh_^bg_ggu_ RlZlu :\kljZeby Kh_^bg_ggu_ RlZlu Summer vacation from December to Secondary school students do not wear )HEUXDU\ E_lgb_ dZgbdmeu k ^_dZ[jy XQLIRUPV WR VFKRRO M_gbdb kj_^g_c ih n_\jZev rdheu g_ ghkyl nhjfm \ rdhem


:\kljZeby Some students go to School of the Air. G_dhlhju_ mq_gbdb mqZlky \ ŠRdheZo ih \ha^momª Students ages 6 to 15 or 16 attend school. >_lb k ^h beb e_l oh^yl \ rdhem Secondary school students wear uniforms WR VFKRRO Mq_gbdb kj_^g_c rdheu ghkyl nhjfm Students do not eat a hot lunch at school. Mq_gbdb g_ _^yl ]hjyqbc e_gq \ rdhe_

Kh_^bg_ggu_ RlZlu Children ages 5 to 16 attend school. >_lb k ^h e_l oh^yl \ rdhem Students eat a hot lunch at school. Mq_gbdb _^yl ]hjyqbc e_gq \ rdhe_ Summer vacation from June to $XJXVW DZgbdmeu k bxgy ih Z\]mkl Some students attend school at home. G_dhlhju_ ^_lb mqZlky ^hfZ

>h[Z\vl_ lj_lvx dhehgdm ^ey k\h_c kljZgu H[mq_gb_ \ \Zr_c kljZg_ ihoh`_ gZ h[mq_gb_ \ :\kljZebb beb KR:" Russia. 6HFRQGDU\ VFKRRO VWXGHQWV GR QRW ZHDU XQLIRUPV WR VFKRRO M_gbdb kj_^g_c rdheu g_ ghkyl nhjfm \ rdhem &KLOGUHQ DJHV WR DWWHQG VFKRRO >_lb k ^h e_l oh^yl \ rdhem 6WXGHQWV HDW D KRW OXQFK DW VFKRRO Mq_gbdb _^yl ]hjyqbc e_gq \ rdhe_ 6XPPHU YDFDWLRQ IURP -XQH WR $XJXVW DZgbdmeu k bxgy ih Z\]mkl

(GXFDWLRQ LQ P\ FRXQWU\ UHVHPEOHV WKDW RI WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV H[mq_gb_ \ fh_c kljZg_ ihoh`_ gZ h[mq_gb_ \ KR: ;_ahiZkghklv ij_`^_ \k_]h ;_ahiZkghklv \ Z\lh[mk_ \Z`gZ gh [hevrbgkl\h g_kqZklguo kemqZ_\ ijhbkoh^yl dh]^Z ex^b \g_ Z\lh[mkZ Ohly k_jv_agu_ g_kqZklgu_ kemqZb d kqZklvx j_^db hkgh\ghc aZ[hlhc Z\lh[mkghc bg^mkljbb y\eyxlky fheh^u_ ex^b i_j_[_]Zxsb_ ^hjh]m ihke_ lh]h dZd koh^yl k Z\lh[mkZ AZihfgbl_ qlh \h^bl_eb g_ \b^yl \Zk Z \u g_ \b^bl_ Z\lhfh[bebklh\ ihdZ Z\lh[mk \k_ _s_ klhbl <_`eb\hklv ² gZ \lhjhf f_kl_ Ih`ZemcklZ magZcl_ qlh y\ey_lky ohjhrbf b ^h[juf \ wlbo ijZ\beZo DZdb_ ba wlbo ijZ\be k^_eZeb [u \Zk emqr_" <f_kl_ k [_ahiZkghklvx ijbgbfZcl_ \h \gbfZgb_ \_`eb\hklv ih hlghr_gbx d ^jm]bf iZkkZ`bjZf ?keb \ Z\lh[mk \oh^bl ih`behc q_eh\_d mklmibl_ _fm _c k\h_ f_klh Ihfgbl_ \ Z\lh[mkZo g_ jZaj_rZ_lky _klv b iblv >_j`bl_ kmfdb ih^ k\hbf kb^_gv_f Z g_ \ ijhoh^_ beb gZ kb^_gv_ G_ hl\e_dZcl_ \h^bl_ey beb ^jm]bo iZkkZ`bjh\ iehobf ih\_^_gb_f beb ]jhfdbfb a\mdZfb I_j_^ l_f dZd \hclb \ Z\lh[mk ijb]hlh\vl_ m^hklh\_j_gb_ gZ ijh_a^ [be_l beb f_ehqv IjZ\bevgh \oh^bl_ \ Z\lh[mk g_ lhedZcl_kv b g_ iboZcl_kv 37

AZjZg__ ij_^mij_^bl_ \h^bl_ey dh]^Z \u ohlbl_ khclb Ihfgbl_ qlh k\hbfb ohjhrbfb fZg_jZfb \u ih^Z_l_ ijbf_j fZe_gvdbf ^_lyf ;he__ e_]dbc ^hklmi =hkm^Zjkl\_gguc h[s_kl\_gguc ljZgkihjl \ Kb^g__ ^_eZ_l ijh_a^ gZ Z\lh[mk_ ^ey ex^_c bf_xsbo ljm^ghklb k i_j_^\b`_gb_f \dexqZy ex^_c i_j_^\b]Zxsbcky gZ bg\Zeb^guo dheykdZo b ex^_c k ^_lkdbfb dheykdZfb e_]q_ Ijh\h^ylky kh[jZgby k ex^vfb jZaguo ]jmii bg\Zeb^ghklb gZ dhlhjuo h[km`^Z_lky \k_klhjhggbc ^he]hkjhqguc ieZg qlh[u ljZgkihjl klZe [he__ e_]dh ^hklmiguf Rdhevgu_ aZij_lu b ij_^ibkZgby \ :\kljZebb \ < G? HiZa^u\Zcl_ \ rdhem Bkihevamcl_ `Zj]hggu_ \ujZ`_gby IhdZau\Zcl_ k\hb jmdb b dhe_gb Oh^bl_ k ]jyagufb gh]lyfb QblZcl_ aZij_s_ggu_ fZl_jbZeu Ijheb\Zcl_ q_jgbeZ KlZ\vl_ deydku L_jycl_ im]h\bpu k [hlbghd Ijboh^bl_ \ rdhem k \bkysbfb ih^ly`dZfb J\bl_ ghkdb DeZ^bl_ ehdlb gZ iZjlm Djmlbl_kv \ rdhe_ Klmqbl_ gh]Zfb Ljh]Zcl_ ebph Q_rbl_kv DeZ^bl_ ey]mr_d \ klhe mqbl_ey Ijbghkbl_ ^hfZrgbo af_c \ rdhem Meu[Zcl_kv ObobdZcl_ JZa]h\Zjb\Zcl_ Ofmjvl_kv <_k_ebl_kv \hh[s_ < Ijboh^bl_ \ rdhem aZjZg__ Ijbghkbl_ mqbl_ex y[ehdh :ddmjZlgh aZ\yau\Zcl_ \hehku Oh^bl_ k qbklufb jmdZfb b gh]lyfb :ddmjZlgh ibrbl_ Mqbl_ eZlugv b ]j_q_kdbc 38

Qlh \u ^mfZ_l_ h aZij_lZo b ij_^ibkZgbyo \ ]h^m \ :\kljZebb" They are very strict. I think pupils felt like convicts. They were not allowed to do natural things and were made to be always on the alert. DZd \u ^mfZ_l_ k_cqZk \ :\kljZebb aZij_lu b ij_^ibkZgby kbevgh hlebqZxlky hl aZij_lh\ b ij_^ibkZgbc ]h^Z" Yes, I think Do’s and Don’ts greatly differ from 1880. I think now pupils are given more freedom. <u fh`_l_ gZibkZlv kibkhd aZij_lh\ b ij_^ibkZgbc k\h_c rdheu" IhklZjZcl_kv qlh[u ijZ\beZ [ueb \ iheh`bl_evghc nhjf_ GZijbf_j gZibrbl_ ŠIjboh^bl_ \ rdhem \h\j_fyÂŞ \f_klh ŠG_ hiZa^u\Zcl_ÂŞ Don’t Do Push Come to school on time Bring knives Be neat Smoke Be clean Bring alcohol Write carefully Pay attention during your classes Ask the teacher to explain Be ready with your homework Be polite Respect your classmates and teachers Help your classmates Be active ?keb \u ohlbl_ [ulv ohjhrbf q_eh\_dhf AZihfgbl_ wlb ijhklu_ ijZ\beZ Ih^qbgycl_kv klZjrbf ihfh]Zcl_ ih ^hfm KfhjdZcl_kv \f_klh lh]h qlh[u rfu]Zlv ghkhf ;m^vl_ ij_^Zggu ^jmavyf ;m^vl_ qbklufb b hijylgufb IjbgbfZcl_ hl\_lkl\_gghklv aZ lh qlh \u ^_eZ_l_ <k_]^Z fhcl_ jmdb i_j_^ _^hc Qbklbl_ am[u b jZkq_ku\Zcl_ \hehku mljhf b \_q_jhf >urbl_ ghkhf Hldju\Zcl_ hdgZ ^g_f b ghqvx B]jZcl_ gZ \ha^mo_ dZd fh`gh [hevr_ JZgh eh`bl_kv ² qZkh\ kgZ ² jZgh \klZ\Zcl_ Fhcl_kv k fuehf b l_iehc \h^hc dZd fh`gh qZs_ Dh]^Z ih \Zr_fm fg_gbx wlb ijZ\beZ [ueb gZibkZgu \ :\kljZebb" I suppose they were written many years ago. 39

DZd \u kqblZ_l_ ke_^h\Zgb_ wlbf ijZ\beZf k^_eZ_l \Zk ohjhrbfb ex^vfb" I think they would make me healthy and clean but at the same time they mention some features of a good person, like obeying one’s elders and accepting responsibility. DZdb_ ijZ\beZ \u [u ^h[Z\beb beb aZf_gbeb" Look after those who are younger than you are Help your friends Be polite Be punctual IjZdlbdm_fky kemrZlv Ibkvfh ba :\kljZebb KZrZ gZibkZe >`hmb IjhkemrZcl_ dZd >`hmb qblZ_l ibkvfh \kemo IjhkemrZcl_ _s_ jZa b h[\_^bl_ ijZ\bevgu_ hl\_lu ba ijb\_^_gguo gb`_ kf 7DSHVFULSWV Hl\_lvl_ gZ ke_^mxsb_ \hijhku =^_ gZoh^blky KZrZ" 6DVKD LV LQ $XVWUDOLD KZrZ gZoh^blky \ :\kljZebb >he]h eb hg lZf gZoh^blky" +H KDV EHHQ WKHUH IRU WZR ZHHNV Hg gZoh^blky lZf m`_ ^\_ g_^_eb Hg hklZgh\beky \ ohjhr_f hl_e_" 1R KH LVQ¶W +H LV VWD\LQJ ZLWK DQ $XVWUDOLDQ IDPLO\ G_l Hg `b\_l k Z\kljZebckdhc k_fv_c Hg kh[bjZ_lky ihk_lblv Z\kljZebckdmx rdhem" No, he isn’t. He has already visited an Australian school. He is going on H[FXUVLRQ WKH QH[W GD\ G_l Hg m`_ ihk_lbe Z\kljZebckdmx rdhem Hg kh[bjZ_lky gZ wdkdmjkbx gZ ke_^mxsbc ^_gv

IjZdlbdm_fky ibkZlv Ih`ZemcklZ \u[_jbl_ ^jm]Z ih i_j_ibkd_ ba wlhc ]eZ\u Ih`ZemcklZ gZibrbl_ _fm _c ibkvfh Bkihevamcl_ wlh g_hnbpbZevgh_ ibkvfh dZd h[jZa_p ?keb \u aZohlbl_ ihkeZlv ibkvfh g_h[oh^bfu_ Z^j_kZ ijb\_^_gu gb`_ E_gbg]jZ^kdbc ijhki_dl Fhkd\Z Jhkkby >hjh]Zy Wfbeb Ijb\_l f_gy ah\ml :g^j_c b y `b\m \ Fhkd\_ Jhkkby Y ijhqblZe l\h_ ibkvfh \ k\h_f mq_[gbd_ +DSS\ (QJOLVK b y [u ohl_e klZlv l\hbf ^jm]hf ih i_j_ibkd_ Lu gZibkZeZ qlh lu b]jZ_rv gZ kZdkhnhg_ Y b]jZx gZ kdjbid_ DZ`^uc ^_gv ihke_ rdheu y oh`m \ fmaudZevgmx rdhem Fhy ex[bfZy fmaudZ ² ^`Za b deZkkbq_kdZy fmaudZ 40

GZ^_xkv qlh lu kdhjh gZibr_rv L\hc ^jm] ih i_j_ibkd_ :g^j_c 12 Prospect Mira Moscow, Russia 173613 November 15, 2003 Dear Alysia, Hello. Me name is Zhenya and I live in Moscow. I read your letter in me textbook and I’d like to become your pen friend. You wrote that you have a cat and a dog. I like animals very much. I have a dog, a parrot and a turtle. They are all funny. The turtle’s name is Tutty. She is very slow and phlegmatic. I like tennis too. Please write more about yourself. Hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes, Zhenya. Ijhki_dl FbjZ Fhkd\Z Jhkkby ghy[jy ] >hjh]Zy :ebkby Ijb\_l F_gy ah\ml @_gy b y `b\m \ Fhkd\_ Y ijhq_e l\h_ ibkvfh \ k\h_f mq_[gbd_ b ohl_e [u klZlv l\hbf ^jm]hf ih i_j_ibkd_ Lu gZibkZeZ qlh m l_[y _klv dhrdZ b kh[ZdZ Y hq_gv ex[ex `b\hlguo M f_gy _klv kh[ZdZ ihim]Zc b q_j_iZoZ Q_j_iZom ah\ml Lmllb HgZ hq_gv f_^e_ggZy b ne_]fZlbqgZy Y lh`_ ex[ex l_ggbk Ih`ZemcklZ gZibrb ih[hevr_ h k_[_ GZ^_xkv qlh lu kdhjh gZibr_rv K gZbemqrbfb ih`_eZgbyfb @_gy

?keb \u ohlbl_ ihkeZlv ibkvfh h^ghfm ba mq_gbdh\ \ DZlhebq_kdhf Dhee_^`_ DZkbfbj ihrebl_ ibkvfh ih wlhfm Z^j_km ?keb \u ohlbl_ gZibkZlv h^ghfm ba mq_gbdh\ Dhee_^`Z Kj_^g_]h H[mq_gby KljZlfhj \Zf gm`gh ihkeZlv ibkvfh ih wlhfm Z^j_km DZd gZibkZlv ebqgh_ ibkvfh :^j_k hlijZ\bl_ey >ZlZ Ijb\_lkl\b_ beb \klmibl_evgZy qZklv ibkvfZ Hkgh\ghc l_dkl ibkvfZ AZdexqbl_evgZy qZklv Dhgph\dZ Ih^ibkv :^j_k hlijZ\bl_ey GZibrbl_ k\hc Z^j_k \ \_jog_f ijZ\hf m]em ibkvfZ G_ ibrbl_ k\h_ bfy >ZlZ GZibrbl_ ^Zlm ih^ Z^j_khf HklZ\vl_ f_klh f_`^m Z^j_khf b ^Zlhc Kms_kl\mxl jZagu_ gZibkZgby ^Zlu 41

Ijb\_lkl\b_ beb \klmibl_evgZy qZklv ibkvfZ Ihke_ ijb\_lkl\by beb \klmibl_evghc qZklb ibkvfZ ihklZ\vl_ aZiylmx >hjh]Zy Wfbeb. Hkgh\ghc l_dkl ibkvfZ GZqgbl_ ibkvfh k ijb\_lkl\by GZqgbl_ k aZ]eZ\ghc [md\u Ijb\_l Wfbeb DZd ^_eZ? Ba\bgb, qlh y g_ ibkZe kiZkb[h aZ l\h_ ibkvfh. AZdexqbl_evgZy qZklv AZdZgqb\Zcl_ lZd Ih`ZemcklZ, gZibrb fg_ ihkdhj__ GZ^_xkv, qlh lu kdhjh gZibr_rv I_j_^Z\Zc gZbemqrb_ ih`_eZgby k\h_c k_fv_ Dhgph\dZ: Ih^ibrbl_ ibkvfh K ex[h\vx [ebadbf ^jmavyf b k_fv_ K gZbemqrbfb ih`_eZgbyfb Bkdj_gg_ <Zr \ [he__ nhjfZevguo ibkvfZo H[uqgh ihke_ wlbo \ujZ`_gbc klZ\blky aZiylZy L\hc ^jm] Ih^ibkv ?keb \u ihevah\Zebkv dhfivxl_jhf beb ibrms_c fZrbgdhc g_ aZ[m^vl_ ih^ibkZlv ibkvfh jmdhc


JZa]h\hjgZy ijZdlbdZ KZrZ b Hev]Z magZxl h jmkkdbo \ :\kljZebb Ih`ZemcklZ ijhqlbl_ ke_^mxsb_ ^bZeh]b \kemo AZl_f jZau]jZcl_ bo kh k\hbfb h^ghdeZkkgbdZfb Hkh[h_ \gbfZgb_ h[jZsZcl_ gZ fh^Zevgu_ ]eZ]heu Ihke_ ijhql_gby ih`ZemcklZ \uihegbl_ mijZ`g_gby

JZaghh[jZab_ dmevlmj \ :\kljZebb Hev]Z Lhf fu magZeb qlh \ :\kljZebb ijh`b\Z_l [he__ gZpbc Lhf :\kljZeby ² h^gZ ba kZfuo fgh]hgZpbhgZevguo kljZg \ fbj_ KZrZ Lu g_ fh] [u kdZaZlv gZf kdhevdh jmkkdbo ijh`b\Z_l \ :\kljZebb" Lhf Y g_ m\_j_g gh m f_gy _klv jmkkdbc khk_^ Y fh]m \Zk ihagZdhfblv Y m\_j_g qlh hg kfh`_l kdZaZlv \Zf KZrZ b Hev]Z \klj_qZxlky k jmkkdbf \ Kb^g__ Lhf Ijb\_l <bdlhj Y ohl_e [u ihagZdhfblv l_[y k fhbfb ^jmavyfb KZr_c b Hev]hc Hgb ijb_oZeb ba Jhkkbb <bdlhj IjZ\^Z" DZd bgl_j_kgh Hq_gv ijbylgh ihagZdhfblvky k \Zfb KZrZ b Hev]Z GZf lh`_ ijbylgh ihagZdhfblvky Lhf KZrZ b Hev]Z ohl_eb [u [hevr_ magZlv h jmkkdbo \ :\kljZebb Lu g_ fh] [u jZkkdZaZlv qlh gb[m^v h jmkkdbo ihk_e_gpZo a^_kv" <bdlhj Y agZx qlh fgh]b_ ex^b kh \k_]h fbjZ ihk_ebebkv \ :\kljZebb G_dhlhju_ ba gbo ijb_oZeb ba [u\r_]h Kh\_lkdh]h KhxaZ I_j\uf jmkkdbf h[hkgh\Z\rbfky \ Jhkkbb [ue I_lj Ihlhpdbc jmkkdbc fhjyd b hnbp_j Zjfbb Hg ijb_oZe kx^Z \ ]h^m 42

KZrZ Y keurZe qlh GbdheZc Fbdemoh FZdeZc jmkkdbc mq_guc b iml_r_kl\_ggbd [ue \ Kb^g__ <bdlhj IjZ\bevgh GbdheZc Fbdemoh FZdeZc ijbieue \ Kb^g_c \ ]h^m Hg hkgh\Ze fhjkdmx [bheh]bq_kdmx klZgpbx \ :\kljZebb Hg `be a^_kv g_kdhevdh e_l Hg `_gbeky gZ Z\kljZebcd_ b m g_]h jh^bebkv ^\Z kugZ Bo ihlhfdb \k_ _s_ `b\ml \ Kb^g__ Hev]Z IjZ\^Z" Y agZx qlh hg mf_j \ Jhkkbb ?]h fh]beZ gZoh^blky \ KZgdl I_l_j[mj]_ <bdlhj < :\kljZebx ijb_a`Zxl fgh]h ex^_c ba Jhkkbb <u agZeb qlh gZrZ agZf_gblZy [Ze_jbgZ :ggZ IZ\eh\Z b gZr agZf_gbluc i_\_p N_^hj RZeyibg ihk_lbeb :\kljZebx \ ]h^m" Hev]Z H :ggZ IZ\eh\Z [ueZ \_ebdhc lZgph\sbp_c <bdlhj >Z B j_p_il ijb]hlh\e_gby ibjh]Z IZ\eh\hc a^_kv hq_gv ihimeyj_g :\kljZebcpu qZklh _]h _^yl Y fh]m ^Zlv \Zf wlhl j_p_il <Zf gZ^h ijb]hlh\blv _]h b kZfbf ihijh[h\Zlv IZjhfu Kb^g_y <bdlhj <u fgh]h ^hklhijbf_qZl_evghkl_c hkfhlj_eb \ Kb^g__" KZrZ >Z <bdlhj : \u ieZ\Zeb gZ iZkkZ`bjkdhf iZjhf_" Hev]Z ?s_ g_l <bdlhj <Zf gZ^h ihieZ\Zlv gZ iZjhf_ ihdZ \u \ Kb^g__ Lh]^Z \u kfh`_l_ m\b^_lv ^hklhijbf_qZl_evghklb Kb^g_y k \h^u KZrZ >Z y keurZe qlh dZ`^hfm lmjbklm klhbl m\b^_lv Hi_jguc AZe Kb^g_y k \h^u Hev]Z GZf gZ^h aZieZlblv aZ ih_a^dm gZ iZjhf_" <bdlhj >Z dZ`^uc ^he`_g dmiblv [be_l qlh[u ih_oZlv gZ ijh]medm KZrZ =^_ fu fh`_f dmiblv [be_l" <bdlhj < ihjlm Hev]Z Fu [u lZd`_ ohl_eb ih_oZlv gZ wdkdmjkbx gZ Z\lh[mk_ ih Kb^g_x Y keurZe qlh a^_rgxx Zjobl_dlmjm klhbl m\b^_lv GZc^bl_ b i_j_\_^bl_ fh^Zevgu_ ]eZ]heu \ l_dkl_ &RXOG ² g_ fh] [u +DYH WR ² ^he`gu &DQ ² fh]m 6KRXOG ² ^he`gu klhbl :LOO EH DEOH ² kfh`_l :LOO EH DEOH ² kfh`_l_ &RXOG ² g_ fh] [u 0XVW ² ^he`_g &DQ ² fh]m +DYH WR ² gm`gh Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku Kdhevdh gZpbc `b\_l \ :\kljZebb" 2YHU QDWLRQDOLWLHV OLYH LQ $XVWUDOLD ;he__ gZpbc ijh`b\Zxl \ :\kljZebb Hldm^Z khk_^ LhfZ" 43

7RP¶V QHLJKERU LV IURP 5XVVLD Khk_^ LhfZ ba Jhkkbb Ihq_fm KZr_ b Hev]_ klhbl ih]h\hjblv k gbf dZd \u ^mfZ_l_" They should talk to him because he can tell them about Russians who OLYH LQ $XVWUDOLD Bf klhbl ih]h\hjblv k gbf ihlfm qlh hg fh`_l jZkkdZaZlv bf h jmkkdbo `b\msbo \ :\kljZebb Dlh [ue i_j\uf jmkkdbf h[hkgh\Z\rbfky \ Jhkkbb" The first Russian to settle in Australia was Peter Potoski, a Russian sailor DQG DUP\ RIILFHU I_j\uf jmkkdbf h[hkgh\Z\rbfky \ Jhkkbb [ue I_lj Ihlhpdbc jmkkdbc fhjyd b hnbp_j Zjfbb DZdhc ba\_klguc jmkkdbc q_eh\_d ihk_lbe :\kljZebx \ ]h^m" Qlh hg ^_eZe \ :\kljZebb" =^_ hg ihohjhg_g" 1LNRODL 0LNORXKR 0DFOD\ YLVLWHG $XVWUDOLD LQ GH HVWDEOLVKHG D PDULQH ELRORJLFDO VWDWLRQ +H ZDV EXULHG LQ 5XVVLD GbdheZc Fbdemoh FZdeZc ihk_lbe :\kljZebx \ ]h^m Hg hkgh\Ze fhjkdmx [bheh]bq_kdmx klZgpbx ?]h ihohjhgbeb \ Jhkkbb DZdb_ _s_ agZf_gblu_ jmkkdb_ ex^b ihk_lbeb :\kljZebx" $QQD 3DYORYD DQG )HGRU 6KDODSLQ YLVLWHG $XVWUDOLD :ggZ IZ\eh\Z b N_^hj RZeyibg ihk_lbeb :\kljZebx < q_klv dh]h [ue gZa\Zg ibjh]" <Zf agZdhf wlhl ibjh]" Anna Pavlova has a cake named after her. I’m not familiar with it. Ibjh] [ue gZa\Zg \ q_klv :ggu IZ\eh\hc Hg fg_ g_ agZdhf ;ueb eb KZrZ b Hev]Z gZ iZkkZ`bjkdhf iZjhf_ \ Kb^g__" 1R WKH\ KDYHQ¶W G_l Ihq_fm bf klhbl ijhdZlblvky gZ iZkkZ`bjkdhf iZjhf_" They should take a ride on the paasenger ferry because they will be DEOH WR VHH WKH VLJKWV RI 6\GQH\ IURP WKH ZDWHU bf klhbl ijhdZlblvky gZ iZkkZ`bjkdhf iZjhf_ ihlhfm qlh hgb kfh]ml m\b^_lv ^hklhijbf_qZl_evghklb Kb^g_y k \h^u

GZ^h eb ieZlblv qlh[u ijhdZlblvky gZ iZjhf_" <HV \RX GR >Z =^_ fh`gh dmiblv [be_l gZ ijh]medm gZ iZjhf_" <RX FDQ EX\ D WLFNHW IRU D IHUU\ ULGH DW WKH KDUERXU ;be_l gZ ijh]medm gZ iZjhf_ fh`gh dmiblv \ ihjlm <u dh]^Z gb[m^v dZlZebkv gZ iZkkZ`bjkdhf iZjhf_" 1R , KDYHQ¶W G_l JZau]jZcl_ ke_^mxsbc ^bZeh] \ iZjZo H^bg mq_gbd [m^_l <bdlhjhf Z ^jm]hc <RX V Ijbylgh ihagZdhfblvky Hldm^Z lu" You ,¶P IURP 5XVVLD Y ba Jhkkbb V IjZ\^Z" DZd bgl_j_kgh Lu fgh]h ^hklhijbf_qZl_evghkl_c hkfhlj_e \ Kb^g__" You <HV , KDYH >Z 44

V Lu dZlZeky gZ iZkkZ`bjkdhf iZjhf_ \ Kb^g__" You 1R , KDYHQÂśW G_l L_[_ ^_ckl\bl_evgh klhbl ijhdZlblvky ihdZ lu a^_kv You: Yes, I know that every tourist should take a ride. Do I have to EX\ D WLFNHW WR ULGH D IHUU\" >Z y agZx qlh dZ`^hfm lmjbklm klhbl ijhdZlblvky gZ iZjhf_ Fg_ gm`gh ieZlblv qlh[u ijhdZlblvky "

V >Z \k_ ^he`gu ihdmiZlv [be_l gZ ijh]medm gZ iZjhf_ You :KHUH FDQ , EX\ D WLFNHW" =^_ y fh]m dmiblv [be_l"

V Lu fh`_rv dmiblv _]h \ ihjlm Ijbylgh ijh\_klb \j_fy Dhj` IZ\eh\hc Ljb ybqguo [_edZ A qZcguo eh`db oheh^ghc \h^u qZrdZ kZoZjZ qZcgZy eh`dZ mdkmkZ qZcgZy eh`dZ \Zgbevghc wkk_gpbb qZcguo eh`db fmdb <a[_cl_ [_edb ^h dj_idhc i_gu >h[Z\vl_ oheh^gmx \h^m b kgh\Z \a[_cl_ <a[b\Zy ihkl_i_ggh ^h[Z\eycl_ kZoZj F_^e_ggh \a[b\Zy ^h[Z\vl_ mdkmk \Zgbevgmx wkk_gpbx b fmdm Iheh`bl_ kfZaZggmx `bjhf [mfZ]m gZ kfZaZgguc `bjhf ijhlb\_gv b i_dbl_ ijb l_fi_jZlmj_ ]jZ^mkh\ fbgml aZl_f ^Zcl_ hklulv \ ^moh\d_ H[uqgh dhj` IZ\eh\hc gZihegy_lky dj_fhf b ihdju\Z_lky k\_`bfb njmdlZfb lZdbfb dZd db\b [ZgZgu b dem[gbdZ

=jZffZlbdZ 3. On Mondays I have to get up at 7.30 a.m. On Tuesday I have take the dog for a walk. On Wednesday I have to wash the dishes. On Thursday I have to go to my courses. On Friday I have to tidy up my room. On Saturday I don’t have to go to school. On Sunday I have to do my homework. 4. 1) First you have to boil some milk for one minute. 2) Then you have to let the milk stand for five minutes. 3) Next, you have to add a little yogurt and stir. 4) After that you have to leave the mixture in a warm place for eight hours. 5. First you have to beat whites until stiff. Then you have to add cold water and beat again. Next, you have to add sugar gradually while still beating. After that, you have to add vinegar, vanilla and flour still beating. Then you have to place on greased paper on a greased tray and bake it for 45 minutes. Then you have to leave it cool in the oven. 45

DZdZy m f_gy jZ[hlZ" GZibrbl_ gZa\Zgb_ jZ[hlu gZ ebkld_ [mfZ]b Mq_gbdb iulZxlky magZlv qlh wlh aZ jZ[hlZ aZ^Z\Zy \hijhku GZibf_j hgb fh]ml kijhkblv ©L_[_ gm`gh jZgh \klZ\Zlv fgh]h jZ[hlZlv ghkblv mgbnhjfm"ª 7. Lhf Kfhljb k\_l g_ jZ[hlZ_l >`be wlh g_ ijh[e_fZ Lhf <k_ qlh gZf gm`gh ² wlh eZfihqdZ Lhf B fg_ g_ gjZ\blky p\_l kl_g >`be Wlh g_ ijh[e_fZ Lhf <k_ qlh gZf gm`gh ² wlh djZkdZ b dbklb Z Lhf <u]ey^bl qm^_kgh >`be >`be >Z g_iehoh Lhf Lu mklZeZ" >`be >Z Qlh fg_ gm`g lZd wlh qZrdZ qZy Lhf G_l ijh[e_f >`be Y ihc^m b k^_eZx l_[_ qZc 8. 1) I need a tennis raquet, a ball and a net. 2) I need a visa, a suitcase, a ticket, a camera and money. 3) I need flour, cheese, eggs, tomatoes, meat and mashrooms. 9. 1) need ironing; 2) need mending; 3) needs cutting; 4) need throwing away; 5) needs tidying up.; 6) need washing.; 7) needs repairing; 8) needs feeding. 10. FZevqbd M f_gy [u\Zxl kkhju k jh^bl_eyfb ih ih\h^m lh]h fh`gh eb fg_ ]meylv \_q_jhf >_\hqdZ M f_gy lh`_ Fhb jh^bl_eb g_ jZaj_rZxl fg_ oh^blv gZ ^bkdhl_db Fg_ lZd`_ g_ jZaj_rZxl ]meylv k fZevqbdZfb >_\hqdZ Fg_ lh`_ Y ^he`gu [ulv ^hfZ \ ^_kylv beb fhb jh^bl_eb hq_gv jZkk_j^ylky FZevqbd H Z y g_ ^he`_g Y fh]m ]meylv kdhevdh fg_ gjZ\blky >_\hqdZ M f_gy [u\Zxl kkhju k jh^bl_eyfb ih ih\h^m ^hfZrg_c jZ[hlu Hgb kqblZxl qlh y hq_gv e_gb\Zy b ^_eZx g_^hklZlhqgh ^hfZrg_c jZ[hlu Hgb aZklZ\eyxl f_gy ^_eZlv ^hfZrgxx jZ[hlm ^\Z qZkZ dZ`^uc \_q_j FZevqbd Fhb jh^bl_eb kqblZxl qlh kebrdhf qZklh oh`m gZ \_q_jbgdb 11. M l_[y [u\Zxl kkhju k jh^bl_eyfb ih ih\h^m lh]h fh`gh eb l_[_ ]meylv \_q_jhf" 1R , GRQ¶W JZaj_rZxl eb l_[_ oh^blv gZ ^bkdhl_db" <HV WKH\ GR JZaj_rZxl eb l_[_ ]meylv k fZevqbdZfb ^_\hqdZfb" <HV , DP >he`_g eb lu [ulv ^hfZ \ ^_kylv" 1R , GRQ¶W Fh`_rv eb lu ]meylv kdhevdh l_[_ gjZ\blky" <HV , FDQ ;u\Zxl eb m l_[y kkhju k jh^bl_eyfb ih ih\h^m ^hfZrg_c jZ[hlu" 1R , GRQ¶W 46

KqblZxl eb hgb qlh lu hq_gv e_gb\uc b ^_eZ_rv g_^hklZlhqgh ^hfZrg_c jZ[hlu" 1R WKH\ GRQ¶W AZklZ\eyxl eb l_[y jh^bl_eb ^_eZlv ^hfZrgxx jZ[hlm ^\Z qZkZ dZ`^uc \_q_j" 1R WKH\ GRQ¶W KqblZxl eb hgb qlh lu kebrdhf qZklh oh^brv gZ \_q_jbgdb" No, they don’t.

Ijhqlbl_ b magZcl_ Jmkkdb_ \ :\kljZebb LZfZjZ :e_dkZg^jh\gZ <_glmjZ F_gy ah\ml LZfZjZ :e_dkZg^jh\gZ <_glmjZ Y `b\m \ Kb^g__ :\kljZeby Fhy k_fvy ijb_oZeZ \ :\kljZebx Dh]^Z fg_ [ueh e_l :\kljZeby ² m^b\bl_evgZy b djZkb\Zy kljZgZ Ex^b a^_kv ^h[ju_ b \_`eb\u_ HgZ hdjm`_gZ iey`Zfb ahehlufb i_kdZfb b bamfbl_evgufb hkljh\Zfb < Kb^g__ h^gZ ba kZfuo aZo\Zlu\Zxsbo ]Z\Zg_c \ fbj_ Ahehlu_ aZdZlu k\_jdZxl gZ \h^_ \ lh \j_fy dZd [_eu_ dZd kg_] yolu e_gb\h ijhieu\Zxl ih^ fhklhf \ =Z\Zgb Kb^g_y Hi_jguc AZeklhbl dZd k\_jdZxsbc [jbeebZgl gZ^ ]hem[ufb \h^Zfb gZr_c ihjZabl_evghc ]Z\Zgb P_gjl Kb^g_y khklhbl ba \ukhdbo we_]Zglguo a^Zgbc ;Zrgy P_gljihcgl \_ebq_kl\_ggh \ha\urZ_lky ihaZ^b mgb\_jfZ]Z >w\b^Z >`hgkZ dhlhjuc ba\_kl_g dZd ©kZfuc djZkb\uc fZ]Zabg \ fbj_ª Y jZ[hlZx \ hl^_e_ fh^ \ >w\b^ >`hgk D gZf ijboh^bl fgh]h ihk_lbl_e_c ba Jhkkbb QZklh f_gy ah\ml ihjZ[hlZlv i_j_\h^qbdhf Y klZjZxkv ihfhqv \ jZ[hq__ \j_fy b lZd`_ \klj_qZxkv k ex^vfb ihke_ jZ[hlu qlh[u ihdZaZlv bf Kb^g_c Y ih^jm`beZkv kh fgh]bfb ex^vfb ba jZaguo qZkl_c Jhkkbb Fhc hl_p [ue ^hgkdbf dZaZdhf \ [_ehc Zjfbb pZjy ?fm [ueh ihqlb e_l dh]^Z y jh^beZkv Hg qZklh jZkkdZau\Ze fg_ bklhjbb ba k\h_c `bagb \ lh \j_fy dh]^Z hg [ue fheh^uf hnbp_jhf Hg jZkkdZaZe fg_ h E_lg_f b Abfg_f >\hjpZo \ KZgdl I_l_j[mj]_ b h kh[hjZo k ahehlufb dmiheZfb \ nhjf_ emdh\bpu >Z y ex[ex :\kljZebx H^gZ`^u f_gy kijhkbeb dZdmx kljZgm y ex[ex [hevr_ \k_]h DZd y fh]m jZa^_eblv k_fvx" :\kljZeby ² fh_ hl_q_kl\h Z Jhkkby ² fhy jh^bgZ Y jh^beZkv \ Jhkkbb GbdheZc Fbdemoh FZdeZc GbdheZc Fbdemoh FZdeZc ² [ue \u^Zxsbfky jmkkdbf mq_guf ]mfZgbklhf b iml_r_kl\_ggbdhf Hg lZd`_ [ue Zgljhiheh]hf b ahheh]hf Hg [ue ohjhrh ba\_kl_g \ Jhkkbb b aZ ]jZgbp_c < ]h^m Fbdemoh FZdeZc ih_oZe \ Gh\mx =\bg_x ]^_ ijh\_e f_kyp_\ Ex^b \ Gh\hc =\bg__ ihfgyl i_j\h]h _\jhi_cpZ dhlhjuc klmibe gZ bo a_fex b `be kj_^b gbo dZd bo ij_^Zgguc ^jm] ;molZ ]^_ 47

hg `be [ueZ gZa\ZgZ Ših[_j_`v_ FZdeZyª < _]h q_klv [ueb gZi_qZlZgu fZjdb b kms_kl\m_l fgh]h e_]_g^ h g_f kj_^b iZimZkh\ GbdheZc Fbdemoh FZdeZc aZ\h_\Ze ^h\_jb_ b \hkobs_gb_ f_klguo `bl_e_c \ Gh\hc =\bg__ B g_kfhljy gZ lh qlh hg aZ[he_e fZeyjb_c \ Gh\hc =\bg__ b kbevgh [he_e hg gZibkZe Šgb d h^ghfm m]hedm a_fgh]h rZjZ \ dhlhjhf fg_ ijboh^behkv `blv \h \j_fy fhbo kljZgkl\bc y g_ qm\kl\h\Ze lZdhc ijb\yaZgghklb dZd d ih[_j_`vx Gh\hc =\bg__ª Hl gZmqghc jZ[hlu Fbdemoh FZdeZy qZklh hl\e_dZeZ _]h dZfiZgby ijhlb\ g_kijZ\_^eb\hklb [_euo Hg [ue haZ[hq_g iheh`_gb_f gZjh^h\ Lboh]h hd_ZgZ \ k\hbo Zgljhiheh]bq_kdbo bkke_^h\Zgbyo b hg [ue h[_kihdh_g ihke_^kl\byfb bo dhglZdlh\ k [_eufb ex^vfb Mom^r_gb_ a^hjh\vy \ugm^beh FZdeZy i_j__oZlv \ [he__ mf_j_gguc debfZl :\kljZebb Hg ijb_oZe \ Kb^g_c \ ]h^m ]^_ hg ijbgye mqZklb_ \ bgl_ee_dlmZevghc b gZmqghc `bagb ]hjh^Z ?]h bgl_j_kh\Zeh [eZ]hihemqb_ Z[hjb]_gh\ \ :\kljZebb b bkdZe kihkh[u aZsblblv bo Hg lZd`_ ij_^eh`be kha^Zgb_ fhjkdhc [bheh]bq_kdhc klZgpbb \ Kb^g__ b jZ[hlZe lZf g_kdhevdh e_l Fbdemoh FZdeZc `_gbeky \ ]h^m >\Z _]h kugZ jh^bebkv \ Kb^g__ < dhgp_ dhgph\ Fbdemoh FZdeZc \_jgmeky \ Jhkkbx qlh[u dhgljhebjh\Zlv him[ebdh\Zgb_ k\hbo jZ[hl ?]h ^g_\gbdb ibkvfZ b ^hdmf_glu [ueb him[ebdh\Zgu b h g_f [ueh gZibkZgh g_kdhevdh dgb] Kh[jZgb_ _]h [mfZ] _klv \ Kb^g__ HklZevgu_ Zgljhiheh]bq_kdb_ b wlgh]jZnbq_kdb_ fZl_jbZeu ojZgylky \ Jhkkbb Fbdemoh FZdeZc mf_j \ Jhkkbb \ ]h^m \ \hajZkl_ e_l < _]h q_klv gZa\Zg Bgklblml Wlgh]jZnbb \ KZgdl I_l_j[mj]_ Z lZd`_ fgh]b_ mebpu \ Jhkkbb b gZ MdjZbg_ < q_klv e_lg_]h x[be_y Fbdemoh FZdeZy \ Kb^g_c ba Jhkkbb [ueZ ijb\_a_gZ [jhgah\Zy kdmevilmjZ Ihke_ kf_jlb Fbdemoh FZdeZy _]h `_gZ \_jgmeZkv \ Kb^g_c K_cqZk _]h \gmdb k k_fvyfb `b\ml \ :\kljZebb Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku =^_ jh^beky Fbdemoh FZdeZc" 0LNORXKR 0DNOD\ ZDV ERUQ LQ 5XVVLD Fbdemoh FZdeZc jh^beky \ Jhkkbb Dlh hg [ue ih ijhn_kkbb" He was an outstanding scientist, humanist, traveller, anthropologist and ]RRORJLVW Hg [ue \u^Zxsbfky mq_guf ]mfZgbklhf iml_r_kl\_ggbdhf Zgljhiheh]hf b ahheh]hf

Dlh [ue i_j\uf _\jhi_cp_f klmib\rbf gZ a_fex Gh\hc =\bg_b" Miklouho-Maklay was the first European to visit New Guinea. Fbdemoh FZdeZc [ue i_j\uf _\jhi_cp_f klmib\rbf gZ a_fex Gh\hc =\bg_b" 48

DZd \u ^mfZ_l_ ihq_fm Fbdemoh FZdeZy gZau\Zeb ]mfZgbklhf" I think he was called humanist because he was concerned by the situation of the native peoples in New Guinea and Australia. He tried to KHOS WKHP DQG VRXJKW ZD\V WR SURWHFW WKHP >mfZx qlh _]h gZau\Zeb ]mfZgbklhf ihlhfm qlh hg [ue haZ[hq_g iheh`_gb_f Z[hjb]_gh\ \ Gh\hc =\bg__ b \ :\kljZebb Hg iulZeky ihfhqv bf b bkdZe kihkh[u aZsblblv bo Dh]h klZjZeky aZsblblv Fbdemoh FZdeZc dh]^Z hg [ue \ Gh\hc =\bg__ b \ :\kljZebb" +H WULHG WR SURWHFW WKH QDWLYHV Hg iulZeky aZsblblv f_klguo `bl_e_c =^_ fh`gh gZclb im[ebdZpbb Fbdemoh FZdeZy You can find his publications in Russia. A number of his papers can EH IRXQG LQ 6\GQH\ ?]h im[ebdZpbb fh`gh gZclb \ Jhkkbb G_dhlhju_ [mfZ]b fh`gh gZclb \ Kb^g__

<u agZ_l_ ^jm]bo agZf_gbluo jmkkdbo ex^_c `b\rbo \ :\kljZebb" I know that Fedor Shaliapin and Anna Pavlova lived in Australia for VRPH WLPH Y agZx qlh N_^hj RZeyibg b :ggZ IZ\eh\Z `beb dZdh_ lh \j_fy \ :\kljZebb

Qlh \Zrb ex[bfu_ jmkkdb_ ibkZl_eb ^mfZeb h[ :\kljZebb H[ h[jZa_ :\kljZebb \ Jhkkbb \ \_d_ b gZ jm[_`_ \_dh\ fh`gh km^blv ih b^_yf b fg_gbyf \_^msbo jmkkdbo ibkZl_e_c lZdbo dZd :glhg Q_oh\ E_\ Lheklhc b ^jm]bo >ey :glhgZ Q_oh\Z :\kljZeby [ueZ ^Ze_dbf f_klhf dm^Z `bag_ggu_ ljm^ghklb g_ ^hoh^beb Hg bkihevah\Ze :\kljZebx dZd f_lZnhjm hl^uoZ b [_ahiZkghklb H^gZ`^u hg gZibkZe ba k\h_]h bf_gby k\h_fm j_^Zdlhjm ŠH^bg ^_gv ^eblky \_qghklv Qm\kl\m_rv dZd [m^lh lu \ :\kljZebb gZ djZx k\_lZ Bgh]^Z fg_ gZklhevdh ohjhrh qlh ba km_\_jby y aZklZ\eyx k_[y \kihfgblv k\hbo dj_^blhjh\ dhlhju_ h^gZ`^u \u]hg yl f_gy ba fh_c :\kljZebbª M Ev\Z Lheklh]h [ueh kh\k_f ^jm]h_ fg_gb_ Hg kqblZe :\kljZebx fheh^uf h[s_kl\hf dhlhjh_ fh]eh \hiehlblv _]h b^_Zeu \ `bagv Hg ibkZe Z\kljZebckdhfm khpbZebklm Š< \Zr_c kljZg_ _klv \k_ mkeh\by qlh[u mklZgh\blv bklbggh ojbklbZgkdbc b [jZlkdbc h[jZa `bagb dhlhjuc hk\h[h^be [u gZk hl ]j_oh\ klZjh]h fbjZ ª >ey fgh]bo jmkkdbo ihwlh\ jm[_`Z \_dh\ :\kljZeby [ueZ ]eZ\guf h[jZahf wdahlbq_kdbf f_klhf bklhqgbdhf wdahlbq_kdbo h[jZah\ H^gbf ba g_fgh]bo jmkkdbo ibkZl_e_c dhlhjuc kfh] kjZ\gblv k\hb nZglZabb b j_Zevghklv [ue DhgklZglbg ;Zevfhgl Hg m\b^_e qlh kljZgZ k __ wdahlbq_kdhc b ij_djZkghc ijbjh^hc g_h[uqgufb ilbpZfb jZkl_gbyfb b `b\hlgufb [ueZ lZd `_ kh\j_f_gguf h[49

s_kl\hf \ujZsb\Zxsbf h\_p ijhba\h^ysbf fZrbgu b kljhysbf `_e_agu_ ^hjh]b b kh k\h_c ihwlbq_kdhc ^mrhc [ue hq_gv jZahqZjh\Zg wlbf I_j_ibkv gZk_e_gby ² :\kljZeby 2l\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku GZ dZdhf yaud_ ihke_ Zg]ebckdh]h ]h\hjyl [hevrbgkl\h Z\kljZebcp_\" $IWHU (QJOLVK ,WDOLDQ LV VSRNHQ E\ PRVW $XVWUDOLDQV Ihke_ Zg]ebckdh]h [hevrbgkl\h Z\kljZebcp_\ ]h\hjyl gZ blZevygkdhf yaud_ Kdhevdh `_gsbg ^_\hq_d ]h\hjyl gZ ]j_q_kdhf yaud_" ZRPHQ JLUOV VSHDN *UHHN `_gsbg ^_\hq_d ]h\hjyl gZ ]j_q_kdhf yaud_ Kdhevdh fm`qbg fZevqbdh\ ]h\hjyl gZ bkiZgkdhf yaud_" PHQ ER\V VSHDN 6SDQLVK fm`qbg fZevqbdh\ ]h\hjyl gZ bkiZgkdhf yaud_ Kdhevdh ijhp_glh\ gZk_e_gby ]h\hjbl gZ njZgpmakdhf" RI SRSXODWLRQ VSHDNV )UHQFK ijhp_glZ gZk_e_gby ]h\hjbl gZ njZgpmakdhf Ih`ZemcklZ kjZ\gbl_ wlb ^\_ lZ[ebpu b h[km^bl_ jZaebqby k h^ghdeZkkgbdZfb Ijb[ulb_ ihk_e_gp_\ ² kljZg ba dhlhjuo ij_a`Z_l [hevrbgkl\h bffb]jZglh\ In 1965—1966 more settlers came to Australia than in 1995—1996. In 1965—1966 most people came from the UK and Irealand. In 1995—1996 New Zeland was the leading country in settlers. Fhc i_j\uc ij_^hd ih ebgbb hlpZ \ wlhc kljZg_ [ue LhfZk H¶Gbe jh^b\rbcky \ >m[ebg_ BjeZg^by \ ]h^m LhfZkZ 2¶GbeZ ijbkeZeb kx^Z \ dZq_kl\_ hkm`^_ggh]h gZ dhjZ[e_ ©>jm`[Zª ?]h ij_klmie_gb_f [ue hldZa m\Z`Zlv dhjhgm ?]h ijb]h\hjbeb d ]h^Zf \ Gh\hf X`ghf Mwevk_ LhfZk H¶Gbe [ue ihjlguf b kem`be ih^ gZqZevkl\hf ijZ\bl_ey Dbg]Z Ih aZ\_jr_gbb _]h kjhdZ aZdexq_gby _fm \u^_ebeb Zdjh\ a_feb \ f_kl_ ih^ gZa\Zgb_f >`hj^`k O_^ k_cqZk ba\_klghf dZd ;ZefhjZe LZf hg kZf ihkljhbe n_jfm b \ujZklbe g_[hevrhc kZ^ >h lh]h dZd hg klZe aZgbfZlvky kZ^hf m LhfZkZ [ue g_[hevrhc fZ]Zabg gZ Ibl Kljbl \ Kb^g__ Hg ijh^Ze fZ]Zabg qlh[u \eh`blv ^_gv]b \ kZ^ M LhfZkZ 2¶GbeZ [ueh ^\_ ^hq_jb WebaZ[_l b FZjbZggZ dhlhju_ iha`_ ijb_oZeb \ wlm kljZgm WebaZ[_l \ureZ aZfm` aZ ^jm]h]h aZdexq_ggh]h ih bf_gb Gbd Fmgb Fhc ^_^mrdZ y\ey_lky ijZijZ\gmdhf LhfZkZ 2¶GbeZ ?]h bfy ;Zjgb >`Zj\bk Hg \k_ _s_ `b\ ?fm e_l B bklhjby gZr_c k_fvb \k_ _s_ ijh^he`Z_lky 36 LhfZk 2¶Gbe mf_j \ ]h^m 50

GZkdhevdh ^Ze_dh \u fh`_l_ ijhke_^blv k\hx jh^hkeh\gmx" <h`^v Z[hjb]_gh\ Lu ² h^bg ba klZj_crbg \ k\h_f ie_f_gb <u `b\_l_ \ imklug_ A^_kv `Zjdh b kmoh <hdjm] hq_gv fZeh ^_j_\v_\ G_l gbdZdbo a^Zgbc Gbdlh g_ mf__l qblZlv beb ibkZlv < imklug_ `b\_l fgh]h `b\hlguo M \Zk g_l hjm`by qlh[u hohlblvky Qlh lu dZd \h`^v k^_eZ_rv qlh[u ex^b hklZebkv `b\u" H[\_^bl_ emqrb_ hl\_lu Ihke_ wlh]h ijhqlbl_ l_dkl ijb\_^_gguc gb`_ AZl_f _s_ jZa ijhkfhljbl_ hl\_lu dhlhju_ \u h[\_eb <u [u aZohl_eb baf_gblv g_dhlhju_ hl\_lu ihke_ ijhql_gby l_dklZ" Qlh gm`gh gZclb \ i_j\mx hq_j_^v" @bebs_ ?^m H^_`^m <h^m DZdh_ hjm`b_ gm`gh ^ey hohlu" Jm`v_ Dhiv_ Emd b klj_eu >m[bgdZ DZd \u [m^_l_ \_klb aZibkb lh]h qlh k^_eZeh \Zr_ ie_fy" Mq_[gbdb bklhjbb I_kgb b jZkkdZau >g_\gbdb b `mjgZeu DZdh_ mdjulb_ \u [u ihkljhbeb ^ey k\h_]h gZjh^Z" >_j_\ygguc ^hf Dbjibqguc ^hf GbdZdhc DZd [u \u ]hlh\beb ibsm" GZ iebl_ < fbdjh\hegh\hc i_qb L_jeb [u ^\_ iZedb qlh[u ^h[ulv h]hgv DZdmx ijhn_kkbx bf_eb [u \k_ qe_gu ie_f_gb" Iehlgbd Kh[bjZl_ev _^u KZih`gbd DZd qZklh \u [u i_j_^\b]Zebkv k f_klZ gZ f_klh" JZa \ ]h^ Gbdh]^Z Ihqlb dZ`^uc ^_gv DZdmx h^_`^m \u [u ghkbeb" Jm[Zrdb b [jxdb FZglbx GbdZdhc :[hjb]_gu Y ² h[uqguc Z[hjb]_g Y `b\m \ :\kljZebb Š:[hjb]_gª agZqbl Š`bl_evª G_dhlhju_ Z[hjb]_gu `b\ml gZ ih[_j_`v_ hdheh fhjy gh fhc gZjh^ `b\_l \ `Zjdhc kmohc imklug_ ihqlb \ p_glj_ :\kljZebb :[hjb]_gu ihy\bebkv \ :\kljZebb hdheh e_l gZaZ^ G_dhlhju_ ex^b kqblZxl qlh fu ijbieueb gZ eh^dZo ^jm]b_ kqblZxl qlh kms_kl\h\Ze i_j_r__d ih dhlhjhfm fu ijbreb Gh gbdlh g_ agZ_l gZ\_jgydZ Fhc gZjh^ g_ mf_e gb qblZlv gb ibkZlv ihwlhfm m gZk g_l mq_[gbdh\ qlh[u bamqZlv wlh Fu magZ\Zeb h gZr_f ijhrehf ba i_k_g b jZkkdZah\ LZdbf h[jZahf fu ihfgbf gZr_ ijhreh_ b wlh ijb^Z_l agZq_gb_ gZrbf `bagyf b dmevlmj_ Fu \_jbf \ lh qlh fu gZau\Z_f F_qlZ >mob kha^Zeb fbj b ^Zeb gZf `bagv AZl_f ^mob mreb `blv \ ^_j_\h beb dZf_gv Wlb \_sb klZeb ^ey Z[hjb]_gh\ k\ys_ggufb Bo khojZgyxl hojZgyxl b ihqblZxl 51

M dZ`^h]h Z[hjb]_gZ [ueZ hkgh\gZy jZ[hlZ ² gZclb _^m B fm`qbgu b `_gsbgu [ueb hiulgufb hohlgbdZfb b \k_ ^he`gu [ueb agZlv qlh fh`gh _klv Z qlh g_l Fu \k_]^Z aZ[hlbebkv h lhf qlh[u g_ kh[jZlv \k_ njmdlu b h\hsb Fu hklZ\eyeb g_dhlhju_ gZ ke_^mxsbc ]h^ :[hjb]_gu ijh\h^beb ljb q_l\_jlb ^gy kh[bjZy _^m GZr_ hjm`b_ khklhyeh ba ^_j_\yggh]h dhivy ^m[bgdb b [mf_jZg]Z M gZk g_ [ueh f_lZeeh\ GZr_ hjm`b_ [ueh k^_eZgh ba ^_j_\Z b dZfgy Fu g_ kljhbeb ^hfZ ihlhfm qlh fu ihklhyggh i_j_^\b]Zebkv gZ gh\u_ f_klZ \ ihbkdZo ibsb ;ueh lZd `Zjdh qlh gZf gm`gh [ueh kh\k_f g_[hevrh_ mdjulb_ Fu jZa`b]Zeb dhklj_ ihl_j_\ ^\_ iZedb ^jm] h[ ^jm]Z b gZ wlhf dhklj_ fu ]hlh\beb ibsm b ]j_ebkv hdheh g_]h _keb ghqb [ueb ijhoeZ^gufb Fu g_ ghkbeb h^_`^m ihlhfm qlh hgZ gZf [ueZ g_ gm`gZ LZf ]^_ fu `beb ^h`^v r_e j_^dh gh ^Z`_ ihke_ ^h`^y fu [ukljh \ukuoZeb b gbdh]^Z g_ aZ[he_\Zeb ba aZ fhdjhc h^_`^u <h^Z [ueZ kZfhc \Z`ghc \_svx ^ey `bagb :[hjb]_gu klZeb wdki_jlZfb \ gZoh`^_gbb \h^u \ imklug_ Fu agZeb dZd dhiZlv qlh[u gZclb \h^m Fu lZd`_ agZeb dZd gZclb \h^m \ l_e_ ey]mrdb \ imkluo [j_\gZo b \ dhjgyo ^_j_\v_\ Fu [ueb ohjhrbf gZjh^hf Fu aZ[hlbebkv ^jm] h ^jm]_ b ex[beb gZrbo ^_l_c Fu mqbeb gZrm fheh^_`v \k_fm qlh bf [ueh gm`gh qlh[u \u`blv \ gZrbo djZyo Ihke_ hohlu fu ^_ebebkv ihjh\gm M gZk [ueb i_kgb jZkkdZau b ^mob M gZk [ueb om^h`gbdZf dhlhju_ \uj_aZeb ih ^_j_\m b jbkh\Zeb M gZk [ueZ ly`_eZy b ohjhrZy `bagv <hl lZd hgh b [ueh e_l gZaZ^ \ :\kljZebx ijb_oZeb ex^b ba <_ebdh[jblZgbb qlh[u hlgylv gZrm a_fex M gbo [ueb [he_agb dhlhju_ m[beb fgh]h Z[hjb]_gh\ Fu [hjhebkv aZ k\hx a_fex b ihl_ji_eb ihjZ`_gb_ K_]h^gy hklZehkv fZeh bklbgguo Z[hjb]_gh\ Fu hklZ\beb klZjuc h[jZa `bagb qlh[u jZ[hlZlv \ ]hjh^Zo b gZ [hevrbo n_jfZo ih jZa\_^_gbx h\_p b kdhlZ K_cqZk gZrb ^_lb oh^yl \ rdhem Fu baf_gbebkv b \u`beb lZd `_ dZd fu \u`b\Zeb [he__ e_l \ imklugyo :\kljZebb Ih`ZemcklZ \uibrbl_ b i_j_\_^bl_ kdZam_fu_ \ l_dkl_ \ ^_ckl\bl_evghf b kljZ^Zl_evghf aZeh]_ >_ckl\bl_evguc aZeh] /LYH ² `b\m 0HDQV ² agZqbl /LYH ² `b\_l &DPH ² ijbreb 7KLQN ² ^mfZxl &DPH ² ijbreb .QRZV ² agZ_l 'LG QRW UHDG ² g_ qblZeb 'LG QRW ZULWH g_ ibkZeb +DYH ² bf_eb

KljZ^Zl_evguc aZeh] $UH SUHVHUYHG ² khojZgyxlky $UH JXDUGHG ² ohjZgyxlky $UH KRQRXUHG ² ihqblZxlky :HUH GHIHDWHG ² [ueb ih[_`^_gu


>_ckl\bl_evguc aZeh] .HSW WUDFN RI ² hlke_`b\Zeb 5HPHPEHU ² ihfgbf *LYH ² ^Z_f %HOLHYH ² \_jbf &UHDWHG ² kha^Zeb *DYH ² ^Zeb :HQW ² mseb %HFDPH ² klZeb :HUH ² [ueb +DG WR ² ^he`gu [ueb /HIW ² ihdbgmeb 6SHQW ² ijh\h^beb &RQVLVWHG ² khklhyeh 'LGQ¶W KDYH ² g_ bf_eb 'LGQ¶W EXLOG ² g_ kljhbeb :HUH PRYLQJ ² i_j_^\b]Zebkv 1HHGHG ² gm`^Zebkv 6WDUWHG ² gZqZeb 8VHG ² bkihevah\Zeb 'LG QRW ZHDU ² g_ ghkbeb +DG QR QHHG ² g_ gm`^Zebkv 5DLQHG ² r_e ^h`^v /LYHG ² `beb 'ULHG ² \ukuoZeb *RW VLFN ² aZ[he_\Zeb %HFDPH ² klZeb .QHZ ² agZeb /RRNHG DIWHU ² aZ[hlbebkv /RYHG ² ex[beb 7DXJKW ² mqbeb 1HHGHG ² gm`^Zebkv 6KDUHG ² ^_ebebkv &DUYHG ² \uj_aZeb ih ^_j_\m 'UHZ ² jbkh\Zeb &DPH ² ijbreb +DG NLOOHG ² m[beb )RXJKW ² [hjhebkv KDYH OHIW ² ihdbgmeb $WWHQG ² ihk_sZxl +DYH FKDQJHG ² baf_gbebkv +DYH VXUYLYHG ² \u`beb

KljZ^Zl_evguc aZeh]

Wjgb >bg]h Ba\_klguc Zdl_j wkljZ^guc Zjlbkl fmaudZgl b dhfbd Wjgb >bg]h emqr_ \k_]h ba\_kl_g ih jheb QZjeb \ nbevf_ ©Djhdh^be >_g^b ©ª hg bkihegy_l Z\kljZebckdmx fmaudm dhlhjZy \dexqZ_l \ k_[y ljZ^b-


pbhggu_ i_kgb Z[hjb]_gh\ h a_fe_ h ]hjh^_ h[ hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^_ b h lhf qlh agZqbl [ulv q_jguf [_euf beb ^jm]h]h p\_lZ Ihke_ q_luj_o e_l h[mq_gby gZ ]jZnbdZ \ I_jl_ Wjgb gZqZe aZgbfZlvky h[s_kl\_gghc jZ[hlhc h[mqZlv g_ Z[hjb]_gh\ dmevlmj_ Z[hjb]_gh\ Dh]^Z hg [ue j_[_gdhf ^y^b b klZjrb_ qe_gu k_fvb ^Zeb ljZ^bpbhggh_ bfy Z[hjb]_gh\ ŠMg^Zfmjmª K_]h^gy hg g_ kqblZ_l k_[y gb ]hjh^kdbf gb ljZ^bpbhgguf Z[hjb]_ghf ŠY ijhklh `b\m lZd dZd y agZx Jh^hf y ba [mrZ @b\m y \ ]hjh^_ Y ijbkihkZ[eb\Zxkv d ex[hfm f_klm \ dhlhjhf gZoh`mkv Y fh]m ihclb \ [mr b hklZ\blv ]hjh^ ihaZ^b b fh]m \_jgmlvky \ ]hjh^ hklZ\b\ [mrª B \k_ `_ Wjgb ijbagZ_l qlh _]h gZke_^b_ ^Z_l _fm qm\kl\h [_ahiZkghklb ŠHgh ^Z_l fg_ agZlv d_f y y\eyxkvª Bkdmkkl\h Z[hjb]_gh\ Kbf\heu b bo agZq_gb_ Dhgp_gljbq_kdbc djm] fh`_l h[hagZqZlv \h^hiZ^ eZ]_jv ^_j_\h beb f_klh \klj_qb KZfuc klZjuc bdhgh]jZnbq_kdbc kbf\he q_eh\_dZ Q_eh\_d k dhiv_f b [mf_jZg]hf Ke_^ wfm Ke_^ d_g]mjm AZ]jZ`^_gb_ Dheh^_p b l_dmsZy \h^Z AZ lukyqb e_l ie_f_gZ Z[hjb]_gh\ kha^Zeb bkdmkgu_ dZjlbgu gZ i_kd_ b l_e_ bkihevamy i_khd hojm djh\v i_jvy \_ldb b k_f_gZ ^ey k\hbo p_j_fhgbc

Yaud Z[hjb]_gh\ GZ yaudZo Z[hjb]_gh\ ]h\hjyl ih \k_c :\kljZebb EZ I_jmk \ Kb^g__ ² ^Z\gh hkgh\Zggh_ khh[s_kl\h dhlhjh_ \dexqZ_l Dmjbk dhlhjuc kgZqZeZ [ue qZklvx fbkkbb Z[hjb]_gh\ EZ I_jmk < EZ I_jmk fgh]b_ ex^b ]h\hjyl gZ Zg]ebckdhf \ZjbZgl_ Z[hjb]_gh\ <hl g_dhlhju_ keh\Z qZklh bkihevam_fu_ gZjh^Zfb Z[hjb]_gh\ \ EZ I_jmk b bo agZq_gby

:\lh[mku b iZjhfu Kb^g_y :\lh[mku b iZjhfu Kb^g_y ij_^hklZ\eyxl `bag_ggh g_h[oh^bfu_ k\yab f_`^m khh[s_kl\Zfb gZ ih[_j_`v_ b \ ]hjh^_ Hgb b]jZeb \Z`gmx jhev \ jhkl_ b jZa\blbb Kb^g_y <hl g_kdhevdh bgl_j_kguo nZdlh\ h[ Z\lh[mkZo b iZjhfZo Kb^g_y AgZ_l_ eb \u" :\lh[mku Kb^g_y ih^f_lZxl dZ`^uc ^_gv b dZ`^u_ ^\Z ² ljb ^gy fhxl 54

AgZ_l_ eb \u" ;he__ ebljh\ ^ba_evgh]h lhieb\Z bkihevam_lky Z\lh[mkZfb Kb^g_y dZ`^uc ]h^ K^_jgbc Hebfibckdbc IeZ\Zl_evguc ;Zkk_cg \f_sZ_l ebljh\ \h^u LZdbf h[jZahf dhebq_kl\h lhieb\Z bkihevam_fh]h Z\lh[mkZfb Kb^g_y aZihegbl Hebfibckdbo IeZ\Zl_evguo ;Zkk_cgh\ AgZ_l_ eb \u" IZjhfu Kb^g_y i_j_\hayl [he__ iZkkZ`bjh\ dZ`^uc ]h^ gZ dZ`^h]h qe_gu i_jkhgZeZ :\lh[mku Kb^g_y i_j_\hayl [he__ iZkkZ`bjh\ gZ kem`Zs_]h AgZ_l_ eb \u" :\lh[mku Kb^g_y ijh_a`Zxl [he__ fbeebhgh\ dbehf_ljh\ \ ]h^ wlh jZ\gh ih ^ebg_ jZkklhygbx ijh_a`Z_fhfm \k_f iZjdhf Z\lhfh[be_c \hdjm] A_feb ljb jZaZ wlh jZ\gh ih ^ebg_ jZkklhygbx ijh_a`Z_fhfm h^gbf Z\lh[mkhf Z\lhfh[be_c \hdjm] A_feb jZaZ wlh jZ\gh ih ^ebg_ jZkklhygbx hl Kb^g_y ^h I_jlZ \ h^gm klhjhgm ihfgh`_gghfm gZ AgZ_l_ eb \u" <h^bl_eb Z\lh[mkh\ b wdbiZ` iZjhfh\ dZ`^uc ]h^ \uau\Zxlky ^h[jh\hevpZfb qlh[u kh[jZlv r_klv iheguo Z\lh[mkh\ gh\uo b]jmr_d hl \khbo deb_glh\ gZ Jh`^_kl\h b wlb b]jmrdb b^ml gm`^Zxsbfky ^_lyf dhlhju_ \jy^ eb ihemqZl fgh]h ih^Zjdh\ gZ Jh`^_kl\h AgZ_l_ eb \u" < bgnhjfZpbhgghc ebgbb Z\lh[mkh\ ih_a^h\ b iZjhfh\ _klv l_e_nhg ^ey ex^_c k gZjmr_gb_f kemoZ dhlhju_ ihevamxlky l_e_nhggufb i_qZlgufb fZrbgdZfb AgZ_l_ eb \u" :\lh[mku b iZjhfu Kb^g_y i_j_\hayl ihqlb fbeebhgh\ iZkkZ`bjh\ \ ]h^ wlh \ h^bggZ^pZlv jZa [hevr_ gZk_e_gby :\kljZebb ihqlb \ q_luj_ jZaZ [hevr_ gZk_e_gby ;jblZgbb wlh jZ\gh lj_f q_l\_jluf gZk_e_gby Kh_^bg_gguo RlZlh\ :f_jbdb AgZ_l_ eb \u" ?keb ihklZ\blv \k_ Z\lh[mku Kb^g_y H^bg aZ ^jm]bf jy^ [m^_l ^ebghc dbehf_ljh\ H^bg gZ ^jm]hc dbehf_ljh\ Wlh agZqbl qlh hgb [m^ml \ \ukhlm dZd iheh\bgZ ]hju W\_j_kl <f_kl_ b \a\_kblv lhgg dbeh]jZff Kj_^g_klZlbklbq_kdbc kehg \_kbl lhgg Z\lh[mku jZ\gu ih \_km kehgZf 55

IhkqblZlv \k_ dhe_kZ B aZihegblv bo \k_ iZkkZ`bjZfb kb^ysbfb b klhysbfb iZkkZ`bjh\

IjZdlbdm_fky kemrZlv Ibkvfh ba :\kljZebb KZrZ gZibkZe ibkvfh fZf_ b iZi_ IjhkemrZcl_ dZd ibkvfh qblZxl \kemo IjhkemrZcl_ _s_ jZa b h[\_^bl_ ijZ\bevgu_ hl\_lu Kf 7DSHVFULSWV


JZa]h\hjgZy ijZdlbdZ KZrZ b Hev]Z ijb_oZeb \ DZg[_jjm klhebpm :\kljZebb KZrZ a\hgbl Lhfm ih l_e_nhgm Ih`ZemcklZ ijhqlbl_ wlb ^bZeh]b \kemo AZl_f jZau]jZcl_ bo k h^ghdeZkkgbdZfb Hkh[h_ \gbfZgb_ h[jZsZcl_ gZ kh]eZkh\Zgb_ \j_f_g Ihke_ ijhql_gb_ \uihegbl_ aZ^Zgby ijb\_^_ggu_ gb`_ DZg[_jjZ Lhf :eeh" KZrZ :eeh Fh]m y ih]h\hjblv k Lhfhf" Lhf Wlh y KZrZ Ijb\_l Lhf Wlh KZrZ y a\hgx ba DZg[_jju Lhf Ijb\_l KZrZ DZd \Zf k Hev]hc gjZ\blky DZg[_jjZ" KZrZ GZf a^_kv hq_gv gjZ\blky Lu dh]^Z gb[m^v [ue \ DZg[_jj_" Lhf >Z fgh]h jZa KZrZ Ihq_fm klhebpZ :\kljZebb jZkiheh`_gZ \ DZg[_jj_ Z g_ \ Kb^g__ beb \ F_ev[mjg_" Hgb gZfgh]h [hevr_ q_f DZg[_jjZ Lhf Ih wlhfm ih\h^m [ueb ^ebl_evgu_ kihju B Kb^g_c b F_ev[mjg ohl_eb [ulv klhebp_c <f_klh lh]h qlh[u ijh^he`Zlv ^_[Zlu [ueh ijbgylh j_r_gb_ kha^Zlv gh\uc ]hjh^ ^ey klhebpu KZrZ A^_kv \k_ lZdh_ a_e_gh_ b _kl_kl\_ggh_ <ha^mo lZdhc k\_`bc Lhf Lu aZf_lbe qlh ^Z`_ a^Zgb_ iZjeZf_glZ ihdjulh ljZ\hc" Kihjl gZ hldjulhf \ha^mo_ Lhf =^_ \u hklZgh\bebkv \ DZg[_jj_" KZrZ Fu hklZgh\bebkv m hq_gv ohjhr_c k_fvb Lhf <u [m^_l_ mqZkl\h\Zlv \ dZdbo gb[m^v f_jhijbylbyo gZ hldjulhf \ha^mo_" KZrZ >Z K_]h^gy ^g_f fu ih_^_f dZlZlvky gZ \_ehkbi_^Zo B qe_gu k_fvb kdZaZeb qlh hgb \havfml gZk k kh[hc ieZ\Zlv gZ [Zc^Zjd_ b \ ihoh^ Hgb ex[yl kihjl gZ hldjulhf \ha^mo_ 56

Lhf DZg[_jjZ ² aZf_qZl_evgh_ f_klh ^ey kihjlZ gZ hldjulhf \ha^mo_ KZrZ GZf kdZaZeb qlh Hebfibckdb_ b]ju [m^ml ijh\h^blvky \ Kb^g__ < dZdhf ]h^m bo [m^ml ijh\h^blv \ Kb^g__" Lhf < <_kv Kb^g_c k_cqZk ]hlh\blky d Hebfibckdbf b]jZf KZrZ AZo\Zlu\Zxs_ DklZlb lu g_ fh] [u ^Zlv fg_ l_e_nhg <bdlhjZ" Y [u ohl_e iha\hgblv _fm Lhf Dhg_qgh <bdlhj b Lhf jZa]h\Zjb\Zxl <bdlhj Lhf lu ]h\hjbe k KZr_c" Lhf >Z hg a\hgbe fg_ \q_jZ <bdlhj ?fm gjZ\blky DZg[_jjZ" Lhf Hg kdZaZe qlh _fm b Hev]_ DZg[_jjZ hq_gv ihgjZ\beZkv <bdlhj =^_ hgb hklZgh\bebkv" Lhf Hg kdZaZe qlh hgb hklZgh\bebkv m ohjhr_c k_fvb <bdlhj Qlh _s_ hg kdZaZe" Lhf Hg kijhkbe f_gy [ue eb y \ DZg[_jj_ Ijbjh^Z DZg[_jju iZ g_]h ijhba\_eZ [hevrh_ \i_qZle_gb_ Hg kdZaZe qlh hgZ ihc^ml \ ihoh^ gZ [Zc^ZjdZo <bdlhj A^hjh\h Lhf B hg ohl_e agZlv dh]^Z \ Kb^g__ [m^ml ijh\h^blvky Hebfibckdb_ b]ju Hg lZd`_ ihijhkbe f_gy ^Zlv _fm l\hc l_e_nhg Ih`ZemcklZ hl\_lvl_ gZ ke_^mxsb_ \hijhku IhgjZ\beZkv eb KZr_ b Hev]_ DZg[_jjZ" 7KH\ OLNHG &DQEHUUD YHU\ PXFK Bf hq_gv ihgjZ\beZkv DZg[_jjZ ;ue eb Lhf \ DZg[_jj_" <HV KH KDV >Z Ihq_fm klhebpZ :\kljZebb gZoh^blky \ DZg[_jj_" There was a debate about it. Sydney and Melbourne wanted to be capital DQG LQ WKH HQG LW ZDV GHFLGHG WR FUHDWH D QHZ FLW\ IRU WKH FDSLWDO Ih wlhfm ih\h^m [ueb kihju Kb^g_c b F_ev[mjg ohl_eb [ulv klhebp_c < dhgp_ dhgph\ [ueh j_r_gh kha^Zlv gh\uc ]hjh^ ^ey klhebpu Q_f ihdjulh a^Zgb_ iZjeZf_glZ" ,W LV FRYHUHG ZLWK JUDVV Hg ihdjul ljZ\hc & d_f \ DZg[_jj_ hklZgh\bebkv KZrZ b Hev]Z" 7KH\ DUH VWD\LQJ ZLWK D QLFH IDPLO\ Hgb hklZgh\bebkv m ohjhr_c k_fvb Q_f KZrZ b Hev]Z [m^ml aZgbfZlvky \h \j_fy k\h_]h ij_[u\Zgby \ DZg[_jj_" They will go canoeing and camping. They will also go bicycle riding. Hgb ihc^ml \ ihoh^ gZ [Zc^ZjdZo <Zf gjZ\blky kihjl gZ hldjulhf \ha^mo_" 57

Yes, I do. I like bicycle riding as well as basketball and volleyball. I DOVR OLNH FDPSLQJ YHU\ PXFK >Z Fg_ gjZ\blky \_ehkihjl Z lZd`_ [Zkd_l[he b \he_c[he Fg_ lZd`_ hq_gv gjZ\blky oh^blv \ ihoh^u =^_ [m^ml ijh\h^blvky Hebfibckdb_ B]ju ]h^Z" 7KH 2O\PSLF *DPHV ZLOO EH KHOG LQ 6\GQH\ Hebfibckdb_ B]ju ]h^m [m^ml ijh\h^blvky \ Kb^g__ Qlh Lhf kdZaZe <bdlhjm" Tom told Vistor that Sasha had called him the day before and told him that he liked Canberra very much. Tom also said that Sasha was staying with a nice family and that he would be going canoeing and camping. He told Victor that Sasha had asked him about the Olympic *DPHV DQG KDG DVNHG 7RP WR JLYH KLP 9LFWRU¶V WHOHSKRQH QXPEHU Lhf kdZaZe <bdlhjm qlh KZrZ a\hgbe _fm \q_jZ b kdZaZe qlh _fm hq_gv ihgjZ\beZkv DZg[_jjZ Lhf lZd`_ kdZaZe qlh KZrZ hklZgh\beky m ohjhr_c k_fvb b qlh hg kh[bjZeky ihclb \ ihoh^ gZ [Zc^ZjdZo Hg kdZaZe <bdlhjm qlh KZrZ kijZrb\Ze _]h h[ Hebfibckdbo B]jZo b ijhkbe LhfZ ^Zlv _fm l_e_nhg <bdlhjZ Yaud l_e_nhgguo jZa]h\hjh\ G_dhlhju_ ba \_s_c dhlhju_ \u fh`_l_ mkeurZlv ih l_e_nhgm fh]ml a\mqZlv kljZggh Wlh hagZqZ_l Dlh \u" Ih`ZemcklZ ih\lhjbl_ k\h_ bfy Y g_ ihgye qlh \u kdZaZeb <u g_ fh]eb [u wlh ih\lhjblv" A^_kv g_kdhevdh hl^_eh\ Dhlhjuc ba gbo \Zf gm`_g" Ih^h`^bl_ <u g_ ih^h`^_l_" Y kh_^bgx \Zk k wlbf ghf_jhf Ih`ZemcklZ ih^h`^bl_ G_ \_rZcl_ ljm[dm Hg hgZ jZa]h\Zjb\Z_l ih l_e_nhgm k d_f lh >jm]b_ ex^b lh`_ ohlyl ih]h\hjblv k gbf g_c HklZ\Zcl_kv gZ ebgbb b gZ \Zr a\hghd hl\_lyl \ ihjy^d_ hq_j_^b <u ohlbl_ qlh[u y i_j_^ZeZ _fm qlh gb[m^v" ?keb \u kdZ`_l_ fg_ k\h_ bfy b ghf_j l_e_nhgZ hg hgZ \Zf i_j_a\hgbl Kh\_l Dh]^Z \u kfhljbl_ ghf_j nbjfu beb ^hdlhjZ \ l_e_nhgghc dgb]_ \u fh`_l_ m\b^_lv ghf_j k ihf_ldhc $ + wlh agZqbl ©Ihke_ qZkh\ª ihke_ jZ[hlu ?keb \u a\hgbl_ jZgh mljhf beb iha^gh \_q_jhf \u fh`_l_ iha\hgblv ih wlhfm l_e_nhgm qlh[u k\yaZlvky k gm`guf \Zf q_eh\_dhf


=jZffZlbdZ 1. Sasha said that they are so much bigger the Canberra. Tom answered that there had been a long running debate about that and that both Sydney and Melbourne had wanted to be the nation’s capital. Tom added that a decision had been made to create a new city for the capital. Sasha said that everything was green in Canberra and that the air was fresh. Tom asked him if he had noticed that the Parliament House was covered with grass. Tom asked Sasha where he was staying in Canberra and Sasha answered that they were staying with a nice family. Tom asked if they would participate in some outdoor activities and Sasha said that they would. He said that their family had said they would take them canoeing and camping. Tom said that Canberra was a great place for outdoor sports. Sasha said that they had been told that the Olympics would be held in Sydney. He asked what year they would be in Sydney. Tom answered that it would happen in the tear 2000. He said that Sydney was preparing for the Olympics. Sasha said that it was very exciting and asked Tom if he could give him Victor’s telephone number. Tom said he could. Victor asked Tom if he had spoken with Sasha. Tom answered that Sasha had called him the day before. Victor asked if Sasha liked Canberra and Tom answered that Sasha had said that they liked Canberra very much. Victor asked where they were staying and Tom answered that they were staying with a nice family. Victor asked what else Sasha had said. Tom said that Sasha had asked him if he had been to Canberra and that he had said he was very much impressed by the nature of the city. He said that they would be canoeing and camping. Victor said that it was great. Tom said that Sasha had wanted to know when the Olympic Games would be held in Sydney and had asked Tom to give him Victor’s telephone number. 4. 1) Sasha said that Olga had never been to an English speaking country before. 2) Sasha said that they would visit Canberra. 3) Sasha said that Canberra is the capital off Australia. 4) Sasha said that he had been travelling a lot lately. 5) Sasha said that he was thinking of going to Canada. 6) Sasha said that he had never been to Canada. 7) Sasha said that Victor had not lived in Sydney very long. Ijhqlbl_ b magZcl_ DZg[_jjZ ² klhebpZ :\kljZebb DZgv_jjZ ² ^hf Z\kljZebckdh]h ijZ\l_evkl\Z b ihkhevkl\ kljZg kh \k_]h fbjZ MdjZr_gb_f ]hjh^Z y\ey_lky gh\h_ a^Zgb_ iZjeZf_glZ hldjulh_ \ ]hm^ A^_kv aZk_^Z_l ijZ\bl_evkl\h DZg[_jjZ lZd`a_ ba\_kl-


gZ dZd ijbjh^gZy klhebpZ b hgZ gboh^blky g_^Ze_dh hl kZfuo wnn_dlguo i_caZ`_c :\kljZebb <ha^mo a^_kv k\_`bc b [h^jysbc G_m^b\bl_evgh qlh ex^b \ DZg[_jj_ ex[yl ijh\h^blv \j_fy gZ hldjulhf \ha^mo_ < DZg[_jj_ fgh]h fma__\ DZg[_jjm ijh_dlbjh\Ze Zf_jbdZg_p DZg[_jjZ ² ©jZc ^ey \_ehkbi_^bklh\ª < DZg[_jj_ jZkiheh`_gu ba\_klgu_ ^hklhijbf_qZl_evghklb :\kljZebb GZpbhgZevgZy =Ze_j_y GZpbhgZevguc P_glj GZmdb b L_ogheh]bb <ukrbc Km^ b klZjh_ a^Zgb_ iZjeZf_glZ gZoh^ylky a^_kv DebfZl Mf_j_gguc Abfgb_ ghqb fh]ml [ulv oheh^gufb k fhjhaguf mljhf b kheg_qguf ^g_f <h \k_ k_ahgu ij_h[eZ^Zxl kheg_qgu_ ^gb DjZldZy bklhjby Hebfibckdbo b]j Dh]^Z \k_ gZqZehkv Kh]eZkgh bklhjbq_kdbf aZibkyf i_j\u_ b]ju [ueb ijh\_^_gu \ ]h^m ^h gZr_c wju \ Hebfibb =j_pby D ]h^m \ B]jZo mqZkl\h\Zeb ]j_db kh \k_o m]hedh\ =j_pbb B]ju ijh\h^bebkv[ dZ`^u_ q_luj_ ]h^Z \ q_klv dhjhey [h]h\ A_\kZ Khh[sZ_lky qlh \ jZggbo B]jZo [ueh lhevdh h^gh khklyaZgb_ ² [_] gZ yj^h\ Ih`ZemcklZ h[tykgbl_ agZq_gb_ ij_^eh`_gby It means tat the Games were held to show that the Greeks respected their god, Zeus. Wlh agZqbl qlh b]ju ijh\h^bebkv ^ey lh]h qlh[u ihdZaZlv qlh ]j_db m\Z`Zeb k\h_]h [h]Z A_\kZ <b^u khj_\gh\Zgbc <kdhj_ [ueb ^h[Z\e_gu b ^jm]b_ \b^u khj_\gh\Zgbc \dexqZy [hdk [hjv[m h[t_^bg_ggu_ [hdk b [hjv[m f_lZgb_ ^bkdZ f_lZgb_ dhivy b iju`db \ ^ebgm D Hebfibckdbf b]jZf [ueb ^h[Z\e_gu ]hgdb gZ dhe_kgbpZo aZijy`_gguo q_lujvfy ehrZ^vfb =hgdb gZ dhe_kgbpZo [ueb hq_gv ihimeyjgu DhfZg^u ba ^\mo beb q_luj_o ehrZ^_c kdZdZeb djm]h\ ih ^hjh`d_ Fh]eb mqZkl\h\Zlv dhe_kgbp Bgh]^Z ijhbkoh^beb klhedgh\_gby Iha`_ [ueb ^h[Z\e_gu ]hgdb gZ ehrZ^yo Ih`ZemcklZ h[tykgbl_ agZq_gb_ ij_^eh`_gby In the very earlier Olympics the athletes competed only in 200yard VSULQW /DWHU WKH\ EHJDQ WR FRPSHWH LQ RWKHU VSRUWV < kZfuo jZggbo Hebfibckdbo b]jZo kihjlkf_gu khj_\gh\Zebkv lhevdh \ [_]_ gZ yj^h\ Iha`_ hgb klZeb khj_\gh\Zlvky b \ ^jm]bo \b^Zo kihjlZ <j_f_ggZy rdZeZ Hebfibckdbo b]j GZ ijhly`_gbb e_l b]ju ijh\h^bebkv j_]meyjgh k bgl_j\Zehf \ q_luj_ ]h^Z Ki_pbZevgu_ ihkuevgu_ gZijZ\eyebkv \h \k_o


gZijZ\e_gbyo qlh[u h[ty\blv gZqZeh b]j b ^Zlv kb]gZe aZdhgqblv \k_ jZkijb b \hcgu ^h dhgpZ B]j Kh\j_f_ggu_ Hebfibckdb_ b]ju \k_ _s_ ijh\h^ylky dZ`^u_ q_luj_ ]h^Z gh bo ij_ju\Zeb \ b ]h^Zo Fbjh\ufb <hcgZfb Ih`ZemcklZ h[tykgbl_ agZq_gb_ ij_^eh`_gby The Games are held then four years pass and then the Games are held DJDLQ Ijh\h^ylky B]ju aZl_f ijhoh^bl q_luj_ ]h^Z b aZl_f hiylv ijh\h^ylky B]ju Dh]^Z ]j_dh\ aZ\h_\Zeb jbfeyg_ \h \lhjhf \_d_ ^h gZr_c wju gZqZeky miZ^hd B]j < ]h^m gZr_c wju \baZglbckdbc bfi_jZlhj Nh_^hkbc aZij_lbe B]ju Ljb^pZlv e_l kimkly bfi_jZlhj N_h^hkbc ijbdZaZe iheghklvx jZajmrblv ojZfu Hebfibb < ]h^m Zjo_heh]b \gh\v hldjueb ]hjh^ Ih`ZemcklZ h[tykgbl_ agZq_gb_ ij_^eh`_gby 7KH HPSHURU IRUEDGH WR KROG WKH *DPHV Bfi_jZlhj aZij_lbe ijh\h^blv B]ju < ]h^m ;Zjhg Iv_j ^_ Dmj[_lZg gZibkZe ibkvfZ \ kihjlb\gu_ hj]ZgbaZpbb \k_o kljZg < k\h_f ibkvf_ hg hibkZe h[jZah\Zl_evgmx p_gghklv kihjlZ ^ey kh\j_f_ggh]h q_eh\_dZ hkgh\Zggmx gZ b^_ZeZo ]j_dh\ >\Z ]h^u kimkly ijhreb i_j\u_ Hebfibckdb_ B]ju DZd \u kqblZ_l_ bf__l eb kihjl h[jZah\Zl_evgmx p_gghklv" Ih`ZemcklZ h[tykgbl_ ihq_fm I think that there is educational value in sport. Sport teaches people discipline. It makes a character stronger. Sportsmen learn to lose with GLJQLW\ Y kqblZx qlh \ kihjl_ _klv h[jZah\Zl_evgmx p_gghklv Kihjl mqbl ex^_c ^bkpbiebg_ Hg aZdZey_l oZjZdl_j Kihjlkf_gu mqZlky ijhb]ju\Zlv k ^hklhbgkl\hf < kh\j_f_gguo Hebfibckdbo b]jZo kihjlkf_gu fZjrbjmxl \ iZjZ^_ gZ hldjulbb B]j I_j_^ iZjZ^hf aZ`b]Z_lky nZd_e IeZfy nZd_eZ ijbghkblky k f_klZ ]^_ gZoh^beZkv Hebfiby LZf _]h aZ`b]Z_l hl emq_c khegpZ b wklZn_lhc ijbghkyl \ ]hjh^ \ dhlhjhf ijh\h^ylky B]ju Ih`ZemcklZ h[tykgbl_ agZq_gb_ ij_^eh`_gby The flame to light the torch is carried from the place where Olympia KDG EHHQ E\ WKH UHOD\ UXQQHUV IeZfy ^ey nZd_eZ ijbghkblky k f_klZ ]^_ gZoh^beZkv Hebfiby wklZn_lhc [_]mgh\ Jhkkby gZqZeZ ijbgbfZlv mqZklb_ \ Hebfibckdbo B]jZo \ ]h^m K l_o ihj Jhkkby fgh]h jZa \ub]ju\ZeZ ahehlu_ k_j_[jygu_ b [jhgah\u_ f_^Zeb < ]h^m Hebfibckdb_ B]ju ijh\h^bebkv \ Fhkd\_


Ih`ZemcklZ jZkiheh`bl_ bklhjbx Hebfibckdbo B]j ih \j_f_gghc rdZe_ 766 B.C. The first Olympic Games were held. 2 B.C. The decline of the Games began because the Greeks were conquered by the Romans. 393 A.D. The Olympic Games were banned by the emperor Theodosius 1. 1875 — Archaeologists rediscovered Olympia. 1894 — Baron Pierre de Coubertin wrote a letter to all the athletic organizations. 1896 The first modern Olympic Games took place. 1916 The Olympics were not held because of the World War I. 1940 The Olympics were not held because of the World War II. 1944 The Olympics were not held because of the World War II. 1952 — Russia joined the Olympics. 1980 The twenty-second Olympic games were held in Moscow. Ih`ZemcklZ hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku Dh]^Z b ]^_ gZqZebkv Hebfibckdb_ B]ju" 7KH 2O\PSLF *DPHV ZHUH VWDUWHG LQ % & LQ *UHHFH Hebfibckdb_ B]ju gZqZebkv \ ]h^m ^h gZr_c wju \ =j_pbb Dh]^Z B]ju [ueb aZij_s_gu" 7KH *DPHV ZHUH EDQQHG LQ $ ' B]ju [ueb aZij_s_gu \ ]h^m gZr_c wju Dlh gZibkZe ibkvfh \h \k_ kljZgu hibku\Zy h[jZah\Zl_evgmx p_gghklv kihjlZ ^ey kh\j_f_ggh]h q_eh\_dZ" %DURQ 3LUUH GH &RXEHUWLQ GLG ;Zjhg Iv_j ^_ Dmj[_lZg .h]^Z [ueb ijh\_^_gu i_j\u_ kh\j_f_ggu_ Hebfibckdb_ B]ju" The first modern Olympic Games took place in 1896, two years after 3LHUUH GH &RXEHUWLQœV OHWWHU i_j\u_ kh\j_f_ggu_ Hebfibckdb_ B]ju [ueb ijh\_^_gu \ ]h^m q_j_a ^\Z ]h^Z ihke_ ibkvfZ Iv_jZ ^_ Dm[_jlZgZ

Ihq_fm Hebfibckdb_ B]ju klZeb kbf\hehf fbjZ b ^jm`[u" The Olympic Games are the symbol of peace and friendship because sportsmen from all the countries of the world come to take part in it. Hebfibckdb_ B]jZ y\eyxlky kbf\hehf fbjZ b ^jm`[u ihlhfm qlh kihjlkf_gu \k_o kljZg fbjZ ijb_a`Zxl khj_\gh\Zlvky gZ gbo Dh]^Z Jhkkby klZeZ mqZkl\h\Zlv \ hebfibckdbo B]jZo" 5XVVLD MRLQHG WKH 2O\PSLFV LQ Jhkkby gZqZeZ ijbgbfZlv mqZklb_ \ Hebfibckdbo B]jZo \ ]h^m


Kvxa_g =jwfk jZkkdZau\Z_l h[ Hebfibckdbo B]jZo ]h^Z \ Kb^g__ < Kb^g__ klZj_cr_f b kZfhf [hevrhf ]hjh^_ :\kljZebb [m^ml ijh\h^blvky B]ju HebfibZ^u B]ju [m^ml ijh\h^blvky [he__ ^g_c k P_j_fhgbb hldjulby \ iylgbpm k_gly[jy ]h^Z ^h p_j_fhgbb AZdjulby \ \hkdj_k_gv_ hdly[jy Wlh [m^_l \lhjhc jZa dh]^Z B]ju ijh\h^ylky \ :\kljZebb < ]h^m B]ju ijh\h^bebkv \ F_ev[mjg_ klhebp_ rlZlZ <bdlhjby Hgb klZeb ba\_klgu dZd ^jm`_kdb_ b]ju M :\kljZebb ^ebl_evgZy k\yav k Hebfibckdbfb B]jZfb HgZ ijbgbfZeZ mqZklb_ \ B]jZo ]h^Z \ :nbgZo b hgZ y\ey_lky h^ghc ba g_fgh]bo kljZg dhlhjZy k l_o ihj mqZkl\h\ZeZ \h \k_o B]jZo HgZ lZd`_ ihklhyggh \ub]ju\Z_l f_^Zeb gZ B]jZo \ ;Zjk_ehg_ \ ]h^m \ :leZgl_ \ < ]h^m :\kljZeby [ueZ lj_lv_c ih dhebq_kl\m \k_o f_^Ze_c b ahehluo f_^Ze_c B]ju ]h^Z \ Kb^g__ b IZjZebfibckdb_ B]ju ^ey bg\Zeb^h\ dhlhju_ [m^ml ijh\h^blvky ihke_ gbo ihemqbeb [hevrmx h[s_kl\_ggmx ih^^_j`dm Z\kljZebcp_\ iheh`bl_evgh hlg_kebkv d aZy\d_ Kb^g_y gZ B]ju b [he__ ^h[jh\hevp_\ ij_^eh`beb k\hb mkem]b \ lh \j_fy Iheblbq_kdb_ ijhba\h^kl\_ggu_ b h[s_kl\_ggu_ h[t_^bg_gby khh[s_kl\Z Z[hjb]_gh\ hj]ZgbaZpbb ih aZsbl_ hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^u b rdhevgbdb k wglmabZafhf ih^^_j`Zeb aZy\dm Kb^g_y b ijh^he`Zxl ih^^_j`b\Zlv Ke_^mxsb_ klZlbklbq_kdb_ ^Zggu_ ihdZau\Zxl aZ^Zqm Kb^g_y H`b^Z_lky qlh [m^ml mqZkl\h\Zlv kljZg LZf [m^ml ijbkmlkl\h\Zlv kihjlkf_gh\ b hnbpbZevguo ebp fbeebZj^h\ l_e_ajbl_e_c [m^ml kfhlj_lv B]ju \h \k_f fbj_ ^h[jh\hevp_\ [m^ml mqZkl\h\Zlv \ ij_^klZ\e_gbb ij_^klZ\bl_e_c kj_^kl\ fZkkh\hc bgnhjfZpbb [m^ml hk\_sZlv wlh kh[ulb_ < ijh]jZff_ hebfibckdbo B]j ]h^Z \b^h\ kihjlZ hl klj_ev[u ba emdZ ^h ih^gylby ly`_kl_c Khj_\gh\Zgby ih ljbZlehgm b lZcd\hg^h [m^ml ijh\h^blvky \ i_j\uc jZa \ Kb^g__ Kms_kl\m_l fgh]h ihimeyjguo \b^h\ kihjlZ \ :\kljZebb lZdbo dZd nml[he ih Z\kljZebckdbf ijZ\beZf eb]Z j_][b b djbd_l dhlhju_ g_ y\eyxlky Hebfibckdbfb \b^Zfb kihjlZ b g_ [m^ml \dexq_gu \ ijh]jZffm ihlhfm qlh \ gbo b]jZ_l g_^hklZlhqgh_ dhebq_kl\h kljZg Hebfibckdb_ B]ju ]h^Z [m^ml ijh\h^blvky \ ^\mo hkgh\guo ahgZo Hebfibckdbc iZjd Kb^g_y b AhgZ =Z\Zgb Kb^g_y dhlhju_ gZ63

oh^ylky gZ jZkklhygbb dbehf_ljh\ ^jm] hl ^jm]Z b kh_^bg_gu ^hjh]hc `_e_aghc ^hjh]hc b \h^gufb ljZgkihjlgufb kj_^kl\Zfb Lhevdh klj_ev[Z khj_\gh\Zgb_ gZ dZghw ]j_[ey ]hgdb gZ ]hjguo \_ehkbi_^Zo b dhgguc kihjl [m^ml ijh\h^blvky g_ \ wlbo ahgZo Hebfibckdbc iZjd Kb^g_y \ Ohmf[mr kljhblky gZ a_fe_ dhlhjZy [ueZ ijhfure_gguf jZchghf b h[gh\e_gb_ dhlhjhc kqblZ_lky [hevrhc ih[_^hc Kb^g_y \ h[eZklb hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^u A^_kv [m^_l f_klh ^ey Hebfibckdh]h klZ^bhgZ dhlhjuc ij_^hklZ\bl f_klZ ^ey ajbl_e_c b Kihjlb\ghc >_j_\gb dhlhjZy \i_j\u_ \f_klbl \k_o 000 hebfibckdbo kihjlkf_gh\ b hnbpbZevguo ebp dhfZg^ <uihegyy h[yaZl_evkl\Z Kb^g_y \ hlghr_gbb hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^u \ f_kl_ ijh\_^_gby khj_\gh\Zgbc b ij_^klZ\e_gby Kihjlb\gZy >_j_\gy ihklZ\bl h[jZa_p ^ey [m^ms_]h kljhbl_evkl\Z Hkh[_gghklb \dexqZxl ^baZcg \hkijbgbfZxsbc kheg_qguc k\_l ^g_\gh_ hk\_s_gb_ gZ mebpZo bkihevah\Zgb_ ih^^Zxsbcky \lhjbqghc i_j_jZ[hld_ b i_j_jZ[hlZgguo fZl_jbZeh\ dh]^Z wlh \hafh`gh i_j_jZ[hldZ bkihevah\Zgghc \h^u b fZdkbfZevgh_ bkihevah\Zgb_ h[hjm^h\Zgby ]hjh^kdh]h ljZgkihjlZ Qlh \Z`gh wlh ^Zkl Hebfibckdbf kihjlkf_gZf qm\kl\h Šk_fvbª \ khhl\_lkl\bb k Hebfibckdbfb b^_ZeZfb Škha^Z\Zlv fbjhex[b\uc b emqrbc fbj q_j_a kihjlª <k_ `bl_eb Kb^g_y ba\e_dml ihevam hl ijh^he`bl_evgh]h gZke_^by B]j kR kihjlb\guf h[hjm^h\Zgb_f fbjh\h]h deZkkZ Hebfibckdb_ B]ju ]h^Z ijh\h^ylky aZ ]h^ ^h klhe_lg_c ]h^h\sbgu ih^ibkZgby ^_deZjZpbb \ :\kljZebb dh]^Z r_klv hl^_evguo dhehgbc h[t_^bgbebkv qlh[u klZlv _^bguf gZjh^hf K_jby n_klb\Ze_c ij_^r_kl\mxsbo B]jZf jZkkdZ`ml h[ bklhjbb jZa\blby :\kljZebb kljZgu k [hevrbf jZaghh[jZab_f dmevlmj DmevlmjgZy HebfibZ^Z gZqg_lky \ k ŠN_klb\Zey F_qlZgbcª ijZa^gh\Zgby lma_fghc dmevlmju hkh[_ggh Z\kljZebckdbo Z[hjb]_gh\ b hkljh\blyg Lhjj_kh\Z ijheb\Z GZ ke_^mxsbc ]h^ l_fZ [m^_l ŠBaf_g_gb_ Fhjyª ijZa^gmy \deZ^ b bkke_^h\Zgb_ b bffb]jZpbx < ]h^m :\kljZeby ^hg_k_l k\hx dmevlmjm f_`^mgZjh^ghfm khh[s_kl\m k ijh]jZffhc ih^ gZa\Zgb_f ŠMklZgZ\eb\Zy dhglZdl k fbjhfª dh]^Z Z\kljZebckdb_ Zjlbklu b bkihegbl_eb ihagZdhfyl ^jm]b_ gZjh^u k [h]Zlkl\hf b jZaghh[jZab_f Z\kljZebckdh]h dmevlmjgh]h gZke_^by < ]h^m aZ q_luj_ f_kypZ ^h B]j ŠN_klb\Zev ;molZ @bagbª ij_^klZ\bl Kb^g_y gh\u_ jZ[hlu \uklZ\db b ij_^klZ\e_gby \_^msbo Z\kljZebckdbo b f_`^mgZjh^guo Zjlbklh\ Hj]ZgbaZpbhgguc Dhfbl_l Kb^g_y ih Hebfibckdbf B]jZf ihkueZ_l emqrb_ ih`_eZgby klm^_glZf \ Jhkkbb Fu gZ^__fky qlh 64

g_dhlhju_ ba \Zk kfh]ml ijb_oZlv \ :\kljZebx _keb g_ gZ B]ju ]h^Z \ Kb^g__ lh dh]^Z gb[m^v \ [m^ms_f Ij_^klZ\vl_ qlh \u j_ihjl_j dhlhjuc kh[jZe bgnhjfZpbx h[ Hebfibckdbo b]jZo ]h^Z JZkkdZ`bl_ h^ghdeZkkgbdZf qZklv lh]h h q_f \u magZeb Ih`ZemcklZ bkihevamcl_ dhk\_ggmx j_qv I was told that there would be 27 sports on the programme of the 200 Olympic Games ranging from Archery to weightlifting. Triathlon and Taekwondo would be contested for the first time. Some of the sports popular in Australia, such as Australian rules football, Rugby League and cricket would not be included in the programme as they were not played LQ D VLJQLILFDQW QXPEHU RI FRXQWULHV Fg_ kdZaZeb qlh \ ijh]jZff_ hebfibckdbo B]j [m^_l ]h^Z \b^h\ kihjlZ hl klj_ev[u ba emdZ ^h ih^gylby ly`_kl_c Khj_\gh\Zgby ih ljbZlehgm b lZcd\hg^h [m^ml ijh\h^blvky \ i_j\uc jZa \ Kb^g__ G_dhlhju_ ihimeyjgu_ \ :\kljZebb \b^u kihjlZ lZdb_ dZd nml[he ih Z\kljZebckdbf ijZ\beZf eb]Z j_][b b djbd_l g_ [m^ml \dexq_gu \ ijh]jZffm ihlhfm qlh \ gbo b]jZ_l g_^hklZlhqgh_ dhebq_kl\h kljZg

A member of the Sydney organizing Committee for the Olympic Games told me that the 2000 Olympics would focus on two primary ]RQHV 6\GQH\ 2O\PSLF 3DUN DQG WKH 6\GQH\ +DUERXU =RQH Qe_g Hj]ZgbaZpbhggh]h Dhfbl_lZ Kb^g_y ih Hebfibckdbf B]jZf kdZaZe fg_ qlh Hebfibckdb_ B]ju ]h^Z [m^ml ijh\h^blvky \ ^\mo hkgh\guo ahgZo Hebfibckdbc iZjd Kb^g_y b AhgZ =Z\Zgb Kb^g_y A member of the Sydney organizing Committee for the Olympic Games told me that Sydney Olympic park at Homebush was being built on former industrial land the rehabilitation of which was seen as a major environmental triumph for Sydney. I was told that it would be the site of WKH 2O\PSLF 6WDGLXP DQG WKH DWKOHWHVœ 9LOODJH Qe_g Hj]ZgbaZpbhggh]h Dhfbl_lZ Kb^g_y ih Hebfibckdbf B]jZf kdZaZe fg_ qlh Hebfibckdbc iZjd Kb^g_y \ Ohmf[mr kljhblky gZ a_fe_ dhlhjZy [ueZ ijhfure_gguf jZchghf b h[gh\e_gb_ dhlhjhc kqblZ_lky [hevrhc ih[_^hc Kb^g_y \ h[eZklb hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^u A^_kv [m^_l f_klh ^ey Hebfibckdh]h klZ^bhgZ b Kihjlb\ghc >_j_\gb A member of the Sydney organizing Committee for the Olympic Games told me that a series of festivals would be held in the years leading up to the Games. They would tell the story of Australia’s PXOWLFXOWXUDO GHYHORSPHQW Qe_g Hj]ZgbaZpbhggh]h Dhfbl_lZ Kb^g_y ih Hebfibckdbf B]jZf kdZaZe fg_ qlh [m^_l ijh\_^_gZ k_jby n_klb\Ze_c ij_^r_kl\mxsbo B]jZf Hgb jZkkdZ`ml h[ bklhjbb jZa\blby :\kljZebb kljZgu k [hevrbf jZaghh[jZab_f dmevlmj 65

Ij_^klZ\vl_ qlh \u ² j_ihjl_j _s_ jZa Kh[_jbl_ bgnhjfZpbx h[ Hebfibckdbo B]jZo \ \Zr_c kljZg_ beb kh[_jbl_ bgnhjfZpbx h[ ba\_klghf kihjlkf_g_ \ \Zr_c kljZg_ JZkkdZ`bl_ h^ghdeZkkgbdZf qlh \u magZeb bkihevamy dhk\_ggmx j_qv The Olympic Games — Moscow 1980. The Olympic Games of 1980 were held in Moscow. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979 led to the largest boycott in the history of the Olympic movement. U.S. president Jimmy Carter took the lead in the call for a boycott of the 1980 Olympics, and approximately 60 other nations joined the Americans in staying away from Moscow. The level of competition clearly suffered from the boycott. The Soviet team won 80 gold medals and 195 medals in all in the most lopsided final tally since the U.S. domination of the 1904 Games. The track-andfield competition saw several disappointing times. The 800 and 1,500metre runs boasted the world's two best performers, Steve Ovett and Sebastian Coe, both of Great Britain. Although Ovett won the 800-metre run and Coe the 1,500-metre, both races were characterized by overly cautious running and unimpressive times. The 5,000 and 10,000-metre runs were won by Miruts Yifter of Ethiopia. The East German women dominated the swimming as they had in 1976, capturing 11 of the 13 gold medals. The Soviet men, led by Vladimir Salnikov, won seven events. >ey bgnhjfZpbb DZlZgb_ gZ ev^m <u ex[bl_ dZlZlvky gZ dhgvdZo" DZlZgb_ gZ ev^m ² aZf_qZl_evguc \b^ kihjlZ Wlh \_k_eh b wlh ihe_agh ^ey gh] Kms_kl\m_l ljb \b^Z dZlZgby gZ ev^m kdhjhklghc [_] gZ dhgvdZo nb]mjgh_ dZlZgb_ b lZgpu gZ ev^m >Zlu I_j\uc dZlhd [ue hldjul \ P_gljZevghf IZjd_ \ Gvx Chjd_ Nb]mjgh_ dZlZgb_ klZgh\blky Hebfibckdbf \b^hf kihjlZ Kdhjhklghc [_] gZ dhgvdZo klZgh\blky Hebfibckdbf \b^hf kihjlZ GZklhevguc l_ggbk <Zf gjZ\blky gZklhevguc l_ggbk" Wlh hq_gv ihimeyjgZy b]jZ GZ kZfhf ^_e_ \ gZklhevguc l_ggbk b]jZ_l [hevr_ ex^_c q_f \ ex[mx ^jm]mx b]jm G_kdhevdh nZdlh\ GZklhevguc l_ggbk klZgh\blky Hebfibckdbf \b^hf kihjlZ Fyq fh`_l [ulv `_eluf beb [_euf Hg \_kbl ]jZff


Klhe l_fgh a_e_guc ?]h ^ebgZ f_ljZ Z rbjbgZ f_ljZ K_ldZ kZglbf_ljh\ \ \ukhlm HgZ ^_ebl klhe gZ ^\_ iheh\bgu MagZcl_ dZd lZgpu gZ ev^m klZeb Hebfibckdbf \b^hf kihjlZ ,kH GDQFLQJ EHFDPH DQ 2O\PSLF 6SRUW LQ ,W ZDV ILUVW LQFOXGHG in the Olympic progamme in the Games in Innsbruck, Austria. LZgpu gZ ev^m klZeb Hebfibckdbf \b^hf kihjlZ \ ]h^m Hgb \i_j\u_ [ueb \dexq_gu \ hebfibckdmx ijh]jZffm gZ B]jZo \ Bgk[jmd_ :\kljby Lu ² iehohc kihjlkf_g" Lh qlh lu ² iehohc kihjlkf_g ebrZ_l jZ^hklb hl b]j ?keb lu dh]^Z gb[m^v b]jZe \ dhfZg^_ lu gZ\_jgydZ \b^_e ijbf_ju iehobo kihjlkf_gh\ ?]h beb __ e_]dh magZlv Wlh lhl qe_g dhfZg^u dhlhjuc r\ujy_l fyq beb jZd_ldm \ ]g_\_ Wlh lZd`_ l_ kihjlkf_gu dhlhju_ `mevgbqZxl mfure_ggh b]jZxl g_ ih ijZ\beZf b aeylky gZ km^vx b kihjlb\gh]h km^vx Ijhklh jZa\e_dZcl_kv Kihjl ij_^hklZ\ey_l \hafh`ghklv ^ey mijZ`g_gbc ^ey lh]h qlh[u aZ\h^blv ^jma_c mqblvky jZ[hlZlv \ dhfZg^_ b ohjhrh ijh\h^blv \j_fy Ih[_^Z ² wlh lhevdh \b^bfZy klhjhgZ mki_oZ Ohjhrb_ lj_g_ju b kihjlkf_gu agZxl wlh Iehob_ kihjlkf_gu fh]ml ih\ebylv gZ \kx dhfZg^m Hg fh]ml ij_\jZlblv ijhb]jur beb ih[_^m dhfZg^u \ g_kqZklv_ ^ey \k_o AZihfgbl_ _keb ^Z`_ \ZrZ dhfZg^Z ijhb]jZeZ \hafh`gh \u b]jZeb hq_gv ohjhrh gZijbf_j aZ[beb _^bgkl\_gguc ]he ^ey dhfZg^u Ohjhrbc kihjlkf_g Ih[_^Z ² wlh _s_ g_ \k_ gh \k_ ohlyl ih[_^blv DZd ohjhrbc kihjlkf_g kijZ\ey_lky k ijhb]jur_f" <hl g_kdhevdh b^_c G_ \Z`gh dZd kbevgh lu ohq_rv \ub]jZlv ihcfb qlh ^jm]b_ lh`_ ohlyl \ub]jZlv ?keb lu kh\_jrbe hrb[dm ihklZjZcky hklZlvky kihdhcguf b ih^mfZc h lhf ]^_ k^_eZe g_ijZ\bevgh lh]^Z lu [m^_rv agZlv qlh gm`gh memqrblv \ ke_^mxsbc jZa ?keb ih[_^beZ ^jm]Zy dhfZg^Z iha^jZ\v bo Ihcfb qlh lu klZjZeky dZd fh] G_evay \bgblv ^jm]mx dhfZg^m aZ ijhb]jur GZmqbkv kijZ\eylvky k ]g_\hf ihablb\gh gZijbf_j ihieZ\Zc beb ijh[_]b iZjm djm]h\ Ihcfb qlh ^Z`_ _keb lu ijhb]ju\Z_rv lu \k_ jZ\gh fh`_rv ihemqZlv m^h\hevkl\b_ hl b]ju k ^jmavyfb DhfZg^guc ^mo Ohjhr__ fZkl_jkl\h hagZqZ_l lZd`_ b ku]jZgghklv b]jhdh\ dhfZg^u DZd qe_g dhfZg^u lu mqbrvky jZ[hlZlv k ^jm]bfb qlh[u 67

^hklbqv h[s_c p_eb Gm`gh ih^^_j`b\Zlv qe_gh\ k\h_c dhfZg^u Z hgb ^he`gu ih^^_j`b\Zlv l_[y H^gZ fheh^Zy kihjlkf_gdZ ]h\hjbl h \j_f_gb dh]^Z hgZ e_qbeZkv hl ljZ\fu b b]jhdb __ dhfZg^u ih^[Z^jb\Zeb __ \h \j_fy lj_gbjh\db ih ieZ\Zgbx HgZ kdZaZeZ qlh bo ih^^_j`dZ klbfmebjh\ZeZ __ dh]^Z hgZ g_ ohl_eZ ieulv <g_ b]ju Ohjhr__ fZkl_jkl\h lj_[m_l lZd`_ agZlv p_gm ly`_ehc jZ[hl_ mihjkl\m b klj_fe_gbx ^h[blvky emqrbo j_amevlZlh\ Wlb mjhdb fh`gh ijbf_gblv d rdhe_ fmaud_ mjhdZf [Ze_lZ b ex[hc ^jm]hc ^_yl_evghklb KhojZgycl_ k\hx p_ev b jZa\e_dZcl_kv Ih`ZemcklZ hl\_lvl_ gZ ke_^mxsb_ \hijhku DZdb_ ijbqbgu kms_kl\mxl ^ey lh]h qlh[u aZgbfZlvky kihjlhf" DZdZy ijbqbgZ gZ \Zr \a]ey^ y\ey_lky kZfhc ]eZ\ghc" You can have exercises and thus better your health. You can meet new people and make friends. You can learn about teamwork. And you FDQ MXVW KDYH D JRRG WLPH Lu fh`_rv mijZ`gylvky b lZdfb h[jZahf memqrblv k\h_ a^hjh\v_ Lu fh`_rv \klj_qZlvky k gh\ufb ex^vfb b aZ\h^blv ^jma_c Lu fh`_rv gZmqblvky jZ[hlZlv \ dhfZg^_ B lu fh`_rv ijhklh ohjhrh ijh\h^blv \j_fy Dlh y\ey_lky iehobf kihjlkf_ghf" A bad sport is a person who make losing or winning miserable for everyone. He cheats, purposely fouls someone and gets angry with the XPSLUH Iehohc kihjlkf_g ² wlh lhl dlh fh`_l ij_\jZlblv ijhb]jur beb ih[_^m \ g_kqZklv_ ^ey \k_o Wlh lZd`_ lhl dlh `mevgbqZ_l mfure_ggh b]jZ_l g_ ih ijZ\beZf b aeblky gZ kihjlb\gh]h km^vx GZkdhevdh ^ey \Zk \Z`gh \ub]jZlv" It is important, that can’t be argued. But it seems to me that it’s more important not to win but to participate and to do your best. I also think that though losses are unpleasant they make you want to practice more DQG WR LPSURYH Wlh \Z`gh k wlbf g_ ihkihjbrv Gh fg_ dZ`_lky qlh \Z`g__ g_ \ub]jZlv Z mqZkl\h\Zlv b \ueh`blvky gZ ihegmx Y lZd`_ kqblZx qlh ohly ijhb]jurb b g_ijbylgu Hgb klbfmebjmxl l_[y [hevr_ ijZdlbdh\Zlvky b kh\_jr_gkl\h\Zlvky Qlh ^ey \Zk agZqbl ohjhr__ kihjlb\gh_ fZkl_jkl\h" Good sportsmanship is to be able handle losing, to be a part of the WHDP DQG WR SUDFWLFH D ORW Ohjhr__ fZkl_jkl\h ² wlh mf_gb_ kijZ\eylvky k ijhb]jurZfb [ulv qZklvx dhfZg^u b fgh]h aZgbfZlvky

Qlh \u fh`_l_ k^_eZlv qlh[u klZlv ohjhrbf kihjlkf_ghf" I can work hard, I need to learn perseverance and patience, I have to VWULYH IRU P\ SHUVRQDO EHVW Fg_ gm`gh fgh]h jZ[hlZlv gZmqblvky mihjkl\m b l_ji_gbx Fg_ gm`gh klj_fblvky ^h[blvky emqrbo j_amevlZlh\ 68

<Z`gu eb qe_gu dhfZg^u" Ihq_fm" Yes, they are. They are supportive of each other and help one DQRWKHU >Z \Z`gu Qe_gu dhfZg^u ih^^_j`b\Zxl ^jm] ^jm]Z b ihfh]Zxl ^jm] ^jm]m Dh^_dk ih\_^_gby b]jhdh\ B]jZc ih ijZ\beZf Gbdh]^Z g_ kihjv k hnbpbZevguf ebphf ?keb lu k q_f lh g_ kh]eZk_g ihijhkb lj_g_jZ beb f_g_^`_jZ ih^hclb d hnbpbZevghfm ebpm \h \j_fy i_j_ju\Z beb ihke_ khj_\gh\Zgby Dhgljhebjmc k\hc l_fi_jZf_gl JZ[hlZc h^bgZdh\h ohjhrh ^ey k_[y b ^ey dhfZg^u Wlh [m^_l ihe_agh b ^ey b]ju dhfZg^u b ^ey l_[y ;m^v ohjhrbf kihjlkf_ghf Ijb\_lkl\mc \k_ ohjhrb_ b]ju g_aZ\bkbfh hl lh]h ijbgZ^e_`Zl eb hgb l\h_c dhfZg^_ beb ijhlb\gbdZf Hlghkbkv dh \k_f b]jhdZf lZd dZd [u lu ohl_e qlh[u hlghkbebkv d l_[_ <aZbfh^_ckl\mc k lj_g_jhf b]jhdZfb l\h_c dhfZg^u b ijhlb\gbdZfb ;_a gbo g_ [ueh [u gbdZdh]h khj_\gh\Zgby B]jZc jZ^b lh]h qlh wlh \_k_eh ª <ukhdh f_lblv ?\Z DZfbgd_j e_l feZ^rbc j_ihjl_j ba KZml ;jmgk\bdZ Gvx >`_jkb Ih`ZemcklZ ijhqlbl_ ke_^mxs__ bgl_j\vx b hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku ke_^mxsb_ aZ gbf >`bg >jbkdhe ² mqZklgbd ]hghd gZ bg\Zeb^guo dheykdZo dhlhjZy jh^beky \ khklhygbb ba\_klghf dZd ŠjZks_ie_gguc iha\hghqgbdª qlh hagZqZ_l qlh __ kibgghc fha] g_ijZ\bevgh jZa\beky ? D Ex^b hlghkylky d \Zf g_ lZd dZd \k_f ba aZ lh]h qlh \u i_j_^\b]Z_l_kv \ bg\Zeb^ghc dheykd_" > > Bgh]^Z G_dhlhju_ ex^b ^mfZxl qlh _keb y bkihevamx bg\Zeb^gmx dheykdm fhb fha]b g_ hq_gv ohjhrh jZ[hlZxl Hgb g_ ihgbfZxl qlh bg\Zeb^ghklv ² wlh dZd oZjZdl_jbklbdZ wlh dZd bf_lv dZjb_ ]eZaZ beb k\_leu_ \hehku ? D DZd \u gZqZeb aZgbfZlvky kihjlhf \ bg\Zeb^ghc dheykd_" > > Dh]^Z fg_ [ueh iylgZ^pZlv e_l y \klj_lbeZ iZjgy dhlhjuc b]jZe \ nml[he gZ bg\Zeb^ghc dheykd_ Y gZqZeZ b]jZlv \ khnl[he [Zkd_l[he l_ggbk b jZd_l[he ? D Kdhevdh \u lj_gbjm_l_kv" > > Y lj_gbjmxkv hl ^\mo ^h iylb qZkh\ \ ^_gv Y ihgbfZx ly`_klb ljb ² q_luj_ jZaZ \ g_^_ex b ijh_a`Zx hl ^h fbev \ g_^_ex 69

? D < dZdbo \b^Zo kihjlZ \u ijbfbl_ mqZklb_ \ E_lgbo Hebfibckdbo B]jZo ]h^Z b \ IZjZebfibckdbo B]jZo" > > < Hebfibckdbo B]jZo y [m^m ijbgbfZlv mqZklb_ \ ]hgdZo gZ f_ljh\ < IZjZebfibckdbo B]jZo y [m^m mqZkl\h\Zlv \ ]hgdZo gZ f_ljh\ gZ f_ljh\ f_ljh\ b \ fZjZnhg_ ? D DZdh_ khh[s_gb_ \u [u ohl_eb i_j_^Zlv" > > Ex^b ^mfZxl Qlh _keb lu ^h[beky mki_oZ lh lu lZdbf mki_rguf b jh^beky Gh wlh g_ lZd Fh_ ihkeZgb_ lZdh\h F_qlZcl_ h [hevrhf b fgh]h jZ[hlZcl_ ?keb \u \ukhdh f_lbl_ ^Z`_ _keb \u wlh]h g_ ^h[v_l_kv \u \k_ jZ\gh ijba_febl_kv kj_^b a\_a^ IZjZebfibckdb_ B]ju ² wlh hebfibckdb_ b]ju ^ey kihjlkf_gh\ k bg\Zeb^ghklvx Hgb ijh\h^ylky \ lh `_ \j_fy dh]^Z b Hebfibckdb_ B]ju <hajZkl e_l Jh^ghc ]hjh^ Fbemhdb rl <bkdhgkbg K_cqZk `b\_l \ ] RZfiZgv rl Beebghck Jh^gu_ [jZlvy beb k_klju H^gZ k_kljZ b ljb [jZlZ >hklb`_gby r_klbdjZlguc ih[_^bl_ev [hklhgkdh]h fZjZnhgZ iylv jZa ih[be fbjh\hc j_dhj^ K_j_[jyguc f_^Zebkl \ ]hgdZo gZ f_ljh\ \ Hebfibckdbo B]jZo ]h^Z \ ;Zjk_ehg_ MklZgh\be fbjh\hc j_dhj^ \ fZjZnhg_ b \ ]hgdZo gZ f_ljh\ Lhqgu_ k\_^_gby B]jZ_l gZ ]blZj_ b ibr_l k\hx fmaudm Ljb jZaZ Š[_]Ze ljmkphcÂŞ k ij_ab^_glhf Kh_^bg_gguo rlZlh\ Ih`ZemcklZ hl\_lvl_ gZ ke_^mxsb_ \hijhku Qlh lZdh_ ŠjZa^\h_gguc iha\hghqgbdÂŞ" Spina bifida is a disease when the spinal cord did not develop properly. ŠJZks_ie_gguc iha\hghqgbdÂŞ hagZqZ_l qlh kibgghc fha] g_ijZ\bevgh jZa\beky Ihq_fm g_dhlhju_ ex^b hlghkylky d >`bg g_ lZd dZd d ^jm]bf ex^yf" Some people treat her differetntly because they don’t understand that GLVDELOLW\ LV MXVW D FKDUDFWHULVWLF G_dhlhju_ ex^b hlghkylky d g_c g_ lZd dZd dh \k_f ihlfm qlh hgb g_ ihgbfZxl qlh bg\Zeb^ghklv ² wlh dZd oZjZdl_jbklbdZ DZdbfb \b^Zfb kihjlZ gZ bg\Zeb^ghc dheykd_ aZgbfZ_lky >`bg" 6KH LV SOD\LQJ ZKHHOFKDLU VRIWEDOO EDVNHWEDOO WHQQLV DQG UDTXHWEDOO HgZ b]jZ_l khnl[he [Zkd_l[he l_ggbk b jZd_l[he gZ bg\Zeb^ghc dheykd_ DZd qZklh >`bg lj_gbjm_lky" 6KH WUDLQV WZR WR ILYH GD\V SHU GD\ VL[ GD\V D ZHHN HgZ lj_gbjm_lky hl ^\mo ^h iylb qZkh\ r_klv ^g_c \ g_^_ex Dh]^Z ijh\h^ylky IZjZebfibckdb_ B]ju" 70

The Paralympic games are held at the same time as the 2O\PSLFV IZjZebfibckdb_ Bg]jZ ijh\h^ylky \ h^gh \j_fy k Hebfibckdbfb DZd \u ^mfZ_l_ qlh agZqbl ŠVKRRW IRU WKH PRRQÂŞ" ,W PHDQV WR ZDQW VRPHWKLQJ ELJ VRPHWKLQJ JUHDW Wlh agZqbl ohl_lv q_]h lh [hevrh]h q_]h lh \_ebdh]h AgZ_l_ eb \u dh]h gb[m^v dlh i_j_^\b]Z_lky k ihfhsvx bg\Zeb^ghc dheykdb" ?keb ^Z lh hlghkbrvky eb lu d g_c g_fm g_ lZd dZd d ^jm]bf ex^yf ba aZ lh]h qlh hg hgZ bkihevam_l bg\Zeb^gmx dheykdm" 1R , GRQÂśW EXW LI , GLG , ZRXOG WUHDW WKDW SHUVRQ DV DQ\ RWKHU G_l g_ agZx Gh _keb [u agZe lh hlghkbeky [u d wlhfm q_eh\_dm lZd `_ dZd d ex[hfm ^jm]hfm Ih`ZemcklZ i_j_qblZcl_ klZlvx _s_ jZa b i_j_ibrbl_ __ \ dhk\_gghc j_qb ]^_ \hafh`gh The reporter asked Jean Driscoll if people treated her differently. Jean answered that some people did. She said that they thought that because she used a wheelchair her brains didn’t work well. She added that they didn’t understand that disability was like a characteristic. The reporter asked Jean Driscoll how she had started in wheelchair sports. Jean answered that when she had been 15 she had met a guy who played wheelchair football and she had stated playing softball, basketball, tennis and raquetball. The reporter asked Jean Driscoll how much she trained. Jean answered that she trained two to five hours a day, six days a week. She added that she lifted weights and pushed 130 or 150 miles a week. The reporter asked Jean Driscoll in which events she would be competing in the Olympics and the Paralym0pics. Jean answered that she would compete in the 800 meter event in Olympics. In Paralympics she would race in 1500-meter, 5000-meter and 10000-meter and the marathon. The reporter asked Jean Driscoll what message she would like to tell. Jean answered that people thought that if a person was successful, he had been born that way. She said that if one shot for the moon, even if one didn’t make it, one would still land among the stars. EZdeZg >`hgk Ih`ZemcklZ ijhqlbl_ ke_^mxsbc l_dkl Ihke_ ijhql_gby \hh[jZabl_ qlh \u ² j_ihjl_j b bkihevamcl_ bgnhjfZpbx qlh[u gZibkZlv \hh[jZ`Z_fh_ bgl_j\vx EZdeZgZ >`hgkZ >ey hlpZ jh`^_gb_ i_j\h]h j_[_gdZ \k_]^Z ihegh gZ^_`^ Hg fh`_l aZohl_lv kugZ Z jh^blky ^hqv hg fh`_l aZohl_lv ZjlbklZ Z


ihemqblky \h^bl_ev ]jmah\bdZ beb hg fh`_l aZohl_lv ahehlh]h f_^ZebklZ Z m j_[_gdZ [m^_l p_j_[jZevguc iZjZebq < fZjl_ ]h^Z `bagv =j_]]Z >`hgkZ baf_gbeZkv gZ\k_]^Z hg klhedgmeky k h^gbf ba kZfuo keh`guo bkiulZgbc \ `bagb ?]h kug jh^beky ke_iuf b k p_j_[jZevguf iZjZebqhf ?]h bfy EZdeZg < \hajZkl_ e_l hl_p ih\_e _]h gZ ^jm`_kdb_ khj_\gh\Zgby ih [_]m Wlhl ihoh^ ij_\jZlbeky \ klj_fe_gb_ d f_ql_ d f_ql_ klZlv emqrbf K_]h^gy EZdeZg ² ahehlhc f_^Zebkl iZjZebfib_p Hg \ub]jZe f_^Zev gZ IZjZebfibckdbo B]jZo \ :leZgl_ Hg mklZgh\be j_dhj^u \ khj_\gh\Zgbyo \ bg\Zeb^guo dheykdZo hl ^h f_ljh\ b hg y\ey_lky q_fibhghf :\kljZebb ih ih^gylbx ly`_kl_c \ \_kh\hc dZl_]hjbb ^h dbeh]jZff < \hajZkl_ e_l m EZdeZgZ _klv kihkh[ghklb b gZf_j_gby kha^Zlv ^ey k_[y ^he]hkjhqgh_ [m^ms__ \ kihjl_ b [m^_l khj_\gh\Zlvky lZd qZklh dZd lhevdh fh`gh \ :\kljZebb Hg lZd`_ ohq_l k^_eZlv dZjv_jm \ kihjlb\ghc bg^mkljbb nblg_kZ b gZqg_l ihk_sZlv ih^oh^ysb_ dmjk_ gZ ke_^mxsbc ]h^ EZdeZg ihy\beky gZ gZpbhgZevghf b f_klghf l_e_\b^_gbb \ F_ev[mjg_ ij_^klZ\eyy kihjl b hl^uo ^ey bg\Zeb^h\ Hg hq_gv aZbgl_j_kh\Zg \ jZa\blbb kihjlb\guo khhjm`_gbc ^ey bg\Zeb^h\ Hg [u ohl_e klZlv bgkljmdlhjhf kihjlb\gh]h aZeZ ^ey kihjlkf_gh\ bg\Zeb^h\ Hg k g_l_ji_gb_f h`b^Z_l wlbo gh\u_ \hafh`ghklb lZd `_ dZd b Hebfibckdb_ B]ju ]h^Z \ Kb^g__ Interviewer: When did you decide to take up sport? Lachlan: Once my father took me to a fun run and after that I decided to be the best. I: What medals and records do you have? L.J. :I won a Gold medal at Atlantic Paralympics. I hold all the records from 100 metres through to 800 metres in Wheelchair Track competition. I am the Australian Powerlift Champion in the 52 kg division. I: What are your plans for the future? L.J. I want to pursue a career in the fitness industry. I will begin studying the courses next year. I’m keenly interested in the development of sport and facilities for the disabled and I want to become a gym instructor for the disabled sportsmen. Wlh hlju\hd ba klZlvb DZjhebgu H\_jbg]lhg gZibkZgghc b EZdeZg_ >`hgk_ \h \j_fy IZjZebfibckdbo B]j \ :leZgl_ Ih`ZemcklZ ijhqlbl_ _]h b ihkqblZcl_ kdhevdh jZa bkihevah\ZgZ dhk\_ggZy j_qv F_ev[mjgkdbc mqZklgbd khj_\gh\Zgbc gZ bg\Zeb^guo dheykdZo EZdeZ_ >`hgk mklZgh\be \q_jZ fbjh\hc j_dhj^ \ fm`kdbo khj_\gh\Zgbyo gZ f_ljh\ b klZe iZjZebfibckdbf q_fibhghf 72

>`hgk m dhlhjh]h p_j_[jZevguc iZjZebq kdZaZe qlh hg g_ g_j\gbqZ_l ohly _]h hl_p =j_]] >`hgk kdZaZe qlh ebqgh _]h \k_]h ljyk_l ŠG_lª kdZaZe >`hgk Šwlh \k_]h ebrv _s_ h^gh khj_\gh\Zgb_ ^ey f_gy Y ]h\hjbe wlh k_[_ B wlh ihfh]ehª ?]h ieZg ih _]h keh\Zf [ue _oZlv dZd fh`gh [uklj__ k kZfh]h gZqZeZ Ih kjZ\g_gbx k ^jm]bfb khj_\gh\Zgbyfb IZjZebfibckdb_ B]ju [ueb ^h\hevgh e_]dbfb ihlhfm qlh g_ gm`gh [ueh ih\hjZqb\Zlv >`hgk kdZaZe qlh hg \ub]jZe wlm f_^Zev ^ey k\h_]h mqbl_ey \ rdhe_ LZd`_ \q_jZ \ e_]dhc Zle_lbd_ DZljbgZ Mw[[ m dhlhjhc lZd`_ p_j_[jZevguc iZjZebq \ub]jZeZ k_j_[jygmx f_^Zev \ iju`d_ \ ^ebgm ŠY \k_ kbeZ gZijZ\beZ gZ wlh ihlhfm qlh agZeZ qlh _keb y wlh]h g_ k^_eZx m f_gy g_ [m^_l rZgkZ ihemqblv ahehlh gh y \ueh`beZkv gZ ihegmx b aZ\h_\ZeZ k_j_[jygmx f_^Zevª Mw[[ kdZaZeZ qlh hgZ lj_gbjh\ZeZkv d iju`dZf \ ^ebgm \k_]h q_luj_ f_kypZ < l_q_gb_ wlbo ^\mo ^g_c IZjZebfibckdbo B]j :\kljZeby \_^_l ih dhebq_kl\m f_^Ze_c k k_fvx ahehlufb f_^Zeyfb Reported speech is used 6 times.

IjZdlbdm_fky kemrZlv Ih`ZemcklZ ijhkemrZcl_ ke_^mxsbc ^hdeZ^ AZl_f hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku GZqgbl_ dZ`^uc hl\_l k wlbo keh\Z Bkihevamcl_ dhk\_ggmx j_qv DZdhc ]hjh^ [ue \u[jZg ^ey ijh\_^_gby Hebfibckdbo B]j \ ]h^m" Mrs. Graham said that Sydney had been chosen tom host the Olympic *DPHV RI Fbkkbk =jwf kdZaZeZ qlh Kb^g_c [ue \u[jZg ^ey ijh\_^_gby Hebfibckdbo B]j \ ]h^m DZd ^he]h :\kljZeby mqZkl\h\ZeZ \ Hebfibckdbo B]jZo" Mrs. Graham said that Australia has participated in the Olympic *DPHV VLQFH Fbkkbk =jwf kdZaZeZ qlh :\kljZeby mqZkl\h\ZeZ \ Hebfibckdbo B]jZo k ]h^Z =^_ [ueb ijh\_^_gu B]ju \ ]h^m" Mrs. Graham said that The Games were held in Melbourne in 1956. Fbkkbk =jwf kdZaZeZ qlh B]ju ijh\h^bebkv \ F_ev[mjg_ \ ]h^m

Dhfm ijbg_kml ihevam kihjlb\gu_ khhjm`_gby dhlhju_ kljhylky ^ey Hebfibckdbo B]j" 73

Mrs. Graham said that all of Sydney’s citizens would benefit from the IDFLOLWLHV Fbkkbk =jwf kdZaZeZ qlh kihjlb\gu_ khhjm`_gby ijbg_kml ihevam \k_f `bl_eyf Kb^g_y


P_gghklv `bagb g_ \ ^ebg_ ^g_c, Z \ iheva_, dhlhjmx fu ba gbo ba\e_dZ_f Fhgl_cg

IjZdlbdm_fky ]h\hjblv KZrZ b Hey ieZgbjmxl ihoh^ \ ahhiZjd Ih`ZemcklZ ijhqlbl_ ke_^mxsb_ ^bZeh]b \kemo aZl_f jZau]jZcl_ bo k h^ghdeZkkgbdZfb H[jZsZcl_ hkh[h_ \gbfZgb_ gZ mihlj_[e_gb_ khkeZ]Zl_evgh]h gZdehg_gby Ihke_ ijhql_gby \uihegbl_ mijZ`g_gby H[jZlgh \ Kb^g_c Ihoh^ \ ahhiZjd Lhf Ohjhrh qlh \u \_jgmebkv \ Kb^g_c Hev]Z Ijbylgh \_jgmlvky kx^Z Lhf DZd \Zf ihgjZ\bebkv F_ev[mjg b DZg[_jjZ" KZrZ Hq_gv ihgjZ\bebkv D kh`Ze_gbx gZf hklZehkv \k_]h g_kdhevdh ^g_c \ :\kljZebb Lhf Ohl_ehkv [u qlh[u \u hklZebkv ih^hevr_ Hev]Z GZf lh`_ ?keb [u lu [ue gZ gZr_f f_kl_ b m l_[y hklZ\Zehkv [u \k_]h g_kdhevdh ^g_c \ :\kljZebb q_f [u lu aZgyeky" Lhf GZ \Zr_f f_kl_ y [u ihk_lbe ahhiZjd LZjhg]Z a^_kv \ Kb^g__ KZrZ Lu bf__rv \ \b^m ihkfhlj_lv gZ Z\kljZebckdbo `b\hlguo" Lhf >Z gh ahhiZjdb g_ lhevdh ihdZau\Zxl `b\hlguo Hgb lZd`_ mqZkl\mxl \ khojZg_gbb ^bdhc ijbjh^u lh _klv hgb aZsbsZxl `b\hlguo ih^\_j`_gguo hiZkghklb Hev]Z Qlh agZqbl Ših^\_j`_gguo hiZkghklbª" Lhf @b\hlgh_ ih^\_j]Zxsb_ky hiZkghklb wlh `b\hlgu_ dhlhju_ fh]ml \uf_j_lv ?keb bo g_ aZsbsZlv KZrZ : q_f _s_ aZgbfZxlky ahhiZjdb" Lhf Hgb h[_ki_qb\Zxl \_l_jbgZjgh_ gZ[ex^_gb_ aZ [hevgufb jZg_ggufb `b\hlgufb b hkbjhl_\rbfb fZeurZfb dhlhjuo ijb\hayl \ ahhiZjd Hev]Z Hgb hklZ\eyxl `b\hlguo \ ahhiZjd_ ihke_ lh]h dZd l_ ihijZ\eyxlky" Lhf G_l H[uqgh `b\hlguo hlimkdZxl \ bo _kl_kl\_ggmx kj_^m h[blZgby KZrZ Lu qZklh oh^brv \ ahhiZjd" Lhf >Z DZ`^uc ]h^ y oh`m lm^Z kh k\hbf deZkkhf < ahhiZjd_ _klv h[jZah\Zl_evguc p_glj dhlhjuc hj]Zgbam_l \bablu rdhevgb74

dh\ Fu oh^bf gZ wdkdmjkbx ih ahhiZjdm b ijbgbfZ_f mqZklb_ \ jZaebqguo f_jhijbylbyo DZ`^uc ]h^ fu magZ_f qlh lh gh\h_ Fg_ lZd`_ gjZ\blky kZfhfm oh^blv \ ahhiZjd ?keb ohlbl_ y k\h`m \Zk \ ahhiZjd Hev]Z Wlh [ueh [u aZf_qZl_evgh Y [u ohl_eZ m\b^_lv d_g]mjm dh]^Z fu [m^_f lZf Fu magZeb Qlh kms_kl\m_l \b^h\ d_g]mjm G_dhlhju_ jZaf_jhf k q_eh\_dZ Z g_dhlhju_ fZe_gvdb_ dZd dhrdZ KZrZ : ]^_ _s_ fh`gh m\b^_lv ^bdmx ijbjh^m :\kljZebb" Lhf < :\kljZebb fgh]h gZpbhgZevguo iZjdh\ ]^_ aZsbsZxl `b\mx ijbjh^m GZpbhgZevguc IZjd DZdZ^m ² kZfuc [hevrhc gZpbhgZevguc iZjd :\kljZebb ?keb \u ihc^_l_ lm^Z \u m\b^bl_ [hevrh_ jZaghh[jZab_ jZkl_gbc b `b\hlguo Fgh]b_ ba wlbo `b\hlguo b jZkl_gbc \klj_qZxlky lhevdh \ :\kljZebb ?s_ h^gh bgl_j_kgh_ f_klh ² wlh Fhjkdhc IZjd ;hevrh]h ;Zjv_jgh]h jbnZ LZf `b\ml \b^h\ ju[u Hev]Z ?keb [u fu agZeb qlh \ :\kljZebb \klj_qZ_lky klhevdh jZkl_gbc b `b\hlguo fu [u jZgvr_ koh^beb \ ahhiZjd GZc^bl_ b i_j_\_^bl_ khkeZ]Zl_evgh_ gZdehg_gb_ dZd hgh \klj_qZ_lky \ l_dkl_ , ZLVK \RX FRXOG VWD\ ORQJHU Ohl_ehkv [u qlh[u \u hklZebkv ih^hevr_ ,I \RX ZHUH XV DQG \RX RQO\ KDG D IHZ GD\V OHIW ZKDW ZRXOG \RX GR" ?keb [u lu [ue gZ gZr_f f_kl_ b m l_[y hklZ\Zehkv [u \k_]h g_kdhevdh ^g_c \ :\kljZebb q_f [u lu aZgyeky" ,I , ZHUH \RX , ZRXOG YLVLW WKH 7DURQJD =RR KHUH LQ 6\GQH\ GZ \Zr_f f_kl_ y [u ihk_lbe ahhiZjd LZjhg]Z a^_kv \ Kb^g__ ,I \RX¶G OLNH ,¶OO WDNH \RX RQ D WRXU RI WKH ]RR ?keb ohlbl_ y k\h`m \Zk \ ahhiZjd 7KDW ZRXOG EH JUHDW Wlh [ueh [u aZf_qZl_evgh , ZRXOG OLNH WR VHH VRPH NDQJDURRV ZKHQ ZH JR WKHUH Y [u ohl_eZ m\b^_lv d_g]mjm dh]^Z fu [m^_f lZf If we had known there were so many plants and animals that can only be IRXQG LQ $XVWUDOLD ZH ZRXOG KDYH JRQH WR WKH ]RR HDUOLHU ?keb [u fu agZeb qlh \ :\kljZebb \klj_qZ_lky klhevdh jZkl_gbc b `b\hlguo fu [u jZgvr_ koh^beb \ ahhiZjd Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku ?keb [u \u fh]eb ihk_lblv Z\kljZebx \u [u ihreb \ ahhiZjd" If I could visit Australia, I would go to the Zoo. ?keb [u \u [ueb gZ f_kl_ KZrb b Hev]b b m \Zk hklZ\Zehkv [u \k_]h g_kdhevdh ^g_c \ :\kljZebb q_f [u \u aZgyebkv" If I were Sasha and Olga I would visit the Taronga Zoo in Sydney. AZq_f kms_kl\mxl ahhiZjdb" The zoos display animals and they protect endangered animals. 75

Qlh agZqbl Š(QGDQJHUHGÂŞ " Endangered means an animals that could become extinct if nothing is done to protect it. Qlh \ ahhiZjd_ ^_eZxl k `b\hlgufb ihke_ lh]h dZd hgb ihijZ\bebkv" After animals recovered from sickness they are returned to their natural habitat. DZd qZklh Lhf oh^bl \ ahhiZjd" He goes to the zoo every year. Dlh hj]Zgbam_l rdhevgu_ ihk_s_gby \ ahhiZjd" The educational center of the zoo organizes school visits. Qlh [u ohl_eZ m\b^_lv Hev]Z _keb hgZ ihreZ \ ahhiZjd" She would like to see some kangaroos when she goes there. < \Zr_f ]hjh^_ _klv ahhiZjd" ?keb ^ fh`gh eb lZf m\b^_lv `b\hlguo :\kljZebb" Yes, there is a zoo in my cisty. You can see kangaroos and koalas there. =^_ _s_ ex^b fh]ml m\b^_lv ^bdmx ijbjh^m :\kljZebb" People can see wildlife in National Parks. DZd gZau\Z_lky kZfuc [hevrhc gZpbhgZevguc iZjd :\kljZebb" Kakadu National Park is the largest one. ?keb \u lm^Z ihc^_l_ qlh \u lZf m\b^bl_" If Kdhevdh \b^h\ ju[ `b\_l \ Fhjkdhf IZjd_ ;hevrh]h ;Zjv_jgh]h jbnZ" 1500 species of fish live in Barrier Reef Marine Park. ?keb [u KZrZ b Hev]Z agZeb qlh \ :\kljZebb \klj_qZ_lky klhevdh jZkl_gbc b `b\hlguo qlh [u hgb k^_eZeb jZgvr_" If they had known there were so many plants and animals that can only be found in Australia, they would have gone to the zoo earlier. =jZffZlbdZ 7. I would tell them in a loud voice to keep silence. Yes, I would. I would choose Masha / Sasha. I would go Hawaii to swim and sunbathe. I would choose to be the most athletic. I would but lots of toys for orphans. I would pick 24. It would be about nature. I think that children should not be allowed to watch certain movies and TV shows. They shouldn’t be permitted to see kind movies that would teach them to be devoted to their friends and to do good things. 76

8. If the sun stopped shining everything would die. If the ocean dried up all the fishes would be lost. If there was no more school, people would be uneducated. If I couldn’t laugh, I would be a very sad person. If time stood still, things would stop happening. If dolls came to life, it would be a nightmare. If people were invisible, they would not be able to associate because they would not see each other. If there were no animals, people would be vegetarians. IjhqblZcl_ b magZcl_ DZdb_ ij_djZkgu_ ^_j_\vy, b gZ\_jgydZ, dZdhc `_ ijZdjZkghc ^he`gZ [ulv lZf `bagv :glhg Q_oh\

>bdZy ijbjh^Z :\kljZebb < :\kljZebb ihqlb fbeebhg \b^h\ jZkl_gbc b `b\hlguo ihqlb kZfh_ [hevrh_ jZaghh[jZab_ ba \k_o kljZg fbjZ :\kljZeby X`gZy :f_jbdZ b :njbdZ gZoh^ylky ijb[ebabl_evgh gZ l_o `_ kZfuo rbjhlZo b bf_xl ijb[ebabl_evgh h^bgZdh\mx _kl_kl\_ggmx kj_^m B \k_ `_ m gbo kh\_jr_ggh jZagu_ \b^u nZmgu `b\hlguo L_jfbg Š`b\hlgh_ª \dexqZ_l \ k_[y g_ lhevdh fe_dhiblZxsbo gh b gZk_dhfuo ij_kfudZxsboky a_fgh\h^guo ilbp b l ^ < lh \j_fy dZd m fgh]bo kljZg k\hy mgbdZevgZy nZmgZ m :\kljZebb hgZ g_h[uqgZy HgZ \dexqZ_l \ k_[y kmfqZluo fbjZ <k_o h^ghZi_jlmjguo < Gh\hc =\bg__ lh`_ _klv h^ghZi_jlmjgu_ Hq_gv fZe_gvdbc ijhp_gl ieZp_glZjguo H]jhfgh_ jZaghh[jZab_ ihim]Z_\ b ^jm]bo ilbp IhjZabl_evgh_ jZaghh[jZab_ ij_kfudZxsboky a_fgh\h^guo b ju[ Fgh]h g_h[uqguo [_kiha\hghqguo Fe_dhiblZxsb_ Fe_dhiblZxsb_ \k_ ijhba\h^yl fhehdh qlh[u \kdZjfeb\Zlv ^_l_gur_c M fe_dhiblZxsbo _klv f_o beb \hehkyghc ihdjh\ Kms_kl\m_l ljb \b^Z fe_dhiblZxsbo b ij_^klZ\bl_eb \k_o lj_o \b^h\ \klj_qZxlky \ :\kljZebb H^ghZi_jlmjgu_ ² fe_dhiblZxsb_ hldeZ^u\Zxsb_ ycpZ k fy]dhc kdhjemihc Bo fh`gh \klj_lblv \ :\kljZebb b Gh\hc =\bg__ >\Z h^ghZi_jlmjguo Mldhghk ?ob^gZ KmfqZlu_ ² fe_dhiblZxsb_ dhlhju_ jh`Zxl ^_l_gur_c dhlhju_ _s_ g_ kh\k_f jZa\bebkv M kZfhd qZklh _klv kmf77

dZ \ dhlhjhc hgb ghkyl ^_l_gur_c \klj_qZxlky \ Z\kljZebb b Gh\hc =\bg__ HklZevgu_ \klj_qZxlky \ X`ghc :f_jbd_ Hkgh\gu_ ]jmiiu \b^h\ kmfqZluc D_g]mjm Hihkkmfu Iehlhy^gu_ kmfqZlu_ kmfqZlu_ fmjZ\v_^u kmfqZlu_ djhlu dhrdb

DhZeu \hf[Zlu IeZp_glZjgu_ ² fe_dhiblZxsb_ qvb ^_l_gurb jh`^Zxlky \ [he__ jZa\blhf khklhygbb b ijhba\h^yl ohjhrh jZa\blmx ieZp_glm Fgh]b_ \b^u \klj_qZxlky \ :\kljZebb Dblu b ^_evnbgu F_klgu_ \b^u djuk b fur_c E_lmqb_ furb >bg]h f_klguc \b^ kh[Zdb Lxe_gb Ihq_fm \ :\kljZebb fgh]h mgbdZevguo \b^h\ `b\hlguo" :\kljZeby [ueZ bahebjh\ZgZ ^he]h_ \j_fy ihwlhfm [ueh fZeh h[f_gZ k `b\hlguf fbjhf hklZevgh]h fbjZ GZijbf_j \ :\kljZebb g_l dhiulguo ohlu h^ghZi_jlmjgu_ \klj_qZxlky \ :\kljZebb b Gh\hc =\bg__ DebfZl :\kljZebb qZklh g_ij_^kdZam_f LZf fh`_l [ulv ^he]bc i_jbh^ aZkmob gZ\h^g_gby b ih`Zju LZdb_ ijh[e_fu lj_[mxl hkh[hc Z^ZilZpbb GZijbf_j DjZkguc D_g]mjm fh`_l ijbhklZgZ\eb\Zlv jZa\blb_ k\h_]h aZjh^urZ ^h l_o ihj ihdZ mkeh\by g_ memqrZlky < p_ehf agZgbc h nZmg_ :\kljZebb fZeh KqblZ_lky qlh \ :\kljZebb f_`^m hl ^h \b^h\ `b\hlguo gh ^h kbo ihj lhevdh [ueb hibkZgu Ilbpu < :\kljZebb h]jhfgh_ dhebq_kl\h \b^h\ ilbp ihqlb \ ljb jZaZ [hevr_ q_f \ ?\jhi_ G_dhlhju_ bo ilbp ² i_j_e_lgu_ iml_r_kl\mxl f_`^m :\kljZeb_c b ^jm]bfb kljZgZfb \ aZ\bkbfhklb hl k_ahgZ G_dhlhju_ hq_gv [ebadb d fhjkdbf \b^Zf >jm]b_ \klj_qZxlky lhevdh \ :\kljZebb Ilbp fh`gh jZa^_eblv gZ ljb ]jmiiu \ khhl\_lkl\bb k bo Dex\hf Ihkfhljbl_ gZ bo dex\u b ihijh[mcl_ ^h]Z^Zlvky qlh hgb _^yl EZidZfb M eZi jZaghc nhjfu jZagu_ ij_^gZagZq_gby Ij_kfudZxsb_ky ;he__ \b^h\ ij_kfudZxsboky ba\_klgu \ :\kljZebb G_dhlhju_ ihoh`b gZ \b^u ijh`b\Zxsb_ \ ^jm]bo f_klZo ^jm]b_ mgbdZevgu Ih`ZemcklZ hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku Kdhevdh \b^h\ jZkl_gbc b `b\hlguc \klj_qZxlky \ :\kljZebb" 78

Nearly half a million species live in Australia. DZdb_ ^\Z dhglbg_glZ gZoh^ylky ijb[ebabl_evgh gZ l_o `_ rbjhlZo qlh b :\kljZeby" South America and Africa occupy approximately the same range of latitudes. Qlh \dexqZ_l \ k_[y l_jfbg Š`b\hlgh_" The term ÂŤanimalÂť includes mammals, insects, reptiles, amphibians and birds. DZdb_ ljb lbiZ fe_dhiblZxsbo kms_kl\m_l" The three types of mammals are monotremes, marsupials and placentals. D dZdhfm lbim hlghkblky q_eh\_d" Human is a placental. Qlh agZqbl _keb ilbpZ i_j_e_lgZy" A migratory bird travels seasonally overseas and back. Keh\Zjv H^ghZi_jlmjgh_ kmfqZlh_ beb ieZp_glZjgh_" Wlb kibkhd `b\hlguo \klj_qZxsboky \ :\kljZebb J_rbl_ dZdb_ ba gbo H^ghZi_jlmjgu_ kmfqZlu_ Z dZdb_ ieZp_glZjgu_ Koala-Marsupials; Bat Placentals; Dolphin Placentals; Platypus onotremes; Kangaroo-Marsupials; Seal Placental. Kh_^bgbl_ dZ`^h_ keh\h ba \_jog_]h jy^Z kh keh\hf ba gb`g_]h Fauna — animals; Monotreme — egg; Pouch Marsupials; Bird — parrot; Placental — whale. AZdZlu Ij_djZkgu_ aZdZlu jZckb_ g_[_kZ ?keb ijbkemrZlvky fh`gh mkeurZlv Djbdb `b\hlguo Hgb ah\ml k\hbo ^hq_j_c Hgb ah\ml k\hbo kugh\_c B dh]^Z l_ keurZl wlh hgb [_]ml d fZfZf GZklmiZ_l ghqv @b\hlgu_ ]hlh\ylky dh kgm IjhkuiZxlky kh\u Hgb gZqbgZxl ih^djZ^u\Zlvky Ijhoh^bl fgh]h l_fguo qZkh\ FZfZ ijhkuiZ_lky qlh[u kdZaZlv ŠIjhkuiZcl_kv fZe_gvdb_ ^_l_gurb ]hlh\vl_kv d gh\hfm ^gxÂŞ FZjdh Embk


DZjlZ ahhiZjdZ DZjlu ih^\_j]Z_lky baf_g_gbyf LZd dZd f_klZ \hev_jh\ `b\hlguo i_jbh^bq_kdb f_gyxlky Kijhkbl_ m gZrbo ^h[jh\hevp_\ beb khljm^gbdh\ qlh[u \Zf ihfh]eb gZclb gm`gh_ gZij\e_gb_ G_\uiheg_gb_ ijZ\be :dlZ Kh\_lZ Ahheh]bq_kdbo IZjdh\ fh`_l ijb\_klb d m^Ze_gbx q_eh\_dZ ba ahhiZjdZ LZjhg]Z b ihke_^mxs_fm \ha[m`^_gbx ^_eZ Ih`ZemcklZ ihkfhljbl_ gZ dZjlm ahhiZjdZ LZjhg]Z b hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku ijb\_^_ggu_ gb`_ ?keb \u gZoh^bl_kv \ :njbdZgkdhf Ijm^m b ohlbl_ ihiZklv \ L_Zlj Hldjulbc fbfh dZdh]h dbhkdZ \u ijhc^_l_" DZdb_ mkem]b ij_^hklZ\eyxlky \ wlhf dbhkd_" If you were at African Waterhole and wanted to get to the Discovery Theatre you would pass a safari Kiosk. It is a cafe, you can eat there. ?keb \u \ bg\Zeb^ghc dheykd_ kfh`_l_ eb \u ihk_lblv ahhiZjd LZjhg]Z" Yes, people in wheelchairs can visit the Taronga Zoo. There is a wheelchair route going through it. DZd \u ^mfZ_l_ dZdbo `b\hlguo \u m\b^bl_ gZ ijh]med_ ih :\kljZebb" You can see kangaroos at the Australia Walkabout. Ijh]medZ ih :\kljZebb jZkiheh`_gZ \ K gZ dZjl_ =^_ jZkiheh`_gu Dhrdb >`mg]e_c" Y L_Zlj Lxe_g_c" ?keb \Zf gm`gZ ihfhsv \ gZoh`^_gbb \uoh^Z ba ahhiZjdZ dh]h \u kijhkbl_" I would ask staff for assistance. < dZdh_ \j_fy ijhoh^bl ihke_^gbc j_c^ <ha^mrgh]h KZnZjb"

<b^u `b\hlguo :\kljZebb ih^\_j`_ggu_ hiZkghklb Gbdlh gbdh]^Z g_ m\b^bl dZd jZckdbc ihim]Zc e_lbl ih g_[m JZckdb_ ihim]Zb \uf_jeb <ufbjZgb_ ² wlh gZ\k_]^Z K ihk_e_gby \ :\kljZebb _\jhi_cp_\ \ ]h^m ljb^pZlv \b^h\ fe_dhiblZxsbo b ilbp b hdheh \b^h\ jZkl_gbc bkq_aeh ?s_ \b^h\ fe_dhiblZxsbo ilbp ij_kfudZxsboky ey]mr_d b ju[ fgh]b_ khlgb \b^h\ [_kiha\hghqguo b \b^h\ jZkl_gbc kqblZxlky \ hiZkghklb b fh]ml \uf_j_lv \ l_q_gb_ ^_kylb ² ^\Z^pZlb e_l Hkgh\gZy ijbqbgZ bkq_agh\_gby ² gZjmr_gb_ _kl_kl\_gghc kj_^u ?kl_kl\_ggZy kj_^Z kh^_j`bl \k_ qlh gm`gh `b\hfm kms_kl\m ^ey \u`b\Zgby ijhkljZgkl\h k\_l \h^m ibsm b mdjulb_ JZajmr_gb_ hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^u fh`_l ijhbahclb dh]^Z jZklbl_evghklv mgbqlh`Zxl ^ey a_fe_^_eby e_kgh]h ohayckl\Z ]hjh^h\ RZol beb ^hjh] Wlh lZd`_ fh`_l ijhbahclb dh]^Z hkmrZxl [hehlZ beb i_j_dju\Zxl j_db ^ey ojZg_gby \h^u Hdheh iylb^_kylb \b^h\ 80

ij_^klZ\e_gguo `b\hlguo `b\ml \ :\kljZebb Wlb `b\hlgu_ hohlylky gZ ^jm]bo `b\hlguo beb kjZ`Zxlky aZ ibsm beb m[_`bs_ K_]h^gy fu emqr_ ihgbfZ_f m]jham gZ\bkrmx gZ^ gZr_c ^bdhc ijbjh^hc q_f i_j\u_ ihk_e_gpu B \k_ `_ fu kha^Zeb ^hihegbl_evgu_ m]jhau lZdb_ dZd jZa\blb_ ]hjh^h\ b ijhfure_gghklb aZ]jyag_gb_ b lhj]h\ex `b\hlgufb b f_ohf Ihim]Z_\ gZijbf_j g_e_]Zevgh \u\hayl aZ ]jZgbpm QZklh ihim]Zb g_ fh]ml ijbkihkh[blvky d gh\hc hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^_ b mfbjZxl Ex^b ² _^bgkl\_ggu_ `b\hlgu_ kihkh[gu_ kiZklb \ufbjZxsb_ \b^u Gh aZq_f kiZkZlv \b^u" ;_a jZaghh[jZaby \b^h\ A_fey [m^_l g_ ]h^gu ^ey `bagb q_eh\_dZ JZkl_gby b `b\hlgu_ ihfh]Zxl ih^^_j`b\Zlv obfbq_kdbc [ZeZgk Zlfhkn_ju E_kZ ihfh]Zxl ih^^_j`b\Zlv aZiZku \h^u JZkl_gby b `b\hlgu_ ihfh]Zxl kha^Z\Zlv ihq\m Hgb ij_^hklZ\eyxl ibsm b k^_j`b\Zxl iZjZablh\ b [he_agb Hgb lZd`_ ij_^hklZ\eyxl ihklhygguc bklhqgbd m^b\e_gby b jZ^hklb Ih`ZemcklZ Hl\_lvl_ gZ wlb \hijhku Qlh gm`gh `b\hfm kms_kl\m qlh[u \u`blv" A living thing needs space, light, water, food and shelter to survive. Qlh y\ey_lky hkgh\ghc ijbqbghc \ufbjZgby" The main cause of extinction is the destruction of the habitat. Qlh fh`_l ih\ebylv gZ ijh^he`bl_evghklv `bagb `b\hlguo b jZkl_gbc" Dh]^Z `b\hlgh_ klZgh\blky bkq_agm\rbf" The animal becomes extinct when is can no longer be found in the world. Fh`gh eb ih\_jgmlv bkq_agh\_gb_ gZaZ^" No, extinction is forever. .Zdb_ m]jhau gZ\bkZxl gZ^ gZr_c ^bdhc ijbjh^hc" Our wildlife faces such threats, as urban and industrial development, pollution, and pet and fur trade. Fh`_l_ eb \u ijb\_klb ijbf_ju `b\hlguo dhlhju_ fh]ml bkq_agmlv ba aZ dZdhc lh q_jlu dhlhjmx p_gbl q_eh\_d deudb f_o jh]Z " elephants, turtles, furry animals. (keb ex^b g_ aZsblyl \ufbjZxsb_ \b^u dlh aZsblbl" No one else but people can protect endangered species. ?keb [u \u fh]eb kiZklb \ufbjZxsb_ \b^u \u [u klZeb" Yes, I would. Ihke_^g_]h d_g]mjm \ZeeZ[b \b^_eb \ ]h^m KqblZ_lky qlh wlh `b\hlgh_ \uf_jeh ba aZ jZkqbkldb kj_^u h[blZgby ^ey n_jf b kihjlb\ghc hohlu <ukhdb_ p_gu ij_^eZ]Z_fu_ dhee_dpbhg_jZfb ba ^jm]bo kljZg ihhsjyxl dhgljZ[Zg^guo \u\ha fgh]bo mgbdZevguo b jZaghp\_lguo Z\kljZebckdbo `b\hlguo lZdbo dZd ihim]Zc k ahehlufb ie_qZfb 81

FZe_gvdb_ djZqdb ]g_a^ylky dhehgbyfb \^hev iey`_c ]^_ ex^b \_a^_oh^gu_ fZrbgu b kh[Zdb fh]ml e_]dh bo ihlj_\h`blv :]_glkl\Z ih aZsbl_ ^bdhc ijbjh^u b ^h[jh\hevpu h]jZ`^Zxl f_klZ ]^_ ]g_a^ylky ilbpu b iZljmebjmxl iey`b qlh[u aZsblblv fZe_gvdmx fhjkdmx ilbqdm Ihl_jy _kl_kl\_gghc kj_^u b ju[heh\kl\h mf_gvrbeb qbkeh ju[u \ j_qghc kbkl_f_ Fmjj_c >Zjebg] JZkqbkldZ b \uiZk kbevgh mf_gvrbeb dhebq_kl\h jZkl_gby i_gbgkmeZ ]\bg_y gZ ihemhkljh\_ ?cj \ X`ghc :\kljZebb H^bqZ\rb_ dhrdb \klj_qZxlky ih \k_c :\kljZebb Hgb m[b\Zxl fgh]bo `b\hlguo \dexqZy fZe_gvdbo fe_dhiblZxsbo ilbp ey]mr_d ij_kfudZxsboky b gZk_dhfuo Dhrdb m]jh`Zxl ihimeypbb [Zg^bdmlZ \ rlZl_ <bdlhjby _^bgkl\_gghc gZ dhglbg_gl_ Ebkbpu qZklbqgh \bgh\Zlu \ mf_gvr_gbb qbke_gghklb [_lhg]h\ ie_cg \Zg^_jkh\ b ^jm]bo a_fe_jhcguo `b\hlguo Ebku ij_^klZ\e_ggu_ \ ]h^m ebku k_cqZk \klj_qZxlky ih \k_c :\kljZebb < l_o jZchgZo ]^_ bo g_l \ LZkfZgbb b ljhibq_kdhc qZklb :\kljZebb ihl_jb fZe_gvdbo fe_dhiblZxsbo [ueb f_gvr_ Djhebdb [ueb kZfufb jZajmrbl_evgufb ba ijb\_a_gguo `b\hlguo Hgb \klj_qZxlky \h \k_o qZklyo :\kljZebb djhf_ ljhibq_kdhc qZklb Hgb ihklhyggh ih\j_`^Zxl h]jhfgu_ kmob_ qZklb :\kljZebb qj_af_jguf \uiZkhf Kt_^Zy \dmkgu_ ljZ\u hgb lZd`_ kgbfZxl dhjm k ^_j_\v_\ DZd \u ^mfZ_l_ dlh beb qlh m]jh`Z_l `b\hlguf" DZdb_ `b\hlgu_ gZoh^ylky ih^ m]jhahc \ \Zr_c kljZg_" In my country tigers, white bears, and some species of eagles are endangered. :abZlkdbc kehg ² kehgh\Zy dhklv y\ey_lky ijbqbghc lh]h qlh kehgh\ m[b\Zxl Wlh h^bg ba fgh]bo aZij_s_gguo ijh^mdlh\ ba `b\hlguo <_gp_ghkguc ]hem[v ² kZfuc [hevrhc ba k_f_ckl\Z ]hem[bguo HjZg]mlZg] =jb\bkluc \hed ² wlhl \hed \u]ey^bl dZd [hevrZy djZkgZy ebkbpZ gZ oh^meyo Fbkkbkbikdbc Zeeb]Zlhj ² h^gh \j_fy Zeeb]Zlhjh\ m[b\Zeb lukyqZfb ba aZ bo dh`b DZjebdh\uc ]biihihlZf ² wlh `b\hlgh_ ijh\h^bl \ \h^_ f_gvr_ \j_f_gb q_f h[uqguc ]biihihlZf DhZeZ DhZeZ ² h^gh ba kZfuo ba\_klguo b ex[bfuo `b\hlguo \ :\kljZebb DhZeu `b\ml \ e_kbkluo jZchgZo \ dhlhjuo _klv ih^oh^ysZy ibsZ Hgb hq_gv ijb\_j_^eb\u_ _^hdb iblZxlky ihqlb bkdexqbl_evgh ebklvyfb w\dZebilZ DhZeu j_^dh ivxl Hgb ihemqZxl ^hklZlhqgh_ dhebq_kl\h \h^u ba k\h_c ebkl\_gghc ^b_lu 82

;hevrmx qZklv ^gy dhZeu kiyl gZ jZa\bedZo ^_j_\v_\ Z i_j_^\b]Zxlky b iblZxlky ghqvx Hgb gZb[he__ Zdlb\gu kjZam ihke_ aZdZlZ DhZem qZklh g_ijZ\bevgh gZau\Zxl ©f_^\_^_f dhZeZª Hg \hh[s_ g_ hlghkblky d k_f_ckl\m f_^\_^_c lZd dZd wlh kmfhqgh_ fe_dhiblZxs__ Z g_ ieZp_glZjgh_ Kj_^gyy ijh^he`bl_evghklv `bagb dhZeu \ ^bdhc ijbjh^_ hdheh e_l gh ba\_klgu kemqZb Dh]^Z hgb `beb e_l \ g_\he_ DZe_g^Zjv khojZg_gby dhZe fbeebhgu dhZe `beb \ e_kZo \hklhqghc b x`ghc :\kljZebb ;he__ fbeebhgZ dhZe [ueh m[blh ba aZ bo rdmju aZ r_klv f_kyp_\ ;he__ ^\mo fbeebhgh\ rdmj dhZe [ueh wdkihjlbjh\Zgh ba :\kljZebb <eZklb ih AZsbl_ >bdhc Ijbjh^u rlZlZ <bdlhjby aZsblbeb hkljh\gu_ ihimeypbb dhZe DhZeu bkq_aeb \ X`ghc :\kljZebb dhZe [ueb m[blu \ D\bgke_g^_ aZ h^bg f_kyp <eZklb rlZlZ <bdlhjby \uimklbeb dhZe gZ ijb]h^gu_ e_kgu_ l_jjblhjbb ih f_j_ lh]h dZd ihimeypbb \ hkljh\ghf aZih\_^gbd_ m\_ebqbebkv DhZe \uimklbeb \ jZchgh\ rlZlZ <bdlhjby >mfZc ]eh[Zevgh ^_ckl\mc ehdZevgh

KiZk_f hdjm`Zxsmx kj_^m G_kdhevdh kh\_lh\ dZd lu fh`_rv baf_gblv kblmZpbx KiZklb hdjm`Zxsmx kj_^m ihfh]ml ^_ckl\by dZ`^h]h q_eh\_dZ >_ckl\by wlb ijhklu b bo fh`gh [ukljh k^_eZlv Gh \k_ \f_kl_ hgb ijbg_kml wnn_dlb\guc b iheh`bl_evguc \deZ^ \ khojZg_gb_ hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^u Kms_kl\m_l fgh]h \_s_c dhlhju_ q_eh\_d fh`_l kh\_jrZlv dZ`^uc ^_gv A^_kv ijb\_^_g kibkhd kh\_lh\ dZd kgbablv bkihevah\Zgb_ we_dljhwg_j]bb dhlhju_ bamqZxl mq_gbdb \ :\kljZebb DZdb_ ba gbo ih^oh^yl ^ey f_klZ ]^_ lu `b\_rv" Qlh ba wlh]h lu m`_ ^_eZ_rv" Dh]^Z \hafh`gh oh^bl_ i_rdhf beb _a^bl_ gZ \_ehkbi_^_ <udexqZcl_ k\_l b we_dljhijb[hju dh]^Z \u bfb g_ ihevam_l_kv IjbgbfZcl_ ^mr f_gvr_ \j_f_gb qlh[u wdhghfblv \h^m IhdmiZcl_ ijh^mdlu i_j_jZ[hlZggu_ gZ \lhjkujv_ dhlhju_ fh`gh i_j_jZ[hlZlv gZ^_`gu_ ih^^Zxsb_ky j_fhglm ^haZijZ\eyxsb_ky ih\lhjgh bkihevam_fu_ Ibrbl_ gZ h[_bo klhjhgZo ebkldZ GZ^_\Zcl_ [hevr_ h^_`^u abfhc \f_klh lh]h qlh[u \dexqZlv h[h]j_\Zl_ev 83

KlZjZcl_kv ]hlh\blv g_kdhevdh [ex^ h^gh\j_f_ggh >h[bjZcl_kv ^h jZ[hlu beb ^h rdheu ihevamykv h[s_c fZrbghc ih ^h]h\hj_gghklb Bkihevamcl_ ]hjh^kdhc ljZgkihjl beb \_ehkbi_^ \f_klh fZrbgu Oh^bl_ i_rdhf \ fZ]Zabgu gZoh^ysb_ky ih [ebahklb Z g_ _a^bl_ lm^Z gZ fZrbg_ I_j_jZ[Zlu\Zcl_ fZkeh f_lZe [mfZ]m kl_deh b ieZklbd Qbgbl_ l_dmsb_ djZgu G_ hklZ\eycl_ \h^m l_qv Bkihevamcl_ djm`db b klZdZgu \f_klh [mfZ`guo klZdZgqbdh\ M[_^bl_kv qlh ^\_jv oheh^bevgbdZ ohjhrh aZdjulZ Bkihevamcl_ [_ev_\mx \_j_\dm Z g_ kmrbevguc ZiiZjZl IeZgbjmcl_ k\hb ih_a^db qlh[u wdhghfblv [_gabg Bkihevamcl_ wg_j]hwnn_dlb\gu_ we_dljbq_kdb_ eZfihqdb G_ \ueb\Zcl_ fZkeh `bj fhehdh beb obfbdZlu \ jZdh\bgm Ihhsjycl_ k\hx rdhem gZ iheh`bl_evgh_ hlghr_gb_ d aZsbl_ hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^u Fh`_l_ eb \u ijb^mfZlv _s_ dZdb_ gb[m^v kihkh[u khojZg_gby wg_j]bb" Kha^Zcl_ \ rdhe_ ^hkdm h[ty\e_gbc beb ]Za_lm dhlhjZy ijb\e_q_l \gbfZgb_ d ijh[e_fZf hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^u \ \Zr_f jZchg_ ;md_lu p\_lh\ Yjdb_ [jhkdb_ klZeb [he__ ihimeyjgu ;he__ fh^gu_ p\_lu k_cqZk kh_^bgyxl k [he__ klZjufb nZ\hjblZfb dZd bjbk b ojbaZgl_fZ LxeviZg lZd`_ hq_gv ihimeyjguc p\_lhd < :\kljZebb lxeviZgu ihy\eyxlky \ i_jbh^ k Zij_ey ih k_gly[jv beb hdly[jv Yjdh `_elu_ hjZg`_\u_ b djZkgu_ p\_lu qZklh klZ\yl \ h^gm dhjabgm ]hjrhd beb \ [md_l A_e_gZy ebkl\Z lZdZy dZd ebklvy w\dZebilZ ^h[Z\ey_lky qlh[u jZa[blv p\_l KZfuc ihimeyjguc kihkh[ kh_^bg_gby p\_lh\ ² wlh [md_l Bo fh`gh ^_j`Zlv \ jmd_ b hgb ^_r_\e_ q_f p\_lu \ dhjabgZo b ]hjrdZo < [md_l_ fh`_l [ulv g_kdhevdh \b^h\ p\_lh\ beb lhevdh h^bg p\_lhd :\kljZebcpu h[uqgh ihkueZxl p\_lu ih hkh[uf kemqZyf lZdbf dZd jh`^_gb_ j_[_gdZ k\Z^v[Z ^_gv jh`^_gby b ihohjhgu < :\kljZebb _klv ki_pbZevguc ^_gv k_gly[jy dhlhjuc gZau\Z_lky ©>_gv GZjpbkkZª Kms_kl\m_l ljZ^bpby ihdmiZlv \ wlhl ^_gv [md_l gZjpbkkh\ \ agZd m\Z`_gby d kljZ^Zxsbf hl jZdh\uo aZ[he_\Zgbc <k_ ^hoh^u hl ijh^Z` b^ml gZ bkke_^h\Zgby jZdZ Ih`ZemcklZ hl\_lvl_ gZ wlb \hijhku M \Zk _klv ex[bfuc p\_lhd" My favorite flower is lily. DZdb_ p\_lu ihimeyjgu \ \Zr_c kljZg_"


Chrysanthemum, tulips, irises, daisies, lilies and roses are popular in our country. ?keb [u \u khklZ\eyeb [md_l ba jZaguo p\_lh\ dZdb_ p\_lu \u [u \u[jZeb" I would choose roses and lilies. I would also add some green foliage. Ih dZdbf kemqZyf Z\kljZebcpu ^Zjyl p\_lu" Ih dZdbf kemqZyf \u ^Zjbl_ p\_lu" Australians give flowers on the birth of a baby, weddings, birthdays and funerals. I give flowers on birthdays, weddings, birth of a child, moving to a new flat and on different celebrations. < \Zr_c kljZg_ _klv hkh[uc ^_gv dZd Š>_gv GZjpbkkZÂŞ" _keb [u \u fh]eb kha^Zlv lZdhc ^_gv dhfm [u \u hl^Zeb ^hoh^u hl ijh^Z`" We don’t have such a day, if I could create such a day, I would give all the proceeds to the asylums. >Z\Zcl_ ih\_k_ebfky Kha^Z^bf ijh^mdlu g_ \j_^gu_ ^ey hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^u Kha^Zcl_ kh[kl\_gguc ijh^mdlu bkihevamy ke_^mxsb_ j_p_ilu Qbklys__ kj_^kl\h Qlh[u kha^Zlv qbklysmx iZklm ih^oh^ysmx ^ey \k_o ih\_joghkl_c gZijbf_j kdZf__d jZdh\bg iebl kf_rZcl_ ^\mm]e_dbkeuc gZljbc kh^m k \h^hc qlh[u k^_eZlv iZklm Qlh[u khojZgblv jZkl_gby hl gZk_dhfuo ½ dmkdZ fueZ qZcgZy eh`dZ jZaf_evq_ggh]h q_kghdZ ebljh\ ]hjyq_c \h^u Ohjhrh i_j_f_rZcl_ b ^Zcl_ gZklhylvky \ l_q_gb_ qZkh\ JZkiuebl_ dZd hllZedb\Zxs__ kj_^kl\h ^ey khkmsbo b dmkZxsboky gZk_dhfuo >_abgnbpbjmxs__ kj_^kl\h Qlh[u ^_abgnbpbjh\Zlv mqZkldb lZdb_ dZd \ZggZ ^mr b lmZe_l bkihevamcl_ mdkmk beb ZffbZd dhlhju_ g_ \j_^yl hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^_ QZrdZ mdkmkZ ^_abgnbpbjm_l lmZe_l \Zggu ^mrb lZa k mdkmkhf ijb^Zkl lZd`_ [e_kd HohlZ gZ aZsblgu_ f_oZgbafu DZ`^h_ `b\hlgh_ ih^\_j]Z_lky hiZkghklb \ k\h_c _kl_kl\_gghc kj_^_ @b\hlgh_ \u`b\Z_l ba aZ k\h_]h kljh_gby nhjfu \g_rghklb b ih\_^_gby GZijbf_j `b\hlgh_ fh`_l ]Zjfhgbqgh keblvky kh kj_^hc fh`_l ^jZlvky Z fh`_l m[_`Zlv [eZ]h^Zjy k\h_c kdhjhklb < ke_^mxsbc jZa dh]^Z \u ihc^_l_ \ ahhiZjd gZc^bl_ `b\hlgh_ dhlhju_ Fh`_l f_gylv p\_l Bf__l ]hjbahglZevgu_ ihehku Bf__l hklju_ am[u 85

Fh`_l [ukljh ieZ\Zlv Bf__l ohjhr__ aj_gb_ Bf__l \_jlbdZevgu_ ihehku Bf__l rbiu Bf__l iylgZ Bf__l hklju_ dh]lb Keh`gh aZf_lblv Yjdhc jZkp\_ldb Bf__l jh]Z Ba^Zxl ij_^mij_`^Zxsb_ a\mdb Bf__l aZsblm beb iZgpbjv Kb^bl g_ ^\b]Zykv LZdh]h `_ p\_lZ dZd b \k_ \hdjm] Hq_gv [hevrh_ Bf__l `Zeh Bf__l ]eZaZ gZ o\hkl_ Bf__l g_h[uqgh_ hjm`b_ Bf__l ]eZaZ k ihehkhc Ohjhrh keurbl <u]ey^bl dZd qlh lh ^jm]h_ :dlb\gh ghqvx Fh`_l m^Zjblv gh]Zfb Mf__l [ukljh [_]Zlv Fh`_l k\_jgmlvky \ rZjbd Fh`_l kdhevablv Y^h\blh_ Bf__l hkljuc gxo

IjZdlbdm_fky kemrZlv Ih`ZemcklZ IjhkemrZcl_ ke_^mxs__ ih\_kl\h\Zgb_ AZl_f ijhkemrZcl_ _s_ jZa b aZihegbl_ lZ[ebpm <b^u

JZkl_gby Ilbpu ey]mrdb Fe_dhiblZxsb_ Ju[Z


;he__ Hdheh 282 4000

Ijhp_gl \klj_qZxsboky lhevdh \ Z\kljZebb 85% Ihqlb 93% 82%


JZa]h\hjgZy ijZdlbdZ KZrZ b Hev]Z jZa]h\Zjb\Zxl k <bdlhjhf h dmevlmjghc `bagb :\kljZebb Hgb ieZgbjmxl ihoh^ \ fma_c 86

Ih`ZemcklZ ijhqlbl_ ke_^mxsb_ ^bZeh]b AZl_f jZau]jZcl_ bo kh k\hbfb h^ghdeZkkgbdZfb Hkh[h_ \gbfZgb_ m^_eycl_ ]eZ]heZf WR EH b WR KDYH Ihke_ ijhql_gby ih`ZemcklZ \uihegbl_ mijZ`g_gby Ihoh^ \ Fma_c KZrZ <bdlhj lu agZ_rv qlh \ Jhkkbb fmaudZ b bkdmkkl\h y\eyxlky [hevrhc qZklvx `bagb M gZk keh`behkv \i_qZle_gb_ qlh \ :\kljZebb ex^b hq_gv bgl_j_kmxlky kihjlhf b ^bdhc ijbjh^hc : dZd gZkq_l dmevlmjghc `bagb :\kljZebb" <bdlhj Ex^b a^_kv hq_gv ex[yl fmaudm b bkdmkkl\h <_q_jhf fh`gh m\b^_lv fgh`_kl\h ex^_c \ k\hbo emqrbo \_q_jgbo gZjy^Zo ki_rZsbo \ l_Zlj Hey IjZ\^Z" Ex^b gZjy`Zxlky qlh[u ihclb \ l_Zlj" <bdlhj >Z @_gsbgu gZ^_\Zxl ^ebggu_ \_q_jgb_ ieZlvy Z fm`qbgu h^_\Zxlky \ kfhdbg]b KZrZ Y hq_gv ohqm m\b^_lv bkdmkkl\h Z[hjb]_gh\ <bdlhj Bkdmkkl\h Z[hjb]_gh\ hq_gv bgl_j_kgh_ b g_h[uqgh_ :[hjb]_gu bkihevamxl fgh`_kl\h lhq_d \ k\h_c `b\hibkb Hey Lu qZklh oh^brv \ fma_b b ]Ze_j_b" <bdlhj >Z Y oh^be \ fma_c bah[jZabl_evguo bkdmkkl\ ^\Z jZaZ \ wlhf f_kyp_ Fgh]b_ fma_b ij_^hklZ\eyxl wdkdmjkbb rdhevguf ]jmiiZf GZrb ]Ze_j_b ihk_sZxl mq_gbdb kh \k_c :\kljZebb GZr deZkk ^he`_g [ue ih_oZlv gZ wdkdmjkbx \ DZg[_jjm \ gZpbhgZevgmx =Ze_j_x Bkdmkkl\Z gh ih_a^dm hleh`beb ^Z ke_^mxs_]h f_kypZ KZrZ D kh`Ze_gbx m gZk g_ [ueh \hafh`ghklb ihk_lblv GZpbhgZevgmx =Ze_j_x ihdZ fu [ueb \ DZg[_jj_ <bdlhj Ihfbfh hkgh\ghc dhee_dpbb fma_y ijh\h^ylky ki_pbZevgu_ \uklZ\db Fh`gh ihkfhlj_lv nbevfu b \b^_h h[ bkdmkkl\_ b om^h`gbdZo bamqZlv dgb]b ih bkdmkkl\m \ [b[ebhl_d_ b ih_klv \ dZn_ Hey Y keurZeZ qlh \ GZpbhgZevghc =Ze_j__ _klv \uklZ\dZ dhlhjZy i_j__a`Z_l Q_fh^Zg k jZaebqgufb ijhba\_^_gbyfb bkdmkkl\Z ihkueZxl ^_lyf dhlhju_ `b\ml \ hl^Ze_gguo f_klZo LZdbf h[jZahf hgb lh`_ fh]ml m\b^_lv g_dhlhju_ ijhba\_^_gby bkdmkkl\Z dhlhju_ gZoh^ylky \ fma_yo KZrZ DZdZy aZf_qZl_evgZy b^_y <bdlhj < fma_yo :\kljZebb _klv ohjhrZy \_sv \h fgh]bo ba gbo _klv ki_pbZevgu_ mkem]b ^ey ex^_c k gZjmr_gb_f ^\b]Zl_evghc kbkl_fu Hey DZdb_ mkem]b hgb ij_^hklZ\eyxl" <bdlhj Kms_kl\mxl f_klZ ^ey iZjdh\db ki_pbZevgh ^ey bg\Zeb^h\ lZd qlh bf g_ ijboh^blky ^Ze_dh b^lb LZf _klv gZdehggu_ iehkdhklb ^ey ex^_c gZ bg\Zeb^guo dheykdZo dhlhju_ g_ fh]ml ihevah\Zlvky e_klgbpZfb beb wkdZeZlhjZfb M f_gy _klv ^jm] dhlh87

juc iehoh \b^bl Dh]^Z hgZ b^_l \ fma_c _c ^Zxl fZl_jbZeu dZjlu b bgnhjfZpbx h fma__ gZi_qZlZggu_ djmiguf rjbnlhf KZrZ >he`gh [ulv wlh hq_gv ihfh]Z_l <bdlhj Y kh[bjZxkv ihclb \ fma_c bkdmkkl\Z aZ\ljZ Ohlbl_ ihclb kh fghc" KZrZ Dhg_qgh GZf gm`gh [ulv m LhfZ ^hfZ \_q_jhf gh ^g_f m gZk _klv k\h[h^gh_ \j_fy <bdlhj Ij_djZkgh Fg_ lh`_ gm`gh [ulv ^hfZ \_q_jhf Ih`ZemcklZ hl\_lvl_ gZ ke_^mxsb_ \hijhku FmaudZ b bkdmkkl\h \Z`gZy qZklv `bagb :\kljZebb" Yes, they are. FmaudZ b bkdmkkl\h \Z`gZy qZklv \Zr_c `bagb" Yes, they are. DZd ex^b h^_\Zxlky ^ey ihk_s_gby l_ZljZ \ :\kljZebb" People get dressed for the theatre in Australia. Women wear long dresses and men wear tuxedos. Qlh ohq_l m\b^_lv KZrZ" Sasha is eager to see some Aboriginal art. M KZrb b Heb [ue rZgk ihk_lblv GZpbhgZevgmx =Ze_j_x dh]^Z hgb [ueb \ DZg[_jj_" No, they didn’t. Qlh fh`gh ^_eZlv \ GZpbhgZevghc =Ze_j__" You can watch films and videos about art and artists, study art books in the library and have lunch at the cafe. Qlh lZdh_ iml_r_kl\mxsZy \uklZ\dZ" A travelling exhibition is a suitcase with different kinds of artwork, which is sent to children who live in remote areas of the country. DZd \u kqblZ_l_ iml_r_kl\mxsb_ \uklZ\db ² wlh ohjhrZy b^_y" Ihq_fm" Yes, I think it’s a great idea because children who live in remote areas have no other opportunity to see works of art. DZdb_ mkem]b fgh]b_ fma_b ij_^hklZ\eyxl bg\Zeb^Zf" Museums have parking areas just for the disabled. There are ramps for people who use wheelchairs. For those who can’t see well large-print material is available. DZd \u kqblZ_l_ wlb mkem]b ihfh]Zxl Yes, I think they are helpful. They unable the disabled see artworks. <u agZ_l_ dh]h gb[m^v dlh ba\e_d [u ihevam ba lZdbo mkem]" No, I don’t.

=jZffZlbdZ :f_jbdZgkdbc dhee_^` mgb\_jkbl_l H[mq_gb_ \ Zf_jbdZgkdhf dhee_^`_ beb mgb\_jkbl_l_ ^eblky q_luj_ ]h^Z DZ`^uc ]h^ \dexqZ_l \ k_[y ^\Z k_f_kljZ I_j\uc hk_ggbc 88

k_f_klj h[uqgh gZqbgZ_lky \ ihke_^gxx g_^_ex Z\]mklZ b ijh^he`Z_lky ^h k_j_^bgu ^_dZ[jy k g_^_eyfb i_j_ju\Z gZ Jh`^_kl\_gkdb_ dZgbdmeu <lhjhc k_f_klj gZqbgZ_lky \ yg\Zj_ b ijh^he`Z_lky ^h dhgpZ fZy Klm^_glZf h[uqgh ^Zxl hl lj_o ^h iylb ^g_c gZ iZkoZevgu_ dZgbdmeu Ihfbfh h[uqgh]h ZdZ^_fbq_kdh]h ]h^Z fgh]b_ dhee_^`b ij_^eZ]Zxl dmjku \h \j_fy e_lgbo f_kyp_\ Wlb k_kkbb ihk_sZxl klm^_glu dhlhju_ ohlyl ih^mqblv ijh]jZffm beb mkdhjblv h[mq_gb_ < Zf_jbdZgkdhf dhee_^`_ Kj_^gbc klm^_gl ^he`_g k^Zlv ² aZq_lh\ aZ k_f_klj LZdbf h[jZahf hg fh`_l ihemqblv aZq_lZ aZ ZdZ^_fbq_kdbc ]h^ Dh]^Z klm^_gl k^Ze [hevr_ aZq_lh\ hg i_j_\h^blky gZ ke_^mxsbc dmjk b klZgh\blky klm^_glhf ² \lhjhdmjkgbdhf Ihke_ mki_rgh]h aZ\_jr_gby q_luj_o e_l h[mq_gby b ihemq_gby beb aZq_lh\ hg klZgh\blky dZg^b^Zlhf gZ kl_i_gv [ZdZeZ\jZ bkdmkkl\ beb [ZdZeZ\jZ gZmd b ]hlh\ d hdhgqZgbx mq_[gh]h aZ\_^_gby \kihfh]Zl_evguc ]eZ]he \kihfh]Zl_evguc ]eZ]he \kihfh]Zl_evguc ]eZ]he ]eZ]he k\yadZ Mgb\_jkbl_lkdZy `bagv \ :g]ebb Hdknhj^kdbc Mgb\_jkbl_l ² wlh kh[jZgb_ dhee_^`_c G_dhlhju_ ba wlbo dhee_^`_c [ueb hkgh\Zgu khlgb e_l gZaZ^ ŠMgb\_jkbl_lª ² wlh lhevdh Z^fbgbkljZlb\guc p_glj dhlhjuc hj]Zgbam_l e_dpbb ^ey \k_o klm^_glh\ dhee_^`_c ijh\h^bl wdaZf_gu b ^Z_l kl_i_gb < dZ`^hf dhee_^`_ _klv jZagu_ klm^_glu klm^_glu bamqZxsb_ f_^bpbgm bg`_g_ju klm^_glu bamqZxsb_ bkdmkkl\h Mgb\_jkbl_lkdZy kbkl_fZ ijbdj_ie_gby klm^_glh\ d hl^_evguf dhgkmevlZglZf ² wlh lh qlh hlebqZ_l Hdknhj^ b D_f[jb^` hl hklZevguo Zg]ebckdbo mgb\_jkbl_lh\ M dZ`^h]h klm^_glZ _klv ij_ih^Z\Zl_ev dhlhjuc ieZgbjm_l _]h jZ[hlm DZ`^mx g_^_ex klm^_glu ijboh^yl d g_fm b hg h[km`^Z_l k gbfb ijh^_eZggmx jZ[hlm M wlhc kbkl_fu _klv k\hb ^hklhbgkl\Z :dZ^_fbq_kdbc ]h^ \ :g]ebb jZa^_e_g gZ ljb k_f_kljZ dhlhju_ ^eylky k gZqZeZ hdly[jy ^h k_j_^bgu ^_dZ[jy k k_j_^bgu yg\Zjy ^h dhgpZ fZjlZ k k_j_^bgu Zij_ey ^h dhgpZ bxgy beb gZqZeZ bxey WdaZf_gu \ dhgp_ k_f_kljZ ijh\h^ylky \ k_j_^bg_ hk_gg_]h \_k_gg_]h b e_lg_]h k_f_kljh\ HdhgqZl_evgu_ wdaZf_gu ijh\h^ylky \ dhgp_ dmjkZ h[mq_gby ?keb klm^_gl ijh\Zeb\Z_lky gZ wdaZf_g_ ?fm fh]ml jZaj_rblv ihijh[h\Zlv _s_ jZa H[uqgh jZaj_rZxl ^\_ i_j_wdaZf_gh\db AZ gZjmr_gb_ ^bkpbiebgu klm^_glZ fh]ml hrljZnh\Zlv gZ hij_^_e_ggmx kmffm ^_g_] aZ k_jv_agh_ gZjmr_gb_ _]h fh]ml bkdexqblv ba mgb\_jkbl_lZ 89

;jblZgkdb_ mgb\_jkbl_lu h[uqgh khojZgyxl h[uqZb ijhreh]h HdZgqb\Zy Hdknhj^ \k_ klm^_glu ^he`gu gZ^_lv ^ebggu_ q_jgu_ fZglbb b rZihqdb klm^_glh\ Ijhqlbl_ b magZcl_

FmaudZ \ :\kljZebb EZjjb Kblkdb Ih`ZemcklZ ijhqlbl_ ke_^mxsbc l_dkl AZl_f hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku ke_^mxsb_ aZ l_dklhf EZjjb Kblkdb aZgbfZ_l \Z`gh_ f_klh \ fmaudZevghc `bagb :\kljZebb dZd dhfihablhj ibZgbkl fmaudh\_^ mqbl_ev e_dlhj b \_^msbc l_e_ b jZ^bhijh]jZff Hg jh^beky \ Lygvpabg_ DblZc m jmkkdh _\j_ckdbo jh^bl_e_c gZqZe aZgbfZlvky \ hq_gv jZgg_f \hajZkl_ b \ e_l ^Ze k\hc i_j\uc dhgp_jl b gZqZe k\hx dZjv_jm dhfihablhjZ < ]h^m Kblkdb k jh^bl_eyfb ijb_oZe \ :\kljZebx b ihemqbe klbi_g^bx \ FmaudZevghc Dhgk_j\Zlhjbb Gh\h]h X`gh]h MwevkZ ]^_ hg bamqZe nhjl_ibZgh b dhfihablhjkdh_ bkdmkkl\h hg aZdhgqbe __ \ ]h^m < ]h^m hg ihemqbe klbi_g^bx \ Dhgk_j\Zlhjbb KZg NjZgpbkdh ]^_ hg ijhmqbeky ^\Z ]h^Z < _]h gZagZqbeb =eZ\hc Hl^_e_gby Bamq_gby DeZ\br \ Rdhe_ Fmaudb \ DZg[_jj_ Z aZl_f ]eZ\hc hl^_e_gby fmaudh\_^_gby b bamq_gby dhfihablhjkdh]h bkdmkkl\Z Ohly Kblkdb ijh[h\Ze ibkZlv fmaudm \ ^_lkl\_ gZ k\h_c jh^bg_ \ DblZ_ hg \ hkgh\ghf khkj_^hlhqbe \gbfZgb_ gZ bkiheg_gbb \ jmkkdbo jhfZglbq_kdbo ljZ^bpbyo K l_o ihj m g_]h hklZeky kbevguc bgl_j_k d jmkkdhc fmaud_ b fmaudZevghc ^_yl_evghklb Kblkdb [ue i_j\uf Z\kljZebcp_f dhlhjh]h ijb]eZkbeb \ kh\_lkdbc Khxa ih dmevlmjghfm h[f_gm \ ]h^m Ohly hg bgl_j_kh\Zeky y \k_fb Zki_dlZfb jmkkdhc fmaudb Kblkdb hkh[_ggh ijb\e_dZeb gZb[he__ g_h[uqgu_ wdkp_gljbqgu_ b ijh[e_fZlbqgu_ dhfihablhju Jhkkbb B]jZ gZ ibZgbgh kZfh]h Kblkdb [ueZ hibkZgZ dZd fjZqgZy aeh\_sZy g_e_]dZy hq_gv gZijy`_ggZy b iuedh kljZklgZy Hg lZd`_ bkihevam_l wlb keh\Z qlh[u hibku\Zlv b o\Zeblv jZ[hlu ;ZoZ :glhgZ Jm[bgrl_cgZ Fmkhj]kdh]h Kdjy[bgZ JZofZgbgh\Z FZe_jZ ;_j]Z ;ehoZ b RhklZdh\bqZ fgh]b_ ba dhlhjuo ² jmkkdb_ AZihegbl_ lZ[ebpm ih^q_jdgmlufb keh\Zfb ba l_dklZ AZl_f i_j_\_^bl_ keh\Z Kms_kl\bl_evgh_ IjbeZ]Zl_evgh_ GZj_qb_ =eZ]he &RPSRVHU ² dhfih- (DUO\ ² jZgg_f +RWO\ ² iuedh 2FFXSLHV ² aZablhj gbfZ_l 3LDQLVW ² ibZgbkl 6WURQJ ² kbevguc +LJKO\ ² hk_gv %HJDQ ² gZqZe


Kms_kl\bl_evgh_ 0XVLFRORJLVW ² fmaudh\_^ 7HDFKHU ² ij_ih^Z\Zl_ev /HFWXUHU ² e_dlhj %URDGFDVWHU ² \_^msbc l_e_ ² b jZ^bhijh]jZff

IjbeZ]Zl_evgh_ 'DUN ² fjZqguc


8QHDV\ ² g_e_]dbc 3DVVLRQDWHkljZklgu c

=eZ]he +DG JLYHQ ² ^Ze

&DPH ² ijb_oZe Was granted — _fm ih`Zeh\Zeb 6WXGLHG ² mqbeky Was appointed ² [ue gZagZq_g Has maintained ² khojZgbe

Ih`ZemcklZ aZihegbl_ lZ[ebpm \b^h\j_f_ggufb nhjfZfb \klj_lb\rbfbky \ l_dkl_ b i_j_\_^bl_ bo GZklhys__


2FFXSLHV ² aZgbfZ_l LV ² y\ey_lky XVHV ² bkihevam_l Ijhr_^- %HJDQ ² gZqZe FDPH r__ ² ijb_oZe VWXGLHG ² mqbeky ZRQ ² \ub]jZe VWXGLHG ² mqbeky ZDV ² [ue ;m^ms__


Simple GZklhys__ ,V GUDZQ ² _]h ijb\e_dZ_l

perfexct Has maintained — khojZgbe

Perfect progressive

+DG JLYHQ ² ^Ze KDG EHJXQ ² gZqZe had experimented — wdki_jbf_glbjh\Ze

Ijhr_^r__ :DV JUDQWHG ² _fm ih`Zeh\Zeb ZDV DSSRLQWHG ² [ue gZagZq_g ;m^ms__


Perfect Has been described ² [ueZ hibkZgZ

Ih`ZemcklZ hl\_lvl_ gZ ke_^mxsb_ \hijhku dlh lZdhc EZjjb Kblkdb" <u dh]^Z gb[m^v keurZeb h g_f" Larry Sitsky is a composer, pianist, musicologist, teacher, lecturer and broadcaster. I have never heard of him. =^_ hg jh^beky" He was born in Tianjin, China. Ihq_fm ih \Zr_fm fg_gbx hg ijb_oZe \ :\kljZebx" He came to Australia because there are wider opportunities for a musician. =^_ hg mqbeky" He studied at the New South Wales Conservatorium of Music, then he studied at the San Fransisco Conservatory. 91

>he`_g eb hg [ue ieZlblv aZ mq_[m" No, he didn’t. He was awarded scholarships. =^_ hg jZ[hlZ_l" He works at Canberra School of Music. DZdhc fmaudhc hg bgl_j_km_lky" He is interested in the music of Russian eccentric and problematic composers. DZdhc fmaudhc bgl_j_km_l_kv \u" I’m interested in jazz and blues. DZd hibkZeb b]jm gZ nhjl_ibZgh Kblkdb" Sitsky’s piano was described as dark, sinister, uneasy, highly strung and hotly passionate. <u kfh`_l_ ku]jZlv Ij_ex^bx ‹ ba Š>\_gZ^pZlb Fbklbq_kdbo Ij_ex^bcÂŞ Kblkdb" Qlh \u h g_c ^mfZ_l_" I can’t even imagine how it may sound. Ih`ZemcklZ hij_^_ebl_ dh]^Z b dZd \ l_dkl_ bkihevah\Zgu ]eZ]heu WR EH b WR KDYH +DG JLYHQ ² \kihfh]Zl_evguc ]eZ]he KDG EHJXQ \kihfh]Zl_evguc ]eZ]he KDG H[SHULPHQWHG \kihfh]Zl_evguc ]eZ]he +DV PDLQWDLQHG \kihfh]Zl_evguc ]eZ]he +DV EHHQ GHVFULEHG \kihfh]Zl_evguc ]eZ]he :DV JUDQWHG \kihfh]Zl_evguc ]eZ]he ZDV DSSRLQWHG \kihfh]Zl_evguc ]eZ]he ZDV kfukeh\hc ]eZ]he LV ² kfukeh\hc ]eZ]he >Zcl_ ibkvf_ggh_ beb mklgh_ djZldh_ baeh`_gb_ l_dklZ Larry Sitsky is a famous contemporary musician, composer and teacher. He was born in China and in 1951 he came to Australia. He had given his first concert at the age of 11. In Australia and later in San Francisco he was awarded scholarships. In 1966 he was appointed Head of Keyboard Studies a at the Canberra School of Music and later the Head of Musicology and the Head of Composition studies. He had been interested in Russian Romantic tradition and has maintained this interest. He was the first Australian to visit USSR. He was particularly drawn to the most individual, eccentric and problematic composers. His own music is described as dark, sinister, uneasy and hotly passionate. :\kljZebckdbc Fheh^_`guc Hjd_klj :\kljZebckdbc Fheh^_`guc Hjd_klj [ue \Z`ghc kbehc \ fmaudZevghc `bagb gZpbb h[mqZy emqrbo fheh^uo fmaudZglh\ :\kljZebb kljh]hklyf ijhn_kkbhgZevghc `bagb \ hjd_klj_ < hjd_klj_ ihqlb mq_gbdh\ \ \hajZkl_ hl ^h e_l M hjd_kljZ \u^ZxsZyky j_imlZpby \ :\kljZebb b \h \k_f fbj_ Hgb b]jZeb \ :g]ebb =heeZg^bb >Zgbb 92

NjZgpbb =_jfZgbb KdZg^bgZ\bb R\_cpZjbb Mwevk_ BlZebb \ Kh_^bg_gguo RlZlZo Gh\hc A_eZg^bb DblZ_ Dhj__ Yihgbb b lZd ^Ze__ I_lZ Q_ck ² h^gZ ba gh\uo kdjbiZq_d :\kljZebckdh]h Fheh^_`gh]h Hjd_kljZ HgZ gZqZeZ b]jZlv gZ kdjbid_ \ k_fv e_l < \hajZkl_ ^_\ylb e_l hgZ ihklmibeZ \ >_lkdbc Kbfnhgbq_kdbc Hjd_klj GvxdZkeZ b aZl_f klZeZ _]h eb^_jhf < ]h^m I_lZ gZqZeZ mqblvky p_euc ^_gv \ Dhgk_j\Zlhjbb GvxdZkeZ gZ kl_i_gv [ZdZeZ\jZ fmaudb ]^_ klZeZ eb^_jhf KlZjr_]h hjd_kljZ I_lm gZ]jZ`^Zeb g_kdhevdbfb klbi_g^byfb b ijbaZfb aZ __ \deZ^ \ fmaudm B \k_ `_ g_kfhljy gZ wlb ^hklb`_gby I_lZ ijbagZeZkv qlh g_j\gbqZeZ b \hegh\ZeZkv dh]^Z \klmibeZ \ :\kljZebckdbc Fheh^_`guc Hjd_klj GZ dZdbo yaudZo jZa]h\Zjb\Zxl \ wlbo kljZgZo" Mwevk ² :HOVK *DHOLF F_dkbdZ ² 6SDQLVK :\kljZeby ² (QJOLVK :\kljby ² *HUPDQ BjeZg^by ² (QJOLVK =heeZg^by ² 'XWFK DZgZ^Z ² (QJOLVK )UHQFK R\_cpZjby ² *HUPDQ )UHQFK ,WDOLDQ Nbgeyg^by ² )LQQLVK 6ZHGLVK RhleZg^by ² (QJOLVK 6FRWWLVK Gh\Zy A_eZg^by (QJOLVK Š>Z a^jZ\kl\m_l FmaudZ \ RdheZoª Š>Z a^jZ\kl\m_l FmaudZ \ RdheZoª ² kZfZy h[rbjgZy fmaudZevgZy ijh]jZffZ ij_^eZ]ZxsZy ij_djZkgu_ dhgp_jlu ^ey rdhevgbdh\ __ ih^^_j`b\Zxl ijhba\h^kl\h mq_[guo fZl_jbZeh\ b dmjku ih\_r_gby d\ZebnbdZpbb ^ey mqbl_e_c Ijh]jZffZ [ueZ hkgh\ZgZ \ Gh\hf X`ghf Mwevk_ \ ]h^m k dhgp_jlZfb \ rdheZo < ]h^m Š>Z a^jZ\kl\m_l FmaudZ \ RdheZoª klZeZ gZpbhgZevghc ijh]jZffhc \dexqZxs_c ZgkZf[eyfb ^Zxsbfb dhgp_jlh\ \ rdhe \h \k_o RlZlZo b L_jjblhjbyo :\kljZebb ?`_]h^gu_ dhgp_jlu ZgkZf[e_c \ukhdhd\Zebnbpbjh\Zgguo fmaudZglh\ dhlhju_ jZa^_eyxl k\hx ex[h\v d fmaud_ kh klm^_glZfb b \h\e_dZxl bo \ f_jhijbylby gZ dhlhjuo hgb kemrZxl b fh]ml ihmqZkl\h\Zlv \ rdheZo klhebpu b k_evkdbo rdheZo ih \k_c :\kljZebb Ij_^eZ]Z_lky [hevrhc \u[hj ZgkZf[e_c \dexqZy \hdZevgu_ ^moh\u_ ZgkZf[eb \ klbe_ [Zjhddh ZgkZf[eb m^Zjguo bgkljmf_glh\ ZgkZf[eb jZaebqguo dmevlmj gZjh^ghc fmaudb b ^`Zah\u_ ZgkZf[eb >mgdZg =bnnhj^ ibZgbkl


< ]h^Z >mgdZg =bnnhj^ ihdZaZe k_[y dZd h^bg ba gZb[he__ lZeZgleb\uo fmaudZglh\ :\kljZebb >mgdZg mqblky gZ iylhf dmjk_ Fhkdh\kdhc Dhgk_j\Zlhjbb mqZkv gZ \ deZkk_ mqbl_ey k fbjh\uf ijbagZgb_f ijhn_kkhjZ Ev\Z <eZk_gdh >mgdZg ² ih[_^bl_ev hkgh\gh]h dhgdmjkZ ih b]j_ gZ nhjl_ibZgh \ :\kljZebb b hg [ue gZa\Zg I_j\uf Fheh^uf Bkihegbl_e_f =h^Z \ ]h^m K l_o ihj >mgdZg gZqZe fgh]hh[_sZxsmx dZjv_jm ih[_^b\ gZ Dhgp_jlghf Hl^_e_gbb \ Fhjh\hf Dhgdmjk_ ih Nhjl_ibZgh ]h^Z \ dZl_]hjbb Fheh^uo Bkihegbl_e_c b PbgpbggZlb KR: < bxe_ ]h^Z >mgdZg klZe lj_lvbf \ F_`^mgZjh^ghf Dhgdmjk_ ih Nhjl_ibZgh \ Kb^g__ b lj_lvbf \ F_`^mgZjh^ghf Dhgdmjk_ ih Nhjl_ibZgh \ Fhgj_Ze_ >mgdZg \uklmiZe dZd khebkl k kbfnhgbq_kdbfb hjd_kljZfb Kb^g_y F_ev[mjgZ b :^_eZb^u k :\kljZebckdbf DZf_jguf Hjd_kljhf Fheh^_`guf Hjd_kljhf Kb^g_y b k Z\kljZebckdbf ihi hjd_kljhf Hg ]Zkljhebjh\Ze ih ?\jhi_ dZd khebkl :\kljZebckdh]h Fheh^_`gh]h hjd_kljZ b [ue ijb]eZr_gguf khebklhf I_gZg]kdh]h b GZpbhgZevgh]h Kbfnhgbq_kdbo Hjd_kljh\ FZeZcabb Hg \uklmiZe ih \k_c :\kljZebb :abb b X`gh Lbohhd_Zgkbo kljZg hg lZd`_ j_]meyjgh \uklmiZ_l \ Fhkd\_ b k [u\r_f Kh\_lkdhf Khxa_ Hg fgh]h jZa \uklmiZe gZ gZpbhgZevghf jZ^bh I_j\uc dhfiZdlguc ^bkd >mgdZgZ [ue \uims_g \ ]h^m <k_fbjguc \uah\ jhd fmaud_ :\kljZebckdbc Zglj_ij_g_j Ibl_j K^`hd\bkl g_^Z\gh hqZjh\Ze im[ebdm k\hbf ij_^klZ\e_gb_f Š<k_fbjguc \uah\ jhd fmaud_ª =h\hjy h[ mki_o_ b^_b dhlhjZy jh^beZkv e_l gZaZ^ \ :\kljZebb b k_cqZk j_Zebah\ZgZ \ Gh\hc A_eZg^bb Nb^`b <_ebdh[jblZgbb b KR: Ibl_j kdZaZe Š<uah\ jhd fmaud_ kha^Zg ^ey lh]h qlh[u h[t_^bgblv ih^jhkldh\ ih \k_fm fbjm \ h[sbgm m dhlhjhc [m^_l p_ev m\Z`_gb_ d k_[_ b d ^jm]bfª Š<k_fbjguc \uah\ jhd fmaud_ª ² wlh ^jm`_kdh_ khj_\gh\Zgb_ f_`^m ^_lvfb mqZsbfbky \ kj_^g_c rdhe_ ij_^hklZ\eyxsZy mq_gbdZf \hafh`ghklv ij_^klZ\blv qZklv jZa\e_q_gbc q_j_a fmaudm Klm^_glh\ ihhsjyxl \ujZ`Zlv k\hb l\hjq_kdb_ kbeu \ i_kg_ b lZgp_ < :\kljZebb Š<k_fbjguc \uah\ jhd fmaud_ª ijb\e_dZ_l mqZklgbdh\ _`_]h^gh NbgZe dhgdmjkZ ihdZau\Zxl ih l_e_\b^_gbx \ lh \j_fy dh]^Z l_e_\bahj kfhljyl [hevrbgkl\h ex^_c Ex[hc ijbgbfZxsbc mqZklb_ \ dhgdmjk_ beb ijbr_^rbc ihkfhlj_lv ^he`_g kh]eZkblvky g_ dmjblv g_ ijbgbfZlv gZjdhlbdb b g_ iblv Zedh]hevgu_ gZibldb \k_ \j_fy kdhevdh ijh^he`Z_lky dhgdmjk H^bg mq_gbd kdZaZe ŠWlh aZf_qZl_evgh Wlh g_khfg_ggh ihdZau\Z_l qlh fh`gh \_k_eblvky g_ ijbgbfZy gZjdhlbdb M f_gy _klv ^jmavy dhlhju_ [jhkbeb dmjblv qlh[u ijbgylv mqZklb_ \ dhgdmjk_ª 94

Š<uah\ jhd fmaud_ÂŞ ² wlh jZ[hlZ \f_kl_ k ^jmavyfb jh^bl_eyfb ihebp_ckdbfb mqbl_eyfb ijhn_kkbhgZeZfb kj_^kl\ fZkkh\hc bgnhjfZpbb b bg^mkljbb jZa\e_q_gbc Ehamg] Š<k_fbjguc \uah\ jhd fmaud_ÂŞ ² Š\ub]jZlv ² wlh a^hjh\h MqZkl\h\Zlv ² _s_ emqr_ÂŞ Ih`ZemcklZ hl\_lvl_ gZ ke_^mxsb_ \hijhku Qlh \u ^mfZ_l_ h Š<k_fbjguc \uah\ jhd fmaud_ÂŞ" \u [u ohl_eb ijbgylv mqZklb_ \ dhgdmjk_" I think Rock Global Challenge is a great idea. It is an opportunity for teenagers to associate and to have fun. They can express their creativity. I would like to take part in its competitions. Ihq_fm \k_ mqZklgbdb ^he`gu kh]eZkblvky g_ dmjblv g_ ijbgbfZlv gZjdhlbdb b g_ iblv Zedh]hevgu_ gZibldb \h \j_fy ijh\_^_gby dhgdmjkZ" All the participants have to agree not to smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs because it makes young people see that they can have a good time without it. Qlh agZqbl wlh ij_^eh`_gb_ Š<uah\ jhd fmaud_ kha^Zg ^ey lh]h qlh[u h[t_^bgblv ih^jhkldh\ ih \k_fm fbjm \ h[sbgm m dhlhjhc [m^_l p_ev m\Z`_gb_ d k_[_ b d ^jm]bfÂŞ" It means that this competitions were started to teach teenagers to respect each other, to make them feel they are not alone and that there is a great number of people who can be their friends. >ey q_]h [ue kha^Zg Š<k_fbjguc \uah\ jhd fmaud_ÂŞ" It is designed to link teenagers in a commonality of purpose and respect for themselves and for others. Kdhevdh mq_gbdh\ ijbgbfZxl mqZklb_ \ dhgdmjk_ \ :\kljZebb dZ`^uc ]h^" 50000 students compete in Australia each year. DZd \u ^mfZ_l_ Qlh \Z`g__ ih[_^blv beb ijbgbfZlv mqZklb_" I think it’s more important o take part in the event. Kha^Z^bf ]jmiim JZa^_ebl_kv gZ ]jmiiu b ij_^klZ\vl_ qlh \u bkihegbl_eb jhd fmaudb beb ^`ZaZ H[km^bl_ b^_b gZkq_l \Zrbo ]jmii <Zr_c ]jmii_ gm`gh [m^_l GZa\Zgb_ ^ey ]jmiiu b ^ey \k_o __ qe_gh\ Bfb^` ]jmiiu JZajZ[hlZcl_ dhklxfu ^ey \uklmie_gby GZjbkmcl_ bo gZ ieZdZl_ j_deZfbjmxs_f \Zr lmj ih kljZg_ =Za_lgZy klZlvy jZkkdZau\ZxsZy qblZl_eyf h ij_^klhysbo \uklmie_gbyo ]jmiiu Ljb ibkvfZ hl h[h`Zxsbo ihdehggbdh\ >baZcg [be_lh\ gZ ij_^klZ\e_gb_ >baZcg h[eh`db ^ey \Zr_]h ^bkdZ 95

Bgl_j\vx k qe_gZfb ]jmiiu ?keb g_h[oh^bfh Šh^he`bl_ª dh]h gb[m^v ba ^jm]hc ]jmiiu qlh[u aZ^Zlv \hijhku <Zf gm`gh [m^_l ih^]hlh\blvky ^ey wlh]h f_jhijbylby <u fh`_l_ ijh\_klb bgl_j\vx i_j_^ deZkkhf aZibkZlv _]h gZ Zm^bh beb \b^_hdZkk_lm Obl \Zr_c ]jmiiu FmaudZevgh_ \b^_h gZ i_kgx ?keb m \Zk g_l \hafh`ghklb aZibkZlv gZ \b^_h bkihegbl_ _]h i_j_^ deZkkhf

Bkdmkkl\h \ :\kljZebb =Ze_j_y bkdmkkl\Z Gh\h]h X`gh]h MwevkZ Ijb\_l F_gy ah\ml >`hgZlZg Dmi_j Y jZ[hlZx \ >_iZjlZf_gl_ H[jZah\Zgby \ =Ze_j__ Bkdmkkl\ Gh\h]h X`gh]h MwevkZ \ Kb^g__ :\kljZeby Fhy jZ[hlZ aZdexqZ_lky \ lhf qlh[u ihfhqv ihk_lbl_eyf ihgylv b gZkeZ^blvky ijhba\_^_gbyfb bkdmkkl\Z a^_kv Y jZkkdZau\Zx ibrm b ^Z`_ mkljZb\Zx ki_pbZevgu_ \uklZ\db F_gy ihijhkbeb ihdZaZlv \Zf g_dhlhju_ bgl_j_kgu_ \_sb \ =Ze_j__ Bkdmkkl\ >bdbc AZiZ^ Wlh dZjlbgZ Z\kljZebckdh]h om^h`gbdZ lhfZ Jh[_jlkZ jh^b\r_]hky \ ]h^m HgZ gZa_\Z_lky ŠHklZgh\e_guª b [ueZ gZjbkh\ZgZ \ ]h^m k g_[hevrbfb baf_g_gbyfb \ ]h^m om^h`gbd mf_j \ Hjb]bgZe dZjlbgu f_ljZ \ \ukhlm b f_ljh\ \ rbjbgm ŠHklZgh\e_guª hkgh\ZgZ gZ j_Zevghc bklhjbb h ^beb`Zgk_ dhlhjuc [ue h]jZ[e_g \h \j_fy ahehlhc ebohjZ^db o ]h^h\ \ k_\_jghc qZklb Gh\h]h X`gh]h MwevkZ GZa\Zgb_ ijbreh hl keh\ dhlhju_ ]jZ[bl_eb h[uqgh djbqZeb hklZgZ\eb\Zy ^beb`Zgk ŠHklZgZ\eb\Zcky @bagv beb ^_gv]b ª EhrZ^b b ^beb`Zgk]jZ[bl_ebahehlZy ebohjZ^dZ ² \k_ wlh a\mqbl dZd Zf_jbdZgkdbc \_kl_jg g_ ijZ\^Z eb" DZd [u hlebqZeZkv dZjlbgZ _keb [u hgZ [ueZ gZibkZgZ k i_caZ`_f >bdh]h AZiZ^Z :f_jbdb" Y ^mfZx qlh eZg^rZnl ^beb`Zgk jZa[hcgbdb b h^_`^Z b ^_ckl\b_ dZjlbgu Wlb jZaebqby ihfh]Zxl dZjlbg_ \u]ey^_lv Z\kljZebckdhc <u \b^bl_ ]jZ[bl_ey \hafh`gh wlh agZf_gbluc ]jZ[bl_ev dhlhjuc gZau\Ze k_[y ŠM^Zj fhegbbª jZa]h\Zjb\Zxs_]h k `_gsbghc" HgZ gZdehgbeZkv \i_j_^ Gh ihoh`_ qlh hg _c g_ m]jh`Z_l DZd \u ^mfZ_l_ qlh hg _c ]h\hjbl" <hafh`gh ŠBa\bgbl_ qlh ijboh^blky ]jZ[blv \Zk e_^b ª Z qlh hgZ hl\_qZ_l" <hafh`gh __ k_j^p_ [v_lky hl \heg_gb_ ihlhfm qlh hgZ \klj_lbeZkv k ba\_klguf b djZkb\uf M^Zjhf Fhegbb ŠH gbq_]h kljZrgh]hª Lhf Jh[_jlk kh k\hbf ^jm]hf om^h`gbdhf :jlmjhf Kljblhghf [ueb hkgh\Zl_eyfb agZf_gbluo eZ]_j_c om^h`gbdh\ jy^hf k F_ev[mjghf b Kb^g__f \ dhgp_ o ]h^h\ b gZqZe_ o Jh[_jlk dZd gZpbhgZebklbq_kdbc ŠZ\kljZebckdbc bfij_kkbhgbklª iulZeky 96

aZi_qZle_lv hsms_gb_ yjdh]h `Zjdh]h Z\kljZebckdh]h [mrZ jbkmy gZ hldjulhf \ha^mo_ \ k_j_^bg_ ^gy bkihevamy j_ev_ngu_ fZadb

G_l \j_f_gb gZ qZc WlZ dZjlbgZ gZibkZgZ Z\kljZebckdhc om^h`gbp_c FZj]Zj_l Ij_klhg jh^b\r_cky \ ]h^m b mf_jr_c \ ]h^m HgZ gZjbkh\ZeZ __ \ ]h^m b gZa\ZeZ __ Š=hem[Zy ml\Zjvª Hjb]bgZe dZjlbgu dhlhjmx om^h`gbpZ ih^ZjbeZ \ ]h^m kZglbf_ljZ \ \ukhlm b kZglbf_ljZ \ rbjbgm Wlhl \b^ dZjlbgu gZau\Z_lky ŠaZf_jrZy `bagvª H[uqgh wlh hagZqZ_l jZkiheh`_gb_ lZdbo \_s_c dZd p\_lu njmdlu b ]ebgygZy ihkm^Z jmqghc jZ[hlu Qlh \u \b^bl_ a^_kv" LZd`_ aZf_jrZy `bagv h[uqgh ihdZau\Z_l fy]dh_ _kl_kl\_ggh_ hk\_s_gb_ DZdh_ hk\_s_gb_ gZ Š=hem[hc ml\Zjbª" b^_l eb hgh hl hdgZ beb hl eZfiu" HgZ \u[jZeZ lZdh_ hk\_s_gb_ ba aZ lh]h dZd ijb g_f \u]ey^yl ij_^f_lu H[jZlbl_ \gbfZgb_ gZ yjdb_ [ebdb dhgljZkl l_fgh]h b k\_leh]h b j_adb_ l_gb >ey FZj]Zj_l Ij_klhg l_gb [ueb lZd `_ \Z`gu dZd b ij_^f_lu a^_kv hgb hlq_leb\hc nhjfu gZ nhg_ kdZl_jlb >ey mijZ`g_gby ihijh[mcl_ jbkh\Zlv lhevdh l_gb Nhjfu gZ dZjlbg_ lZd`_ bgl_j_kgu ba aZ lh]h dZd FZj]Zj_l Ij_klhg jZkiheh`beZ ij_^f_lu b bo l_gb H[jZlbl_ \gbfZgb_ gZ lh kdhevdh ba gbo ih djZcg_c f_j_ k wlhc lhqdb aj_gby khijbdZkZxlky ^jm] k ^jm]hf beb k djZ_f dZjlbgu qZklh \ h^ghc lhqd_ GZc^bl_ hrb[db Bgh]^Z om^h`gbdb ki_pbZevgh jbkmxl \_sb Dhlhju_ ijhlb\hj_qZl ijZ\behf Kfh`_l_ eb \u gZclb ^\_ ki_pbZevgh k^_eZggu_ Šhrb[dbª gZ wlhc dZjlbg_" GZf_d ihkfhljbl_ gZ l_gb b gZ kdZl_jlv Gb`_ ijb\_^_gu hl\_lu Wlb Šhrb[dbª ihdZau\Zxl qlh om^h`gbd ^mfZe h dZjlbg_ \ i_j\mx hq_j_^v dZd h iehkdhklb Z m`_ ihlhf dZd h[ bah[jZ`_gbb \_s_c Ihwlhfm _keb j_Zevguc fbj g_ ih^oh^be ih^ jbkmghd dhlhjuc hgZ ohl_eZ hgZ fh]eZ baf_gblv _]h ^Z`_ _keb kh\k_f g_gZfgh]h lZd qlh[u hg ih^oh^be FZj]Zj_l Ij_klhg [ueZ ibhg_jhf gZijZ\e_gby fh^_jg \ :\kljZebb HgZ [ueZ om^h`gbdhf dhlhjuc bgl_j_kh\Zeky jZkiheh`_gb_f b ]_hf_ljb_c b qv_c ex[bfhc l_fhc [ueZ aZf_jrZy `bagv HgZ [ueZ h^gbf ba i_j\uo Z\kljZebckdbo om^h`gbdh\ dlh m\b^_e ihegmx djZkhlm p\_lh\ jZklmsbo a^_kv bkdmkkl\Z Z[hjb]_gh\ b kh\j_f_gguo ba^_ebc fZkkh\h]h ijhba\h^kl\Z ?_ \hkobs_gb_ wlbfb \_sZfb \b^gh \ __ jZ[hlZo


Hl\_lu JZkiheh`_gb_ kdZl_jlb gZ kh\iZ^Z_l ke_\Z hl dm\rbgZ ^\_ [_euo e_glu kijZ\Z ljb Dm\rbg ^he`_g [jhkZlv l_gv ih\_jo qZrdb klhys_c i_j_^ gbf gh hg g_ hl[jZku\Z_l DZd [m^lh khmkgbd ih^h[jZe ih^ k_[y l_gv >hihegbl_evgZy bgnhjfZpby h =Ze_j__ Bkdmkkl\ Gh\h]h X`gh]h MwevkZ =Ze_j_y Bkdmkkl\ Gh\h]h X`gh]h MwevkZ ² [hevrhc im[ebqguc fma_c bkdmkkl\ g_^Ze_dh hl p_gljZ Kb^g_y < g_f gZoh^blky dhee_dpby dZjlbg kdmevilmj jbkmgdh\ nhlh]jZnbc b hllbkdh\ Ihk_lbl_eb =Ze_j_b fh]ml Ihkfhlj_lv dhee_dpbb \ k\h_f ]hjh^_ beb k =b^hf =Ze_j_b Ihk_lblv ki_pbZebabjh\Zggu_ \uklZ\db Ihkfhlj_lv nbevfu b \b^_h h[ bkdmkkl\_ b om^h`gbdZo Ih[u\Zlv gZ ij_^klZ\e_gbyo jZkkdZaZo b gZ jZkijh^Z`Zo jZ[hl Ijbgylv mqZklb_ \ khklZ\_ rdhevghc ]jmiiu \ h[km`^_gbyo beb \ hkh[hf mq_[ghf ^g_ BamqZlv dgb]b ih bkdmkkl\m \ [b[ebhl_d_ =Ze_j_b Ihk_lblv FZ]Zabg =Ze_j_b I_j_dmkblv \ dZn_ beb \ j_klhjZg_ ?keb \u dh]^Z gb[m^v ijb_^_l_ \ Kb^g_c h[yaZl_evgh ijboh^bl_ d gZf \ ]Ze_j_x Bkdmkkl\h Z[hjb]_gh\ IhqlZ :\kljZebb ^_fhgkljbjm_l jZ[hlu g_dhlhjuo om^h`gbdh\ Z[hjb]_gh\ gZ k\hbo fZjdZo DZjlbgu [ueb hlh[jZgu ba dZjlbg ijbkueZ_fuo \ Ihqlm :\kljZebb om^h`gbdZfb Z[hjb]_gZfb ba fgh]bo qZkl_c :\kljZebb JZkl_gb_ yf om^h`gbdZ >`_dZ <mgm\mgZ ² <mgm\mg [ue \h`^_f deZgZ =Zg] g]Zje ba P_gljZevguo A_f_ev :jgo_fZ \ K_\_jghc L_jjblhjbb ?]h dZjlbgu ihk\ys_gu ijhbkoh`^_gbx deZgZ ebqghklb b f_klm QZklh gZ gbo bah[jZ`_gu jZaebqgu_ \b^u ju[ eh\mrdb ^ey ju[ [Z[hqdb b aZhklj_ggu_ iZedb ij_^f_lu k\yaZggu_ k ihohjhgguf h[jy^hf imklhc dheh^u ijh\h^bfuf deZghf =Zg] g]Zje <mgm\mg [ue gZa\Zg Om^h`gbdhf :[hjb]_ghf =h^Z \ ]h^m HohlZ GZ =mkbgh_ YcpZ >`hj^`Z Fbeimjjmjjm Jh^b\rbcky \ ]h^m Fbeimjjmjjm ² p_j_fhgbZevguc \h`^v gZjh^Z =ZgZe[bg]m ?]h kljZgZ ² jZchg j_d [h]Zluc jZkl_gbyfb jZklmsbfb \ ij_kghc \h^_ b kem`Zsbc ^hfhf klZyf \h^hieZ\Zxsbo ilbp djhdh^beh\ Af_c b gZk_dhfuo Jbkh\Zlv _]h gZmqbe hl_p b _]h bkdmkkl\h jZa\b\Zehkv ih f_j_ lh]h dZd hg gZ[bjZeky p_j_fhgbZevguo agZgbc ?]h jZ[hlZ [ueZ \uklZ\e_gZ \ ]h^m gZ Kb^g_c ;v_gg_ce DZemfib\ZjjZ G]meZgbglb Jh\_jZ LhfZkZ ;he__ e_l Jh\_j LhfZk jZ[hlZe kdhlh\h^hf gZ n_jfZo b _]h jZ[hlu kh^_j`Zl 98

h[jZau wlhc `bagb kh kkuedZfb gZ lhih]jZnbq_kdb_ hkh[_gghklb f_kl ^moh\gh]h agZq_gby Jh\_j LhfZk [ue h^gbf ba ^\mo om^h`gbdh\ ij_^klZ\ey\rbo :\kljZebx gZ <_gbk ;v_gg_ce \ ]h^m LhfZk jh^beky \ K_\_jghc L_jjblhjbb \ ]h^m b k_cqZk `b\_l \ Lmjdb Djbd \ jZchg_ Dbf[_jeb \ AZiZ^ghc :\kljZebb G]Zd G]Zd >`bg^`_j JZceb Fmg^m\ZeZ\ZeZ Jh^b\rbcky \ ]h^m Fmg^m\ZeZ\ZeZ y\ey_lky klZj_crbghc yaudh\hc ]jmiiu FZjZ hg jbkm_l h[jZau dhlhju_ h[uqgh ij_^klZ\eyxl ihke_^h\Zl_evghklv kh[ulbc \ _]h jh^h\uo f_klZo Af_c ;Zg^bZg ihy\ey_lky \h fgh]bo h[jZaZo qZklh \ \b^_ ^\mo af_c b baf_gyykv klZgh\blky <Z\Zem JZ^m`ghc >m]hc Lhl_fbq_kdbc fhjkdhc hj_e G]Zd G]Zd qZklh bah[jZ`Z_lky lZd dZd gZ wlhc dZjlbg_ YcpZ hleh`_ggu_ hjehf qZklh jbkmxlky hojZgy_fufb ^\mfy ]_jZev^bq_kdbfb af_yfb JZ[hlZ Fmg^m\ZeZ\Zeu ij_^klZ\e_gu \ GZpbhgZevghc =Ze_j__ :\kljZebb b \ ^jm]bo djmiguo dhee_dpbyo ;_a gZa\Zgby Jh[_jlZ DhmeZ Jh[_jl Dhme \ujhk \ Webk Kijbg]k \ k_\_jghc L_jjblhjbb hg g_ ihemqZe agZgbc ljZ^bpbhgguo ^ey Z[hjb]_gh\ Hg gZqZe jbkh\Zlv \ ]h^m b k kZfh]h gZqZeZ klZjZeky k^_eZlv k\hx dmevlmjm agZqbfhc b hkfuke_gghc b bkke_^h\Ze g_kdhevdh klbe_c jbkh\Zgby Ih_a^db \ Ehg^hg b BjeZg^bx \ ]h^m b \ I_jl AZiZ^gZy :\kljZeby iha\hebeb _fm m\b^_lv ijhba\_^_gby bkdmkkl\Z [hevrbgkl\Z im[ebqguo b qZklguo dhee_dpbc Bkihevamy lhevdh [_eu_ lhqdb gZ `_elhf nhg_ qlh[u kha^Zlv wg_j]_lbq_kdh_ ihe_ \ k\hbo ihke_^gbo jZ[hlZo Dhme h[t_^bgy_l Z[kljZdpbx b f_klgh_ bkdmkkl\h \ k\h_f \b^_gbb I_jh Q_jgh]h DhdZlm Nbhgu Nheb <ukhdh p_gbfuc om^h`gbd NbhgZ Nheb jh^beZkv \ ]h^m hgZ ² ihlhfhd gZjh^Z ;mlqmeeZk hkljh\Z NjZa_j D\bgke_g^ HgZ bamqZeZ bkdmkkl\h \ L_ogbq_kdhf Dhee_^`_ <hklhqgh]h Kb^g_y b \ Dhee_^`_ Bkdmkkl\ \ Kb^g__ b klZeZ h^gbf ba hkgh\Zl_e_c b qe_gh\ Dhhi_jZlb\Z Om^h`gbdh\ :[hjb]_gh\ ;mfZeb dhlhjuc [ue mqj_`^_g \ Kb^g__ \ qlh[u ijh\h^blv \uklZ\db om^h`gbdh\ Z[hjb]_gh\ `b\msbo \ ]hjh^_ HgZ y\ey_lky qe_ghf Dhfbl_l_ ih bkdmkkl\m :[hjb]_gh\ ]hkm^Zjkl\_gghc hj]ZgbaZpbb ih^^_j`b\Zxs_c b jZa\b\Zxs_c bkdmkkl\h =hmkl =Zf b Q_j_a JZ\gbgm d =hj_ =bek h[_ gZibkZggu_ :ev[_jlhf GZfZ^`bjZ ² \ ]h^m [ueb ij_^klZ\e_gu gZ fZjdZo \uims_gguo \ yg\Zj_ ]h^Z \ >_gv :\kljZebb gZpbhgZevguc ijZa^gbd :\kljZebb GZfZl`bjZ jh^beky \ fbkkbb =_jf_gk[mj] gZ aZiZ^ hl Webk Kijbg]k \ K_\_jghc L_jjblhjbb H^bg ba kZfuo ba\_klguo om^h`gbdh\ Z[hjb]_gh\ GZfZl`bjZ klZe jbkh\Zlv Zd\Zj_evx \ ]h^m Hg gZjbkh\Ze [he__ dZjlbg b ijh\_e fgh]h mki_rguo \uklZ\hd Fgh]b_ bo _]h jh^kl\_ggbdh\ lZd`_ ihemqbeb ijbagZgb_ dZd 99

om^h`gbdb Z :ev[_jl GZfZl`bjZ ba\_kl_g dZd hkgh\Zl_ev =_jfZgk[mj]kdhc rdheu jbkh\Zgby dhlhjZy jZ[hlZ_l b ih k_c ^_gv F_qlZgby ^bdh]h EmdZ IZmebg GZdZfZjjZ <m^k WlZ dZjlbgZ \ub]jZeZ GZpbhgZevgmx gZ]jZ^m aZ Bkdmkkl\h :[hjb]_gh\ \ ]h^m IZmebg GZdfZjjZ <m^k ba Xg^mfm h[sbgu `b\ms_c \ imklug_ \ dbehf_ljZo hl Webk Kijbg]k M `_gsbg ba p_gljZevguo jZchgh\ imklugb k\hb F_qlZgby b jblmZeu b ^baZcg b kh^_j`Zgb_ bo dZjlbg ih^q_jdb\Zxl \_jh\Zgby b ijZdlbdm iblZgby b ieh^hjh^by Z lZd`_ k\ys_ggu_ f_klZ b ^jm]b_ hkh[u_ jZchgu AZfey G]Zjj]mjmg =_dlhjZ >`Zg^Zgb DZjlbgZ ihdZau\Z_l qZklv a_feb G]Zjj]mjmg jh^bgu om^h`gbdZ gZoh^ys_cky gZ k_\_j hl ImjgmememkZ fZkkb\ ;Zg]e ;Zg]e \ jZchg_ Dbf[_jeb AZiZ^ghc :\kljZebb >`Zg^Zgb jh^beky ijb[ebabl_evgh \ ]h^m \ Lmjdb Djbd b jZ[hlZe kdhlh\h^hf b ih\Zjhf Z aZl_f klZe b]jZlv ]eZ\gmx jhev \ h[eZklb h[jZah\Zgby b \hijhkZo dmevlmju Hg gZjbkh\Ze fgh]h dZjlbg b jbkmgdh\ ^ey bamq_gby bklhjbc h F_qlZgbb \ rdhe_ \ Lmjdb Djbd ihke_ __ mqj_`^_gby DZlhebq_kdhc P_jdh\vx G_kdhevdh e_l hg [ue ij_^k_^Zl_e_f H[s_kl\Z <Zjfmg Lmjdb Djbd gh mr_e \ hlklZ\dm qlh[u m^_eylv [hevr_ \j_f_gb jbkh\Zgbx b kha^Zgbx ij_^f_lh\ ijbdeZ^gh]h bkdmkkl\Z >Zj We_cgu b >`bfZ <mevn_gkhg < ]h^m Z\kljZebckdbc [Zgdbj >`bf <mevn_gkhg i_j_^Ze \ ^Zj GZpbhgZevghc =Ze_j_b :\kljZebb nhg^u dhlhju_ iha\hebeb _c ijbh[j_klb ijhba\_^_gby bkdmkkl\Z fma_cgh]h mjh\gy ^ey lh]h qlh[u \hablv bo ^_lyf `b\msbf \ hl^Ze_gguo jZchgZo :\kljZebb B^_y aZdexqZ_lky \ lhf qlh ^_lb fh]ml h[km`^Zlv b bkke_^h\Zlv wdkihgZlu dhlhju_ hgb [u gbdh]^Z g_ m\b^_eb >`bf <mevn_gkhg ij_ab^_gl Fbjh\h]h ;ZgdZ `b\_l \ Gvx Chjd_ Hg ohq_l qlh[u ^_lb jZa^_ebeb hldjulby \ h[eZklb bkdmkkl\Z ;eZ]h^Zjy _fm b _]h `_g_ We_cg_ gZ[hj ijhba\_^_gbc bkdmkkl\Z iml_r_kl\m_l k_cqZk ih \k_c :\kljZebb >Zj We_cgu b >`bfZ <mevn_gkhg m\b^_eb lukyqb ^_l_c \ ^Zevgbo m]hedZo :\kljZebb \dexqZy ^h`^_\u_ e_kZ D\bgke_g^Z b ^x`bgu rdhe \ fZehgZk_e_gghc f_klghklb Ijhba\_^_gby bkdmkkl\Z \dexq_ggu_ \ ^Zj We_cgu b >`bfZ <mevn_gkhg [ueb hlh[jZgu qlh[u ijh[m`^Zlv \ ^_lyo bgl_j_k b mqZklb_ qlh[u \uau\Zlv h[km`^_gb_ b jZafure_gby gZ^ fgh]bfb b^_yfb \dexqZy khpbZevgu_ \hijhku wdheh]bx bklhjbx xfhj lZcgu A_fex b \k_e_ggmx D_g >hmg om^h`gbd

D_g >hmg ² h^bg ba \u^Zxsboky om^h`gbdh\ :\kljZebb ?]h jZ[hlu ihk\ys_gu hke_ibl_evghc djZkhl_ :\kljZebb Hg jZ[hlZ_l gZ iey`_ ih^ khegp_f ?]h klm^by gZoh^blky gZ djZx ]Z\Zgb Kb^g_y <b^ hldju100

\Zxsbcky ba _]h klm^bb hdjm`_gghc i_kqZgufb iey`Zfb a\mdZfb ie_sms_cky \h^u b f_gyxs_]hky k\_lZ g_ i_j_klZxl \^hogh\eylv _]h D_g >hmg jh^beky \ Kb^g__ \ ]h^m b \k_]^Z iheguc j_rbfhklb klZlv om^h`gbdhf gZqZe mqblvky \ h^ghc ba kZfuo djmiguo rdhe bkdmkkl\ :\kljZebb dh]^Z _fm [ueh \k_]h e_l < _ b _ ]h^u hg k^_eZe mki_rgmx dZjv_jm \ j_deZf_ \ Gvx Chjd_ Ehg^hg_ b Kb^g__ b \ub]jZe fgh]h gZ]jZ^ K hg ihk\ylbe k\hx wg_j]bx kha^Zgbx bkdmkkl\Z b mki_rgh \uklZ\eye k\hb jZ[hlu ih \k_fm fbjm D_g >hmg `b\_l b jZ[hlZ_l \ Kb^g__ <h fgh]bo qZklyo fbjZ D_g klZe kbf\hehf :\kljZebb b Z\kljZebcp_\ l\hjq_kdbo hilbfbklbqguo b kf_euo Ihkfhljbl_ gZ g_dhlhju_ ba jZ[hl D_gZ Fma_c IZmwjoZmk :\kljZebckdbc fma_c bkdmkkl\ b GZmd Ihkljh_gguc ba a^Zgby klZjhc we_dljhklZgpbb IZmwjoZmk y\ey_lky kZfuf [hevrbf fma__f Z\kljZebb ;he__ \uklZ\hd hldjhxl \Zf fbj ^hklb`_gbc q_eh\_dZ gZmdb b l_ogheh]bb ijbdeZ^gh]h bkdmkkl\Z b ih\k_^g_\ghc `bagb Z\kljZebcp_\ LZf lZd`_ _klv ihklhyggh f_gyxsZyky ijh]jZffZ \j_f_gguo \uklZ\hd b ki_pbZevguo f_jhijbylbc Wdkdmjkbb ih fma_x hq_gv ihimeyjgu kj_^b rdhevgbdh\ Ihkfhljbl_ gZ jZaebqgu_ \uklZ\db W dhlhju_ ij_^eZ]Zxlky ihk_lbl_eyf \ Fma__ IZmwjoZmk <uklZ\dZ Dhkfhk \ Fma__ IZmwjoZmk DhkfhgZ\l =e_g G_c]e ihk_lbe fma_c \ ]h^m Ki_pbZevgh_ f_jhijbylb_ \ Fma__ IZmwjoZmk \ dZ`^u_ rdhevgu_ dZgbdmeu fma_c ij_^eZ]Z_l m\e_dZl_evgu_ ijh]jZffu ^ey ^_l_c b bo k_f_c <uklZ\dZ bgnhjfZpbhgguo fZrbg \ Fma__ IZmwjoZmk kihgkbjm_lky :c;bWf :\kljZeby El^ Wlh ² \uklZ\dZ ihk\ys_ggZy dhfivxl_jZf bo bklhjbb lhfm dZd hgb jZ[hlZxl b dZd hgb \ebyxl gZ gZrm `bagv P_glj bgnhjfZpbhgguo l_ogheh]bc \ Fma__ IZmwjoZmk kihgkbjm_lky :c;bWf :\kljZeby El^ Ihkfhljbl_ gZ deZkkgmx dhfgZlm ih bgnhjfZpbhgguf l_ogheh]byf \ Fma__ IZmwjoZmk P_glj bgnhjfZpbhgguo l_ogheh]bc \ Fma__ IZmwjoZmk kihgkbjm_lky :c;bWf :\kljZeby El^ mq_gbdb magZxl h ihke_^gbo l_ogheh]byo \ h[eZklb k\yab 7. P_glj bgnhjfZpbhgguo l_ogheh]bc \ Fma__ IZmwjoZmk kihgkbjm_lky :c;bWf :\kljZeby El^ Mq_gbdb ba ² deZkkh\ ihdZau\Zxl k\hb ihke_^gb_ jZ[hlu kha^Zggu_ \ ^_lkdhc dhkfbq_kdhc fZkl_jkdhc \h \j_fy bo ihk_s_gby fma_y 101

8. Fma_c IZmwjoZmk Mq_gbdb ² deZkkh\ bkihevamxl pbnjh\u_ dZf_ju \ \uklZ\d_ Dhkfhk Jhkkbckdbc emghoh^ gZoh^blky gZ aZ^g_f ieZg_ 9. P_glj bgnhjfZpbhgguo l_ogheh]bc \ Fma__ IZmwjoZmk kihgkbjm_lky :c;bWf :\kljZeby El^ DmjZlhj \uklZ\db BgnhjfZpbhggu_ l_ogheh]bb k mq_gbdhf kj_^g_c rdheu Mkem]b ^ey bg\Zeb^h\ Mkem]b ^ey ex^_c k nbabq_kdbfb gZjmr_gbyfb Kms_kl\m_l ki_pbZevgZy klhygdZ ^ey bg\Zeb^h\ Dhebq_kl\h f_kl h]jZgbq_gh lZd qlh \Zf gm`gh aZjZg__ aZdZaZlv f_klh Fu kh\_lm_f aZdZau\Zlv f_klh ih f_gvr_c f_j_ aZ ^\Z ^gy ^h ihk_s_gby qlh[u ba[_`Zlv h]hjq_gby KdZlu b ebnlu \ Fma__ IZmwjoZmk hlf_q_gu gZ dZjl_ Ih`ZemcklZ ihfgbl_ qlh i_j_^\b`_gb_ ih kdZlZf fh`_l [ulv mlhfbl_evguf Ihk_lbl_eyf i_j_^\b]Zxsbfky gZ bg\Zeb^guo dheykdZo ij_^ihqlbl_evg__ ihevah\Zlvky ebnlZfb beb ijbclb k ^jm]hf k kbevgufb jmdZfb Bg\Zeb^gu_ dheykdb fh`gh \aylv gZijhdZl \ hkgh\ghf ohee_ Mkem]b ^ey ex^_c k hkeZ[e_gguf kemohf Ihbsbl_ \ Fma__ wlhl agZd Hg hagZqZ_l qlh a^_kv ij_^eZ]Zxlky mkem]b ^ey ex^_c k hkeZ[e_gguf kemohf Ij_^eZ]Zxlky i_qZlgu_ fZl_jbZeu ih^e_`Zsb_ \ha\jZlm ^ey g_dhlhjuo \b^_h b Zm^bhaZibk_c ^_fhgkljbjmxsboky \ aZeZo \uklZ\db Mkem]b ^ey ex^_c k hkeZ[e_gguf aj_gb_f Ki_pbZevgu_ lmju fh]ml [ulv aZdZaZgu ^ey ke_iuo ex^_c b ihk_lbl_e_c k hkeZ[e_gguf aj_gb_f Wlb lmju ^Zxl ijhoh^ dh fgh]bf wdkihgZlZf g_ \uklZ\e_gguf \ k\h[h^ghf ^hklmi_ AZdZa ^he`_g [ulv ijhba\_^_g aZjZg__ qlh[u ]ZjZglbjh\Zlv j_a_j\bjh\Zgb_ ihf_s_gbc ?keb \u \ q_f eb[h g_ m\_j_gu beb ohlbl_ ihemqblv [hevr_ bgnhjfZpbb h[jZlbl_kv \ klhe kijZ\hd AZihfgbl_ kem`Zsb_ a^_kv ^ey lh]h qlh[u ihfhqv \Zf DZjlu k hkyaZ_fuf bah[jZ`_gb_f b g_dhlhju_ fZl_jbZeu gZi_qZlZggu_ rjbnlhf ;jZcey beb djmiguf rjbnlhf [ueb ij_^hklZ\e_gu Dhjhe_\kdbf H[s_kl\hf Ke_iuo Ihc^bl_ gZ wdkdmjkbx ih mjh\gx Fma_y IZmwjoZmk <hc^bl_ q_j_a \oh^ kh klhygdb ^ey bg\Zeb^h\ b ke_^mcl_ klj_ehqdZf ih dhfgZlZf k ih H[km^bl_ mkem]b ij_^hklZ\ey_fu_ g_ lhevdh ^ey bg\Zeb^h\ ^ey \k_o ih f_j_ ijh^\b`_gby ih fma_x Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku Ihke_ ihk_s_gby fma_y j_rbl_ m^h[_g eb fma_c ^ey bg\Zeb^h\" Yes, it is. 102

MdZaZl_e_c ]Zj^_jh[Z b fZ]Zabgu km\_gbjh\ gZ dZjl_ gHl DZd \u ^mfZ_l_ ]^_ hgb gZoh^ylky" 7KH FORDNURRP LV LQ WKH PDLQ HQWUDQFH IR\HU Fh`_l_ eb \u gZa\Zlv _s_ dZdb_ gb[m^v mkem]b g_h[oh^bfu_ bg\Zeb^Zf" Ihkfhljbl_ gZa\Zgby dhfgZl gZ mjh\g_ DZd \u ^mfZ_l_ dZdb_ lZf \uklZ\db" In the first room there might be objects connected with childhood and games. Probably there are toys, clothes and little beds. In the second room examples of lace are exhibited. You can also learn hoe to make it. The third room provides a collection of different chairs. The fourth room contains different objects connected with music: various instruments, techniques and records. The fifth room gives information on the anatomy and mentality of a person. The sixths room houses computers and information on the information technology. In the seventh room you can lean about different experiments and probably conduct one yourself. The objects of the eighth room are connected with space. You can see videos about space there and see different models of spaceships. The ninth room provides a wide range of vehicles. In the tenth room you will be informed on the topic of communication. You will learn about its history and the present. ?keb \u ohlbl_ ihclb gZ ki_pbZevgmx wdkdmjkbx \ fma_c gm`gh eb aZdZaZlv __ aZjZg__" Yes, I must. ?keb \Zf \h \j_fy ij_[u\Zgby gm`gZ bg\Zeb^gZy dheykdZ ]^_ __ fh`gh \aylv" You can get a wheelchair at a cloaking desk in the main entrance foyer. <u mf_l_ qblZlv gZ yaud_ ;jZcey" 1R , GRQÂśW

>Z\Zcl_ ih\_k_ebfky Bgkljmf_glZevgZy fmaudZ Ih^klZ\vl_ gZa\Zgby bgkljmf_glh\ d dZjlbgdZf Drums — f; Guitar — b; Violin — c; Piano — g; Trumpet — d; Pianino — e; Saxophone — a. Dlh q_f aZgbfZ_lky" AZihegbl_ ijhims_ggu_ [md\u ^hihegbl_ gZa\Zgby wlbo ijhn_kkbc b khihklZ\vl_ bo k dZjlbgdZfb A — 4; B — 7; C — 3; D — 2; E — 6; F — 1; G — 5. FmaudZ ^hfZ Ih^klZ\vl_ gZa\Zgby ij_^f_lh\ d dZjlbgdZf 103

Hi-fi stereo — c; Record player — b; Album — e; Compact disc — d; Loudspeaker — a; Cassette — g; Headphones — f.

IjZdlbdm_fky kemrZlv 1. kf 7DSHVFULSWV Ij_^klZ\vl_ qlh \u gZoh^bl_kv \ h^ghf ba ke_^mxsbo f_kl =hjh^ \ qZk ibd K_evkdZy f_klghklv hdjm`_ggZy ]mkluf dmklZjgbdhf Ih^ \h^hc IhiZeb \ m`Zkgmx [mjx < dhkfbq_kdhf dhjZ[e_ < ^`mg]eyo GZ rmfghc nZ[jbd_ ih ijhba\h^kl\m fZrbg GZ hkljh\_ < ]jmii_ h[km^bl_ dZdZy fmaudZ ih^hc^_l d lhfm f_klm dhlhjh_ \u \u[jZeb In the city at peak hour I would choose loud electronic music. It is as rhythmic as the city itself. In the country I would listen to the native Aboriginal music or just to the sounds of nature. Underwater quiet classical music would be suitable. If I were caught in a wild storm I would choose something sinister. It could be classical of electronic music. In a spaceship I would listen to drum-n-bass. In the jungle would like to listen to something cheerful, because I think it’s scary there. In a noisy factory where cars are manufactured industrial music would be best. On an island I would listen to reggae. It gives the right mood.


JZa]h\hjgZy ijZdlbdZ Lhf jZa]h\Zjb\Z_l k KZr_c b He_c h k\h_c jZ[hl_ b h[ G_^_e_ HiulZ JZ[hlu \ _]h rdhe_ Ih`ZemcklZ ijhqlbl_ wlb ^bZeh]b AZl_f jZau]jZcl_ bo k h^ghdeZkkgbdZfb H[jZsZcl_ hkh[h_ \gbfZgb_ gZ bkihevah\Zgb_ kjZ\gbl_evghc b ij_\hkoh^ghc kl_i_g_c Ihke_ ijhql_gby \uihegbl_ mijZ`g_gby JZ[hlZ LhfZ Lhf <u [u ohl_eb ijbclb b ihkfhlj_lv ]^_ y jZ[hlZx" KZrZ M l_[y _klv jZ[hlZ" 104

Lhf >Z y jZ[hlZx \ f_klghc [b[ebhl_d_ Wlh kZfZy klZjZy [b[ebhl_dZ \ Kb^g__ Hey Qlh lu lZf ^_eZ_rv" Lhf Y ihfh]Zx ex^yf gZclb dgb]b b bgnhjfZpbx dhlhjZy bf gm`gZ Y lZd`_ i_j_klZ\eyx dgb]b k ihedb gZ ihedm b j_hj]Zgbah\u\Zx [b[ebhl_dm ihke_ lh]h dZd \k_ moh^yl Wlh ^_ckl\bl_evgh ohjhrZy jZ[hlZ HgZ fg_ gjZ\blky [hevr_ q_f fhy ij_^u^msZy jZ[hlZ B ex^b k dhlhjufb y jZ[hlZx ijbylg__ KZrZ DZd qZklh lu jZ[hlZ_rv" hf IhdZ wlh g_ f_rZ_l mq_[_ Y fh]m jZ[hlZlv klhevdh kdhevdh ohqm H[uqgh y jZ[hlZx ^\Z ^gy \ g_^_ex b bgh]^Z gZ \uoh^guo KZrZ M fgh]bo mq_gbdh\ l\h_]h \hajZklZ _klv jZ[hlZ" Lhf >Z [hevrbgkl\h fhbo ^jma_c jZ[hlZxl hkh[_ggh \ dZgbdmeu Hey DZd lu gZr_e wlm jZ[hlm" Lhf Y gZr_e __ \h \j_fy G_^_eb HiulZ jZ[hlu G_^_ey HiulZ JZ[hlu KZrZ Qlh lZdh_ G_^_ey HiulZ JZ[hlu" Lhf Wlh g_^_ey \h \j_fy dhlhjhc mq_gbdb deZkkZ fh]ml ihijh[h\Zlv ihjZ[hlZlv \ h[eZklb dhlhjmx hgb \u[_jml M mq_gbdh\ _klv \hafh`ghklv ihjZ[hlZlv \ [ZgdZo hl_eyo fZ]ZabgZo j_klhjZgZo b ^Z`_ \ dZ[bg_l_ \jZqZ Mq_gbdZf dhlhju_ ohjhrh jZ[hlZxl qZklh ij_^eZ]Zxl f_klh Hey DZd bgl_j_kgh Lhf G_dhlhju_ mq_gbdb kqblZxl qlh wlh kZfZy bgl_j_kgZy g_^_ey mq_[gh]h ]h^Z ihlhfm qlh hgb fh]ml bkiulZlv dZdhc `bagv fh`_l [ulv ihke_ rdheu KZrZ Ihq_fm lu j_rbe jZ[hlZlv \ [b[ebhl_d_" Lhf Y ohl_e jZ[hlZlv \ [b[ebhl_d_ [hevr_ q_f \ ex[hf ^jm]hf f_kl_ ihlhfm qlh fg_ gjZ\blky ijh\h^blv bkke_^h\Zgby K_cqZk y agZx ihqlb \k_ h lhf dZd jZ[hlZ_l [b[ebhl_dZ qlh ^_ckl\bl_evgh ihe_agh dh]^Z fg_ gm`gh gZclb bgnhjfZpbx ^ey ijh_dlZ \ rdhe_ Hey Lu ihevam_rvky dhfivxl_jhf gZ jZ[hl_" Lhf >Z <ky [b[ebhl_dZ dhfivxl_jbabjh\ZgZ Ihqlb \k_ dgb]b b `mjgZeu \ [b[ebhl_d_ aZg_k_gu \ dhfivxl_j Hey <u fgh]h jZ[hlZ_l_ gZ dhfivxl_j_ gZ jZ[hl_" Lhf DZ`^uc ^_gv K_cqZk y m`_ [he__ m\_j_gh jZ[hlZx gZ dhfivxl_j_ q_f dh]^Z y lhevdh gZqZe jZ[hlZlv \ [b[ebhl_d_ KZrZ DZdhc ohjhrbc hiul Lhf >Z : _keb \ [b[ebhl_d_ fZeh ex^_c dh]^Z y jZ[hlZx y fh]m aZgylvky ^hfZrg_c jZ[hlhc <hafh`gh wlh kZfZy emqrZy qZklv jZ[hlu Ih`ZemcklZ hl\_lvl_ gZ ke_^mxsb_ \hijhku JZ[hlZ LhfZ =^_ jZ[hlZ_l Lhf" 7RP ZRUNV DW D OLEUDU\ 105

Qlh hg ^_eZ_l" +H KHOSV SHRSOH WR ILQG WKH ERRNV DQG LQIRUPDWLRQ they need. He also reshelves the books and reorganizes the library. ?fm gjZ\blky jZ[hlZ" Yes, he does. DZdhc [ueZ _]h ij_^u^msZy jZ[hlZ ih kjZ\g_gbx k wlhc" His previous job was less interesting. The people Tom works at the library with are nicer. DZd qZklh Lhf jZ[hlZ_l" He usually works two afternoons a week and sometimes weekends. Fgh]b_ eb Z\kljZebcpu \hajZklZ LhfZ jZ[hlZxl" Yes they do. DZd Lhf gZr_e wlm jZ[hlm" He found it during Work Experience Week. G_^_ey HiulZ JZ[hlu < dZdbo f_klZo mq_gbdb jZ[hlZxl \h \j_fy G_^_eb HiulZ JZ[hlu" They can work in banks, hotels, restaurants, stores and even doctor’s offices. :\kljZebckdbf mq_gbdZf gjZ\blky G_^_ey HiulZ JZ[hlu" Yes, they do. Ihq_fm Lhf j_rbe jZ[hlZlv \ [b[ebhl_d_" Tom decided to work in a library because he likes to do research. Mf__l eb Lhf ihevah\Zlvky dhfivxl_jhf" Yes, he does. DZdmx bgnhjfZpbx fh`gh gZclb \ dhfivxl_j_ [b[ebhl_db" You can find information on almost every book and magazine. H l_[_ M \Zk _klv G_^_ey HiulZ JZ[hlu \ rdhe_" No, we don’t. DZd \u kqblZ_l_ G_^_ey HiulZ JZ[hlu ² ohjhrZy b^_y" Ihq_fm" Yes, I think it’s a great idea because students have an opportunity to try this work and to decide if they want to have this profession or some other. =^_ [u \u ohl_eb ihijh[h\Zlv ihjZ[hlZlv" I would like to try to work in a large company with amny people. I think it won’t be boring to work there. =jZffZlbdZ 3. I am best at biology. I’m worst at Physics. I like Mathematics least of all. I like English best of all. Ih^gbfZykv ih e_klgbp_ mki_oZ Ambitious. I seek success. Motivated. I don’t do things that are unnecessary.


Neat. I’m always clean and tidy. Accurate. I almost never make mistakes. Enthusiastic. I’m eager and have a feeling of excitement. Reliable. People can rely on me, I won’t fail them. 12. If you make something soft or softer you soften it. If you make something hard or harder you harden it. If you make something tight or tighter you tighten it. If you make something weak or weaker you weaken it. If you make something bright or brighter you brighten it. If you make something dark or darker you darken it.

Ijhqlbl_ b magZcl_ Hiul jZ[hlu \ deZkk_ DZ`^uc ]h^ mq_gbdb deZkkZ \ rdhe_ LhfZ mqZkl\mxl \ G_^_e_ HiulZ JZ[hlu <h \j_fy G_^_eb mq_gbdb jZ[hlZxl \ h[eZklb dhlhjmx kZfb \u[bjZxl Wlh ohjhrZy \hafh`ghklv ihijh[h\Zlv bgl_j_kgmx jZ[hlm RdheZ gZqbgZ_lky \ b ^ey fgh]bo mq_gbdh\ wlh jZgh H^gZdh hgb [ukljh ihgbfZxl dZd bf ih\_aeh dh]^Z bo jZ[hlh^Zl_ev `^_l qlh hgb ijb^ml gZ jZ[hlm \ mljZ b aZdhgqZl \ \_q_jZ <hl g_dhlhju_ dhff_glZjbb jZ[hlh^Zl_e_c Š;ue p_gguf khljm^gbdhf \ gZr_c hj]ZgbaZpbbª ŠWg_j]bqguc b \k_]^Z ]hlh\ mqblvkyª Š?keb hg aZohq_l k^_eZlv dZjv_jm \ wlhc h[eZklb hg ^h[v_lky mki_oZª ŠKZfuc mfguc b ijbylguc mq_gbd dhlhjuc d gZf dh]^Z eb[h ijboh^beª ŠOhjhrh \hkiblZg b ke_^m_l mdZaZgbyfª : qlh ]h\hjyl mq_gbdb" ŠFg_ ihgjZ\beZkv g_^_ey HiulZ JZ[hlu ihlhfm qlh y gZmqbeky hkgh\Zf jZ[hlu iehlgbdZ Y lZd`_ gZmqbeky ^h[b\Zlvky k\hbo p_e_cª JbqZj^ IbgheZ iehlgbpdh_ ^_eh ŠHiul JZ[hlu [ue ihe_aguf ^ey f_gy ihlhfm qlh y kfh]eZ m\b^_lv qlh ijhbkoh^bl lZf \ Šj_Zevghf fbj_ª Y m`_ g_ m\_j_gZ qlh y ohqm jZ[hlZlv \ kn_j_ ]hklbgbqgh]h f_g_^`f_glZ >`m^b ;Zjjhk =hklbgbqgh_ ^_eh ŠFg_ ^_ckl\bl_evgh ihgjZ\beZkv G_^_ey HiulZ JZ[hlu ihlhfm qlh y gZmqbeky hkgh\Zf \_l_jbgZjghc objmj]bb b khljm^gbdb dh fg_ ohjhrh hlg_kebkvª Ihe :[jm <_l_jbgZjby 107

ŠFg_ ihgjZ\beZkv G_^_ey HiulZ JZ[hlu ihlhfm qlh y magZeZ qlh m f_gy ohjhrh ihemqZ_lkyª Ov_g >h Ijh^Z\_p ŠG_^_ey HiulZ JZ[hlu [ueZ hq_gv bgl_j_kghc b m\e_dZl_evghc ihlhfm qlh y magZeZ \_sb h aZdhg_ dhlhju_ ^h wlh]h g_ agZeZ Y kemrZeZ g_dhlhju_ hk_gv bgl_j_kgu_ ^_eZ \ km^_ b ihagZdhfbeZkv kh fgh]bfb ex^vfbª Jha_ll :aab Xjbkijm^_gpby ŠEmqr__ \ G_^_e_ HiulZ JZ[hlu lh qlh hgZ ]hlh\bl l_[y d jZ[hl_ dhlhjZy `^_l l_[y \i_j_^b b hgZ aZklZ\ey_l aZ^mfZlvky dZdmx dZjv_jm \u[jZlv \ [m^ms_fª Ihe <v_jZ :kkbkl_gl \ [b[ebhl_d_ ŠFhy ly`_eZy jZ[hlZ [ueZ \hagZ]jZ`^_gZ ihlhfm qlh fg_ ij_^eh`beb jZ[hlm b y k jZ^hklvx kh]eZkbeZkv ª F_j\bg >bahg Ijh^Z\_p \ fZ]Zabg_

Lhf mkljZb\Z_l wdkdmjkbx ih [b[ebhl_d_ ;b[ebhl_db g_ ^_eZxl, hgb jZklml :\]mklbg ;bjj_e ;b[ebhl_dZ kijZ\hqguo fZl_jbZeh\ ;b[ebhl_dZ kijZ\hqguo fZl_jbZeh\ gZoh^blky gZ i_j\hf wlZ`_ AZ klhehf kijZ\hd \k_]^Z gZoh^blky khljm^gbd ]hlh\uc ^Zlv kijZ\dm b ^Zlv \Zf kh\_l ih ih\h^m fZl_jbZeh\ gZ wlhf wlZ`_ ;b[ebhl_dZ kijZ\hqguo fZl_jbZeh\ kh^_j`bl ke_^mxs__ KijZ\hqgbdb Wlhl jZa^_e kh^_j`bl \k_ \b^u kijZ\hqguo fZl_jbZeh\ lZdbo dZd keh\Zjb wgpbdehi_^bb b kijZ\hqgbdb GZmqgu_ jZ[hlu < [b[ebhl_d_ gZoh^ylky jZaebqgu_ bkke_^h\Zgby ^bkk_jlZpbb ^hdeZ^u b wdaZf_gZpbhggu_ jZ[hlu Hgb jZkiheh`_gu \ dZlZeh]_ ih bf_gb Z\lhjZ b gZa\Zgbx bo ^hklZgml ih lj_[h\Zgbx Bo g_evay \ughkblv ba [b[ebhl_db I_jbh^bdZ K_dpby i_jbh^bq_kdbo ba^Zgbc \dexqZ_l \ k_[y \k_ gZb[he__ qZklh bkihevam_fu_ ]Za_lu b `mjgZeu jZkiheh`_ggu_ \ ZenZ\blghf ihjy^d_ ih gZa\Zgbx F_g__ qZklh bkihevam_fu_ i_jbh^bq_kdb_ ba^Zgby ojZgylky \ ih^\Ze_ b bo fh]ml \Zf ijbg_klb _keb hgb gm`gu Hl^_e \u^Zqb dgb] gZ ^hf Hl^_e \u^Zqb dgb] gZ ^hf gZoh^ysbcky gZ \lhjhf b lj_lv_f wlZ`Zo kh^_j`bl [hevrmx qZklv dgb] aZiZkZ GZ \lhjhf wlZ`_ _klv klhe kijZ\hd G_ kl_kgycl_kv ihijhkblv ihfhsb \ gZoh`^_gbb dgb] beb ihevah\Zgbb dZlZeh]hf 108

DZlZeh]b Hkgh\gu_ dZlZeh]b [b[ebhl_db gZoh^ylky gZ \lhjhf wlZ`_ DZlZeh] ih bf_gZf Z\lhjh\ gZa\Zgbyf kh^_j`bl \k_ dgb]b gZoh^ysb_ky \ [b[ebhl_d_ ih bf_gZf Z\lhjZ b ih gZa\Zgbx L_fZlbq_kdb_ dZlZeh]b iha\heyl \Zf magZlv dZdb_ dgb]b ih hij_^_e_gghc l_f_ _klv \ [b[ebhl_d_ L_fZlbq_kdbc dZlZeh] jZkiheh`_g \ ZenZ\blghf ihjy^d_ b wlh emqrbc kihkh[ gZclb \k_ dgb]b ih hij_^_e_gghc l_f_ dhlhju_ _klv \ [b[ebhl_d_ DZlZeh] ih kljZgZf iha\hebl \Zf gZclb \k_ dgb]b h[ hij_^_e_gghc kljZg_ beb f_klghklb Hg gZoh^blky gZ lj_lv_f wlZ`_ k dgb]Zfb h aZjm[_`guo kljZgZo Kem`[Z ihbkdZ ih dhfivxl_jm Kem`[Z ihbkdZ ih dhfivxl_jm ihfh`_l gZclb fZl_jbZe gZ hij_^_e_ggmx l_fm Dhfivxl_j ^Z_l ^hklmi d [hevrhfm ^bZiZahgm [Za ^Zgguo b ijhkfZljb\Z_l bo hq_gv [ukljh ?keb \u ohlbl_ ^_lZevgh bamqblv dZdmx eb[h l_fm wlh [m^_l emqrbf kihkh[hf magZlv h[h \k_f qlh [ueh gZibkZgh gZ wlm l_fm Ihijhkbl_ khljm^gbdZ h[tykgblv dZd ihevah\Zlvky dhfivxl_jhf =b^ Ih^\Ze OjZgbebsZ dhfgZlZ hl^uoZ ^ey mq_gbdh\ I_j\uc wlZ` =Zj^_jh[ <u^ZqZ b \ha\jZs_gb_ dgb] Kh[jZgby aZiZkh\ b dgb]b ^ey ihevah\Zgby \gmljb [b[ebhl_db DZ[bg_lu ]eZ\gh]h [b[ebhl_dZjy b aZf_klbl_ey ]eZ\gh]h [b[ebhl_dZjy b hl^_e aZdZah\ <lhjhc wlZ` ;b[ebhl_dZ kijZ\hqguo fZl_jbZeh\ I_jbh^bdZ KijZ\hqgbdb keh\Zjb wgpbdehi_^bb [b[ebh]jZnbb b l ^

GZmqgu_ jZ[hlu WdaZf_gZpbhggu_ jZ[hlu Kem`[Z ihbkdZ ih dhfivxl_jm Lj_lbc wlZ` Hl^_e \u^Zqb dgb] gZ ^hf Hkgh\gu_ dZlZeh]b Hnbk l_ogbq_kdhc kem`[u Q_l\_jluc wlZ` Hl^_e \u^Zqb dgb] gZ ^hf DZlZeh] ih kljZgZf DhfgZlZ k_fbgZjh\ Imgdl i_j\hc ihfhsb Wlh nhlhdhibb \lhjh]h b q_l\_jlh]h wlZ`_c dZjlhqdb ihevah\Zgby fh`gh ihemqblv \ hl^_e_ \u^Zqb dgb] GZ \lhjhf lj_lv_f b q_l\_jlhf wlZ`_ _klv lmZe_lu kijZ\Z hl e_klgbpu


AZihegbl_ nhjfmeyj ^ey aZibkb \ [b[ebhl_dm ;b[ebhl_dZ b bgnhjfZpbhggZy kem`[Z Klhggbg]lhg AZy\e_gb_ h aZibkb \ [b[ebhl_dm NZfbeby 6PLWK I_j\u_ bf_gZ 0DULD -DQH Fbkk Fbkkbk fbkl_j Beb gZa\Zgb_ hj]ZgbaZpbb :^j_k 3URVSHFW 0LUD 0RVFRZ ihqlh\uc bg^_dk L_e_nhg ^ZlZ jh`^_gby 6HSWHPEHU <u ohl_eb [u [jZlv \ [b[ebhl_d_ dgb]b gZ ^jm]hf yaud_ g_ gZ Zg]ebckdhf " \HV Yaud b " 5XVVLDQ Y kh]eZk_g \uihegylv ijZ\beZ [b[ebhl_db Ih^ibkv ^ZlZ $SULO AZihegy_lky jh^bl_e_f beb hi_dmghf Y kh]eZk_g \aylv gZ k_[y hl\_lkl\_gghklv aZ fZl_jbZeu \aylu_ \ [b[ebhl_d_ ih^Z\rbf aZy\e_gb_ gZa\Zgguf gZ h[hjhl_ dZd b aZ _]h __ \u[hj_ ebl_jZlmju Ih^ibkv Bfy -RKQ 6PLWK :^j_k _keb hg g_ lhl `_ qlh m ih^Z\r_]h aZy\e_gb_ Rogatinskaya st. Moscow L_e_nhg ihqlh\uc bg^_dk AZihegy_lky jZ[hlZxsbfb ih dhgljZdlm g_ y\eyxsbfbky ]jZ`^ZgZfb kljZgu beb oh^ysbfb \ rdhem \ wlhf jZchg_ RdheZ jZ[hlh^Zl_ev

<ZrZ [m^msZy ijhn_kkby Ij_^klZ\vl_ qlh ^Z_l_ bgl_j\vx `mjgZebklm ]h\hjys_fm gZ Zg]ebckdhf yaud_ Ba\bgbl_ fh]m y aZ^Zlv \Zf g_kdhevdh \hijhkh\" Yes. < dZdhf \u deZkk_" I’m in the eleventh form. DZdb_ ijhn_kkbb ihimeyjgu kj_^b fheh^_`b \ \Zr_c kljZg_" Reporter, artist, accountant, secretary, lawyer and economist are the professions popular among the young people in my country. D_f [u \u ohl_eb klZlv ihke_ hdhgqZgby rdheu" dZdmx ijhn_kkbx \u [u ohl_eb bf_lv"

I would like to be a Computer programmer when I graduate. Dlh ihfh] \Zf \u[jZlv ijhn_kkbx" I chose it myself because I like computers. Qlh ^mfZxl \Zrb ^jmavy h \Zr_f \u[hj_" Ihq_fm hgb lZd ^mfZxl" 110

My friends think it’s a great choice because it is the kind of profession that is of importance in this century. Computers are everywhere. My friends often ask me to help them when something happens with their PCs. ;j_^eb Kfbl M ;j_^eb KfblZ hkh[h_ \^hogh\_gb_ ihlhfm qlh hg gZ wlhc g_^_e_ b^_l jZ[hlZlv \ FZd >hgZev^k >\Z^pZlbe_lgbc ;j_^ k kbg^jhfhf >ZmgZ ijZa^gm_l k\hx i_j\mx jZ[hlm \ k_lb nZkl nm^Z aZdmkhqguo _]h h[yaZgghklb [m^ml \dexqZlv \ k_[y h[kem`b\Zgb_ klheh\hc b ihfhsv gZ dmog_ H^gZ g_^_ey HiulZ JZ[hlu \ FZd >hgZev^k_ ijb\_eZ d jZ[hlm gZ iheguc ^_gv H^bg ba f_g_^`_jh\ kdZaZe ŠDh]^Z y kh]eZkbeky gZgylv ;j_^Z gZ jZ[hlm y eZ^ ihgylv qlh \hafh`ghklv ihemqblv ihklhyggh_ f_klh [m^_l aZ\bk_lv hl _]h kihkh[ghkl_c \ jZ[hl_ Hiul ;j_^Z \ jZ[hl_ ihfhsgbdhf gZ dmog_ \ukhdb_ klZg^Zjlu b wglmabZaf \hl qlh ijbg_keh _fm wlm jZ[hlm KljZ^Zl_evgZy jZ[hlZ ;j_^Z ^Z`_ aZklZ\beZ ^jm]bo jZ[hlgbdh\ [hevr_ klZjZlvkyÂŞ K_cqZk m [j_^Z lZdZy `bagv h dhlhjhc _]h fZlv DZjhebgZ b g_ f_qlZeZ dh]^Z hg jh^beky b _fm ihklZ\beb ^bZ]gha [he_agv >ZmgZ Šg_ kdZaZeb qlh hg ^he`_g `blv \ dZdhf gb[m^v mqj_`^_gbb b qlh hg gbdh]^Z g_ kfh`_l k^_eZlv qlh eb[h kZf Gh wlh kh\k_f g_ lZd Hg mf__l ]hlh\blv b m[bjZlvky emqr_ f_gyÂŞ ;j_^ k_cqZk b]jZ_l ]eZ\gmx jhev \ \b^_h jhebd_ dhlhjuc ihfh`_l fheh^uf ex^yf k bg\Zeb^ghklvx ieZgbjh\Zlv k\h_ [m^ms__ Ih`ZemcklZ hl\_lvl_ gZ ke_^mxsb_ \hijhku <u agZ_l_ dh]h gb[m^v k kbg^jhfhf >ZmgZ" No, I don’t. KqblZ_l_ eb \u qlh ex^b k kbg^jhfhf >ZmgZ g_kihkh[gu k^_eZlv qlh gb[m^v kZfb" No, I don’t. I think that abilities of people with Down syndrome are often underestimated. < \Zr_c rdhe_ _klv G_^_ey HiulZ JZ[hlu" No, we don’t. M \Zk dh]^Z gb[m^v [ueZ jZ[hlZ" ?keb ^Z jZkkdZ`bl_ ih`ZemcklZ k\hbf h^ghdeZkkgbdZf h[ wlhf Yes, I have. In my free time I worked handing leaflets to people in the street. It is a part-time job and it’s very convenient as it doesn’t interfere with the school.

Qlh lZdh_ ;he_agv >ZmgZ" Ihkfhljbl_ \hdjm] k_[y ?keb \ \Zr_f deZkk_ g_l [ebag_ph\ lh \u m\b^bl_ qlh \k_ \Zrb h^ghdeZkkgbdb \u]ey^yl ih jZaghfm M gZk jZaguc p\_l \hehk M gZk ]eZaZ jZagh]h p\_lZ B m gZk jZagu_ ebpZ b nb]m111

ju ;ulv jZagufb ohjhrh Lhevdh ih^mfZcl_ dZd [ueh [u kdmqgh _keb [u u \k_ [ueb h^bgZdh\ufb Ex^b k [he_agvx >ZmgZ \u]ey^yl g_ lZd dZd hklZevgu_ ex^b Gh \gmljb fu \k_ h^bgZdh\u_ Fu \k_ kf__fky gZ^ kf_rgufb \_sZfb Fu \k_ ieZq_f dh]^Z gZf ]jmklgh Fu \k_ ohlbf bf_lv ^jma_c GZf \k_f gjZ\blky magZ\Zlv gh\h_ \ rdhe_ <Zrbf h^ghdeZkkgbdZf k [he_agvx >ZmgZ fh`_l ihgZ^h[blvky ^hihegbl_evgZy ihfhsv qlh[u gZmqblvky gh\uf \_sZf <u fh`_l_ ihfhqv bf \ wlhf M kdhevdbo ex^_c [he_agv >ZmgZ" < KR: [he__ ex^_c k [he_agvx >ZmgZ Wlh fgh]h Wlh lZd fgh]h qlh hgb \k_ g_ ihf_klylky \ \Zr kihjlb\guc aZe LZd qlh ^Z`_ _keb \u g_ agZ_l_ gbdh]h k [he_agvx >ZmgZ ih \k_fm fbjm fgh]b_ ex^b kljZ^Zxl [he_agvx >ZmgZ DZdb_ ijbqbgu m [he_agb >ZmgZ" <u agZ_l_ qlh \Zr_ l_eh khklhbl ba ljbeebhgh\ de_lhd" Hgb kh\k_f fZe_gvdb_ <gmljb wlbo fZe_gvdbo de_lhd gZoh^ylky _s_ [he__ fZe_gvdb_ rlmqdb gZau\Z_fu_ ojhfhkhfZfb M [hevrbgkl\Z ex^_c \ dZ`^hc de_ld_ ojhfhkhf M ex^_c k [he_agvx >ZmgZ bo M ^_l_c [he_agv >ZmgZ _klv _s_ ^h jh`^_gby Fh`gh eb ^jm`blv k q_eh\_dhf kljZ^Zxsbf [he_agvx >ZmgZ" >Z M mq_gbdh\ k [he_agvx >ZmgZ fh]ml [ulv ^jmavy lZdb_ `_ dZd lu GZ kZfhf ^_e_ hgb fh]ml [ulv l\hbfb emqrbfb ^jmavyfb H^ghdeZkkgbdZf k [he_agvx >ZmgZ lZd`_ gm`gZ ihfhsv Gm`gh ihfgblv qlh bf bgh]^Z gm`gZ ihfhsv Z ohjhrbc ^jm] \k_]^Z ihfh`_l Lhevdh ih^mfZcl_ dZd ohjhrh dh]^Z \Zf ihfh]Z_l ^jm] DZd \u fh`_l_ ihfhqv ^jm]m m dhlhjh]h [he_agv >ZmgZ ;he_agv >ZmgZ g_\hafh`gh \ue_qblv gh kms_kl\m_l fgh]h \_s_c Dhlhju_ fu fh`_f k^_eZlv qlh[u ihfhqv ex^yf k kbg^jhfhf >ZmgZ Emqrbc kihkh[ ihfhqv ^jm]m k kbg^jhfhf >ZmgZ ² ^mfZlv h g_f dZd h ^jm]bo k\hbo ^jmavyo AZ\ljZdZcl_ \f_kl_ k gbfb Ijb]eZrZcl_ bo gZ k\hb ^gb jh`^_gby : _keb bf gm`gZ ihfhsv k ^hfZrgbfb aZ^Zgbyfb hl lh]h qlh \u bf ihfh`_l_ \u b kZfb [m^_l_ qm\kl\h\Zlv k_[y emqr_ G_ m^b\eycl_kv _keb \Zf gh\uc ^jm] k [he_agvx >ZmgZ lh`_ \Zk q_fm gb[m^v gZmqbl <hijhkgbd Mq_gbdb k [he_agvx >ZmgZ ohlyl bf_lv ^jma_c Mq_gbd k kbg^jhfhf >ZmgZ fh`_l ihgZ^h[blvky ki_pbZevgZy ihfhsv H^ghdeZkkgbd k [he_agvx >ZmgZ fh`_l klZlv l\hbf emqrbf ^jm]hf >jm] k [he_agvx >ZmgZ fh`_l \u]ey^_lv ih ^jm]hfm <u fh`_l_ ihfhqv ^jm]m k [he_agvx >ZmgZ 112

M ^_l_c [he_agv >ZmgZ _klv _s_ ^h jh`^_gby

=Za_lgu_ h[ty\e_gby Ih`ZemcklZ jZ[hlZcl_ \ iZj_ k ^jm]bf mq_gbdhf Bamqbl_ \hijhku b aZl_f gZc^bl_ hl\_lu \ j_deZf_ D\ZglZk WcjeZcg K_dj_lZjv D\ZglZk WcjeZcg ij_^eZ]Z_l ihklhyggmx jZ[hlm k_dj_lZjy gZ iheklZ\db \ gZr_f hl^_e_ ijh^Z` \ p_gljZevghf hnbk_ JZ[hlZ fbgbfmf qZkh\ \ g_^_ex k \hafh`ghklvx jZ[hlu gZ ihegmx klZ\dm Lj_[m_lky hiul k_dj_lZjkdhc jZ[hlu b jZ[hlu \ h[eZklb ijh^Z` >ey lh]h qlh[u ^h]h\hjblvky h \klj_q_ a\hgbl_ ih l_e ² D Ij_^eZ]Z_lky jZ[hlZ gZ iheklZ\db beb gZ ihegmx klZ\dm" 7KH SRVLWLRQ LV SDUW WLPH Ij_^eZ]Z_lky jZ[hlZ gZ iheklZ\db E Kdhevdh qZkh\ \ g_^_ex gm`gh jZ[hlZlv" KRXUV D ZHHN DUH RIIHUHG Gm`gh jZ[hlZlv qZkh\ \ g_^_ex JZ[hlZ ihklhyggZy beb \j_f_ggZy" 7KH SRVLWLRQ LV SHUPDQHQW JZ[hlZ ihklhyggZy JZ[hlZlv gm`gh [m^_l \ p_glj_ beb \ hdjZbgghf jZchg_" 7KH SRVLWLRQ LV ORFDWHG DW D GRZQWRZQ EUDQFK JZ[hlZlv gm`gh [m^_l \ p_glj_ LN DhgkZelZgkb K_dj_lZjv fZrbgbkldZ LN DhgkZelZgkb ² dhgkZelbg]h\Zy nbjfZ Kdhjhklv i_qZlb g_ f_g__ keh\ \ fbgmlm kl_gh]jZnby b agZgb_ ^_ehijhba\h^kl\Z g_h[oh^bfu GZqZevgZy aZjieZlZ gZ wlhc ^he`ghklb \ ]h^ AZijhku ? ;xj]_j D DZdZy kdhjhklv i_qZlb lj_[m_lky" 7\SLQJ VSHHG RI DW OHDVW ZSP LV UHTXLUHG Lj_[m_lky kdhjhklv i_qZlb g_ f_g__ keh\ \ fbgmlm E DZdb_ _s_ gZ\udb lj_[mxlky" The ability to take shorthand dictation and knowledge of filling SURFHGXUHV DUH UHTXLUHG Lj_[mxlky kl_gh]jZnby b agZgb_ ^_ehijhba\h^kl\Z DZdmx aZjieZlm ij_^eZ]Zxl" 7KH VDODU\ LV D \HDU AZjeZlZ ^heeZjh\ \ ]h^ DZd fh`gh ihemqblv ^hihegbl_evgmx bgnhjfZpbx" 7R REWDLQ PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ \RX FDQ FDOO ? %XUJHU >hihegbl_evgmx bgnhjfZpbx fh`gh ihemqblv iha\hgb\ ? ;xj]_j Hi_jZlhj gZ[hjsbd IjbgbfZxlky aZy\e_gby gZ jZ[hlm hi_jZlhjhf gZ[hjsbdhf gZ ihegmx klZ\dm \ hnbk_ k\yaZgguf kh kljhbl_evkl\hf Lj_[mxlky lhevdh hiulgu_ hi_jZlhju 113

AZy\e_gby ijbgbfZxlky Khljm^gbd hl^_eZ dZ^jh\

:;K El^ =jbgobe Jhm^ :^_eZb^Z D Wlh jZ[hlZ gZ iheklZ\db beb gZ ihegmx klZ\dm" 7KLV LV D IXOO WLPH SRVLWLRQ Wlh jZ[hlZ gZ ihegmx klZ\dm E Gm`_g eb hiul \ wlhc ^he`ghklb" <HV LW LV >Z F Dm^Z ih^Z\Zlv aZy\e_gby" One should apply in writing to the Personnel Officer of ABC OWG AZy\e_gby gm`gh ih^Z\Zlv khljm^gbdm hl^_eZ dZ^jh\ :;K El^

:\lh[bh]jZnby \ lZ[ebqghc nhjf_ Dh]^Z \u ih^Z_l_ aZy\e_gb_ h ijb_f_ gZ jh[hlm \Zf kdhj__ \k_]h gm`gh [m^_l aZihegblv Zgd_lm dhlhjZy ^Z_l jZ[hlh^Zl_ex \Z`gmx bgnhjfZpbx h \Zk :\lh[bh]jZnbx \ lZ[ebqghc nhjf_ bgh]^Z gZau\Zxl j_axf_ DZd \u ^mfZ_l_ dZdZy bgnhjfZpby h \Zk fh`_l ihgZ^h[blvky jZ[hlh^Zl_ex" Ih`ZemcklZ khklZ\vl_ kibkhd wlhc bgnhjfZpbb b kjZ\gbl_ kh kibkdZfb h^ghdeZkkgbdh\ Name Education Age Work experience Address Additional skills Nationality Interests Wlh j_axf_ Wfbeb Evxbk HgZ ih^Z_l aZy\e_gb_ h ijb_f_ gZ h^gm ba ihabpbc ij_^klZ\e_gguo \ur_ Ih`ZemcklZ ijhqlbl_ b hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku Kdhevdh e_l Wfbeb Evxbk" (PLO\ /HZLV LV Wfbeb Evxbk e_l =^_ hgZ `b\_l" 6KH OLYHV LQ $GHODLGH $XVWUDOLD HgZ `b\_l \ :^_eZb^_ :\kljZeby DZdhc m g__ ghf_j l_e_nhgZ" Three-two-three-two-nine-five-eight. DZdh_ m g__ ]jZ`^Zgkl\h" $XVWUDOLDQ :\kljZebckdh_ Q_f hgZ aZgbfZ_lky \ gZklhys__ \j_fy" 6KH ZRUNV DW -RQHV ,QF HgZ jZ[hlZ_l \ >`hgk Bgdhjihj_cl_^ =^_ hgZ oh^beZ \ rdhem" 6KH ZHQW WR VFKRRO LQ $GHODLGH HgZ oh^beZ \ rdhem \ :^_eZb^_ DZd [ukljh hgZ mf__l i_qZlZlv" +HU W\SLQJ VSHHG LV ZSP ?_ kdhjhklv i_qZlb m^Zjh\ \ fbgmlm 114

Q_f hgZ ex[bl aZgbfZlvky \ k\h[h^gh_ \j_fy" 6KH OLNHV JDUGHQLQJ DQG SOD\LQJ WHQQLV LQ KHU VSDUH WLPH HgZ ex[bl aZgbfZlvky kZ^h\h^kl\hf b b]jZlv \ l_ggbk \ k\h[h^gh_ \j_fy Bfy Wfbeb Evxbk :^j_k IZjd <_c :^_eZb^Z X`gZy :\kljZeby L_e >ZlZ jh`^_gby Zij_ey ]h^Z =jZ`^Zgkl\h Z\kljZebcdZ Hiul jZ[hlu dZkkbj Dhee_^` L:N? K ]h^Z ² ih gZklhys__ \j_fy K_dj_lZjv hnbk f_g_^`_j \ >`hgk Bgdhjihj_cl_^ :^_eZb^Z H[jZah\Zgb_ ] K_jlbnbdZl h kj_^g_f h[jZah\Zgbb rdheZ <_kl Obee :^_eZb^Z >biehf h[ hdhgqZgbb dmjkh\ k_dj_lZj_c Dhee_^` K_dj_lZj_c =Zfbevlhg :^_eZb^Z GZ\udb FZrbghibkv m^Zjh\ \ fbgmlm [mo]Zel_jby b kl_gh]jZnby M\e_q_gby KZ^h\h^kl\h b l_ggbk DZdb_ ba \ur_i_j_qbke_gguo ihabpbc fh]ml ih^hclb Wfbeb" Ihq_fm" The position of the secretary / typist would be most suitable for Ms. Lewis because she has all the skills required, such as typing speed, shorthand and filling procedures. More than that, she has working H[SHULHQFH LQ WKLV SRVLWLRQ fbkk Evxbk [hevr_ \k_]h ih^hc^_l ^he`ghklv k_dj_lZjy fZrbgbkldb ihlhfm qlh m g__ _klv \k_ g_h[oh^bfu_ gZ\udb lZdb_ dZd kdhjhklv i_qZlb kl_gh]jZnby b kha^Zgb_ Zjob\Z ;he__ lh]h m g__ _klv hiul jZ[hlu \ wlhc ^he`ghklb < \Zr_c kljZg_ ex^b ibrml j_axf_" H[km^bl_ jZaebqby Yes, in our country people write CV as well. They write their name, address, nationality, date of birthday, education and employment. Sometimes people also write if they are married or single. We also write about our hobbies and interests. Many people also write some FKDUDFWHULVWLFV VXFK DV ŠDFFXUDWHª ŠUHOLDEOHª DQG VR RQ < gZr_c kljZg_ ex^b lh`_ ibrml j_axf_ Hgb ibrml bfy Z^j_k =jZ`^Zgkl\h ^Zlm jh`^_gby h[ h[jZah\Zgbb b hiul_ jZ[hlu Bgh]^Z ex^b _s_ ibrml `_gZlu hgb beb ohehklu Fu lZd`_ ibr_f h k\hbo oh[[b b bgl_j_kZo Fgh]b_ ex^b lZd`_ ibrml k\hb oZjZdl_jbklbdb lZdb_ dZd Š<gbfZl_evgucª ŠgZ^_`gucª b l ^

JZ[hlZcl_ \ iZj_ k ^jm]bf mq_gbdhf b khklZ\vl_ kibkhd ^he`ghkl_c dhlhju_ \u kqblZ_l_ bgl_j_kgufb DZdb_ ba wlbo dZq_kl\ gZ \Zr \a]ey^ g_h[oh^bfu ^ey l_o aZgylbc dhlhju_ \u \u[jZeb" Reporter-energetic, enthusiastic Pilot-reliable, strong, competent 115

Doctor-competent, accurate, experienced Teacher-punctual, enthusiastic, neat Hairdresser-competent, motivated Photographer-ambitious, energetic, intelligent Artist-intelligent, enthusiastic, ambitious Secretary-accurate, punctual, neat Lawyer-competent, punctual, reliable DZdb_ ba wlbo dZq_kl\ m \Zk ijbkmlkl\mxl" >ey dZdbo aZgylbc \u gZ \Zr \a]ey^ ih^oh^bl_" I can be a reporter because I’m energetic and enthusiastic. I can also be a photographer because I’m ambitious, energetic and intelligent. I can’t be a secretary because I’m not accurate, punctual or neat. Wlh ^_lZeb j_axf_ IheZ =m^f_gZ Ih`ZemcklZ aZihegbl_ lZ[ebpm 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Bfy :^j_k L_e_nhg >ZlZ jh`^_gby =jZ`^Zgkl\h K_f_cgh_ iheh`_gb_ H[jZah\Zgb_ >he`ghklv aZgbfZ_fZy gZ ^Zgguc fhf_gl Ij_^u^ms__ f_klh jZ[hlu >jm]b_ bgl_j_ku b gZ\udb J_dhf_g^Zpbb

>_eh\h_ ibkvfh

E M B K L A G, H D C I, F J

;e_g^nbev^ Jhm^ Ehg^hg Hdly[jv

Fbkl_jm >` Kfblm Kfbl b kugh\vy Fvx Ehg^hg L_fZ F_klh hnbk f_g_^`_jZ >hjh]hc fbkl_j Kfbl Y ibrm \ k\yab k \Zrbf h[ty\e_gb_f \ LZcfk h f_kl_ hnbk f_g_^`_jZ b ohl_eZ [u ih^Zlv aZy\e_gb_ DZd \u \b^bl_ ba ijbeZ]Z_fh]h j_axf_ m f_gy ^biehf ih ki_pbZevghklb ;bag_k F_g_^`f_gl b y ^\Z ]h^Z jZ[hlZeZ ihfhsgbdhf hnbk f_g_^`_jZ \ ]_jfZgkdhc dhfiZgbb < gZklhys__ \j_fy y bsm gh\h_ f_klh jZ[hlu b ohl_eZ [u qlh[u fhx dZg^b^Zlmjm jZkkfhlj_eb gZ ^he`ghklv mdZaZggmx \ \Zr_f h[ty\e_gbb 116

?keb \Zf gm`gZ [m^_l ^hihegbl_evgZy bgnhjfZpby ih`ZemcklZ khh[sbl_ fg_ GZ^_xkv kdhjh hl \Zk mkeurZlv Bkdj_gg_ \ZrZ We_ZghjZ Fbee_j Ih`ZemcklZ hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku Dlh gZibkZe wlh ibkvfh" (OHDQRU 0LOOHU ZURWH WKLV OHWWHU We_ZghjZ Fbee_j gZibkZeZ wlh ibkvfh Ihq_fm hgZ ibr_l" 6KH LV ZULWLQJ LQ UHIHUHQFH WR WKH DGYHUWLVHPHQW LQ WKH 7LPHV HgZ ibr_l \ k\yab k h[ty\e_gb_f \ LZcfk GZ dZdmx ^he`ghklv hgZ ih^Z_l aZy\e_gb_" 6KH LV DSSO\LQJ IRU WKH SRVW RI 2IILFH 0DQDJHU HgZ ih^Z_l aZy\e_gb_ gZ ^he`ghklv hnbk f_g_^`_jZ DZdhc ^hdmf_gl hgZ ijbeZ]Z_l d k\h_fm ibkvfm" 6KH LV HQFORVLQJ KHU FXUULFXOXP YLWDH ZLWK KHU OHWWHU HgZ ijbeZ]Z_l j_axf_ d k\h_fm ibkvfm DZdhc m g__ hiul jZ[hlu" She has two years experience as Assistant Office Manager with a *HUPDQ FRPSDQ\ HgZ ^\Z ]h^Z jZ[hlZeZ ihfhsgbdhf hnbk f_g_^`_jZ \ ]_jfZgkdhc dhfiZgbb >ey bgnhjfZpbb Klj_kk Qlh lZdh_ klj_kk" Klj_kk ² wlh lh dZd \Zr_ l_eh b fha] j_Z]bjmxl gZ baf_g_gby b ljm^ghklb <_sb dhlhju_ \uau\Zxl klj_kk fh]ml [ulv iheh`bl_evgufb b hljbpZl_evgufb ;hevrbgkl\h ex^_c bkiulu\Zxl klj_kk dh]^Z Ijhbkoh^bl qlh gb[m^v g_h`b^Zggh_ GZijbf_j \Zr [m^bevgbd g_ aZa\hgbe b \u hiZa^u\Z_l_ Ijhbkoh^bl qlh lh gh\h_ b g_agZdhfh_ GZijbf_j \u i_j_oh^bl_ \ gh\mx rdhem Ijhbkoh^bl qlh lh \Z`gh_ ^ey \Zk GZijbf_j \u ihemqZ_l_ gh\mx jZ[hlm Qlh lh \uoh^bl ba ih^ dhgljhey GZijbf_j ihl_jyeZkv kh[ZdZ ?s_ g_dhlhju_ ijbqbgu klj_kkZ <u fh`_l_ ^h[Z\blv _s_ dZdb_ gb[m^v" AZgylby ^ey k^Zqb wdaZf_gZ Kh[_k_^h\Zgb_ @_gblv[Z Hij_^_e_ggh_ dhebq_kl\h klj_kkZ ghjfZevgh b ohjhrh Gh kebrdhf fgh]h klj_kkZ fh`_l ijb\_klb d [he_agyf >hdlhjZ k\yaZeb klj_kk b Zee_j]bb ya\u [he_agb k_j^pZ b ^jm]b_ aZ[he_\Zgby Fu fh`_f gZmqblvky kijZ\eylvky k ijh[e_fZfb b klj_kkhf \ gZr_c `bagb <hl g_dhlhju_ ij_^eh`_gby 117

Ih]h\hjbl_ k ^jmavyfb beb qe_gZfb k_fvb h k\hbo ljm^ghklyo G_ iulZcl_kv kijZ\blky kh \k_f kZfb >_eZcl_ \k_ ih hq_j_^b G_kdhevdh ijh[e_f h^gh\j_f_ggh fh]ml ih^Z\blv \Zk KhklZ\vl_ kibkhd \_s_c dhlhju_ \Zf gm`gh k^_eZlv J_rbl_ qlh gm`gh k^_eZlv \ i_j\mx hq_j_^v K^_eZcl_ wlh HklZevgh_ ^_eZcl_ ih f_j_ \hafh`ghklb HklZ\Zcl_kv nbabq_kdb a^hjh\uf ?rvl_ ihe_agmx ibsm b j_]meyjgh aZgbfZcl_kv kihjlhf ;m^vl_ j_ZebklZfb G_ klZ\vl_ p_e_c dhlhju_ g_\hafh`gh ^hklbqv Ijbfbl_ dZd ^he`gh_ qlh kms_kl\mxl \_sb dhlhju_ g_evay baf_gblv beb dhgljhebjh\Zlv GZmqbl_kv jZkkeZ[eylvky >_eZcl_ \_sb dhlhju_ \Zf gjZ\ylky DZ`^uc ^_gv \u[bjZcl_ \j_fy qlh[u hl^hogm b jZkkeZ[blvky >mfZcl_ ihablb\gh DZd \u kijZ\ey_l_kv kh klj_kkhf" KhklZ\vl_ kibkhd \_s_c dhlhju_ \u ^_eZ_l_ qlh[u kijZ\blvky kh klj_kkhf GZijbf_j ieZq_l_ jZa]h\Zjb\Z_l_ k ^jm]hf b^_l_ kiZlv _^bl_ djbqbl_ gZ dh]h gb[m^v khklZ\ey_l_ kibkhd \_s_c dhlhju_ \Zf ^hkZ`^Zxl ihablb\gh jZa]h\Zjb\Z_l_ k kZfbf kh[hc KjZ\gbl_ kibkhd kh kibkdhf h^ghdeZkkgbdZ b h[km^bl_ \_sb dhlhju_ y\eyxlky a^hjh\ufb b l_ dhlhju_ g_ y\eyxlky To cope with stress I: - take a walk. - Talk to my best friend - Cry - Eat something tasty - Go into isolated open space and shout - Break something - Take a shower - Play cards - Listen to positive music - Watch funny TV show or cartoons - Do some mechanical work HnbkgZy f_[_ev Ih`ZemcklZ ijhqlbl_ iZjZ]jZn b ihkfhljbl_ gZ dZjlbgdm <ibrbl_ ih^q_jdgmlu_ keh\Z \ gm`gu_ f_klZ >`_cg ijb_oZeZ gZ jZ[hlm b __ k_dj_lZjv m`_ i_qZlZeZ gZ i_qZlghc fZrbgd_ Dh]^Z >`_cg aZ]eygmeZ \ k\hc _`_^g_\gbd e_`Zsbc hldjuluf gZ klhe_ hgZ m\b^_eZ qlh \ m g__ [ueZ \klj_qZ k hq_gv \Z`guf deb_glhf ?c gm`gh [ueh [ukljh ih^]hlh\blvky d \klj_q_ HgZ ihijhkbeZ k_dj_lZjy k^_eZlv g_kdhevdh dhibc gZ nhlhdhibjh\Zevghf mkljhckl\_ \ m]em K_dj_lZjv ^ZeZ h^gm dhibx


>`_cg Z ^jm]mx m[jZeZ \ rdZn ^ey [mfZ] klhysbc jy^hf k nhlhdhibjh\Zevguf mkljhckl\hf >`_cg \dexqbeZ dhfivxl_j gZ klhe_ b aZibkZeZ \ k\hc [ehdghl pbnju ihdZaZggu_ gZ wdjZg_ HgZ keh`beZ pbnju gZ dZevdmeylhj_ b kjZ\gbeZ bo k l_fb dhlhju_ [ueb gZ ]jZnbd_ gZ kl_g_ <k_ kdeZ^u\Zehkv HgZ [ueZ ]hlh\Z d \klj_q_ AZa\hgbe l_e_nhg b k_dj_lZjv \ ijb_fghc kdZaZeZ _c qlh a\hgbe deb_gl b hleh`be \klj_qm 1) photocopier; 2) screen; 3) computer; 4) desk; 5) filling cabinet; 6) typewriter; 7) diary; 8) calculator; 9) note pad; 10) telephone; 11) chart. IjZdlbdm_fky kemrZlv

Tapescripts 1. :\kljZeby ² r_klZy ih \_ebqbg_ kljZgZ b kZfuc f_e_gvdbc dhglbg_gl < fbj_ Hg hdjm`_g lj_fy kljZgZfb Bg^hg_ab_c b Gh\hc =\bg__c gZ k_\_j_ b Gh\hc A_eZg^b_c k x]h \hklhdZ < :\kljZebb r_klv rlZlh\ b ^\_ l_jjblhjbb H^bg ba rlZlh\ LZkfZgby y\ey_lky hkljh\hf b jZkiheh`_g d x]m hl hkgh\gh]h dhglbg_glZ KlhebpZ LZkfZgbb ² Oh[Zjl AZiZ^gZy :\kljZeby ² kZfuc [hevrhc rlZl ?]h klhebpZ ² I_jl Kb^g_c ² kZfuc [hevrhc ]hjh^ \ :\kljZebb b klhebpZ Gh\h]h X`gh]h MwevkZ Kb^g_c gZoh^blky d x]m hl DZg[_jju klhebpu :\kljZebb < :\kljZebb kZfuc [hevrhc dhjZeeh\uc jbn \ fbj_ Hg gZau\Z_lky [hevrhc [Zjv_jguc Jbn Hg gZoh^blky gZ k_\_jh \hklhqghf ih[_j_`v_ :\kljZebb \ D\bgke_g^_ 2. KZrZ DZdhc h[uqgh ^_gv m Z\kljZebckdh]h mq_gbdZ" Lhf ?keb ohq_rv y jZkkdZ`m h k\hbo ih\k_^g_\guo aZgylbyo KZrZ >Z Ohqm Lhf Gm y \klZx \ r_klv ljb^pZlv mljZ Ih djZcg_c f_j_ [m^bevgbd a\hgbl \ wlh \j_fy H[uqgh y b^m gZ ijh[_`dm i_j_^ aZ\ljZdhf Ihke_ aZ\ljZdZ y ijbgbfZx ^mr b kh[bjZxkv \ rdhem H[uqgh y \uoh`m \ rdhem hdheh \hkvfb qlh[u mki_lv gZ i_j\h_ aZgylb_ AZgylby gZqbgZxlky \ \hk_fv ljb^pZlv KZrZ Lu _rv e_gq \ rdhe_" Lhf >Z y _f e_gq \ ihe^_gv dZ`^uc ^_gv \ rdhevghc klheh\hc KZrZ Dh]^Z aZdZgqb\Zxlky aZgylby" Lhf AZgylby aZdZgqb\Zxlky \ ^\Z ljb^pZlv KZrZ Lu h[uqgh ijboh^brv ^hfhc kjZam ihke_ rdheu" Lhf G_l m f_gy lj_gbjh\dZ ih nml[hem dZ`^uc ^_gv ihke_ rdheu KZrZ Y ijboh`m ^hfhc ihke_ lj_gbjh\db AZl_f y h[_^Zx kh k\h_c k_fv_c Ihke_ h[_^Z y ^_eZx ^hfZrgb_ aZ^Zgby b aZl_f h[uqgh jZ[hlZx gZ dhfivxl_j_ 119

KZrZ : qlh lu ^_eZ_rv gZ dhfivxl_j_" Lhf Y lj_gbjmxkv ^_eZlv lh qlh \umqbe gZ mjhd_ ih bgnhjfZlbd_ Wlh ^_ckl\bl_evgh bgl_j_kgh KZrZ Lu ex[brv qblZlv \_q_jhf" Lhf >Z I_j_^ l_f DZd ihclb kiZlv y h[uqgh qblZx dgb]m beb ]Za_lm Wlh ihfh]Z_l fg_ mkgmlv H[uqgh y aZkuiZx d ^_kylb beb ^_kylb ljb^pZlb Fhb aZgylby hlebqZ_lky hl aZgylbc fZevqbdh\ \ \Zr_c kljZg_" KZrZ G_l kh\k_f g_ hlebqZxlky 3. >hjh]hc >`hmb Wlh fhy \lhjZy g_^_ey \ :\kljZebb Y `b\m \ Z\kljZebckdhc k_fv_ Fg_ a^_kv hq_gv gjZ\blky <q_jZ fu k fh_c k_kljhc He_c _a^beb gZ eh^d_ \ rdhem RdheZ \ :\kljZebb gZqbgZ_lky \ `bagv a^_kv hq_gv aZgylZy AZ\ljZ fu b^_f gZ wdkdmjkbx I_j_^Zc fhb gZbemqrb_ ih`_eZgby jh^bl_eyf K ex[h\vx KZrZ >hjh]b_ fZfZ b iZiZ Gm \hl y b \ :\kljZebb < wlh keh`gh ih\_jblv Y ijb_oZe iZjm ^g_c gZaZ^ Y `b\m k ijbylghc k_fv_c \ Kb^g__ Bo k_fvy ^h\hevgh [hevrZy M LhfZ ^\_ k_klju b [jZl ;jZl LhfZ >`hg mqblky \ mgb\_jkbl_l_ ?]h hl_p ² [_ag_kf_g Z fZfZ ² om^h`gbpZ Fu lhevdh qlh _a^beb d dma_gZf LhfZ Hgb hq_gv ^jm`_ex[gu_ ex^b Ih`ZemcklZ gZibrbl_ fg_ kdhj__ K ex[h\vx KZrZ Ijb\_l f_gy ah\ml >`hg Jh[_jlk Y \_^msbc gh\hkl_c ^ey :\kljZebckdhc jZ^bh\_sZl_evghc DhjihjZpbb Y lhevdh qlh ijh\_e bgl_j\vx k Kvxa_g =jwf ba Hj]ZgbaZpbhggh]h Dhfbl_lZ Hebfibckdbo B]j \ Kb^g__ Y [u ohl_e ih^_eblvky bgnhjfZpb_c dhlhjmx y ihemqbe DZd \u \_jhylgh m`_ agZ_l_ Kb^g_c [ue \u[jZg ^ey ijh\_^_gby Hebfibckdbo B]j ]h^Z Fbkkbk =jwf kdZaZe qlh \_kv Kb^g_c ]hlh\blky d B]jZf HgZ kdZaZeZ fg_ qlh :\kljZeby y\ey_lky h^ghc ba g_fgh]bo kljZg dhlhju_ mqZkl\h\Zeb \h \k_o B]jZo k ]h^Z HgZ kdZaZeZ qlh wlh [m^_l \lhjuf jZahf dh]^Z \ :\kljZebb ijh\h^ylky B]jZ HgZ kdZaZeZ qlh \ ]h^m B]ju ijh\h^bebkv \ F_ev[mjg_ Fbkkbk =jwf kdZaZeZ fg_ qlh ex^b \ Kb^g__ [ueb hq_gv kqZkleb\u qlh B]ju [m^ml ijh\h^blky \ Kb^g__ HgZ kdZaZeZ qlh \k_ `bl_eb Kb^g_y ihemqZl ihevam hl i_j\hdeZkkguo kihjlb\guo khhjm`_gbc dhlhju_ kljhylky \ Kb^g__ 5. < :\kljZebb ihqlb ihefbeebhgZ \b^h\ jZkl_gbc b `b\hlguo ijZdlbq_kdb kZfh_ [hevrh_ jZaghh[jZab_ \ fbj_ M gZk [he__ \b^h\ jZkl_gbc \ :\kljZebb b ba gbo \klj_qZxlky lhevdh \ :\kljZebb 120

< :\kljZebb lZd`_ \b^h\ ey]mr_d dhlhjuo \klj_qZxlky lhevdh \ wlhc kljZg_ Ba fe_dhiblZxsbo g_ \klj_qZxlky [hevr_ gb]^_ < fbj_ g_fgh]h fe_dhiblZxsbo HldeZ^u\Zxsbo ycpZ Mldhghk ² h^bg ba gbo b hg \klj_qZ_lky lhevdh < :\kljZebb b Gh\hc =\bg__ :\kljZebckdb_ jZkl_gby ^Zxl ^hf b mdjulb_ \k_f `b\hlguf ?keb ^hfZ beb _kl_kl\_ggZy kj_^Z jZajmrZxlky gZ^ kms_kl\h\Zgb_f jZkl_gbc b `b\hlguo gZ\bkZ_l m]jhaZ Wlh fh`_l kemqblvky b gZ a_fe_ b gZ kmr_ < \h^Zo :\kljZebb lZd`_ h]jhfgh_ jZaghh[jZab_ `b\hlgh]h fbjZ < fhjyo hdheh :\kljZebb kms_kl\m_l [he__ \b^h\ ju[u b lukyqb \b^h\ fheexkdh\ Fgh]b_ ba gbo `b\ml hdheh ;hevrh]h ;Zjv_jgh]h JbnZ >ey gZk \Z`gh khojZgblv jZaghh[jZaguo `b\hlguo b jZkl_gby :\kljZebb qlh[u gZkeZ`^Zlvky k_cqZk b \ [m^ms_f 6. :fZg^Z M f_gy \ h[s_f lh g_l ex[bfhc fmaudb : _^bgkl\_ggZy fmaudZ dhlhjmx y g_ ex[ex wlh ^bkdh gh k_cqZk hgZ g_ hq_gv ihimeyjgZ keZ\Z [h]m Y g_ ihdmiZx ieZklbgdb b gbdh]^Z g_ oh`m gZ dhgp_jlu ihlhfm qlh fmaudZ ^ey f_gy kebrdhf ]jhfdZy M f_gy \k_]^Z ihlhf [heyl mrb >`hg Y ihdmiZx fgh]h ieZklbghd Kebrdhf fgh]h ;hevr_ q_f y fh]m k_[_ iha\heblv Y lZd`_ oh`m gZ fgh]b_ dhgp_jlu Y ^Zgguc fhf_gl fg_ gjZ\blky we_dljhggZy fmaudZ Y ^mfZx qlh wlh fmaudZ [m^ms_]h M f_gy g_l g_ex[bfhc fmaudb Y fh]m kemrZlv qlh m]h^gh Kbfhg Y `b\m \ k_evkdhc f_klghklb ihwlhfm m f_gy g_l \hafh`ghklb oh^blv gZ dhgp_jlu gh y ihdmiZx fgh]h ieZklbghd Fhy ex[bfZy fmaudZ ² deZkkbq_kdZy Fg_ hq_gv g_ gjZ\blky we_dljhggZy fmaudZ wlh \k_]h ebrv kbgl_aZlhju < g_c g_l l_ieZ

J:;HQ:Y L?LJ:>V CHAPTER 1 Lesson 1

IjhqblZcl_ \kemo I_j_\_^bl_ gZ jmkkdbc yaud H[tykgbl_ mihlj_[e_gb_ 3UHVHQW 6LPSOH b 3UHVHQW 3URJUHVVLYH \ ke_^mxsbo ij_^eh`_gbyo Y jZ[hlZx a^_kv Fhc hl_p jZ[hlZ_l \ k\h_f dZ[bg_l_ 3UHVHQW 6LPSOH ^_ckl\b_ ijhbkoh^bl h[uqgh

< =j_pbb e_lhf j_^dh b^_l ^h`^v 3UHVHQW 6LPSOH ^_ckl\b_ ijhbkoh^bl h[uqgh


Lh]^Z hgZ kdZaZeZ ŠAZ\ljZ ^g_f \ qZkZ ijb_a`Z_l fhy ^hqvª 3UHVHQW 3URJUHVVLYH [m^ms__ ^_ckl\b_ \uiheg_gb_ dhlhjh]h aZ\bkbl hl ]h\hjys_]h

Y qbsm am[u dZ`^uc \_q_j 3UHVHQW 6LPSOH ^_ckl\b_ ijhbkoh^bl h[uqgh

;bee ij_djZlb wlm b]jm \ dhlhjmx lu b]jZ_rv 3UHVHQW 3URJUHVVLYH ^_ckl\b_ ijhbkoh^bl \ gZklhysbc hlj_ahd \j_f_gb

Hg ihkfhlj_e gZ g__ ŠLu ^jh`brv K lh[hc \k_ \ ihjy^d_"ª 3UHVHQW 3URJUHVVLYH ^_ckl\b_ ijhbkoh^bl \ fhf_gl j_qb

Y \klj_qZxkv k >`_cfkhf \ _]h hnbk_ aZ\ljZ \ qZkZ 3UHVHQW 3URJUHVVLYH [m^ms__ ^_ckl\b_ \uiheg_gb_ dhlhjh]h aZ\bkbl hl ]h\hjys_]h

2. 1) I always go to bed early, but my sister never goes to bed early. 2) I usually spend my vacation in the village, but my friends seldom spend their vacation in the village. 3) I often visit my granny, but my aunt rarely visit my granny. 4) My parents always watch television on Sundays, but they do not go to the cinema often. 5) He often has tea with us, but he never helps us. 6) Mr Brown works in his office on weekdays, but he doesn’t work on Sundays. AZ^Zc \hijhku d ih^q_jdgmluf keh\Zf 1) Does he like to take pictures of his friends? 2) Who never shares his thoughts with anybody? 3) Why does Jane spend her holiday with his family? 4) Does Ann feel better now? 5) Can he pitch a tent? 6) How much fish are there in the river in summer? 4. 1) Are you a good swimmer? Are you good at swimming? 2) Where do you like to go in summer? 3) Can(do) you play the guitar? 4) Who is your best friend? 5) What do your friends do in summer? 6) How many Russian live in Australia? >hihegbl_ ij_^eh`_gby Bkihevamcl_ keh\Z ba kdh[hd 1) What time does the train leave? 2) My brother does not live at home. 3) Where do you come from? 4) I don’t think Jill likes me very much. 5) What time does Ken get home after work? 6) Penny comes from Calgary in Canada. 7) How many languages do you speak? 8) Anne doesn’t drink coffee, but she likes tea. 122

7. 1) I know that he is leaving for the village tomorrow. 2) I’m not going to have a car much longer. I’m selling it next week. 3) The next train leaves for Tonbridge at six o’clock. You can still catch it. 4) Is Ted coming here this morning? 5) Duncan said: I’m going to the University tomorrow. The term begins soon. 6) What are you doing tonight? IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ kdh[dZo \ gm`gmx \j_f_ggmx nhjfm 1) A: Look, it’s raining. B: Yes, it rains most of the days at this time of year. 2) Goodnight. I’m going to bed. I always go to bed early during the week. 3) Most days John cycles to work, but since it’s raining today he is taking the car to work. So Mary is doing shopping at the local shop instead of the supermarket where she usually goes. 4) A: Where are the children? B: They are playing in the garden. They get home from school at about four and usually go straight out to play with their friends. 5) We usually watch the news on TV at seven o’clock, but tonight we are watching that new soap opera. <u[_jbl_ ijZ\bevgmx nhjfm ]eZ]heZ 1) are not listening; 2) does not want; 3) don’t understand; 4) hear; 5) do you see; 6) doesn’t remember; 7) think, doesn’t love. Hldjhcl_ kdh[db Ijhqlbl_ \kemo i_j_\_^bl_ gZ jmkkdbc yaud h[tykgbl_ mihlj_[e_gb_ 3UHVHQW 6LPSOH b 3UHVHQW 3URJUHVVLYH GRHVQœW VSHDN Hg g_ hq_gv ohjhrh ]h\hjbl ih Zg]ebckdb

3UHVHQW 6LPSOH ^_ckl\b_ ijhbkoh^bl h[uqgh

GR \RX HDW Lu _rv njmdlu dZ`^uc ^_gv" 3UHVHQW 6LPSOH ^_ckl\b_ ijhbkoh^bl h[uqgh

GRHV KH XQGHUVWDQG Hg ohjhrh l_[y ihgbfZ_l" 3UHVHQW 6LPSOH ^_ckl\b_ ijhbkoh^bl h[uqgh

GRHV KH XVXDOO\ FRPH Ihq_fm hg h[uqgh hq_gv iha^gh ijboh^bl" 3UHVHQW 6LPSOH ^_ckl\b_ ijhbkoh^bl h[uqgh

VWDUWV Nml[hevguc k_ahg gZqbgZ_lky \ Z\]mkl_ 3UHVHQW 6LPSOH [m^ms__ ^_ckl\b_ dhlhjh_ ijhbahc^_l ih jZkibkZgbx

LV JHWWLQJ Kfhljb Fwjb kZ^blky \ fZrbgm 3UHVHQW 3URJUHVVLYH ^_ckl\b_ ijhbkoh^bl \ fhf_gl j_qb

GRHV .DWH WDONLQJ K d_f jZa]h\Zjb\Z_l D_cl" 3UHVHQW 3URJUHVVLYH ^_ckl\b_ ijhbkoh^bl \ fhf_gl j_qb

DUH \RX ORRNLQJ GZ qlh lu kfhljbrv" 3UHVHQW 3URJUHVVLYH ^_ckl\b_ ijhbkoh^bl \ fhf_gl j_qb

DUH EX\LQJ Hgb ihdmiZxl gh\mx f_[_ev 3UHVHQW 3URJUHVVLYH ^_ckl\b_ ijhbkoh^bl \ gZklhysbc hlj_ahd \j_f_gb


LV KH GRLQJ LV ZULWLQJ Q_f hg k_cqZk aZgbfZ_lky" Hg ibr_l gh\mx dgb]m 3UHVHQW 3URJUHVVLYH ^_ckl\b_ ijhbkoh^bl \ gZklhysbc hlj_ahd \j_f_gb

GR \RX KDYH M l_[y k_cqZk fgh]h ^jma_c" 3UHVHQW 6LPSOH ^_ckl\b_ ijhbkoh^bl \ gZklhysbc hlj_ahd \j_f_gb WR KDYH g_ mihlj_[ey_lky \ 3URJUHVVLYH

LV KDYLQJ M g_]h dZgbdmeu Hg qm^_kgh ijh\h^bl \j_fy

3UHVHQW 3URJUHVVLYH ^_ckl\b_ ijhbkoh^bl \ gZklhysbc hlj_ahd \j_f_gb

GRHV KH ZDQW Qlh hg ohq_l" 3UHVHQW 6LPSOH WR ZDQW g_ mihlj_[ey_lky \ 3URJUHVVLYH ^_ckl\b_ ijhbkoh^bl \ fhf_gl j_qb

ERLOV Ijb dZdhc l_fi_jZlmj_ dbibl \h^Z" 3UHVHQW 6LPSOH h[s_ba\_klguc nZdl

6. :[aZp WKLQN LV H[SUHVVHV EHWUD\V LV GR QRW QHHG GRQœW believe, need, expect, 2. see, trust, are let down, pay, 3. keeps, are, know, have, do not share, are, 4. dreams, requires. K_cqZk y ^mfZx qlh lZdh_ gZklhysZy ^jm`[Z kms_kl\m_l hq_gv ohjhrZy ihkeh\bpZ Š>jm] ihagZ_lky \ [_^_ª WlZ ihkeh\bpZ ij_\hkoh^gh \ujZ`Z_l fh_ ij_^klZ\e_gb_ h ^jm`[_ Y ^mfZx qlh gZklhysbc ^jm] ² wlh lhl dlh gbdh]^Z g_ ij_^Z_l l_[y GZklhysbc ^jm] \k_]^Z jy^hf dh]^Z hg l_[_ gm`_g G_dhlhju_ fhb h^ghdeZkkgbdb ]h\hjyl qlh bf g_ gm`gu gbdZdb_ ^jmavy gh y g_ \_jx bf DZd ijZ\beh ex^b gm`^Zxlky \ ^jmavyo b h`b^Zxl ihfhsb b ml_r_gby ^jm] hl ^jm]Z Y qZklh \b`m qlh m fhbo h^ghdeZkkgbdh\ g_gZ^_`gu_ ^jmavy hgb bf ^h\_jyxl Z l_ ihlhf ih^\h^yl bo Gh y ^mfZx jZahqZjh\Zgb_ ² p_gZ dhlhjmx fu ieZlbf aZ k\hx ke_ihlm Kms_kl\m_l _s_ h^gZ ohjhrZy Zg]ebckdZy ih]h\hjdZ Š>_j`bl_ ^bklZgpbxª qlh[u khojZgblv ^jm`[m GZklhysb_ ^jmavy \k_]^Z lZdlbqgu Hgb agZxl dh]^Z l_[y gm`gh hklZ\blv \ h^bghq_kl\_ Bf g_ h[yaZl_evgh ijh\h^blv k lh[hc \k_ k\h[h^gh_ \j_fy lZd dZd m gbo _klv bgl_j_ku b oh[[b dhlhju_ lu g_ jZa^_ey_rv Gh _klv g_dhlhju_ \_sb \ hlghr_gbb dhlhjuo gZklhysb_ ^jmavy ^he`gu kh]eZrZlvky ^jm] k ^jm]hf Wlh lZdb_ \_sb dZd \a]ey^ gZ `bagv hlghr_gb_ d ex^yf ihgbfZgb_ h[yaZgghkl_c b q_klb kihkh[ghklv ijhsZlv khqm\kl\h\Zlv b kZfh_ ]eZ\gh_ kemrZlv b ihgbfZlv <k_ f_qlZxl h lhf qlh[u bf_lv gZklhys_]h b \_jgh]h ^jm]Z gh g_ \k_f \_a_l gZklhevdh qlh[u gZclb lZdh]h ^jm]Z ihlhfm qlh gZklhysZy ijb\yaZgghklv ² l_ieh \ k_j^p_ b kihkh[ghklv `_jl\h\Zlv ² wlh lh ^ey q_]h gm`gZ l_jibfhklv b ex[h\v b wlh g_evay gb dmiblv gb ijh^Zlv


3. $XVWUDOLD ² :\kljZeby $EURDG ² aZ ]jZgbp_c $ERDUG GZ dhjZ[e_ ,PSURYH ² memqrZlv 'LDOHFW ² ^bZe_dl $ERULJLQH ² dhj_gghc lma_fguc %RRPHUDQJ ² [mf_jZg] .DQJDURR ² d_g]mjm 1DWLYH ² f_klguc `bl_ev 6\GQH\ ² Kb^g_c &DQEHUUD ² DZg[_jjZ 0HOERXUQH ² F_ev[mjg

Lesson 2

Lesson 3 Quiz 1. XWXUH 6LPSOH h[_sZgb_ qlh eb[h k^_eZlv \ [m^ms_f

3UHVHQW 3URJUHVVLYH ² aZieZgbjh\Zggh_ ^_ckl\b_ \uiheg_gb_ dhlhjh]h aZ\bkbl hl ]h\hjys_]h )XWXUH 6LPSOH ² h[_sZgb_ qlh eb[h k^_eZlv \ [m^ms_f 3UHVHQW 3URJUHVVLYH ² aZieZgbjh\Zggh_ ^_ckl\b_ \uiheg_gb_ dhlhjh]h aZ\bkbl hl lh]h dlh ^_eZ_l WR EH JRLQJ WR ² gZf_j_gb_ )XWXUH 6LPSOH ² j_r_gb_ \ fhf_gl j_qb 3UHVHQW 6LPSOH ² [m^ms__ ^_ckl\b_ dhlhjh_ ijhbahc^_l ih jZkibkZgbx 7R EH JRLQJ WR ² gZf_j_gb_ _s_ g_l dhgdj_lghc ^h]h\hj_gghklb 3UHVHQW 6LPSOH ² [m^ms__ ^_ckl\b_ dhlhjh_ ijhbahc^_l ih jZkibkZgbx 3UHVHQW 3URJUHVVLYH ² aZieZgbjh\Zggh_ ^_ckl\b_ \uiheg_gb_ dhlhjh]h aZ\bkbl hl ]h\hjys_]h Ih^q_jdgbl_ ijZ\bevgh mihlj_[e_ggmx \j_f_ggmx nhjfm 1) are you going; 2) I’m going out; 3) he is working; 4) I will go; 5) Is getting; 6) Are having, are you going to invite; 7) Is Ann coming; 8) I will wait; 9) Are you doing; 10) leaves. Mihlj_[bl_ will beb to be going to. 1) Will send; 2) Are going to collect; 3) Are going ; 4) Will go. I_j_\_^bl_ gZ jmkkdbc yaud Y iha\hgx l_[_ dZd lhevdh hg ijb^_l Nj_^ [m^_l qblZlv dgb]m ihke_ lh]h dZd k^_eZ_l ^hfZrgxx jZ[hlm Ih^h`^b ihdZ ijb^_l Lhf 125

Fbkl_j FZdE_gghg dmibl dhfivxl_j dh]^Z gZdhibl ^hklZlhqgh ^_g_] DZd ihklmibl l\hc ^jm] _keb ihqlZevhg g_ ^hklZ\bl _]h ihqlm" Qlh lu [m^_rv ^_eZlv _keb lu g_ [m^_rv agZlv dZd jZ[hlZlv gZ dhfivxl_j_" ?keb m E_gu [m^_l \j_fy hgZ gZibr_l ibkvfh k\h_c ih^jm]_ ?keb hgb kfh]ml ihfhqv l_[_ hgb wlh k^_eZxl < wlbo ijb^Zlhqguo mihlj_[e_gh )XWXWUH 6LPSOH ihlhfm qlh wlh ijb^Zlhqgu_ batykgbl_evgu_ Hgb hl\_qZxl gZ \hijhk qlh" q_]h" h q_f" IhklZ\v ]eZ]heu \ kdh[dZo \ ijZ\bevgmx nhjfm 1) comes, will see; 2) plays, will get; 3) draws, will know; 4) will not know, arrive; 5) will go, catches; 6) will play, have; 7) am, will call. Qlh ijhbahc^_l _keb 1) If my friend sends me a letter, I will answer it. 2) If I go to my granny, I will swim. 3) If my friends go hiking, I will pitch a tent and make a fire. 4) If I receive a letter from an American friend, I will answer in English. 5) Is it rains, I will take an umbrella. 6) If I have to go to America, I will learn a lot of English words. 7) If I can’t translate the text, I will ask my friend to help. 8) If my mother is busy, I will wash the dishes. IhklZ\v ]eZ]heu \ kdh[dZo \ ijZ\bevgmx nhjfm 1) will talk, get; 2) will be; 3) will wait, gets; 4) wants, will meet; 5) will be, treat; 6) goes; 7) will become, grows up; 8) will stay, call; 9) will go; 10) will not, arrives; 11) will buy, gets; 12) will come, is; 13) will not go, rains; 14) will buy; 15) will you do, have passed; 16) will come, invite; 17) will leave; 18) will they go; 19) is coming; 20) will call; 21) will wait; 22) are having, will you come; 23) will write, will forget. I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) He promises that he will come in time. 2) You will become a good specialist in a few years, said the teacher. 3) We are going to visit our aunt on Sunday. Will you come with us? 4) Sorry, but I can’t help you. I’m leaving tomorrow. 5) They are going to travel in summer. 6) If she comes in time, we will see her, 7) Jane doesn’t know if he will go to London on Sunday. 8) When are they going to write a letter to Mary? 9) It’s cold. I’ll put on my coat. 10) They are leaving tomorrow, aren’t they? 11) What will happen if he doesn’t come? 126

12) When she is home, she will call you. 13) I won’t help you, if you don’t tell me the truth. 14) Is it going to rain? — No, it isn’t, 15) Will he be home, when Mary calls? 16) No one knows when they will build this house. 17) If John doesn’t call, Mary will be very upset. 18) They won’t take a car, if it’s late. 19) This train arrives at 8 p.m. 20) There will be many friends of her daughter’s. I_j_\_^bl_ jZkkdZa gZ jmkkdbc yaud b aZl_f i_j_kdZ`bl_ _]h gZ Zg]ebckdhf FZfZ ihemqbeZ ibkvfh hl k\h_c \hkvfbe_lg_c ^hq_jb <hl hlju\hd ba g_]h Š?keb y kemrZx jZ^bh g_ ]h\hjb fg_ qlh y ^he`gu ^_eZlv ^hfZrgxx jZ[hlm ?keb y k^_eZx qlh lh iehoh_ g_ djbqb gZ f_gy ?keb \ ^hf_ [_kihjy^hd g_ \bgb f_gy \ wlhf ?keb lu ohq_rv qlh[u y k^_eZeZ qlh gb[m^v g_ aZ[u\Zc kdZaZlv ŠIh`ZemcklZÂŞ ?keb y b]jZx \ bgl_j_kgmx b]jm g_ hlijZ\eyc f_gy \ ihkl_ev ?keb y ijhrm qlh gb[m^v g_ hl\_qZc \k_]^Z ŠG_lÂŞ ?keb oheh^gh g_ \u\h^b fZrbgm G_ ]h\hjb Šg_evayÂŞ lZd qZklh Homework Ijhqlbl_ \kemo I_j_\_^bl_ gZ jmkkdbc yaud H[tykgbl_ mihlj_[e_gb_ 3DVW 3URJUHVVLYH IZjZ^gZy ^\_jv ^hfZ [ueZ hldjulZ Fbkl_j BaZj^ kb^_e m hdgZ qblZy ]Za_lm >_ckl\b_ \ lhqgh mdZaZgguc fhf_gl \ ijhrehf

Lh]^Z hg khh[sbe fg_ qlh >`hg i_j_\h^bl dZdb_ lh ihwfu k bkiZgkdh]h >_ckl\b_ ijhbkoh^b\r__ \ hij_^_e_gguc hlj_ahd \j_f_gb Y agZe qlh =Zjjb ijb_a`Z_l \ ihg_^_evgbd AZieZgbjh\Zggh_ ^_ckl\b_ \ [m^ms_f kh]eZkh\Zgb_ \j_f_g

Hg ihkfhlj_e gZ Kw[[b HgZ kfhlj_eZ l_e_\bahj k dhrdhc gZ dhe_gyo >_ckl\b_ \ lhqgh mdZaZgguc fhf_gl \ ijhrehf

JhfZ kdZaZe ŠIjb\_l \k_f Fu ijhoh^beb fbfh b m\b^_eb k\_l \ klm^bb Fu ih^mfZeb qlh m \Zk \_q_jbgdZª >_ckl\b_ \ lhqgh mdZaZgguc fhf_gl \ ijhrehf

Lhffb [ue ]jmklguc ihlhfm qlh hg m_a`Ze mljhf AZieZgbjh\Zggh_ ^_ckl\b_ \ [m^ms_f kh]eZkh\Zgb_ \j_f_g

Hg ihkfhlj_e q_j_a mebpm qlh[u ih]ey^_lv `^_f eb fu >_ckl\b_ \ lhqgh mdZaZgguc fhf_gl \ ijhrehf

ŠQlh <u ^_eZeb \ Gvx Chjd_ fbkl_j ;jZmg"ª ² ŠY iulZeky gZclb dh]h gb[m^v dlh dmibe [u fhc hl_ev ª >_ckl\b_ ijhbkoh^b\r__ \ hij_^_e_gguc hlj_ahd \j_f_gb 127

Ijhqlbl_ \kemo I_j_\_^bl_ gZ jmkkdbc yaud H[tykgbl_ mihlj_[e_gb_ 3DVW 3URJUHVVLYH b 3DVW 6LPSOH L_fg_eh gh gbdlh g_ ohl_e moh^blv >_ckl\b_ \ lhqgh mdZaZgguc fhf_gl \ ijhrehf

Y _oZe ih k_evkdhc ^hjh]_ dh]^Z m\b^_e Fwjb >_ckl\b_ \ lhqgh mdZaZgguc fhf_gl \ ijhrehf

Y ihkfhlj_eZ gZ k\h_]h fm`Z Hg qblZe ibkvfh >_ckl\b_ \ lhqgh mdZaZgguc fhf_gl \ ijhrehf

E_gq aZdhgqbeky Lhf dmjbe kb]Zj_lm ;Zj[ZjZ kb^_eZ gZ ih^hdhggbd_ k dgb]hc \ jmdZo >_ckl\b_ \ lhqgh mdZaZgguc fhf_gl \ ijhrehf

Y ij_^eh`be iha\hgblv _fm gh hgb kdZaZeb qlh l_e_nhg g_ jZ[hlZ_l >_ckl\b_ ijhbkoh^beh \ i_jbh^ \j_f_gb dhlhjuc gZqZeky b aZdhgqbeky \ ijhrehf Y aZ]eygme \ dZ[bg_l hlpZ Hg jZ[hlZe >_ckl\b_ \ lhqgh mdZaZgguc fhf_gl \ ijhrehf

HgZ fgh]h iml_r_kl\h\ZeZ dh]^Z [ueZ fheh^Zy" J_]meyjgh ih\lhjy\r__ky ^_ckl\b_ Jh[_jl qZklh b]jZe gZ ]blZj_ b i_e k\hb ex[bfu_ i_kgb J_]meyjgh ih\lhjy\r__ky ^_ckl\b_ IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ kdh[dZo \ gm`gmx nhjfm 3DVW 3URJUHVVLYH beb 3DVW 6LPSOH 1) phoned, was doing; 2) met, was working; 3) asked, was watching; 4) was driving, had; 5) were doing, found. IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ kdh[dZo \ gm`gmx nhjfm 3DVW 3URJUHVVLYH beb 3DVW 6LPSOH 1) opened, started; 2) were enjoying, went; 3) heard, began; 4) were talking, heard; 5) heard, ran; 6) was checking, called; 7) were writing, rang; 8) broke in, were sleeping; 9) ran off, swimming; 10) was shopping, lost; 11) was playing, broke; 12) met, were working. IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ kdh[dZo \ gm`gmx nhjfm 1) was phoning, arrived; 2) was opening, rang; 3) was, saw; 4) was doing, saw; 5) cut, was shaving; 6) read, went; 7) did wait; 8) was, noticed; 9) were you doing; 10) was walking, started; 11) sat, began; 12) came, looked, went; 13) was she laughing, saw; 14) had, was laughing; 15) were waiting, arrived; 16) was coming; 17) was having, started. I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) How did he used to spend his evenings when he lived in London? 2) When he came he would stay at our place. 3) She lost her keys while she was walking to school. 4) When he looked at her she was crying. 5) I met Meggy when she was walking home. She was leaving on Friday. 6) She thought that Mark was joking. 128

7) Everyone was looking at Carry when I entered. 8) He didn’t used to call me so early. 9) She was busy when I came to her yesterday. She was getting ready for her exams. 10) He came to me yesterday when I was taking a shower. 11) She used to travel a lot when she was young, didn’t she? Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku Kb^g_c ² kZfuc [hevrhc b kZfuc klZjuc ]hjh^ \ :\kljZebb" Yes, it is. Kdhevdh q_eh\_d `b\_l \ Kb^g__" Nearly four million people live in Sydney. Hldm^Z jh^hf [hevrbgkl\h `bl_e_c" Most of the residents are English in background. Hldm^Z jh^hf q_l\_jlv gZk_e_gby" A quarter f the residents were born overseas. ;hevrbgkl\h ex^_c \ :\kljZebb ]h\hjyl ih Zg]ebckdb g_ lZd eb" Yes, they do. GZ dZdbo _s_ yaudZo ]h\hjyl fgh]b_ ex^b" Italian, Greek, Arabic / Lebanese, Chinese and Spanish are commonly spoken. Qlh ijb\e_dZ_l lmjbklh\ \ Kb^g__" Sydney’s natural beauty attracts tourists from all over the world. DZdhc \ Kb^g__ debfZl" In Sydney the climate is temperate and warm with sunshine most of the days. Qlh fh`gh m\b^_lv \ AhhiZjd_ LZjhg]Z" Feathers, fangs, fur and fins can be found in the Tarongf Zoo. =^_ [m^ml ijh\h^blvky Hebfibckdb_ B]ju ]h^Z" Ihq_fm" The 2000 Olympic Games will be held in Sydney because Sydney is then city of sport. 5. travelled, did, went, was, learned, learned, took, went, spent, sunbathed, swam, were, twisted, fell, cut, gave in, came, recognized, looked, went, visited, speak, understand, stayed, travelled, did, made, spent, had to, lives, needs, kept, picked, made, taught. Ijhreuf e_lhf y fgh]h iml_r_kl\h\Ze b ^_eZe fgh`_kl\h jZaguo \_s_c < bxg_ y ihr_e \ ihoh^ Wlh [ueh gZklhys__ ijbdexq_gb_ Y gZmqbeky klZ\blv iZeZldm b jZa\h^blv dhklj_ Y lZd`_ gZmqbeky b]jZlv gZ ]blZj_ b i_e jZagu_ ohjhrb_ i_kgb Y k^_eZe fgh]h nhlh]jZnbc k\hbo ^jma_c b k_[y Fu ieZ\Zeb gZ [Zc^ZjdZo fgh]b_ ba gZk ijh\_eb fgh]h \j_f_gb gZ ju[Zed_ GZf ih\_aeh k ih]h^hc b fu aZ]hjZeb b fgh]h dmiZebkv

Lesson 4


Dhg_qgh [ueb b g_dhlhju_ ijhbkr_kl\by H^bg ba gZrbo ^jma_c ih^\_jgme gh]m ^jm]hc miZe b jZa[be dhe_gh gh \k_ ohjhrh qlh ohjhrh dhgqZ_lky Fu g_ k^Z\Zebkv b \_jgmebkv ^hfhc `b\ufb b a^hjh\ufb Fhb jh^bl_eb k ljm^hf magZeb f_gy y [ue lZdbf kbevguf b y ]hj^beky kh[hc < bxe_ y k jh^bl_eyfb ih_oZe aZ ]jZgbpm Fu ihk_lbeb =heeZg^bx Ex^b lZf ]h\hjyl ih ]heeZg^kdb gh hgb lZd`_ ihgbfZxl Zg]ebckdbc Ih_a^dZ [ueZ g_ hq_gv ^hjh]hc ihlhfm qlh fu hklZgZ\eb\Zebkv \ ^_r_\uo ]hklbgbpZo b iml_r_kl\h\Zeb \ hkgh\ghf gZ Z\lh[mkZo Fu hkfZljb\Zeb ^hklhijbf_qZl_evghklb b ih^jm`bebkv kh fgh]bfb ex^vfb Fu ijh\_eb \ =heeZg^bb ^\_ g_aZ[u\Z_fu_ g_^_eb b gZ gZk ijhba\_eZ h]jhfgh_ \i_qZle_gb_ __ djZkhlZ < Z\]mkl_ fg_ ijbrehkv _oZlv d [Z[mrd_ HgZ `b\_l \ fZe_gvdhc ^_j_\g_ g_^Ze_dh hl gZr_]h ]hjh^Z M g__ [hevrhc kZ^ b ihwlhfm _c gm`gZ fhy ihfhsv \ k[hj_ mjh`Zy ;Z[mrdZ g_ ^Z\ZeZ fg_ hl^hogmlv <f_kl_ fu kh[bjZeb njmdlu b h\hsb b ]hlh\beb \Zj_gv_ b khe_gvy HgZ lZd`_ gZmqbeZ f_gy kh[bjZlv y]h^u b ]jb[u Questions Did you travel this summer? Where did you go in June? Was it an adventure? What did you learn? Did you play the guitar? Did you take a lot of pictures of your friends? Were you lucky with the weather? Did you swim and sunbathe? Were there some mishaps? What happened to your friends? What did one of your friends twist? What did one of your friends cut? You came home safe and sound, didn’t you? Where did you go in July? What language do people speak in Holland? Do they understand English? The trip was expensive, wasn’t it? Did you stay at guesthouses or at hotels? Did you travel by bus? How much time did you spend in Holland? Were you impressed? Where did you have to go in August? Where does your grandmother live? 130

Has she got a big garden? Why does she need you to help her with the harvest? Did your granny keep you busy all the time? What did you do together? What did she teach you to do? IjhqblZcl_ jZkkdZa AZ^Zcl_ \hijhku >Zcl_ djZldh_ baeh`_gb_ IhkuedZ KZfhe_l hiha^Ze b ^_l_dlb\u ijh`^Zeb \ Zwjhihjlm \k_ mljh Hgb `^Zeb \Z`gmx ihkuedm k [jbeebZglZfb ba X`ghc :njbdb Dh]^Z kZfhe_l ijb[ue g_dhlhju_ ba ^_l_dlb\h\ `^Zeb \ ]eZ\ghf a^Zgbb \ lh \j_fy dZd hklZevgu_ `^Zeb gZ Zwjh^jhf_ >\h_ fm`qbg \ayeb ihkuedm k kZfhe_lZ b hlg_keb __ \ a^Zgb_ lZfh`gb Dh]^Z hgb hldjueb ^jZ]hp_ggmx ihkuedm hgZ [ueZ gZiheg_gZ dZfgyfb b i_kdhf 1) Who was waiting? — Detectives were waiting. 2) How long were they waiting? — They were waiting all morning. 3) What were they expecting? — They were expecting a valuable parcel. 4) Did the plane arrive? — Yes, the plane arrived. 5) Where were the detectives waiting? — They were waiting on the airfield and inside the main building. 6) Where did they carry the parcel? — They carried the parcel into the Customs House. 7) What was there in the parcel? — There were stones and sand. Detectives waited all morning at the airport for a valuable parcel with the diamonds to arrive. When the plane arrived they carried the parcel into the Customs house and opened it. There were only stones and sand. 1 AZdhgqbl_ ij_^eh`_gby bkihevamy 3UHVHQW 3HUIHFW 1) He can’t call his friend because he has lost his note-book. 2) My mother can’t wear her dress because she has not finished it. 3) Mr Downey can’t read the newspaper because the stman has not delivered it. 4) Mrs Wolff can’t do anything because she has just learned about her son’s illness. 5) I can’t fly to Australia because I haven’t got enough money yet. 2. 1) Have you ever eaten with chopsticks? 2) Have you ever been to Sydney? 3) Have you ever spoken to aborigine? 4) Have you ever flown to Australia? 5) Have you been to the theatre this month? 6) Has you English been improved lately?

Lesson 5


IjhqblZcl_ \kemo I_j_\_^bl_ gZ jmkkdbc H[tykgbl_ mihlj_[e_gb_ 3UHVHQW 3HUIHFW \ ke_^mxsbo ij_^eh`_gbyo Heb\_j ih^hr_e d g_fm ŠKwj y gZibkZe ihwfmª ² ŠOhjhrhª ² kdZaZe ^bj_dlhj ŠFh]m y __ m\b^_lv"ª J_amevlZl bf__f k_cqZk g_ \Z`gh dh]^Z ijhbahreh ^_ckl\b_

Š=^_ >`hj^`"ª ² ŠY g_ agZx y _]h k_]h^gy g_ \b^_eª MdZaZgguc i_jbh^ \j_f_gb _s_ g_ aZdhgqbeky

ŠM l_[y gZ\_jgh ]jyagu_ jmdb Ihc^b b ihfhc boª ² ŠY m`_ ihfueª J_amevlZl bf__f k_cqZk g_ \Z`gh dh]^Z ijhbahreh ^_ckl\b_

ŠLu _]h agZ_rv"ª ² ŠY k gbf \klj_qZekyª J_amevlZl bf__f k_cqZk g_ \Z`gh dh]^Z ijhbahreh ^_ckl\b_

Š=^_ Kvxa_g"ª ² ŠY lhevdh qlh ihemqbe hl g__ khh[s_gb_ª I_jbh^ \j_f_gb gZqZeky \ ijhrehf b ijh^he`Zeky ^h gZklhys_]h fhf_glZ

ŠL\hy fZe_gvdZy ^hqdZ kdmqZ_l ih k\h_c gyg_"ª ² ŠG_l HgZ aZ[ueZ __ª J_amevlZl bf__f k_cqZk g_ \Z`gh dh]^Z ijhbahreh ^_ckl\b_

ŠAgZ_rv y ih^mfu\Zx gZibkZlv f_fmZjuª ² kdZaZeZ hgZ ŠM f_gy [ueZ bgl_j_kgZy `bagvª I_jbh^ \j_f_gb gZqZeky \ ijhrehf b ijh^he`Zeky ^h gZklhys_]h fhf_glZ

Kdhevdh dgb] lu ijhqblZe \ wlhf ]h^m" MdZaZgguc i_jbh^ \j_f_gb _s_ g_ aZdhgqbeky

H[tykgbl_ mihlj_[e_gb_ 3UHVHQW 3HUIHFW b 3DVW 6LPSOH \ ke_^mxsbo ij_^eh`_gbyo b i_j_\_^bl_ bo gZ jmkkdbc yaud Ihq_fm hg g_ ^Ze gZf agZlv ]^_ hg gZoh^blky" J_amevlZl bf__f k_cqZk g_ \Z`gh dh]^Z ijhbahreh ^_ckl\b_

Ihq_fm lu _fm lh]^Z ^Ze ^_g_]" AZdhgq_gguc i_jbh^ \j_f_gb WKHQ

Dh]^Z wlh ijhbahreh" 3UHVHQW 3HUIHFW g_ mihlj_[ey_lky \ \hijhkZo gZqbgZxsboky k \hijhkbl_evguo keh\ ZKHQ ZKHUH KRZ

ŠQlh kemqbehkv"ª ² ih^mfZe hg ŠDZd hgb kx^Z ^h[jZebkv"ª J_amevlZl bf__f k_cqZk g_ \Z`gh dh]^Z ijhbahreh ^_ckl\b_ 3UHVHQW 3HUIHFW g_ mihlj_[ey_lky \ \hijhkZo gZqbgZxsboky k \hijhkbl_evguo keh\ ZKHQ ZKHUH KRZ

Kdhevdh \j_f_gb hg a^_kv gZoh^blky" J_amevlZl bf__f k_cqZk g_ \Z`gh dh]^Z ijhbahreh ^_ckl\b_ i_jbh^ \j_f_gb gZqZeky \ ijhrehf b ijh^he`Zeky ^h gZklhys_]h fhf_glZ

=^_ fhy reyiZ" =^_ y hklZ\be k\hx reyim" 3UHVHQW 3HUIHFW g_ mihlj_[ey_lky \ \hijhkZo gZqbgZxsboky k \hijhkbl_evguo keh\ when, where, how) ŠY ihemqbe g_fgh]h ^_g_] Fu fh]eb [u dmiblv k_[_ ohjhrmx d\Zjlbjdm ª ² Š=^_ lu \aye wlb ^_gv]b"ª J_amevlZl bf__f k_cqZk g_ \Z`gh dh]^Z ijhbahreh ^_ckl\b_ 3UHVHQW 3HUIHFW g_ mihlj_[ey_lky \ \hijhkZo gZqbgZxsboky k \hijhkbl_evguo keh\ ZKHQ ZKHUH KRZ


ŠFbkk ;_cebª ² kdZaZe hg iha`_ ŠDZd ^he]h <u agZ_l_ FZjdZ"ª ² ŠIhqlb ]h^ Hg fgh]h fg_ h <Zk jZkkdZau\Ze ª ² ŠQlh hg ]h\hjbe"ª I_jbh^ \j_f_gb gZqZeky \ ijhrehf b ijh^he`Zeky ^h gZklhys_]h fhf_glZ

ŠKdhevdh \j_f_gb lu ijh\_e \ [hevgbp_ k wlhc jZghc"ª ² kijhkbeZ hgZ AZdhgqb\rbcky i_jbh^ \j_f_gb \ ijhrehf

Kdhevdh \j_f_gb \u gZoh^bl_kv \ [hevgbp_" I_jbh^ \j_f_gb gZqZeky \ ijhrehf b ijh^he`Zeky ^h gZklhys_]h fhf_glZ

Dh]^Z >_c\b^ \hr_e \ __ dhfgZlm _]h fZlv djbdgmeZ _fm Š=^_ lu [ue"ª I_jbh^ \j_f_gb gZqZeky \ ijhrehf b ijh^he`Zeky ^h gZklhys_]h fhf_glZ

Dh]^Z hgZ mreZ gZ ieZ\Zgb_" 3UHVHQW 3HUIHFW g_ mihlj_[ey_lky \ \hijhkZo gZqbgZxsboky k \hijhkbl_evguo keh\ ZKHQ ZKHUH KRZ

5. ;hjbk hiylv ijboh^be k_]h^gy ^g_f kijZrb\Ze l_[y MdZaZgguc i_jbh^ \j_f_gb _s_ g_ aZdhgqbeky

Š=^_ fhc [jZl"ª ² Š?]h g_ [ueh \_kv ^_gvª MdZaZgguc i_jbh^ \j_f_gb _s_ g_ aZdhgqbeky

ŠFbkl_j ;_j] ohq_l k <Zfb ih]h\hjblv kwjª ² kdZaZeZ hgZ ŠHg a\hgbe <Zf k_]h^gy ljb jZaZ ª mdZaZgguc i_jbh^ \j_f_gb _s_ g_ aZdhgqbeky

ŠQlh a^_kv ijhbkoh^bl"ª ² kdZaZeZ O_e_g ŠM gZk m`_ lj_lbc ^_gv [mjyª MdZaZgguc i_jbh^ \j_f_gb _s_ g_ aZdhgqbeky

Y \ ihke_^g__ \j_fy qZklh h[km`^Ze k lh[hc wlm ijh[e_fm I_jbh^ \j_f_gb gZqZeky \ ijhrehf b ijh^he`Zeky ^h gZklhys_]h fhf_glZ

Dh]^Z hgZ ihp_eh\ZeZ _]h hgZ kdZaZeZ ŠM l_[y s_dZ dZd l_jdZ Lu k_]h^gy g_ [jbeky ª J_amevlZl bf__f k_cqZk g_ \Z`gh dh]^Z ijhbahreh ^_ckl\b_

IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ kdh[dZo nhjfm 3UHVHQW 3HUIHFW b 3DVW Simple. 1) A. Have you seen it? B. Saw; 2) went, haven’t been; 3) A. Have met, B. have been; 4) A. Have tried, B. Left. IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ gm`gmx nhjfm 1) have travelled; 2) has never called; 3) did he call; 4) played, was, have played; 5) has heard; 6) has flown; 7) haven’t seen; 8) have ever spoken to; 9) lived, moved; 10) have not had, has been ill; 11) met; 12) hasn’t gone; 13) have seen, did you see, was; 14) has published, did he publish; 15) has worked; 16) invented; 17) did Pushkin write; 18) have gone; 19) has opened; 20) has broken, did it happen. I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud I. — Hello, Dick! I haven’t seen you for ages. You’ve been to England, haven’t you? When were you there? — I was there in October. 133

— Did you go alone? — Yes, I did. — What cities have you visited? — I spent a week in London, then I went to Brighton. It’s the best resort I have ever seen. — Have you been to Coventry? — Yes, I have, i liked the cathedral very much. Have you heard about it before? II. 1) I used to play tennis often. 2) Carrie has been often ill lately. 3) ÂŤHow is Tom?Âť — ÂŤI don’t know. He hasn’t called yet.Âť 4) ÂŤHave you seen her today?Âť — ÂŤYes, I have. We dined together at a restaurantÂť. 5) Look John has bought a new car. I have never seen such a car before. 6) It’s the most interesting book I have ever read. 7) It’s the most tasty cake, I have ever eaten. 8) ÂŤHave you seen him this week?Âť — ÂŤNo, I haven’tÂť. — ÂŤWhen did you see?Âť — ÂŤI saw him last month.Âť 9) I have met Sabby recently. She looks fine. 10) Somebody is screaming. What has happened 11) ÂŤWhat’s the news?Âť — ÂŤMy sister has bought a new flat.Âť — ÂŤHave they bought furniture?Âť — ÂŤNo, they haven’tÂť. 12) I’m going to a party today. But I haven’t bought a prsent yet. 13) She has been often ill lately. 14) Jane has visited two countries this year. It was magnificent. IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ kdh[dZo \ ijZ\bevgmx nhjfm I_j_\_^bl_ gZ jmkkdbc yaud I_j_kdZ`bl_ jZkkdZa Ih_a^dZ \ :\kljZebx Ebg^Z ihemqbeZ ibkvfh hl k\h_]h [jZlZ JbqZj^Z Hg \ :\kljZebb Hg gZoh^blky lZf m`_ r_klv f_kyp_\ JbqZj^ ² bg`_g_j Hg jZ[hlZ_l \ djmighc nbjf_ b m`_ ihk_lbe fgh]h jZaebqguo f_kl \ :\kljZebb Hg lhevdh qlh dmibe Z\kljZebckdmx fZrbgm b kt_a^be \ Webk Kijbg]a fZe_gvdbc ]hjh^hd \ p_glj_ :\kljZebb JbqZj^ gbdh]^Z g_ [ue aZ ]jZgbp_c ^h wlh]h ihwlhfm ih_a^dZ [ueZ ^ey g_]h m\e_dZl_evghc Has received, has been, working, has visited, has bought, went, has never been, found. 1) Sydney is the oldest and largest city in Australia. 2) The population is four million people. 3) The population is mainly English in background. 4) English is the main language spoken< but one in five Australians speak also Italian, Greek, Arabic, Lebanese, Chinese or Spanish. 134

5) Mediterranean climate, galleries, museums, architecture and parks attract tourists to Sydney. <u[_jbl_ ijZ\bevguc hl\_l Wlhl l_dkl h >`_cfk_ Dmd_ Kb^g__ Dhjhe_ :g]ebb Bklhjbb :\kljZebb Q_eh\_d hldju\rbc :\kljZebx \ukZ^beky D k_\_jm hl Kb^g_y < Gh\hf X`ghf Mwevk_ D \hklhdm hl wd\ZlhjZ Q_eh\_d hldju\rbc :\kljZebx ij_^ty\be ijZ\Z gZ g__ ^ey Dhjhey >Zgbb Dhjhey :g]ebb Dhjhey NjZgpbb DZiblZg :jlmj Nbebii dhfZg^h\Ze dhjZ[eyfb ieu\rbfb \ :\kljZebx ihlhfm qlh ;ue \ukhdbc mjh\_gv [_ajZ[hlbpu Ij_klmighklv [ueZ h^ghc ba gZb\Z`g_crbo ijh[e_f Lxjvfu [ueb i_j_iheg_gu I_j\u_ ihk_e_gpu [ueb =j_dZfb =heeZg^pZfb :g]ebqZgZfb :[hjb]_gZfb Ex^b mklj_fbebkv \ :\kljZebx ihlhfm qlh ;ueZ h[gZjm`_gZ g_nlv LZf [ue l_ieuc debfZl ;ueh h[gZjm`_gh ahehlh :\kljZeby klZeZ qZklvx ;jblZgkdhc bfi_jbb ijb dhjhe_\_ <bdlhjbb dhjhe_ =_gjbo_ 9,,, dhjhe_\_ ?ebaZ\_l_ ,, :\kljZeby klZeZ g_aZ\bkbfhc < < < < Homework 1. Lu jZa]h\Zjb\Z_rv ih l_e_nhgm m`_ [he__ ihemqZkZ IRU


Š>`_cg lu \ky ]jyagZy ª ² ŠH y agZx y fueZ e_klgbpm ª >_ckl\b_ aZdhgqbehkv gh hl g_]h _s_ hklZeky ke_^

Y ghrm hqdb k r_klb e_l VLQFH

Y g_ ohqm qlh[u dlh gb[m^v agZe qlh y ieZdZeZ >_ckl\b_ ijh^he`Zxs__ky ^h gZklhys_]h fhf_glZ

H fg_ gZ kZfhf ^_e_ g_ `Zjdh Ijhklh y [_`Ze >_ckl\b_ aZdhgqbehkv gh hl g_]h _s_ hklZeky ke_^

DZd ^he]h lu a^_kv `b\_rv" >_ckl\b_ ijh^he`Zxs__ky ^h gZklhys_]h fhf_glZ

AZihegbl_ ijh[_eu ]eZ]heZfb \ nhjf_ 3UHVHQW 3HUIHFW Progressive. 1) I’ve been waiting; 2) I have been studying; 3) They have been playing; 4) have been watching; 5) has been working; 6) have been walking. IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ kdh[dZo \ gm`gmx nhjfm 1) has been teaching; 2) have been dancing; 3) has been learning; 4) has been raining; 5) have been waiting; 6) have you been working; 7) it has been raining; 8) has been crying; 9) has he been looking. H[t_^bgbl_ iZju ij_^eh`_gbc bkihevamy 3UHVHQW 3HUIHFW Progressive 1) She has been writing a letter for an hour. 2) They have been talking since morning. 3) It has been raining for half an hour. 4) She has been cooking for 2 hours. 5) He has been making fire for 20 minutes. 6) He has been making pictures for half an hour. IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ kdh[dZo \ gm`gmx nhjfm 3UHVHQW 3HUIHFW 3URJUHVVLYH beb 3UHVHQW 3HUIHFW 1) have been learning; 2) have done; 3) ]has loved; 4) has written; 5) have been working; 6) have been catching, has caught; 7) have been saving, has saved; 8) do know, have known; 9) have been talking; 10) have been talking, haven’t finished; 11) has been; 12) has bought; 13) has been thinking; 14) have had, have had.

Lesson 6 Quiz IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ kdh[dZo \ gm`gmx nhjfm 3UHVHQW 3HUIHFW 3URJUHVVLYH beb 3UHVHQW 3HUIHFW 1) have been; 2) haven’t seen; 3) have been cooking, cleaning, digging; 4) have been sitting; 5) have not been standing; 6) have been; 7) have known; 8) have seen. I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) We have been in this shop for 20 minutes already and we haven’t bought anything yet. 136

2) ÂŤWhat is he doing?Âť — ÂŤHe’s playing tennisÂť. — ÂŤHow long has he been playing?Âť — ÂŤHe has been playing for 2 hoursÂť. — ÂŤhow many games has he already played?Âť 3) they have been travelling for 2 weeks and have called twice. 4) ÂŤLook! Her bathing suit is wet.Âť — ÂŤIt means that she has been swimmingÂť. 5) ÂŤWhere’s Molly?Âť — ÂŤShe is illÂť. — ÂŤSince when has she been ill? — ÂŤShe has been ill since ThursdayÂť. 6) They have already discussed the first question and now they are discussing the second one. They have been discussing it for an hour already. 7) Your eyes are red. Have yon been crying? IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ kdh[dZo \ gm`gmx nhjfm I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud We have just moved to a new flat. We have been working hard all the morning. We tried to get our new room in order. We own over a thousand books and the room is rather small, so we put the books on the floor. At the moment they are covering every inch of the floor space and we have to walk on them to get in or out the room. When Liz saw all these books on the floor, she said: ÂŤThis is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen.Âť She gazed it for some time then added: ÂŤYou do not need bookcases at all. You can just sit here in your spare time and read the carpet. Fu lhevdh qlh i_j__oZeb \ gh\mx d\Zjlbjm Fu jZ[hlZeb \k_ mljh Fu klZjZebkv ijb\_klb gZrm gh\mx dhfgZlm \ ihjy^hd M gZk hdheh lukyqb dgb] Z dhfgZlZ ^h\hevgh fZe_gvdZy ihwlhfm fu iheh`beb dgb]b gZ ihe < gZklhysbc fhf_gl hgb ihdju\Zxl dZ`^uc ^xcf ijhkljZgkl\Z gZ ihem b gZf ijboh^blky oh^blv ih gbf qlh[u \hclb \ dhfgZlm beb \uclb ba g__ Dh]^Z Eba m\b^_eZ \k_ wlb dgb]b gZ ihem hgZ kdZaZeZ ŠWlh kZfuc djZkb\uc dh\_j dhlhjuc y dh]^Z eb[h \b^_eZ ÂŞ HgZ kfhlj_eZ gZ g_]h dZdh_ lh \j_fy Z aZl_f ^h[Z\beZ Š<Zf \hh[s_ g_ gm`gu dgb`gu_ rdZnu <u fh`_l_ ijhklh ijboh^blv kx^Z \ k\h[h^gh_ \j_fy b qblZlv dh\_jÂŞ 3 GZc^bl_ \ l_dkl_ ke_^mxsb_ ij_^eh`_gby b ijhqlbl_ bo \kemo 1) Australia is located in the southern hemisphere. 2) Australia is situated south of Asia, between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. 3) Huge areas of land are so dry that they are uninhabited. 4) Desert in the centre and fertile croplands in the south and south-west. 5) Australia is a very urban state. 6) It is an island-state. 7) The Australian government plays a lot of attention to the preservation of the environment. 8) Australia has participated in all Olympic Games since they were organized. 137

AZ^Zcl_ \hijhkh\ d l_dklm b bkihevamcl_ bo dZd ieZg ^ey i_j_kdZaZ 1) In which hemisphere is Australia located? 2) Why are huge areas are uninhabited. 3) Is Australia the second flattest continent? 4) Is Australia an urban country? 5) Where is the 70% of population live? 6) Which state is separated from the continent of Australia? 7) What is paid a lot of attention now? 8) Why are new trees being planted all over Australia? 9) Do Australians love sports? 10) Where were the Olympic Games held in 1956? Homework 2. Ijhqlbl_ \kemo H[tykgbl_ mihlj_[e_gb_ 3DVW 3HUIHFW I_j_\_^bl_ gZ jmkkdbc yaud Hg kijhkbe f_gy aZ\ljZdZe eb y >_ckl\b_ kh\_jr_ggh_ ^h ^jm]h]h ^_ckl\by \ujZ`_ggh]h 3DVW 6LPSOH HgZ [ueZ m\_j_gZ qlh hg gbdh]^Z ^h wlh]h g_ \jZe _c >_ckl\b_ kh\_jr_ggh_ ^h ^jm]h]h ^_ckl\by \ujZ`_ggh]h 3DVW 6LPSOH

>`_d \u[jZe hl_ev Hg gbdh]^Z lZf g_ [u\Ze ^h wlh]h gh keurZe dZd fZfZ mihfbgZeZ _]h h^gZ`^u >_ckl\b_ kh\_jr_ggh_ ^h hij_^_e_ggh]h fhf_glZ Fhf_gl mdZaZg \ ^jm]hf ij_^eh`_gbb Hg [ue jZ^ \klj_lblv >_c\Z Hg agZe _]h ^_kylv beb h^bggZ^pZlv e_l b hgb fgh]h jZa b]jZeb \f_kl_ \ l_ggbk \ Ehg^hg_ >_ckl\b_ kh\_jr_ggh_ ^h hij_^_e_ggh]h fhf_glZ Fhf_gl mdZaZg \ ^jm]hf ij_^eh`_gbb HgZ hkhagZeZ qlh gbq_]h g_ _eZ k ibdgbdZ >_ckl\b_ kh\_jr_ggh_ ^h hij_^_e_ggh]h fhf_glZ

Hg g_ agZe qlh ijhbahreh >_ckl\b_ kh\_jr_ggh_ ^h ^jm]h]h ^_ckl\by \ujZ`_ggh]h 3DVW 6LPSOH

Ijhqlbl_ \kemo H[tykgbl_ mihlj_[e_gb_ \j_f_g I_j_\_^bl_ gZ jmkkdbc yaud HgZ dmibeZ [be_l b hlhreZ hl hdhrdZ >_ckl\by ke_^mxl ^jm] aZ ^jm]hf Hg \udexqbe k\_l b ihiulZeky aZkgmlv >_ckl\by ke_^mxl ^jm] aZ ^jm]hf Hgb ijbiZjdh\Zeb fZrbgm b ihreb d klZgpbb >_ckl\by ke_^mxl ^jm] aZ ^jm]hf Hg ih[jbeky b ijbgye ^mr >_ckl\by ke_^mxl ^jm] aZ ^jm]hf Hg m`_ ih[jbeky b l_i_jv ijbgbfZe ^mr >_ckl\b_ \ujZ`_ggh_ ]eZ]hehf KDG VKDYHG ij_^r_kl\m_l ^_ckl\bx \ujZ`_gghfm ]eZ]hehf ZDV KDYLQJ

Hgb aZdhgqbeb _klv b \uibeb dhn_ >_ckl\by ke_^mxl ^jm] aZ ^jm]hf 138

Hgb m`_ aZdhgqbeb _klv b ibeb dhn_ >_ckl\b_ \ujZ`_ggh_ ]eZ]hehf KDG ILQLVKHG ij_^r_kl\m_l ^_ckl\bx \ujZ`_gghfm ]eZ]hehf ZHUH KDYLQJ

IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ kdh[dZo \ gm`gmx nhjfm 3DVW 6LPSOH beb 3DVW 3HUIHFW 1) did not come, had sent; 2) was, had heard; 3) had lost, didn’t know; 4) finished, went. GZc^bl_ \ ijZ\hc dhehgd_ ijZ\bevgu_ hl\_lu gZ \hijhku F =^_ >bZgZ" ² HgZ mreZ aZ ihdmidZfb

D Lu kh[bjZ_rvky k_]h^gy kfhlj_lv nbevf ih l_e_\bahjm" ² G_l y m`_ kfhlj_e _]h

G Lu agZ_rv FZcdeZ" ² G_l y gbdh]^Z _]h jZgvr_ g_ \klj_qZe

H Fh`gh y \havfm l\hx dgb]m" ² ;hxkv y aZ[ue __ ^hfZ

E Lu ohjhrh agZ_rv Ehg^hg" ² >Z y m`_ ^Z\gh `b\m a^_kv

I DZd lu k_[y qm\kl\m_rv" ² M`Zkgh >mfZx y ijhklm^beky

K Lu \k_ _s_ jZ[hlZ_rv \ ŠKfblkª" ² >Z y jZ[hlZx lZf k 1980.) J Lu `b\_rv g_^Ze_dh hlkx^Z" ² G_l fu lhevdh qlh i_j__oZeb \ Hdknhj^

5. 1) I didn’t watch the film because I had seen it before. 2) I didn’t know Michael. In fact I had never met him before. 3) I couldn’t let Sally my book because I had left it at home. 4) I knew London well because I had lived there for years. 5) I felt so bad, I was sure I had caught a cold. 6) John couldn’t go to work because he had caught a cold. 7) We don’t live in Colchester any more. We had moved to Oxford.

Lesson 7 2. IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ kdh[dZo \ gm`gmx nhjfm 1) had met; 2) got, had learnt; 3) had seen, came; 4) had passed; 5) had gone; 60 invited, was, had promised; 7) offered, refused, had had; 8) had entered, rang; 9) felt, came, went; 10) had heard, decided. I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) Why didn’t you invite Jane to the cinems yesterday? — She had already seen the film. 2) She had watched the film and was telling her friend about it. 3) Whe Liz came home she remembered that she had left the keys at the office. 4) He remembered John. John had been his friend for 20 years. 5) Betsy had dinner and turned on the TV set. 6) Peter had shaved and was looking for his shirt. 139

7) After the guests ahd left she went to bed. 8) She said that she hadn’t seen him for two weeks. 9) He was very tired. He had worked since morning. 10) Before they moved to Tomsk they had lived in Krosnoyarsk for 10 years. 11) Hardly had he posted the letter when he got a fax.

Lesson 8 Test (2d level) < g_dhlhjuo ij_^eh`_gbyo _klv hrb[db GZc^bl_ bo b bkijZ\vl_ 1) I have known Dima for a long time. 2) He has been here for 2 hours already. 3) Does it often rain in autumn? 4) Who is playing in the yard? 5) Does your father work? 6) Where were you on Sunday? 7) — (correct) 8) He is running faster than his friend. 9) Many European kids drink soft drinks, don’t they? 10) There are a lot of passengers at customs, aren’t there? 11) — (correct) 12) when I came she was writing a letter. 13) He had written his letter by 10 o’clock yesterday. 14) After he had read the book, he wrote a composition. 15) He was eating a sandwich when I saw him. 16) What had you done by 5 o’clock last night? 17) Where is he going tomorrow? 18) Who was singing when you came? 19) Has he been your friend since childhood? 20) While Mrs Garret was making a cake, Natalie cleaned the rooms. I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) She met Den when she was doing the shopping. 2) She won’t go to the party if she doesn’t have a new dress. 3) Steven Spielberg will have made a new film by the end of the 1998. 4) She read in the book that the Romans were the first to invade Britain. 5) «How many films have you seen this month?» — «I have seen three films». 6) «Do you hear anything?» — «No, I have been listening for a minute but I don’t hear anything». 7) I have been doing my homework for an hour already when my friend called. 8) After Betsy has cooked diner she will go shopping. 140

9) She knew that she had made a mistake. 10) What is she doing now? — she is on vacation. She has been on vacation for a moth already. 11) While Mary was making coffee her daughter laid the table. 12) While he was making notes he remembered that he had left the book at home. 13) I had done my homework by 5 o’clock yesterday, hadn’t I. 14) Have they been to Australia? — Yes, they have. — How long were they there?’ 15) Who do you see now? — I see you and your friend. 16) Does he know this man? — Yes, he does. How long has he known him? IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ gm`gmx nhjfm a) are playing, play, is kicking, is running, is looking, do not like. b) Died, left, spent, bought, went, stayed, listened gave, kept, lost. c) Have received, has been, has lived, has visited, has visited, has bought. d) 1) did you buy. 2) has never sent. 3) have you had. 4) fought. 5) have just won. _ 1) was leaving, arrived. 2) worked, was sitting (sat). 3) Was walking, met. 4) Was reading, heard. 5) Was watching. IhklZ\vl_ keh\Z \ ijZ\bevghf ihjy^d_ qlh[u ihemqbeky \hijhk 1) Why does he call often? 2) Where did he go last year? 3) Do your children come from school late or early? 4) When is he coming tomorrow? 5) By what time had he translated the text yesterday? 6) Who sent him the letter last week? 7) What were they doing at 5 o’clock yesterday? 8) Who was at her birthday party last year? 9) What have they already done? 10) What will you do if he calls you tomorrow? IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ gm`gmx nhjfm AZ^Zcl_ \hijhkh\ d l_dklm Lived, had, said, will bake, wet, put, mixed, remembered, had not put, did, put, was, lay, opened, hopped, left, run, can, tried, cried, will stop, catch, met, had lived, ate. 1) did the old woman and the old man have children? 2) What did the woman want to bake? 3) What did she do in the kitchen? 4) What did the woman forget to put? 5) What did the boy do when the old woman open the oven? 6) What did the boy cried when the woman ran after hik? 7) What did the animals try to do?


Test (3d level) 1 I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) «Where is Mary? I don’t see her.» — «She is talking to my friend.» 2) When Sasha and Olga were flying to Australia, they met a lot of Russians. 3) He called me yesterday when I was taking a shower. 4) She used to travel a lot in her youth, didn’t she / 5) They had already arrived in Australia, when their parents received the telegram. 6) «Are you listening to radio?’ — «No, I’m not. You can turn it off». 7) When Betsy called, Tom had already left. 8) She had arrived in London and now she was looking for her friends’ house. 9) No sooner had Sasha and Olga entered the zoo, when they saw a kangaroo. 10) Who knows this man? 11) They won’t go in car, if it’s late. 12) No one knew when his plane had arrived. 13) This train arrived at 8 p.m. 14) How long have you been working for this firm? 15) There will be many friends of her daughter. 16) Robin hoped that Caroline had already come. 17) I don’t know if Robert will receive the letter tomorrow. 18) How do you feel? 19) Sasha and Olga’ parents were happy that the children had flown successfully. 20) «You look tired.» — «I have been working much today.» 21) He doesn’t understand her because she speaks English fluently. 22) Where’s Mary? I haven’t seen her lately. 23) Speak louder. She doesn’t hear you. 24) Hardly had he entered the room when the phone rang. 25) He is writing a book about Australia now. IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ gm`gmx nhjfm Ijhqlbl_ jZkkdZa b aZ^Zcl_ \hijhkh\ d l_dklm Was, did, travelled, went, had been, was, was, would miss, asked, got, fell, woke, was, looked, was, got, didn’t understand, had not woken, asked, hadn’t woken, looked, told, had done, was approaching, woke, didn’t want, put, finished, put. 1) Did Mark Twain do a lot of travelling? 2) Why was he very sleepy and tired? 3) What did he ask the guard to do? 4) Where was the train when he woke up? 5) What couldn’t he understand? 142

60 What did the guard do when the train was approaching the town? 7) Why didn’t the American want to get off the train? < g_dhlhjuo ij_^eh`_gbyo _klv hrb[db GZc^bl_ bo b bkijZ\vl_ 1) We will do nothing unless he comes in time. 2) I don’t hear you. 3) — 4) he wrote a composition for 3 hours yesterday. 5) — 6) he likes apples, doesn’t he? 7) I want to buy this book. 8) Does it often snow in winter? 9) We met at 5 o’clock at his office. 10) He didn’t used to call so early, did he? 11) You have never been to America, have you? 12) They built this house in 1997. 13) Where did you see him? 14) Nobody knows when he is coming. 15) Helen was watching the film when Fred called. 16) — 17) no sooner had he heard the news when Maggie called. 18) They have a dog and a cat. 19) They had lived in Brighton before they moved to Liverpool. 20) He said that he had lost his key. 21) I didn’t know that Sally had already seen this film. 22) «How long have they been in England?» — «they have been in England for 2 months and are not coming back yet.» 23) Who knows this man? 24) Tom had been playing football for 2 years when he joined the sports club. 25) He had been watching TV for an hour when his parents came.

Lesson 9 3 4. was impressed — impress, Past Simple Passive are given — give, Present Simple Passive am impressed — impress, Present Simple Passive is surrounded — surround, Present Simple Passive had been cut- cut, Present Simple Passive had been lost — lose, Present Simple Passive are being planted- plant, Present Progressive Passive was surprised — surprise, Past Simple Passive were born — bear, Past Simple Passive 143

is located- locate, Present Simple Passive was built — build, Past Simple Passive Homework AZihegbl_ ijh[_eu \ lZ[ebp_ How often is the room cleaned? By whom was the first computer invented?

The first computer was invented by Charles Babbage in 1823. — I_j\uc dhfivxl_j bah[j_e QZjeva ;Z[bq \ ]h^m

The problem was being discussed ZKHQ .LP FDOOHG Hgb h[km`^Zeb ijh[_fm dh]^Z iha\hgb^Z Dbf

Will the students be examined in May? Is the baby being Why is the baby bebathed now? ing bathed now?

Has the contract been signed by John Wilson? Why had his friend been arrested? When will the money have been paid?

I_j_\_^bl_ k Zg]ebckdh]h gZ jmkkdbc yaud Ih^q_jdgbl_ dhgkljmdpbb kh kljZ^Zl_evguf aZeh]hf 3UHVHQW 6LPSOH 3DTVVLYH Past Simple Passive, Future Simple Passive. LV GUXQN DhdZ dhem ivxl \h \k_f fbj_ ZDV VROG Wlm dgb]m ijh^Zeb ^\Z f_kypZ gZaZ^ ZDV KHDWHG DQG WDNHQ Fhjkdmx \h^m ih^h]j_\Zeb b ibeb k fhehdhf ZLOO EH PHW < Zwjhihjlm bo \klj_lyl bo ^jmavy ZDV WROG H q_f jZkkdZaZeb FZjbg_"

LV WDONHG Ihq_fm h[ wlhc dgb]_ lZd fgh]h ]h\hjyl"

ZLOO EH LQYLWHG FZjbgm ijb]eZkyl gZ \_q_jbgdm"

LV YLVLWHG DZ`^uc ]h^ Ehg^hg ihk_sZxl lukyqb lmjbklh\ g_ lZd eb"

I_j_\_^bl_ k Zg]ebckdh]h gZ jmkkdbc yaud Ih^q_jdgbl_ dhgkljmdpbb kh kljZ^Zl_evguf aZeh]hf 3UHVHQW 3URJUHVVLYH Passive, Past Progressive Passive LV EHLQJ ODXJKHG Ihq_fm gZ^ gbf kf_xlky"

ZHUH EHLQJ DVNHG Dh]^Z fu ijb[ueb bo jZkkijZrb\Zeb h bo ih_a^d_ \ ?]bi_l 144

LV EHLQJ ORRNHG =^_ fhy kh[ZdZ" AZ g_c k_cqZk ijb]ey^u\Zxl ijZ\^Z"

ZDV EHLQJ W\SHG DZdhc ^hdmf_gl i_qZlZeb dh]^Z lu \hr_e ZDV EHLQJ GLVFXVVHG H[km`^Zeb _]h ij_^eh`_gb_ dh]^Z hg iha\hgbe ZDV EHLQJ EDNHG IhdZ ibjh] i_dky hgb m[bjZeb dhfgZlm LV EHLQJ ID[HG Kfhljb Ih nZdkm i_j_^Zxl dhgljZdl I_j_\_^bl_ k Zg]ebckdh]h gZ jmkkdbc yaud Ih^q_jdgbl_ dhgkljmdpbb kh kljZ^Zl_evguf aZeh]hf 3UHVHQW 3HUIHFW 3DVVLYH Past Perfect Passive, Future Perfect Passive. KDV EHHQ WDONHG H _]h gh\hc dgb]_ fgh]h ]h\hjbeb \ ihke_^g__ \j_fy KDYH EHHQ VROG Kdhevdh dgb] [ueh ijh^Zgh \ wlhf f_kyp_"

ZLOO KDYH EHHQ VROG WlZ dgb]Z [m^_l ijh^ZgZ d dhgpm wlhc g_^_eb g_ lZd eb"

KDG EHHQ WDXJKW Hg kdZaZe qlh h[mqZeky Zg]ebckdhfm yaudm m ghkbl_ey yaudZ KDG EHHQ VSHQW Kdhevdh ^_g_] [ueh ihljZq_gh ij_`^_ q_f \u h[gZjm`beb qlh ijhbkoh^bl"

KDV QRW EHHQ OLYHG < dhfgZl_ g_ `beb f_kyp KDV EHHQ DFFHSWHG FZjbgZ kqZkleb\Z ?_ ijbgyeb \ :g]ebckdbc Mgb\_jkbl_l AZihegbl_ lZ[ebpm Ijhqlbl_ \kemo

Lesson 10

Impression Pedestrian Rarely Traffic Surround Nest Species Garbage Citizen Recycle Overseas Migrate harbour

— [pi'destri n] [ ‘re li] — — [nest] [‘spi: i:z] — [‘sitizn] [ri’saikl] [‘ouv ‘si:z] — —

<i_qZle_gb_ I_r_oh^ J_^dh Mebqgh_ ^\b`_gb_ Hdjm`Zlv =g_a^blvky <b^u Fmkhj =jZ`^Zgbg I_j_jZ[Zlu\Zlv AZ ]jZgbp_c I_j_k_eylvky [molZ

I_j_\_^bl_ keh\Z \ kdh[dZo gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud Ijhqlbl_ \kemo I_j_\_^bl_ gZ jmkkdbc yaud FLWL]HQV ZHUH ERUQ Fgh]b_ ba ]jZ`^Zg :\kljZebb jh^bebkv aZ ]jZgbp_c /DQH Kms_kl\m_l ki_pbZevgZy ^hjh`dZ ^ey Z\lh[mkh\ b lZdkb 145

3HGHVWULDQV <h^bl_eb hklZgZ\eb\Zxl fZrbgu b `^ml ihdZ i_r_oh^u i_j_c^ml ^hjh]m 3URWHFW VSHFLHV ?keb fu g_ [m^_f hojZgylv ijbjh^m fgh]b_ \b^u bkq_agml 5HF\FOLQJ ELQV Kms_kl\mxl ki_pbZevgu_ dhgl_cg_ju ^ey k[hjZ \lhjkujvy 3DVVHQJHU IHUULHV LQ 6\GQH\ +DUERXU KZrZ h[jZlbe \gbfZgb_ gZ [hevrh_ dhebq_kl\h iZkkZ`bjkdbo iZjhfh\ \ Kb^g_ckdhc [mol_ ,V VXUURXQGHG Kb^g_c hdjm`_g gZpbhgZevgufb iZjdZfb 2OJD ZDV LPSUHVVHG ZLWK GZ Hev]m ijhba\_eh \i_qZle_gb_ qlh \k_ \_`eb\u b ]hlh\u ihfhsv +DG EHHQ FXW Hgb hkhagZeb qlh kebrdhf fgh]h ^_j_\v_\ [ueh \ujm[e_gh 10) Was surprised that it was autumn in Australia, and it was winter DW KRPH Hev]Z [ueZ m^b\e_gZ qlh \ :\kljZebb hk_gv Z ^hfZ abfZ 3. 1) He should go to Australia. He will be impressed by the beauty of this country. 2) The house is surrounded by gardens. 3) He said that some species had been protected since 1990s. 4) This part of the town was being separated when we came here 2 years ago. 5) The system will have been improved by the end of this year.

Lesson 11 2. Quiz IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]he \ gm`gmx nhjfm kljZ^Zl_evgh]h aZeh]Z 1) was; 2) will be ; 3) is being; 4) will be ; 5) was; 6) was being; 7) was; 8) had been; 9) has been. AZ^Zcl_ \hijhku gZqbgZxsb_ky kh ke_^mxsbo keh\ 1) Will the money be spent on books? On what will the money be spent? 2) why are the hotels in Frankfurt fully booked?Âť 3) can the work be done in two days? In how many days can the work be done? 4) Must the letter be sent immediately? What must be sent immediately? 5) to whom has the contract just been faxed? I_j_^_eZcl_ ij_^eh`_gby \kljZ^Zl_evguc aZeh] The letter was shown to his mother by Mike. The gate is locked every night by Sabby. Interviews will be held by them in September. The house has been sold by the Smiths this month. A letter is being translated from Russian into English by her. 146

When he entered the last student was being interviewed. <u[_jbl_ ijZ\bevguc hl\_l b ijhqlbl_ _]h \kemo Wlhl l_dkl h Kvxa_g ;Zle_j Keh\Zj_ FZdmbjb - :\kljZebckdhf Zg]ebckdhf Keh\Zjv FZdmbjb [ue \i_j\u_ him[ebdh\Zg \ - 1931 - 1970 - 1981 :\kljZebckdbc Zg]ebckdbc hlebqZ_lky hl hklZevguo \ujbZglh\ Zg]ebckdh]h yaudZ ihlhfm qlh I_j\u_ hkm`^_ggu_ b ihk_e_gpu ]h\hjbeb ih Zg]ebckdb I_j\u_ hkm`^_ggu_ b ihk_e_gpu g_ qblZeb b g_ ibkZeb I_j\u_ hkm`^_ggu_ b ihk_e_gpu f_gyeb agZq_gb_ keh\Z beb aZbfkl\h\Zeb gh\u_ keh\Z dhlhju_ m^h\e_l\hjyeb bo ihlj_[ghklb Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku DZdbf h[jZahf Zg]ebckdbc yaud jZkijhkljZgbeky \ :\kljZebb" $Q HDV\ ZD\ IRU (QJOLVK WR H[SDQG ZDV WR ERUURZ IURP WKH Aboriginal languages. DZdb_ keh\Z [ueb aZbfkl\h\Zgu ba yaudZ Z[hjb]_gh\" 6XFK words as kangaroo, koala, kookaburra and wombat were borrowed from the Aboriginal languages. Kms_kl\mxl eb yaudh\u_ jZaebqby f_`^m klZjrbf b fheh^uf ihdhe_gbyfb" DZdb_" <HV WKHUH DUH 7KH \RXQJHU JHQHUDWLRQ tends to take colloquialisms from America. :\kljZebckdZy hjnh]jZnby khhl\_lkl\m_l [jblZgkdbf beb Zf_jbdZgkdbf ljZ^bpbyf" 7KH VSHOOLQJ UHIOHFWV %ULWLVK WUDGLWLRQ ?klv eb \ebygb_ Zf_jbdZgkdh]h Zg]ebckdh]h"<HV WKHUH LV ,W LV increasingly influenced by American English.

Lesson 12

Homework I_j_\_^bl_ ke_^mxsb_ l_dklu gZ jmkkdbc yaud Dhfivxl_ju ijhbkoh`^_gb_ Bah[j_ggh QZjeva ;_j[bq GZpbhgZevghklv [jblZg_p >ZlZ P_ev f_oZgbq_kdZy kq_lgZy fZrbgZ jZ[hlZxsZy gZ iZjm IjZjh^bl_ev \k_o kh\j_f_gguo dhfivxl_jh\ [ue bah[j_l_g QZjevahf ;_j[bq_f Hg ^he`_g [ue ijhba\h^blv keh`gu_ jZkq_lu b ZgZebabjh\Zlv bo ;jblZgkdh_ ijZ\bl_evkl\h kihgkbjh\Zeh 147

- qlh[u ihkljhblv _]h H]jhfgZy fZrbgZ ;_j[bqZ ^he`gZ [ueZ ijh]jZffbjh\Zlvky k dhfihklbjh\Zgghc [mfZ`ghc e_glu JZkq_lu ^he`gu [ueb ijhba\h^blvky k ihfhsvx lukyq \jZsZxsboky am[qZluo dhe_kbdh\ ^\b]Zxsboky juqZ]h\ b ihjrg_c ?keb [u \k_ qZklb [ueb k^_eZgu ^_ckl\bl_evgh ijZ\bevgh hg [u f_^e_ggh jZ[hlZe Gh bo g_ k^_eZeb ijZ\bevgh

Ih\_jbl_ eb \u" < ]h^m bg`_g_ju Fma_y GZmdb \ Ehg^hg_ ihkljhbeb fZrbgm ;_j[bqZ HgZ jZ[hlZeZ Dhfivxl_ju ^hfZ Ihimeyjbah\Zgu k^_eZgu b aZims_gu Kwj DeZc\ Kbgde_j GZpbhgZevghklv [jblZg_p >ZlZ P_ev ;ulv i_j\uf dhfivxl_jhf klhysbf f_gvr_ ^heeZjh\ gZ dhlhjhf fh`gh mqblvky Kwj DeZc\ Kbgde_j g_ bah[j_e ^hfZrgbc dhfivxl_j gh hg k^_eZe _]h ^hklmiguf ijhkluf ex^yf Hg k^_eZe wlh kijh_dlbjh\Z\ b kh[jZ\ kZfuc ^_r_\uc dhfivxl_j =; Kbg_de_jZ [ue ijh^Zg aZ nmglh\ kl_jebg]h\ M =; [ueZ \gmlj_ggyy iZfylv \k_]h dbeh[Zcl dbeh[Zcl ² [ZclZ h^bg [Zcl jZ\_g [md\_ beb pbnj_ M kh\j_f_gguo dhfivxl_jh\ iZfylv ih f_gvr_c f_j_ dbeh[Zcl =; [ue fZe_gvdbc k ieZklbdh\hc deZ\bZlmjhc hg ihdZau\Ze ebgbb ba agZdh\ gZ ^hfZrg_f l_e_\bahj_ Gh wlh [ue dhfivxl_j

Ih\_jbl_ eb \u" AZ lhl ]h^ dh]^Z _]h aZimklbeb dhfivxl_jh\ =; Kbge_jZ [ueb ijh^Zgu g_dhlhju_ ^_r_\e_ dZd ijbklZ\dZ =; aZf_gbe =; Z aZl_f =; 6SHFWUXP fgh]b_ \k_ _s_ \ mihlj_[e_gbb < ]h^m Kbgde_j ijh^Ze k\hc [bag_k nbjf_ Š:fkljZ^ª Dhfivxl_ju hkgh\gu_ ijbgpbiu Dhfivxl_j khklhbl ba fbeebhgh\ \dexqZl_e_c b \udexqZl_e_c Dhfivxl_jm Š]h\hjylª qlh ^_eZlv yaudhf Š\dexqblv ² \udexqblvª \ ^_ckl\bl_evghklb Š ª beb Š ª Wlh gZau\Z_lky Š^\hbqguc dh^ª beb ² wlh hq_gv h]jZgbq_ggZy bgnhjfZpby h^bg [bl Dhfivxl_jm gm`gh \hk_fv [blh\ qlh[u jZkihagZlv [md\m beb pbnjm h^bg [Zcl GZijbf_j ² \hk_fv [blh\ ij_^klZ\eyxsbo h^bg [Zcl < kh\j_f_gguo dhfivxl_jZo \k_ k^_eZgh hq_gv fZe_gvdbf Fbeebhgu \dexqZl_e_c k bo kh_^bg_gbyfb gZi_qZlZgu gZ djhr_qguo ŠqbiZoª ba kbebdhgZ dZd Škh_^bg_ggu_ ko_fuª


G_dhlhju_ Šqbiuª klZgh\ylky iZfylvx dhfivxl_jZ Ši_j_dexqZl_ebª khojZgyxl bgnhjfZpbx b ]hlh\u __ \hkijhba\_klb >jm]b_ Šqbiuª bkihevamxlky ^ey bgkljmdpbc M dhfivxl_jZ ^he`gu [ulv q_ldb_ bgkljmdpbb Wlb bgkljmdpbb gZau\Zxlky ijh]jZffhc wlh keh\h \k_]^Z ibr_lky lZd \ ebl_jZlmj_ h \uqbkebl_evghc l_ogbd_ bgh]^Z fu bgkljmdlbjm_f dhfivxl_j i_qZlZy gZ deZ\bZlmj_ Dhfivxl_j ihdZau\Z_l lh qlh fu gZi_qZlZeb gZ Šmkljhckl\_ ajbl_evgh]h hlh[jZ`_gbyª beb Šfhgblhj_ª Dhfivxl_ju kh\j_f_gguc i_jkhgZevguc dhfivxl_j Bah[j_l_g :c;bWf GZpbhgZevghklv Zf_jbdZgpu >ZlZ P_ev ij_^hklZ\blv I_jkhgZevguc Dhfivxl_j NbjfZ :c;bWf F_`^mgZjh^gu_ ;bag_k FZrbgu aZimklbeZ ID \ ]h^m <kdhj_ ihke_^h\Zeb memqr_ggu_ \_jkbb ;Zah\uc ID bf_e \k_]h dbeh[Zcl hi_jZlb\ghc iZfylv Hi_jZlb\gZy iZfylv ² \kljh_ggZy iZfylv dhfivxl_jZ bkihevam_fZy ^ey ijh]jZffguo bgkljmdpbc ^ey jZ[hq_]h ijhkljZgkl\Z b ojZg_gby bgnhjfZpbb M i_j\h]h ID [ue lhevdh ^bkdh\h^ >bkd_lu ² kj_^kl\Z aZibkb ijh]jZff b mkljhckl\h \u\h^Z bgnhjfZpbb < ^bkdh\h^_ ^bkd_lu kqblu\Zxlky b aZibku\Zxlky Hgb gZau\Zxlky Š]b[dbfb ^bkdZfbª ihlhfm qlh bagZqZevgh ]gb lZdbfb b [ueb K_]h^gy ^bkdb \ [hevrbf [_klhf ^ey ojZg_gby bgnhjfZpbb \kljh_gu \ [hevrbgkl\h dhfivxl_jh\ Ih\_jbl_ eb \u" ;hevrbgkl\h i_jkhgZevguo dhfivxl_jh\ \ fbj_ y\eyxlky Š:c;bWfª kh\f_klbfuc gh k^_eZgu hgb jZagufb nbjfZfb ;hevrbgkl\h dhff_jq_kdbo ijh]jZff ² we_dljhggZy h[jZ[hldZ l_dklZ djmighnhjfZlgZy lZ[ebpZ b l ^ gZibkZgu ^ey dhfivxl_jh\ :c;bWf kh\f_klbfuo Dhfivxl_ju dhfivxl_jgu_ ijh]jZffu Dhfivxl_ju ^_eZxl lhevdh lh qlh bf ]h\hjyl QZklh fu ohlbf qlh[u dhfivxl_j ^_eZe h^gm b lm `_ \_sv kgh\Z b kgh\Z Ihwlhfm \uimkdZxlky klZg^Zjlgu_ bgkljmdpbb ² ijh]jZffu KgZqZeZ \ijhq_f dhfivxl_jm gm`gh agZlv \ dZdhc qZklb _]h \kljh_gghc iZfylb ojZgblv bgnhjfZpbx b dZd k g_c jZ[hlZlv Hkgh\gZy ijh]jZffZ gZau\Z_lky hi_jZpbhggZy kbkl_fZ beb hi_jZpbhggZy kbkl_fZ ^bkdZ H^ghc ihimeyjghc kbkl_fhc ij_^klZ\e_gghc :c;bWf ID y\ey_lky '26 khdjZs_ggh hl hi_jZpbhggZy kbkl_fZ ^bkdZ Fbdjhkhnl Ihke_^gb_ mkh\_jr_gkl\h\Zgb_ 06 '26 iha\hey_l \Zf ]h\hjblv 149

dhfivxl_jm qlh ^_eZlv mdZau\Zy gZ keh\Z \_sb beb dZjlbgdb gZ wdjZg_ WlZ ijhklZy kbkl_fZ gZau\Z_lky :LQGRZV Dh]^Z dhfivxl_j ihemqZ_l hi_jZpbhggu_ bgkljmdpbb hg fh`_l [ulv aZijh]jZffbjh\Zg ^_eZlv fgh]b_ \_sb Ihimeyjgu_ ijh]jZffu \dexqZxl h[jZ[hldm l_dklZ [Zau ^Zgguo lZ[ebpu b ]jZnbq_kdb_ ijh]jZffu Ijh]jZffu h[jZ[hldb l_dklZ [_amij_qgh \hkijhba\h^yl gZi_qZlZggh_ keh\h ;Zau ^Zgguo ojZgyl fZkkm bgnhjfZpbb ² ^ey e_]dh]h ^hklmiZ Ijh]jZffu k lZ[ebpZfb ojZgyl b \hkijhba\h^yl pbnju =jZnbq_kdb_ ijh]jZffu khklZ\eyxl ]jZnbdb b ^bZ]jZffu L_kl mjh\_gv

I_j_\_^bl_ jZkkdZa gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud I_j_kdZ`bl_ _]h gZ ke_^mxs_f mjhd_ ;mfZ`gbd <kdhj_ \ky ^_j_\gy magZeZ qlh [ueZ ihl_jygZ djmigZy kmffZ ^_g_] ;_g Lbiibg] f_klguc fykgbd ihl_jye k\hc [mfZ`gbd dh]^Z g_k k\hb k[_j_`_gby gZ ihqlm ;_g [ue m\_j_g qlh _]h [mfZ`gbd gZr_e h^bg ba `bl_e_c ^_j_\gb gh _fm _]h g_ \_jgme Ijhreh ljb f_kypZ b h^gZ`^u mljhf ;_g gZr_e k\hc [mfZ`gbd i_j_^ k\h_c ^\_jvx Hg [ue aZ\_jgml \ ]Za_lm b kh^_j`Ze iheh\bgm l_o ^_g_] dhlhju_ hg ihl_jye \f_kl_ k aZibkdhc ©<hj ^Z gh \hj lhevdh gZiheh\bgm ª ^\Z f_kypZ kimkly ;_gm ijbkeZeb g_fgh]h ^_g_] k aZibkdhc ©L_i_jv \hj lhevdh gZ ª kh \j_f_g_f lZdbf h[jZahf ;_gm \_jgmeb \k_ ^_gv]b < ihke_^g_c aZibkd_ ]h\hjbehkv ©L_i_jv y gZ q_klguc q_eh\_d ª Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku H q_f magZeZ \k_ ^_j_\gy" The whole village learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. < q_f [ue m\_j_g ;_g" Ben was sure that one of the villagers found his wallet but he didn’t return it. Qlh kemqbehkv ljb f_kypZ kimkly" Ben found his wallet at his front door. Qlh [ueh \ [mfZ`gbd_" There was half of his money and a note. IjbkeZeb eb ;_gm f_kypZ kimkly _s_ ^_g_]" Yes, it was. ;ueb eb \k_ ^_gv]b \ha\jZs_gu ;_gm kh \j_f_g_f" Yes, it was.

Lesson 13


AZihegbl_ ijh[_eu :g]ebckdh_ ij_^eh`_gb_

Jmkkdh_ ij_^eh`_gb_

2) This book was published last year. WlZ k_cqZk i_qZlZ_lky

Lbi \hijhkZ

1) Is this book published every year? 2) When was this book published? 3) What book will be published next year? dgb]Z 4) Why is this book being printed now?

5)This book was being printed when he called.

5) When the book was being printed? Wlm dgb]m m`_ 6) This book has already been gZi_qZlZeb published, hasn’t it? 7) This book had been pub7) By what time had the book lished by September 1st. been published? 8) This book will have been 8) Will this book have been published by the next school published by the next school year. year or later?

I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) An interesting film was shown to them. 2) Misha is happy. A new bicycle was given to him. 3) The address was written in pencil. 4) His novel will be published in June. 5) When I entered, he was listened to with great interest. 6) Sasha and Olga were met by their friends from Australia. 7) Sydney is surrounded by parks, isn’t it? 8) What city has been chosen to host the Olympic Games of 2000? 9) Who was Australia discovered by? 10) The first settlers were greeted by the Aborigines. 11) Tasmania is separated from Australia, isn’t it? 12) Where is Australia located (situated)? L_kl mjh\_gv

IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]he WR EH \ ijZ\bevgmx nhjfm kljZ^Zl_evgh]h aZeh]Z 1) will be; 2) will be; 3) is being ; 4) are. AZ^Zcl_ \hijhku gZqbgZxsb_ky kh keh\ \ kdh[dZo 1) What was she promised by Betsey? Was she promised a trip to London by Betsey? 2) What had been done before they arrived? When had the work been done? 3) Whose stay in England has been paid by Sergey’s parents? 4) Why was she being looked at? When was she being looked at? 5) What is being discaussed? Are very important problems beibg discussed? 151

IhklZ\vl_ ij_^eh`_gby \ kljZ^Zl_evguc aZeh] b i_j_\_^bl_ gZ jmkkdbc yaud 7RXULVWV ZHUH RIIHUHG D IUHH VLJKWVHHLQJ WULS LmjbklZf ij_^eh`beb [_kieZlgmx wdkdmjkbx $ OHWWHU LV EHLQJ GLFWDWHG WR WKH VHFUHWDU\ E\ 0U %URZQ Ibkvfh ^bdlh\Zehkv fbkl_jhf ;jZmghf _]h k_dj_lZjx 3) The siutcase was being packed by Mr. Bailey, when Mr. Bailey’s wife FDOOHG Fbkl_j ;_ceb mdeZ^u\Ze q_fh^Zg dh]^Z iha\hgbeZ _]h `_gZ 7KH FRQWUDFW KDG EHHQ VLJQHG E\ WKH HQG RI WKH PRQWK DhgljZdl [ue ih^ibkZg ^h dhgpZ f_kypZ I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) Has her English improve since you talked to her last? 2) When he entered the room he noticed that the window was opened. 3) When was she told about it? 4) She was taught how to play this game last year. 5) By the end of November everything will have been covered with snow. 6) Why Nina was being laughed at when she sang? 7) He didn’t know he was being watched. 8) What was being discussed when you came in? 9) Tennis has been played for more than 100 years. 10) In the Australian English many words has been borrowed from the Aboriginal languages. 11) The Australian English is influenced by the American English. 12) The first settlement was founded by the British Government. 13) What is Sydney surrounded by? 14) Rare species of animals and birds should be protected. IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ kdh[dZo \ ijZ\bevgmx nhjfm AZ^Zcl_ iylv \hijhkh\ d jZkkdZam I_j_kdZ`bl_ jZkkdZa gZ ke_^mxs_f mjhd_ 1) worried; 2) had received; 3) was asked; 4) was wanted, didn’t worry; 5) was told, had been found; 6) had been picked up; 7) would be sent; 8) was surprised, had been stolen. Why Robin Bailey worried all day? What was he asked to do? What was he told by the policeman? Where his bike would be sent? Why was Robin surprised?

Lesson 14 3 Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku Qlh lZdh_ ]_j[" A coat of arms is the official emblem of the government. 152

D_f hg [ue ^Zjh\Zg :\kljZebb" It was granted by King George V. Ba q_]h khklhbl ]_j[" The coat of arms consist of a shield containing the badges of the six states. The supporters are emu and kangaroo. There is a wattle on the coat of arms. DZdhc ^_gv y\ey_lky gZpbhgZevguf ^g_f :\kljZebb" The 26th of January is Australia’s national day. Qlh wlhl ^_gv hlf_qZ_l" This day marks the date in 1788 when captain Phillip commanded a fleet and sailed into the Port Jackson. Hibrbl_ neZ] :\kljZebb Australia’s flag is blue. A small Union Jack in the corner represents the historical link with Britain. There are seven-pointed stars which represent the six States and the Territories. There are small stars which form the Southern Cross. Ijh\_jvl_ k_[y Qlh \u magZeb ba wlhc ]eZ\u" Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku Dlh \klj_lbe KZrm b Hex \ Zwjhihjlm" Tom did. Kdhevdh \j_f_gb aZgy i_j_e_l ^h :\kljZebb" It took them about 24 hours to get to Australia. Kdhevdh kljZg KZrZ ihk_lbe ^h wlh]h" Sasha has visited two countries — the USA and Great Britain. Ihq_fm KZrZ b Hey ijb_oZeb \ :\kljZebx" They came to Australia to improve their English and to learn more about Australia’s culture. DZdb_ keh\Z ijbreb ba yaudZ Z[hjb]_gh\" Boomerang and kangaroo came from the Aborigines. Dlh lZdb_ Z[hjb]_gu" Aborigines are the Australian natives. They had been living there for thousands and thousands of years before the first Europeans came. Ih^q_jdgbl_ ijZ\bevgu_ ml\_j`^_gby Ex^b \ :\kljZebb hq_gv \_`eb\u_ b ^jm`_ex[gu_ I_r_oh^Zf ijboh^blky ^he]h `^Zlv qlh[u i_j_clb ^hjh]m Fgh]b_ ilbpu `b\ml ijyfh \ ]hjh^_ Dh]^Z Hey ijb_oZeZ \ :\kljZebx [ueZ \_kgZ Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku DZdhc ]hjh^ kZfuc [hevrhc b klZjuc \ :\kljZebb" Sydney is. Kb^g_c gZoh^blky gZ k_\_j_ :\kljZebb" No, it is not.

Lesson 17


=^_ jh^bebkv fgh]b_ `bl_eb ]hjh^Z" Lots of Sydney’s residents were born overseas. DZdh_ a^Zgb_ \ Kb^g__ ijhba\h^bl [hevrh_ \i_qZle_gb_" The most impressive building in Sydney is Sydney Opera house. Kdhevdh q_eh\_d `b\ml \ Kb^g__" Population is about 3,700, 000 and it is still growing. >hihegbl_ ij_^eh`_gby 1) the Australia was discovered in 1770 by James Cook. 2) The discoverer of Australia claimed it for the King of England. 3) The first settlers were convicts. 4) People rushed to Australia because gold was discovered there. 5) Australia became independent in 1931. 60 Australia is located in the southern hemisphere. 7) The hottest month in Australia is January. 8) About 70 per cent of the population live in the 10 largest cities. 9) Canberra is the capital of Australia. 10) The Olympic Games were held in Melbourne in 1956 and will be held in Sydney in 2000. 11) Is in London it’s 8 a.m., in Sydney it is 10 p.m. 12) People in Australia speak Australian English. AZihegbl_ lZ[ebpm Zf_jbdZgkdbc Apartment





Bath lift Tin

Candy cookie French fries

Biscuit porridge Form

Porridge Year

Public toilet The cinema

Public toilet The movies / the pictures Shop Petrol Soccer Holiday Surname

Subway / metro

Store Petrol Football Holiday Last name Sneakers fall

Trainers / gymshoes

6. 1) You’re welcome. 2) That’s all right. 3) I’m fine thanks. 4) Buy. See you later. 5) Yes, it is. 6) Congratulations. 7) Thank you very much. 8) Yes, please. 154

7. a coat of arms, Australia’s flag, the date when the first ships sailed into Port Jackson. GZibrbl_ gZa\Zgby l_jjblhjbc gZ dZjl_ Ke_\Z gZijZ\h ZHVWHUQ DXVWUDOLD 1RUW\HUQ 7HUULWRU\ 4XHHQVODQG South Australia, New South Wales, KZfuc gb`gbc rlZl 9LFWRULD Hkljh\ 7DVPDQLD

J:;HQ:Y L?LJ:>V CHAPTER 2 Lesson 1

Homework 2. Many of the students in my class are interested in meeting you. Fgh]b_ ba mq_gbdh\ fh_]h deZkkZ ohlyl k \Zfb \klj_lblvky Having just finished studying Russian history this semester we are LQWHUHVWHG LQ NQRZLQJ PRUH DERXW 5XVVLD WRGD\ Fu lhevdh qlh aZdhgqbeb bamqZlv bklhjbx Jhkkbb \ wlhf k_f_klj_ b gZf bgl_j_kgh magZlv [hevr_ h kh\j_f_gghc Jhkkbb ,¶G OLNH \RX WR FRPH ZLWK PH WR VFKRRO WRPRUURZ Y [u ohl_e qlh[u \u ihreb kh fghc \ rdhem aZ\ljZ ,¶G OLNH WR VHH ZKDW DQ $XVWUDOLDQ VFKRRO LV OLNH Y [u ohl_eZ m\b^_lv gZ qlh ihoh`Z Z\kljZebckdZy rdheZ Studying there is really interesting, because I have an opportunity to PHHW SHRSOH IURP DOO RYHU WKH ZRUOG LZf ^_ckl\bl_evgh bgl_j_kgh mqblvky ihlhfm qlh m f_gy _klv \hafh`ghklv \klj_qZlvky k ex^vfb kh \k_]h fbjZ , DOVR HQMR\ PHHWLQJ SHRSOH IURP RWKHU FXOWXUHV Fg_ lh`_ gjZ\blvky \klj_qZlvky k ex^vfb ba ^jm]bo kljZg I like studying History, geography, Business Studies and Computer 6FLHQFH Fg_ gjZ\blky bklhjby ]_h]jZnby mjhdb [bag_kZ b bgnhjfZlbdZ 7KH\ UHDOO\ WU\ WR SUHSDUH XV IRU OLIH DIWHU KLJK VFKRRO Hgb gZ kZfhf ^_e_ klZjZxlky ih^]hlh\blv gZk d `bagb ihke_ kj_^g_c rdheu We are even given time to take courses such as cooking, Wood-working, 2IILFH 6NLOOV 3KRWRJUDSK\ 'UDPD DQG 3K\VLFDO (GXFDWLRQ GZf lZd`_ \u^_eyxl \j_fy gZf lZdb_ dmjku dZd dmebgZjby jZ[hlZ ih ^_j_\m gZ\udb jZ[hlu \ hnbk_ nhlh]jZnby ^jZfZ b nbadmevlmjZ 9LVLWLQJ GLIIHUHQW VFKRROV LV DOZD\V LQWHUHVWLQJ Ihk_sZlv jZaebqgu_ rdheu \k_]^Z bgl_j_kgh :H KRSH WR YLVLW D VFKRRO ZKHQ ZH JR WR 0HOERXUQH Fu gZ^__fky ihk_lblv rdhem dh]^Z ih_^_f \ F_ev[mjg 155

%RDWLQJ LV UHDOO\ D SDUW RI HYHU\GD\ OLIH LQ $XVWUDOLD IeZ\Zgv_ gZ eh^d_ ² qZklv ih\k_^g_\ghc `bagb \ :\kljZebb Hldjhcl_ kdh[db <umqbl_ gZbamklv 1) to visit; 2) Are interested in meeting; 3) Convinient; 4) What an Australian school is like; 5) Attends; 6) Studying; 7) Studying; 8) Most of his classes, a lot of interesting courses, cooking, wood-working, office skills; 9) Similar.

Lesson 2 Homework 1. to be attracted; to have been explained; to be attending; to have established; to be explained; to be impressed; to have been improving; ton have been punishing; to be regarded. 2. 1) His task was to attract her attention. 2) We must protect the environment. 3) He made Helen borrow some money from him. 4) I’d rather not explain anything to Mark 5) She was too old and weak to influence the events. 6) Sydney was chosen to host 200 Olympic Games. 7) She is clever and beautiful enough to impress any guy. 8) Diana was happy to have participated in the conference. 9) I have a lot of friends to be met at the station. 10) Does your brother need to attend classes on Saturday? 11) I’d like to share my impressions about visiting England. 12) He was the first to be asked some questions. 13) They were to help him. 14) Don’t let him worry. H[t_^bgbl_ ^\Z ij_^eh`_gby bkihevamy&RPSOH[ 2EMHFW 1) Her teacher expects her to improve her English. 2) Mr Dickinson’s pupils believe him to be a very good teacher. 3) The parents would like their children to be polite. 4. , GRQœW ZDQW 0ZU\ WR FRPH EDFN 2) We know her to be a very kind woman. :H H[SHFW WKHP Wh SDUWLFLSDWH LQ WKH GLVFXVVLRQ 4) I would like Linda to share the room with you. <u[_jbl_ ijZ\bevguc i_j_\h^ ih^q_jdgmluo nhjf [ \ \ [ I_j_\_^bl_ k Zg]ebckdh]h gZ jmkkdbc yaud Ih^q_jdgbl_ Complex Object. Hgb ohlyl qlh[u fu ihk_lbeb bo \ ke_^mxs_f f_kyp_ Lu ohq_rv qlh[u hgZ hlijZ\beZ ibkvfh \f_klh l_[y" Qlh h`b^Z_l mqbl_ev qlh[u _]h mq_gbdb k^_eZeb \ ke_^mxs_f f_kyp_" 156

Dh]^Z lu h`b^Z_rv qlh hgb ijb_^ml" Hg ohl_e [u qlh[u _]h kug klZe klhfZlheh]hf HgZ g_ h`b^ZeZ qlh wdaZf_gu gZqgmlky \ Zij_e_ Hgb h`b^Zeb qlh bo ^hqv ohjhrh k^Zkl wdaZf_gu Hg h`b^Ze qlh ^hf ihkljhyl d dhgpm fZy Lbf g_ ohl_e [u qlh[u JbqZj^Z ijb]eZkbeb gZ \_q_jbgdm Y qZklh keurZe qlh lhgZ ]h\hjbeZ ih g_f_pdb G_ aZklZ\eyc f_gy ih\lhjylv wlh kgh\Z Mqbl_ev jZaj_rbe deZkkm mclb ^hfhc ihjZgvr_ Lu dh]^Z gb[m^v \b^_e dZd hgZ ieZ\Z_l" Gbdlh g_ aZf_lbe qlh fu ihdbgmeb dhfgZlm HgZ ohl_eZ qlh[u __ fm` h^he`be ^_g_] qlh[u dmiblv fZrbgm HgZ g_ ohl_eZ qlh[u __ kugZ hlijZ\beb \ ^jm]hc ]hjh^ Fu h`b^Z_f qlh dhgljZdl ih^ibrml gZ ke_^mxs_c g_^_e_ Y agZx qlh hg ² hq_gv hiulguc \h^bl_ev FZjlZ g_ h`b^ZeZ qlh _c aZ^Z^ml lZdhc \hijhk Lu keurZe dZd hgZ ih_l" H[t_^bgbl_ ^\Z ij_^eh`_gby 1) Mrs. Banker watched the children playing. 2) We heard him promise to marry Jane. 3) They saw the woman enter the house. 4) Bill heard her laughing. <u[_jbl_ gm`gmx nhjfm ]eZ]heZ k WR beb [_a WR Hldjhcl_ kdh[db I_j_\_^bl_ gZ jmkkdbc yaud 0RWKHU PDGH KHU VRQ WHOO KHU WKH WUXWK FZfZ aZklZ\beZ kugZ kdZaZlv _c ijZ\^m

/HW PH SD\ IRU WKH PHDO Iha\hev fg_ aZieZlblv aZ m`bg

'RQÂśW OHW KHU FDOO G_ iha\heyc _c a\hgblv

/HW XV JR WKHUH WRPRUURZ >Z\Zcl_ ihc^_f lm^Z aZ\ljZ

, FDQÂśW PDNH KHU EHOLHYH PH Y g_ fh]m aZklZ\blv __ ih\_jblv fg_

I_j_\_^bl_ k jmkkdh]h gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) They went to Moscow to visit their friends. 2) It’s useful to swim im the swimming pool. 3) She told children to go to bed. 4) I’m glad to have met you. 5) Excuse me, can I help you? 6) It’ s interesting to study languages. 7) Every citizen must protect the nature. 8) We’d rather not tell her anything. 9) Shoul I pay now? 10) He would play football when he was tyounger. 11) You’d better go by bus. 157

12) Do you want them to stay at your place? 13) She shouldn’t work so much. You must help her. 14) He heard somebody knock the door. 15) Robin expected Kim to have passed the exam. 16) I saw Mark enter the house. 17) What did she want him to do? — She wanted him to marry her. 18) We didn’t want them to be late for the train. 19) Dan didn’t expect the dealers to have sold 100 000 books. 20) Stewart wants the book to be printed in June. 21) She asked Tom not to borrow money from Robin. 22) Don’t let him punish the child. 23) Let Mary explain everything to you. 24) What made you believe him? 25) Let us not think about it.

Lesson 3 Homework 1. Hi, Jaoo, My name is Olga and I’m a student in a Russian school. I live in Moscow, the capital of Russia. It’s funny that some people might think that you have koalas in your backyards. At the same time many people are sure that there are bears in the streets of Moscow. I think it’s great that your school is multi-cultural. You get to meet people from different countries and learn some interesting things about their culture. I’m in year 11 at a secondary school. Our school is co-educational. We usually get along with one another. I study Maths, Russian, Chemistry, Biology and other subject. When I finish school I hope to do to a University and study economics. I have a brother. He is two years younger that I am. Our family often has barbeques, which gives us time to talk to each other. Please, write more about your hobbies and your friends. Olga Novikova. I_j_\_^bl_ mklgh k Zg]ebckdh]h gZ jmkkdbc yaud GZc^bl_ b ih^q_jdgbl_ &RPSOH[ 6XEMHFW DZ`_lky qlh hg fgh]h iml_r_kl\h\Ze KH WR KDYH NQRZQ

HdZaZehkv qlh Eba m`_ \b^_eZ wlhl nbevf /L]ÂŤ WR KDYH VHHQ

Fbkl_j ;jhd hdZaZeky ohjhrbf ^hdlhjhf 0U %URFN WR EH

<u kemqZcgh g_ agZ_l_ ]^_ hgb" \RX WR NQRZ

DhfZg^Z LbfZ gZ\_jgydZ \ub]jZ_l 7RPÂśV WHDPÂŤ WR ZLQ

FZeh\_jhylgh qlh hgZ qblZeZ wlm dgb]m VKH WR KDYH UHDG

Lesson 4


<Zf gZ\_jgydZ ihgjZ\blky wlZ ^_\mrdZ HgZ hq_gv djZkb\Zy (you. to like) Ba\_klgh qlh hgb ih`_gbebkv e_l gZaZ^ WKH\ WR KDYH EHHQ PDUULHG

>hdeZ^u\Zxl qlh ih]h^Z baf_gblky \ emqrmx klhjhgm WKH weather. to change) =h\hjyl qlh hg \ub]jZe ahehlmx f_^Zev KH ÂŤ WR KDYH ZRQ

Kb^g_c kqblZ_lky h^gbf ba kZfuo djZkb\uo ]hjh^h\ fbjZ (Sydney. to be) DZ`_lky hgZ gbq_]h g_ agZ_l VKH WR NQRZ

<u g_khfg_ggh qblZeb wlm dgb]m \RX WR KDYH UHDG

Kemqbehkv lZd qlh hgb m`_ \klj_qZebkv WKH\ WR KDYH PHW

HdZaZehkv qlh hgZ agZ_l Zg]ebckdbc yaud VKH WR QNRZ

=h\hjyl qlh hgb iml_r_kl\mxl m`_ g_^_eb WKH\ WR KDYH been travelling) Homework 1. (1) 1) What atmosphere does Diane’s school have? 2) What school does her uniform represents? 3) What is Diane’s background? 4) Do they have barbeques occasionally? 5) What does Diane want to become? (2) 1) Where are Chris’s parents from? 2) What is his favourite subject? 3) What school does Chris attend? 4) What game does he like to play? 5) What are the differences between Australian Rules Football and soccer? (3) 1) What school does Alysia attend? 2) What year she is in? 3) What does she intend to do when she finishes school? 4) What are Alysia’s hobbies? 5) Is Drama one of her favourite subjects? (4) 1) What school does Carmina study in? 2) What country did she migrate from? 3) Do es she call Australia home? 4) Are conflicts rare in her school? 5) What should you expect to eat if you come to Australia? (5) 1) Can koalas and kangaroos be found in the streets? 2) What state does Jaoo live in? 3) Is there a strong feeling of belonging? 4) What school does Jaoo attend? 5) Where was he born? (6) 1) How old is Daniela? 2) Is she originally a Portual? 3) Do the students of Casimir College get to meet people from different countries? 4) Does Daniela have to wear a uniform at school. 5) What are her hobbies? (7) 1) What is Sandra currently studying? 2) Is Sandra half Lebanese and half Armenian? 3) What languages does she speak? 4) How old is she? 5) Does she enjoy living in a big household? (8) 1) Is Glenroy far from Melbourne? 2) What school does Emily attend? 3) Where does she play alto saxophone? 4) Is she in her school’s debating team? 5) What do Emily and her friends do when they go to Melbourne? (9) 1) Does Paul go to Casimir College? 2) Does his school have a happy atmosphere? 3) What are Paul’s hobbies? 4) When did his parents migrate to Australia? 5) What background does Paul have? 159

(10) 1) What is Graceann learning now? 2) What is her school called? 3) What kind of school is it? 4) Is school made up of students from all different countries? 5) What does she like to do? >hihegbl_ ij_^eh`_gby b i_j_\_^bl_ bo gZ jmkkdbc yaud %ULWDLQ LV VXSSRVHG WR EH WKH PRWKHU RI IRRWEDOO KqblZ_lky qlh ;jblZgby ² jh^bgZ nml[heZ 2) Columbus was an explorer who is supposed to be the first to GLVFRYHU $PHULFD Dhemf[ [ue bkke_^h\Zl_e_f dhlhjuc ij_^iheh`bl_evgh [ue i_j\uf dlh hldjue :f_jbdm

(OHFWULFLW\ LV EHOLHYHG WR EH LQYHQWHG E\ )DUDGD\ KqblZ_lky qlh we_dljbq_kl\h bah[j_e NZjZ^_c I_j_\_^bl_ k jmkkdh]h gZ Zg]ebckdbc 1) Alla Pugacheva is believed to be the most popular singer in our country. 2) The elevator is believed to be invented by an American Otis in 1853. 3) He is unlikely to take part in the conference. 4) He is sure to win this tournament. 5) Ht delegation of the Russian scientists is reported to have arrived in America. 6) Australia is supposed to have been discovered in 1770. 7) She seems to know everything. 8) She proved to be the best student in our class. 9) He is likely to call you tomorrow. 10) She is unlikely to help you. 11) This book is said not to be published in autumn. 12) You are sure to like Australia’s nature and its inhabitants.

Lesson 5

Lesson 6 Homework I_j_\_^bl_ k Zg]ebckdh]h gZ jmkkdbc yaud Hg [ue aZgyl i_j_\h^hf klZlvb Y ihfgx qlh ijhkbe __ k^_eZlv wlh HgZ g_ kihkh[gZ \aylv gZ k_[y hl\_lkl\_gghklv 4) Wlh g_ klhbeh lh]h qlh[u ljZlblv gZ wlh \j_fy I_j_klZgv kf_ylvky gZ^ gbf HgZ ijh^he`beZ jZ[hlZlv \ qZk Ihq_fm lu \k_]^Z ba[_]Z_rv jZa]h\Zjb\Zlv k g_c Hg [jhkbe dmjblv e_l gZaZ^ HgZ g_ fh]eZ g_ ^mfZlv h g_f ?c gjZ\behkv qblZlv dh]^Z hgZ [ueZ fheh^hc" Bf m^Zehkv ih^ibkZlv dhgljZdl FZevqbdZ gZdZaZeb aZ lh qlh hg kh\jZe


Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku <k_ mq_gbdb KljZlfhjkdhc Kj_^g_c Rdheu bamqZxl >hfh\h^kl\h" ² <HV DOO WKH VWXGHQWV VWXG\ +RPH (FRQRPLFV < q_f aZdexqZ_lky p_ev wlh]h ij_^f_lZ" ² 7KH DLP RI WKH VXEMHFW LV to develop skills in food preparation and gain an understanding of health issues. Qlh mq_gbdb mqZlky ]hlh\blv" 7KH VWXGHQWV OHDUQ WR FRRN Crocodile Bread, Sausage Rolls soup and many other tasty dishes. Ihq_fm keh`gh gZa\Zlv [ex^Z b j_p_ilu dhlhju_ lhevdh Z\kljZebckdb_ ² ,W LV GLIILFXOW WR PHQWLRQ IRRGV RU UHFLSHV WKDW DUH particularly Australian because Australian food is a result of a great diversity of cultures. DZdb_ [ex^Z _klv lhevdh \ :\kljZebb" ² <DEELHV DQG NDQJDURR steak are unique to Australia. DZdhc ihimeyjguc kihkh[ ijb]hlh\e_gby ibsb" ² %DUEHTXH is a popular style of preparing food.

Lesson 7

Homework 2. 1) Australian school offers a wide range of activities. 2) The students go in for athletics, swimming and cross country. 3) The students who are involved in these activities are awarded Academic Achievement Awards. 4) The students are offered further activities for development, when they participate in public speaking, debates and student government. 5. 1) You’ll enjoy travelling around Melbourne on the City Circle 7UDP <Zf ihgjZ\blky iml_r_kl\h\Zlv ih F_ev[mjgm gZ =hjh^kdhf Djm]h\hf LjZf\Z_ 2) While you are sitting on the tram, the conductor will point out the PRVW LQWHUHVWLQJ VLJKWV LQ 0HOERXUQH IhdZ kb^brv \ ljZf\Z_ dhg^mdlhj h[jZlbl \Zr_ \gbfZgb_ gZ kZfu_ bgl_j_kgu_ ^hklhijbf_qZl_evghklb F_ev[mjgZ 3) It is home to many cultural groups, speaking 170 languages and giving 0HOERXUQH D XQLTXH FKDUDFWHU Wlh ^hf fgh]bo dmevlmjguo ]jmii ]h\hjysbo gZ yaudZo b ijb^Zxsbo F_ev[mjgm _]h g_ih\lhjbfuc oZjZdl_j 4) When designing buildings, architects in Melbourne think hard DERXW WKH VFHQHU\ DQG WKH VXUURXQGLQJV RI WKH EXLOGLQJ VLWH Ijh_dlbjmy gh\u_ a^Zgby Zjobl_dlhju F_ev[mjgZ ^mfZxl h i_caZ`_ b h lhf qlh hdjm`Z_l kljhbl_evgmx iehsZ^dm 5) The National Gallery of Victoria, established in 1861, is the state DUW JDOOHU\ GZpbhgZevgZy =Ze_j_y <bdlhjbb hkgh\ZggZy \ ]h^m y\ey_lky ]hkm^Zjkl\_gghc ]Ze_j__c bkdmkkl\ 6) This place is worth visiting Wlh f_klh klhbl ihk_lblv 161

7) The magnificent collection, totaling over 70 000 works, range from paintings, sculpture and photography to decorative arts, prints and GUDZLQJV <_ebdhe_igZy dhee_dpby h[sbf qbkehf [he__ jZ[hl gZqbgZy k dZjlbg kdmevilmju b nhlh]jZnbb b dhgqZy ijbdeZ^guf bkdmkkl\hf ]jZ\xjZfb b jbkmgdZfb 8) The Rialto Tower Observation Desk, situated on level 55 of Melbourne’s tallest building, provides a panoramic view of Melbourne DQG WKH VXUURXQGLQJ ODQGPDUNV Kfhljh\Zy IehsZ^dZ ;Zrgb JbZelh jZkiheh`_ggZy gZ wlZ`_ kZfh]h \ukhdh]h \ F_ev[mjg_ a^Zgby h[_ki_qb\Z_l iZghjZfguc \b^ gZ F_ev[mjg b hdjm`Zxsb_ ^hklhijbf_qZl_evghklb 9) The Centre houses the Melbourne Concert Hall, Performing Arts Museum and three major theatres collectively seating 5 880 people with D UHYROYLQJ VWDJH HVSHFLDOO\ IRU RSHUD < P_glj_ gZoh^blky F_ev[mjgkdbc Dhgp_jlguc AZe Fma_c Bah[jZabl_evguo Bkdmkkl\ b ljb ]eZ\guo l_ZljZ \ dhlhjuo h[sbf qbkehf ihf_sZ_lky q_eh\_d k \jZsZxs_cky kp_ghc ki_pbZevgh ^ey hi_ju 10) Don’t miss the opportunity to learn about one of the oldest living FXOWXUHV LQ WKH ZRUOG G_ ijhimklbl_ \hafh`ghklv magZlv h[ h^ghc ba kZfuo klZjuo dmevlmj \ fbj_ 11) Playing tennis, golf, baseball and football, surfing, water-skiing, boating, yachting, cycling and running are very popular in Melbourne. L_ggbk ]hevn [_ck[he b nml[he k_jnbg] \h^gu_ eu`b ijh]medb gZ eh^dZo iZjmkguc kihjl \_ehkihjl b [_] hq_gv ihimeyjgu \ F_ev[mjg_ 12) Don’t forget to visit WKH 0HOERXUQH =RR G_ aZ[m^vl_ ihk_lblv F_ev[mjgkdbc AhhiZjd 13) Established LQ LW LV RQH RI WKH ROGHVW ]RRV LQ WKH ZRUOG Hkgh\Zgguc \ ]h^m hg y\ey_lky h^gbf ba klZj_crbo ahhiZjdh\ \ fbj_ 14) Make sure to try fresh juice made of watermelons, melons, FDUURWV RUDQJHV HWF H[yaZl_evgh khc^bl_ k ljZf\Zy qlh[u ihijh[h\Zlv k\_`bc khd ba Zj[mah\ ^ugv fhjdh\b Zi_evkbgh\ b l ^ 1. DZd q_eh\_d fh`_l h[t_oZlv F_ev[mjg"2QH FDQ HQMR\ travelling around Melbourne on the City Circle Tram. Qlh k^_eZ_l dhg^mdlhj ihdZ \u \ ljZf\Z_" The conductor will pint out the most interesting sights in Melbourne. DZd \u fh`_l_ ^hdZaZlv qlh F_ev[mjg ² ]hjh^ k jZaghh[jZab_f dmevlmj" Melbourne is a multi-cultural city because over a quarter of the population was born overseas.

Lesson 8


GZ kdhevdbo yaudZo ]h\hjyl ex^b `b\msb_ \ F_ev[mjg_" People living in Melbourne speak 170 languages. Fgh]h eb ]j_dh\ b blZevygp_\ `b\_l \ F_ev[mjg_" Yes, many Greeks and Italians live in Melbourne. Ihq_fm F_ev[mjg kqblZ_lky ijbagZgghc dmevlmjghc klhebp_c :\kljZebb" Melbourne is considered to be the acknowledged Culture Capital of Australia because it has world-class music, dance, opera, comedy and theatre. H q_f ^mfZxl Zjobl_dlhju dh]^Z ijh_dlbjmxl a^Zgby \ F_ev[mjg_" When designing buildings in Melbourne architects think about the scenery and the surroundings of the building site. Dh]^Z [ueZ hkgh\ZgZ GZpbhgZevgZy =Ze_j_y The National Gallery was established in 1861. Ihq_fm wlh f_klh klhbl ihk_lblv" This place is worth visiting because it presents exhibitions of historical and contemporary art from within Australia and other countries. Q_f ba\_kl_g P_glj Bkdmkkl\ <bdlhjby" Victorian Arts Centre is known for its superb facilities and 115 meter webbed steel spire. DZd gZau\Z_lky kZfh_ \ukhdh_ a^Zgb_ F_ev[mjgZ" The name of the tallest building in Melbourne is the Rialto Tower. Qlh gZoh^blky \ P_glj_" The Centre houses the Melbourne Concert Hall, Performing Arts Museum and three major theatres. Qlh m\b^yl lmjbklu _keb ih_^ml gZ wdkdmjkbx GZke_^b_ :[hjb]_gh\" If the tourists go on Aboriginal Heritage tours they will learn about one of the oldest cultures in the world< visit tribal lands and meet the people. >hdZ`bl_ qlh \ F_ev[mjg_ h^gb ba kZfuo nZgZlbqguo kihjlkf_gh\ \ fbj_ Melbourne has one of the most fanatical sporting public in the world because such sports as playing tennis, golf, baseball, football, surfing, water-skating, boating, yachting, cycling and running are very popular. Dh]^Z [ue hkgh\Zg F_ev[mjgkdbc ahhiZjd" The Melbourne Zoo was established in 1857. < dZdhf k_ahg_ emqr_ \k_]h ihk_lblv F_ev[mjg" I think winter is the best season to visit Melbourne. Homework L_e_\b^_gb_ Bah[j_e >`hg Eh^`b ;ZcZj^ <eZ^bfbj A\hjudbg 163

GZpbhgZevghklv ;jblZg_p jmkkdbc \ :f_jbd_ >ZlZ ² P_ev i_j_^Z\Zlv ^\b]Zxsb_ky dZjlbgdb ih [_kijh\h^guf \hegZf >`hg Eh^`b ;ZcZj^ bah[j_e f_oZgbq_kdmx kbkl_fm ^ey i_j_^Zqb ^\b]Zxsboky dZjlbghd dhlhjmx hg bkihevah\Ze ^ey i_j\hc \ fbj_ ^_fhgkljZpbb l_e_\b^_gby \ ]h^m Kbkl_fZ ;ZcZj^Z [ueZ hkgh\ZgZ gZ i_j_oh^_ k\_lZ ih djmlysbfky i_jnhjbjh\Zgguf ^bkdZf dZd i_j_^Zlqbd b j_kb\_j < wlh \j_fy <eZ^bfbj A\hjudbg jZajZ[hlZe we_dljhggmx kbkl_fm hkgh\Zggmx gZ Š\uklj_eb\Zgbbª we_dljhgh\ ih ihdjulhc ih\_joghklb \ ijbgbfZxs_c ljm[d_ k emqZfb dZlh^Z qlh[u \hkijhba\h^blv dZjlbgdm Ijbgpbi [ue \ ^Zevg_cr_f jZajZ[hlZg Zf_jbdZgkdhc dhfiZgb_c 5&$ F_oZgbq_kdmx kbkl_fm ;ZcZj^Z bkihevah\ZeZkv ;b;bKb \f_kl_ k we_dljhgghc kbkl_fhc \ i_j\hc l_e_\babhgghc ijh]jZff_ \ ]h^m We_dljhggZy kbkl_fZ hdZaZeZkv emqr_ b hl kbkl_fu ;ZcZj^Z hldZaZebkv I_j\Zy Zf_jbdZgkdZy ijh]jZffZ ihy\beZkv \ ]h^m P\_lgh_ l_e_\b^_gb_ ihy\behkv \ :f_jbd_ \ ]h^m Z \ ;jblZgbb \ =_jmg^bc ijbqZklb_ bgnbgblb\ Transmitting Passing Based To produce FZ]gblhnhg b ie__j

Bah[j_e <eZ^bfbj IZma_g GZpbhgZevghklv >ZlqZgbg >ZlZ P_ev kgZqZeZ ^ey ijbgylby l_e_nhgguo khh[s_gbc k_cqZk ^ey aZibku\Zgby fmaudb I_j\uc fZ]gblgh_ mkljhckl\h IZma_gZ bkihevah\Zeh ijh\hehqgmx Z aZl_f klZevgmx e_glm Hgh [ueh jZajZ[hlZgh ^ey ijbgylby l_e_nhgguo khh[s_gbc < ]h^m \i_j\u_ [ueZ bkihevah\ZgZ ieZklbdh\Zy e_glZ hgZ [ueZ ihdjulZ hdbkvx `_e_aZ k_cqZk ie_gdm qZklh ihdju\Zxl hdbkvx ojhfZ JZggb_ fZ]gblhnhgu [ueb [hevrbfb fZrbgZfb \ dhlhjuo ie_gdZ i_j_oh^beZ k h^gh]h [hevrh]h dhe_kZ gZ ^jm]h_ < _ ]h^u Nbebik \uimklbe dhfiZdlguc dZkk_lguc fZ]gblhnhg Wlh [ue iheguc e_]dbc \ h[jZs_gbb ieZklbdh\uc ZiiZjZl k ^\mfy dZlmrdZfb b madhc aZibku\Z_fhc e_glhc DZkk_lguc fZ]gblhnhg ijb\_e d bah[j_l_gbx Khgb \ ]h^m ie__jm 164

Wlh [ueh aZdhgq_gguc dhfiZdlguc kl_j_h dZkk_lguc ijhb]ju\Zl_ev qmlv [hevr_ q_f dZkk_lZ >ey dhehghd g_ [ueh f_klZ ihwlhfm ijbeZ]Zebkv gZmrgbdb k fZe_gvdbfb k kmi_jwnn_dlb\gufb ieZklbdh\ufb f_f[jZgZfb K_cqZk hgb ih\kx^m B \hkijhba\_^_gb_ a\mdZ hlebqgh_ djhf_ l_o dlh g_ \ gZmrgbdZo To record Running To handle @_\Zl_evgZy j_abgdZ Bah[j_e LhfZk :^Zfk GZpbhgZevghklv Zf_jbdZg_p >ZlZ _ P_ev ^ey lh]h qlh[u lboh mijZ`gylv q_exklb @_\Zl_evgZy j_abgdZ ihy\beZkv \ j_amevlZl_ g_m^Zqb BkdZeb aZf_gbl_ev j_abgu KgZqZeZ ^mfZeb qlh ih^hc^_l khd ^_j_\Z kZih^beZ gZau\Z_fuc qbde gZlmjZevguc dZmqmd Gh hg hdZaZeky g_^hklZlhqgh weZklbqguf AZl_f :^Zfk qe_g bkke_^h\Zl_evkdhc dhfZg^u \kihfgbe qlh gZjh^ fZcy ba X`ghc :f_jbdb `_\Zeb qbde b ih^mfZe qlh _keb _]h ih^keZklblv _]h fh`gh ijh^Zlv \ :f_jbd_ <k_ ihemqbehkv <h \j_fy <lhjhc Fbjh\hc <hcgu Zf_jbdZgkdbf khe^ZlZf ihkueZeb `_\Zl_evgmx j_abgdm Wlh ihfh]eh m\_ebqblv __ ihimeyjghklv \ fbj_ K_cqZk bg]j_^b_glu \ `_\Zl_evghc j_abgd_ ke_^mxsb_ Šhkgh\Z kZoZj kbjhi b kfy]qbl_ebª Hkgh\Z [hevr_c qZklvx kbgl_lbq_kdZy Hgh hgZ g_ hq_gv g_\dmkgZy To exercise Called To be flavored We_dljbq_kdZy eZfihqdZ Bah[j_e >`ha_n K\Zg LhfZk W^bkhg GZpbhgZevghklv rhleZg^_p Zf_jbdZg_p >ZlZ P_ev qlh[u h[_ki_qblv we_dljbq_kdbc bklhqgbd k\_lZ qlh[u aZf_gblv ]Zah\u_ eZfiu b k\_qb We_dljbq_kdZy eZfihqdZ [ueZ g_ijZ\^hih^h[guf kh\iZ^_gb_f >\mf mq_guf ijbreZ \ ]heh\m h^gZ b lZ `_ b^_y g_aZ\bkbfh ^jm] hl ^jm]Z ijb[ebabl_evgh \ h^gh \j_fy >`ha_n K\Zg [ue g_fgh]h jZgvr_ gh hg g_ iZl_glh\Ze k\hx b^_x W^bkhg gZqZe ijhba\h^blv k\hb eZfihqdb b h[\bgbe K\ZgZ \ 165

lhf qlh hg dhibjm_l D kqZklvx ^ey k\ZgZ \ ijhp_kkZo jZ[hlu efihq_d [ueZ jZagbpZ Ijh[e_fZ j_rbeZkv l_f qlh W^bkhg b K\Zg kha^Zeb kh\f_klgmx dhfiZgbx ih ijhba\h^kl\m eZfihq_d Kh\j_f_ggZy we_dljbq_kdZy eZfihqdZ khklhbl ba gblb gZdZeZ \hevnjZfh\h]h ijh\h^dZ aZdjmq_ggh]h kibjZevx q_j_a dhlhjuc ijhoh^bl we_dljbq_kl\h Gblv gZdZeZ klZgh\blky qj_a\uqZcgh ]hjyq_c b yjdh ]hjbl \gmljb kl_deygghc eZfihqdb < i_j\uo eZfihqdZo bkihevah\Zeky [Zf[md beb ^Z`_ ijhiblZggZy oehidh\Zy gblv \ dZq_kl\_ gblb gZdZeZ <hevnjZf emqr_ Ih\_jbl_ eb \u" JZggb_ eZfihqdb ]hj_eb \k_]h ^\_gZ^pZlv qZkh\ k_cqZk eZfihqdZ ^he`gZ ]hj_lv lukyqm qZkh\ To provide To replace Copying Forming To produce Last. DZf_ju gZqZeh

Bah[j_e >`ha_n Gbik GZpbhgZevghklv njZgpma >ZlZ P_ev qlh[u khojZgylv h[jZa Gbik bah[j_e kihkh[ aZibkb h[jZah\ gZ f_lZeebq_kdb_ ieZklbgu ihdjulu_ obfbdZlZfb < ]h^m ^jm]hc njZgpma Embk >Z]_j_ \\_e \ mihlj_[e_gb_ emqrbc kihkh[ khojZg_gby h[jZaZ Fgh]b_ ^Z]_jjhlbigu_ nhlh]jZnbb khojZgbebkv ^h kbo ihj Ijh[e_fhc ijhp_kkh\ ij_^eh`_gguo Gbikhf b >Z]_j_ [ueZ \ lhf qlh hgb [ueb h^ghjZah\u_ k gbo g_evay [ueh k^_eZlv dhibb :g]ebqZgbg <bevyf Nhdk LZe[hl [ue i_j\uf lZd`_ \ ]h^m dlh k^_eZe g_]Zlb\ gZ dhlhjhf q_jgh_ b [_eh_ [ueb i_j_\_jgmlu b k dhlhjh]h fh`gh [ueh k^_eZlv dhibb To preserve Coated Preserving Be made To capture DZf_ju k_]h^gy

JZggb_ nhlhdZf_ju [ueb ijhklh k\_lhg_ijhgbpZ_fufb dhjh[dZfb k ebgahc ki_j_^b b fZlh\uf kl_dehf kaZ^b Dh]^Z nhlh]jZn [ue ]hlh\ k^_eZlv nhlh]jZnbx hg ijbdju\Ze ebgam fZlh\h_ kl_deh aZf_gyehkv gZ ihdjuluc h[hehqdhc f_lZeebq_kdbc kl_deygguc 166

ebkl beb ie_gdm aZl_f ebgam [ukljh hldju\Zeb qlh[u \imklblv k\_l Ebkl ih^\_j]rbcky ^_ckl\bx k\_lZ" aZl_f \ugbfZeb b ijhy\eyeb To take To let Nhlh]jZnbb ^ey \k_o :f_jbdZg_p >`hj^` Bklf_g k^_eZe nhlh]jZnbx ^hklmighc q_eh\_dm k mebpu \ ?]h dhfiZgby Dh^Zd ijhba\h^beZ dZf_ju k \klZ\e_gghc ie_gdhc gZ klh nhlh]jZnbc Dh]^Z ie_gdZ dhgqZeZkv" \ky dZf_jZ \ha\jZsZeZkv gZ nZ[jbdm ^ey ijhy\db Q_j_a g_kdhevdh e_l [ueb ijhba\_^_gu dhjhldb_ ie_gdb dhlhju_ fh`gh [ueh \ugbfZlv Nhlh]jZn kZf Z aZjy`Ze Z ie_gdm Factory-loaded Processing Kh\j_f_gguc nhlhZiiZjZl Kh\j_f_ggu_ nhlhZiiZjZlu k hljZ`_gb_f h^ghc ebgau bkihevamxl k\_lhg_ijhgbpZ_fu_ jhebdb dZkk_lu k ie_gdhc b \k_ _s_ bkihevamxl h[jZa gZ fZlh\hf kl_de_ ^ey lh]h qlh[u ihkfhlj_lv gZ dZjlbgdm ij_`^_ q_f kgbfZlv LZdb_ nhlhZiiZjZlu iha\heyxl e_]dh f_gylv ebgam JZagu_ ebgau ^Zxl jZagu_ \b^u h^gbo b l_o `_ ij_^f_lh\ L_e_ nhlh ebgaZ ^Z_l m\_ebq_gb_ ebgaZ k rbjhdbf m]ehf ^Z_l [he__ rbjhdmx i_jki_dlb\m Using Taking L_kl mjh\_gv

I_j_\_^bl_ k Zg]ebckdh]h gZ jmkkdbc ?fm gjZ\blky b]jZlv gZ nhjl_ibZgh Hgb i_j_klZeb dmjblv dh]^Z m\b^_eb mqbl_ey Fh_c fZf_ gjZ\blky \yaylv HgZ ba[_]ZeZ \klj_q k gbf \ l_q_gb_ f_kypZ Nbevf ŠLblZgbdª klhbl ihkfhlj_lv HgZ ^he]h ^mfZeZ ij_`^_ q_f \uclb aZfm` aZ >`hgZ Lu f h`_rv aZimklblv fZrbgm gZ`Z\ wlm dghidm Ba\bgb qlh y a\hgx lZd jZgh HgZ ]h\hjbeZ g_ ]ey^y gZ g_]h Dh]^Z fu \ureb ba ^hfZ ^h`^v ij_djZlbeky Ijh^he`Zcl_ qblZlv ih`ZemcklZ HgZ aZdhgqbeZ _klv b ihreZ kiZlv Hg gZklZb\Ze gZ ijb_a^_ ^hq_jb 14) Q_eh\_d qblZxsbc ]Za_lm fhc [jZl HgZ mklZeZ jZ[hlZlv 16) Hgb khklZ\beb kibkhd \_s_c dhlhju_ hgb \b^_eb \ :\kljZebb 17) IhkeZ\ l_e_]jZffm hg ihr_e ^hfhc Iml_r_kl\my ih fhjy fu a^hjh\h ih\_k_ebebkv Fu mkeurZeb dZd hg ih_l \ khk_^g_c dhfgZl_ Fu ohlbf qlh[u hgb mqZkl\h\Zeb \ ^bkdmkkbb HgZ i_j_klZeZ ibkZlv dgb]b ]h^ gZaZ^ >hdeZ^u\Zxl qlh wlhl l_ggbkbkl \u-

Lesson 10


b]jZe <jy^ eb hgZ ijb_^_l aZ\ljZ DZ`_lky hg ohjhrh __ agZ_l <u g_ \hajZ`Z_l_ qlh y a^_kv kb`m" Ibkvf_ggh i_j_\_^bl_ jZkkdZa L_e_nhg Bah[j_e :e_dkZg^j =jwf ;_ee GZpbhgZevghklv rhleZg^_p >ZlZ P_ev qlh[u i_j_^Z\Zlv a\md ]hehkZ ih ijh\h^m gZ ^ebggu_ ^bklZgpbb :e_dkZg^j =jwf ;_ee [ue ^hdlhjhf Hg jZ[hlZe k ]emobfb ^_lvfb b ihgbfZe lh dZdbf h[jZahf a\mdb kha^Zxl \b[jZpbb GZ \lhjhf ^_kyld_ hg h[gZjm`be dZd i_j_\h^blv \b[jZpbb \ we_dljbq_kdbc ihlhd b h[jZlgh < _]h l_e_nhg_ [ueZ ^bZnjZ]fZ lhgdbc f_lZeebq_kdbc ebkl dhlhjuc \b[jbjh\Ze dh]^Z \ g_]h ]h\hjbeb kjZam aZ ^bZnjZ]fhc [ue we_dljhfZ]gbl dhlhjuc i_j_\h^be \b[jZpbb \ we_dljbq_kdb_ kb]gZeu < l_e_nhg_ ;_eeZ [ue h^bg i_j_^Zlqbd j_kb\_j Dh]^Z \u aZdZgqb\Zeb ]h\hjblv \u ih^ghkbeb _]h d mom b kemrZeb ]hehk ^jm]h]h q_eh\_dZ < ]h^m LhfZk W^bkhg bah[j_e emqrbc hl^_evguc fbdjhnhg bkihevamy ]jZgmeu m]ey aZ ^bZnjZ]fhc Djhf_ wlh]h l_e_nhg hklZeky lZdbf dZd _]h bah[j_e ;_ee Ih\_jbl_ eb \u" < fbj_ bkihevam_lky ihqlb fbeebZj^ l_e_nhgh\ DZ`_lky kijhk gbdh]^Z g_ aZdhgqblky

L_kl mjh\_gv

I_j_\_^bl_ l_dkl Ih^q_jdgbl_ bgnbgblb\ ]_jmg^bc ijbqZklb_ ;_ahiZkgZy [meZ\dZ Bah[j_e g_l bgnhjfZpbb GZpbhgZevghklv `bl_ev kj_^ba_fghfhjvy >ZlZ hdheh ^h gZr_c wju P_ev aZsblblv bkihevamxs_]h [meZ\dm hl hldjulh]h hkljh]h dhgpZ gZ ijyfhc [meZ\d_ dhlhjZy [ueZ bah[j_l_gZ aZ k_fvkhl e_l ^h wlh]h Rmf_ju bah[j_eb ijyfu_ [meZ\db [he__ iylb lukyq gZaZ^ I_j\u_ [_ahiZkgu_ [meZ\db bkihevah\Zebkv lukyqm e_l kimkly \ =j_pbb ?]bil_ BlZebb b gZ Kbpbebb I_j\u_ [_ahiZkgu_ [meZ\db [ueb ijhklufb ijyfufb [meZ\dZfb kh]gmlufb ihiheZf koh^ysbfbky \ ^ujhqdm beb djxqhd Gm`gh [ueh qlh lh qlh ^_j`Zeh [u hkljb_ Dlh lh ijb^mfZe qlh __ gm`gh aZ`bfZlv dZd ijm`bgm Qlh[u k^_eZlv wlh [meZ\dm k^_eZeb aZdjm]e_gghc gZ dhgp_ Lhl `_ ijbgpbi bkihevam_lky b k_cqZk 168

<Z`guc \hijhk Dm^Z ijhiZ^Zxl \k_ [meZ\db dh]^Z \Zf gm`gZ h^gZ [meZ\dZ" =_jmg^bc bgnbgblb\ ijbqZklb_ WR SURWHFW EHQW ILWWLQJ VOLSSLQJ making, spring, Ijhqlbl_ l_dkl aZl_f hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku ke_^mxsb_ aZ gbf @_gsbgZ \ ]hem[uo ^`bgkZo klhyeZ m \bljbgu ^hjh]h]h fZ]ZabgZ Ohly hgZ jZafureyeZ fbgmlm hgZ \hreZ \ fZ]Zabg b ihijhkbeZ ihdZaZlv _c ieZlv_ \bk_\r__ \ \bljbg_ Ijh^Z\pm h[kem`b\Zxs_fm __ g_ ihgjZ\behkv dZd hgZ [ueZ h^_lZ Ij_ajbl_evgh \a]eygm\ gZ g__ hg kdZaZe qlh ieZlv_ ijh^Zgh @_gsbgu \ureZ ba fZ]ZabgZ jZkk_j`_gghc b j_rbeZ gZdZaZlv ijh^Z\pZ gZ ke_^mxsbc ^_gv HgZ \_jgmeZkv gZ ke_^mxs__ mljh h^_lZy \ f_oh\h_ iZevlh k kmfhqdhc \ h^ghc jmd_ b ^ebgguf ahglhf \ ^jm]hc GZc^y lh]h ]jm[h]h ijh^Z\pZ HgZ ihijhkbeZ lh `_ ieZlv_ G_ ihgbfZy dlh hgZ ijh^Z\_p [ue jZ^ h[kem`blv __ K h]jhfguf ljm^hf hg \ah[jZeky gZ \bljbgm qlh[u ^hklZlv ieZlv_ M\b^_\ wlh `_gsbgZ kdZaZe qlh hgh _c g_ gjZ\blky HgZ jZa\e_deZkv aZklZ\b\ ijh^Z\pZ ^hklZlv ihqlb \k_ qlh [ueh gZ \bljbg_ ij_`^_ q_f dmiblv ieZlv_ dhlhjh_ hgZ ihijhkbeZ i_j\uf DZd \u ^mfZ_l_ m `_gsbgu o\Zlbeh [u ^_g_] qlh[u dmiblv ieZlv_" Yes, she had enough money. She bought it in the end. Ihq_fm hgZ g_ ihgjZ\beZkv ijh^Z\pm" The assistant didn’t like her because her was wearing jeans. Ihq_fm `_gsbgZ ijbreZ \ lhl fZ]Zabg gZ ke_^mxsbc ^_gv" She came to the shop the following day to punish the rude assistant. GZreZ eb hgZ ]jm[h]h ijh^Z\pZ" Yes, she did. Ihq_fm ijh^Z\_p [ue jZ^ h[kem`blv __ gZ wlhl jZa" He was eager to serve her because she was wearing a fur coat and had a handbag and a long umbrella. HgZ dmibeZ \k_ ieZlvy \ \bljbg_ g_ lZd eb" No, she didn’t. Qlh hgZ k^_eZeZ \ dhgp_ dhgph\" She made him bring almost everything from the window before she bought the dress she had first asked for. I_j_\_^bl_ k jmkkdh]h gZ Zg]ebckdbc 1) They are certain to like Tom’s school. 2) the Sydney Opera house is know to be one of the greatest examples of the 20th century architecture. 3) He is likely to have read this book. 4) The Australian school happened to teach Russian history. 5) Tom and Sasha are sure to become friends. 169

6) She enjoyed dancing when she was young. 7) I remember seeing him last week. 8) Australia is worth visiting. 9) He is not capable of translating this text, is he? 10) Ann continued to walk without stopping. 11) Peter stopped singing 5 years ago. 12) They couldn’t help remembering their journey. 13) Not having found her phone number he couldn’t call her. 14) Having read the letter she run out of the room. 15) She was looking for the telegram received the day before. 16) The guests sitting at the table are my sister’s friends. 17) Having visited Tom’s school Sasha and Olga learnt many interesting things. L_kl mjh\_gv

I_j_\_^bl_ l_dkl \ ibkvf_gghc nhjf_ :d\ZeZg] Bah[j_e @Zd Dmklh b Wfbev =Zgg GZpbhgZevghklv njZgpma >ZlZ P_ev kgZ[`Zlv gujyevsbdZ \ha^mohf ijb lhf `_ ^Z\e_gbb qlh b hdjm`Zxs__ fhj_ @Zd Dmklh lhqgh h[tykgbe =Zggm qlh _fm [ueh gm`gh Wfbev =Zgg k^_eZe wlh K g_j_]mebjm_fuf k`Zluf \ha^mohf b ^Z\e_gb_f fhjy m\_ebqb\Zxsbfky k ]em[bghc \k_]^Z [ueZ hiZkghklv lh]h qlh e_]db_ gujyevsbdZ kiexsZlky < Zd\ZeZg]_ _klv ki_pbZevguc deZiZg j_]mebjmxsbc ihklmie_gb_ \ha^moZ Dh]^Z gujyevsbd \u^uoZ_l ^Z\e_gb_ _]h \u^hoZ hldju\Z_l \uoh^ghc deZiZg dhlhjuc hldexqZ_l ih^Zqm \ha^moZ Dh]^Z hg \^uoZ_l \gmlj_gg__ ^Z\e_gb_ kgb`Z_lky b \g_rg__ ^Z\e_gb_ \h^u aZdju\Z_l deZiZg b h[jZlgh \dexqZ_l ihklmie_gb_ \ha^moZ <ha^mo ihklmiZ_l ^h l_o ihj ihdZ ^Z\e_gb_ \ deZiZg_ kh\iZ^Z_l k ^Z\e_gb_f \h^u AZl_f hg aZdju\Z_lky IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ gm`gmx nhjfm I_j_\_^bl_ l_dkl gZ jmkkdbc yaud \ ibkvf_gghc nhjf_ Meeting Running Pretending meeting Coming Preventing To follow 170

Meeting Doing Coming Speaking Y i_j_reZ mebpm qlh[u ba[_`Zlv \klj_qb k gbf gh hg m\b^_e f_gy b ih^[_`Ze d fg_ Ijbl\hjylvky qlh y _]h g_ aZf_lbeZ [ueh [_kihe_agh ihwlhfm y _fm ihfZoZeZ Fg_ gbdh]^Z g_ gjZ\blky \klj_qZlv Lhgb ;mrZ G_ \Z`gh gZkdhevdh lu [ue aZgylZ hg \k_]^Z gZklZb\Ze gZ lhf qlh[u ihclb k lh[hc Fg_ gm`gh [ueh ijb^mfZlv kihkh[ ihf_rZlv _fm ke_^h\Zlv aZ fghc \k_ mljh ŠIjb\_l LhgbÂŞ ² kdZaZeZ y ŠIjbylgZy \klj_qZ ÂŞ ŠIjb\_l FZj]Zj_lÂŞ ² hl\_lbe Lhgb ŠY dZd jZa ^mfZe dZd ijh\_klb mljh ^h lh]h dZd m\b^_e l_[y Lu g_ aZgylZ gbq_f g_ lZd eb"ÂŞ ŠG_lÂŞ ² hl\_lbeZ y ŠY b^m ÂŞ ŠLu g_ \hajZ`Z_rv _keb y ihc^m k lh[hc"ÂŞ ² kijhkbe hg ^h lh]h dZd y aZdhgqbeZ ]h\hjblv I_j_\_^bl_ k jmkkdh]h gZ Zg]ebckdbc 1) She seems to have forgotten about our meeting. 2) He seemed to very happy. 3) The journey to Australia happened to be very interesting. 4) The songs of ÂŤThe BeetlesÂť are believed to be always popular. 5) The doctor happened to be on board. 6) She seems not to be angry with us. 7) They seem to have been friends before. 8) The book is likely to be in the library. 9) They are certain to be back by Sunday. 10) What your mother liked to do (was fond of doing) when she was young? 11) Do you remember him coming this week? 12) What is worth seeing in your city? 13) Did she succeed in buying this book? 14) He always avoids speaking on this topic, doesn’t he? 15) They went on talking without taking any notice of him. 16) Don’t give up swimming. 17) Tatyana couldn’t help falling in love with Onegin. 18) I called but Misha was busy fixing the TV set.

Lesson 11 2 Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku Dlh Z\lhj wlh]h ibkvfZ" 7KH DXWKRU RI WKLV OHWWHU LV (PLO\ $QGHUVRQ :\lhj ibkvfZ ² Wfbeb :g^_jkhg 171

Dhfm hgh gZibkZgh" 7KH OHWWHU LV ZULWWHQ WR -LOO Wlh ibkvfh gZibkZgh >`be H q_f wlh ibkvfh" 7KLV OHWWHU LV DERXW WKH GHEDWLQJ WHDP RI ZKLFK (PLO\ LV D PHPEHU Wlh ibkvfh h ^bkdmkkbhgghc dhfZg^_ qe_ghf dhlhjhc y\ey_lky Wfbeb Dh]^Z Wfbeb \i_j\u_ gZqZeZ mqZkl\h\Zlv \ rdhevguo ^_[ZlZo" (PLO\ EHJDQ LQWHU VFKRRO GHEDWLQJ ZKHQ VKH ZDV LQ <HDU Wfbeb \i_j\u_ gZqZeZ mqZkl\h\Zlv \ rdhevguo ^_[ZlZo dh]^Z [ueZ \ deZkk_ Ihq_fm hgZ j_rbeZ wlbf aZgylvky" She decided to take it up because she wanted to improve her public VSHDNLQJ VNLOOV HgZ j_rbeZ wlbf aZgylvky ihlhfm qlh hgZ ohl_eZ memqrblv k\hb gZ\udb \ im[ebqguo \uklmie_gbyo Qlh agZqbl [ulv lj_lvbf dlh \uklmiZ_l" To be the third speaker in the team means to rebut the other team and to VXPPDUL]H WKH DUJXPHQWV RI RQHœV WHDP ;ulv lj_lvbf dlh \uklmiZ_l AgZqbl hijh\_j]Zlv ^h\h^u hiihg_glh\ b kmffbjh\Zlv Zj]mf_glu k\h_c dhfZg^u Ihq_fm Wfbeb gjZ\blky [ulv lj_lvbf dlh \uklmiZ_l" 6KH OLNHV LW EHFDXVH VKH JHWV WKH ODVW ZRUG ?c wlh gjZ\blky ihlhfm qlh hgZ ihemqZ_l ihke_^g__ keh\h I_j_\_^bl_ k jmkkdh]h gZ Zg]ebckdbc 1) Every state and territory in Australia makes its own education laws. 2) Australia and the USA have public schools and private schools. 3) In Australia children between ages of five and fifteen are required to attend school. 4) Australia’s school year consists of four terms and begins in February. 5) There are two weeks of holidays between terms 6) Secondary school in Australia consists of grade seven through twelve. 7) Schools where one teacher may teach all grades are located in the country. Ijhqlbl_ b i_j_\_^bl_ l_dkl AZl_f h[km^bl_ _]h k h^ghdeZkkgbdZfb :dl h Ijh]jZffZo Kj_^gbo Rdhe \ Ih^^_j`dm K\h[h^u Kha^Zgguc k_gZlhjhf ;j_^eb \ ]h^m )6$663 bkihevah\Zeky r_klv e_l Ijh]jZffZ dhlhjuc kihgkbjm_l BgnhjfZpbhggh_ Z]_glkl\h KR: b mijZ\ey_l :f_jbdZgkdbc Kh\_l Ij_ih^Z\Zl_e_c Jmkkdh]h YaudZ :f_jbdZgkdbc p_glj Khljm^gbq_kl\Z \ h[eZklb H[jZah\Zgby b Bamq_gby yaudh\ iha\hey_l ijb[ebabl_evgh klm^_glZf klZjrbo deZkkh\ Jhkkbb mqblvky \ KR: h^bg mq_[guc ]h^

Lesson 12


P_evx bkke_^h\Zgby [ueh magZlv kbevgh eb \eby_l ]h^ h[mq_gby \ :f_jbd_ gZ ihe_ bamq_gby klm^_glZ b _]h p_eb \ dZjv_j_ b dZdb_ \i_qZle_gby hklZxlky ihke_ Zf_jbdZgkdbo rdhe Bf lZd`_ aZ^Z\Zeb \hijhku h lhf \ dZdhf deZkk_ hgb [ueb \ :f_jbd_ b ^hfZ dZdb_ ij_^f_lu bf [hevr_ f_gvr_ \k_]h ihgjZ\bebkv \ Zf_jbdZgkdbo kj_^gbo aZ\_^_gbyo b bamqZxl eb hgb Zg]ebckdbc yaud J_amevlZlu bkke_^h\Zgby ihdZaZeb qlh h^bg ]h^ h[mq_gby g_ baf_gbe iheghklvx j_r_gby mq_gbdh\ \u[hj_ lh]h qlh hgb [m^ml bamqZlv \ mgb\_jkbl_l_ gh ihfh]eh [he__ lhqgh hij_^_eblv gZijZ\e_gb_ GZijbf_j mq_gbdh\ ohl_eb bamqZlv bghkljZggu_ yaudb ij_`^_ q_f hgb m_oZeb ihke_ \ha\jZs_gby wlZ pbnjZ mf_gvrbeZkv ^h Z mq_gbdh\ ohl_\rbo bamqZlv f_`^mgZjh^gu_ hlghr_gby \ujhkeZ k ^h >h ih_a^db mq_gbdb jZkkfZljb\Zeb dZjv_jm k\yaZggmx kh agZgb_f Zg]ebckdh]h yaudZ lhevdh k lhqdb aj_gby ebg]\bklbdb gh k_cqZk hgb ieZgbjmxl ijbf_gblv agZgby yaudZ \ f_`^mgZjh^guo ijhn_kkbyo L_f g_ f_g__ [hevrbgkl\h mq_gbdh\ ohl_eb ihklmiZlv gZ wdhghfbq_kdb_ nZdmevl_lu b ^h ih_a^db aZ ]jZgbpm b ihke_ >\Z^pZlv ljb ijhp_glZ mq_gbdh\ \k_ _s_ g_ j_rbeb d_f hgb ohlyl klZlv b wlh [ueh kZfuf qZkluf hl\_lhf bamq_gb_ [bag_kZ [ue \lhjuf gZb[he__ qZkluf hl\_lhf JZ[hlZ i_j_\h^qbdhf [ueZ lj_lv_c ih ihimeyjghklb ijhn_kkb_c dZjv_jZ \ xjbkijm^_gpbb b mq_[Z aZ ]jZgbp_c ² q_l\_jluf b iyluf ih ihimeyjghklb hl\_lZfb KjZ\g_gb_ Zf_jbdZgkdhc b jhkkbckdhc kbkl_f h[mq_gby [ue h^gbf ba \Z`g_crbo \hijhkh\ \ bkke_^h\Zgbb gZ dhlhjuc mq_gbdb bkke_^h\Zeb \ l_q_gbb ^he]h]h \j_f_gb Ljb^pZlv r_klv ijhp_glh\ hijhr_gguo mq_gbdh\ kdZaZeb qlh kZfZy [hevrZy jZagbpZ f_`^m kbkl_fZfb ^\mo kljZg aZdexqZ_lky \ lhf qlh mq_gbdb \ :f_jbd_ fh]ml \u[bjZlv ij_^f_lu ŠK\h[h^Zª ² \hl ]eZ\gh_ keh\h dhlhjh_ mq_gbdb mihlj_[eyeb dhff_glbjmy ^jm]b_ Zki_dlu h[jZah\Zl_evghc kbkl_fu \ KR: k\h[h^u kha^Z\Zlv k\h_ jZkibkZgb_ k\h[h^Z mqZkl\h\Zlv \h \g_ieZgh\uo f_jhijbylbyo k\h[h^Z \ deZkk_ kms_kl\mxsZy f_`^m mqbl_e_f b mq_gbdZfb <k_f mq_gbdZf ihgjZ\beZkv Zlfhkn_jZ \ Zf_jbdZgkdbo rdheZo L_f g_ f_g__ hibkZeb kbkl_fm \ KR: dZd Še_]dmxª b ^h[Z\eyeb qlh ^he`gh [ulv [hevr_ h[yaZl_evguo ij_^f_lh\ b [hevr_ ^hfZrg_c jZ[hlu ?keb [u hgb fh]eb baf_gblv kbkl_fm h[jZah\Zgby \ KR: hgb [u mklZgh\beb [he__ kljh]b_ klZg^Zjlu \ dhgljhevguo b hp_gdZo g_ jZaghh[jZaguc \u[hj beb \uklZ\e_gbx hp_ghd ih ]jZnbdm b m\_ebq_gb_ hkgh\guo lj_[h\Zgbc Dh]^Z bo kijhkbeb dZd [u hgb ohl_eb baf_gblv kbkl_fm h[jZah\Zgby \ k\h_c kljZg_ hgb kdZaZeb qlh ohl_eb [u \u[bjZlv ij_^f_lu b jZkibkZgb_ kZfb 173

Qlh hgb ^mfZxl ŠY ^mfZx qlh Zf_jbdZgkdb_ rdheu ^Zxl [hevr_ \hafh`ghkl_c bamqZlv jZaebqgu_ ij_^f_lu lZd qlh fh`gh \u[jZlv ij_^f_lu dhlhju_ l_[_ bgl_j_kgu b dhlhju_ l_[_ ihgZ^h[ylky \ [m^ms_c ijhn_kkbbª ?dZl_jbgZ Ljhnbfh\Z Dmj]Zg

ŠKihjl b]jZ_l kebrdhf \Z`gmx jhev \ Zf_jbdZgkdbo rdheZo Mqblvky ^_ckl\bl_evgh e_]dhª ?e_gZ K_f_gh\Z B`_\kd Š< :f_jbd_ fg_ ijboh^behkv ^_eZlv gZfgh]h f_gvr_ q_f \ Jhkbbª Hev]Z Gba_g[Zmf <eZ^b\hklhd

ŠFbj ex[h\v <m^klhd bkdmkkl\h ^_lb b fgh]h aZfhjh`_ggh]h ch]mjlZª BjbgZ H]mjqbdh\Z Gh\]hjh^

ŠFh_ ij_[u\Zgb_ \ RlZlZo f_gy kbevgh baf_gbeh >_eh [ueh g_ \ lhf qlh wlh KR: Z \ lhf qlh y lZf [ue kZf ih k_[_ª :gZlhebc Kl_nZgh\bq Lvxf_g

ŠY ^h wl]h g_ agZe dZdh\h [ulv g_aZ\bkbfuf Y ^fZx qlh wlh [ue aZf_qZl_evguc hiul GZlZevy ;hjabdh\Z Kudlu\dZj

ŠWlh ]h^ dhlhjuc y ijh\_e \ KR: ihfh] fg_ m\b^_lv imlv ih dhlhjhfm y kh[bjZxkv ihclbª N_ebdk :]Zdh\ Q_[hdkZju

ŠY [u ohl_e qlh[u \k_ Zf_jbdZgpu magZeb qlh hgb g_ fh]ml ih_oZlv \ ?\jhim gZ fZrbg_ ª @ZggZ EbiZlh\Z <eZ^bfbj

ŠY ih^mfu\Zx h lhf qlh[u klZlv fwjhf HfkdZ djmiguf [bag_kf_ghf dhlhjuc kfh`_l ihfhqv k\h_c kljZg_ b dhlhjuc ihfh`_l g_kfhljy gb gZ qlhª FZdk <Zjlp_\ Hfkd

>hihegbl_ ij_^eh`_gby 1) Students living far from the city attend Schools of the Air. 2) When it’s time for school they listen to the teacher on the radio. 3) Students answer questions over the microphone. 4) The teacher assigns homework to do. 5) Having done homework, the students mail it to the teacher. 6) Then the teacher discusses the homework over the microphone corrects it and sends it back. Homework 1. GZdhg_p lh ijbreZ \_kgZ K\_lbl khegp_ ilbpu ihxl k\k_ p\_l_l Y kqZkleb\ Q_j_a f_kyp aZdhgqZlky aZgylby K_cqZk y ^mfZy qlh y [m^m kdmqZlv ih rdhe_ e_lhf Q_]h fg_ [m^_l g_ o\ZlZlv" Fhy rdheZ kZfZy h[uqgZy LZdZy dZdmx fh`gh m\b^_lv \h \k_o fZe_gvdbo ]hjh^Zo Wlh q_luj_owlZ`gh_ a^Zgb_ gbq_f g_ \u^_eyxs__ky kgZjm`b gh ijb\e_dZl_evgh_ \gmljb I_j\uc wlZ` ij_^gZagZq_g ^ey mq_gbdh\ feZ^rbo deZkkh\ ;b[ebhl_dZ b dZn_l_jbc lh`_ gZoh^ylky gZ i_j\hf wlZ`_ D g_fm ijbfudZ_l kihjlaZe GZr kihjlaZe ^_ckl\bl_evgh ohjhrbc b mq_gbdZf lZf \k_]^Z jZ^u :]Z <hl i_j\h_ q_]h fg_ [m^_l g_ o\ZlZlv Fh_]h lj_g_jZ ih [Zkd_l[hem b fh_c 174

dhfZg^u GZrZ [Zkd_l[hevgZy dhfZg^Z mqZkl\h\ZeZ \h fgh]bo khj_\gh\Zgbyo b \k_]^Z ih[_`^ZeZ GZ i_j\hf wlZ`_ lZd`_ gZoh^ylky rdhevgu_ fZkl_jkdb_ ]^_ ^_\hqdb mqZlky rblv Z fu jZ[hlZ_f k ^_j_\hf b f_lZeehf Fg_ g_ m^Zeky wlhl ij_^f_l Y lhqgh g_ [m^m kdmqZlv ih gZrbf rdhevguf fZkl_jkdbf Gh _klv _s_ h^gZ \_sv dhlhjhc fg_ [m^_l g_ o\ZlZlv Qlh wlh" GZ \lhjhf wlZ`_ fh_c rdheu gZoh^ylky dZ[bg_lu jZaebqguo ij_^f_lh\ fZl_fZlbdb ebl_jZlmju nbabdb bklhjbb Zg]ebckdh]h yaudZ <h \j_fy rdhevgh]h ]h^Z y gbdh]^Z g_ aZoh`m \ dZ[bg_l fZl_fZlbdb _keb m f_gy g_l lZf mjhdZ Y g_ ex[ex fZl_fZlbdm HgZ keh`gZy b y fZeh qlh ihgbfZx : wlh gZr dZ[bg_l Zg]ebckdh]h Y hq_gv ex[ex Zg]ebckdbc yaud Y ijh\h`m fgh]h \j_f_gb \ wlhf dZ[bg_l_ ihke_ lh]h dZd mjhd aZdhgqbeky Fhy mqbl_evgbpZ ih Zg]ebckdhfm yaudm hq_gv mfgZy djZkb\Zy b wg_j]bqgZy GZ __ mjhdZo fu fgh]h_ magZ_f h[ :g]ebb b :f_jbd_ qblZ_f b jZa]h\Zjb\Z_f KemrZlv ex^_c ]h\hjysbo gZ Zg]ebckdhf yaud_ Z aZl_f hl\_qZlv gZ bo \hijhku hq_gv bgl_j_kgh Fu lZd`_ kfhljbf \b^_hnbevfu gZ Zg]ebckdhf yaud_ b aZl_f h[km`^Z_f bo < wlhf ]h^m gZ mjhdZo Zg]ebckdh]h y \umqbe g_kdhevdh Zf_jbdZgkdbo i_k_g b ihlhf i_e bo gZ \_q_jbgd_ Wlh [ueh aZf_qZl_evgh <k_f ihgjZ\behkv GZ lj_lv_f wlZ`_ gZoh^ylky dZ[bg_lu ^ey klZjrbo deZkkh\ : \hl _s_ h^gZ \_sv dhlhjZy fg_ gjZ\blky \ fh_c rdhe_ Wlh gZr rdhevguc kZ^ Y [u ohl_e qlh[u \u _]h m\b^_eb \_kghc LZf _klv y[ehgb b \brgb b hgb k_cqZk \ p\_lm Fu jZ[hlZ_f \ g_f k Zij_ey ih hdly[jv dZ`^uc ]h^ Gm ^mfZx gZ k_]h^gy ^hklZlhqgh Fg_ ihjZ b^lb kiZlv ihlhfm qlh aZ\ljZ \ qZkh\ m f_gy i_j\uc wdaZf_g Y k^Zf \k_ wdaZf_gu d bxgy b [m^m k\h[h^_g Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku <ZrZ rdheZ gZoh^blky \ ^_j_\g_ beb \ ]hjh^_" My school is in the town. HgZ gh\Zy beb klZjZy" It’s rather old. DZd hgZ \u]ey^bl" It looks plain outside. ?klv eb i_j_^ rdhehc qlh gb[m^v" There is garden in front of my school. Qlh gZoh^blky gZ dZ`^hf wlZ`_ rdheu" On the ground floor there is a cloakroom, a canteen, doctor’s office. The gymnasium is attached to it. on the first floor there are also workshops where boys try to create something of wood or metal and girls sew or knit. The first floor is for junior pupils. On the third and the fourth 175

floor there are classrooms for different subjects. The hall is also on the fourth floor. Various meetings and concerts are held there. M \Zk _klv ex[bfZy deZkkgZy dhfgZlZ" Yes, I do. It is our English classroom. Ihq_fm hgZ \Zf gjZ\blky" I like it because it is a bright room, decorated with cheerful pictures and posters. There are a lot of plants in it. DZdhc m \Zk ex[bfuc ij_^f_l" Ihq_fm" My favourite subject is English. It’s interesting to read and listen in English. Q_f \u aZgbfZ_l_kv gZ mjhdZo Zg]ebckdh]h" We read, write and discuss texts. We also listen to tapes and watch films in English. We play different games imagining that we are some other people. Bgl_j_kgu eb \Zrb mjhdb Zg]ebckdh]h yaudZ" Yes, they are. Our teacher is clever and enthusiastic, she always invents something new so it is never boring at her classes. Qlh \u ihdZ`_l_ ^jm]m ba ^jm]h]h ]hjh^Z _keb hg ijb^_l \ \Zrm rdhem" I would show him out wall paper which contains different articles written by pupils and drawings. <u [m^_l_ \kihfbgZlv k\hx rdhem e_lhf" Yes, I will. 3. My school My school begins at 9.30 a.m. and ends at 2.40 p.m. we have a break for lunch in the middle of the day. I go to school by bus. I like my school because we all get along with each other. I enjoy spending time with my friends at school. I also like my teachers. We do not wear uniform and I think it’s good because pupils can express their individuality. Our school building is rather old. It looks plain outside. There is garden in front of my school. There are apple trees, which are in blossom in spring. On the ground floor there is a cloakroom, a canteen, doctor’s office. The gymnasium is attached to it. on the first floor there are also workshops where boys try to create something of wood or metal and girls sew or knit. The first floor is for junior pupils. On the third and the fourth floor there are classrooms for different subjects. The hall is also on the fourth floor. Various meetings and concerts are held there. The library is also on the fourth floor. It is large and lit with sunlight. I go there to look for extra material after school. I can also find there interesting books to read. My favourite subject is English. We read, write and discuss texts. We also listen to tapes and watch films in English. We play different games imagining that we are some other people. Our teacher is clever and 176

enthusiastic, she always invents something new so it is never boring at her classes. Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku DZd \u kqblZ_l_ \ dZdhf \hajZkl_ j_[_gdm emqr_ \k_]h ihclb \ rdhem" I think the best age for a child to go to school is 7. >he`gu eb [ulv ]hkm^Zjkl\_ggu_ b qZklgu_ rdheu" Yes, I think there should be different types of schools to make a choice. >he`gu eb mq_gbdb ghkblv nhjfm" No, I think pupils should not wear uniforms. Children should wear clothes which they feel comfortable in. <Zf gjZ\ylky \Zrb mq_[gbdb" DZdhc \Zr ex[bfuc mq_[gbd" Yes, I do. I like my English textbook. It is well designed and contains a lot of interesting and useful information. Ihq_fm ijh]jZffbklu ba Jhkkbb e_]dh fh]ml gZclb jZ[hlm aZ ]jZgbp_c" Programmers from Russia can easily find the job overseas because computers are necessary in every field now. ?keb \u m \Zk [ue \u[hj dZdhc rdhe_ \u [u aZohl_eb mqblvky \ Zf_jbdZgkdhc Z\kljZebckdhc jmkkdhc beb Zg]ebckdhc" If I were given a choice I’d choose Russian school.

Lesson 13

Ijh\_jvl_ k_[y Qlh \u magZeb ba wlhc ]eZ\u" <klZ\vl_ ijhims_ggu_ keh\Z 1) Melbourne 2) Multicultural 3) Culture Capital 4) The Victorian Arts Centre 5) Melbourne zoo 6) January and February 7) 7 to 11 8) bottle green pullover, grey shirt, grey school trousers or shorts, black leather shoes and the College baseball jacket. 9) Bottle green pullover, brown shoes, College baseball jacket. In summer a school dress or a white shirt and bottle green pleated shorts. In winter a white shirt and either the school tartan skirt or dark green tailored trousers. 10) Team sports, athletics, swimming, cross country competitions, school orchestra, music ensembles, debating team and student government. 11) Home Economics

Lesson 14


12) To develop skills in food preparation and gain an understanding of health issues. 13) Crocodile Bread 14) Barbeque 15) a debating team 16) a play school 17) primary 18) private 19) state 20) education 21) private and public 22) 6 to 15 23) four 24) February, December 25) seven through twelve AZihegbl_ lZ[ebpm ŠQlh \u agZ_l_ h ba\_klguo bah[j_l_gbyo"ÂŞ Bah[j_l_ Bah[j_l_gh GZpbhgZe >ZlZ P_ev gb_ vghklv Tape re1898 corder television John Logie Baird 1926, Vladimir Zwo1925– rykin 1928 Electric Scottish, To provide an electric light light bulb American source, to replace gas light or candles Thomas Adams American In the To silently exercise the jaws 1870’s camera 1826 To preserve a photographic image

CHAPTER 3 Lesson 1

3. ?]h ijhbaghr_gb_ g_evay [ukljh bkijZ\blv kihkh[ghklv

Wg^jx g_ fh] h^he`blv Wgg ^_gv]b kihkh[ghklv

<u fh`_l_ hklZ\blv dexq gZ klhcd_ \hafh`ghklv jZaj_r_gb_

Ba\bgbl_ fh]m y \Zf ihfhqv" \hafh`ghklv jZaj_r_gb_

HgZ g_ kfh`_l iha\hgblv aZ\ljZ ?_ g_l \ ]hjh^_ kihkh[ghklv

Y g_ fh] ih\_jblv qlh hgZ \ureZ aZfm` aZ Jh[_jlZ kihkh[ghklv

HgZ kmf__l hijh\_j]gmlv" kihkh[ghklv

Dh]^Z hg kfh`_l dmiblv fZrbgm" kihkh[ghklv

Wlh]h j_[_gdZ g_evay [ueh gZdZau\Zlv kihkh[ghklv

Hgb kfh]ml bki_qv Djhdh^beh\uc Oe_[" kihkh[ghklv


Hgb g_ fh]eb g_ \hkobsZlvky :\kljZeb_c kihkh[ghklv

Homework IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ gm`gmx nhjfm 1) could not; 2) could; 3) can’t; 4) cannot; 5) will be able; 6) will be able; 7) can be published; 8) can / could. I_j_\_^bl_ k jmkkdh]h gZ Zg]ebckdbc 1) You can’t smoke here. 2) He can work 8 hours. 3) This TV set can’t be repaired. 4) Could you give me another pair of shoes? 5) Sorry, I couldn’t call you in the morning. 6) I’m afraid he won’t be able to help you. 7) If you go to Australia you will be able to see a kangaroo. 8) The contract can be signed this week. 9) When will she be able to answer John’s letter? 10) I couldn’t do anything because I wasn’t able to work. 11) Where could I meet you? 12) Nothing can be done in this case. 13) Is you can’t explain it in English, I will help you. Ijhqlbl_ jZkkdZa I_j_\_^bl_ gZ jmkkdbc yaud KhklZ\vl_ \hijhkh\ b hl\_lvl_ gZ gbo < ]h^m ihke_ k\h_]h ihe_lZ gZ^ K_\_jguf ihexkhf Zf_jbdZgkdbc bkke_^h\Zl_ev J ? ;bj^ mki_rgh kh\_jrbe ihe_l gZ^ X`guf Ihexkhf \ i_j\uc jZa B ohly kgZqZeZ ;bj^ b _]h ex^b kfh]eb k^_eZlv fgh]h nhlh]jZnbc ]hj e_`Zsbo ih^ gbfb kdhjh m gbo gZqZebkv g_ijbylghklb < dZdhc lh fhf_gl dZaZehkv qlh kZfhe_l jZah[v_lky Hg fh] i_j_e_l_lv q_j_a ]hju lhevdh ih^gy\rbkv gZ \ukhlm nmlh\ ;bj^ kjZam `_ ijbdZaZe k\hbf ex^yf \u[jhkblv ^\Z [hevrbo f_rdZ k _^hc Lh]^Z kZfhe_l kfh] ih^gylvky b i_j_e_l_lv ]hju gZ \ukhl_ nmlh\ gZ^ gbfb L_i_jv ;bj^ agZe qlh kfh`_l ^hklbqv X`gh]h IhexkZ dhlhjuc [ue gZ jZkklhygbb fbev ihlhfm qlh \i_j_^b [hevr_ g_ [ueh ]hj KZfhe_l fh] e_l_lv gZ^ [_kdhg_qgufb [_eufb jZ\gbgZfb [_a keh`ghkl_c 1) When did R.E. Byrd fly over the South Pole? — R.E. Byrd flew over the South Pole in 1929. 2) Were Byrd and his men able to make a great many photos? — Yes, they were. 3) In what case could the plane to get over the mountains? — It could get over the mountains only if it rose to 10000 feet. 4) What did Byrd order? — He ordered to throw out the food sacks. 5) Was the plane to rise after that? — Yes, it was. 6) Did Byrd know that he would reach the South Pole? — Yes, he did. 179

7) Was it difficult for the aircraft to fly over the plains? — No, it could fly over it without difficulty.

Lesson 2 Homework 1. Lu ^he`_g [ulv ^hfZ d qZkZf ^he`_gkl\h\Zgb_

Wlh ijZ\beh gm`gh h[tykgblv _s_ jZa ^he`_gkl\h\Zgb_

Hg \u]ey^bl [e_^guf ?fm gm`gh koh^blv d \jZqm ^he`_gkl\h\Zgb_

<u g_ ^he`gu a^_kv dmjblv ijbdZaZgb_

?c gm`gh fgh]h jZ[hlZlv qlh[u aZjZ[hlZlv ^_gv]b ^he`_gkl\h\Zgb_

<u g_ ^he`gu wlh ljh]Zlv Wlh hq_gv ojmidZy \_sv ijbdZaZgb_

HgZ g_ ^he`gu aZ[ulv hlijZ\blv wlb ibkvfZ Wlh hq_gv \Z`gh ^he`_gkl\h\Zgb_

GZf g_ gm`gh lhjhiblvky K_cqZk \k_]h qZkZ \ugm`^_gghklv

L_[_ gm`gh [m^_l ij_^mij_^blv __ \ugm`^_gghklv

Bf g_ gm`gh [ueh `^Zlv f_gy Y agZe ^hjh]m \ugm`^_gghklv

<Zf g_ gm`gh hl^Z\Zlv fg_ wlh aZ\ljZ Fg_ wlh g_ ihgZ^h[blky \ugm`^_gghklv

Wlh hq_gv ihimeyjguc j_klhjZg GZf gm`gh [m^_l aZdZaZlv klhebd \ugm`^_gghklv

Y ^he`_g k^_eZlv wlh k_cqZk" G_l g_ gm`gh ijbdZaZgb_ g_h[oh^bfhklv

L_[_ gm`gh [m^_l jZ[hlZlv \ \hkdj_k_gv_" \ugm`^_gghklv

GZk ^he`gu [ueb \klj_lblv \ gh hg g_ ijbr_e ^he`_gkl\h\Zgb_ \ kbem ^h]h\hj_gghklb

Ih_a^ ^he`_g ijbclb \ ^he`_gkl\h\Zgb_ \ kbem ieZgZ

Y g_ fh]m ihclb k lh[hc Fhc ^jm] ^he`_g iha\hgblv q_j_a iheqZkZ ^he`_gkl\h\Zgb_ \ kbem ^h]h\hj_gghklb

Fu ^he`gu [m^_f kdZaZlv _c ijZ\^m \ugm`^_gghklv

Y ^he`_g hiylv ijbclb" \ugm`^_gghklv

<Zf g_ gm`gh gbq_]h fg_ h[tykgylv Y \k_ ihgbfZx g_h[oh^bfhklv

?keb \Zf g_ gjZ\blky khd \Zf g_ h[yaZl_evgh _]h iblv g_h[oh^bfhklv

Fg_ gm`gh kdZaZlv wlh _s_ jZa" g_h[oh^bfhklv

<k_ \ ihjy^d_ G_ gm`gh [_kihdhblvky g_h[oh^bfhklv

?fm gm`gh bkijZ\eylv ijhbaghr_gb_" g_h[oh^bfhklv

?keb l_[_ ijb^_lky hklZlvky a^_kv hklZ\v fg_ ih`ZemcklZ aZibkdm \ugm`^_gghklv

?keb ihc^_l ^h`^v l_[_ ijb^_lky hklZlvky ^hfZ \ugm`^_gghklv


Hg g_ m\_j_g qlh _fm ijb^_lky k^Z\Zlv wdaZf_g ih bklhjbb \ugm`^_gghklv

IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ gm`gmx nhjfm 1) don’t have to; 2) must I do; 3) mustn’t; 4) have to; 5) do I have to; 6) did you have to; 7) will have to; 8) is the train to; 9) have to; 10) will have to; 11) needn’t ; 12) do I need. I_j_\_^bl_ gZ jmkkdbc yaud <umqbl_ gZbamklv Reyiy ŠLu gZau\Z_rv wlh reyihc"ÂŞ ² kdZaZe y k\h_c `_g_ ŠKh\k_f g_ h[yaZl_evgh [ulv ]jm[uf ih wlhfm ih\h^mÂŞ ² hl\_lbeZ fg_ `_gZ kfhljykv \ a_jdZeh Y k_e gZ h^bg ba wlbo kh\j_f_gguo klmev_\ k ^ujdZfb b klZe `^Zlv Fu gZoh^bebkv \ fZ]Zabg_ m`_ iheqZkZ Z fhy `_gZ \k_ _s_ klhyeZ i_j_^ a_jdZehf ŠFu g_ ^he`gu ihdmiZlv \_sb _keb hgb gZf g_ gm`guÂŞ ² \^jm] aZf_lbe y B ihqlb kjZam ih`Ze_e h[ wlhf ŠLu g_ ^he`_g lZd ]h\hjblvÂŞ ² hl\_lbeZ fhy `_gZ ŠFg_ g_ gm`gh gZihfbgZlv l_[_ h lhf m`Zkghf ]Zeklmd_ dhlhjuc lu dmibe \q_jZÂŞ ŠY kqblZx qlh hg djZkb\ucÂŞ ² kdZaZe y Š=Zeklmdh\ m fm`qbgu g_ [u\Z_l kebrdhf fgh]hÂŞ Š: m `_gsbgu g_ [u\Z_l kebrdhf fgh]h reyihdÂŞ ² hl\_lbeZ hgZ Kimkly ^_kylv fbgml fu \f_kl_ \ureb ba fZ]ZabgZ GZ fh_c `_g_ [ueZ reyidZ dhlhjZy \u]ey^_eZ dZd fZyd

Lesson 3 Homework 4 I_j_\_^bl_ gZ jmkkdbc yaud L_[_ gm`gh ihkfhlj_lv nbevf Hg klhbl lh]h GZeblv \Zf _s_ qZx" G_l kiZkb[h >_\mrdb l\h_]h \hajZklZ g_ ^he`gu kfhlj_lv lZdb_ nbevfu Y ^mfZx l_[_ ke_^m_l khh[sblv jh^bl_eyf ]^_ lu gZoh^brvky Hg ]h\hjbl qlh fg_ ke_^m_l [ulv hklhjh`g__ Fg_ i_j_a\hgblv _fm" Fh`_l [ulv lu klZg_rv ibkZl_e_f dh]^Z gb[m^v Y kijhkbe _]h fh`gh eb fg_ iha\hgblv _fm Fh]m y ^Zlv \Zf k\hx \babldm" Kdhevdh gm`gh aZieZlblv \h^bl_ex" Jh[_jl g_ kf_e ihkfhlj_lv fZl_jb \ ebph HgZ [ueZ lZd jZkk_j`_gZ qlh lhevdh FZj]j_l hkf_ebeZkv aZ]h\hjblv k g_c L_[_ ke_^m_l kijhkblv jZaj_r_gby ij_`^_ q_f \uclb ba aZ klheZ 181

Ijhqlbl_ b i_j_\_^bl_ jZkkdZa Ijb^mfZcl_ gZa\Zgb_ AZ^Zcl_ \hijhkh\ I_j_kdZ`bl_ jZkkdZa Be careful about your wishes. H^gZ`^u `be ^Z [ue q_eh\_d m dhlhjh]h [ueZ g_fZy `_gZ b wlh _]h hq_gv i_qZebeh ihlhfm qlh hg __ hq_gv ex[be Q_j_a dZdh_ lh \j_fy hg ihr_e d ^hdlhjm b kdZaZe Š<u fh`_l_ k^_eZlv lZd qlh[u fhy `_gZ aZ]h\hjbeZ"ª Š<hafh`gh fh]mª Š<u fh`_l_ ihijh[h\Zlvª ² kdZaZe fm` ŠY ijb\_^m __ aZ\ljZª GZ ke_^mxsbc ^_gv ^hdlhj ijh\_e hi_jZpbx b g_fZy `_gZ gZqZeZ ]h\hjblv HgZ ]h\hjbeZ lZd fgh]h b lZd ]jhfdh qlh q_j_a g_kdhevdh qZkh\ fm` ih[_`Ze h[jZlgh d ^hdlhjm b kdZaZe Š<u fh`_l_ fhx `_gm k^_eZlv hiylv g_fhc"ª Šg_lª ² kdZaZe ^hdlhj Škms_kl\m_l fgh]h kihkh[h\ aZklZ\blv g_fmx `_gsbgm aZ]h\hjblv gh gb h^gh]h qlh[u aZklZ\blv `_gsbgm aZfheqZlvª ŠQlh `_ fg_ ^_eZlv"ª ² kijhkbe fm`qbgZ ² Šy kdhjh mfjm _keb fg_ ijb^_lky kemrZlv __ p_euc ^_gvª ŠGmª ² kdZaZe ^hdlhj ² ŠY g_ fh]m k^_eZlv __ hiylv g_fhc gh y fh]m k^_eZlv \Zk ]emobf b \Zf g_ gm`gh [m^_l __ kemrZlvª ŠHq_gv ohjhrhª ² kdZaZe fm`qbgZ ² Šk^_eZcl_ wlh LZd [m^_l emqr_ª 1) What made the amn sad? 2) What did he ask doctor to do? 3) Why did the wife began to speak? 4) Why did the man came to the doctor again? 5) What did he ask him to do this time? L_kl mjh\_gv

I_j_\_^bl_ k Zg]ebckdh]h gZ jmkkdbc G_ fh] [u y ih]h\hjblv k fbkl_jhf ;jZmghf" Fh]m y kijhkblv dlh wlh" JZ[hlm gm`gh k^_eZlv k_]h^gy <Zf g_ gm`gh \klZ\Zlv \ mljZ Ba\bgbl_ gh \Zf ijb^_lky ih^h`^Zlv 6) Ihq_fm _c gm`gh [ueh gZibkZlv _fm ibkvfh" < dZdh_ \j_fy ^he`_g ijb[ulv ih_a^" L_[_ ke_^m_l [ulv [he__ \_`eb\uf 9) Fg_ i_j_a\hgblv" G_l g_ gm`gh IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ kdh[dZo \ gm`gh_ \j_fy 1) won’t be able to; 2) was to; 3) couldn’t; 4) will you be able; 5) was to; 6) have to; 7) were you to; 8) needn’t . Ijhqlbl_ b i_j_\_^bl_ l_dkl ŠIjb]hlh\vl_ ih`ZemcklZ [be_luÂŞ ² kdZaZe dhgljhee_j \oh^y \ ih_a^ IhdZ dhgljhee_j ijh\_jye [be_lu h^bg ba iZkkZ`bjh\ rZjbe ih dZjfZgZf Dhgljhee_j ihkfhlj_e gZ g_]h meu[gmeky b kdZaZe Š<u ^_j`bl_ _]h \ am[Zo kwjÂŞ AZl_f hg \ur_e ŠDZdhc \u jZkk_yggucÂŞ ² kdZaZe h^bg iZkkZ`bj

Lesson 6


ŠH g_l kh\k_f g_l Y ijhklh ijh`_\u\Ze g_ijZ\bevgmx ^Zlmª

L_kl mjh\_gv

I_j_\_^bl_ k jmkkdh]h gZ Zg]ebckdbc 1) I think you should talk to him once more. 2) Must I answer at once or I can think it over? 3) Why does she have to work so much? 4) This article muct ne translated today. 5) Sorry, I can’t answer your question right now. 6) When will you be able to answer it? 7) The contract was to be signed yesterday. 8) Can I give you advice? 9) How dares she to call us? 10) The lecture is to begin at 10 a.m. 11) They couldn’t help remembering Australia. 12) You don’t need tom go anywhere. 13) What will I have to do if I agree? 14) She doubts if he will be able to some tomorrow. I_j_\_^bl_ l_dkl AZ^Zcl_ \hijhkh\ NjZgpma dhlhjuc gZoh^beky \ :g]ebb ohl_e \_jgmlvky \h NjZgpbx ih fhjx Gh m g_]h [ueh hq_gv fZeh ^_g_] M g_]h [ueh lZd fZeh ^_g_] qlh hg fh] aZieZlblv lhevdh aZ [be_l LZd dZd hg agZe qlh ih_a^dZ aZcf_l \k_]h ^\Z ^gy hg j_rbe gbq_]h g_ _klv wlb ^\Z ^gy Dh]^Z hg \aye [be_l b \ahr_e gZ dhjZ[ev ke_^mxsbf mljhf hg ihklZjZeky g_ keurZlv a\hghd gZ aZ\ljZd Dh]^Z ijbreh \j_fy h[_^Z hg [ue hq_gv ]heh^_g gh hg g_ ihr_e \ klheh\mx <_q_jhf hg [ue _s_ ]heh^g__ gh dh]^Z hnbpbZgl ijbr_e iha\Zlv _]h gZ m`bg njZgpma kdZaZe qlh hg [he_g GZ ke_^mxsbc ^_gv njZgpma [ue hq_gv ]heh^_g ŠY ihc^m b ih_f ^Z`_ _keb hgb \udbgml f_gy \ fhj_ÂŞ ² kdZaZe hg k_[_ Ihwlhfm hg ihr_e \ klheh\mx gZ dhjZ[e_ b ihh[_^Ze <_q_jhf hg ihm`bgZe gh hg hq_gv [hyeky [m^ms_]h ihlhfm qlh hg g_ ieZlbe aZ _^m < dhgp_ dhgph\ hg h[jZlbeky d hnbpbZglm ŠIjbg_kbl_ fg_ kq_l ih`ZemcklZÂŞ ŠDZdhc kq_l"ÂŞ ² kijhkbe hnbpbZgl ŠAZ m`bg b aZ h[_^ dhlhju_ y kt_e \ \Zr_c klheh\hcÂŞ ŠG_ \hegmcl_kv kwj <u aZieZlbeb aZ iblZgb_ dh]^Z dmibeb [be_lÂŞ 1) Did the Frenchman have much money? 2) What did he decide to do? 3) Did he eat during the first day of the trip? 4) Why was he afraid of his future? 5) What did the waiter tell him? <u[_jbl_ gZa\Zgb_ ^ey jZkkdZaZ a ;_^guc lmjbkl b JZkk_ygguc lmjbkl c Hg kwdhghfbe ^_gv]b L_kl mjh\_gv

BkijZ\vl_ hrb[db 1) don’t have tio; 2) must he; 3) couldn’t; 4) can be / is to be; 5) will he be able to do; 6) shall I give; 7) can’t; 8) might; 9) is he to; 10) mustn’t.


I_j_\_^bl_ k Zg]ebckdh]h gZ jmkkdbc Ju[heh\kl\h ² fhc ex[bfuc kihjl Y qZklh qZkZfb eh\ex ju[m lZd gbq_]h b g_ ihcfZ\ Gh wlh f_gy g_ \hegm_l G_dhlhjuf ju[heh\Zf g_ \_a_l <f_klh ju[u hgb \ueZ\eb\Zxl klZju_ [ZrfZdb b fmkhj Fg_ _s_ f_gvr_ \_a_l Y gbdh]^Z gbq_]h g_ \ueZ\eb\Zx ^Z`_ klZjuo [ZrfZdh\ Ijh\_^b g_kdhevdh jZa mljh gZ j_d_ y \k_]^Z ijboh`m ^hfhc k imklhc kmfdhc ŠLu ^he`_g [jhkblv ju[Zedmª ² ]h\hjyl fg_ ^jmavy ŠWlh [_kihe_agZy ljZlZ \j_f_gb ª gh hgb g_ ihgbfZxl h^ghc \Z`ghc \_sb Y gZ kZfhf ^_e_ g_ hq_gv bgl_j_kmxkv ju[Zedhc Fg_ ijhklh gjZ\blky kb^_lv \ eh^d_ b gbq_]h g_ ^_eZlv ª <u[_jbl_ gZa\Zgb_ ^ey jZkkdZaZ a) Hg gbdh]^Z gbq_]h g_ eh\bl b) G_\_amqbc ju[heh\ c) ?]h oh[[b d) Kb^y \ eh^d_ Hl\_lvl_ gZ ke_^mxsb_ \hijhku 1) .Zd ah\ml Z\lhjZ" Tamara Alexandrovna Ventura. 2) =^_ hgZ `b\_l" 6KH OLYHV LQ 6\GQH\ HgZ `b\_l \ Kb^g__ 3) Kdhevdh _c [ueh e_l dh]^Z __ k_fvy i_j__oZeZ \ :\kljZebx" 6KH ZDV \HDUV ROG ZKHQ KHU IDPLO\ FDPH WR $\XVWUDOLD ?c [ueh e_l dh]^Z __ k_fvy i_j__oZeZ \ :\kljZebx 4) Q_f hdjm`_gZ :\kljZeby" Australia is surrounded by beaches, golden sand, palm trees and PDJQLILFHQW LVODQGV :\kljZeby hdjm`_gZ iey`Zfb ahehlufb i_kdZfb iZevfZfb b ij_djZkgufb hkljh\Zfb 5) =^_ hgZ jZ[hlZ_l" 6KH ZRUNV DW 'DYLG -RQHV GHSDUWPHQW 6WRUH HgZ jZ[hlZ_l \ fZ]Zabg_ >w\b^ >`hgk 6) LZf fgh]h ihk_lbl_e_c ba Jhkkbb" Yes, there are. 7) DZd LZfZjZ ihfh]Z_l lmjbklZf ba Jhkkbb" She acts as interpreter and meets people after work to show Russian YLVLWRUV DURXQG 6\GQH\ HgZ \uklmiZ_l \ jheb i_j_\h^qbdZ b \klj_qZ_lky k ex^vfb ihke_ jZ[hlu qlh[u ihdZaZlv jmkkdbf lmjbklZf Kb^g_c 8) D_f [ue iZiZ LZfZju" 7DPDUDœV IDWKHU ZDV D 'RQ &RVVDFN IZiZ LZfZju [ue ^hgkdbf dZaZdhf 9) H q_f jZkkdZau\Ze _c __ iZiZ" He told her about the Summer and Winter Palaces in St. Petersburg and about the cathedrals with onion-like domes.

Lesson 8


Hg jZkkdZau\Ze _c h E_lg_f b Abfg_f ^\hjpZo \ KZgdl I_l_j[mj]_ b h kh[hjZo k dmiheZfb \ \b^_ emdh\bq_d 10) Ihq_fm LZfZjZ ex[bl :\kljZebx b Jhkkbx" She loves Australia because it is her fatherland and she loves Russia EHFDXVH LW LV KHU PRWKHUODQG LZfZjZ ex[bl :\kljZebx ihlhfm qlh wlh __ hl_q_kl\h b hgZ ex[bl Jhkkbx ihlhfm qlh wlh __ jh^bgZ 2. >hihegbl_ ij_^eh`_gby 1) Sydney has one of the most spectacular harbours in the world. 2) The golden sunsets glitter on the water. 3) The white yachts sail lazily under the Sydney Harbour Bridge. 4) The centre of Sydney consists of tall, elegant buildings. 5) The centrepoint Tower stands majestically beside David Jones Department Store. It is the most beautiful store in the world. 3. >hihegbl_ ij_^eh`_gby I live in Russia. My place is called Moscow. It is know as Moscow the white walled. AZihegbl_ ijhimkdb

GZibkZgb_ Outstanding In honour In spite of Affection To be disturbed Consequence Seek

Lesson 9 LjZgkdjbipby

I_j_\h^ \u^Zxsbcky <hkobs_gb_

Ijb\yaZgghklv HaZ[hq_gguc

Ihke_^kl\b_ <ugm`^Zlv BkdZlv Ij_^eh`blv < dhgp_ dhgph\

4. I_j_\_^bl_ k jmkkdh]h gZ Zg]ebckdbc 1) He was an outstanding scientist, wasn’t he? 2) She can be a devoted friend. 3) This street is named in honour of a great Russian scientist Kurchatov. 4) In spite of his age he could work hard. 5) His ill health forced him to cancel the trip. 6) Having got to know about the accident they were disturbed. 7) The consequences of the contacts with whites greatly influenced the life of the natives. 8) She forced him to tell the truth. 9) He sought protection for aborigines. Eventually


10) You should offer him your help. 11) He established a biological station. 12) Eventually she had to go to Germany, didn’t she? 13) He felt great affection for this country. Homework 2. His image will stay with me forever. At the turn of the century people wanted a place where they could totally relax. You shouldn’t judge people for what they wear. He will be kicked out of the club for airing such opinions. The leading scientist retired from his researches and went to live in his estate in the country. He dreamt of a faraway land with exotic plants and beautiful birds. All his troubles were due to money and his creditors didn’t leave him alone. He thought that she had a great deal of superstitions and considered it best not to tell her anything. The author created brilliant metaphors. In conditions of security people forget their suspicions. The editor of the magazine informed them that they had to work harder. He strongly doubted that his dreams could be implemented. The meeting lasted three hours. It was so boring that everyone thought it was an eternity. The young socialist didn’t try to conceal his views. Every Christian would consider it a sin. The atmosphere in the gang was brotherly. The city was his source of imagination. He tried to spend his time with people, mainly in various cafes and pubs. The reality always interferes with our dreams. She wanted to return to her little village and breed little sheep. I was bitterly disappointed by your behaviour. It wasn’t a truly kind thing, you had your interest in it.

Lesson 10 3. 1) The image of Australia can be judged by the ideas and opinions of the leading Russian writers.… 2) For Anton Chekhov Australia was a far away place where the troubles of life did not reach. 3) He used Australia as a metaphor for rest and security. 4) Loe Tolstoy had a totally different view. 5) One of the very few Russian writers who had a chance to compare his imagination to reality was Konstantin Balmont. 186

4. Anton Chekhov For Anton Chekhov Australia was a faraway land. He thought that the troubles of life could not reach iot. He imagined Australia as a place of reat and security. When he was at his estate he felt like he was at the end of the world. It reminded him of Australia. There in his own little Australia he felt good. The only thought that disturbed him was that his creditors could kick him out of his Australia. Leo Tolstoy Tolstoy had a different view. He considered Australia a young society and thought that it had an opportunity to implement his ideals. He wrote to one Australian socialist that Australians had a chance to establish a truly Christian and brotherly way of life. He thought that they could be free from the sins of the world. Konstantin Balmont, as many other Russian writes and poets, thought of Australia as an exotic place and a source of imagination. He was greatly disappointed to see that it was also a modern society. Which bred sheep, made machines and built railroads.

Lesson 11 — 13 1. 1) a, the; 2) a, the; 3) an, a, — ; 4) a, the; 5) — ; 6) a, a, a; 7) — —. 2. 1) — , — , the; 2) — ; 3) — , — ; 4) — , — ; 5) the; 6) — , — —; 7) — , the; 8) — , — . 3. 1) — ; 2) a; 3) — ; 4) — ; 5) — . =ZeZdlbdZ Kheg_qgZy kbkl_fu y\ey_lky ebrv fZe_gvdhc qZklvx h]jhfghc ]ZeZdlbdb Fu gZau\Z_f wlm ]ZeZdlbdm Fe_qguf Iml_f Fe_qguc Imlv \dexqZ_l \ k_[y fbeebhgh\ a\_a^ Fe_qguc Imlv ih nhjf_ ihoh` gZ [hevrh_ h]g_ggh_ dhe_kh n_c_j\_jd \ dhkfhk_ <h \k_e_gghc kms_kl\mxl fbeebhgu ^jm]bo ]ZeZdlbd G_dhlhju_ ba gbo gZfgh]h [hevr_ q_f gZrZ 7KH VRODU V\VWHP ij_^f_l _^bgkl\_gguc \ k\h_f jh^_

$ WLQ\ SDUW QZklv khklZ\gh]h bf_ggh]h kdZam_fh]h

$ KXJH JDOD[\ ij_^f_l mihlj_[ey_lky \i_ju_

7KH 0LON\ :D\ ij_^f_l _^bgkl\_gguc \ k\h_f jh^_

6WDUV fgh`_kl\_ggh_ qbkeh

$ &DWKHULQH ZKHHO bf__lky \ \b^m g_ dhgdj_lguc ij_^f_l

6SDFH g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

7KH 8QLYHUVH ij_^f_l _^bgkl\_gguc \ k\h_f jh^_

KZfZy [hevrZy ieZg_lZ KZfhc [hevrhc ieZg_lhc \ Kheg_qghc kbkl_f_ y\ey_lky Xibl_j Xibl_j lZdhc [hevrhc qlh _keb [u _]h \u^he[beb bagmljb ihf_klbeZkv [u ieZg_l A_fey


7KH ODUJHVW SODQHW kms_kl\bl_evgh_ hij_^_eylky ijbeZ]Zl_evguf \ ij_\hkoh^ghc kl_i_gb

Kheg_qgh_ aZlf_gb_ EmgZ gZfgh]h f_gvr_ khegpZ Gh hgZ gZfgh]h [eb`_ Dh]^Z fu kfhljbf gZ khegp_ b gZ emgm \ g_[_ hgb h[_ \u]ey^yl h^gh]h jZaf_jZ Bgh]^Z emgZ ijhoh^bl f_`^m khegp_f b A_fe_c Dh]^Z wlh ijhbkoh^bl kheg_qguc k\_l g_ ihklmiZ_l Fu gZau\Z_f wlh kheg_qguf aZlf_gb_f Dh]^Z ijhbkoh^bl kheg_qgh_ aZlf_gb_ g_[h gZ dhjhldbc i_jbh^ \j_f_gb fh`_l klZlv kh\k_f l_fguf 7KH 6XQ ij_^f_l _^bgkl\_gguc \ k\h_f jh^_

7KH 0RRQ ij_^f_l _^bgkl\_gguc \ k\h_f jh^_

7KH VN\ ij_^f_l _^bgkl\_gguc \ k\h_f jh^_

$ VRODU HFOLSVH ij_^f_l mihlj_[ey_lky \i_ju_

Emggu_ aZlf_gby ?^bgkl\_ggZy ijbqbgZ ihq_fm fu \b^bf emgm wlh ihlhfm qlh __ hk\_sZ_l khegp_ A_fey hl[jZku\Z_l l_gv \ dhkfhk ?keb emgZ ihiZ^Z_l \ l_gv A_feb kheg_qguc k\_l i_j_klZ_l iZ^Zlv gZ g__ GZ dZdh_ lh \j_fy hgZ klZgh\blky iehoh \b^gZ Fu gZau\Z_f wlh emgguf aZlf_gb_f 7KH RQO\ UHDVRQ ykgh h q_f b^_l j_qv

7KH (DUWK ij_^f_l _^bgkl\_gguc \ k\h_f jh^_

$ VKDGRZ ij_^f_l mihlj_[ey_lky \i_ju_

7KH VXQOLJKW h ij_^f_l_ m`_ jZgvr_ reZ j_qv

$ OXQDU HFOLSVH ij_^f_l mihlj_[ey_lky \i_ju_

<g_rgyy h[hehqdZ A_feb Dh]^Z A_fey knhjfbjh\ZeZkv hgZ [ueZ jZkieZ\e_gghc Dh]^Z gZrZ ieZg_lZ hklu\ZeZ ihke_ knhjfbjh\Zgby \k_ e_]qZcrb_ km[klZgpbb \gmljb A_feb ih^gyebkv d ih\_joghklb Hgb hklueb b knhjfbjh\Zeb lhgdbc kehc dhlhjuc fu gZau\Z_f a_fghc dhjhc A_fgZy dhjZ jZa^_e_gZ gZ g_kdhevdh ieZlh b g_fgh]h gZihfbgZ_l h]jhfgmx ]heh\hehfdm Wlb ieZlh f_^e_ggh ^\b]Zxlky ih ih\_joghklb A_feb 7KH OLJKWHVW VXEVWDQFHV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ hij_^_eylky ijbeZ]Zl_evguf \ ij_\hkoh^ghc kl_i_gb

7KH VXUIDFH h ij_^f_l_ m`_ reZ j_qv $ OD\HU j_qv b^_l g_ h dhgdj_lghf ij_^f_l_

7KH FUXVW h ij_^f_l_ m`_ reZ j_qv

$ MLJVDZ j_qv b^_l g_ h dhgdj_lghf ij_^f_l_

2XU SODQHW i_j_^ kms_kl\bl_evguf klhbl ijbly`Zl_evgh_ f_klhbf_gb_

FZ]fZ FZ]fZ wlh kehc jZkdZe_gghc ]hjghc ihjh^u gZoh^ys_cky gZ ]em[bg_ ijb[ebabl_evgh dbehf_ljh\ ih^ a_fghc dhjhc G_dh188

lhju_ qZklb fZ]fu fy]db_ b `b^db_ JZaebqgu_ ieZlh nhjfbjmxsb_ a_fgmx dhjm ^\b]Zxlky ih fZ]f_ 0DQWOH g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

7KH PDQWOH h ij_^f_l_ m`_ reZ j_qv $ OD\HU j_qv b^_l g_ h dhgdj_lghf ij_^f_l_

5RFN g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

7KH FUXVW h ij_^f_l_ m`_ reZ j_qv

7KH SODWHV h ij_^f_l_ m`_ reZ j_qv

Y^jh A_feb M A_feb _klv \g_rg__ b \gmlj_gg__ y^jh <g_rg__ lhesbghc dbehf_ljh\ b khklhbl ba jZkieZ\e_ggh]h f_lZeeZ < g_f kh^_j`blky \ hkgh\ghf `_e_ah b gbd_ev <gmlj_gg__ y^jh ² kZfZy ]hjyqZy qZklv A_feb k l_fi_jZlmjhc ]jZ^mkh\ ih P_evkbx Wlh l\_j^uc rZj ba f_lZeeZ \ ^bZf_lj_ dbehf_ljZ An outer and inner core 7KH RXWHU FRUH ykgh h q_f b^_l j_qv

,URQ g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

1LFNHO g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

7KH KRWWHVW SDUW kms_kl\bl_evgh_ k ijbeZ]Zl_evguf \ ij_\hkoh^ghc kl_i_gb

$ WHPSHUDWXUH ij_^f_l ijhklh gZau\Z_lky

$ EDOO j_qv b^_l g_ h dhgdj_lghf ij_^f_l_

Ih^ ^Z\e_gb_f >Z\e_gb_ fZl_jbZeh\ khklZ\eyxsbo hklZevgmx qZklv A_feb gZ y^jh a_feb jZ\gh lhgg gZ d\Z^jZlguc kZglbf_lj Wlh [he__ q_f \ fbeebhgZ jZa [hevr_ Zlfhkn_jgh]h ^Z\e_gby gZ ih\_joghklv A_feb 7KH SUHVVXUH ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv

7KH PDWHULDO ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv

2XU SODQHW i_j_^ kms_kl\bl_evguf klhbl ijbly`Zl_evgh_ f_klhbf_gb_

H]jhfgu_ fZkkb\u a_feb Dhglbg_gl ² h^gZ ba kZfuo [hevrbo a_fguo fZkk Kms_kl\m_l k_fv dhglbg_glh\ Wlh :njbdZ :glZjdlbdZ :aby :\kljZeby ?\jhiZ K_\_jgZy :f_jbdZ b X`gZy :f_jbdZ Dhglbg_glu ² wlh h]jhfgu_ qZklb a_fghc dhju Wlb qZklb gZau\Zxlky dhglbg_glZevgufb ieZlh Wlb ieZlh i_j_f_sZxlky ih ih\_joghklb A_feb $ FRQWLQHQW j_qv b^_l g_ h dhgdj_lghf ij_^f_l_

&RQWLQHQWV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

7KH FRQWLQHQWV h ij_^f_l_ m`_ reZ j_qv

AgZ_l_ eb \u" KZfuc gZk_e_gguc dhglbg_gl ² wlh :aby <k_]h \ :abb `b\_l 2 q_eh\_d KZfuc fZehgZk_e_gguc dhglbg_gl ² wlh 189

:glZjdlbdZ GZk_e_gb_ :glZjdlbdb khklhbl ba g_[hevrh]h dhebq_kl\Z mq_guo dhlhju_ `b\ml \ gZmqgh bkke_^h\Zl_evkdbo klZgpbyo 7KH PRVW GHQVHO\ SRSXODWHG FRQWLQHQW kms_kl\bl_evgh_ k ijbeZ]Zl_evguf \ ij_\hkoh^ghc kl_i_gb $ WRWDO j_qv b^_l g_ h dhgdj_lghf ij_^f_l_

7KH $LDQ FRQWLQHQW ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv

7KH OHDVW GHQVHO\ SRSXODWHG FRQWLQHQW kms_kl\bl_evgh_ k ijbeZ]Zl_evguf \ ij_\hkoh^ghc kl_i_gb 7KH SRSXODWLRQ ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv

6FLHQWLVWV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

6WDWLRQV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

=jmiiu hkljh\h\ Kms_kl\m_l fgh]h ]jmii hkljh\h\ KZfZy [hevrZy ² Bg^hg_aby khklhysZy ba hkljh\h\ k h[s_c iehsZ^vx d\Z^jZlguo dbehf_ljh\ Bg^hg_aby gZoh^blky gZ k_\_jh aZiZ^ hl :\kljZebb f_`^m Lbobf b Bg^bckdbf Hd_Zghf :e_mlkdb_ hkljh\Z ² p_iv \medZgbq_kdbo hkljh\h\ \ k_\_jghc qZklb Lboh]h Hd_ZgZ HgZ nhjfbjm_l qZklv :eykdb b lyg_lky gZ dbehf_ljh\ LZf [he__ hkljh\h\ \k_ ]hjbklu_ g_ieh^hjh^gu_ b ebr_ggu_ ^_j_\v_\ *URXSV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

,VODQGV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

7KH 3DFLILF 2FHDQ gZa\Zgb_ hd_ZgZ

7KH $XOHXWLDQ ,VODQGV ]jmiiu hkljh\h\

$ FKDLQ j_qv b^_l g_ h dhgdj_lghf ij_^f_l_

,VODQGV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_


<h^Z \h^Z ih\kx^m Hd_Zg ² h]jhfgZy iehsZ^v khe_ghc \h^Z Ihqlb ljb q_l\_jlb a_fghc ih\_joghklb ihdjulh hd_Zghf H[sZy iehsZ^v \h^u hdheh d\Z^jZlguo dbehf_ljh\ <k_ hd_Zgu kh_^bg_gu ^jm] k ^jm]hf b nhjfbjmxl h^gh kiehrgh_ \h^gh_ ijhkljZgkl\h H[sbc h[t_f \h^u \ hd_ZgZo hdheh dm[bq_kdbo dbehf_ljh\ $Q RFHDQ j_qv b^_l g_ h dhgdj_lghf ij_^f_l_

$ JUHDW DUHD ij_^f_l ijhklh gZau\Z_lky

:DWHU g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

2FHDQV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

7KH WRWDO YROXPH ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv

7KH RFHDQV h ij_^f_l_ m`_ reZ j_qv

<k_]h ljb GZ kZfhf ^_e_ kms_kl\m_l \k_]h ljb hd_ZgZ ² Lbobc :leZglbq_kdbc b Bg^bckdbc : K_\_jguc E_^h\bluc hd_Zg gZ kZfhf ^_e_ g_ hd_Zg ohly b kqblZ_lky lZdh\uf H[eZklv fhjy hdheh :glZjdlb190

db qZklh gZau\Zxl :glZjdlbq_kdbf Hd_Zghf beb X`guf Hd_Zghf L_f g_ f_g__ ]_h]jZnu g_ jZkkfZljb\Zxl _]h dZd gZklhysbc hd_Zg 2FHDQV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

7KH $UFWLF 2FHDQ gZa\Zgb_ hd_ZgZ

$Q RFHDQ j_qv b^_l g_ h dhgdj_lghf ij_^f_l_

7KH DUHD ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv


$ WUXH RFHDQ j_qv b^_l g_ h dhgdj_lghf ij_^f_l_

*HRJUDSKHUV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

Khe_gZy \h^Z Dhebq_kl\h kheb \ hd_ZgZo jZagh_ ohly ijb[ebabl_evgh hgh jZ\gy_lky KZfu_ khe_gu_ jZchgu hkgh\guo hd_Zgh\ gZoh^ylky \ k_\_jghc :leZglbq_kdh]h Hd_ZgZ GZbf_g__ khe_guc jZchg ² ;Zelbckdh_ Fhj_ \ dhlhjhf \k_]h f_g__ kheb <h^Z \ DjZkghf Fhj_ \ Bg^bckdhf Hd_Zg_ kh^_j`bl [he__ kheb 7KH DPRXQW ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv

6DOW g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

6HD ZDWHU g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

7KH VDOWLHVW UHJLRQ kms_kl\bl_evgh_ k ijbeZ]Zl_evguf \ ij_\hkoh^ghc kl_i_gb



7KH OHDVW VDOW\ DUHD kms_kl\bl_evgh_ k ijbeZ]Zl_evguf \ ij_\hkoh^ghc kl_i_gb

7KH %DOWLF 6HD gZa\Zgb_ fhjy

7KH ZDWHU ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv

7KH 5HG 6HD gZa\Zgb_ fhjy

7KH ,QGLDQ 2FHDQ gZa\Zgb_ hd_ZgZ

Kdhevdh kheb" Kheb jZkkj_^hlhq_gghc \ hd_ZgZo o\Zlbl qlh[u ihdjulv a_fgmx ih\_joghklv keh_f [he__ f_ljh\ \ lhesbgm 6DOW g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

7KH RFHDQV ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv

$UHDV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

$ OD\HU j_qv b^_l g_ h dhgdj_lghf ij_^f_l_

Fbg_jZevgu_ [h]Zlkl\Z Ihfbfh kheb \ fhj_ gZoh^blky [he__ jZaebqguo we_f_glh\ \dexqZy nlhjb^u dZevpbc fZ]gbc dZebc Zexfbgbc f_^v fZj]Zg_p b ^Z`_ ahehlh b k_j_[jh (OHPHQWV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

6HD ZDWHU g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

)OXRULGH g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

&DOFLXP g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_


0DJQHVLXP g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

3RWDVVLXP g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

$OXPLQXP g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

0DQJDQHVH g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

*ROG g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

6LOYHU g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

=hjyq__ b oheh^gh_ Kj_^gyy l_fi_jZlmjZ \h^u \ hd_ZgZo ² hdheh ]jZ^mkh\ ih P_evkbx FhjkdZy \h^Z aZf_jaZ_l ijb l_fi_jZlmj_ \ fbgmk ]jZ^mkZ KZfu_ l_ieu_ \h^u gZoh^ylky \ I_jkb^kdhf AZeb\_ ]^_ l_fi_jZlmju fh]ml ^hklb]Zlv ]jZ^mkh\ KZfuc oheh^guc jZchg ² K_\_jguc E_^h\bluc Hd_Zg A^_kv l_fi_jZlmjZ \h^u j_^dh ih^gbfZ_lky \ur_ lhqdb aZf_jaZgby 7KH DYHUDJH WHPSHUDWXUH ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv

7KH ZDWHU ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv

7KH RFHDQV ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv

7KH ZDUPHVW ZDWHUV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ k ijbeZ]Zl_evguf \ ij_\hkoh^ghc kl_i_gb

7KH 3HUVLDQ JXOI ]_h]jZnbq_kdh_ gZa\Zgb_ \k_]^Z k WKH

7KH WHPSHUDWXUH ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv

7KH FROGHVW UHJLRQ kms_kl\bl_evgh_ k ijbeZ]Zl_evguf \ ij_\hkoh^ghc kl_i_gb

7KH $UFWLF 2FHDQ gZa\Zgb_ hd_ZgZ

Fgh]h ju[u Fbjh\hc hd_Zg b j_d kh^_j`Zl [he__ \b^h\ ju[ Hgb [u\Zxl jZaguo nhjf b jZaf_jh\ H^gZ ba kZfuo fZe_gvdbo ju[ [uqhd \ ^ebgm \k_]h fbeebf_ljh\ \h^blky \ h[eZklb Nbebiibgkdbo hkljh\h\ KjZ\gbl_ __ k dblh\hc Zdmehc dhlhjZy \ ^ebgm fh`_l ^hklb]Zlv f_ljh\ b \_kblv lhgg 7KH ZRUOG¶ RFHDQV ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv

6SHFLHV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

6KDSHV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

6L]HV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

7KH VPDOOHVW ILVK kms_kl\bl_evgh_ k ijbeZ]Zl_evguf \ ij_\hkoh^ghc kl_i_gb

7KH 3KLOOLSLQHV ]jmiiZ hkljh\h\


$ OHQJWK j_qv b^_l g_ h dhgdj_lghf ij_^f_l_

0HWUHV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

DZd nhjfbjh\Zebkv ]hju ;hevrbgkl\h ]hjguo oj_[lh\ [ueb knhjfbjh\Zgu dh]^Z ieblu a_fghc dhju klZedb\Zebkv ^jm] k ^jm]hf ?keb ^\_ ieblu dhjh[b192

ebkv hl ^Z\e_gby nhjfbjh\Zebkv ba\bebklu_ ]hju =bfZeZb [ueb knhjfbjh\Zgu bf_ggh lZd Bgh]^Z ieblu a_fghc dhju ih^gbfZebkv b nhjfbjh\Zeb h^ghjh^gu_ ]hju <medZgbq_kdb_ ]hju knhjfbjh\Zebkv ba aZ \medZgbq_kdhc Zdlb\ghklb ijb dhlhjhc eZ\Z \uoh^bl ba ih^ a_fghc dhju 5DQJHV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

6ODEV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

7KH WZR VOXEV ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv

7KH URFNV ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv

PRXQWDLQV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

7KH +LPDOD\DV ]hjgZy p_iv

$FWLRQ Z[kljZdlgh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

$ SLOH j_qv b^_l g_ h dhgdj_lghf ij_^f_l_

URFN g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

KZfZy \ukhdZy ]hjZ KZfZy \ukhdZy ]hjZ a_feb gZoh^blky \ hkgh\ghf ih^ \h^hc Wlh FZmgZ EhZ gZ =Z\Zcyo FZmgZ EhZ \ha\urZ_lky gZ f_ljh\ gZ^ \h^hc ;he__ iheh\bgu ]hju gZoh^ylky ih^ \h^hc 7KH WDOOHVW PRXQWDLQ kms_kl\bl_evgh_ k ijbeZ]Zl_evguf \ ij_\hkoh^ghc kl_i_gb 7KH VHD ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv

0DXQD /RD gZa\Zgb_ hl^_evghc ]hju

+DZDLL gZa\Zgb_ hkljh\Z

0HWUHV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

KZfZy ^ebggZy j_dZ KZfZy ^ebggZy \ fbj_ j_dZ gZ kZfhf ^_e_ khklhbl ba ^\mo j_d dhlhjuc kh_^bgyxlky ;_euc Gbe gZqbgZ_lky \ ha_j_ <bdlhjby dhlhjh_ e_`bl gZ ]jZgbp_ D_gbb M]Zg^u b LZgaZgbb =hem[hc Gbe gZqbgZ_lky \ ha_j_ LZgZ \ Wnbhibb Hgb kh_^bgyxlky \ Km^Zg_ b nhjfbjmxl Gbe dhlhjuc l_q_l q_j_a ?]bi_l \ Kj_^ba_fgh_ Fhj_ 7KH ORQJHVW ULYHU kms_kl\bl_evgh_ k ijbeZ]Zl_evguf \ ij_\hkoh^ghc kl_i_gb

5LYHUV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

7KH :KLWH 1LOH gZa\Zgb_ j_db

7KH %OXH 1LOH gZa\Zgb_ j_db


.HQ\D kljZgZ



/DNH 7DQD ha_jh


6XGDQ kljZgZ


7KH 1LOH gZa\Zgb_ j_db

(J\SW kljZgZ


GZ[ex^Zl_eb aZ ih]h^hc Ex^b bamqZeb ih]h^m \ l_q_gb_ lukyq e_l Bkihevah\Zehkv fgh]h jZaebqguo kihkh[h\ ij_^kdZau\Zlv ih]h^m G_kdhevdh \_dh\ gZaZ^ fu iheZ]Zebkv gZ gZjh^gu_ ijbf_lu qlh[u hij_^_eblv dZdZy [m^_l ih]h^Z <k_ fu keurZeb klZjuc klbrhd DjZkgh_ g_[h ghqvx d jZ^hklb iZklmoZ DjZkgh_ g_[h mljhf ij_^mij_`^_gb_ ^ey iZklmoZ Wlhl klbrhd dZd b fgh]b_ ^jm]b_ dhlhju_ jZgvr_ bkihevah\Zebkv bf_xl ^hex ijZ\^u ?klv jZagu_ \b^u djZkgh]h g_[Z g_dhlhju_ ba dhlhjuo ij_^\_sZxl ^h`^v ^jm]b_ `_ g_l GZ kZfhf ^_e_ \k_ aZ\bkbl hl \b^u h[eZdZ dhlhjh_ \b^gh \ wlh \j_fy 3HRSOH kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

7KH ZHDWKHU ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv

<HDUV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

&HQWXULHV kms_kl\bl_evgh_ \h fgh`_kl\_gghf qbke_

)RONORUH g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

7KH ROG UK\PH ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv

6N\ g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

6KHSKHUGÂśV GHOLJKW kms_kl\bl_evgh_ hij_^_ey_lky kms_kl\bl_evguf \ ijbly`Zl_evghf iZ^_`_

7UXWK g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

5DLQ g_bkqbkey_fh_ kms_kl\bl_evgh_

7KH W\SH ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv

7KH WLPH ykgh hq_f b^_l j_qv

Lesson 14 Homework 1. Bklhjbx jZkkdZau\Z_l Zg]ebqZgbg ]j_d Z[hjb]_g 2) :[hjb]_gÂŞ agZqbl Fhjyd I_j\uc `bl_ev Hkm`^_ggu_ ba :g]ebb 3) :[hjb]_gu `b\ml Hdheh fhjy < imklug_ B lZf b lZf 4) :[hjb]_gu ihy\bebkv \ :\klvjZebb 194

K dZiblZghf Dmdhf >h dZiblZgZ DmdZ e_l gZaZ^ 5) :[hjb]_gu Bf_xl mq_[gbdb qlh[u mqblvky G_ mf_eb gb qblZlv gb ibkZlv AZihfbgZeb ijhreh_ \ i_kgyo 6) :[hjb]_gu \_jyl \ ;h]h\ >moh\ F_qlZgb_ 7) hkgh\gh_ aZgylb_ Z[hjb]_gh\ m[b\Zlv `b\hlguo kh[bjZlv _^m kjZ`Zlvky k \jZ]Zfb 8) :[hjb]_gu g_ kljhbeb ^hfh\ ihlhfm qlh Hgb [hyebkv ^moh\ Hgb i_j__a`Zeb b hohlbebkv LZf hq_gv `Zjdh 9) :[hjb]_gu g_ ghkbeb h^_`^m ihlhfm qlh HgZ bf [ueZ g_ gm`gZ >h`^v r_e hq_gv j_^dh Hgb gbdh]^Z g_ [he_eb 10) :g]ebckdb_ ihk_e_gpu Ijbg_keb \ :\kljZebx emqrmx `bagv Ijb\_aeb [he_agb Bkihjlbeb `bagv Z[hjb]_gh\ 2. 1) The word aborigine means first inhabitant. 2) Aborigines live near the sea and in the desert. 3) Aborigines came to Australia over 40 000 years ago. 4) They have no history books to study because they could not read or write. 5) They kept track of their past through the songs and stories. 6) They believe in Dreaming. 7) The main job for every Aborigine is to find food. They spend over three-quarters of the day gathering food. 8) Everyone had to know what was safe to eat and what was not. 9) They had to be careful not to over-pick fruits and vegetables so that they might grow the nest year. 10) Their weapons consisted of a wood spear, a club and a boomerang. 11) They didn’t build houses because they were constantly moving to new places. 12) No they didn’t. 195

13) Yes, they did. They knew how to start a fire. 14) Aborigines became experts in finding water because water was the most important thing they needed to live. 15) They looked after their old people and loved their children. They shared food equally. 16) When people from Great Britain came to Australia they took aborigines’ land. They brought diseases. They defeated aborigines. 17) Modern aborigines work in the cities or on large ranches. Their children attend school.

Lesson 15 2. 1) Ernie Dingo is a well-known artist, entertainer, musician and comic. 2) Ernie Dingo is best known for the character he played in the film «Crocodile Dandee». 3) He performs Australian music. 4) He sings about the land, the city, the environment and what it means to be black white or any colour. 5) He started teaching Aboriginal culture to non-Aborigines. 6) When he was a child his name was Oondamooroo. 7) He lives his life the way he knows. 8) He lives in the city. 9) He comes from the bush. 10) He gets his sense of security from his traditional heritage. Ijh\_jvl_ k_[y Qlh \u magZeb ba wlhc ]eZ\u" 1. AZihegbl_ ijh[_eu a) 1) over 200; 2) Peter Potosky; 3) In 1804; 4) Nikolai Miklouho Maklay; 5) Ballet dancer; 6) Cake’s recipe; 7) Fedor Shalapin; 8) Miklouho Maklay, «Maklay Coast»; 9) Anton Chekhov; 10) Leo Tolstoy; 11) English; 12) Italian, Greek, French, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic languages, Polish, Vietnamese, German; 13) Settler come to Australia from the UK, New Zealand, Chins, India, Vietnam, Philippines, South Africa; 14) First inhabitant; 15) 40000; 16) their songs and stories; 17) to find food; 18) water; 19) Charlie, «Crocodile Dandee» 2. b) Kbf\heu b bo agZq_gby Concentric circles A person Man with a spear and boomerang Emu footprint Kangaroo footprint Windbreak Waterholes and running water.

Lesson 17


CHAPTER 4 Lesson 2 Homework 2. 1) — g; 2) — h; 3) — a; 4) — i; 5) — b; 6) — j; 7) — c; 8) — e; 9) — d; 10) — f.

Lesson 3 1 I_j_\_^bl_ gZ jmkkdbc yaud Hg g_ agZe dm^Z hgZ mreZ Lhf kijhkbe Fwjb ihq_fm hgZ \q_jZ hiha^ZeZ FZfZ ihijhkbeZ kugZ iha\hgblv _c ^g_f HgZ kdZaZeZ _fm g_ dmjblv \ dhfgZl_ HgZ gZibkZeZ qlh =j_]hjb ijb_a`Z_l gZ ke_^mxsbc ^_gv Jh^bl_eb O_e_g kijhkbeb __ g_ kh[bjZ_lky eb hgZ gZ\_klblv bo \ \hkdj_k_gv_ FZjlbg ihh[_sZe g_ ]h\hjblv gbdhfm h[ wlhf kh[ulbb FZfZ gZihfgbeZ kugm g_ jZa]h\Zjb\Zlv k g_agZdhfpZfb Mqbl_ev ih`Zeh\Zeky qlh _]h mq_gbdb hq_gv fZeh agZxl FZevqbd hljbpZe qlh \b^_e >`_cg \ ]hjh^_ Fbkl_j ;_cd_j ihijhkbe mq_gbdh\ khh[sblv jh^bl_eyf h kh[jZgbb FZfZ ;h[Z gZihfgbeZ _fm qlh hg ^he`_g [ue \klj_lblvky k k_kljhc Hgb magZeb qlh gZ ke_^mxs_c g_^_e_ \_q_jbgdb g_ [m^_l Hg ohl_e agZlv dlh ihkeZe _fm l_e_]jZffm Fw]]b m[_^beZ fZfm gbq_]h g_ ]h\hjblv iZi_ HgZ kijhkbeZ kemrZ_l eb fZevqbd FZevqbd hl\_lbe qlh kemrZ_l Hgb g_ agZeb kdhevdh ]hkl_c ijb^_l gZ \_q_jbgdm Hg hl\_lbe qlh klZlvy [ueZ i_j_\_^_gZ Hgb khfg_\Zebkv Qlh hg ijb[m^_l \h\j_fy KdZ`b fg_ ]^_ l\hb jh^bl_eb HgZ ijbagZeZ qlh [ueZ g_ ijZ\Z Hg ij_^mij_^be \hjZ qlh iha\hgbl \ ihebpbx Lhf ohl_e agZlv dlh a\hgbe _fm \q_jZ I_j_\_^bl_ ij_^eh`_gby ba mij \ ijyfmx j_qv 1) He said, «I don’t know where she has gone to.» 2) Tom asked, «Mary, why were you late yesterday?» 3) Mother said, «Son, call me in the afternoon.’ 4) She said, «Don’t smoke in the room.» 5) She wrote, «Gregory will come tomorrow.» 6) Helen’s parents asked, «Will you visit us on Sunday?» 197

7) Martin said, «I won’t tell anybody about the event.» 8) The Mother said, «Don’t talk to strangers.» 9) The teacher said, «My pupils know very little.» 10) The boy said, «I didn’t see Jane in the town.» 11) Mr. Baker said, «Please, inform your parents about the meeting.» 12) Bob’s mother said, «You have to meet your sister.» 13) They heard, «There will not be a party the next week.» 14) He wondered, «Who sent me the telegram.» 14) Maggie said, «Mother, don’t tell anything to father.» 16) She said, «Are you listening to me?» the boy sad, «Yes, I am.» 17) They asked, «How many guests will come to the party?» 18) He replied, «The article has been translated.» 19) They said, «it’s doubtful that he will come in time.» 20) — 21) she said, «I was wrong, I admit it.» 22) He said, «I will call the police.» 23) Tom said, «Who called me the day before, I wonder?’ 3. a) 1) why she called. 2) where he has been. 3) …when they will arrive. 4) how long you have known him. 5) where your friend works. 6) when he was sick. 7) how much sugar there is in the sugar bowl. 8) what was built in your street last year. 9) why he was angry with Jane. 10) how far it is from here. b) 1) he will be in tomorrow. 2) you have seen this film. 3) he know the man. 4) the police warned you. 5) there will be any tests the nest year. 6) he was late. 7) I am right. 8) they are from England. 9) there was any news from him. 10) he has seen her this week.

Lesson 4 1 D GZc^bl_ wlb ij_^eh`_gby \ l_dkl_ b ijhqlbl_ bo \kemo Canberra is the home of Australia’s Government and embassies from around the world. This is where Australia’s government meets. Canberra is also the «natural capital» and is within easy reach of some of Australia’s most spectacular countryside. E I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud No wonder the people of Canberra love to spend their time outdoors! Canberra is a cyclist’s paradise». Homework 1. Canberra is the home of Australia’s Government and embassies from around the world. The centre place of the city is the New Parliament House. It is easy to reach most spectacular countryside of Australia from Canberra. 198

The people of Canberra love to spend their time outdoors because the air there is fresh and crisp. There are many museums in Canberra. The national Gallery, the National Science and technology Centre, the High Court and the Old Parliament House are located in Canberra.

Lesson 5 Homework LKH ILUVW 2O\PSLF *DPHV ZHUH KHOG LQ 776 B.C. the Games were held every four years in honour of the king of the gods, Zeus. There was one event in the earliest Olympiad: the 200-yard sprint. For 1000 years the games were held every forth year. During the Olympic Games there were no wars and disputes. In A.D. 393 the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius 1 banned the Games. In 1894 Baron Pierre de Coubertin wrote a letter to the athletic organizations of every country. He described the educational value of sport. The first modern Olympic Games took place in 1896. Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku DZdb_ khj_\gh\Zgby \dexqZeb ^j_\gb_ Hebfibckdb_ B]ju" The ancient Olympics included sprint, wrestling, boxing, pankrathion, the discus throw, the javelin throw and the long jump. Hibrbl_ p_j_fhgbx hldjulby kh\j_f_gguo Hebfibckdbo B]j The athletes parade on a field. The torch is lighted with the flame, which was carried from the site of Olympia by relay runners. Dh]^Z Jhkkby gZqZeZ mqZkl\h\Zlv \ Hebfibckdbo B]jZo" Russia joined the Olympic Games in 1952. Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku B]ju HebfibZ^u [m^ml ijh\h^blvky \ Kb^g__" Yes, it will. Kdhevdh ^g_c [m^ml ijh^he`Zlvky B]ju" The Olympic Games will last over 17 days. Wlh [m^_l i_j\uc jZa dh]^Z B]ju ijh\h^ylky \ :\kljZebb" No, it won’t. Dh]^Z b ]^_ ijh\h^bebkv i_j\u_ B]ju" The first Games were held in 766 B.C. in Greece MqZkl\h\ZeZ eb :\kljZeby \ B]jZo k ]h^Z" Yes, she has. Ba\_klgh qlh :\kljZeby \ub]ju\Z_l f_^Zeb" Yes, she is. Ex^b \ :\kljZebb ih^^_j`b\Zxl B]ju" Yes, they do. More than 100000volunteers offered their services.

Lesson 6


Kdhevdh kljZg b kihjlkf_gh\ ^he`gu mqZkl\h\Zlv" About 200 countries and 10 000 athletes are expected to participate. Kdhevdh \b^h\ kihjlZ \ ijh]jZff_" There are 27 sports. They are. from Archery to weightlifting. Triathlon and Taekwondo, shooting, canoeing, rowing, mountain bike and equestrian. =^_ [m^ml ijh\h^blvky hkgh\gu_ khj_\gh\Zgby" The main events will take place in two primary zones — Sydney Olympic Park and the Sydney Harbour Zone. Kdhevdh f_kl \ Hebfibckdhf KlZ^bhg_" The Olympic Stadium will provide 110 000 seats for the spectators. Kdhevdh kihjlkf_gh\ [m^ml `blv \ Kihjlb\ghc >_h_\g_" 10 000 athletes will live in the Athletes’ Village. DZdh_ \Z`gh_ kh[ulb_ [m^_l ijZa^gh\Zlvky \ :\kljZebb aZ ]h^ ^h Hebfibckdbo B]j ]h^Z" The centenary of the declaration of Australian Federation will be celebrated one year before. Dh]^Z gZqg_lky dmevlmjgZy hebfibZ^Z" The cultural Olympiad will start in 1997. DZdb_ f_jhijbylby hgZ [m^_l \ k_[y \dexqZlv" It will include the Festival of Dreaming, A Sea Change, Reaching the world and Harbour Of life festival.

Lesson 9 Homework K^_eZcl_ ^hdeZ^ h >`bg >jbkdhe b EZdeZg_ >`hgk_ Bfy -HDQ 'ULVFROO <hajZkl Qlh k gbf k g_c kemqbehkv" 6SLQD %LILGD DZdb_ m g_]h j_amevlZlu \ gZklhys__ \j_fy" 6L[ WLPH ZLQQHU RI Boston marathon, broke the world record five times. Silcer medalist in 800-meter races, world record in marathon and 10000-meter races. DZdb_ m g_]h m g__ ieZgu gZ [m^_s__" 7R FRPSHWH LQ WKH olympics and the Paralympics. 1) Lachlan Jones 2) 19 3) cerebral palsy 4) a Gold medal at Atlantic Paralympics, holds all the records from 100 metres through to 800 metres in Wheelchair Track competition, the Australian Powerlift Champion in the 52 kg division. 5) To pursue a career in the fitness industry, to begin studying the courses next year, to become a gym instructor for the disabled sportsmen. 200

L_kl mjh\_gv

I_j_\_^bl_ \ dhk\_ggmx j_qv 1) He tells not to tell a lie. 2) Jane asked if I had heard he. 3) He said he was busy. 4) He asked what I had said. 5) John asked Linda if she was free that evening. 6) She asked Gregory if he was all right. 7) Tom said that the letter had been sent the day before. 8) Sabrina said that she didn’t know when he would arrive. 9) He asked when the contract would be signed. 10)The secretary asked Mr. Krutov if they had received their fax. I_j_\_^bl_ k Zg]ebckdh]h gZ jmkkdbc yaud Hg g_ agZe ihq_fm hgZ iha\hgbeZ FZfZ kdZaZeZ kugm b^lb kiZlv >`_cfk kijhkbe f_gy [ue eb \ :g]ebb ^h wlh]h HgZ kijhkbeZ ]^_ wdaZf_gh\Zeb klm^_glh\ Hg g_ [ue m\_j_g ijb^_l eb hgZ Hg kijhkbe [m^_l eb ibkvfh ]hlh\h d ke_^mxs_fm ^gx HgZ ihijhkbeZ k\h_]h [jZlZ gbq_]h g_ ]h\hjblv ;hjbkm Hg kijhkbe __ q_f hgZ aZgbfZ_lky b hgZ kdZaZeZ qlh ibr_l dgb]m Hg kdZaZe qlh \b^bl dZd hgZ aZoh^bl \ ehf Hg g_ [ue m\_j_g qlh \h^bl_ev gZc^_l ^hjh]m Hg kijhkbe dh]^Z hgb kfh]ml k^_eZlv jZ[hlm HgZ kijhkbeZ kdhevdh kZoZjZ \ qZ_ >hihegbl_ ij_^eh`_gby ke_^my ijbf_jm 1) Won’t they? 2) Won’t there be? 3) Did he? 4) Won’t they? 5) Doesn’t it? 6) Didn’t he? 7) Isn’t it? 8) Can he? 9) Wasn’t he? Ijhqlbl_ l_dkl b hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku K_dj_lZjv kdZaZe qlh fbkl_j ^;_c^_g ijbf_l f_gy Y hq_gv g_j\gbqZe dh]^Z \hr_e \ _]h dZ[bg_l Hg g_ ih^gye ]heh\m dh]^Z y \hr_e Ihke_ lh]h dZd y k_e hg kdZaZe qlh ^_eh [ueh iehoh Hg kdZaZe fg_ qlh nbjfZ g_ fh]eZ iha\heblv k_[_ ieZlblv lZdb_ [hevrb_ aZjieZlu >\Z^pZlv q_eh\_d m`_ mreb Y agZe qlh ijbreZ fhy hq_j_^v ŠFbkl_j O_c^_gÂŞ ² kdZaZe y keZ[uf ]hehkhf ŠG_ i_j_[b\ZcÂŞ ² kdZaZe hg AZl_f hg meu[gmeky b kdZaZe fg_ qlh y [m^m ihemqZlv gZ [hevr_ Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku Dlh ohl_e \Zk \b^_lv"

Lesson 11


Mr. Heyden did. DZd \u k_[y qm\kl\h\Zeb ih wlhfm ih\h^m" I felt nervous. Dm^Z \u ihreb" I went into his office. KdZaZe eb fbkl_j O_c^_g qlh ^_eh [ueh iehoh beb hg kdZaZe qlh \k_ [ueh ohjhrh" He said that business was bad. Fh]eZ eb nbjfZ ieZlblv lZdb_ [hevrb_ aZjieZlu beb g_l" The firm couldn’t pay such large salaries. Kdhevdh q_eh\_d m`_ mreb" Twenty people had already left. Ihijhkbe eb fbkl_j O_c^_g \Zk lh`_ mclb beb g_l" Mr. Heyden didn’t ask me to leave. Qlh fbkl_j O_c^_g kdZaZe \Zf" He told me I would receive an extra 2000$ a year. L_kl mjh\_gv

KhklZ\vl_ ij_^eh`_gby ke_^my ijbf_jm 1) Joy asked Mary where she was going to spend her holiday. 2) Everybody asked us why the tickets were so expensive. 3) Framk asked his wife how Mary’s children were. 4) Mrs. Jones asked her neighbour who was going to buy her house. 5) Bill asked his friend when he was planning to come to Colchester. 6) I asked Maria what she was going to do next. 7) Peter asked policeman where he could get the bus to Liverpool. I_j_\_^bl_ k Zg]ebckdh]h gZ jmkkdbc HgZ khfg_\ZeZkv qlh hg [m^_l gZ ke_^mxsbc ^_gv Hg ijbagZe qlh agZe __ m`_ ^\Z f_kypZ Hgb magZeb qlh \_q_jbgdZ [m^_l gZ ke_^mxs_c g_^_e_ Hgb jZkkljhbebkv qlh bo g_ ijb]eZkbeb Hg ohl_e magZlv fh`gh eb aZdZaZlv [be_lu ih l_e_nhgm Hgb hljbpZeb qlh agZxl wlh]h q_eh\_dZ HgZ kdZaZeZ qlh g_ ohq_l qlh[u hg qlh eb[h agZe Lhf ohl_e agZlv ihq_fm >`_cg g_ ij_^mij_^beZ _]h h k\h_f ijb_a^_ Hg kdZaZe qlh h`b^Z_lky qlh O_e_g ijb_^_l \ ex[hc fhf_gl HgZ ih`Zeh\ZeZkv qlh k g_c iehoh h[jZsZebkv HgZ kijhkbeZ ihq_fm hg g_ ij_^mij_^be __ jZgvr_ HgZ g_ h`b^ZeZ qlh hg m[_^blv jh^bl_e_c hlimklblv _]h I_j_\_^bl_ k jmkkdh]h gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) The Olympic Games will be held in Australia in 2000, won’t they 2) The athletes will compete in 25 events, won’t they?


3) Do you know where I can find her? 4) They letters are to be sent today, aren’t they? 5) Do you know what her name is? 6) He is never late for the classes, isn’t he? 7) Do you know how much the food costs? 8) John was to meet her at the station, wasn’t he? 9) This rule has been explained to them, has it not? 10) They didn’t know about it, did they? 11) There were a lot of fans at the match, weren’t there? 12) Do you know when they will come? 13) Do you know how to get to the sea? Ijhqlbl_ b i_j_\_^bl_ l_dkl Dh]^Z >`_d OZlqbgkhg [ue \ [hevgbp_ hg ihijhkbe ^hdlhjZ kdZaZlv _fm [ueZ eb hi_jZpby mki_rghc gh ^hdlhj hldZaZeky wlh k^_eZlv GZ ke_^mxsbc ^_gv iZpb_gl ihijhkbe l_e_nhg m djh\Zlb Dh]^Z hg [ue h^bg hg iha\hgbe ^hdlhjm Mhjj_gm Dh]^Z ^hdlhj ih^hr_e d l_e_nhgm fbkl_j OZlqbgkhg kdZaZe qlh hg ohl_e [u magZlv khklhygb_ h^gh]h iZpb_glZ >`_dZ OZlqbgkhgZ Hg kijhkbe [ueZ eb hi_jZpby fbkl_jZ OZlqbgkhgZ mki_rghc b ^hdlhj kdZaZe _fm qlh hgZ [ueZ mki_rghc AZl_f hg kijhkbe dh]^Z fbkl_jm OZlqbgkhgm fh`gh [m^_l ihclb ^hfhc b ^hdlhj kdZaZe _fm qlh _fm ijb^_lky hklZlvky \ [hevgbp_ _s_ gZ ^\_ g_^_eb AZl_f ^hdlhj kijhkbe [ue eb hg jh^kl\_ggbdhf iZpb_glZ ŠG_lÂŞ ² hl\_lbe iZpb_gl ŠY ² fbkl_j >`_d OZlqbgkhgÂŞ Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku Qlh ^hdlhj Mhjj_g hldZaZeky kdZaZlv k\h_fm iZpb_glm >`_dm OZlqbgkhgm Dr. Warren refused to tell Jack Hutchinson if the operation had been successful. Dhfm iZpb_gl iha\hgbe gZ ke_^mxsbc ^_gv" The patient called Dr. Warren. H dhf hg kijZ\eyeky" He inquire about Jack Hutchinson. Hl\_lbe eb ^hdlhj gZ \hijhku h iZpb_gl_ dhlhju_ _fm aZ^Z\Zeb" Yes, he did. Kijhkbe eb hg [ue eb a\hgysbc jh^kl\_ggbdhf iZpb_glZ" Yes, he did. KdZaZe eb a\hgb\rbc d_f hg [ue" Yes, he did. GZibrbl_ \ ijyfhc j_qb ^bZeh] f_`^m iZpb_glhf b ^hdlhjhf — Doctor, has the operation been successful? — I can’t tell you right now. — Good afternoon. Could I speak to Dr. Warren? 203

— Speaking. — I ‘m calling to inquire about a patient, Jack Hutchinson. Has Mr. Hutchinson’s operation been successful? — Yes, it has been successful. — Could you tell me when Mr. Hutchinson will be allowed to go home? — He will have to stay in the hospital for another two weeks. Are you a relative of the patient? — No, I am not. I’m Mr. Lack Hutchinson.

L_kl mjh\_gv

1. 1) — h; 2) — b; 3) — f; 4) — c; 5) — a; 6) — g; 7) — d; 8) — e. I_j_\_^bl_ k jmkkdh]h gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) he asked if anyone saw her the previous week. 2) Tom wondered where Sasha and Olga were. 3) She said that she wanted him to come on Sunday. 4) They doubted whether the Browns had invited them to the party. 5) He didn’t know hwy she had not warned him. 6) They doubted that they would understand the Australian English. 7) She told her son not to smoke. 8) He wasn’t sure when he would be able to translate the text. 9) They denied that they knew that man. Ijhqlbl_ l_dkl b i_j_\_^bl_ _]h gZ jmkkdbc yaud ;u\rbc ij_fv_j fbgbklj fbkl_j E_cg ijhb]jZe gZ ihke_^gbo \u[hjZo K_cqZk hg hklZ\ey_l iheblbq_kdmx `bagv b hg m_oZe aZ ]jZgbpm Fhc ^jm] BaZj^ \k_]^Z [ue nbgZgkh\uf ijhlb\gbdhf JZ^bdZevghc Ijh]j_kkb\ghc IZjlbb fbkl_jZ E_cgZ Ihke_ \u[hjh\ fbkl_j BaZj^ ihr_e d ^hfm [u\r_]h ij_fv_j fbgbkljZ Dh]^Z hg kijhkbe `b\_l eb a^_kv fbkl_j E_cg ihebp_ckdbc gZ ihklm kdZaZe _fm qlh ihke_ k\h_]h ihjZ`_gby [u\rbc ij_fv_j fbgbklj m_oZe aZ]jZgbpm GZ ke_^mxsbc ^_gv fbkl_j BaZj^ hiylv ijbr_e d ^hfm Lhl `_ ihebp_ckdbc f_^e_ggh ijh]meb\Zeky hdheh \oh^Z dh]^Z fbkl_j BaZj^ aZ^Ze lhl `_ \hijhk Ohly b g_kdhevdh ih^hajbl_evgh gZ wlhl jZa ihebp_ckdbc hl\_lbe _fm lh `_ kZfh_ GZ ke_^mxsbc ^_gv fbkl_j BaZj^ _s_ jZa ijbr_e d lhfm ^hfm b aZ^Ze lhl `_ \hijhk GZ wlhl jZa ihebp_ckdbc \ur_e ba k_[y ŠY m`_ kdZaZe \Zf \q_jZ b ihaZ\q_jZÂŞ ² aZdjbqZe hg ŠFbkl_j E_cg ijhb]jZe gZ \u[hjZo Hg m^Zebeky hl iheblbq_kdhc `bagb b m_oZe aZ ]jZgbpm ÂŞ ŠY agZxÂŞ ² hl\_lbe fbkl_j BaZj^ ŠGh fg_ gjZ\blky kemrZlv dZd \u wlh ]h\hjbl_ÂŞ Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku Dlh ijhb]jZe gZ ihke_^gbo \u[hjZo" Mr. Lane did. Q_f hg aZgbfZeky k_cqZk" He was retiring from political life. 204

Dm^Z hg m_oZe" He went abroad. Fbkl_jm BaZj^m gjZ\beky ij_fv_j fbgbklj" No, he did not. Qlh k^_eZe fbkl_j BaZj^ ihke_ \u[hjh\" Mr. Izard went to the ex-Prime minister’s house. Qlh hg kijhkbe m ihebp_ckdh]h gZ ihFlm" He asked if Mr. Lane lived there. Ihr_e eb fbkl_j BaZj^ lm^Z gZ ke_^mxsbc ^_gv" Yes, he did. AZq_f hg lm^Z oh^be" AZ^Z\Ze eb hg h^bg b lhl `_ \hijhk dZ`^uc jZa dh]^Z ijboh^be lm^Z" He went there to ask if Mr. Lane lived there. Yes, he did. Ihq_fm hg lZd ^_eZe" He did so because he liked to hear that Mr. Lane had retired from political life and had gone abroad. Qlh \u magZeb ba wlhc ]eZ\u" Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku Yes, they did. They saw that the city was very natural and green. AZihegbl_ ijh[_eu

Lesson 12

Dlh wlh"

Could I have your name please? Just a moment. I’m putting you through. Your call has been placed in a queue Could you ring / call back?

Ba\bgbl_ y g_ jZkkeurZe

<u g_ ih^h`^_l_ fbgmldm" G_ \_rZcl_ ljm[dm Ebgby aZgylZ

<u g_ ohlbl_ hklZ\blv khh[s_gb_"

Qlh hagZqZxl [md\u : G dh]^Z hgb gZibkZgu i_j_^ l_e_nhgguf ghf_jhf" After Hours. It means that you can use this number to find this person if you call early in the morning of late in the evening. <u[_jbl_ ijZ\bevguc hl\_l 1) — c; 2) — c; 3) b; 4) — a; 5) — a; 6) — b. AZihegbl_ ijh[_eu \ lZ[ebp_ 1896 Athens, Greece 1900 Paris, France 205

1904 St Louis, Missouri, US 1908 London, England 1956Melbourne, Australia 1960 Rome, Italy 1964 Tokyo, Japan 1976 Montreal, Canada 1992 Barcelona, Spain 1996 Atlanta, Georgia, US 2000 Sydney, Australia. >hihegbl_ ij_^eh`_gby 200 0,000; 5,000 3,5 40,000 15,000 27 triathlon; taekwondo AZihegbl_ ijh[_eu \ lZ[ebp_ HebfibckdZy ijh]jZffZ 1) Archery 15) judo 2) athletics kh\j_f_ggh_ iylb[hjv_ [Z^fbglhg 17) 4) 18) sailing 5) klj_ev[Z 6) 20) FDQRHLQJ ² dZghw 21) \_ehkihjl 22) taekwondo dhgguc kihjl 23) 10) ljbZlehg 11) 25) 12) gymnasics ih^gylb_ lu`_kl_c 13) handball [hjv[Z 14) hockey

J:;HQ:Y L?LJ:>V CHAPTER 5 Lesson 1

Homework I_j_\_^bl_ khq_lZgby keh\ \ kdh[dZo gZ Zg]ebckdbc 1) how did he like Melbourn and Canberra. 2) he could have stayed. 3) what he would do. 4) if he were them. 5) endangered animals. 206

6) provide, wounded or orphaned. 7) they are returned. 8) education center. 9) go round the Zoo on a tour. 10) would like. 11) huge variety. 12) 1500 species of fish live.

Lesson 2 Homework Ij_^klZ\vl_ k_[_ qlh Lhf aZ^Z_l \Zf \hijhku h `b\hlguo b ijbjh^_ f_klZ \ dhlhjhf \u `b\_l_ Qlh \u hl\_lbl_" If Tom asks me how many species of birds live in our region, I will answer that a great variety of birds live in our region. If Tom asks me when the birds come back, I will answer that they come back in spring. If Tom asks me where the birds fly away, I will answer that they fly overseas. If Tom asks me when spring begins, I will answer that it begins in March. If Tom asks me if it is hot in summer I will answer that it is. If Tom asks me if there is a zoo in my city I will answer that there is. If Tom asks me how the environment is protected I will answer that laws are being made to protect it. If Tom asks me if I want to see the Great Barrier Reef, I will answer that I do.

Lesson 3 Lwf Ebg RhleZg^kdZy kdZadZ QZklv DZjl_joZn [ueh m_^bg_gguf f_klhf gZ ]jZgbp_ :g]ebb k RhleZg^b_c Ex^b [hyebkv oh^blv \ wlm kljZggmx kljZgm \ dhlhjhc kj_^b khkgh\h]h e_kZ [ue \her_[guc dheh^_p LZdbf [ue klbrhd dhlhjuc hgb jZkkdZau\Zeb k\hbf ^hq_jyf >mob lZf hqZjh\u\Zxl fZ]bq_kdbfb aZdebgZgbyfb Ihwlhfm ^_\mrdb fheh^u_ b q_klgu_ G_ oh^bl_ b g_ b]jZcl_ m \her_[gh]h dheh^pZ Ihlhfm qlh lZf Lwf Ebg Bfy LwfZ EbgZ [ueh ba\_klgh ih \k_c ]jZgbp_ Hg [ue fheh^uf q_eh\_dhf dhlhjh]h ^mob \udjZeb m ex^_c >_\mrdb dhlhju_ \klj_qZebkv k gbf ijhiZ^Zeb gZ\k_]^Z M Ehj^Z DZjl_joZnZ [ueZ fheh^Zy ^hqv dhlhjmx a\Zeb @Zg_l ² mfgZy djZkb\Zy ^_\mrdZ k ahehlbklufb \hehkZfb HgZ [ueZ f_qlZl_evghc ?c ohl_ehkv \klj_lblvky k Lwfhf Ebghf H^gZ`^u \_k_ggbf ^g_f @Zg_l j_rbeZ ij_g_[j_qv ij_^mij_`^_gbyfb b gZclb \her_[Homework


guc dheh^_p HgZ \ureZ ba aZfdZ k\h_]h hlpZ b \hreZ \ e_k GZdhg_p hgZ gZreZ dheh^_p ]em[hdh \ e_km b jy^hf k gbf [ueZ [_eZy ehrZ^v gh lZf g_ [ueh LwfZ EbgZ =em[hdh aZ^mfZ\rbkv @Zg_l khj\ZeZ [_emx jham DZd lhevdh hgZ wlh k^_eZeZ ihy\beky fheh^hc q_eh\_d dZd _keb [u hg [ue ijbajZdhf Hg [ue \ukhdbf b djZkb\uf m g_]h [ueb ]em[hdb_ k_ju_ ]eZaZ b l_fgu_ \hehku Wlh [ue Lwf Ebg ŠQlh ijb\_eh l_[y \ fhc e_k ^_\mrdZ b ihq_fm lu kh[bjZ_rv p\_lu k fh_]h dheh^pZ"ª ² kijhkbe hg ŠDZjl_joZn ihf_klv_ fh_]h hlpZª ² kdZaZeZ @Zg_l ŠIhwlhfm y [m^m ijboh^blv b ]meylv ih DZjl_joZnm g_ kijZrb\Zy gb m dh]h jZaj_r_gbyª ŠLu kf_eZy ^_\mrdZª ² kdZaZe Lwf k meu[dhc ŠWlhl e_k ijbgZ^e_`bl ^moZf b y a^_kv qlh[u aZsbsZlv _]h ^ey gboª ŠLu h^bg ba gbo"ª ² kijhkbeZ @Zg_l k m`Zkhf Š>Z wlh lZdª ² kdZaZe Lwf ŠGh y g_ \k_]^Z [ue h^gbf ba gbo ?keb lu ihc^_rv kh fghc @Zg_l y jZkkdZ`m l_[_ \kx bklhjbxª Gh @Zg_l g_ fh]eZ hklZlvky ŠY ^he`gZ b^lbª ² kdZaZeZ hgZ Š?keb y g_ ijb^m ^h \_q_jZ f_gy gZqgml bkdZlv Y m`_ ^Z\gh mreZª ŠG_ lZd m` ^Z\ghª ² jZkkf_yeky djZkZ\_p Lwf ŠG_ lZd m` ^Z\ghª B wlh [ueh ijZ\^hc Dh]^Z @Zg_l \_jgmeZkv \ aZfhd ba \her_[gh]h e_kZ gbdlh g_ aZf_lbe qlh __ g_ [ueh Dhg_qgh @Zg_l \ex[beZkv \ djZkb\h]h LwfZ EbgZ Dlh hg [ue" Ihq_fm hgZ g_ \b^_eZ _]h jZgvr_" >_ckl\bl_evgh eb hg g_ [ue `b\uf q_eh\_dhf" ?keb hg [ue `b\uf q_eh\_dhf \ex[blky eb hg \ g__" <k_ e_lh hgZ g_ fh]eZ ^mfZlv gb h dhf b gb h q_f [hevr_ BlZd gZdhg_p hgZ j_rbeZ \_jgmlvky \ e_k qlh[u \klj_lblvky k Lwfhf HgZ kgh\Z m\b^_eZ [_emx ehrZ^v m dheh^pZ gh LwfZ g_ [ueh H^gZdh gZ jhah\hf dmkl_ \k_ _s_ [ueb jhau b @Zg_l khj\ZeZ p\_lhd B kgh\Z ba gbhldm^Z ihy\beky Lwf dZd [m^lh hg `^Ze __ ŠKdZ`b fg_ Lwf Ebgª kdZaZeZ @Zg_l ŠY ^he`gZ agZlv wlh ² kdZ`b fg_ dlh lu Lu ojbklbZgbg beb lu h^bg ba ^moh\"ª Lwf ^he]h kfhlj_e gZ g__ GZdhg_p hg ihdZqZe ]heh\hc b kdZaZe ŠLh]^Z y jZkkdZ`m l_[_ i_qZevgmx bklhjbx Fhc ^_^mrdZ [ue ]jZnhf Jhdk[mj]kdbf H^gZ`^u oheh^guf ^g_f fu \ha\jZsZebkv k hohlu ?keb [u y g_ _oZe gZ wlhc [_ehc ehrZ^b b g_ miZe k g__ dhjhe_\Z ^moh\ gbdh]^Z g_ ihcfZeZ [u f_gy b g_ k^_eZeZ k\hbf kem]hc HgZ ^h\hevgh ijbylgZy ]hkih`Z gh hgZ g_ ^h[juc ^mo DZ`^u_ k_fv e_l hgZ m[b\Z_l fm`qbgm b deZ^_l _]h \ dheh^_p ?keb g_ kemqblky qm^Z lh \ ke_^mxsbc jZa [m^_l fhy hq_j_^vª Š?keb [u lu ex[beZ f_gy @Zg_l lu fh]eZ [u kiZklb f_gyª ijh^he`Ze Lwf b k_cqZk \ _]h ]hehk_ [ueZ fhev[Z Š?keb [u y [ue `b\uf q_eh\_dhf lu [u k`ZebeZkv gZ^h fghcª 208

ŠGh y ex[ex l_[y \k_f k_j^p_f b _keb [u y lhevdh agZeZ qlh ^_eZlv y [u k^_eZeZ \k_ qlh [u ihfhqv l_[_ª ² \kdjbdgmeZ @Zg_l ŠLh]^Z kemrZc k_]h^gy ghqvx dZgmg >gy \k_o k\yluo b wlh _^bgkl\_ggZy ghqv dh]^Z lu fh`_rv f_gy kiZklbª ² kdZaZe Lwf Ebg Š< iheghqv g_ jZgvr_ b g_ iha`_ ^mob ijh_^ml ijhp_kkb_c q_j_a e_k Y [m^m k gbfb ?keb lu ^_ckl\bl_evgh ex[brv f_gy lu ijb^_rv kx^Z wlhc ghqvxª QZklv ŠGh dZd y magZx l_[y Lwf Ebg"ª ² kijhkbeZ @Zg_l Š<hl qlh lu ^he`gZ k^_eZlvª ² kdZaZe Lwf ŠY [m^m gZ [_ehc ehrZ^b ;ukljh ih^[_]b d g_c b kdbgv gZ_a^gbdZ k ehrZ^b Wlbf gZ_a^gbdhf [m^m y gZ fh_c ijZ\hc jmd_ [m^_l i_jqZldZ gZ e_\hc ² g_l fhy reyiZ [m^_l k^\bgmlZ gZaZ^ hldju\Zy fhb \hehkuª Š>_j`b f_gy \ jmdZo kh \k_c kbehc ^_\mrdZ ?keb lu [m^_rv ^_j`Zlv f_gy ^mob [m^ml ij_\jZsZlv f_gy \ jZaguo `b\hlguo \ af_x ihlhf \h f_^\_^y \h ev\Z b \ jZkdZe_gguc ^h djZkgZ `_e_aguc [jmkhd b \ dhgp_ \ ]hjysbc dZf_gv AZl_f b lhevdh lh]^Z lu ^he`gZ [ukljh [jhkblv f_gy \ \h^m dheh^pZ ?keb lu k^_eZ_rv \k_ wlh y [m^m l\h_c gZklhys_c ex[h\vx gZ\k_]^Z b y kgh\Z klZgm `b\uf q_eh\_dhf Gh wlh hq_gv ljm^gh k^_eZlv b g_ h^gZ ^_\mrdZ g_ kfh]eZ fg_ ihfhqv ^h wlh]h ?keb lu k^_eZ_rv \k_ wlh @Zg_l y [m^m kiZk_g hl dhjhe_\u ^moh\ B aZihfgb _keb lu ex[brv f_gy gbqlh g_ ijbqbgbl l_[_ [hebª @Zg_l kemrZeZ ihdZ Lwf jZkkdZau\Ze b ihh[_sZeZ k^_eZlv lZd dZd hg ]h\hjbe Ke_^mxs_c ghqvx hq_gv l_fguf [_aemgguf dZgmghf >gy \k_o k\yluo hgZ gZ^_eZ l_iemx a_e_gmx gZdb^dm \ureZ ba ^hfZ b ih[_`ZeZ \ q_jguc \her_[guc e_k Jh\gh \ iheghqv hgZ mkeurZeZ a\hg dhehdhevqbdh\ b m\b^_eZ ijhp_kkbx <her_[gu_ nhgZjb lmkdeh k\_lbebkv b @Zg_l kfh]eZ m\b^_lv dhjhe_\m b ^jm]bo ^moh\ GZdhg_p @Zg_l m\b^_eZ [_emx ehrZ^v HgZ \ukdhqbeZ b kibogmeZ LwfZ b k`ZeZ _]h kh \k_c kbehc AZl_f ^mob gZqZeb djbqZlv \hdjm] g__ Ijhf_evdgmeZ a_e_gZy \kiurdZ b @Zg_l \g_aZigh ihqm\kl\h\ZeZ qlh ^_j`bl af_x @Zg_l bgklbgdlb\gh ohl_eZ [jhkblv __ gh hgZ \kihfgbeZ ijh fhev[m LwfZ b _]h h[_sZgb_ b hgZ ^_j`ZeZ dj_idh AZl_f [ue f_^\_^v aZl_f e_\ <k_`_ @Zg_l bo lh`_ dj_idh ^_j`ZeZ AZl_f hgZ ihqm\kl\h\ZeZ [hev dZdd [m^lh hgZ ^_j`ZeZ jZkdZe_ggh_ ^h djZkgZ `_e_ah Gh hgZ ijh^he`ZeZ ^_j`Zlv B aZl_f [ue m`Zkguc ]jma ]hjys_]h dZfgy @Zg_l ihem`b\Zy k ljm^hf k[jhkbeZ _]h \ l_fgu_ \h^u dheh^pZ ;ue \kie_kd b Lwf Ebg \u[jZeky ba \h^u fhdjuc b [e_^guc gh _s_ [he__ djZkb\uc q_f jZgvr_ 209

AZl_f aZ]h\hjbeZ dhjhe_\Z ^moh\ ŠIjhdebgZx l_[y `_gsbgZ Lu mdjZeZ kZfh]h djZkb\h]h ba fhbo jupZj_c fh_]h `_gboZÂŞ djbqZeZ hgZ b dZdhc aehc dhjhe_\hc hgZ [ueZ Gh @Zg_l b Lwf k_cqZk [ueb k\h[h^gu hl fZ]bq_kdbo kbe dhjhe_\u ^moh\ Ex[h\v @Zg_l [ueZ kbevg__ q_f qZju dhjhe_\u b dhjhe_\Z agZeZ qlh [ueZ ih[_`^_gZ @Zg_l b Lwf \_jgmebkv \ aZfhd Hgb `beb \f_kl_ hq_gv kqZkleb\h \kx bo `bagv b bo djZkb\uc kug klZe Ehj^hf DZjl_joZnZ GZc^bl_ \ l_dkl_ ijb^Zlhqgu_ j_Zevgh]h mkeh\by If I don’t come before night, they will be looking for me. If a miracle doesn’t happen, next time will be my turn. If you really love me, you will come here this night. If you hold me, the fairies will turn me into all sorts of beasts‌ And remember that if you love me, nothing can hurt you. These are all the clauses of real condition, that’s why we use the Present Indefinite in the principal clause and the Future Indefinite in the subordinate clause. She wished she met Tam Lin. If you came with me, Janet, I would tell you the whole story.(unreal condition referring to the present, that is why we use the Past Indefinite and would + the Indefinite Infinitive) If he were a mortal man, would he love her? (unreal condition referring to the present, that is why we use the Past Indefinite and would + the Indefinite Infinitive) If I knew what to do, I would do anything to help you. (unreal condition referring to the present, that is why we use the Past Indefinite and would + the Indefinite Infinitive) If I had not been riding this horse and had not fallen from it, the Queen of the Fairies would have never caught me and made me her servant. (unreal condition referring to the past, that is why we use the Past Perfect Continuous and would + the Perfect Infinitive) If you did all this, then I would be your true love forever, and I would become a mortal man once more. (unreal condition referring to the present, that is why we use the Past Indefinite and would + the Indefinite Infinitive) Hl\_lu gZ \hijhku Dlh lZdhc Lwf Ebg" Tam Lin was a young man whom fairies had stolen from people. =^_ hg `be" He lived in a fairy wood, by the fairy well. Dlh [ueZ @Zg_l" Janet was a young daughter of the Lord of Carterhaugh. She was a clever and bonny girl with golden hair. 210

=^_ hgZ `beZ" She lived in her father’s Hall in Cartrhaugh. Ihq_fm ex^b [hyebkv \her_[gh]h dheh^pZ" People were afraid of the fairy’s well, as Tam Lin was there. And girls who met Tam Lin disappeared forever. Ihq_fm @Zg_l j_rbeZ gZ h[jZsZlv \gbfZgby gZ ij_^mij_`^_gby" Janet decided to ignore all the warnings, because she was a dreamer and she wished she met Tam Lin. M\b^_eZ eb hgZ Lwf EbgZ m dheh^pZ" At first there was no Tam Lin beside the well. DZd @Zg_l m\b^_eZ _]h \i_j\u_" Janet plucked a white rose, and no sooner had she done this than a young man appeared, as if he were a ghost. K^_eZe eb Lwf Ebg qlh gb[m^l iehoh_ @Zg_l" No, he didn’t. DZdh_ hlghr_gb_ d Lwf Ebgm [ueh m @Zg_l ihke_ bo i_j\hc \klj_qb" Janet was in love with Tam Lin. ;ue eb Lwf Ebg kf_jlguf" Tam Lin was a mortal man, but he was stolen from people by a fairy folk. DZd hg klZe h^gbf ba ^moh\" One cold day Tam’s grandfather and Tam were riding back from the hunting. If Tam had not been riding that white horse and had not fallen from it, the Queen of the Fairies would have never caught him and made him her servant. DZd @Zg_l fh]eZ kiZklb LwfZ" Tam told Janet that the only way for her to save him was to come to the wood at Halloween night when the fairy folk rode in the procession through the wood. He told her that she should pull him down from his horse and then hold him tight in her arms, although the fairies would turn him into all sorts of beasts. Qlh kemqbehkv \ O_eehmbg" At Halloween Janet came to the wood and did everything Tam had told her to do. DZdZy j_Zdpby [ueZ m Dhjhe_\u >moh\" The Fairy Queen knew she had been beaten and was extremely angry. DZd dhgqZ_lky jZkkdZa" The story ends happily saying that Tam and Janet lived together in great happiness all their lives, and their bonny son became the Lord of Carterhaugh.


K IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ kdh[dZo \ ijZ\bevghf \j_f_gb Had had, would have stopped; would have been, had dropped in; had paid, would not have; would study, were; will find, will never meet; had taken, would not have to; will sack don’t agree. ' Baf_gbl_ ij_^eh`_gby dZd \ ijbf_j_ 1) I wish Chris did not watch a lot of television. 2) I wish they would not see her tomorrow. 3) I wish he were her brother’s friend. 4) I wish Tom had not lost his wallet. 5) I wish the delegation had arrived. 6) I wish Ann were not sick. 7) I wish the message had been sent. 8) I wish they were not late. 9) I wish James had given Helen the flowers for her birthday. 10) I wish the letter had not been translated.

Lesson 4

Homework Ihl_jy\rb_ky Š?keb [u lu lhevdh ihkemrZe f_gy k_cqZk [u fu m`_ dj_idh kiZeb \ gZrbo djh\Zlyoª \hjqZeZ R_ceZ Š>Z ^hjh]Zy ^mfZx qlh kiZeb [uª ² kdZaZe FZedhef iulZykv khkj_^hlhqblky gZ \h`^_gbb b gZ k\h_c jZa^jZ`_gghc `_g_ ohly \ lh`_ \j_fy m^_eye qZklv \gbfZgby k\hbf kh[kl\_gguf fukeyf >h`^v klmqZe ih \_ljh\hfm kl_dem >hjh]Z [ueZ madhc b hiZkghc b hgb ihl_jyebkv ?keb [u hgb ih\_jgmeb gZijZ\h gZ ihke_^g_f k\_lhnhj_ hgb [u ^h_oZeb ^h g_[hevrhc ^_j_\mrdb JbdZjlhg gh hiylv `_ hgb g_ ^h_oZeb Ihq_fm wlh q_jlh\h f_klh [ueh lZd ly`_eh gZclb" ?keb [u hgb ih_oZeb \ ;ewdime dZd hgb ^_eZeb ihke_^gb_ ^\Z^pZlv e_l hgb [u ba[Z\beb k_[y hl \k_o wlbo oehihl LZd beb bgZq_ wlh [ueZ b^_y R_ceu M g__ \k_]^Z [ueb lZdb_ [e_klysb_ b^_b dZd wlZ Š>he]h _s_"ª ² kijhkbeZ hgZ ŠG_ bf_x gb fZe_cr_]h ij_^klZ\e_gby ^hjh]Zyª ² _]h hl\_l [ue fy]dbf ŠY [hxkv fu ihl_jyebkvª ŠIhl_jyebkv"ª ŠY [hxkv qlh ^Zª FZedhef hklZgh\be fZrbgm b \dexqbe k\_l \gmljb Hg iulZeky gZsmiZlv dZjlm ŠL_[_ ke_^h\Zeh \a]eygmlv gZ wlh ^h lh]h dZd fu m_oZeb ba W^bg[mj]Z Y [u ijh\_jbeZ fZjrjml _keb [u y agZeZ qlh lu kh[bjZ_rvky k[blvky k imlbª Ihq_fm hgZ \k_]^Z lZd ]h\hjbl ^mfZe FZedhef IhkemrZlv __ lZd y ki_pbZevgh k[beky k imlb Gh \k_ qlh hg kdZaZe [ueh ŠY ^mfZx y agZx ]^_ fu ih_oZeb g_ijZ\bevgh ^hjh]Zy ?keb fu jZa\_jg_fky a^_kv b ijh_^_f h[jZlgh fbex beb ^\_ 212

fu ijb_^_f d i_j_dj_kldm ?keb fu ih\_jg_f gZe_\h fu ijb_^_f \ K_edbjd GZf ke_^h\Zeh ih_oZlv ih ^hjh]_ ; ba W^bg[mj]Z ?keb [u fu lZd k^_eZeb Fu [ueb [u \ JbdZjlhg_ klh e_l gZaZ^ÂŞ R_ceZ gbq_]h g_ kdZaZeZ ŠY ihdZ`m l_[_ _keb lu g_ \_jbrvÂŞ ² ijh^he`Ze hg \ ihjy^d_ hiulZ ]Z^Zy gZqg_l eb hgZ kihjblv k gbf k_cqZk beb ihlhf ŠFu ih_oZeb wlbf iml_f Ihlhfm qlh lu _]h ij_^eh`beZ fhy ^hjh]ZyÂŞ ŠY lZd b agZeZ qlh lu h[\bgbrv f_gy ÂŞ ² \ahj\ZeZkv hgZ ŠGbdlh gbdh]h g_ h[\bgy_lÂŞ ² hl\_lbe hg iulZykv k^_eZlv k\hc ]hehk dZd fh`gh [he__ [eZ]hjZamfguf ŠIjhklh [m^v jZkkm^bl_evghc Z y kh k\h_c klhjhgu k^_eZx \k_ qlh[u ijb[ulv \ hl_ev q_j_aÂŤÂŞ hg ihkfhlj_e gZ qZku Šq_j_a qZk kZfh_ [hevr__ÂŞ HgZ ih^`ZeZ ]m[u iulZykv kijZ\blvky kh aehklvx ŠGZ l\h_f f_kl_ y [u ihr_\_ebeZkv K_cqZk ihqlb ihe h^bggZ^pZlh]h b _keb fu g_ ijb_^_f lm^Z d iheghqb hgb hl^Z^ml gZrm dhfgZlm dhfm gb[m^v _s_ÂŞ Ijh\_jvl_ k_[y : KhklZ\vl_ \hijhkh\ d l_dklm ŠIhl_jy\rb_kyÂŞ 1) What was the place of their destination? 2) Why did they get lost? 3) What way out did Malcolm suggest? 4) What was Sheila’s reaction to the news that they had got lost? 5) Why did they began to argue? % >hihegbl_ ke_^mxsb_ ij_^eh`_gby 1) ‌, he would speak English fluently. 2) ‌, there will be no human beings on the Earth soon. 3) ‌, he had not had so many accidents. 4) ‌, the weather were fine. 5) ‌, he had not been an hour late. 6) ‌, I would buy a castle. 7) ‌, it had not been so stuffy in the bus. 8) ‌, it were not so old. & IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ kdh[dZo \ ijZ\bevgmx \j_f_ggmx nhjfm Would not have been, had rang; would have gone, had known; would not enjoy; would have had, had not told.

Lesson 5

D I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc 1) I wish we had visited Australia. 2) He would not have missed the train if he had got up earlier. 3) She would not have got wet, if she had taken her umbrella. 4) I wish she had not gone.



5) I would buy this book if I were in your place. 6) She speaks English as if she spent many years in England. 7) I wish I could visit this Zoo. 8) What would you do if you were in my place? 9) Bill’s parents did not know when he would come. 10) I wish you had seen ÂŤThe TitanicÂť This film is worth seeing. 11) Where would you go if you were free tomorrow? 12) She would not have come if Bob had not phoned her. % GZc^bl_ b i_j_\_^bl_ ij_^eh`_gby \ dhlhjuo \klj_qZxlky keh\Z VSHFLHV KDELWDW WR LQFOXGH Australia has nearly half million species of plants and animals — one RI WKH JUHDWHVW YDULHWLHV RI DQ\ FRXQWU\ LQ WKH ZRUOG < :\kljZebb ihqlb fbeebhg \b^h\ jZkl_gbc b `b\hlguo ihqlb kZfh_ [hevrh_ jZaghh[jZab_ ba \k_o kljZg fbjZ Australia, South America and Africa occupy approximately the same UDQJH RI ODWLWXGHV DQG KDYH D VLPLODU YDULHW\ RI KDELWDWV :\kljZeby X`gZy :f_jbdZ b :njbdZ gZoh^ylky ijb[ebabl_evgh gZ l_o `_ kZfuo rbjhlZo b bf_xl ijb[ebabl_evgh h^bgZdh\mx _kl_kl\_ggmx kj_^m The team ÂŤanimalÂť includes not only mammals, but also insects, UHSWLOHV DPSKLELDQV ELUGV HWF L_jfbg Š`b\hlgh_ÂŞ \dexqZ_l \ k_[y g_ lhevdh fe_dhiblZxsbo gh b gZk_dhfuo ij_kfudZxsboky a_fgh\h^guo ilbp b l ^ It is believed that between 20 000 and 300 000 species are in $XVWUDOLD EXW VR IDU RQO\ DERXW KDYH EHHQ GHVFULEHG KqblZ_lky qlh \ :\kljZebb f_`^m hl ^h \b^h\ `b\hlguo gh ^h kbo ihj lhevdh [ueb hibkZgu & >hdZ`bl_ qlh \ :\kljZebb g_h[uqgZy nZmgZ Australia is unusual in fauna because there are 70% of the world’s marsupials, all of the world’s monotremes, a small percentage of placentals, an enormous diversity of parrots, a fascinating range of reptiles, amphibians and fish. There are also many unusual invertebrates. ' Hl\_lvl_ gZ ke_^mxsb_ \hijhku DZd fe_dhiblZxsb_ dhjfyl k\hbo ^_l_gur_c" Mammals produce milk to suckle their young. Kh[ZdZ ² fe_dhiblZxs__" A dog is a mammal. DZd fu gZau\Z_f fe_dhiblZxsbo dhlhju_ hldeZ^u\Zxl fy]db_ ycpZ" Mammals that lay soft eggs are called monotremes. DZd fu gZau\Z_f fe_dhiblZxsbo dhlhju_ ghkyl ^_l_gur_c \ kmfdZo" Ihq_fm bf ijboh^blky wlh ^_eZlv"

Lesson 6


Mammals that carry their young in the pouches are called marsupials. They have to do so because the young are born in an immature state. Qvb ^_l_gurb jh`^Zxlky [he__ jZa\blufb q_f m kmfqZluo" Placentals’ young are born in a more mature state than those of marsupials. Ihq_fm k hklZevguf fbjhf [ueh fZeZ h[f_gZ `b\hlgufb" There has been little exchange with the rest of the world because Australia has been isolated for long periods of time. DZdb_ ijh[e_fu lj_[mxl hkh[hc Z^ZilZpbb" Such problems as draught, frequent floods and fires require unique adaptation. & Hl\_lvl_ gZ ke_^mxsb_ \hijhku Ihq_fm bkq_a d_g]mjm \ZeeZ[b" Toolache wallaby have become extinct because of the combination of habitat clearing and sport shooting. Qlh ihhsjy_l g_e_]Zevguc \u\ha ihim]Z_\ k ahehlufb ie_qZfb" High prices encourage the smuggling of the gioldenshouldered parrot. Qlh ^_eZ_lky ^ey lh]h qlh[u aZsblblv djZq_d" Wildlife agencies and volunteers fence off the nest sites and patrol the beaches to help protect terns. Ihq_fm dhebq_kl\h ju[u \ j_qghc kbkl_f_ Fxjj_c >Zjebg] mf_gvrbehkv" The number of fish in the Murray Darling River system decreased because of habitat loss and fishing. DZdb_ `b\hlgu_ y\eyxlky jZajmrbl_eyfb Z\kljZebckdhc ijbjh^u" Ihq_fm" Cats, foxes and rabbits are destructive for Australian wildlife. Cats kill many animals including small mammals, birds, frogs, reptiles and insects. Foxes are dangerous for brush-tailed bethongs, plain wanderers and other ground dwelling animals. Rabbits destroy arid parts by overgrazing. They not only eat palatable grasses but ringbark shrubs and trees.

Lesson 7

Homework ;m^vl_ ]hlh\u jZkkdZaZlv h dhZeZo Ke_^mxsb_ \hijhku ihfh]ml \Zf y\ey_lky eb DhZeZ kZfuf ba\_klguf Z\kljZebckdbf `b\hlguf" Yes, it is. =^_ `b\ml dhZeu" Koalas live in lightly wooded areas containing suitable food. Q_f hgb iblZxlky" Koalas feed almost entirely on eucalyptus leaves. Ihq_fm hgb j_^dh ivxl" 215

They seldom drink because they obtain enough water from the diet of leaves. Dh]^Z dhZeu gZb[he__ Zdlb\gu" Koala is most active just after sunset. DhZeZ ² wlh h^ghZi_jlmjgh_ kmfqZlh_ beb ieZp_glZjgh_ fe_dhiblZxs__" Koala is a marsupial mammal. DZdhc kj_^gbc kjhd `bagb dhZe" A koala’s average life span is about 12 years in the wild, and sometimes 15 in captivity.

Lesson 9 Homework AZ^Zcl_ \hijhkh\ d l_dklm 1) What is the main objective of the Zoo’s Education Centre? 2) What do they try to do? 3) Are we all part of the natural environment? 4) Do we need to be responsible for our interactions with our environment? 5) What should children and grow-ups recognize? 6) What do we need to think about? 7) Can our use of water, production of rubbish and energy consumption destroy our wildlife? 8) What will happen if we don’t change our behavior? 9) What can we do? 10) Should we appreciate the beauty of the nature?

Lesson 11 AZihegbl_ ijh[_eu baby tooth radio leaf tax hero lorry wife loss Monkey piano wish nucleus way

babies teeth Radios Leaves taxes Heroes Lorries Wives Losses monkeys Pianos Wishes Nuclei Ways

Homework j_[_ghd / ^_lb am[ / am[u JZ^bh ebkl / ebklvy GZeh] gZeh]b =_jhc ]_jhb =jmah\bd ]jmah\bdb `_gZ / `_gu Ihl_jy ihl_jb H[uavygZ h[_avygu IbZgbgh @_eZgb_ `_eZgby Y^jh y^jZ Imlv imlb


Salmon Photo phenomemon foot datum life bush guy chief

Salmon Photos Phenomena Feet Data Lives Bushes Gus Chiefs

Ehkhkv ehkhkb Nhlh]jZnby nhlh]jZynbb Y\e_gb_ y\e_gby Gh]Z gh]b >Zggu_ @bagv `bagb Dmkl dmklu IZj_gv iZjgb R_n r_nu

KhdjZs_gguc Zg]ebckdbc <Zk dh]^Z gb[m^v ijb\h^beb \ aZf_rZl_evkl\h Z[[j_\bZlmju b Zdjhgbfu \ Zg]ebckdhf" Lh]^Z a^_kv ij_^klZ\e_gu g_kdhevdh gZb[he__ mihlj_[bfuo khdjZs_gbc k h[tykg_gbyfb d gbf qlh[u ihfhqv \Zf ihgylv wlm kljZggmx nhjfm Zg]ebckdh]h >gb g_^_eb b f_kypu ]h^Z bgh]^Z khdjZsZxlky blZd \u \klj_lbl_ 0RQ ihg_^_evgbd 7XHV \lhjgbd :HG kj_^Z 7KXUV q_l\_j] )UL iylgbpZ 6DW km[[hlZ 6XQ \hkdj_k_gv_ b -DQ yg\Zjv

)HE n_\jZev 0DU fZjl $SU Zij_ev 0D\ fZc -XQ bxgv -XO bxev $XJ Z\]mkl 6HSW k_gly[jv 2FW hdly[jv 1RY ghy[jv 'HF ^_dZ[jv Dh]^Z mihfbgZ_lky ]h^ \u fh`_l_ \klj_lblv $ ' gZr_c wju beb % & ^h gZr_c wju $ ' mihlj_[ey_lky \f_klh $QQR 'RPLQL qlh hagZqZ_l ]h^ OjbklZ lZd qlh l_dmrbc ]h^ wlh $ ' g w % & hagZqZ_l %HIRUH &KULVW ^h OjbklZ lZd gZijbf_j fu fh`_f kdZaZlv qlh Xebc P_aZjv jh^beky \ % & ^h g w Lblmeu ghkbfu_ ih h[uqZx Z g_ ih aZdhgm klhysb_ i_j_^ bf_g_f q_eh\_dZ ² h[uqgh khdjZs_ggu_ nhjfu [he__ ^ebgguo keh\ 0U mihlj_[ey_lky \f_klh 0LVWHU fbkl_j hkeZ[e_ggZy nhjfZ hl 0DVWHU ]hkih^bg Z 0UV wlh ² khdjZs_ggZy nhjfZ hl 0LVWUHVV ]hkih`Z fbkkbk h[hagZqZxs__ aZfm`gxx `_gsbgm H^gZdh 0LVV h[hagZqZxs__ g_aZfm`gxx `_gsbgm lZd`_ ijhbahr_^r__ hl 0LVWUHVV kh\k_f g_ bf__l khdjZs_gghc nhjfu K_cqZk ij_^eZ]Z_lky kh\k_f g_ mdZau\Zlv kmijm`_kdbc klZlmk `_gsbgu \ bf_gb b nhjfZ 0V \u^\b]Z_lky kh agZq_gb_f dZd 0LVV lZd b 0UV lZd qlh[u hgZ [ueZ khdjZs_gghc ^ey h[_bo nhjf ?keb \u \b^bl_ 'U i_j_^ bf_g_f q_eh\_dZ wlh agZqbl qlh hg ^hdlhj 'RFWRU eb[h mq_guc eb[h \jZq 5HY ² khdjZs_ggZy nhjfZ hl 5HYHUHQG ij_ih^h[guc b _keb m q_eh\_dZ wlhl lblme wlh agZqbl qlh hg k\ys_ggbd ;md\u (VT Mihlj_[eyxlky \f_klh (VTXLUH ]hkih^bg \_`eb\Zy nhjfZ h[jZs_gby dhlhjZy fh`_l mihlj_[eylvky i_j_^ bf_g_f q_eh\_dZ \f_klh 0U i_j_^ bf_g_f ;md\u ^ey h[hagZq_gby dhlhju_ fh]ml mihlj_[eylvky ^ey h[hagZq_gby mgb\_jkbl_lkdhc kl_i_gb \k_]^Z klhyl ihke_ bf_gb q_eh\_dZ % $ beb % 6F %DFKHORU RI $UWV RU 6FLHQFH [ZdZeZ\j ]mfZgblZjguo beb _kl_kl\_gguo gZmd 0 $ beb 217

0 6F 0DVWHU RI $UWV RU 6FLHQFH fZ]bklj ]mfZgblZjguo beb _kl_kl\_gguo gZmd b 3K ' 'RFWRU RI 3KLORVRSK\ ^hdlhj nbehkhnbb GZa\Zgby kljZg b hj]ZgbaZpbc bgh]^Z khdjZsZxlky 8 . mihlj_[ey_lky \f_klh WKH 8QLWHG .LQJGRP H[t_^bg_ggh_ Dhjhe_\kl\h * % ² \f_klh *UHDW %ULWDLQ <_ebdh[jblZgby 8 6 $ K R : \f_klh WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV RI $PHULFD Kh_^bg_ggu_ RlZlu :f_jbdb % % & ;b [b kb wlh %ULWLVK %URDGFDVWLQJ &RUSRUDWLRQ ;jblZgkdZy \_sZl_evgZy dhjihjZpby ( ( & ?WK h[hagZqZ_l (XURSHDQ (FRQRPLF &RPPXQLW\ beb WKH &RPPRQ PDUNHW ?\jhi_ckdh_ wdhghfbq_kdh_ khh[s_kl\h H[sbc jughd b 8 1 2 HHG ² WKH 8QLWHG 1DWLRQV Hj]ZgbaZpby H[t_^bg_gguo GZpbc (WF hl HW FHWHUD h[hagZqZ_l hklZevgh_ b lZd ^Ze__ <hl g_dhlhju_ Z[[j_\bZlmju bkihevam_fu_ \ [bag_k_ b dhjj_kihg^_gpbb &R /WG QR SHU FHQW ijhp_gl gZ khlgx S D & 2 ' & % ' DQG 9 $ 7 G > K $ 6 $ 3 h[hagZqZxsb_ ² &RPSDQ\ dhfiZgby /LPLWHG k h]jZgbq_gghc hl\_lkl\_gghklvx QXPEHU ghf_j qbkeh LQ HYHU\ KXQGUHG \ dZ`^hc khlg_ hl eZlbgkdh]h SHU FHQWXP HYHU\ \HDU _`_]h^gh hl eZlbgkdh]h SHU DQQXP &DVK RQ 'HOLYHU\ gZeh`_gguc ieZl_` 9DOXH $GGHG 7D[ gZeh] gZ ^h[Z\e_ggmx klhbfhklv nhjfZ gZeh]Z gZ ihdmiZ_fu_ ijh^mdlu b mkem]b $ 6 $ 3 h[hagZqZ_l $V 6RRQ $V 3RVVLEOH dZd fh`gh [uklj__ 3 7 2 \ dhgp_ kljZgbpu h[hagZqZ_l 3OHDVH 7XUQ 2YHU ih`ZemcklZ i_j_\_jgbl_ 3 6 \ dhgp_ ibkvfZ h[hagZqZ_l gZ^ibkv ^h[Z\e_ggmx iha`_ hl eZlbgkdh]h SRVW VFULSWXP ² ihklkdjbilmf [md\u 5 6 9 3 hagZqZxl ©SOHDVH UHSO\ª ih`ZemcklZ hl\_lv , 2 8 hagZqZ_l , RZH \RX y \Zf ^he`_g < Zg]ebckdhf _klv g_kdhevdh qZklh mihlj_[ey_fuo \ujZ`_gbc ijhbahr_^rbo hl eZlbgkdh]h ohly fgh]b_ Zg]ebqZg_ g_ agZxl h[ bo dhjgyo ( J hl H[HPSOL JUDWLD hagZqZ_l gZijbf_j L H hl LG HVW hagZqZ_l lh _klv <hafh`gh h^gZ ba kZfuo agZf_gbluo khdjZs_gguo nhjf \ Zg]ebckdhf wlh 2 . gh gbdlh lhqgh g_ agZ_l hl q_]h hgZ ijhbahreZ ohly ih ^Z\gh mklZgh\b\r_fmky ij_^iheh`_gbx kqblZ_lky qlh dZdhc lh ihem]jZfhlguc lhj]h\_p \ ijhrehf ibkZe gZ f_rdZo b lxdZo ©2 . ª ih hrb[d_ ^mfZy qlh ©DOO FRUUHFWª ibr_lky ©RO NRUUHFWª LZd beb bgZq_ k_cqZk wlh Z[[j_\bZlmjZ [_a iheghc nhjfu % AZihegbl_ fgh`_kl\_ggh_ qbkeh lZf ]^_ wlh gm`gh \ dZ`^hf ij_^eh`_gbb 1) cat, mice; 2) thief, himself (thieves, themselves); 3) loaves, pounds, fish; 4) photos, this baby(these babies); 5) data; 6) pence; 7) children, teeth; 8) tomatoes, potatoes; 9) sheep, donkey; 10) leaves, trees.

Lesson 12


& AZihegbl_ lZ[ebpm B.C. U.N.O.

Before Crist United Nations British Broadcasting CorB.B.C. poration C.O.D. Cash On Delivery No Number Ms Mistress Ms Miss+Mrs M.A. Master of Arts Tues Tuesday Mr Mister V.A.T. Value Added Tax P.S. post scriptum North Atlantic Treaty OrNATO ganization I.O.U. I owe you Aug August R.S.V.P. please reply p.a. per annum C.B.D. Cash before Delivery O.K. all correct P.T.O. Please Turn Over i.e. id est A.D. anno Domini e.g. exempli gratia Fri Friday Ph.D doctor of Philosophy A.S.A.P. As Soon As Possible

^h gZr_c wju Kh_^bg_ggh_ Dhjhe_\kl\h

;jblZgkdZy jZ^bh\_sZl_evgZy dhfiZgby gZeh`_gguc ieZl_` ghf_j ]hkih`Z ]hkih`Z fZ]bklj ]mfZgblZjguo gZmd \lhjgbd ]hkih^bg gZeh] gZ ^h[Z\e_ggmx klhbfhklv ihklkdjbilmf K_\_jhZleZglbq_kdbc khxa

Y <Zf ^he`_g Z\]mkl ih`ZemcklZ hl\_lvl_ \ ]h^ ieZl_` gZebqgufb ^h k^Zqb lh\ZjZ \k_ ijZ\bevgh kfhljb gZ ke_^mxs_c kljZgbp_ lh _klv ^h gZr_c wju gZijbf_j iylgbpZ ^hdlhj nbehkhnbb dZd fh`gh [uklj__

Homework =^_ \u fh`_l_ \klj_lblv wlb Z[[j_\bZlmju" IhklZ\vl_ dZ`^mx Z[[j_\bZlmjm gZ gm`gh_ f_klh 1) — b; 2) — d; 3) — a; 4) — c; 5) — f; 6) — e. <klZ\vl_ LV DUH ZHUH ZDV \ ijh[_eu are; is; is; is; was; are; is; is; is. % Mihlj_[bl_ Z ]^_ wlh gm`gh What a pretty girl! What a talented doctor! What a smart woman! ' I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) If he had lent me money the previous year I would have bought a car. 2) They did not know when computer was invented. 3) Who discovered America?

Lesson 13


4) It is the picture by Rafael, and it is worthless. 5) What time does the sun rise in April? 6) The veil was raised and the play began. 7) The load was being raised with the help of a crane when we came. 8) Tolkien’s novels were unknown in Russia for many years. 9) Few respect untruthful people. Homework Ijhqlbl_ ke_^mxsbc iZjZ]jZn b i_j_\_^bl_ _]h gZ jmkkdbc yaud GZa\Zgby fhg_l \ njZaZo < Zg]ebckdhf fgh]h \ujZ`_gbc \ dhlhjuo mihlj_[eyxlky gZa\Zgby ;jblZgkdbo fhg_l < k\yab k ^_ghfbgZpb_c ]h ]h^Z g_dhlhju_ ba fhg_l [hevr_ g_ kms_kl\mxl gh \ujZ`_gby \k_ _s_ `b\u If you take care of the pennies, the pounds will take care of themselves dhi_cdZ jm[ev [_j_`_l ihlhfm qlh _keb \u aZ[hlbl_kv h fZe_gvdbo \_sZo k [hevrbfb \_sZfb \k_ [m^_l \ ihjy^d_ h^gZdh _keb \u SHQQ\ ZLVH SRXQG IRROLVK wdhghfguc \ f_ehqZo jZklhqbl_evguc \ djmighf \u aZ[hlbl_kv h fZe_gvdbo \_sZo b jZklhqbl_evgu \ [hevrbo ?keb \u LQ IRU D SHQQ\ lh \u ^he`gu LQ IRU D SRXQG gZa\Zeky ]jma^_f ² ihe_aZc \ dmah\ ihlhfm qlh _keb \u qlh lh gZqZeb \u ^he`gu wlh aZdhgqblv ?keb dlh lh GRHVQ¶W FDUH WZRSHQFH hlghkblky [_ajZaebqgh _fm \k_ jZ\gh ?keb \u ]h\hjbl_ qlh qlh lh klhbl D SUHWW\ SHQQ\ dmr \u bf__l_ \ \b^m qlh wlh klhbl ^hjh]h F_jZ aZ f_jm <u dh]^Z gb[m^v aZf_qZeb dZd fgh]h \ujZ`_gbc \ Zg]ebckdhf kh^_j`bl jZaebqgu_ nhjfu baf_j_gby" ?keb \u ]h\hjbl_ qlh dlh lh HYHU\ LQFK D JHQWOHPDQ gZklhysbc ^`_glevf_g \u bf__l_ \ \b^m qlh hg gZklhysbc ^`_glevf_g gh _keb \u ]h\hjbl_ qlh hg ZRQ W EXGJH DQ LQFK b g_ ihr_\_eblky \u bf__l_ \ \b^m qlh hg hq_gv mijyf ih ih\h^m q_]h eb[h $ PLOHVWRQH ² hq_gv \Z`gh_ b agZqbl_evgh_ kh[ulb_ Dh]^Z \u LQFK IRUZDUG \u ^\b]Z_l_kv hq_gv f_^e_ggh b _keb ZKHQ \RX JLYH VRPHERG\ DQ LQFK WKH\ WDNH D PLOH lh]^Z dh]^Z \u ^Z_l_ bf g_fgh]h hgb [_jml fgh]h <RX FDQQRW JHW D TXDUW LQWR D SLQW SRW ² qlh hagZqZ_l qlh \u g_ fh`_l_ gZeblv hij_^_e_ggh_ dhebq_kl\h `b^dhklb \ _fdhklv \f_sZxsmx f_gvr__ dhebq_kl\h `b^dhklb wlh agZqbl Qlh \u g_ fh`_l_ k^_eZlv g_\hafh`gh]h b _keb \u KDYH WRQV RI VRPHWKLQJ m \Zk [hevrh_ dhebq_kl\h q_]h eb[h B ihke_^g__ _keb \Zr Zg]ebckdbc PLOHV EHWWHU WKDQ DQ\ERG\ HOVH¶V \Zr Zg]ebckdbc gZfgh]h emqr_ q_f q_c eb[h _s_ wlh agZqbl qlh hg gZfgh]h gZfgh]h emqr_ KhihklZ\vl_ jbkmgdb b \ujZ`_gby a) — 6; b) — 1; c) — 5; d) — 2; e) — 3; f) — 4. 220

Ih^mfZcl_ h jmkkdbo ihkeh\bpZo b \ujZ`_gbyo dhlhju_ agZqZl lh`_ qlh b Zg]ebckdb_ ihkeh\bpu \ l_dkl_ dhi_cdZ jm[ev [_j_`_l wdhghfguc \ f_ehqZo jZklhqbl_evguc \ djmighf gZa\Zeky ]jma^_f ² ihe_aZc \ dmah\ gZklhysbc ^`_glevf_g iZe_p \ jhl g_ deZ^b < I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) If he saved money he would be rich. 2) He was penny wise, pound foolish. 3) This car cost a pretty penny. 4) It’s a pity he doesn’t care an inch. 5) He couldn’t help helping her because he followed the rule ÂŤin for a penny, in for a poundÂť. 6) John understood that he couldn’t get a quart into a pint pot. 7) You have to be careful with this man. You give him an inch, he will take a mile. 8) ÂŤWhat is he like?Âť — ÂŤhe’s every inch a gentleman. 9) This event was a milestone in the development of their relationships. 10) His English is miles better than John’s.

Lesson 14

Homework I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) She asked where the children were. 2) We don’t know if there is fish in this lake. 3) Mother asked Ann where her clothes were. 4) He didn’t know if there was some money in the house. 5) He said that the goods were delivered in time. 6) The police doesn’t know where Jonathan is, does it? 7) Why is the furniture in her house so old? 8) Is her knowledge in mathematics is poor she won’t pass the exam. 9) Was there butter in the cake? Yes there was. 10) He didn’t know if his information would be useful. 11) He asked his friend how many fish he had caught.

CHAPTER 6 Lesson 1 Homework I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) Australians are enthusiastic in art and music. 2) To go to the theatre women wear long dresses and men wear tuxedos. 221

3) Aboriginal art is very interesting. 4) They should have visited the National Gallery in Canberra. 5) There are many special exhibitions at the Gallery. 6) There are films and videofilms about art and artists. 7) The National Gallery has a travelling exhibition. 8) A suitcase of different kinds of artwork is sent to remote areas. 9) All museums have special services for the disabled. 10) How many museums are there in Australia? 11) She would like to see Aborigines’ drawings very much. 12) What cities did they visit during their trip to Australia? 13) If I were him I would have worn a tuxedo. 14) Do you like Aboriginal art? 15) After they were shown a film about this artist she wanted to see his paintings. ' I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) Is he a famous painter? 2) His paintings will be displayed at the National Gallery, won’t they? 3) When we were watching a film he remembered that he had seen this paainter’s works when he was in Australia. 4) She asked whom this painting was by. 5) When we were being told about this musician I wanted to listen to his music. 6) Is this museum visited by many tourists? 7) Who was this story written by? 8) There are endangered animals in Australia. 9) She were to meet at the theatre entrance, were they not? 10) There are many ways to help animals. 11) Will there be anyone at home when he comes? 12) I hope there will be no mistakes in your test.

Lesson 2

% >hihegbl_ ij_^eh`_gby b gZibrbl_ bo \ ijZ\bevghf ihjy^d_ 1) Easter holidays. — 5 2) Are interested in making up coursework of by those who would like to accelerate their program. — 7 3) Four years — 1 4) the second, January, the end of May. — 4 5) the last week of august, until the middle of December, four week, Christmas — 3 6) courses of study during the summer months. — 6

Lesson 3


7) Two terms or semesters. — 2 Homework Hl\_lvl_ gZ ke_^mxsb_ \hijhku b k^_eZcl_ ^hdeZ^u h[ Zf_jbdZgkdbo mgb\_jkbl_lZo dhee_^`Zo bkihevamy \hijhku dZd ieZg 1) Kdhevdh ijh^he`Z_lky h[mq_gb_" The period of study is four years. 2) Kdhevdh k_f_kljh\ \ dZ`^hf ]h^m" Each year comprises two terms. 3) Dh]^Z gZqbgZ_lky i_j\uc k_f_klj" The first term begins the last week of August. 4) Ijh^he`Z_lky eb \lhjhc k_f_klj ^h dhgpZ fZy" Yes, it does,. 5) Qlh ij_^hklZ\eyxl fgh]b_ dhee_^`b \h \j_fy e_lgbo f_kyp_\" Many colleges offer courses during summer months. 6) Kdhevdh aZq_lh\ ^he`_g ihemqblv klm^_gl aZ dZ`^uc k_f_klj" An average student is expected to take 15 — 16 credits. 7) Ijb dZdhf mkeh\bb klm^_gl fh`_l i_j_clb gZ ke_^mxsbc dmjk" A student can pass to the next year if he has accumulated more than 30 credits. 8) DZd hgb gZau\Zxl \lhjhdmjkgbdZ" They call a second year student a sophomore. 9) Dh]^Z klm^_gl ]hlh\ aZdhgqblv mq_[gh_ aZ\_^_gb_" A student is ready for graduation after he has completed four years of study and has acquired 124 or 150 credits. I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) After he has taken his credits he will sit for examinations. 2) You have to work hard during a term, don’t you? 3) We would like this work to be done by the end of the month. 4) She is unlikely to have told him. 5) The teacher had to explain this rule once more. 6) She seems to have been in England. 7) When he called they were having a party. 8) He has been waiting for her for nearly an hour, and she hasn’t come yet. 9) How long have you known this man? 10) She asked if he had received her letter. K Hl\_lvl_ gZ ke_^mxsb_ \hijhku 1) Hdnhj^kdbc mgb\_jkbl_l ² wlh khvjZgb_ dhee_^`_c" 2) Dh]^Z [ueb hkgh\Zgu g_dhlhju_ ba dhee_^`_c"

Lesson 4


3) DZdb_ nmgdpbb m mgb\_jkbl_lZ" 4) DZdb__ klm^_glu _klv \ dZ`^hf dhee_^`_" 5) H[tykgbl_ qlh lZdh_ kbkl_fZ ijbdj_ie_gby ij_ih^Z\Zl_ey d mq_gbdm" 6) GZ kdhevdh k_f_kljh\ jZa^_e_g mq_[guc ]h^" 7) Dh]^Z ijh\h^ylky wdaZf_gu aZ k_f_klj" 8) Qlh ijhbkoh^bl _keb klm^_gj ijh\Zeb\Z_lky gZ wdaZf_g_" 9) Qlh [jblZgkdb_ klm^_glu ^he`gu gZ^_\Zlv aZdZ_qb\Zy mgb\_jkbl_l" ? I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) Are you interested in American Education system? 2) The period of study in an american college is four years, isn’t it? 3) How many credits must a student take every term? 4) There are amnt colleges in Oxford that ahve students of all kinds. 5) The academic year in england is divided into three terms. 6) The examinations are held at the end of each term. 7) For a break of discipline a student can be fined. Homework IjhqblZcl_ b i_j_\_^bl_ wlhl l_dkl K_gly[jv . Ijb[ulb_ Y kb`m \ k\h_c dhfgZl_ hdjm`_ggZy q_fh^ZgZfb HgZ imklZy b ^Z_l khhl\_lkl\mxs__ hsms_gb_ F_gy lhevdh qlh ijb\_aeb \ mgb\_jkbl_l fhb ^jmavy Ij_`^_ \k_]h fu h[jZlbebkv \ kijZ\hqgmx ]^_ gZf kdZaZeb qlh ^_eZlv I_j\uf f_klhf gZr_]h gZagZq_gby [ueZ kem`[Z `bevy ]^_ fu ihemqbeb dexq hl fh_c dhfgZlu AZl_f fu lZd`_ ihreb \ kem`[m ijb_fZ klm^_glh\ qlh[u ihemqblv klm^_gq_kdbc [be_l gh hgZ \k_ _s_ aZdjulZ b g_ hldjh_lky ^h aZ\ljZ <iheg_ m^h\e_l\hj_ggu_ l_f qlh hgb k^_eZeb fhb ^jmavy hklZ\beb f_gy h^gm b ih_oZeb ^hfhc B \hl y a^_kv qlh[u gZqZlv fhx gh\mx `bagv klm^_glZ < wlhc `bagb fg_ ijb^_lky aZ\_klb gh\uo ^jma_c b \jZ]h\ magZlv dZd oh^blv aZ ihdmidZfb b klbjZlv \u[jZlv [Zgd ]^_ y hldjhx kq_l gZclb kZfmx ^_r_\mx l_e_nhggmx dhfiZgbx qlh[u a\hgblv ^hfhc b ÂŤ dhg_qgh mqblky GZ^h k^_eZlv \k_ wlh b g_l gbdh]h dlh [u fh] ihfhqv beb ^Zlv kh\_l K wlh]h fhf_glZ fhc ^hf ² [Zrgy J_ce_c h^gZ ba x`guo [Zr_g mgb\_jkbl_lZ BlZd k_cqZk m f_gy _klv ^\Z \ZjbZglZ Eb[h miZklv gZ djh\Zlv b e_e_ylv k\hb ]jmklgu_ fukeb eb[h ÂŤ \uclb ba dhfgZlu b ihkfhlj_lv qlh ijhbkoh^bl < dhgp_ dhgph\ y \ureZ ba dhfgZlu b hq_gv kdhjh y m`_ kb^_eZ gZ dmog_ jZa]h\Zjb\Zy k ^\mfy ^_\mrdZfb Hgb h[_ ba BjeZg^bb b h[_bo ah\ml W\_ebg b hgb \u]ey^yl lZd `_ jZkl_jyggh b h^bghdh dZd b y gh \f_kl_ fu ihqm\kl\h\Zeb k_[y gZfgh]h e_]q_ 224

b jZkieZgbjh\Zeb ^_gv Ij_`^_ \k_]h fu ihh[_^Z_f \ h^ghf ba dZn_ gZ l_jjblhjbb mgb\_jkbl_lZ aZl_f fu kh[bjZ_fky \ kmi_jfZjd_l Z aZl_f « ihkfhljbf Fu ^_eZ_f dZd aZieZgbjh\Zeb < fZe_gvdhf dZn_ gZ ]eZ\ghc iehsZ^b iehsZ^v fgh]h ex^_c A^_kv \u fh`_l_ m\b^_lv ij_^klZ\bl_e_c ihqlb \k_o kljZg a_fgh]h rZjZ ;hevrbgkl\h ba gbo kb^bl aZ klhebdZfb gZ mebp_ jZa]h\Zjb\Zy b kf_ykv b dmjy Y kfhljx gZ gbo gh g_ fh]m ihgylv dlh ba gbo dZd b y lhevdh qlh ijb_oZe <k_ \u]ey^yl kqZkleb\h b jZkkeZ[e_ggh Ihke_ [ukljh]h e_gqZ fu hlijZ\ey_fky \ kmi_jfZjd_l ]^_ fu ijh\h^bf hdheh ihemqZkZ Wlh L_kdh b hg ^_ckl\bl_evgh hq_gv [hevrhc Fu [jh^bf \^hev [_kdhg_qguo ihehd iulZykv jZah[jZlvky qlh emqr_ dmiblv Fu \k_ ^he`gu [ulv hq_gv ZddmjZlgu k jZkoh^hf ^_g_] GZdhg_p \u[hj k^_eZg b fu kgh\Z ^hfZ M gZk _s_ _klv g_fgh]h \j_f_gb ^h h[_^Z b fu j_rZ_f ohjhr_gvdh h]ey^_lvky \hdjm] Fu b^_f \ Nblg_kk p_glj b \ [b[ebhl_dm K_cqZk m`_ ihqlb l_fgh b fu fh`_f ihex[h\Zlvky hljZ`_gb_f [b[ebhl_db \ l_fguo \h^Zo ha_jZ Fu lZd`_ \b^bf ^hfZ f_klh ]^_ `b\ml ^jm]b_ klm^_glu Ihke_ wlh]h fu j_rZ_f qlh k gZk ^hklZlhqgh b ijh\h^bf kihdhcguc \_q_j \ ©<_jog_f ;Zj_ª gZr_f f_klghf iZ[_« Hdly[jv Mq_[Z K_]h^gy fh_ i_j\h_ aZgylb_ Y _s_ g_ ihagZdhfbeZkv gb k fhbfb mqbl_eyfb gb k fh_c ]jmiihc I_j\h_ kh[jZgb_ ebg]\bklbq_kdh]h hl^_e_gby khklhblky \ mljZ \ e_dpbhgghf a^Zgbb Y ^he`gZ [ulv hq_gv ZddmjZlgZ qlh[u g_ ijhimklblv _]h l_jjblhjby mgb\_jkbl_lZ ^_ckl\bl_evgZ [hevrZy b y \k_ _s_ bf_x keZ[h_ ij_^klZ\e_gb_ h lhf ]^_ gZoh^blky e_dpbhggh_ a^Zgb_ Dhg_qgh y hiZa^u\Zx gh \k_ `_ ijboh`m \h\j_fy qlh[u magZlv dlh ^bj_dlhju fh_]h dmjkZ b dZd [m^_l hj]Zgbah\ZgZ mq_[Z GZr_ hl^_e_gb_ hq_gv [hevrh_ b hgh jZa^_e_gh gZ jZagu_ ]jmiiu \ khhl\_lkl\bb k h[eZklvx ki_pbZebaZpbb Fhc hkgh\ghc ij_^f_l khpbhebg]\bklbdZ Khpbhebg]\bklbdZ \f_kl_ k khpbhebg]\bklbq_kdbfb f_lh^Zfb fhb h[yaZl_evgu_ ^bkpbiebgu Y ^he`gZ ihk_sZlv bo j_]meyjgh >jm]b_ ^bkpbiebgu _s_ y fh]m \u[jZlv kZfZ ?klv hdheh ij_^f_lh\ \u[hjZ b g_ h[yaZl_evgh ^_eZlv \u[hj ijyfh k_cqZk GZf ^Zeb hdheh ^\mo g_^_ev qlh[u ihoh^blv ihkemrZlv e_dpbb b j_rblv qlh fu kh[bjZ_fky ^_eZlv \ l_q_gbb hklZevghc qZklb q_l\_jlb H^gZdh \ ke_^mxs_c q_l\_jlb fu kfh`_f \u[jZlv ^jm]b_ ^bkpbiebgu Ihke_ \u[hjZ ^bkpbiebg gZf g_h[oh^bfh ihk_sZlv bo j_]meyjgh b ^_eZlv jZ[hlu gZ ij_^eh`_ggu_ mqbl_e_f l_fu LZd`_ kms_kl\mxl djZcgb_ kjhdb ^ey k^Zqb jZ[hl DjZcgbc kjhd wlh ² ki_pbZevgZy ^ZlZ b \j_fy dh]^Z klm^_gl ^he`_g ijbg_klb jZ[hlm k_dj_lZjx hl^_e_gby DZd lhevdh k_dj_lZjv ihemqZ_l __ hgZ aZghkbl \j_fy \ dhfivxl_j L_ dlh hiZa^u\Zxl l_jyxl beb imgdlZ \ ijh225

p_glghf khhlghr_gbb \ ^_gv hl bo dhg_qghc hp_gdb JZ[hlZ hp_gb\Z_lky \ ijhp_glZo LZd l_hj_lbq_kdb \ukrZy hp_gdZ ² SHU FHQW gh \ ^_ckl\bl_evghklb ² SHU FHQW ² kZfuc \ukhdbc \hafh`guc j_amevlZl Qlh[u ihemqblv kl_i_gv klm^_gl ^he`_g ihemqblv g_ f_gvr_ q_f SHU FHQW aZ dZ`^mx ba jZ[hl >ey klm^_glh\ ihke_^g_]h dmjkZ wlhl mjh\_gv gZfgh]h gb`_ Mgb\_jkbl_lkdb_ h[s_kl\Z K_]h^gy \_ebdbc ^_gv GZrb mgb\_jkbl_lkdb_ h[s_kl\Z ^_eZxl [hevrmx \uklZ\dm qlh[u gh\u_ klm^_glu fh]eb \klmiblv \ h[s_kl\h dhlhjh_ bf bgl_j_kgh Qlh[u klZlv qe_ghf gm`gh aZieZlblv \klmibl_evguc \aghk < g_dhlhjuo kemqZyo wlh \k_]h ebrv h^bg nmgl \ ^jm]bo kemqZyo wlh gZfgh]h [hevr_ H[uqgh qe_g h[s_kl\Z Z\lhfZlbq_kdb ihemqZ_l \kx bgnhjfZpbx ijb]eZrZ_lky gZ e_dpbb h[km`^_gby b \_q_jbgdb b djhf_ lh]h hg ihemqZ_l [hevrmx kdb^dm gZ \oh^ghc [be_l gZ \_q_jbgdb h[s_kl\Z Kms_kl\m_l ijbf_jgh jZaguo h[s_kl\ b dZ`^h_ ba gbo ij_^klZ\e_gh gZ ]eZ\ghc iehsZ^b Y b fhb ^jmavy oh^bf \hdjm] ^mfZy b jZa]h\Zjb\Zy G_dhlhju_ ba h[s_kl\ g_ hq_gv bgl_j_kgu ^ey gZk =j_q_kdh_ h[s_kl\h Lmj_pdh_ h[s_kl\h BjeZg^kdh_ h[s_kl\h F_dkbdZgkdh_ h[s_kl\h Hgb ^ey l_o ex^_c dhlhju_ ijb_oZeb ba wlbo kljZg Fu ijb^_f d gbf iha`_ dh]^Z m gbo [m^ml \_q_jbgdb b hgb ijb]eZkyl \k_o ihkemrZlv bo fmaudm ihijh[h\Zlv bo _^m b ihlZgp_\Zlv k gbfb Qlh[u k^_eZlv wlh g_ h[yaZl_evgh [ulv qe_ghf LZd`_ kms_kl\mxl h[s_kl\Z hj]Zgbah\Zggu_ hl^_e_gbyfb lZdb_ dZd h[s_kl\Z khpbheh]bb dhfivxl_jZ ijZ\Z Hgb lh`_ g_ hq_gv ihimeyjgu < dhgp_ dhgph\ fu `_ ihk_sZ_f aZgylby LZd qlh [hevrbgkl\h klm^_glh\ ZlZdmxl iZjm klheh\ ijbgZ^e_`Zsbo h[s_kl\m ex[bl_e_c dbgh Z[khexlguc ih[_^bl_ev b h[s_kl\m nblg_kZ <klmiblv \ gbo ^h\hevgh ^hjh]h gh wlh klhbl lh]h GZijbf_j h[s_kl\h ex[bl_e_c dbgh ihdZau\Z_l ljb nbevfZ \ g_^_ex b _]h qe_gu fh]ml kfhlj_lv bo ijZdlbq_kdb [_kieZlgh \ lh \j_fy dZd hklZevguf klm^_glZf ijboh^blky ieZlblv ih nmglZ aZ dZ`^uc nbevf H[s_kl\h nblg_kZ ^Z_l l_[_ ijZ\h [_kieZlgh]h \oh^Z \ mgb\_jkbl_lkdbc nblg_k aZe Ihwlhfm fu klZgh\bfky qe_gZfb wlbo h[s_kl\ Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku Ijb[ulb_ 1) Marianna will be doing her master’s in the University of Essex. 2) MA means Master of Arts. 3) In her new life Marianna will have to make new friends and enemies, find out how to do her shopping and her laundry, choose a bank where she will open an account, find the cheapest telephone company to phone home and study. 4) Tesco is a supermarket. 226

5) Marianna’s impressions about Tesco are that it is a really enormous supermarket with endless shelves. 6) The students must be careful spending money, 7) as they don’t have enough money for wasting it? Besides extra expenditures are possible. Mq_[Z 1) Campus is the grounds and buildings of a university or college. 2) Marianna was able to find out who her course directors were and how the studies were going to be organized. 3) Marianna’s main subject is Sociolinguistics. 4) Module means anyone of several independent units that together form a course of study at a college or university. 5) Marianna has to choose three modules. 6) There are about 70 options to choose from. Students are given about two weeks to go, listen to the lectures and decide what they want to be doing for the rest of the term. Next term, however, they can pick up new modules. 7) Once the modules are chosen it is students’ responsibility to attend them regularly and write assignments on the topics suggested by the teacher. 8) A deadline is a special date and time when the student must bring the assignment to the secretary of the Department. 9) The assignment is brought to the secretary of the Department. As soon as she gets it she puts the time into her computer. Those who are late lose 2 or 3 points (per cent) per day from their final mark. 10) The work is marked in percent. 11) Theoretically the highest mark is 100per cent, but in reality 70 — 75per cent is the highest possible result. 12) To be awarded the degree a student should get not less than 60per cent for each of his assignments. This standard is much lower for the undergraduates. Mgb\_jkbl_lkdb_ h[s_kl\Z 1) University socs are making a big exhibition so the new students can join the societies they are interested in. 2) To become a member one should pay an entrance fee. 3) Usually a soc’s member automatically receives all the news, is invited to lectures, discussions and parties and, moreover, gets a big discount from the entrance fee to the soc’s parties. 4) At the University of Essex there are about 50 different socs. 5) There are socs for those, who came from different countries: a Greek soc, a Turkey soc, an Irish soc, a Mexican soc. There are also socs, organized by departments: a Sociology soc, a Computer soc, a Law soc. The most popular socs are the Film soc and the Fitness soc, the members of the first one watch film nearly for free, the members of the second one are given a free annual entry to the University fitness room. 227

6) Marianna chose the Film soc and the Fitness soc.

Lesson 5 Homework Ijhqlbl_ b i_j_\_^bl_ Ghy[jv G_ fh]m ih\_jblv qlh ijhr_e \k_]h ebrv f_kyp k l_o ihj dZd y ijb_oZeZ \ mgb\_jkbl_l K_cqZk l_jjblhjby mgb\_jkbl_lZ wlh fhc ^hf Y \klZx b b^m gZ e_dpbb Hgb \k_]^Z bgl_j_kgu_ b bgnhjfZlb\gu_ E_dlhju ^Zxl gZf ijhki_dlu kh \k_f qlh [m^_l \ l_q_gb_ e_dpbb lZd qlh gZf g_ ijboh^blky l_jylv \j_fy gZ lh qlh[u ibkZlv <f_klh wlh]h fu fh`_f ijbgbfZlv mqZklb_ b [_kdhg_qgh ^bkdmlbjh\Zlv Fu m`_ agZ_f l_fu gZrbo jZ[hl gh gbdlh _s_ g_ gZqZe ibkZlv bo Mqbl_ey lh`_ g_ kijZrb\Zxl gZk h gbo Hgb \k_]^Z jZ^u ihfhqv gh lhevdh _keb fu ijhkbf bo h[ wlhf M gZk \k_ _s_ f_kyp ^h i_j\h]h djZcg_]h kjhdZ k^Zqb lZd qlh fu gZkeZ`^Z_fky `bagvx b gZr f_klguc iZ[ dhlhjuc gZau\Z_lky Š<_jogbc [Zjª \k_]^Z ihehg \_q_jhf Fu kfhljbf nbevfu oh^bf \ nblg_k aZe b gZ jZagu_ \_q_jbgdb mkljZb\Z_fu_ h[s_kl\Zfb Ihke_^gyy ba gbo [ueZ hj]Zgbah\ZgZ f_dkbdZgkdbf h[s_kl\hf b [ueZ ihk\ys_gZ >gx \k_o k\yluo <_kv mgb\_jkbl_l k^_eZe dhklxfu b dmibe fZkdb Wlh [ue ihljykZxsbc \_q_j LZd`_ [u\Zxl \_q_jZ dh]^Z y kebrdhf mklZeZ qlh[u dm^Z lh b^lb Lh]^Z y ijhklh hklZxkv ^hfZ < gZr_c d\Zjlbj_ ljbgZ^pZlv dhfgZl GZ kZfhf ^_e_ wlh g_ d\ZjlbjZ Z wlZ` q_lujgZ^pZlbwlZ`gh]h ^hfZ gh ljZ^bpbhggh _]h gZau\Zxl d\Zjlbjhc Fu \k_ `b\_f \ gZrbo kh[kl\_gguo dhfgZlZo gh dmogy h^gZ ^ey \k_o GZf wlh gjZ\blky HgZ [hevrZy b kh\j_f_ggZy b \k_]^Z ihegZ ex^vfb dhlhju_ \ukemrZxl l_[y ihfh]ml l_[_ beb ijhklh m]hklyl dZdbf gb[m^v hkh[uf [ex^hf dhlhjh_ lu gbdh]^Z jZgvr_ g_ ijh[h\Ze Wlh dem[ gZr_c d\Zjlbju k h]jhfguf klhehf ihk_j_^bg_ aZ dhlhjuf o\ZlZ_l f_klZ ^ey \k_o Ghy[jv Y ^_ckl\bl_evgh ih^Z\e_gZ DjZcgb_ kjhdb k^Zqb ijb[eb`Zxlky Z fhb jZ[hlu gZibkZgu lhevdh gZiheh\bgm Y g_ agZx dZd y kh[bjZxkv aZdhgqblv \k_ \h\j_fy M f_gy bkkydeb b^_b y mklZeZ y g_kqZklgZ Dlh gb[m^v ihfh]bl_ fg_ Ihq_fm y g_ gZqZeZ jZgvr_" Wlb ^gb y mqmkv ^_gv b ghqv Y ijh\h`m [hevrmx qZklv \j_f_gb \ [b[ebhl_d_ KeZ\Z [h]m hgZ jZ[hlZ_l ^h ^_kylb \_q_jZ Dhg_qgh \k_ dgb]b dhlhju_ fg_ gm`gu m`_ ^Z\gh jZah[jZeb gh _klv lZd`_ dhibb \k_o dgb] dhlhju_ ex^b g_ fh]ml \ughkblv lZd qlh y ihevamxkv bfb <hafh`gh ihlj_[h\Zlv dgb]b h[jZlgh m ^jm]bo qblZl_e_c ?keb y ijhrm [b[ebhl_dm hgb gZibrml q_eh\_dm m dhlhjh]h dgb]Z qlh fg_ hgZ gm`gZ b aZklZ\yl _]h \_jgmlv __ jZgvr_ H^gZdh y g_ agZx ihfh`_l eb fg_ wlh k_cqZk M f_gy g_l \j_f_gb `^Zlv Dhf228

ivxl_jgu_ eZ[hjZlhjbb ihegu \ wlb ^gb Klm^_glu ^he`gu `^Zlv \ ^ebgguo hq_j_^yo qlh[u ihihevah\Zlvky dhfivxl_jhf <k_ ibrml jZ[hlu dZ`^uc \u]ey^bl haZ[hq_gguf b [e_^guf EZablv \ bgl_jg_l_ kljh]h aZij_s_gh ex^yf gm`gu dhfivxl_ju ^ey jZ[hlu Fg_ ihkqZkleb\behkv m f_gy _klv kh[kl\_gguc dhfivxl_j \ dhfgZl_ Y g_ fh]m ij_^klZ\blv dZd ex^b fh]ml khkj_^hlhqblvky \ i_j_iheg_gguo eZ[hjZlhjbyo Mqbl_ey k_cqZk _^\Z eb ^hklmigu ^ey jZa]h\hjh\ Bo dhgkmevlZpbhggu_ qZku iheghklvx jZkibkZgu lZd qlh l_ dlh g_ ih^mfZe h[ wlhf jZgvr_ mkeurZl ih l_e_nhgm fmaudm G_dhlhju_ ba fhbo ^jma_c ijh^e_\Zxl kjhdb >jm]bfb keh\Zfb hgb oh^yl gZ e_dpbb `Zemxlky gZ `bagv gZ a^hjh\v_ gZijy`_ggu_ hlghr_gby ?keb bf ih\_a_l mqbl_ev ijh^ebl bf djZcgbc kjhd k^Zqb gZ h^gm beb ^\_ g_^_eb Ihqlb dZ`^uc ]h\hjbl h ihemq_gbb ijh^e_gby gh [hevrbgkl\h ba gZk kebrdhf ]hj^u qlh[u ijhkblv h g_f >_dZ[jv ŠKqZkleb\h]h Jh`^_kl\Z djhrdZÂŞ ² ihx y kemrZy fmaudm b miZdh\u\Zy q_fh^Zgu Y k^_eZeZ wlh Y gZibkZeZ jZ[hlu b k^ZeZ bo \h\j_fy Y kh[bjZxkv ijh\_klb fhb abfgb_ dZgbdmeu \ \Zebckdhf Lhjg[jb^`_ Y g_ \b^_eZ bo k lh]h i_qZevgh]h fhf_glZ dh]^Z hgb ijb\_aeb f_gy gZ l_jjblhjbx mgb\_jkbl_lZ ;m^_l i_qZevgh ijhsZlvky k fhbfb khdmjkgbdZfb gZ f_kyp gh ihqlb \k_ m_a`Zxl L_jjblhjby mgb\_jkbl_lZ \u]ey^bl k_jhc b imklhc IhdZ Ih^t_oZeh fh_ lZdkb Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku 1) Yes, Marianna like the lectures, because they are always interesting and informative. The lecturers give the students handouts with everything they say during the lecture, so they don’t have to waste their time on writing. Instead they can participate and have endless discussions. 2) No, the students don’t bother about writing assignments? As they still have a month before the first deadline. The teachers do not ask about them either. They are always happy to help, but only if the students ask them to. 3) They watch films, go to the fitness room and to different parties arranged by the socs. They are all enjoying themselves. 4) The Mexican soc organized a party devoted to Halloween. The whole University made costumes and bought masks. It was a great night. 5) The name flat is traditionally given to a floor of a 14-storeyed building. Every student lives in his own room, but the kitchen is for everybody to share. 6) Marianna has to spend day and night in the library as the deadlines are approaching and she is somewhere in the middle of writing her assignments. 229

7) Of course all the books Marianna needs are already taken, but there are copies of all books, that people cannot take out, so she is using them. 8) To reclaim the book means that it is possible to ask the library for a book which has been taken by someone else, and then they will write to this person that you need it and make him return it quicker. 9) The computer labs are full these days, as all the students have to use computers in their work. 10) The teachers are hardly available for talks now. Their consultation hours are fully booked, so those who did not think about it earlier have to face the music. 11) The expression to get an extension means, that if the teacher finds ground for it, he may extend the deadline for one or two weeks. 12) In order to get an extension one goes to the lectures and complain about life, health and stressful relationships. % Ijhqlbl_ qlh ijhbahreh ^Zevr_ >\Z ]h^Z kimkly K_]h^gy fhc \uimkdghc ^_gv fhc ihke_^gbc ^_gv \ Wkk_dk_ <k_ jZ[hlu wdaZf_gu ^he]b_ ghqb \ iZ[Zo \k_ wlh k_cqZk ihaZ^b Y m`_ g_ ihfgx dZd ly`_eh fg_ ijbrehkv jZ[hlZlv jZ^b wlh]h ^gy y ijhklh qm\kl\mx i_qZev ba aZ lh]h qlh ijhreb fhb klm^_gq_kdb_ ^gb Fhb ^jmavy b y kh[bjZ_fky ihclb \ mgb\_jkbl_lkdbc kh\_l ]^_ lblme fZ]bkljZ ]mfZgblZjguo gZmd aZdj_iblky aZ gZfb < ^Zgguc fhf_gl y ijbf_jyx fZglbx b klm^_gq_kdmx reyim FZglby ^ebggZy q_jgZy b k\h[h^gZy k [hevrbf dZixrhghf b djZkgh [_ehc ih^deZ^dhc HgZ \u]ey^bl dZd kj_^g_\_dh\Zy qlh g_ m^b\bl_evgh ljZ^bpby ghkblv wlb h^_`^u \ mgb\_jkbl_l_ ^h\hevgh ^j_\gyy Klm^_glu Hdk[jb^`Z D_f[jb^`Z b Hdknhj^Z dZd fu bo gZau\Z_f \k_ _s_ ghkyl fZglbb gZ wdaZf_gu gh \ ^jm]bo mgb\_jkbl_lZo fZglbb gZ^_\Zxl ebrv ih hkh[uf kemqZyf B mgb\_jkbl_lkdbc kh\_l wlh ² kZfh_ \Z`gh_ kh[ulb_ J_amevlZl e_l mq_[u Q_j_a ^_kylv fbgml y m`_ kb`m \ <_ebdhf AZe_ Hg djZkb\h mdjZr_g b gZ ]eZ\ghc kl_g_ gZibkZg ^_\ba mgb\_jkbl_lZ Wkk_dk ŠQ_f ljm^g__ l_f k_j^p_ kf_e__ª B]jZ_l ]bfg b ijhn_kkhjZ b ^hdlhjZ mgb\_jkbl_lZ \oh^yl \ aZe Ihke_^gbf \oh^bl ehj^ dZgpe_j GZ g_f djZkgZy fZglby b reyiZ Hg ijb\_lkl\m_l \uimkdgbdh\ bo jh^bl_e_c b ^jma_c aZl_f gZau\Z_l gZrb bf_gZ h^gh aZ ^jm]bf Dh]^Z ih^oh^bl fhy hq_j_^v y ihem`b\Z hl \heg_gby b g_ ihfgx qlh ^_eZlv ohly i_j_^ p_j_fhgb_c y \gbfZl_evgh ijhqblZeZ bgkljmdpbb GZdhg_p y ih^oh`m d ehj^ dZgpe_jm hg iha^jZ\ey_l f_gy ih`bfZ_l fg_ jmdm b y ihemqZx k\hc ^biehf

Lesson 6


Homework <_jgh beb g_\_jgh beb g_l bgnhjfZpbb" ?keb g_l bgnhjfZpbb ihijh[mcl_ ihjZafureylv beb magZcl_ 1) wrong; 2) no information; 3) right; 4) wrong; 5) right; 6) wrong; 7) no information; 8) no information (but it is not right, Essex is close to London); 9) no information; 10) wrong; 11) wrong; 12) wrong; 13) wrong; 14) wrong; 15) no information; 16) right; 17) right; 18) wrong; 19) wrong; 20) wrong; 21) wrong; 22) no information; 23) no information; 24) no information (but it is true); 25) right; 26) wrong; 27) wrong; 28) wrong; 29) wrong. B]jZ ;jhkvl_ fhg_lu K^_eZcl_ ^\Z beb ljb oh^Z \ aZ\bkbfhklb hl lh]h qlh m <Zk hj_e beb j_rdZ JZ[hlZcl_ iZjZfb B^bl_ \ mgb\_jkbl_l b h[jZlbl_kv \ bgnhjfZpbhggh_ [xjh AZ[_jbl_ dexqb \ kem`[_ `bevy GZc^bl_ imlv d [Zrg_ Ij_^kZ\l_kv <Zrbf gh\uf ^jmavyf ih d\Zjlbj_ JZamagZcl_ h gbo Dmibl_ k_[_ e_gq \ dZn_ b ijhc^bl_ gZ ^\_ de_ldb \i_j_^ KdZ`bl_ kiZkb[h ex^yf kb^ysbf jy^hf k \Zfb gZ q_luj_o jZaguo yaudZo KhklZ\l_ kibkhd ihdmihd b hlijZ\eycl_kv \ L_kdh Kijhkbl_ ]eZ\m h[s_kl\Z ex[bl_e_c dbgh h qe_gkl\_ b \aghkZo <hafbl_ bgl_j_kgmx dgb]m \ [b[ebhl_d_ B^bl_ \ nblg_k aZe b dmibl_ _`_]h^guc [be_l B^bl_ \ iZ[ dmibl_ ib\Z ih]h\hjbl_ k ^jmavyfb b ijh^\bgvl_kv gZ ljb de_ldb \i_j_^ GZibrbl_ b ihrebl_ we_dljhggh_ ibkvfh <Zrbf jh^bl_eyf <u[_jbl_ k_[_ ^bkpbiebgu b h[tykgbl_ \u[hj bkihevamcl_ rdhevgu_ ij_^f_lu beb <Zr_ \hh[jZ`_gb_

Kijhkbl_ <Zr_]h ij_ih^Z\Zl_ey h[ hp_gd_ Ihijhkbl_ h ijh^e_gbb kjhdh\ k^Zqb ijhimkdZ_l_ oh^ B^bl_ \ [b[ebhl_dm b \havfbl_ dgb]m dhlhjZy <Zf gm`gZ ih mq_[_ B^bl_ \ lmjbklbq_kdh_ Z]_glkl\h b aZdZ`bl_ [be_lu Ihk_lbl_ mgb\_jkbl_lkdbc kh\_l $ IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]heu \ kdh[dZo \ ijZ\bevgmx nhjfm >be_ffZ Was, lived, had, spent. Died, sent. Would meet. Had had, spoke, hated / Came, was lying. Unlock, will lie. Thought, was, would be.

Lesson 7


Went, started, had read. Leave, remember, contains, unlock, will be blown. Exploded, explode, will blow. Could, opening, did not believe. Was, would think. % GZc^bl_ bgnhjfZpbx dhlhjhc g_l \ l_dkl_ 1;3;4;5;7. ' Ijhgmf_jmcl_ kh[ulby `bagb EZjjb Kblkdb \ ijZ\bevghf ihjy^d_ 4; 3; 6; 2; 1; 5.

Lesson 8

% Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku Ihq_fm :\kljZebckdbc Fheh^_`guc Hjd_klj [ue \Z`ghc kbehc \ fmaudZevghc `bagb gZpbb h[mqZy emqrbo fheh^uo fmaudZglh\" It has been a vital force in the nation’s musical life, because it trains the best of Australia’s young musicians the rigours of professional orchestral life. >hdZ`bl_ qlh m hjd_kljZ \u^ZxsZyky j_imlZpby \ :\kljZebb b \h \k_f fbj_ The Orchestra has played in many countries. I_lZ Q_ca b]jZ_l gZ kdjbid_ beb gZ ibZgbgh" Peta Chase plays the violin. >hdZ`bl_ qlh hgZ lZeZgleb\uc fmaudZgl She is a talented musician. She joined the Newcastle Conservatorium Children’s Symphony Orchestra and later became its leader. Then she was the leader of the Senior Orchestra at the Newcastle University conservatoruim. She had been awarded several scholarships and prizes for her contribution to music.

Lesson 9

Homework I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) What language is spoken in Holland? — Dutch is spoken in Holland. 2) Is her husband a Spaniard or a Portuguese? 3) The Danes speak Danish, don’t they? 4) The Londoner love their city. 5) Liverpudlians are proud of the fact that Beetles are from Liverpool. 6) People in Mexico speak Spanish, don’t they? 7) German is spoken in Austria. 8) Glaswegians speak English. Don’t they? 9) Japanese and Chinese are known to be the most difficult languages to study. 10) The Scots are very courageous. 232

& JZkkdZ`bl_ h g_f bkihevamy ke_^mxsb_ keh\Z Duncan Gifford is one of the most talented young musicians. He is in his fifth year at the Moscow Conservatoire. He is the winner of every major competition in Australia. He has appeared as soloist with many orchestras and toured Europe with the Australian Youth Orchestra. He has performed through Australia and many other countries all over the world. His first CD was released in 1993. ' J_deZfgu_ h[ty\e_gby Bamqbl_ ke_^mxs__ ;jblZgkdb_ f_klgu_ ]Za_lu h[uqgh kh^_j`Zl g_kdhevdh kljZgbp h[ty\e_gbc dhlhju_ k]jmiibjh\Zgu ih dZl_]hjbyf <hl g_dhlhju_ dZl_]hjbb b g_kdhevdh lbibqguo h[ty\e_gbc <u[_jbl_ dZl_]hjbx ^ey dZ`^h]h h[ty\e_gby 1) f; 2) c; 3) g; 4) a; 5) h; 6) e; 7) d; 8) b.

Lesson 10

Lesson 11 Homework Ijhqlbl_ b i_j_\_^bl_ ke_^mxsbc iZjZ]jZn G_ koh^bl_ k mfZ Fgh]b_ \ujZ`_gby \ Zg]ebckdhf bf_xl keh\Z hlghkysb_ky d ]hjh^Zf b kljh_gbyf <hl g_dhlhju_ ba gbo ?keb \u SDLQW WKH WRZQ UHG mkljhblv ihihcdm \u ijZa^gm_l_ hq_gv rmfgh \ iZ[_ beb j_klhjZg_ ?keb qlh lh LV MXVW XS \RXU VWUHHW jZa[bjZlvky \ q_f eb[h wlh dZd jZa lh qlh \Zf ih^oh^bl gh _keb \u WDNH WKH ZURQJ WXUQLQJ k\_jgmeb g_ lZf beb \u DUH RII WKH WUDFN k[bebkv k imlb lh]^Z \u k^_eZeb hrb[dm ?keb \u KDYH \RXU EDFN WR WKH ZDOO \ [_a\uoh^ghf iheh`_gbb \u [hj_l_kv k [_agZ^_`ghc kblmZpb_c b _keb \u EDQJLQJ \RXU KHDG DJDLQVW D EULFN ZDOO [blvky ]heh\hc h[ kl_gm \u ijbqbgy_l_ k_[_ [hev g_gm`gufb mkbebyfb $ WRZHU RI VWUHQJWK aZsblgbd gZ^_`gZy hihjZ wlh dlh lh dlh ^Z_l kbeu b kf_ehklv hklZevguf D FDVWOH LQ 6SDLQ beb LQ WKH DLU \ha^mrgu_ aZfdb ijb\e_dZl_evgZy gh g_hkms_kl\bfZy f_qlZ 7R EH RQ WKH WKUHVKROG RI VRPHWKLQJ [ulv gZ ihjh]_ q_]h eb[h [ulv \ gZqZe_ gh\h]h hiulZ beb _keb VRPHWKLQJ LV MXVW URXQG WKH FRUQHU agZqbl wlh hq_gv [ebadh 7R GURS D EULFN k^_eZlv eyikmk kdZaZlv dhfm eb[h qlh lh [_klZdlgh_ 7R OD\ WKH IRXQGDWLRQ iheh`blv gZqZeh AgZqbl kha^Zlv kbevgmx hkgh\m ^ey q_]h eb[h gh _keb WR VULNH DW WKH IRXQGDWLRQ gZg_klb m^Zj ih hkgh\_ agZqbl ijbqbgblv \j_^ hkgh\_ q_]h eb[h ?keb \u H[SORUH HYHU\ DYHQXH bkihevah\Zlv \k_ \hafh`ghklb \u bamqbeb dZ`^mx \hafh`ghklv Z _keb \u JR URXQG WKH EHQG khclb k mfZ \u kmfZkr_^rbc Khhlg_kbl_ jbkmgdb b \ujZ`_gby a — 5; b — 4; c — 6; d — 3; e — 1; f — 2. 233

I_j_\_^bl_ gZ jmkkdbc yaud Y g_ \_jx _fm Hg \k_]^Z kljhbl \ha^mrgu_ aZfdb Hg ihqm\kl\h\Ze qlh j_r_gb_ wlhc ijh[e_fu m`_ [ebadh Y [hxkv hg k^_eZ_l eyikmk \ __ ijbkmlkl\bb Y ^mfZx wlZ \klj_qZ iheh`bl gZqZeh ieh^hl\hjgh]h khljm^gbq_kl\Z HgZ g_ kfh]eZ g_ gZibkZlv ibkvfh ohly ihgbfZeZ qlh wlh jZajmrbl hkgh\m bo hlghr_gbc HgZ khc^_l k mfZ _keb hg g_ \ub]jZ_l khj_\gh\Zgby GZdhg_p >`hj` ihgye qlh hg [beky ]heh\hc h[ kl_gm b j_rbe hklZ\bl b^_x wdki_jbf_glZ AZ^Zgb_ [ueh dZd jZa ^ey g_]h I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) This work is not up his street. 2) He realized he took the wrong turning. 3) Her husband has always been a tower of strength for her. 4) He was notorious for the fact, that he could drop a brick at any moment. 5) If you don’t stop thinking about it, you will go rou6) nd the bend. 7) I had to tell everything, because I had my back to the wall. 8) He did not want to paint the town red on his birthday. 9) It is easier to live without building castles in Spain. 10) Don’t waste your time. You are banging your head against a brick wall. & GZc^bl_ bgnhjfZpbx dhlhjZy kh^_j`blky \ l_dkl_ 1, 3, 6, 8, 9

Lesson 12

Homework GZc^bl_ \ l_dkl_ keh\Z ih^oh^ysb_ ih^ ke_^mxsb_ hij_^_e_gby 1) robbery; 2) an outlaw ; 3) a bushranger; 4) excitement; 5) bold; 6) threaten; 7) reply; 8) thunderbolt; 9) landscape; 10) western; 11) goldrush. KdZ`bl_ g_kdhevdh keh\ h dZjlbg__ ŠHklZgh\e_guª This painting is by an Australian artist Tom Roberts. It is based on a true story about a coach that was robbed during the goldrush in New South Wales. Bail up are the words the bushrangers shouted when they were robbing a coach. It reminds of an American western but the clothes, the landscape, the coach and the action in the picture are painted in such a way that it is clear that it is Australia. One robber is talking to a woman and we can see that he is not threatening her. 234

: KhihklZ\vl_ bf_gZ \ dhehgdZo b keh\Z Ijb\_^_ggu_ gb`_ Keh\Z fh]ml [ulv bkihevah\Zgu g_ h^bg jZa A — 15, 3, 2; B — 6, 5, 3, 9, 24; C — 6, 4, 20, ; D — 10, 21, 22; E — 11, 7; F — 6; G — 12; H — 25, 14; I — 28, 8, 6. < GZc^bl_ keh\h dhlhjh_ \u^_ey_lky ba hklZevguo London — is odd because the rest are the names of territories. Spiritual is odd because the rest of words are connected with nature. Artefacts is odd because the rest of words are connected with religion. Gang-ngarl is odd because the rest of words are not the names of clans. Matata is odd because the rest of words are the names of the paintings. 1935 is odd because the rest of words are the years of births of artists. desert is odd because the rest of words are not connected with nature. & AZihegbl_ g_^hklZxsmx bgnhjfZpbx b k^_eZcl_ fbgb ij_a_glZpbb h dZjlbgZo

Lesson 14



GZa\Zgb_ dZjlbgu

Goose Egg Hunt


To teach To develop To gain to display


Ginger Riley Munduwalawala


Kms_kl\bl_evgu_ Artist Descendant Member Promotion

Stockman Images Reference Features Significance To paint To represent To focus To appear To show To depict To feature To issue To introduce To complete

Stamps Watercolor Exhibitions Recognition Founder Award Community Desert Rituals Design




GZa\Zgb_ dZjlbgu


Kms_kl\bl_evgu_ Content Fertility Belief Practice Nurture Sites

Om^h`gbd =h^ GZa\Zgb_ dZjlbgu =eZ]heu Hector Jan- 1991 Ngarrgooroon To show dany Country To complete To resign

Kms_kl\bl_evgu_ Stockman Cook Concerns Dreamtime stories Establishment Catholic Church Chairman Artefacts


Lesson 15 Homework Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku Ihq_fm >`bf <mevn_gkhg i_j_^Ze \ ^Zj GZpbhgZevghc =Ze_j_b :\kljZebb nhg^u" He donated funds to the Gallery to enable it purchase works of art to be taken to children who live in remote areas of Australia. Qlh fh]ml ^_lb ^_eZlv k wdkihgZlZfb" Children can discuss and explore objects. ;Z]h^Zjy dhfm q_fh^Zg k ijhba\_^_gbyfb bkdmkkl\Z iml_r_kl\m_l ih \k_c :\kljZebb" Thanks to Jim and Elaine Wolfenson’s gift suitcase with artworks travells all over Australia. & GZc^bl_ \ l_dkl_ keh\Z dhlhju_ ih^oh^yl d ke_^mxsbf ]jmiiZf keh\ Dazzling foremost Devote Win Focus ' AZihegbl_ ijh[_eu b i_j_kdZ`bl_ l_dkl Bkihevamcl_ dZd fh`gh [hevr_ kh[kl\_gguo keh\ One of the Australia’s foremost artists (outstanding, famous) His work (his paintings)

Lesson 16


Dazzling beauty of Australia (magnificent nature) Sit (is situated, is located) Sydney Harbour The surrounding sandy beaches, sounds of lapping water, cjanging light In Sydney in 1940 To be an artist (to become) Began to study in one of the most important art schools Advertising Devote his energy to the creation of art Lives and works Australians and Australia

Lesson 17 Homework IjhqblZcl_ b i_j_\_^bl_ gZ jmkkdbc yaud G_ l_jycl_ \j_fy ihgZijZkgm JZkl_gby b p\_lu ^Zeb fgh`_kl\h jZa]h\hjguo \ujZ`_gbc \ Zg]ebckdhf <hl g_kdhevdh ba kZfuo mihlj_[bfuo lZdbo \ujZ`_gbc $ IDPLO\ WUHH jh^hkeh\gh_ ^j_\h wlh ² kibkhd \k_o qe_gh\ k_fvb 7R JHW WR WKH WRS RI \RXU WUHH aZgbfZlv \b^gh_ iheh`_gb_ hagZqZ_l ij_mki_\Zlv \ jZ[hl_ gh WR EDUN XS WKH ZURQJ WUHH gZiZklv gZ eh`guc ke_^ hagZqZ_l ihl_jylv \j_fy ij_ke_^my g_ lhl h[t_dl $ EUDQFK RIILFH nbebZe wlh ² ih^dhgljhevgZy dhfiZgby 7R WZLJ ihgylv wlh ² \g_aZigh hkhagZlv qlh eb[h ?keb \u KHGJH m\beb\Zlv hl ijyfh]h hl\_lZ beb EHDW DERXW WKH EXVK mdehgylvky hl ijyfh]h hl\_lZ \u g_ ]h\hjbl_ lh]h qlh bf__l_ \ \b^m ijyfh Dh]^Z \u FDQ¶W VHH WKH ZRRG IRU WKH WUHHV aZ ^_j_\vyfb e_kZ g_ \b^_lv \u g_ \b^bl_ qlh lh \ p_ehf ba aZ ^_lZe_c 7R EH KHGJHG LQ [ulv k\yaZgguf agZqbl [ulv h]jZgbq_gguf \ q_f eb[h 7R SXW GRZQ URRWV hk_klv hagZqZ_l hk_klv \ dZdhf eb[h f_kl_ b WR JHW WR WKH URRW RI VRPHWKLQJ ihgylv kmsghklv q_]h eb[h agZqbl gZclb ijbqbgm beb h[tykg_gb_ q_fm eb[h 7KHUH¶V QR URVH ZLWKRXW D WKRUQ g_l jhau [_a dhexq_d hagZqZ_l qlh g_^hklZldb _klv \ dZ`^hc ohjhr_c \_sb $ WKRUQ LQ WKH IOHVK bklhqgbd ihklhyggh]h jZa^jZ`_gby wlh ² gZ^h_^eb\uc q_eh\_d $ URV\ YLHZ RI WKLQJV kfhlj_lv gZ \_sb q_j_a jhah\u_ hqdb hagZqZ_l hq_gv hilbfbklbqgu_ \a]ey^u Z WR JLOG WKH OLO\ memqrZlv qlh lh b [_a lh]h ^hklZlhqgh ohjhr__ agZqbl baf_gylv qlh lh qlh b lZd djZkb\h b ihlhfm bkihjlblv wnn_dl KhihklZ\vl_ dZjlbgdb k \ujZ`_gbyfb a — 6; b — 5; c — 1; d — 4; e — 2; f — 3; g — 7.


I_j_\_^bl_ ij_^eh`_gby gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud \ ibkvf_gghc nhjf_ 1) I’m afraid you are barking the wrong tree. 2) They had been talking for two hours yet, and I understood, that the partners were beating about the bush. 3) Does he work in a branch office? 4) I’m afraid they do not see the wood for the trees and will arrive at a wrong decision. 5) His grandfather came from Russia and put down roots in California. 6) She feared greatly that Henry would not twig the truth. 7) When he was thinking about his sister he reminded a proverb that there’s no rose without a thorn. 8) Don’t gild the lily! You already look very nice.

CHAPTER 7 Lesson 1

< IhklZ\vl_ ]eZ]he \ kdh[dZo \ gm`gmx nhjfm 1) well, good; 2) wrongly, wrong; 3) terribly; 4) fast, fast; 5) good, well; 6) suddenly, sudden. Nearly; 7) easy, easily; 8) dark, rapidly; 9) good, easy, well, fard; heavily, heavy; 11) seriously; 12) happy, happily; 13) angrily; 14) hard, hard, busy; 15) hardly; 16) bad, bad; 17) usually Homework Ijhqlbl_ b i_j_\_^bl_ l_dkl Ih^q_jdgbl_ ijbeZ]Zl_evgu_ gZj_qby b khq_lZgby gZj_qbc b ijbeZ]Zl_evg\o \ l_dkl_ aZl_f h[km^bl_ dZdb_ keh\Z qlh h[hagZqZxl Lhgg_ev ih^ EZ FZgr_f B^_y lhgg_ey ih^ EZ FZgr_f g_ihkj_^kl\_ggh kh_^bgyxsbf :g]ebx b NjZgpbx g_ gh\Zy e_l gZaZ^ njZgpmakdbc bg`_g_j kdZaZe GZihe_hgm qlh ihkljhblv ^ebgguc lhgg_ev ih^ EZ FZgr_f \iheg_ \hafh`gh lZd dZd fhjkdh_ ^gh lZd`_ dZd b kdZeu ih h[_bf klhjhgZf EZ FZgrZ khklhyl ba l\_j^h]h f_eZ GZihe_hgZ [hevr_ bgl_j_kh\ZeZ [hjv[Z k [jblZgpZfb q_f kh_^bg_gb_ ^\mo kljZg gZ\k_]^Z b \kdhj_ ihke_ wlh]h gh\Zy \hcgZ f_`^m :g]eb_c b NjZgpb_c ij_^hl\jZlbeZ ex[h_ ^Zevg_cr__ jZa\blb_ wlh]h ijh_dlZ AZl_f \ dhgp_ uo LhfZk ^_ =Zfhg^ ba NjZgpbb b K_j >`hg Ohdrh ba ;jblZgbb ^\Z hq_gv mki_rguo bg`_g_jZ kha^Zeb \iheg_ j_Zebklbqguc ieZg `_e_agh^hjh`gh]h lhgg_ey dhlhjuc gZdhg_p ij_djZlbe [u baheypbx :g]ebb dZd hkljh\Z DhfiZgbb [ueb [ukljh kha^Zgu dZd \ ;jblZgbb lZd b \h NjZgpbb gh kZfb a_feygu_ jZ[hlu g_ gZqZebkv ^h uo Wdki_jbf_glZevguc lhgg_ev ^ebgghc \ ^\Z dbehf_ljZ [ue \ujul ba NhedklhgZ ih^ EZ


FZgr_f gh ^Zevg_crb_ ^_ckl\by [ueb [ukljh ijbhklZgh\e_gu ba aZ \hagbdr_]h j_Zevgh]h jbkdZ ^jm]hc _\jhi_ckdhc \hcgu B lhevdh ihke_ ihke_^g_c \hcgu ;jblZgby b NjZgpby gZqZeb \k_jv_a aZ^mfu\Zlvky h[ hklZgh\e_gghf ijh_dl_ < ]jmiiZ bamqZxsZy ijh_dlu EZ FZgrZ him[ebdh\ZeZ ij_^eh`_gb_ h `_e_agh^hjh`ghf lhgg_e_ ba NhedklhgZ \ DZe_ b q_luj_ ]h^Z kimkly ijZ\bl_evkl\Z ^\mo kljZg k g_hohlhc kh]eZkbebkv gZdhg_p ijh^he`blv wlb qZklh hldeZ^u\Z_fu_ ijh_dlu A_feygu_ jZ[hlu gZqZebkv gh lhgg_ev f_^e_ggh ijh^\b]Zeky <k_]h ebrv ^\Z k iheh\bghc dbehf_ljZ lhgg_ey [ueb ijhjulu k h[_bo klhjhg EZ FZgrZ dh]^Z ijZ\bl_evkl\h ;jblZgbb g_^Zevgh\b^gh ij_djZlbeh ijh_dl \ H^gZdh \ uo ;jblZgby b NjZgpby \hah[gh\beb i_j_]h\hju b j_rbeb kha^Zlv dhgkhjpbmf qlh[u aZdhgqblv ijh_dl bkihevamy dZiblZe kh[jZgguc qZklguf h[jZahf ;ueh j_r_gh \ujulv `_e_agh^hjh`guc lhgg_ev q_j_a \kx l_jjblhjbx f_`^m ^\mfy kljZgZfb ]^_ Z\lhfh[bebklu fh]eb [u _a^blv gZ hldjuluo lh\Zjguo ieZlnhjfZo b [_a gbo \ h[hbo dhgpZo Lukyqb jZ[hqbo jZ[hlZeb djm]eu_ kmldb bkihevamy \ukhdhl_ogheh]bqgh_ h[hjm^h\Zgb_ aZqZklmx \ hiZkguo mkeh\byo ihdZ g_ gZklmibe ^he]h`^Zgguc fhf_gl dh]^Z njZgpmakdb_ b Zg]ebckdb_ bg`_g_ju kfh]eb gZdhg_p ih`Zlv ^jm] ^jm]m jmdb ]em[hdh ih^ \h^Zfb EZ FZgrZ H]jhfgu_ \hdaZeu [ueb khhjm`_gu \ dZ`^hf dhgp_ lhgg_ey kh\_jr_ggh gh\u_ klZgpbb [ueb ihkljh_gu \ Ehg^hg_ b IZjb`_ \ukhdhkdhjhklgu_ ih_a^Z [ueb ba]hlh\e_gu qlh[u i_j_\hablv iZkkZ`bjh\ ba ;jblZgbb gZ dhglbg_gl [uklj__ b k [hevrbfb m^h[kl\Zfb q_f dh]^Z eb[h jZgvr_ JZajZ[hlZgguc OZdrh b =Zfhg^hf lhgg_ev ^ey i_j_k_q_gby dZgZeZ [ue gZdhg_p ims_g \ ^_ckl\b_ b ;jblZgby [hevr_ g_ [m^_l hlj_aZgZ hl k\hb _\jhi_ckdbo khk_^_c lZdbf bklhjbq_kdbf [Zjv_jhf dZd EZ FZgr ;m^_l g_\hafh`gh ijhqblZlv lZdb_ aZ]heh\db dZd wlhl qZklh pblbjm_fuc ihy\b\rbcky h^gZ`^u \ [jblZgkdhc ]Za_l_ ŠGZ^ EZ FZgr_f lmfZg dhglbg_gl bahebjh\Zgª & IjbeZ]Zl_evgh_ beb gZj_qb_" 1) quiet; 2) near; 3) well; 4) loud; 5) deliciously; 6) angrily; 7) fine; 8) happy; 9) sick; 10) dark; 11) easy; 12) silent.

Lesson 2

Homework I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) When we saw him he could hardly speak. 2) He gets up early lately. 3) I feel well. 239

4) He spoke so fast that we could hardly understand him. 5) We had to work hard. 6) I like these flowers. They smell well. 7) She looked fine.(well) 8) Her voice sounds strange. 9) It got dark and we went home.

Lesson 3 Homework I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) Are you older or younger than your brother? 2) I’m two years older. 3) Is his younger sister an actress? 4) His task was the easiest. 5) «Sibirsky Tsirulnik «is the most interesting film she has ever seen. 6) His essay was the best one. 7) My friend lives farther from the school than I do. 8) Is your flat less comfortable than mine? 9) He knew very little about his parents. 10) She read more articles than her friend. 11) Ken Dawn is one of the most famous Australian artists. 12) She looks as well as 20 years ago. 13) He is not so kind, as you think he is. 14) The sooner he’ll understand it, the better. 15) The longer the night, the shorter the day. 16) Why study The more I study the more I know The more I know the more I forget The more I forget the less I know Why study? : I_j_\_^bl_ gZ Zg]ebckdbc yaud 1) My library is not so old as the one in which Tom works. 2) I think the books in our library are not less interesting. 3) Tom helps people find the books they need. 4) After everyone leaves, he reshelves the books. 5) This job is better than his last job. 6) Tom can work as much as he wants but it should not interfere with his school work. 7) Most of his friends work.

Lesson 5


% Ijhqlbl_ b i_j_\_^bl_ gZ jmkkdbc yaud < Zg]ebckdhf fgh]h jZa]h\hjguo \ujZ`_gbc \ dhlhjuo bkihevamxlky gZa\Zgby jZaebqguo qZkl_c l_eZ IURP KHDG WR WRH k ]heh\u ^h iyl <hl g_kdhevdh ba kZfuo jZkijhkljZg_gguo 7R NHHS \RXU KHDG khojZgylv kihdhckl\b_ agZqbl hklZ\Zlvky kihdhcguf Z WR ORVH LW ihl_jylv ]heh\m agZqbl iZgbdh\Zlv b ^_eZlv ]emihklb ?keb qlh lh DERYH beb RYHU \RXU KHDG \ur_ ihgbfZgby agZqbl ^ey <Zk wlh hq_gv ly`_eh ihgylv ?keb m \Zk VRPHWKLQJ RQ WKH EUDLQ g_hl\yagZy fukev <u g_ fh`_l_ wlh aZ[ulv Z _keb <u SLFN VRPHRQH¶V EUDLQV bkihevah\Zlv qm`b_ fukeb <u h[km`^Z_l_ ijh[e_fm k gbfb qlh[u ihkfhlj_lv _klv eb m gbo ohjhrb_ b^_b 7R SD\ WKURXJK WKH QRVH ieZlblv [_r_ggmx p_gm agZqbl ieZlblv kebrdhf \ukhdmx p_gm aZ qlh eb[h gh _keb <u WXUQ XS \RXU QRVH DW VRPHWKLQJ hlghkblky k ij_aj_gb_f <Zf wlh g_ gjZ\blky ?keb <u DOO HDU ij_\jZlblky \ kemo agZqbl <u kemrZ_l_ hq_gv \gbfZl_evgh Z _keb <u NHHS \RXU HDU WR WKH JURXQG gZ\hkljblv mrb <u kemrZ_l_ b ke_^bl_ aZ ij_^agZf_gh\Zgbyfb [m^msbo kh[ulbc 7R VHH H\H WR H\H kfhlj_lv h^gbfb ]eZaZfb k d_f eb[h agZqbl kh]eZrZlvky k gbf 7R NHHS VWLII XSSHU OLS khojZgylv ijbkmlkl\b_ ^moZ wlh ² ljZ^bpbhggh [jblZgkdZy q_jlZ g_ ihdZau\Zlv wfhpbc \ [_^_ 7R KDYH \RXU WRQJXH LQ \RXU FKHHN ]h\hjblv g_bkdj_gg_ agZqbl ]h\hjblv h^gh Z ^mfZlv ^jm]h_ 7R KDYH D VZHHW WRRWK [ulv keZ^dh_`dhc agZqbl ex[blv keZ^hklb Z k^_eZlv qlh eb[h E\ WKH VNLQ RI \RXU WHHWK _e_ _e_ k^_eZlv agZqbl _^\Z kmf_lv qlh eb[h k^_eZlv 7R VWLFN \RXU QHFN RXW jbkdh\Zlv ]heh\hc agZqbl ^_eZlv qlh eb[h jbkdh\Zggh_ beb hiZkgh_ Z WR NHHS VRPHRQH DW DUP¶V OHQJWK ^_j`Zlv dh]h eb[h gZ ihqlbl_evghf jZkklhygbb agZqbl ba[_]Zlv [he__ ^jm`_kl\_gguo hlghr_gbc k d_f eb[h ?keb <u KDYH D ILQJHU LQ HYHU\ SLH [ulv \h \k_f aZf_rZgguf agZqbl <u \h\e_q_gu \h fgh`_kl\h jZaguo ijh_dlh\ 7R EH XQGHU VRPHRQH¶V WKXPE [ulv m dh]h eb[h ih^ dZ[emdhf agZqbl [ulv ih^ qvbf eb[h \ebygb_f 7R EH WKLFN VNLQQHG [ulv lheklhdh`bf agZqbl [ulv g_qm\kl\bl_evguf d djblbd_ Z WR EH WKLQ VNLQQHG [ulv h[b^qb\uf agZqbl [ulv kebrdhf qm\kl\bl_evguf ?keb m <Zk EORRG ERLOV ijb\h^blv \ [_r_gkl\h agZqbl <u q_f lh \a[_r_gu Z _keb IUHH]HV LQ \RXU YHLQV djh\v \ `beZo klug_l <u bkim]Zgu ?keb <u SXOO VRPHRQH¶V OHJ h^mjZqb\Zlv <u ^jZagbl_ _]h 7R IDOO RQ \RXU IHHW kqZkleb\h hl^_eZlvky agZqbl [ulv hq_gv mki_rguf 7R ILQG \RXU IHHW \klZlv gZ gh]b agZqbl ijb\udgmlv d kblmZpbb Z WR JHW FROG IHHW bkim]Zlvky agZqbl [hylvky q_]h eb[h beb \hegh\Zlvky

Lesson 7


Khhlg_kbl_ jbkmgdb k \ujZ`_gbyfb a — 5; b — 7; c — 4; d — 3 ; e — 2; f — 6; g — 1. & GZc^bl_ \ iZjZ]jZn_ ke_^mxsb_ \ujZ`_gby to have a finger in every pie to keep someone at arm’s length to have a sweet tooth to keep stiff upper lip to be all ears to keep one’s head to pick someone’s brains by the skin of one’s teeth to stick one’s neck out to keep one’s ear to the ground to lose one’s head to see eye to eye with someone to have something on the brain to turn up one’s nose at something to be above / over one’s head to pay through the nose to have one’s tongue in one’ teeth to get cold feet to be under someone’s thumb to fall on one’s feet to be thick-skinned to pull someone’s leg to find one’s feet to be thin-skinned blood freezes in one’s veins. < JZ[hlu DZdZy jZ[hlZ m wlbo ex^_c" GZibrbl_ ijZ\bevgu_ ghf_jZ jy^hf k wlbfb keh\Zfb R_klv keh\ g_ [m^ml bkihevah\Zgu

Lesson 10

Homework IjhqblZcl_ b i_j_\_^bl_ gb`_ijb\_^_ggu_ hlju\db AZ^Zcl_ \hijhkh\ IhagZdhfvl_kv >`_cg Mw[kl_j ?c hgZ lhevdh qlh aZdhgqbeZ mgb\_jkbl_l HgZ mqbeZkv gZ nZdmevl_l_ f_g_^`f_glZ \ mgb\_jkbl_l_ aZdhgqbeZ k hlebqb_f b hq_gv ohq_l gZclb jZ[hlm < mgb\_jkbl_l_ \k_ agZeb >`_cg HgZ \k_]^Z aZgbfZeZ kZfu_ hl\_lkl\_ggu_ ^he`ghklb b b]jZeZ agZqbl_evgmx jhev \ `bagb mgb\_jkbl_lZ HgZ hj]Zgbah\u\ZeZ \_q_jbgdb wdkdmjkbb b ij_^klZ\eyeZ klm^_glh\ ihke_^g_]h dmjkZ \ 242

klm^_gq_kdhf kh\_l_ \ l_q_gb_ ^\mo k_f_kljh\ H^gh ba kh[ulbc dhlhjh_ hgZ hj]Zgbah\ZeZ ^Z`_ mihfbgZehkv \ =Zj^b_g_ HgZ [ueZ lZd`_ dZiblZghf mgb\_jkbl_lkdhc \he_c[hevghc dhfZg^u HgZ Z\lhj g_kdhevdbo im[ebdZpbc ih f_g_^`f_glm b fZjd_lbg]m ?_ jZ[hlu [ueb gZi_qZlZgu \ b HgZ hq_gv d\Zebnbpbjh\ZggZy q_klhex[b\Zy l\hjq_kdZy b kZfhm\_j_ggZy ebqghklv D kh`Ze_gbx hgZ lZd`_ \ukhdhf_jgZ g_l_ji_eb\Z b o\Zkleb\Z HgZ ]h\hjbl lhevdh ih Zg]ebckdb gh ]hlh\Z \umqblv ^jm]b_ yaudb _keb __ gh\Zy ^he`ghklv [m^_l wlh lj_[h\Zlv M g__ g_l hiulZ jZ[hlu gh hgZ \havf_lky lhevdh aZ \ukhdhhieZqb\Z_fmx ijbylgmx b d\Zebnbpbjh\Zggmx jZ[hlm Oh[[b >`_cg ² bklhjby b ]hlbq_kdZy Zjobl_dlmjZ 1) What did Jane study at the university? 2) Why did everybody in the University know Jane? 3) What events did Jane arrange? 4) She is an author of several publications on Management and Marketing, isn’t she? 5) Is Jane’s hobby history or gothic architecture? IhagZdhfvl_kv :e_dk MhjZg ]h^Z Hg ihf_rZg gZ dhfivxl_jZo Hg ijh\h^bl \kx k\hx `bagv \ bgl_jg_l_ Hg iulZeky jZ[hlZlv \ g_[hevrhc dhfiZgbb b [ue hl\_lkl\_gguf aZ ih^^_j`dm \k_c kbkl_fu ihevah\Zl_e_c h^gZdh kebrdhf [hevrZy hl\_lkl\_gghklv k^_eZeZ jZ[hlm mlhfbl_evghc b ^Z`_ hiZkghc ^ey g_]h < ^_ckl\bl_evghklb _]h ihke_^gbc ijh_dl [ue iheguf ijh\Zehf b dhfiZgby m\hebeZ _]h :e_dk hq_gv ^jm`_ex[guc m g_]h rbjhdbc djm]hahj hg l\hjq_kdbc b ihe_aguc q_eh\_d gh bgh]^Z hg g_fgh]h kl_kgbl_evguc g_gZ^_`guc b jZkk_ygguc < _]h [m^ms_c jZ[hl_ ^he`_g [ulv ihklhygguc ]jZnbd jZ[hlu gZ[ex^_gb_ b ihfhsv kh klhjhgu [m^msbo dhee_] 1) What is Alex’s main interest in life? 2) Does he have any work experience? 3) Why was he sacked from his previous work? 4) What are Alex’s positive features of character? 5) What is he looking for in his new job? IhagZdhfvl_kv B\Zg GbdheZ_\ e_l Hg hdhgqbe Fhkdh\kdbc Mgb\_jkbl_l Hg xjbkl B\Zg ki_pbZebabjm_lky ih ijZ\Zf q_eh\_dZ m g_]h k_fv e_l hiulZ dhgkmevlZpbhgghc jZ[hlu WlZ jZ[hlZ [ueZ hq_gv d\Zebnbpbjh\ZggZy b l\hjq_kdZy gh d kh`Ze_gbx gbadh hieZqb\Z_fZy Hg hq_gv kihdhcguc \_`eb\uc ijbylguc b hg \k_f gjZ\blky Hg qj_a\uqZcgh dhfi_l_gl_g b mf_g Hg i_j__oZe ba Jhkkbb \ :g]ebx b bs_l gh\mx jZ[hlm M g_]h lZd`_ hlebqgu_ agZgby 0LFURVRIW :RUG ([FHO b 3RZHU 3RLQW M B\ZgZ \j_f_ggu_ ljm^ghklb k ihemq_gb_f jZaj_r_gby gZ jZ[hlm gh hg gZ^__lky qlh _]h [m^msbc jZ[hlh^Zl_ev ih243

fh`_l _fm \ _]h ihemq_gbb < ^Zgguc fhf_gl hg [_j_lky aZ g_d\Zebnbpbjh\Zggmx jZ[hlm qlh[u k\_klb dhgpu k dhgpZfb 1) What University has Ivan graduated from? 2) Does he have any experience of advice work? 3) What are Ivan’s positive and negative features of character? 4) Ivan is experiencing some problems with the work permit, isn’t he? 5) What computer programs Ivan knows? IhagZdhfvl_kv Khnby ;jZmg ]h^Z M g__ g_l ki_pbZevgh]h h[jZah\Zgby gh hgZ ex[bl jZ[hlZlv k ex^vfb HgZ hq_gv ijb\e_dZl_evgZ q_ldh \ujZ`Z_l k\hb fukeb m g__ ij_djZkguc \dmk b fZg_ju HgZ \k_]^Z ohjhrh h^_lZ hgZ h[Zyl_evgZ b dhgdmj_glhkihkh[gZ Khnby k\h[h^gh ]h\hjbl ih njZgpmakdb g_fgh]h ih bkiZgkdb b ih g_f_pdb Ijh[e_fZ Khnbb \ lhf qlh hgZ e_gb\Z HgZ jZ[hlZeZ k_dj_lZj_f ]h^Z gZaZ^ gh khqeZ wlm jZ[hlm kebrdhf kdmqghc b g_ d\Zebnbpbjh\Zgghc H^gZdh __ jZ[hlh^Zl_eb [ueb kbevgh \i_qZle_gu _x b ^Zeb _c hlebqgu_ j_dhf_g^Zpbb Ihke_ wlh]h hgZ \ l_q_gb_ lj_o e_l iml_r_kl\h\ZeZ ih fbjm b l_i_jv ]hlh\Z gZqZlv dZjv_jm ?c gm`gh qlh lh ^_ckl\bl_evgh keh`gh_ b l\hjq_kdh_ HgZ ]hlh\Z jZ[hlZlv k\_jomjhqgh 1) Does Sofia have any special education? 2) What are her positive characteristics? 3) When did she work as a secretary? 4) What is Sofia’s problem? 5) What kind of work she is looking for? < \ur_ijb\_^_gghf l_dkl_ gZc^bl_ ijbeZ]Zl_evgu_ khhl\_lkl\mxsb_ hibkZgbyf ijb\_^_gguf gb`_ KhklZ\vl_ ij_^eh`_gby ih h[jZapm People who are confident are sure of themselves and their abilities. People who are boastful like to say how good they are at something. People who are quiet don’t get excited or nervous about things. People who are creative find it easy to produce new original ideas and things. People who are ambitious hate to lose at anything. People who are competent are usually sure of their own ability to do things. People who are shy feel uncomfortable in social situations. People who are domineering are always trying to control others without thinking too much how they feel. People who are impatient hate waiting for things and have no sympathy towards people’s weakness. People who are articulate are very good at talking and expressing their ideas.


AZihegbl_ lZ[ebpm ijbeZ]Zl_evgufb hibku\Zxsbfb q_jlu q_eh\_q_kdh]h oZjZdl_jZ Iheh`bl_evgu_ HljbpZl_evgu_ efficient domineering ambitious impatient creative boastful confident shy Iheh`bl_evgu_ HljbpZl_evgu_ friendly insecure broad-minded absent-minded creative lazy helpful polite pleasant competent intelligent charismatic competitive articulate

Lesson 11 Homework <hl g_kdhevdh h[ty\e_gbc h jZ[hl_ AZ dZdhc jZ[hlhc ke_^m_l h[jZlblvky >`_cg B\Zgm :e_dkm b Khnbb" KZehg djZkhlu FboZ_ev LhfZk Kem`Zsbc k_dj_lZjv \_^msbc ijb_f ihk_lbl_e_c Ih^jh[gZy bgnhjfZpby h jZ[hl_ Ih^jh[gh_ hibkZgb_ jZ[hlu lj_[h\Zgby FboZ_ev LhfZk kZehg djZkhlu \ukr_]h mjh\gy bs_l q_eh\_dZ `_eZxs_]h k^_eZlv dZjv_jm gZ ^he`ghklv kem`Zs_]h k_dj_lZjy \_^ms_]h ijb_f ihk_lbl_e_c gZ fgh]hnmgdpbhgZevgmx jZ[hlm >ey wlhc jZ[hlu g_h[oh^bfh g_dhlhjh_agZgb_ dhfivxl_jZ b hlebqgu_ gZ\udb h[s_gby ?keb <u aZbgl_j_kh\Zebkv b <Zf gjZ\blky jZ[hlZlv k ex^vfb ih`ZemcklZ k\y`bl_kv k >`_gbn_j beb >_ggb To my mind Sophia should apply for this job. Kem`[Z ljm^hmkljhckl\Z :^_ddh I_j_\h^qbd Ih^jh[gZy bgnhjfZpby h jZ[hl_ Ih^jh[gh_ hibkZgb_ jZ[hlu lj_[h\Zgby Gm`gu ibkvf_ggu_ b mklgu_ gZ\udb i_j_\h^Z k Zg]ebckdh]h gZ jmkkdbc <u [m^_l_ ihfh]Zlv gZ \klj_qZo i_j_\h^blv nbgZgkh\mx bgnhjfZpbx ex^yf b i_j_\h^blv ^hdmf_glu <u ^he`gu bf_lv 245

hiul jZ[hlu \ ih^h[ghc ^he`ghklb <u [m^_l_ jZ[hlZlv k f_`^mgZjh^gufb ijhn_kkbhgZeZfb [bag_kZ WlZ ^he`ghklv ² \j_f_ggh_ jZ[hq__ f_klh Z]_glkl\Z ih ljm^hmkljhckl\m :^_ddh Ih`ZemcklZ ihkueZcl_ <Zr_ j_axf_ k khijh\h^bl_evgufb ibkvfZfb ih we_dljhgghc ihql_ k mdZaZgb_f mjh\gy g_h[oh^bfhc aZjZ[hlghc ieZlu _keb <u aZbgl_j_kh\Zgu \ wlhf lj_of_kyqghf ijh_dl_ I suppose Ivan may apply for this job, although he has no prior experience within a similar business setting. Nelson, Riley, Mullins & Scarborough Hi_jZlhj kbkl_fu h[jZ[hldb l_dklh\ Ih^jh[gZy bgnhjfZpby h jZ[hl_ Ih^jh[gh_ hibkZgb_ jZ[hlu lj_[h\Zgby H[jZ[hldZ l_dklh\ jZ[hlZ \ lj_lvx kf_gm NbebZem ehg^hgkdhc xjb^bq_kdhc dhfiZgbb gm`_g hi_jZlhj kbkl_fu h[jZ[hldb ^Zgguo gZ jZ[hlm k \_q_jZ ^h mljZ k ihg_^_evgbdZ ih q_l\_j] Hlebqgu_ agZgby 0LFURVRIW :RUG ([FHO 3RZHU3RLQW Hiul jZ[hlu h[yaZl_e_g Hiul jZ[hlu \ Xjb^bq_kdhc dhfiZgbb h[yaZl_e_g Ij_djZkgZy aZjZ[hlgZy ieZlZ b ihhsj_gby <gbfZgb_ dZg^b^Zlu ² lhevdh ihklhyggu_ `bl_eb ?\jhiu fh]ml aZgylv ^he`ghklv ² kiZkb[h Neither Jane, nor Ivan, nor Alex, nor Sophia should apply for this job. GZ[hj khljm^gbdh\ ^ey $ELJDLO 6WDIILQJ Ih^jh[gZy bgnhjfZpby h jZ[hl_ >he`ghklv Mq_gbd f_g_^`_jZ DhfiZgby $ELJDLO 6WDIILQJ Lbi iheguc jZ[hqbc ^_gv AZjZ[hlgZy ieZlZ HibkZgb_ jZ[hlu H]jhfgu_ dZjv_jgu_ \hafh`ghklb \ DZgZ^_ ^ey g_^Z\gbo \uimkdgbdh\ dhee_^`_c <u ^he`gu [ulv h[sbl_evgu aZbgl_j_kh\Zgu \ ^_gv]Zo ]hlh\u d dhgdmj_gpbb b bf_lv q_ldmx p_ev Ihke_ lj_gbjh\hqghc ijh]jZffu ² f_kyp_\ <Zf [m^_l ij_^eh`_g l_kl ih f_g_^`f_glm b _keb <u _]h ijhc^_l_ <Zk \u^\bgml gZ ^he`ghklv ihfhsgbdZ f_g_^`_jZ ]^_ <ZrZ aZjZ[hlgZy ieZlZ [m^_l m\_ebq_gZ Ihfhsgbd f_g_^`_jZ ihemqZ_l ijbf_jgh ² \ ]h^ >Zevg_crb_ ijh^\b`_gby ih kem`[_ ² jmdh\h^bl_ey mqZkldZ ² ^h h[eZklgh]h jmdh\h^bl_ey ² Wlh]h fh`gh ^hklb]gmlv \ l_q_gb_ e_l Ij_`^_ \k_]h <Zk h[mqZl \_^_gbx [bag_kZ k [hevrbf dhebq_kl\hf aZgylbc ih ijh^Z`Zf b fZjd_lbg]m DhfiZgby ohq_l gZgylv q_eh\_dZ `_eZxs_]h k^_eZlv dZjv_jm k ohjhrbfb q_eh\_q_kdbfb dZq_kl\Zfb b \ukrbf h[jZah246

\Zgb_f Wlh nZglZklbq_kdZy jZ[hlZ ^ey l_o dlh ohq_l ih^gylvky ^h kZfh]h \_joZ dZjv_jghc e_klgbpu Jane should apply for this job. >he`ghklv K_dj_lZjv Lbi iheguc jZ[hqbc ^_gv NZglZklbq_kdZy \hafh`ghklv [eZ]h^Zjy jZkrbj_gbx ^ey \ukhdhhj]Zgbah\Zggh]h k_dj_lZjy k aZiZkhf wg_j]bb b ]hlh\h]h jZ[hlZlv ih^ ^Z\e_gb_f h[klZgh\db wlh]h eb^bjmxs_]h j_deZfgh]h Z]_glkl\Z Hj]ZgbaZpby \klj_q khklZ\e_gb_ jZkibkZgby wlh \k_]h ebrv g_dhlhju_ ba h[yaZgghkl_c FbgbfZevgu_ gZ\udb i_qZlb hl keh\ \ fbgmlm Ohjhr__ beb hlebqgh_ agZgb_ 3RZHU3RLQW g_h[oh^bfh 16500≤ ?keb <u aZbgl_j_kh\Zebkv wlhc ^he`ghklvx beb ^jm]hc ih^h[ghc jZ[hlhc \ gZr_c l\hjq_kdhc h[klZgh\d_ ih`ZemcklZ k\y`bl_kv k >`m^b Heb\_jhf Fu ² jZ[hlh^Zl_ev ^Zxsbc jZ\gu_ \hafh`ghklb ijb ijb_f_ gZ jZ[hlm G_ ihklhyggu_ `bl_eb <_ebdh[jblZgbb ^he`gu ihkeZlv ^hdZaZl_evkl\h ijZ\Z gZ `bl_evkl\h b jZaj_r_gb_ gZ jZ[hlm Wlh Z[khexlgh g_h[oh^bfh ^ey lh]h qlh[u j_axf_ jZkkfZljb\Zehkv Sophia should apply for this job. H[km^bl_ hkgh\u\Zykv gZ j_deZfguo h[ty\e_gbyo dhlhju_ \u bamqbeb ^hfZ DZdZy jZ[hlZ ih^oh^bl >`_cg Z dZdZy g_l" H[tykgbl_ ihq_fm The first job isn’t suitable for Jane as it is unskilled, it doesn’t require any special education. And for such an ambitious person as Jane is, it would be a step back in her career. The second one isn’t suitable either as Jane doesn’t know any foreign languages. The third one is not for her either, as she is not a word processor and of course she doesn’t have any experience within a similar business setting. But the forth one is just up her street. It is a wellpaid, pleasant and skilled work, what is more, without any necessity of work experience, so it meets all her requirements. Jane wouldn’t be interested in the last one, as she is not a secretary and doesn’t wont to be it.

Lesson 12

Bamqbl_ ke_^mxs__ DZd ibkZlv j_axf_" >ey q_]h hgh gm`gh" J_axf_ wlh ijhklh j_deZfZ qlh[u ijh^Zlv k_[y jZ[hlh^Zl_ex <u ^he`gu ihkeZlv j_axf_ jZ[hlh^Zl_eyf _keb hgb wlh]h ijhkyl \ h[ty\e_gbb h jZ[hl_ beb qlh[u magZlv _klv eb \ZdZgkbb gZ dZdb_ Homework


eb[h ^he`ghklb BlZd p_ev <Zr_]h j_axf_ k^_eZlv <Zk ijb\e_dZl_evguf bgl_j_kguf ^hklhcguf jZkkfhlj_gby \ dhfiZgbb b aZ kq_l wlh]h ^h[blvky kh[_k_^h\Zgby \ dhfiZgbb Klbev JZ[hlh^Zl_ev g_ ohq_l \b^_lv j_axf_ dhlhju_ \k_ gZibkZgu Z[khexlgh h^bgZdh\uf h[jZahf Ihwlhfm g_ i_j_ibku\Zcl_ ijhklh klZg^Zjlgu_ h[jZapu j_axf_ <Zr_ j_axf_ ^he`gh [ulv \Zrbf kh[kl\_gguf ebqguf b g_fgh]h hlebqZlky J_axf_ ^he`gh [ulv khklZ\e_gh gZ l_dklh\hf ijhp_kkhj_ beb ih djZcg_c f_j_ gZi_qZlZgh ohjhrh kieZgbjh\Zgh b jZki_qZlZgh gZ ijbgl_j_ \ukhdh]h dZq_kl\Z Jmdhibkgu_ j_axf_ ^ey ZmlkZc^_jh\ <hl ^\Z ijbgpbiZ h[s_gby dhlhju_ gZ^h aZihfgblv Imklv hgh [m^_l ijhkluf b ]emiuf ?keb hgb wlh]h g_ keurZeb <u wlh]h g_ ]h\hjbeb Qlh \dexqblv" Ebqgu_ ^Zggu_ Bfy ^hfZrgbc Z^j_k Z^j_k dhee_^`Z l_e_nhgguc ghf_j we_dljhgguc Z^j_k ^Zlm jh`^_gby ?klv eb m <Zk k\hy bgl_jg_l kljZgbqdZ" <dexqbl_ wlh _keb hgZ ohjhrZy H[jZah\Zgb_ MdZ`bl_ mq_[gu_ aZ\_^_gby ]^_ <u mqbebkv kgZqZeZ kZfh_ ihke_^g__ <dexqZy ex[u_ ki_pbZevgu_ ijh_dlu b ^bkk_jlZpbx Hiul jZ[hlu KgZqZeZ mdZ`bl_ kZfu_ ihke_^gb_ f_klZ jZ[hlu MdZ`bl_ bfy jZ[hlh^Zl_ey ^he`ghklv b hq_gv \Z`gh lh qlh <u ^_ckl\bl_evgh ^_eZeb b ^hklb]eb gZ wlhc jZ[hl_ JZ[hlZ k g_iheguf jZ[hqbf ^g_f ^he`gZ [ulv lZd`_ \dexq_gZ Bgl_j_ku Hgb [m^ml hkh[_ggh aZbgl_j_kh\Zgu \ lhc ^_yl_evghklb \ dhlhjhc <u jmdh\h^ysbc beb hl\_lkl\_gguc jZ[hlgbd Ebqgu_ bgl_j_ku lZdb_ dZd kh[bjZgb_ fZjhd [m^ml bf f_g__ bgl_j_kgu _keb hgb g_ k\yaZgu k jZ[hlhc dhlhjmx <u ohlbl_ ihemqblv >Zcl_ lhevdh ^hklZlhqgu_ ^ey h[tykg_gby ^_lZeb ?keb <u dZiblZg kihjlb\ghc dhfZg^u bf g_ bgl_j_kgh dh]^Z bf_ggh <u \klmibeb gZ wlm ^he`ghklv kdhevdh b]j <u ku]jZeb b \ kdhevdbo ih[_^beb ?keb <u im[ebdh\Zeb klZlvb \ khZ\lhjkl\_ beb kZfhklhyl_evgh ^Zcl_ ih^jh[ghklb ?keb <u mqZkl\h\Zeb \ dZdhf eb[h \b^_ ^h[jh\hevghc jZ[hlu ih`ZemcklZ ^Zcl_ ih^jh[ghklb GZ\udb AgZgby bghkljZgguo yaudh\ hiul jZ[hlu gZ dhfivxl_j_ beb gZebqb_ \h^bl_evkdh]h m^hklh\_j_gby ^he`gu [ulv \dexq_gu


J_dhf_g^Zpbb H[uqgh ^Zxl ^\Z bf_gb h^gh k f_klZ mq_[u ^jm]h_ k ex[h]h f_klZ jZ[hlu M^hklh\_jvl_kv qlh [u\rb_ jZ[hlh^Zl_eb ohlyl ^Zlv <Zf j_dhf_g^Zpbx >Zcl_ bo jZ[hqb_ b ^hfZrgb_ l_e_nhggu_ ghf_jZ _keb \hafh`gh % <hl h[jZa_p ^_eh\h]h ibkvfZ Ih`ZemcklZ aZihegbl_ ijhimkdb bkihevamy wlb keh\Z b keh\hkhq_lZgby In reference; Advertisement; An editor; The enclosed; Currently; Challenging; Do not hesitate; Thank you; Am looking forward Thank you. & >`_cg j_rbeZ h[jZlblky aZ ^he`ghklvx ihfhsgbdZ f_g_^`_jZ \ DZgZ^_ <hl __ j_axf_ Bfy >`_cg Mw[kl_j :^j_k <_ebdh[jblZgby Ehg^hg ?K J <J Ehn[Zjb >ZlZ jh`^_gby fZy Hiul jZ[hlu g_l H[jZah\Zgb_ ² k_jlbnbdZl h kj_^g_f h[jZah\Zgbb ² kj_^gyy rdheZ k\ylhc FZjbb Ehg^hg ² kl_i_gv [ZdZeZ\jZ ]mfZgblZjguo gZmd ih f_g_^`f_glm ² Ehg^hgkdbc Mgb\_jkbl_l Bgl_j_ku bklhjby ]hlbq_kdZy Zjobl_dlmjZ ' >jm]hc dZg^b^Zl lZd`_ h[jZlbeky aZ wlhc ^he`ghklvx <hl _]h j_axf_ Fhgj_Zev Dwghg kljbl yg\Zjy Fbkl_jm Ibl_jkhgm Abigail Abbot Dbg]k Kljbl Lhjhglh M\Z`Z_fuc fbkl_j Ibl_jkhg Y ibrm \ hl\_l gZ <Zr_ h[ty\e_gb_ gZ ^he`ghklv ihfhsgbdZ f_g_^`_jZ \ LZcfk Y lhevdh qlh hdhgqbe mgb\_jkbl_l b ihemqbe kl_i_gv ih fZjd_lbg]m < mgb\_jkbl_l_ y aZgbfZe g_kdhevdh hl\_lkl\_gguo ^he`ghkl_c Y k\h[h^gh ]h\hjx ih njZgpmakdb m f_gy ohjhrb_

Lesson 14


agZgby g_f_pdh]h Y ljm^hex[b\ p_e_mklj_fe_g kihkh[_g d l\hjq_kl\m b ex[ex keh`ghklb Y [u ohl_e qlh[u fhx dZg^b^Zlmjm jZkkfZljb\Zeb gZ j_deZfbjm_fmx ^he`ghklv J_axf_ ijbeZ]Z_lky ?keb m <Zk _klv dZdb_ lh \hijhku g_aZf_^ebl_evgh h[jZsZcl_kv dh fg_ Bkdj_gg_ <Zr Ibl_j =jbg Bfy Ibl_j =jbg :^j_k DZgZ^Z Fhgj_Zev Dwghg kljbl >ZlZ jh`^_gby GZpbhgZevghklv dZgZ^_p H[jZah\Zgb_ ² kl_i_gv [ZdZeZ\jZ ]mfZgblZjguo gZmd ih f_g_^`f_glm k hlebqb_f ² fhgj_Zevkdbc mgb\_jkbl_l ² ^biehf njZgpmakdh]h h[jZaqZ h[ hdhgqZgbb kj_^g_c rdheu ki_pbZebaZpby ih yaudZf b fZl_fZlbd_ Hiul jZ[hlu jZ[hlZ [Zjf_ghf gZ g_iheguc jZ[hqbc ^_gv H[s_kl\_ggZy ^_yl_evghklv Ba[jZgguc ij_^klZ\bl_ev klm^_glh\ gZ klm^_gq_kdhf kh\_l_ \ GZ\udb k\h[h^guc njZgpmakdbc jZa]h\hjguc g_f_pdbc Bgl_j_ku ikboheh]by bgl_jg_l ? Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku 1) Peter is more likely to get this gob. 2) No, he isn’t. 3) Peter’s CV is better laid out. 4) Jane forgot to mention her extracurricular activities. It was unnecessary to mention her lack of experience. Homework I_j_ibrbl_ j_axf_ >`_cg qlh[u k^_eZlv _]h [he__ h[klhyl_evguf 43 Lothbury London EC2P 2BP United Kingdom Mr Peterson Abigail Abbot 156, King’s Street Toronto Dear Mr Peterson I am writing in response to your advertisement for a trainee Manager in the Times. I have recently graduated from the University of London and have a degree in Marketing. In the University I took several very important positions involving leadership and responsibility and played a big part in the University life. I am an author of several publications on Management and Marketing. My works were published in 1997 and 250

1998. I am efficient, ambitious, creative and confident. I would like to be considered for the position you advertised. Please find my CV attached. Do not hesitate to ask me should you have any questions. I am looking Forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely yours, Jane Webster Name: Jane Webster Address: 43 Lothbury London EC2P 2BP D.O.B. May 6, 1977 Nationality: British Education: 1999 BA in Management The University of London 1995 Certificate of Secondary Education St Mary’s School Extracurricular activities: Elected Students representative on a Student’s Council for 2 semesters. I was also the captain of the University volleyball team. Skills: A perfect command of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Interests: History, Gothic architecture. 2. GZibrbl_ <Zr_ kh[kl\_ggh_ j_axf_ Name: Petrov Ivan Address: 22 Solianka Street Moscow Russia D.O.B. 12.02.85. Nationality: Russian Education: a pupil of a secondary education school, Moscow Work experience: part-time jobs as messenger Extracurricular activities: the captain of the school’s football team Skills: Fluent English, a perfect command of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Interests: Internet. $ IjhqblZcl_ b h[km^bl_ l_dkl GZcf b m\hevg_gb_ ?keb <Zr_fm jZ[hlh^Zl_ex ihgjZ\blky <Zr_ j_axf_ <u ijb^_l_ gZ kh[_k_^h\Zgb_ Kh[_k_^h\Zgb_ wlh ihke_^gbc rZ] dh]^Z <Zr jZ[hlh^Zl_ev \klj_qZ_lky k <Zfb ebqgh aZ^Z_l <Zf \hijhku beb bgh]^Z l_klbjm_l <Zrb kihkh[ghklb Gh [u\Zxl kblmZpbb dh]^Z <u ^Z`_ g_ ihgbfZ_l_ qlh <Zk l_klbjmxl Ij_^klZ\vl_ qlh <u gZgbfZ_l_ dh]h lh gZ jZ[hlm DZd <Zf emqr_ hp_gblv dZg^b^ZlZ" Ih _]h dZg^b^Zlkdhfm j_axf_ _]h d\ZebnbdZpbb _]h hiulm jZ[hlu _]h ihq_jdm _]h agZdm ah^bZdZ" Ohly [hevrbgkl\h ba gZk iheZ]Z_lky gZ h[udgh\_ggh_ kh[_k_^h\Zgb_ bkke_^h\Zgby ijZdlbdb gZcfZ ijb\_eb d m^b\bl_ev-

Lesson 15


guf j_amevlZlZf ih\_^_gb_ dZg^b^ZlZ gZ kh[_k_^h\Zgbb ikboheh]bq_kdb_ l_klu b p_glju hp_gdb g_ y\eyxlky gZ^_`guf ijbagZdhf \hafh`ghkl_c beb [m^ms_]h mki_oZ \ jZ[hl_ ;m^l_ hklhjh`gu k j_axf_ lZd`_ \ ;jblZgbb Z]_glu ih gZcfm kqblZxl qlh kZfu_ aZfdgmlu_ ex^b ^hklb]Zxl kh\_jr_gkl\Z \ gZibkZgbb j_axf_ gZ jZ[hlm M hq_gv mki_rghc dhfiZgbb X]h AZiZ^gu_ :\bZebgbb dhlhjZy y\ey_lky h^gbf ba kZfuo ijb\e_dZl_evguo jZ[hlh^Zl_e_c \ :f_jbd_ g_fgh]h g_h[uqguc ih^oh^ d gZcfm ŠGZf g_ bgl_j_kgu d\ZebnbdZpby beb hiulª ² h[tykgy_l O_j[ O_ee_o_j Wlh fu fh`_f gZlj_gbjh\Zlv GZf gm`gu ex^b k ohjhrbfb ebqghklgufb dZq_kl\Zfb b qm\kl\hf xfhjZª >ey X]h AZiZ^guo Z\bZebgbc iheh`bl_evgh_ hlghr_gb_ bo rlZlZ ² hkgh\ghc nZdlhj ijb \u[hj_ ex^_c >jm]hc mki_rguc jZ[hlh^Zl_ev h^gZ`^u kdZaZe fg_ qlh ^ey g_]h emqrbc ihdZaZl_ev ihl_gpbZevguo mijZ\e_gq_kdbo kihkh[ghkl_c dZg^b^ZlZ wlh ² klbev \h`^_gby dZg^b^ZlZ I_j\h_ kh[_k_^h\Zgb_ ijhoh^bl \ fZrbg_ b _fm ijboh^blky hl\_qZlv gZ \hijhku IhdZ hg _^_l Lh dZd dZg^b^Zl kijZ\ey_lky k mebqguf ^\b`_gb_f f_gy_l ihehku kijZ\ey_lky k g_ij_^kdZam_fufb ^hjh`gufb kblmZpbyfb b l ^ ijbagZdb lh]h dZdb_ m g_]h beb m g__ hj]ZgbaZlhjkdb_ beb mijZ\e_gq_kdb_ kihkh[ghklb Fh`_l_ eb <u ^_ckl\bl_evgh i_j_g_klb dZ`^h^g_\gu_ ijb\uqdb gZ jZ[hq__ f_klh" Bah[j_lZl_ev LhfZk W^bgkhg lZd ^mfZe Hg ijb]eZrZe dZg^b^Zlh\ gZ eZgq ?keb hgb hrb[Zebkv b khebeb _^m ^h lh]h dZd ihijh[h\Zeb __ hg bo g_ gZgbfZe <hafh`ghklv ^_eZlv ihklhyggu_ Šj_Zevgu_ ijh\_jdbª [ueZ hkgh\guf k\hckl\hf W^bkhgZ <Z`gZy i_jkhgZ \ fbj_ dbgh Kwf =he^mbg gZr_e [he__ wfhpbhgZevguc ih^oh^ d \hijhkZf ih^[hjZ rlZlZ Š< fh_c hj]ZgbaZpbb fg_ g_ gm`gu ih^oZebfu Fg_ gm`gu jmdh\h^bl_eb dhlhju_ [u ]h\hjbeb fg_ ijZ\^m >Z`_ _keb [u wlh klhbeh bf jZ[hlu Ijh\_jvl_ k\hc Zg]ebckdbc : <u[_jbl_ ijZ\bevgmx nhjfm I_j_\_^bl_ gZ jmkkdbc EmgZ h[jZsZ_lky \hdjm] a_feb JRHV

< :njbd_ hq_gv `Zjdh LW LV

Fheh^u_ ex^b ex[yl ]h\hjblv h ex[\b ORYH

< DZgZ^_ ex^b abfhc ghkyl l_iemx h^_`^m qlh[u bf [ueh l_ieh WR NHHS

< fh_f oheh^bevgbd_ g_l _^u DQ\

Ijhreuf e_lhf ^h`^v [ue dZ`^uc ^_gv LW UDLQHG

Fhb ^jmavy ^Zeb fg_ ohjhrbc kh\_l JRRG

< ]h^m emqrbc klm^_gl gZr_]h deZkkZ _^_l \ :g]ebx WKH EHVW

< gZr_f ]hjh^_ hq_gv m g_fgh]bo ex^_c fZrbgu IHZ


M [_a^hfguo ex^_c fZeh gZ^_`^u OLWWOH

?ebaZ\_lZ , klZeZ dhjhe_\hc :g]ebb \ ZDV PDGH

Ihke_ lh]h dZd mf_jeZ __ k_kljZ Fwjb ?ebaZ\_lZ \ureZ ba LZmwjZ KDG GLHG

?_ j_eb]bhagu_ m[_`^_gby aZklZ\beb __ hklZlvky g_\bgghc (made her) ?keb [u hgZ \ureZ aZfm` [jblZgkdZy bklhjby [ueZ [u ^jm]hc KDG

HgZ [ueZ \u^Zxs_cky ebqghklvx b dZd `_gsbgZ b dZd dhjhe_\Z ERWK

< l_q_gb_ __ ijZ\e_gby Zg]ebqZg_ iml_r_kl\h\Zeb ih \k_fm fbjm DOO RYHU

Ex^b kqblZeb qlh hgZ [ueZ k\ylhc EHOLHYHG

DZd ex[Zy dhjhe_\Z gZ^h [ueh [ulv hq_gv j_rbl_evghc b mfghc KDG WR

HgZ `beZ ^Z\gh gh [jblZgpu [m^ml __ ihfgblv dZd h^gh]h ba emqrbo fhgZjoh\ dhlhju_ [ueb :g]ebb KDV HYHU

Fgh]b_ ex^b ]h\hjyl qlh hgb g_ ex[yl bghkljZgp_\ VD\

JZkbklu ^mfZxl qlh q_jgu_ ex^b g_ lZdb_ ex^b k [_ehc dh`_c DV ZKLWH

Gh fu \k_ agZ_f qlh hgb g_ ijZ\u ZKR

IhgbfZlv bghkljZggu_ yaudb h^gZ ba kZfuo aZ^Zq ^ey ex^_c WKH KDUGHVW

Q_eh\_d fh`_l gZqZlv ihgbfZlv _]h lhevdh _keb hg ]hlh\ k^_eZlv mkbeb_ LV ZLOOLQJ WR

G_dhlhju_ ex^b g_ ijb\udeb bamqZlv ]jZffZlbdm bo jh^gh]h yaudZ WR VWXG\LQJ

Fgh]b_ klm^_glu bamqZxsb_ bghkljZggu_ yaudb `Ze_xl qlh g_ gZqZeb bamqZlv bo dh]^Z hgb [ueb fheh`_ \RXQJHU

< kh\j_f_gghf fbj_ ex^yf gm`gu yaudb qlh[u h[sZlvky (needs) FZeh kljZg fh]ml `blv kZfhklhyl_evgh E\

< AZiZ^ghc ?\jhi_ g_l kljZg g_ \oh^ysbo \ H[sbc jughd DQ\

G_dhlhju_ ex^b iulZxlky memqrblv k\hc Zg]ebckdbc kemrZy ;blea OLVWHQLQJ WR

G_dhlhju_ ^jm]b_ ex^b `b\ml \ bghkljZgghc k_fv_ qlh[u \umqblv yaud OLYLQJ

;_kihe_agh iulZlvky gZclb ohjhrmx jZ[hlm [_a agZgby Zg]ebckdh]h WU\LQJ

Ihke_ lh]h dZd « <u[jZeZ Nj_^^b « ba qbkeZ k\hbo fgh]hqbke_gguo ihdehggbdh\ \k_ khqeb qlh hgZ k^_eZeZ ohjhrbc \u[hj KDG FKRVHQ KDG PDGH


Nj_^^b [ue h[_ki_q_gguf ijb\e_dZl_evguf b g_ ]emiuf ZDV

Bo ihfhe\dZ rbjhdh h[km`^ZeZkv ZDV WDONHG PXFK

Hgb ^he`gu [beb ih`_gblvky \ dhgp_ fZy ZHUH

Ij_djZkguf \_k_ggbf ^g_f hgb _oZeb \f_kl_ gZ ;hg^ kljbl qlh[u \u[jZlv dhevpZ RQ

H^gh aZ ^jm]bf dhevpZ ihdZau\Zebkv O_jfhg_ b hgZ h[km`^ZeZ bo kh agZgb_f dhlhjh_ m^b\beh Nj_^^b b \hkoblbeZ \eZ^_evpZ fZ]ZabgZ ZHUH EHLQJ VKRZQ ZDV GLVFXVVLQJ

IhdZ hgb jZkkfZljb\Zeb dhevpZ ^\h_ fm`qbg \hreb \ fZ]Zabg b ihijhkbeb ihdZaZlv bf g_kdhevdh [jZke_lh\ G_kdhevdh [jZke_lh\ iheh`beb gZ klhe i_j_^ gbfb ZHUH SXW

Gh fm`qbgZf [ueh gZfgh]h ly`_e__ m]h^blv q_f O_jfhg_ (the; were; much more; had been) Ijh^Z\pm dZaZehkv qlh hgb gbdh]^Z g_ ijbfml j_r_gby VHHPHG WKDW FRPH

Hgb m`_ jZkkfZljb\Zeb [jZke_lu g_dhlhjh_ \j_fy dh]^Z \g_aZigh gZqZeh qlh lh ijhbkoh^blv KDG EHHQ H[DPLQLQJ

FZrbgZ ih^t_oZeZ d fZ]Zabgm b \g_aZigh h^bg ba fm`qbg lhedgme ijh^Z\pZ b ^jm]hc \aye ihe^x`bgu [jZke_lh\ dhlhju_ e_`Zeb gZ ijbeZ\d_ b ih[_`Ze d ^\_jyf D WKH RWKHU ZHUH

Nj_^^b m\b^_e qlh O_jfhgZ klhbl h^gZ jy^hf k ^\_jvx VDZ

Nj_^^b ih^mfZe qlh hgZ kebrdhf gZim]ZgZ qlh[u ^\b]Zlvky ZDV

Q_eh\_d dhlhjuc ih^[_`Ze d ^\_jb k_cqZk ih^gbfZe jmdm qlh[u m^Zjblv __ DSSURDFKHG UDLVLQJ WR VWULNH

Gh hg wlh]h g_ k^_eZe GLG

< ihke_^gbc fhf_gl O_jfhgZ hlhreZ gZ rZ] \ klhjhgm b q_eh\_d ijhr_e ]heh\hc \i_j_^ q_j_a \bljbgm fZ]ZabgZ DW PDQ

L_[_ ke_^h\Zeh kdZaZlv fg_ qlh lu agZ_rv ^`bm ^`bpmÂŞ kdZaZe Nj_^^b NQHZ

ŠF_gy gZmqbe ijhn_kkbhgZeª ZDV

ŠIhgylghª ² kdZaZe Nj_^^b Š?klv _s_ fgh]h \_s_c dhlhju_ y h l_[_ g_ agZx LV D IHZ


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