WORD OF FAITH APRIL 2012 Faith United Church of Christ 1120 Drexel Hills Blvd New Cumberland, PA 17070-1700 Rev. Denise Clark-Jones Phone: 717-774-2633 Email: faithuccoffice@verizon.net Web site: faithuccpa.org Search Faith UCC on facebook.com Consider joining us on Sunday mornings!! 9:30 am – Sunday School Music Director: Krista Hildebrand 10:15 am – Fellowship Time Organist: Bob Bonner 10:30 am – Worship Service Pianist: Jim Anderson Child Care Provided Secretary: Jackie Shaffer ****************************************************************** st
PALM SUNDAY –April 1 We will celebrate Palm Sunday with communion and the baptism of 2 of our Youth Group. ***** HOLY WEEK SERVICES th
MAUNDY THURSDAY – April 5 A Mediterranean Dinner will be served @ 6:00 pm Please sign up or call the church office if you would like to participate. Our Communion worship service will begin @ 7:00 pm ***** th GOOD FRIDAY – April 6 New Cumberland Church of God will host the Community Service will be held @ Noon. *****
EASTER - April 8 The Community Easter Sunrise Service will be held in Boro Park @ 6:30 am. Our communion worship service is scheduled for 10:30am. Plan to bring along a fresh flower (or 2) to put on the cross on the front lawn to remind everyone know that it is Easter Sunday!!
Happy Birthday to…. st Jean Pepperman….1 th Marty Gutzweiler….9 th Isabelle Bolinger….18 th Marjorie Bonner….20 st Betty Leader….21 st Dorothy Bryce….21 th Harriet Watts….24 th Sara Nahf….28 th Chris Edwards….29
Happy Anniversary to…. th Bob & Famie Chase….6 nd Bob & Patti Kiehl….22
Dave & Judy Thompson are excited about the arrival of their new grandson Conner Snow who arrived on Sunday, March 4th. Sonya and Lance, big brothers Tyler and Logan are well. Congratulations to all!!! GREETERS AREA Are you having trouble finding the greeters on Sunday mornings? We have decided to locate them across the hallway from the sanctuary doors. Here they can “freely” greet you without causing a “jam up” for those entering the sanctuary. Also, from this position, the greeters can see visitors entering from any direction and greet them warmly. CONSISTORY MEETING The April meeting of our consistory will th be held on April 12 @ 7 pm.
Apr 1 - Palm Sunday Mark 11:1-11 Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 ***** th Apr 8 – Easter Sunday Acts 10:34-43 or Isaiah 25:6-9 Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 or Acts 10:34-43 John 20:1-18 or Mark 16:1-8 ***** th nd Apr 15 – 2 Sunday of Easter Acts 4:32-35 Psalm 133 1 John 1:1-2:2 John 20:19-31 ***** nd rd Apr 22 – 3 Sunday of Easter Acts 3:12-19 Psalm 4 1 John 3:1-7 Luke 24:36b-48 ***** th th Apr 29 – 4 Sunday of Easter Acts 4:5-12 Psalm 23 1 John 3:16-24 John 10:11-18
LOOKING AHEAD There are several flower and bulletin sponsor openings for the month of April. If you have a special date to celebrate/honor, contact the church office with your request.
THANK YOU TO…. Cathy Snavely & Jackie Shaffer….for purchasing an area rug for the Greeters to use before worship. Jim Haney….for installing new, brighter light covers in the hallways. The Strawser Family, Shannon & Claire Shaffer, Jim Anderson, Jeanne Snavely, Caitlin & Becca,….for painting the Lenten Banners that were displayed in the sanctuary. Shannon & Claire Shaffer….for painting our new Easter Banners. Bob Brandis….for replacing the thermostat in the church office. I don’t miss the “sauna” heat!!! And for hanging the Lenten banners. Jim Anderson….for his hard work, talent & knowledge in getting our new website up and running. It looks great!! Anonymous….those who see that things need to be done around the church and just do them!! Bob Brandis….for fixing the lock on the big refrigerator. Jon Fisher….for the many electrical projects he has & plans to update around the building. Bob Brandis….for putting the parking lot st logs into place for mowing & for doing the 1 mowing of the season. Yuriko Wight….for filling the pews with prayer & visitor cards. Jon Fisher….for repairing the gutter on the shed & cleaning out the dirt/leaves. Bob Brandis….who has been seen weeding the flower beds recently. The Mid-Week Ladies….for stuffing plastic Easter eggs for the children’s egg hunt.
THANK YOU FROM……. “Thanks you for the cards of sympathy, your prayers and acts of kindness that was shown to our family on the death of Bud – husband, father and grandfather. – Harriet, Mark, Karen, Jon & Curtis
If you haven’t taken the time to thank Jon Fisher for all the work he’s been doing around the building since coming onto consistory – be sure to do so!! Jon has updated & repaired some electrical problems, taken care of the shed gutters, investigated electrical concerns & much more. If you haven’t seen the shelf he made for Pastor Denise’s desk, ask her for a “tour”. It’s nice to have a new set of eyes around the building to see what needs to be repaired & updated. You are awesome, Jon!!!
MENTORS NEEDED FOR HOMELESS SINGLE MOTHERS For 20 yrs. The Brethren Housing Association provided apartments & tangible, loving support to homeless women & their children as they work toward their goal of moving from homelessness to stability and selfsufficiency. They are looking for volunteers interested in participating in their support network for these families. Volunteers can participate for a one year commitment or by providing specific services to one or more participants as needed.For more information check their web site @ www.bha-pa.org. There is also a brochure on the bulletin board.
SAVE THE DATE The annual Chicken BBQ – Bake Sale – Yard Sale date has been announced. th July 14 . Plan to come help make this annual event even more successful than last year.
ELECTION DAY – April 24 It’s time to vote & also order pretzel sandwiches once again. An order form is included with this issue. If you like to have a sweet treat after your lunch, consider buying your treat from the Election Day bake sale. If you like to bake, consider making a sweet treat to sell during the election hours. Watch for a sign up sheet for bakers and/or workers soon.
TIME TO GET DIRTY We are planning to have a mulching party to “spruce up” the beds around the building. If you would like to be a part of a mulching crew on a Saturday in April, contact the church office.
5 SUNDAY HYMN SING COMING The Music/Worship committee is planning a hymn sing during worship service on April th 29 . We will share a light lunch following the service. Plan to come and ”Sandwich some Songs into your Sunday.”
MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR AREA EVENTS UCC Homes announces The 2012 Helping Hands Dinner & Auction Fund Raiser is th set for May 5 . It will be held at the Holiday Inn Harrisburg East. Honorable Chairperson will be Valeris Pritchett from ABC27 news. If you would like to help support the event, contact the Development Office @ 303-1502. ***** Concert of Hope to benefit the Christian Churches United Prison Action Committee is th being held on April 28 , from 4-6:30 pm. It will be held at the Harrisburg Brethren in Christ Church on Derry Street. For more information, you can call 230-9550. Check the brochure & flyer on the bulletin board to learn more about this committee. ***** Blood Drives are scheduled in area churches during the month of April. Check the bulletin board for more information or call 866-326-3276 for eligibility concerns & to set up your appointment. ***** HEALTH SCREENING SITE Trinity UM, in New Cumberland, will host a st Life Line Screening on May 21 . If you would like to participate, check the flyer on the bulletin board or Life Line @ 800-8979177 ext 1648.
9:30am-Sun Schl 10:15am-F’ship 10:30am-Worship
7pm-SLAA Mtg 7:30pm-AA Mtg
11:30am-SA Mtg 1pm-Bible Study 6:30pm-Bell Choir 7:30pm-Chancel
6:00pm-Mid Eastern Dinner 7:00pm-Worship Svc
Noon: Community Service @ NC Church of God
7 10:30am-Train Club
9:30am-Sun Schl 10:15am-F’ship 10:30am-Worship
12 6-9pm-Train Club 7pm-Consistory Mtg
7pm-SLAA Mtg 7:30pm-AA Mtg
11:30am-SA Mtg 1pm-Bible Study 6:30pm-Bell Choir 7:30pm-Chancel
7pm-SLAA Mtg 7:30pm-AA Mtg
11:30am-SA Mtg 1pm-Bible Study 6:30pm-Bell Choir 7:30pm-Chancel
11:30am-SA Mtg 1pm-Bible Study 6:30pm-Bell Choir 7:30pm-Chancel
6-9pm-Train Club
14 10:30am-Train Club
9:30am-Sun Schl 10:15am-F’ship 10:30am-Worship
9:30am-Sun Schl 10:15am-F’ship 10:30am-Worship
9:30am-Sun Schl 10:15am-F’ship 10:30am-Worship
ELECTION DAY 7pm-SLAA Mtg 7:30pm-AA Mtg
6-9pm-Train Club
10:30am-Train Club
10:30am-Train Club
APRIL SERVICE SCHEDULE Palm Sunday Communion Prep: Judy & Karen Griffin Assisting Elder: Cathy Snavely Easter Sunday Communion Prep: Caitilin & Becca Roemer Assisting Elder: Shannon Shaffer DUTY
Don Fickes Roland Cope
Brad Shaffer Bill Kerman
Bill Williams Karen Fisher
Bob Brandis Judy Owen
Dick Lundvall Jim Haney
Cathy Snavely Roland Cope Bob Brandis
Merv Shaffer Meg McKnight Bill Kerman
Joanne Stine M Sentiwany Dave Leader
Chuck Massic Dick Lundvall Jim Anderson
Bob Brandis Judy Owen Jim Haney
Drew Hildebrand
Matt Strawser
Darren Shaffer
Shelly Williams
Brittany Strawser
Strawser Family
The Nyes
The Leaders
M & J Shaffer
Sis Hoffman Jeanne Snavely Leader Family
Jeanne Snavely
Bob Bonner
Joanne Stine
Leader Family
Judy Owen
Shannon Shaffer
Karen Fisher
Karen Cumberledge
Caitlin Roemer
Jackie Shaffer
Shannon Shaffer
M Sentiwany
Dane Hildebrand
Joanne Stine
Judy Owen
Phil Gold
Karen Fisher
Lynnette Snyder
Liz Owen
Cathy Snavely
Jeanne Snavely Sis Hoffman
Krista Hildebrand Joanne Stine
Jeanne Snavely Dave Leader
Bob Brandis Karen Cumberledge
Dick Lundvall
Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous. God loves everyone – But probably prefers “fruits of the spirit” over “religious nuts!”
Faith UCC Pretzel Sandwich and Sub Fundraiser Faith UCC Election Day Pretzel Sandwich and Sub Fundraiser – April 24
Once again, it’s time to place your sandwich orders to be available on Election Day. th Cost: $4.00 per sandwich & $5.00 for a 12” sub Orders Due: April 15 rd Pick Up: Apr 23 – after 4 pm OR all day on Election Day Pretzel
Pretzel Turkey & Ham & American Ham & Swiss American
Pretzel Turkey & Swiss
Pretzel Italian
Attention All Bakers!!!! During polling hours, we will also sell baked goods. WATCH FOR: Sign up sheets to bake and/or work a shift on Election Day.
Sub 12” Total
From Your Pastor… Last month during a meeting of the Music and Worship Committee some suggestions were made concerning the bulletin. Yes, the bulletin is a trivial matter in the purpose and mission of the Church. The format of the bulletin, the size of the paper, the way it is folded, the size or type of print font are all insignificant in the kingdom of God. However, the conversation brought to light an issue that I do believe is important, and that is understanding how and why we worship as we do. One person, who did not grow up in Faith Church or in the faith tradition of the United Church of Christ, asked about the meaning of some of the words we use in our bulletin. In the course of teaching our church’s youth in Sunday school, I have been teaching about our worship. It occurred to me during this recent meeting that it might be helpful to talk about this to the whole congregation. Like most churches today, we have people attending our worship service that either grew up in another Christian tradition or were previously, “unchurched.” So, for the next few months my “Pastor’s message” in the Word of Faith will address how and why we worship as we do on Sunday morning; I’ll start with the bulletin items, Prelude, Announcement, Call to Worship and Opening Hymn.Upon finding your place in the Sanctuary, you are invited to briefly greet those near you, and then begin preparing yourself for the service. This time is set aside to help you center yourself and prepare for an encounter with God in Christ. During this time the organist or another musician plays an instrument or sings. One suggestion that came out of a recent meeting of the Music and Worship Committee was to use the term, “Gathering Music,” instead of “Prelude,” as we have done in the past. During the Organ Prelude or Gathering Music, please continue your prayer and meditation as the musicians lead us in prayer. This is more than mood music–it is the beginning of corporate worship. The music has been carefully chosen to reflect the season, lessons, and themes of today’s service. The acolyte and I often struggle with finding a clear path to process to the chancel, dodging people as they move across the center aisle. Perhaps we should reclaim the ancient tradition of having an Introit -- some type of formal announcement that the worship service has begun. In Jesus’ time a ram’s horn, a shofar, was blown to announce the start of worship in the synagogue or temple. Later, Christian churches rang chimes.
After the Prelude, or “Gathering Music,” the pastor or worship leader greets the congregation with a “Salutation,” which is the ancient Christian greeting: “The Lord be with you,” In these words we link ourselves with centuries of other Christians who have exchanged these same words at the beginning of worship. Next we move to the Announcements. Some churches have the announcements during another part of the service, usually sometime after the sermon. However, the problem with this placement is that it interrupts the flow of worship, which is carefully crafted to take us from the opening hymn, through the confession, reading and hearing the Word and into the response to the Word in the offertory and the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. The best place seems to be at the opening of the service before we really begin the liturgy. What is liturgy? The “Goggle Dictionary” I searched defines liturgy as: “A prescribed form or set of forms for public religious worship.” The word comes from the Biblical Greek word, leit, meaning work combined with “ergon” meaning work. Thus, liturgy is the “work of the people.” In Latin the word developed to mean “public service.” The liturgy of the worship service consists of the words we use in our public, corporate, worship of God. Sometimes this “work” traditionally requires standing. The asterisk in the bulletin indicates that those who are able to do so are to stand. After the announcement the pastor begins the worship service with a Call to Worship. The worship leader or pastor leads the congregation in the Call to Worship using words of scripture proclaiming who God is and what God has done, reminding us that Christian worship centers on God and not ourselves. In simple words from the Bible, the pastor or worship leader reminds us of the very reason we are the Church … that is, to participate in the liturgy of Word and Sacrament as the corporate body of Christ on earth. “This is the day which the Lord has made … we will rejoice and be glad in it!”(Psalm 118) Most often I use the Psalm that is assigned for our Scripture readings for the day according to the lectionary. The Call to Worship is followed by The Opening Hymn which is sung in procession. This hymn brings everyone in the worshipping community together in song for the first time in the service. It is a hymn of praise and thanksgiving to God and to proclaim God’s greatness, love and goodness. In some churches the choir and other worship leaders process behind an uplifted cross as reminders that we are a people formed and redeemed by God’s living Word, Jesus Christ. All that we do in this service will be done in and through him. This opening hymn, as are each of our worship hymns, is carefully selected each week to try to convey the spirit of what will be coming during the service. Sometimes we are not able to match the hymn quite as exactly as we have today, but it is always chosen with care to reflect the worship that is to follow. When you participate in the opening hymn, remember it is there to help set the stage for the worship to come … to bring your heart and mind to the place where you are ready to hear the Gospel proclaimed and to receive the Sacrament. Sing with your whole being!