What We Need
o date, the athletic boosters have spent over $700,000 improving facilities on campus. With contributions from all athletic teams as well as our school administration, nearly $240,000 in cash was combined with a $460,000 loan from the Bank of North Georgia to complete Phase I. Payments on that loan are $60,000 per year, which will be paid with revenues from our Booster parking lot. To reduce the principal to allow us to begin Phase II on schedule in 2011, we need everyone’s financial support, however large or small.
Weight Room Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Friday, October 16 at the game against Walton Time to be announced • Punt, Pass and Kick Contest for the kids • Raffle for prizes • Tours of weight room
How YOU Can Help
e need everyone to make a contribution, whether it is financially or through in-kind means, or help us raise money. Over the next few weeks, we will be putting together a capital campaign committee, which will include putting together a group of workers to put the program in place and carry out the fundraising. The more volunteers we have and the better organized we are, the quicker we will reach our goal. During our discussions with other schools which have successfully put on capital campaigns, we have found that the process brings the community together, resulting not only in financial success but also in the creation of a strong identity for our school and in the strengthening of the bonds between us all. In other words, we need your help, whether that is buying a naming right, picking up the telephone to call potential donors or leveraging your business assets for the good of the program. We look forward to working with all of you.
For more information on the ‘Own a Piece of Centennial Program’, contact Dave Nabors at 770-329-5570 or email him at davenabors@comcast.net Follow Centennial Sports at
To the Centennial Community:
he CHS athletic family has been busy improving the athletic facilities on our campus. We have designed, built, and equipped a new weight training facility ($535,000) and Press Box/Concession Stand for baseball ($70,000), and installed a Speed and Agility Training Station ($85,000). These improvements make up the majority of Phase I in our master plan. When complete, our campus will contain a multi-purpose indoor training facility to support cheerleading and locker rooms/showers for all field sports. Improvements will be made to existing facilities as well, such as the wrestling and baseball practice facilities. Also, artificial turf will be added to the practice field to support soccer and lacrosse. In total, over $3 million dollars worth of improvements are planned over the next 6-8 years. The scope and timing of this project depends entirely on our ability to raise the necessary funds from within our community. Dave Nabors Dave Nabors
Centennial parent, former Umbrella Club President and Chairman of Capital Fundraising Campaign
Why ‘Own a Piece of Centennial Athletics Program’ is Important: “The athletic programs in every high school are a critical component of the school’s public perception and an equally critical component of a school’s vision and mission. The skills that students learn in team and individual sports translate into self-discipline and self-confidence within the school and translate further into marketable skills in America’s workforce in collaborative planning, teamwork, compliance with organizational rules, and leadership skills.” - Principal Dr. John Bartley “If you look around the state, the programs that are the most successful are the ones that have the facilities.We have a big sports program and it is important to give every sport in this school the opportunity to suceed. To do so we have to go the extra mile and that means building what we need. This is something that is a partnership between the school and the booster clubs and, fortunately, at Centennial we have a lot of parents, businesses and friends that are willing to step up and help us build something special.” - Athletics director Phil Thomas “The addition of the weight room is huge. It not only helps the football team but we have had it open only a couple of weeks and I have seen athletes from all the sports in here. To have this type of room and be able to train this many athletes at one time is going to elevate the entire sports program.” - Head Football Coach Jeff Measor “We are in the process of renovating our team room for our ladies and I can’t tell you how excited they are to have a special place to meet, talk, watch film and go over strategy. This building campaign is paying off for everyone.’’ - Head basketball Coach Lindsay Meekhoff “It’s amazing how far the school has come over the last few years. I know how cramped the weight room was when I was there and how you had to wait to lift. It may sound funny but it makes a difference when you go out there on the field against a team that has all the facilities. Now we have that advantage.” - Former football and lacrosse player and wrestler Marcus Nabors (2006-2009)
How to Contribute:
urrently, a program is being put together to raise the sufficient funds to execute each phase and to pay for the weight room and baseball concession stand. The program will include: • A naming rights program where you and your family will have the opportunity to leave their own legacy at Centennial. There will be opportunities to name all the fields as well as the facilities themselves (concession stands, track, dugouts) and the equipment inside them. A board will be constructed and placed on the outside of the weight room recognizing all the donors, no matter what the contribution. • A brick program, similar to the one used in the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, will be put in place. You will have a chance to buy a brick and have it placed along the walkway from the weight room to the football field. What a great way to honor your students and a family member. • We are asking all athletes in the Centennial Sports Program to turn in 10 names for a friends and family donation letter. The collecting of these names will be done through the individual clubs and for the purpose of gaining donations that will be used to pay for the new facilities. There will be other fundraising programs put in place over the next six months, but we feel confident that, through these three avenues, we will be able to reach well into our goal.