The art ! of! D.J. LaBay!
I.O Man embraces in his makeup all the natural orders; he's a squid, a mollusk, a sucker and a buzzard; some9mes he's a cerebrate. — Mar)n h. Fischer
The Squid Squids have 10 appendages: 2 tentacles and 8 arms. The long tentacles are used to grab prey, which is then snapped into pieces by the strong jaws. The other arms are used to grasp objects, and maneuver when swimming.
The Ankh also known as key of life, the key of the Nile or crux ansata (La)n meaning "cross with a handle"), was the ancient Egyp)an hieroglyphic character that read “eternal life", a trilateral sign for the Egyp)an god are oQen portrayed carrying it by its loop, or bearing one in each hand, arms crossed over their chest.
Color Scheme I wanted my color scheme to Reflect that that of IO one of The four moons of Jupiter. Io is A molten moon ravished by volcanoes And lava
Ill start with many rough sketches then draw with a no photo blue pencil AQer the illustra)on is completely drawn I put tracing paper over it and draw On top with a black ink pen or marker.
IO She is floa)ng in )me and space in a kind of purgatory before death. She is holding an Egyp)an ankh symbolizing life. The eyeballs in the background represent all she has seen in her life. There is a nebula in the background as well. Many nebulae or stars form from the gravita)onal collapse of gas in the interstellar medium. As the material collapses under its own weight, massive stars may form in the center. So as one thing gets destroyed another is rebuilt also symbolizing death and rebirth. the background was done in spray paint the rest digitally
Triton To pour your soul onto a canvas and be able to step back and see your fears, your hopes, your dream, and your weaknesses. Gives you a deeper understanding of yourself and your own mental state -‐Coda
The beginning process and end result ended up being much different. Rough sketches shaped the character
AQer many preliminary sketches. The character was shaped out of pure imagina)on. Then the process of figuring light source color scheme and value began
The background moons played an important role in bringing this illustra)on to life. I wanted the features of each to be dis)nctly different from each other
Triton The wise all knowing watcher of the stars. he driQs through the space )me con)nuum, as if watching a movie. He sees )me all at once and not through different spans. He is the last of his kind and is alone in the universe. He holds in his hands his own essence of life along with everyone else's in the known universe. It is the embodiment of raw emo)on without it life would cease to exist.