C I T Y - S T .
kc s jcathol i c.org W IN T ER 2020
CELEBRATE From the bishop On the way: Living in an enchanted world pg. 4
our church Healing our family: Journey to Bethany pg. 18
ministry profiles Growing God’s family: City on a Hill pg. 20
Catholic Key • Winter 2020 • catholickey.org
insi de th i s i ssue 4
On the Way Bishop Johnston
The season of Advent is an important reminder that
The magazine of the Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph
we live in an enchanted world, surrounded by things we can see and things we cannot see; things that are not comprised of “matter” but that are purely spirit and just as real.
WINTER 2020 VOL. 1 | ISSUE 1
Using our resources wisely: Blue Ridge Area Pastoral Plan Robert Sandford
Bishop James V. Johnston, Jr. Publisher
Parishes are more than just buildings and religious
Ashlie Hand Editor
art. They are communities of people, memories and
Megan Marley Assistant editor
and response to the path ahead for the parishioners
holy experiences. Here are three stories of the impact in the Blue Ridge Area of the Diocese of Kansas CitySt. Joseph.
Jenny Pomicter Graphic designer
Healing our family: Journey to Bethany Megan Marley
To submit story ideas and news, send emails to marley@diocesekcsj.org
Over the last year, parishioners and priests across the diocese responded to surveys looking to measure the impact and support needed around the trauma of clergy sexual abuse. These responses are informing a new effort to bring healing and justice to the victim-survi-
www.FAITHcatholic.com Catholic Key (USPS XXXXX) is a membership publication of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, published quarterly by the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, The Catholic Center, 20 W. Ninth St., Kansas City, MO 64105. Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Pending in Kansas City, MO and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Catholic Key, The Catholic Center, 20 W. Ninth St., Kansas City, MO 64105. ©2020 Catholic Key, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. ON THE COVER: PHOTO BY MEGAN MARLEY
vors and their communities, called Journey to Bethany.
Growing God’s family: City on a Hill Taylor Downey
The Martinez family celebrates every day Bridget Locke
Advent is a season of hope, faithful anticipation, joy and peace, marked by the story of the Holy Family’s journey to Bethlehem. Mary and Joseph traveled on faith alone. For Adelfo and Maria Martinez and their three children, life has set them on a journey of faith as well. Share in their story as they mark one year following a cancer diagnosis, reflect on
Annie and Brian’s lives and souls have been deeply impacted by their experience with City on a Hill, as two of the 250,000 young adults in the Kansas City area age 18-35, driven by the mission to “be the community that inspires and informs our generation to be saints.”
Gifts and charisms: Discover yours today Megan Marley
Have you ever wondered what your God-given gifts are,
their immigration to Kansas City and witness their incredible
or questioned if you have any at all? What is a charism?
dedication of time, talent and treasure to the Church led by
Learn more and then take a quiz to see where you
their faith in God’s healing mercy.
should be applying your God-given gifts and charisms.
Tay lo r Downey
Bridge t L o c k e
Me ga n Ma rl e y
Ro be r t S a n d f o r d
is events and membership manager for City on a Hill, the young adult ministry for the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.
loves God and people. Learn more about her life and work at bnlcomms.com.
is a writer, photographer, videographer and media geek for the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.
works for St. Catherine of Siena Parish and St. Thomas More Parish. bobsandford.net
ON T H E WAY LI VI N G I N AN ENC HA NT ED W OR LD “Blest are they who have not seen and have believed.” Jn 20:29 It often passes by us before we know it — that statement near the beginning of the Creed recited Sunday at Mass, that profession of belief in God who has made “all things visible and invisible.” It’s worth pondering that reality from time to time; the fact that we live surrounded by things we can see and things we cannot see; things that are not comprised of “matter” but that are purely spirit and just as real.
Catholic Key • Winter 2020 • catholickey.org
The appearance of the angel to the shepherds, proclaiming the birth of Christ OLGAPTASHKO/GETTY IMAGES
fr o m t he b isho p Bishop James V. Johnston, Jr. is the seventh bishop of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph
This has been particularly on my mind for the past year as I reflect on our diocesan pastoral plan, the Mutually Shared Vision, and specifically the aspects that focus on forming our children to be disciples of Jesus Christ. They, and we, now live in a dominant secular culture that has its own creed which professes its own tenets, one of which is “seeing is believing.” In other words, if it cannot be measured and explained by science, it does not exist. Another word for this is “materialism.” Materialism denies that there are realities that are pure spirit, including the immortal soul. To hold such a view is to have a stunted and false understanding of one’s self, the world God has created and reality itself. Yes, we live in the natural world, but it is grounded in a much greater supernatural world. I once heard someone say that faith is like opening a door in your house to a room that you did not know was there. It’s a good analogy. Faith, the Letter to the Hebrews tell us, “... is confident assurance concerning what we hope for, and conviction about things we do not see.” (Heb 11:1) Faith enlarges and opens our perspective to a world that is “enchanted” by God, a world “As a child, Advent, and the which is filled with and guided by his Holy Spirit, Christmas season that followed, was but also populated with and influenced by those spirits Scripture calls angels and those fallen, evil the time that I most looked forward spirits that Scripture calls demons. Jesus spoke to ... it made me aware that I lived often of and to these spirits as he walked and in an enchanted world. A world ministered along the roads and towns of Galilee. Without an awareness of the supernatural filled with God, grace, wonder and world we are left with an impoverished vision of beauty, and that I was intentionally life that is best described by those familiar lines willed by that same God and his in the Book of Ecclesiastes, “What has been, that will be; what has been done, that will be done. love to be an actor in a great drama Nothing is new under the sun ... I have seen all filled with joys, adventures and, things that are done under the sun, and behold, yes, sufferings and dangers, too.” all is vanity and a chase after wind.” (Eccl 1:9, 14) While there are privileged occasions in which the supernatural world directly manifests itself (think of the Marian apparitions at Guadalupe, Fatima and Lourdes), we encounter the living God and the supernatural life of grace through visible signs, most especially the sacraments and sacramentals and the sacred Liturgy of Mass. Likewise, prayer makes us aware that we live within the supernatural world, too. The “visible” aids and enables our encounter with the “invisible.” This first issue of the new Catholic Key magazine debuts as we journey through the season of Advent. During these days we prepare to celebrate the coming of God in the flesh — the turning point in history when the invisible God, who created all things, became visible when he entered his own creation as a child. Angels figure into all these events — announcing his conception and rejoicing when he is born. As the prayers of the Liturgy exclaim in various ways, earth and heaven are united. As a child, Advent, and the Christmas season that followed, was the time that I most looked forward to because more than any other, it made me aware that I lived in an enchanted world. A world filled with God, grace, wonder and beauty, and that I was intentionally willed by that same God and his love to be an actor in a great drama filled with joys, adventures and, yes, sufferings and dangers, too. Our awareness of this makes all the difference.
Catholic Key • Winter 2020 • catholickey.org
Photography by Shane Folkertsma
D I Y C HRI STMAS S I GN • U nfinished wood panel (smooth surface is best) • Dark wood stain
can’t speak for everyone, but I personally find that sharing the faith is not always easy. It can be uncomfortable knowing that a peer, neighbor or friend may
not respond warmly when I insert a “foreign” religious reference into an otherwise “normal” secular conversation. And that is just with friends! I can’t imagine what the missionaries and evangelists throughout the ages felt when they preached the Good News to those who responded with physical violence.
• Vinyl letter stickers • S tar stencil (cut from cardstock) • Off-white acrylic paint • Paintbrush • Cloth rag Either purchase or build a wood panel (I used 1” x 4” scrap wood boards and cut them to 24”-long pieces; I assembled the panel by gluing two vertical boards to the back). Stain panel and allow it to dry completely. Arrange letter stickers on the panel (vinyl letters are best — these can be purchased in the mailbox hardware
culture Michelle DiFranco is a designer and the busy mom of three children.
Our Holy Father has given us great words of encouragement to go out and spread the word of God with joy, love and charity. And he has even assured us that we don’t have to be experts to share that message. Great news! We don’t have to be apologists to share the Gospel. There are many different ways we can evangelize. We can be a light to others by living our faith in all areas of our life, including in our own homes. Evangelists throughout the ages have used physical items and tangible symbols outside of and in their homes to share Christianity with those who did not understand. Early Christians depicted the fish or the alpha and omega. St. Patrick used the shamrock to represent the Trinity. The cross itself is a mere symbol of Christianity that has for centuries helped open dialogue and served as a reference for evangelists. One way we proclaim the Good News in our home is through the art and decoration we display. The one you see here was made inexpensively with just a few supplies, a little bit of creativity and a lot of joy for proclaiming the Good News!
aisle at most large shopping centers). Use a plastic card to firmly rub the surface of the letters, so the paint doesn’t run underneath (although some may). Apply a thin coat of acrylic paint over entire surface. Take a damp cloth rag and rub away any excess paint. Also rub away in the area where the star will be and near edges to reveal some of the stain underneath. Allow piece to dry and carefully peel away stickers. Position the star stencil on the panel and blot (with cloth rag) acrylic paint within stencil area. Lightly sand the edges of piece to give it a more rustic look. If necessary, add picture frame hardware to the backside of the piece.
Wow — that’s a big one. Let’s start by looking at some of the words for love that we see in the Bible. This is not an exhaustive list, but it captures the main ones. We’ll start with eros. Eros is a Greek word for a craving. It’s often expressed sexually, but not always. It’s a hunger for another person and is the root of our word “erotic.”
in the know with Father Joe Father Joe Krupp is a priest and former comedian.
The Bible also uses the word storge for love. This is a Greek word for the love family has for each other — the love of a parent for their child, a familial bond. A third and very common word for love in the Bible is philios. This Greek word refers to “brotherly love,” close friendship, affection. The final word for love I will give you is agape, a Greek word for perfect love. This is love in its purest form: it’s universal and unconditional. It is a love that never quits and never breaks, no matter the circumstance or situation. When we talk about God’s love, we are talking about all four of these — and more. We do not have a word that expresses the totality of God’s love; all we can do is use our broken human words and give an image. For example, when we say, “God is love,” what we usually mean is “God is loving,” and that right there is the problem. The statement “God is love” is accurate. When we love one
Catholic Key • Winter 2020 • catholickey.org
another, we are imitating God. The more our love looks like God’s love, the more perfect that love is. When I was younger, love was a simple thing: it was based on what you do to and for me. As I get older, I realize that the less my needs are present in the equation, and when my love looks more like giving than taking, the more perfect that love is. C.S. Lewis put it best in his book — The Four Loves: God, who needs nothing, loves into existence wholly superfluous creatures in order that he may love and perfect them. He creates the universe, already foreseeing — or should we say “seeing”? there are no tenses in God — the buzzing cloud of flies about the cross, the flayed back pressed against the uneven stake, the nails driven through the mesial nerves, the repeated incipient suffocation as the body droops, the repeated torture of back and arms as it is time after time, for breath’s sake, hitched up. If I may dare the biological image, God is a “host” who deliberately creates his own parasites; causes us to be that we may exploit and “take advantage of” him. Herein is love. This is the diagram of Love himself, the inventor of all loves.
With all that, I want to offer you two things I learned about love from my parents — one from my mom and one from my dad. When I think about my mom, one of the most important gifts she gave me was her willingness to let me suffer. Like every young person before and after me, I suffered in different ways in school. My inability to sit still, my struggles with peers — all of it was and is normal. Yet, as was typical for
Help ensure our students have access to a quality Catholic education for another 30 years...
*New Community Meeting Center at Holy Cross School
SCapital HINE BR IGHTLY Campaign Visit brightfuturesfund.org to learn more about the campaign and the newly designed additions coming to our schools.
a young person, I lacked the ability to see my pain in context. So, I went home and complained: this teacher did this to me, this student did that to me — on and on and on. I wanted Mom to do what the other moms and dads often did: fix my problems. They rarely did. Instead, my memory is of Mom giving me tools to endure the suffering well, to respond like Jesus as best I could, to change what I could change within myself and let the rest go. She helped me focus on controlling what I could control and enduring, even thriving in, those things I couldn’t. It never occurred to me until I got older how awful that must have been for her. I had a conversation with Mom when I was in my 20s when she suddenly opened up to me about how hard my childhood was on her. I was absolutely blown away as I realized that my parents loved me so much that they chose to be uncomfortable and sorrowful “behind my back,” as it were, instead of diving into the fray and trying to save me from all pain. I grew up with a solid understanding that life is hard, that suffering is an omnipresent reality and that I needed to learn how to do hard things without becoming a hard-hearted person. For that, I
am eternally grateful. The day of my mother’s funeral is when I learned about another important lesson about love from my dad. I drove him to the funeral. When we pulled up to the church, I went to open my door, but realized that Dad was just sitting there. We sat in silence for some time, staring at the church and trying to cowboy up to go in there for her funeral. After some time, Dad spoke. With tears in his eyes and a broken, weak voice, he quoted Psalm 118: “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” He went on to tell me he could barely think through the pain of this moment, but that he was glad he was experiencing it and not Mom. That’s love. I had heard of a man saying that before, but there I was, in my truck with my dad as he expressed the most perfect love I’ve been witness to. One of them was going to experience life-altering pain and he was glad it was him. So there’s my snapshot discussion on love. Please, please — never grow content with how you love. Never think you’ve “got it down.” Constantly grow in knowing God and you will constantly be growing in love. Enjoy another day in God’s presence.
Sheila and Tom need to ask themselves two questions: Is there any hard evidence that Sheila’s mom is in actual danger of donating her way to destitution? If so, would it
m a r r i ag e m atte r s
be appropriate to talk with her about it?
My mom likes to donate to charitable causes My mom likes to respond to every request for money that comes in at Christmas. She’s always done this. I don’t see why Tom wants to question her about it.
She’s on a fixed income; it’s too much Sheila’s mom is on a fixed income. We need to talk to her about managing her money so she has enough to live.
Steve and Bridget Jesus had many good things to say about very generous people, Patton hold especially those who give to the point of apparent foolishness. He master’s degrees praised both the woman who poured an entire jar of expensive in theology and perfume over his head, (Mt 26:6-10) and the poor widow who donated counseling and to the Temple treasury the last two coins she had to live on. (Mk serve as family 12:41-44) The list goes on. life ministers for Whether we’re to take these passages as a universal norm for the Diocese of all charitable giving is a legitimate question, but the basic point is Sacramento. clear: God wants us to be extremely generous — even to a fault. But the real question is not whether Mom is being too generous, but whether she’s being fiscally irresponsible or, even more worrisome, whether her generosity is being used against her by charities or con artists. Elders can be especially vulnerable to such manipulation, and their adult children are right to be vigilant for them. So, if there are any real signs that Mom is beginning to “lose it,” fiscally or mentally, then it could be not only the loving, but, indeed, the necessary thing for Sheila and Tom to gently ask her questions, such as, “Mom, we’ve always admired your generosity, but we’re a little concerned about a few things we’ve been seeing lately.” Or: “We know how much you value your financial independence; we just really want to protect that for your future.” They could also suggest that Mom consider other ways she could be generous but not so that her limited income is put in jeopardy, like donating her time visiting the sick or preparing meals for a maternity home or a homeless shelter. Exceedingly generous people are rare indeed. While we sometimes might need to protect them, even from themselves, we should nevertheless admire and thank them for exemplifying the completely self-emptying love of Jesus himself.
HOW CAN I HAVE A HIGHER LEVEL OF HAPPINESS AT WORK? What’s more important than happiness? Believe it or not — nothing! The catechism declares that God has embedded the longing for happiness in every human heart. St.
work l i f e
2. OWN YOUR OWN. Why hand your happiness over to someone or something else? Certainly you can enjoy the external pleasantries and positives of your work and workplace. But immediately and ultimately you’re in the driver’s seat for your happiness. Don’t hand the keys or wheel over to your boss, co-workers, customers or circumstances. Stay free and self-possessed.
Jim Berlucchi is co-founder of the Spitzer Center for Visionary Leadership.
3. PRACTICE THE VIRTUES. Virtue = Happiness. The Boy Scouts cite 12: trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. Not a bad checklist for happiness at work or in life.
Augustine, an expert on happiness, wrote: “We all want to live happily; in the whole human race there is no one who does not assent to this proposition, even before it is fully articulated.” Thomas Aquinas adds: “Man cannot live without joy.” So your question is right on target. Here are three of 12 principles. More to come later.
Catholic Key • Winter 2020 • catholickey.org
1. BUDDY-UP WITH GOD. The highest happiness is in the soul. The deeper your relationship with Christ, the higher your happiness — in every and all circumstances. Research shows that having an on-thejob best friend at work is critical for happiness in the workplace. God is your closest, kindest, smartest, most reliable, ultimate and eternal friend. He is the essence of happiness and perfectly happy in his own infinite beatitude. Never leave home or punch in without him (pray every morning). Fraternize with him on the job. And make friends with others (love thy neighbor) at the same time.
Building family traditions that will last
(MAL 3 :6 )
These words have been an anchor for me the past several weeks as change has swirled about us. Despite the uncertainty, change and disruptions we’ve faced, God has worked powerfully, and many of the changes we’ve experienced have been good ones. Eventually, things will return to what was familiar, but there are some changes I hope stick around. Pace and Peace: Before you fill your family calendar back up, prayerfully ponder the things you’ve been fine without and carefully consider which activities you truly need to return to.
pa rent ing
Prayer: Although we long for public Mass and the Eucharistic True Presence, living room Mass has given us the chance to be truly present in our Domestic Church. Trade continued family prayer for the rush and hustle which made these experiences difficult or scarce. The fruit of this change will be balance, and a family focused on Godly pursuits rather than worldly ones.
Sheri Wohlfert is a Catholic school teacher, speaker, writer and founder of Joyful Words Ministries. Sheri blogs at www.joyfulwords.org
Simplicity: Conversation and connection while sharing family meals, games and movies should continue to be a regular thing. It may have felt like we stepped back in time, but the blessings from that giant step backward have brought laughter, joy and an appreciation for those closest to us. We don’t need more places and things, we need more time to love our families.
Gratitude: We developed and expressed our gratitude for health care and essential workers. Through their example, we saw the service Jesus taught as he washed the apostles’ feet at the Last Supper. We need to remain aware of and grateful for those who serve others, and be inspired to serve others more ourselves. Empathy: Our hearts have been touched by the isolation, loneliness and hardship this time has caused many. We should continue to recognize those who need our prayers and our help, and work as a family to help those who struggle and suffer. Relationships: We’ve been reminded that people are more important than stuff. Father Mike Schmitz, from the Diocese of Duluth and a frequent presenter on Ascension Presents videos, says that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with, so when we are able to socialize again, choose the relationships that you invest in wisely.
Diocese of Kansas CitySt. Joseph
pa s to r a l planning
Nativity of Mary
By Robert Sandford
Using Our Resources Wisely
St. Bernadette
Changing demographics, religious affiliations and financial support are driving necessary changes in the eight Catholic parishes located in Deanery V’s Blue Ridge Area, serving thousands of families and a diverse ethnic community.
Our Lady of Lourdes
St. John Francis Regis
he Blue Ridge Pastoral Plan for Deanery V, announced in September 2020, implements
part of the diocesan vision One Family:
Restored in Christ, Equipped for Mission. The plan puts some parishes in an urgent need to grow, or close, and others to further collaborate
St. Catherine of Siena HICKMAN HILLS
and share resources. For many, this is a defining
St. Matthew the Apostle
moment in the life of their faith community. What follows is an early glimpse of its effects in the form of vignettes of the life of the Church writ
St. Thomas More
Coronation of Our Lady
small on the big hearts of four.
Vonda Geary has served St. Bernadette Parish for more than 20 years, where she invested in her daughter’s education and became Catholic herself.
VONDA GEARY grew up Baptist, yet when her daughter was ready for first grade, she enrolled her in the St. Bernadette Parish School. She has been on the parish staff for 20 years, the last six as business manager. Being an involved parent and staff member led her into the life of the parish. Moved by the faith of parishioners, she became Catholic. She was confirmed when her daughter was baptized. For Vonda, “This is more than a job. This is my gift I can give to my faith family.” Her spirituality of stewardship opens to hope. “We all have different gifts to offer. If we put all those gifts together we’re going to grow.” She remembers the closing of their school in 2003, the loss of young families, the grief, the anger and the lingering fear that the parish would soon follow. Still, many, including herself, share the conviction
Catholic Key • Winter 2020 • catholickey.org
that they have what they need to thrive. They have a staff that works well as a team, remains spiritually vital and is a family within a family. And in the numbers she finds hope born of the sustained generosity of parishioners and the blessings of their partnerships with Raytown School District and Our Lady of Lourdes Parish and Nativity of Mary Parish with whom they share resources and programs. She volunteered for the deanery process steering committee to share her conviction. She ended up presenting for the parish. “I am not one to get up and speak in front of people but when Father Dave (Holloway) approached me I said yes. I think it was the passion I have for this community and by the grace of God that I could do it.” When she presented, she spoke from her heart, offering up her gifts of love, hope and conviction.
The Brennamans are deeply devoted to their faith and parish community, yet have found ways to renew their involvement in building up their 100-year-old mother church.
LARRY AND LAURA BRENNAMAN call St. Catherine of Siena Parish home. Larry, a member from birth, went to school there. Laura joined the church when they were married there in 1971. They have been involved in church life over the years — Larry with the Knights of Columbus and Laura helping with the Knights’ events and sewing items for liturgy. Recently, they jumped in deeper. Laura, out of compassion for friends who were suffering from the social isolation imposed by COVID-19, helped start Heart-to-Heart, a women’s faith sharing support group. And when the deanery plan gave their parish three options — grow, share a priest, or merge with St. Thomas More Parish — they sought ways to help. They joined the Pastoral Ministry Council and took on the project of organizing a 95th anniversary celebration. When the deanery plan came out, they were angry. Laura felt the focus on the numbers left out the human element and that “the diocese has written us off.” Larry felt there was little consideration for the nearly 100-year-old mother church that had birthed so many others. Their renewed involvement honors the human element and their mother church while building her up. Laura admits, “I think we’ve become complacent. We go to church and we go home. To grow, we need to stretch ourselves and adapt.” She credits Father Thomas with expanding her understanding of what it means to be a Church. “We are rooted. Now we need to branch out.” They see the anniversary as a way to get more people involved so they can experience the transformative power of community united in purpose. This they expect will grow the parish.
FATHER SUNOJ THOMAS, OSB is from Kerala, India. He has served in our diocese since 2007, most recently at St. Thomas More Parish and for the last four years as pastor of St. Catherine of Siena Parish. He is also pastor of the Syro-Malabar Catholic community of Kansas City. He was involved in the deanery process at every level. He speaks passionately about a vision of Church woven into the fabric of his vocation and central to the renewal catalyzed in part by the twoyear plan for the parish. “‘How can I help?’ is the million-dollar question that more people are asking. They want to be part of the Church going forward. The study helped focus their resolve. Our mission is to be the body of Christ and experience the joy of that. Then people see that and want to be part of it. That is evangelization. It’s not something more to do. It is about becoming. If it’s about accomplishing tasks we get tired. That is not faith-driven. It is human-driven. As a mission parish, we seek to become Christ-like. Then we find joy. “The purpose of the Church is to become Christ-like. We are called to be fulfilled and content. When we are content, we spread the joy of being a Christian. We live a life of joy and are eager to represent Christ in our words and deeds. This is what we see particularly in the first three centuries of the Church. They had nothing but were happy to live their Christian life even in the midst of persecution. “The deanery study calls us to a common purpose: to evangelize. With 60 percent of its residents being unchurched, the Blue Ridge corridor is the most fertile soil, but we need to cultivate it.” When they presented the Deanery V plan, the parish representatives offered more than their part of the plan. They offered their love, compassion and hope. Bishop Johnston, noticeably moved by what he had heard, remarked that for all that was difficult and even painful about parts of the plan, he heard their hope for what their parishes can be.
Father Sunoj Thomas welcomes parishioners to St. Catherine of Siena Parish and encourages his community to experience the joy that comes with being part of the body of Christ.
cov e r s to ry
Catholic Key • Winter 2020 • catholickey.org
The Martinez family have weathered the storms of the pandemic, a cancer diagnosis and treatment through devotion to their faith, hope for the future and the support of their Catholic community.
After 27 years of marriage, Adelfo and Maria Martinez are just as in love as ever and have instilled a love of God and service to the Church in raising their three children.
The Martínez family of Raytown, Mo., understands this well. In a year that has tested their faith like no other, this closeknit family of five can attest to the importance of maintaining faith and focus in spite of fear and uncertainty, and feeling the merciful, healing hand of God in the midst of sadness and suffering.
A journey to abundant life
To the secular world, the end of the calendar year usually signals a period of excess, rampant consumerism and a frenzy of festivities; big meals, expensive gifts and increased debt are the orders of the day as Dec. 25 looms near. However, for Catholics, this time of year holds more meaningful significance. Advent is an appointed time for believers throughout the world to focus on the virtues of hope, faith, joy and peace, with hearts of repentance and celebration. Given the turbulent nature of 2020 — natural disasters, worldwide sickness, social unrest and a deeply divided country — it has become more important than ever for followers of Christ to reflect on God’s abundant blessings and to give thanks for his perfect gift of salvation to the world.
Catholic Key • Winter 2020 • catholickey.org
All it takes is a short glance at Adelfo and María Martínez sitting hand-in-hand, smiling at one another in their living room, to see the depth of emotion between them. After more than 27 years together, they are more in love than ever. The couple met and dated in their native Mexico, then moved to the United States in 1997 in search of a better life. Traveling to a new country with two toddlers in tow was a major adjustment. “We arrived with very little and we didn’t know anyone at first,” said Adelfo. While they had much to learn about adapting to a new life in America, María was adamant that one component of their former lives in Mexico would not be left behind: her children would be raised in the same religious tradition, with the same morals and standards as she had been. “That’s one thing my mom always instilled in us,” said Juan. “Going to church was always important.” The young family lived in the historic Northeast district of Kansas City and began asking their neighbors about Mass. “We heard about a Catholic church in Kansas that celebrated Mass in Spanish,” said Adelfo. “We attended, but not regularly, because it was a long way for us to travel every Sunday.” Adelfo and María longed for something more consistent and, in 2001, were excited to join a parish closer to home: Holy Cross Catholic Church in Kansas City, Mo. “We went from being late every Sunday to super early,” laughed Mitzi. At Holy Cross, Adelfo was chosen to serve as a reader and extraordinary minister of Holy Communion and became a member of the Pastoral Council. Over time, his desire to serve God and his people has only grown. From 2007 to 2010, Adelfo studied theology at the Bishop Helmsing Institute. He has served as Grand Knight of Knights of Columbus Council 15287 for more than six years and supports catechesis for adults as an instructor. “When my dad became more involved in church, his commitment led to our becoming more involved, too,” reflected Mitzi, 26. She and Juan, 25, were altar servers, and today, the tradition continues with their 12-year-old brother Miguel, who is a server at St. John Francis Regis Parish, where he also attends school and the family now worships. “Serving is fun,” said Miguel. “Other kids might get bored in church,
SIMPLE TRADITIONS TO CELEBRATE ADVENT AT HOME •T raveling Magi — using figures from a small Nativity set, or a photo on cardstock, move the three Magi around your home each day to symbolize our Advent journey of faith. •H ave your Advent wreath blessed or do it yourself (search online for “Advent wreath blessing” for ideas). •C hoose 24 Bible stories to read as you open your Advent calendar each day or create a Jesse tree with one ornament for each story. •W ith each Christmas card received, create a new link with the person/family’s name for a paper prayer garland for Christmas Day.
but I stay interested because I’m active.” Finding a church community was very important to his family in the beginning of their journey, Adelfo said. Drawing from the strength and prayers of those who are grounded in faith became more important than ever over the past year.
Hope and faith In 2019, María was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer, an illness that caught the entire family off-guard. “María had always been healthy, with no major sicknesses,” said Adelfo. “When we found out she had cancer, we weren’t prepared. It tested us emotionally and financially.” While Adelfo, a professional electrician, scurried to secure health care for María, she struggled to stay upbeat for her husband and children — particularly, Miguel. “It was very, very hard. Mitzi and Juan are adults,” María explained, “but Miguel is still young and depends on me for everything. I needed to be healed because we still have him to raise.”
Though everyone fought to hide their sadness and fear from María, it was often Miguel who encouraged his mother to stand firm in her faith. After her mastectomy, María began chemotherapy. Coping with the physical effects of her treatments was harder than she imagined. “I was more devastated about losing my hair than losing my breast,” María reflected. “But Miguel would see my sadness and say, ‘Let’s go to church.’ He would go with me to Our Lady of Lourdes [Parish], which is close to our home, so I could pray and celebrate the Eucharist. I learned so much from that experience. I feel so grateful. I know that God does not give us a test that we cannot handle.” From the date of María’s surgery, to her final round of chemotherapy in March 2020, the Martínez family was surrounded in love and prayer by their expanding circle of loved ones. “The Mass before Mom’s surgery was very full,” Mitzi recalled. “We had priests and church members, friends and loved ones come to visit my mom in the hospital, and they have continued to care for us. We are so thankful to everyone for all the support they’ve shown.” Through tears, María agreed: “There were so many people who wrote letters and prayed for me. They felt like At 12 years old, Miguel Martinez, angels on earth.” finds joy in being an altar server and
Joy and peace
Mitzi Martinez is grateful for the love, support and prayers that have flowed from their Catholic community as her mother Maria battled cancer, and today as they celebrate her restored health.
encouraging others to stand firm in their faith, even when faced with difficult circumstances.
Normally, holiday season at the Martínez home would be abuzz with traditions that bring multiple families together. “One of our favorite traditions is to invite over other families, celebrate Las Posadas, break piñatas and recite the novena,” said Adelfo. “This year, with all that is happening with the coronavirus, we may not be able to do those things.” Although a more subdued holiday season is not what they’d prefer, the Martínez family feels content to count their blessings, even if this year is a scaled-down celebration of five. There are so many reasons to rejoice: María, whose bouncy, lush curls have returned, is cancer-free. Next May, the still-in-love Adelfo and María hope to commemorate their 25th wedding anniversary in a special blessing and renewal of commitment ceremony. But, whether COVID-19 subsides or large events will still be limited, they are grateful — and at peace. “We celebrate every day,” said Adelfo. “We are a happy family. We have a community full of family and friends who love and support us, and most importantly, God loves us. That is what I want everyone to understand, especially when there is so much suffering in the world. People need to know that God loves us all.”
ou r ch u r ch
JOURNEY TO BETHANY charts a path to hope for healing the wounds of clergy sexual abuse
Story and photography Megan Marley
“I think there is a need to reconcile the people of the Church and the institution of the Church as a whole. I think there are a lot of Catholics with one foot out the door because they can't stomach being part of an institution that let this go on for so long.” — SURVEY RESPONDENT
Recent surveys of parishioners and priests in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph are giving voice to the pain caused to victims, their families and friends, and to the broader community by clergy sexual abuse. The responses are laying important groundwork to develop a healing center for those harmed by clergy sexual abuse, called Journey to Bethany. “We are going to assist the diocese in doing this the right way, and really provide something of quality and something very impactful that truly reaches the victims,” said Maura Nulton, a member of the Journey to Bethany Volunteer Planning Committee. With support from Bishop James V. Johnston, Jr., and the diocesan Office of Child and Youth Protection, Journey to Bethany’s mission is to serve those harmed by clergy sexual abuse through actions of healing and justice. “Everyone’s hurting in different ways ... there’s a cross-section of hurt,” said Father Joe Cisetti, pastor of St. Therese (North) Parish, member of the initial diocesan Mutually Shared Vision team and Journey to Bethany Committee. “What makes this a little bit different is it gives the opportunity for the Church, our diocese specifically, to take responsibility and make amends for it,” said committee member Gina Staves, Ph.D. Gina has spent more than 25 years as a licensed counselor specializing in healing the trauma from child abuse, advocating for abuse prevention, and teaching college courses in psychology and restorative justice. Parishioners across four regions — urban, suburban, rural and St. Joseph — answered the 16-question online survey: 1,382 responses were received over a two-week timeframe last winter, most submitted within the first 24 hours.
Catholic Key • Winter 2020 • catholickey.org
The findings: • A clear call for Church accountability, transparency and commitment to change indicates an important component of healing will be the Church’s ability to demonstrably repent for past failures. • Awareness and understanding of any current care and support being provided by the Diocese are relatively low. • Counseling (individual and group), support from a victim advocate and spiritual accompaniment are the most frequently selected services that should be provided for healing.
Diocesan priests received a separate survey: • 40 percent are open to additional informative resources and the data suggest that many could benefit from a review of what’s available. • The majority of respondents were unsure about whether they would use Journey to Bethany healing services themselves, indicating they were uncomfortable with the idea of being a “secondary victim.” • Some feel they are scapegoated while Church leadership fails to apologize for its own failures or acknowledge what some perceive as the real issue — predatory homosexual misconduct. • Many priests are seeking an individualized approach to support and healing. They are craving opportunities to connect directly with diocesan leadership, to have their concerns and opinions heard and to have open dialogue about issues around sexual abuse and other challenges.
PARISHIONER survey results
Jim Caccamo, Ph.D.
The Journey to Bethany Committee is now processing what they’ve learned. “What we learned will help guide us in the kind of treatment, the kind of services we would provide to the clients we would serve,” said member Jim Caccamo, Ph.D., whose background is in child development and psychology. Developing the steps for reconciliation between people and the Church will be a daunting but meaningful undertaking. “The Catholic Church was instituted by God to assist his children in growing closer to him. Unfortunately, clergy sexual abuse has driven many people away from God,” said committee member Dr. Carnie Nulton. “I hope that Journey to Bethany will enable victims (and others) in their journeys of healing and growing closer to God.”
of respondents believe the diocese is somewhat or much more prepared to protect people from clergy sexual abuse than 10 years ago
of respondents are victims themselves or personally know someone who was impacted by clergy sexual abuse
of respondents say they would consider using healing services offered by Journey to Bethany
would be willing to volunteer to support Journey to Bethany
survey results
91% of respondents believe the diocese is somewhat or much more prepared to protect people from clergy sexual abuse now than 10 years ago
of respondents report feeling distrusted as a result of the sexual abuse scandal
Those who have been most recently ordained feel the least negatively judged
of respondents feel prepared to assist victims of sexual abuse
L e a rn mo re Dr. Carnie Nulton
and watch for updates at journeytobethany.org.
mi n i s try profiles
CITY ON A HILL: YOU N G A D U LT MI N I ST RY Community, inspiration and formation By Taylor Downey
BE THE COMMUNITY THAT INSPIRES AND FORMS OUR GENERATION TO BE SAINTS That is the mission of City on a Hill (COAH), the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph young adult ministry. Since 2006, COAH has focused exclusively on reaching an estimated 250,000 young adults in the Kansas City area between ages 18-35, including 60,000+ who were raised Catholic. COAH offers events and initiatives, from low-threshold social events to a year-round sports league, men’s and women’s small groups, mission trips, Catholic speed dating, the City on a Hill podcast and spiritual direction. City on a Hill’s community of young adults is more than 1,500 strong throughout the KC metro. Here are
L e ar n mo r e
just two of their testimonies.
at KansasCityonaHill.org.
Catholic Key • Winter 2020 • catholickey.org
T un e i n to CITY ON A HILL: KANSAS CITY podcast featuring stories of faith from young adults in the KC metro area and be inspired by their journeys firsthand. Available on most podcast platforms.
I am only months away from reaching 25, and I am starting to understand why it is this decade that is often referred to as the defining decade. In this experience of navigating life's twists and turns, I cannot imagine trying to walk it alone — without the support of dear friends, a supportive workplace or beloved family members. They continually remind me who I am, what I have been gifted with, and what I am set out to do. While I know these places and things have been a stable source of support for me in the past, there are always things like distance, layoffs and even death that could take them away. There is nothing on this earth that is absolutely permanent. Except one. The God that intercepted my life 10 years ago and has never stopped pursuing me since. I could not be more grateful to City on a Hill for introducing me to a community that is doing the same: leaning on, depending on and surrendering to a God who is constant in a world that says, surely, we are the only things we can really depend on anymore. I have been overjoyed to lean on something that is so much bigger than me. Through my experiences in the City on a Hill Apostolate Project (CAP), serving on the Kansas City Catholic Young Professionals Committee (KCCYP) and attending retreats, Tuesdays at the Boulevard events and serving on the Core team, I am constantly reminded that I am not alone in this decade. I am surrounded by hundreds of people who are pursuing this God and his mysteries right beside me. And I am coming to understand who he made me to be just a little bit better every day, giving me the confidence to make life-altering decisions that are of his plan and not mine. My 20s do not sound like such a scary place to be. They are far from it! They are permeated with peace, characterized by gratitude and saturated with joy. I could not be more encouraged by this community with the
courage to intercept the young people of our city right where they are at, amongst the defining decade, to share with them a life lived in ultimate love, where decisions do not have to rely solely on us, but are guided by him. And thanks to this beloved City on a Hill community, I am not alone. Annie Lind’s experience with City on a Hill has given her a consistent reminder that she’s not alone in this season of her life. She has a community of peers who, like her, are learning who they are and building confidence to make life-altering decisions that are also God’s plan.
I was inadvertently invited to the Colorado trip when the usual COAH mission trip to Guatemala was cancelled due to COVID-19. There were a few others in the same situation. I remember feeling this inner need to get out into a community, especially around other Catholics. It seemed the Lord was moving me. I had also felt a calling in my heart to be open to new friendships. It was strange to feel this, but I think the Lord was opening me up to what was about to happen. The trip was highlighted by a long car ride to Colorado that felt very short; we talked almost the entire time we drove out to the mountains. I had just met the men I was riding with, but our conversations were full of energy and laughter. I think what surprised me the most was the many opportunities we had to connect with each other. I think every person from our group of 20 had a heart wide open, and the Lord was making some serious moves on establishing Brian Ray (far left, green scarf) lasting friendships. The beauty learned on a recent City on Hill of Catholic friendships is that trip to Colorado that humans are you already have a best friend the most wonder-filled creation in common, Jesus. that exist on earth; that even when On the third day of our trip, surrounded by the beauty of the mountains, there is nothing more Father Andrew Mattingly, dibeautiful than the human soul. rector of young adult and college ministry for the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, gave a reflection on the beauty of the soul. He said that despite being in the mountains, a place that can make us feel close to God because we are surrounded by beauty, there is nothing more beautiful than a soul. The reason, he stated, is our souls are created in the divine image of God and, because we have such an imprint on our being, humans are the most wonder-filled creation that exists on earth. Due to our ability to love and our free will, we are likened unto God, and so we are inherently more beautiful than anything else God has created. Later that afternoon, we summited the mountain and stood atop admiring the beauty of creation. My friend, Will, turned to me and said, with a wry smile, “Brian, you are more beautiful than all of this.” I remember saying, “Wow, that’s hard to believe.” At the close of the trip, we shared moments of inspiration that stood out to us. I told the group that I felt like we had experienced a bit of heaven and that we were surrounded by saints; we just could not see it yet. That is what the Lord does. He surrounds us with others who build us up and make us holier.
Let these three fruits of the Holy Spirit be your guide:
Joy. Begin with a joyful prayer of thanksgiving for having friends who are lovers of Jesus and who care enough to discuss what that love means to them. Embrace the gift of your friendship and acknowledge the respect you share. Invite the Holy Spirit into your conversation and ask for wisdom.
How do I talk to friends about faith
God calls us to bear witness to his truth and his love at all times. This is not always an easy task — especially when speaking about our faith with fellow Christian brothers and sisters. So how do we keep our words wrapped in Christ’s love and respect when we disagree?
Catholic Key • Winter 2020 • catholickey.org
Gentleness. Approach the conversation as a chance to see your friend’s heart the way Jesus does. Listen with intent. Not with the intention of changing their belief, but with the intent of understanding their love for Christ. Respect their words and their faith. Be careful not to allow your passion to become so elevated that it creates a wall of arrogance that ends the conversation.
Love. The greatest of all commandments, Jesus commands us to love one another as he has loved us. Remember that Jesus loves ALL of his children; Catholics are not the favorite child, as Jesus loves without judgment.
Proverbs 27:17 tells us, “Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Don’t shy away from meaningful conversations regarding faith — even when disagreements are bound to happen. The attitude we entertain during these interactions has more of an impact than the words we speak. Remember — joy, gentleness, love.
For nearly 150 years, the Benedictine monastic community of Conception Abbey has been a partner of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, working to provide for the Church’s future in a variety of ways. Our location in northwest Missouri complements the lives of contemplative prayer and reflection led by the monks who live, work and pray here—and replenishes visitors who come for spiritual nourishment and rejuvenation. It is the Benedictine monastic community who inspires the seminarians who study at Conception Seminary College and will return to their communities as priests formed in the Benedictine tradition. All of the apostolic works at Conception are connected by our shared Benedictine values of hospitality, service, and the promise to welcome every guest as Christ. We minister in faithful service to the Church and to the world.
Conception Abbey | Conception Seminary College | Abbey Guest Center | The Printery House
Learn more at www.conceptionabbey.org.
37174 State Hwy VV | Conception, Missouri
We pray for Bishop James V. Johnston, Jr. as he assumes his new role as Chair of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee for the Protection of Children & Young People. Healing begins with our hearts. We pray for open hearts and impactful leadership as our community heals. We also acknowledge the work of Bishop Johnston and members of our diocesan community as they officially launch the Journey to Bethany, providing services and support for healing. JourneytoBethany.org 23
EN EL CAMINO V IV IMOS EN U N M U N D O E N C A N TA DO “Bendecidos aquellos que sin haber visto han creído”.
Juan 20:29
A menudo pasa delante de nosotros antes que nos demos cuenta — esa declaración al comienzo del Credo que rezamos los Domingos en la Misa — en la que profesamos que creemos en Dios que ha hecho “todas las cosas visibles e invisibles”. Vale la pena reflexionar sobre esa realidad de vez en cuando; el hecho es que vivimos rodeados por cosas que podemos ver y cosas que no podemos ver; cosas que no están formadas de “materia” sino que son puramente espirituales y que son igualmente reales.
Catholic Key • Winter 2020 • catholickey.org
La aparición del ángel a los pastores, proclamando el nacimiento de Cristo. OLGAPTASHKO/GETTY IMAGES
Del o b ispo El obispo James V. Johnston, Jr. es el séptimo obispo de la Diócesis de Kansas City-St. Joseph
Esto ha estado particularmente en mi mente desde el año pasado al reflexionar sobre nuestro plan pastoral diocesano, la Visión Mutuamente Compartida, y específicamente en los aspectos en los que nos concentramos para formar a nuestros niños para que sean discípulos de Jesucristo. Ellos, y nosotros, vivimos ahora en una cultura seglar dominante que tiene su propio credo y que profesa sus propios principios, uno de los cuales es “ver para creer”. En otras palabras, si algo no puede ser medido y explicado por la ciencia, no existe. Otra palabra para esto es “materialismo”. El materialismo niega todas aquellas realidades que son puro espíritu, incluyendo el alma inmortal. Mantener tal visión es tener un entendimiento atrofiado y falso de uno mismo, del mundo que Dios ha creado, y de la realidad en sí misma. Sí, nosotros vivimos en el mundo natural, pero que se basa en un mundo sobrenatural mucho mayor. Una vez oí a alguien decir que la fe es como una puerta abierta en su casa a un cuarto que usted no sabe que está allí. Es una buena analogía. La Carta a los Hebreos nos dice que la fe, “… es la garantía de lo que se espera, la certeza de lo que no se ve”. La fe aumenta y abre nuestra perspectiva a un mundo “encantado” por Dios, un mundo lleno y guiado por su Espíritu Santo, pero también poblado e influenciado por aquellos espíritus que las escrituras llaman ángeles, y aquellos espíritus caídos, malignos que las escrituras llaman demonios. Jesús a menudo habló de “Cuando era un niño, el Adviento, y y a esos espíritus a medida que caminaba la temporada de Navidad que venía y ejercía su ministerio en los caminos y ciudades de Galilea. después, eran el tiempo que más deseaba Sin una conciencia del mundo que llegara ... me hacía consciente de sobrenatural quedamos con una visión que vivía en un mundo encantado. Un empobrecida de la vida que se describe mejor en las líneas familiares del Libro mundo lleno de Dios, gracia, maravillas del Eclesiastés, “Lo que fue, eso será, y y belleza, y que yo era intencionalmente lo que se hizo, eso se hará; no hay nada querido por ese mismo Dios y por su nuevo bajo el sol… He visto todas las obras que se han hecho bajo el sol, y he amor para ser actor de un gran drama observado que todo es vanidad y correr lleno de alegrías, aventuras y sí, tras el viento (Eclesiastés 1: 9, 14). sufrimientos y peligros también.” Mientras hay ocasiones privilegiadas en las cuales el mundo sobrenatural se manifiesta directamente a sí mismo (piense por ejemplo en las apariciones Marianas de Guadalupe, Fátima y Lourdes), nosotros encontramos al Dios Vivo y a la vida sobrenatural de la gracia a través de signos visibles, y especialmente, en los sacramentos y sacramentales, y en la Sagrada Liturgia de la Misa. De la misma manera, la oración también nos hace conscientes de que vivimos dentro de un mundo sobrenatural. Lo “visible” ayuda y permite nuestro encuentro con lo “invisible”. El primer número del nuevo Catholic Key revista hace su debut a medida que avanzamos en nuestro viaje a través de la Temporada de Adviento. Durante esos días nos preparamos para celebrar la venida de Dios encarnado — el punto de inflexión en la historia cuando el Dios Invisible, creador de todas las cosas, se hizo visible entrando en su propia creación como un niño. Los ángeles toman parte en todos esos eventos- anunciaron su concepción y se regocijaron cuando Él nació. Tal como exclaman las oraciones de la Liturgia en varias maneras, se unieron la tierra y el cielo. Cuando era un niño, el Adviento, y la temporada de Navidad que venía después, eran el tiempo que más deseaba que llegara porque más que ningún otro, me hacía consciente de que vivía en un mundo encantado. Un mundo lleno de Dios, gracia, maravillas y belleza, y que yo era intencionalmente querido por ese mismo Dios y por su amor para ser actor de un gran drama lleno de alegrías, aventuras y sí, sufrimientos y peligros también. Estar conscientes de eso hace toda la diferencia.
ar t íc ulo de po r tada
Catholic Key • Winter 2020 • catholickey.org
La familia Martinez ha resistido las tormentas de la pandemia y un diagnรณstico y tratamiento de cรกncer debido a su devociรณn a su fe, esperanza para el futuro y el apoyo de su comunidad catรณlica.
Después de 27 años de matrimonio, Adelfo y María Martínez siguen tan enamorados como siempre y han inculcado amor a Dios y servicio a la Iglesia en la crianza de sus tres hijos.
La familia Martínez de Raytown, Missouri, entiende esto muy bien. En un año en el que su fe se puso a prueba como en ningún otro, esta familia de cinco personas tan unida puede atestiguar sobre la importancia de mantener la fe y el rumbo a pesar del miedo y la incertidumbre, y sentir la mano misericordiosa y sanadora de Dios en el medio de la tristeza y el sufrimiento.
Un viaje a una vida abundante
Para el mundo seglar, el fin del año calendario usualmente señala un periodo de excesos, consumismo desenfrenado y un frenesí por las festividades; comidas abundantes, regalos costosos e incremento de las deudas están a la orden del día a medida que Diciembre se acerca. Sin embargo, para los Católicos, este tiempo del año tiene un significado más profundo. La temporada de adviento es un tiempo señalado por los creyentes a través del mundo para enfocarse en las virtudes de la esperanza, fe, alegría y paz, con corazones llenos de arrepentimiento y celebración. Dada la naturaleza turbulenta del 2020- desastres naturales, enfermedad mundial, inquietud social y un país profundamente dividido- es más importante que nunca para los seguidores de Cristo reflexionar sobre las abundantes bendiciones de Dios y dar gracias por su don más perfecto, la salvación del mundo.
Catholic Key • Winter 2020 • catholickey.org
Todo lo que necesitamos es dar una breve mirada a Adelfo y María Martínez sentados agarrados de la mano, sonriendo uno al otro en la sala de su casa, para notar que la profunda emoción entre ellos se hace obvia. Después de más de 27 años juntos, están más enamorados que nunca. La pareja se conoció en su México nativo, luego se mudaron a los Estados Unidos en 1997 en busca de una vida mejor. Viajar a un nuevo país con dos niños pequeños a cuestas fue un gran cambio. “Llegamos con muy poco y al principio no conocíamos a nadie”, dijo Adelfo. Aunque tenían mucho que aprender para adaptarse a su nueva vida en América, María fue inflexible con un componente de su antigua vida en México que no podía dejarse atrás, sus niños crecerían con la misma tradición religiosa, con la misma moral y estándares con los que ella había crecido. Eso fue algo que mi mamá siempre nos inculcó” dijo Juan. “Ir a la Iglesia siempre fue importante” La joven familia vivió en el histórico distrito Noreste de Kansas City, y comenzó a preguntar a sus vecinos acerca de la misa. “Hemos oído acerca de una iglesia Católica en Kansas que celebra la Misa en Español”, dijo Adelfo. “Asistíamos a la misa, pero no regularmente porque era un largo camino para viajar cada domingo”. Adelfo y María querían algo más consistente y en el 2001, estaban muy emocionados por unirse a una parroquia cerca de su casa: La Iglesia Católica de la Santa Cruz en Kansas City, Missouri. “Pasamos de ser los últimos en llegar cada Domingo a ser los primeros en llegar ,” se rio Mitzi, la hija de Adelfo y Maria. En la Santa Cruz, Adelfo fue escogido para servir como lector y ministro extraordinario de la Santa Comunión y se transformó en un miembro del consejo pastoral. Con el tiempo, su deseo de servir a Dios y a su pueblo solamente había crecido. Del 2007 al 2010, Adelfo estudió teología en el Instituto Bishop Helmsing, ha servido como Gran Caballero del Consejo de los Caballeros de Colon 15287 por más de seis años y apoya la catequesis de adultos como un instructor. “A medida que mi papá se involucraba más con la iglesia, su compromiso llevó a que nosotros también estuviésemos más involucrados” reflexionó Mitzi, de 26 años. Ella y Juan, de 25, fueron monaguillos, y hoy, la tradición continúa con su hermano Miguel de 12 años, que es monaguillo en la Parroquia St. John Francis Regis, donde también va a la escuela y a la cual la familia asiste ahora. “Ser monaguillo es divertido” dijo Miguel. “Otros niños se fastidian en
SENCILLAS TRADICIONES PARA CELEBRAR EL ADVIENTO EN CASA. •E l viaje de los Reyes Magos - utilice figuras de un pequeño pesebre o unas fotos sobre una cartulina, para mover a los tres reyes magos alrededor de su casa para simbolizar nuestro viaje de fe durante el Adviento. •H aga bendecir su corona de Adviento o hágalo usted mismo (busque en línea ideas para “Bendecir la corona de adviento”) •E scoja 24 historias de la Biblia para leerlas cuando abra su calendario de Adviento cada día o cree un Árbol de Jesé con un adorno para cada historia. • Con cada tarjeta de Navidad que reciba, cree un nuevo enlace con el nombre de la persona/o de la familia para hacer una guirnalda de oración de papel para el día de Navidad.
la iglesia, pero yo estoy atento porque estoy activo”. Encontrar una iglesia en la comunidad fue algo muy importante al comienzo de su viaje, dijo Adelfo. Encontrar fuerza y las oraciones de aquellos que se basan en la fe se hizo más importante durante el año pasado.
Esperanza y fe En el 2019, María fue diagnosticada con un agresivo cáncer de mama, una enfermedad que tomó a toda la familia desprevenida. “María siempre había sido saludable, nunca tuvo enfermedades importantes” dijo Adelfo. “Cuando descubrimos que tenía cáncer, no estábamos preparados”. Fue una prueba emocional y financiera”. Mientras Adelfo, un electricista profesional, se esforzaba para asegurar el cuidado de salud de María, ella hacia grandes esfuerzos para mantener el buen ánimo ante su esposo y sus hijos, particularmente frente a Miguel. Fue muy, muy duro, Mitzi y Juan son adultos”, explicó María, “pero Miguel todavía es joven y depende de mí para todo. Yo necesitaba curarme porque todavía tenía que criarlo a él”.
Mitzi Martínez está agradecida por el amor, el apoyo y las oraciones que han brotado de su comunidad católica mientras su madre María luchó contra el cáncer, e incluso hoy, mientras celebran su salud restaurada.
Aunque todos estaban esforzándose para esconder su tristeza y temor por María, era Miguel quien a menudo animaba a su madre para que permaneciera firme en su fe. Después de la mastectomía, María comenzó quimioterapia. Enfrentar los efectos físicos de su tratamiento fue más difícil de lo que ella imaginaba. “Yo estaba más devastada por perder mi pelo que por perder mi seno”, reflexionó María, pero Miguel veía mi tristeza y decía, “Vamos a la iglesia”. Él iba conmigo a Nuestra Señora de Lourdes [Parroquia], que está cerca de nuestra casa, para que pudiera orar y celebrar el don de la Eucaristía. Aprendí mucho de esa experiencia. Estoy tan agradecida. Sé que Dios no nos da una prueba que no podamos manejar.” Desde la fecha de la cirugía de María, hasta su última ronda de quimioterapia en marzo de 2020, la familia Martínez estuvo rodeada de amor y oraciones de su círculo ampliado de seres queridos. “La Misa antes de la cirugía de mi Mamá estuvo casi llena”, recordó Mitzi. “Tuvimos sacerdotes y miembros de la iglesia, amigos y seres queridos que visitaron a mi mamá en el hospital, y que nos cuidaron continuamente. Estamos tan agradecidos con cada uno de ellos por todo el apoyo que nos mostraron.” A través de sus lágrimas María estuvo de acuerdo. “Hubo tanta gente que me escribió cartas y rezo por mí. Yo los sentía como ángeles en la tierra.”
Alegría y paz Normalmente, en temporada navideña la casa de los Martínez estaba llena de tradiciones que unían a muchas familias. “Una de nuestras tradiciones es invitar a otras familias, a celebrar Las A los 12 años, Miguel Martínez Posadas, romper piñatas y recitar la encuentra gozo en ser monaguillo novena”, dijo Adelfo. Este año, con y alentar a otros a mantenerse todo lo que está sucediendo con el firmes en su fe, incluso cuando se coronavirus, no vamos a poder hacer enfrentan a circunstancias difíciles. esas cosas” Aunque una temporada navideña más moderada no es lo que ellos prefieren, la familia Martínez está contenta de contar sus bendiciones, aun si este año es una celebración a menor escala, solo de cinco. Hay tantas razones para alegrarnos: María cuyos rizos elásticos, y exuberantes han regresado, está libre de cáncer. El próximo mes de mayo, Adolfo y María, todavía enamorados, esperan celebrar su 25 aniversario de bodas con una bendición especial y la ceremonia de renovación de sus votos matrimoniales. Bien sea que la COVID-19 ceda o que los grandes eventos tengan que ser limitados, ellos estarán agradecidos… y en paz. “Celebramos cada día”, dijo Adelfo. “Somos una familia feliz. Tenemos una comunidad llena de familiares y amigos que nos quieren y nos apoyan, y lo que es más importante, Dios nos ama. Eso es lo que quiero que todos entiendan, especialmente cuanto hay tanto sufrimiento en el mundo. Las personas necesitan saber que Dios nos ama a todos.”
c har i s m s
GIFTS AND CHARISMS Discover yours today
Chris Patterson Story and photography by Megan Marley
eople say, ‘If only I had this gift, I’d get out and do great things for the kingdom.’ Everybody is gifted by the
Holy Spirit to do the part that God calls them to do ... God opens our eyes to our baptismal gifts while we’re giving and serving,” said Chris Patterson, a parishioner at Twelve Apostles Parish in Platte City.
Chris is blessed with several charisms, evangelization and teaching among them. Before converting to the Catholic Church in 2007, he primarily used these gifts in Young Life ministry to kids. While less involved in that ecumenical youth ministry now, he still is active in leading informal youth formation and adult faith classes. “It’s fueled by what God put in my heart. I want to help people know and grow in their faith,” he explained. But what is a charism? Charisms are extraordinary graces given to individual Christians for the good of others, through service or mission, in spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. These graces differ from others you may hear about more frequently: while graces are given for personal sanctification through the sacraments or directed at an individual’s growth in holiness, charisms are specifically outward and mission oriented. Discovering and developing a charism involves prayerful discernment and active experience, seeing
Charisms of the Holy Spirit “Having many gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them!” (ROM 12:5-6) • Administration • Apostleship • Artistry • Discernment of Spirits • Evangelization • Encouragement • Giving • Generosity • Healing
• Helping • Hospitality • Intercessory Prayer • Knowledge • Leadership (Servant Leadership) • Mercy
F o r d e tail ed desc r iptions, 30
• Missionary • Music • Trust • Prophecy • Service • Teaching • Voluntary Poverty • Wisdom
visit activateyourbaptism.com.
Catholic Key • Winter 2020 • catholickey.org
if there is a greater success for the efforts than normal human efforts can explain. “I was not familiar with charisms at first, but after learning about them, I now realize how they play such an important role in the Church,” said Chris Rieber, who was first introduced to charisms through the diocesan City on a Hill Young Adult Ministry. After discernment, he has found his main charisms are those of encouragement and intercessory prayer. “When using the charism of encouragement, one thing I keep in mind is to listen. I think a lot of people, especially today in our world, they want to be listened to, they want to be heard and acknowledged,” Chris Rieber said. While he doesn’t always have advice, he does always take it to prayer. “I think the phrase ‘you’re in my prayers’ gets downplayed sometimes because we forget about the power of prayer. As Catholics, prayer is essential in our lives — it’s our relationship with God,” he explained. Prayer is also an important charism in Linda Nelson’s life. This Good Shepherd parishioner often receives requests for prayer and encourages others in it by giving away cord rosaries and medals. Her related primary charism is one of mercy. “There are just people put into my life that need to be loved and need to be loved unconditionally,” she said. These ministries of mercy often just come to her, sometimes falling literally into her arms. “Our widows/widowers group came about because a woman picked me. She just fell into my arms and cried, she had just lost her husband,” said Linda. Maintaining the human connection — via phone call, a note or visiting — is important. “During this pandemic, it’s even a more lonely time,” Linda said. To keep spirits up and lend a hand, she and her husband have begun bringing meals to those in need. “I strive to be open and trust in the Lord and let go of myself. The day belongs to God and at the end of the day, I know I've accomplished everything the Lord wanted me to accomplish,” she said simply. Glen Ernstmann is similarly modest about his gifts. Years ago, he took an inventory test that helped clarify what his charisms are. “The results of that survey say that I had the exciting gift of administrating, and service to a lesser extent,” Glen said. “I see needs that are unmet and need resolved, and those with administration organize to meet that need.” Glen is the volunteer adult faith formation coordinator at St. John Francis Regis Parish, helping coordinate support details such as materials, technology and meals. “The biggest joy is just seeing people gather at events we scheduled and promoted, coming back week after week, and benefiting from it,” he said. “When I look back on my life, God did have a mission for me and prepared me for it ... That’s what life is about, learning God’s mission and building his kingdom on earth gives me purpose in life,” concluded Glen. As part of the diocesan vision One Family: Restored in Christ, Equipped for Mission, a new website is now live to provide a starting place for your discernment. For more on charisms of the Holy Spirit or to take an online quiz to discover what gifts you may have been given, visit activateyourbaptism.com.
One family...
walking together
As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them...
Each year, together, we are given the opportunity to continue God’s mission through the Annual Catholic Appeal. This year’s 2021 ACA theme, “One Family ...Walking together in Faith,” reminds us of the journey of faith we make together as one community in Northern and Western Missouri. The Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) enables us to fund the ministries, services and programs that are vital for the mission and work of our 88 parishes and 10 missions that no one parish or person could support alone. Through your generosity, your gift makes a difference in the lives of others.
To give a gift or make a pledge to the 2021 Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA), go online and visit www.kcsjcatholic.org. Also, while there, please take the opportunity to view the 2021 ACA Video. 31
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