Catholic Key Magazine | December 2023 - January 2024

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Catholic Our Lady’s Montessori School creates encounters with God in the classroom and in life

F ro m t h e B i s h o p Strengthening faith in a challenging world PG. 4

mi n i s t ry s p o tli g h t Spreading JOY PG. 22

o rd i n ati o n “Let your will be done in me.” PG. 28

See You ow! Tomorr

A n educational experience c u l ti vati n g wel l -rou n ded i ndi vi dual s, fai th -fi l l ed gl obal c i ti zens and servant l eaders.

Two campuses, one Sion mission. Sion is a Catholic school delivering a premier, college-preparatory education through its co-ed grade school serving Pre-K through 8th grade in Midtown Kansas City and its all-girls high school located in South Kansas City.

nds i o n. e du

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Catholic Key • December 2023/January 2024 •

The magazine of the Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph

DECEMBER 2023/ JANUARY 2024 VOL. 4 | ISSUE 1 Bishop James V. Johnston, Jr. Publisher Ashlie Hand Editor Jenny Pomicter Graphic designer To submit story ideas and news, send emails to Catholic Key (ISSN 27692353, USPS 024-190) is a membership publication of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, published bimonthly (Feb/Mar, Apr/May, Jun/Jul, Aug/Sep, Oct/Nov, Dec/Jan) by the Diocese of Kansas CitySt. Joseph, The Catholic Center, 20 W. Ninth St., Kansas City, MO 64105. Periodicals Postage Paid at Kansas City, MO and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Catholic Key, The Catholic Center, 20 W. Ninth St., Kansas City, MO 64105. ©2022 Catholic Key, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. ON THE COVER: Students at Our Lady’s Montessori School are fulfilled spiritually as well as academically, creating joyfully Catholic children and families. Photo by Cory Thomason.

COVER STORY Joyfully Catholic | Ashlie Hand and Cory Thomason Whether through the celebration of the Mass, Adoration in the school’s Oratory every first Friday, or time in the Atrium, joy comes from the ability to fulfill students’ spiritual needs at Our Lady’s Montessori School, which has a positive impact on the child and their family.



Strengthening faith in a challenging world | Bishop James Johnston In November, I introduced The Way: Youth to Young Adult Initiative to ensure that our youth become devoted disciples of Jesus Christ and continue the journey toward heaven in their adult lives.


House of God | St. Ann Catholic Church, Plattsburg | Ashlie Hand and Cory Thomason St. Ann Parish’s church building in Plattsburg is celebrating 135 years on Dec. 18, 2023. To mark this milestone, the parish completed a historic restoration of its painted walls and ceilings, woodwork and pipe organ.

Come Home to Communion | Memories of 1941 Eucharistic Congress last a lifetime | Karen Ridder At age 93, Bernadine “Bernie” Keil has carried her memories from the 1941 Eucharistic Congress for more than eight decades. The walls are rising at the St. Rosalia Center at Holy Cross School | Marty Denzer The first new construction project in the area in a generation, St. Rosalia Center is expected to tremendously impact school families and the surrounding neighborhood.


To Serve and Lift | Join Catholic Charities in becoming a “saint next door” | Katie Pike You may not consider yourself to be a “saint,” but every gesture of kindness, every act of support reflects God’s presence in our world.


Ministry spotlight | Spreading JOY | Ashlie Hand Guardian Angels Parish’s Community Food Pantry has been serving its neighbors for decades from its prominent location in the heart of Westport.


Ordination | “Let your will be done in me” | Ashlie Hand On Dec. 20, Deacon Benjamin Fenlon will be ordained a priest in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. Learn about his journey from England, Spain and Ecuador, to Kansas City.


Volunteer spotlight | The gift of hospitality | Sara Kraft “Volunteering has made me grow closer to God and see how much God loves us,” explains Catharine Nold, parishioner at St. Mary Parish in St. Joseph for nearly 30 years.


Building a foundational relationship with God | Marty Denzer The Atriums of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) are prayerfilled places where children learn, question and reach their own conclusions in their own time.

E n E s pa ñ o l


Se están levantando las paredes del Centro Comunitario Santa Rosalía en la Escuela Holy Cross | Par Marty Denzer


Impulsando el liderazgo hispano en la Iglesia Católica | Par Leyden Rovelo-Krull


En el Camino | Fortalecer la Fe en un Mundo Desafiante | Obispo Johnston

M ar t y Denzer

Ashlie Hand

K at i e P i k e

K a re n Ri d d e r

Sara Kraft

is long-time writer in residence for the Catholic Key.

leads the Office of Communications for the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.

is the annual appeal manager for Catholic Charities KCSJ.

is a journalist, wife and mother in Liberty, Missouri.

is a wife, mother and freelance writer in St. Joseph, Missouri.


on t he way

STRENGTHENING FAITH Introducing The Way: Youth toYoung Adult Initiative “For the one who has, more will be given, and from one who has not, even what little he has will be taken away.”

The Way You th To You ng Adu lt Init iati ve

— Mk 4:25


his statement of Jesus has particular relevance to the gifts that come from God — faith and grace among them. If certain gifts are not reinforced, used or increased, they are eventu-

ally lost. For example, one can learn a new language. However, it will be lost over time if that language is not used and practiced. Likewise, if we do not connect with our friends regularly, we drift apart, and the friendship evaporates. Religious faith is similar.


Catholic Key • December 2023/January 2024 •

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in a challenging world

F ro m t h e Bi s h o p Bishop James V. Johnston, the seventh bishop of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph

Based on the population growth rate in our diocese since 1976, we should see well over 110,000 Catholics at Mass each week. There is a similar decline in reception of the sacraments. In the 2001-2002 school year, almost 2,000 children were baptized in our diocese. Of those, only a little more than 1,000 went on to be confirmed as teens. This downward trend has continued to the point that almost half of our baptized children don’t receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in their youth. This calls for a remedy.

The opportunity

A concerning trend Religious belief across America has declined at an unprecedented rate over the past two decades. According to a 2020 Pew Research Center study, 64 percent of Americans identified as Christian in 2020, down from 90 percent in the early 1990s. People who leave religion completely and claim no religious affiliation has skyrocketed from 16 percent in 2007 to 30 percent in 2020. Our diocese is no exception. In 1976, more than 87,000 people participated in Mass each week. As of 2018 that number had dropped to less than 45,000.

In November, I introduced a program called The Way: Youth to Young Adult Initiative through a pastoral letter and a Family Guidebook shared with our pastors, principals and directors of religious education. You will find a summary of the primary features of the initiative on page 6. The mission of The Way is to ensure that our youth become devoted disciples of Jesus Christ and continue the journey toward heaven in their adult lives. The influence of secular culture presents unique challenges to families, especially in the critical years in which parents hand on the Faith to the next generation so that this precious gift from God is not abandoned. The Way supports more direct involvement of parents in their children’s ongoing Christian education and spiritual growth. The hope and expectation are for this to contribute to the ongoing spiritual development of the parents as well. God delights when the family grows together, each member contributing to the holiness of the other.

Rea d mo re about the important role of parents in passing on the Faith to the next generation on page 31.

The importance of encounter and memory Being a disciple of Jesus is more than knowing things about him — it is knowing him and living in him. Religious education must be more than an academic exercise in which we complete a set of classes. We need to know teachings and understand our faith, but we also need to know Jesus Christ. This “knowledge” comes from encountering Jesus and his authentic love for us personally. We must provide for and encourage opportunities during childhood for these encounters and the powerful memories that accompany them. The Holy Spirit accomplishes these encounters when we make room for them and seek them. God uses our memories of him and his grace to fortify our lives in faith as we grow and age. The Way creates moments to allow God to bestow good experiences and memories on our children, which they can carry through life.

Read Bishop Johnston’s complete pastoral letter and download the Family Guidebook at theway

Why this is important: The salvation of our children The essential thing in life, the ultimate goal, is life with God and those who love him in heaven. Not meeting this goal is an utter, eternal tragedy. God is mercy, but it is presumptive to conclude that God will save us without our consent and cooperation. God’s love is so great that he allows us to choose him (and heaven) or something less. The years of youth are a precious time to introduce our children to the God who loves them and help them respond in freedom and faith. By proposing the Catholic Faith in a compelling way, as a choice that will enrich and deepen their lives, we nurture a deep and abiding relationship of faith, hope and love that will carry them through life with all its storms and winding paths.


yo u n g a d u lt f o r m ati o n

The Way: Youth to Young Adult Initiative Selections from the Family Guidebook


Youth To Young Adult Initiative

he Way provides resources to assist parents and guardians in guiding their children from baptism through adult faith and commitment to their voca-

tion. This is a vision for parents, rather than a curriculum for parishes and Catholic schools. So, why now? The Catholic Church is facing a significantly different challenge today in fostering discipleship throughout the stages of our children’s spiritual development. While our faith formation efforts effectively communicate the content of the faith, the changing culture presents new challenges. Some formation approaches are not as effective as they once were. The aim is to tie what remains effective together with this new approach. This will create a clear, methodical, consistent vision toward a single goal — forming intentional disciples of Jesus Christ. Five years ago, our diocese embarked on a visioning process that yielded our guiding vision: One Family: Restored in Christ, Equipped for Mission. Under the priority of Growing God’s Family is the goal to “craft a comprehensive youth to young adult initiative by November 2022.” While the unexpected challenges of the pandemic delayed the accomplishment of this goal, we now have an outline of where we will be going in the coming years. The Camino de Santiago pilgrimage trail is the inspiration for the Youth to Young Adult Initiative. Just as signposts or markers on the Camino indicate progress, children also experience specific milestones as they journey toward adulthood, both in their development and their spirituality. Using the Montessori stages of development, The Way introduces age-appropriate faith formation to guide each child’s spiritual development: • Concrete stage (0-6 years old): Children soak up different pieces of information and categorize them. • Cosmic stage (6-12 years old): Children start looking for patterns in information, to find connections in the overall picture. This stage will feature themes on the Good Shepherd, the Holy Eucharist, the Holy Family, the Ten Commandments, the Call to Holiness and the Holy Spirit as children prepare for confirmation. • Cultural stage (12-18 years old): Children attempt to discover who they are in relation to others beyond family to see how they fit into the world. This stage will feature themes on works of charity and mercy, virtue and morality, vocation discernment and staying connected to faith during the college years. • Constructive stage: The full development of a human being occurs around the age of 24. The person integrates all that went before and dedicates themself to their life’s mission. Decisions are made about pursuing religious vocations and marriage.


The Way

Catholic Key • December 2023/January 2024 •

D o w n l oa d the complete Family Guidebook at

Family Guidebook

Primary features of The Way • The time for ordinary reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation will be 6th grade. • A comprehensive approach will integrate existing formation for the Sacraments of Initiation and the Sacrament of Penance with the role of parents. • Retreats and other faith experiences will emphasize encounter with God and the value of memory. • Support will be provided to equip and empower parents for fruitful conversations with their children. • Guidance will be given to parents regarding ages and stages of development in faith and discipleship. • Intentional efforts to bridge gaps between stages of development and stages of life will assist youth in navigating their way towards adult faith. • Formation at key moments will support youth as they approach, discern, and commit to their vocation.

What’s next? Resources, retreats, and other moments of encounter with God are being developed to assist parents, guardians and other formators in guiding children to mature faith and commitment to their vocation. These resources will begin to roll out in Spring 2024 and in the years to come.


A Commemorative Year Just as the monks of Engelberg Abbey made a year-long journey to arrive at and establish Conception Abbey, we too have made this 150th anniversary a journey throughout 2023. We invite you to visit our home for retreats and tours, and to seek Christ alongside our monastic community. Here are some reasons to visit Conception Abbey in celebration of this occasion: Retreats and workshops themed on Benedictine values Tours of our recently enhanced Basilica sanctuary and restored historical display cases Plenary indulgence granted by the Holy Father Prayer and fellowship with the monastic community

150ofyears tradition Find upcoming events, commemorative items, and ways to celebrate with us at

MISSOURI C AT H O L I C CONFERENCE Visit us at to listen to our podcast with Bishop Johnston on the Real Presence in the Eucharist.

T h e Re al Pre s e n c e in t h e E u c h a r i s t 7

phot o e s s ay See a full photo ga l l e ry a n d vi d e o featuring Father Eric Schneider on the historic pipe organ at

House of God St. Ann Parish, Plattsburg By Ashlie Hand Photos by Cory Thomason

The exterior architecture of the building is an interpretation of the Norman-English Gothic style. The interior decoration is in the Westlake Neo-Gothic style, named after Nathaniel Westlake, a Victorian-era Gothic Revival painter and stained glass purveyor in England. Westlake was inspired by a number of medieval examples he interpreted through a nineteenth-century lens.

St. Ann Parish’s church building in Plattsburg is celebrating 135 years on Dec. 18, 2023. Completed in 1888, as part of the Diocese of St. Joseph, St. Ann Parish was part of a rural boom in Catholic churches driven by the large influx of Irish immigrants to the Kansas City area. Sometime around 1893, St. Ann’s church was elaborately painted. Due to serious repairs made in the late 1920s, the art was covered by paint and tin and was utterly forgotten. While trying to piece together long-lost parish history, it was discovered that the art was still there and could in

This historic 1902 JG Pfeffer pipe organ is almost an exact replica of the church’s original organ, including its location and orientation inside the church. Its original stenciling is intact.


Catholic Key • December 2023/January 2024 •

some way be rescued. While the original paintings could not be brought to life without risking their loss, they could be replicated exactly. In the process, a number of elements were also repaired that had been languishing for years.

IN THANKSGIVING TO THE ARTISANS AND CRAFTSMEN WHO WORKED ON OR PROVIDED ITEMS FOR THIS RESTORATION: • Conrad Schmitt Studios (Milwaukee, Wis.) • Chris Richey Remodeling (Smithville, Mo.) • Chirpich Brothers Construction (Kansas City, Mo.) • Bedient Organ (Lincoln, Neb.) • King Richard's (Atlanta, Ga.) • Fynders Keepers, LLC (Kansas City, Kan.) • Knights of Columbus Very Rev. Denis Keily Council #9401 (Plattsburg, Mo.) • Jacob Vallotti (Garden City, Mo.) • Connie Melewski and Kathy Hesse (St. Joseph, Mo.) • Commonweal Charitable (Smithville, Mo.)

The windows and the mural above the main altar showcase Davidic imagery that climaxes with the Star of Bethlehem and adoring angels hovering above the tabernacle. Bethlehem, or “House of Bread” in Hebrew, where Christ was born, is both the fulfillment of the Davidic Prophecy and doubles as a Eucharistic and incarnational theme. The angels hold a scroll that reads “And the Word was made Flesh” from St. John’s Prologue.

The church ceiling tells the story of salvation history from the tree of good and evil through Jesus’ resurrection and Pentecost. While the rectangular panels detail the aforementioned theme, the triangular panels show the fruits of the Lord’s redemptive act on the cross.

For Father Eric Schneider, pastor of St. Ann Parish, historic restoration instead of renovation was imperative. “The building tells a story. If we try to be something that we’re not, the vision is obscured. The Lord becomes incarnate in what we do through the work of our hands, and for that time period this was the Lord becoming present here in Plattsburg, Mo., in 1888.”


phot o e s s ay

Parishioners Skyler Terry (l) and Chris Richey (r) believed in Father Schneider’s vision to restore the church to the way it was and jumped in to lead the restoration of much of the woodwork and other architectural features.

The windows are stenciled glass, which made art glass more accessible and therefore more popular during the Victorian and Edwardian eras. This rose window on the south side of the church features the Shoot from the Stump of Jesse, David’s father. This refers to the prophecy in Isaiah 11 that Jesus would fulfill through his lineage as Son of David and Son of God.

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Catholic Key • December 2023/January 2024 •

Home Care • Hospice • Hospice House Home House

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Serving in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph Adhering to the Ethical & Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services

c atec hi sm c o r ner

What the Sacrament of Confirmation Is For


here’s a lot of confusion around Confirmation. People often think it’s when children take ownership of their faith and decide to become adults in the Church. However, that’s not

what the Catechism says. Also, if it’s just a decision, why is it a sacrament? What role does grace play? This merely human understanding of Confirmation lessens its importance. Consequently, many people don’t get confirmed as children and see no reason to bother as adults. So, let’s find out what Confirmation is really for and why we need it. Confirmation is a sacrament of spiritual strengthening and deepening of friendship with God through an increase of divine grace. The Catechism states, “Confirmation perfects Baptismal grace; it is the sacrament which gives the Holy Spirit in order to root us more deeply in the divine filiation, [God’s fatherly love and our response as His children] incorporate us more firmly into Christ, strengthen our bond with the Church, associate us more closely with her mission, and help us bear witness to the Christian faith in words accompanied by deeds.” (CCC 1316)

M ar c Car dar o nell a is the director of the Office of Catechesis and Faith Formation.

Confirmation is a sacrament of initiation, along with Baptism and the Eucharist. In the early Church, they were received together. Today, as much as 15 years can separate the reception of these sacraments. This muddles the message of initiation. You’re not fully a member of the Catholic community until you are confirmed. Parents pledge to see this happen at their child’s baptism. It’s not a child’s decision. It’s a duty and a right. In recent decades, only a little more than half of the children who receive First Communion in our diocese also go on to receive Confirmation when they get older. In a 2014 general audience, Pope Francis reflected that often parents don’t take care to make sure their children are confirmed. More than once, he stressed the importance of Confirmation. He said that not receiving the fullness of the Holy Spirit caused children to “remain at a midpoint in their journey.” The grace of Confirmation reinvigorates the gifts of the Holy Spirit within the soul. It gives us the strength

to continue the Christian journey. The crisis point for faith is getting younger. A recent study found that 13 years old was the median age at which the young adults surveyed decided to leave the Church. Some were only 10 when they effectively stopped practicing. Could this lack of help from the Holy Spirit at critical early ages contribute to the widespread lack of faith in young people today? Confirmation enables the faithful to become courageous witnesses of Jesus and provides grace for mission. A missionary Church comprises confirmed Christians who, in the power of the Spirit, assume full responsibility for their faith. At Pentecost, the apostles were afraid to leave the upper room until the Holy Spirit gave them power. Once the Spirit descended upon them, they couldn’t be stopped. But how can we fulfill our mission in the world if half our young people don’t receive the power to “leave the room?” To echo Pope Francis, Confirmation is important! We desperately need to ensure our youth receive this sacrament more widely. It’s also not too late for adult Catholics. If you haven’t been confirmed, speak to your pastor about receiving this gift from God.

Pictured with Father Sunoj Thomas and Bishop James Johnston, are students from St. Charles Borromeo Parish who received the sacrament of Confirmation in November.


c ov e r s to ry



Cathol Catholic Key • December 2023/January 2024 •

Our Lady’s Montessori School creates encounters with God in the classroom and in life


By A s h l i e H a n d p h o t o gra ph y by C o ry T h om a s o n


c ov e r s to ry



isit Our Lady’s Montessori School (OLMS) on one of two days per week when the upper school students start their morning with Mass at St. Therese Little Flower Parish. Father Scott Brossart, a member of the

Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) community

and OLMS chaplain, celebrates the Mass, his warm and approachable style a natural fit with the young hearts and minds of the children in the

pews. Mass is solemn and respectful, with some responses sung in Latin. On a sunny fall morning, you will find the classrooms bathed in warm natural light. Students in preschool and kindergarten explore classroom activities independently, checking in with their teacher when needed or gently guided to opportunities to explore. Preschool children line up for their turn in the Atrium, a room set aside for exploration and discovery of our Catholic faith through Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (read more about Catechesis of the Good Shepherd on page 32]. On the second floor, the upper school students in grades 1-6 prepare to head outside for some fresh air, while another classroom works on math or reading independently, in small groups or one-on-one with a teacher. A sense of peaceful contentment and quiet joy, undoubtedly led by the Holy Spirit, is clearly present here.


Catholic Key • December 2023/January 2024 •

By January 2023, OLMS was clearly outgrowing its building and announced it was moving from its location in Kansas City, Kan., to a historic Catholic school building in Kansas City, Mo. OLMS is now located at 58th St. and Michigan Ave. adjacent to St. Therese Little Flower Parish. Originally founded in Kansas City, Mo., in 1973, OLMS has thrived for 40 years as an apostolic work of the SOLT religious community, offering an authentic Catholic Montessori education to preschool and elementary aged children of all faiths and backgrounds. Back in the early 1970s, Father James Flanagan, the founder of the SOLT religious community, saw a need to serve the children in the local neighborhood community. With the help of SOLT laity and sisters, OLMS came to serve a diverse mix of local neighborhood children, including Vietnamese refugee children and children of the SOLT lay families. Sister Laudem Gloriae, Head of School at OLMS, considers the school’s return to Kansas City, Mo., and the neighborhood surrounding St. Therese Little Flower Parish, an opportunity to continue Father Flanagan’s original mission. “Part of our charism is to go to areas of great need and the Lord in his providence has brought us here where there is a deep need for Catholic education.” Our Lady’s Montessori School is the only Catholic Montessori school in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. Visit Father Flanagan was a big supporter for video and of Maria Montessori, a devout Cathadditional photos olic woman who lived in the early from Our Lady’s 1900s, and he saw great value in how Montessori School her method of education upheld the dignity of the child. Sister Laudem Gloriae said, “The Montessori method, when it’s combined with the faith, is an opportunity to encounter God in all areas of the classroom and all areas of their life.” OLMS ensures that every student has the opportunity to visit the Atrium throughout the week, explaining, “We are providing them space to hear the voice of God, and when they know how to recognize his voice then they can go into their classroom and discover him in math, botany and in the different subjects they are studying every day.”

Ellen Stephenson, Principal at OLMS, points to Catechesis of the Good Shepherd as one of the main reasons their students find joy throughout the school day. “It is beautiful to watch the children discover their relationship with a loving God.”

MAKING CONNECTIONS OLMS serves 60 students from preschool through sixth grade. The preference is that students begin with preschool so they become familiar with the Montessori method before moving to the upper school and more rigorous classwork. There are exceptions, particularly as the school works to expand its elementary grades. Kristin Celio enrolled three of her eight children in Kindergarten, first and third grade when she learned OLMS was moving into her neighborhood. Kristin’s children receive scholarships to attend OLMS through the MOScholars program, and that combined with the Montessori location close to the family’s home sold her on the opportunity. “We had been homeschooling, but I’ve always liked the element of choice that you get in a Montessori education. They create an environment rich in opportunity, but the children get to guide themselves to what they are interested in. I love that they have the opportunity to spend time in the [atria], and the Lord is the center of this school.” It’s still early in the school year, but Kristin is already seeing the fruits of the decision to enroll her children at OLMS. Her first grader made a book identifying everything found on the altar and was able to name every item. Kristin sees her children making connections between the things they are learning in the Atrium and what they see at Mass. Her first grader is also preparing for his First Communion and is always excited to share what he’s working on in the Atrium.

“It makes it more real for him,” Kristin says. “He still does sacramental prep at our parish, but he gets to experience other aspects in the Atrium.” Sister Laudem has made it a priority to connect with the families near their new location. Last spring, she and the other sisters went door to door through the neighborhood making sure families knew the school was opening nearby in the fall. Ellen and Sister Laudem are in sync with their top three goals for OLMS over the next year: continue to build and strengthen their Catholic Montessori program; foster relationships with the local community; and welcome new families, particularly with preschool-aged children, who are interested in a faithful Catholic Montessori education.

JOYFULLY CATHOLIC Sister Laudem points to “a joyful spirit about the school. The kids are excited to go to school, and excited to learn.” She believes this is in part due to their ability to take ownership of their education, which fulfills something in them that brings them joy. Whether through the celebration of the Mass, adoration in the school’s Oratory every first Friday, or time in the Atrium, joy also comes from the ability to fulfill their students’ spiritual needs, which has a positive impact on the child and their family. Ellen adds that at OLMS, “[the] children are joyful because their needs are being met. Spiritual needs are met, which speaks to their heart; academic needs are being met in an individual way. This creates happy students who feel successful.” Sister Laudem Gloriae freely shares her humble gratitude for all that God has provided since the realization that a new location was needed for OLMS. “I’ve been amazed at how God’s hand has been in this whole experience. It is a mystery that is still unfolding.”

Le a r n m o r e about Our Lady’s Montessori School at


co me h o m e t o co m m u n i o n

Memories of



ernadine “Bernie” Keil sang “Faith of our Fathers” with the crowd. She saw the monstrance lifted-up. She stood by her mother.

At age 93, she has carried these memories for more than eight decades.

Keil lived in Westport as a child. As the youngest of 11 children, she went everywhere with her mother. On May 4, 1941, they headed to the Liberty Memorial for a metro-wide Eucharistic Adoration. Since they didn’t have a car, the two got on the Roanoke Streetcar Line near her home. They got off near what is now the Penn Valley campus of Metropolitan Community College. She remembers walking the rest of the way, past the “The Scout” statue down into the memorial area where a huge crowd had gathered for the event. “I had never seen so many people in all my life because I was only 10, and we never went anywhere,” said Keil. She can’t remember who first told her about the event. It could have been her Girl Scout friends. They were a tight-knit group. She remembers the girls talking about it at the time and asking her mother if they could go. The words of that old hymn, “Faith of our Fathers,” were appropriate for Bernie’s mother, a German immigrant who came to this country as a child with little more than what she could fit in a trunk. As members of Guardian Angels parish, Bernie remembers how Catholic parishes were divided along ethnic lines back then.

FAITH OF OUR FATHERS is a hymn written in the mid-1800s by Frederick William Faber. It speaks of the Catholic martyrs persecuted after King Henry VIII formed the Church of England. In general, the theme of the hymn is of Catholics holding onto their faith in difficult and changing times. The refrain lyrics are, "Faith of our Fathers! Holy Faith! We will be true to thee till death."



Catholic Key • December 2023/January 2024 •

“We went there because she could go to confession in German. She always went to confession in German,” said Keil. Those were the times. People were divided. Keil remembers neighbors who lived right next door to her aunt. They were Irish in heritage, and walked right past the German church every Sunday to go much further away to Our Lady of Good Counsel because it was the Irish parish. The Bishop tried to create bridges. Keil remembers an effort to encourage people to visit other parishes. “My mother and I did that. We got on the streetcar and went to visit the churches and come back out,” said Keil. They were polite and enjoyed seeing other churches, but they didn’t go for Mass. Keil had IT WAS A NEW never worshiped with people from all those different backGATHERING, ONE grounds until that day in 1941. THAT THE PEOPLE It was a new gathering, one ATTENDING COULD that the people attending could not possibly know how badly NOT POSSIBLY they would need. After all, it KNOW HOW BADLY was only nine months later an THEY WOULD NEED.” attack at Pearl Harbor sent U.S. troops into World War II. Keil grew up. Her faith always stayed important to her. As a young adult, she started going to daily novena at the Redemptorist church on Broadway. She got married and moved her family south, raising two daughters at St. Elizabeth Parish in Waldo. After the girls were married, she and her husband moved out to a place in the country. In 2018, she became a widow and moved to Lee’s Summit, where she attends Our Lady of Presentation Parish. She still attends weekly Adoration and says a daily novena to Mary. To those who may be debating about whether or not their children are ready to go, Keil says, “Go for it. They will remember it for the rest of their life.”

Getty Images/Olga_Z

By K ar en Rid d er

last a



c om m u n i ty

THE WALLS ARE RISING for St. Rosalia Community Center at Holy Cross School By M a rt y Denz er


onstruction of the St. Rosalia Community Center, adjacent to Holy Cross School in Northeast Kansas City, has begun. The two homes purchased to make way for

it were demolished, and the site in mid-October contained one large hole, from which sprouted foundation walls. On Aug. 8, the groundbreaking ceremony at the St. Rosalia Center was held. The first new construction project in the area in a generation, St. Rosalia Center is expected to tremendously impact school families and the surrounding neighborhood. A.L. Huber is the general contractor. Bishop James Johnston of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, board members, leadership of the Shine Brightly Capital Campaign, school and community leadership and partners celebrated the groundbreaking. Shelley Henn, Holy Cross School principal, said school parents and neighbors believe the community center will positively contribute to the long-term growth and safety of the neighborhood that means so much to them. The new community center is named in honor of St. Rosalia of Palermo, Italy, and the late Rosalie Ross, in gratitude for her many years of service and dedication to Holy Cross Church and school community. It all started with the Shine Brightly Campaign, a capital campaign to ensure the Bright Futures Fund’s legacy of financial assistance, infrastructure, curriculum and technology, will continue at the fund’s three diocesan area schools. Its


Catholic Key • December 2023/January 2024 •

leadership team — Lamar Hunt, Jr., his daughter Sarah Arkell; Frank Uryasz, his daughter Justine Richard; and Dan Welsh and his daughter Colleen Teasdale, brought multi-generational ideas to the campaign. The Mabee Foundation kicked off the campaign with the issuance of a $650,000 challenge construction grant. Barb Deane, former Holy Cross principal, said the campaign also received a grant from Kansas City’s Stanley H. Durwood Foundation, which had funded a study that found the area was a “child-care desert.” The goals of the Shine Brightly Campaign include expanding Holy Cross’s early childhood center and building a regulation-sized middle school gymnasium for Holy Cross students and children from The Mattie Rhodes Center and The Upper Room. Deane, who now works in the Diocesan Office of Stewardship and Development, which oversees the Bright Futures Fund, also said the community center will provide early childhood services, with the space and resources for approximately 60 children. “St. Rosalia Center will be a stabilizing influence, anchoring the neighborhood,” she said. Additionally, Holy Cross will be one of the first small schools in Kansas City to build a “wind room,” or storm shelter. Martha Kauffman, the diocesan construction manager, described the shelter as designed to withstand 250 mile-per-hour winds (like those generated by an F5 tornado) and to resist cycling air pressure and wind-blown debris. In addition to the community center, non-construction improvements are also planned for the infrastructure, which include curriculum and technology upgrades, school safety improvements and the completion of existing classroom renovation. Together, these investments are designed to help ensure sustainability and growth in the Holy Cross community for the next 30 years. Kauffman said the projected completion of the community center will be August 2024, in time for the start of the school year. Bishop Johnston extends a blessing on the St. Rosalia Community Center construction site with assistance from Father Olvin Giron and Deacon Jim Olshelfski.

Boosting Hispanic Leadership in the Catholic Church:

Director of Hispanic Ministry, Leyden RoveloKrull moderates a panel with Bishops regarding the National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic Ministry.

Historic National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic Ministry By L ey den R ov elo - Kru ll


he U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has overwhelmingly approved a groundbreaking

National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic Ministry (NPPHM). The plan aims to strengthen the ministry of nearly 30 million Hispanic Catholics in the United States, who have been growing in number in recent years. It envisions a synodal church that welcomes, evangelizes and is missionary at all levels. The plan seeks to increase Hispanic Catholic leaders’ representation among bishops, priests, religious men and women, deacons and other leaders, inspiring a new generation of leaders and revitalizing the Church in the United States. The plan outlines 10 pastoral priorities that will guide the implementation of its vision and mission.


Evangelization and Mission

Getty Images/Chainarong Prasertthai

This priority calls for creative and culturally relevant approaches to evangelization, utilizing the unique gifts and traditions of the Hispanic culture.


Faith Formation and Catechesis

The plan emphasizes the need for comprehensive and culturally sensitive formation programs that address the specific needs and challenges faced by this community.


Pastoral Accompaniment of Hispanic Families

This priority emphasizes the need for pastoral care that addresses the unique experiences and challenges faced by Hispanic families, such as immigration issues, economic hardships and cultural transitions.


Youth and Young Adult Ministries

Recognizing the significant presence of Hispanic youth and young adults in the Church, this priority calls for the development of youth and young adult ministries that provide relevant and inspiring opportunities for spiritual growth and leadership development.


Immigration and Advocacy

The plan highlights the Church’s commitment to advocating for just and compassionate immigration policies and supporting those affected by immigration issues. It recognizes the importance of walking with and providing pastoral care for immigrants, refugees and their families, offering them a sense of welcome, dignity and hope.


Formation for Ministry in a Culturally Diverse Church

To ensure the effective integration and inclusion of Hispanic Catholics in the life of the Church, this priority emphasizes the need for intercultural competence among church leaders. It calls for ongoing formation and training that equips pastors, staff and volunteers to effectively communicate, work and relate with people from different cultures.


Pastoral Care for Those in the Periphery

This priority emphasizes pastoral care that addresses the spiritual, emotional and mate-

hi spani c m i ni s try

rial needs of those on the margins, including the poor, the disregarded and those affected by violence and injustice.


Liturgy and Spirituality

This priority emphasizes incorporating Hispanic Catholic traditions and spirituality into Church liturgical life through culturally sensitive practices, the development of culturally sensitive liturgies, devotions and prayer experiences that resonate with the Hispanic community.


Promotion of Vocations

The plan acknowledges the need for a greater presence of Hispanic priests, religious men and women, and deacons in the United States. It calls for intentional efforts to promote vocations among Hispanic youth and young adults, fostering a culture of discernment and support within the community.


Catholic Education

Recognizing the vital role of education in transmitting the faith to future generations, this priority emphasizes the importance of Catholic schools in serving Hispanic students. The plan encourages the enrollment and graduation of Hispanic students in Catholic schools, promoting accessibility and fostering a welcoming environment for Hispanic families.

Implementation and Engagement The success of the NPPHM relies on the active participation and collaboration of church leaders and communities. Our Office of Hispanic Ministry will be holding workshops and events to help explain and implement the plan in our diocese. Collaboration from pastors and parishioners is crucial for shaping the next 10 years of ministry within the Hispanic community.


to s e rv e a n d to l i f t

Join Catholic Charities in becoming a

“Saint Next Door”


By K at i e P i k e

n Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation, Rejoice and Be Glad, he describes the “saints next door” as those living among us who reflect God’s presence. Every day, the faithful can be holy by “living our lives with love and by bearing witness in everything we do, wherever we find ourselves.”

Over the past year, Catholic Charities of Kansas City-St. Joseph has been overwhelmed with gratitude for various individuals and organizations who took the message of becoming a “saint next door” to heart. One of our saints next door took being neighborly to new heights. Pat Smith was inspired to host her own version of a hygiene drive after reading about them in Catholic Charities’ quarterly newsletter. Pat invited 13 friends to her home for brunch and enjoyed time together. Collectively, they donated 409 various hygiene products including regular- and travel-sized containers of shampoo and conditioner, bar soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, tampons, deodorant, washcloths, razors, toilet paper and more.


Catholic Key • December 2023/January 2024 •

V is it

A local retired farmer, who wishes to remain anonymous, donates fresh produce from his crops to the South Serve & Lift Center. With a goal of twice a month — sometimes more if his crop yields a surplus — our generous farmer provides clients with fresh tomatoes, green peppers, banana peppers and onions. Because most of the food the pantry can provide is shelf-stable items, it is a blessing for our clients to receive fresh vegetables for their meals. Finally, in recognition of the challenges many low-income families face when it comes to correcting impaired vision, we partnered with the Lions Club in August and organized a recycling program for gently used eyeglasses at local parishes. The Lions collected more than 600 pairs of eyeglasses at our event and were able to properly match more than 80 children and adults with eyeglasses. You may not consider yourself to be a “saint,” but every gesture of kindness, every act of support reflects God’s presence in our world. President Theodore Roosevelt famously said that everyone should “Do what you can, with what you have and where you are.” We are inspired by our saints next door who stepped up to joyfully serve their neighbors in need. volunteer if you would like to find a way to serve and lift our community.

“You may not consider yourself to be a ‘saint,’ but every gesture of kindness, every act of support reflects God’s presence in our world.”


mi n i s try s p o tl i gh t


Diana Henry (second from right), food pantry coordinator, with participants from an October corn hole tournament fundraiser.



G J OY N I D A Guardian Angels Parish Community Food Pantry

ach year a portion of donations to the Annual Catholic Appeal are used to support parish-based ministry grants in our diocese.

During the fiscal year 2022-2023, $135,000 was distributed to support 20 projects benefiting the communities in and around our parishes.

By A s h l i e Hand


Guardian Angels Parish’s Community Food Pantry has been serving its neighbors for decades from its prominent location in the heart of Westport. Diana Henry, food pantry coordinator, said, “We have a passion for service. Our magnificent church has long been a beacon for those struggling in this area of Kansas City.” “However, we do more than share food,” she continues. “We share the

Gospel, and we share our hearts. Every recipient we serve is greeted with a blanket of warmth, love and inner joy.” It was this profound commitment to spreading joy and an urgent need to fill increasingly empty pantry shelves, that led Diana to apply for a parish-based ministry grant last year. “As with all soul-based ministries, we get more [spiritual fulfillment] than [material goods] we receive, and we’d like to keep our ministry going and growing,” she said. The Community Food Pantry has served more than 2,800 households since 2020, and the need for food assistance remains higher than prepandemic levels. This year, challenges such as inflation, the end of several pandemic support programs and dwindling inventory from suppliers such as Harvesters, have

Catholic Key • December 2023/January 2024 •

“ FO R I WAS HU NGRY, A N D YO U GAV E ME F O O D… ” (MT 2 5 :3 5 )

severely impacted families and seniors struggling to make ends meet. “When I first started working at the food pantry, our shelves were plentiful. However, nearly four years later, funding has diminished, but the need has increased,” Diana shared. “Sadly, our shelves are nearly bare just one week after our monthly deliveries from Harvester’s and TEFAP.”

“Our efforts broadcast a frequency of JOY from our sacred grounds. This evangelization, visibility and goodwill will have a sustainable ripple effect beyond this initiative.” — Diana Henry Despite the challenges, the team at Guardian Angels Parish remains resilient. In October, they organized a cornhole tournament with several other parishes to raise funds to match the parish-based ministry grant received from the diocese.

The grant specifically supports the increased protein needs of more than 1,000 families, seniors and youth in Jackson County. “In our two-decades long history, we have connected with thousands of families and distributed hundreds of thousands of pounds of food, and we have never missed a single week of operation. This has allowed us to build an invaluable level of trust among some of the hardest to reach and most marginalized of our neighbors,” Diana said. By harnessing their passion and joy for their ministry, the Guardian Angels’ team is leading an ecumenical initiative that will increase the availability of healthy food options for their neighbors struggling with food insecurity,

Ma k e a n a n n u a l ple dg e or a one-time gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal by visiting

expand their social outreach and build a stronger sense of community through partnerships with area churches. “Our efforts broadcast a frequency of JOY from our sacred grounds … we want to be the living expression of God’s kindness and make sure recipients leave us more joyful than when they arrived. Our commitment, visibility and goodwill create a sustainable ripple effect far beyond this initiative,” Diana said.


AVILA UNIVERSITY VALUES • The worth, dignity and potential of each human being. • Excellence in teaching and learning. • Service with the dear neighbor. • Diversity and its expression.


• The development of the whole person. • Right relationships, with God, self, others, and creation. 816.501.2400

C om un i da d

SE ESTÁN LEVANTANDO LAS PAREDES del Centro Comunitario Santa Rosalía en la Escuela Holy Cross P o r M ar t y Denz er


a comenzó la construcción del Centro Comunitario Santa Rosalía, adyacente a la Escuela Holy Cross en el Noreste de Kansas City. Se demolieron las dos casas

que se compraron para hacer espacio a la construcción, y el sitio a mitad de octubre tenía un gran agujero del que surgieron los cimientos de los muros. El 8 de agosto, se celebró la ceremonia de inauguración del Centro Santa Rosalía. Se espera que el Centro Santa Rosalía, el primer proyecto de construcción en el área en una generación, tenga un tremendo impacto en las familias de la escuela y en el vecindario circundante. A.L. Huber es el contratista general. El Obispo James Johnston de la Diócesis de Kansas City-St. Joseph, miembros de la junta, líderes de la campaña Shine Brightly Capital, líderes de la escuela y la comunidad, y socios celebraron la inauguración. Shelley Henn, directora de la Escuela Holy Cross, dijo que los padres de la escuela y los vecinos creen que el centro comunitario contribuirá positivamente en el crecimiento a largo plazo y en la seguridad del vecindario que significa tanto para ellos. El nuevo centro comunitario fue nombrado en honor a Santa Rosalía de Palermo, Italia, y a la fallecida Rosalie Ross, en gratitud por sus muchos años de servicio y dedicación a la Iglesia Holy Cross y a la comunidad de la escuela. Todo comenzó con la Campaña Shine Brightly, una campaña capital para asegurar que el legado de la Fundación Bright Futures de asistencia financiera, infraestructura, plan de estudios y tecnología, continue en las tres escuelas diocesanas de la fundación en el área. Su equipo de liderazgo- Lamar Hunt, Jr., su hija Sarah Arkell; Frank Uryasz, su hija Justine Richard; y Dan Welsh y su hija Colleen


Catholic Key • December 2023/January 2024 •

Teasdale, aportaron ideas multigeneracionales a la campaña. La Fundación Mabee iniciÓ la campaña con la emisión de una subvención de 650.000$ para el desafío de la construcción. Barb Deane, antigua directora de Holy Cross, dijo que la campaña también recibiÓ una subvención de la Fundación de Kansas City Stanley H. Durwood, que suministró los fondos para un estudio que encontró que el área era un “desierto de cuidado infantil”. Los objetivos de la Campaña Shine Brightly incluyen la expansión del centro de primera infancia Holy Cross y la construcción de un gimnasio de tamaño reglamentario para los estudiantes de escuela intermedia de Holy Cross, y los niños del Centro Mattie Rhodes y The Upper Room. Deane, quien ahora trabaja en la Oficina Diocesana de Corresponsabilidad y Desarrollo, que supervisa la Fundación Bright Futures, dijo que el centro comunitario también brindará servicios para la primera infancia, con el espacio y los recursos para aproximadamente 60 niños. Ella dijo, “El Centro Santa Rosalía será una influencia estabilizadora, de anclaje al vecindario”. Adicionalmente, Holy Cross será una de las primeras escuelas pequeñas en Kansas City que construirá una “sala de vientos”, o refugio para las tormentas. Martha Kauffman, administradora diocesana de la construcción, describió que el refugio fue diseñado para soportar vientos de 250 millas por hora (como los generados por un tornado F-5) y para resistir la presión cíclica del aire y los escombros arrastrados por el viento. Adicionalmente al centro comunitario, también se planificaron mejoras de la infraestructura que no son de construcción, las cuales incluyen actualización del plan de estudios y la tecnología, mejoras en la seguridad escolar, y la finalización de la renovación y mejora de los salones de clase actuales. Juntas, estas inversiones están diseñadas para ayudar a garantizar la sustentabilidad y crecimiento de la comunidad de Holy Cross por los próximos 30 años. Kauffman dijo que el proyecto del centro comunitario se finalizará en agosto del 2024 a tiempo para el inicio del año escolar. El obispo Johnston bendice el sitio de construcción del Centro St. Rosalía con el padre Olvin Girón.

La Directora del Ministerio Hispano, Leyden Rovelo-Krull modera un panel con Obispos sobre el Plan Pastoral Nacional para el Ministerio Hispano.


Evangelización y Misión

Esta prioridad exige enfoques creativos y culturalmente relevantes para la evangelización, utilizando los dones y tradiciones únicos de la cultura hispana.

Impulsando 2. el liderazgo hispano 3.

Formación en la fe y catequesis

El plan enfatiza la necesidad de programas de formación integrales y culturalmente sensibles que aborden las necesidades y desafíos específicos que enfrenta esta comunidad.

en la Iglesia Católica: Histórico Plan Pastoral Nacional para el Ministerio Hispano P o r L e y den R ov el o - Krull


a Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos aprobó por abrumadora mayoría

un innovador Plan Pastoral Nacional para el Ministerio Hispano (NPPHM). El plan apunta a fortalecer el ministerio de casi 30 millones de católicos hispanos en Estados Unidos, cuyo número ha ido creciendo en los últimos años. Visualiza una iglesia sinodal que acoge, evangeliza y es misionera en todos los niveles. El plan busca aumentar la representación de los líderes católicos hispanos entre obispos, sacerdotes, religiosos, diáconos y otros líderes,

Getty Images/Chainarong Prasertthai

inspirando a una nueva generación de líderes y revitalizando la Iglesia en los Estados Unidos. El plan describe diez prioridades pastorales




implementación de su visión y misión:

Acompañamiento Pastoral de Familias Hispanas

Esta prioridad enfatiza la necesidad de un cuidado pastoral que aborde las experiencias y desafíos únicos que enfrentan las familias hispanas, como los problemas de inmigración, las dificultades económicas y las transiciones culturales.


Ministerios con adolescentes y de jóvenes adultos

Al reconocer la presencia significativa de adolescentes y jóvenes adultos hispanos en la Iglesia, esta prioridad exige el desarrollo de ministerios para adolescentes y jóvenes adultos que brinden oportunidades relevantes e inspiradoras para el crecimiento espiritual y el desarrollo del liderazgo.


Inmigración y Abogacía

El plan destaca el compromiso de la Iglesia de abogar por políticas de inmigración justas y compasivas y apoyar a los afectados por cuestiones de inmigración. Reconoce la importancia de caminar con los inmigrantes, refugiados y sus familias y brindarles atención pastoral, ofreciéndoles un sentido de bienvenida, dignidad y esperanza.


ormación para el ministerio F en una iglesia culturalmente diversa

Para garantizar la integración e inclusión efectiva de los católicos hispanos en la vida de la Iglesia, esta prioridad enfatiza la necesidad de competencia intercultural entre los líderes de la Iglesia. Requiere formación y capacitación continua que capacite a pastores, personal y voluntarios

M i ni s ter i o Hi spano

para comunicarse, trabajar y relacionarse de manera efectiva con personas de diferentes culturas.


Atención pastoral a los que se encuentran en la periferia

Esta prioridad enfatiza el cuidado pastoral que aborda las necesidades espirituales, emocionales y materiales de quienes se encuentran marginados, incluidos los pobres, los desatendidos y los afectados por la violencia y la injusticia.


Liturgia y Espiritualidad

Esta prioridad enfatiza la incorporación de las tradiciones y la espiritualidad católica hispana a la vida litúrgica de la Iglesia a través de prácticas culturalmente sensibles, el desarrollo de liturgias, devociones y experiencias de oración culturalmente sensibles que resuenan en la comunidad hispana.


Promoción de Vocaciones

El plan reconoce la necesidad de una mayor presencia de sacerdotes, religiosos y diáconos hispanos en los Estados Unidos. Requiere esfuerzos intencionales para promover vocaciones entre los jóvenes/adultos hispanos, fomentando una cultura de discernimiento y apoyo dentro de la comunidad.


Educación católica Al reconocer el papel vital de la

educación en la transmisión de la fe a las generaciones futuras, esta prioridad enfatiza la importancia de las escuelas católicas para servir a los estudiantes hispanos, promover la accesibilidad y fomentar un ambiente acogedor para las familias hispanas.

Implementación y compromiso El éxito del Plan Pastoral Nacional para el Ministerio Hispano depende de la participación y colaboración activa de los líderes de la iglesia y las comunidades. Nuestra Oficina del Ministerio Hispano llevará a cabo talleres y eventos para ayudar a explicar e implementar el plan en nuestra diócesis. La colaboración de pastores y feligreses es crucial para dar forma a los próximos diez años de ministerio con los hispanos.


FORTALECER LA FE en un Mundo Desafiante Presentando El Camino: Iniciativa de Adolescentes a Jóvenes Adultos “Porque el que tiene recibirá más; y al que no tiene se le quitará aun lo poco que tenga” -Marcos 4:25


sta afirmación de Jesús tiene una particular importancia con respecto a los dones que vienen de Dios, entre ellos la fe y la gracia. Tal como sucede con un segundo idioma o una amistad, si ciertos dones no se fortalecen, utilizan o aumentan,

eventualmente se pierden. Por ejemplo, uno puede asistir a una escuela lingüística por inmersión y aprender un nuevo idioma. Sin embargo, si no se utiliza y se practica con el tiempo se pierde. De la misma manera, si no nos conectamos con nuestros amigos con regularidad, nos alejamos y la amistad se evapora. La fe religiosa es similar.


Catholic Key • December 2023/January 2024 •

The Way Youth To Young Adult Initia tive

Famil y Guide book

Una Tendencia Preocupante. La creencia religiosa en los Estados Unidos ha disminuido a un ritmo sin precedentes en las últimas dos décadas. De acuerdo con un estudio del Pew Research Center, el 64% de los estadounidenses se identificaron como cristianos en el 2020, disminuyendo del 90% a principio de la década de 1990. El

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e n e l ca mi n o

D e l O bi s p o El obispo James V. Johnston, Jr. es el séptimo obispo de la Diócesis de Kansas City-St. Joseph

Hay una disminución similar en la recepción de los sacramentos. En el año escolar 2001-2002, se bautizaron casi 2.000 niños en nuestra diócesis. De esos niños solo un poco más de 1.000 recibieron la confirmación como adolescentes. Esta tendencia a la baja continuó en los años siguientes. Esto quiere decir que casi la mitad de nuestros niños bautizados no recibe el Sacramento de la Confirmación en su juventud. Esto pide una solución.

La oportunidad

porcentaje de personas que abandonaron la religión completamente y afirmaron no tener afiliación religiosa se disparó del 16% en 2007 al 30% en 2020. Nuestra diócesis no es la excepción. En 1976, alrededor de 87.000 personas participaban en la Misa cada semana. En el 2018 ese número bajo por debajo de 45.000. Tomando como base la tasa de crecimiento de la población en nuestra diócesis desde 1976, deberíamos ver unos 110.000 católicos en la Misa cada semana. Así que, en realidad, estamos perdiendo casi 69.000 católicos.

En noviembre, presenté El Camino: Una iniciativa de Jóvenes a Jóvenes Adultos a través de una carta pastoral y una Guía Familiar compartida con nuestros pastores, directores de escuela y directores de educación religiosa. Encontrará un resumen de las principales características de la iniciativa en la pág. 6. La misión de El Camino es asegurar que nuestros jóvenes se conviertan en discípulos devotos de Jesucristo y continúen el viaje hacia el cielo en su vida adulta. La influencia de la cultura secular presenta desafíos únicos para las familias, especialmente en los años críticos en los que los padres transmiten la fe a la próxima generación, para que este precioso regalo de Dios no sea abandonado. El Camino apoya una participación más directa de los padres en el desarrollo continuo de la educación cristiana y crecimiento espiritual de sus hijos. La esperanza y la expectativa son que esto contribuya también al desarrollo espiritual continuo de los padres. Dios se deleita cuando la familia crece unida, cada miembro contribuye a la santidad del otro.

La importancia de recordar y Construir Memorias Ser discípulo de Jesús es más que saber cosas de Él: es conocerlo y vivir en Él. La educación religiosa debe ser más que un ejercicio académico en el que completamos algunas clases. Necesitamos conocer las enseñanzas y comprender nuestra fe, pero también necesitamos conocer a Jesucristo. Este “conocimiento” proviene del encuentro personal con Jesús y su auténtico amor por nosotros. Debemos brindar y fomentar oportunidades durante la infancia para estos encuentros y los poderosos recuerdos que los acompañan. El Espíritu Santo realiza estos encuentros cuando les hacemos espacio y los buscamos. Dios usa nuestros recuerdos de Él y de su gracia para fortalecer nuestras vidas en la fe a medida que crecemos y envejecemos. El Camino crea momentos para permitir que Dios conceda buenas experiencias y recuerdos a nuestros hijos, que podrán llevar a lo largo de la vida.

Le a completa la carta pastoral del obispo Johnston y descargue la guía familiar en elcamino

¿Porque esto es importante? Por la salvación de nuestros hijos Los años de juventud son un tiempo precioso para introducir a nuestros niños al Dios que los ama y ayudarlos a responder en libertad y fe. Al proponer la Fe Católica de una manera convincente, como una opción que enriquecerá y profundizará sus vidas, fomentaremos una relación profunda y duradera de fe, esperanza y amor que los acompañará a través de la vida con todas sus tormentas y caminos difíciles.

Le a má s sobre el importante papel de los padres a la hora de transmitir la fe a la próxima generación en la pág.31


or di n ati o n


D e ac o n B en j a min F en l on “Let your will be done in me.” On Dec. 20, Deacon Benjamin Fenlon will be ordained a priest in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. A native of England, Deacon Fenlon’s journey has taken him all over the world. We asked him about some of the key decision points along the way and lessons he can pass along to other men who are discerning the call to the priesthood.

You have had a fascinating journey to this point — share what you would like about the major decision points you’ve encountered up to now: BF: I did not, nor could not, ever have imagined that my life would look the way it does now. But I have left it in God’s hands, and he has made of it what he wanted. As a youth, desirous of a holy life, I read that the most pleasing prayer for him to hear was “let your will be done in me.” So I consciously offered that prayer up to him. With all my imperfection, and weighed down by the sins so common amongst the young, I could at least offer him a sincere desire to do his will. And I felt the calling to the priesthood bloom in my heart, as if it thundered down from heaven, from one moment to another.


Catholic Key • December 2023/January 2024 •

I left home at the age of 17, to finish my studies in a religious community in Spain, called the Home of the Mother. At first, my intention was to return to England and to become a priest in my hometown, London. But after just a year in Spain I had fallen in love with the charism of the Home of the Mother, and from then on I could not imagine life apart from them. Eucharistic, Marian and with a missionary bent for the conversion of the youth, it was all I could ever want. However, I had problems in the community. These problems were not scandalous, nor were they sinful on my part or on anyone else’s, but more had to do with my own personal development, a lack of peace, and unresolved tension. Ultimately, my superiors were unsure I was ready for the priesthood. At that time, perhaps they were right, I was not ready. I fear that some communities would have given up on me, but not the Home of the Mother. They worked with me tirelessly, trusting that God does not call those who are capable, but makes capable those whom he calls. Several years later, I had discerned what had been unthinkable to me for the longest time: that I was not called to form part of the community that I so deeply loved. Their charism, joy and spirituality are deeply impressed on my soul, and they will always have a special and privileged place in my heart as the home in which I learned to love and serve God above all else, to die to myself and to live for Christ. I had spent a year in Ecuador with the community by that time — I felt a profound love for that beautiful country and its wonderful people, and I discerned whether or not to return there, during my final year of theology in Rome. Eventually I decided to do so, and joined the Archdiocese of Guayaquil, where I was ordained a deacon. During my diaconate year in Ecuador, several events occurred that made it clear to me I could not stay there, and to my deepest dismay, I began to think about moving to another diocese.

CatholicStock/Jaclyn Lippelmann Photography


the ‘throne of mercy,’ and to care for and tend to the pain and wounds of people who come to confess their sins to the Lord, should God give me the honor to hear confessions. For these people I am already praying.

Do you have a saint or other religious figure that you have turned to in your preparation for the vocation of the priesthood? BF: To prepare myself for the priesthood, I have prayed to many people, some canonized, some not, for help. They would be too many to enumerate — I feel a great devotion towards “All Saints,” and it is true that saintly figures, many of whom are not canonized, sometimes not even well known, have influenced me in a variety of ways throughout my life. We would do well to remember that the militia of saints in heaven is well armed, numerous and battle tested. Call on them often for help, advice and inspiration!

Is there a specific Bible verse, part of scripture or other religious writing that has particularly sustained you during your preparation?

How did you choose the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph to carry out your priestly ministry? BF: My first thought was to move back to England, but upon writing to the Archdiocese of Westminster, it became apparent that their terms and conditions for accepting candidates did not correspond to my needs at all. Any attempt to integrate into that archdiocese would have been futile for them and for me. I had reached out to a friend from Rome, Father Nathan Rueb, without any serious belief that I could ever be accepted by his diocese. Divine irony would place him as my vocations director a little over a year later. He spoke to Bishop Johnston about my desire to move, and after receiving a letter from Bishop Johnston, I was convinced that I should move to Kansas City. Two details impressed me greatly; the first, he said that he was praying about my situation. It had been a long time since any superior had said that, and I immediately realized I could trust him. Secondly, his proposal for a trial period in Kansas City was very reasonable, and it safeguarded, in my estimation, the best interests of Guayaquil, of Kansas City and of myself. This was all I could ask for and hope for! I set about finding more about this diocese, Kansas City, which would soon give me so much, and to which I hope I can begin to repay with the good fruits of salvation of souls.

What are you most looking forward to in becoming a priest? BF: It is difficult to say that any one thing excites me more about the priesthood, but I am generally enthused and looking forward to most, if not all, aspects of priestly ministry. I bear a deep love for the prayer of the Roman Canon, said during Masses, and if anything, I am especially excited to pray it. Likewise, it will be especially impressive to sit down at

BF: The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola have sustained me during my path to ordination, and I highly recommend them to anyone who seriously desires to become a saint. Whilst it can be hard to organize a three-, five-, or eight-day retreat when one must juggle work, children, and other responsibilities, any effort — even if it’s just a morning, or a weekend — will be graciously rewarded by the Lord. In my little experience, I have seen that during one day of Ignatian Exercises, done well, we can overcome difficulties that have hounded us for years.

What advice would you give to men who believe they may be called to the priesthood? BF: If you believe that God is calling you to the priesthood, then do not hesitate. There is no need to finish your university career, and definitely no need to start it. You have heard the call of the Lord in your heart. St. Peter dropped his nets, St. John left his father in the boat with the hired men, St. Matthew left his fortune on the tax-collectors table … would you not do the same? Pray, pray, pray for the clarity and the strength to make this step. But do not just pray or stay inactive. Do it. Most of your worries and fears will be dissipated within the first week of seminary, and for the remainder, there are several years of study, retreat and prayer for you to prepare yourself. Through ordination, in his ministry the priest is an alter Christus, another Christ, and lives in union with Christ. The faithful people, who love God so dearly, cling to your words and sacrifice you offer as the only sure anchor to get them through the darkness of the world. And so many souls depend on your ‘yes’ for their eternal salvation! When I was a teenager, I was inspired to say these following words with my whole heart, and with them I found my own vocation. I invite you to say them out loud now, with a humble and sincere heart, as you finish reading this article: “Lord, may your will be done in me.” Amen to that!


vo l u n te e r s p o tl i gh t


HOSPITALITY “Volunteering has made me grow closer to God and see how much God loves us,” explains Catharine Nold, parishioner at St. Mary Parish in St. Joseph for nearly 30 years. “His love becomes clearer to me every year. He knows what is going on with every human being.”

By S a ra Kr a f t


Catharine and her family became a fixture at St. Mary’s after Queen of the Apostles Parish closed in the early 1990s. Before long, Catharine became highly involved. She started teaching Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) and eventually became the volunteer director of religious education at St. Mary’s. Recently, she taught sixth through eight grade students. When her students entered high school, they asked their beloved Mrs. Nold to continue to teach them in high school, so she agreed. Additionally, Catharine is a lector, organizes Lenten and Advent dinner programs to help gear people’s minds Lear n more towards Christ during the busy seasons about your unique and is on the Rite of Christian Initiation gifts and charisms by of Adults (RCIA) team. She currently taking the survey at leads hospitality for RCIA. She says her homemade goodies, including her zucchini cake and salsa, draw the group together so they can connect and form lasting friendships that continue beyond the RCIA period. She was also quick to mention both the Lenten and Advent series traditionally have included a potluck because hospitality is important. “I volunteer because I like it. I love teaching CCD. I love

Catholic Key • December 2023/January 2024 •

RCIA,” stated Catharine. “You know when you are finished doing something and it makes you happy? Volunteering makes me happy.” In the past, Catharine has also been active in the local pro-life movement, volunteered at food pantries and helped with St. Mary’s Fall Festival. Catharine’s example taught her 7 children and 11 grandchildren not only about God’s love, but also how to give to others. “Growing up in the world, with so much emphasis on self, Mom taught us to see there’s so many people in need,” explained daughter Margaret Nold. “There’s always a need to give beyond the physical — whether that’s a smile or a welcoming ear.” In December 2022, Catharine’s husband Mark died after 47 years of marriage. Throughout his 20 years of sickness, Catharine still volunteered to teach and remained active in the Church. “I was only gone an hour,” she explained. As Mark’s sickness progressed during the last several years of his life, her children took turns sitting with their father so she could continue to volunteer. Perhaps her favorite memory of volunteering came when Catharine was working with the Open Door Food Kitchen in St. Joseph. She brought her 12-year-old son to help her. Catharine remembers her son saying afterwards, “Mom, that made my stomach feel so good!”

par enti ng

Adobe Stock/Seventyfour

Parents are the most vital disciple makers in their children’s lives. Educators, priests, parish staff, youth ministers, catechists and others provide essential support to parents in youth formation. Sociologist and researcher Christian Smith’s latest book, Handing Down the Faith: How Parents Pass Their Religions on to the Next Generation, details the results of his work to understand the religious lives of American teens and young adults, which began in 2005 with the National Study of Youth and Religion (NSYR). Over the last 18 years, Smith’s continued study of the original research group revealed the key factors to forming faith that endures. His conclusion? Parents are the deciding factor. “Parents set a ‘glass ceiling’ of religious commitment above which their children rarely rise. Parental religious investment and involvement is in almost all cases the necessary and even sometimes sufficient condition for children’s religious investment and involvement. (Smith, p. 69)


Selections from the Family Guidebook for The Way: Youth to Young Adult Initiative

The Way Youth To Young Adult Initiativ e

Family Guideb ook

“Challenges are not met so much with programs but with people. The transmission of faith is accomplished from person to person. This personal aspect is especially relevant in the context of family, which is the domestic church in our Catholic understanding. The family forms the most basic cell of the Church. As a small society of faith and love, every family member has rights and duties. The pinnacle of Christian parents’ responsibilities, which they promise to fulfill on the day of their child’s baptism, is to educate and raise their child in the Catholic Faith. One of the Catholic Church’s foundational principles for religious education is that parents hold the primary place as educators of their children. All the other resources the Adobe Stock/dule964

larger Church community provides — the parish school, religious education programs and youth ministry — ­ are meant to supplement what happens in the child’s family, not replace it.” — Excerpt from Bishop Johnston’s pastoral letter, Strengthening Faith in a Challenging World

In Handing Down the Faith, Smith lays out several best practices for parenting styles that lead to children continuing to practice the Faith 10 years after leaving home. Notably, he finds that parents who have high standards and demand the best from their children but are also highly communicative and warm have the best results. However, the highest associations of children continuing religious practice into adulthood came from “parents regularly talking with their children about religious matters as part of ordinary life.” (Smith, p. 54) Parishes, Catholic schools and solid preaching from clergy are relevant and needed. Still, parents must be essential resources and intimate partners with parish and Catholic school faith formation. A true partnership between the parents, the parish and Catholic schools is even more crucial today. In the past, religion played a central role in our communities. Tight-knit towns and neighborhoods with strong Catholic roots often revolved around liturgical feasts, patron saint celebrations and festivals. However, things have changed in recent decades. Parents who regularly discuss faith with their children establish strong religious foundations. Teaching children to critically self-reflect on the culture in light of authentic Catholic teaching equips them to navigate the culture on their own. Research shows that an approach that allows children to question and work through doubts leads to better outcomes in the long term. Rather than simply demanding assent, parents and other formators can see the expression of doubt as an opportunity and a natural part of a child’s learning process. Beliefs that have been tested and chosen are more meaningful. Ultimately, this opens them to accepting God and putting Jesus in the center of their lives, which is the true goal.



Building a

By M a rt y Denz er P ho t os co ur t esy o f S t. G r ego ry B ar b a rigo Par ish


foundational relationship

Catholic Key • December 2023/January 2024 •

with God

featu r e


nter the Level I Atrium at St. Gregory Barbarigo School in Maryville and experience the joyful wonder of a child discovering God and his love.

The Atriums of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) are prayer-filled places where children learn, question and reach their own conclusions in their own time. CGS welcomes parish and school children. The heart of Atrium I (ages 3-5) centers on the Parable of the Good Shepherd. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, knows and calls each by name. His sheep know his voice and follow him. The mystery is made concrete through age-appropriate materials on his life, explained by a trained catechist. CGS Coordinator Cathy Handlos said the Montessori method is used in instruction. Children enter the Eucharistic Mystery by first learning the names and purpose of articles used on the altar. A miniature chalice, paten, candlesticks, candles and altar cloth are positioned on a child-sized altar so the seated children see, touch and learn about each article. The catechist lights the candles while explaining what is happening in the preparation of the chalice and the paten — the “epiclesis,” the invocation to the Holy Spirit asking that the bread and wine be made acceptable to become Christ’s Body and Blood in the Consecration, and why. Handlos, a Level I catechist, asks open-ended questions that the children consider and answer as they wish. Activities are time-limited; when the time allotted for an activity is up, the children gather the materials and articles and carefully return them to the cabinet or shelf before choosing a new activity. Their sessions learning about the Good Shepherd and God’s love for them “puts a spark in their hearts. They feel they really are a child of God,” Father Albert Bruecken, OSB, pastor of St. Gregory Barbarigo Parish, said. “The Lord is my shepherd; I walk with him always. I know him and I love him, I walk with him always,” sung by little ones, accompanied by hand movements, verbalizes their feelings as the session ends. Level II Atrium (ages 6-9) is led by Catechist Michele Starke, who helps the kids enter into a deeper exploration of Scripture and the hows and whys of receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Holy Communion. The parish is working to add a Level III Atrium for ages 10-12 when they have more space. CGS originated in Rome in 1954 when Catholics Sofia Cavaletti, a scholar and writer, and Gianna Gabbi, a Montessori director, agreed to help children prepare to receive the sacraments and began reading them Bible stories. CGS at St. Gregory Barbarigo started in 2017.

“U NL E SS YOU BEC OM E L I K E CHI L DREN, YOU WI L L NOT ENTER THE K I NGDOM OF HE AVEN.” The children are growing in their knowledge of and their relationship with the Good Shepherd. A parent commented that her young son was excited to attend Sunday Mass and urged his family to hurry. “We have to be there!” Handlos explained, “CGS is to help children build a relationship with God based on love and that he loves them. When you reflect on the words shared with them, you truly realize how deeply God loves and wants to be a part of our lives. He is there with us. It is our job to take him along on our adventures. When you consciously look for God in every person and situation, he is there.” Remember, Jesus told his disciples, “Unless you become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.”


f e at u r e

Q&A with

Chris Stefanik

Reboot! is the fun, inspiring and practical experience for anyone 12 and older to apply the beauty and genius of the Gospel to every aspect of your life. Tickets are now on sale for Feb. 21, 2024, at St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church, 6415 NE Antioch Rd., Gladstone. Visit

By A s h l i e Hand


see-chris-live for dates and tickets.

f Chris Stefanik’s name or face look familiar to you, there’s good reason. Chris is the internationally acclaimed author, speaker and television host behind the Chosen

Confirmation program, the podcast Blood, Sweat and Joy, the Real Life Catholic program on EWTN, and he is currently touring with his seminar, Reboot! He spoke at St. Gregory Barbarigo Parish in Maryville in September, and will return to our diocese in February, bringing the Reboot! program to St. Andrew Parish in Gladstone. We asked Chris a few questions about his ministry, the Church today and what audiences can expect from the Reboot! program. Was there a particular moment in your life that led you to the work you are doing today?

What is the greatest thing happening in the Catholic Church right now? CS: When you’re in fight or flight your blood rushes from

your extremities to your core. Crisis has a way of forcing us to get back to basics. I see that happening in the Church with a growing number of people refocusing on the core message of the Gospel, evangelization, service and small faith communities right now. I also see a greater responsiveness to the Gospel when it’s preached. Where evil abounds, grace abounds more. God promised that.

A theme of your work is “real life Catholics” — what does that mean to you? Why is it important that we recognize the realities of Catholic life? CS: That title is about you. Not me. I’m just here to help people

CS: Yes! My parents dragged me to a retreat in eighth grade.

The joy I saw in the people and the preaching changed my life. I knew back then that my life would be spent spreading that same joy.

What are you most inspired by as you travel and speak to different communities? CS: Every event I see explosions of excitement and joy. It’s

like people are just waiting for permission to be happy about being Catholic again. And I see conversions. And every time I pinch myself thinking “this shouldn’t be happening … haven’t these people read the news or followed the social trends? Isn’t faith supposed to be dying? The world and the Church are so messy. And yet …” Ha! And yet the grace of God is real and people are made for him today just as they always were, and the Gospel message has lost none of its potency. This is what inspires me. I can see firsthand how real grace is by watching its impact.


Catholic Key • December 2023/January 2024 •

find the “real life” God offers in the midst of everyday life. I respect more academic ministries, but ours is targeting the everyday Catholic (who is often on the fence) in everyday life with the heart of the Gospel. I think most ministries miss that. Or aren’t even aiming for it. And that’s OK if they’re not called to it. But that’s where we’re called.

How did you come up with the title for your series, “Reboot!”? CS: It’s a perfect title! My friend Andrew Whaley thought it up.

But when we get back to basics it reboots Faith. It reboots life. That’s true of every important relationship in life. Take marriage, for instance. Sometimes you have to take a step back and remember why you’re doing all this. The details and to dos of married life come from somewhere. Where? A love story. The same is true of faith. When we pause and remember that it renews everything about how we live our faith and how we live our life.





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S H Family

Each year, together, we are given the opportunity to continue God’s mission through the Annual Catholic Appeal. This year’s 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal theme, "Giving in Love," highlights the communion which helps us carry out God’s mission together, impacting so many lives, including our own. Supporting the ACA helps provide the necessary resources that are so important for the Church to grow, and to accompany others into life in Jesus Christ. Please prayerfully consider making a gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal today.

H C S •



To give a gift or make a pledge to the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) go online and visit: Also, while there, please take the opportunity to listen to this year’s ACA audio message.


Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph The Catholic Center 20 W. Ninth St. Kansas City, MO 64105

~ This Is A Holy Place~

it is consecrated ground set aside as a meeting place for God and man.

We will begin offering space in our new mausoleums at Mt. Olivet and Resurrection Cemeteries in Kansas City soon. Special offers will be published in The Catholic Key and parish bulletins.

“Plan Today, Not Tomorrow ~ Together, Not Alone.” Mt. Olivet Cemetery - KC

7601 Blue Ridge Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64138 816.353.1900

Mt. St. Mary’s Cemetery

2201 Cleveland Avenue Kansas City, MO 64127 816.241.7663

Resurrection Cemetery

Mt. Olivet Cemetery St. Joseph

5001 NE Cookingham Dr. Kansas City, MO 64156 816.734.2356

26th & Lovers Lane St. Joseph, MO 64506 816.279.5005

Partnering with Catholic Cemeteries are two of Kansas City's most established and trusted funeral homes Steve Pierce 6800 Troost Ave Kansas City, MO 64131 (816) 444-2060

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Charlie Passantino 2117 Independence Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64124 (816) 471-2844 Family Owned Since 1930

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