Dear Brothers in DKE, Welcome to the Winter issue of The Deke Quarterly! By now you’ve noticed the increasing frequency of the magazine; we are back on a “quarterly” schedule! We enjoy sending the magazine to all donors within the past two years, because we appreciate your support of DKE. We hope you enjoy reading the articles on the Deke Convention from this past summer, the award winners for 2016 (both individual and chapter awards), and another installation of “Dekes Under 30” and “Forgotten Greats of DKE.” But there are a few sections of this issue that are particularly important to us and I hope to you too. First, Chapter & Colony News. It’s always fantastic to see so many of the great things that are taking place at our chapters, and we really enjoy being able to showcase them in the Quarterly. I believe we have forty one reports represented in this section, out of 68 total chapters and colonies. I hope you find your active chapter’s report here, but if you take a moment to skim through some of the others as well, you’ll get a real sense of what DKE is all about in 2016-17. Second, in the Fall Quarterly, we started a feature called “Dekes Under 30,” and we’re continuing that feature in this issue. This is primarily an alumni magazine, and while we like to read about DKE’s glorious history, we also want to give you a sense of what some of our newer and younger alumni are doing to make their mark on the world. The fact that our chapters continue to produce such outstanding young men is the reason I’m so optimistic about the future of DKE. Finally, in this issue we list all alumni who have made financial contributions to DKE in the past year, either dues or other donations. Alumni support is very, very important to DKE, as it allows us to continue to help support our chapters and make them stronger. When we have strong chapters, the young men are making a difference by raising funds for charities, committing thousands of hours in service projects, and helping make their campuses better places. In addition, the Fraternity offers these young men an unparalleled experience in maturity, organizational experience, and leadership. A strong DKE means a stronger future for the U.S. and Canada, and financial support from you and other Deke alumni makes all of that possible. For that, we thank all our supporters, and we hope you enjoy this issue. Best wishes for 2017!
In the Bonds,
Samuel (Sam) Heffner
Psi Omega -RPI ‘56
Chairman, Delta Kappa Epsilon
W I N TER 2 0 1 6
table of
Volume 134, No. 4
CHAPTER NEWS cover story
Chairman’s Letter
HQ Report feature story
feature story
PUBLISHED BY Delta Kappa Epsilon International PO Box 8360 Ann Arbor, MI 48107 (734) 302-4210 DKE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sam Heffner, Psi Omega ‘56, Chairman Peter Tripp, Phi Gamma ‘93, Vice Chairman Michael Peters, Delta Delta ‘90, Treasurer Neilson Brown, Beta ‘67, Mid American Regional Director Grant Burnyeat, Phi Alpha ‘65, Western Regional Director Cory Crenshaw, Tau Lambda ‘01, Southern Regional Director Bob Green, Eta ‘69, Member At Large Dan Johnson, Sigma Alpha ‘77, Member At Large Stan McMillan, Gamma ‘89, Mid Atlantic Regional Director John McNeil, Psi ‘79, Member At Large Mason Morjikian, Lamdba ‘88, Midwest Regional Director Kevin O’Bryon, Tau Lambda ‘77, Southeast Regional Director Luther Soules IV, Tau Chi ‘18, Undergraduate Member Terry Stewart, Phi Chi ‘69, Member At Large Ross Wigle, Alpha Phi ‘79, Member At Large Billy Treadway, Zeta Zeta, ‘74, Honorary President DKE HQ STAFF Executive Director: Doug Lanpher, Gamma ‘77 Director of Marketing & Technology: Eric Holland, Kappa ‘13 Chapter Consultants with areas of responsibility: Craig Dick, Phi Alpha ‘16; Michigan, South & Southeast US Daniel Lyon, Omega Mu ‘16; New England & Midwest US, Central Canada Turner Spears. Lambda Tau ‘16; Pennsylvania & Northeast US Clayton Trette, Iota ‘16; Southwest & West US, Western Canada Education Consultant: Jen Haidet, Miami University DEKE QUARTERLY STAFF Co-editor: Robert Alvis, Gamma ‘74 Co-editor: Kevin Cuneo, Gamma ‘77 Design: Scott-Goodman Design CONTRIBUTORS Thomas Brewer, Delta ‘17 Kevin Cuneo, Gamma ‘77 Gregg De Silvio, Lambda ‘74 Eric Holland, Kappa ‘13 Mitchell Meyer, Omega Mu ‘17
Matthew Rametta, Theta Chi, ‘17 Devin Tarantino, Pi Alpha ‘18 Jordan Wansong, Delta ‘17 Austin Ward, Delta ‘17
The DEKE QUARTERLY is an educational journal published by the Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, PO Box 8360, Ann Arbor, MI 48107, in Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer.
welcome to the DKE house
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: DEKE Quarterly, Ann Arbor, MI 48107.
Correspondence: Send to DEKE Quarterly, PO Box 8360 Ann Arbor, MI 48107. Manuscripts, literature, and letters should be addressed to the Editor. Submissions will not be returned. Please mark CONFIDENTIAL if material should not be published.
For change of address please contact:DKE HQ and provide Full Name, Chapter, both old and new address
Copyright ©2016 Delta Kappa Epsilon w w w.d ke.o rg
reetings from all of us at DKE Headquarters.
alums. Finally, we are going to introduce regional conferences this summer, to enable Deke undergrads to attend a leadership session much closer to home and at a reduced cost. We estimate this will create opportunities for many more undergraduates to attend, perhaps as many as four times more. We are aiming for four regional conferences, each with attendance of about 40.
As we look forward to 2017, we can also take a quick look back at the Fall semester and assess how DKE is faring at the undergraduate level. Our staff made 48 chapter visits this semester, and their evaluations paint a picture that is largely positive. We evaluate chapters on the basis of how they are trending - strongly upwards, upwards, sideways, downwards, strongly downwards. Through the first semester we are tracking 76% of our chapters as trending upwards. Of course that’s great news, but we’ll spend more of our time on the sideways and down-trending chapters in the upcoming semester.
On another subject, DKE is making major changes to our alumni donation program in 2017.
Doug Lanpher, Executive Director
An exciting new initiative we are launching in early 2017, for the first time ever, is a Brother Beta Conference for Chapter Presidents. The event was held in Chicago in early January. Twenty-one Presidents were planning to attend, and although I’m typing this report before the event, I’m looking forward to providing details of the Conference in my next update. Chapter presidents were surveyed several months ago to determine which subjects they were most interested in, and the agenda was based on their responses. Conference topics will include sessions on Motivating and Influencing, Managing an Exec Board, and Crisis Management. We have gathered our chapter presidents together for one day prior to Deke Conventions in 2014 and 2016, but this year’s 3-day conference will be the first time we have done it for a longer period of time, and without the distraction of all the other activities involved with a Convention. Whenever we can get our chapters’ top officers together, the benefits from networking and sharing of ideas is well worth it. In the future, we’d like to expand this conference to include other officers as well, probably Risk Managers, and Treasurers. I would like to add that this is the type of program that relies on alumni donations, because it’s over and above the normal operating costs of running the Fraternity. I’d like to sincerely thank each and every donating alumnus who helps DKE provide services like this to our members. For 2017, we’ve got other ambitious plans, and I’ll mention a few of them here. We hope to roll out a new and improved networking platform for DKE alumni and undergraduates, easily accessible by all. This is a difficult thing to do, but if successful, it will probably represent the most important service we can provide to our members. It will enable alumni and undergrads in similar careers - or in similar geographic areas - to connect for networking and/or social purposes. Second, we’re working a new website, which will be introduced in March. Third, in 2017 we are focused on helping establish alumni associations for our chapters who do not currently have one. Too many chapters do not have the benefit of advice and counsel from nearby 4 THE DEKE QUARTERLY | WINTER 2016
First, Dekes who wish to donate to DKE can do so on a tax-deductible basis in the U.S., by donating to the Deke Foundation, a 501c3 organization which promotes the educational programming of DKE Fraternity. In the past, all our active fundraising was conducted by the Fraternity, so your donations were not deductible.
Second and most importantly, 50% of your donations to the Deke Foundation can be allocated to your chapter! Chapter-designated funds will be established for every active chapter, and donations to those funds will go to support the undergraduate Brothers of that chapter for scholarships and other educational programming. Naturally there is some “fine print,” but the basic idea is that alumni can support DKE International AND their chapter by donating to the Foundation. And you can fully deduct it! We’ve made these changes, on the one hand to make the dues program more affordable to all while still retaining some operating revenue for DKE, and on the other hand to give Deke alumni a tax-deductible vehicle for donating larger dollars to DKE and to their chapter. These changes are meant to be a win-win for everyone, or so that is our goal. Dues payers will continue to receive the Quarterly. Naturally, we hope that previous dues payers will continue to support DKE through dues AND through larger donations to our Foundation. For our Canadian Brothers, there is a Canadian equivalent of a Foundation to which you can make your donations while receiving tax benefits. It’s called DKE University and College Funding Inc. Donations to that organization do not directly benefit the International in any way, but they do benefit the Canadian chapters. As always, I hope this update is of interest to you, as a valued Deke alumnus. I appreciate all your support and your continued interest in our great brotherhood, and as always, I welcome your questions, comments, and observations. Please feel free to email me at, or call me at 847.899.0528. In the Bonds of DKE, Doug Lanpher, Gamma ‘77 Executive Director, Delta Kappa Epsilon
rom the time he was a small boy, Theodore “Teddy” Tzanetos was fascinated by robots. Eventually, he would design and build them, winning major prizes in national robotics competitions. An excellent student, Teddy enrolled at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he majored in computer science and electrical engineering. He would go on to get a Masters of Engineering degree at M.I.T. in electrical engineering and computer science, and he remembers those days with great fondness, especially the time he spent as an undergraduate brother at the Sigma Tau chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon. Eventually, he served as the chapter’s vice president and president. “My years at M.I.T. and in DKE were fantastic,” said Brother Tzanestos, who grew up in Plainview, N.J. “I played on the football team and in my classes I learned from some of the brightest minds on the planet.” DKE played a big role in his development at M.I.T. “It was such a crucial part of my life,” Teddy said. “As brothers, we were very close, and I learned a lot of important life lessons. Being in DKE not only enabled me make great friends, it helped me develop leadership skills.” Early in 2017, Teddy will move to California and begin an important assignment at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of Cal Tech. As 2016 came to a close, he wrapped up his work with the Drone Racing League, based in New York City, where he served as head of engineering. The
By Kevin Cuneo, Gamma ‘77
“As brothers, we were
very close, and I learned a lot of important life lessons. Being in DKE not only enabled me make great friends, it helped me develop leadership skills.”
26-year-old Tzanetos said he greatly enjoyed his time with the DRL, a fast-growing sport whose races are regularly broadcast on ESPN. “We would invite a dozen or so pilots to our events and they would race the drones we’d designed,” Teddy said. “It requires great skill because you can lose a signal as the drones fly past concrete walls with rebar.” Cameras on the drones as well as ones stationed at various places on the course give viewers a taste of the exciting competition. The Drone Racing League signed deals to broadcast a 10-episode season on ESPN and ESPN2, along with European stations Sky Sports Mix and 7Sports. As the drones zipped through obstacle-filled courses at up to 80 miles per hour, viewership grew. The series focused on turning the pilots into characters that viewers can root for. “We had about 20 full time employees and it was so much fun,” Brother Tzanetos said. “And now I’m on to a new challenge. One of my first projects at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory will relate to drones, which should be very interesting.” The Under 30’s is a new Quarterly feature that focuses on up and coming Dekes under the age of 30. These are young Brothers who are on the move and have much to offer other Dekes. If you’d like to nominate a Brother who fits this mold, and would like to see him receive some recognition, please send an email to
w w w.d ke.o rg
DELTA CHAPTER: THE ROAD TO CHARTER By Mac Brewer, Delta ‘17; Austin Ward, Delta ‘17; Jordan Wansong, Delta ‘17
THE UNIVERSITY The University of South Carolina, or USC, is a public, co-educational research university with a long history located in Columbia, SC. Founded in 1801 as South Carolina College, USC is the flagship institution of The University of South Carolina System and offers more than 350 programs of study leading to bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees from fourteen degree-granting colleges and schools. The current undergraduate population is roughly 26,000. The Gamecocks are a Division 1 SEC team with many of its varsity teams competing for national tournaments. Approximately, 27% of undergraduates are members of a Greek system that includes 26 fraternities and 18 sororities.
Above: Delta Convention delegates accept new charter in Tuscaloosa. Right: Delta members volunteered many hours helping at Harvest for Hope Food Bank.
COLONIZATION The initial idea to start the fraternity came from Jordan Wansong and Hemant Vallabhapuram in 2014 during the fall semester. Jordan had heard stories of his father’s fraternity life and college experience and wanted to look further into Delta Kappa Epsilon. Hemant had always been interested in starting a new chapter of a fraternity but was not sure what fraternity he would like to help colonize. Jordan and Hemant had both gotten in touch with Delta Kappa Epsilon International Headquarters around the same time and were put in touch with each other to help develop the idea. Both men felt Delta Kappa Epsilon truly exemplified what it meant to be fraternity men. Once Jordan and Hemant were introduced to each other they organized meetings to introduce their mutual friends and begin trying to meld the two groups together into the first re-founding members of the Delta chapter. Delta 6 THE DEKE QUARTERLY | WINTER 2016
was originally founded in 1852 at South Carolina College but had been inactive for quite some time. The two groups combined to about 14 people, which was not enough to compete with the size of the other fraternities on the University of South Carolina’s campus so Jordan and Hemant felt it was time to look for more potential members. As more men became interested in helping to create the re-founding father class, the group solidified and reached out to DKE Executive Director, Doug Lanpher. They wanted him to see the potential of these young men and decide if they were ready to take on the challenges of becoming a colony. Subsequently, Colony status was granted to Delta on January 15th, 2015
Once Delta had received its colony status, they began working on developing the re-founding father class and promoting the DKE name on campus. The re-founding fathers all were friends through one person or another but felt it was their job to develop close bonds with each other and solidify a pledge class into a successful unit. The two key challenges faced during colony status were building a reputation on campus and recruitment. The keys to overcoming these challenges were to continue coming up with fresh ideas for events that could both promote awareness of DKE at the University of South Carolina and recruit potential new members to join.
Fall initiation for Gamma class of Delta Chapter
Another major challenge was finding a central location in Columbia for all the brothers to call home. Doug Lanpher played a huge part in helping Delta find a home in South Carolina. Jordan Wansong, who served as pledge class president, commented on the help DKE International provided during those struggles. “Doug always stayed in contact to see what the next goals were and how he could help. Being new at USC, it was a real challenge to find a housing situation, but Doug knew this was a top priority. He knew to be successful, Delta colony needed to find somewhere in Columbia to solidify as a group and call home.”
COLONIZATION TO CHAPTER The re-founding fathers of Delta chapter understood that there was a rich DKE tradition in Columbia, SC; long before any of their fathers, or even their fathers fathers were born. They knew they needed to honor the men who had been there before so when the re-founding father class was initiated they were initiated as the Rho class. They did this to honor the Delta men before them because the last pledge class for the original Delta men was the Pi class. The re-founding class recruited hard and was able to solidify an Alpha and Beta class prior to receiving the charter. It was clear, proving Delta worthy of being granted a Charter would take a lot of time and a lot of effort by all men at Delta. Mike Sensenig, the master of ceremonies of the re-founded Delta colony, looked back at the task of getting the charter and recalls it like this: “It was a long and hard journey. There were a lot of long nights, a lot of meetings, and a lot of research done to make sure we were completing all of the chartering steps thor-
oughly and well. Every single brother had to play his part and carry on the hard work that the Delta men before us had done.”
ESTABLISHMENT The colonization process was about a year and five months until we receiving the charter at the 172nd DKE Convention in Alabama. Many of the Delta men were in attendance to accept the charter and share in the celebration. Champagne was popped and songs were sung as everyone remembered all of the long hours spent to achieve the goal. Unfortunately, not all Delta brothers could be present in Alabama. But this provided an opportunity during the first weekend back to campus to have a second celebration to enable all of the Delta men to see the charter. Over the last two years, Delta has strived to give back to the local community in Columbia, South Carolina while supporting it’s designated philanthropy organization, United Service Organization (USO). To that end, members helped clean the Columbia area with other student organizations by collecting trash from the sides of roads, donated time at our local Harvest for Hope Food Bank by packing boxes with essential food items for those in need, and supporting West Columbia’s Habitat for Humanity through service hours every week. In addition, Delta Chapter has helped to raise awareness and funds to benefit Relay for Life, Movember, and the local USO through percent nights as well as through personal donations by friends and family. The best advice Delta could provide to other colonies would be to understand that recruitment is a never-ending process. Some schools may have designated recruitment weeks but the key to building
successful rush numbers is to always be looking for the best men on campus to become members of DKE. All actives need to constantly look to their friend groups and around their campuses to see if there is someone who they believe would make a great Deke.
SPECIAL MENTOR One person the men of Delta need to thank is Stan McMillan. As alumni advisor, Stan has guided the colony from the very beginning to being granted a charter. He has been there to provide guidance through the toughest roadblocks and continues to be an amazing leader. Stan has sacrificed so much of his time to help Delta complete the colonization process, assist with rush events, communicate with school officials, help run initiations, and ensure Delta completed the necessary steps to finally become a chapter. Whenever Delta chapter is in need of guidance or just a good time Stan has been there to show the way. Delta chapter would never be what it is today without Stan and he cannot be thanked enough for the difference he has made.
THE FUTURE On May 5, 1852, Delta men held a strong presence on the campus of South Carolina and in the Columbia community. What has been accomplished over the years is a great feat and now as an established chapter of 102 brothers, Delta continues to build on the foundation created by previous DKE brothers. Delta chapter takes pride in involvement with other student organizations on campus. In Spring 2016, Brother Brewer (Delta, ‘22) was elected onto the Student Government Executive Cabinet as Secretary of Alumni Affairs and Monty w w w.d ke.o rg
SPECIAL NEWS Vallabhapuram was elected as Election Commissioner for Student Government. Delta brothers are proud members of Beta Alpha Psi, Phi Delta Epsilon, Delta Sigma Pi, Finance Scholars, Global Supply Chain Capstone Scholars, and Collegiate Deca. Last semester, 24 brothers made the Dean’s List (3.0) and 9 brothers on the President’s List (4.0). We take pride in our academic success in the class-
room, as Delta strives to produce future leaders. After graduation, our alumni moved on to further schooling and employment. Brother Cake and Brother Mince are pursing their Law Degrees while Brother Payne is graduating with a Masters of Accountancy in May 2017. Other alumni joined the workforce for the following notable companies: Ernst & Young, PepsiCo, Duke Energy, Cherry
Bekaert and Clarkston Consulting. Delta’s future goal is the same as any chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon, to one day earn the coveted Lion Trophy. All Delta men believe if they continue to pursue excellence and develop as Gentleman, Scholars, and Jolly Good Fellows, the Delta chapter can have a great reputation with the University of South Carolina and throughout Delta Kappa Epsilon.
PI ALPHA: THE ROAD TO CHARTER By Devin Tarantino, Pi Alpha ‘18
Left: Pi Alpha Convention delegates accept charter in Tuscoloosa. Above: Pi Alpha founding members - 50 strong.
THE UNIVERSITY The University of Missouri is a school of fantastic traditions. Started in 1839 in the city of Columbia, Mizzou was the first public land-grant university focusing on higher education located west of the Mississippi River. Fair Ol’ Mizzou sits at an enrollment of nearly 33,000 students, has over 300 different major programs, and consists of nearly 20 different colleges. The athletic programs are Division 1 and until recently, members of the Big 12 conference. The Tigers moved to the SEC in 2012, winning SEC East football championships in 2013 and 2014. The Greek organizations on campus number 30 IFC chapters, 15 PHA Chapters, seven NPHC Chapters, and four 8 THE DEKE QUARTERLY | WINTER 2016
MGC chapters. Nearly 30% of Missouri students are involved in Greek life with the campus surrounded with three areas of extravagant Greek housing.
COLONIZATION The founding story of Delta Kappa Epsilon at the University of Missouri is strikingly similar to the founding story of Phi. Josh Stockton and Devin Tarantino were rushing a campus that contains 33 IFC organizations, and continuously feeling disappointed while searching for what would be called home and a brotherhood. One night, early in the Fall of 2014, they started joking about starting their own fraternity. “How hard could it be?” was the rhetorical question that probably should have carried more weight
than it did at the time. Much discussion with close friends in the dorm, a lot of whom felt a similar sense of disappointment, ensued. Then the decision was made to compile an “Executive Board” of 13 men who could assist in creating what was needed. The Executive Board surfed through 150 different fraternities hoping to find the organization that embodied the values, morals, and mission desired. After three long days, it was narrowed down to the elite Delta Kappa Epsilon. For the next month, activity hit a fever pitch. DKE International was contacted to express interest. A petition was created with over 100 signatures in support of adding a new colony to the school. The board began to work on creating bylaws
and a judicial process to be used as a base for structuring the colony. With all this being done, 50 new members joined in the journey of producing a lifelong bond and an established DKE brotherhood at University of Missouri. On February 5th, 2015, Delta Kappa Epsilon: Pi Alpha Colony, was born.
COLONIZATION TO CHAPTER Once Pi Alpha was granted colony status, the collective brotherhood took a stance of making their arrival well known. Participating in their first Greek Week event during the colonization semester, they finished in fifth place. The next semester, Pi Alpha’s first homecoming, the result was first place. Since then, the chapter has placed in the top four in every event in which they have participated. Recruiting is always one of the biggest challenges for a colony. It was no different for Pi Alpha. While 50 members may seem large for being so new, it was still a struggle to compete with established fraternities on campus. One key was developing a specific marketing plan during the rush process to help sell the idea of being a Greek, and more importantly being a Deke. This helped out tremendously. The plan called for advertising Pi Alpha’s campus achievements, the idea of being a part of something that you have the ability to shape and change, the support and care you get when joining DKE, the strong and elite alumni DKE produces, professional development opportunities through joining DKE, and the values and goals of our brotherhood. This played well versus just having a humongous mansion. No doubt this effort contributed to an Alpha Pledge Class was 32 and a Beta Class of 15 Another challenge was inclusivity and diversity. The Missouri campus was faced with a large disruption last year involving racism, diversity, and inclusion, which rippled through the Greek system as a whole. To aid in fostering relationships that can result in diminishing inclusivity issues Pi Alpha established a Brotherhood and Inclusion Chair on the Executive Board.
ESTABLISHMENT Founding President, Joshua Taylor Stockton; the first two recruitment chairs, Taylyn Campbell and Matthew Phimphavong, provided steady guidance and worked diligently to produce positive results throughout the colony stage. The actives are united believing a key to becoming firmly established is seeking out gentlemen who will uphold the values of a Deke Gentleman. Pi Alpha made it’s philanthropy spirit known in the Greek community by joining the Theta’s “Theta Fling”, winning the “Kappa Klassic” Golf Tournament, and helping raise $270,000 for Mizzou’s children hospital by dancing dance for over 13 hours at Mizzouthon. Pi Alpha is becoming influential on campus. Founding President, Josh Stockton, is currently running for President of the Missouri Student’s Association. Outgoing Brother Beta, Devin Tarantino, has just been elected IFC President. William Donnly was recently elected as the Regional Director of MUCURH (National Resident Halls Association). This year, Pi Alpha was given the Outstanding Chapter Achievement Award from the Interfraternty Council for gaining our charter and becoming a full member of IFC. They are planning to shock DKE Nation by winning both the Delta Award and Lion Trophy this coming year.
There are very few DKE alumni near Columbia so the colony leaned on DKE International resources. Past DKE Chapter Consultants, David Howe, Delta Phi ‘14, Alex Hurley, Iota ‘14, and Andrew Denney, Rho Beta ‘15 provided the assistance that made the difference. David called in every week with new assignments for learning the pledge manual, keeping everyone on task, and guided the colony through the process in a way that built a brotherhood, and strength as a brand new colony. Alex was proven to be someone the actives could look up to through the entire process for outstanding and useful advice. Andrew was always there to help at the drop of a hat. “He was a great person to have around and we could not have done it without him”. Clayton Trette, Iota ‘16, Pi Alpha’s current Chapter Consultant, has fit into his role perfectly, helping us establish so many things like our recruitment structure, finances, and philanthropy. He was the driving force behind the chapter earning their Charter.
THE FUTURE Delta Kappa Epsilon’s future is bright at the University of Missouri. Pi Alpha expects to keep thriving and continuing to be an asset to the Greek community. While continuing to investigate opportunities for more permanent housing , it is important to help the Missouri campus grow in the most positive way possible. Pi Alpha’s advice to other colonies around the country is extensive. Work like your life depends on it. Keep pushing and challenging your members to settle for nothing but the best. Internal growth in a positive way is important, and make sure to recruit with the best standards and intentions in mind. Care about your fraternity and your brothers more than anything in the world. Be positive in any situation, and value your ability and the privilege you have to be a part of any campus you are on. w w w.d ke.o rg
n July, 90 Dekes from all corners of the U.S. and Canada met at PsiAlabama’s impressive “Mansion on the Hill” in Tuscaloosa for the 172nd DKE International Convention. It proved to be a full weekend of fraternizing, networking, and learning techniques to improve DKE chapters back home. The convention kicked off with a Brother Beta Day, a concept that started at the 170th convention at Iota-Centre. This program gives presidents of chapters and colonies an opportunity to gather with DKE staff members to discuss ways to lead effectively. It is important to make sure the Brothers Beta are getting the resources they need, and they also started working on plans for the academic year, focusing on short- and long-term goals. After a full day of work, the group relaxed by unwinding at Lake Tuscaloosa, where they took the opportunity to get to know their counterparts from other chapters. With Brother Beta Day in full swing, the rest of the delegates from chapters began flying into Birmingham International Airport or arriving by the carload. Some drivers even picked up Dekes along the way who were heading to convention. Once everyone had arrived and dropped off their gear in their dorm rooms, which were conveniently located near the Psi House, all participants attended a welcome reception at the chapter house. Delegates and staff later attended a risk management session with Adam Ritz, who focused on working to make the right decisions. Risk management also took center stage the following day, setting the tone for the rest of the convention. On the first day, University of Alabama President Stuart Bell welcomed Dekes from afar to campus.A highlight of each morning 10 THE DEKE QUARTERLY | WINTER 2016
Photo of actual pin which belonged to Lt. Edwin S. Rogers, Theta-Bowdoin ‘1865 and is subject of the “Brothers in DKE” poem.
was a delicious breakfast prepared by Psi’s talented cooking staff, who kept a southern theme in their culinary choices throughout the week. With stomachs full of biscuits and gravy, grits, fried chicken strips and eggs, the delegates got down to business. Undergraduate Dekes learned about the importance of bystander awareness intervention, as members saw how they can make a difference on their campus by taking the initiative to intervene in iffy or risky situations in which other students might become involved. Delegates also heard from Jen Riso, a lawyer who works with fraternities and sororities. She detailed the legal side of the reasoning behind risk management situations. Sessions include one on hazing, called
“Hazed and Confused.” Delegates learned about responsibility when drinking alcohol, and understanding what alcohol does to the body. Additionally time was spent on how to talk to someone about alcohol abuse. Finally, delegates went into roundtable discussions, focusing on such topics as drug testing at the chapter level, how to plan a party with risk management guidelines in mind, DKE’s new international judicial committee and procedures, and how to create and run a judicial board effectively at the chapter level. Later, it was back to the DKE house for dinner and a great speech from Gorman Houston about the “Biggest Problems Facing Fraternities.” A teacher at the University of Alabama, Houston gave an inspirational address on how to improve fraternity life, focusing on how important the factor of trust is when it comes to just about every aspect of fraternity life. Phired Up’s Woody Woodcock conducted an interesting workshop on recruitment, as delegates dove into discussions on chapter operations. Woodcock and DKE staff members helped each chapter develop a recruitment plan and strategies for the upcoming academic year. After a long day of work, delegates gathered at the house after dinner for a ritual event where the “Brothers in DKE” poem was read. A highlight of the convention’s final day was a “What’s Next?” session led by DKE headquarters traveling chapter consultants. Chapters were able to work one-on-one with their consultant to wrap up plans for the upcoming academic year, devising strategies to reach their goals. The final convention business was a meeting of all delegates to vote on various proposals. This provided an opportunity to elect the new undergraduate member of the DKE Board of Directors. The
Left: Risk Management session with Adam Ritz. Below: Phired Up’s Woody Woodcock talks recruiting and helps develop specific plans for chapters in attendance
talked about the poem, “Brothers in DKE,” which tells the true story of two brothers – one from Psi, and the other from Bowdoin in Maine – who met upon a battlefield during the Civil War. Favrot’s research has yielded many interesting facts, and he continues to unearth history surrounding the poem that it so meaningful to Deke brothers.
A highlight of the
convention’s final day was a “What’s Next?” session led by DKE headquarters traveling chapter consultants. Chapters were able to work one-on-one with their consultant to wrap up plans for the upcoming academic year, devising strategies to reach their goals. delegates selected Luther Soules, Tau ChiTexas A&M 18. With business complete at another successful convention, delegates, alumni, and guests convened at the grand banquet and awards ceremony. DKE Executive Director Doug Lanpher and DKE Chairman of the Board Sam Heffner began with welcoming remarks. The awards portion of the program followed, including the announcement most anticipated by the chapters, the winner of the coveted Lion Trophy. Descriptions of the winners follow in the next few pages along with a list of all awardees in the four Lion Trophy categories. The keynote address was given by Semmes Favrot. Coming from a family that has produced 38 Dekes, Semmes spoke about the Fraternity’s history, which has captivated him for years. Primarily, Favrot
he time Colin Touhey and his two Phil Epsilon brothers spent at the 2016 DKE Convention has paid off handsomely in many respects. “Not only were we inspired by the passion everyone felt for the Fraternity, we learned lessons that we took back and implemented at our chapter in Minnesota,” Colin said. Meeting brothers from Alabama and South Carolina, in addition to those from several chapters in Canada proved to the Phi Epsilon members that the common bond in DKE is real and very strong. “We loved connecting with so many Dekes and have Max Hurst, Phi Epsilon ‘19; Colin remained in contact on Facebook and Linked In,” said Touhey, Phi Epsilon ‘18; Grant Auerbach, Phi Epsilon ‘17 Colin, a 20-year-old junior sports management major, who serves as his chapter’s vice president. “We took a lot away from the sessions on recruitment and new member education, and I’m happy to say we put it into action right away,” Colin said. “At Minnesota, freshmen have just one week to get acclimated and then rush. Based on what we learned at the convention, we were able to instill a passion for DKE in our new members.” Colin said he enjoyed interacting with Dekes from all over North America, and was amazed that, despite the guys being from so many different backgrounds, the bond is rock solid. “I still flash back on the burning of the letters and the reading of the poem about two Dekes meeting on the Civil War battlefield,” Colin said. “The convention was about the coolest Deke experience I’ve ever had. Older Dekes in our chapter told us we’d love the convention and they were absolutely right.”
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on Contreras, president of DKE’s Phi Mu chapter at Manhattan College, interns on New York City’s Wall Street during the summer. It gets very hot there, as the sun reflects off the tall buildings. But nothing prepared Ron for the searing heat he felt stepping off the plane in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, for the 2016 DKE Convention. “It almost took my breath away,” Ron said. But the warmth he experienced from his DKE brothers during those days in July left an even greater impression. “We have a real closeness in our chapter and it was great to feel that I had something rich in common with the other Dekes at the convention,” Ron said. He treasures the memory on the day before the grand finale when the brothers gathered at the Psi Alabama chapter house. “As we huddled together, it was a good inside look at why people love this Fraternity so much,” Ron said. “I formed friendships with guys from all over North America and learned a lot that I could take back to our chapter.” Brother Contreras, 21, a senior majoring in electrical engineering at Manhattan, said what he experienced at the DKE Convention inspired him to push Phi Mu to become a real force on campus. “It showed me what an impact we can make not only at our college but also throughout the community,” he said. Ron said it was fun to share all that he learned at the convention with his Phi Mu Brothers. “It’s amazing how Dekes from all corners of North America can come together and connect so well,” he said. “That’s what I took back to Manhattan – that we as Dekes have so much in common.” Phi Mu, now in its fifth year as a DKE chapter, has stepped into leadership positions on campus in everything from student government to academic clubs and organizations. “I learned at the convention that being a Deke means accepting big responsibilities,” Ron said.
s he boarded the jet in Massachusetts for the trip to Alabama for the 2016 DKE Convention, Bryant College Junior Mike McGaffigan couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. “Even though I’d so looked forward to the convention and the opportunity to meet other Deke brothers, I didn’t know exactly what to expect,” he said. What unfolded on the campus in Tuscaloosa opened Mike’s eyes and in some ways changed his life. “It was really inspiring to meet all those men from different walks of life, and I felt a palpable bond with my Deke brothers,” he said. “The convention was a culmination of all the good feelings I have for Delta Kappa Epsilon.” McGaffigan, 21, recalled his first days at Bryant and of meeting the Phi Sigma Dekes. “To be honest, I really didn’t know much about fraternities,” he said. “Nobody in my family had been involved in Greek life and I think I had some trepidation about the system.” But at Phi Sigma, he quickly learned that DKE helped him put his best foot forward. “It had a big impact on me as a person. The guys are great and I love what DKE is about.” In Alabama, Mike said it all came together for him at the convention. “I think for undergraduates, DKE encourages us to do something special with our lives. I know it’s helped keep me grounded and constantly reminds me of the values I need to live up to,” he said. “Being surrounded by all those Deke brothers brought home that feeling in special ways.” The last night of the convention proved to be Mike’s favorite. “It was a classy event, with everyone all dressed up and really in the spirit of things,” he said. “We sang DKE songs and I will never forget the Lion March.” As president of Phi Sigma, he took all that spirit back to Bryant to share with his brothers – “The best guys you’ll ever meet,” he said. 12 THE DEKE QUARTERLY | WINTER 2016
n overwhelming commitment to Brotherhood, college and community helped Rho Lafayette walk away with the Lion Trophy for 2016, which was presented at the 172nd DKE International Convention in Tuscaloosa, AL. The Rho Brothers excelled in scholarship, alumni relations, community service, educational projects on campus and in many other aspects of fraternity life. Chapter leaders helped run a near flawless operation in the fraternity on the picturesque campus in Easton, Pa. One outstanding example of Rho’s community service was joining with alumni and Deke Brother Dan Moore, Rho ‘75 to take part in his foundation, the Leadership Center. This is the primary project of Leadership Mission International. The center empowers women from poor families to become the next generation of ethical leaders in Honduras. Rho raised enough funds to put a female student through the Learning Center. The Brothers also volunteered many hours in support of the Safe Harbor Recovery Center, which is located near Lafayette’s campus, as noted in the Rho Chapter News story. They pitched in to provide one meal a month, feeding 40 to 60 individuals each month, by preparing food at the Rho chapter house, then serving it at the Center. The Dekes played basketball, manned the telephones, and participated in philanthropic events all over campus and throughout the community. They raised money for Christmas presents for needy children and, overall, provided nearly $20,000 for various charities. These efforts resulted in Lafayette honoring Rho with the campus wide Commitment to Service Award. Rho Brothers also excelled in the classroom, compiling a cumulative grade point average of 3.25. Scholarship chairmen worked with Brothers who were having some difficulty with their studies, and this “team” approach paid handsome dividends. Lafayette Dekes also organized an array
Ryan Flynne, Rho ‘16; Jimmy Cochran, Rho ‘18; Sam Bernhardt, Rho ‘18; Michael De Lisi, Rho ‘03 get ready to show off their Lion Trophy
LION TROPHY – 2016 RESULTS Winner: Rho-Lafayette College Runner Up: Phi Alpha-University of British Columbia SCHOLARSHIP 1. Iota-Centre College 2. Rho-Lafayette College 3. Phi Rho-Penn State and Theta Zeta-Cal Berkeley CHAPTER OPERATIONS 1. Rho-Lafayette College 2. Psi-University of Alabama and Phi Alpha-University of British Columbia 3. Theta Chi-Union College and Delta Phi-Alberta
of faculty speakers during the spring and fall semesters. Presentations focused on such diverse topics as leadership, the importance of maintaining a high level of scholarship, and the history of beer. Close on the heels of their 160th Anniversary celebration at Homecoming in
October of 2105, Rho showcased a newly renovated, striking, chapter house, detailed in the last issue of The DEKE Quarterly. This project was the result of a close partnership with alumni and serves a testament to Rho’s commitment to make its positive impact felt on the Lafayette campus.
TAU CHI WINS DELTA AWARD AS DKE’S MOST IMPROVED CHAPTER Two years ago, the Tau Chi chapter at Texas A&M University was deeply in debt. Dues were haphazardly collected and there was no worthwhile budget. The chapter’s academic programs were admittedly weak and most of Tau Chi’s operations were subpar. So much has changed since then; the proud Dekes have rebounded in a strong way. This impressive turn around earned Tau Chi the 2016 Delta Award as DKE’s most improved chapter, announced last summer at the 172nd International Convention in Tuscaloosa. A team of veteran officers helped engineer Tau Chi’s resurgence. The Texas A&M Dekes are a fairly new chapter but they took advantage of a small group of recent alumni to address every challenge. Study hours were instituted for new members, which helped boost the chapter’s GPA. This resulted in a significant improvement. Member recruitment was completely overhauled as a series of rush chairmen were installed and given specific responsibilities. Summer rush activities were organized. This tried and true method, but one new to Tau Chi, paid immediate dividends as those who pledged early worked to recruit additional new members. The chapter set a goal of recruiting 30 new members during the next rush period,
which, at this point, looks realistic. Tau Chi’s officers took a close look at chapter operations and revamped its executive and auxiliary councils, which streamlined the way the Dekes did business. Community service moved from the back burner and the chapter increased the funds it raised for charity by more than $10,000. More Brothers took part in the philanthropic activities, and the news about the new spirit at DKE began spreading throughout the campus. Tau Chi moved to a larger and much nicer house, and the Brothers took steps to keep it in good condition. Most of all, chapter leaders changed the responsibilities of individual
COMMUNITY SERVICE & PHILANTHROPY 1. Phi Alpha-University of British Columbia 2. Phi Rho-Penn State University and Rho-Lafayette College LEADERSHIP 1. Psi-University of Alabama 2. Iota-Centre College 3. Rho-Lafayette College Brothers toward each other. The chapter’s various chairmen encouraged Brothers to get more involved in helping to make decisions, and this feeling of inclusion helped boost attendance at social events, service days and philanthropic activities. A whole new positive spirit emerged. Today, Tau Chi’s finances are in order, new member recruitment is going well, and optimism is so high that the Brothers hope to grow their contingency fund to the point that they will be able to buy a piece of property by the fall of 2017, hopefully leading to a new, dedicated chapter house in the near future. It’s a new day for the Dekes at Texas A&M, as hard work, dedication and a new team spirit paid big dividends.
Jason Tucker, Tau Chi ‘19; Web Massengale, Tau Chi, ‘18; Luther Soules IV, Tau Chi; ‘18, and Jake Beach, Tau Chi, ‘16, accept the 2016 Delta Award from Executive Director Doug Lanpher
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DKE PERSONAL AWARDS By Eric Holland, Kappa ‘13 MIKE DE LISI WINS HENDERSON AWARD The William M. Henderson Alumni Award, named for the late, longtime executive director of DKE, went to Mike De Lisi, Rho-Lafayette College. It is unique among major interfraternal awards in that it is presented not for service at the top administrative level of the Fraternity, but solely for exceptional service to an individual chapter of DKE -- not necessarily the recipient’s own. The award was established in 1975, and includes an engraved silver cup that remains the property of the recipient. Mike helped Rho through a period of turmoil and transition, and his hard work, along with the work of the chapter, helped Rho become one of DKE’s top chapters. Rho became a strong and positive force on campus. Mike also led the drive to raise funds for Rho’s house renovations, and even convinced the college to contribute to the chapter’s renovations. In addition, Mike was able to galvanize Rho’s alumni association, which has branched out to work with other chapter alumni associations at Lafayette. His influence at Rho follows in the tradition of other great Lafayette Dekes such as the late Henry “Mike” Michaels and Duncan Andrews.
BLAISDELL LEADERSHIP AWARD GOES TO BEACH The Charles O. Blaisdell DKE Leadership Award, named for the legendary Brother Charles O. Blaisdell, Pi-Dartmouth ‘37, is awarded at the end of each school year to the undergraduate who is judged to be the best all-around Deke, based on his contributions to his chapter, his school, and for his outstanding performance in scholastic matters and extracurricular activities. This year’s winner is Jake Beach, of Tau Chi-Texas A&M ‘16. While an undergraduate, Jake served as president of Tau Chi during a most challenging period. Jake took over at a time when the chapter was in the process of being disaffiliated from the university due to poor performance. Under Jake’s leadership, the chapter improved across the board and went on to win the 2016 DKE Delta Award 14 THE DEKE QUARTERLY | WINTER 2016
Top left: Doug Lanpher delivers the Napolitano award to Ryan Flynne, Rho ‘16. Top right: Framed certificate representing Blaisdell Leadership award, presented to Jake Beach, Tau Chi ‘16. Above: Mike De Lisi, Rho ‘03 will cherish the silver mug symbolizing his Henderson Alumni Award.
for Chapter Improvement. Not only did Jake play a vital role in Tau Chi’s resurgence, he was also a campus leader. As a member of Texas A&M’s Moot Court team, Jake helped the university maintain a top ten national ranking. Individually, he was the fifth-best overall orator for the Southwest. Jake managed these accomplishments while graduating summa cum laude, completing his degree in Political Science with a 4.0 GPA. In April 2016, Texas A&M nominated Jake for a Rhodes Scholarship because of his academic achievements and contributions to the university.
RYAN FLYNNE IS HONORED WITH NAPOLITANO AWARD The Napolitano Award is named for the late Nick Napolitano, Psi Delta-Wake Forest ‘10, who always put others before himself. A spirited young man, Nick lived life to the
fullest and made sure those around him always felt valued and respected. He led by example, never boasting about his own accomplishments (and there were many), and put everything he had into making a difference. As a testament to his leadership skills, Delta Kappa Epsilon established the Nick Napolitano Award for Presidential Excellence, which is presented each year to the most responsible DKE Chapter President. The 2016 winner of the prestigious Nick Napolitano Outstanding Chapter President Award is Rho Lafayette’s Ryan Flynne. Ryan comes from a strong chapter, but nonetheless helped to raise the bar and make it a great chapter. While president, Ryan helped DKE emerge from social probation on a campus that questioned DKE’s behavior and existence. It was a challenging year for Rho, which moved into temporary housing as renovations took place on the chapter house. But Ryan kept the chapter focused, overseeing major changes to the new member education program and getting 65 actives all on board with the new system. He also coordinated a successful 160th anniversary celebration and festivities for the chapter. Ryan embraced alumni adviser, Mike De Lisi’s, new method of project management for Rho and integrated it into the chapter’s processes. This required team building to bring everyone to embrace the new agendas, such as monthly faculty lectures and dinners for academic development. Ryan’s leadership helped Rho achieve their goals; winning the DKE Lion Trophy and achieving the highest accreditation from Lafayette College’s Office of Greek Life. As detailed in the Lion Trophy story, Rho earned Lafayette’s Commitment to Service Award, besting all student groups in leadership and community service.
he passage of years might have obscured the memories of some of our greatest Dekes, but every time the subject of golf course design is broached, the name of Robert Trent Jones Sr. is recalled with both affection and awe. Jones, who died at the age of 93 in 2000, was one of America’s preeminent golf architects who designed or remodeled more than 500 courses. A loyal DKE Brother at the Delta Chi chapter of Cornell University, Jones designed a beautiful course near campus, and his family endowed a scholarship in his name at the chapter. Born in England, Jones was 6 when his family moved to Rochester, N.Y. As a boy, Jones caddied at the Country Club of Rochester, where he often carried Walter Hagen’s bag. A keen observer of everything at the golf course, he soon developed into a scratch golfer, and was the low amateur at the 1927 Canadian Open. It was golf course design, however, that intrigued Jones and led to his lifelong affinity for building or redesigning courses. At Cornell, he convinced university officials to permit him design his own course of study, which included surveying, agronomy, landscaping, horticulture, architecture, sketching, economics and public speaking. At about this time, Jones met and was inspired by Donald Ross, a Scottish golf architect who was designing Oak Hill in Rochester. Ross, considered by many to be the greatest golf architect of the early 20th century, would be succeeded by Jones, who was hired by President Eisenhower in the 1950s to build a putting green at the White House, as well as a hole with three different tees at Camp David. But it would be his courses in 45 states and 35 foreign countries that would burnish his reputation. It is said that Jones designed golf courses on every continent except Antarctica, and his courses in Africa often attracted lions
Jones at the 11th at Magnolia Grove Golf club in Mobile, one of 468 holes of championship caliber golf along the Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail in Alabama
that would lounge in the sunshine on the greens. In the 1930s, early in his career, when the Great Depression halted the building of golf courses in practically every state, Jones teamed up with Stanley Thompson, a Canadian designer who had offices in Toronto and New York. Jones’ career took off after World War II when he was hired by another Robert Jones – the great golfer Bobby Jones – to design what would become Peach Tree in Atlanta. The two became great friends and would team up again on other golf projects, including a redesign of the 11th and 16th holes at Augusta National. It was about this time that Robert Trent Jones began using his middle name to distinguish himself from the gentleman from Atlanta. Jones believed that each hole on his course should be a difficult par but an easy bogey. Many players, including professionals, complained that his courses were too demanding. The New York Times’ Dave Anderson said Jones was a small, cherub-faced man, but his sometimes sadistic use of huge bunkers, ponds, creeks and undulating greens often angered touring pros, especially during the U.S. Open. But Jones believed he was merely
defending par against the evolution of golf equipment and the ball. “The shattering of par without a proper challenge is a fraud,” he told Anderson. “I make them play par.” Anderson said that when Jones redesigned the fourth hole at Baltusrol’s Lower Course in Springfield, N.J., before the 1954 U.S. Open, some members complained that the par 3 over a pond was unfair. Jones offered to play the hole while members watched, and when he swung his 4-iron and lifted his shot onto the green some 165 yards away, the ball rolled into the cup for a hole in one. Jones turned to the members and said, “Gentlemen, the hole is fair. Eminently fair.” A gifted writer who authored two of golf’s best books, “Golf’s Magnificent Challenge” and “Great Golf Stories,” Jones’ quick wit remained intact until his final breath. After suffering a stroke, Anderson said Jones awakened in his hospital bed to see his two sons at his side. “What are you doing here?” he asked them. “You had a little setback,” he was told. “You had a stroke.” Jones looked up and said, “Do I have to count it?” Kevin Cuneo, a former sports editor, covered 5 Masters and 6 U.S. Opens for the Erie, Pa. Times-News
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heta Chi of DKE at Union College has always had a strong commitment to philanthropy. Our chapter prides itself on organizing and helping at events that make a direct impact. We prioritize doing events that encourage person-to-person interactions with the people we are helping instead of the stereotypical bake sales, ‘buy a brother’, or other similar fundraising events. In this past fall trimester, our events were Glenville Oktoberfest, John Calvin Toll Day of Service and The Special Olympics of New York’s RunDead 5k event. At all three of these events we had more than 50% of our brotherhood attend. In total, each brother contributed an average of six hours community service throughout the trimester and all of our brothers participated in some way. Our desire to give back to the community derives from the real enjoyment we get from having an impact on others. We like to pick events and causes that the brothers feel truly passionate about, and ones in which we can get heavily involved. Philanthropy for us is not an obligation, but rather something we as an organization take pride in and enjoy. At the Glenville Oktoberfest event brothers worked helping to park cars, shuttle disabled guest and helped supervise children activities. We have been volunteering at this event for many years, and we have developed a strong relationship with the event hosts. Whether it was making sure kids didn’t get lost in the corn maze or simply directing traffic, the brothers genuinely enjoyed their time there. Brothers had positive interactions with both the other volunteers from different organizations and the guests. In addition, this was one of the first philanthropy events with our newest members, and it gave us a great opportunity to bond with them outside of school while volunteering. John Calvin Toll Day was the next event on our philanthropy calendar. This is Union’s annual day of service, and DKE
Left: Special Olympics RunDead 5k transformed some Theta Chi’s into “zombies”. Below right: Handing out water and supporting runners helped insure the event’s success. Below left: Theta Chi turned out in force for Glenville Oktoberfest
brought nearly every brother to help out by going to Yate’s Village, the local public housing community in Schenectady. We spent the day clearing brush, raking leaves and picking up trash. This was a great way to make an impact in the Schenectady area. It provides us the opportunity to interact with our neighbors and really make a difference in the local community. It was also a special thing to be involved with Union’s annual service day. Almost a quarter of the school participates, which allows for maximum local effect. Some Brothers did not spend the day in Yates Village but instead went to a local parish and helped to paint new sections of the building. Our final event during the fall was the Special Olympics’ RunDead 5k race. Brothers were involved with many aspects of this
event. We help with parking cars before the race. We worked as course monitors guiding runners and directed traffic to keep the runners safe. We also set up multiple water tables throughout the course. At these tables we handed out water and supported the runners. The special aspect of this event is the “zombies” that throw color at the runners throughout the trail. This helped to really make the event fun for us and for the runners and is one of the main reasons for the success of the event. RunDead 5k raised over $35,000 for the Special Olympics of New York. It certainly is an event we are proud to be a part of while helping to raise a great amount of money for a great cause. Our chapter has been working with the Special Olympics for years. It seems to be a great match for us. The Special Olympics allows us to interact with the athletes and make the events more enjoyable and easier for them. The Special Olympics is a huge part of the athlete’s life. It gives them something to train for and work towards. People often can underestimate the impact the Special Olympics has on the athletes and their families’ lives. We as brothers working at this event see this first hand when the athletes come to tears at the end of events because of
how thankful they are just to be involved. The Theta Chi brothers were thrilled to be asked by the athletes to sign their shirts to help conserve the memory. Our relationship with the Special Olympics will continue to grow over the course of the year. We have already planned two more
events with the Special Olympics one during January and one in May. Overall, we hope to continue all of our ongoing relationships with local and national organizations that mean something to us. Too often, community service can be viewed as a chore or obligation. We always tell our
new members that it is something that, once they actually get out and do, is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling parts of being a brother of Delta Kappa Epsilon. That, in part, is the type of culture we strive to have surrounding philanthropy and community service at the Theta Chi chapter of DKE.
Left: Half a continent separation didn’t stop Omega Mu from joining Phi Rho in supporting the Andrew Garwood Foundation with their own Dunk-A-Deke. Below: Omega Mu brothers took turns in the tank
his past fall the brothers of Omega Mu at Oklahoma State University raised over $750 for the Andrew Garwood Strong Founda-
tion. After learning about the mission of the Foundation to benefit brain cancer research in memory of Brother Andrew Garwood, former president of the Phi Rho chapter at Penn State, Omega Mu Dekes began looking for a way to contribute to the cause. Chapter president Mitchell Meyer had just spent the summer at Penn State for a research internship and became acquainted with the Dekes there. When coming up with an event idea, he recalled seeing a “Dunka-Deke” sign at the Phi Rho house, so he contacted chapter president Bill Jester and asked if Omega Mu could borrow the idea. Bill related how Andrew’s father had created the Foundation to honor his son who had been elected chapter president in 2014 after years of serving in various positions, especially as a volunteer on the THON. At the start of his senior year in August 2014, he was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Amazingly, Andrew returned to school and was able to dance the 46 hours of the February 2015 THON while valiantly fighting his own battle. His struggle ended with his passing on January 12, 2016. Knowing the story only solidified Omega Mu’s decision to support the Foundation’s mission, and OSU’s annual Homecoming Walkaround provided a timely opportunity for Dekes to work together from 1200 miles apart for a great cause in Andrew’s memory. Started in 1913 and known as “America’s Greatest Homecoming Celebration,” the event now draws more than 70,000 visitors
annually and features a walk through the Greek neighborhood to view massive floatlike decorations built in front of the houses and based on that year’s homecoming theme. Omega Mu rents two houses in the center of Greek Row and saw this as a fantastic occasion to capitalize on the spectacle for the benefit of the Foundation. Nimbleness in action has been a hallmark of Omega Mu Dekes since the founding in 2012 and “Dunk-a-Deke” was no exception. In quick order the brothers rented a dunk tank, made flyers, and on October 28, 2016 when the Walkaround crowd began descending on Greek Row, the brothers began hawking “Dunk-a-Deke.” Members took turns volunteering to be dunked and donned coats and ties and even
presented the costumed penguin as a target. The highlight came when Brother Noah Ballew sported an OU shirt and shouted “Boomer Sooner!” at the passersby; Noah was not allowed to leave the tank for quite some time as his dunking provided the crowd with great comic relief as contributions increased. The men of Omega Mu hope to continue fundraising for Andrew’s Foundation by making “Dunk-a-Deke” an annual tradition for the Walkaroud and challenge other chapters to “Dunk-a-Deke” for the cause. w w w.d ke.o rg
his past September 30th 2016, the men of Lambda gathered to celebrate their 164th consecutive year on the hill by rededicating the “new” Lambda Lodge. Each fall the Kenyon DKE Alumni and Actives hold their annual meeting. During the record setting meeting of 2014, Brother George Williams ‘05 made an impassioned plea to the assembled brethren and a hat was passed. The initial cash raised that evening was the seed corn for a rebuilding fund that eventually surpassed $30,000. Lambda holds a special place in DKE lore. We were founded as a secret literary society at Kenyon in 1852. It is believed that Rutherford B. Hayes was a member of an early society that ultimately became the Lambda chapter. Our chapter founders were forced to meet surreptitiously in farm houses, barns, the Owl Creek river bottoms, and the Old Kenyon bell tower. In 1854 the Dekes defiantly wore their DKE badges at graduation. The College noted that these new graduates were truly “gentleman, scholars and jolly good fellows” and grudgingly accepted the fraternity with one caveat. College President Andrews insisted that a faculty member must attend all of the heretofore secret meetings. The men of Lambda quickly consented, knowing that they could easily accept this condition while remaining firmly “In The Bonds” of DKE. Fortuitously, Brother H. D. Lathrop, a charter member of Lambda, was the Valedictorian in 1853. He had immediately joined the faculty as a Professor for the following term. Thus, under the watchful eye of a fellow brother, Lambda began its storied history of leadership in Gambier. 18 THE DEKE QUARTERLY | WINTER 2016
Above: The Band of Brothers (old and new) in front of the Rededicated Lodge. Left: Standing (l-r): X, Jim Irwin, ‘69, Perry Warren ‘70 and Peter Lathrop ‘69. Seated (l-r): Art Stroyd ‘67, Tony Olbrich ‘70 and Richard Levey ‘68.
The victory over the administration signaled a sense of permanence for the group. It was deemed appropriate to build an official meeting place for the chapter. Five dollars in cash, and a $10 gold piece were thrown into the pot. (This is interestingly similar to the actions of Brother Williams some 162 years later.) The first fraternity lodge in America was completed on college land and built for under $50. The construction, completed through the physical efforts of all of the members, was of a rustic log cabin design. Though the exterior was Spartan in appearance, the interior was known for its relative elegance and comfort. It served ably as our home for 17 years until the infamous fraternity raids of 1870. Sadly, the structure was not as secure as
it needed to be. It is during this period that the Charter from Phi was lost to our rivals. As a response, plans were put in place to build a grand replacement that would be the new home of Lambda. A sylvan and bucolic site at the far end of campus was chosen. Major funding was provided by James M. Gamble ‘54, one of the charter members of Lambda. He is best known as the chemist who formulated a floating bar of soap that was 99 and 44/100ths percent pure. “Ivory Soap” was a big success for the family firm in Cincinnati Ohio. This new building was completed in 1871 and has remained the Chapter home for 145 years. Symbolically, the original Lambda “log cabin” was razed upon completion of our current Lodge.
The guys who did the heavy lifting in the Lodge Renovation project: Bob Heasley ‘60, winner of the Distinguished Service Award (not awarded since the ‘70s) and Alumni President Biff Butler ‘68, recipient of the John James McCook Award. We all owe them our gratitude for a job well done. And, clicks to all who invested in this much needed project.
There have been periodic repairs to the “new” Lodge over the years. Throughout most of its existence, Lodge use has largely been ceremonial. So, creature comfort was not of paramount importance. However, due to changes in the college’s attitude toward fraternities, the Lodge has been pressed into more frequent usage. Informal meetings that once had been held in the Old Kenyon West Wing Lounge are now held in the Lodge. The temperatures during mid-winter meetings were a testament to the ment and Law, Finance, resiliency of recent Acand Medicine, met with tives of Lambda. undergrads who had The refurbishment is interest in these fields. now thorough and comThe response was very plete. Robert G. Heasley favorable, and there ‘60 served indefatigably are plans to expand the as the general contractor networking program. of the project. Actives Saturday concluded Above right: Alumni Historian Gregg DeSilvio ‘74 regales the crowd in Lower Dempsey and Alumni jointly with a grand dinner in during the Annual Alumni Awards Dinner. Above: 5 Big Brothers in a row: Art Stroyd ‘67, Peter Lathrop ‘69, Norm Schmidt ‘71, Chip Sansom ‘73 and Gregg DeSilvio ‘74 emptied the Lodge in the Pierce Hall. Speeches spring, preserving our were given by Alumni legacy documents, photos and artifacts. and Actives. The history of Lambda was addition to Gambier’s skyline. These items were carefully stored and discussed and debated. Laudatory speakAlumni President Walter Butler MD reviewed. Composites were reframed ers recounted the fine job the Actives ‘69 rededicated the building midday and the older classes were reduced to a are doing at the college and within the Saturday during a standing room only more manageable size fitting the availcommunity. Stories were recounted, and meeting. A new tradition celebrating the able wall space. The structural improveoccasionally embellished, with many a reunion was instituted. USMC Ret. Lt. ments included insulation, heating, roof glass being raised celebrating our BrothCol. Daniel Ralston ‘71 and former Lance repair, door tools and tuck-pointing. The erhood. Corporal James Irwin ‘70 explained the refurbished interior added storage and The weekend concluded on Sunday Marine Corps birthday ceremony. It was bookcases, as well as a trophy case for with “Dekes On The Deck” at Brother modified for our signing ritual. The oldest our more precious and revered artiHeasley’s home adjacent to the Lodge. Lambda Deke in attendance, Hugh Gage facts All walls, floors, and ceilings were The Bloody Marys were only exceeded ‘59 “passed the pen” to the youngest Aceither cleaned, replaced or repainted. A by the fine breakfast provided by Peg tive Burke Irwin ‘19. new split-rail fence was built, and trees Heasley. Reunion weekend was also notable for that threatened the foundation were The past is indeed prologue. Many of enhancing the bond between the Actives removed. With the possible exception of the alumni commented that the men of and the Alumni. Career workshops were electric rather than gas light, the “new” today’s Lambda are first rate and guaranheld on Saturday afternoon. Alumni with lodge looked as though it was a recent tee a bright future for Lambda DKE. expertise in the following areas; Governw w w.d ke.o rg
CHAPTERNEWS Phi-Yale University: The Phi Chapter had an outstanding year in 2016. Despite some setbacks, we fielded a great pledge class, contributed to our community through philanthropy events, and had some incredible individual achievements from our brothers. Despite not having a chapter house for the 2015-2016 academic year, we still managed to initiate a pledge class of 22, all of whom have already contributed immensely to our chapter. With this new class, we have become even more diverse in a number of ways. We have brothers from all over the country, representing a total of 22 states. We also span a wide range of academic interests, with 19 different Yale majors represented overall. Finally, our Chapter continues to thrive athletically, consisting of 27 members of the Yale football program in addition to members of other varsity teams such as lacrosse, track & field, swimming, rugby, crew, and baseball. Our Chapter GPA stands at 3.38. A testament to our hard work in the classroom, that GPA is something we take great pride in as one of the highest on campus. We have also contributed significantly to the Yale and New Haven communities through philanthropy this year. In the spring, we participated in a dance-a-thon and raised thousands of dollars to cover the medical costs of a Yale alum. This winter, we are donating toys for the Christmas party of Project Longevity, a New Haven initiative that supports the families of ex-criminals seeking rehabilitation. Over the course of the year, we have enjoyed some huge individual successes from our brothers. Just weeks ago, our football players beat Harvard for the first time in nine years while the rest of their brothers cheered proudly from the stands. In the spring, one brother made a bone marrow donation that saved a life. We are extremely proud of these and many other accomplishments by brothers over the course of the year. This school year, we are very grateful to be back in our chapter houses and are making the most of it. We have been able 20 THE DEKE QUARTERLY | WINTER 2016
to host some exciting events, from tailgates to alumni receptions. We cannot thank our alumni and DKE international enough, for they have done so much to keep this fraternity alive and position us for an amazing year. We look forward to bringing in a full new pledge class in the spring to carry on the legacy of DKE at Yale.
Psi-University of Alabama: Psi Chapter of DKE started the year with 117 active members and were challenged by an alum to simply, “leave this house better
Congratulations to Phi Mu for winning the $250 first prize in the contest for best Chapter report
one of the most represented fraternities at University of Alabama. Members have also found leadership roles and service opportunities on other fronts as well such as Outback University, Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Alabama, and the Black Warrior River Keeper project. With an average of 39 community service hours per active, our chapter ranked in the top percentile of fraternities. The Tuscaloosa heat and humidity has successfully made the walks to class pretty dreary, but it hasn’t managed, however, to put a damper on our philanthropy events.
Tea Day always brings a large crowd of Moms to the Psi house.
than you found it”. As evidenced by the leadership and accomplishments displayed by our actives, we did just that. As you may know, football is life down here in the south. Every year student organizations present why they deserve to have the best student section seats in Bryant Denny Stadium. Scores are based on 50% GPA and 50% involvement. Delta Kappa Epsilon managed to get the 3rd best block seating out of 50 student organizations. This isn’t by accident. With over 91 percent of our members involved in at least one other SOURCE organization, and an impressive 10 percent of our members holding elected or appointed positions in the Student Government Association, Delta Kappa Epsilon is
We participated in the B+ Cookout at SAE benefitting young children fighting cancer, an event called Brews for Baton Rouge in which we, and several other fraternities and sororities across campus, raised thousands of dollars for Louisiana flood relief. We participated in the Jason’s Jamboree which benefited flood victims. We also held a philanthropy event at the DKE house raising over $2500 for the Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Alabama. Philanthropy events have always been a way for our chapter to make a positive impact in and around our community. We’re not just trying to leave the house better than we found it, we’re also trying to improve academically. Our overall GPA has
steadily increased for the last three years and this year we are on pace to do the same. With our freshman pledge class energetically hitting the books during three-hour study halls each night, and an active senior class with nine members in honor societies such as Order of Omega, the future of academics at the DKE house is in stable hands. Discussing the future of the house requires mentioning our newest members. Welcome Vivian Anderson, our new full-time, in-house, house mother. She has done a great job since taking on the role and we are extremely lucky to have her. Also this year, we initiated a freshman pledge class of 49 guys who hail from all across the southeast. The upperclassmen are very excited about what this class. It has been a privilege getting to know them. Psi Day Tea and Homecoming weekend were both wildly successful. It is always a good time having parents and alumni visit the house. We had many brothers from different chapters visit us as well including Phi, Chi, Delta, Omega Chi, Zeta Zeta, Kappa Phi, Eta, Alpha, and Beta. We also made our own trips to the Zeta Zeta and Lamda Tau chapters. We were welcomed with the utmost respect and had a wonderful time. This summer we hosted a successful 2016 DKE International Convention here in Tuscaloosa. Psi came in 1st place in Chapter Operations and in 2nd place in Leadership in the Lion Trophy competition. Although we did not win the overall trophy this year, we are striving to win it next year.
Beta-University of North Carolina: No report submitted
Alpha-Harvard College: See Colony Reports Kappa-Miami University: 2016 was a phenomenal year for the Kappa chapter. Great recruitment in the winter, impressive philanthropy, and excellent leadership inside and outside of our chapter helped make this memorable. We began the year by recruiting our largest pledge class ever. Of our 29 new members, 7 were elected to executive positions for 2017. In addition, the new pledge class oversaw improvements to our chapter house’s pool room. In the spring, we teamed up with Miami University’s SAE chapter to host a concert for our philanthropy. The concert artists included Vicetone and Yacht Club, who
The iconic Kappa house overlooks the Miami U football field
were recruited to by brother Casey Jolly. The concert sold out and we managed to raise over $2000 to donate to the Cornerstone Foundation. Our brothers have also strived to become leaders outside of the chapter. This year, we had two brothers, Matt Murtha and Sterling Parker, sitting on IFC’s executive board. Brother Mason Busch was elected to serve on the executive board for next year as well. Our chapter takes great pride in leadership overall and look forward to our new members emerging as leaders on Miami University’s campus as well. Internally, President Eric McCorkle and Scholarship Chair Max Shulman are working to establish a scholarship contest for freshman potential new members. If all goes well, the chapter will hold its first contest in Fall 2017. In total, 2016 has been fantastic for the Kappa chapter. With a great recruitment turnout expected for rush 2017, we can only predict a better year to follow.
Delta-University of South Carolina: See Road to Charter in Special News Lambda-Kenyon College: No report submitted
Eta-University of Virginia: No report submitted
Iota-Centre College: Fall 2016 has been another great semester for the Iota Dekes. The chapter was awarded the Yerkes Cup, given to the fraternity with the highest GPA in the previous year. We continue to have members excel in and out of the classroom on campus. John Paul Dyar, a sophomore, recently won a spot on the Student Government Executive Board as chair of Campus Improvements.
The Fraternity continues to be very active around campus including working with several other fraternities and sororities to sponsor philanthropy and service events. We put on four different philanthropy events to raise money for the Heart of Kentucky United Way this fall. In September, Iota worked with the women of Kappa Alpha Theta on a fall festival. This event allowed families to come join in the fun of fall with apple bobbing, line dancing, among the litany of great activities. It was
Iota actives created a new path at Camp Horsin’ Around a great way to get the whole community involved and have fun while raising money for a good cause. This November, we held our annual Favors Auction for United Way. This event, which has won several awards for the best philanthropy event on campus in the past, was once again a huge success. We also continue to be active in the college’s United Way month of giving campaign which raised over $50,000 last year. The fraternity has placed an increased emphasis on service this year. Our most successful service event was a joint event with the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity. We had the honor of helping the workers at Camp Horsin’ Around, a camp for kids with severe illnesses and those with Special Needs. We were able to help with events as well as create a new path for the children to be able to get to the river on sight. As Iota has continued to take an active role in the communities on and off campus we have been focused on growing the chapter, adding many new Recruitment Events in preparation for Spring Recruitment. These new events have been very successful and Iota looks forward to welcoming a great class in February. w w w.d ke.o rg
CHAPTER NEWS Omicron-University of Michigan: No report submitted
Rho-Lafayette College: This fall has been very busy for the Rho chapter. After winning the Lion Trophy, brothers came back to campus with a renewed sense of commitment and enthusiasm for all chapter operations. Upon returning to campus, Brothers jumped right into rush, where we recruited twenty new members. The newest Rho pledge class boasts brothers from across the country and the world; ranging from New Hampshire down to Tennessee and even as far from home as Hong Kong.
the opportunity to learn and ask questions about all aspects of the internship process. Continuing our commitment to alumni relations and career development, we hosted Rho Brother Stephen Smagula ‘09 earlier this fall, where he spoke about the transition from college to the working world, answering all of our questions and sharing stories from his time at Lafayette. Overall, the Rho chapter continues to be a very successful fraternity at Lafayette College through the help of our alumni and executive board members. We are proud of our accomplishments thus far and look forward to continued success in the spring.
Tau-Hamilton College:
Newly Initiated Rho Brothers volunteer at Safe Harbor Homeless Shelter
We continue our commitment to serving others through our efforts at the Safe Harbor Homeless shelter, The Sigal Museum of Easton (run by DKE Chi Rho brother Andrew Glovas) , and our sponsorship of Merelith, a student and The Learning Center in Honduras that was founded by brother Dan Moore ‘75. We co-sponsored two philanthropy dances in our beautifully renovated house that raised over $870 toward Merelith’s second year of tuition at The Learning Center. The house GPA for last spring’s semester was a 3.25, and we look forward to seeing the results of our increased efforts this fall following the conclusion of exams on December 19th. This fall, Professor Don Morel and Professor Herman Tull came to the house to talk to us about their careers, emphasizing the combination of hard work and dedication that is required to be successful during and after college. The Rho chapter also attended a resume-building workshop through Lafayette College Career Services, where brothers got 22 THE DEKE QUARTERLY | WINTER 2016
Tau Chapter of DKE has had an extremely productive fall 2016 semester. The year began with only 9 active brothers, 3 of whom are studying abroad in NYC and Italy, leaving essentially 6 brothers at Hamilton College to organize 10 pledges. However, with a great deal of support from multiple alumni and those abroad, the actives on campus worked together to induct 10 new brothers into the chapter on October 12th. We would especially like to thank those alumni who made long trips from England, Wisconsin, Boston, and Philadelphia to the Bid Signing night of these 10 brothers and helped contribute to the energy that has fueled this rapidly growing chapter. After a brief celebratory weekend in the Adirondacks as a fraternity and a long hike up Crane Mountain, Tau DKE has spread its presence on campus to multiple clubs and volunteer groups/events on campus. These include chapter fundraisers for and participation in Hamilton Autism Advocates for NeuroDiversity (project HAAND), varsity squash (Colin O’Dowd is number 1 on the team), Nilesh Nair working late nights on the Hamilton College radio, and Daniel Berrick and Robbyn Jimenez leading an extremely
Tau ‘s Brotherhood hike up Crane Mountain
successful Model U.N. Also, notable is Minjeh Lee’s “Our Power Rally”, a student peace march for equality and inclusion. Academically, Tau has a cumulative GPA of 3.34, which is the highest amongst fraternities at Hamilton College. As fraternity attention begins to move toward rush, Tau DKE already has received serious interest from many students, and we look to carry the positive momentum into the Spring 2017 semester. Lastly, a final thank you and congratulations to Minjeh Lee, who will be graduating at the end of this fall semester. Good luck brother!
Beta Phi-University of Rochester: As winter wraps itself around the University of Rochester community and the fall semester comes to a conclusion, the Brothers of Beta Phi look back on a productive few months. We initiated this academic year by updating our university risk management policy. Overall we emphasized personal responsibility along with a see something, say something, mentality. Though the risk management policy is primarily focused on house events, the policy also stresses our understanding that each brother represents our fraternity in their personal actions. Philanthropy this semester has mainly revolved around members of our nation’s armed forces. We began our philanthropy efforts this semester by cohosting a 3v3 basketball tournament, Hoops for the Troops, with Delta Gamma. We raised money for Service for Sight: Joining Forces which supports combat veterans with eye related injuries. Our next event, started with us setting up shop in Wilson Commons, the center of student life, and hosting Operation: Holiday Mail, a weeklong “Letters to the Troops” event. Our brothers encouraged members of the University community to write to those serving overseas. We then culminated our efforts by having Captain Janvier, an active duty officer in the United States Army, present “Leadership in a Complex World.” His speech included a discussion on critical thinking as well as decisive action in situations that appear clouded. Moreover, he highlighted the importance of truly understanding those working around you and those working for you. As we head into exam week, the brothers look forward to the production of the Beta Phi Banner. The Beta Phi Banner is being revived at the request of several alumni after years of dormancy. The Beta Phi Banner is an alumni oriented newsletter on the status of our chapter and that of the school.
Included are articles on topics such as chapter finances, philanthropy events, and the reaction of the University to the election results. We end our semester in upward trend as brothers reflect on what we have accomplished collectively. We hope that the standard we have set for ourselves not only carries into following semester but also is reflected in our final grades.
fellow colony Kappa Chi to initiate both of our new members and welcome a total of 17 (11 Phi Chi, 6 Kappa Chi) brothers to our ranks. Our Philanthropy Chair, Joseph Nicoletti, has helped our chapter complete our most successful Movember to date – raising well over $2,000. We also hosted our annual alumni Homecoming tailgate with our highest turnout yet. Retuning brothers came as from as far as Arizona and as far back as 1955 to re-unite with fellow brothers of new and old. In continuation with our recent success, the chapter has aimed high for upcoming semester goals. We have already begun plans for Theta Chi recognized as a benchmark fraternity on RU THON and hope to Union’s campus increase our chapter size by 15% from the previous year. Additionally, the chapter has made plans to build our next housing projTheta Chi-Union College: ect addition, a courtyard, which we hope to Our chapter is thriving more so than ever finish before the end of the fall semester. before, and that’s thanks to the dedication and involvement of every brother. This fall alone, we have gained 10 new members, and Gamma Phi-Wesleyan University: expect to add even more during our spring Despite the administration’s best efforts, the recruitment. Gamma Phi chapter of DKE remains a pillar In addition, we have won the Brown Cup on Wesleyan’s campus. Our second year withfor the second year in a row, the highest out a chapter house was challenging, but the honor the school bestows a fraternity in a brothers were resilient. 2016 turned out to be given academic year. We have been recoga pivotal year for our chapter, as our spring nized by administration and the campus pledge class welcomed 18 brothers. Our alike as a benchmark fraternity on Union’s successes in the classroom, on the athletic campus. We host numerous events with faculty, most recently our highly regarded DKEsgiving celebration where we invite professors and administrators for a night of conversation and food prepared by the brothers. Our philanthropy program has never been stronger, and we expect that DKE at Union will continue to set the standard for academic, social, and philanthropic excellence.
Psi Omega-Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: See Colony Reports Delta Delta-University of Chicago:
Gamma Phi annual Spring Fling
Phi Gamma-Syracuse University:
field, and in the community garnered serious attention on campus and beyond. Known for our ability to balance academics, athletics, and social life, Gamma Phi had ten members named to NESCAC All Academ-
Fall 2016 was another successful semester for the Phi Gamma chapter of DKE, highlighted by scholarship, philanthropy and recruitment. Led by President Sam Feldman and Vice President Viraj Khanna, we put a renewed emphasis on working together as a house to strive in matters both social and academic.
Phi Chi-Rutgers University: Phi Chi has made great strides over the past months in every aspect of our chapter functions. We have successfully re-occupied our chapter house as our membership continues to grow in size. This past month we hosted
Eta Alpha-Washington & Lee University: See Colony Reports
No report submitted
Zeta Zeta-Louisiana State University: No report submitted
ic teams in hockey, football, golf, baseball, and soccer. Five others were named to the Spring Dean’s List for carrying a semester GPA of over 3.8. All Conference Football honors were awarded to seven Dekes and the Conference All Sportsmanship Award was given to Lou Stevens ’17 for his commitment to respect and work ethic on and off the field. Beyond our academic and athletic accomplishments, Gamma Phi is proud to express our commitment to creating a culture that is intolerant of sexual misconduct. The brothers have gone through extensive training on how to safely intervene on alcohol, drug, and sexual assault related situations. The class of ’18 was trained by the national president of One in Four, a non profit with the goal of ending sexual violence on college campuses, in order to present an intervention program to future brothers and members of the Wesleyan community. One in Four’s president, Dr. John Foubert, went so far as to send a letter to the president of the university on our behalf. Foubert writes, “I have encountered no group of men with a more sincere desire to end sexual violence than this group of DKE men. They combine this desire with a uniquely strong commitment, intelligence, and credibility with their peers to pull it off.” Even without the Gamma Phi House, our brotherhood continues to raise heads and make headlines. Whether it’s raising funds for Movember or hosting therapy dogs for students during finals, the Dekes of Wesleyan remain a positive force on campus. We hope the next year may return brothers to our house, but, in the meantime, we will stay committed to being leaders in our community and beyond.
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CHAPTER NEWS Academically, the house continues to climb in GPA rankings, as compared to other fraternities on campus. This comes following the addition of a new space in the house devoted solely to studying. Brothers are thus provided an outlet for studying and working in teams, bereft of distraction. For the first time in a number of years, Phi Gamma DKE’s premier philanthropy event returned to our chapter house — DKE Volleyball. Members from sororities, fraternities and other student organizations on campus enjoyed a day of athletic competition, socializing and barbecuing, all while raising upwards of $1300 for Say YES to Education, a nonprofit that provides local, low-income youth with the opportunity to attend college. We plan to host another successful philanthropy in the Spring, likely in commemoration of our late brother Richard Clark. Additionally, brothers went to the local Boys and Girls Club every Monday to provide study help to Syracuse youth. On the recruitment front, we welcomed six new brothers to our ranks—an improvement from previous fall rushes, and we expect an even larger spring class. In full, the active brotherhood and alumni continue to strive to uphold the pledge that all Dekes share, cultivating general literature, promoting honorable friendship and useful citizenship, and maintaining gentlemanly dignity all the while. We look forward to carrying out that mission in the spring, and continuing our legacy as one of the best fraternities on the Syracuse campus.
Theta Zeta-University of California at Berkeley: No report submitted
Phi Epsilon-University of Minnesota: The Phi Epsilon Chapter of DKE is pleased to report another successful year at the University of Minnesota. We have continued to grow our membership, initiating 12 worthy Brothers into our Bonds this past year. The newly Initiated are already taking the initiative and have sought to bolster our brand by involving themselves in and outside of our Chapter. Minnesota Dekes are having meaningful impacts on campus. Brothers serve as student government leaders, College Board members, and University advisory committeemen. They display athleticism on the University Crew and Rugby teams, and their professional prowess in competitive internships and jobs at the Minnesota State Capitol, Ernst & Young, Land O’Lakes, and United Healthcare. 24 THE DEKE QUARTERLY | WINTER 2016
Phi Epsilon Date Night drew a big crowd In 2016, Phi Epsilon has deepened its dedication to community. Last February, our Chapter participated in the JDRF One Walk for Type-1 Diabetes and donated twice the amount to JDRF as we did last year. This semester, we toured the Ronald McDonald House that services the University Hospital’s patients and families and made our single greatest donation to Ronald McDonald House Charities-Upper Midwest. With funding and guidance from Northern DKE Alumni Association, the Active Chapter has made great strides to improve and maintain our historic home. The underused kitchenette was renovated into a study and meeting room, the walls were repainted, and this winter break the entire House floor will be stripped and sealed. Our Alumni Association also agreed to fund our new William D. Mitchell New Member Scholarship, named after the prominent Phi Epsilon alumnus and former U.S. Solicitor and Attorney General. True to form, our Jolly-Good Fellows took time to celebrate our hard work with a range of social functions this year. Memorable parties, formals, and date nights–like the “dynamic duo” themed trip to the aptly named Brothers’ Bar & Grill–filled our schedule. For Homecoming, Dekes enjoyed AOΠ’s company during the week’s events, and the company of our Alumni–who were quick to share in ∆KE songs and yarns alike–during our well-attended alumni event. With another year gone by, our Brotherhood and drive for growth is stronger than ever. Even as the weather turns and finals ramp up, we Minnesota Dekes are in high spirits as we anticipate another successful semester.
Sigma Tau-Massachusetts Institute of Technology: No report submitted
Alpha Phi-University of Toronto: No report submitted
Delta Kappa-University of Pennsylvania: The fall of 2016 brought with it plenty of changes to the Delta Kappa chapter at the University of Pennsylvania. Our junior class was key in obtaining a second house for the fraternity, allowing us to grow in membership. In fact, we are expecting our largest pledge class ever next semester, beating our current record of sixteen new brothers last spring. The pledge class was large, but a close-knit and eclectic group of young men from around the world. The class included an ROTC member, a Finnish citizen, a former Facebook intern, and a nursing student from California, among other outstanding students and citizens. This new year has also seen major improvements to our chapter house, with every room getting new carpets and lighting installed in time for the new semester. These upgrades came alongside a bevy of new couches to revamp our living room. One of our particularly industrious brothers actually created stadium seating in a spare room in the house, where we can all watch football or movies together on nights and weekends. The largest project, a full renovation of the second floor bathroom, was a tremendous success, providing us with new, more eco-friendly showers and faucets.
Outside the classroom, our members are thriving as they always have. On the charity front, a few of our members engaged in a fundraiser of the summer for the A-T Children’s Project that raised over $7,000. Athletically, the house has had a massively successful year, as many of our members were part of the CSFL undefeated, championship team this fall for the first time since 2000. We also placed brothers in 1st and 3rd place in the school’s annual bodybuilding competition, Mr. Penn. We look forward to a great semester academically and socially, and we can’t wait to see what the future has in store as far as new members.
tunities still face the chapter, we are more confident than ever in Tau Alpha’s continued strength, growth and impact on McGill University and the Montreal community.
Tau Alpha-McGill University:
Delta Phi-University of Alberta:
2016 was a year full of achievements for the Tau Alpha Chapter at McGill University, but holds particular significance because it marks the year of our rechartering in April. Successful fall and winter rush periods have led to the initiation of 23 fine gentlemen, scholars and jolly-good fellows, who come from across the globe and are a true representation of the diversity of the McGill community. This was a year of many firsts for Tau Alpha: 2016 marks the first full year Tau Alpha has spent with a chapter house. It’s already been subject to numerous improvements, including the installation of speakers and an overhead projector. Organizationally, 2016 has seen a lot of change, including our first year with the newly implemented committee system, which has massively boosted the productivity of the chapter. Building on this, an accountability system has been created and implemented, and our Internal committee has worked hard to ensure transparency and communication within the chapter. Our Betterment Committee, led by Benjamin Sheers, ensured the chapter held regular potlucks, house study sessions and skills building workshops. Most importantly though, this year we held our first Tau Alpha Chapter retreat, where Brothers gathered to reflect about their time in DKE and spend time with one another. We’ve also been hard at work contributing to the Montreal community. Our Philanthropic Chair, Benjam Smit, initiated a long term partnership with FACES, an organization that provides mentoring and tutoring services for at risk youth. In addition to this, we’ve maintained our participation in oncampus philanthropic events. Although many challenges and oppor-
Sigma Rho-Stanford University: No report submitted
Delta Pi-University of Illinois: See Colony Reports Omega Chi-University of Texas: See Colony Reports Alpha Tau-University of Manitoba: No report submitted
Top: More than 50 alumni attended Delta Phi’s annual “Scotch & Cigars”. Bottom: Delta Phi spearheaded food drive for Campus Food Bank
Delta Phi continues to perform strongly at the University of Alberta. Our 22 member chapter raised $3200 for the Multiple Sclerosis Bike Tour over the summer, volunteered with the Parkinson Alberta’s Step ‘n Stride fundraiser run, and participated in the Water Run for Kenya. We are also continuing our ongoing partnership with the Anglican Diocese of Edmonton to provide warm breakfasts every
Friday morning to the less fortunate. Following last year’s success, Delta Phi organized a second Greek food drive for the Campus Food Bank at the University of Alberta. With generous donations from Delta Upsilon, Theta Chi, and Pi Beta Phi the community donated a total of 3000 lbs. of non-perishable goods to students in need. Delta Kappa Epsilon donated a total of 2450 lbs. to the cause. The Delta Phi Dekes were boisterous participants at Delta Gamma’s Anchor Splash and Kappa Alpha Theta’s Flapjacks for Quarterbacks competitions. Once again we proved preparation to be an overrated concept, our style was great to see. We are happy to announce that one of our members has been elected to the IFC executive team as VP Public Relations. Furthering our Greek involvement, we are currently partnering with the Sexual Assault Center to conduct Bystander awareness workshops for Greeks on campus. Internally, the Chapter is thriving. Delta Phi’s annual Scotch and Cigar alumni event, held in November, was a tremendous success. We welcomed well over 50 Alumni Brothers into our home for a night of socializing, poker, and of course scotch and cigars. We also had an exceptionally strong rush this year and are looking forward to initiating a group of young Pledges who truly exemplify the qualities of the Gentleman, Scholar, and Jolly Good Fellow.
Phi Alpha-University of British Columbia: The fall of 2016 has been a very successful year for Phi Alpha. After recruiting a solid class of 30 fine gentlemen, we are well on our way to our best year yet. Our annual Norman P. Hager Alumni night was a roaring success, attracting more than 80 alumni spanning more than 35 pledge classes. Our boys have been a force to reckon with on campus, with the DKE Lions hockey team leading the way to intramural soccer domination. But sports isn’t our only specialty, as the fall also saw Phi Alpha take home the “Best Film” award at Gamma Phi Beta’s Gammies philanthropic film competition. w w w.d ke.o rg
Phi Alpha initiated 30 upstanding Gentlemen this year
are currently serving as President, VicePresident and Treasurer, respectively. This past year has been an excellent year for Tau Delta. Our fraternity is on the upswing, with an upcoming freshmen rush class that looks to be larger than normal, which only further complements our brotherhood. While we may be a small chapter, we are nonetheless an extremely proud chapter - and we look onward to 2017 with hope and enthusiasm.
Psi Delta-Wake Forest University: No report submitted
Phi Alpha is in the thick of preparing for its annual Stick-It to Cancer memorial road hockey tournament set for March 19th, with a fundraising goal of $40,000. For more info on our signature event, check out
Tau Delta-University of the South: The Tau Delta Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon had an outstanding year in 2016. We have enlisted both freshmen and upperclass new members, bringing in a total of eleven outstanding men to our fraternity this year. Additionally, we have upgraded our house, and are proud to have brothers who represent us in high ranking positions in various organizations on campus. This year has seen an expansion in the diversity of young men we have recruited. In the past years, we have overwhelmingly recruited from the university’s football team. This year, however, has been a banner year for our efforts to include brothers from other groups on campus - including individuals from the Tennis and Track teams, and brothers who are not affiliated with any athletic team. Several of these men have been awarded academic honors, and continue to excel on campus both academically and socially. Our house has also been a primary focus for our fraternity this year, as it has been in need of updates for several years. Thanks to the diligent work and donations of our active brothers, we have been able to make tremendous strides towards improving the house. Another noteworthy aspect of our chapter, which we are proud to have accomplished this year, is having a plethora of brothers serving in leadership positions around campus. For the second year in a row, a Deke is the President of the InterFraternity Council. Both of these brothers have represented our chapter with the utmost integrity. Furthermore, several of our brothers have been influential in founding a new group on campus, known as the “InterPolitical Council” in which several brothers 26 THE DEKE QUARTERLY | WINTER 2016
Phi Delta-University of Western Ontario: No report submitted
Pi Beta-Troy University: In the past year the Pi Beta chapter has taken great strides toward strengthening our relationship within the local community and beyond. As with the best chapters, brotherhood is the foundation in which our chapter places the highest value; and which sets the framework toward us reaching our every endeavor. In terms of giving back to the community, our chapter was able to donate $1,250 dollars to
Sigma Alpha-Virginia Tech University: 2016 has been a game changing year for the Sigma Alpha Dekes as we celebrate our 75th anniversary as a chapter and our reinstatement as a member of the Interfraternity Council here at Virginia Tech. In April, we wished another round of seniors farewell at the end of our annual spring formals, where we rented two 28-person beachfront houses on the Outer Banks in North Carolina. This summer, a dedicated group of brothers and alumni came back to Blacksburg for a house appreciation weekend. The house and driveway were power washed, all new lighting fixtures were installed, and the kitchen fridge was replaced. This semester was a most notable one for us as we successfully initiated a strong pledge class of 13 men who all exemplify the qualities of gentlemen, scholars, and jolly good fellows. In early fall, a sizable group of brothers and pledges made the lengthy 9 hour drive to visit the Delta Pi colony for a weekend at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. They welcomed us into their house with open arms and showed us what it was like to be an Illinois Deke. Thanks for the hospitality, boys. For the last 6 months, our chapter worked to raffle off a one-of-a-kind Virginia Tech Harley Davidson, donated by former Tech football player, Mickey Fitzgerald. After splitting the proceeds with the university, our brotherhood has earned $11,600 to put towards house renovations. Finally, as the month of November drew to a close, so did our efforts to raise money for the Movember Foundation. In total, our chapter raised just shy of three-thousand dollars to help raise awareness for men’s health. The morale and attitude of our brotherhood has never been higher as we close out 2016. We look forward to what the next year will bring and are excited to see what’s beyond the horizon for us.
Pi Beta Brother Martz with Troy’s chancellor, Dr. Jack Hawkins, Jr. the local Troy-Pike Habitat for Humanity Center. While collaborating with Habitat for Humanity, we as an active chapter coordinate strongly with our alumni base. Senior Vice Chancellor, John Dew who is a Pi Beta alumnus continues to advance our philanthropic efforts through being a loyal executive board member for our philanthropy. Our approach toward community service is evident throughout our campus and in our community. In the past year, our chapter logged over 600 hours, hosting many impactful community service events in historic downtown Troy, Alabama. We adopted the Pike-County Johnson Center, in which we hold several community service and social events throughout the year. Furthermore, working closely with the university, we were given the opportunity to volunteer in Baton Rouge, Louisiana for flood relief. While in Baton Rouge some of our brothers were able to visit the Zeta Zeta chapter, and both of our chapters look forward to collaborating in the following year. In terms of growth on campus, Miguel Martz became the first brother to become IFC Vice
President Administration at Troy University for the 2017 school year. Brother Martz was even invited to the home of the Chancellor of Troy University for a leaders conference this Spring. 2016 has also marked many great achievements for Pi Beta. We have shown improvements academically, socially, financially, and internally as a brotherhood. We have raised additional revenue through our brotherhood efforts toward bettering our community and our Chapter. Our chapter looks forward to recruiting only outstanding men who have the qualities of being a Gentleman, Scholar, and a Jolly-Good Fellow. The recent successes of Pi Beta are merely a stepping stone toward our promising future.
After a successful rush, we recruited 12 new gentlemen into our brotherhood. With our progress in the 2016 year, the Alpha Mu brotherhood is ready to take it to new heights in the upcoming 2017 year.
No report submitted No report submitted
Nu Zeta-Pace University:
Alpha Mu took part in Rowan’s Special Olympics fathers and many influential alumni who walked the same halls since 1982. On top of several community service events, one that stood out was our taking part in a University held special olympics by leading a cheering section for the student athletes. It was nice to see the impact we had on the participants. After an alum purchased a property in Wildwood, NJ, the chapter assisted in a two-day demolition to lend a hand in the renovation process. Lastly, I would like to note Alpha Mu reached a new milestone this semester.
Nu Zeta’s First Annual Pig Roast
With winter break just around the corner, the Alpha Mu chapter of DKE isn’t quite ready to put this semester in the books. The overall progress we have made this past semester as a brotherhood is intriguing. Many of our events had 100% participation by the actives, contributing greatly to building our bond even stronger. Most importantly, we owe a lot to our alumni who attended our annual Thanksgiving Alumni Dinner in November. It was a cool experience to share a dinner and a formal event with the chapter’s founding
Theta UpsilonArizona State University:
Epsilon Rho-Duke University:
2016 has been a great learning experience for the Nu Zeta chapter of DKE. Everything is coming together and we have established a great plan heading into 2017. Attending the convention was a valuable and rewarding experience and we certainly took a lot away from it. Our first annual DKE Pig Roast was a huge success. We had an all-day BBQ and raised funds for an alumnus suffering from ALS. We had a lot of support from alumni and other Greek organizations in our school. We have already budgeted for next year’s Pig Roast and hope it becomes a tradition within our chapter for years to come. The brothers had a very successful year both academically and work-related. Our President and Secretary both made Dean’s List and our overall GPA was at a 3.0. Other brothers have shown their success in the business field with internships at companies such as NBC Sports and Siemens. We are extremely proud of all of them. Our small campus finally concluded a three-year construction plan, giving our campus a much more welcoming image. We believe this will also help Greek life in general grow, as everyone is now on one campus. Overall, our chapter is going in the right direction. Alumni have gotten more involved and are recognizing our efforts to improve the chapter. We’ve modified our recruitment strategies and are confident we’ll see substantial
Alpha Mu-Rowan University:
growth in the coming year. We are looking forward to an even more successful 2017.
Phi Sigma-Bryant College: The 2016-2017 school year started off on a very strong foot for DKE at Bryant College. Phi Sigma would like to welcome six new brothers, initiated on November 18th – a very big thank you to Clayton Trette and Daniel Lyon from DKE International for helping to facilitate the event. These new brothers wear the colors well, and are a great addition to our storied fraternity. Philanthropic efforts for the semester included the Greater Boston Austim Speaks Walk, St. Jude Up ‘til Dawn, and Movember. In addition this, brothers have helped to facilitate two Rhode Island Blood Center Drives, have volunteer hours in the Amica Career Center, and helped facilitate Bryant’s
Phi Sigma welcomed six new members in November Annual Ethics Event – “Helping When Help Is Needed: Sexual Violence and Bystander Intervention.” Recently, brother Max Stone ‘19 was elected as Treasurer to an on campus peer group, GAMMA (Greeks Advocating Mature Management of Alcohol). In addition to this, chapter president Mike McGaffigan ‘17 was recognized as the Greek Life President of the Year at Bryant. Mike was also able to attend convention over the summer, and is very thankful for the hospitality of DKE International, the gentlemen of Psi, and all those in attendance. Lastly, Michael De Lisi ‘03 from Rho – Lafayette visited the chapter early on in the semester to help facilitate a strategic visioning workshop. Through a day-long session, the chapter formulated a brand new vision and mission statement. Although a seemingly small achievement, the retreat w w w.d ke.o rg
CHAPTER NEWS proved to be very beneficial, creating a positive atmosphere for which to discuss chapter matters. Looking forward, it is these very same exercises and experiences which will help to drive the chapter forward here at Bryant. It is our hope that these small victories now, will lead to a stronger brotherhood and legacy years down the line.
Phi Rho-Pennsylvania State University: The Phi Rho Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon at Penn State had an incredible year! We have had multiple successful philanthropy events, great GPAs, and even the largest pledge class in Phi Rho history. It’s looking like our house is on the rise. With our joint soccer philanthropy event, “Gamma Fifa”, with Gamma Phi we managed to get numerous campus organizations to come compete and hold a successful event. Our Philanthropy Chair Juan Martinez has been hard at work with other events as well. We’ve hosted lip-syncing and wing eating competitions, on top of participating in many other philanthropy events hosted by other organizations. But the most notable
Largest class in Phi Rho history contribution we’ve made philanthropically would have to be Penn State’s dance marathon for pediatric cancer, more widely known as THON. For this event we managed to raise a massive $35,847.75. Our current house GPA is 3.17 and with the election of our new house Scholarship Chair, Antonio Giunta, it wouldn’t be a surprise if this rose even higher. We have weekly study hours on campus, because GPA and academic standing is something we take very seriously in Phi Rho. This past semester we acquired the largest pledge class in our chapter’s history, they were initiated this past week and seem to be fitting in well. Two of the 18 already hold executive positions and countless more are on committees and manning other posi28 THE DEKE QUARTERLY | WINTER 2016
tions in the house. The initiative and drive of these new brothers is exciting to see and will hopefully take our house to a new level. We’re already well on our way to filling our entire house to the capacity of 38 brothers. Our chapter is celebrating its 25th anniversary and we couldn’t be happier with the direction we are headed. With the help of alumni, executive board members, and active brothers we hope to remain one of the best fraternities at Penn State.
semester with a lot of questions, wondering if we would be able to stay active and in good standing with DKE International and our alumni. The active brothers then put it upon themselves and changed the way they approached their recruiting tactics. We changed our events for rush week, adding several successful social events that gained us more recognition, leading to a huge turnout. We were able to recruit 15 new members, the biggest pledge class since our early years as a chapter. All were recently initiated into
Chi Rho-Bloomsburg University:
Chi Rho’s Turkey Bowl
The Chi Rho DKE chapter at Bloomsburg has come together more and we recently had our first Turkey Bowl with a nice thanksgiving dinner together before everyone headed home. Chi Rho participates in intramural sports year round, primarily volleyball and basketball, and usually pair with the Chi Sigma Rho sorority if it is a Co-ed activity. We recently started a small project to reclaim or remake pledge class paddles that were lost in previous years because of our housing problem. The project was started this semester and is showing great progress and we hope to have all of the paddles together by the Spring of 2018. Our philanthropy for the fall included hosting a Veterans Walk for suicide awareness which raised over $2,700.
Zeta Chi-Bentley College: No report submitted
Beta Gamma-New York University: No report submitted
Sigma KappaMichigan State University: The fall semester of 2016 will be remembered as a pivotal turning point for the Sigma Kappa chapter. Before the semester started, we had several brothers deactivate, graduate, as well as transfer, bringing our active brothers to only 17. We started the
Sigma Kappa partnered with Gamma Phi Beta on G Phi Joe
our brotherhood. We were able to recruit the most dedicated and hardworking young men, many of which have already taken the responsibility of house positions. Moreover, the increasing diversity in our chapter has created a great deal of excitement and enthusiasm in the house. With the addition of our 15 new members, we are confident we can raise our house GPA even higher than it was last year, which was above the average fraternity GPA at Michigan State, with a 3.0. Throughout the semester, we had several pledge projects, including the construction of a lettered stage and a DJ stand for the house. In addition, the pledge class brought the insertion of brotherhood dinners once a month. We also hosted a very successful alumni tailgate, organized by Brother Tom Randall ‘04. There was a great turnout, with alumni from almost every year since the founding of our chapter in 1998. Unfortunately, in alumni news, our great Charles Liken, Omicron ‘56, who was our founding Chapter Advisor, passed away this summer. In his honor, we have set up the Charles Liken Distinguished Alumni award, which will be presented to alumni that put in great services for our chapter. We revived our social media accounts @Dekes MSU, and made an official email
account for our chapter where brothers can see our upcoming activities and chapter news on Google docs. We added the position of Sergeant at Arms back into our chapter, as well as Alumni Advisor, Merchandise Chair, and Social Media Chair. We have participated in sorority philanthropy events, including G Phi Joe hosted by Gamma Phi Beta and Alpha Xi Delta flag football. We’ve also increased our sorority relations over this past year, with increasing the number of socials exponentially. Future events are already being planned for the upcoming spring semester. This includes an executive board trip to the Shant in Ann Arbor, the introduction of an annual brotherhood camping trip, and an alumni golf outing. Upcoming philanthropy events include a Deke Ducky Derby and Dunk a Deke. We are very excited about the future of our chapter going forward, under the leadership of newly elected officials, with Brother Carson Fick ‘15 as Beta, Torél Beard ‘16 as Sigma, Corey VandeCappelle ‘14 as Rho, and Austin Eggleston ‘15, a transfer from Omega Mu chapter, as Kappa. Our chapter will continue growing and the realm of possibilities is endless. Viva la Deke!
Delta Psi-Indiana University: 2016 has been both an extremely challenging and rewarding year for the Delta Psi chapter of DKE. The youngest two pledge classes now make up over 60% of the chapter and the future of Delta Psi looks very bright as we celebrate our 15-year anniversary as a DKE chapter. This fall, Delta Psi initiated 12 new members- the chapter’s largest class in over 5 years- thanks to the relentless efforts of Grant Robinson our Vice President of Recruitment. Our new members have exhibited the values and confidence customary of Dekes with exceptional attitudes towards philanthropy, community service, and campus outreach. Our chapter looks forward to their further development and pursuance of leadership positions in order to improve the chapter going forward. Unfortunately, this semester, we lost a member to issues related to mental health. This tragic loss devastated our chapter, but forced us to acknowledge the growing epidemic of mental health issues on college campuses. Together, we raised over $500 for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and walked for Team Adrian in remembrance of our fallen Brother. We plan to continue our fight against issues related to
Delta Psi visits one of DKE’s newest chapters, Pi Alpha mental health going forward and put mental health at the forefront of our causes. Finally, Delta Psi made significant changes internally to help reduce risk. The chapter has undergone a massive overhaul of its risk policy with respect to sober monitor training and hard alcohol. In February, the chapter took a firm stance against hard alcohol and banned it from all fraternity events. This decision has greatly mitigated the chapter’s risk to alcohol-related injuries and improved the fraternal environment at social events. We also invited members of the Indiana University Police Department to conduct educational training related to sober monitor training at our weekly chapter meetings. These changes have significantly improved our relations with the university and positioned us to avoid risk issues going forward. We believe the future of Delta Psi is ripe with opportunities to become a dominant and leading chapter of DKE and we hope to continue implementing progressive policies to preserve and further the legacy of Delta Psi.
and student section, and by the end of the season Maryville College had the highest home game attendance in our conference. The second thing we have done is teamed up with the Maryville College SGA to create an anti-hazing campaign in the spring. Our chapter’s second success came with our joint initiation with the DKE brothers at the University of Tennessee. Our two chapters have always been close, but we have felt like the relationship could be even stronger. Joining together to initiate our fall pledge classes was a great learning experience and a great brotherhood experience. We look forward to doing many more events together. The third success we had this semester was always a major goal of the chapter’s current exec board, and that was to have a chapter GPA we could brag about. Through lots of hard work and many study hours the Mu Chi chapter now has an overall GPA of 3.25. This is much higher than many organizations on campus, and is a great achievement which we have all gotten to enjoy together. Mu Chi is looking forward to Spring recruitment, and our further progress as Maryville College begins to look into allowing Greek Life on campus.
Rho Beta-University of Richmond: No report submitted
Tau Chi-Texas A & M University: No report submitted
Beta Tau-University of Victoria:
Mu Chi-Maryville College: The Mu Chi chapter has had an overall very successful fall semester. Major highlights include improving campus relations, improving chapter relations with our neighbor DKE chapter in Knoxville, and maintaining a high fraternity GPA. The first major success of our chapter this semester was making progress with campus relations. Maryville College still does not have Greek Life on campus and because of this we continue to operate as an off campus fraternity, but our relationship with the campus has never been stronger. The first major thing we did for the campus was help start an official student section at our home football games. Our chapter organized and led the tailgates
Beta Tau helped raise $4,300 for Cops for Cancer Beta Tau of DKE is on track to have a flagship year for 2016-2017. We are looking forward to welcoming strong new members into our chapter, strengthening our involvement in UVic, and having already raised over $8000, we are slated to have a record breaking philanthropic year. Philanthropy Chairs Justin Hahn-Brown and Taylor Verrall have set the new standard for philanthropy in Beta Tau. Justin led our brothers in supporting Cops for Cancer by w w w.d ke.o rg
CHAPTER NEWS including activities in recruitment, UVic’s start of the year festivities, and by giving individual brothers opportunities to excel. This charity effort was immensely successful and raised $4,300. Justin created a great relationship between Cops for Cancer and Beta Tau, which should lead to us participating for years to come. Our Movember campaign, was also a record breaker. The brothers worked together on large events, while individuals raised as much as $590. In combination with a generous donation from Alumni Brother Grant Burnyeat, A ‘65, Beta Tau raised $3,693. The chapter recruited 15 quality pledges this year. Each pledge is actively involved in their community and shows passion in interests ranging from competitive sports to rocket science. In every way, they have been demonstrating our qualities of gentleman, scholar and jolly good fellow. Active brothers are very engaged in the UVic community this year. We have 3 brothers holding club president positions, 3 holding vice president, and more in the UVic Students’ Society and other leadership roles. Greek Life at UVic is also becoming more prominent. Current groups have grown and matured, while the emergence of a new GLO, Theta Tau, is a welcome addition. As our chapter continues to grow, we look to further strengthen it. Currently we are working on projects to incorporate a judicial board, transition and best practices documentation, and resources for academic success. We are also looking forward to improve our pledge education process to further exemplify the objects of Delta Kappa Epsilon. We would like to thank all alumni, and especially our young alumni, who have built upon this chapter before us. After a record breaking semester in philanthropy, 15 strong candidates on the verge of initiation, and a growing influence in the UVic community, we are set to carry this momentum into the New Year.
Sigma Xi-St. Joseph’s College: The Sigma Xi chapter of DKE has had a successful 2016. Fall rush is going well. We have a promising amount of potential recruits. Philanthropy is going well and everyone is on track to having a good GPA. The Fall semester at St. Joseph’s College is soon coming to an end. During the winter break the chapter will be getting ready for the upcoming spring rush and the Spring pledging process. 30 THE DEKE QUARTERLY | WINTER 2016
We also currently have two of our actives serving in St. Joseph’s student government. Eric Brodzinski was elected to student government and Steve Swinton was elected President of the Campus activities board. This December the Chapter will have its annual formal Christmas party and brothers will be participating in Theta Phi Alphas First Annual Fashion show. The Chapter is looking into getting matching letters for big social events at our school. Everyone at the Sigma Xi Chapter of DKE is looking forward to 2017 and everything that it will bring.
Omega MuOklahoma State University:
prepared for recruits by the members. In October we hosted our parents and alumni at our annual Parent-Alumni Tailgate. With the founding pledge class starting their careers, our alumni have been up to very exciting things. Omega Mu’s first chapter president, Andrew Noel just started the MBA program at Stanford and is developing an app to assist mathematics teachers in teaching algebra. Bob Laub recently started his own business, Social Selfie OKC. Daniel Lyon is working in Ann Arbor as a Chapter Consultant for DKE, and Jacob Daheim is volunteering with the Olancho Aid Foundation teaching at a bilingual high school in Juticalpa, Honduras. Looking towards the future, we are taking steps to buy the houses we currently rent and are excited to see our chapter continue growing in 2017.
Phi Mu-Manhattan College:
Omega Mu lending a hand at Habitat for Humanity build day The OSU Dekes have had a lively 2016. We started out with a 0.3 improvement in GPA compared to last semester, but we are still working to make it higher. We recently turned one of the less-used rooms in the house into a study room with desks that were donated to us by the women of Alpha Chi Omega across the street. In addition to academics, we have been increasing our community service efforts. A large group of brothers participated in a Habitat for Humanity build day, helping lay the siding on a majority of the home being built. We also held an event called “Dunk-a-Deke” during OSU’s Homecoming Walkaround. We raised $750 for the Andrew Garwood Strong Foundation, supporting brain cancer research in memory of Andrew Garwood, Phi Rho. In August, we held a successful recruitment event in which members and recruits played video games such as FIFA, Rocket League, and UFC followed by a dinner
This semester, Phi Mu has excelled in many diverse and exciting areas. We are heading into our 5th year, and we focused our efforts primarily on severe chapter improvement and enhanced on-campus presence. We took steps to improve the longevity of the Chapter including a necessary constitution rewrite to account for arising experiences. After years of mishandled finances, our current executive board was able to pay off of all remaining debt and leave the future generations with a clean slate and a dedicated payment plan. We selected and initiated nine enthusiastic Gentlemen into Iota class. For the first time ever, our Rush involved an amazing tour of the Yale Club in downtown Manhattan, home of the Delta Kappa Epsilon Club of New York. Brothers at Manhattan College are individually excelling in every group they enter. The Student Body President is a Deke. Two Brothers are influencing college policy as representatives on the College’s Mission and Strategic Planning Committee. Four Brothers are Resident Assistants. Active members are Presidents of the Green Club, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, and Psychology Club. Dekes are running Manhattan College. Six Brothers have decided to begin their world travels by studying abroad for the winter intersession: five together in Venice, Italy, and one in Paris, France. The Deke Ballers Intramural Dodgeball team went all the way to the playoffs. On campus, we held a Dance-A-Thon for students to dance their way to a prize. There have been multiple successful joint
Phi Mu brothers gather on campus fundraising events with our on-campus sororities. We have become a prevailing Greek organization through our efforts at the NYC Breast Cancer Walk, Safe Halloween, and co-Rush events. Our proudest achievement though, is our four scholarly seniors who were inducted into the Honor Society, Epsilon Sigma Pi, for achieving above a 3.5 GPA every semester of their college career. One Brother is graduating a semester early and beginning his career at Turner Construction Company. Another brother has recently accepted a job offer at Google in Mountain View, California. As members of the current effective executive board and active seniors graduate, we look forward to the development of a strong Alumni Association.
Gamma Iota-Gannon University: Four years after the founding of the Gamma Iota chapter of DKE, the new leaders of the chapter have taken us to new heights. After enduring a period of frustration and finally being elected into IFC last year, our chapter has created a truly inspiring image on Gannon’s campus. We have quickly created lasting relationships with the other fraternities and sororities on campus with some of “the most fun mixers they’ve ever had” and by winning 3rd Place for our Homecoming Dance with a campus sorority, AST. Our initiation
Brothers of Gamma Iota helping out at Erie’s Public Library
this semester brought in our newest brother Logan Wasielewski, a man with a ton of potential and one that we welcome with open arms into our brotherhood. Newest improvements to the way we run Gamma Iota is our successful Point System. Brought back from a NGLA, our President, Evan DeFalco, instituted this system which helped our chapter get a record number of service hours and potentials for next semester. Our brothers recently held a bowling event with an awesome turn out of about 30 people, and an overall great time for everyone there, including our chapter consultant Daniel Lyon. We also made an amazing DKE music video for our chapter, exclusively for the brothers or possible recruits, thanks to the directing and editing skills of our President Evan DeFalco. With a total of 254.5 hours of community service in just a semester, over 13 hours for each of our brothers, we’ve already topped our total from all last year. Our community service projects included helping at Erie’s Public Library with their book drive, SafeNet’s Halloween Haunt, and the local Barber Center. Gamma Iota’s GPA still stands as one of the highest on campus, standing higher than the average of all fraternities on campus, proving that our brothers have been working hard in and out of the classroom. Although Gamma Iota has only been in IFC for a year, our brother, Austin Grist, has already been elected as its newest President. Austin is getting constant feedback from other chapters saying how happy and excited they are to see a DKE in IFC office to make some real changes to Gannon’s Greek Life.
Chi Beta-University of North Carolina at Wilmington: For us, “Excellence is never a question and pride is never an issue for we, the men of Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, Chi Beta, humble ourselves by the subtle yet zealous confidence in our Brotherhood to help mold, encourage, and celebrate the best men this campus will ever offer”. Fall 2016 has been one of the most successful semesters in the chapter’s history. We recruited 16 young men and tied for the biggest fall pledge class on UNCW’s campus. These men would then go through pledgeship and every single one of them would be initiated, giving Chi Beta a 47% increase in chapter size from 34 men to 50. While recruitment was a success, so was our philanthropy and com-
munity service. The chapter raised over $2,500 for Soldiers Best Friend and led road sweeps and handing out gift baskets to improve neighborly relations. Our goal in the spring is to hit $3,000. With the increase in chapter size, we think we will hit that mark no problem. Jake Thompson and Haldo Wood were both re-elected to serve on the exec board for IFC as Secretary and VP of Public Relations, respectively. They are a huge part to letting the school know how well our chapter is doing and let us know how other chapters are doing on campus. That is how we base our goals as to what we want to do for the semester. We try every semester to be the best on campus and we don’t stop until we have reached that goal. Especially socially, we have improved and created better relations with all sororities on campus. We go out of our way to help with any philanthropy or service event and make sure we leave a good impression as any gentleman would.
Chi Beta’s post initiation celebration on the beach Chi Beta’s academics have taken a turn for the betterment of the chapter as we went from dead last, to 5th in overall chapter GPA. This was the biggest GPA improvement out of all the chapters on campus. This is part of the reason for the success in recruitment as prospective new members want to be apart of a chapter that was social, but at the same time performed well in the classroom. Having a top 5 fraternity GPA allowed us to do just that. All in all, it’s been a pretty successful year under Jordan Williams, as President and we can’t wait to see what Austin Pirkle is going to do as new president-elect for the Chi Beta Chapter.
Zeta GammaHampden-Sydney College: No report submitted
Pi Alpha-University of Missouri: See Road to Charter in Special News w w w.d ke.o rg
COLONYNEWS Alpha-Harvard College: No report submitted
Eta Alpha–Washington and Lee University:
Furthermore, enhanced recruitment will help to grow Eta Alpha’s social presence at Washington and Lee while simultaneously making formal reinstatement by the Washington and Lee administration a more viable possibil-
Eta Alpha’s re-founding class at The Shant after initiation The fall semester at Washington and Lee has been nothing short of a busy one for the men of DKE’s Eta Alpha Colony. With members committing themselves to arduous academics, varsity athletics, other extracurricular undertakings, and informal recruitment (not to mention the job search for upperclassmen), the Colony has been a hive of activity, and W&L’s Dekes continue to fulfill their responsibilities admirably. Eta Alpha was re-established as a Colony of Delta Kappa Epsilon a few days into January of 2016 after over 140 years of inactivity at Washington and Lee University. Since then, Eta Alpha has been fortunate enough to have its Re-Founding Fathers initiated at the Shant in Ann Arbor in early April of 2016 and to send delegates to the DKE Convention in Tuscaloosa this past July. This year, Eta Alpha has emphasized increasing chapter size as a significant priority in thoroughly re-establishing DKE at Washington and Lee. Eta Alpha hopes that enhanced recruitment will bring in more W&L men who capture the qualities of gentleman, scholar, and jolly good-fellow. 32 THE DEKE QUARTERLY | WINTER 2016
ity in the future. In order to make this goal more concrete, Eta Alpha increased the amount and variety of recruitment events it held during fall term and obtained a larger off-campus residence for social activities. As Eta Alpha moves forward, it would like to acknowledge those who have been so crucial to us in coming as far as it has already. Special thanks to Executive Director Doug Lanpher, the staff at DKE HQ, the DKE Board of Directors, and everyone else for their help in this ongoing endeavor. Eta Alpha may presently be humble in size and stature, but through dedication and commitment, it is the Colony’s hope that it will continue growing and moving in a positive direction towards formal university recognition and the granting of a Charter as a Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Psi Omega-Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: 2016 has been a fantastic year for Psi Omega colony of DKE in alumni outreach, campus recognition, and all-around brotherhood success. We kicked off the year by
receiving a 5/5 star ranking from RPI, denoting the quality of our brotherhood in topics such as Philanthropy, community outreach, and academics. In fact DKE at RPI had the #1 GPA on campus this spring, contributing to strong rush classes in the spring and fall. Both pledge classes include a wide range of gentlemen from here on the east coast, all the way out to Oregon; with majors ranging from architecture to engineering. This fall the colony invited our older and younger generations of alumni back to campus for RPI’s reunion and homecoming weekend. For a fantastic afternoon the active brothers and alumni enjoyed lunch and RPI’s homecoming football game from the fieldhouse overlooking the field. Regarding philanthropy, the colony has been as busy as ever participating in numerous greek charity events, volunteering monthly at the regional foodbank, and running a cider donut/hot chocolate stand with AGD, one of the sororities on campus. The highlight of our philanthropy efforts was raising over $5,000 for St. Jude’s children’s hospital in the “Meanest Man on Campus” event during the spring. In intramural sports, the brothers secured the much coveted spring championship in intramural soccer; a great way for the graduating brothers to finish off their last semester! During the end of the spring and beginning of the fall semesters the brothers fully
Psi Omega is 2016 intramural soccer champions at RPI renovated our back yard. Where there was once a pile of dirt (compliments of our current house’s previous owners), there is now a beautiful paved patio lined with shrubs, tiki torches, and of course, a grill. Finally we had the honor of graduating our first Senior class in over 50 years this past spring with 7 great new DKE alum in industries such as defense, IT, and materials. 2017 is looking to be an even greater year yet with a brand-new e-board and brothers who are all determined to get
Psi Omega chartered; and back on RPI’s campus for good.
Delta Pi-University of Illinois: No report submitted
Omega Chi-University of Texas: The Fall 2016 semester for the Omega Chi Colony of DKE at University of Texas has been one of transitioning and preparing for a successful future. This process has been multifaceted, as we revitalize every aspect of chapter operations. One new addition to our slate of regular activities has been the institution of study hours for actives so that we can begin to raise our chapter GPA. Additionally, we have spent time identifying new ways to get involved in the Austin community. Furthermore, we have been making efforts to get more involved with the University Greek community and have and will participate in several programs run by the University for Greek members. Among these programs are two leadership retreats, one which took place the week before Thanksgiving and one which is upcoming right before the start of the Spring Semester. The final piece of the puzzle is our recruitment program. Though we did not experience a great deal of growth in the fall, we have a strong plan for the Spring and beyond and are looking forward to welcoming many new DKEs to the Brotherhood.
colony and concluded their process with a joint initiation with the DKE Phi Chi Chapter (Rutgers University). Our members logged 300+ hours of community service (at soup kitchens, churches, food drives, etc.). We also conducted our own philanthropy event with Alpha Delta Pi sorority, raising over $800 for the B+ Foundation. Lastly, we recently raised $361 for UDance, (the 5th largest dance marathon in the US, run by the University every year.) After raising almost $9,000 last year, we are already ahead of schedule towards our goal to reach $10,000 for 2016-2017. Intramural wise, we are in the semi-finals for men’s soccer, and hope to win it all this year for the first time. Academically, we are thriving, averaging a 3.01 GPA which is above the men’s unaffiliated GPA. We are in good standing with the school and plan to continue to hit the University’s performance bench marks. Our colony hopes to establish itself as a chapter soon. We have made strides to show longevity and prosperity, and we will continue to grow and thrive here at Delaware. Kappa Chi has blossomed this semester and expects to do better next semester. With the direction of a newly elected executive board, the future is very bright.
Tau Beta-Simon Fraser University:
In 2016, the Tau Beta Colony of DKE at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia, has undergone major positive changes over the past Fall semester. To beKappa Chi-University of Delaware: gin, we started things off with a bang during The Kappa Chi colony at the University of our most successful rush in the colony’s hisDelaware had a great 2016 fall semester. tory. We had five successful events over the Recruitment and initiation both went well. month of September and gained a large pool We added six strong new members to our of candidates. In the end, we gave out 25 bids, of which 15 accepted and entered the pledging process. Moreover, as we have men coming into our fraternity, we must also say goodbye to our second graduating brother and founding father, Alex Campbell. Alex had served as the colony’s Kappa Chi new members were initiated at Phi Chi
president and has been instrumental to our colony since the beginning. In October, we participated as a team in the 2016 Miles for Mental Health Walk and Run. Being involved in this event is special to our colony, as we participate in remembrance of our fallen brother and founding father, Nick Healey. Moreover, in November, we ended the semester with our semi-formal hosted at the waterfront restaurant, the Match Eatery. This December we will be continuing our charitable activities at the Salvation Army Belkin House soup kitchen in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside neighborhood. Also, we will be volunteering our time for Operation Red Nose, by providing rides to drivers and their passengers who have been drinking or are too tired to drive home during the holiday season. Greek life is still relatively new at Simon Fraser University, but inroads are being made as the Greek movement continues to gain momentum. Nonetheless, we dedicate our newfound success and Fall rush to all of our alumni, families, and supporters, and in particular, Brother and alumni mentor Grant Burnyeat for his unwavering support, guidance, and wisdom. We would also like to thank Brother Brian Bortignon and Brother Farid Rawji for helping us immensely over the years.
Lambda Tau-University of Tennessee: No report submitted
Iota Chi-Ithaca College: The fall of 2016 has been a resounding success for Iota Chi, marking the completion of our 5th semester in Ithaca. Delta Kappa Epsilon has made large strides in improving ourselves internally and in the public eye. Last semester we said a tough goodbye to all but one of our founding fathers and as a result Iota Chi now features a revamped executive board consisting of many current sophomores and juniors who have so far instilled a new outlook and open dialog for our chapter. Our Executive board is more engaged than ever and contributes richly with new ideas and opportunities for our fraternity as a whole. In December we proudly initiated our Epsilon pledge class into the brotherhood. Although their process was long and arduous they have emerged as young men who embody the principles of our beloved DKE and will join in our ranks. Each and every one of them are well versed on our fraterniw w w.d ke.o rg
Iota Chi volunteers at International Club events ties history, traditions, and expectations and are excited to take on roles for themselves in the fraternity. This fall we have also held numerous fundraisers for admirable organizations like Mikey’s Way, which helps cancer stricken kids stay happy and engaged by paying for fun activities they can do in a hospital bed. In addition, often times brothers of DKE can been seen around campus; from helping out at wrestling meets and sporting events to assisting the International Club at their semester events. The picture shows several brothers who helped run backstage, usher and any other tasks they needed done. Embracing and furthering our philanthropy has been nothing but beneficial for us as an organization and the people who we help. In addition, we have made great diplomatic strides with other Greek organizations at Ithaca in the hopes of creating an IFC. With the semester coming to an abrupt end we are all eager to see what the new semester will bring but it is safe to assume that it will be filled memories and bonds which will last a lifetime for the brothers of Iota Chi.
Alpha Omicron-University of Colorado: The Alpha Omicron Colony at CU Boulder has been on campus for a less than a year; however, it is on track to become one of the top houses on campus. The colony focused on ground level administration and brotherhood in the early stages of establishing itself so that it could have a strong foundation to build on top of. It established its backbone by creating colony specific traditions and cultivating a community of men that would represent the future of the DKE well.
The Colony agreed that small size was no excuse to gain numbers with men whose qualities were only partially Deke. Because of this, the first pledge class in Spring ’16 contained only four members, but those four represented purely what it meant to be a man in the bonds of DKE. Through the Fall, the Alpha Omicron Colony catered to its 12 members by holding brotherhood events as well as fraternal social gatherings. While other new fraternities feigned to grab at whatever men they could and make a show out of advertising themselves; the Dekes enjoyed their own company; singing songs and having a jolly good time; for the Dekes did not beg for members or desperately try to dominate the public eye. A breeze of curiosity drifted through campus asking what this new fraternity was all about. When Fall Rush came around, many men appeared at the colony’s house to satisfy their curiosity. 30 of these men returned for Preference Night. However, keeping true to the Colony’s agreement that numbers were superficial, only 13 men would receive and accept bids to pledge DKE. The pledging process for the second pledge class was extremely important to the Alpha Omicron Colony because it saw that these men would be the ones to continue the legacy and values of the founding father class and the future of DKE in Boulder. Because of this, more fat was trimmed until there were 10 solid men left. These men imparked and completed initiation this December, boosting the Alpha Omicron Colony’s head count to 23 members.
The colony now has momentum and is moving quickly to establish Chapter status as well as obtain an official house. They hope by this time next year they will have achieved both goals.
Delta Rho-North Carolina State University:
Delta Rho picked sweet potatoes with Theta Nu Xi sorority
The Delta Rho Colony of DKE at North Carolina State University participated in formal rush for the first time this fall. While initially a little hesitant and apprehensive, we adapted quickly and committed to the process. The result of this was an impressive class of 15 men we believe can and will do big things for us. We hope to build upon what we learned this year and improve our recruiting effectiveness for continual growth. This semester, for the first time, we partnered with the Beta Chapter of Theta Nu Xi Sorority, participating in a day full of gleaning sweet potatoes that were later distributed to feeding agencies all over the state. In addition to this, we continued our partnership with the Raleigh Boys Club, and have had many of our brothers, as well as new members, volunteer on a weekly basis. We are also very proud to report we had our first member, Andrew Stevens, accepted into the Order of Omega this October. All the effort put forth by the active members, the executive board members, and the increased involvement of our growing alumni base have made 2016 our most successful year to date. We are excited to see what the newly elected officers can do Bi-annual Woolly Goat dinner prior to initiation at Alpha Omicron during 2017.
DONOR LIST 2016 ALPHA ALPHA MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE William Bjornlund 1963 Robert Clarke 1963 Michael Cohen 1994 Christopher Dahl 1994 William Fox 1959 Nathan Gaudio 2014 Glen Graper 1958 Stephen Harrison 1960 Norman Higgins MD 1961 John Iacovino 1963 Reuben Mark 1960 Richard McKerr 1966 Drew Miller 2013 David Mitchell 1995 William Morton Jr 1969 Jerome Ocorr 1956 Benjamin Patch 1989 David Rosen MD 1987 David Strachan 1955 John Urban 1944 W Whipple 1966 Spencer Wright 1948 Lingfeng Zhou 2013 ALPHA BETA DEPAUL UNIVERSITY Nestor Colindres 2006 ALPHA CHI TRINITY COLLEGE E. Burnham USAF(R) 1940 William Conner 1954 Ray Graves 1967 Leonard Heinrich 1973 Robert Kenyon 1951 Richard Lyford Jr 1953 Paul Marion 1957 Alexander Simpson 1951 Robin Tassinari MD 1967 Ronald Weissman MD 1974 Timothy Yasui 1983 ALPHA DELTA NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Robert Lake 1949
ALPHA MU ROWAN UNIVERSITY James Barry 2004 Robert Bauer Jr 1990 Joseph Berezansky 2011 Thomas Boggia 2012 Zachary Brown 2012 Matthew D’Eustachio 2015 Dennis Gerber Jr 2004 Dominick Giorgianni 1987 David Lande Esq. 1988 Michael Lis 2000 Daniel Lockwood 1991 Scot Merkle 1983 Bryant Mitchell 1992 Gregg Paine 1987 Gregory Prinski 2012 Edward Vance Jr 1994 Richard Zucal 2000 ALPHA OMEGA LOUISIANA TECH UNIVERSITY Felix DeJean IV William Lockard Jr Guy Modica Jr Seth Schaumburg Jon Tiner
1993 1994 1995 1989 1992
ALPHA PHI UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Andrew Kilpatrick 1979 D. Macdonald PC CC 1953 James McIntyre 1975 Mohamed Meir 2007 Warren Moysey 1961 W. Newlands 1975 Andre Poles CF 1988 Philip Robson 1977 Ely Sbrozzi 1995 ALPHA TAU - UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA Hardev Bains 1986 David Bihun 1977 Dennis Campbell 1952 David Knapp MD 1969 William Lindsay 1958 James Paul 1949
William Pope Edward Power Steve Setka Blair Shuturma George Tsiklis
1968 1973 2014 2014 2000
BETA - UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA John Baker IV Edward Baur Neilson Brown Timothy Carnes Donnell Cobb Jr Braxton Comer Jr Timothy Cooper Jr Paul Duckworth Jr James Dunn Jr Eric Fast John Fuqua Jr Cameron Harris S. Walker Harris Jr Henry Hays Richard Hesse Burton Jones Peter Larkin William Luesing Zachary Maloney Robert Mason IV James Maynard Ben Mayo Steven McCarroll Christopher Miller Thaddeus Moore Timothy O’Connor Stephen Owen Benjamin Payne S Phillips Matthew Reardon Philip Riker III Alexander Robertson Albert Roper II Alexander Rossitch Michael Sandwith William Schmidt William Schmidt Jr John Schmidt A Shuford
Newton Smith F. VanWyck Oswald Watson III Davis Willingham Edward Wilson Fred Wood Paul Woodson
1977 1967 1971 2011 2016 1961 1968
1975 1968 1967 2014 1959 1987 2018 1980 1989 1971 2016 1966 1990 2018 1965 1950 1978 1959 2014 1981 1982 1955 1968 2016 1967 1974 1956 2014 1965 2008 1968 2002 1963 2014 2009 1966 1988 1989 1966
BETA CHI - CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY James Bodfish 1945 A. Broennle 1963 Brian Dykas 2002 Guy Jeanblanc 1970 Douglas Kupec 2002 Jon McGruder 1956 Vaughn Rubin 1945 J Rydstrom 1966 BETA DELTA UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA Alexander Ream 1995 Gregory Talbot 1995 BETA GAMMA NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Aaron Ayala 2006 Marc Burton 2008 Davin Chow 2010 Brandon Conley 2014 Charles Danner 2016 Richard Hendler 1985 Matthew McQueen 2003 Jay Nicholas 2009 Matthew Schumann 2016 Brian Shih 2015 Gennady Zilberman 2007 BETA PHI UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER Daniel Ahearn 1976 Justin Albert 2003 Tyler Ballew 2005 Travis Block 2012 James Blumer 1948 Anthony Bottar 1972 Dennis Bowler 1965 Joseph Carson 1976 Carlton Clough 1960 w w w.d ke.o rg
DONOR LIST Thomas Collins 1964 Thomas Coppola 1973 William Craig 1965 Brandon Daehn 2013 Marc DeBlasio 1982 Kevin DeFranco 2014 Vincent Dick 1979 Philip Fisher 1947 James Fitzsimmons 1955 Donald Flihan 1985 Donald Gaudion 1971 Richard Gensheimer 1976 Ryan Goldberg 2009 Noah Goldman 1992 John Greco 2006 Robert Hartz 1990 Arden Killingstad 2010 Maxwell Kinder 2015 Nicholas Kollias 2016 John Lawson 1969 David Maloney 1976 Christopher Merenich 2016 Erik Monostory 2005 Thomas Murray 1981 Franklin Nagy 1981 Nicholas Napolitan 2014 John Potter 1967 Warren Richardson 1945 Mitchell Riesenberger 1995 Eric Schaefer 1968 Bryan Solomon 2006 Mark Torosian 2014 Roger Valkenburgh 1969 James Vlahos 1992 Carl Weiss Jr 1978 Charles Whittier II 1957 Mark Zweibon 2000 BETA TAU UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA Desmond Brisbin 2013 Steven Brunotte 2014 David Hamilton 2017 Jeffrey Pearson 2012 CHI - UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI Lyman Aldrich Dan Ballard John Benedict Jr Richard Burnette John Burrow Kenneth Cookson Herbert Denton Jr Gregory Doiron William Donald
1967 1961 2010 1968 1959 1957 1950 1967 1966
William Donovan III George Gafford William Graham Kirk Grantham David Henderson Franklin Hill Dale Hill Joseph Hinshaw III Jeffrey Hood Parker LaVigne Van Lee Jr Samuel Mavar Jay McDonald James McIntosh William McMullen William Morris Jr James Orth II George Roark III Robert Rosen Thomas Terral John Tonos Jr William Tonos Charles Treadway Jr Bill Tucker Binford Turnage Rufus Ward Donald White
1977 1961 1970 1963 1963 2008 2010 1971 1965 2010 1965 1965 1974 1974 1966 1964 2010 1969 1986 2006 1973 2012 2008 1960 1960 1972 1966
CHI RHO BLOOMSBURG UNIVERSITY Alex Brozena 2014 Edward Cass 2010 Michael Fowler 2006 Robert Gronowski Jr 2011 Jacob Henne 2011 Gregory Mason 2010 Christopher Roth 1998 Drew Schrock 2013 Troy Tannenholz 1992 Brian Toth 2014 KAPPA CHI UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE Jeffrey Martin 2014 DELTA - UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA Jon McGill 2016 DELTA CHI CORNELL UNIVERSITY John Almquist Jr Donald Barrick Richard Bates Jr Wesley Card Kevin Carey Ethan Case
1954 1991 1966 2003 1986 2003
Michael Clifford Neil Crouthamel Kahlil Day Walter Dinehart John Dubeck Charles Ervin Homer Fogle Jr, USMC(R) William Forbes Robert Gallagher Robert Goldhammer Andrew Harte Thomas Healey William Houck Thomas Hudson Matthew Hyland Blair Jenness Charles Kerner James King Daniel Kops Jr Leo Krusius Henry Llop James Lyman C MacDonald Ross Maghan Jr Rudolph Mateka John Matthews George Nesterczuk George Nicholson III Hugh O’Gorman Eugene Pierce Robert Platt Thomas Pniewski William Roberts IV Michael Rogers Christopher Scannell Matthew Seward Stephan Spilkowitz Mark Storer Stephen Taylor Clinton Tepper William Wilke IV Donald Yorkman Jr
1991 2006 1980 1969 1971 1974 1970 1967 1980 1973 1996 1970 2011 2001 1997 1974 1994 1970 2005 1972 1983 1955 1966 1963 1941 1966 1956 1987 1967 1973 1971 2006 2005 2005 2013 2010 1980 1969 2008 1960 1999
DELTA DELTA UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Kenneth Cid 2012 Tabish Dayani 2018 Peter Debaz 2008 Gari Landgren 2013 Kenneth Monahan 1995 Bryce Peppers 2016 Michael Peters 1990 Danny Rosa 2013 Peter Welsh 1991
Ron Yehoshua John Yung
2017 1990
DELTA EPSILON NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY William Bartholomay 1950 William Robinson DELTA KAPPA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA George Akel Jr 1957 Ronald Akel 1960 Peter Barrett 1953 Michael Bass 2014 Malcolm Buckey Jr 1958 William Caldwell Jr 1960 Matthias Christy 1957 T Coleman 1976 Blaine Eynon Jr 1969 Charles Fetter Jr 1984 Maximilian Fischer 2008 Kenneth Given 1957 Richard Goerwitz Jr 1956 Troy Gustavson 1968 Paul Hallingby 1969 Walter Kilbourne Jr 1953 Robert Latoff 1984 Jabez MacLaughlin 1950 Cornelius McCarthy 1959 Junius Moore Jr 1945 James Pappas 1968 Timothy Shannon 1994 David Shields 1961 Joseph Tranfo 1985 Robert Whitney Jr 1971 Carl Wittig II 2016 Homer Wood 1957 Charles Zarfos 1960 DELTA PHI UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA Hugh Babowal 1990 Michael Bayrak 1992 Colin Bennett 1983 Allan Berg 2003 H Beveridge 1968 Connor Bliss 2016 Dwight Bliss 1977 Harbir Dhillon 2000 Paul Gil 1987 Colton Girard 2014 Darren Kelly 1988 Kurt Kufeld 1984 Graham McLean CA 1964 Hugh Moncrieff 1986
Maurice Nicholson MD 1960 Alfred Rollins Jr 1970 Alexander Ross 1990 Kelly Simpson 1978 Michael Thomas 2016 DELTA PI UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Arthur Alderson 1971 Nachiket Bhujbal 2017 Patrick Bitterman 1987 James Brewster 1953 Paul Daily 1976 Alberto Davila Jr 2017 Kenneth Ebi 1946 Michael Fogarty III 1984 William Frentz 1957 David Helverson 1981 Thomas Hostetler 1950 Colin Kaminski 2018 Jackson Kuncl 1955 William Lamb 1949 Edward Lieske 1956 John McDonald 1943 Warren Meland 1961 Eric Nash 1986 Gary Newtson 1957 James Personius 1983 Beau Pieper 2018 Charles Reitsch 1951 Clarles Wurmstedt 1944 DELTA PSI INDIANA UNIVERSITY Kevin Dolan Jared Palay Dustin Parrish Andrew Smith III David Swope
2012 2006 2007 2007 2012
DELTA RHO NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY Mathias Haubert 2015 John MacMillan III 2015 DELTA TAU OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Lucas Peters 2003 EPSILON - WILLIAMS COLLEGE Joseph Albertson Jr 1954 Michael Dowhan Jr 1967 David Kane 1958 Edgerton North Jr 2000
EPSILON RHO DUKE UNIVERSITY Christian Horazeck Creston King III Lon Lamb Jr William Monaghan II Ryan Sellers Jeffrey Sinclair Jason Taylor John Vide Donald Walther Jonathan Wells
2009 1985 1991 1985 2010 1994 2010 1985 1989 2005
ETA UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Jonathan Adams 1984 Michael Alvarez 1977 Alfred Berkeley III 1966 Nathaniel Breslin 2016 Ray Brown 1948 Norris Broyles Jr 1949 Archer Burke 1976 William Call 1962 Calliway Callicott Jr 1959 William Clinton 2010 Berkley Cone 1972 Henry de Laureal 2004 Jonathan Finger 1982 Peter FitzGerald Jr 1987 Robert Green 1969 Henry Harris III 1975 Peter Kohler 1959 H Lane III 1983 William Langenstein IV 2013 Patrick Martin 2015 John Pinder III 1971 Oliver Pollard Jr 1954 Thomas Rose 1979 Robert Ruff 1981 James Sloan 2014 William Suhling II 1979 Thomas Sullivan 2015 Raymond Walker 1973 Bass Wallace Jr 1978 Barry Wilson 1969 Conor Witt 2016 David Wood 1922 ETA ALPHA - WASHINGTON & LEE UNIVERSITY Samuel Wilson 2017 GAMMA VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY Joseph Abriola Jr 1980 S. Acosta Jr, USAF(R) 1974
Robert Alvis R Barksdale Weaver Barksdale Michael Berryman David Burge Connor Burns Gaines Campbell III Stuart Chapman Clifford Cohn John Colvin Jr Scott Corley Glenn Costanzo Kevin Cuneo Chase Cunniff Brent Curtis Maclin Davis Jr William Davis Jr Joel Derby IV Roger Deromedi Mark Di Paola Ryan Farha Jack Feist T. Gary Fitts William Ford III Zachary Glaser William Gray John Halsell IV Theodore Hamilton Jeffrey Hamilton John Hamilton MD Michael Hancock William Hardegree Ronald Henges Kurt Heumann W Hill III Michael Hilts Harry Howard Jr Harold Johnson II Scott Jones Peter Kostiuk Richard Lamping Jr Douglas Lanpher Erik Larsen Craig Lengyel Chris Lorenzen Jr Kyle McLain Kevin McLaughlin Marion McMillan Avram Meshulam Frederick Mickler Jr Jacob Miller George Morton Jr David Mueller David Neff James Nelson
1973 1961 1971 1979 1982 2013 1977 2005 2011 1955 2008 1990 1977 2015 1985 1947 1981 2013 1975 2003 2008 2014 1955 1953 2013 1970 1980 1988 1978 1950 1980 1955 1954 1989 1968 1978 1951 1977 1996 2008 1979 1977 1962 1989 1972 1977 1992 1989 2014 1946 2012 1968 1977 2001 1959
Paul Pitzer 1975 Mark Pizzulo 2001 T. Pryor 1949 Michael Quillen 1972 Brooke Reeve III 1975 William Roberts 1977 Dan Robinson 1975 Lewis Rogers 1974 John Ross 1968 Mark Rutter 2012 William Sanderson Jr 1965 M. Thurman Senn 1983 Walter Shackelford 1960 James Sindel 2009 Richard Smith Jr 1964 Walter Smith 1984 Joe Stamper 1969 Clay Swindell 1974 Jonathan Teitenberg 1995 Robert Thomas 1963 E Thompson 1959 Steven Venters 1989 David Vollmer 1974 Alex VonRogov 1994 William Wilson IV 1977 Robert Wilson 1964 William Wilson Jr 1964 George Winckel Jr 2015 William Wise 1967 Walter Yarbrough MD 1953 Craig Yeager 1977 GAMMA IOTA GANNON UNIVERSITY Andrew Fenstermacher 2015 Robert Fisher 2015 Joshua Geiger 2016 Cory Johnston 2016 Thomas McSweeney 2016 Jerome O’Rourke 2015 GAMMA PHI WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY William Ahern 1978 Anthony Arias 2014 Edward Babington 1999 James Bellis 1946 Jackson Brandstetter 2014 Gary Breitbord 1979 Alexander Carlacci 2016 William Choi 2013 William Cooper 1967 J Crockett 1963 William Daley 1957 Stewart Davis 2012 Horace Deacon III 1956 w w w.d ke.o rg
DONOR LIST Eric Donelan Thomas Dwyer Jeremy Edelberg Michael Edwards Steven Elbaum Jeremy Epstein James Farrell A Ferraro Paul Fichera Ian Freeman Sean Gallagher Peter George Joseph Giaimo Daniel Giordano Jeffrey Gray John Hoder Jordan Jancze Franklyn Judson MD Herbert Kelleher Patrick Kelly Chase Levi Harold Loeshelle Mitchell Marinello James Martello John McDermott Jr Ronald McLean Thomas Miceli Jr Stephen Moran Harley Parker Stephen Ranney Irvin Richter Ralph Rotman H Sanborn Nicholas Seara Norman Shapiro Jesse Sherwood Jacob Skinner Jaren Taenaka Kurt Tauer David Thomas Robert Thorndike Brett Valentine William Vernon Alan Ward Albert Welsh Gary Witten Edward Wright Charles Wrubel Alexander Zedlovich
2002 1972 2014 2016 1986 2018 1974 2012 1980 1980 2008 2015 2011 2012 1977 1973 2018 1964 1953 1969 2014 1976 1976 1969 1978 1947 2012 2013 2011 2010 1967 1978 1986 2011 1963 1994 2014 2016 1973 1977 1965 2009 1973 1952 1956 1965 1949 1959 2009
IOTA - CENTRE COLLEGE Henry Alford 1989 Anthony Apro Sr 1979 John Atchison III 1977 Jeff Block 1973 Richard Caton 1976
John Clarke 1970 Ryan Collier 1999 Brenton Deal 2010 G. DiGiorgio 1978 Stephen Dockins 2016 E Dungan 1949 Laurance Eustis III 1963 James Evans 1943 Andrew Field 2015 Michael Garton 2010 Robert Gatewood 1971 James Gibson 1957 Lee Guillaume 1989 Joseph Heaton 1976 Raymond Hundley 1985 Houston Jones 2014 Roland Kimberlin 1958 Stanley Kimmel 1963 Anthony Kurlas 1993 Nathan Likert 2013 Tanner Lyons 2016 Bryce McCoy 2015 Thomas McKee 1963 William McKee 1960 Reginald Mudd 1975 Samuel Norris 2015 Logan Pauley 2015 William Penick 1957 John Rhorer Jr 1978 Malcolm Richerson 2013 Carlos Sasse 1958 James Shindell IV 2016 Milton Spurlock 1997 David Sturges 1957 Joseph Vasek Jr 1955 Lucas Wetton 2014 Charles Williamson III 2015 Gregory Young 1975 KAPPA - MIAMI UNIVERSITY Robert Annandale 1969 Michael Arndt 2000 Lester Babbits Jr 1969 Andrew Bammel 2014 Stuart Berger 1979 Nathaniel Berry II 1999 James Berry 1965 Brady Burt 1994 Gregory Carmichael Jr 2014 Taylor Celestin 2014 Robert Christie 2000 Robert Coffin Jr 1959 Anthony Danzo 1969 James Denholm 1949 William Ducey 1966 Leon Eisman Jr 1967
Daniel Finkel Mark Flanagan David Harrison Kaler Hazen Richard Hofmann Frank Ingwersen Thomas Johns Edward Johns Steven Joyce Robert Leonard William Malley Charles McKinley Richard Meyers John Molkentin David Nack Troy Nave William Ninde Alexander Overkamp Carl Peterson Brian Pietrangelo John Pluhar Jr James Prochazka Wade Prozeller Stanley Rowland William Schauer Paul Scheu Adam Schwartz John Shaw Blake Woods Tianran Ye James Young
1998 1946 1944 2014 1992 1979 1995 1960 2013 2014 1957 1955 1963 1960 1990 2016 1966 1994 1959 1990 1990 1997 1970 1947 2016 1981 1997 1961 2014 2012 1966
KAPPA CHIUNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE Jeffrey Martin 2014 KAPPA DELTA UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND George Fullerton 1955 Philip Norton 1957 George Suter Jr 1954 KAPPA EPSILON UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Erik R. Abrahamson 1962 John Allen 1996 Lynn Bouchey 1964 Robert Bulmer 1957 Larry Carlson 1966 Michael Carter 1996 Dale Chihuly 1964 Clark Goss Jr 1958 Eric Hagemann 2003 Daniel Heldring 1999 Scott Herzog PharmD 1999 William Hood 1958
Lawrence Hughes J. (Bill) Knapp Ross Kramer William Lovell E Naden Jr J. Roger Nowell Gary Shultz Thomas Symons John White Ron Wisman Leighton Wood
1957 1950 1962 1962 1951 1959 1963 1953 1964 1967 1956
KAPPA OMEGA LAKE FOREST COLLEGE Thomas Symington 2005 LAMBDA - KENYON COLLEGE Samuel Baker 2013 Peter Bepler 1997 Bruce Blocher 1966 James Brady III 1969 Walter Butler 1968 R Capute 1981 Robert Carnighan 1959 Cray Coppins Jr 1966 Philip Currier 1956 Gregg DeSilvio 1974 R Donelan 1981 Garrett Fields 2012 Thomas Green 1973 Jeffrey Grover 1984 Arden Grover 1950 Robert Heasley 1960 Hewitt Heiserman Jr 1982 Douglas Holmes 1978 John Merritt 1979 Mason Morjikian 1988 James Overmier 1960 Bruce Pendleton 1970 Rev. Mark Robinson 1981 Arthur Sansom III 1973 Michael Scadron 1968 Thomas Withgott 1968 LAMBDA DELTA - SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY John Blue Jr 1954 Jackson Orr Jr 1950 MU - COLGATE UNIVERSITY John Anzola 1984 Stephen Bajus 1973 E Bewkes Jr 1948 Cody Cowper 2009 Joseph DeBragga 1943 Brooke Dudley 1966 Richard Gache 1954
Philip Geier 1957 Edward Gorton Jr 1947 Thomas Halley 1973 Jon Hanson 1960 Peter Herman 1953 Richard Holthaus IV 1995 W. Griswold Hurlbert III 1958 Francis Jacoby IV 2012 Robert James 1958 Robert James Jr 1979 Thomas Kaim 1958 Roger Kennedy Jr 1986 Christopher Lawler 1994 Roger Little 1962 Andrew Maksimovich 2011 Timothy Martin 2007 Jerome Mason 1960 John McGonagle 1965 Patrick Mead 1979 Richard Moran 1963 Andrew Morley 2009 Robert O’Neill Jr 1961 Richard Palmer 1966 Richard Rasor 1961 Donald Rebar 1955 Steven Reed 1984 Girard Ruddick II 1993 David Schreiber 1995 J Shakespeare 1975 Dennis Shea 1966 Richard Sotell 1975 Glen Treichler 1948 Thomas Wiencek 1978 John Wilson 1952 R. Douglas Wilson 1957 Jay Woldar 1984 Marshall Wood 1954 MU CHI MARYVILLE COLLEGE Douglas Carson Chaz Elrod Preston Fields Zachary Simpson N. Sizoo-Roberson Shawn Springer GL Waynick Michael Wilhoit
2013 2011 2003 2010 2015 2007 2012 2004
NU - CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YORK Clifford Daly Vincent Gallo Dennis Joannides George LePorte Harry Lipps
1958 1968 1961 1952 1961
John Reilich 1961 Nicholas Schkrutz Jr 1969 Robert Van Son 1957 NU ZETA - PACE UNIVERSITY Richard Acciarito 1991 Donald Becker 1984 Joseph Garritano 1998 David Goldstein 2015 Charles Kelleher 1993 Brendan Kenefick 1992 Walter Laird II 1979 Sean Mulcahy James Mulcahy Jr 1993 Dominick Penzetta 1992 Derek Rigano 2012 Mark Shrekgast 1987 OMEGA CHI UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS George Allen Jr 1953 Cub Amos 1956 Robert Anderson 1964 Douglas Brinsmade 1986 James Broomas 1976 Edmund Burke Jr 1970 Jack Crosby 1946 Royce Faulkner 1952 Edward Fehr PhD 1963 Peter Gill 1948 James Guckian 1960 Carlton Hagelstein Jr 1950 Lee Hancock 1965 David Hanson 1979 Louis Hughes 1946 John Kamrath 1963 Carl King 1964 Charles Kinney 1948 Johnathan Ler 2016 Randy Little 1972 Dan McClean 1964 Andrew Middleton 1990 William Moody 1962 Robert Morse III 1972 Ewell Muse III 1961 Bruce Nakfoor 1982 J O’Leary 1981 Alexander Oliver 1967 B Rice 1966 Buckner Roane 1970 William P. Roberts III 1968 Gordon Rountree Jr 1964 Frank Scarborough 1959 Charles Scarborough 1963 John Schneider 1947 Larry Sharpless 1969
William Smith 1948 Andrew Smith 1964 Harrison Stafford II 1963 Jack Turner 1946 Howard Tyson 1961 Stuart Weese 1984 Peter Wiggins III 1952 Richard Williams 1965 John Williams 1956 Craig Wilson 1985 Joseph Wood Jr 1943 Jake Price 2019 OMEGA MU - OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY Brandon Cloud 2014 OMICRON UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Terence Adderley 1955 Robert Anthony IV 1966 Richard Aster 1954 George Aster 1954 Alexander Babin 1956 Lawrence Baker Jr 1957 Malcolm Barnum 1948 Terrance Baulch 1976 Andrew Baumer 1956 Charles Borders Jr 1970 Zachary Brown 2019 Steven Browne 1991 H Buhler 1984 Brian Burke Sr 1958 Joseph Burroughs 1966 James Caffrey 1987 John Conklin 1947 John de St Nicolas 1960 William DesJardins 1950 Kevin Drumm 2010 Marco Garavaglia 1976 David Gore 1959 James Grady 1959 William Gray 2002 Per Hanson 1962 Douglas Harper 1965 Franklin Hirt 1957 Matthew Howell 1985 Robert Hutchison 1955 Esther Kelly 1948 Jeffrey Kline 1987 William Krag 1963 Ronald Linclau 1964 William Lincoln 1965 Mark Lippincott 1967 Thomas Loucks 1967 William Lovejoy 1989
Ryan Lutz 2009 Geoffrey MacGlashan 1957 Kenneth MacLean Jr 1964 James Martens 1960 Aaron Maurice 2007 Atwood McAndrew Jr 1943 Jule Miller 1958 Glen Miller LTC 1956 John Mitchell 1985 Christopher Moore 1986 Douglas Padnos 1977 Mark Passerini 1997 Philip Ragains 1959 Richard Roland 1985 Neil Sarin 1989 Douglas Schaffer 2012 Guy Schmidt 1952 Curtis Sechler 1963 Jason Shilson 1990 Michael Simpson 1965 Henry Stapp 1950 Peter Strom 1959 Michael Sussman 2014 Gregory Unatin 1997 Kent Vana 1959 David Wicks 1976 Kenelm Winslow Jr 1959 John Wirtz 1947 Derek Woodman 2010 James Wurzbach 1970 George Zinn Jr 1955 PHI - YALE UNIVERSITY L Baird Jr 1966 Glenn Baker 1977 James Beaird Jr 1959 William Bernhard 1954 Lucius Biglow Jr 1945 T Brooks 1962 George Bush 1968 John Cahill 1976 Richard Evans 1962 Rustin Fakheri 2012 Sean Fletcher 1996 William Flippin 1963 Robert Frame 1966 E Gibson III 1960 Arthur Grayson 1956 John Hanes Jr 1950 Samuel Hayes III 1959 David Hickey 2014 Lynard Hinojosa 1964 Rodney Hobbs Jr 1997 Gerard Hughes 1970 Nicholas Kafogolis MD 1952 w w w.d ke.o rg
DONOR LIST Henry Koehler Thomas Kukk Drew Lawton Clarence Lee III James Leslie Jr Terrence Malloy John Matthiessen Jack McGregor Joseph McNay Robert Milligan Jr Frank Mongillo III Patrick Moran John Morley Stephen Morse Michael Murphy John Niles III Joel Papernik John Pattillo George Philippides Christopher Piwinski Edward Probert Charles Puestow Jr Clive Runnells Jon Saadey Mel Shaftel Arnold Shoop Benjamin Siegl C Stasney MD Jordan Stevens James Talerico James Thompson Edmund Thornton Albert Urich Jr John Wallace Jr Mahlon Wallace III G Weber Jr Peter Wells Wheelock Whitney Patrick Witt
1950 1963 1981 1978 1951 1956 1949 1956 1956 1972 1990 2011 1954 2008 2003 1956 1965 1973 1981 2013 1958 1960 1948 1987 1965 1957 2010 1965 2008 2014 1954 1954 1957 1956 1957 1948 1960 1950 2011
PHI ALPHA - UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Bernhard Bergstrom 2011 Ernest Bianco 1950 Lawrence Blaschuk 1975 Kevin Bliss 2014 Kevin Brooks 2013 Calvin Buchanan 2015 Grant Burnyeat 1965 Eric Carlson 1978 Adrian Cheong 1965 John Elwell 1967 Forbes Hansen 2007 Allan Helton 1976 Edward Lee 2001
Ronald Li Karn Manhas Adam Mattinson Owen Pawson Gianfranco Perucho Sina Rezai Dylan Sartor Bill Setka Matthew Siemens William Tomkins G Tynan
2010 1997 2006 1972 2012 2002 2016 1979 2012 1969 1976
PHI CHI RUTGERS UNIVERSITY Vincent Afflixio 1973 John Albohm 1976 Anthony Alongi-Huslig 2013 James Baker 1976 Douglas Berry 1970 H Blake 1955 Pierre Boisier 1984 Terence Braden III 1980 Gene Buckno 1961 Robert Burzichelli 1989 Bryan Butler 1977 Christopher Byron 1969 Michael Cardillo 1965 Lyman Coddington 1957 John Connelly 1967 William Diana 1983 Jeffrey Dorman 1982 Edward Dowling 1972 Everett Drake Jr 1958 John Dryfuss Jr 1966 Robert Dunbar 1972 Dennis Dutch 1969 John Fitts 1950 Brian Foley Jr 2015 Baird Foster Jr 1960 Robert Frauenzimmer 1960 John Frost 1967 William Garbarini Sr 1963 J. Gearhart MD, FACS 1949 Philip Greene III 1966 Roger Gross 1983 Stephen Havran 1975 Maurice Hill Jr 1972 William Jefferay 1937 Robert Kenny 1967 Timothy Lehnert CPA 1961 Andrew Leonard 1987 Robert McAllister 1954 William McCauley 2016 John McKay III 1977 Timothy McLaughlin 1979
Jeffrey Morse Kevin Myers Richard Novak James O’Halloran William Paknis Sajan Patel Jason Sanchez Frederick Saunders Vinamra Sawhney J. Simeone-Schwartz Timothy Slothower James Smith Terry Stewart Robert Suffredini Noel Tuvera Roy Van Arsdale James Van Vliet William Venberg Peter Ventura Douglas Wilcox Alan Zaccaria MD
2017 1981 1965 1977 1957 2014 2016 1944 2013 2017 1975 1970 1969 1968 2018 1972 1953 1951 1970 1968 1979
PHI EPSILON UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Donald Akins 1957 Hugh Arey 1950 Brian Basler 1989 Julius Bonello 1958 Stuart Campbell 1958 Douglas Currence 1956 David DeWall 1965 Bradley Dunlap 1985 Theodore Edin 1956 Jarrod Englebretson 1990 E Hawk 1959 Daniel Hennen 2009 James Koenig 1991 Evan Larson 1978 Edgar Lechner 1942 John Magnuson 1991 Steven Nelson 1975 Peter Park 1990 Harvey Peck 1965 John Peterson Jr 1959 Bradford Reid 1999 John Sons 1975 Frederick Webber 1960 James York 1973 PHI GAMMA SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Michael Alicea 2014 Alexander Barnett 2014 Robert Belcher 1958 Edward Benjamin Jr 1963 William Blaney III 1964
Joseph Boffa Charles Bohlen John Brennen III Clifford Broder Charles Brown Jr Robert Bubniak Andrew Butler William Butler II Dale Carter E. Robert Cooney Jr Harold Curtis Carmen Davoli George Dawkins Andrew De Paulis Michael Dowler William Dunn Joseph Dunn John Fahey Robert Fearon Jr Glenn Friedman John Ginway Tyler Gleysteen Evan Goldberg B. Gunzenhauser David Hackworth Bruce Hoffman Kenneth Howe Jr Raymond Kayne Viraj Khanna John Klukojc Matthew Linaburg Martin Lipke Michael Lozano Jr Christopher Luzine Jovan Marjanovic David Mash Richard Massey David Olp Timothy Ott Josh Ozpinar Judson Rigby Brian Rosenstein John Salvo Harvey Shand W. Smith Jr John Snyder William Stone Jr Michael Supley Neil Swift Thomas Tilson Peter Tripp John Veasey George Waters Stephen Weaver
1986 1993 1966 1984 1986 1961 1984 1968 1968 1954 1949 1962 1963 2016 1979 1962 1986 1980 1949 2015 1953 2009 2009 1963 1976 1969 1995 1961 2018 1983 2013 1980 1982 1997 1989 2009 1979 1961 1976 2013 1949 1994 1974 1963 1950 1961 1960 2014 1956 1969 1991 1953 1943 1971
PHI MU MANHATTAN COLLEGE David Alzate Bruno Bunzl Ronald Contreras Ian Ferrara Michael Gallo Frank Giordano Marcelo Lopez Connor Miraval James O’Connor Justin Reed
2016 2014 2017 2014 2014 2014 2016 2015 2015 2018
PHI RHO - PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Ryan Anwar 2015 Adam Bogovich 2011 Stephen Buccellato 2015 Joseph Culig 2005 Sahiar Fayed 2015 Kevan Griffith 2010 Brian Hahn 2015 Sean Hardison 2014 Alex Hayes 2011 Walter Hinkel Jr 2011 Michael Iuzzolino 2000 Benny Joseph 2002 Tyler Lewkovich 2012 Andrew Mascelli 2013 Edward Roth 2015 Nicholas Taro III 2012 Brian Wallace 1997 Eric Weilminster 1992 Charles Welsh 2010 PHI SIGMA BRYANT COLLEGE Charles Boklan David Catapano Joseph Grant Michael Lutz Jonathan Manheim
1973 2015 2016 2014 2016
PI - DARTMOUTH Charles Blaisdell William Hale Augustus Leach Jr James Progin John Steele Sr
1937 1944 1960 1960 1946
PI ALPHA UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI Andrew Dodenhoff 2015 PI BETA - TROY UNIVERSITY Wayne Carucci 1978 Richard Crooks 1977
Victor Dixon Roderick Gillis Steven Graham Steven Householder David Marsh David Morr Robert Needham Lawrence Nell John Robb John Sylvia Jr Gary Tolbert Jordan Williams Randall Williams
2000 1980 1979 2015 1980 1978 1977 1982 1981 1979 1985 2015 1980
PSI - UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA Samuel Adams Charles Adams Brian Adams Marion Adams Stewart Alvis Stephen Avera Lamar Bagby Josiah Bonner Jr Todd Boozer George Brower III James Brown IV Carl Burchette Jennings Byrd John Calhoun III Stephen Case John Case C. Randall Clark John Cline Jr Richard Coates Paul Collins III Gilbert Cook L. Cook III David Cooper Sr Joseph Cotlin Alan Creighton Robert Crosby Jr A. Crowe Shelby Daniels James Dill Bernard Downs Jr Barry Drees Donald Durrett MD Leroy English II Christopher English William Ezell III Everette Faulk Jr T Favrot George Finkbohner Jr Louis Finlay Jr
1979 1952 2002 2012 2013 1978 1969 1982 1982 2010 1971 2011 2015 1983 1991 1963 1961 1985 2014 2016 2013 1991 1967 1960 1985 2010 1960 1998 1964 1972 1965 1961 2014 2016 1969 1962 1982 1957 1954
Alston Fitts III 1961 Travis Fitts Jr 1978 William Fitzpatrick III 2015 John Foshee Jr 1979 David Gray 1980 Jack Greer 1948 Barry Gritter 1963 Albert Haas 1977 Albert Haas Jr 2018 Lawrence Halter Jr 1973 William Hannon II 1977 George Hardesty Jr 1975 William Henderson 1961 Mark Hickman 2008 William Hiemenz Jr 2010 Haywood Hillyer IV 1984 Ray Hofmister 2004 Williams Holmes Jr 1951 Michael Houston 1979 Larry Howell Jr 1992 Crawford Inge 1974 Norman Jobe 1959 Brock Jones 1977 Michael Kendrick 1972 Neil Kennedy Jr 2012 Jeffrey Kintz 2016 Richard Kirkpatrick Jr 2015 Robert Klyce 1968 Andrew Kyle 1981 Richard Lane III 2015 Michael Lapeyrouse 2009 Michael Lapeyrouse 1977 Edward Leatherbury 1984 John Lewis Jr 1963 Henry Loeb 1974 W Lovvorn 1969 Mark Lyons III 1955 B. Marriott Sr 1959 R. McClintock Jr 1966 Robert McMillan 1972 John McNeil Sr 1979 Michael Miller 2016 Marlin Moore III 1983 Harris Morrissette Jr 2013 Harris Morrissette 1981 Charles Moses 1939 John Mostellar 1966 Alfred Neumann Jr 1987 Arthur Outlaw Jr 1977 Ron Owen 1979 Stephen Parden MD 1972 Theodore Parker 1988 Robert Parsons 1955 Robert Pierce Jr 1982
L. Richardson Jr MD 1957 Robert Riis 2013 D. Robinson 1991 William Rosato 2015 Andrew Ross 1994 William Rue Jr 1985 William Russell 1993 William Sanders 1987 William Sanders III 2017 John Sapir 2008 Russell Scott 1957 William Slaton Sr 1989 Christian Smith 2013 Bryan Strickland 1962 Hugh Thomas 1951 Hugh Thomas 1987 William Urquhart 1974 Davis Vaughn 2014 Daniel Ventress 2008 Paul Wallace Jr 2014 William Wells 1993 C. Richard Wilkins 1985 Roger Woerner 2014 Bernard Wood IV 1998 R. Bruce Worley 1959 PSI DELTA WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY Stephen Bacen Jr 1993 James Bailey III 2016 Michael Bell 1986 James Beurle 1994 Robert Bilbrough Jr 1978 George Cain 1993 Gregory Cook 1977 John Currie 1993 Todd D’Agosta 1992 James Davis 1977 Joseph DeRosa 2014 Parth Desai 2014 Charles Faig 1981 Thomas Fenton 2003 Hayden Fownes 2014 Paolo Guazzini 2012 Eric Hagen Sr 1985 Charles Harlan 1998 Brian Iorio 2003 Walter Janke 1984 John McAvoy 1982 Robert McCooey III 2015 Gary Moon Jr 2012 Cecil Moore Jr 1978 Val Napolitano 2012 Harrison Perkins 2016 Tom Thompson III 1993 w w w.d ke.o rg
DONOR LIST PSI OMEGA - RENNSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Rodney Agar 1959 Stuart Benton 1962 Robert Booth Jr 1963 John Broadbent Jr 1959 Alan Cornell 1959 Kenneth Decker 1959 Arthur Dionne 1959 Lawrence Donnelly 2000 Thomas Duncan 1959 Fredrick Guimond 1961 Samuel Heffner Jr 1956 George Hunt Jr 1945 Max Jacobs 1955 Richard Killian 1958 Robert Klinedinst 1959 John Lindsay 1959 Neil MacFarlane 1955 Steven Martin 1962 Michael Moore 1957 Richard Murphy 1967 Daniel Murphy Jr 1955 George Nelson Jr 1959 Rodney Palmborg 1962 Peter Parsons 1960 Raymond Raff Jr 1958 Robert Shaw Jr 1960 John Thompson 1949 Edgar Woerner 1956 Kevin Zweier 1996 PSI PHI DEPAUW UNIVERSITY John Bruhn Jr, PhD Daniel Coffin Anthony Colletti Robert Fitzpatrick David Hood Sr David Jerrett Philip Kepp Dennis Krutz James Layton James Little Thomas Malmer W McGhee Mickey Miller Robert Muller Comer Plummer III Thomas Potter John Rose Robert Skallerup Jr Terry Skocher Douglas Weimer John Wright
1957 1999 1988 1981 1953 1965 1971 1965 1955 1948 1962 1958 1956 1955 1983 1981 1981 1968 1969 1972 1968
RHO - LAYFAYETTE COLLEGE Michael Adler 2011 Nicholas Andrews 2016 Frank Bailey 1951 Salvatore Caiazzo 2003 Peter Carlson 2002 Edwin Case 1959 Leland Cheung 2000 Brian Ciuffreda 1994 Michael De Lisi 2003 William Engel 2010 Donald Engesser 1951 Mark Fedorov 1991 William Forbes 1996 Martin Freifeld 1969 Richard Fritz 1959 Scott Harris 1995 William Harvey 1953 Bradley Helland 2010 Richard Heller 1949 Peter Hiscano 1981 David Hollod 1982 Alexander Hope 2016 William Houldin III 2015 Daniel Huffenus 1986 Robert Jonas Jr 1946 Joseph Kiley Jr 1955 Charles King 1950 John Krah 1975 Gerald Leitz 1979 William Leonard Jr 2014 William Magee Sr 1947 Robert Malnati 1989 Jeffrey Marver 2011 Robert Matje 1989 Michael McCormack 1987 Carmen Messano 1974 Thomas Miglietta 2012 Thomas Neff 1959 David Nicholas 1976 Christopher Nolan Sr 1986 Jonathan Novaco 1992 Ronald Pennington 1952 Joseph Pew Jr 1955 Jared Piette 2012 Robert Pollastro 2016 William Potter 2003 Kurt Prohl 1989 James Raywood Jr 1973 John “J. B.” Reilly 1983 Grant Rizvi 2006 Michael Rupolo 2012 Richard Ryan 1986 Michael Shor 1981 Conrad Shrager 2011
Eric Shrier Ryan Simmons James Smith Jr Brent Souders Christopher Tourek Andrew Uzenoff Steven Vecchione Stephen Vorvolakos Mark Wagner Cameron Warner Jr Samuel Watson III William Welz Todd Wiltshire Douglas Young
1993 2010 1995 2011 2010 2012 1976 2014 1980 1981 1961 1977 1986 1986
RHO BETA UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND Brendan Bostock 2013 Steven Daniel 2012 Nicholas Daniel 2014 Anthony DePaul 2008 Michael Haliczer 2016 Gregory Hofbauer 2004 Ryan Papera 2013 Benjamin Paul 2011 Kyle Pearce 2012 Richard Poidomani 2002 Tyler Tillage 2013 RHO DELTA UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN James Garey 1997 Robert Swanson 1944 RHO LAMBDA UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA D. Burand USAF(R) 1972 Richard Burns 1971 Larry Core 1968 William Corr 1962 Ralph Duckworth 1969 John Fullerton Jr 1971 Charles Gill MD 1994 George Kingelin 1963 Gordon Leaman 1973 Howard McMillan 1956 J. Douglas Mistler 1965 John Moore Jr 2000 George Otey 1973 George Patterson 1965 Robert Pickup 1972 Orin Piepho 1973 William Robins III 1960 Robert Tierno 1971 Dunlap Vanice III
George Weaber A Weitzenhoffer Jr
1962 1962
SIGMA - AMHERST COLLEGE John Duncan 1945 Zachary Henry 1994 Anthony Hom 1971 David Ige 2012 Judd Liebman 2016 Brian Lobdell 2015 Mikio Nihira MD 1989 Mark Oppenheim 1962 Andre Pierre 1955 Gary Rogalski 1971 Jawad Safi 2006 William Schlangen 1951 Edson Sheppard Jr 1955 Samuel Swenson 2010 Peter Talbot 1949 Benjamin Wells 1965 Taylor Wilson Jr 2016 SIGMA ALPHA - VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Richard Abraham 1978 Floyd Adams Jr 1956 William Adams 2015 John Alday 1988 Michael Aliff 1969 Richard Anderson 1971 William Atwell Jr 1959 Manly Aylor Jr 1914 James Baker 1980 John Baker 1982 Jerry Ballengee 1962 Michael Beam 1988 Barry Bishop 1973 Preston Blake Jr 1986 John Boatwright 1978 Richard Bomgardner 2004 Phillip Bowden 1973 Jeffrey Bowman 1968 Charles Bradley 1979 John Budner 1950 Elbert Burson 1982 Richard Byrd 1988 David Calhoun 1979 Ronnie Campbell 1962 Gregory Carneal 1981 David Church 1983 Daniel Coley 1986 John Collins 1977 L Collins 1973 Harold Cothran Jr 1961 John Crawford Sr 1963
Elmer Creasey III 1976 Adrian Creech 1960 Steven Cronemeyer 1977 Charles Cubberly 2015 John Cullen 1976 Joseph Czul 1982 Christian Daly 2017 James Day Jr 1962 Jeffrey DeSchon 1988 David Donahue 1982 Robert Dreelin 1975 William Driskill 1960 Joseph Ebbets George Eberwine Jr 1954 Edward English Jr 1964 Forrest Eudailey 1970 Randall Everett III Michael Field 2008 Carlin Field 2017 Stephen Gadinis 1978 Erik Gordon 1994 Edward Greene 1968 David Haskins 1927 Michael Hawkins 1984 Charles Hayes Jr 1964 Mark Heberle 1984 Edward Hickman III 2001 John Hinkle 1977 Brian Hoffman 2006 David Holliday 1971 Bruce Hulcher 1963 Raymond Huntington 1952 John Hutcheson III 1975 Daniel James 1971 Daniel Johnson 1977 Wesley Johnson 2012 Patrick King 2005 Roger Leibowitz 1979 Charles Lloyd 1972 Joseph Loss 2014 Claude Martin III 1969 John Mason 1982 David Mason 1983 Ralf Mast 1962 Henry Mattox 1973 Russell McKinnon Andrew McLaughlin 2013 Selas Mellonas 2010 Michael Miller 1985 Ellis Monroe 1956 Temple Moore 1971 John Murray 1985 David Myers 2009 Thomas Overton 1988 William Owens 1961
William Passan II William Pennington Brian Perris Andrew Pettit Clifford Phillips Robert Phillips Charles Phlegar Kenneth Poore Adam Read Larry Renner Paul Rinaldi Lyman Robison Rodney Rodman Jeffrey Rose James Scanlon Craig Scimeca Wayne Settle Daniel Sexton Patrick Sheehan George Sisson III Michael Smith Robert Snyder Ray Sterne Robert Sullivan Jr John Surotchak Paul Sybert James Turner Scott VanVoorhees William Vinyard Jr Harold Wainman III Peter Waller Joshua Waller William Webb Charles Webb William White Jr Tazewell Whitley Jr Peyton Winfree IV Oliver Woody James Wright Stephen Yee David Zentmyer
1989 1978 1983 2003 1955 1981 1978 1964 1997 1965 1962 1968 1984 2012 1979 1982 1975 2008 1979 1976 1983 1976 1988 1976 2013 1965 1962 1990 1968 1977 1975 2005 1971 1988 1961 1974 1991 1967 1976 1996
SIGMA BETA - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA Derek Eckman 1995 Joseph McNamara 1994 Paul Mullin 1993 SIGMA KAPPA - MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY John Clarey 2007 Kilian Glish 2014 Christopher Harrington 2015 Ian Hildebrandt 2014 Eric Kettler 2003
Thomas Randall Shawn Robinson Eric Wehner
2009 2013 2011
SIGMA PHI VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY John Andras 1976 James Ehlers 1990 Christopher Finno 1978 Christopher Miller 1989 SIGMA RHO STANFORD UNIVERSITY James Barton 2009 William Bauman 1949 Payton Broaddus 2016 Robert Bryan 1957 Julian Carey 1995 Eric Chang-Tung 1975 James Cuneo 1962 Chesley Erwin Jr 1974 John Evans Jr 1974 James Faull 1968 Robert Fletcher 1957 Mark Granville 1970 Christopher Greene 1982 Charles Hale 1957 Jordan Hall 2012 Stephen Hansen 1975 Phillip Heald 1961 Charles Hicks 1960 Lloyd Hinkelman 1953 James Isaacs Jr 1980 Wilford King 1955 James Kresl 1945 David LeClair 1984 Jaren Leet 1959 Joshua Lippman 1999 Bernard Lowe 1954 Austin Lunny 2011 Jeffrey Manheimer 1977 Craig McCaw 1973 Craig McIntosh 1962 Thomas McManus 1958 Frederick Muhs 1960 Christopher Nguyen 2015 Alexander Ortiz 2016 Douglas Patton 1962 William Perrine 1977 James Props 1968 James Quillinan 1970 Richard Senseney 1951 Rexroad Simons 2016 Roger Smith MD 1963 Glendon Speakman 1965 Richard Terzian 1958
Frank Trane Ricardo Urena Lawrence Wayte John Wells MD David Wheeler Edward White Jr John Wilson Clinton Wright
1953 1996 1958 1956 1967 1953 1944 1984
SIGMA TAU MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY David Atherton 1991 Austin Boesch 2014 Michael Boylan 1954 James Colville 1973 Robert Doleman 1959 Michael Dynok 1999 Charles Evans III 1979 Robert Fabacher 1942 Hammid Firoozeh 2001 Maik Flanagin 2000 Lee Frankenfield 1998 Edward Gordon 1984 Ralph Grismala 1977 Todd Hiers 2000 Mark Kalinich 2013 Todd Kane 2009 Richard Kirkpatrick 1963 Alan Lukas 1972 George Mabry 1976 Ryan MacDowell 2009 Lawrence Markel 1971 Gordon Marler 1971 Harold McInnes 1949 Richard Miller 1985 Mark Oakes 1973 Henry Peacock 1950 Sandford Peek Jr 1942 Ethan Peterson 2013 Zachary Rose 2010 Bruce Sohn 1983 C. Sparano-Huiban 2016 Philip Strong 1958 Robert Terry 1950 Thomas Thornbury 1964 Theodore Tzanetos 2012 William Wiehl 1947 Stephen Yablonski 2011 SIGMA XI - ST. JOSEPH’S COLLEGE OF NEW YORK Joseph Macellaro 2007 John Ortiz 2014
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DONOR LIST TAU - HAMILTON COLLEGE Aron Ain 1979 Thomas Broderick 1972 Jarrod Burton 2009 Louis Croce 2012 William Darrin Jr 1967 Marshall Field 1963 Bruce Gaylord 1970 Laurence Glickman 1977 James Guerin 1958 Martin Kay MD 1967 James Kennedy Jr 1985 Frederick Marty 1967 Bernard Mikell Jr 1960 Brian Milstone 2010 Edmond Moriarty III 1982 John Ogden 1980 John Parker 1952 Tod Schweizer 1961 Joseph Serino Jr 1985 Gregg Sharp 1997 Tyson Smith 2012 TAU ALPHA MCGILL UNIVERSITY Cecil Convey W Courey Gabriel De Vuyst Victor Drury Robert Gales Ivan Karp Rafael Paez Estrada Patrick Thomson Benjamin Sheers
1958 1968 2014 1970 1968 1966 2014 1962 2017
TAU CHI TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Dane Armand 2011 Charles Burton Jr 2013 Andrew Elliott 2012 Tyler Gibbs 2011 Brent Phelps 2015 TAU DELTA UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH Jesse Bruen 2014 Alan Calder 1989 Ean Darwin 2012 Frank Failla Jr 1971 William Ikard 1971 Donald Irvin Jr 1979 H Munson Jr 1970 Geoffrey Pippin 2014 Joe Robinson III 2007 William Rush 2013 Stephen Smith 1976
William Terry Jr Lewis Walker William Wright James Douglass
1971 1973 2016 2018
TAU LAMBDA TULANE UNIVERSITY David Akridge Henry Alsobrook Jr Allain Andry III Matthew Barousse G. Bayle Damon Becnel Shayne Benedetto Robert Bland Richard Blum John Bolles James Broadwell Christian Brown Robert Brumfield Jr J Buckalew Lucius Butts Jr Robert Craig III Cory Crenshaw Alexander Curtis Edward Dienes William Dodenhoff Craig Duchossois Joseph DuPont III Charles Early David Faust C. Allen Favrot Henri Favrot Jr E Friedrichs Jr Ross Gelber John Georges James Gundlach Jerome Heard John Hogg MD Drew Johnson Hans Jonassen William Kearney IV Robert Livingston Philip Loria Jr W. Messersmith III George Michinard Jr Michael Miller Theodore Nass Kevin O’Bryon Esq. John Ormond II Bernard Panetta II Matthew Parr Huland Pitts Bennett Powell Michael Rapier
1961 1952 1956 1987 1955 1991 1995 1948 1978 1964 1978 1982 1955 1965 1947 1951 2001 2000 1983 1978 1966 1956 1980 1973 1947 1952 1965 2004 1983 1958 1946 1994 2008 1963 1980 1966 1977 1955 1957 1986 1966 1977 1989 1968 1998 1967 1961 1958
John Rive’ Jr Parks Shackelford Lloyd Shields William Slatten Jr Howard Smith Jr Frank Stewart III Austin Stewart Avery Stirratt Ben Templeton Ian Waggoner Benjamin Waring Robert Wehrmann C Wellborn Richard Williamson Carey Winder
1991 1983 1974 1984 1965 1987 2004 1954 1979 1995 1978 1961 1964 1991 1985
THETA - BOWDOIN COLLEGE Charles Bass 1976 Timothy Leland 1989 Charles Mackenzie 1987 David Nelson 1964 John Payson 1963 Charles Pohl 1983 Phineas Sprague 1950 Robert Stubbs 1955 George Zinn III 1988 THETA CHI - UNION COLLEGE Tyler Barnhart 2014 Michael Capella 2014 Ian Dempsey 2009 Sameah Haider 2012 Thomas Hickernell 2006 Gregory Jaffe 2010 Brandon Rosales 2017 William Tomalonis 2017 THETA RHO - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES Jonathan Blaisdell 2012 Gregory Cooper 1994 James Luby 2013 Steven Ly 2007 Yong Park 2011 James Pitts 1995 Rex Sessions 1946 homas Stanton 2008 THETA UPSILON ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY Steven Balthazor 1991 Derek Borck 1991 Michael Carroll 2014 Edward Engle IV 2012 Mark Hiland 1990 Matthew Hinz 2013
Justin Hruska William Kavan Matthew Kolopanis Scott Leith L Liston H. Lowe Brandon Mudd Brendan Ronan Adam Smith Keith Woods
2014 1992 2012 1995 1992 1990 997 2014 1996 1989
THETA ZETA - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY Russell Adams Jr 1949 William Adams 1950 Courtland Alves 2009 Colby Barrett 2000 Frederick Bradley 1958 James Costello 2005 Lucas Cravero 2011 Alastair Cumming 1983 Thomas Davis 1965 Andrew De La Fuente 2013 Samuel French 1949 Bruce Glover 1986 Winthrop Gruber 2019 Timothy Hachman 1962 Harry Hamlin 1974 Gregory Hampton 1971 John Hardy 1958 Wayne Himelsein 1995 Dard Hunter 2014 Adam Lyon 1990 Peter Michael 1964 Bruce Moody 1950 Todd Morrish 1986 John O’Conner 1974 Daniel O’Neill 1986 Jonathan Perrelli 2003 Rafael Rafailov 2016 Emmons Sebenius 1 950 Richard Shepherd 1990 Gary Tan 1989 Robert Tuller Sr 1956 Terry Viele 1965 Brooks Walker Jr 1950 John Walker 1953 Nima Wedlake 2010 UPSILON BROWN UNIVERSITY Edward Flynn 1951 Wendell Harris 1949 John Holman Jr 1959 Conrad Kronholm 1952 Robert Shea 1949
XI - COLBY COLLEGE Hugh Anderson 1956 James Axelrod 2014 Felix Baldauf-Lenschen 2014 James Bither 1966 Timothy Brown 2007 Patrick Dolan 2012 Thomas Drummond 1958 David Giesel 2015 John Gray II 1978 Blake Grosch 2002 Ross Kolhonen 1967 Charles Madden 2015 C. Mastrangelo 1992 Stefan Merriam 2013 John Reeves 2001 Andrew VandenBerg 2014 H. Vasdeboncoeur 2012 Kevin Walls 2016 Joseph Waters V 2015 Jonah Waxman 2005 Peter Zink 2011 ZETA PRINCETON UNIVERSITY Richard Cohn-Lee 1990 James Diamond 1989 Sean Durkin 2012 John Edwards 1998 Eric Eriksen 2012 Jesse Hallock 2013 Isaac Ilivicky 2017 Oliver Keller 2001 Trevor McGuire 2014 David Trulio 1995 N. Vaikunthan 2018 ZETA CHI BENTLEY COLLEGE Michael DeJesus 2017 Victor Henderson 1979 Matthew MacKenzie 2013 John Maloney-Hawkins 2010 Ryan Mao 2018 ZETA GAMMA - HAMPDENSYDNEY COLLEGE Almantas Palubinskas 2016 ZETA UPSILON - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Ranielle Garcia 2000 Jason Giles 1994 Howard Kui 2002 Isaac Middendorf 2002 Steven Sweetwood 1999
ZETA ZETA - LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Edward Abell Jr 1960 Steven Aertker Jr 2014 G. Alexander III 1977 Chester Alpaugh III 1977 Hans Armstrong MD 1954 George Banos 1977 Robert Barkerding Jr 1963 John Bateman 1956 Robert Bernhard III 1985 Albert Betz 1988 Paul Bienvenu IV 1992 Paul Bienvenu Jr 1970 George Bofinger Jr 1966 Donald Bohn Jr 1975 John Bornman Jr 1955 Beau Box 1989 Mordelo Breckenridge 1969 Thomas Brewton 1956 Ben Burnside 1967 James Burt III 1959 Kimberlin Butcher 1988 Oliver Carriere Jr 1954 Roy Cole III 1974 Christopher Cole 1971 Edward Cole 2003 Bill Cooper 1971 Lynton Culpepper 1960 Charles Custer IV 1961 Henry Davis 1965 William Davis 1977 Martin de Laureal 1972 James Desonier 1975 Mark Dodart 1981 Stephen Douglas 1986 James Douglas 1960 David Dufour 1980 John Eastman 1968 George Eastman III 1967 Edward Ecuyer 1983 David Elder 1971 Blaise Ernst 1997 W. Farrell 1970 James Favrot 1979 Charles Feltus 1960 Alan Flake 1984 C Forgotston Jr 1967 Hardy Fowler Jr 1973 Harold Fuselier III 1993 Edward Gaiennie 1979 Richard Gallmann 1959 Timothy Gamble 1983 Allen Gamble 1978 C. Gautreaux 1994
Richard Gautreaux 1970 Cyril Geary III 1974 Jeffery Geary 1981 S. Pendery Gibbens Jr 1954 James Gibert Jr 1983 Benjamin Gibson 1995 Clave Gill 1969 William Godfrey II 1944 Marvin Greene 1974 David Greenwald 1992 William Hearne Jr 2006 T. Hill 1982 Thomas Hill Jr 2014 William Hindman Jr 1970 Richard Hodges 1955 Karl Hoefer 1980 Francis Huey 1961 Benjamin Hyneman 1971 William Jeffcoat III 1965 H. Jones Jr 1960 Charles Jones 1993 John Jumonville Jr 1967 C. Hayden Kaiser Jr 1952 Michael Kearney 1965 Charles Kilgore 1981 Bryan Kitto 2015 Thomas Kramer 1950 Jacque Kuchta 1981 John Lafaye 1988 John Lange Jr 1986 David Lankford 1970 James Leake Jr 1962 Walter Ledig 1966 James Leisk 1950 William Lockard Jr 1993 Frank Lopiccolo III 1980 rank Lopiccolo IV 2010 James Maddox 2006 Joseph Mann Sr 1971 Joseph Mann Jr 1998 James Marlowe 1982 Charles Marshall Jr 1967 Frank Maselli 1973 Paul Masinter 1983 Steven Mason 1966 Walter McAdam 1959 James McCullough Jr 1958 Philip McMahon 1954 Brian Melius 1978 David Melius 1974 Cyril Melville Jr 1962 Tom Milliken II 1973 Maurice Monrose 1951 Bradley Myers 1978 Charles Myers 2013
William Owens David Paddison Joseph Parker Jr Robert Peiser Robert Petersen Robert Pettit Jr George Pope MD Richard Provensal George Purvis Jr Renaud Rafferty Wilbur Reynaud Milton Roberts James Robin David Rosprim Sean Ruggles John Salisbury Jr John Savoy Marc Schneidau Thomas Schoen Jr Bruce Scott Anthony Simmons William Simpson Thomas Smith William Sonner Jr Roy St. Paul Jr Daniel Stari Michael Talbot Jr Michael Talbot Sr Kenneth Taylor Sam Thomson Hoyt Tompkins William Treadway III Vernon Ventress Jr Harry Viener Thomas Virgets Michael Vizard George Voelker Milford Wampold David Watkins Robert Wertz Thomas Westfeldt Frank Williams Charles Williams Sartor Williams III Sterling Willis Gordon Wogan Edward Wolff Monty Wyche Douglass Wynne William Zetzmann III
1964 1971 1950 1944 1965 1954 1976 1980 1935 1983 1970 1961 1980 1993 2013 1970 2009 1989 2006 1974 1973 1979 1987 1980 1986 1967 2014 1982 2013 1967 1993 1974 1957 1959 1955 1980 1983 1955 1957 2000 1974 2009 1980 1967 1981 1976 1992 1947 1974 1976
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Baird Foster Jr. died August 7, 2016 from head injuries sustained in a fall. Baird, of Moorestown, NJ, was beloved husband of 56 years to high school classmate Margo. He was the great-great nephew and great-nephew of David Baird Sr. and Jr., respectively, both US Senators from NJ in the early 1900s. Baird loved classical music and was a percussionist at Haddonfield High School. He helped pay his way through Rutgers University, where he was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon, by playing drums in various bands. Upon graduation in 1960, Baird began employment at the family business, International Envelope Company in Philadelphia. Later he was involved in the publishing industry at Auto-Graphics in Pomona, CA, from which he retired in 1995. Soon after, he bought a 1962 Austin-Healey BJ7 convertible and became an enthusiastic and active member of the Austin-Healey Club of America, the Austin-Healey Sports & Touring Club, and the Healey Drivers Club (UK), receiving numerous service awards and recognitions from those clubs over the years. The highlights of his Healey ownership occurred in 2000 and 2010 when he chauffeured Jenson Button (2009 Formula 1 World Champion) in the Drivers Parade at the Formula 1 Grand Prix du Canada, in Montreal.
HENRY HONOR ST. PAUL III ZETA ZETA ‘74 1952-2016 Henry Honor St.Paul, III was born in New Orleans, LA on July 20, 1952, to the late Henry Honore St.Paul Jr., and Helen Dunbar Christ. He graduated from De La 46 THE DEKE QUARTERLY | WINTER 2016
Salle High School in 1970. Henry played on De La Salle’s Varsity Tennis Team, where he and his partner finished second in the state in doubles his Senior year. In August 1970, he entered Louisiana State University’s Engineering School and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and a Master’s degree in Business Administration. Tanker was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity and many Carnival organizations. He is survived by his mother, Helen, devoted and loving wife of 31 years, Jennifer Puckett St.Paul, his sons, Henry and William, and daughter Jennifer. Beyond all of his many accomplishments, Tanker will be remembered for his exceptional integrity, his kind and gentle nature, and his devotion and love to his wife and three children. Always surrounded by family and friends, Tanker was known for his quick wit and sense of humor. Tanker was always present for even the smallest of events including Saturday morning bike rides with his son, William, the Monday night United Happy Bowling League, every sporting event, and so much more.
JAMES A PAPPAS DELTA KAPPA ‘68 1946-2016 Real estate developer James “Jim” A. Pappas of Boston and Palm Beach died Monday, Aug. 1, 2016, in West Palm Beach. After a career spent developing commercial and residential projects in New York and Boston, Mr. Pappas renovated and built homes in Palm Beach. Born in Milton, Mass., Mr. Pappas graduated from Milton Academy in 1964, and in 1968 earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. In Mr. Pappas’s freshman year at Penn, the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity asked him to nominate members of his pledge class – an honor usually reserved for upperclassmen — and he remained lifetime president of his class. Mr. Pappas developed projects in White Plains, N.Y., emphasizing “vertical construction” as an antidote to suburban sprawl,
which he detested. In all, he developed several million square feet of office space in the city. Thereafter, he and his brother took over the family business, developing more than 2 million square feet of industrial, office and retail space, primarily in South Boston. Mr. Pappas opened the Boston Tennis Club, which later became The Boston Athletic Club. He was a member of the Greek Orthodox Church and supported charities including The Dana Farber Cancer Institute, the South Boston Neighborhood House and the Boys & Girls Club. He also served on several boards, including those of Boston University, the University of Pennsylvania and Milton Academy, and was an art collector, golfer and sailor.
WILSON SCHOELLKOPF JR OMEGA CHI ‘58 1935-2016 Wilson Schoellkopf Jr. died September 10, 2016 at his home surrounded by his family after a long illness. He was a Dallas businessman and investor who built on his family’s foundation of philanthropy. Schoellkopf was born and raised in Dallas, where he attended Texas Country Day School. In 1958, Schoellkopf earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas at Austin, where he was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon. His civic involvement included work with The Dallas Foundation, the West Dallas Community Center, the Dallas Lighthouse for the Blind, and the Hockaday School. He was especially involved with the Dallas Light House for the Blind, which his mother, Clifton Lingo Schoellkopf, helped found, serving as chairman of the board from 1985 to 1987. On the Hockaday School board of trustees from 1985 to 1996, Schoellkopf served as chairman from 1992 to 1994. “From the curriculum to athletics to the arts, his vibrant energy filled every room and every project of which he was a part.” Schoellkopf was a member and former chairman of Brook Hollow Golf Club and the Trans-Mississippi Golf Association. He was a three-time golf champion at Brook Hollow. “He was was bigger than life and probably could have been on the golf tour”, said his wife, Jan DeJarnette Schoellkopf.
CHAPTER ROLL 2016-2017
PHI Yale University ZETA Princeton University PSI University of Alabama BETA University of North Carolina ALPHA Harvard University KAPPA Miami University DELTA University of South Carolina LAMBDA Kenyon College ETA University of Virginia IOTA Centre College OMICRON University of Michigan RHO Lafayette College TAU Hamilton College BETA PHI University of Rochester THETA CHI Union College ZETA ZETA Louisiana State University PHI CHI Rutgers University GAMMA PHI Wesleyan University PSI OMEGA Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute DELTA DELTA University of Chicago PHI GAMMA Syracuse University THETA ZETA Univ of California, Berkeley PHI EPSILON University of Minnesota SIGMA TAU Mass. Institute of Technology ALPHA PHI University of Toronto DELTA KAPPA University of Pennsylvania TAU ALPHA McGill University SIGMA RHO Stanford University DELTA PI University of Illinois OMEGA CHI University of Texas, Austin ALPHA TAU University of Manitoba DELTA PHI University of Alberta PHI ALPHA University of British Columbia TAU DELTA University of the South PSI DELTA Wake Forest University SIGMA ALPHA Virginia Tech University PHI DELTA University of Western Ontario PI BETA Troy University ALPHA MU Rowan University EPSILON RHO Duke University NU ZETA Pace University THETA UPSILON Arizona State University PHI SIGMA Bryant College PHI RHO Pennsylvania State University CHI RHO Bloomsburg University ZETA CHI Bentley College BETA GAMMA New York University SIGMA KAPPA Michigan State University DELTA PSI Indiana University MU CHI Maryville College RHO BETA University of Richmond TAU CHI Texas A & M University BETA TAU University of Victoria SIGMA XI St. Joseph’s College OMEGA MU Oklahoma State University PHI MU Manhattan College CHI BETA Univ of North Carolina, WiIlmington GAMMA IOTA Gannon University ZETA GAMMA Hampden-Sydney College PI ALPHA Unversity of Missouri
73 Lake Place, New Haven, CT 06511 Uses university facilities, Princeton, NJ 946 University Blvd, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 132 S. Columbia Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Colony Status, Cambridge, MA 325 E Sycamore, Oxford, OH 45056 Uses university facilities, Columbia, SC Old Kenyon dormitory, Gambier, OH 173 Culbreath Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903 600 W. Walnut Street, Danville, KY 1004 Olivia Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 719 Sullivan Trail, Easton, PA 18042 Uses college facilities, Clinton, NY 597 Fraternity Road, Rochester, NY 14627 N. Wing Fox dormitory, Schenectady, NY 13 Dalrymple Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 78 College Ave., New Brunswick, NJ 08901 276 High Street, Middletown, CT 06459 Colony Status, Troy, NY Uses private facilities, Chicago, IL 703 Walnut Ave, Syracuse, NY 13210 2302 Piedmont Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704 1711 University Ave. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414 403 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139 157 St. George St, Toronto, ON, Canada M5R2M2 307 S. 39th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Uses private facilities, Montreal, QC, Canada Uses university facilities Stanford, CA Colony status, 713 W. Ohio St., Urbana, IL Colony status, 715 Graham Pl., Austin, TX Uses private facilities, Winnipeg, MB, Canada 11003 87th Ave., Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G0X5 #8-2880 Westbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC, Can V6T253 735 University Ave, Sewanee, TN 37383 1101 Polo Road, Winston Salem, NC 27106 302 E. Roanoke Road, Blacksburg, VA 24060 Colony status, London, Ontario, Canada 414 Fraternity Circle, Troy, AL 36081 68 N. Main, Glassboro, NJ 08028 1708 Pace Street, Durham, NC Uses private facilities, Pleasantville, NY Uses private facilities, Tempe, AZ Uses private facilities, Smithfield, RI 328 E. Foster Ave., State College, PA 16801 Uses private facilities, Bloomsburg, PA Uses private facilities, Waltham, MA Uses university facilities, NY, NY 505 Albert Ave., East Lansing, MI 48823 518 E. 1st Street, Bloomington, IN 47401 Uses private facilities, Maryville, TN Uses private facilities, Richmond, VA 3200 Callie Circle, College Station, TX 77845 Uses private facilities, Victoria, BC, Canada Uses College facilities, Patchogue, NY 11772 1225 W. Third Ave., Stillwater, OK 74074 4513 Manhattan College Pkwy, Bronx, NY Uses private facilities, Wilimington, NC 109 University Square , Erie, PA Uses college facilities, Farmville, VA 912 S. Providence, Columbia, MO 65203
53 12 110 62 13 69 47 24 60 32 26 45 10 19 40 17 43 34 16 19 36 37 26 37 14 41 26 20 28 10 21 20 44 21 49 41 20 19 26 11 5 37 20 66 13 44 12 16 15 13 22 41 39 19 23 19 29 19 16 63
O-S 11-F 49-FO 23-FO O-F O-S 23-F O-SO O-SO O-SO 28-F 21-FO 10-SO O-FO 10-F 23-F 13-F O-S 4-F 4-F 6-S 8-F 6-F 12-FO 10-FO O-S 12-FO O-SO 10-FL 1-F 9-F 13-FO 24-FO 2-F 1-F 14-F 21-S 13-F 14-F O-SO 10-F 13-F 6-S 21-F O-S 6-S 5-F 15-F 9-S 2-F 3-F 12-F 15-FO O-S 5-F 9-F 16-F 1-S O-F 15-F
Kappa Chi Tau Beta Lambda Tau Iota Chi Alpha Omicron Delta Rho
Colony status, uses private facilities Colony status, uses school facilities Colony status, 1828 Fraternity Park Dr., Knoxville, TN 22 Colony status, uses private facilities Colony status, 881 19th St., Boulder, CO Colony status, 18 Maiden Ln., Raleigh, NC 21
35 5 1 22 21 12 21
6-S 12-F 6-F 8-F 10-F 15-F
U of Delaware Simon Fraser U of Tennessee Ithaca College U of Colorado NC State
New member figure represents actives initiated during the recent semester. Add Active and New Member numbers to establish total chapter size. FO or SO means initiation is held in Fall or Spring only. F or S means initiation is held both semesters with the letter indicating the primary recruiting period.
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