Legacy of the Donostia/San Sebastian 2016 European Capital of Culture project

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Legacy of the Donostia/San Sebastian 2016 European Capital of Culture project Transforming Culture for a Decade of Coexistence is the title of the programme of the candidature for the European Capital of Culture submitted by the three institutions: the Basque Government, the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa and the City Council of Donostia/San Sebastian. It is a title and a programme that sought to respond to the huge collective challenge that Basque society faced, and it aimed to do so through culture "to achieve peace and create a model of coexistence to share with other European cities, based on respect for Human Rights, a culture of peace, education in values and linguistic and cultural diversity". Culture and education were seen as essential tools to "prevent and combat violence, intolerance and the conflicts suffered by European society, and to make European cities spaces for COEXISTENCE". It was a programme that required, in turn, "active, responsible and solidary citizens", equipped with the strength of "their capacity for transformation". That is precisely why we talked about Citizens' Waves of Energy and Culture for Living Together. The vision of the Candidature Programme corresponds to that big challenge; and the objective for the year 2016 was: 

A society where people had skills and tools to overcome conflicts and to coexist peacefully and participate in a community of solidarity

a more open society where diversity is respected and valued as a source of richness and where equality is promoted

a society in which citizens participate in a more active and responsible way

a more cosmopolitan society that connects from the local level with Europe and with the world, making a contribution on the basis of its own identity and expanding this in order to grow

a creative society, capable of inventing new foundations for economic, environmental, social and cultural sustainability

It was acknowledged, at the same time, that the self-imposed goals went beyond the traditional field of culture, as three goals were pursued: to install a long-lasting culture of peace, to celebrate the diversity (linguistic, religious, cultural and gastronomic) of our region and to value our unique geography and landscapes (bays, cultural parks, coastal paths and a chain of lighthouses). The lighthouses have been used for these goals, and around them more than 3,000 activities have been organised within the Lighthouse of Peace, the Lighthouse of Voices and the Lighthouse of Life projects. In order to fulfil these goals, several objectives were proposed during the programme:  to promote cooperation with European cultural agents, artists and cities

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastián T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


to highlight the richness of European cultural and linguistic diversity through the promotion of collaboration networks and mutual cooperation between institutions, cultural agents and companies

 to likewise focus on the new linguistic realities brought by the immigrants who have settled in our land  to highlight European diversity in the field of gastronomy using already established networks in order to share gastronomic traditions in Europe and beyond the continent It is true that a few months after Donostia/San Sebastian was chosen to be the European Capital of Culture 2016, ETA announced the definitive suspension of its violent activity. But that did not make the goals of the programme presented any less important. There was much to do, and there is still much to do, to consolidate peace, coexistence, respect for human rights, for diversity and also for linguistic and cultural diversity, in our society and in Europe. With regard to the effects that the European Capital of Culture project would have in the medium and long term from a socio-economic, cultural and urban point of view, the institutions aspired to: renewing the cultural policies, consolidating the co-production of projects with other European agents and cities; bringing cohesion to the region of the candidature and the cross-border corridor of the Basque Euro-city; reinforcing the European dimension and projection of the sociocultural infrastructures (San Telmo Museum, Tabakalera International Centre for Contemporary Culture, Basque Culinary Center, etc.); and consolidating the public space of the city as the setting for cultural activities and civic coexistence. Steven Green, the chairman of the Selection and Supervision Panel of the European Capital of Culture programme until last year, summarised the ambitions of the DSS2016 legacy in the following way: 

Learning to coexist (this has been the slogan of the Capital of Culture year: culture for living together)

a network of people

empowerment of people

innovating the cultural model

co-production (in music, dance, etc.)

a more respectful, fairer and more solidary, more understanding society

fighting against the image of a society associated with violence

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastián T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


If we look at the Legacy of the first programme1, we see that, with slight differences in the formulation, there are those that we have just mentioned, but also some others (for example, becoming an international benchmark for artist residencies, the sustainability of linguistic diversity and international tourism related to culture). Finally, it should be remembered that the Ruling by the Committee of the Regions for the 2007/2019 period indicated in point 1.2. that "The Committee of the Regions acknowledges that the impact of the ECOC can be even greater if it is part of a city's long-term cultural development strategy"; which is also highlighted in the document European Capitals of Culture 2020-2033. Guide for cities preparing to bid, where it is stated that a ECOC should be part of a long-term cultural policy strategy, capable of creating a sustainable social, cultural and economic impact. In other words, the best way to guarantee the legacy is to integrate the capital of culture year within the general strategy of a city, developing links between culture, education, tourism, regional planning, and social services, etc. Donostia/San Sebastian has its own Strategic Plan 2020, with a vision and goals (many of which have been developed since its approval) that fully coincide with those of the capital of culture project: a cohesive city, without social exclusion, without violence; with active, participative citizens; a city proud of its Basque identity, which must know how to balance its plural cultural identity with modernity, globalisation and the integration of citizens from other countries. A city that stands out in fields linked to culture, education, knowledge and innovation. A city that is a model of sustainability from an environmental, social and economic point of view, where culture in all its facets will have central importance, from the cultural industry to artistic manifestations, from languages to gastronomy. Peace is another of the goals of the Strategic Plan, but a peace built through the appreciation of values, the suffering of victims and the importance of respect, in such a way that Donostia/San Sebastian becomes a benchmark for education in values. It also aims to be a benchmark with regard to its services for people with disabilities. Finally, the Strategic Plan 2020 fully assumes the environmental challenge: the creation of the Cristina Enea Foundation, the approval of the Plan against Climate Change, the implementation of alternative systems to capture energy in public buildings, etc. In short, the activities carried out in the Lighthouses of Peace, Voices and Life, the itinerant embassies, etc. fully correspond to the content of the Strategic Plan.


Citizens’ responsible use of freedom; Respect for dignity and human rights; Individuals using their voice for positive pride; Changes in mentality, culture for solving conflict; Sustainability of linguistic diversity; A regional reference point for artist residencies; Citizen participation in society; Shared knowledge, prioritisation of ICTs; International tourism related to culture.

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San SebastiĂĄn T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


Once the year 2016 is over, it is time to clarify the commitments of the institutions in relation to the legacy that Donostia/San Sebastian, the European Capital of Culture 2016, will leave, fulfilling article 3 of the statutes of the DSS2016EU Foundation, that is, that after 2016 the Foundation would carry out, on the one hand, the "development of projects and activities that guarantee the socio-cultural legacy of the project within the framework of the goals established" and, on the other, the "activation of the processes and mechanisms that pass the baton and the lessons learned to the structures and professionals" that work in the city and in the region. From what has been said until now, from the legacy that was forecast seven years ago, we can easily deduce that we are talking more about processes and methodologies than about specific activities. Therefore, the legacy should guarantee the survival of these processes, by continuing with the activities carried out as a result of the Capital of Culture project or, in the future, through other new activities that work towards the same goals. It is a vision that coincides with the Declaration of the Municipal Corporation of 15/04/2008, in which it identified as the first objective that the European Capital of Culture should be "a strategic tool, in the medium term, to achieve peace, to raise awareness in Basque society about respect for democratic principles and to achieve greater social cohesion through more sustainable development". The approach must therefore be: how can culture continue to contribute towards promoting peace, respect for human rights, coexistence among people, and inclusion? How will culture continue to make a contribution towards respect for the environment, towards healthier lifestyles? How will we maintain the networks with other minority cultures and languages? How will we maintain the networks with cultural agents from other European countries? In order to answer these questions we will look at some of the achievements of 2016. As the Mayor declared during the Plenary Meeting of 20/10/2016 on the State of the City, it is possible to say that: 

the programme has been carried out as expected, and with noteworthy participation by the people;

2016 has helped to place the value of coexistence at the forefront;

it has attracted private sponsorship

it has succeeded in adequately responding to what seemed an enormous challenge: to prepare the city to host all the events during the Capital of Culture year

2016 has seen the internationalisation of the city; an internationalisation based on positive values (as opposed to the past international image of a city linked to conflicts and violence). This international prominence is also reflected in the

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastián T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


number of official visits that we have received and in the presence that the city has had in the media in other countries (European, American and even Asian). The number of cities that have approached us seeking a twin relationship is further proof of this. We therefore see that we have already started to achieve some of the goals we had hoped for as a legacy (participation, volunteering, an image of the city linked to values of non-violence, etc.). But also the activities carried out: 

have proved that we have cultural agents capable of creating innovative products such as A Midsummer Night's Dream. In fact, it should be noted that more than 80% of the budget has been managed by Basque agents, companies or people.

have created an international network of artists, translators, writers and social agents involved in the defence of minority languages (New Translators, New Curators, Corners, Other Words, Hitzargiak, the International Forum of Minority Languages, the Protocol for Guaranteeing Language Rights, etc.)

have led to cooperation between museums, theatres and other public and private institutions (Cristina-Enea Foundation, Aquarium, Ekogunea by Kutxa, etc.)

the European dimension and projection of our festivals, of our infrastructures – STM, Music and Dance School, Jazzaldia and VEA – has been reinforced.

have meant progress in the memory of victims (Adiorik gabe)

the participation of citizens has been one of the highlights (Olatu Talka, Waves of Citizen Energy) even in the evaluation. Not only is "the DSS2016EU project the result of a long process of participation which started in 2009", it is also the actual carrying out of the programme.

A volunteering programme has been consolidated, which has inspired, trained and empowered citizens, to become – after 2016 – the active and committed principal actors in the new model, operating at different levels and offering spaces and channels in the different stages of the project: from its creation and implementation to its evaluation and monitoring. It is a path that has sought to channel the participation and energy of anonymous people who, with great enthusiasm, have offered to support and contribute to the project in any way they could.

From what has been said until now we could conclude that the legacy should focus on Coexistence and Participation ("Leave a profound legacy in terms of coexistence and participation", as stated in the City's Strategic Plan). But to this we should add the commitment to innovation and internationalisation in the field of culture; and, finally, cooperation and closer ties with the rest of the Basque regions, including Navarre and the French Basque Country.

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastián T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


However, and this is one of the features of DSS2016, when addressing the socio-cultural legacy of the Capital of Culture project, Donostia and the institutions of the Foundation are not starting from scratch. They have a network of infrastructures and companies – either working on their own or in collaboration with other institutions – that are capable of assuming a legacy of coexistence, innovation and internationalisation of culture in a natural way. These centres can also take on the legacy of citizen participation, of inclusion and of the empowerment of citizens. That is, we have a solid foundation to pass "the baton of the lessons learned to the structures and professionals" who work in the city and in the region, as established in the goals of the DSS2016EU Foundation. Among the bodies and infrastructures, we have: 1. The recently created Centre of Human Rights Education Resources of Aiete, the field of work of which would be educational pedagogy, social pedagogy and citizen participation. The main thematic axes on which the educational resources of this centre would focus would be two: a) human rights, culture of peace and of coexistence and b) human rights, non-discrimination and coexistence in diversity. This proposal emerged from the collaboration that the three institutions carry out within the working framework that they share in the European Capital of Culture Donostia/San Sebastian 2016 project. 2. Gogora, the Institute of Memory, Coexistence and Human Rights, created through Law 4/2014, of 27 November, and which has among its goals (article 3) that of safeguarding the preservation, development and dissemination of the collective heritage that is the memory of the defence of the principles and values which sustain democratic coexistence and which find in the testimony of victims an irreplaceable part of that heritage; and to foster the dissemination, promotion and defence of human rights and the values of peace. 3. The General Secretariat for Peace and Coexistence, the body that helps the Basque President in the definition and direction of the strategy and activities aimed at definitively consolidating peace and achieving the social normalisation of coexistence. Along with the Centre of Human Rights Education Resources and the Institute of Memory it is, without a doubt, one of the most important tools to perpetuate the legacy of peace, coexistence, respect for human rights and for diversity; in other words, to perpetuate the values that the Lighthouse of Peace project addressed. 4. TABAKALERA, International Centre for Contemporary Culture, supported by the Basque Government, the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa and the City Council of Donostia, has two goals: to be a production centre, and to offer a public schedule of activities. As well as being a place which supports artists and creators along their professional career paths, it also creates a programme for a diverse audience and

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastián T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


provides the general public with tools for the introduction and access to contemporary culture and creation. It is, therefore, a centre with a fundamental role in assuming part of the legacy related to cultural innovation, the creation of international networks, artist residencies, or the empowerment of people (also in terms of ICTs). In fact, the cultural project of Tabakalera revolves around four lines of work that make up its programme: contemporary artistic practices, mediation, digital culture laboratories, Hirikilabs, and the creation library, Ubik, which will be the recipient of all the material created during the year of the Capital of Culture. TABAKALERA has already actively participated in the Capital of Culture project through projects such as Hirikilabs, Ikusmira berriak and the EIE Cine international film students’ meeting (in collaboration with Zinemaldia), and ALF (Architecture: Film Languages) in collaboration with the Cristina Enea Foundation. 5. The Vice-Ministry of Language Policy, the principal body responsible for Language Policy which, in the fulfilment of its functions and in its spheres of action, actively participates with almost all social agents in the revitalisation of the Basque language, and is part of international networks of bodies whose goal is also the revitalisation of minority languages, in particular of the Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity. 6. The Etxepare Basque Institute, whose mission is to disseminate Basque language and culture throughout the world; it is the ambassador of the Basque language and culture abroad, and promotes the international dissemination of the Basque language and of Basque creators in all fields, from literature to stage arts, sculpture, painting and music. In collaboration with EIZIE (the Association of Translators and Interpreters), it has already launched the Itzultzaile Berriak programme within the framework of the Capital of Culture project, with the aim of giving 8 foreign literary translators the opportunity to translate into their respective languages works by Basque authors chosen by themselves. It is also involved in the creation residencies programme, Joan-etorriak, in collaboration with Donostia Kultura. 7. Emakunde, the Basque Women's Institute, an autonomous body within the Basque Government that designs, promotes, advises, coordinates and evaluates equality policies and raises awareness in society with the aim of achieving the real and effective equality between women and men in the Basque Autonomous Community. 8. The Cristina Enea Foundation, with the Environmental Resources Centre, the Ulia Interpretation Centre, the Natur Txoko in Urgull, the Observatory of Sustainability, and the Bicycle Observatory. More specifically, the Cristina Enea Environmental Resources Centre seeks to promote a change of direction towards global sustainability in the field of education and local awareness-raising, thus favouring a change in behaviours. Its training programmes, educational resources and awareness-raising activities are organised around three main lines: the general public, the professional public, and the school public, as a commitment to the future. Before the Capital of Culture project it Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastiån T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


was already running HidroLogikak, but the project has grown in ambition and scope within the Capital of Culture programme. Within this context we can understand the subtitle and content of From the river to the bay, which involves setting up a schedule of activities focused on strengthening the relationship between citizens and the Urumea river and facilitating an artistic approach to the river, developing awareness through audiovisual creation and other tools. 9. Donostia Kultura, the Public Business Entity of San Sebastian City Council, whose mission is to service the city's cultural and festive needs, which manages the city's network of libraries and cultural centres, the Principal Theatre and the Victoria Eugenia Theatre, and also the San Telmo Museum. Its aim is to make culture one of the main assets for the development and projection of the city. It organises programmes in all cultural fields; it organises festivals such as the International Jazz Festival and the International Human Rights Festival and, above all, it promotes new cultural platforms in the city, combining public and private initiatives. Donostia Kultura leads the Other Words Creative Europe programme, a network of European writers in minority languages. It has actively participated in the Capital of Culture programme in many projects, such as Donostiapedia (in collaboration with the Basque Service of Donostia/San Sebastian City Council and the UPV/EHU), Olatu Talka, Mugalariak, Kimu, Antzerkigintza Berriak, Labore, Kalebegiak, Joan-etorriak (in collaboration with the Etxepare Institute), Kontukontanitz (the Children's Library hosted several of these stories) and Rekording. In addition, the San Telmo Museum hosted part of the main exhibition of Peace Treaties (one of the major milestones of the Capital of Culture programme), and other exhibitions such as Gaur/Kairos or the case studies by Sert. In the Conversations section, the Horror and Fantasy Film Festival and the Human Rights Film Festival have been consolidated (along with the House of Peace). 10. The Municipal School of Music and Dance organised one of the milestones of the Capital of Culture programme, EMusik. 11. The Basque Culinary Center, a pioneering academic institution at a global level, which has higher education, research, innovation and the promotion of gastronomy and nutrition as its goal. It has participated in the development of activities such as A Midsummer Night's Dream, Time Machine Soup, On Appetit and Creativity in the Kitchen. 12. Musikene Higher School of Music of the Basque Country, which has collaborated throughout the year in which San Sebastian has been the European capital of culture with performances during the opening day (23 January), at the EMUSIK Festival (May) and participating in the Kalebegiak projects (September) with the recording of the soundtracks and the composing of the music for one of the short films. Within the Conversations programme, Musikene carried out the Lachenmann project (February)

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastiรกn T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


and a concert was given by the Musikene Symphonic Band with Johan de Meij (October). 13. The Zinemaldia International Film Festival, based in Tabakalera and which has been, along with the International Centre for Contemporary Culture, the Film Library and Donostia Kultura, a fundamental agent in Ikusmira Berriak and in the International Film Students' Meeting (along with the ICCC). 14. Gordailua, the Centre for Heritage Collections of Gipuzkoa, attached to the Provincial Government which, after the approval of the new strategic plan, will become a supplier of services and resources related to heritage and culture. Along these lines, it will provide access to its resources in collaboration with the network of museums and other cultural entities and will facilitate public access to its items through the Internet, and will design a policy of "temporary exhibitions" coordinated with the San Telmo Museum and other entities. It will also promote its opening to society through the possibility of guided thematic visits, and will work in a network with other similar European installations. 15. Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea/Koldo Mitxelena Cultural Centre, a benchmark cultural centre, belonging to the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa, which combines library services and exhibition spaces. The library stands out thanks to its heritage resources, as well as for its lending resources. The activities organised have been closely linked to Basque culture and literature. As for exhibition spaces, the Erakusaretoa hosts the latest in international visual arts, inviting contemporary artists from here and there, presenting theses or interpretations of private collections and carrying out coproductions with other centres. And the Ganbara exhibition hall focuses on the most hidden artists from Gipuzkoa. Within the Capital of Culture programme, Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea has hosted part of the main exhibition of Peace Treaties (along with the San Telmo Museum), among other activities.

16. The Mintzola Foundation, the Board of Trustees of which is made up of representatives of the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa, the Town Council of AmasaVillabona, the UPV/EHU, Kutxa, and Bertsozale Elkartea. The Foundation aims to promote reflection related to oral tradition and to foster interaction among the disciplines related to oral work. 17. Albaola, the Basque Maritime Factory, is an innovative space where artisan maritime technology is recovered and showcased. The Factory is open to the public and is characterised by its dynamism, by the diversity of its activities and by its international projection. Naval construction, the international school of coastal carpentry, the navigation school, the naval modelling workshop, the cabin boy's corner, the

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastiรกn T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


programming of stage arts by the sea theatre and the Auzolan group of volunteers make up a creative universe that aims to teach about the seafaring past of the Basque Country. The construction process (which also involves a research process) of the Nao San Juan has been the link with the Capital of Culture programme and has been joined by a series of activities that are part of the Lighthouse of Life project.

This group of bodies and institutions will assume the legacy that will follow from the goals established in the programme: coexistence, respect for human rights, and diversity; a fairer and more solidary, more egalitarian society; citizen participation, a network of people; cooperation with European cultural agents, artists and others; highlighting the richness of European cultural, linguistic, religious and gastronomic diversity through the promotion of collaboration and cooperation networks; reinforcing the European dimension and projection of our infrastructures; bringing innovation to the cultural model; co-production in the fields of music, dance, etc. In any event, when talking about the legacy we must distinguish between two types of legacy: that which already exists, that is, the tangible results, productions, which will remain in the future; and the activities carried out in relation to the transfer of knowledge: the continuity of projects, processes and methodologies that seek to meet the initial goals. And to all of this we should add the improvements made to the city itself. Tangible results/productions All of the documentation created in relation to the cultural programme, which will be deposited in UBIK, Tabakalera

The Publications: to mention a few (although the list is attached as an annex) Catalogue of the Peace Treaties exhibition Catalogue of the Gaur/Kairos exhibition Ehunberri notebooks Chekhov vs Shakespeare, the correspondence between Bernardo Atxaga, Harkaitz Cano, Eider Rodriguez, Luisa Etxenike, Laura Mintegi, Arantxa Urretabizkaia, Fernando Aramburu and Angel Erro on the one hand, and on the other, authors Bashkim Shehu, Dubravka Ugresic, Belén Gopegui, Mircea Cartarescu, Birgit Vanderbeke, Menna Elfyn, Héctor Abad and Patrik Ourednik

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastián T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


Uda gau bateko ametsa, text translated by Juan Garzia Garmendia and published by DSS2016 and EIZIE Gabon Txirrita, theatre play composed by Xabier Lete in 1982 Gida ez perfektua/An imperfect guide, produced by the Tosta mobile embassy, about good practices in minority languages Donostiapedia, a book made in collaboration by those who participated in the project Euskal Haur eta Gazte Literatura, a wikiproject by students from the Teaching School of the UPV/EHU; a book that contains articles about Basque authors and illustrators Elena Odriozola, Jokin Mitxelena, Iraia Okina, and others. Works produced (again, not an exhaustive list): In the public space: the Iturriak installation by Maider Lopez, MiramArt by Victor Goikoetxea, Walls that talk Audiovisual material: Kalebegiak, the Europa Transit documentaries (which will be distributed for their public screening, starting this year, by the Filmazpit programme managed by Donostia Kultura), the products that resulted from Ikusmira berriak Theatre plays: Lu eta Le by Bernardo Atxaga, Tratos adaptation by the director of the National Drama Centre, Ernesto Caballero, of the work by Cervantes Trato de Argel. New Dramaturgies: Soka by Mikel Gurrea, Miss Karaoke by Oier Guillan and Coordenadas by Olatz Gorrotxategi. Treblinkara azken trena/The last train to Treblinka which, in addition to being innovative from a stage performance point of view, addressed respect for human rights and involved the use of stages that were not in use between June and September. The stage design of the Gabon Txirrita representation The Giant of Altzo, puppets, with text by Koldo Izagirre and music by David Azurza Exhibitions: Hitchcock, Tirabirak, Eresoinka Artistic creations: those that emerged from the projects Labore, Joan Etorriak, Corners of Europe, Outskirts/Aldiriak (from Peace Treaty). The work by Pierre

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastiรกn T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


Gonord which, once the exhibition has ended, will go to the San Telmo Museum Creation in the field of performing arts: Huts by Jone San Martín (and in the Conversations section, Oteizaren kaxa beltza by the groups Kresala and Verdini) In the field of Linguistic Diversity: Hitzargiak, projects www.hitzargiak.eu








Protocol to Guarantee Linguistic Rights (www.protokoloa.eus) Beste hitzak/Other words, a Creative Europe programme led by Donostia Kultura, a network of writers in the Frisian, Macedonian, Slovenian, Irish and Basque languages who have created (and will continue to create) texts in their languages and which will be translated into the rest of the languages and into English (www.otherwordsliterature.eu, www.bestehitzak.eus) Others: 2016 Bidea, the repair of a network of GR footpaths that criss-cross the entire Basque geography; the lighting of the City Hall. Launching of the project to rebuild the San Juan whaling vessel. Regarding the Transfer of Knowledge In line with one of the goals of the strategic Plan of Donostia/San Sebastian 2016 – number 16 (to collect, document, evaluate and investigate methodologies and processes… and to model new methodologies) – the DSS2016EU Foundation has worked from different perspectives on the transfer of knowledge, during the development of the projects, through training programmes, support and through the way of organising the programming itself; as a proposed legacy. For this purpose, a series of decisions have been taken that favour the transferability of what has been learned (memories, evaluations, documentation, etc.). Training during the Capital of Culture project: A significant presence of workshops (more than 25%) and meetings as a type of activity – typologies that favour this transfer. In addition to the public events, many processes have been created throughout the carrying out of the projects, mainly with agents, which fosters learning (starting with the definition of the volunteering programme, projects such as Street tartar, etc.).

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastián T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


Assistance with grants: from support when applying for grants such as Creative Europe in the projects that have been applied for, to support in the waves programme. Through the training activities, which sought to focus on learning through on-site courses and supporting online training. Relationships with other ECOC has made it possible to learn from others and to transfer our knowledge. In this respect, this transfer has occurred through the following channels: - The participation of DSS2016EU at the two annual meetings held by the network of ECOC cities, in which they exchange experiences and which enables the connection between agents (one of these carried out in Donostia in autumn 2014). - Attendance by members of DSS2016EU and sponsoring institutions at the inaugurations of other capitals of culture. - Meetings and contacts with other capitals of culture to share knowledge about specific matters or fields. - Through the projects themselves. A total of 20 projects have fostered relations with other capitals of culture, the most relevant of these being "Biziz", which has resulted in cooperation with a total of 13 previous capitals of culture,"Europa Transit", with 3, and "Corners", with 2. Taking all of these channels into account, the Capital of Culture project has had contact with a total of 45 of the 65 cities that have been selected since the ECOC started, as well as those that will be the capitals of culture in 2020. The capitals of culture with the closest relationship and complicity with DSS2016EU have been those that are closest in time: Pilsen (2015), Wroclaw (2016) and Aarhus (2017). Legacy of the European Capital of Culture 20162 a. To continue working on the culture of peace, coexistence, human rights The projects that will guarantee work continues on these goals will be housed in the Secretariat for Peace and Coexistence, the Gogora Institute of Memory,


THE PROJECTS MENTIONED IN THE FOLLOWING POINTS ARE PROJECTS WHICH AROSE AND WERE DEVELOPED IN RELATION TO THE EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE PROGRAMME. In the case of preexisting projects, or those developed within the Conversations project with the city's cultural programmes, this is specifically indicated.

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastiรกn T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


Coexistence and Human Rights and the Centre of Human Rights Education Resources:  Adiorik gabe to continue paying tribute to the victims through their musical and literary memory  Forum theatre: and what about you? to continue working, through theatre, on empathy with the victims of violence  Tira-birak/Comic strips and similar exhibitions to remember the social and political atmosphere that gave rise to these comic strips, accompanied by parallel activities (conferences, workshops, laboratories, etc.)  Ehunberri citizen empowerment to strengthen coexistence  Educational material created based on the documentaries of the Europa Transit mobile embassy (ten perspectives of ten conflicts – Ceuta, Belfast, Dresden, Wroclaw, Kaliningrad, Pristina, Sarajevo, Plovdiv, Istanbul and Paphos – in search of empathy and mutual understanding) In the future, Donostia Kultura and the House of Peace and Human Rights of Aiete will take on, within the framework of the Human Rights Film Festival,

 European Film and Human Rights, the international meetings of young people and forums with representatives from the Human Rights Film Network b. To continue working, through culture, for a more egalitarian, more solidary society that respects diversity, that works towards inclusion  Herri zahar, Andre berri, Emakunde will continue to work to highlight the participation of women in cultural practices, in local traditions and in their representations  Baitara baita will continue to work on religious diversity through the interreligious dialogue table with the coordination of the Pedro Arrupe Institute and the participation of the Department of Cultural Diversity of Donostia/San Sebastian City Council  Kontukontanitz, the library network of Donostia/San Sebastian and the Koldo Mitxelena Cultural Centre will collaborate, through short stories, to work to break down barriers created by a lack of awareness of physical, intellectual, sensory and mental disabilities  Break a leg! or different abilities on stage; a repetition of the festival in which performance art professionals with different abilities and disabilities participate, every two years, in collaboration with Tabakalera, Donostia Kultura and the Kutxa Foundation  Although it has not been part of the activities in 2016, without a doubt the following project organised by the Capital of Culture Project Office must be

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastián T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


seen as part of the legacy to achieve a more solidary society through culture. Starting in 2017, and for 4 years, students from Musikene and professionals from Onkologikoa will carry out research together in music therapy, in order to provide the best assistance for cancer patients and to generate evidence through applied research.  A continuation of the conversation held between DSS2016 and Atzegi, so that people with intellectual disabilities can participate in artistic manifestations and exhibit their work in the San Telmo Museum, the Aquarium or the Naval Museum. The City Council of Donostia/San Sebastian will coordinate, along with Atzegi and the head of the With You We Create Donostia programme, Jone Arruabarrena,

 Projects directly related to inclusion, present in the current 2017 edition of Olatu Talka c. To continue involving a network of people, encouraging citizen participation  A network of volunteers with which the technical office of Donostia/San Sebastian City Council will continue to work. d. To continue promoting a creative society, the empowerment of people  The Olatu Talka festival, created in 2010 on occasion of the candidature, the continuity of which will be assumed by Donostia Kultura starting in 2017, where citizen participation – through collaboration between professionals and amateurs – and the use of unusual urban spaces, will continue to be distinctive features. In this year's edition there has been a 15% increase in the number of submitted projects, many of them new and innovative.  Waves of Energy: the Department of Culture of the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa will assume the legacy of this programme set up in the year 2015 to encourage the active participation of citizens in sociocultural activities (together with the Ardora selection committee, it means that citizens are at the centre of both cultural proposals and executive decisions).  Hirikilabs: the TABAKALERA International Centre for Contemporary Culture will assume the continuity of this laboratory on digital culture and technology, organising activities that link the digital world, collaborative creation and citizen empowerment  From Donostiapedia to the Wikiproject: Wikiliburutegiak. The Donostiapedia project has included the participation during the year 2016 of several institutions: the Donostia/San Sebastian Library Network, the Women's House, the University of the Basque Country and the City Council's Basque Language

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastián T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


Department. Tangible results are the Donostiapedia book and the book that contains the articles written within the Wikiproject, "Haur eta Gazte Literatura". The Donostiapedia project had many lines of activity and a thematic content that was too ambitious: knowledge of the city. The UPV/EHU and the Basque Language Service of the City Council will continue with the project, but independently. They will create other cooperation networks. The library network will focus on literature. On the one hand, it continues with that Wikiproject: Haur eta gazte literatura, and starts the new "Idazlezainak" project. The librarians, in addition to looking after the bibliographical resources, will also support the writers, making them better known, creating and improving their articles in Wikipedia. In the global project called "Wikiliburutegiak", in addition to the municipal libraries, the Koldo Mitxelena Library, the HABE library and the Carlos Santamaría Library (UPV/EHU) will also be participating. The formula of the resident wikipedian started in 2016 also continues in 2017. Throughout 2017, there will also be a number of editing meetings to encourage citizen participation. All the information is available on the website via several links: https://eu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikiproiektu:Liburutegiak  Ondarebideak is a digital platform created to give life to the cultural digital heritage, where visitors can see exhibitions created by experts, and can also create their own personal exhibitions. The Department of Culture of the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa, through the Gordailua centre, will maintain and expand this digital platform. e. To maintain the European networks created with European cultural agents, writers, artists, etc.  Other words/Beste hitzak: Donostia Kultura will continue to lead this Creative Europe programme during the two remaining years and will analyse, alongside the other members of the network, the best way to give it continuity.  Corners of Europe: a network of creators from the European periphery to foster collaboration projects among artists from different fields and nationalities in which six Basque artists participate along with more than 60 European artists. Although DSS2016  Joan-etorriak: Etxepare Euskal Institutua, in collaboration with Donostia Kultura, will continue the creation residencies programme between capitals of culture: Donostia and Wroclaw; Arhem (Netherlands) and Rijeka (Croatia).  Chekhov vs Shakespeare: Etxepare Euskal Institutua

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastián T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


 Europa bat-batean: maintenance of the network of improvisers that represent the oral traditions of European cultures (and also American) is taken up by the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa through the Mintzola Foundation (in particular through Bertsozale Elkartea)  Jazzaldia will continue its collaboration with other European Jazz festivals, as a continuation of the conversation held in 2016 with the Capital of Culture project.  EMusik, the Music and Dance school, will continue to organise annual festivals in a reduced format to that of 2016, but which will make it possible to maintain its relationship with other European schools, as well as bringing the work of the pupils of the school to the citizens of San Sebastian. f. To maintain the networks for the promotion of linguistic diversity  Hitzargiak HPS and Sociolinguistics Cluster  Tosta HPS and Topagunea  HPS Linguistic Diversity Forum and UNESCO Etxea  Protokoloa Kontseilua g. To continue fostering co-production, relationships between artists, playwrights, museums, theatres, etc., and to continue promoting the training of new creators  Ikusmira berriak: a programme to support audiovisual projects committed to innovation and experimentation, in both the language of film and in production resources. Tabakalera and Zinemaldia will assume the continuity of the programme.  The International Film Students' Meeting, which will be continued by Tabakalera and Zinemaldia (which have already participated in previous calls for proposals)  Itzultzaile Berriak: the Etxepare Basque Institute, along with EIZIE (Association of Basque Language Translators, Correctors and Interpreters) will continue with this project which aims to extend the limits of written literature in the Basque language). The new calls for applications for grants for foreign professionals from the world of translation will be added to the international selection already carried out from among Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Russian, Czech, Slovenian, Polish and Estonian translators.  Antzerkigintza berriak: the Basque Government's Department of Culture will assume the coordination of this programme, which aims to promote local playwriting, offering grants to writers from other literary genres, performance arts professionals and anyone who has a story to tell within the framework of theatre. Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastián T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


 As a continuation of the multidisciplinary and innovative project that A Midsummer's Night Dream has been, Donostia Kultura will assume the coordination of another similar production every three years (in collaboration with other institutions if they so decide).  Komisario berriak: to promote the practice of curatorship in the Basque context and to foster the training of new professionals in the sector. As the programme has included the participation of Tabakalera (Donostia), Azkuna Zentroa (Bilbao) and Artium (Vitoria-Gasteiz), it will be the Basque Government's Department of Culture that will lead future calls for proposals.  Labore: during the year 2016, the museums that are part of the San Sebastian Network of Museums have become spaces for creation, bringing together Basque and international artists. The Department of Culture of the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa, through Gordailua, will continue this work, expanding the network to the museums of the region. h. To continue promoting the strengthening of a Basque CountryAquitaine cultural space  Mugalariak: a residency and mediation programme in public theatres of the Basque country and Aquitaine. The Department of Culture of the Basque Government, with the collaboration of Donostia Kultura, will assume the continuity of the programme. Confirm the viability of the project. The Government of Navarre is ready to join the initiative, but this year the project has not received any aid from the Basque Country-Aquitaine grants and, therefore, there will be no 2017 edition.  Kimu: the design of a training itinerary in the French Basque Country and in the Basque Country to enrich and promote performance arts for children and young people in the Basque language which will be taken on by the Department of Culture of the Basque Country, with the collaboration of Donostia Kultura  Cross-border Choreographic Centre, created before the Capital of Culture project, between the Victoria Eugenia Theatre and the Malandain Ballet of Biarritz. This has been part of the conversations held between DSS2016 and Donostia Kultura, and after 2016 cross-border cooperation will be renewed and reinforced. These projects (and others) will contribute towards the education of new audiences, to bring culture to our young citizens. i. To continue promoting coexistence with the environment  Hidrologikak: an initiative that has already been celebrated on six occasions, with the waters of the Urumea river as the central theme, organised by the

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastián T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


Cristina Enea Foundation. As indicated above, the programme existed prior to the Capital of Culture project, but it has been expanded and reinforce during 2016, and this will continue to be the case in the future.  Architecture: Film Languages: Tabakalera and Cristina Enea j. To continue fostering gastronomic diversity  Creativity in the Kitchen: gastronomy as a means of encouraging health, culture, creativity and passing on the social values that are inherent in the act of cooking. A project that could continue, led by the Basque Culinary Center. k. To continue promoting the Donostia/San Sebastian brand in the international sphere  Continuing the joint work between institutions and cultural (and gastronomic) agents. Many of the projects that will contribute towards this goal are already contained in the above points.  Donostia/San Sebastian will be integrated in the European ECOC network and Donostia Kultura will represent the city. l. Other projects  Basque artists on the coast: a project by Donostia/San Sebastian City Council that means a continuing commitment to living artists for interventions in public spaces around the city, with a commitment to public-private participation, such as MiramArt by Victor Goikoetxea, or the Iturriak installation by Maider Lopez (an installation that will remain through a collaboration agreement between the City Council and the Provincial Government) and which will be continued with the intervention by Cristina Iglesias in the Lighthouse on the island of Santa Clara.  Maintenance of the Gipuzkoa section of the GR footpath network created in 2016 by the Department of Culture of the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa, in collaboration with the Basque Camping Club. m. Software tools  Behagunea: a website to automatically measure the participation achieved in the activities and the events of the capital of culture project on the Internet and in social networks. Donostia Kultura will implement the use of this tool throughout its organisation to monitor both the programmes and festivals and the services it offers.  Euroku: a mobile phone game developed by Codesyntax that will measure your knowledge of the Capital of Culture project and European culture in general

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastián T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


through short rounds of questions. This app can be adapted for use as an app for San Sebastian Tourism and/or Gipuzkoa Tourism. n. Evaluation. Processes and methodologies The Capital of Culture 2016 project will also leave behind a series of processes and methodologies for the future.  Inter-institutional work, which was already frequent before the Capital of Culture project, increased during the project. This cooperation must continue in the future as the best way to ensure that the challenges of the legacy are met. In fact, new synergies have already been created (between Donostia/San Sebastian City Council and the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa, between the Etxepare Institute and Donostia Kultura, etc.) to continue meeting the goals of the Capital of Culture project. Proof of this, for example, is the Collaboration Agreement between the San Telmo Museum and Gordailua, which will be presented soon.  In relation to the Transfer of Knowledge, documentation plans for each project and field have been produced. The evaluation has been a major undertaking, with the definition of a comprehensive approach involving evaluations of key projects and other fields in addition to a global evaluation of the project, involving a system and qualitative evaluation indicators for cultural projects, based on the presentation of the results of the evaluation process carried out by the Capital of Culture project, with the collaboration of the LKS and Prospektiker consultancies, and by teachers and students of the UPV/EHU. However, we should not forget that it is still too soon to evaluate the extent to which the Capital of Culture project has contributed towards civic reconciliation, towards the cultural renewal and transformation of the city, of the region, and of the Basque Country. It will be necessary to wait a few years to the able to do so. In this respect, the City Council assumes the responsibility for announcing a call for applications for a research grant (or to promote a research project) that aims to analyse how the society of San Sebastian has changed after the Capital of Culture project, to assess the influence of the project. 70 publications have been generated, 40 of them downloadable. More than 1,500 documents related to the Capital of Culture project will be conserved, accessible through Makusi or Ubik in Tabakalera. The knowledge acquired regarding the attracting of funding has been shared with companies and civil society, and with some of the main cultural agents of the city.

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastián T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


We are also working on the preparation of a database of international agents to be shared with the Etxepare Institute, Tabakalera and Donostia Kultura. Finally, participation in the ECOC Network will be continued through Donostia Kultura.  The Accessibility Guide for Cultural Events published by the Capital of Culture Office in collaboration with Elkartu, reflecting what was learned in 2016 will remain as a reference for the design of accessible and inclusive cultural events.  As a legacy of the ways of carrying out activities in 2016, the Department of Culture of the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa will modify the lines of subsidy for supporting projects that have a transforming capacity  The Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa will also create the Office for Assisting the Culture Sector Ohar bat gehitu Joxeanek eta biok adostua (bestela, aurreko bi puntuak kendu)  Continuation of the European Dialogues and Challenges initiatives via two channels: by the Departments of Culture and Cooperation of the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa, in collaboration with STM, but opening this up to other spaces in the region. The topic chosen on this occasion will be Cooperation. And through Jakiunde and STM, in the year 2017 the Challenges/Erronkak initiative will be maintained, which will work on "biological memory (DNA), psychological memory and social memory: feminist memories and socio-economic memory".  With regard to the San Telmo Museum, within the programme carried out in the Documentation and Debate Centre of STM in the CHALLENGES department, the museum will continue to work on topics closely linked to the values of the Capital of Culture project: European dialogues with Globernance; sustainability with the Cristina Enea Foundation; cooperation with the Department of Cooperation of the City Council (here it might be convenient to coordinate with the debate activities that the Provincial Government wants to launch); and human rights, in collaboration with Baketik, several NGOs, etc.   As a general observation regarding the programmes included as a legacy and which involve artist residencies, the Department of Culture of the Basque Government will include a line of work focused on the topic of Residencies within the Kultura Auzolanean plan. The aim is to achieve better coordination between the institutions in this respect.

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastián T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


 After the good work carried out by the professionals from the sector, institutions must renew efforts to provide them with stability in their work, to consolidate their professional situation; either through triennial events similar to A Midsummer Night's Dream, or by facilitating innovative projects such as The last train to Treblinka, or other projects.

Legacy of the Technical Commission of Donostia/San Sebastian City Council On 28 February 2014, by resolution of the mayor, a Municipal Technical Commission was created, whose mission was to coordinate and integrate the initiatives, ideas, proposals, etc., of the municipal departments, municipal public companies and/or private entities, in the Capital of Culture programme in a coherent way, with the approval of the 2016 Foundation. It is this commission that has succeeded in "preparing the city", in the words of the mayor. Although there will be an independent evaluation document for this Commission and the legacy it will leave, its most notable achievements can be briefly summarised: 

Improvement in the accessibility to the administration. Creation of the Public Space Use Unit, Gune Publikoaren erabilera Unitatea, a one-stop office to manage the permissions to occupy public spaces and temporary activities.

A procedure to manage the organisation of small format concerts, theatre and variety performances in public establishments through "prior communication".

In terms of communication, the weekly cultural and leisure agenda on paper, agreed upon between DK, Tourism, Strategy and the 2016 Office, etc. And the adaptation, content creation and updating of existing municipal websites with practical information on how to get there and how to move around, plans, locations of interest and a list of municipal social networks; and a direct information protocol for people affected by exceptional measures.

The creation and launching of the communication, awareness-raising and training campaign on civility, sustainable mobility, the use and cleaning of public spaces and the protection of the urban landscape: "atsegin zaitut".

In terms of mobility, a sustainable mobility plan; the setting up of an interinstitutional work team (with Mobility, Strategy and Tourism) and the CrossBorder Mobility Round Table, to deal with the big issues of regional mobility; improvements to the traffic light network of the city; a study on the state of the city's car parks; the updating of maps of cycle lanes, restricted parking areas, and underground and overground car parks with copies on bus shelters and panels in strategic locations around the city, on municipal websites and on paper to be distributed to the region's and surrounding tourist offices.

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastián T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


In safety, health and prevention, the creation of an inter-institutional and interdepartmental coordination commission to monitor and coordinate the impact of big events; a new ACP (Advanced Command Post).

A coordinated internationalisation plan, important work in the Eurocity/Agreement with ACBA (Agglomération Côte Basque Adour) in the fields of culture, tourism and mobility, and with the Atlantic Pyrenees Department; monitoring of visiting delegations; creation of a Non-permanent Commission and a specific working group for foreign action/internationalisation/city twinning, etc.

In tourism, the implementation of a reception plan that specifies internal language training for Administration staff related to public services or who are visible in public spaces; a training plan and the creation of a manual of good practices in reception for service staff, tourist agents and municipal staff; the preparation and updating of maps and itineraries detailing how to reach and how to move around the city, etc. And in relation to tourism promotion, attendance at specialised trade fairs, the organisation of press trips: France, United Kingdom, Germany, Nordic countries, USA, Japan, including some of the most prominent media outlets: BBC TV/The Daily Mail/Lonely Planet/the Independent/The Evening Standard in the UK, Le Parisien/Le Figaro/Saveurs in France, Vogue (Brazil), Kapital Reise (Norway), Lufthansa Magazine/DB Mobil in Germany, National Geographic in Holland.

In the field of technology, updating of the map of open Wi-Fi zones; development of part of the Smart Cities programme

Other reflections linked to the municipal logo and corporate image; presentation video of the "Living together" city, the city strategy linked to the brand; corporate communication strategy in relation to the different municipal websites.

Comprehensive management of the public service, reflection and debate on the different existing cards (citizen's card, Joko garbia, Kirol txartela, dbizi, mugi, etc.), as well as cards for visitors (Sansecard, Dbizi, Mugi, etc.) and the search for a solution, if possible a single one, which incorporates all the services.

Material legacy (partly mentioned above): Miramart (Ondarreta tunnel and the management of data offered by the software application and the potential for other departments); lighting of the façade by Iberdrola, the identification of emblematic buildings, the Bus Station information office.

Erregina Erregeordea, 8 - 20003 Donostia / San Sebastián T. (0034) 943 481 150 F. 943 483 900 E. donostiakultura@donostia.eus www.donostiakultura.eus


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