Centers Convention DLA NATURALS
July 2010
1. Their marketing plan pays a lot !!
Most probably that company will not sustain on the long run.
2. Everybody wins from their marketing plan !!
Nice but it is not the good way because the real business minded people will not appreciate this repartition of pay out and will not invest their time in such company. This type of company will never grow.
3. Their marketing plan is easy to achieve! 4. Their marketing plan is hard to achieve !
Same as above. Not everyone is able to achieve it. It is the best way for the one capable to win a lot of money ! It is the way are doing the biggest company in MLM. They create millionaires! You cannot creat millionaires by cutting the cake in thousand of small portions !
» If you do nothing, you win nothing » If you do a little, you win a little (small part time income up to 5000 Pesos by example) » If you a little more, you win a little more. (nice part-time income: up to 15 000 Pesos by example) » If you do a lot, you win a lot (this replaces a good position job up to 100 000 Pesos by example) » If you make a real business of it, you win a lot and you create wealth up to millions.
WHAT IS A FAIR MARKETING PLAN IN MLM? 1. A system that combines nice direct selling discounts with potential network development incomes. 2. A system that doesn’t reward the position but the achievements and the results. 3. A system that doesn’t pay based on the work of others. 4. A system that grant achievers with big incomes.
A fair MLM system is the one that rewards someone based on results. In business, the most unfair system is to reward someone based on their resume, their talk, their family connections or their position in the structure. To be a golfer you simply buy some clubs for a few thousands Pesos and go play golf - that is the base level “standard” to participate. To be considered a good golfer there are higher standards you must meet, to be a great golfer there are even higher standards. This is true of every sport, every business and every profession and even parenthood! Having a child doesn’t make you a great parent. In MLM, to participate you buy an inexpensive distributor kit. This is similar to saying that you “play golf.” It takes almost NOTHING to achieve this level - therefore many people can achieve this easy standard. To be great in MLM (and enjoy the lifestyle that is offered), performance standards have been established in the compensation plan. They are not arbitrary standards; they are specific lines of achievement that anyone who wants that level of achievement must meet. Meeting or exceeding performance standards is the reason someone achieves success in MLM. In conclusion on the marketing plan, you actually want a difficult-to-achieve compensation structure - but one that is achievable. You will, of course, have to work for it and may even have to increase your skill level to achieve it. But the rewards are big !- as long as you’ve chosen a good company. It is the same in any industry. if you pour your heart and soul as an employee into a company that gets downsized or goes out of business, you start over.
WHY DLA NATURALS IS THE GOOD COMPANY FOR YOU. 1. Financial and investments stability DLA NATURALS is debt free, no bank loans, no collateral, self financing company, all assets are fully paid. The company value is 700 millions Pesos. The company has permanent investments in the Philippines and her assets are established in the country. DLA NATURALS is a family company 100% owned by family members.
2. Products The company is a fully integrated company, from farm to end user. Products are answering to the market demand for health and wellness conscious people. The market segment is a booming one: + 25% per year worldwide.
3. Marketing plan The marketing plan is combining networking activities and direct selling opportunities. It is a fair marketing plan, offering up to 50% discount in direct selling and 25% pay out in the compensation plan.
4. Management Team, Track record and Philosophy The company has a 25 years of perfect track records in international business. We believe in business offering value products for money, in freedom, in honesty and responsibility.
END USER: it is very important for us, because they don’t only consume the products but also they pay the full price ! Not everybody should become member !
there are basically two types of member » The one willing to buy at lower prices for his own consumption. This type of member is less interesting for our system because he is getting the best price and he is not developing sales. » The one willing to make a business of it. This type is the one we are interested in
MOBILE STOCKIEST: the MS is a clever member who understands the potential income generated by direct selling to end users and is willing to sell products “on the way”, at work, in remote areas, in Barangays, etc.
SERVICE CENTER: for the members looking really to develop a solid business on the long run. We will learn today that to develop business , it is not simply a question of money, but much more:
» » » » » » »
Attitude (mind and action) The use marketing tools. Commitment and passion. Hard work. Long term vision against short term attitude. Common sense and intelligence, talent. Organization and method.
Empowering your skills by understanding the opportunity of DLA NATURALS. MLM Multi Level Marketing What does it means? What is the difference between Sales and Marketing ?
Sales is just a part of Marketing. Marketing is using marketing tools to be able to sell products. • Self Branding. • Advertising. • Generating Leaders. • Measuring the results and adjusting. • Market knowledge. • Identifying markets and adjusting approach.
Understanding the essence of the Marketing Plan !
To establish a business plan that includes a “Marketing plan” and a “Network developing plan”
Goals + Actions = Results
Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence. Colin Powell
Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved William Jennings Bryan
Action is the real measure of intelligence. Napoleon Hill
Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in. Bill Bradley
If I lost everything and had to start again, I would find myself a great network marketing company and get to work! Donald Trump.
I would rather earn 1% of 100 people’s efforts than 100% of my own efforts. John Paul Getty
There are only 2 ways how networkers can achieve substantial income: To build an active customer base (people who buy your products)
To build a down line of distributors who also build an active customer base
Consolidation of your business refers to the retention of your customer base and your down line distributors. Dedicating time in consolidating your business is important. Retention of your customer-base can be achieved by adding a perceived value to the product or service, ultimately adding to the customer’s satisfaction. Retention of down line distributors can be achieved through building a relationship and establishing a supportive network that is willing to assist distributors to achieve their goals.
Essential Keys to build a business: 1. Make a long-term commitment to your business and recognize that every failure gets you one step closer to success. 2. Build your organization through a process known as prospecting where you actively find your customers and down line distributors. 3. Consolidate your business and retain your customer base through establishing a supportive network and customer satisfaction. 4. Organize the everyday management of your business, such that you can focus your efforts towards growth and consolidation.
Network marketing is creating more millionaires today than the internet industry did before ! It is why respected entrepreneurs like Warren Buffet, Donald Trump, are recommending this proven system. There are about 150 000 people joining network marketing every single week in the US !
The Wealthy Mindset
The Poor Mindset
Have a delayed gratification mindset, settling for short-term pain for long-term Have an immediate gratification mindset settling for short-term gain for gain. long-term pain. A wealthy mindset is willing to take risks with the understanding that failure/losing is part of the process of winning. Hence, they are early adapters, taking advantage of a new opportunity before others realise its potential.
The general population avoid risk because of the fear of failure or loss. They wait to see what everybody else is doing, then do the same – by which time it is too late to capitalise on a new opportunity.
Have a positive attitude, using language such as: •"If others can do it, so can I."
Have a negative attitude, using language such as: •"I can’t, it’s too hard."
•"I’ll make time."
•"I don’t have time."
•"What’s it worth in the long term?"
•"I can’t afford it – it’s too expensive."
Are indecisive - they are slow to decide and quick to change their minds Are decisive – They are quick to decide and slow to change their minds. They because, once they have decided, they start to worry if they have made know that their destinies are shaped in their moments of decision. Indecision the right decision. Fear, uncertainty and doubt are inherent in their leads to in-action which, in turn, leads to unfavorable results. personality Seek opportunity. They want to develop, achieve and excel. They do what the Seek security. They desire a safe, secure profession / job, but such a majority are unwilling (not unable, just unwilling) to do. They realize that thing is virtually non-existent today, and even if it was, it would provide people who play it safe continually miss opportunities and seldom make little chance of attaining financial independence. progress. Take responsibility for their circumstances. They know that "when you choose Do not always take responsibility for their circumstances. When things the behaviour, you choose the circumstances". Hence they create their own aren’t as they would like them to be, they sometimes try to justify their circumstances by choosing actions that support their goals. The wealthy situation. Some even blame others – the government, their employer, mindset attitude is “if it is to be, it’s up to me.” their teachers, parents/children etc. Those with a wealthy mindset make it happen. They know that success must The general population let it happen. Many have no definite plans for the be summoned; it won’t come unbidden. They have plans. They can tell you future or they simply don’t execute their plans, hence they fit into where they are going and how they are going to get there. someone else’s plans.
Understand and apply the law of 'Cause and Effect' – as you sow, so shall you reap. They know they must give to receive - e.g. one They expect to receive value before they will give value. must give respect before they receive respect. One must give value to receive value.
Mind their own business. They build businesses and use the power of compounding / leverage to earn residual income.
Mind somebody else’s business. They work hard for somebody else trading hours for dollars by earning a linear income, paying up to 50% of their income in taxes.
See with their minds what others miss with their eyes, hence recognizing See only with their eyes, often missing opportunities for improving potential where others don’t. their circumstances in life. Have a sense of urgency. All successful people are driven by sense of urgency to produce results.
They wait until all the conditions are right before taking action.
Have a sense of team and a common purpose. They believe in synergy – They do it all themselves, hence they don’t often achieve the big combining and sharing the work effort. outcomes they aspire to. Persist until they succeed. Like a child learning to walk, every time they Quit at the first sign of defeat. As soon as they encounter setbacks, fall down, they get up quickly and keep trying until they get it right. they give up. They say “it’s too hard. It hurts too much. I give up” They are results orientated and perform activities that produce the results They are activity orientated, confusing being busy with progress. They they desire, resulting in a high quality of life. They plan their work and are so busy being busy, that they lose sight of what they are trying to then execute this plan. accomplish. Have more money at the end of the month, i.e. they have money left over They live from pay cheque to pay cheque. More often than not their at the end of the month that they can invest or spend as they wish. money runs out before the end of the month.
Focus on ‘quality of life’. They will retire in comfort, maintaining their standard of living and generally enjoying more free time and better then average health.
Focus on ‘standard of living’. Some will work their entire life. The majority will find that their standard of living will drop by 40-75%. When they retire they will struggle to make ends meet, depending on welfare or the goodwill of others for their existence.
The way in which residual income works in the network marketing industry is that in the beginning you are seriously underpaid for the work you do. For example, initially it may take you 10hrs of work to make a 300 Pesos profit which works out to be only 30 Pesos per hour. This is the point where many people will give up. What you need to realize is that as your organization grows the opposite is also true. You become seriously overpaid. Not only are you earning a profit on the work you do, but also from the work of members in your organization, where now you could easily be earning 300 Pesos/hr.. Let’s look at an example, if I offered you a lump sum of 16000 Pesos today or 5 centavos a year on the condition that it doubles each year for the next 25 years, what would be the best financial investment? Most people would instantly start thinking about how good it would be to have an extra 16000 Pesos and are happy to settle for the short-term gratification. What they fail to realize is that when you continue to double 5 centavos each year, it soon turns into 1 600 000 Pesos.The table below helps to illustrate how this works.
Network marketing is like any other investment, it takes time to grow. The reason why people give up after just 6 months is generally because they are impatient and were expecting to get rich quick and not have to work for the money. This is impossible to get rich quick, and like any other investment, good things come to those who are patient and work with method.
The point we are trying to make is that when you first join a network marketing business, don’t fall into the trap of thinking you’ll get rich quick. Instead, think of it as an investment where realistically you can probably expect to make little profit the first year. The good news is that through consistent part-time efforts, in the long-term you will earn much more. When you go to university it normally takes at least 3 years to get a degree, which costs a significant amount of money. Why do people do it? Because they see it as an investment for their future, not a cost. Network marketing is the same. Just like any other investment – company, real estate, shares, education - the reward is in the years that follow, not the first couple of months.
When people first join the network marketing industry they often do so with the belief that all they have to do is find their down line distributors and that everything will happen automatically. They will get rich quick and will continue to earn thousands of Pesos and financial freedom. In reality, it rarely happens. But the good news is that for most people, consistent part-time work will pay off and network marketers who make consistent effort will generally earn enough income to reach financial freedom after 2 or 3 years.
ANALYSIS OF ACTUAL PAY OUT The company is paying about 25% of the sales in pay-out. 69% of the pay out relates to pairing 15% relates to Direct Sponsor 9% on Small group pay out 7% on Small group pay out
What does it means? The low value of Small group and Big group pay out means that direct is not accomplished, compared to the sponsoring of new members , looking firstly for pairing, sharing, finder’s fee, sponsor fee, all incomes which are short term minded. To build a business you need to increase your residual income. This means you need to increase the BG and SB pay out by teaching to your down line how to create a customer base through direct selling and how to consolidate their business. The average monthly sales per member is 150 PV only ! (1 ½ box spirulina capsules)
THE SEVEN STEPS TO DEVELOP WITH DLA NATURALS A PROFITABLE NETWORK WITH IMPORTANT RESIDUAL INCOME AND VALUE IN 10 YEARS WORK. 1. You are a user of DLA NATRUALS products. You feel the benefits for your personal health and also for your close family. You believe in the products so much that you intend to become a member and get additional incomes. You develop your direct customer base. You put your personal goal in your business plan: For example your goal is to sell 100 units of products per month. This will give you a minimum of 30 000 Pesos income!
2. While you achieve your direct selling goals, other members place new members below you and this procures you some residual incomes like pairing and sharing, and other ways of earning as stated in the marketing plan.
3. After gaining confidence in direct selling, it is the good time for you to train new members that you sponsor to do the same as you: to establish a direct selling customer base. This will generate more and more PV for you + the other benefits of the marketing plan. Just imagine you to sponsor 50 new members per year to do the same as you do: it will procure you about 50 000 pesos additional income per month.
4.It is the time you decide to become a Service Center in order to expand your business. This allows you to sell products to other members and have additional discount. It is the good time for you to teach your training skills and sponsor new direct members who will do the same as you do: to establish a stable customer base in direct selling. This will expand you incomes through the marketing plan. During that time, the structure below you continues to expand as other members place new members below you.
5. While you improve in confidence and consolidate your business, you decide to sponsor Mobile Stockiest who will be able to reach for you remote areas and develop further your sales and PV. You will win 8% on the total purchases of your direct sponsored Mobile Stockiest !
6. Your business grows fast and you decide to invest in other areas of the country, with more Service Centers and even in some Mega Centers Indeed, why not to supply your own centers from your mega center‌!
7. Thanks to you constant work, dedication and ambition, you want to take the opportunities that the company offers through its overseas companies by establishing your network internationally. You realize that sky is the limit. You appreciate now that all your efforts you made since 10 years were really fruitful and worth for.