MSP2 Participation Rank Rubric
Activities Personalization Personalized “My Page” Comments Responded to original welcoming message. Group Membership Joined a “group.” Blogs/Discussions Added a comment to a blog or group discussion. Events Attended or “plans to” attend an event
No Participation 0
Little Participation 1
Participates Occasionally 2 Participant does 2‐3 of the listed activities (may be all in one or in multiple categories):
Participates Extensive User Frequently 3 4 Participant does Participant does 7 4‐6 of the listed or more of the activities (may be listed activities all in one or in (may be all in one multiple or in multiple categories): categories):
Participant has done nothing but joined the website.
Participant has done ONE of the activities:
OR posted 1‐2 thoughtful* responses
OR posted 3‐4 thoughtful* responses
OR posted 5 or more thoughtful* responses
OR hosted an event.
OR started 3 or more conversations by Discussion Initiator posting an initial and participating in the blog or group discussions *For the purposes of this evaluation, a “thoughtful response” is defined as a contribution that expands on the conversation and elicits further dialogue. OR started a conversation by posting an initial and participating in a blog or group discussion
OR started 2‐3 conversations by posting an initial and participating in the blog or group discussions
Copyright 2010 ‐ Ohio's Evaluation & Assessment Center for Mathematics and Science Education, Miami University, Oxford, OH. Content is available under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial‐NoDerivs 3.0 Unported ‐‐nc‐nd/3.0/.