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5.2 Dominant Sectors and Industries
“Migrant workers were largely dominating work. Therefore, the improvements in the labor market are the result of the revolution from 2011 until now, as it has decreased migrant worker numbers, forcing local workers to enter the labor market of technical employment in the recent period. Young people started working in the maintenance of houses, working as craftsmen, but the agricultural labor is still all migrant workers.”
Faculty member at Sabha University, Ubari
Professor and member of Entrepreneurship Centre to Support the Private Sector, Sebha
The underdeveloped private sector remains in the realm of manufacturing, construction and real estate, as well as consumer goods wholesale, retail, food services, arts, entertainment and recreation, and small businesses providing other services.11 Up to date data on the size of these industries in the private sector is lacking. However, it seems that these industries remain relatively in the same proportion with the wholesale and retail sector displaying the most significant growth post-2011 as demand for imported consumer goods has continued to rise. Moreover, the public sector still dominates the health, education, social services and utilities sectors, as well as smaller sectors such as financial services and telecommunications. However, private companies are making greater inroads into these spaces.
KII data generally confirmed what previous studies have also shown on the composition of the private sector. Interviewees stated that the private sector is mainly based on trade, retail, manufacturing, construction, health and communication sectors. Other sectors were stated to be common like workshops and barbershops.
Founder & CEO of an NGO
“The situation that our country is having, makes the private sector work in a very limited range. One of the main and the biggest sectors is trading in Libya, because it has a quick profit. However, most of the traders won’t take any risks to expand their business abroad as the profit of these businesses takes time, and also the unstable situation in politics and the economy in our country”
University Professor, Merqub University
Elder from the Tribal Council, Misrata