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5.2 Policy Priority 2: Addressing Changing Structures of Work

migrant women, amongst others. Any integrated plan should be inclusive of the different practical and strategic needs of women from a theory of change approach, as well as gender mainstreaming strategies. In this context, Guidelines have been formulated by the UNDP to ensure that gender concerns are mainstreamed within SEIAs 47 .

Policy Priority 2:


Addressing changing structures of work


Adopt policies on work-from-home and flexi-time to contribute to the goals of gender equity where-by such measures would also assist women in managing their triple roles


Accelerate the transformation towards e-governance and e-parliamentary procedures thereby delivering services in a convenient, efficient customer-oriented and cost-effective way


Create a paradigm shift in the way that Government and the Private sectors institutionalize telecommuting 48 and encourage employees to work from home with the right incentives and tax deductions.


Extend Internet/ Broadband coverage to women workers in the informal sector (where currently not registered) through appropriate schemes (such as internet bundles, etc) and build capacities of women therein to access ICT platforms.

47 Guidelines are available from the UNDP Country Office upon request 48 It is noted that in 2018, some 99% of the population was covered by mobile cellular telephony, same as in 2017. In April 2020, Statistics Mauritius reveals that international bandwidth usage reached an all-time time in April 2020 while Mauritius was in complete lockdown..

From 2017 to 2018, Broadband Internet subscriptions increased by 11.0% from 991,900 to 1,101,500, which indicates that high proportion of the population has access to internet. The average mobile cellular tariff (for 100 minutes of use during a month), expressed as a percentage of Gross National Income (GNI) per capita, stood at 0.9% in 2018, same as in 2017. Overall, internet access became more affordable in 2018 than in 2017. The internet access (for 20 hours of use during a month) as a percentage of GNI per capita declined from 2.3% in 2017 to 2.2% in 2018.

Statistics Mauritius, 2019, Economic and Social Indicators: Information and Communication Technologies, Available Online at http://statsmauritius.govmu.org/English/Publications/Pages/ICT_Stats_Yr18.aspx, Last Accessed 20 May 2020

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