IADT Undergraduate Prospectus 2013

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iadt Institute of iadt Prospectus 2013 Art, Design &Creative Technology Faculty of Film, Art and Technologies Prospectus 2013


make things happen


Bachelor of Engineering in Audio Disclaimer Visual Media Technology

This information is intended for persons seeking admission to IADT and shall not be deemed to constitute a contract or the terms thereof between the Institute and a student or third party. The information contained in this Prospectus is correct at the time of printing but may change from time to time without prior notice. IADT programmes are subject to reaching a minimum number of participants in order to proceed.

Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology Kill Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland Tel: Facsimile: URL: Email:

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+ 353 1 239 4000 + 353 1 239 4700 www.iadt.ie info@iadt.ie

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies


Ope Op pen p en en Days Da D ays ay ys Friday, y, 23 y, 23r 3rd 3r r Novemb mberr 22012 mb 10am m-4 4pm pm m Satu turday, tu 24t 24 4th No 4t Novemberr 20122 10a 10a 0am - 4pm m

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Specialised p d 33rd rd level p progra g amm mmes mm in

Animation Applied Psycho ology ology y Audio Visuall Media A M Technology Te Bu usiness u s / Entrepreneur En ur urship Busi siness Studies si St and Art rts Mana na nagement Comp mputin mp in ing ng / Multimedia aP Progr gramming / Web gr bE Engin gineering Design n for fo Stage and Screen n - Production Design n Design n for f Stage and Screen n - Costume Design Design gn for or Stage and Scree ee en - M Make up Design Engl glish, Media gl Me and Cultu ural Stu udies Film lm and Tel elevision Prod od oduction Model Making M ng, Design n and Digital al Effects P Photography Visual Arts Pract ctice e Visual Communic ica cation Design cation Dun Laoghaire Institu In tute ute of Art, Design n and dT Technology Kill Avenue, Dun K Du Laogh haire, Co. Dubli bli blin T: + 353 1 239 9 4000 4 / E: in nfo@iadt.ie e / www.iad d dt.ie








The Convergence Agenda


Faculty of Enterprise and Humanities


Department of Humanities and Arts Management BA (Honours) in English, Media and Cultural Studies BA (Honours) in Business Studies and Arts Management

18 20

Department of Entrepreneurship Bachelor of Business in Entrepreneurship Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Entrepreneurship (1-year add-on) Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Entrepreneurship and Management

24 26 28

Faculty of Film,Art and Creative Technologies


Department of Technology and Psychology Bachelor of Engineering in Audio Visual Media Technology BSc in Computing in Multimedia Programming BSc (Honours) in Computing in Multimedia Systems / Web Engineering (1-year add-on) BSc (Honours) in Computing in Multimedia Systems / Web Engineering BSc (Honours) in Applied Psychology

40 42 44 48 52

Department of Design and Visual Arts BA (Honours) in Visual Communication Design BA (Honours) in Visual Arts Practice BA (Honours) in Model Making, Design and Digital Effects BA (Honours) in Design for Stage and Screen (Production Design / Costume Design / Make up Design) Department of Film and Media BA (Honours) in Animation BA (Honours) in Photography BA (Honours) in Film and Television Production

62 66 68 72

76 80 82

The National Film School


Year 2 elective modules


Portfolio Guidelines



iadt Prospectus 2013



How to Apply


ERASMUS and International Students


Entry Requirements


FETAC Links Scheme


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)


Registration, Fees, Grants and Scholarships


Flexible Learning Opportunities


Postgraduate Programmes & Professional Development Courses


Part-Time Courses


Academic and Student Affairs Office


Students’ Union


Clubs and Societies


Resources and Facilities




Your IADT Diary




Green week




Welcome Welcome to the IADT prospectus. IADT is unique in Ireland. It is one of the 13 Institutes of Technology but the only Institute of Art Design and Technology. We specialise in creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation in the digital age set in an educational environment that values the whole student experience. If you choose IADT you will be joining us at a very exciting time in our development. IADT in its current configuration celebrated its fifteenth birthday in April 2012. The Institute is currently considering a number of future partnerships at national and international levels; this arises out of a series of recently published government papers, policy documents and reports. In addition we are reviewing our own structures to enhance our distinctiveness as an institute; our vision is to further develop a niche position within any higher education configuration into the future. These exciting developments will provide us with the opportunity to improve and strengthen our programmes, services and supports across the institute. IADT is committed to providing programmes and training that foreground the skills that are needed to meet and exceed the needs of industry and help move Ireland into the next stage of its development. Key industries to focus on include event and arts management, gaming, animation, film, cultural tourism, digital media, and psychology and technology based industries. Key also is the production of entrepreneurs who have the skills to develop new and innovative companies. IADT has the curriculum range to produce students to meet the needs of these industries from designers and creative practitioners to film makers, animators, storytellers, cultural theorists, technologists, psychologists and enterprise development specialists. IADT graduates have been successful nationally and internationally in the Creative and Cultural Industries, in the Sciences and Arts, Technology and in the Business World, and have contributed to the social and political life of communities and nations. Opportunities exist for further postgraduate study and research in each of the schools in areas as diverse as Cyberpsychology, Visual Arts, Public Cultures, Event Management, Screenwriting and Broadcast Production. IADT is unique among Irish Institutions of higher education in creating an interdisciplinary environment drawing on our strengths in visual arts, media arts, enterprise, technology and human factors. IADT offers students opportunities to develop ideas and projects in a cross disciplinary manner and to work with students from other programmes and disciplines; examples of this could include the development of ideas and joint projects or in the choice of elective modules from other disciplines.

iadt Prospectus 2013 iadt Prospectus 2013and Creative Technologies Faculty of Film, Art

“We specialise in creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation in an educational environment that values the whole student experience�




Amongst our staff, working to help you succeed in your programme are active researchers, technologists, developers, creative practitioners, entrepreneurs and writers. A comprehensive range of advice and support staff and services are available to you while you are at IADT to help you make the most of your studies. IADT also has a thriving Student Union and a range of clubs and societies to help you enjoy the social side of studying in Higher Education. The quality of our programmes, our staff and our support at IADT together with our European and international links continue to ensure that our graduates are well placed to contribute to Ireland’s continued economic social and cultural development. At IADT we are not just about offering you high quality programmes, we are committed to developing you as an individual, as an independent thinker who can think deeply and critically about the world in which you live and make a valuable contribution to that world. IADT is part of the European Erasmus exchange programme offering many students the opportunity to study part of their programme in a European institution. We currently have exchanges with a number of European countries including France, Germany, Spain, Finland Hungary, Portugal and Turkey. I hope you will consider joining us to study here and look forward to welcoming you on campus for an exciting new journey that will offer you new experiences and ways of thinking and which will enable you to develop friendships, many of which will last for a lifetime. I look forward to meeting you at IADT during our open days or at our Postgraduate and Special Purpose Awards Open Evening. IADT also holds the Creative Technologies showcase in May and the Creative Arts graduate exhibition in June. Dr Annie Doona President

iadt Prospectus 2013




Fáilte Fáilte chuig réamheolaire IADT. Institiúid ar leith í IADT. Cé go bhfuil sí ar cheann de 13 institiúid Teicneolaíochta seo an t-aon Institiúid Ealaíne, Deartha agus Teicneolaíochta. An speisialtóireacht againn ná cruthaitheacht, fiontraíocht agus nuálaíocht sa ré dhigiteach i dtimpeallacht oideachais a thacaíonn go hiomlán le heispéireas uile an mhic léinn. Má tá tusa ag roghnú staidéar linne, seo am thar a bheith tábhachtach i bhforbairt na hInstitiúide. Bhíomar cúig bliana déag ar an bhfód i mí Aibreáin 2012. I láthair na huaire tá an Institiúid ag breithniú roinnt comhpháirtíochtaí ionchasacha náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta; eascraíonn seo as roinnt páipéar rialtais, doiciméad beartais agus tuarascálacha a foilsíodh le déanaí. De bhreis air sin, táimid ag athbhreithniú ár struchtúr chun feabhas a chur ar ár bhféiniúlacht mar institiúid; an fhís atá againn ná forbairt bhreise a dhéanamh ar ár seasamh mar ionad nideoige in earnáil an ardoideachais amach anseo. Cuideoidh seo linn an deis a thapú ár gcláir, ár seirbhísí agus ár dtacaí a fheabhsú agus a dhaingniú ar fud na hinstitiúide. In IADT táimid tiomanta de cláir agus oiliúint a chur ar fáil a thugann tús áite do na scileanna a bhfuil gá leo chun freastal ar riachtanais tionscail agus cuidiú le hÉirinn an chéad chéim eile dá forbairt a bhaint amach. I measc na bpríomhthionscal le díriú orthu tá bainistiú imeachtaí agus ealaíon, cluichíocht, beochan, scannáin, turasóireacht chultúir, na meáin dhigiteacha agus tionscail atá bunaithe ar shíceolaíocht agus teicneolaíocht. Lárnach freisin dúinn tá cruthú fiontraithe a mbeidh na scileanna acu cuideachtaí nua a bhunú agus bheith nuálach i gcuideachtaí atá ann cheana féin. Cuimsíonn curaclam an IADT raon leathan ábhar agus oibríonn ár gcéimithe i dtionscail éagsúla mar dhearthóirí agus cleachtóirí cruthaitheacha, beochantóirí, scéalaithe, teoiricithe cultúir, síceolaithe agus speisialtóirí i bhforbairt fiontar. Tá éirithe thar barr le céimithe an IADT ar bhonn náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta sna Tionscail Chruthaitheacha agus Chultúir, sna hEolaíochtaí agus sna hEalaíona agus i Saol an Ghnó, agus tá siad tar éis páirt mhór a bheith acu i saol sóisialta agus polaitiúil na bpobal agus na náisiún sin. Féadtar dul ar aghaidh agus staidéar iarchéime a dhéanamh i ngach ceann de na scoileanna i réimsí ilghnéitheacha amhail Cibear-shíceolaíocht, na hAmharcealaíona , Cultúir Phoiblí, Bainistiú Imeachtaí, Scríbhneoireacht Scáileáin agus Léiriúchán Craolacháin. Tá IADT éagsúil le hInstitiúidí ardoideachais eile in Éirinn sa mhéid go gcothaítear timpeallacht ildisciplíneach bunaithe ar ár láidreachtaí sna hamharcealaíona, sna meáin-ealaíona, i bhfiontar, teicneolaíocht agus fachtóirí daonna. Cuireann an IADT deiseanna ar fáil do mhic léinn smaointe

iadt Prospectus 2013

agus tionscadail a fhorbairt ar bhealach ildisciplíneach agus obair le mic léinn eile ó chláir agus ó dhisciplíní eile; ar na samplaí de seo tá forbairt smaointe agus comhthionscadal nó modúil thoghthacha a roghnú ó dhisciplíní eile. Ag cuidiú leatsa barr feabhais a bhaint amach i do chúrsa tá foireann againn a áiríonn taighdeoirí gníomhacha, teicneolaithe, forbróirí, cleachtóirí cruthaitheacha, fiontraithe agus scríbhneoirí. Tá raon cuimsitheach de sheirbhísí comhairleacha agus tacaíochta foirne ar fáil duit agus tú ag freastal ar IADT chun gur féidir leat an fónamh is fearr a bhaint as do chuid staidéir. Bíonn an-rath ar an Aontas Mic Léinn in IADT agus tá raon clubanna agus cumann againn ionas gur féidir leat barrthaitneamh a bhaint as do thréimhse san Ardoideachas. A bhuíochas le hardchaighdeán ár gclár, ár bhfoirne agus ár seirbhísí tacaíochta ag IADT agus leis na naisc Eorpacha agus idirnáisiúnta atá againn tá deis thar na bearta ag ár gcéimithe cur le forbairt leanúnach shóisialta agus chultúrtha na hÉireann. Anseo in IADT ní hé amháin go gcuirimid cláir den scoth ar fáil ach táimid ar ár ndícheall cuidiú leat forbairt mar dhuine, mar smaointeoir neamhspleách agus bheith in ann cinntí a dhéanamh faoin saol mórthimpeall ort agus cion luachmhar a dhéanamh sa saol sin. Tá an IADT páirteach i gclár malairte Eorpach Erasmus agus faigheann an iliomad mac léinn an deis taisteal chuig institiúid san Eoraip. Faoi láthair tá cláir mhalairte againn le tíortha amhail an Fhrainc, An Ghearmáin, An Spáinn, An Fhionlainn, An Ungáir, An Phortaingéil agus an Tuirc. Tá súil agam go smaoineoidh tú ar bheith ag staidéar anseo linn agus táim ag súil le fáilte a chur romhat chuig an gcampas ar d’aistear nua a chuirfidh eispéiris agus bealaí smaointeoireachta nua ar fáil duit, aistear ar a bhforbróidh tú caidrimh agus cairdis nua, cairde a bheidh agat ar feadh do shaoil. Tá mé ag tnúth go mór casadh ort in IADT le linn na laethanta oscailte nó ag ár nOíche Oscailte do Ghradaim Shainchuspóireacha . Chomh maith leis sin, reáchtálann an IADT taispeántas sna Teicneolaíochtaí Cruthaitheacha i mí Bealtaine agus taispeántas céimithe sna hEalaíona Cruthaitheacha i mí an Mheithimh. Dr Annie Doona Uachtarán



Bachelor of Engineering The Convergence in Audio Visual Media Technology Agenda

The Convergence Agenda – opportunities for exciting collaborations IADT is the leading Irish educator for the knowledge, media and entertainment sectors, harnessing synergies between the arts, technology and business disciplines. IADT is unique among Irish Institutions of higher education in creating an interdisciplinary environment drawing on our strengths in visual arts, media arts, enterprise, technology and human factors. We create spaces for scientists to work with graphic designers, for business people and entrepreneurs to work with fine artists, for poets and technologists to work with photographers – for everyone to see the potential of collaboration and its capacity to release and enable new ideas about how we live, how we understand, how we work. IADT offers students opportunities to develop ideas and projects in a cross disciplinary manner and to work with students from other programmes and disciplines; examples of this could include the development of ideas and joint projects or in the choice of elective modules from other disciplines. Students can also develop cross disciplinary projects in collaboration with industry cultural or community organisations. IADT is uniquely positioned to collaborate with industry and business interests in developing graduates who have the range of skills and experiences that are critical to the emergence of the cultural and creative industries in Ireland.

iadt Prospectus 2013



iadt Prospectus 2013


iadt Prospectus 2013

“IADT is uniquely positioned to collaborate with industry and business interests in developing graduates who have the range of skills and experiences that are critical to the emergence of the cultural and creative industries in Ireland.�


Faculty of Enterprise and Humanities

Faculty of Enterprise and Humanities Head of Faculty: Josephine Browne BSc, BComm, MBS, BL, PhD

Head of Department of Entrepreneurship: Catherine Rossiter B.A., M.Sc., Grad. Dip. Marketing, Ph.D. Head of Department of Humanities and Arts Management: Paula Gilligan BEd, PhD

Our programmes use a unique, interdisciplinary approach that gives you transferable skills applicable across a range of sectors and occupations. Innovation is at the heart of all our programmes. The Faculty offers programmes at Levels 7, 8 and 9, specialising in Entrepreneurship, Arts Management, and English, Media and Cultural Studies. Our two postgraduate programmes are an MA in Public Culture Studies and a Postgraduate Diploma in Business in Cultural Event Management. A Masters degree by research is also available. Four accredited Special Purpose Awards are offered in Online Business Trading, Enterprise Development, Creative Writing, and Citizenship and Society. Programmatic review Panel 2010, comments on School and its programmes: “The Panel noted the School occupied a unique and valuable niche in Irish education.” “Staff in the School are enthusiastic, committed and motivated. Student satisfaction was high, and this was borne out by the increasing number of first preferences on CAO applications.”

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Enterprise and Humanities


“Innovation is at the heart of all our programmes�


Faculty of Enterprise and Humanities

BA (Honours) in E and Cultural Stud (Honours) in Busi and Arts Manage of Business in Ent / Bachelor of Busi (Honours) in Entr Bachelor of Busin in Entrepreneursh Management

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Enterprise and Humanities

English, Media dies / BA iness Studies ement / Bachelor trepreneurship iness repreneurship / ness (Honours) ship and



BA (Honours) in English, Media and Cultural Studies

BA (Honours) in

English, Media and Cultural Studies What is English, Media and Cultural Studies?

DL241 - Level 8 Award Application



4 years (full-time) Places 85 CAO Points in 2011

Minimum Points 350 / Median Points 380 Portfolio No Minimum Entry Requirements 2 HC3 and 4 OD3 Maths: F D3 English: H C3 Other Language: O D3

This programme combines English Literature, Media and Cultural Studies. It is a demanding programme that encourages students to follow their own intellectual pathways.

What will I be doing? The programme encourages you to pursue one or more of a variety of paths. You will: ffGain an in-depth knowledge of a wide range of literary works, media texts, films, television and visual cultures, and political economy of cultures ffLearn how different cultures work and how people experience them ffAcquire strong critical and analytical thinking skills ffGain highly-developed oral and written communication skills ffAcquire the knowledge and skills required for postgraduate study ffDevelop skills for the working world: presenting in public, interview techniques, working in teams, developing empathy and insight, leading groups, strategic research.

What will I be able to do when I graduate? Graduates are employed in the culture and knowledge sectors. Graduates have found careers in journalism, publishing, advertising, public relations, media and broadcasting, research, human rights law, international politics, trade unionism, business and management, film and television, teaching, insurance, politics and activism, performance, technology, fashion, librarianship, public service, international relations and entertainment. Critical thinking and effective communication skills are also highly sought after by employers in business. You will be eligible to apply for the Postgraduate Diploma in Education, to teach in Second Level schools. Graduates have also found work internationally as English teachers.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Enterprise and Humanities > Department of Humanities and Arts Management

What modules will I study? Year 1 Modern English Literature, Introduction to Critical Theory, Introduction to Cinema and Cultural Studies, Introduction to Media Studies, Visual Culture, Writing Studies, Learning Journal.

Year 2 Critical Theory, Film Studies, Political Economy and Globalisation, 19th Century Literature, English Renaissance, Popular Cultures, Writing Project (creative, news).

Year 3 20th Century Irish Writing, Cultural Identities, Contemporary Cinema, Research Methods, Modernism, TV Drama, Research Project (strategic and team research).

Year 4 Political Cultures and Identities in Ireland, Contemporary Anglophone Literature, Censorship and Control, Dissertation.

“A demanding programme that encourages students to follow their own intellectual pathways”

Electives Sample of elective modules: Censorship in the Media, American Literature, Technology and Cultures, Alterity and Cinema, Gothic Images in Film and Literature, Visual Cultures and Political Violence

Contact: Dr. Carol MacKeogh, Programme Co-ordinator T: (01) 239 4929 E: carol.mackeogh@iadt.ie



BA (Honours) in Business Studies and Arts Management

BA (Honours) in

Business Studies and Arts Management What is Business Studies and Arts Management?

DL242 - Level 8 Award Application



4 years (full-time) Places 55 CAO Points in 2011

Minimum Points 325 / Median Points 360 Portfolio No Minimum Entry Requirements 2 HC3 and 4 OD3 Maths: F D3 English: O D3 Other Language: O D3

This degree involves the study of business as it relates to management in the arts and cultural sector. The overall objective of the programme is to produce competent graduates who will be able to: ffoperate as professional managers in the arts and cultural sectors. ffdemonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the complex issues facing contemporary arts and cultural organisations. ffapply business skills to enhance the management capabilities of the organisations they work for and with.

What will I be doing? You will engage with a wide range of business and arts related subjects, developing skills and competencies that will enable you to work in the arts and cultural sector. Many students learn best from experience and part of this degree involves hands-on business experience, which are work based and simulate real world scenarios, e.g. running visual, music and performance related events, and participating in business games, debates and cultural field trips. In Year 3, students spend 20 weeks working in arts and cultural organisations, giving a taste of future career possibilities.

What will I be able to do when I graduate? You may find opportunities as Event Managers, Marketing Executives in Theatres and Art Galleries, PR Officers, Festival Managers, and Project Managers in Arts Venues. The skills you acquire are also transferable and can be used in most business environments. You could also choose to continue your studies to Masters Degree level, in Ireland or abroad.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Enterprise and Humanities > Department of Humanities and Arts Management

What modules will I study? Year 1 Marketing, Management, Arts in Context, Introduction to the Music Business, Introduction to Theatre, Computer Applications, Introduction to Media Studies, Learning.

“Many students learn best from experience and part of this degree involves hands-on business experience�

Year 2 Marketing Communications, Visual Arts Studies, Internet Applications, Accounting I, Critical Thinking, Cultural Project Management, Theatre and Performance Studies, the Music Industry.

Year 3 Cultural Management Issues, Cultural Sectoral Analysis, Business Research Methods, Film Studies, Accounting II, Popular Music Management, Placement.

Year 4 Strategic Arts Management and Coordination, Law, Cultural Policy, Accounting III, HRM and Volunteerism, New Media Technologies.

Contact: Paraic McQuaid, Programme Co-ordinator T: (01) 239 4946 E: paraic.mcquaid@iadt.ie



Student Profile

Student Profile

Sophie Reynolds Programme: BA (Honours) in English, Media and Cultural Studies I entered this course uncertain of what path to follow. English had always been one of my stronger subjects at school, and after much reshuffling of my CAO form, the EMCS course came to be at the top of the list. Through this lackadaisical approach there somehow emerged a serendipitous design… I have enjoyed a fun-filled 4 years at IADT, helped greatly by the super-energetic Student Union. Whether it’s the Halloween Ball (an experience enriched by the intricate costumes made by the Model Making crew) or the “Iron Stomach” – an event better watched from a safe distance (while half-peeping between fingers), an eventful calendar is always guaranteed.

“I’ve made some of my closest friends at IADT. I entered uncertain of my path, and have left 4 years on with an unwavering conviction in the direction I am headed. I am indebted to the lecturers and class mates who helped to piece this jigsaw of learning together.” The EMCS degree is a lively and engaging degree, which truly sets graduates up to go in directions as diverse as the students themselves. From my own class, some have pursued Creative Writing with great success; others have decided to study film or social and political theory. I have just been offered an LLM of International Development Law and Human Rights at Warwick University and am both excited and thankful for the doors IADT (and my lecturers in the EMCS course) have opened up for me.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Enterprise and Humanities

Student Profile

Gary Freeman Programme: Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Entrepreneurship and Management I studied the Honours Degree (DL245) from 2008 to 2012 and found my time in IADT was well spent. It is widely speculated that individuals are either born Entrepreneurs or they are not. I would disagree with this statement. I believe it is a skill that can be acquired through lessons in finance, management, computer applications and above all relevant experience. These are all areas which form the cornerstone of the Entrepreneurship programme in IADT. The most appealing aspect of student life for me was the close relationships that could be formed with the teaching staff. Everyone is extremely approachable and more than happy to lend a helping hand to a student who may be having difficulty in a subject or just in general. Course co-ordinators always met issues with enthusiasm and a desire to enhance the learning environment for all the class.

“Class sizes are well below that of the average colleges around Dublin which means you get to know everyone’s face pretty quickly. Our finance lecturer, Conor, would always motivate an evening class with his famous line, “Let’s go team!” The time I have spent in IADT has given me the skills I need to proceed on to a master’s programme which I hope to start in September but my ultimate aim is to be my own boss. I have no doubt that I will be in contact with my old lecturers in the future for advice and maybe even offer them a consulting position.



Bachelor of Business in Entrepreneurship

Bachelor of Business in

Entrepreneurship What is Business in Entrepreneurship?

DL231 - Level 7 Award Application



3 years (full-time) Places 45 CAO Points in 2011

Minimum Points 265 / Median Points 330 Portfolio No Minimum Entry Requirements 5 O D3 Maths: F D3 English: O D3

This is an exciting programme that takes you to the heart of business. By employing a practical approach and setting you the task of running your own business in each of the three years, you will learn to thrive as a professional decision-maker or as an entrepreneur in the business world.

What will I be doing? Students run their own businesses in each of the first three years. The businesses are: stalls in Dun Laoghaire People’s Park (year 1), an online business (year 2) and a social enterprise (year 3). These businesses are assessed across a number of modules. Continuous assessment exceeds 80% of the total programme assessment.

What will I be able to do when I graduate? You will have a sound foundation on which to build an entrepreneurial career in any area of business as the following list demonstrates: media, music and technology entrepreneurs, advertising and marketing executives, retail manager, channel marketing co-ordinator, army cadet, restaurant manager, Building Society lending officer, taxation and planning, pensions, investments, funds and fundraising officers, finance project administrator, business development manager, travel agent, and sales representative. You will also be eligible to progress to our add-on degree: DL243 - Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Entrepreneurship (Level 8 Award).

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Enterprise and Humanities > Department of Entrepreneurship

What modules will I study? Year 1 Enterprise Management, Entrepreneurial Learning, Marketing, Enterprise Finance I, Business Mathematics, Computer Applications, Elective.

Year 2 Entrepreneurial and Organisational Behaviour, Internet Applications, Integrated Marketing Communications, Enterprise Communications, Enterprise Finance II, Economics.

Year 3 Advanced Enterprise Management, Management Information Systems, Market Research, Critical Thinking for Entrepreneurs, Enterprise Finance III, Enterprise Law.

Contact: Conor Heagney, Programme Co-ordinator T: (01) 239 4753 E: conor.heagney@iadt.ie

“This is an exciting programme that takes you to the heart of business�



Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Entrepreneurship

Bachelor of Business (Honours) in

Entrepreneurship What is Business - Entrepreneurship?


If you are already a business graduate and you now want to expand your knowledge and skills in the world of entrepreneurship, this general business programme focuses on innovation and the strategies that turn innovation into wealth creation. In particular, we look at how knowledge can be used dynamically across different business disciplines with an emphasis on strategic approaches.


What will I be doing?

DL243 - Level 8 Award


1 year add-on (full-time and part-time) Places 50 Portfolio No Minimum Entry Requirements 60 credits and an overall GPA of 2.00 (40%) or higher in an ordinary degree in Business, e.g. DL231, or equivalent.

We provide a lively learning environment where students actively participate and learn from their experiences. The strategic entrepreneurship module engages students in the real world of the entrepreneur through networking, mentoring and case studies. An elective Entrepreneurship Project based module which develops solutions for real world problems experienced by SMEs is also available.

What will I be able to do when I graduate? If you intend to run your own business, this programme will equip you with the most important skills. You could work in first line management roles in finance, marketing or aim towards a career in general management. Recent graduates include: Chief Financial Officer, technology and media entrepreneurs, marketing and advertising executives, retail manager, channel marketing co-ordinator, chartered accountancy trainee, army cadet, restaurant manager, secondary school teacher, Building Society lending officer, taxation and planning, pensions, investments, funds and fundraising officers, finance project administrator, business development manager, travel agent, and sales representative. You will also be eligible to further your studies at Masters level.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Enterprise and Humanities > Department of Entrepreneurship

What modules will I study? Year 1 Strategic Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, Strategic Management.

Electives: Entrepreneurship Project Based Module OR Strategic Entrepreneurship, Taxation for Entrepreneurship and Strategic Information Systems.

What is the closing date? Applications must be made to the Admissions Office in IADT. Friday, 29th March 2013 @ 4 pm (Final date, no second round). You may contact our Admissions Office on: admissions@iadt.ie / (01) 239 4621

Contact: Barry McIntyre, Programme Co-ordinator T: (01) 239 4782 E: barry.mcintyre@iadt.ie

“this business programme focuses on innovation and the strategies that turn innovation into wealth creation�



Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Entrepreneurship and Management

Bachelor of Business (Honours) in

Entrepreneurship and Management What is Business in Entrepreneurship?

DL245 - Level 8 Award Application



4 years (full-time) Places 45 CAO Points in 2011

Minimum Points 290 / Median Points 340 Portfolio No Minimum Entry Requirements 2 HC3 and 4 OD3 Maths: F D3 English: O D3 Other Language: O D3

This is an exciting programme that takes you to the heart of business. By combining theory, practice and continuous assessment, you will discover how to succeed, either as a professional decision-maker or as an entrepreneur in the business world.

What will I be doing? The programme of study encourages students to develop their entrepreneurial skills and during the first two years students run their own businesses. The businesses are: stalls in Dun Laoghaire People’s Park (year 1), an online business (year 2) and are assessed across a number of modules. In Year 3 students can opt to either do a 20 week placement or study abroad as an Erasmus student. The Erasmus partner universities are in Spain, Estonia, France, Finland and the Netherlands. Year 4 takes a strategic perspective on business management and learning.

What will I be able to do when I graduate? There is tremendous scope for a wide variety of careers. Recent graduates include: Chief Financial Officer, technology and media entrepreneurs, marketing and advertising executives, retail manager, channel marketing co-ordinator, chartered accountancy trainee, army cadet, restaurant manager, secondary school teacher, Building Society lending officer, taxation and planning, pensions, investments, funds and fundraising officers, finance project administrator, business development manager, travel agent, and sales representative. You will also be eligible to progress to Master degree programmes.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Enterprise and Humanities > Department of Entrepreneurship

What modules will I study? Year 1 Enterprise Management, Entrepreneurial Learning, Enterprise Finance I, Business Mathematics, Marketing, Computer Applications, Elective.

Year 2 Entrepreneurial and Organisational Behaviour, Internet Applications, Integrated Marketing Communications, Enterprise Communications, Enterprise Finance II, Economics.

Year 3 Business and Project Planning, Business Research Methods, Law and Finance, Real World Business (options to include work placement, Erasmus, research/project work).

Year 4 Strategic Management, Strategic Information Systems, Strategic Marketing Management, Strategic Entrepreneurship, Taxation for Entrepreneurs, Human Resource Management.

“The programme of study encourages students to develop their entrepreneurial skills�

Contact: Conor Heagney, Programme Co-ordinator T: (01) 239 4753 E: conor.heagney@iadt.ie



Student Profile

Student Profile

Dapo Egberongbe Programme: Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Entrepreneurship I still remember the first time I realised that I had to study at IADT no matter the cost, financial or otherwise. I had just finished 1st year in another college and was wondering why Ireland did not have any tertiary institutions running Entrepreneurship courses as standard practice like American schools. Then I got a hold of IADT’s brochure. Beautifully laid out, all the courses and their descriptions looked really appealing and it was the best out of two colleges that offered all the modules I thought one needed to come out with ready for the world of business. I immediately applied, got rejected, wallowed in self-pity for another year waiting for the next academic transfer window, then I was finally let in! In my opinion, no college compares to IADT. I’ve honestly never felt more at ease at a third level institution with the kind of support structure they’ve created for students like me. They never let me feel like I was outsider but more part of the “fam”. The projects we took on as part of course work were really team-oriented and hands-on (sometimes a head-wreck) but still a lot of fun! Fourth year was the bomb! I’m now graduating, bursting with all these new insights and practical tools for business analysis taught to me by brilliant educators like Michael Murphy and Sharon McGreevy who really know their stuff! What more could I ask for? I’m just really grateful that I was part of the IADT experience 2010-2012! Dapo

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Enterprise and Humanities

“In my opinion, no college compares to my IADT... I’ve honestly never felt more at ease at a third level institution with the kind of support structure they’ve created for students like me. ”



Staff Profile

Staff Profile

Conor Heagney Programme:

Entrepreneurship and Management Shanghai, Galway, Helsinki or the Dun Laoghaire People’s Park are only some of the ‘class rooms’ our entrepreneurship students have worked in recently.

“There is a real buzz when you have the privilege of witnessing students applying their learning, across many subjects, to real-life business situations.” My experience, as a chartered accountant and tax adviser with ‘big 4’ accounting firms, has helped me to contribute to the development of live enterprise projects that are authentic and rigorous. I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to work in Hong Kong, Los Angeles and Dublin with KPMG. Our entrepreneurship teaching team has run 10 separate enterprises, worked in 12 different countries / states of America and has over 150 years of commercial experience (not to mention over 150 years of third level teaching experience). This experience helps us to run our work placement programme (over 50 participating employers) and our international student exchange programme (with partner colleges in Finland, France, Holland, Spain and Latvia). Students run live enterprises in each of the first three years of their degree. The teaching team’s experience is vital when providing feedback to students as they work through their live enterprises. The mixing of staff knowledge and experience with student entrepreneurial talent, energy and enthusiasm can be amazing to observe. Real life business is no ‘walk in the park’. However all the collective effort is worthwhile when you meet alumni, either at an alumni event or via my www.linkedin.com page, who are succeeding in the world of business. Please email conor.heagney@iadt.ie if you would like information on our full-time entrepreneurship degrees.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Enterprise and Humanities



Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies

Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies Head of Faculty: Andrew Power Dip(Eng), BSc(Eng), MA, MBA, PgDip(Mus), CEng, MIEI, MInstD

Head of Department of Technology and Psychology: Marion Palmer MA, MEd, CSci, CPhys, MInstP, EdD Head of Department of Film and Media: Donald Taylor Black MA Head of Department of Design and Visual Arts: Liam Doona BA

The Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies offers a rich portfolio of inter-related programmes in a vibrant atmosphere of research, creativity, technology and production. Our programmes push discipline boundaries through creative collaboration and interaction. Our strong links with the commercial, academic and cultural sectors are an essential part of every programme, providing students with experiences in a personal, national and global context. Our programmes in Film, Media, Design and Visual Arts provide students with the opportunity to develop academically and to explore their professional practice. Each programme enjoys a high profile and a reputation for quality and relevance in a fast moving professional environment. The Faculty benefits from being the home of the National Film School (NFS). Our programmes in Technology and Psychology focus on people centred technology in a digital environment. These bring together people and technology, exploring the fields of psychology and technology, digital media and entertainment, and human computer interaction. From usability engineering to virtual reality we offer programmes that combine technical skill and knowledge with an understanding of how technology operates in society. This convergence gives our students opportunities for interdisciplinary projects and interaction in both formal and informal ways. All of our programmes enjoy a high profile and a reputation for quality and relevance in a fastmoving professional environment. Recent student work in the field of Art and Design can be seen at: www.iadtprojects.com Current research in Creative Technologies can be seen in the Faculty’s Centre for Creative Technologies and Applications (CCTA): http://ccta.iadt.ie/ccta/index.html

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies



Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies

BSc in Computing in Mul / Bachelor of Engineering Media Technology / BSc ( Psychology / BSc (Honou Multimedia Systems / W (Honours) in Computing / Web Engineering / BA ( Communication Design / Arts Practice / BA (Honou Design and Digital Effect Design for Stage and Scre in Animation / BA (Hono BA (Honours) in Film and

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies

ltimedia Programming g in Audio Visual (Honours) in Applied urs) in Computing in Web Engineering / BSc g in Multimedia Systems (Honours) in Visual / BA (Honours) in Visual urs) in Model Making, ts / BA (Honours) in een / BA (Honours) ours) in Photography / d Television Production



Parent Profile

Parent Profile

Jean Webster Programme:

BSc (Honours) in Applied Psychology My daughter, Ciara’s passion for her degree course was one of the most inspiring experiences I have ever witnessed and I would like to thank the team at IADT for delivering an outstanding and quite exceptional learning experience to Ciara and her fellow students during the last four years. The small class sizes and the high degree of student lecturer interaction supported her learning at every stage of her degree.

“Over the four years the innumerable opportunities for self-directed learning, research, experiential learning and team work gave her skills which will be of benefit throughout her working life.” The greatest testament to the success of this program is how “job ready” the students are and how relevant their education has been to the opportunities available in the jobs market place. My daughter and many of her class mates had already secured employment in their chosen areas even before they had graduated and there is also a world of postgraduate study opportunities open to them. Central to this success is the unique way in which IADT designs and delivers learning. I applaud IADT for offering and delivering courses that are not only at the “cutting edge” in terms of technological development, but which offer the students such opportunities for personal and academic growth in an environment where creative and expansive thinking is strongly encouraged. Ciara has just been offered a job as a senior administrator in the Royal College of Physicians to co-ordinate the training, including e-learning of first year medical specialists across all disciplines. In her interview feedback she was told that her knowledge from her degree and her ability to innovate and develop new systems while evaluating the usability of existing systems were key factors in her success. Again it is testament to the success of her course that she gained employment so quickly and at several grades above entry level. Best regards and thank you and all the team at IADT so much for everything over the last four years.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies



Bachelor of Engineering in Audio Visual Media Technology

Bachelor of Engineering in

Audio Visual Media Technology What is Audio Visual Media Technology? Production of film, television programmes, animation, commercials, corporate video and other multimedia products.

DL133 - Level 7 Award Application



3 years (full-time) Places 50 CAO Points in 2011

Minimum Points 285 / Median Points 355 Portfolio No Minimum Entry Requirements 5 O D3 Maths: O D3 English: O D3 Foundation Level Maths not accepted

What will I be doing? This is an engineering degree, specialising in electronic systems for audio-visual technology. We aim to provide students with the technical, computing knowledge, skills, and competencies to enable them to succeed in the audio-visual industry. Students will learn how to build, test and maintain electronic circuits and systems for the audio-visual industry, as well as gain competence in audiovisual studio software applications, with the necessary computer skills. It is envisaged that students will specialise in different aspects of the programme according to their interests via individual projects. All subjects are taught from first principles and the level that students are expected to attain should be well within reach of all students. The final year students showcase their large-scale projects. These demonstrate a strong creative and audio-visual appreciation with business and entrepreneurial ambitions.

What will I be able to do when I graduate? Opportunities exist for engineering graduates in the electronics, broadcasting and installation industries as electronics engineering technicians and technical managers. Graduates may also qualify to continue their studies at other institutions of higher education in Ireland and abroad.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies > Department of Technology and Psychology

What modules will I study? Year 1 Electronics I, Electrical Technology, Music Technology I, AudioVisual Computer Applications, Computer Hardware, Audio-Visual Fundamentals, Mathematics I.

Year 2 Electronics II, Audio-Visual Production, Music Technology II, Computer Networks, Mathematics II, Introduction to Telecommunications, Audio Visual Engineering Practice.

Year 3 Electronics III, Digital Audio Systems, Digital Video Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Digital Communications, Digital Media Entrepreneurship, Project.

Cost for materials and/or field trips Toolbox (approx. €100), textbooks (approx €60), field trips (approx €40).

“Are you interested in electronics and how things work? Do want to work in the broadcasting industry? If so this course is for you!”

Contact: Cyril Connolly, Programme Co-ordinator T: (01) 239 4736 E: cyril.connolly@iadt.ie



BSc in Computing in Multimedia Programming

BSc in Computing in

Multimedia Programming What is Multimedia Programming? This programme will give you the skills and knowledge required for the development of either complex multimedia systems or web-based systems and applications, covering both the hardware and software components of such systems. DL131 - Level 7 Award Application



3 years (full-time) Places 20 CAO Points in 2011

Minimum Points 325 / Median Points 365 Portfolio No Minimum Entry Requirements 5 O D3 Maths: O D3 English: O D3 Foundation Level Maths not accepted

What will I be doing? You will study the modules found on any computing degree, such as how to program a computer (Java) and how computers and the internet work. You will also study specific multimedia modules, e.g. multimedia design, and the concepts required to represent phenomena such as planetary motion or traffic patterns at road junctions using multimedia systems (Flash and Processing). Maths is a significant component in a number of modules, so it is a subject you should be comfortable with.

What will I be able to do when I graduate? You can progress to our one year add-on BSc (Honours) in Computing in Multimedia Systems / Web Engineering (Level 8 Award) – DL142. Graduates have found employment in many areas of multimedia including games development, web application development, multimedia application development, computer based training, e-Learning application development, interactive multimedia development, software development, software analysis and project management.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies > Department of Technology and Psychology

What modules will I study? Year 1 Computer Technology, Web Programming I, Programming, Multimedia Authoring I, Digital Media Production Techniques, Computer Modelling I, Contemporary Issues in Multimedia.

Year 2 Web Programming II, Software Production, Computer Architecture and Operating Systems, Algorithms and Data Structures, Multimedia Authoring and Design, Database Management Systems, Web Design, Video and 3-D Modelling Production.

Erasmus: Note that 2nd year students are offered the opportunity to study abroad as part of an Erasmus exchange agreement, established between IADT and the relevant host colleges.

“This programme will give you the skills and knowledge required for the development of complex multimedia systems.”

Year 3 Object-Oriented Programming and Design, Computer Modelling II, Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, Multimedia Programming, Digital Media Entrepreneurship. Students also choose one option from either: an individual project or The IDEA Project combined with Multimedia Programming Practice.

Extra-Curricular Multimedia students also gain experience beyond the classroom, establishing links with industry and the community by taking part in competitions such as the Microsoft Imagine Cup and working collaboratively on projects with the National Rehabilitation Centre.

Cost for materials and/or field trips USB sticks, CD-Rom, DVDs, headphones, microphones, etc. (approx. €50 per year). Digital camera (desirable), from €100 to €400.

Contact: Catherine Noonan, Programme Co-ordinator T: (01) 239 4961 E: catherine.noonan@iadt.ie



BSc (Honours) in Computing in Multimedia Systems/ Web Engineering

BSc (Honours) in Computing in

Multimedia Systems / Web Engineering What is Multimedia Systems / Web Engineering?

DL142 - Level 8 Award Application



1 year add-on (full-time) Places 10 Portfolio No Minimum Entry Requirements 60 credits and an overall GPA of 2.00 (40%) or higher in an appropriate BSc in Computing, e.g. DL131, or equivalent.

This programme is ideal for somebody with an Ordinary Degree in Computing. It will give you the advanced skills and knowledge required for the development of either complex multimedia systems or web-based systems/applications, covering both the hardware and software components of such systems.

What will I be doing? You will study the modules found on any computing degree, such as how to program a computer (Java) and how computers and the internet work. You will also study specific multimedia modules, e.g. multimedia design, and the concepts required to represent phenomena such as planetary motion or traffic patterns at road junctions using multimedia systems (Director and Flash). Maths is a significant component in a number of modules, so it is a subject you should be comfortable with.

What will I be able to do when I graduate? Graduates have found employment in many areas of multimedia including games development, web application development, multimedia application development, computer based training, e-Learning application development, interactive multimedia development, software development, software analysis and project management. Many graduates have also progressed to postgraduate programmes.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies > Department of Technology and Psychology

What modules will I study?

“This programme gives you the advanced skills and knowledge required for the development of either complex multimedia systems or webbased systems/ applications”

Multimedia Systems, Usability, Applied Research Methods. Students also choose two of the following elective modules: Computer Graphics, Data Visualisation, Technology and Learning, Content Management Systems, Games Programming, Physical Computing, Advanced Web Design, Advanced JavaScript Programming and Mobile Computing. Students also complete a substantial research-based project. Module options offered each year will reflect the interests and skills of the particular cohort of students.

Cost for materials and/or field trips USB sticks, CD-Rom, DVDs, headphones, microphones, etc. (approx. €50 per year). Digital camera (desirable), from €100 to €400.

What is the closing date? Applications must be made to the Admissions Office in IADT. Closing date: Friday, 29th March 2013 @ 4 pm (Final date, no second round).

Contact: Catherine Noonan, Programme Co-ordinator T: (01) 239 4961 E: catherine.noonan@iadt.ie



Bachelor of Engineering in Audio Visual Media Student Profile Technology

Student Profile

Chris Murphy Programme: BSc (Honours) in Computing in Multimedia Systems / Web Engineering After the leaving cert I went straight from a rugby centric, all boys secondary school into IADT and the change was astounding. The college has such a vibrant campus teeming with friendly people and diverse activities. The relatively small student body affords you the opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds with wide ranging interests on Thursday nights out or at one of the fantastic societies. The larger institutions might scoff at IADTs size but those who go here know it’s our greatest asset. I couldn’t be happier with my decision to study multimedia which bridges the gap between cold hard computer science and the artistic world of graphic design. By the end of our third year it was clear who in my class had picked the design road and who had gravitated towards development. The course made it possible for both to flourish and pursue what interested them although all graduating students had a deep understanding and appreciation of both. The most valuable thing that I’m taking from my course is a portfolio of work built up over 4 years which has already served well in finding jobs and work experience. The emphasis on practical work is an excellent trait of the college and has made past graduates and hopefully myself easily employable in a wide range of technical areas in what is one of Ireland’s only growing industries. I would like to thank my lecturers, classmates, and Student Unions (past & present) for making my time in IADT unforgettable.

iadt Prospectus 2013 iadt Prospectus 2013and Creative Technologies Faculty of Film, Art

“I couldn’t be happier with my decision to study multimedia which bridges the gap between cold hard computer science and the artistic world of graphic design”



BSc (Honours) in Computing in Multimedia Systems/ Web Engineering

BSc (Honours) in Computing in

Multimedia Systems / Web Engineering What is Multimedia Systems / Web Engineering?

DL143 - Level 8 Award Application



4 years (full-time) Places 30 CAO Points in 2011

Minimum Points 325 / Median Points 345

This programme will give you the advanced skills and knowledge required for the development of either complex multimedia systems or web-based systems and applications, covering both the hardware and software components of such systems.

What will I be doing? You will study the modules found on any computing degree, such as how to program a computer (Java) and how computers and the internet work. You will also study specific multimedia modules, e.g. multimedia design, and the concepts required to represent phenomena such as planetary motion or traffic patterns at road junctions using multimedia systems (Director and Flash). Maths is a significant component in a number of modules, so it is a subject you should be comfortable with.

Portfolio No

What will I be able to do when I graduate?

Minimum Entry Requirements

Graduates have found employment in many areas of multimedia including games development, web application development, multimedia application development, computer based training, e-Learning application development, interactive multimedia development, software development, software analysis and project management.

2 HC3 and 4 OD3 Maths: O D3 English: O D3 Foundation Level Maths not accepted

Many graduates have also progressed to postgraduate programmes.

Cost for materials and/or field trips USB sticks, CD-Rom, DVDs, headphones, microphones, etc. (approx. €50 per year). Digital camera (desirable), from €100 to €400.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies > Department of Technology and Psychology

What modules will I study? Year 1 Computer Technology, Web Programming I, Programming, Multimedia Authoring, Digital Media Production Techniques, Computer Modelling I, Contemporary Issues in Multimedia.

Year 2 Web Programming II, Software Production, Computer Architecture and Operating Systems, Algorithms and Data Structures, Multimedia Authoring and Design, Database Management Systems, Web Design, Video and 3-D Modelling Production.

Erasmus: Note that 2nd year students are offered the opportunity to study abroad as part of an Erasmus exchange agreement.

Year 3 Object-Oriented Programming and Design, Computer Modelling II, Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, Multimedia Programming, Digital Media Entrepreneurship

“Graduates have found employment in many areas of multimedia including games development & web applications.�

Students also choose one option from either: an individual project or The IDEA Project combined with Multimedia Programming Practice.

Year 4 Multimedia Systems, Usability, Applied Research Methods. Students also choose two of the following elective modules: Computer Graphics, Data Visualisation, Technology and Learning, Content Management Systems, Games Programming, Physical Computing, Advanced Web Design, Advanced JavaScript Programming and Mobile Computing. Students will complete a substantial research-based project. Module options offered each year will reflect the interests and skills of the particular cohort of students.

Contact: Catherine Noonan, Programme Co-ordinator T: (01) 239 4961 E: catherine.noonan@iadt.ie



Student Profile

Student Profile

Daniel Mckay Programme: BSc in Computing in Multimedia Programming I started the Computing in Multimedia Programming (DL131) course in 2009 as a mature student. Before this I had worked in print design and I was looking to broaden my skills to try and get some knowledge of multimedia and how the Web works. I looked at courses in different institutes and universities and met up with course leaders and tutors from some of them. After visiting IADT and meeting with staff from the School of Creative Technologies, I decided that this was the place I wanted to study. The course covers a wide range of topics such as computer hardware, networks, database management systems, web design and development, mobile application development and objectoriented programming. I admit that when I embarked on the course, I wasn’t too sure of what some of these terms meant, but after three years I now have a sound set of skills which I can carry with me in to the workplace. The project work in particular has been enjoyable. It is by actually designing and implementing my own software that I have brought the knowledge from all of these modules together to form a coherent whole. IADT itself is an easy place to study. I feel that the small group sizes in our course have meant that access to lecturers’ advice has never been a problem. The facilities and tuition have been excellent by and large, and I would recommend my course whole-heartedly to anybody who was considering doing it.

SURVEY SYSTEM : WEB & ANDROID PROJECT AIMS To create a web application which allows a user to create their own surveys To create a native Android application for a tablet which carries out the surveys


6. View data in Web a

Android development Web development frameworks How the two platforms can communicate using the Internet

5. Send results


To view the survey results on the Web using data visualisation techniques

4. Carry out survey

3. Assign survey to tablet

2. Create a survey

HTML 5 & CSS 3 jQuery MySQL PHP with CodeIgniter framework Model View Controller architecture XML Android programming using Java

Daniel McKay & Ronan Re 1. Login

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies

Student Profile

William O’Reilly Programme: BSc (Honours) in Applied Psychology Studying Applied Psychology at IADT is an exciting, interesting and fun student experience. A small class size of 60 makes for very sociable and inter-active relationships with friends and lecturers. The course is unique, allowing students to study psychology and design or psychology and practice. The design stream provides students with promising and worthwhile career opportunities while the practice stream allows students to pursue a more traditional psychology career. The library at IADT provides students with all of the necessary academic resources. All lecturers are highly accessible and are only ever an e-mail away. Due to the diverse range of courses offered by IADT, the student population is a varied collective of Art, Film, Business, Technology and Psychology students which creates a diverse, warm and interesting atmosphere centred on development and learning that no other College or Institute can match.

The image represents the Oliver Sacks case study of the Colour-blind painter. After an accident the painter developed cerebral achromatopsia which involved the painter losing all colour in his vision and he could only recognise faces if they were right in front of him. The painter became depressed after losing his normal vision and quite alienated in his day to day life. For this assignment I attempted to capture both the physical aspects and the negative psychological impact of the painter’s condition. William O Reilly



BSc (Honours) in Applied Psychology

BSc (Honours) in

Applied Psychology What is Applied Psychology? Psychology is the study of how people think and behave. Applied Psychology is the practical application of psychology to the real world and includes areas such as educational, forensic, human factors, organisational, and sport psychology. DL141 - Level 8 Award Application



4 years (full-time) Places 60 CAO Points in 2011

Minimum Points 385 / Median Points 425 Portfolio No Minimum Entry Requirements 2 HC3 and 4 OD3 Maths: O D3 English: O D3 Foundation Level Maths not accepted

What will I be doing? You study core psychology areas e.g. abnormal, cognitive, neuropsychology, personality, developmental, positive, social and cyberpsychology. Students have an opportunity to learn about the application of psychological theories in research and ethical issues involved in working as a professional psychologist. This degree is a unique opportunity to study how psychology applies to everyday life, including our use of technology, and how it can create new ways to improve our quality of life. For more information about psychology have a look at www.psihq.ie/ training_careerGuide.asp. This is a practical, hands-on programme and you will work in small groups and attend lectures, tutorials and labs for about 22 hours a week.

What will I be able to do when I graduate? You can work or study in all branches of psychology as the degree is accredited by the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) and our graduates are entitled to become graduate members. Graduates with sufficient experience may become counsellors. There is also a demand for psychology graduates to work with online companies applying psychological theories to the use of technology, such as: usability engineers or instructional designers. You may also find work as research assistants or in human resources and other areas of business such as advertising. Our graduates have studied for Masters Degrees in Forensic Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Speech and Language Therapy, Sports Psychology, Multimedia, and e-Learning and are now working in these areas. You can progress to our MSc in Cyberpsychology.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies > Department of Technology and Psychology

What modules will I study? Year 1 Introduction to Psychology, Perception and Ergonomics, Research Methods and Statistics, Multimedia Design, ICT, Cyberpsychology.

Year 2 You study four core psychology modules (Cognitive Psychology, Developmental and Lifespan Psychology, Personality and Psychometrics and Research Methods (including statistics)), and either Psychology and Design (Information Design and Multimedia and Software Design) or Psychology and Practice (Sports and Health Psychology and Organisational Psychology). Places on these two paths will be allocated on the basis of student performance, choice and the number of places available.

Year 3 You study four core psychology modules (Social Psychology, Neuropsychology, Abnormal Psychology and Research Methods). In third year the Psychology and Design students study Web Applications and Usability Engineering while the Psychology and Practice students study Educational Psychology.

“Applied Psychology is the practical application of psychology to the real world”

Year 4 All students carry out a major psychology research project as well as Transpersonal & Positive Psychology and Advanced Psychology. The Psychology and Design path study Human Computer Interaction in Practice and Cognitive Ergonomics. The Psychology and Practice path study Learning and Instruction and Forensic Psychology.

Cost for materials and/or field trips Textbooks (approx €80), field trips (approx €20) USB sticks.

Contact: Dr Irene Connolly, Programme Co-ordinator T: (01) 239 4693 E: irene.connolly@iadt.ie



Bachelor of Engineering in Audio Student Visual Media Profile Technology

Student Profile

Valerie McCormack Programme: BSc (Honours) in Applied Psychology I have really enjoyed Applied Psychology in IADT. This course is fresh and unique. It allows students to explore their interests into the different disciplines of Psychology. The modules vary from Cyberpsychology to Sport & Health. There is a module that will interest everyone. My academic experience in IADT has been a journey. I have been able to track my progress and better myself. The lecturers and staff have provided constant feedback and support so I could improve my performance. I think that this is a unique aspect that is exclusive to institutes like IADT. With lower class numbers, we get to know our lecturers really well and learn to respect the variety of disciplines that they teach and enjoy. Someone once described this college as “a unique college for unique people�, and I strongly agree with this statement. It is a great place where you can feel comfortable with who you are. I feel that I have learnt a lot about myself and others. I have met some really great people through group work and social events in IADT. The social events are a really great way of getting to know your class members, students from other courses and Student Union. My plan for the future is to further my interest in Psychology to Masters level and hopefully explore a future in clinical psychology.

iadt Prospectus 2013 iadt Prospectus Faculty of Film, Art 2013and Creative Technologies

“This course is fresh and unique. It allows students to explore their interests into the different disciplines of Psychology.�



Staff Profile

Staff Profile

Dr. Grainne Kirwan Programme:

BSc (Hons) in Applied Psychology and MSc in Cyberpsychology I lecture on two programmes – the BSc (Hons) in Applied Psychology and the MSc in Cyberpsychology. Because of IADT’s innovative outlook, my research and teaching encompasses both traditional areas of psychology (such as forensic psychology) and newer, emerging areas (such as psychological applications of virtual reality, artificial intelligence, cybercrime, and the Internet). Because of the encouragement of my managers in IADT, I have the opportunity to teach and research areas that I love and am enthusiastic about, which makes it a pleasure to come to work and to interact with colleagues who are as passionate about their specialisms as I am. The vibrancy of the campus is evident, there is always something happening, and every day brings new opportunities.

“The method of teaching in IADT means that I get to spend considerably more time with students than many of my counterparts in universities would.” As a lecturer, this is invigorating – I get to see the enthusiasm that students have for a subject, and in many cases I find that I learn something new from each class that I teach. Lecturing staff are encouraged to improve their teaching skills at every opportunity, and many of us have qualifications not only in our specialised fields, but also in third-level teaching and learning. Through a combination of lifelong learning, inspirational managers, dedicated colleagues, and numerous opportunities to expand my skills and knowledge, IADT is an amazing place to work.

iadt Prospectus 2013 iadt Prospectus Faculty of Film, Art 2013and Creative Technologies



Student Profile

Student Profile

Daire O Cleirigh Programme: BSc (Honours) in Applied Psychology Overall I had a very positive experience during my time at IADT. From the beginning the small class sizes made it easy to make friends, with a general relaxed friendly atmosphere on campus. Socially the college had an impressive range of clubs and societies catering for an imaginable range of hobbies and past-times, alongside a strong independent student union, providing opportunities for students to get involved at various different levels. In regards to the course I studied Applied Psychology; I believe it to be a well-constructed course, with a novel way of approaching the subject matter with some interesting and engaging projects along the way. What I most found worthwhile from the course was its practical focus throughout, with various hands-on projects, presentations and group work which I believe will give me a lot to say in any future interview situation. I believe the course itself was enhanced by a staff of friendly, approachable down to earth lecturers. The college also provides a structure in which students can make their opinions about course content and issues be heard. In regards to my future career options, as I chose the technology based stream of my course, I believe the path ahead looks promising as there appears a vast number of opportunities for graduates within Irelands rapidly emerging IT industry. Furthermore if I chose to continue to a masters, my course’s accreditation with the PSI allows me apply for masters both here and across the pond.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies

“What I most found worthwhile from the course was its practical focus throughout, with various hands-on projects, presentations and group work which I believe will give me a lot to say in any future interview situation�



Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies

“Student work exhibited an exceptionally high degree of professional focus which makes the course superior to many similar courses in the UK, which tend to put greater emphasis on self-expression and personal experimentation, often to the detriment of professional standards.� Mr Adrian Shaughnessy, Royal College of Art / UNIT Editions London



BA (Honours) in Visual Communication Design

BA (Honours) in

Visual Communication Design What is Visual Communication Design? Visual Communication Design takes diverse information and designs it for both print and screen based media. It demands creative thinking and an eye for detail. DL043 - Level 8 Award

What will I be doing?


This programme encourages students to engage and invest in creative thinking, bold ideas, critical enquiry and awareness, discourse, visual exploration and experimentation; collaboration and innovation in project design. From print (newspapers, magazines, books, tickets, posters) to screen (web interfaces, film titles, television graphics and idents) right through to environmental applications (exhibitions, signage systems), you will discover how graphic design informs and assists us in almost everything we do. A practical teaching approach ensures that you achieve a high quality and relevant education, as well as the training to help you meet the demands of contemporary design practice.



4 years (full-time) Places 30 CAO Points in 2011

Minimum Points 695 / Median Points 795 Combination of Leaving Certificate and Portfolio assessment points Portfolio Yes. See the section on Portfolio Guidelines Minimum Entry Requirements 2 HC3 and 4 OD3 Maths: F D3 English: O D3

What will I be able to do when I graduate? Careers include graphic design (branding, corporate design, identity, packaging), advertising and art direction, web design, interactive media (games, DVDs, software applications, iPhone and iPad interface and content design), motion graphics and post-production for TV and film, exhibition and environmental design, print and publishing (newspapers, magazines, printers and tablet devices), illustration and photography, design education, design journalism and criticism. Many graduates have established their own companies in corporate design, publishing exhibition design, web design advertising and information design, motion graphics and interactive media. Recent graduates have careers in companies in Dublin (Detail, PCC, Design Factory, Design Works, Zinc, Zero-G, Piranha Bar, Windmill Lane Studios, Dynamo, Martello Media and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), London (Why Not Associates, Pony, SPIN), Amsterdam (Eden Spiekerman, SO Design, Matmo), as well as studios in New York, Barcelona, Perth, Melbourne and Auckland.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies > Department of Design and Visual Arts

Other graduates have gone into postgraduate study and research in design and related fields at IADT, Ireland and abroad.

What modules will I study? Year 1 Visual Research Methods, Design Basics, Image-making, TypoGraphics, E-Graphics, 3D Spatial Design, Interdisciplinary Design, Critical and Contextual Studies.

Year 2 Image-making, TypoGraphics, E-Graphics (Motion), E-Graphics (Web), 3D Spatial Design, Interdisciplinary Design, Critical and Contextual Studies. In addition, you will be able to choose one module from the bank of available electives. Please refer to the list of electives at the end of this section.

Year 3 TypoGraphics, E-Graphics, Professional Practice, Interdisciplinary Design, Critical and Contextual Studies, Advanced Research Skills and Thesis Preparation.

“It demands creative thinking and an eye for detail.”

Interdisciplinary Design, Final Project and Exhibition, Critical and Contextual Studies (Standard Dissertation or Extended Dissertation).

Year 4 In year 4 you can choose between two different credit weighting options – Standard or Extended – for your Practical and Critical and Contextual Studies modules. This option is agreed with your lecturers during the Thesis Preparation module in year 3.

Cost for materials and/or field trips Approx. €1,000 per year plus exceptional purchases and field trips. Graduate Exhibition cost in year 4.

Contact: David Smith, Programme Co-ordinator T: (01) 239 4694 E: david.smith@iadt.ie



Bachelor of Engineering in Audio Visual Staff Profile Media Technology

Staff Profile

David Smith Programme:

BA (Honours) in Visual Communication Design

A graduate of the Visual Communications course at Dun Laoghaire College of Art and Design*, David is one of Ireland’s leading designers and the recipient of many national awards. To date his work has been published/ exhibited in Ireland, France, Spain, Italy, Japan, Slovakia, UK, The Netherlands, China and USA. International recognition includes awards and commendations from the Type Directors Club New York, Association Typographique Internationale (AtypI) and the International Society of Typographic Designers. His reputation in the international design community was formally recognized in October 2010 when he became the first Irish designer inducted into the Alliance Graphique Internationale – “the world’s best practitioners”. In 1998 David completed his graduate studies at L’Atelier National de Recherche Typographique (ANRT), a postgraduate facility specialising in typographic design and research under the aegis of the French Ministry of Culture. He subsequently worked in Paris and Amsterdam before returning to Ireland to establish his studio. In 2003 at Graphic Europe (Barcelona), David was selected as one of the foremost emerging designers whose work represents an important and original contribution to current graphic design practice. He has lectured publicly on his own practice and on wider issues concerning graphic design and has contributed to Eye – the International Review of Graphic Design. In 2004 David became Programme Co-ordinator of Visual Communications and along with his colleagues he has contributed greatly to the national and international reputation of IADT’s Visual Communications programme – a leading centre of excellence for design communications . Through his educational leadership and the reputation of his studio practice, David continues to significantly influence the improving standard and reputation of Irish graphic design. When asked about his influence he acknowledges that much of “his success and subsequent influence” is down to the calibre of his colleagues in IADT and his professional associates saying that “both his colleagues in practice and education share a common ambition and dedication in their pursuit of excellence”. A former Council member of the Institute of Designers in Ireland, he remains active in design advocacy, education (he is an external examiner at the University of Ulster, Belfast) and development through membership of the International Society of Typographic Designers, ICAD and IDI. In June 2007 he initiated the three x 3 internship programme for graduates of Irish design schools and in 2012 initiated the 100 Design Archive – an important new project that intends to record and capture the rich diversity of current Irish graphic design practice. * Now IADT

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies



“When asked about his influence he acknowledges that much of “his success and subsequent influence” is down to the calibre of his colleagues in IADT and his professional associates saying that “both his colleagues in practice and education share a common ambition and dedication in their pursuit of excellence”.” 1. Book design by David Smith


BA (Honours) in Visual Arts Practice

BA (Honours) in

Visual Arts Practice What is Visual Arts Practice?

DL044 - Level 8 Award Application



4 years (full-time) Places 50 CAO Points in 2011

Minimum Points 580 / Median Points 699 Combination of Leaving Certificate and Portfolio assessment points Portfolio Yes. See the section on Portfolio Guidelines Minimum Entry Requirements 2 HC3 and 4 OD3 Maths: F D3 English: O D3

Visual artists look critically at the changing world as they observe aspects of the natural, man-made and digital environment. By continually challenging ideas and practices they provide new ways of seeing as well as new responses, encouraging debate and change in contemporary society.

What will I be doing? This programme introduces you to the challenges of working in the visually and critically sophisticated landscape of contemporary art. It offers you the opportunity to develop a visual art practice, which will help you explore the many opportunities that exist for artists, through the creative pathways of drawing, painting, video, sculpture, printmaking, photography, sound, installation, performance and other related areas. Our aim is to educate and inspire artists through an integrated and multidisciplinary experience. This will help you to create a comprehensive portfolio of work, tested against “real world� situations. We also arrange for visiting lecturers, specialist workshops and themed seminars to open your eyes to new ideas. And you can take part in placements and international exchanges, as well as developing art events in groups and exhibiting independently.

What will I be able to do when I graduate? Graduates pursue careers in the creative industries as artists, art teachers, arts administrators, art directors, community arts co-ordinators, arts mediators, art critics, arts officers, content developers, image researchers, film-makers, art historians and gallerists. Postgraduate opportunities include our MA in Visual Arts Practices. (MAVIS)

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies > Department of Design and Visual Arts

What modules will I study? Year 1 Visual Research Methods, Introduction to Visual Arts, Introduction to History and Critical Theory, Introduction to Self Direction, Workshops.

Year 2 Studio Research Methodology, Critical Analysis and Critical Practice, Site Specific Environmental Practice, Workshops, Intermediate History and Critical Theory, Self Direction In addition, you will be able to choose one module from the bank of available electives. Please refer to the list of electives at the end of this section.

Year 3 Interdisciplinary Practice, Research, Workshops, Issues in Contemporary Practice, Self Direction, Thesis Preparation, Professional Practice.

Year 4 Studio, Workshops, Seminars, Thesis.

“Our aim is to educate and inspire artists through an integrated and multidisciplinary experience.”

In year 4 you can choose between two different credit weighting options – Standard or Extended – for your Practical and Critical and Contextual Studies modules. This option is agreed with your lecturers during the Thesis Preparation module in year 3.

Cost for materials and/or field trips Approx. €500 to €1,000 per year. Graduate Exhibition cost in year 4.

Contact: Paul Gregg, Programme Co-ordinator, T: (01) 239 4781 E: paul.gregg@iadt.ie



BA (Honours) in Model Making, Design and Digital Effects

BA (Honours) in

Model Making, Design and Digital Effects What is Model Making, Design and Digital Effects?

DL046 - Level 8 Award Application



4 years (full-time) Places 30 CAO Points in 2011

Minimum Points 730 / Median Points 870 Combination of Leaving Certificate and Portfolio assessment points Portfolio Yes. See the section on Portfolio Guidelines Minimum Entry Requirements 2 HC3 and 4 OD3 Maths: F D3 English: O D3

Modelmakers have the ability to design and create 3D and digital representations of ideas and concepts in a variety of contexts such as film, gaming, architecture, exhibitions and street theatre.

What will I be doing? The programme consists of three equally valuable areas of study: Design, Model Making and Digital Effects. In each of these areas you will gain the professional competence to master a number of specific skills and techniques. These include sculpting/ modelling, casting, CNC cutting, technical fabrication and digital modelling/animation, design and presentation. There is a practical, hands-on approach to every module. Throughout the programme, you will be given an opportunity to work within different aspects of real model making practice. With the skills and creative techniques that you acquire you will thrive in the model making industry and/or a variety of creative practices.

What will I be able to do when I graduate? Careers may be found as modelmakers working on feature films or commercials, display/model makers for interactive exhibits such as museums, event designers/fabricators for entertainment events, and a variety of other roles, including art director, architectural modeller, art lecturer/teacher, creature developer/character animator (character design for games and/ or animation), digital matte artist and digital FX supervisor.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies > Department of Design and Visual Arts

What modules will I study? Year 1 2D/3D Studies, Technical Modelling, Architectural Modelling, Prototype Modelling, Digital Studies 2D (Photoshop, Autocad), Academic Methods and Visual Studies.

Year 2 Model Animation, Film Props/Art Direction, Street Theatre, Digital Studies 3D, Communication and Critical Thinking, Model Making theory and practice. In addition, you will be able to choose one module from the bank of available electives. Please refer to the list of electives at the end of this section.

Year 3 Digital Modelling, Production Design for Film, Character Design, Digital Studies 4D, Industry Project, Research Seminar, Business Studies, Thesis Proposal.

Year 4 Initial Project, Final Project, Professional practice, Presentation skills, Thesis.

Cost for materials and/or field trips

“There is a practical, handson approach to every module.”

Approx. €200 - €400 (years 1, 2 and 3). Purchase of hard drives (recommended): €120 - €250 Non-compulsory trip: €300 - €500 Graduate Exhibition cost in year 4.

Contact: Julian King, Programme Co-ordinator, T: (01) 239 4709 E: julian.king@iadt.ie



Bachelor of Engineering in Audio Student Visual Media ProfileTechnology

Student Profile

Lynda Owens Programme: BA (Honours) in Model Making, Design and Digital Effects I joined the Modelmaking Programme in September 2008. I had previously studied textiles elsewhere but withdrew in my second year as I realised it was not the right career choice for me. I spent the next two years doing office work for Mediterranean shipping company and Novell Software, but again these were not roles I could see myself having a fulfilling career in. A friend told me about this course and I thought it sounded amazing, my strengths were painting, sculpting, designing and problem solving so this course offered the chance to combine them and develop new skills. I applied for direct entry and following an interview and portfolio submission, to my great surprise I landed a place in second year of the course. Initially it was very difficult to fit in and catch up on all the skills and knowledge the existing students had acquired in first year but I knuckled down and did everything I could not to fall behind.

“The course provides a vast range of projects that help you to develop key skills and problem solving techniques that are incredibly important in the film industry.� The chance to exhibit your degree project in the New Blaides exhibition in London also provides students with great job opportunities and a chance to see the level of work from other graduates around the U.K. The modules in the course include stop motion animation, production design, digital animation, prop design and construction, sculpting, mould making and casting in a variety of materials. Students get to design, plan, construct, paint, finish their creations and in some cases film and edit This diversity of areas gives students great advantage in the outside world. Upon finishing the course I booked a one way ticket to Thailand, and subsequently ended up in Australia where I worked and travelled. I mainly worked in Architectural model making companies in Sydney. Through a series of twists of fate and difficult times I ended up In Wellington in New Zealand. Initially I intended to only go as a visa run and return to Australia however I thought it was worth a shot at trying to get work in WETA, or on The Hobbit despite knowing how difficult it is as WETA get about 5,000 applications a week I am told! After many phone calls, emails and researching I got a few weeks work for Human Dynamo, a small family run model making workshop that sub contracts side projects for Avatar and The Hobbit as well as their own commissioned projects. I then got a job working for Stone Street studios as a mould maker in the construction department, working on The Hobbit. It was mainly my experience with silicone and fibreglass mould making from this course that landed me the job but also putting myself out there and chasing my dream job. The work was incredibly intense and exhausting, working with toxic chemicals on top of 11hr days but the people I have met and experience I have got on this job has been amazing and invaluable. My advice would be if you want something bad enough fight for it, dreams can become a reality.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies > Department of Design and Visual Arts


1. Lynda holding her infant model created as part of her Model making for film and media course work



BA (Honours) in Design for Stage and Screen

BA (Honours) in

Design for Stage and Screen What is Design for Stage and Screen? Design for Stage and Screen is a suite of three specialist programmes of study (Production Design, Costume Design and Make up Design). Each programme offers a distinctive area of specialism but is run collaboratively so as to offer a depth of study with excellent opportunities to work as part of a larger, multidisciplinary creative team. Theatre, film and television are highly visual practices. Although they encompass a multiplicity of outcomes, they all require the expert input of the designer to imagine and create their physical environments, to generate character and costume, and to organise the overall visual experience of the work.

What will I be doing? All students complete a common first year. In years 2, 3 and 4 students study some common modules in addition to their specialist modules. As part of the National Film School, the programmes offer excellent opportunities to work alongside the next generation of film and television makers as well as in theatre, opera, dance and drama.

What will I be able to do when I graduate? Many designers’ work spans the entire spectrum of the performing arts: theatre, television and film. Others choose to specialise in one particular area. All three programmes offer you the opportunity to prepare for a career in one of the most exciting, challenging and rewarding creative arts careers.

Cost for materials and/or field trips Approx. €500 - €750 per year Approx. €350 per year for admission to galleries, theatres and travel Graduate Exhibition cost in year 4.

Contact: Martin Marley, Programme Co-ordinator, T: (01) 239 4812 E: martin.marley@iadt.ie

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies > Department of Design and Visual Arts

Production Design What is a Production Designer? In the theatre, Production Design (or Scenography) is the creation of a space in response to text, music or dance: an imagined world. Central to the process is an ability to imagine, analyse, to interpret and invent. In the television industry, the Production Designer designs and creates a visually distinctive and effective environment to give each particular production (current affairs, gameshows, drama etc) its own unique visual identity. In the film industry, the Production Designer must create convincing sets in studio but also adapt existing locations to the production’s requirements. In all three areas, the Production Designer works closely with the director and a creative team, communicating through the use of scale models, sketches, paintings, technical drawings and digital media.

What modules will I study?

DL047 - Level 8 Award

Year 1 (Common to all students) Information Technology I & II; Digital Imaging; Elementary Studies: Performance Workshops, Applied Research & Dramaturgy; Critical Studies: History of Stage & Screen I, Cultural Studies; Design for Stage & Screen: First principles.




4 years (full-time) Places 10 CAO Points in 2011

Minimum Points 639 / Median Points 775 Portfolio Yes. See the section on Portfolio Guidelines Minimum Entry Requirements 2 HC3 and 4 OD3 Maths: O D3 English: O D3 Foundation level maths not accepted.

Year 2 Information Technology III, CAD, CGI; Design for Theatre: Design for small scale theatre and alternative spaces, Design for main stage spaces; Critical Studies: History of Stage & Screen II, Research for Collaborative Project; Design for Stage & Screen: Collaborative Project . In addition, you will be able to choose one module from the bank of available electives. Please refer to the list of electives at the end of this section.

Year 3 Professional Studies: Business & Practice I & II. Design for Screen: Design for Television; Production Design and Art Direction for Film; CGI, Virtual Environments including Games. Collaborations. Critical Studies: Contemporary and Critical Debates.

Year 4. (Common to all students) Project and Exposition, Dissertation/Documented Research Project.



Bachelor (Honours) in Design for Stage and Screen

Costume Design What is a Costume Designer? A Costume Designer is concerned with character and characterisation. Whether for stage (theatre, dance, opera etc) or screen (film, television), the designer works initially with the director and other members of the creative team to establish the visual style of the costumes. The work may involve the recreation of an historical character and period or the invention of a completely imagined world; in all cases the costume designer will enjoy meticulous research, sourcing fabrics and details and ultimately working closely with actors to create exactly the right visual effect. Costume Designers work as part of a team, which can include a costume supervisor, makers and tailors and wardrobe assistants who work backstage or stand by on set.

What modules will I study?

DL048 - Level 8 Award Application

Year 1 (Common to all students) Information Technology I & II; Digital Imaging; Elementary Studies: Performance Workshops, Applied Research & Dramaturgy; Critical Studies: History of Stage & Screen I, Cultural Studies; Design for Stage & Screen: First principles.



4 years (full-time) Places 10 CAO Points in 2011

Minimum Points 875 / Median Points 940 Portfolio

Yes. See the section on Portfolio Guidelines Minimum Entry Requirements 2 HC3 and 4 OD3 Maths: F D3 English: O D3

Year 2 Information Technology III, CAD, CGI; Design for Theatre: Undergarments & Accessories, Georgian & Regency 1790 1820; Critical Studies: History of Stage & Screen II, Research for Collaborative Project; Design for Stage & Screen - Collaborative Project: Dyeing & Ageing Costumes. In addition, you will be able to choose one module from the bank of available electives. Please refer to the list of electives at the end of this section.

Year 3 Professional Studies: Business & Practice I & II; Design for Screen: Tudor & Renaissance Europe 1485 – 1603, Victorian 1837 – 1901, 1920 to today and beyond; Collaborations; Critical Studies: Contemporary and Critical Debates.

Year 4 (Common to all students) Project and Exposition, Dissertation/Documented Research Project.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies > Department of Design and Visual Arts

Make up Design What is a Make-Up/Prosthetics Designer? A Make-Up/Prosthetics Designer works on feature films, television dramas, commercials, music videos, theatre, opera and dance performances. The job focuses on the performers and creating appropriate characters based on a given script using make-up, postiche, wigs or prosthetics. A Make-Up/ Prosthetics Designer liaises with the director to discuss the interpretation of the script and any notable effects that may be required. They work in conjunction with the costume designer and hair/wig dresser to ensure that the visual statement is complete and convincing.

What modules will I study? Year 1 (Common to all students) Information Technology I & II; Digital Imaging; Elementary Studies: Performance Workshops, Applied Research & Dramaturgy; Critical Studies: History of Stage & Screen I, Cultural Studies; Design for Stage & Screen: First principles. DL049 - Level 8 Award Application



4 years (full-time) Places 10 CAO Points in 2011

Minimum Points 860 / Median Points 945 Portfolio Yes. See the section on Portfolio Guidelines Minimum Entry Requirements 2 HC3 and 4 OD3 Maths: F D3 English: O D3

Year 2 Information Technology III CAD, CGI. Design for Theatre: Hair Design & Hair Work for theatre and film; Period, Character & 3D Ageing. Critical Studies: History of Stage & Screen II, Research for Collaborative Project. Design for Stage & Screen II - Collaborative Project: wounds & burns. In addition, you will be able to choose one module from the bank of available electives. Please refer to the list of electives at the end of this section.

Year 3 Professional Studies: Business & Practice I & II. Design for Screen II: Compression mould modelling, casting and prosthetic piece, bald cap; Body Painting; Fantasy and futuristic make up. Collaborations. Critical Studies: Contemporary and Critical Debates.

Year 4. (Common to all students) Project and Exposition, Dissertation/Documented Research Project.



BA (Honours) in Animation

BA (Honours) in

Animation What is Animation? This programme encourages students to explore and document their world and stories with a full complement of animation production processes and skills. DL041 - Level 8 Award

What will I be doing?


This programme offers pathways which include feature animations, TV production, TV advertising, special effects, short films, traditional as well as CGI animations.



4 years (full-time) Places 30 CAO Points in 2011

Minimum Points 280 / Median Points 370 Portfolio Yes. See the section on Portfolio Guidelines Minimum Entry Requirements 2 HC3 and 4 OD3 Maths: F D3 English: O D3

This programme is a unique learning experience which is at the forefront of animation education in Ireland and offers the only undergraduate degree in Animation in the country.

What will I be able to do when I graduate? Your broad range of skills will equip you for a career in animation production companies, multimedia companies, production and post-production houses for animation, film and television, as well as freelance independent work. Other career paths include gaming, architectural and industrial modelling, film/special effects, advertising, multimedia and teaching. Recent graduates have found employment with Brown Bag Films, Kavaleer, Jam Media, The Element, Monster, Screen Scene, Abbey Theatre, Weta, Manandink, Flickerpix, Barley Films, and Cartoon Saloon.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies > Department of Film and Media

What modules will I study? Year 1 Academic, Critical and Cultural Studies; Drawing and Animation; Drawing; Design; Animation Principles Experimental - 3D; Design for Film Production; Animation Principles - Drawing; Digital Skills; Personal Project.

Year 2 Academic, Critical and Cultural Studies (Film, Technology and the City; Film and Narrative); Animation Principles - Drawing I and Drawing II; Drawing; Design; Digital 3-D / 2-D Flash; Personal Project. In addition, you will be able to choose one module from the bank of available electives. Please refer to the list of electives at the end of this section.

Year 3 Academic Critical Debates - History of Animation; Academic Advanced Research Methods and Thesis Preparation; Digital 3D - 2D; Group Industry Project; Media I and II; Drawing; Business Studies; Production Preparation.

Year 4 Standard or Extended Thesis; Pre-Production; Final Year Project; Portfolio and Show reel.

“This programme is a unique learning experience which is at the forefront of animation education in Ireland.”

Cost for materials and/or field trips Approx. €1,000 per year. Graduate Exhibition cost in year 4.

Contact: Keith Foran, Programme Co-ordinator, T: (01) 239 4643 E: keith.foran@iadt.ie



Bachelor of Engineering in Audio Visual Staff Profile Media Technology

Staff Profile

David Quinn Programme: Animation I’ve lectured in IADT since 1999, teaching CGI (Computer generated Imagery), Digital Skills and Animation but I’ve worked in animation since the late 1970’s, (starting way back on RTE’s Bosco series). In almost 30 years, I’ve animated hundreds of stop-motion and CGI series, short films and commercials. I received Arts Council Film and Video Awards for ‘To Forget’ and ‘The Darkness of Death’, and Frameworks awards for ‘Florida War’ and ‘T’was a Terrible Hard Work’. From 1999 until 2006, I worked with Brown Bag Films, becoming their first CGI Technical Director and generating animation for numerous commercials and short films, including the Oscar-nominated ‘Give Up Yer Aul Sins’. My current project is an internet series ‘cutbacks’, which I describe as ‘disgraceful pseudo-political sarcasms from Ireland’. The series is produced in stopmotion and has generated hundreds of episodes since September 2009, including two award-winning short films. As our media world constantly mutates, I believe it’s really important that IADT lecturers continue to practice in our specific disciplines. We learn something new every hour, every minute! Our experience as practitioners feeds directly into our Teaching and Learning, helping us to develop our lecturing, keeping our courses relevant, up to date, or (ideally) ahead of the curve.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies



BA (Honours) in Photography

BA (Honours) in

Photography What is Photography?

DL042 - Level 8 Award Application



4 years (full-time) Places 30

Photography holds a central place in our increasingly visual society. From fashion and advertising to contemporary art and digital media, creative photographers are highly sought after and play a leading role in describing and defining contemporary culture.

What will I be doing? This programme explores photography within the context of art, communications, the moving image and critical theory. This is a rapidly evolving environment that affects a wide range of cultural sectors and activities.


You will have access to a unique range of facilities that allow you to engage with photographic technologies from the 19th century, through to current, cutting-edge digital media. You will work with staff who are at the leading edge of contemporary photographic practice and criticism.

Yes. See the section on Portfolio Guidelines

What will I be able to do when I graduate?

CAO Points in 2011

Minimum Points 740 / Median Points 810

Minimum Entry Requirements 2 HC3 and 4 OD3 Maths: F D3 English: O D3

Graduates work across commercial and contemporary art practices, including print, publishing and evolving media, both in Ireland and internationally. Many graduates work independently or have set up their own businesses.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies > Department of Film and Media

What modules will I study? Year 1 Photography and Communication; Understanding the Photographic Image; Photographic Practice I – Darkroom, Digital Imaging I & II; Photographic Practice II – Studio; 19th Century Photography – Debates and Practices; Photographic Practice III - Narrative.

Year 2 Photographic Practice IV – Colour; Digital Imaging III & IV; Photographic Practice V – Large Format; Modernism, Modernity and the Photographic Image; Post Modernism and the Photographic Image; Photographic Practice VI – Self Initiated Project. In addition, you will be able to choose one module from the bank of available electives. Please refer to the list of electives at the end of this section.

Year 3 Photography and National Identity; Photographic Practice VII & IX – Pathways and Contexts I & II; Photographic Practice VIII – Alternative Processes; Thesis Preparation; Business Studies.

“This is a rapidly evolving environment that affects a wide range of cultural sectors and activities.”

Year 4 Dissertation; Photographic Practice X – Portfolio; Photographic Practice XI - Exhibition. In year 4 you can choose between two different credit weighting options – Standard or Extended – for your Practical and Critical and Contextual Studies modules. This option is agreed with your lecturers during the Thesis Preparation module in year 3.

Cost for materials and/or field trips Approx. €1,000 per year plus exceptional purchases, field trips, preparation for exhibitions, national / international competitions. Graduate Exhibition cost in year 4.

Contact: Daniel de Chenu, Programme Co-ordinator T: (01) 239 4674 E: daniel.dechenu@iadt.ie



BA (Honours) in Film and Television Production

BA (Honours) in

Film and Television Production What is Film and Television Production? This programme focuses on the advancement of practical filmmaking and television production skills, as well as developing strong creative storytelling abilities. DL045 - Level 8 Award

What will I be doing?


We provide practical tuition in production, script, direction, camera/lighting, sound and editing, television programming, drama, documentary, commercials, promotional, experimental and educational programming.



4 years (full-time) Places 30 CAO Points in 2011

Minimum Points 925 / Median Points 999 Portfolio Yes. See the section on Portfolio Guidelines Minimum Entry Requirements 2 HC3 and 4 OD3 Maths: F D3 English: O D3

This programme offers challenging and exciting opportunities for anyone wishing to broaden their knowledge of cinema, television and production. We provide hands-on production experience and easy access to facilities.

What will I be able to do when I graduate? Many of our graduates are now connected to major Irish and international production and post production companies as well as all the major broadcasters including BBC NI, RTÉ, TV3, TG4 and City Channel. Graduates are working in the film and television industry in jobs such as director of television drama, commercials, documentary, features; sound recordist; sound designer; director of photography; focus puller; clapper loader; assistant camera person; editor; off-line editor; on-line editor; Avid DS, sound editor; scriptwriter; camera operator; producer; production assistant; location manager; and television researcher. Some graduates have formed their own production companies, while others have found careers in film education, film festival events, pod casting, web and multimedia design.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies > Department of Film and Media

What modules will I study? Year 1 Script, Production and Direction; Technical Craft Skills; Page to Screen: Applied Script, Production and Direction; Shooting Techniques for Film and Television; Cinema History: The Silent Era; History of Television and Broadcasting; Visual Culture and the Philosophical Tradition; Cinema History: Hollywood Cinema; Key Concepts in Aesthetics. Year 2 Narrative Development Skills; Location Filming; Practice Based Research Project; Film as Art; Television Production; European Cinema; Irish Television; Literary Narratives. In addition, you will be able to choose one module from the bank of available electives. Please refer to the list of electives at the end of this section. Year 3 Documentary Tradition and Irish Film; Industry Focus: Experiencing the workplace; Multi-Platform Content Development; Television Drama Production; Thesis Preparation; Documentary Production; Sound and Moving Image.

Year 4 Academic Dissertation; Advanced Content Development; Project.

“We provide handson production experience and easy access to facilities.”

Cost for materials and/or field trips Approx. €750 - €1,000 per year (production related costs, equipment and software purchases, field trips, etc). Graduate Exhibition cost in year 4.

Contact: Anne O’Leary Programme Co-ordinator T: (01) 239 4681 E: anne.oleary@iadt.ie



Bachelor of Engineering in Audio Visual Media Student Profile Technology

Student Profile

Ela Gasiorowska Programme: BA (Honours) in Film and Television Production When I decided to go to college in Ireland I always thought that it couldn’t be much different than the colleges in Poland. I was wrong, IADT surprised me with its friendly atmosphere and great creative spirit. If you are active and hard working the college keeps you very busy. I found the project work throughout the four years of my education very challenging and rewarding. I have to say I have learnt a lot and I have met many wonderful people. This is my final year and I have just finished directing my short film “Echo” and I have also been working as the Director of Photography on other graduation projects. Right now I feel exhausted but happy that I have had the chance to do so much. It was all a great learning experience. In the future I am planning to make more films and travel around the world.

iadt Prospectus 2013 iadt Prospectus Faculty of Film, Art 2013and Creative Technologies

“ I found the project work throughout the four years of my education very challenging and rewarding. I have to say I have learnt a lot and I have met many wonderful people.�



Bachelor of Engineering in Audio Visual Media Student Profile Technology

Student Profile

John Walters Programme: BA (Honours) in Film and Television Production I began the Film & Television course in 2007 as a fan of cinema. I knew that I wanted to work in the film industry, but wasn’t sure about which area would suit me best. Four and half years later I am now a professional editor, working on both feature films and TV shows. For me, the real strength of the course is the opportunity that it gives students to experiment in all the various aspects of filmmaking and television production. I got hands-on experience with everything from camera and sound to producing and directing. As a class we were given a large amount of autonomy in developing our own projects, while the lecturers were always available to offer advice and impart knowledge in a friendly and informal manner. The academic content on the course also exposed me to areas of cinema and ideas that I would never have encountered otherwise. Collaboration with classmates and students on other courses was encouraged right from the start. During my time on the course I made many contacts and developed many friendships that will no doubt last for the rest of my career. In my working life in the film industry I regularly encounter many people who, like me, made their start at the National Film School.

iadt Prospectus 2013 iadt Prospectus Faculty of Film, Art 2013and Creative Technologies


“During my time on the course I made many contacts and developed many friendships that will no doubt last for the rest of my career.”

“Three Degrees” Directed by Philip Sheerin. Edited by John Walters.


National Film School

“The National Film School at IADT gave me a lot - Talented teachers, hands-on experience with the latest technology, and the opportunity to create a film that would act as a calling card. All that counts for a lot when you are trying to make things happen for yourself in the industry.” DAVID DORAN Director, Producer and Director, RTÉ Television

iadt Prospectus 2013 National Film School


“The National Film School opened my eyes to the exciting opportunities that the moving image offers. I met many of my current colleagues and forged solid creative partnerships during this time. Without this education I wouldn’t be working in the industry and making films today.” KEN WARDROP Filmmaker / Venom Film


National Film School

The National Film School National Film School Creative Director Donald Taylor Black MA

The National Film School (NFS) at IADT is Ireland’s centre of excellence for education and training in film, animation, and broadcasting. This is based on: the consistently high achievements of our student productions in professional competitions and festivals, at home and abroad the careers of our graduates in the entertainment and media industries the very high standard of applied film education that we have provided for more than 25 years the excellence of our staff, who possess considerable industry experience. A high proportion continue to work as practitioners. IADT is the only Irish full member of CILECT, the International Association of Film and Television Schools.

iadt Prospectus 2013 National Film School

NATIONAL FILM SCHOOL VISITING FELLOW 2011/2012 Brenda Chapman was the first woman to direct an animated feature at a major Hollywood studio: The Prince of Egypt (1998). She came to Dun Laoghaire, as our second NFS Visiting Fellow, following in the footsteps of Professor John Canemaker of NYU, who was in residence at IADT in 2009/2010.

“My time at IADT this past February was a journey of inspiration for me. Talking with the students and looking at their work was a fantastic eye opener. Where many of the schools in the U.S. seem to concentrate on recreating the “studio styles”, I witnessed such a wealth of talent and variety of individual visual styles and storytelling, that I was simply amazed. I am excited for the future of animation now that I see what the students at IADT are doing.” BRENDA CHAPMAN Director, Writer & Story Artist



National Film School

National Film School Lectures Since its inception in 2004, our annual series of NFS Lectures have introduced many leading international practitioners to our students. The series is supported by Bord Scannán na hÉireann / The Irish Film Board.

Participants have included BARRY ACKROYD BSC (Cinematographer) LUCIANA ARRIGHI (Production Designer) MICK AUDSLEY (Editor) JOHN BOORMAN (Producer/Director) JEFFREY CAINE (Screenwriter) JOHN CANEMAKER (Animator) TERENCE DAVIES (Writer/Director) RODDY DOYLE (Screenwriter) STEPHEN FREARS (Director) ERIC GOLDBERG (Animator) CIARÁN HINDS (Actor) OLIVER HIRSCHBIEGEL (Director) MICHAEL HIRST (Screenwriter) GEMMA JACKSON (Production Designer) NEIL JORDAN (Writer/Director) JOHN LANDIS (Director) TONY LAWSON ACE (Editor) CAROLINE LEAF (Animator) MIKE LEIGH (Writer/Director) ALEX Mc DOWELL (Production Designer) SEAMUS Mc GARVEY BSC (Cinematographer) DEBORAH NADOOLMAN (Costume Designer) ALISON OWEN (Producer) ALAN PARKER (Director) JOANNA QUINN (Animator) FREDERIC RAPHAEL (Screenwriter) STEPHEN REA (Actor) JOHN SAYLES (Writer/Director) JIM SHERIDAN (Writer/Director) OLIVER STONE (Writer/Director) KRZYSZTOF ZANUSSI (Writer/Director)

The Hurt Locker The Remains of the Day Twelve Monkeys Deliverance The Constant Gardener [Academy Award® winner] Distant Voices, Still Lives The Snapper Dangerous Liaisons Aladdin There Will Be Blood Downfall The Tudors Finding Neverland The Crying Game The Blues Brothers Barry Lyndon [Academy Award® nominee] Secrets & Lies Fight Club Atonement Raiders of the Lost Ark Elizabeth Mississippi Burning [Academy Award® nominee] Eyes Wide Shut The End of the Affair Passion Fish In the Name of the Father JFK Constans

iadt Prospectus 2013 National Film School

Sir Alan Parker at the National Film School



Year 2 Elective Modules

Department of Design and Visual Arts & Department of Film and Media

Year two elective modules If you are a student on any programme in the Department of Design and Visual Arts or the Department of Film and Media, during your second year you will have an opportunity to choose one module from a bank of elective options. This elective module allows you to work with students and staff from other programmes and to explore combinations of materials, processes, creative strategies and critical thinking which will give you a greater appreciation of your main area of study. Electives have been designed to encourage collaboration and experimentation and to broaden and deepen your understanding of the creative arts. They range in content from theatre and performance to media and politics, and include a wide range of learning experiences including overseas visits, practical workshops, lectures and seminars.

The current bank of elective modules includes: Photography - Digital Imaging

“Electives have been designed to encourage collaboration and experimentation and to broaden and deepen your understanding of the creative arts.”

Performance in the Arts Animation Principles Experimental / 3D Theatre Workshop Drawing Introduction to Comics: Art and Culture Media and Politics in Ireland Sonic Arts Creative Cities Puppetry

iadt Prospectus 2013



Portfolio Guidelines

Department of Design and Visual Arts & Department of Film and Media

Portfolio Guidelines If you are applying to any of the programmes in the Department of Design and Visual Arts or the Department of Film and Media, you must submit a portfolio and you may be required to attend an interview afterwards. The requirement to submit a portfolio is identified on the page relating to the programme. These programmes are referred to by the CAO as “restricted application” as they have special requirements (portfolio assessment). The CAO “late application deadline” is not available for these programmes. Initial screening of portfolios takes place in March. If you are required to attend an interview, this will take place in April. Points allocated for the portfolio/interview are combined with the points from your Leaving Certificate (or equivalent). Depending on the programme you apply to, portfolio guidelines will differ. Please adhere to the guidelines we provide in this section. If you apply for more than one programme, your portfolio will be separately assessed for each programme. Bear this in mind when preparing your portfolio. It is not unusual for an applicant to receive a favourable response in one programme and to be disappointed in another. A portfolio is a sample collection of your best work. It should be edited, easy to look through, and well presented.

Your portfolio should Be selective: include and highlight only your best work, excluding early works unless there are some exceptional pieces. Do not “pack” it with any more than 30 pieces. (We appreciate quality, not quantity) Show evidence of hard work, commitment and quality Not include 3D work (only 2D documentation of 3D work) Clearly identify your role if team work is included Include notebooks, cuttings, creative sketchbooks or visual diaries indicating your interest in the discipline Present your work to your best possible advantage Not be a copy from photographs. Do not include any artwork which is a copy of someone else’s work Include a CV (one per programme applied to) with details of hobbies, technical skills and involvement in activities related to the programme you are applying to. As information on age or educational background is not used for assessment purposes, this should not be included in your CV. We would like to see a portfolio that demonstrates a high level of visual skill, creativity, selfmotivation, inventiveness, experimentation, flexibility and stylistic variation.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Portfolio Guidelines

The following are the portfolio requirements for each of our programmes:

Department of Design and Visual Arts DL043 – BA (Honours) in Visual Communication Design Make sure you include: ffProject work (set projects and self-initiated work) – including notebooks, development work and finished pieces – showing in-depth visual exploration and creative thinking around a theme/object(s)/place/idea, etc ffObservational drawing from life/still life (not from photographs) ffDrawings/visual studies using a range of different media and demonstrating colour exploration including painting, collage, etc ffAny photographic work (optional) or support work of personal interest ffPhotographs of 3D work.

DL044 – BA (Honours) in Visual Arts Practice Make sure you include: ffAn edited selection of images made in a variety of media (paintings, drawings, photographs, collages, video, animations, photographs of 3D work) ffWork using media such as pencils, charcoal, water colours, oils, acrylics, crayons, pastels, coloured papers, photographs, video, construction in plaster, wood, metal, wax, found objects/ materials, etc ffAll these media and forms need not be present but some variety in media and format is essential ffProject work dealing with a theme of interest to you. Project work is work which demonstrates the development of an idea through a series of distinct stages from initial idea/theme, through experiment and research, to final outcome and conclusion. It may be presented in the form of project notebooks, sketches/test pieces and final outcomes, and it can be in any medium.

DL046 – BA (Honours) in Model Making, Design and Digital Effects Make sure you: ffShow us a representation of both 2D and 3D skills ffInclude drawing and observation skills, as well as 3D construction skills ffDemonstrate a creative imagination and an ability to develop concepts in 2D and 3D.

DL047, DL048, DL049 – BA (Honours) in Design for Stage and Screen Design for Stage and Screen students have a wide ranging interest in the visual and performing arts. Although their primary concerns are film, theatre and television, they will be enthusiastic about many aspects of contemporary culture – fine art, drama, architecture, literature, fashion, music and design. Portfolios will be very wide-ranging in content and style and, although there are no hard and fast rules, the following guidelines will be helpful.



Portfolio Guidelines

All successful portfolios for Design for Stage and Screen will normally include: A range of observational drawing work – including life drawing and spatial studies. These should range from quick sketches in your sketchbooks to more detailed, possibly larger scale pieces of work. Show us a range of different media including for instance painting, collage, pencil and pen. We are always keen to see a lively interest in people and places in this work, so consider quick drawings of people going about their lives as well as more formal studies. Drawings of places you have visited or places of architectural and atmospheric interest are also very helpful. Visual diaries /notebooks: Keeping a record of ideas and material you have encountered or been involved in helps you to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the subject area. A record of shows, exhibitions, films and events you have seen (or taken part in) including sketches of notable content, provides you with a store of ideas and useful material. You may include notes on things you have read, relevant cuttings from papers and magazines etc. Sketchbooks of ideas, drawings, notes and thoughts show us you are thinking creatively. Photographs of three dimensional work: All Design for Stage and Screen students will be concerned with three dimensional work. This may range from sculptural work to spatial, interior design, clothing or architectural projects. Project work: Your portfolio will contain project work you have undertaken which explores a particular theme, idea or problem. Whatever this project is, ensure you give us a good sense of the process you worked through, including your research and inspiration, experiments and explorations, as well as the finished work. In addition to the above, you will normally have a special emphasis in your portfolio, supporting the particular programme for which you are applying.

Production Design Production designers are fascinated by atmospheric spaces and events. Work which creates or visually explores locations and environments will be of real significance here, especially when it shows how these spaces are used by people. You may be inspired by an actual location, something you have read, a piece of music or an event. Simple models, drawings, visualisations and storyboards are very helpful.

Costume Design Costume designers are concerned with how physical appearance creates a character. Your portfolio may include fashion work but you will be most keen to explore characters and how clothing can express ideas about the wearer. You may include a record of costumes or clothing you have made, as well as speculative ideas or proposals. Your work may well include a concern for material, textiles, patterns and colour, as well as the changing nature of clothing in different cultures and historical periods.

Make Up Design We will expect to see an enthusiasm to visually explore people and characterisation. Work which invents or examines a specific character can be very interesting - this might include practical work as well as drawing, sketches and ideas. You may also be concerned with how cultural identity is expressed visually – considering how people look from different historical periods, locations and cultures. Try to show us a range of approaches and media.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Portfolio Guidelines

Department of Film and Media DL041 – BA (Honours) in Animation Make sure you include: ffObservational drawings: include a variety of drawings such as life drawing, drawings of friends, family, animals, landscapes, objects, etc ffA selection of your best original artworks showing your interests in art, animation, and the world around you ffA minimum of two storyboards setting out ideas for short animated films/adverts, etc, any subject or style. (Storyboards are like comic strips without the speech bubbles. They outline key moments of the sequence, usually actions, events and emotions) ff3D work (photographs or prints only).

DL042 – BA (Honours) in Photography Make sure you: ffInclude 20-30 pieces of work ffIndicate the duration of your interest in photography ffInclude work illustrating your level of experience and technical competence to-date ffProvide examples of any work published to-date ffInclude work which shows your level of understanding of composition, light, texture and form when creating photographic images ffProvide examples of both monochrome and colour photographs.

DL045 – BA (Honours) in Film and Television Production It is not necessary to include all of the items listed below. ffFilm/Video work - to be presented on DVD (PAL) only. At least 4 minutes of your footage will be screened by the panel. Let us know your role(s) on the production ffPhotography - include a ¬selection¬ of your best work in black & white and/or colour and supply all images on print. If work is digital, then print in high-quality mode ffWritten Work - screenplays (correct format), short stories, plays and poetry are all acceptable. For screenplays and short stories, synopsise the story on a cover sheet and indicate what section you would like us to read ffAudio Work (on Audio CD only) - radio plays, music you have composed and interesting soundscapes ffDrawing or Concept work - drawings and paintings that indicate that you have a good eye and imagination. Also, storyboards, costume and production design sketches.




iadt Prospectus 2013 Admissions

Admissions How do I apply? Applying through the CAO All applications for admission to the first year of Ordinary Degree and ab-initio Honours Degree programmes at IADT must be made directly to the CAO.

Closing dates: Application: 1st February 2013 Late Application: 1st May 2013 * Change of mind: 1st July 2013 * Late application deadline only applies to programmes which do not require a portfolio submission (Dept. of Technology and Psychology, Dept. of Entrepreneurship and Dept. of Humanities and Arts Management). Programmes in the Department of Design and Visual Arts and the Department of Film and Media are referred to by the CAO as “restricted application” as they have special requirements (portfolio assessment). To ensure that you are considered for these programmes, you must follow precisely the CAO instructions. In particular, your application must reach the CAO by the 1st February 2013. There is no facility for late applications to the CAO in the case of ‘restricted application’ programmes. Therefore, you cannot introduce a restricted application programme as a new choice (Change of Mind) after the 1st February 2013. However, you can change the order of preference of your programme until July 1st. CAO contact details: Tower House, Eglinton Street, Galway Telephone: 091-509800 Website: www.cao.ie

Mature and non-standard applicants Mature applicants, 23 years of age or over on the 1st of January in the year of entry to an IADT programme, are not required to meet the minimum entry requirements specified for standard applicants. Mature and non-standard applicants must also apply to the CAO by the above closing dates and tick the relevant box (mature student or disability/specific learning difficulty) on the CAO form. CAO Applicants who have ticked the ‘Disability/SLD’ Box on the CAO application form will receive the ‘Supplementary Information Form’ from the CAO. This must be completed and returned to the CAO by the specified deadline. Such students may be invited to an informal interview to discuss their application and any additional provisions that may be necessary to ensure their full participation on our programmes. If applying for a programme in the Department of Film and Media and the Department of Design and Visual Arts, mature and non-standard applicants must submit a portfolio for assessment as above.




ERASMUS and International Students Erasmus at IADT At IADT, we are proud to participate in the Erasmus programme, which encourages international mobility. This programme allows students to study abroad for up to 12 months at a range of higher education establishments in Europe. IADT students complete part of their programmes in a range of European countries. Erasmus also allows students from other Higher Education Institutions in Europe to study at IADT. Students from France, Germany, Hungary, and Portugal have studied at IADT. Time spent is fully accredited by the home institution using the European Credit Transfer System. We currently have relationships with twenty higher educational establishments in Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the United Kingdom. IADT is building its network of partnerships. More information on Erasmus is available from the Registrar’s Office or from Programme Co-ordinators.

International students IADT is expanding its recruitment of international students. IADT has links with colleges in Ontario and also Loras College, IOWA. IADT welcomes applications from International Students who must also apply to the CAO by the above closing dates. IADT will assess these applications and establish qualification equivalencies to ensure that each applicant meets the required academic threshold for admission to IADT. Certified transcripts and English translations of qualifications not issued originally in English must be submitted with the CAO application. All of our programmes are delivered through the English language. If English is not your first language and you have not successfully completed English in the Irish Leaving Certificate or have not obtained a minimum of a grade C at GCSE O Level, then you will need to submit evidence of one of the qualifications listed below before an offer of a place can be made. A copy of the relevant certificate must be submitted to the CAO with your application.

Acceptable qualifications IELTS Composite score in the range 6.0 – 6.5 with not less than 6.0 in any one component

TOEFL Computer based test 215 or Internet based test 80

UCLES Proficiency in English: Grade C or Advanced English: Grade A

In certain circumstances, results of English examinations other than those outlined above may be accepted. However, these results must indicate competence of a comparable standard to the above requirements. If you do not currently hold the relevant certificate, please indicate which certificate (and Examining Body) you intend to submit and when you intend to undertake the assessment. These must be submitted by 1st June of the year of entry, to enable us to process them before the CAO offers begin.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Admissions

Applying directly to IADT Direct application to IADT will be made for admission to all programmes to which admission is sought at a level higher than first year. Availability of places differs from year to year. In many cases, no places become available. Direct application to IADT will also be made to our add-on degree programmes (DL243 and DL142). Closing Date: Friday, 29th March 2013 @ 4 pm (final date, no second round).

Entry Requirements How are applicants selected? For standard applicants, selection is based on points. These are calculated by adding together the points scored in the best six subjects in a single sitting of the Leaving Certificate Examination (or equivalent). In the programmes for which a portfolio is required, additional points, to a maximum of 600, are added based on the outcome of the portfolio assessment.

Maths requirements Some programmes will accept Foundation Level Mathematics while others will require Ordinary Leaving Certificate Mathematics. Please read the entry requirements for each individual programme.

Foundation Level Mathematics For programmes that do not specifically require Mathematics as an entry qualification, Foundation Level Mathematics will be accepted. Foundation Level Maths at grade A1, A2, B1 and B2 will count as a passing subject. Points will be awarded for these grades as follows: A1 = 20; A2 = 15; B1=10; B2 = 5

Implementation of Bonus Points for Higher Level Mathematics Points awarded A bonus of 25 points will be allocated to students who achieve a grade D3 or above in higher level (HL) mathematics. This means that the maximum cumulative LC points total will increase from 600 to 625 (existing maximum points plus bonus points).

Time scale The scheme has been introduced for a four year pilot period commencing Leaving Certificate 2012 and will be reviewed in 2014. Bonus points will be awarded during the 4 year pilot period irrespective of the year in which the examinations were taken.




Formula All students presenting HD3 or above in HL mathematics will have 25 points added to their score for mathematics The six highest subject points scores will then be counted to achieve a cumulative points score, as is normal practice The bonus points will only be relevant in cases where the subject HL mathematics (including bonus points) is scored as one of the candidate’s six best subjects for points purposes. Consequently, if HL mathematics (cumulative points score) is not among these six subjects, the bonus points will not be included in the total points score. The table below illustrates the impact of the bonus points. % Range

LC Grade

90 – 100


85 – 89.99 80 – 84.99

Points for HL Maths, including 25 bonus points

Existing points for HL subjects inc maths

Points for Ordinary Level subjects












75 – 79.99





70 – 74.99





65 – 69.99





60 – 64.99





55 – 59.99





50 – 54.99





45 – 49.99





40 – 44.99





25 – 39.99





10 – 24.99









0 – 9.99

EU other international examinations All EU students presenting for admission to IADT with a clear equivalent to HL Mathematics as one of their EU school leaving subjects will be awarded bonus points. A scoring system for some examinations such as: GCE, International Baccalauréat and European Baccalauréat has and is being developed, please see the CAO website www.cao.ie.

Irish Language requirements Foundation Level Irish, at a minimum B3 level, will meet the minimum language requirement for entry to all programmes, but currently no points are added.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Admissions


Calculating your Leaving Certificate Points Higher Ordinary


































GCSE / GCE requirements You will be required to present a combination of GCSE and GCE passes in at least five subjects, including stated programme entry requirements of English and/or Maths. For Ordinary Degree programmes, at least one of these passes shall be grade ‘D’ or better at GCE ‘A’ Level. For Honours Degree programmes, at least two of these passes shall be grade ‘D’ or better at GCE ‘A’ Level. In the calculation of points, not more than three GCE ‘A’ Level results may be included in the five subjects. Where the entry qualifications stated in terms of the Leaving Certificate specify a minimum grade in a subject or subjects, the corresponding minimum grade at GC(S)E shall be determined by a comparison of the points awarded for the two examinations. Under no circumstances can a grade at GCSE which has lower points than the Leaving Certificate eligibility points be deemed acceptable.

GCSE and GCE “A” Level results GCSE





















Minimum Entry Requirements Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies Minimum Entry Requirements 2012/2013 Code

Course Title


No of Years



BA (Honours) in Animation





BA (Honours) in Photography





BA (Honours) in Film and Television Production





BA (Honours) in Visual Communication Design





BA (Honours) in Visual Arts Practice





BA (Honours) in Modelmaking, Design and Digital Effects





BA (Honours) in Design for Stage & Screen (Production Design)





BA (Honours) in Design for Stage and Screen (Costume Design)





BA (Honours) in Design for Stage and Screen (Make up Design)





BSc in Computing in Multimedia Programming





BSc (Honours) in Computing in Multimedia Systems/Web Engineering





BSc (Honours) in Computing in Multimedia Systems/Web Engineering





Bachelor of Engineering in Audio Visual Media Technology





BSc (Honours) in Applied Psychology




* Foundation Level Maths accepted in strands DL048 “Costume Design” and DL049 “Make up Design“, but not accepted in strand DL047 “Production Design” Faculty of Enterprise and Humanities Minimum Entry Requirements 2012/2013 Code

Course Title


No of Years



BA (Honours) in English, Media and Cultural Studies 8




BA (Honours) in Business Studies and Arts Management





Bachelor of Business in Entrepreneurship





Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Entrepreneurship 8




Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Entrepreneurship & Management




iadt Prospectus 2013 Admissions



Minimum Entry Requirements



Other Language


2 HC3 & 4 OD3





2 HC3 & 4 OD3





2 HC3 & 4 OD3





2 HC3 & 4 OD3





2 HC3 & 4 OD3





2 HC3 & 4 OD3





2 HC3 & 4 OD3





2 HC3 & 4 OD3





2 HC3 & 4 OD3





5 OD3





Complete DL131 (or similar)





2 HC3 & 4 OD3





5 OD3





2 HC3 & 4 OD3





Minimum Entry Requirements



Other Language


2 HC3 & 4 OD3





2 HC3 & 4 OD3





5 OD3





Complete DL231 (or similar)





2 HC3 & 4 OD3






FETAC Links Scheme IADT is committed to encouraging FETAC award holders to progressing onto our programmes. For details of FETAC programmes and the FETAC Higher Education Links, please refer to FETAC on (01) 837 2211 or www.fetac.ie. Applications from FETAC award holders are made through the CAO and all relevant closing dates and conditions apply. If you have any full FETAC level 5 or FETAC level 6 award, you are eligible to apply for a place on any Ordinary Degree (level 7 award) programme. If you hold awards in specific appropriate subjects as listed below, and a minimum of three distinctions, then you are eligible to apply to an Honours Degree (level 8 award) programme, regardless of your Leaving Certificate results. Points are awarded on the basis of FETAC results. If you are presenting FETAC Level 5 or Level 6 qualifications, you must have achieved a full award, i.e. eight relevant modules. A record of achievement is not accepted. Points for performance for each module of the FETAC certificate are allocated as follows: 50 points for a distinction grade (80-100%) 35 points for a merit grade (65-79%) 20 points for a pass grade (50-64%) Please note that for some programmes, specific subjects, either in your Leaving Certificate or FETAC award, are required. Some programmes require a portfolio in addition to your FETAC award. Please see the individual programme details and details on portfolio assessments above. Any FETAC level 5 and level 6 Award may be used for application to the following Ordinary Degree (Level 7) programmes DL231

Bachelor of Business Studies in Entrepreneurship - with add-on DL243

DL133 *

Bachelor of Engineering in Audio Visual Media Technology

DL131 *

BSc in Computing in Multimedia Programming – with add-on DL142

* These programmes require at least a pass (D3) in Ordinary Level Mathematics in the Leaving Certificate or a pass in a mathematical methods module as part of your FETAC award. FETAC Linked Awards for Honours Degrees To be eligible for places on our Level 8 programmes, you must have distinctions in at least three (of eight) modules from your FETAC level 5 or level 6 award.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Admissions


Faculty of Enterprise and Humanities DL241 BA (Honours) in English, Media and Cultural Studies

Any one of the following


Cultural and Heritage Studies


Liberal Arts


Language and European Studies


Media Production


Print Journalism

* A “pass” is required in modules E20013 and L22630

DL242 BA (Honours) in Business Studies and Arts Management

Any one of the following




Business Studies






Community Arts






Theatre Production

DL245 Bachelor of Business Studies (Honours) in Entrepreneurship and Management

Any one of the following




Business Studies







Faculty of Film, Art and Creative Technologies DL141 BSc (Honours) in Applied Psychology *

Any one of the following


Computer Aided Design


Information Processing


Information Technology


Community Care




Nursing Studies


Community & Health Services


Healthcare Support


Multimedia Production




Media Production

DL143 BSc (Honours) in Computing in Multimedia Systems / Web Engineering *

Any one of the following




Information Processing


Control Technology


Electronic Technology


Information Technology


Networks and Software Systems


Multimedia Production


Multimedia and Web Development


Media Production



*Some of the above FETAC courses do not include a mathematical module and are therefore only acceptable if you have attained at least a pass (D3) in Ordinary Level Mathematics in the Leaving Certificate or a pass in a mathematical methods module as part of another FETAC award.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Admissions


Portfolio Submission Required for the following Programmes DL041 BA (Honours) in Animation

Any one of the following


Art, Craft, Design




Computer Aided Design




Graphic Design


Multimedia Production


Media Production




Cartoon Animation

DL045 BA (Honours) in Film and Television Production

Any one of the following


Multimedia Production


Media Production


Theatre Production


TV and Film Production


TV and Digital Film Production

DL042 BA (Honours) in Photography

Any one of the following


Art, Craft, Design




Multimedia Production


Media Production





DL043 BA (Honours) in Visual Communication Design

Any one of the following


Art, Craft, Design




Computer Aided Design




Graphic Design


Multimedia Production


Media Production

DL044 BA (Honours) in Visual Arts Practice

Any one of the following


Art & Business


Art, Craft, Design




Computer Aided Design


Creative Craft


Graphic Design


Media Production



DL046 BA (Honours) in Model Making, Design and Digital Effects

Any one of the following


Art, Craft, Design




Computer Aided Design


Creative Craft




Graphic Design


Multimedia Production


Media Production

DL047, DL048, DL049 BA (Honours) in Design for Stage and Screen

Any one of the following


Art, Craft, Design




Computer Aided Design


Creative Craft




Fashion Design


Furniture Design


Graphic Design


Interior Design


Theatre Production

iadt Prospectus 2013 Admissions

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) At IADT, we accept applicants to our programmes who may not hold the required qualification, but who may have proven relevant experience and whose academic background may be nontraditional. Students wishing to apply for admission to programmes on the basis of accreditation of prior and experiential learning must follow IADT’s RPL procedure: 1. Completion of application form and preparation of portfolio of evidence 2. Internal assessment – (for some courses applicant is interviewed) 3. If the applicant is offered a place, standard registration procedures then apply. Candidates wishing to apply for admission to programmes on the basis of RPL should contact our Admissions Office. For further information on RPL please see the institute website: www.iadt.ie/en/InformationAbout/TeachingandLearning/APELPolicy



iadt Prospectus 2013

“IADT is unique among Irish Institutions of higher education in creating an interdisciplinary environment drawing on our strengths in visual arts, media arts, enterprise, technology and human factors. IADT offers students opportunities to develop ideas and projects in a cross disciplinary manner and to work with students from other programmes and disciplines"

iadt Prospectus 2013



Registration, Fees, Grants and Scholarships

Registration When will I register? After you have accepted a place, a registration pack will be issued to you, in the first week of September, from the Office of Academic and Student Affairs. Registration and Induction for all new students generally takes place during the 2nd full week of September. For 2012/13 it will take place between 10th and 14th September. New students are expected to be in attendance for this week. If you accept a place and subsequently decide not to take it up you must immediately inform our admissions office in writing so that your place can be offered to the next person on the waiting list. If you do not register on the appointed date, your place may be forfeited. If you have registered as a student and then decide to withdraw from your programme, it is very important to complete a withdrawal form and return it to the Office of Academic & Student Affairs. General information in relation to registration will be made available at www.iadt.ie at the end of August in each year.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Registration, Fees, Grants and Scholarships

Fees Do I have to pay fees?

Student Contribution An annual Student Contribution (€2,250 in the academic year 2012/13) is payable by all full-time students. This fee, subject to change from year to year, includes an Examination Fee and is payable for each year of study. All students are required to pay the Student Contribution on registration. Students who receive a grant will have this charge refunded. Those in receipt of “Back to Education Allowances” may qualify for an exemption from the student contribution. An application under the Higher Education Grant Scheme to cover the cost of the student contribution for students commencing in 2012 must be submitted to Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) through www.studentfinance.ie. Students registered in prior years continue to apply through their existing grant awarding authority. For families with more than one student attending Higher Education, please note that you will be required to pay each student contribution in full and then claim the reduction on the second and subsequent contributions through tax reliefs. For details on this please see www.citizensinformation.ie/categories/education/third-level-education/

Tuition fees Currently, EU nationals (subject to residency requirements) attending full-time Ordinary Degree and Honours Degree programmes are not normally required to pay tuition fees. However, non-EU nationals must do so. Details are available from our Office of Academic and Student Affairs. If you are an EU national and have already attended a third level institution, you should be aware that this may affect your entitlement to tuition fees and maintenance grants. The general principle, with some exceptions, is that you will only receive financial support once for a given stage/year of study. Further information on Tuition fees is available from the Citizens Information website at www.citizensinformation.ie/categories/education/third-level-education/

Tax relief Tax relief, at the standard rate of tax, may be available for tuition fees and student contributions paid in respect of approved third level programmes. It is intended that families who pay student contributions for more than one student in a year will be able to claim tax relief on the second and subsequent contributions. For details on this please see www.citizensinformation.ie/categories/education/third-level-education/



Registration, Fees, Grants and Scholarships

Rate of fees The rate of fees is determined by the Higher Education Authority (HEA) each year and is subject to change. The rates are normally available by the end of August. Please check our website www.iadt.ie for details. Further information on fees in general may be available from www.studentfinance.ie or www.hea.ie.

Grants and Scholarships Can I avail of any grants or scholarships? You can obtain details of maintenance grant schemes and other supports at www.studentfinance.ie; www.hea.ie/en/students or the citizens’ information website www.citizensinformation.ie. A new online only grant application system is being introduced for 2012. All new applications will be made online to a single awarding authority, Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) through www.studentfinance.ie. Decisions regarding eligibility are made by your grant authority and not IADT.

Flexible Learning Opportunities Coming to college usually means applying through the CAO for a particular programme and attending college five days a week. Full time students study for 60 ECTS credits each year – this may not suit you. Flexible learning consists of Irish accredited programme or modules on the National Frameworks of Qualifications that are not facilitated through the CAO. Flexible learning expands choice on what, when, where and how you learn. There are a variety of approaches to flexible learning in IADT. There are the postgraduate programmes and accredited part-time certificates (Special Purpose Awards). In different ways they expand and develop the learning options for you the student. You apply directly to IADT for admission to these programmes. There is a wide range of these Special Purpose Awards. They provide 10 ECTS credits for professional development – there may be something that suits your needs. For details and a full list of flexible learning programmes and modules for 2012/13 please see our Flexible Learning page on the Institute website www.iadt.ie/en/FlexibleLearning. You may like to search BlueBrick, the flexible learning portal, at www.bluebrick.ie for the full range of flexible learning options available to you.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Postgraduate Programmes & Professional Development Courses

Postgraduate Programmes IADT offers the following postgraduate programmes (Level 9 Award): DL253 – Postgraduate Diploma in Business in Cultural Event Management DL254 – MA in Public Culture Studies DL155 – MSc in Cyberpsychology DL051 – MA in Screenwriting for Film and Television DL052 – MA in Visual Arts Practices DL056 – MA in Broadcast Production for Radio and Television

Special Purpose Awards Typical entry requirements are a pass Leaving Cert or equivalent (for those without a Leaving Cert). These courses run one evening per week for 20 weeks.

Courses on offer: DL111S – Certificate in Cyberpsychology DL112S – Certificate in Human Computer Interaction DL113S – Certificate in Data Visualisation DL114S – Certificate in Organisational Psychology DL115S – Certificate in Sports Psychology DL116S – Certificate in Internet Research Methods DL212S – Certificate in Enterprise Development DL213S – Certificate in Online Business Trading DL214S – Certificate in Citizenship and Society DL215S – Certificate in Creative Writing

Supplemental Awards These may require you to have a relevant 3rd level qualification for admission. Please contact IADT if you have any specific questions on whether you are eligible.

Courses on offer: DL 117S – Certificate in Mobile Software Development (iOS) DL118S – Certificate in Mobile Software Development (Android)



Part-Time Courses

Part-Time Courses Part-time courses start in June and July (daytime courses), and September/October (evenings and Saturdays) in a variety of areas: Portfolio Preparation Animation Portfolio Preparation Introduction to Painting Life Painting Watercolours Oil & Acrylics Life Drawing Drawing Skills Workshops Digital Photography Photoshop Advanced Creative Writing Introduction to Portraiture Botanical Art & Illustration

Contact: Adult and Continuing Education Office. Tel: (01) 239 4631. Email: ptc@iadt.ie

iadt Prospectus 2013 Academic and Student Affairs Office


Academic and Student Affairs Office The Academic and Student Affairs Office provides support to students in relation to the following areas: Admissions Office

information on programmes,

application procedures, portfolio



01 239 4621


assessments, direct entry Examinations Office

information on registration

01 239 4632



information on fees and grants

01 239 4612


& exams

Please refer to the Admissions, Registration, Fees and Grants sections for more information.

Student Services The members of the Student Services team provide personal support for students. The services provided include

Access Service


Students with Disabilities and/or Learning Difficulties, Student Assistance Fund, Back to Education Allowance

01 239 4628

Careers Advisory Service

01 239 4670

Student Counselling Service

01 239 4650

Health Centre Writing and Research Support Service

01 239 4760 includes Dyslexia Support Service

01 239 4790

Students are advised to consult the Institute’s Student Handbook on all issues relating to student and academic affairs.


Students’ Union / Clubs and Societies

Students’ Union The purpose of the Students’ Union is to represent and support IADT students. It has many functions and means different things to everyone, from representing the entire student body at an academic level to arranging entertainment, cultural and sporting activities. The SU comprises every student in IADT, with elected representatives from each class who form Union Council.

The Students’ Union executive for 2012/2013 are: Mobile


Marie Farrell


086 0509 856


Emma Penney

Vice President/ Welfare and Equality Officer

086 0509 863


Lisa Murphy

Vice President/ Education Officer

086 0270 709


Sean Gallagher

Vice President/ Commercial & Social Enterprises

083 1042 537


Eoin Dixon Murphy

Clubs and Societies Officer


The President and Vice Presidents are full-time sabbatical members and are elected to work for the SU as a full-time job for one year, while clubs and societies is part time. The SU represents the interests and furthers the rights of its membership as a whole and individually. This takes the form of representation on committees looking at anything from teaching and learning to the Governing Body of the institute, as well as representing individuals in disciplinary or appeals procedures. Your union offers advice on welfare, finances and education; they provide entertainment and social events throughout the year including a Raise and Give (R&G) event that has become the envy of colleges around the country. They run awareness campaigns and charity events, manage the chapel as a recreational space and refuge from the busy day-to-day activities of the Institute; they facilitate Clubs and Societies ensuring students’ right to form or join a group to satisfy cultural, social, sporting and intellectual needs. They also do so much more for people who ask. The SU is autonomous from IADT but is affiliated to USI, the Union of Students in Ireland, which furthers students’ rights nationally. The Chapel, a student space managed by the SU, is located in the Quadrangle building. When it’s not kitted out for an exhibition or a function it is a recreational space with games, couches, etc. The SU also have a shop at the rear of the chapel where you can do all your printing, and pick up the odd bits and bobs like pens, pencils and some art supplies. The SU office is located at the back of The Chapel and is open any time, if you want to drop in. This is where you can ask any questions, get information, buy supplies or form a society. The SU office landline is (01) 239 4646 or you can contact the sabbatical officers on their mobiles. Please feel free to drop in to the office to discuss anything in confidence. Also, the SU website, www.iadtsu.ie, is packed with information for you or find us on www.facebook.com/iadtsu.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Students’ Union / Clubs and Societies


Clubs and Societies Clubs and Societies are at the core of the IADT student experience. The SU caters for all types of sports clubs and societies formed around mostly any concept, be it an activity people enjoy taking part in, or something more abstract like the “ society”. Our current Clubs and Societies include the following: Societies



Snow-Sports Club

Faith Society

Rugby Club

Game Society

Football Club

Street Theatre & Juggling Society

Golfing Club

Electronic-Music Society

Climbing Club

Mature Students Society

Freerunning Club

Gothic/Horror Society

Jugger Club

Animation Society

Athletics Club

Anime Society

Surf Club

Comedy Society

Bootcamp Club

Musicals Society

Kick Boxing Club

Live music Society Film Society Drama Society The best thing about Clubs and Societies in IADT is that there is always room to start a new one and even those in existence need new people to run them each year. If you want to get involved in a Club or Society, or set one up, get in touch with the Students’ Union Clubs and Societies Officer, Eoin Dixon Murphy, on (01) 239 4646 or clubssocsiadt@gmail.com


Resources and Facilities

Resources and Facilities IADT offers excellent facilities across our specialist programmes. As we are the national centre for programmes in art/design, film, media and interactive media, IADT provides a range of specialised, industry-standard equipment, including TV and Radio studios, digital video editing, photographic studios, including digital photographic techniques and advanced workstations, e.g. Silicon Graphics and high-end Macintosh and PC platforms. The new National Film School building is expected to open in 2013. This building will contain two HD television studios (the first in Ireland) – one of which has blue-screen capabilities – and two radio studios. It will be the most up to date facility for education in film and television production in Ireland. Spacious and well-equipped studios provide up to date equipment across a range of disciplines. Extensive computer laboratories are also available for both general purpose computing needs and high-end specialised needs for multimedia design, development and programming. Laboratories and workshops for electronics and networking are also provided. The Library has an area dedicated to electronic media, with PCs, Macs, wide screen TVs, DVD players and numerous Internet resources. For more information or to discover how to use “your” Library, please log onto http://library.iadt.ie Our student restaurant provides hot meals and snacks from Monday to Saturday (on those Saturdays when IADT is open). IADT has an all-weather floodlit football pitch for use by Clubs.

iadt Prospectus 2013 Location

Location Dun Laoghaire town is on the coast, 11 km (7 miles) south of Dublin city centre. It is a high amenity area with a splendid harbour and surrounded by rolling mountains. It is a thriving centre for festivals, cultural events and commercial activities. Swimming pools, golf courses, tennis courts and sports centres are also on offer, as well as a variety of restaurants, pubs, the Pavilion theatre, shopping centres and parks. Local towns include Blackrock, Monkstown, Dalkey and Killiney. IADT is located on Kill Avenue, approximately 2 km from the centre of Dun Laoghaire. It can be easily reached by bus routes 46A, 75, 63, 45 and 7. The nearest DART and national rail stations are in Dun Laoghaire and can be reached by the 46A, 75 and 63 bus routes. The DART will take you to Dublin City Centre in less than 20 minutes. The Luas in Sandyford is linked to IADT by the Finnegan Bray bus route and Dublin bus 75, while the LUAS in Carrickmines is linked to IADT by the Dublin bus 63. Junction 16 on the M50 is approximately 6 km from IADT. www.iadt.ie/en/Visitors/MapsDirections




iadt Prospectus 2013 Location

“Dun Laoghaire town is on the coast, 11 km (7 miles) south of Dublin city centre. It is a high amenity area with a splendid harbour and surrounded by rolling mountains. It is a thriving centre for festivals, cultural events and commercial activities. Swimming pools, golf courses, tennis courts and sports centres are also on offer, as well as a variety of restaurants, pubs, the Pavilion theatre, shopping centres and parks.�



Your IADT Diary

Your IADT Diary Open Days: Friday, 23rd November 2012 (10am - 4pm) Saturday, 24th November 2012 (10am - 4pm) CAO Open Evening: Wednesday, 16th January 2013 (4pm - 8pm) MA in Visual Arts Practices (DL052) Open Day 8th September 2012 at The Lab, Foley Street, Dublin 1. Postgraduate & Special Purpose /Supplemental Award Open Evening Thursday, 18th April 2013 (5pm - 8pm)

Application deadlines: CAO deadline: 1st February 2013 Undergraduate Direct Entry to IADT: Friday, 29th March 2013 @ 4 pm. (Final date, no second round) Late Applications to CAO (Only relevant to programmes which do not require a portfolio submission): 1st May 2013 CAO Change of Mind: 1st July 2013 MA in Visual Arts Practices (DL052) General application closing date: 27th September 2012 Postgraduate and Special Purpose Awards/Supplemental Awards Thursday, 9th May 2013 @ 4 pm with a second round of Thursday 15th August 2013 @ 4 pm where there are places still available.

Portfolio Assessments: Portfolio Assessments: March 2013 Portfolio interviews (if required): April 2013

Other Events @ IADT: Business Enterprise Week: March 2013 Technology and Psychology Showcase: May 2013 Graduate Exhibition: June 2013

iadt Prospectus 2013 Index


Index Level




Level 8


Page 76


Level 8


Page 66

Audio Visual Media Technology (AVMT)

Level 7


Page 40

Business Studies & Arts Management

Level 8


Page 20

Costume Design

Level 8


Page 74

English, Media & Cultural Studies (EMCS)

Level 8


Page 18


Level 8


Page 26


Level 7


Page 24

Entrepreneurship & Management

Level 8


Page 28

Film and TV Production

Level 8


Page 82

Make Up Design

Level 8


Page 75

Model Making, Design & Digital Effects

Level 8


Page 68

Multimedia Programming

Level 7


Page 42

Multimedia Systems/Web Engineering

Level 8


Page 44

Multimedia Systems/Web Engineering

Level 8


Page 48


Level 8


Page 80

Production Design

Level 8


Page 73


Level 8


Page 52

Level 8


Page 62

Visual Communication Design


Green Week

Green week Sunday Independent Sunday March 18 2012 It was great to go down to Electro Thursday, which was part of Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology’s (IADT) Green Week. The day, organised by first-year Business and Arts Management students, included test drives in Mitsubishi’s i-Miev Colt-sized electric car which has a range of around 170km between charges and would cost around €155 to power for 10,000km through your home power supply. Joe Harvey of Grace and Harvey, Glasthule Road, Dun Laoghaire, who brought the car down, was enthusiastic about the whole electric project and a green and sustainable future for Irish motoring. But Joe is a realist and knows that the infrastructure needs to be a lot better and vehicle prices will have to come down sharply from the €30,000-plus for the i-Miev. Probably more affordable for the students at IADT were the electric bikes on show from CyclePower in Walkinstown, Dublin 12. Gerry Haughton at CyclePower can fit a battery and motor to most bikes or supply a top-of-therange bike complete with superb lights, computer and five-speed motor for a little more than €1,000. That amount can almost be halved through the Bike to Work Scheme. The lazy part of me loved the bikes, but I think I need the exercise from my present bone-rattler. The students at IADT should be commended for really embracing the whole green thing for the week -- a commitment which even included some very green hair. IADT is a very vibrant place which oozes creativity. Massive thanks to the committee of Ciara Behan, Joseph O’Sullivan, Louise Perry and Dorothy Murphy who invited me down, and to marketing lecturer Barry McIntyre who showed me round. Next time I will cycle down. Campbell Spray

iadt Prospectus 2013 Green Week



iadt Prospectus 2013

iadt Prospectus 2013


Animation / Applied Psychology / Audio Visual Media Technology / Business / Entrepreneurship / Business Studies and Arts Management / Computing / Multimedia Programming / Web Engineering / Design for Stage and Screen, Production Design; Costume Design; Make up Design / English, Media and Cultural Studies / Film and Television Production / Model Making, Design and Digital Effects / Photography / Visual Arts Practice / Visual Communication Design 134 Bachelor of Engineering in Audio Visual Media Technology www.iadt.ie


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