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De La Salle and Carondelet Cooperative Policy
4. A grade earned in a repeated course that was not failed (i.e., where the original grade was a “D”) is posted on the transcript and is used for pre-requisite consideration. The new grade is not included in calculation of the cumulative GPA. Note: Colleges and universities typically consider the new grade received for the repeated course in admissions and placement reviews. 5. An F grade earned in a subject not obtainable in summer school may be made up by special work during the summer with the approval of the instructor and the Vice President for Academic Life. 6. In Mathematics, World Languages, and some Science courses, an F grade earned for the first five credits of a ten-credit course may be later changed to a
D grade if the grade for the remaining five credits is a C grade or better and the student passes a comprehensive examination. A formal written request for such a change is to be made by the student to the Vice President for Academic Life no later than ten (10) days after second semester grades have been officially stored. 7. Enrollment in a year-long (10-credit) course is a commitment on the part of the student to complete the course. Only in extraordinary situations, such as failing the first semester and thereby not being prepared to move into the second semester, will students be allowed to withdraw from a year-long course. 8. Ordinarily off-campus courses are not factored into a student's GPA. In special circumstances, however, due to De La Salle scheduling constraints on course availability, an off-campus course that is approved for a particular student will be factored into that student's GPA. 9. A student-athlete at De La Salle who wishes to compete on a collegiate athletic level should visit www.ncaaclearinghouse.net for eligibility rules and regulations. 10. Effective July 1, 2017, in rare cases when a student takes Jazz Band and
Marching/Concert Band during both Zero (0) and Seventh (7th) Periods for three years, the student can petition to the Registrar with VAPA and HPER approval to be exempt from five (5) HPER credits.
De La Salle and Carondelet provide specific courses as coeducational opportunities. All students will comply with the discipline and classroom policies set forth by the respective administrations and faculties. Each school is responsible for those concerns raised by students or parents regarding its own courses and faculty; however, students should first consult their School Counselor regarding any question or concern. Classes at each school are supervised by that school; personnel are responsible to their respective administrations only.