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5. Recognize that abusive remarks and language are unacceptable; 6. Be considerate of any injured player on either team; 7. Respect the opponent’s campus; 8. Never belittle an opponent; 9. Never direct abusive remarks at individual players or officials during a contest; 10. Never “boo” a penalty; 11. Refrain from using noisemakers or musical instruments of any kind not associated with an organized and moderated pep band;
Students are bound by all rules and regulations of other schools when teams compete at a site other than De La Salle.
All East Bay Athletic League, North Coast Section, and California Interscholastic Federation school rules and regulations concerning competition and deportment are in effect for all games (league and practice; home or away).
Students and fans are required to respect and follow the directives of any De La Salle faculty, staff, coach, or volunteer at games.
All students will be given the opportunity to try out for any athletic sport. The studentathlete is responsible for obtaining any and all information regarding tryouts; information will be posted in the locker room, at an announced pre-season information meeting, and on the school website. All students who want to participate must have the following: a signed physical and athletic permission form and any other materials the coach deems necessary. A student-athlete may try out for two sports in the same season if he receives approval from the Vice President for Athletics and the coaches. Multi-sport student-athletes will always be given the opportunity to try out for the next season’s sport, but they first must honor their current team’s commitment. Any student-athlete who chooses to quit a sport must receive approval from the Vice President for Athletics before trying out or joining another team during the school year.
While the school is committed to providing everyone a fair chance to participate, unfortunately, not everyone who tries out can be selected. The decision of the coach, in conjunction with the Vice President for Athletics, is final. Parents are encouraged to help their son(s) understand that not everyone will be selected for teams due to limits on roster members.