The three integral student outcomes are what each De La Salle student should know, understand, and be able to do by graduation.
A De La Salle graduate is a Man of Faith Who prays and integrates Gospel values Serves others, especially the poor and the marginalized And appreciates our Lasallian Catholic tradition.
A De La Salle graduate is a Man of Integrity Who respects himself and others Embraces social and personal responsibility And nurtures a healthy lifestyle.
A De La Salle graduate is a Man of Scholarship Who thinks creatively, critically, independently, and collaboratively Strives for academic excellence And pursues life-long learning.
Selective: Choice that allows you to fulfill a graduation requirement. Elective: Additional or optional coursework.
Our English Department believes that literature communicates the richness of the human experience and that success for all students can only be achieved in a classroom environment that embraces learning differences and diverse backgrounds. We value critical thinking, original thought, and freedom of expression, which are developed through regular practice of the Language Arts: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. We believe dedication to these arts will inspire and develop a life-long appreciation for literature and learning.
Our Mathematics Department strives to build a foundation of basic math skills, nurture problemsolving abilities, stimulate a quest for mastery of challenging concepts, and cultivate an appreciation for the inherent beauty of mathematics. We believe that a good understanding of math structure and its applications in our society is integral to our students’ preparation to thrive in our modern world. As technology emerges, we continually update our pedagogy and seek to engage our students in meaningful ways that reflect the ever-changing world around them.
1 Algebra 1 (H)
Geometry (H)
Geometry (H)
Algebra 2/ Trigonometry
Algebra 2/ Trigonometry (H) Geometry
Algebra 2/ Trigonometry
Algebra 2/ Trigonometry (H) Algebra 2
Intro to College Math
AP Statistics
Applied Financial Math
AP Statistics
AP Calculus AB
AP Statistics
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics
Pre-Calculus AP Calculus AB Pre-Calculus
AP Calculus AB
Students of our Science Department are invited to demonstrate an overall understanding of the concepts and methods in science and be able to function in a technology-based world. This understanding encourages students to act as informed citizens, aware of and able to meet the social and environmental challenges of their world. As students build an understanding of the processes and practices of science, this leads them to form objective perceptions, think critically, and form accurate conclusions.
Boston College ʼ27
Anticipated Major: International Relations
“It’s interesting comparing history to what is going on in the world today. [My English teachers] Mr. Graham and Mr. Pelster gave me that love of reading on my own and writing. Those two things combined, History and English, inspire me to pursue international relations.”
Our Social Studies Department actively encourages students to investigate and value all social, cultural, and economic backgrounds. The program provides an appreciation of human culture, an understanding of the American tradition, and a framework for analysis of problems and decisions associated with humanity. We value the lessons of our life experiences, respect each other and our differing points of view, and appreciate those elements that contribute to the story we all live.
UC Berkeley ʼ27
Anticipated Major: Chemical Engineering
“My sophomore year, I had a Biology class and there was something about that class that piqued my interest. Not only did it pique my interest in the sciences, but it piqued my interest to do better academically. At the time, I wasn’t taking any honors or AP classes and I really regretted not taking a harder Biology course because I really liked it. Since then, I’ve been trying my best to take more challenging courses (AP/Honors) so it will help me down the road.”
Chukwunonso’s 4-Year Schedule
Our World Languages Department offers a variety of modern and classical languages for the enrichment of our students. In addition to the development of the productive skills of speaking and writing, as well as the receptive skills of listening and reading, we encourage our students to dive deeply into the diverse cultures affiliated with the language they are learning. We challenge them to go beyond rote learning to develop an attitude of respect and appreciation for the cultural and linguistic diversity of the immediate environment, their nation, and the world.
Vassar College ʼ27
Anticipated Major: Biology/Biochemistry
“AP English Language and Composition gave me an opportunity to create pieces that were not just literary analysis. Being able to have free range in writing an argumentative essay made me realize I do enjoy writing. It allowed me to be creative and express myself in my writing through structure, syntax, grammar and so forth. We were able to develop our own style and find our voice as writers.”
Our Visual and Performing Arts Department believes the arts invite students to grow in awareness of their relationship to their surroundings and to one another. Our aim is to develop aesthetic literacy and connect to the many commonalities of human existence through a Lasallian world view. Our classes are structured to encompass both autonomy and teamwork, whereby students can work on individual skills as well as contribute to a larger community. We also recognize the diversity of learning styles and abilities among our students and provide an atmosphere dedicated to developing creativity, confidence, self-discipline, and cooperation.
Band (By audition with concurrent enrollment in Band)
Our Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Department aims to promote a healthy lifestyle by cultivating an understanding of the importance of wellness and activity throughout one’s lifetime. We have adapted a kinesthetic approach to learning to engage our students and encourage transfer of learning from working memory to long-term application. As they develop literacies around health, our students are empowered, and in many cases inspired, to manage their own healthy lifestyles. This carries over to social maturity as well. The pillars of teamwork and sportsmanship help foster the values of cooperation, collaboration, and respect. Ultimately, we believe that understanding injury prevention, care, and management are necessary to maintain a long, healthy, and active life.
Sports Medicine 1
Sports Medicine 2
Fundamentals of Basketball
Physical Education
Participation in interscholastic athletics, with the exception of badminton, may be applied to fulfilling HPER graduation requirements (20 credits) with a maximum of 5 credits being allowed in a school year. A total of 15 credits can be applied over a four-year period, only when the student needs the credits to fulfill the 20 credits needed for graduation. Participation in De La Salle club rugby can also be used for HPER credit if needed. Participation levels are up to the discretion of the coach with approval from the Vice President of Athletics.
Technology/Study Skills
Lasallian Leadership
Our Religious Studies Department is called by the Bishop of Oakland, and guided by the traditions of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and the charism of Saint John Baptist de La Salle to provide religious education for our students. Our coursework promotes the Church’s mission of service, with special regard for the economically challenged, the recognition of the God-given dignity of all persons, and our common responsibility for the future of humanity. Our curriculum emphasizes a lived Christian faith.
Clemson University ʼ27
Anticipated Major: Engineering
“My freshman year Religion class with Mr. Eidson really set the tone for what De La Salle was like. Mr. Eidson did a good job teaching the class and let everyone know that everyone has their own space on campus and we’re all welcomed here.”
De La Salle High School graduation requirements meet or exceed the requisites for admission to the University of California. Five (5) semester credits may be earned for the equivalent of each semester course and 10 credits for a full-year course. The total minimum credits required for graduation from De La Salle are 245 semester units within the following course of studies:
De La Salle High School