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Letters/Online Comments
RE: “Blips on the Radar: Dana Point Harbor Slip
Fee Rise” (MARCH 18- APRIL 1)
“When does government privatization become theft? When our county supervisors sold our only publicly owned taxpayer and paid for marina and harbor in south Orange County to a rich carpetbagger from Seattle! I could poop.
This robber baron has increased our rents twice, stolen our extra parking for friends and partners, and I’m sure will market our boating parking spaces in the future. The politicians that made this possible did not put it to a public vote and it’s obvious why, it took 35 years to pull off.
The criminal claim that only qualifi ed bidders could apply was a bait and switch claim by dishonest politicians to make big business bigger and have the small guys pay for it. The robber baron, who has many marinas up and down the coast, but will have no competition in Dana Harbor, now plans to double all tenants’ rents. My cat and or the homeless could have qualifi ed to bid with the double income and rents.
Why not several marinas and the few or many operators with the different styles and tastes of true Americana that would result. Instead of the one trust fund baby that has resulted. Where’s the competition and opportunity for the rest of us?
Joe Ueberroth thinks he is entitled to his dialogical thoughts that small boat owners have extra cash that he is entitled to. Boats are terribly expensive. This is why most of us are in Dana Harbor because of expense and location to our homes. Where’s the county protection from undo increases?
I’ve been a captain for 30 years and a hand on a boat for longer. I waited 18 years for my slip in Dana Harbor and bought my own boat to fi t that slip on the main channel. Now I’m told I’ll be moved off the main channel and my rent will and did double because a trust fund baby is entitled to money I don’t have. I’m told I can’t charter my boat, or I’ll be evicted. I can’t paint, rent out, or live on my boat or I’ll be evicted.
The Politicians that created this theft well They need to unwind/undo this whole thing. Or face jail time for conspiracy because in America we create business for all not just entitled trust fund babies thru a guise of A qualifi cation. Return the money and send the carpetbagger back. Or we’ll sue and press charges because the whole thing smells like the end of the break wall.
BTW no more licenses will be issued for any maritime endeavors assuring the dominance by existing business like the WHARF. What happened to the free MARKET? A shining example of STATE CAPITALISM by traitors and PAT BATES, BARLETT, and possibly the Irvine company.”
On Board With Johnson by J.R. Johnson
The anchor from the 1836 shipwreck site of brig Industry in the Gulf of Mexico by the NOAA ROV deployed from NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer on February 25, 2022.
NOAA and Partners Discover 207-Year-Old Whaling Vessel
GULF OF MEXICO— On March 23, the National Oceanic Atmospheric Association (NOAA) and partners announced the discovery of a 207-year-old whaling shipwreck, called Industry, found on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. The remains of the 64-foot long, two-masted wooden brig illuminates an unexplored chapter of American history when descendants of African enslaved people and Native Americans served as essential crew in one of the nation’s oldest industries.
While the crew list for the last voyage of Industry disappeared when the ship sank, lists of crews from previous voyages describe crewmembers and offi cers as including Black people, Native Americans, White people, and multiracial people.
“Today we celebrate the discovery of a lost ship that will help us better understand the rich story of how people of color succeeded as captains and crew members in the nascent American whaling industry of the early 1800s,” said NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad, Ph.D in a March 23 press release. “The discovery refl ects how African Americans and Native Americans prospered