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Channel Islands National Park announces visitor updates to Santa Barbara and San Miguel Islands
The Park has reopened public visitation to Santa Barbara Island, while San Miguel Island remains closed.
VENTURA —On May 30, the National Park announced the reopening of Santa Barbara Island for public visitation. San Miguel Island remains closed through the summer, awaiting repairs to Nidever Canyon trail. Access to Cuyler Harbor at San Miguel Island remains open to the public.
Starting in 2015, Santa Barbara Island’s landing dock was severely damaged by winter storms.
After the storms subsided, park staff worked diligently to repair he infrastructure and make it safe for landing. Following much work to restore the landing, further damage occurred from a series of harsh winter storms.
“While the lower landing is still undergoing repairs, access to Santa Barbara Island is available to boaters via skiff to the rocks near the lower landing,” said
Jasmine Reinhardt, spokesperson for the park. “Campers and day visitors can once again enjoy the smallest of the Channel Islands.”
Island Packers, the National Park’s authorized ferryboat transportation service, reminds boaters that landing at the island is restricted to the rocky ledge adjacent to the dock area. In order to ensure a safe landing, boaters need to carefully assess the weather conditions, particularly the tide and swell heights, prior to landing in this area.
San Miguel Island remains closed due to a heavy rainstorm that greatly deterio- rated trail conditions at Nidever Canyon, the route to reach the campground, visitor center, and other trails. Work is slated to begin over the summer. The public can access Cuyler Harbor at San Miguel Island and enjoy the beautiful crystal sand beaches.
Until these needed repairs are complete, there will be no ferryboat transportation to either of these islands.
For updates on the status of repairs on these islands, check the Channel Islands National Park website: www.nps. gov/chis. This publication is available at: www.nps.gov/chis/learn/news/news- releases.htm.
Information on island transportation can be found on the Island Packers Cruises website: www.islandpackers.com.
Free Fishing Days!
For those who have never dedicated a day on the water to feel your bobber wiggle and then suddenly disappear under the water, now is your chance.
If fishing is the new adventure you’re ready to try your hand at, a great opportunity is coming. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife offers two free fishing days a year, and the first one is July 1. These days, you can fish without a sport fishing license.
Free Fishing Days bring the opportunity for a great, low-cost way to try your hand at fishing. Some CDFW Regions offer a Fishing in the City program where you can go fishing in the middle of major metropolitan areas, perhaps just a few blocks from your home. Fishing in the City and Free Fishing Day clinics educate beginner anglers about fishing ethics, habits, practical methods for catching fish, and fishing tackle. It›s also an opportunity to learn how to clean and prepare your catch so you can enjoy it for dinner that night.
While all fishing regulations, such as bag and size limits, gear restrictions, report card requirements, fishing hours, and stream closures, remain in effect, these are two days of the year when anyone can fish without purchasing a fishing license.
On Free Fishing Days, every angler must have the appropriate report card if they are fishing for: