6 minute read
CA 94107 Slips: 700 Rates: Call for rates Amenities: 640-foot recreational and commercial guest dock. Office Hours: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. daily Contact: Harbormaster: Joe Monroe; 415-495-4911, ext. 1111; joe.monroe@sfport.com; sfport.com/ south-beach-harbor-marina-1. VHF Ch. 16.
Treasure Island Marina
Address: 1 Clipper Cove Way San Francisco Ca. 94130 Lengths: 20-54 feet Rates: Call for rates; limited guest slips available at $2 per foot per night, $30 minimum Amenities: Reciprocal guest slips with all Almar California marinas. Restrooms, showers, trash, and recycling collected daily. Fresh water, dock carts, electricity, dock box and pump-out open 10;00 a.m.-4 p.m. daily Contact: Marina manager: Anthony Cirillo, 415-9812416; slips@treasure-isle.com; almar.com.
Alameda Marina
Address: 1815 Clement Ave., Alameda, CA 94501 Slips: 530 Length: 24-40 feet; end-ties 40-70 feet. Rates: Call for rates Amenities: Dry boat storage, boatyard, chandlery, trailer boat storage. Office Hours: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays; 9:30 a.m.12 p.m. and 1-5 p.m. weekends and holidays Contact: 510-521-1133; fax 510-521-1185; alamedamarina.net. Email: info@alamedamarina.net.
Berkeley Marina
Address: 201 University Ave., Berkeley, CA 94710 Slips: 1,100; guest slips available Length: 16-110 feet Depth: 8-15 feet Rates: Call for rates; $5 key purchase. Amenities: Restrooms, electricity, storage lockers, snack bar, picnic area, water, dry storage, pumpout, dock boxes, phone, launch ramp, fuel dock, restaurant, showers, guest facilities, parking. Office Hours: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Saturday; Closed Sun. Contact: 510-981-6740; www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/ SubUnitHome.aspx?id=86865. Email: marina@ cityofberkeley.info.
Boardwalk Marina
Address: 1160 Brickyard Cove Rd., Suite B-20, Pt. Richmond, CA 94801 Slips: 250 (wet), 140 (dry), Guest Slips available to Almar Members Length: 25-55 feet Amenities: San Francisco Bay’s perfect Boating Boardwalk! Central to the action, yet surrounded by hills of beauty & nature, Boardwalk Marina is a mariners’ paradise w/ 250 marina slips and space in the lot for dry sailors, too. (tow & lift crane, incl.) Restroom & tiled shower facilities on both sides of the marina with clean laundry room, and Wi-Fi. On-premises Sail loft and Canvas vendors make Boardwalk Marina your sailing destination. Nearby Parks & Regional Shorelines with Richmond YC’s racing & social programs compliment the area and Point Richmond’s picturesque downtown is lovely for evening strolls after dinner and music, as well as close by for supplies & shopping. Contact: (510) 236-1933, slips@ richmondboardwalkmarina.com
Channel Marina
Address: 230 W. Cutting Blvd., Richmond, CA 94802 Slips: 66 Amenities: Restrooms, phone, gasoline and diesel fuel. Point San Pablo Yacht Club is nearby. Contact: 510-223-2246; fax 510-234-0843.
Emery Cove Yacht Harbor
Address: 3300 Powell St., #203, Emeryville, CA 94608 Slips: 430; liveaboard slips 26; guest slips 15 Length: 35-60 feet Depth: 8.5 feet Rates: $13.00-$14.50 per foot; guest slip rates $40/$50 day Amenities: Rent or own a boat slip – fee simple dockominium ownership. All new docks! Renovation completed 2020 –Electrical: 30amp 110v/50amp 240v metered, water, dock box, phone, and Wi-Fi option at each slip. Newly renovated restrooms, showers, laundry 2022. Two Pump-outs, block/ crushed ice on site. Launch ramp, 24 hr fuel dock, restaurants in cove. Emery-Go-Round free shuttle service to movie theaters, shopping, groceries, Bay Street Mall, Amtrak, BART. Bay Trail and immediate central San Francisco Bay boating access. Office: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. daily Contact: Harbormaster: Diane Isley; 510-4280505; fax 510-428-4940; info@emerycove.com; emerycove.com
Fifth Avenue Marina
Address: One Fifth Ave. Oakland, CA 94606 Slips: 98 Contact: 510-834-9815.
Fortman Marina
Address: 1535 Clement Ave., Alameda, CA 94501 Slips: 497 Length: 15-60 feet Rates: Call for rates Amenities: Covered berths. Dock box, electricity, phone, water Hours: Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily Contact: 510-522-9080; fortmanmarina@comcast. net; fortman.com.
Grand Marina
Address: 2099 Grand St., Alameda, CA 94501. Slips: 400 stable concrete double finger docks. Length: 30-150 feet. Depth: 12 feet Rates: Call for rates Amenities: Night security, free parking, tiled restrooms w/heated showers, laundry (liveaboards only), 30-amp 120v and 50-amp 125/250v shore power (individually metered), cable hook ups, free Wi-Fi, phone hook ups, water, dock boxes, dock carts, free municipal launch ramp next door,
The e Pearl l of f the e Bay
Look no further for a new home port – Grand Marina is the pearl of the bay. Headed north or south? With its mild weather and central location, Grand Marina is your best choice to layover for retrofits, repairs and service.
pump-out, full-service boatyard (60-ton Travel-lift), chandlery, machine shop/welding, yacht brokers, canvas and sail makers, and many other marine related businesses on premises. Parks, picnic tables, barbecues, beautifully landscaped. Monthly newsletter, annual summer Tenant Appreciation Party. Protected, deep water on the Alameda/ Oakland estuary. Three yacht clubs, market and public transit within walking distance (0.5 miles). Office Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday. Closed major holidays Contact: Harbormaster: Cheri Berggren VHF Ch. 16.510-865-1200; fax 510-865-1240; marina@ grandmarina.com; http://www.grandmarina.com.
Marina Bay Yacht Harbor
Address: 1340 Marina Way S., Richmond, CA 94804 Slips: 800; guest slips over 20; liveaboard slips 75 Length: 22-150 feet Depth: 12 feet Rates: $9.87-$14.50 per foot per month; guest slip rates under 100 feet $1 per foot per day; over 100 feet $1.50 per foot per day Amenities: Restrooms, showers, electricity, water, laundry, dock carts, laundry, launch ramp, ice, dock boxes, storage lockers, two free pump-out stations, free parking, free Wi-Fi. Stable concrete docks. Park and picnic area. Pets OK. Marina located on San Francisco Bay. Contact: VHF Ch. 16; 510-236-1013; fax 510-2361957; info@mbyachtharbor.com; mbyh.com.
Marina Village Yacht Harbor
Address: 1030 Marina Village Parkway, Alameda, CA 94501 Slips: 732 Length: 28-100 feet Rates: Call for rates Amenities: Restrooms and shower facility, laundry facility, 30- and 50-amps power, dock carts, picnic area, water, pump-out station, dock boxes, nearby restaurants and shops, cable TV, ample free parking, free ice, and Wi-Fi Contact: 510-521-0905, fax 510-521-7032; marinavillageharbor.com.
Mariner Square Marina & Dry Stack
Address: 2415 Mariner Square Drive, Alameda, CA 94501 Slips: Call for availability; 240 dry stack slips Length: Up to 40 feet Rates: Call for rates Contact: 510-521-2727; fax 510-523-0391; marinersquaredrystack.com.
Oakland Marinas: Jack London Square Marina, Embarcadero Marinas (North Basins I and II) Central Basin and Union Point
Address: 1853 Embarcadero, Suite 2A, Oakland, CA 94606. Amenities: Almar Marina members receive a 10 percent discount on fuel purchases from the Jack London fuel dock Contact: Phone: 510 834-4591. Marina Manager: Jason Koulouris; call or visit website for specific information on Jack London, Embarcadero, North Basins, Central Basin, Union Point; slips@ oaklandmarinas.com; oaklandmarinas.com.
Pacific Marina (Oakland Yacht Club)
Address: 1101 Pacific Marina, Alameda, CA 94501 Slips: 200; liveaboard slips 20; plus 3 end-ties; waitlist; membership in Oakland YC required for slip Lengths: 28-50 feet. Rates: Call for rates. Amenities: Electricity, water, dock boxes, dock carts, clubhouse, restrooms, showers, mail service, parking, cable TV, Wi-Fi, ice machine, 160-foot. guest dock restaurant and bar. Contact: Call Oakland Yacht Club for more info: 510522-6868; oaklandyachtclub.net.
Point San Pablo Yacht Harbor
Address: 1900 Stenmark Drive, Richmond, CA 94801 Slips: 210; liveaboards full; guest slips; vacant berths. Rates: Call for rates Amenities: Restrooms, electricity, water, ice, pumpout, parking, clubhouse. 510-233-3224; info@ pspharbor.com; pspharbor.com
Safe Harbor Ballena Isle
Address: 1150 Ballena Blvd., Suite 111, Alameda, CA 94501 Slips: 400 side ties and end ties available Length: 24 – 70 feet Rates: Call for Rates