SYSTEM dental implant
2016 ediction
Implant prosthetic system
Table of Contents 1
2 3 12 18 21 22 28 40 42 44 46 53 54
Foreword Multysystem® implant features Guidelines for biphasic implants with internal hex connection Surgical procedures for using the Multi-Unit bases for screw prosthesis with immediate loading Multysystem® implant ranges Biphasic implants with internal hex connection Surgical instrumentation Surgical kits for biphasic implants Multi-Unit prosthetic line Prosthetic studio components for biphasic implants Prosthetic abutments for biphasic implants Laboratory instruments Prosthetic spare parts for biphasic implants
Transmucosal mono-phasic MFS – MFD immediate load implants
60 64 69 70 72
Immediate load transmucosal mono-phasic implants
How to use the Multysystem® Surgical Kit for maxillary sinus floor elevation
Surgical instrumentation Surgical kits for monophasic implants Prosthetic components Rhein ’83 prosthetic spare parts and components
75 Surgical kit for maxillary sinus floor elevation 76 Warnings
Foreword 2
The Multysystem group benefits from its more than thirty-year experience in the biomedical sector gained by participating in multidisciplinary research aimed at the design and development of new prosthetic impl ant technologies in collaboration with uni versities, medical specialists, dentists and dental technicians. The company’s production processes are optimised and aligned to quality standards set by ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 13485:2003. The synergies between research and clinical application and the extensive know-how in the biomechanical field also ensure high quality implant products, in compliance with the European Community legislation set out by Directive 93/42 EEC concerning medical devices. This intense commitment has enabled us to develop the Multysystem® implantretained prosthetic method, which stands out because of the diversification of its six lines of screw implants, ST – P-ST – NST – P-NST – TM – MF, individually equipped with different morphostructural features that facilitate the operator in taking into consideration the various bone conditions. A complete and standardised prosthetic range of components simplifies the steps connected with the transfer abutment and the construction of the prosthetic product. The objective of Multysystem’s product manufacture is to offer various alternatives to the different clinical and operating situations which the operator is faced with when designing a correct prosthetic rehabilitation programme.
Multysystem® implant features Multysystem® implants are made of titanium grade 4 ASTM (American Standard for Testing and Materials) F67, a widely tested biocompatible metal used in implantology because of its biomechanical and biological features. The Multysystem® implant-retained prosthetic method consists of immediate load biphasic and monophasic implants, with different morphostructural features which allow interventions to each of the dental arch quadrants. This High-Frequency Roughness (HFR) innovative treatment of the surface of all the Multysystem® implants provides a surface topography that positively affects biological response and amplifies platelet response, accelerating the processes of bone healing and osseointegration and consequently allows anticipating the functional load. The Multysystem® implants are divided into six specific lines ST – P-ST – NST – P-NST – TM – MF, which include eleven different types of implants. The ST – NST and TM lines are composed of tapered biphasic systems, self-tapping and with internal hex connection. The terminal part of the neck is polished for 0.8 mm in order to facilitate biocompatibility of the soft tissues. The P-ST and P-NST lines are instead differentiated by the surface of the treated neck and are pre-prepared for the platform switching technique. The ST line consists of Tapered Implants with a diameter that varies from 3.2 to– 3.7 and 4.2 mm in six different lengths with a unified head of a diameter of 3.6 mm mainly indicated both for upper and lower central and lateral areas. Thanks to its morphology and 1.0 mm thread-pitch it ensures immediate primary stabilisation. The P-ST range is composed of Tapered Implants pitch 1.0 and a diameter of 4.2 mm in five different lengths with a 3.6 mm diameter head. The P-ST line also includes short implants indicated for cases of reduced vertical bone availability. The NST range includes two types of Tapered implants, one with a thread-pitch of 1.0 mm available in diameters 3.7 and 4.2 mm and one with a thread-pitch of 2.0 mm available in diameters 4.0 and 5.0 mm with a 4.00 mm diameter unified head. Thanks to their design and the particular micro-throats present on the end of the collar which allow greater stability on the primary cortex, their use is also indicated in cases of maxillary sinus elevation. The NST line is available in five lengths. The P-NST line consists of Tapered Implants with a pitch of 1.0 mm available in diameters from 4.7 to– 5.2 and 6.0 mm in five lengths with a 4.00 mm diameter unified head. The P-NST line also includes short implants. The TM line includes 1.0 mm pitch Tapered Implants available in diameters of 4.7 and 5.2 mm, suitable for side-posterior areas, and 2.0 mm pitch Tapered Implants available in diameters from 4.5 to– 5.5 and 6.5 mm, suitable as post-extraction implants. The TM line is available in five lengths with a 4.5 mm diameter unified head and is characterised by a neck configuration which allows the correct emergence of the overhead prosthetic product. The MF line consists of Fixed Abutment, tapping, transmucous and immediate load Implants, characterised by two different conformations of the preformed prosthetic abutment, allowing the immediate application both of removable and fixed prostheses. Two types of Ball shaped abutment implants are envisaged for anchoring removable implants: a Mini Implant available in diameters 2.5 and 3.0 mm and an Implant available in diameters 3.5 and 4.0 mm, both available in five different lengths. The MF line is completed by Straight abutment Mini Implants with a diameter of 2.5 and 3.0 mm and a Straight abutment Implant available in the diameters of 3.5 – 4.0 and 5.0 mm, both available in five lengths, which are suitable for fixed prosthetic solutions.
Foreword 4
Features of Multysystem速 biphasic implants
Apical taper with self-tapping and anti-rotation system
Anti-rotation internal hex connection
High Frequency roughness (H.F.R.) osteoconductive surface
Neck with micro-throats for primary stability on the cortical tissue
Type of ST – P-ST – NST implants with Multysystem® internal hex connection with surface activated HIGH- FREQUENCY ROUGHNESS and early loading
TAPERED IMPLANT 1.0 ST Diameters: 3,2 – 3,7 – 4,2 mm Lengths: 8 – 10 – 11,5 – 13 – 15 – 17 mm
h. Lung
Ø 3,6
2,3 m
TAPERED IMPLANT 1.0 P-ST Diameter: 4,2 mm Lengths: 6 – 7 – 9 – 11 – 13 mm
h Lung
Ø 3,6
2,3 m
Ø 4,0
h Lung
TAPERED IMPLANT 1.0 NST Diameters: 3,7 – 4,2 mm Lengths: 9 – 11 – 13 – 15 – 17 mm
h Lung
TAPERED IMPLANT 2.0 NST Diameters: 4,0 – 5,0 mm Lengths: 9 – 11 – 13 – 15 – 17 mm
Ø 4,0
Type of P-NST – TM implants with Multysystem® internal hex connection with surface activated
HIGH- FREQUENCY ROUGHNESS and early loading Ø 4,0
h. Lung
TAPERED IMPLANT 1.0 P-NST Diameters: 4,7 – 5,2 – 6,0 mm Lengths: 6 – 7 – 9 – 11 – 13 mm m
3,0 m
TAPERED IMPLANT 1.0 TM Diameters: 4,7 – 5,2 mm Lengths: 9 – 11 – 13 – 15 – 17 mm
h. Lung
Ø 4,5
Ø 4,5
TAPERED IMPLANT 2.0 TM Diameters: 4,5 – 5,5 – 6,5 mm Lengths: 9 – 11 – 13 – 15 – 17 mm h. Lung
3,0 m
Type of MFS – MFD Implants with Multysystem® fixed abutment with surface activated
HIGH-FREQUENCY ROUGHNESS and immediate loading Sfera
dro 2
1,5 m
h. Lung
MINI MFS BALL ABUTMENT IMPLANTS Diameters: 2,5 – 3,0 mm Lengths: 9 – 11 – 13 – 15 – 17 mm
Ø 1,8
dro 3
mm m
2,5 m
h Lung
MFS BALL ABUTMENT IMPLANT Diameters: 3,5 – 4,0 mm Lengths: 9 – 11 – 13 – 15 – 17 mm
Ø 1,8
mm h. 5,0 2 Lung adro 2x Qu
MFD STRAIGHT ABUTMENT IMPLANT Diameters: 3,5 – 4,0 – 5,0 mm Lengths: 9 – 11 – 13 – 15 – 17 mm
mm h. 5,0 3 Lung adro 3x Qu
1,5 m
h. Lung
MINI MFD STRAIGHT ABUTMENT IMPLANT Diameters: 2,5 – 3,0 mm Lengths: 9 – 11 – 13 – 15 – 17 mm
h Lung
4,0 m
Surface treatment with high-frequency roughness (HFR) The innovative treatment of the osteoinductive surface with High Frequency roughness (HFR), to which all Multysystem® implants are submitted, complies with the most recent studies related to the chemical and physical aspects and to the biological response of the implant surfaces. As has been amply demonstrated, development of such surfaces has led to identifying the response of osteogenic cells to micro-roughness. The topographic surface aspect influences osteoblastic activity, amplifying the platelet response and accelerating the progress of the bone regeneration process.
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis
SEM detail (100X) of the thread of a Multysystem® implant with HFR surface treatment
SEM detail (200X) of the distal end of a Multysystem® implant with HFR surface treatment
SEM detail (5.00 K X). The roughness details produced by the HFR treatment are highlighted. As is evidenced, the distance between peaks is only of a few microns.
SEM view (7.00 K X). In vitro testing. Note how, after three days’ contact, the bone cells have completely colonised the surface
As may be seen from the SEM images, the HFR surface treatment creates a characteristic homogeneous roughness which further increases the boneimplant contact surface favouring the process of osseointegration.
Bibliography 9 • Martin JY, Schwartz Z., Hummert TW, Schraub D.M., Simpson J., Lankford J. Jr., Dean D.D., Cochran D.L., Boyan B.D., Effect of titanium surface roughness on proliferation, differentiation and protein synthesis of human osteoblast-like cells (MG63), J Biomed Mater Res, 1995; 29:389-401 • Boyan B.D., Batzer R., Kieswetter K., Liu Y., Cochran D.L., Szmuckler-Moncler S., Dean D.D., Schwartz Z., Titanium surface roughness alters responsiveness of MG-63 osteoblast-like cells to 1a,25-(OH)2D3, J Biomed Mater Res, 1998;39: 77-85 • Kieswetter K., Schwartz Z., Hummert T.W., Cochran D.L., Simpson J., Dean D.D., and Boyan B.D., Surface roughness modulate the local production of growth factors and cytokines by osteoblast-like MG-63 cells, J Biomed Mater Res, 1996; 32:55-63 • Romeo E., Ghisolfi M., Musajo Somma F., Abati S., Vogel S., Superfici implantari e osteointegrazione: analisi critica della letteratura, Implantologia Orale, 1999, 2, 9-25 • Cochran D.L., Buser D., Bone response to sandblasted and acid attacked titanium: experimental and clinical studies, in: Davies J.E. editor. Bone Engineering, em squared, Toronto, 2000; 391-398 • Morra M., Cassinelli C., Di Carlo F., Le superfici implantari, Chirurgia Implantare, a cura di L. Malchiodi, Edizioni Martina, 2003 • Morra M., Cassinelli C., Bruzzone G., Carpi A., Di Santi G., Giardino R., Fini M., Surface chemistry effects of topography modification of titanium dental implants surfaces: 1. Surface analysis, Int J. Oral Maxillofacial Implants, 18, 2003, 40-45
Cytotoxicity analysis
Negative control image
The cytotoxicity tests performed on Multysystem® implants were conducted according to the protocols of EN ISO 10993/5: 1999 Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices Part 5: Tests for cytotoxicity: in vitro methods, and demonstrate the absence of toxic effects at the cell monolayer level, as is evidenced by the general appearance and cell density. In essence the Multysystem® implants do not exert any cytotoxic activity against L929 fibroblasts. This result indicates that the processing cycle does not involve any accumulation of residues on the implants or of substances with toxic effects on the cells.
Mechanical tests Mechanical testing of the Multysystem® implants was carried out at the Milan Polytechnic, Department of Bioengineering. The tests conducted were related to the static stress-strain in single compression with eccentric load applied in axis to the implant, in order to verify the maximum deformation resistance of the screw connection of the abutment and strength tests to cyclic stress (strain). The implant passed the test by withstanding 5,000,000 load cycles. Both tests were passed with very positive results, demonstrating the high quality standard of Multysystem® implants.
Decontamination with cold Argon Plasma After having completed all surface treatment cycles, the Multysystem® implants are subjected to a decontamination process with suitable solvents, subsequently followed by a final cold Argon Plasma treatment. This step is performed in a suitable reactor for plasma treatment. After the decontamination phase, the implants are subjected to an XPS (X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy) technical analysis in order to determine their decontamination status.
Packaging 10
In order to ensure perfect sterility, MultysystemÂŽ implants are packaged in unbreakable plastic bottles with a hermetic cap. In order to ensure a controlled atmosphere environment, packaging takes place in a clean room. The implant pack aging procedures are performed under laminar flow hood in compliance with the highest standards of cleanliness.
Sterilisation MultysystemÂŽ implants undergo a sterilisation treatment with accelerated electrons (beta rays) in compliance with EN 552 and EN 556 standards. The dose audit is validated in accordance with EN 552, ISO 11137 and ISO 13409. Implant samples are periodically subjected to Bioburden control, which determines the microbial load. These tests verify that the sterilisation parameters established by the Multysystem Protocol do not change over time.
Cleaning and sterilising surgical instruments In order to clean instruments properly, first of all it is important to lower the bacterial load by dipping the instruments in a decontaminant liquid, carefully following the dilution and dipping times reported on the Data Sheet of the product used. At the end of the decontamination stage we effect a manual wash with the aid of specific regular and interdental brushes, in order to remove any organic residues. Subsequently the instruments should be immersed in an ultrasonic bath, using an enzymatic cleaner for about 15 minutes. Once the cleansing process has ended, the instruments must be removed and dried with extreme care in order to ensure that any residual moisture does not interfere with the sterilisation phase. We then proceed to bagging them. After bagging, proceed with steam autoclave sterilisation at a temperature of 134 ° C respecting the validated cycle issued by the manufacturer.
Opening the packaging
The Multysystem速 implants are individually packagedas follows: - External packaging with adhesive label for immediate identification of the implant. - Secondary packaging consisting of a bottle with a removable adhesive label to be attached to the medical records (which then allows identification and traceability of the product). - Primary packaging consisting of a container on which the implant is anchored by means of the specific mount support that facilitates its transfer to the oral cavity. In the case of biphasic implants, the container also acts as a surgical screw cap holder.
Before using the implant, check the integrity of the packaging. If the package shows signs of tampering, sterilisation is no longer guaranteed. Remove the closing cap.
Pull out the primary container
Remove the fixture with the aid of the mount transfer
N.B. The fixture must be pulled out of the primary container using the appropriate mount transfer, in
order to avoid contamination and deterioration of the layer of titanium oxide formed by exposure to air.
Guidelines for biphasic implants with internal hex connection internal hex connection Creating the implant site It is important to ensure that drilling always takes place during copious irrigation with a saline solution at room temperature in order to avoid overheating, with consequent tissue damage, and to maintain perfect visibility of the operating field. To this end, the control unit of the surgical micro-motor must allow a drill rotation of 300-400 rpm in order to avoid necrosis of the bone, which would jeopardise osseointegration. For the same reason the torque is important, which must be 50 Ncm for drilling and 35-40 Ncm for screwing the fixture.
Surgical phases After establishing the design of the incision and the flap dissection, we proceed with creating the bone site. The first drill to be used is that for centring which creates the insertion point, we then proceed with the cortical drill in order to pierce the bone cortex; then the pilot drill, which is used to determine the orientation of the fixture and the drilling depth based on the data obtained through clinical-radiographic evaluation, is employed. The stop point indicated on the drill shows the depth of the hole and consequently the length of the implant chosen. In case of doubts concerning the inclination, we recommend performing an intraoral x-ray using the appropriate direction marker. Any inclination errors can still be corrected at this stage. In order to avoid excessive straining during insertion, the coronal part of the implant site is finished off with a countersink drill, whose diameter corresponds exactly to that of the implant collar. A drilling speed of about 300-400 rpm to reduce friction and consequently the possible coronal bone resorption, is recommended at this stage. The final diameter of the implant site is subsequently defined with a trimming drill. Once the last countersink stages have been carried out, bone tapping of the implant site using the manual millimetre marked bone taps with the diameter of the chosen fixture should be performed.
Summary of the surgical steps for biphasic implants 1. Incision of the mucosa
N.B. This special machining allows them to be used only up to fifteen times.
2. Creation of the insertion point with the centring drill
3. Perforation of the cortical bone with the cortical drill
4. Determining the fixture’s orientation and the drilling depth with the pilot drill
5. Verifying the inclination with the inclination marker
6. Trimming the coronal bone of the implant site with the countersink drill
7. Calibrating the final diameter of the implant site with the trimming drill
8. Tapping the bone site with the manual millimetre marked bone tap inserted in the ratchet
Choosing and placing the implants The fixture must be chosen according to the conditions of the bone area (lax trabecula bone = selftapping screw), to the thickness of the bone and the type of envisaged prosthetic reconstruction (rear zones = larger diameter implants). In general it is a good idea to always insert the fixture with the largest diameter compatible with the implant area so that, once osseointegration has occurred, the occlusal forces tend to be distributed at a cortical level reducing the possibility of bone resorption over time. Once inserted at the entrance of the bone site, the fixture is screwed with the special contra-angle manual or mechanical adapter at a speed of 18-22 rpm under copious irrigation. As soon as excessive resistance is encountered, the calibrated torque of the surgical engine blocks the screw and the operator can complete insertion with a manual ratchet or with a variable torque wrench, proceeding until the edge of the crown margin of the fixture is flush with the bone crest. Finally, the surgical screw cap is screwed to the fixture.
1. Placing the fixture in the bone site with the mount transfer
2. Screwing the fixture with the ratchet complete with adapter
3.Screwing the surgical screw cap on the fixture with the polyvalent screwdriver
N.B. In the event that the chosen implant should belong to the Short measures of the P-ST Line, its use as a mono-implant is discouraged. P.S. Multysystem also provides specific mechanical instrumentation for implant insertion.
Summary of the drill sequence for monophasic implants 1a Table: Common pilot drill sequence Ø 1,8 mm
Ø 2,3 mm
2a Table: Tapered Implant drill sequence 1.0 ST - P-ST - 1.0-2.0 NST Ø 2,55 mm
Ø 2,85 mm
Trimming drill
3a Table: Tapered Implant drill sequence 1.0 P-NST - 1.0-2.0 TM Ø 2,55 mm
Ø 2,85 mm
Ø 4,0 mm
Countersink (for implant neck)
Calibrated trimming drill
N.B. The reference marks on the millimetre marked drills are indicative, it is therefore necessary to apply the appropriate stops in order to determine the correct drilling depth based on the length of the chosen implant. The diameters of the drills are smaller than the effective diameter of the implant in order to favour primary stability. This special machining allows them to be used only up to fifteen times.
Surgical and prosthetic procedures
The chemical and topographic surface features of the fixture allow a reduction of the bone healing time, thereby anticipating the functional load. During the process of bone healing, the fixture should not be subjected to stresses which may cause premature loss. Only when complying with such conditions will the bone be formed in direct contact with the fixture (“osseointegration�) and, once the prosthetic rehabi lita tio n has been completed, will it bear the loads generated by chewing. Once the bone has healed, it is necessary to uncover the head of the submerged fixture. To do this, the operator has two techniques available: 1) an operculum of the mucosa overlying the fixture is removed with the aid of a tissue pump. 2) In cases of excessive thickness of the gingival tissues, or of poorly attached gingiva, performing an operation with a flap RX of osseointegrated fixture incision on the crest is preferable. After removing the surgical screw cap from the fixture, a healing screw cap with a slightly greater height than the thickness of the gingival tissue must be screwed back on. This will assist the healing of the gum tissue and after 10 days or so the imprint may be taken. If desired, the definitive abutments may be fixed during the re-entry operation; also taking the imprint for making a temporary prosthesis during the same session. Once the implants have been uncovered, it is not always possible to replace the existing prosthesis (fixed or mobile) with considerable discomfort for the patient.
1. Uncovering the head of the submerged fixture with the appropriate tissue punch
2. Removing the surgical screw cap from the fixture with the polyvalent screwdriver
3. Screwing the healing screw cap to the fixture with the polyvalent screwdriver
It is important to emphasise that success and longevity depend not only on the quality of the materials used, but also on the prosthesis design, the balanced distribution of occlusal loads, the absence of centric or eccentric pre-contacts and finally on the patient maintaining oral hygiene
Taking the imprint Taking the imprint is one of the most important steps of the prosthetic implant and it is therefore necessary to give it the utmost attention during preparation procedures, in order to achieve a precise and correct situation of the dental arches. The Multysystem® implant-retained prosthetic method envisages different solutions. A standard transfer is envisaged for the conventional pull-off technique, or a specific transfer for the pick-up technique. After choosing the transfer to be used, we proceed by placing it in the implant and securing it with the through screw. The imprint is taken with the conventional technique, using the preferred elastic material (polyesters or silicones).
Placing the transfers
Indications and prosthetic solutions The implant-retained prosthetic Multysystem® method provides a complete and versatile prosthetic component range. These components are designed to simplify the operational procedures associated with taking the transfer imprint and constructing the prosthetic product and enable facing every clinical solution, both for fixed prosthesis and for removable over denture prosthesis. The final prosthetic restoration is based on wax modelling made on preoperative plaster models. In order to create the plaster model in the laboratory, proceed as follows: • Couple the transfer with the coinciding analogue screwing the appropriate through screw. • Check the correct position of the transfer in the imprint. After completing these two phases, pour the plaster into the imprint, making sure the analogue is locked in order to obtain maximum precision.
Transfer coupled to the analogue
Developing the plaster model
Once the plaster model has been developed, on which the gum line is reproduced with soft resin in order to obtain a correct emerging profile of the prosthesis, choose the necessary final prosthetic abutments, according to the type of prosthetic solution chosen. A set consisting of eight test abutments, with varying angles up to 30째, which reproduce the crown height and the height of the transmucosal neck of the available abutments, is available in order to assist the operator during this phase. Once the verification phase has ended, proceed with using the final abutment corresponding to the one chosen.
Unscrewing the transfers
Placing the test abutments in order to choose the final ones
Placing the final prosthetic abutments
Applying the prosthesis
N.B. Our application guidelines are based on personal experience and experiments and are only intended as general information and guidance. For further information please refer to international protocols.
Surgical procedures for using the Multi-Unit bases for screw prosthesis with immediate loading The Multi-Unit bases of the Multysystem® line allow a minimally invasive therapeutic solution for edentulous patients with jawbone or maxillary atrophy problems. The technique consists in inserting only four implants, two in each half arch, positioned in the rear section with an inclination of up to 35° compared with the two front ones. This procedure is aimed at ensuring the stability of the prosthesis in respect of the masticatory load distribution. In order to properly plan all the surgical procedures, the use of a CT scan is recommended, allowing the three-dimensional maxilla-facial structure evaluation. It is also recommended that the patient should wear a radiopaque implant template, in order to transfer the image of the future prosthetic reconstruction to the x-ray plate. This allows the operator to plan the location of the implants in relation to the prosthetic forecast. In order to prepare the implant site proceed as usual and as is reported in the Multysystem general protocol.
Multi-Unit clinical procedures Once the surgical part has been completed, proceed with placing the Multi-Unit bases required ❶
In order to facilitate placing the MU bases in the mouth, use the mount transfer ❸
Tighten the closing fitting screw of the angled MU base with the polyvalent screwdriver and complete tightening with the 30 Ncm torque wrench, connected to the prosthetic screw adapter
Screw the straight MU base with the appropriate screwdriver and finish tightening with the 30 Ncm torque wrench, connected to the adapter for straight MU bases.
Multi-Unit Prosthetic procedures
Once the clinical phase has ended, proceed with the prosthetic phase utilising the appropriate Multysystem® Multi-Unit products as follows:
Once the connection of the MU bases in the implants has been carried out, screw the specific MU transfers to the MU bases
After connecting the transfers to their bases, take an imprint with the aid of an individual imprint tray and send it to the dental laboratory. In case of delayed loading, after having taken the imprint to protect the MU base, the special healing caps MU in peek must be used. Their use must not exceed a period of 30 hours, after which they must be removed
The plaster model should be reproduced in the lab, screwing the transfers to the appropriate MU analogues, which faithfully reproduce the taper of the MU bases.
Once the plaster model has been created, proceed with choosing the provisional or final MU abutments according to the type of prosthetic solution chosen
N.B. Our application guidelines are based on personal experience and experiments and are only intended as general information and guidance. For further information please refer to international protocols.
Types of Multysystem® prosthetic abutments The range of Multysystem® prosthetic abutments envisages a colour coding system in order to allow quick identification. The prosthetic components are divided into three specific lines: ST (Standard) with a Ø 3.6 mm abutment
NST (New Standard) con base Ø 4,0 mm
P-ST (Platform-Switching) with a Ø 3.6 mm abutment
P-NST (Platform-Switching) with a Ø 4.0 mm TM (Larger head) with a Ø 4.5 mm abutment
Straight abutment h. 6 mm
Pre-angled abutment 10°-20°-30°
Aesthetic abutment for screw-on prosthesis
Straight abutment h. 15 mm
Universal straight adjustable abutment
Ucla abutment with gold alloy base
Castable abutment
Castable abutment with chamfer
Castable abutment h. 15 mm
Universal castable abutment
Castable cementable abutment
Bar abutment
Ball abutment
Equator abutment
Abutment for direct screw-on
Base for zirconia abutments
Multi-Unit prosthetic line Straight MU base
Pre-angled MU base 17°-35°°
Temporary MU abutment
N.B. Before being connected to the implant, the abutments must undergo sterilisation.
Castable MU abutment
Multysystem速 implant ranges with colour coding system Biphasic implants
Tapered implant 1.0 ST
Tapered implant 1.0 NST
Tapered implant 2.0 NST
Tapered implant 1.0 P-ST - P-NST
Tapered implant 1.0 TM
Tapered implant 2.0 TM
Monophasic implants
60 61
Mini Ball Implant
Ball Implant
Mini straight Implant MFD
Straight Implant MFD
Self-tapping tapered implant 1.0 ST (standard) Ref. Diameter Length 7013208
3,2 mm
08 mm
3,2 mm
10 mm
3,2 mm
11,5 mm
3,2 mm
13 mm
3,2 mm
15 mm
3,2 mm
17 mm
3,7 mm
08 mm
3,7 mm
10 mm
3,7 mm
11,5 mm
3,7 mm
13 mm
3,7 mm
15 mm
3,7 mm
17 mm
4,2 mm
08 mm
4,2 mm
10 mm
4,2 mm
11,5 mm
4,2 mm
13 mm
4,2 mm
15 mm
4,2 mm
17 mm
Features: slightly tapered profile, with unified cylindrical-shaped head with a diameter of 3.6 mm, in the apical part there are three longitudinal drillings which allow self-tapping and also aid the anti-rotation function. The 1.0 mm thread-pitch allows immediate primary stability. The neck is polished for a height of 0.8 mm in order to facilitate soft tissue biocompatibility. The tapered 1.0 ST implant is indicated for cases of bone quality D1 and D2, both in the central areas and in the upper and lower lateral ones.
N.B. Each implant is supplied with a surgical titanium screw cap
*the ST line of implants is characterised by the uniformity of the head diameter: 3.6 mm.
Self-tapping tapered implant 1.0 NST (new standard) *
Ref. Diameter Length 7093709
3,7 mm
09 mm
3,7 mm
11 mm
3,7 mm
13 mm
3,7 mm
15 mm
3,7 mm
17 mm
Ref. Diameter Length 7094209
4,2 mm
09 mm
4,2 mm
11 mm
4,2 mm
13 mm
4,2 mm
15 mm
4,2 mm
17 mm
Features: Slightly tapered shape, with unified head in a truncated-cone shape with initial diameter of 4.0 mm, in the apical part there are three longitudinal drillings which allow selftapping and also aid the anti-rotation function. The 1.0 mm thread-pitch allows immediate primary stability. The neck is flared to facilitate the emergence profile of the prosthetic product, thereby improving its aesthetic function. The presence of microthroats on the terminal part of the neck, before the 0.8 mm polish which facilitates biocompatibility of the soft tissues, allows a greater primary stability on the cortical tissue. The tapered implant 1.0 NST is indicated for cases of bone quality D1 and D2 including cases of maxillary sinus elevation.
N.B. Each implant is supplied with a surgical titanium screw cap.
The NST line of implants is characterised by the uniformity of the head diameter: 4.0 mm.
Self-tapping tapered implant 2.0 NST (new standard) * Ref. Diameter Length 7094009
4,0 mm
09 mm
4,0 mm
11 mm
4,0 mm
13 mm
4,0 mm
15 mm
4,0 mm
17 mm
Ref. Diameter Length 7095009
5,0 mm
09 mm
5,0 mm
11 mm
5,0 mm
13 mm
5,0 mm
15 mm
5,0 mm
17 mm
Features: Tapered profile, with unified head in a truncated-cone shape with initial diameter of 4.0 mm, in the apical part there are two longitudinal drillings for improved vascular trophism. The increased width of the thread and the 2.0 mm pitch favour immediate primary stability in extension. The neck is flared to facilitate the emergence profile of the prosthetic product, thereby improving its aesthetic function. The presence of micro-throats on the terminal part of the neck, before the 0.8 mm polish which facilitates biocompatibility of the soft tissues, allows a greater primary stability on the cortical tissue. The tapered implant 2.0 NST is indicated for cases of bone quality D1 and D2, extraction sites as well as for maxillary sinus elevation cases.
N.B. Each implant is supplied with a surgical titanium screw cap.
*The NST line of implants is characterised by the uniformity of the head diameter: 4.0 mm.
Self-tapping tapered implant 1.0 P-ST (Platform-switching)*
Ref. Diameter Length 7024206
4,2 mm
06 mm
4,2 mm
07 mm
4,2 mm
09 mm
4,2 mm
11 mm
4,2 mm
13 mm
Self-tapping tapered implant 1.0 P-NST (Platform-switching)** Ref. Diameter Length 7094706
4,7 mm
06 mm
4,7 mm
07 mm
4,7 mm
09 mm
4,7 mm
11 mm
4,7 mm
13 mm
5,2 mm
06 mm
5,2 mm
07 mm
5,2 mm
09 mm
5,2 mm
11 mm
5,2 mm
13 mm
6,0 mm
06 mm
6,0 mm
07 mm
6,0 mm
09 mm
6,0 mm
11 mm
6,0 mm
13 mm
Features: The innovative design of these implants was devised for the platform-switching technique. The Tapered 1.0 P-ST and P-NST Implants are indicated where there is a reduced availability of vertical bone, particularly in the lateral rear areas, avoiding the use of surgical techniques for increasing vertical bone volume. The Tapered 1.0 P-ST and P-NST Implants are indicated for cases of bone quality D1 and D2 as well as for maxillary sinus elevation cases. In the event that the chosen implant should belong to the Short measures of the P-ST Line, its a mono-implant is discouraged. N.B. Each implant is supplied with a surgical titanium screw cap.
*The P-ST implant line envisages a 3.6 mm head diameter. ** The P-NST line of implants is characterised by the uniformity of the head diameter: 4.0 mm.
Self-tapping tapered implant 1.0 TM (Larger head)* Ref.
Diameter Length
4,7 mm
09 mm
4,7 mm
11 mm
4,7 mm
13 mm
4,7 mm
15 mm
4,7 mm
17 mm
Diameter Length
5,2 mm
09 mm
5,2 mm
11 mm
5,2 mm
13 mm
5,2 mm
15 mm
5,2 mm
17 mm
Features: Slightly tapered shape, with unified head in a truncated-cone shape with initial diameter of 4.5 mm, in the apical part there are three longitudinal drillings which allow selftapping and also aid the anti-rotation function. The 1.0 mm thread-pitch allows immediate primary stability. The neck is flared to facilitate the emergence profile of the prosthetic product, thereby improving its aesthetic function. The presence of micro-throats on the terminal part of the neck, before the 0.8 mm polish which facilitates biocompatibility of the soft tissues, allows a greater primary stability on the cortical tissue. The tapered implant 1.0 TM is indicated for cases of bone quality D1 and D2 in the lateral-rear areas.
N.B. Each implant is supplied with a surgical titanium screw cap.
* The TM line of implants is characterised by the uniformity of the head diameter: 4.5 mm.
Self-tapping tapered implant 2.0 TM (Larger head)*
Diameter Length
4,5 mm
09 mm
4,5 mm
11 mm
4,5 mm
13 mm
4,5 mm
15 mm
4,5 mm
17 mm
5,5 mm
09 mm
5,5 mm
11 mm
5,5 mm
13 mm
5,5 mm
15 mm
5,5 mm
17 mm
6,5 mm
09 mm
6,5 mm
11 mm
6,5 mm
13 mm
6,5 mm
15 mm
6,5 mm
17 mm
Features: Tapered profile, with unified head in a truncated-cone shape with initial diameter of 4.5 mm, in the apical part there are two longitudinal drillings for improved vascular trophism. The increased width of the thread and the 2.0 mm pitch favour immediate primary stability in extension. The neck is flared to facilitate the emergence profile of the prosthetic product, thereby improving its aesthetic function. The presence of micro-throats on the terminal part of the neck, before the 0.8 mm polish which facilitates biocompatibility of the soft tissues, allows a greater primary stability on the cortical tissue. The tapered implant 2.0 TM is indicated in case of bone quality D3 and D4, in postextraction sites and facilitates immediate surgical procedure techniques..
N.B. Each implant is supplied with a surgical titanium screw cap.
* The TM line of implants is characterised by the uniformity of the head diameter: 4.5 mm.
Surgical instruments 28
Pilot drills Ref. Description 7410125
Short centring drill Ø 1,8 mm L.5,0 mm
Longcentring drill Ø 1,8 mm L.10,0 mm
Use guidelines: Suitable for creating the insertion point of the implant site.
Ref. Description 7410135
Short cortical drill Ø 2,3 mm L.5,5 mm
Longcortical drill Ø 2,3 mm L.11,0 mm
Use guidelines: Suitable for drilling through the cortical bone.
Millimetre marked drills
29 Ref. Description 7097491 Short millimetre marked first drill L.36.5 mm Ø 2,55 mm L.17 mm
7097401 Long millimetre marked first drill L.40.5 mm Ø 2,55 mm L.17 mm
Short millimetre marked trimming drill L.36.5 mm Ø 2,85 mm L.17 mm
7097417 Long millimetre marked trimming drill L.40.5 mm Ø 2,85 mm L.17 mm
Use guidelines: The reference marks on the millimetre marked drills are indicative, it is therefore necessary to apply the appropriate stops in order to determine the correct drilling depth.
Depth stop set Ref. Description 7105102
Depth stop set L.6–7–8–9–10–11–11,5–13–15 mm
Use guidelines: Depth stops must be applied on the millimetre marked drills in order to determine the maximum drilling depth.
Calibrated trimming drills with stops for P-NST – TM implants Ref. Description 7077406 7077407
Calibrated trimming drill da Ø 2,85 a 4,0 mm L.6 mm
7077459 7077451 7077453 7077455
Calibrated trimming drill da Ø 2,85 a 4,0 mm L.9 mm
Calibrated trimming drill da Ø 2,85 a 4,0 mm L.17 mm
Calibrated trimming drilla da Ø 2,85 a 4,0 mm L.7 mm
Calibrated trimming drill da Ø 2,85 a 4,0 mm L.11 mm Calibrated trimming drill da Ø 2,85 a 4,0 mm L.13 mm Calibrated trimming drill da Ø 2,85 a 4,0 mm L.15 mm
Use guidelines: The stop on the drills indicates the established drilling depth.
Countersink Ref. Description 7410100
Countersink Ø 3,6 mm For tapered ST – P-ST Implants
Countersink Ø 5,0 mm For tapered P-NST Implants
Countersink double depth gauge Ø 4,0 – 4,5 mm for tapered NST – TM Implants
Use guidelines: Suitable for preparing the implant site in order to facilitate placing the implant flush to the bone crest
Drills for bone restoration
31 Ref. Description 7105035 Trephine Ø 3,5 mm 7105040 Trephine Ø 4,0 mm 7105045 Trephine Ø 4,5 mm 7105050 Trephine Ø 5,0 mm 7105060 Trephine Ø 6,0 mm 7470190
Bone graft trephine Ø 2,85 mm
Use guidelines: Suitable for the recovery of autologous bone.
Tissue punches Ref. Description 7410110 7077410
Mechanical round tissue punch Ø 4,2 mm For tapered ST – P-ST – NST – P-NST implants
7410116 7077416
Manual round tissue punch Ø 4,2 mm For tapered ST – P-ST – NST – P-NST implants
Mechanical round tissue punch Ø 4,7 mm For tapered TM implants
Manual round tissue punch Ø 4,7 mm For tapered TM implants
Use guidelines: Suitable for uncovering the head of the implants placed beneath the mucosa and for surgical transmucosal approach techniques
Bone taps with 1.0 mm thread-pitch Ref. Description 7232017 Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 3,2 mm L.17 mm per Impianti Conici 1.0 7092317 Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 3,7 mm L.17 mm For tapered 1.0 implants 7092417 Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 4,2 mm L.17 mm For tapered 1.0 implants 7072417 Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 4,7 mm L.17 mm For tapered 1.0 implants 7072517 Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 5,2 mm L.17 mm For tapered 1.0 implants 7092611
Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 6,0 mm L.13 mm For tapered 1.0 implants
Bone taps with 2.0 mm thread-pitch Ref. Description Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 4,0 mm L.17 mm 7092517 For tapered 2.0 implants Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 5,0 mm L.17 mm 7092617 For tapered 2.0 implants Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 4,5 mm L.17 mm 7072617 For tapered 2.0 implants Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 5,5 mm L.17 mm 7072717 For tapered 2.0 implants Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 6,5 mm L.17 mm 7072817 For tapered 2.0 implants Use guidelines: The markings on the bone taps show the tapping depth
Connectors for implants
33 Ref. Description 7101000
Short connector for implants L.12.5 mm
Long connector for implants L.15.5 mm
Mechanical implant connector
Use guidelines: They connect to the torque ratchet and contra-angle for placing implants with internal hex connections
Extensions Ref. Description 7102000
Short universal extension L.11.5 mm
Long universal extension L.15.0 mm
Universal Mechanical extension
Extension for straight Multi-Unit bases and for aesthetic abutments for screw-on prosthesis
Use guidelines: They connect to the torque ratchet, the connectors, the bone taps and the contra-angles.
Dynamometric wrenches Ref. Description 7103002
30 Ncm dynamometric wrench* *Manufactured by ITL Dental
Adjustable Torque dynamometric wrench (Supplied with a 30 Ncm torque control device)
10 Ncm torque control device
20 Ncm torque control device
30 Ncm torque control device
40 Ncm torque control device
Adjustable torque dynamometric wrench 7103011 set complete with: • Dynamometric wrench • Torque control devices: 10-20-30-40 Ncm • Spare spring • Spare ball
Use guidelines: They connect to the connectors for inserting implants and for tightening abutments.
Connectors for dynamometric wrenches
Ref. Description 7103013
Connectors for Biphasic implants
Connectors for Monophasic implants
7103015 Connectors for Monophasic Mini MFS-MFD implants
Connectors for Prosthetic screws Short L.16,5 mm
Connectors for Prosthetic screws L.22.5 mm
Connectors for oT Equator abutment
7103005 Connector for ball abutment
Connector for Straight Multi-Unit bases and for aesthetic abutments for screw-on prosthesis
Use guidelines: They connect to dynamometric wrenches for inserting implants and for tightening abutments.
Drivers Ref. Description 7103035
Universal Mount transfer
7103000 Ratchet
Angled driver
Straight driver
Use guidelines: They connect to the connectors, extensions and bone taps.
Screwdrivers Ref. Description 7103020 Polyvalent short screwdriver L.22.5 mm 7103030
Polyvalent long screwdriver L.25.5 mm
Polyvalent Maxi screwdriver L.28.5 mm
Polyvalent mechanical screwdriver
Ball abutment screwdriver
Screwdriver for Straight Multi-Unit bases and for aesthetic abutments for screw-on prosthesis
Use guidelines: To be used to screw Multysystem速 abutments.
Titanium surgical direction guide Ref. Description 7661034
Surgical direction guide
Features And use guidelines: The marks on the surgical direction guide facilitate the drilling phase ith a maximum inclination of 35°. To fix the guide to the maxillary crest carry out a 10 mm osteotomy in the midline using the appropriate calibrated Ø 2.0 mm drill.
Surgical accessories Ref. Description 7103117
Direction guide a doppio calibro Ø 2,55 – 2,85 mm
Use guidelines: Used to verify the correct alignment of the implants during the preparation of the implant site Ref. Description 7103070 Mechanical € 40.00 drill extension
Use guidelines: It helps drill access should there be natural teeth adjacent to the implant site Ref. Description 7109901 Millimetre marked alveolar probe da L.6 a 17 mm
Use guidelines: les verifying the drilling depth.
Ref. Description 7103050
Titanium tweezers
Use guidelines: Used to avoid contamination of sterile surgical instruments.
Surgical accessories 38
Ref. Description 7104000
Enhancement protractor for biphasic implants (3 piece pack)
Use guidelines: It is used superimposed to the panoramic radiograph during pre-surgical design Ref. Description 7105106
Depth stop L.6 mm
Depth stop L.7 mm
Depth stop L.8 mm 7105108 7105109 Depth stop L.9 mm 7105110 Depth stop L.10 mm 7105111
Depth stop L.11 mm
Depth stop L.11,5 mm
Depth stop L.13 mm
Depth stop L.15 mm
Use guidelines: Depth stops should be applied on millimetre marked drills in order to determine the maximum drilling depth.
Ref. Description 7103032
Locking rings (24 piece pack)
Use guidelines: It stabilises the connection of the depth stops to the drills and bone taps, adapter and manual extensions of the wrenches. The locking ring must be replaced every ten sterilisations in order to keep tools efficient.
Surgical accessories Surgical boxes (dimensions 21x10x5 cm)
Ref. Description 7103991
Specific box for ST - P-ST
Specific box for NST
Specific box for TM - P-NST
Depth stop box
Ref. Description 7105199
Depth stop box
Use guidelines: The boxes for surgical instruments are made of anodized aluminium and can be sterilised in autoclave at 134째 C. The practical order arrangement of the surgical instrumentation divided by type of implant simplifies the operational phases.
Surgical kits for biphasic implants with internal hex connection The Multysystem® implantology kits provide the operator with the equipment required for a correct surgical procedure. The sets consisting of common surgical instruments should be integrated with specific kits based on the type of implant chosen
Basic surgical instrument kit Ref. Description 7100021 Centring drill Pilot drill Millimetre marked cortical drill L.17 Millimetre marked trimming drill L.17 Long implant adapter
Long universal extension Enhancement protractor Long polyvalent screwdriver Universal mount transfer Ratchet
Specific kits for tapered 1.0 ST - P-ST implants Ref. Description 7100022 Fresa per svasatura Ø 3,6 mm Countersink Ø 3.6 mm Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 3.2 mm Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 3.7 mm
Specific kits for tapered 1.0-2.0 NST implants Ref. Description 7100023 Fresa per svasatura Ø 4,0 - 4,5 mm Countersink Ø 4.5 - 4.5 mm Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 3.7 mm Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 4.2 mm Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 4.0 mm Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 5.0 mm Specific box N.B. It is possible to have the kits tailored to your needs.
Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 4.2 mm Specific box
Specific kits for tapered 1.0 P-NST implants Ref. Description 7100024 Fresa a finire calibrata L.06 mm Calibrated trimming drill L.06 mm Calibrated trimming drill L.07 mm Calibrated trimming drill L.09 mm Calibrated trimming drill L.11 mm Calibrated trimming drill L.13 mm Countersink Ø 5.0 mm Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 4.7 mm Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 5.2 mm Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 6.0 mm Specific box
Specific kits for tapered 1.0-2.0 TM implants Ref. Description 7100025 Calibrated trimming drill L.09 mm Calibrated trimming drill L.11 mm Calibrated trimming drill L.13 mm Calibrated trimming drill L.15 mm Calibrated trimming drill L.17 mm Countersink Ø 4.5 - 4.5 mm Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 4.7 mm Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 5.2 mm Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 4.5 mm Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 5.5 mm Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 6.5 mm Specific box
N.B. It is possible to have the kits tailored to your needs.
Multi-Unit prosthetic line 42
The Multysystem® Multi-Unit prosthetic line enables rehabilitation solutions of partial or total upper or lower jaw edentulous patients, even in the presence of strong disparallelism. Clinical cases involving the insertion of distally inclined implants in order to limit reconstructive bone treatments are on the increase.
Multi-Unit titanium bases Ref. Description 7670015
MU straight base c.1.5 mm
MU straight base c.3.0 mm
17° MU angled base c.2.0 mm*
17° MU angled base c.3.0 mm*
35° MU angled base c.3.0 mm*
35° MU angled base c.4.0 mm* *Complete with locking passing screw
Featuresand use guidelines: The 17° and 35° MU bases help the parallelisation of different° aimplants with disparallelism problems. N.B. The line of bases for MU prosthetic abutments is characterised by the uniformity of the base diameter of 4.0 mm.
Multi-Unit surgical instruments Ref. Description 7677403
MU straight € 60.00 base countersink
MU angled base countersink Ø 6,0 mm
Use guidelines: Suitable for preparing the bone crest in order to facilitate positioning the MU bases Ref. Description 7677405
MU base countersink guide (2 piece pack)
Use guidelines: It must be screwed in the implant in order to protect the head during bone crest preparation.
Prosthetic components and Multi-Unit accessories for studio and lab. Ref. Description 7671700
Screw-on peek healing cap MU
Use guidelines: They protect the MU bases before the prosthesis procedure. 7671000
Transfert per Pick-up h.8 mm rotante MU* *Complete with locking passing screw. you may choose between an h. 3 or 6 mm
Use guidelines: they must be placed on the MU bases to take the imprint. 7671090
MU temporary titanium abutment* *Complete with prosthetic locking passing screw
Featurese and use guidelines: The MU temporary abutments rotate in order to protectil the implant from disparallelism. 7671030
Moncone Calcinabile MU* *Complete with prosthetic locking passing screw
Featurese and use guidelines: The MU castable abutments rotate and may be modified at will by prior waxing and moulding in gold or other alloys. 7671500
MU analogue
Use guidelines: MU analogues should be coupled to MU transfers in order to develop the plaster model.
Digital MU base mount transfer
Use guidelines: Assists in placing the MU bases in the oral cavity during the implant connection phase. N.B. For lab test procedures it is advisable to have spare prosthetic passing screws available.
Multi-Unit spare passing screws (3 piece pack) Ref. Description 7671099
Screw for MU bases
MU prosthetic screw
7671013 7671016
MU transfer screw h.3 mm MU transfer screw h.6 mm
Prosthetic studio components with colour ode system 44
Titanium healing cap screws (2 piece pack) Ref. Description 7170015
Healing cap screw h.1.5 mm
Healing cap screw h.3.0 mm
Healing cap screw h.4.5 mm
Healing cap screw h.7.0 mm
Healing cap screw h.1.5 mm
Healing cap screw h.3.0 mm
Healing cap screw h.4.5 mm
Healing cap screw h.7.0 mm
Healing cap screw h.1.5 mm
Healing cap screw h.3.0 mm
Healing cap screw h.4.5 mm
Healing cap screw h.7.0 mm
Use guidelines: They are used after implant uncovering in order to obtain an optimal emergence profile.
Imprint transfer Pull-off technique
Ref. Description 7610050
TShort transfer h.7 mm ST - P-ST *
Standard Transfer h.9 mm
ST - P-ST *
Standard Transfer h.9 mm
Standard Transfer h.9 mm TM * * Complete with locking passing screw
Pick-up technique Ref. Description 7610200
Pick-Up transfer h.13 mm
ST - P-ST *
Pick-Up transfer h.13 mm
Pick-Up transfer h.13 mm
* you may choose between an h.0 or 3 mm locking passing screw
Use guidelines: They enable correct imprint taking. The Multysystem速 method envisages two types of transfer: a Standard one for the conventional technique and one for the Pick-up technique.
Prosthetic abutments with colur code system 46
Anti-rotation pre-angled abutments with titanium chamfer Ref. Description 7621115
Pre-angled abutment 10° c.1.5 mm ST - P-ST *
Pre-angled abutment 10° c.3.0 mm ST - P-ST *
Pre-angled abutment 20° c.1.5 mm ST - P-ST *
Pre-angled abutment 20° c.3.0 mm ST - P-ST *
Pre-angled abutment 30° c.1.5 mm ST - P-ST *
Pre-angled abutment 30° c.3.0 mm ST - P-ST *
Pre-angled abutment 10° c.1.5 mm NST - P-NST *
Pre-angled abutment 10° c.3.0 mm NST - P-NST *
Pre-angled abutment 20° c.1.5 mm NST - P-NST *
Pre-angled abutment 20° c.3.0 mm NST - P-NST *
Pre-angled abutment 30° c.1.5 mm NST - P-NST *
Pre-angled abutment 30° c.3.0 mm NST - P-NST *
Pre-angled abutment 10° c.1.5 mm TM *
Pre-angled abutment 10° c.3.0 mm TM *
Moncone Preangolato 20° c.1,5 mm TM *
Pre-angled abutment 20° c.3.0 mm TM *
Pre-angled abutment 30° c.1.5 mm TM *
Pre-angled abutment 30° c.3.0 mm TM * * Complete with locking passing screw
Universal straight titanium adjustable abutment Ref. Description 7624580
Universal straight adjustable abutment From Ø 4,5 a 8,0 mm* * Complete with locking passing screw
Features eand use guidelines: Pre-angled abutments should be used in cases of divergent implants.. Adjustable abutments are indicated for cases of disparallelism which cannot be risolvibiliresolved with standard abutments. N.B. For lab test procedures it is advisable to have spare passing screws available.
Anti-rotation straight abutments with titanium chamfer
Ref. Description 7626115 Millimetre marked straight abutment h.6 c.1,5 mm ST - P-ST * 7626130 Millimetre marked straight abutment h.6 c.3,0 mm ST - P-ST * 7096615
Millimetre marked straight abutment h.6 c.1,5 mm NST - P-NST *
Millimetre marked straight abutment h.6 c.3,0 mm NST - P-NST *
Millimetre marked straight abutment h.6 c.1,5 mm TM *
Millimetre marked straight abutment h.6 c.3,0 mm TM *
* Complete with locking passing screw
Featuresand use guidelines: The upper part of the abutment has three 1 mm reference notches in order to simplify possible abutment drilling. There are two lateral grooves which prevent the rotation of the prosthesis after cementation.
Straight abutments with titanium chamfer for direct screw-on Ref. Description 7620115
Straight abutment c.1.5 mm ST - P-ST
7620130 Straight abutment c.3.0 mm ST - P-ST
Straight abutment c.1.5 mm NST - P-NST
Straight abutment c.3,0 mm NST - P-NST
Straight abutment c.1,5 mm TM
Straight abutment c.3,0 mm TM
Features and use guidelines: The straight abutment has no anti-rotation hex and is screwed directly to the implant. Its use is advised as an intermediate abutment when disparallelism is absent or as a temporary abutment.
Titanium anti-rotation straight abutments Ref. Description 7620090
Straight abutment h.15 mm ST - P-ST *
Straight abutment h.15 mm NST - P-NST *
Straight abutment h.15 mm TM *
Titanium rotating straight abutments Ref. Description 7629015
Straight abutment h.15 mm ST - P-ST *
Straight abutment h.15 mm NST - P-NST *
Straight abutment h.15 mm TM *
Castable anti-rotation straight abutments Ref. Description 7631160
Straight abutment h.15 mm ST - P-ST *
Straight abutment h.15 mm NST - P-NST *
Straight abutment h.15 mm TM *
Castable rotating straight abutments Ref. Description 7631115
Straight abutment h.15 mm ST - P-ST *
Straight abutment h.15 mm NST - P-NST *
Straight abutment h.15 mm TM * * Complete with locking passing screw
Features and use guidelines: 15 mm straight abutments are available in titanium or castable with hex and as a rotating type. The latter solution is indicated for several disparallelism implants, when creating a metal mesostructure.
N.B. For lab test procedures it is advisable to have spare passing screws available.
Castable anti-rotation abutments
Ref. Description 7631100
Castable abutment
ST - P-ST *
Castable abutment
Castable abutment
TM *
* Complete with locking passing screw
Castable anti-rotation abutments with chamfer Ref. Description 7631110
Castable abutment with Chamfe
ST - P-ST *
Castable abutment with Chamfe
Castable abutment with Chamfe
TM *
* Complete with locking passing screw Features and use guidelines: Castable abutments may be modified at will by prior waxing and moulding in gold or other alloys.
Universal anti-rotation castable abutments Ref. Description 7631120
Universal castable abutment
ST - P-ST *
Universal castable abutment
Universal castable abutment
* Complete with locking passing screw
Features and use guidelines: Universal castable abutments have a double function: - they can be changed from 0 째 to 30 째 after drilling and fused as other castable abutments - They can be used as temporary abutments and, thanks to the ease of drilling, they enable preparation in the desired form directly in the studio. we recommend the use of bulb drills for a straight cut. N.B. For lab test procedures it is advisable to have spare passing screws available.
Ucla anti-rotation castable abutments with gold alloy base Ref. Description 7621070
Ucla castable abutment
ST - P-ST *
Ucla castable abutment
Ucla castable abutmenta TM *
* Complete with locking passing screw Features and use guidelines: Ucla abutments should be used with the cast-to technique which allows maximum precision without having to change the size of the gold alloy base, also ensuring a precise coupling with the implants.
Anti-rotation castable abutments (2 piece pack) Ref. Description 7631000
Castable abutment
Castable abutment
Castable abutment
Features and use guidelines: Castable abutments may be modified at will by prior waxing and moulding in gold or other alloys.
Titanium bases for zirconia abutments Ref. Description 7621080
Base for Zirconia abutment
ST - P-ST *
Base for Zirconia abutment
Base for Zirconia abutment
TM *
* Complete with locking passing screw Features and use guidelines: Titanium bases for zirconia abutments help the preparation of customised abutments with a high aesthetic value. N.B. For lab test procedures it is advisable to have spare passing screws available.
Titanium aesthetic abutments for screw-on prosthesis
Ref. Description 7642001 Abutment for screw-on prosthesis c.1 mm ST - P-ST * 7642002 Abutment for screw-on prosthesis c.2 mm ST - P-ST * 7096421
Abutment for screw-on prosthesis c.1 mm NST - P-NST *
Abutment for screw-on prosthesis c.2 mm NST - P-NST *
7076421 7076422
Abutment for screw-on prosthesis c.1 mm TM * Abutment for screw-on prosthesis c.2 mm TM * * Complete with fixed crown screw
Castable cylinder for aesthetic abutments for screw-on prosthesis Ref. Description 7641097 Anti-rotation castable cylinder for abutments for screw-on prosthesis 7641096 Rotating castable cylinder for abutments for screw-on prosthesis
Features and use guidelines: The aesthetic abutments for screw-on prosthesis are fitted with screw-threaded heads to enable removing the prosthesis and should be coupled with anti-rotation or rotating castable cylinders according to operational needs
Castable abutments for overdenture bar with titanium base Ref. Description 7641015 Bar abutment c.1,5 mm 7641030 Bar abutment c.3,0 mm
ST - P-ST *
Bar abutment c.1,5 mm
Bar abutment c.3,0 mm
7076671 7076673
Bar abutment c.1,5 mm
Bar abutment c.3,0 mm
ST - P-ST *
* Complete with locking passing screw
Features and use guidelines: The castable part of bar abutments rotates in order tomultiple parallelisms. The pre-formed titanium base ensures a high precision implant coupling. N.B. For lab test procedures it is advisable to have spare passing screws available.
Overdenture anti-rotation titanium ball abutments 52
Ref. Description 7640001
Ball abutment c.4.0 mm
ST - P-ST *
Ball abutment c.4.0 mm
ST - P-ST *
Ball abutment c.4.0 mm
ST - P-ST *
Ball abutment c.4.0 mm
ST - P-ST *
Ball abutment c.1.0 mm
Ball abutment c.2.0 mm
Ball abutment c.3.0 mm
Ball abutment c.4.0 mm
Ball abutment c.1.0 mm
TM *
Ball abutment c.2.0 mm
TM *
Ball abutment c.3.0 mm
TM *
Ball abutment c.4.0 mm
TM *
* Complete with container and micro white retentive cap Features and use guidelines: Ball abutments are indicated for total edentulous cases and represent an effective solution for stabilising removable dentures.
oT equator titanium low profile abutments for overdenture OT Equator abutment kit complete with: 1 OT Equator abutment 1 Container for caps 4 Assorted retentive caps 1 Protection ring Ref. Description 7643001
OT Equator abutment kitc.1,0 mm ST - P-ST
OT Equator abutment kit c.2,0 mm ST - P-ST
OT Equator abutment kit c.1,0 mm NST - P-NST
OT Equator abutment kit c.2,0 mm NST - P-NST
OT Equator abutment kit c.1,0 mm TM
OT Equator abutment kit c.2,0 mm TM (Manufactured by Rhein ‘83 Srl)
Connectors for OT Equator abutment
Features and use guidelines: The OT Equator low profile coupling enables correcting disparallelism between implants up to 25°, without altering the operation of the retentive caps.
Lab instruments Lab analogues
53 Ref. Description 7615000
Analogue ST - P-ST
Analogue NST - P-NST
Analogue TM
Use guidelines: Analogues must be coupled to the transfers in order to develop the plaster model.
Abutment set for lab testing Ref. Description 7650000
Lab testing kit
Use guidelines: The test abutments in the kit are used to verify the angle, the crown and transmucosal neck height for choosing the final prosthetic abutments.
Prosthetic accessories Ref. Description 7610300
waxing screws (3 piece pack)
Use guidelines: They should be used to screw thâ‚Ź 15 mm cylindrical straight abutments or the extra-long castable cylinders.
Ref. Description 7615030 Reamer for castable abutments
Use guidelines: Used to ream the inner hole of castable abutments after casting.
Prosthetic spare parts for biphasic implants (2 piece pack)
Ref. Description 7641099
Spare castable cylinders for Bar abutments
Spare castable cylinders for Ucla abutments
Spare passing screws (3 piece pack) Ref. Description 7610011
Short transfer screw
Standard transfer screw
Pick-up transfer screw h.0 mm
Pick-up transfer screw h.3.0 mm
Anti-rotation abutment screw
Bar abutment screw c.1.5 mm
Bar abutment screw c.3,0 mm
Crown fixed screw for Aesthetic abutments for Screw-on Prosthesis
Transmucosal mono-phasic MFS - MFD immediate load implants
Immediate load transmucosal mono-phasic implants 56
Use specifications The MFS – MFD immediate load monophasic transmucosal implants represent an effective solution for stabilising mobile and fixed prosthesis, even in the presence of atrophic mandibular ridges.
Creating the implant site After a thorough evaluation of the morphology and bone consistency, in order to assess whether to take action with or without elevation of the flap (transmucosal surgical approach), proceed to creating the bone site as reported on page 12. Important Once the implant placement procedure has been carried out, make sure that there are no micro movements and that primary stability has been achieved. Incorrect diagnosis assessment and inaccurate planning can cause the loss of the implant.
Summary of the surgical steps for mini transmucosal immediate load MFS – MFD implants
1. Incision of the mucosa
2. Creation of the insertion point with the centring drill
3. Calibration of the final diameter of the implant site with the trimming drill
4.Verifying the inclination with the inclination marker
5.Placing the fixture in the bone site with the mount transfer
6. Screwing the fixture with the ratchet complete with the specific extension for mini implants
N.B. Multysystem also provides the specific mechanical instrumentation for inserting mini-implants
Summary of the surgical steps for mini transmucosal immediate load MFS –MDF implants
1.Incision of the mucosa
2. Creation of the insertion point with the centring drill
3. Perforation of the cortical bone with the cortical drill
4. Determination of the fixture orientation and the drilling depth with the millimetre marked pilot drill
5. Inclination inspection with the inclination marker
6. Calibration of the final diameter of the implant site with the trimming drill
7. Tapping the bone site with the manual millimetre marked bone tap inserted in the ratchet
8.Placing the fixture in the bone site with the mount transfer
9. Screwing the fixture with the ratchet complete with the specific extension for mini implants
P.S. Multysystem also provides specific mechanical instrumentation for implant insertion.
Summary of the drill sequence for monophasic implants
1 Table: Drill sequence for mini MFS-MFD implants Ø 1,8 mm
Ø 2,0 mm
Trimming drill
N.B. The calibrated trimming drills for mini MFS-MFD implants should be chosen according to the length of the implant.
2 Table: Drill sequence for MFS-MFD implants
Ø 1,8 mm
Ø 2,3 mm
Ø 2,55 mm
Ø 2,85 mm
Cortical drill
Trimming drill
N.B. The reference marks on the millimetre marked drills are indicative, it is therefore necessary to apply the appropriate stops in order to determine the correct drilling depth based on the length of the chosen implant. The diameters of the drills are smaller than the effective diameter of the implant in order to favour primary stability. This special machining allows them to be used only up to fifteen times.
Prosthetic procedures Taking the impression is carried out by conventional technique, using the specific transfers designed to simplify operating procedures. The transfers are coupled to the analogues in the laboratory and then the plaster model is developed. Once the plaster model has been created, the prosthetic artefact is prepared.
Placing the mobile prosthesis Check the oral cavity to make sure that the 4.5 mm diameter drain holes in the prosthesis match the implants and ensure there are no pre-contacts. Apply the protection disks to the base of the balls to prevent the relining cold resin from infiltrating in the undercuts. In cases of disparallelism use the directional rings before positioning the retentive cap (which will be incorporated in the prosthesis) over the ball. Fill the appropriate drain holes in the denture with cold resin and wait until it hardens with the prosthesis positioned in the oral cavity. Proceed with the finish and polishing and check occlusion. Where a pre-existing denture is used, only prepare 4.5 mm diameter drain holes on the lower surface of the prosthesis and proceed as already described
1. Placing the transfers
2. Placing the protection disks
3.Posizionamento delle cappette ritentive
4. Retentive caps inserted into the prosthesis
N.B. our application guidelines are based on personal experience and experiments and are intended as general information and guidance only.
Mini transmucosal and self-tapping MFS (ball fixed abutment) implant for overdenture
Micro Ball Ref. Diameter Length 7062509
2,5 mm
09 mm
2,5 mm
11 mm
2,5 mm
13 mm
2,5 mm
15 mm
2,5 mm
17 mm
Ref. Diameter Length 7063009
3,0 mm
09 mm
3,0 mm
11 mm
3,0 mm
13 mm
3,0 mm
15 mm
3,0 mm
17 mm
Features: tapered profile, in the apical part there are longitudinal drillings: two in the mini 2.5 mm diameter implants and three in the 3.0 mm diameter ones, which allow self-tapping and also aid the anti-rotation function. The 1.0 mm thread-pitch allows immediate primary stability. The conformation of the 1.8 mm diameter micro ball abutment and the relative retentive cap represent an effective solution even in reduced prosthetic space cases. The Mini MFS implant is indicated in the presence of bone quality D1 and D2 in cases of immediate lower mobile denture stabilising, even in the presence of atrophic mandibular ridges.
Transmucosal and self-tapping MFS (ball fixed abutment) implant for ovendeture
Micro Ball Ref. Diameter Length 7083509
3,5 mm
09 mm
3,5 mm
11 mm
3,5 mm
13 mm
3,5 mm
15 mm
3,5 mm
17 mm
Ref. Diameter Length 7084009
4,0 mm
09 mm
4,0 mm
11 mm
4,0 mm
13 mm
4,0 mm
15 mm
4,0 mm
17 mm
Features: tapered profile, in the apical-coronal direction there are two longitudinal drillings for improved vascular tropism. The increased width of the thread and the 2.0 mm pitch favour immediate primary stability in extension. The conformation of the 1.8 mm diameter micro ball abutment and the relative retentive cap represent an effective solution able to provide high prosthetic stability. The MFS implant is indicated in the presence of bone quality D3 and D4 in cases of immediate lower mobile denture stabilising.
Mini transmucosal and self-tapping MFD (straight fixed abutment) implant
Ref. Diameter Length 7082509
2,5 mm
09 mm
2,5 mm
11 mm
2,5 mm
13 mm
2,5 mm
15 mm
2,5 mm
17 mm
Ref. Diameter Length 7083009
3,0 mm
09 mm
3,0 mm
11 mm
3,0 mm
13 mm
3,0 mm
15 mm
3,0 mm
17 mm
Features: tapered profile, in the apical part there are longitudinal drillings: two in the mini 2.5 mm diameter implants and three in the 3.0 mm diameter ones, which allow self-tapping and also aid the anti-rotation function. The 1.0 mm thread-pitch allows immediate primary stability. The conformation of the abutment, a straight pre-formed platform 2.0 mm wide and 5.0 mm high, represents an effective solution even in reduced prosthetic space cases. The Mini MFD implants are indicated in the presence of bone quality D1 and D2 in areas of low stress of the incisive region, for the immediate application of temporary fixed implants, for bar prosthesis and as bi-cortical implants.
Transmucosal and self-tapping MFD (straight fixed abutment) implant
Ref. Diameter Length 7063518
3,5 mm
09 mm
3,5 mm
11 mm
3,5 mm
13 mm
3,5 mm
15 mm
3,5 mm
17 mm
Ref. Diameter Length 7064018
4,0 mm
09 mm
4,0 mm
11 mm
4,0 mm
13 mm
4,0 mm
15 mm
4,0 mm
17 mm
Ref. Diameter Length 7065018
5,0 mm
09 mm
5,0 mm
11 mm
5,0 mm
13 mm
5,0 mm
15 mm
5,0 mm
17 mm
Features: tapered profile, in the apical-coronal direction there are two longitudinal drillings for improved vascular tropism. The increased width of the thread and the 2.0 mm pitch favour immediate primary stability in extension. The conformation of the abutment, a straight preformed platform 2.0 mm wide and 5.0 mm high, represents an effective solution for single and multiple rehabilitation procedures. The MFD implant is indicated in the presence of bone quality D3 and D4 in cases of fixed or bar prosthesis.
Surgical instruments 64
Pilot drills
Ref. Description 7410125
Short centring drill Ø 1,8 mm L.5,0 mm
Longcentring drill Ø 1,8 mm L.10,0 mm
Use guidelines: Suitable for creating the insertion point of the implant site.
Ref. Description 7410135
Short cortical drill Ø 2,3 mm L.5,5 mm
Longcortical drill Ø 2,3 mm L.11,0 mm
Use guidelines: Suitable for drilling through the cortical bone.
Millimetre marked drills
65 Ref. Description 7097491
Short millimetre marked first drill L.36.5 mm Ø 2,55 mm L.17 mm per Impianti MFS – MFD
Long millimetre marked first drill L.40.5 mm Ø 2.55 mm L.17 mm per Impianti MFS – MFD
Short millimetre marked trimming drill L.36.5 mm Ø 2,85 mm L.17 mm per Impianti MFS – MFD
Long millimetre marked trimming drill L.40.5 mm Ø 2,85 mm L.17 mm per Impianti MFS – MFD
Use guidelines: The reference marks on the millimetre marked drills are indicative, it is therefore necessary to apply the appropriate stops in order to determine the correct drilling depth.
Depth stop set
Ref. Description 7105101 Depth stop set L.9–11–13–15 mm For monophasic implants
Use guidelines: Depth stops may be applied on millimetre marked drills in order to determine the maximum drilling depth
Calibrated trimming drills with stops for mini implants Ref. Description 7062409
Calibrated trimming drill Ø 2,0 mm L.9 mm for mini MFS – MFD implants
Calibrated trimming drill Ø 2,0 mm L.11 mm for mini MFS – MFD implants
Calibrated trimming drill Ø 2,0 mm L.13 mm for mini MFS – MFD implants
Calibrated trimming drill Ø 2,0 mm L.15 mm for mini MFS – MFD implants
Calibrated trimming drill Ø 2,0 mm L.17 mm for mini MFS – MFD implants
Use guidelines: The stop on the drills indicates the established drilling depth.
Tissue punches Ref. Description 7067111 Mechanical round tissue punch Ø 3,4 mm for mini MFS – MFD implants 7410110
Mechanical round tissue punch Ø 4,2 mm for MFS – MFD implants
Ref. Description 7067116 Mechanical round tissue punchle Ø 3,4 mm for mini MFS – MFD implants 7410116
Mechanical round tissue punch Ø 4,2 mm for MFS – MFD implants
Use guidelines: Suitable for transmucosal surgical approach technique.
Bone taps with 2.0 mm thread-pitch
67 Ref. Description 7062317
Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 3,5 mm L.17 mm for MFS – MFD Implants
Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 4,0 mm L.17 mm for MFS – MFD Implants
Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 5,0 mm L.17 mm for MFD implants
Use guidelines: The markings on the bone taps indicate the tapping depth
Direction guide Ref. Description 7063117
Direction guide Double gauge Ø 2.00 – 2.55 mm for Mini monophasic implants
Use guidelines: Used to verify the correct alignment of the implants during the preparation of the implant site
Universal extensions Ref. Description 7102000
Short universal extension L.11.5 mm
Long universal extension L.15.0 mm
Extension for Mini implants L.15.0 mm
Universal Mechanical extension
7062048 Mechanical extension for Mini implants
Use guidelines: They connect to the torque ratchet and the contra-angle in order to position fixed abutment implants.
Drivers (Dynamometric wrenches on pages 34-35) Ref. Descrizione 7103035
Universal Mount transfer
7103000 Ratchet
Angled driver
Straight driver
Use guidelines: They connect to the extensions and bone taps and are used to position fixed abutment implants.
Surgical accessories Ref. Description 7064000 Enhancement protractor for monophasic implants (2 piece pack)
Use guidelines: It is used superimposed to the panoramic radiograph during pre-surgical design
Ref. Description 7103994
Specific box for MF (dimensions 21x10x5 cm)
Use guidelines: The boxes for surgical instruments are made of anodized aluminium and can be sterilised in autoclave at 134째 C. The practical order arrangement of the surgical instrumentation divided by type of implant simplifies the operational phases.
Surgical kits for monophasic implants The Multysystem® implantology kits provide the operator with the equipment required for a correct surgical procedure. The sets consisting of common surgical instruments should be integrated with specific kits based on the type of implant chosen
Basic surgical instrument kit Ref. Description 7060011 Short universal extension Long universal extension Extension for mini implants Universal mount transfer Ratchet Enhancement protractor
Specific kit for mini MFS - MFD implants Ref. Description 7060012
Centring drill Calibrated trimming drill L.09 mm Calibrated trimming drill L.11 mm Calibrated trimming drill L.13 mm Calibrated trimming drill L.15 mm Calibrated trimming drill L.17 mm Specific box
Specific kit for MFS – MFD implants Ref. Description 7060013
Centring drill Pilot drill Millimetre marked cortical drill L.17 Millimetre marked trimming drill L.17 Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 3.5 mm Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 4.0 mm Millimetre marked bone tap Ø 5.0 mm Specific boxo
N.B. It is possible to have the kits tailored to your needs.
MFS prosthetic components 70
Transfers for imprint taking and Healing Caps (3 piece pack)
Ref. Description 7061010
Teflon transfer for Mini Ball MFS implants
Teflon transfer for Ball MFS implants
Features And use guidelines: The Mini MFS and MFS implant transfers have a double use: - they enable taking the imprint - they work as healing caps.
Lab analogues
Ref. Description 7061505
Analogue for Mini Ball MFS implants
Ref. Description 7061515
Analogue for Ball MFS implants
Use guidelines: Analogues must be coupled to the transfers in order to develop the plaster model.
MFD prosthetic components Transfers for imprint taking, healing caps and castable caps (3 piece pack) Ref. Description 7061000
Castable transfers for Mini Straight MFD implants
Castable transfers for Straight MFD implants
Features And use guidelines: The Mini MFD and MFD implant transfers have a triple use: - they enable taking the imprint - they work as healing caps. - they may be used as castable caps with prior waxing or lost wax casting.
Titanium Caps (2 piece pack) Ref. Description 7061020
Straight cap for Mini MFD implants
Straight cap for MFD implants
Pre-formed cap from 0° to 30° for Mini MFD implants
Pre-formed cap from 0° to 30° for MFD implants
Features And use guidelines: Titanium caps from 0° to 30° may be drilled and are suitable for disparallelism cases.
Lab analogues
Ref. Description 7061500
Analogue for Mini Straight MFD implants
Analogue for Straight MFD implants
Use guidelines: Analogues must be coupled to the transfers in order to develop the plaster model.
Prosthetic spare parts and accessories (manufactured by Rhein’83 srl) 72
OT cap spare parts Ref. Description 7640096
Micro Pink retentive caps Soft retention for ball Ø 1,8 mm
Micro white retentive caps Standard retention for ball Ø 1,8 mm
Micro Green retentive caps Elastic retention for ball Ø 1,8 mm
Micro Turquoise Green retentive caps Strong retention for under-dimensioned micro balls Ø 1.6 mm (6 piece pack)
Ref. Description 7640090
Containers for Micro caps Ø 1,8 mm (2 piece pack)
OT Equator Spare parts Ref. Descrizione 7640191
Standard white retentive caps (4 piece pack)
Container for caps (2 piece pack)
Reconstructive concave spheres Ref. Description 7641087
Reconstructive concave sphere kit Ø 1.8 Complete with: • 2 titanium concave spheres • 2 pink caps (soft retention) • 1 transparent insertion tool • 1 gauge and strip holder
Prosthetic accessories (manufactured by Rhein ‘83 srl) 73
Ref. Description 7640093
Micro castable balls (4 piece pack)
7° 14°
7642099 Disposable directional rings Inclination 0°-7°-14° (Confezioni da 3 pezzi assortiti)
Protection ring (10 piece pack)
Cap insertion tool
Micro parallelometer
How to use the Multysystem® Surgical Kit for maxillary sinus floor elevation The Multysystem® surgical technique in order to achieve elevation of the maxillary sinus floor is characterised by the simplicity of execution and minimal trauma for the patient. To make the operation simple and safe, a specific kit has been designed for implementing a rational surgical procedure. The drills included are characterised by a flat atraumatic head (non-operational), which do not affect the membrane during the opening phase of the sinus floor thanks to their conformation. The series of depth stops supplied ranges from 4 to 10 mm and should be applied to the drills in order to accurately determine the depth of the required drilling , preventing piercing the sinus cavity. It is implicit that a thorough preliminary case study with the help of a horizontal CT scan must be carried out prior to surgery. For proper surgical procedure we recommend following the guidelines described below: • After identifying the sinus area to be elevated, proceed to detaching a minimal mucoperiosteal flap, then use the 3 mm size lance pilot drill so as to create the point of insertion. • Then use the First drill (drill 1) with a diameter of 2.55 mm, applying the chosen Depth Stop which is necessary in order to prevent sudden breakthroughs of the sinus, taking extreme care that the residual crest bone is in no case lower than the cutting depth. For inserting Multysystem® ST, P-ST or NST implants • Proceed with the 2.95 mm Trimming Drill (Drill 2 ST), applying the same Depth Stop used previously, in order to ream the neo-alveolus and open the sinus floor. • Complete the procedure using a 2.95 mm osteotome (Osteotome 1 ST), still applying the Depth Stop mentioned above, and the surgical mallet in order to compact the remaining bone in the alveolus and verify completion of the bone fracture. For inserting Multysystem® P-NST or TM implants • Proceed with the 2.95 mm Trimming Drill (Drill 2 ST), applying the same Depth Stop used previously, in order to ream the neo-alveolus and open the sinus floor. • Proceed with the 3.55 mm Trimming Drill (Drill 3 TM), applying the same Depth Stop used previously, in order to complete the correction of the neo-alveolus and the opening of the sinus floor. • Complete the procedure using a 3.55 mm osteotome (Osteotome 2 TM), still applying the Depth Stop mentioned above, and the surgical mallet in order to compact the remaining bone in the alveolus and verify completion of the bone fracture. At the end of the procedures described above proceed with inserting the chosen implant.
Surgical steps
Pilot drill
First drill
Trimming drill
Surgical kit for maxillary sinus floor elevation
Ref. Description 7105099
Complete surgical kit for low invasiveness maxillary sinus elevation
The complete surgical kit includes: Ref. Description 7450130
Pilot drill
7410050\tab Ø 2.55 mm First drill for biphasic implants
Ø 2.95 mm Trimming drill for tapered ST - P-ST - NST implants and Intermediate drill for tapered P-NST – TM implants
Ø 3.55 mm Trimming drill for tapered P-NST – TM implants
R.S. depth stops kit L.4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 mm
Ø 2.95 mm Angled osteotome for tapered ST - P-ST – NST implants
Ø 3,55 mm Angled for tapered PNST – TM implants
Surgical mallet
Surgical box
Use guidelines: The technique involves the use of drills increasing in diameter to which it is necessary to apply stops in order to determine the chosen drilling depth without affecting the sinus membrane. once the drilling phases have been carried out, proceed to finishing the implant site with the help of the oste otome to which you can apply the same depth stops, as shown on page.
Warnings 76
Explanation of symbols used pursuant to UNI CEI EN ISo 15223-1 : 2012
Sterilised by ionizing radiation
Best before year/Month
Do not re-sterilise
Not sterile
Do not re-use
Do not use if packaging is broken
Lot number Carefully follow the instructions
Catalogue reference number Manufacturer
Product marking and reference to the certifying body Cermet
Sales Terms and Conditions Orders In order to avoid mistakes when ordering, please quote the code number of the article you want. Shipments The goods will be sent by courier or fast mail, with delivery costs charged to the recipient in the invoice. Upon receipt of the goods, please check that the packaging is not damaged. In case of malfunction or objections, please notify us within 8 days of receipt. Returns Any returns must first be authorised by Multysystem Srl. Goods returned without the original packaging, or incomplete or deteriorated are not replaceable. Prices All prices listed in this catalogue do not include VAT and are subject to change without notice.
N.B. This catalogue supersedes and cancels any previous catalogue Review 13 Date of last revision: January 2016 速 Copyright Multysystem 2016
SYSTEM dental implant Multysystem Unipersonale s.r.l. 20851 Lissone (MB) Italy - Via General Guidoni, 7 Phone +39-039-2302681 - Fax +39-039-2302686 e-mail: