COMMISSIONER'S CORNER Sexual harassment and assault has been in the news recently, with the number of reported incidents growing across all industries. This type of workplace behaviour is simply unacceptable and, in addition to collaborative arrangements with other agencies, a number of measures are being put in place to help make workplaces safe from psychological and social hazards. The Commission for Occupational Safety and Health (the Commission) is made up of the main stakeholders in workplace safety and health in Western Australia (WA), and it has recognised that this is an extremely important issue. Since 2014, WA workplaces have operated under a code of practice on violence, aggression and bullying, but the Commission has made the decision to separate these into two codes – one dealing specifically with violence and aggression and the other with bullying and harassment. Public comment has been sought for both codes, all of which will be considered and the final versions agreed upon.
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The Commission is also seeking public comment on a code of practice on Psychosocial hazards in the workplace. This code is intended to provide practical guidance for workplaces where workers may be exposed to psychological and social hazards such as inappropriate behaviours, violence and aggression, fatigue, burnout, stress and trauma, all of which can be harmful to health. It is of vital importance to make managing psychosocial hazards a priority in workplaces, and everyone has a duty to do so. This can be a challenge, so a proactive approach is needed and consultation and communication are critical. Work continues towards the delivery of the new work health and safety laws, with preparations being made to bring almost all WA workplaces under a single Act in January 2022. The Work Health and Safety Act 2020 will replace the current Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984, the Mines Safety and Inspections Act 1994 and the safety aspects of three other Acts covering petroleum. Although the new laws are based on the national model laws, they have been tailored specifically to WA workplaces.