Dmytro Zhuikov Portfolio 2015

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PERSONAL DETAILS Name: Date of birth: Domicile: Residence permit: Contact details: Web:

Dmytro Zhuikov 30.10.1983 Hohenzollerndamm 35a 10713 Berlin, Germany Aufenthaltserlaubnis +49 176 807 640 51



Tarramo Broennimann / Partner at Group 8 / Geneva, CH / +41 22 560 88 88

Group 8 / Internship / Geneva, CH /

Krassimir Krasstev / Professor at DIA HS Anhalt / Dessau, DE / +36 20 526 8865 +49 174 696 1127 Andrea Menardo / Senior Engineer at Buro Happold / Berlin, DE / +49 01761 860 9085 Joris Jakob Fach / Professor at DIA HS Anhalt; Harvard GSD / Cyril Matiash / Principal at Roshen architecture dept. / Kiev, UA / +38 050 221 05 37

activities stages

06.01.14 - 30.09.14 architecture of the public, educational and residential buildings. competitions, prelimenary designs.

Roshen CC / Architect / Kiev, UA / 21.03.11 - 20.07.12 activities project management, architecture of the office and retail buildings, construction supervision stages concept, detailed design, construction

Baum / Architect / Kiev, UA / activities stages

01.07.10 - 18.03.11 architecture of the single-family and multi-family houses concept, detailed design

ZAarchitects / Project leader / activities stages

30.11.09 - 01.10.12 architecture, interior and landscape design, product design concept, detailed design, construction

Drozdov & Partners / Architect / Kharkov, UA / activities stages

22.07.07 - 30.09.09 urbanism, architectural design of the offices, retail and public buildings, dwelling, interiors concept, detailed design

Praktik / Jnr. Architect / Kharkov, UA / 06.10.04 - 01.11.06 activities: design of public interiors, 3d and graphic layout, draft drawings stages: detailed design, construction

Curriculum Vitae



DIA HS Anhalt / M.A. Arch. degree / Dessau, DE / 2012 - 2015 Field of training: Thesis project:

general architecture “Smart Masonry”

KSTUCA / Specialist’s degree / Kharkov, UA / Field of training: Thesis project:

2006 - 2007 general architecture “Transformation of abandoned industrial facility into the multifunctional public complex”

KSTUCA / Bachelor’s degree / Kharkov, UA / 2000 - 2005 Field of training:

-Architectural design -Masterplanning -Design of interiors -Product design -Working project development -Computational design -Digital fabrication -3d modelling and rendering -Model making -Sketching -Diagrams and graphic layout -Project management -Construction supervision

general architecture


2014 / / Death innovation competition / “Memory museum“ project, participant 2013 / Fuga gallery / Budapest, HU / Performance-driven architecture exhibition / “Mars Colonisation” project 2013 / AZURE AZ / Toronto, CA / Awards of Merit, A+ Student Work / “Off-grid” project 2013 / / Berlin, DE / Coworking competition, finalist 2010 / Canactions 2010 / UA / Workshop participant 2010 / Seoul Design Fair / “Sex Box”, competition participant

Software/ AutoCAD (2D) SketchUp 7 Pro Rhino+Grasshopper Python 3ds MAX 8 +V-Ray Archicad Vectorworks Photoshop Illustrator Indesign Ecotect Office programs O.S.


Languages / English German French Ukrainian Russian

PUBLICATIONS Mars colonization /

fluent B1, active learning A2 native native

Daily Mail; Daiy Telegraph;; L’Obs Voomy IT-park /; Coworking table /

Academic project

Status Location Function Students Advisors Critic Year

Academic project Berlin, Germany Public, Industrial, Office Dmytro Zhuikov, Arina Agieieva Krassimir Krastev, Joris Fach Andrea Menardo 2014-2015

Smart masonry / Berlin, DE /

The Smart Masonry is a structural design and a construction method, based on traditional masonry techniques. It deploys the digital optimization to minimize dead-weight of the skeleton and the robotic construction technique to assemble complex geometry. The proposed method is linked to the purpose and place of the building-Makers Center in Berlin. The machinery, which used for the construction of the building, will be preserved as its a core and will drive its the main function. The structural concept represents one seamless mesh, instead of walls, columns, beams, etc. It is designed as a minimal surface, whose stress-pattern is optimized and materialized as a load-bearing pattern. The robotic construction station with robotic arm manipulators allows to build a complex geometry floor-by-floor. It is compact and labor-effective comparing to traditional methods, and fast comparing to 3d printing. The discretization of the load-bearing skeleton is implemented with unique concrete elements, whose geometrical and material properties are varied gradually regarding local structural demands. ‘‘Foam Casting’’ is a new resource-effective technique. It was elaborated in order to produce above mentioned unique elements.

Academic project

STEP 1 / Mesh stretched to support points

STEP 2 / Dynamically relaxed mesh (kangaroo)

STEP 3 / Stress analysis (millipede)

STEP 4 / Tesselation

STEP 5 / Thickness analysis (millipede)

STEP 6 / Application of thickness and offset

Structural design sequence

STEP 1 / The foam rubber cut with 4-axis hot wire styrocutter

Fabrication sequence

STEP 2 / The foam rubber elements are saturated with the portland cement solution

STEP 3 / Masonry elements saturated with cement are hardened

STEP 4 / Construction of the structure

Smart masonry / Berlin, DE /

Fabricated 1:10 fragment of the building

Fabricated 1:10 fragment of the building Robotic station Hood

Rail (temporary) Racks with hardening elements

Empty racks

Any floor under construction

Empty tray

Rack with soaked elements

Bracket block Ground floor

Hot-wire foam cutter Draft rubber foam

Impregnated element

Concrete tank

Revolving table

Robotic construction sequence

Academic project

Relaxed surface


Friedrichstrasse facade

Programme scheme

Smart masonry / Berlin, DE /


4-th floor plan

Group 8

Faculte de droit / Fribourg, CH /

Description: Status Location Function Program Client Architect Team

Year Activities

Competition, 4-th place Fribourg, Switzerland Low faculty and library 20 000 sq.m. University of Fribourg Group 8 Adrien Besson, Tarramo Broennimann, Lauren Ammeter, Tomas Clavijo, Dmytro Zhuikov, Shan Long, Petros Lazaridis, Marchin Forysijevich, Louis Gamma-Perreira. 2014 Architectural design, Facades, 3D model, Computation, Mockups, Diagrams

A competition project for the University of Fribourg. New complex should house faculty of the law, mensa, and arrange the campus space in between the old University building and a new site. New building should be also an icon of the university. Site located near the main train station, on the steep relief. On the site itself, medieval tower Tour Henri is located. An urban tissue in this part of the city doesn’t have clear structure - buildings of variety functions, sizes and density surround the project site. The principal functions to be housed in the building are: Classes, Library, Offices, Common spaces, Canteen. Tight programme and restricted plot size have determined occurrence of the tower. Height is restricted by the height of an existing neighborhood office tower. Its circular shape is a neutral compromise among diverse surrounding, and it suits perfectly for the library and offices. New building joins the dialogue of the existing high-rise around. A flat basement stretched along the railway and oval mensa from the other side form a narrow, almost medieval street that leads to the main entrance of the old university building passing by Tour Henri. Inside functions distributed as follows: ground, 1st floor - classes; 2nd-5th floor - library, 6th floor - public space, upper part - offices. The facade is dedicated to the passive climate issues. The slabs enlarged and shifted towards the south, these cantilevered volumes protect from the vertical sun rays during the summer. From the east and west glazing is gradually replaced with rotated concrete panels that block horizontal sun rays.

Group 8


C0. 20m2

Typical library floor plan

Typical office floor plan

Faculte de droit / Fribourg, CH /



Solar access/ summer

Solar access/ winter

Solar access

Voomy IT-Park / Kharkov, UA /

Personal project

Description: Type Client Status Location Function Program Architect Team Collaborator Year

Renovation Voomy Under construction Kharkov, Ukraine Office, public 13 000 sq.m. Zaarchitects Dmytro Zhuikov, Arina Agieieva, Yuri Bendasov, Eugene Chernopissky Arcstone 2012


Project leader

Project provides an environment for the IT business-incubator in Kharkov city. Abandoned soviet concrete administrative 8-floor building is a skeleton for all functions. The business incubator is a place for yuppies, a multi-component environment that creates favorable conditions for the development of the new ideas. Design should stimulate communication between inhabitants, casual acquaintances, experience sharing, and house social events of all kinds. Diversity of the new tasks have predetermined total redesign of the internal spaces, replacement of the old facades and addition of the new volumes. New functional arrangement is following: basement, 1-st, 2-nd and 3-rd floors of the main building contain public, representative and retail functions. On the 4-th and 5-th floors there is a heart of the whole facility - coworking zone for IT-specialists and small IT-enterprises. Floors from 6-th to 8-th assigned to let. Despite the location on the busy street, behind the building swimming pool, pedistrian fountain, and outdor cinema are located. Main and lateral facades are replaced with the new large-perforated skin. Pattern formed by the circular windows, at the evening is able to act as a kind of the low-resolution LED-screen; and to show running advertising text, or primitive video games.

Published in:

Personal project

Under construction

Before reconstruction


Voomy IT-Park / Kharkov, UA /

Principal facade

Typical floor Plan of the typical coworking floor

Ground floor Plan of the ground floor

Personal project 31,600



28,435 27,600












7,170 6,000 5,050 3,770 3,000




-2,550 -3,600


Voomy IT-Park / Kharkov, UA /

Under construction / Facade

Under construction / Facade

Under construction / Inside

Under construction / Facade

Under construction / Inside

Group 8

Tourelle, cooperative housing / Geneva, CH /

Description: Status Location Function Program Client Architect Team

Competition Geneva, Switzerland Residential 1255 sq.m. CODHA Group 8 Adrien Besson, Tarramo Broennimann, Lauren Ammeter, Tomas Clavijo, Dmytro Zhuikov, Olga Wozniacka, Cedric Hegelbach




Volumetry, Mockups, 3D model, Facades, Masterplan

The Grottes area is strongly influenced by the architecture of the late nineteenth century. The theme of the towered corner is a peculiar feature, particularly in buildings of Schtroumpfs and their followers. It is a picturesque figure for the urban accents. The project proposes a corner tower, that accom modates the stairs of the cooperative residential building. The facade treatment enables to play its pivotal role as a corner building. The specific situation suggests a transition from the main street to the secondary street, and between secondary street to the garden. Thus, a street facade openings gradually transforms into the grate of the backyard facade. The stairs connected to semi-private wide terraces convey the identity of CODHA: open and shared nature in the urban environment. Regular and minimalist architecture is open to the diverse activities and greenery. The volume is compact and characterized by the series of adjustments.

Group 8


Tourelle, cooperative housing / Geneva, CH /

age 01 1/100

1-st floor plan

es 02-05 1/100

Typical floor plan



Academic project

Off-grid city / Frankfurt, DE /

Description: Status Location Function Program Student Tutor Year

Academic project Frankfurt, Germany Willow parks and public biomass powerplant 87 000 sq.m. Dmytro Zhuikov Prof. Joris Fach 2013

The design claims to abridge the gap between production and consumption. Programme elaborates a new deploy of industrial, public, leisure, commercial and agricultural functions as a new sustainable approach to the urban planning. Exposed energy and food production considered as a beauty, and introduced into the city again. Melted with common city facilities it gives a new value to the environment. The project site is Ost district, in Frankfurt am Main. It is former industrial area, where commercial functions replace old industrial facilities. Project solution is to establish a self-sufficient restaurant, that supplies itself with a food cultivated in the agricultural park and with an energy. Pyrolysis gasification power plant on the willow wood is used as an energy source. To achieve required 111 382 kW/h there is 8.7 ha of willow field needed. To produce them there will be willow parks in the abandoned areas of Frankfurt Ost. It will also gentrificate the area. Peculiar feature of the parks is constant change of the trees, as a result of 4-year growing cycle. The greenhouse-restaurant located on the northern bank of the North Channel closer to public facilities, power plant confronts restaurant on the south bank, which is an industrial area. They both connected with a pedestrian bridge.

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Energy production with this technology requires a vast space to store the firewood. To save space it is proposed to create a vertical storage, that is well-connected with the public observation staircase, decks and smoke stack. While visitors climb up, they observe the energy production - from the willow fields far below, to the willow bales stored in the tower.

Masterplan / location of the restarant, agricultural park and powerplant Masterplan

1. willow planting. row step. . . . . . . . . . 3m stalk step. . . . . . . . 0,5m

2. willow growing. duration. . . . . . . 4years

3. willow harvesting. season. . . . . late autumn productivity. . . . .15t/ha mode. . .bales1,6x1,3m

4. storing at field. season. . . . . late autumn productivity. . . . .15t/ha

5. transportation to the powerplant.

6. storing at powerplant. drying duration 2months

7. bales are milled into the chips.

8. chips are screened..

hea t

8. chips are screened.

9. chips are batched in the feeder.

10. chips are burned in the gasifying boiler output: gas byproduct: steam, ash

11. outgoing gas is cooled in the heat exanger byproduct: heat

12. cooled gas is filtered

13. filtered gas is compres sed in the compressor

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14. compressed gas is burned in the cogene ration microturbine output: heat, electricity

Production cycle

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win ter

1-st year


win ter

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2-nd year

willow field cycle




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4-th year

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Academic project

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3-rd year




9. chips are b feeder.

Off-grid city / Frankfurt, DE /

willow park/ 3-rd year

willow park/ 1-st year

1st Season

4th Season

Powerplant tower

5-th floor observation deck beam crane

concrete shed

hot-rolled metal profiles spatial framework (internal)

agricultural equipment garage

willow bale ducts public pedistrian bridge to observation tower

public stairway to observation decks vertical bucket conveyor willow bale hot-rolled metal profiles spatial framework (external)

service area

temporary storage

grinder boiler horizontal coveyor belt (from dump) powerplant room cooler ground level


Personal project

Holocaust Memorial / Kovel, UA /

Description: Status Client Location Function Program Architect Team Year

Under construction American Jewish Cometee Kovel, Ukraine Memorial 1075 sq.m. Zaarchitects Dmytro Zhuikov, Arina Agieieva, Anton Oliynyk 2014


Project leader

This project is a part a pilot program to protect and memorialize unmarked graves of Holocaust victims killed in mass shootings. The project will foster awareness of the significant number of Holocaust victims of mass shootings, who were killed at the edges of forests, villages, towns, and cities throughout Central and Eastern Europe. The design sets opposition between the explicit broken outlines of mounds and smooth, calm lines of the srurrounding nature. This static dynamic gives a hint to the distinctive history and energy of the space. Thus, visibility of the burial place is underlined. Randomly inclined faces create effect of ever-changing contours. The path from the parking leads to the central platform, and not directly adjacent to the mounds above the graves. This solution should prevent penetration onto the mounds. Two distant mounds are visible from the bench on the platform. Stella with a memorable text is a low concrete surface, that truncates the hill above the large grave, nearby the central site. Mounds are made of the rammed earth and protect the remains. All three mounds are covered with a large scale triangulated mesh. The path, central area and the bench are subdivided following the same principle of triangulation.

Personal project



Holocaust Memorial / Kovel, UA /

Under construction

Under construction

Under construction

Under construction

Personal project

Description: Status Location Function Program Architect Team Year

Detailed project Kiev region, Ukraine Bath and swimming pool 101 sq.m. Zaarchitects Dmytro Zhuikov 2010


Project leader

Private bathhouse, located not far from Kiev. The shape of the object was suggested by its location in the corner of the plot and by the design assignment, including a long swimming pool and a spacious place for the relaxation. The swimming pool and the block with the bath itself, basin, toilet and the storeroom are separated. In the space between them is a place for relaxation with a fireplace and two terraces. The working drawings are made on the basis of a very detailed 3D-model, which enabled to conceal all the necessary equipment and machinery. Therefore, the design of the interior and the exterior is pure and follows the principles of industrial design. Vertical larch shingles, that clad the entire building cast shadows on the walls and reduce the heating of the thermal mass by 45 percents.

Diamond bath / Kiev, UA /


Description: Status Location Function Program Client Team Year

Realized Vinnytsa, Ukraine Souvenir shop, museum entrance group 50 sq.m. ROSHEN confectionery corporation Dmytro Zhuikov, Cyril Matiash, Alexander Sidnev 2012



Current project is an upgrade of existing entertainment museum entrance, dedicated to production of the chocolate and sweets. Souvenir shop is a principal part of the arrangement. Way out of the Museum is organized via this shop. Pattern of the circular elements is a distinctive interior feature, that cover the ceiling and the walls. At certain places pattern generates the cylindrical shelves to exhibit the goods. Lower perimeter is a closed storage for the packaged goods. Cash desk visually integrated into the lower perimiter.

Souvenir shop / Vinnytsa, UA /

Personal project

Description: Status Location Function Program Architect Team Year

Concept Crimea, Ukraine Hotel Variable Zaarchitects Dmytro Zhuikov 2010

hotel represents a construction kit of pre-fabricated units, such as “Containex”, which have the dimensions and technical specifications of maritime shipping containers.

Position in project

Project leader

1.”reception block” contains a hall, a reception desk, a cloakroom, a bar, a waitng zone, an office, a medical room. 2.”residential block” accommodates the rooms. There are rooms made of 1, 2 or 3 modules for different needs. 3.”service block” contains a gym, a restaurant, a beauty shop, a sauna, etc. As long as the hotel grows in size, other functions can be added to this block. Apart from larch cladding, other materials can be used for external finishing, including curtain wall systems.

Functionally, the hotel consists of three fragments that can be supplemented with other units as far as the hotel develops. They can either form one sigle volume or be scattered independently throughout the plot.

Conainer hotel / Crimea, UA /

Ground floor plan

Mars colonization / Mars /

Academic project

Description: Status Location Students Tutor Year

Academic project Mars Dmytro Zhuikov, Arina Agieieva Prof. Krassimir Krasstev 2013

Project looks for possibility to build permanent settlements on Mars using robotics and local materials, to reduce the price and risks. There are several restrictions, such as unreliability, high costs, and size limitation of cargoes that can be delivered there. Construction works on the Mars are restricted due to the harsh envitonmental conditions. Idea of this project is to split construction works on two general steps: 1. Creation of overall big shelter; 2. Equipment of the shelter with residential, technical and other units. First part is to be done by the robots using only local materials. Martian surface is primarily composed of the basalt - igneous rock formed from the rapid cooling of basaltic lava. During the cooling it forms tightly packed hexagonal in section columns. Digging robots shall bore cave system using benefits of this topology, that is inspired by the Fingal’s Cave. This solution allows to avoid supply from the Earth, only robots are needed.

Published in:

After the cave is done, astronauts are sent to the Mars. Using a ready-assembled compact facilities, they arrange water and oxygen supply from the soil glacier and mount basalt processing plant. Plant is supplied with the crushed rock, and gives basalt wool and roving as an output. The walls of the cave are insulated with this wool. Another weaving robots are making the spatial spider-like web using roving. It is used as a space and structure to hold the residential and technical facilities. According to the NASA, some martian soil are appropriate for cultivation of certain agricultures. When the construction is finished and contour of the cave is enclosed, it is possible to arrange agricultural processes and supply colony with food.

Academic project 1. Rocket with digging robots are sent to the Mars

2. Robots drop-off on the surface

3. Robots analyze basalt columns on strength value, then each chooses a weakest pillar that equidistant from the others - it is a start position

4. Robots drill basalt, moving down and increasing diameter of withdrawn rock with each step, until it reaches strong pillars that remain as columns

5. Chaff set aside to form network of the rampants, in order to protect skylight holes from the wind and dust

6. After caves are ready human expidition rush to the Mars

7. Astronauts finish the construction and arrange technical facilities as water, oxygen, basalt processing line, etc.

8. Using generated basalt roving, robots weave spatial spider-like web, that will be used as spaces and construction to hold domestic and technical facilities

Colonization sequence

Mars colonization / Mars /

Personal project

Description: Client Status Location Function Architect Team Year

Ivan Patachin Concept Mila 23, Romania Nautical sport center Zaarchitects Dmytro Zhuikov 2013


Project leader

This sketch project is a center for the nautical sports, dedicated to canoeing and kayaking. It is located on the border of Ukraine and Romania. A pneumatic shell was employed, in order to cover large-span area fast and inexpensively. The structure itself is light-weight and transparent, all functions inside are scattered in a manner of a small compact town, giving sense of freedom and comfort all year around.

Inflatable shell / Mila, RO /




air inside 2. All these facilities are covered with transparent light vaulted bubble, that serves as a giant weather shield. 1 3

3. Bubble mentioned above formed by conflation of three domes. Conflation creates one common roomy space. 4


4. Structurally bubble represents a pneumatic framework made of ETFE film. 5



explication 1 - reception 2 - hostel unit 3 - Ivan Patachin open museum exhibition 4 - management, cloakroom, w.c. 5 - restaurant 6 - swimming pool and relaxation area 7 - spectators seats (above) / w.c., showers, changing room 8 - canoeing pool normal 9 - canoeing pool with stream imitation 10 - canoeing pool fixed seat 11 - machinery room






Computational experiments, fabrication, mockups

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