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: I think looking for people who have strong left brain and right brain skills, meaning they know how to use marketing technology and database technology to determine customer behavior purchase patterns and then link that with promotional activated through direct mail and e-mail, is of the utmost importance. Candidates need to understand both the technical side and the creative side of the equation. Companies need to really look for people with those two complementary skills. That’s part of the frustration that CMOs have been having. It’s about time that people understood that, especially in an economy like we’re in now, the highest priorities are focusing on your existing customers and knowing everything you possibly can about them and trying to increase their loyalty to a product, service or company. There aren’t a lot of places where people learn direct marketing. Companies like Epsilon have training
programs that really teach on these points. But, most colleges and universities have very little to offer in the way of direct marketing. There are a lot of people that have general marketing experience but they are not experts at database marketing and direct marketing. It is very, very hard to find those people. However, it is essential to find people with that kind of background. Some of the major direct marketing agencies have a lot of alumni who are probably good targets for rehiring. I think these alumni are what other companies should look at when thinking about hiring. Look at people who have learned and honed their skills at direct marketing agencies. Now more than ever, focusing on existing customers and also qualified prospects and understanding that all marketing should be direct is the name of the game. Anyone who has any kind of real hands-on direct and/or database marketing experience should be who you search for. O
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