The Homecoming Issue

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HOMECOMING ISSUE North High School 501 Holcob Ave Des Moines, IA 50313. A public forum for student expression






Creative_arts Page 3 Is This Another High School Musical?

Michael Xayavong and Cheyann Neades

THE_Features page 4

Under New Management Meet The Storm Farewell To The Giant Sammi Linebach

Hatte Kelley

Page 5 Two Heads Are Better Than One The “T” Is Silent

Reagan Clay

Rachael Nash


Page 6+7Fashion Do’s And Don’ts

Aminah Lothi and Ciattle Washington

THE_O's_Opinions_ Page 8 Where Is My Book Of Answers?

The_Present Mixed-Up Monday Tropical Tuesday Walking Dead Wednesday Twin Day Thursday Super Fan Friday

Hannah McNichols

How Much Do kidneys Sell For On The Black Market? Esperanza Vargas


Moise Tuombemungu

Page 10

Not SO haPpILy eVEr aFtER Kelsey Ambrose

PUrGinG tHE uRgE To sPlURge Sammi Linebach

TArGet TArGetS mE Aminah Lothi

Sports Page 11

Rivals Always Austin Pitts Night To Remember Tanna Jones COVER_PHOTO_CREDIT: Rachael Nash

oracle staff

Models: Hannah

McNichols & Eli Repp

Executive Editor & Chief Storyteller – Hatte Kelley Executive Editor & Master of Design – Iliana Castillo Copy Editor- Esperanza Vargas Social Media Director – Esperanza Vargas & Aminah Lothi Sports Director – Tanna Jones News Editor – Kelsey Ambrose Features Editor – Sammi Linebach Opinions Editors – Hannah Mcnichols Creative Arts Editors – Michael Xayavong Photography Editor – Taj Milton Cover Guru- Rachael Nash

Photo 1: 2013/2014 Ugly Sweater day with Mrs. Lantz. -credit: Jasmine MOreno Photo 2: 2013/2014 Spirit day with Calvin lovan Photo 3: This year’s spirit week schedule Photo 4: Football team has a moment -Credit: Tanna Jones

Photo 1: 2013/2014 football team on their way to kick butt photo 2: Superhero day with mrs. rost and mrs. brady photo 3: -Credit: Rachael Nash photo 4: Getting set for a great game -Credit: Tanna Jones

Reporters; Rayshawna Collier Madison Houska Ciattle Washington Moise Tuombemungu Reagan Clay Adrianna Dedmond Katheryn Demaranville

Lalchuan Mawia Jasmine Moreno Cheyann Neades Austin Pitts Kyle Siberz Ariel Wilson Kirsten Niblo Paige Hennick


Creative arts Is this another High School Musical? Michael Xayavong Cheyann Neades

Photo credit: NHS Theater Department

The gather of loud and excited actors and actresses make their way to the school’s newly-renovated auditorium to make a new statement of North’s choir and theater department. Ever since Vanessa Brady came into the picture three years ago as the choir director, the musical theater program has been revived since it’s last showing of The Wizard of Oz in 2010. Along with Brady, drama director Mark Rixner is thrilled about the up and coming program that has shown major improvement since the first show the two have done together. They have teamed up to bring us three great shows: Annie, Urinetown, and currently in the department’s 2014-2015 season, The Addam’s Family.




Annie, a show about a little orphan who goes out to find her parents but instead stumbles upon a billionaire and finds herself a new life. This first show was a success for the duo where they brought in actors and actresses of different ages from the community.

Urinetown, a show that despite popular belief, isn’t only about what’s hinted at in the title. It’s everything from comedy to an odd love story, which gave the cast the opportunity to work together on a difficult show.

The Addam’s Family, a classic, follows the story of Wednesday Addams (the daughter) who falls in love with Lucas (an Ohio boy) and their need for “One Normal Night,” to bring their two contrasting families together.

Rixner: “I wanted to bring in the community, it’s great to see students being exposed to theatre.” One of his other reasons for wanting to put on Annie was to let the audience know that North is back in action by doing musicals.

Rixner: He always had a love for the show because “the story is funny and I think it’s fitting.” With an all high school cast, he felt that this show was the step in the right direction for the program.

Rixner: “I’m ecstatic and get more pumped each day the show goes by… the dancing and singing has improved so much,” he said. This show, according to him, will be great tech wise, because of the new light and sound system added to the auditorium.

Brady: She and the cast learned a lot through this show. “The content was very difficult and showcased the high schoolers’ acting and singing abilities in the show,” she explained, telling us how the show challenged them with the countless hours of rehearsing and made her second year a success.

Brady: She loves the show because, “The lead role is spread out over the students rather than one person.” This allows everyone to have the chance to shine in their own way. She also enjoys that “it’s a little quirky and creepy” and hopes the audience will enjoy it.

Brady: Annie was her first musical, she was excited about the opportunity “[to] work with elementary students and a pit band.” This showed throughout rehearsals when she would walk into the choir room excited and ready to work.

Sophomore Hebelin Sanchez: “I love that I get to learn new things from my peers… I look forward to the end result of the show, to see it come together.”

Junior Mayte Gomez-Cruz: “I really enjoyed singing, so I tried out for the musical and loved working with the people… I feel that the program has grown in numbers and we have improved so much.”

The success of the musical theater program at North has shown in the growth of numbers and the ability of the cast. Not only in singing, acting and dancing but the professionalism involved with performing. The growth and commitment has shown because the program is attracting a wider general audience. Since the theater program already has a reputable department in putting on great shows, this adds to their list of accomplishments. Rixner and Brady alike hold the students to the highest standard because they know what is expected of them and what they are capable of. This is why the pair has stepped up their game every year when it comes to choosing and directing shows. The future of the program, as they both see it will continue to become more complex, music, dance, and tech wise. They encourage anyone and everyone to give it a shot and get on board to see what it’s really like to perform.

North High School Theater Presents:

Photo credit: Michael Xayavong

Mark Rixner and Vanessa Brady lead The Addam’s Family rehearsal.

October 30 - November 1 @ 7:00pm, North High Auditorium



t n e m e g a n a M w e N r Unde d

ize he organ t o t g in ansition


giant he jolly t m o r f storm oncoming


Meet the Storm

Farewell to the Giant

Jennifer Dryden is an organized oncoming storm; ready to explode with the magnitude of her workload. Her first year in newspaper class makes the chaos of her newfound responsibilities worthwhile. On the first day of newspaper this year, Dryden starring as the new classroom adviser, featured her reiterating the fact that she is not Graeber. Graeber who maybe now known as the extremely tall schedule maker and hallway lurker, but to many upperclassmen he is the award winning man who hand crafted the North High newspaper and yearbook. Many have accepted the transition, except, if Dryden is not in fact Graeber, who is she? Dryden grew up in the small town of about 10,000 in West Central Iowa; her ‘stomping grounds’ were Carroll, Iowa. She was in dance for fourteen years and had many friends from that. Reminiscing sleepovers and giggles she recalls, “I was pretty much social from day one, could talk to a stranger, even though I knew that was bad.” With a bachelors in journalism and past experience with publishing, where did Dryden learn the ecstasy of pen against page and idea against language? Her first writing experience was with poetry in seventh grade. She remembers the experience well. “it was like I finally found what felt right with all of the world. I submitted my poetry online, I won editor’s choice, I don’t know if I believe that’s actually an award, because I heard everyone got that. I still have it framed on my wall, because I feel like that’s where it all started; I choose to believe it’s real.” In high school, Dryden says, “I did enough, I think I was in a rebellious stage in middle school and through the first two years of high school, and then junior year I really found out what I needed to do to get to college and I started taking it seriously, and I found out how smart I was.” When asked what got her inspired towards success she said, “I got this job at a daycare when I was sixteen, and all of sudden I was a part of a lot of kids’ lives, a lot of families’ lives in the community...I needed a good reputation to make that new start, and I had wanted to make a new start and cut away from my friends, and I did...[it] was a life changing moment...I really turned my life around for them.” Trying to figure out college and life in general, Dryden describes, “first year of college I went to DMACC, high school wasn’t that great, and ending up getting 3.89 GPA, and that made me realize how much I was ignoring myself. I had the talent and the skill; I just wasn’t using it. I wasn’t the best student, but I wasn’t the worst student. I was just mixed up in that wrong friend group, I think.” A spectacular thing she experienced in college was, “I was promoted to head news editor, I was running the news desk. Which consisted of eight reporters and a co-editor who had no news experience. I was pretty much second down from our editor in chief and I had a couple months experience.” She described this rise in position as, “Like all the other careers I’ve had, I’ve wanted it, but I never knew how much I wanted it until I was doing it.” What Dryden really enjoyed about the experience of an editorial position was, “I loved being in charge and being a part of every big story.” Now, she can be a part of The Oracle’s next chapter in their big story.

We all used to know Ben Graeber as that cool teacher that taught in the English hallway. However, we now are getting to know him as the newest School Improvement Leader (SIL). Graeber taught for fourteen years before his decision to move up. “I loved teaching and still do. But over the past six-seven years I kept finding myself in leadership situations where I was working.” Graeber hit the books and got a Education Leadership degree over the past two years. Late last school year, he interviewed for the SIL job at NHS. When asked if it was a hard decision to move up, he simply said “Definitely. What made it easier was the fact that I got to stay at North and stay with these students.” He admits he will always miss teaching. “It is one of the most important jobs in the world. Even though you get paid for teaching, it’s like community service—you’re helping for the better good.” When asked what class he will miss most, he says Newspaper. He adds that there is so much joy in watching students produce something real. “I grew up an athlete and a student journalist. I would get the same feelings playing a big game and producing a newspaper for my high school or college community to see.” Graeber said he absolutely loves North. When asked if he would ever switch schools, he said, “Honestly, it is the perfect place for me to be. Just like Mrs. Gogerty and Mr. Smith, it is a reality that people move on to other schools. When you work in a district as large as the DMPS, change is often needed to make the system work better. However, I would love to stay at North for many more years to come.” So far, he believes he’s doing a good job as a SIL. All he did the first few weeks was get schedules perfect for the student body. Developing strategies and working with teachers didn’t start till the beginning of September. He admits there is room for improvement. He wants to connect more with parents and families. He also is in charge of all seniors and he really wants “every senior to have a great year building up to graduation day.” Graeber jokes about being a hermit in his office when asked where he will be throughout the year. He says he will not be happy unless he is in classrooms a lot to help with his strategies on improving classes for everyone. The impact of his new job on life is rather difficult. He tells of how his oldest son said just the other day, “Dad, you work a lot.” He says he is determined to find a nice balance between work and family. “Being a dad is the greatest thing in my life -- the most rewarding -- and I’m never going to lose sight of how important my wife and two sons are.” In the midst of moving up to a SIL, Graeber was able to help choose his replacement. For those who do not know, Ms. Dryden is this replacement. No, she is not crazy tall, nor a male, but she is spunky like Graeber and determined to make a difference. She’s also well organized, which helps a ton in the classroom. “Dryden has the drive and the passion to make for an amazing journalism teacher. I loved working with her over the summer and I’ve enjoyed watching her take off to start the school year. It truly would have been heart-breaking to not have someone like her in the position I left behind. Y’all are in good hands!”

By: Hatte Kelley

By: Sammi Linebach

Pictured above, Dryden and Graeber lean against one another. Photo by: Sammi Linebach

Fa c t s a b o u t Dr y d e n

Facts about Gr a e b e r

DMACC, Carroll - 2006-2007 36 credits achieved

Beloit College - 1999 Education and English Major

Iowa State University - 2007-2010 B.S. in Journalism

University of Washington - 2008 Masters in Curriculum and Instruction

New York University, Summer Publishing Institute - 2010

Drake University - 2014 Masters in Educational Leadership

Sterling Publishing, Inc., NYC 2010-2011

Married with two children Reid, 2, and Beckett, 1

Iowa State University - 2011-2013

One dog - Dakota


5 Two Heads Are Better Than One By: Reagan Clay

Many are wondering who the new Vice Principal is and why we even need two. Cheryl Modlin, also known as Dr. Modlin, is one of the new faces in the office this 2014-15 school year.

Modlin is originally from Northern Virginia. She has also lived in Columbia, South Carolina and now, Iowa. Modlin is married with a six-yearold son named Chase. In her free time, she enjoys

watching Chase’s hockey games, going to concerts, and going out to eat. Modlin received both her bachelors and masters degree from the University of South Carolina, and her doctorate from Walden University. She received her undergraduate in hotel, restaurant, and tourism industry. Modlin then mastered in health education and received her doctorate in administrative leadership for teaching and learning. Before coming to North High, Modlin worked at Callanan Middle School for three years, East High School for one year, Heartland AEA, and an administrator and teacher in South Carolina. She has been working in schools for over nineteen years. “The schools in Iowa emphasize and have more focus. Iowa schools make it a high priority to make sure our kids have all the skills they need for whatever they want to do after high school,” Modlin said. Modlin was hired at North after having a conversation with Mr. Vukovich about applying for a second vice principal opening. “The competition was tough but I am thrilled to be invited to be a part of the North team,” she said.

The Des Moines Public School District was comparing high schools with one vice principal and other high schools that had two. They believe with two vice principals, more work will get done and in a more efficient manner. “We have a lot on our plate. For example, professional development, instructional leadership, working with students, working with safety and security, assessment, implementing new grading practices, working with data teams, evaluations of teachers and the list goes on,” Modlin said as she begins to describe her job. Modlin hopes to provide teachers and students the resources they need to help achieve their goals. “I hope to honor the proud past. Also, I want to use my ability to build relationships with teachers and students to help them grow,” she said. Modlin thinks North High School is on a positive trajectory. She hopes to see new technology and the student achievement score continue to be on the rise. Dr. Modlin would also like to invite students and staff members into her office or to stop her in the hallway to introduce themselves because this is her first year at North.

“I hope to honor the proud past. Also, I want to use my ability to build relationships with teachers and students to help them grow.”

Modlin is the new and second vice principal at North. Photo credit: Taj Milton

The ‘T’ is Silent Transgender Rights and Society’s Ignorance By: Rachael Nash Transgender is a scary term to many. Recently, transgender rights and characters in the media have been showing up all over. Sadly they are discriminated against and targeted for hate crimes, along with those that want their representation and rights. In the beginning, LGBTQIAA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, Ally), was LGBT. L: meaning lesbian, G: meaning gay, B: meaning bisexual, and T: meaning transgender. Transgendered people have always been involved but recently they have been swept under the rug. Others have often identified them as having a “gender identity disorder” and some have even gone as far as saying “transgender disorder.” For some reason, some people start to think of them as less than human. A former GOP politician from South Carolina said, “They should all be locked up in mental institutions and their care paid for by the state.” He then goes on to state, “I have no problem with gays but I hate trannies. I think they are disgusting freaks, and they are.” A lot have been targeted for hate crimes, especially African American transgendered people. A popular transgendered actress said when asked about her genitalia, “I do feel there is a preoccupation with that. The preoccupation with transition and surgery objectifies trans people. And then we don’t get to really deal with the real lived experiences.” She then goes on to say, “The reality of trans people’s lives is that so often we are

targets of violence. We experience discrimination disproportionately to the rest of the community. Our unemployment rate is twice the national average; if you are a trans person of color, that rate is four times the national average. The homicide rate is highest among trans women. If we focus on transition, we don’t actually get to talk about those things.” Laverne Cox said. Cox is a transgendered woman who has had a transition surgery and plays a transgendered woman on a popular show called “Orange is the New Black” Objectification is making a human being with hopes, dreams and aspirations something to be acted upon and not to make actions upon others. To reduce a person to their butt, breasts, legs and arms instead of a whole person. Transgendered people have been getting little attention in the media, but recently it has been getting better. Shows like Orange is the New Black, and Glee are helping, along with other forms of media like Batgirl, where the first trans woman is featured as batgirl’s roommate. Gail Simone, when asked about her said, “I wanted to have trans characters who aren’t fantasy-based, a character, not a public service announcement… being trans is just part of her story.” Transgendered people not showing up in the media as often as gays or lesbians can be very harmful. When this generation of children were younger, we all wanted a character to relate to, and transgendered people don’t

This photo depicts the internal struggles trangender people face with the gender binary in their daily lives. Photo credit: Rayshawna Collier have those feelings. They don’t have a Disney princess to relate too, or even a character on TV. If they do, most of the time, the character is a victim, evil or a sex worker. Even if they want to enjoy a movie or a show, slurs like “tranny,” “shemale,” “hermaphrodite,” and “transvestite” come up in a conversation.

People need to start treating transgender people as equals and not as freaks or animals. They are people too and have feelings, so they should treat them the exact same. Just because a majority doesn’t understand, it doesn’t mean they need to be hated on. “Transgender” is a scary term to many, but that doesn’t mean it needs to stay that way.




North High's Homecoming :

Aminah Lothi Homecoming is finally here and we couldn’t be more excited!

Don’t forget to shave those legs and be ready to strut your fabulous self Saturday night. Although you’re excited, you might be a little confused on what to wear, but have no fear, your glamourous North High Oracle staff has put together some do’s and don’ts, enjoy the tips!


Ciattle Washington Attention, attention! As homecoming is only a few days

away, you’re probably trying to catch up with last minute things such as making sure your hair appointments are set and those cute shoes that you ordered get here in time. While we’re sure you have everything laid out, there are some do’s and don’ts that we have to cover.

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DON’T Ladies, don’t be too dramatic! Don’t go all out with your make-up. You do NOT want to look like a clown. This is homecoming, not a circus! Also, don’t wear too high of heels. Try to stay comfortable and still be the glamourous person that you are!

Don’t go all out! Don’t go and spend $500 on an outfit, and another $100 on a pair shoes. It is just that homecoming’s are usually causal anyway. We aren’t telling you to come looking like a hot mess either, but for the most part, homecoming is a laid back event. Get dressed up and look good!

DO Do be classy! Make sure your dress isn’t short, and skimpy. You don’t want to come with a long fancy prom dress or too short of a dress, (we knew the fingertip rule would come in handy one day,) and for the guys, button-up and nice pants will do the trick! This isn’t just a casual event, it’s a dance, not a basketball game.

Do make sure your outfit matches the theme, you don’t want to come to school overdressed or underdressed, because you know that would be really awkward and, let’s be honest, you wouldn’t have fun if you don’t feel as though you’re dressed right.

Allison Valdez, senior, models a dress that’s too short. Photo credit: Aminah Lothi



Dos and Don'ts DON’T Don’t do the, “I’m too cool for school dances” stance. Have fun and dance! Don’t be afraid to bust a move on a girl that you like! You did not spend all this money for an outfit and a ticket to just stand there and be lame.

Don’t make a life, don’t take a life! Although we want you guys to dance and enjoy yourselves, we don’t want any twerking, grinding, etc. Keep it PG13. Be classy, but still do your thing. No making babies on the dance floor!

DO Do shower, do shave, do deordorize. Be clean! It’s kind of a big event so you would want to look and feel amazing. You’ll be dancing your butt off, so feel and look clean while doing so! I’m pretty sure your date will appreciate it too. Do come to homecoming positive! Again, you did not spend your money and time to come with a nasty attitude! Don’t be the Debbie Downer, some things aren’t going to go the way that you planned but try to make fun out of what you have!

Austin Pitts shows us his “cool kid” pose. Photo credit: Aminah Lothi

DON’T Don’t be that awkward couple! Seriously, you two do not need to be glued at the hip! Have fun, and socialize with other people. You don’t constanly have to bump and grind on your significant other. You two will survive the night without each other. Don’t think too much about homecoming court and winning. Just because you didn’t win doesn’t mean you can’t go and have fun. It’s just homecoming and high school anyway. Homecoming court is just for fun, you don’t really win anything but a crown and a weirdo standing next to you while taking pictures.


Ethan Anderson and Madison Cox show us an example of that “awkward couple” Photo credit: Aminah Lothi

Do plan ahead! You don’t want to rush dinner with your date, and then rush to homecoming to meet with your friends. You also don’t want last minute outfit adjustments. You don’t want to be the annoying last minute person that isn’t ready and everyone is waiting on. Be ready and on time! Do socialize. Get to know your peers more. Talk outside of your group of friends, make new friends. Make sure homecoming is fun for everyone! These type of events are for the school to get together, become one and enjoy theirselves. It isn’t cool walking in seeing everyone in their own little groups.


Opinions Where is my book of answers?

By: Hannah McNichols “What do you mean you’re not going to college?!” “You have to! It’s your future!” My question is, do I absolutely have to go to college? For some maybe, but is college really for everybody? You grow up thinking you just absolutely have to go. Stanford, Yale, Juilliard... we all had dreams. But is a community college worth the thou-

sand dollars of junior class debt you’ll be graduates? Or in after graduaeven the setion day? niors now. Are If I want you going for to be a brain that big shot, surgeon or a pent house, ofmathematician, fice job? Or are yeah, college you settling? has to happen. Now, I’m But if I want to not saying you do free lance should settle writing and for anything, photography but are your for the rest of extravagant my life, do I dreams of need a fancy being a multidegree so I can millionaire be in debt up to College Pamphlets. Photo Cred: Esperanza Vargas Macias going to work my neck for the out for you? Or rest of my life? are you going to graduate and take classes while you As for those big dreams that we all had as a kid, work, eventually find a spouse, and have office jobs anything from astronauts to brain surgeons, is that while you build a family and own a decent house, really what’s going to happen in two years when the because that sounds like reality for most of us.

Can we have a normal life without feeling like we’re letting ourselves down? Or do we have to follow the trend of going to college, getting a nice fancy car, and having the cookie cutter life that generations before have invented? What if I go to college for two years, spend thousands of dollars on college and then I decide I don’t want to do that for the rest of my life? I have just wasted my life savings and I’m in debt. But how do we avoid that? Nobody has answers for us. If I don’t go to college, I will be debt free. I can travel and educate my self. I can learn life lessons that I need to know instead of the things I learned in high school photography classes. I will be able to make a name for myself with my writing and photography business I want to own someday. Now don’t get me wrong, a degree would help with getting a job at The New York Times or Huffington Post, but for my dream of life is college the right decision for me? Or can I just have a freelance job where I can raise kids and set my schedule around theirs and my husbands? Because that sounds good enough to me.

How much do kidneys sell for on the black market?

By: Esperanza Vargas Macias I only ask because it seems as if I’ll be auctioning my internal organs off to the highest bidder in order to acquire enough money to actually go to college. As a senior in high school, the most pressing issue in my life is currently: what in the hell am I going to do with my life? The obvious answer is: why, go to college, of course! Study hard and make something of yourself. In theory, pursuing a higher education seems like a good idea. College is supposed to be one of the most stressful and exciting things I’ll ever do. It’s the final frontier, so to speak. Just the last few years (depending on my major) of education before I’m finally an independent and well-educated adult. (Let’s face it, being eighteen doesn’t make you an adult. Having a mortgage does). Only one thing prevents me from going to college. A very, very, large pile of cash. More specifically, a large pile of cash that I do not have. Currently, the total student loan debt in the U.S. is a whopping 1.2 trillion dollars. College debt is second only to mortgage, and tops even credit card debt. By the time they graduate, seven out of ten students will be thousands of dollars in debt. Even more shocking is that over the past decade, the total for student debt tripled. College debt is a special kind of debt. If you go to college, it is almost certain you are going to get it. And if you do, it will follow you for the rest of your life. Legally, it is the most collectable kind of debt there is. It is non-dischargeable in bankruptcy, lenders can sue you in court and intercept your tax refunds if they want to. Lenders do this when

a borrower’s loan becomes delinquent, or default. Having a delinquent loan simply means that you failed to pay your student loans on the scheduled time. At the end of last year, 17% of student loans were delinquent. The delinquency continues until you, the borrower, catch up on your payments. Having a delinquent loan has a huge impact on your credit score. I seriously hope all of you know that having a credit score is a thing and how it affects your life. Welcome to adulthood, kiddos. You get out into the real world and you’re handed a mess of responsibility, among it, a credit score. (Google search “credit score,” when you’re done reading this, seriously). Here’s the deal: a delinquent student loan will ultimately make your credit score plummet. Having a crappy credit score makes your life harder than it needs to be. If you need to borrow money from the bank to buy a car or even a house, and your credit score is crap, your bank will be like, “Not today, man.” It may also cause you trouble when you want to sign up for utilities, or a cellphone plan. I know most of you are probably thinking, “Dude, I can totally worry about this later.” Dude, you should totally worry about it right now. You need to at least understand the mess you’re going to get yourself into. Here’s a fun statistic for you: about 65% of student loan borrowers were surprised, or misunderstood aspects of their loans and the general borrowing process. This causes the borrower (you) to somehow screw up their payments, whether it’s with the amount of money they have to pay or when they’re supposed to pay said amount of money. So, if you want to avoid future headaches, I suggest you do your own research. Your future self will thank you, I promise. Statistics show that the average student loan debt is rising drastically. This is because in recent

Your Body On The Black Market

Rayshawna Collier poses as our human body on the black market. Picture and Editing Credit: Esperanza Vargas Macias

years, states slashed funding for higher education by 23%. Universities responded by raising tuition for students, who in turn were forced to take out even larger loans. Loans they can’t afford. Currently, about 30 million Americans hold student debt. The majority of student loan borrowers (about 70%) will still be paying their loans by the time they are on their 30’s, maybe even older. Your student loan debts could even make you unemployable. Because of the large amount of debt you’ll be in, and because of how low your credit score will be as a result, potential employers may deem you as unhireable. Which is a problem. How will you be paying off those student loans without a job? 52% of graduates agreed that student debt hindered their career choices. An even larger amount reported to taking jobs that had low satisfaction but offered higher pay because of their need to pay off their student loans. This decision has a negative impact because it takes away talent from public interest fields. Not surprisingly, the government actually profits from student loans. If the Federal Government were a private company, it would be the most profitable company on Earth. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the government made about 50 billion dollars in student loans last year alone. That is about 5 billion dollars more than Exxon Mobile, the most profitable company in the country. My point is this: student loan debts are screwing over college students, oftentimes because they don’t understand how the loaning process actually works or they take out a loan that’s too big. The purpose of this article is to scare you into informing yourself before it’s too late. Oh, and one more thing. Kidney’s sell for $262,000 on the black market. Just saying.



Opinions The Successful Life Success for you may be failure for me. By: Moise Tuombemungu

In our era, it is believed that “successful” is the bright light of the good life, it is what everyone pursues. We are a generation that is more obsessed with the mysteries of the future than the fruits of our present. It seems that every act we take within the milliseconds of our heartbeat is to direct ourself to that life. Our views on it are distorted and preposterous, money or the pleasures of materials are not the source of joy. The comfort of the heart, the peace of the soul does not come from prosperity; thus I am apt to claim that the measuring rod of the “successful” life is not materialistic gains.The “successful” life varies from every science and religion, yet in the final analysis they all agree on a central doctrine; that without it one cannot stand for so long. Have you ever thought about what the major difference between happiness and joy is? You see happiness used everywhere in every area of our society from schools, to books, from homes to the media arena. Yet, what is happiness? The Webster dictionary defines happiness as “de-

the grounds of charity. Thus in conclusion joy is the external but internal, technology is an invention of lighted, pleased, or glad as over a particular thing”. the human intelligence responding only to the comrightful measurement of the “successful” life due In other words, happiness is an expressive feeling to its mystical permanence in times of deep waters mands of its creator. How can it be the source of our that is present in seasons of well-being, and fades and dry wells. True joy is when one satisfies who declining joy? in the storms of adversity and great trials. Everyone The problem is man’s corrupt human nature. he should be, fulfilling the purpose of his human has had such a feeling; from momentary pleasures Though he receives the opportunity of the flesh, to the materialist to use his resources for good, he gains that end to rust and death, mostly chooses to harm himself and by even the devils of our souls. others at the same time. As hopeless At the end of mere minutes it as it is for this generation, we must diminishes as if it had not been not let our own inventions dictate present. So then we see a concluour lives. Joy is harmony with sion being drawn: happiness is the inner self. This peace comes simply the result of the external from peace with our neighbors and world, the events that bring about fulfillment of our roles and who we the fulfillment of our desires, were made to be. All were made to whether good or bad. Thus haplove, to enjoy the fruits of life, the piness cannot be the marker or treasures of charity, we were made measuring rod of the “successto have joy, to have life abundantly. ful” life due to its momentary Thus let us all wage war against presence. our violence against other people, Joy on the other hand is spiriour deep dark abhorrence that tual; with a mystical unification annihilate faster than the atomic with the inner self, a knowledge bomb, and intolerance that leaves that transcends our finite minds. Jasmine Moreno ponders life after graduation. Photo Credit: Hatte Kelley scares unhealed. Let us declare our Thus it is abstruse, and complex independence from the selfish self to explain or to comprehensively that wants only to hurt, destroy, and revenge. Such calling. come to grip of it. This is the mystical part of huways never grant us joy or fulfillment of our roles, We should live for today, taking hold of the man nature that all the scientific disciplines, and for none in the world can ever truly take revenge seconds of our past and making the next to come marvels of religion can’t fully explain, but only its since it never diminishes his hurt and hate. Joy better. We should not breathe for tomorrow but for essence. Joy is like a high firm mountain, unshaken does not consist of evil and the wickedness of man, today, it’s what’s granted to us as tomorrow is a through the violent storms and unfading through the rather in love, charity and harmony with one self beautiful mystery. These are the basics of all joy, despairing fog; we all are at different peaks. It can’t and his fellow man; let us all pursue more joy and to live your present to its fullest, to fulfill our roles be bought by gold as if to only be possessed by the grant others its power. Joy is the everlasting bliss of as humans and bless our fellows. Concerning the rich, nor is it the result of materialistic gains that mans inner self that grants him the platform to live criticism that technology is the dark hole that sucks may only fulfill our unnecessary longing. Rather its and out-live life. joy out of life, is absurd. The problem is nothing source is affiliated with the supernatural, rooted in

The Rise of the Fake Nerds

WARNING: It’s about to get real. By Taj Milton

Actual nerds don’t walk around saying they’re nerds. If you are an actual nerd, it’s known without the need to declare it. So please hipsters, shush your faces. You’re embarrassing yourself. Throwing fake glasses on your face, wearing an Avengers shirt and pinning a Pokemon sticker on your backpack doesn’t make you a nerd. It makes you annoying.

Calling all true Trekkies, Whovians, Homestucks, Potterheads, Pokemon Trainers, Moonies, Dragonballers, Narutards, Sherlockians, Ring Heads, Force Freaks, and geeks and nerds alike. We have a very, very serious problem. As you may have noticed, there has been a on the web and has spilled out into the real world and I, for one, have had enough of it. There are various types of nerds in the world but the worse kind of all - fake nerds. Hipsters everywhere have crawled out of the sewages and into the internet and declared that the new “cool” thing to be is a “nerd.” Let’s get one thing straight. Being a nerd isn’t something you can just choose to be. Being a nerd is a lifestyle. You were born into it. Nerd runs in your blood! To put a spin on a commonly used phrase, “ You don’t choose the nerd life, the nerd life chooses you.”

kill a bug or impress a certain someone. Take a seat.

Please. All I ask of you fake nerds is to please stop.

You are not a nerd. Sorry, I’m not sorry to break the news to you.

Be yourself. You don’t have to fake being in fandoms you don’t really care about. I’m sure you’re awesome without having to fake being a nerd. And to all the real nerds out there. Don’t be ashamed of it. We’re cool in our own very socially awkward way. Be proud to be who you are. Keep calm and just keep nerding on, my friends.

You’ve never exploded with feels because there has been a major twist in the plot of your favorite manga, comic book, or tv series. And no, the Kardashians do not count.

You’re not into Pokemon if the only Pokemon you know is Pikachu. You are not into DragonBall Z if the only character you can name of the top off your head is Goku. You are not into Harry Potter if you’ve just seen a couple movies out of the eight and haven’t even touched one HP book. Speaking of books, you are no nerd if you think reading one chapter of a book you were assigned to read for a grade is nerdy. You were assigned to read it. You’re not reading it for the pure enjoyment of indulging yourself in great literature. Get out of here. And you most certainly are not a fan of The Hobbit if the only reason you watch the movies is because of Orlando Bloom. Exit this way please. Don’t lie and say you’re into comic books when the only reason you ever picked up one was to


Graphic by: Taj Milton

Being a nerd is a lifestyle. You were born into it!





Not SO haPpILy eVEr aFtER When it comes to relationships, it’s safe to say girls tend to sometimes expect too much. I’m constantly surrounded by the extensive details on how a girl wants a guy. A great body, nice eyes, smart, funny, LOTS of money, treat me like a princess, and don’t forget to bring ice cream to my door when I’m sad, along with 600 texts a day, and so on. This isn’t a Disney movie. I’m not saying having standards isn’t a good thing, but having too high of standards is setting you up for a world of hurt. Girls aren’t the only ones with too high of standards, guys do it too. You want a girl with a pretty face, good personality, a nice set both front and behind, not too clingy, and to cater to your every wish. We’re all guilty of it. Of course it would be nice to wake up to flowers and expensive jewelry on occasion, but we’re in high school. None of us have a Kim and Kanye relationship; I’ve never seen a wall of white roses

By Kelsey Ambrose

just for me, it’ll probably never happen. When you have such high expectations, getting hurt is inevitable. You want someone who is loyal to you, and you only, but what are you going to do when you’re on Twitter or Instagram and you see something you don’t want to see? Whether it’s a tweet, a favorite, or he’s someone else’s Man Crush Monday? You were just let down from your expectations. The same night you text him, and you tell him exactly what you think. Before you know it, 10 minutes turns into 30 minutes, and then 30 minutes turns into 2 hours, still no reply. You check because maybe you just didn’t send it, then there it is, “read 6:14 pm.” He has fully let you down, and you’re left wondering why he won’t talk to you, and what you did wrong. Most of us talk to someone for one simple reason, to be happy. But if the other person doesn’t want

what you want, that can be hard to accomplish. If a guy doesn’t want a relationship, you can’t make him. You can’t force what won’t budge. We’re in high school, we all need to realize the scary truth, and that’s that the person we choose to be with right now could be the one we marry and spend the rest of our lives with, or in a year we may not even look at each other. So the expectations you have for someone are important, if you have too high of them you could miss out on someone amazing. You have to know that when you settle for something less, most of the time it is the best answer, many times it is true when they say less is better.

This isn’t a Disney Movie -Kelsey Ambrose

PurGInG tHe UrGe tO SpLurGE

TarGEt TarGEtS me

By: Sammi Linebach

By: Aminah Lothi

Hidden among the crowd of shoppers are people who can’t stop themselves — even if they wanted to. You hear the term shopaholic used all the time on reality shows where men and women drop thousands of dollars on one item to keep up with what’s trending. Sound familiar? While this behavior may be funny or entertaining to watch, it’s no joke: Shopaholics suffer from a compulsive disorder that results in major debt. Especially teenagers who are just now getting a job. Once payday comes, you have all this money—even if it is just two weeks worth of minimum wage—and what do you spend it all on? Food, new sneakers, new outfit, more food, etc. Then all of the sudden, your gas light comes on, and you have no money left to put in the gas tank. How do we stop this trend? How do we purge the urge to splurge? Well you’re out of money and gas until next paycheck, so get used to walking again. In the meantime, think about why you spent all that money on the things you did. Why did you buy those new kicks and cologne, all while eating a quarter-pounder? Because you can. Because you had the money. You have all this new found money that you have absolutely no responsibility for. Might as well start pulling out student loans now be-

cause you know that all you’re college money is going to the strip-clubs, weed and McDonalds. Or, instead, you can start putting money into that fuzzy-pink piggybank of yours that will eventually get smashed to pieces for that new 2015 Hyundai Sonata with tinted windows and a bass so dope that it’ll make you go dumb 0 to 100 real quick. Saving is hard. Probably one of the hardest things you’ll ever learn to do. You need goals to save towards college, a house, a car, even to open a new restaurant. For some stupid reason, money is power in this twisted world. So in order to be recognized and respected, you have to have money, and you have to have the latest trends. Why? I have no idea. But this is why we have such great debt. Not only our own personal debt, but America’s double digit trillion dollars in debt. We want what we don’t have. We make deals and promise to pay others back just so we can have the newest and coolest item. We never pay back. We never get enough. We never have enough. So on and so forth. Splurging every once in a while is perfectly fine, but spending your whole paycheck on something that will be out of style in two years— not okay. Food is great and all, but remember where all that food is going... And unless you have a gym membership, I’d think twice about that second burger and extra-large fountain drink from Burger King.

The crowded parking lot, that bright red and white sign, once those automatic doors open, you have landed yourself back at Target for the third time this week. Of course you can’t help but grab a cart knowing you’re going to throw everything that you shouldn’t buy in there. Look at those cute journals in the dollar section. Oh and those cute Hello Kitty socks! You just can’t help but grab three different journals and six pairs of socks! By the time you leave the dollar section, you have forgotten everything you actually need. Oh yeah, I needed shampoo... right? Strolling through the aisle to get to the hair products means passing the make-up aisle and you know, you can’t just walk past without looking through all the mirrors and swatching

all these new polishes. After 15 minutes of looking at these ridiculous polishes, you finally have your shampoo. Why can’t I ever leave without buying $100 worth of crap that I do not need?! It’s like I have a love/hate relationship with Target. I don’t know what it is but I think I seriously need help. I go in thinking I’m just going to get one thing, just one thing and I end up buying practically the whole store. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy every second that I’m in that ridiculously amazing but dangerous store but I can’t keep doing this. I need to break this bad habit. I need to just let go. Let go of the cute journals, cheap yoga pants, cute sweaters and these pretty pastel nail polishes. I’m sorry, Target. I don’t want to let you go but... you are breaking my bank.

“Might as well start pulling out student loans now because you know that all your college money is going to the strip-clubs, weed, and McDonald’s.” -Sammi Linebach





By: Austin Pitts In Des Moines, when any of the city schools compete against each other it’s always heated. But when Des Moines North plays Des Moines East, the fans that show up get to see one of the most heartfilled battles of the year. Less than three miles away from each other, less then 10 minutes away. These two high schools fight over every little thing. They compare their academics, and use each other’s test scores as motivation to do better. Being so close together, East and North tend to fight over boundary lines as well. There is always a constant question of, “who is going to go where?” A question that often goes unanswered right up until the beginning of the school year. What exactly is it that makes these two schools hate each other? There is an easy answer to that. Sports. “They don’t like us. And we don’t like them,” Senior Trey Warrick said. This rivalry starts off in the steamy month of August. When the football players take the field, the tension is at its maximum point. Over 4,500 fans were expected to pack the stands to watch these two teams play each other. Last year, The Scarlets beat

North High Polar Bears play rival East High Scarlets on Sept. 5 at Williams Stadium. Photo credit: Tanna Jones

the Polar Bears 43-6. This year though, North was set off on the trail of redemption. It was September 5, at East High School. It had been rainy throughout the day but the clouds had cleared for game time. This game had been chosen for the 11th annual rivalry series. Being the longest rivalry in Iowa history, North and East have been competing for 112 years. When the game started, it didn’t quite go the Polar Bears’ way, with the final score being 51-18, East emerged victorious. Even the volleyball team gets in on the action. The Polar Bears matched up with the Scarlets three times last year. In the first game, September 3, 2013, East wound up winning 0-3. The second game was in a tournament, 11 days later. East walked away

with a win again 0-2. A month later these two teams found the brackets placing them up against each other once again. East took the win 0-2. But this year the Polar Bears had a different outcome in mind. This year the Polar Bears had a new mindset, they walked into East hungry, and walked out with the win. 3-2 was the final score, the first time the Polar Bears beat their rivals in a long time. Now picture December 2013, there’s snow on the ground and everyone is all bundled up. The Scarlets came into North to play basketball for the first time of the year. The stands are packed. North was heavily favored to win this game and the crowd knew it. But that didn’t stop the opposing fans from driving down the street and supporting their team.

North walked out with a 78-71 win, East didn’t win but they showed everybody in the gym that this rivalry is always heated, no matter what kind of season each team is having. A month later, January 17, 2014, North walked into East with a 9-1 record ready to put a clamp on the conference lead. This rematch was anticipated as much as any because of the scare of the last game. From the tip of the ball, the game was never close and the Polar ears destroyed east 77-50. It’s always a dogfight, when game day is here between these two teams. If you find time to make it to a North vs. East game, you definitely won’t be disappointed.


Last year’s star player Shymere Williams #9 made the first touchdown of the night but was injured in the second quarter and the paramedics were called. Later in the last quarter the score was 43-6, until Imani Kwizera #3 in the last five minutes of the game recovered a fumble. We didn’t end the night picture perfect but yet what is perfect. Winning is certainly not everything when you have a family as supportive as the Polar Bears. This year we will be facing Roosevelt yet again but as a new team and with a new mind set.

Cheerleaders with their glittery bows and flashy pompoms. Students filled with excitement wearing green, pink, black and white. This isn’t a normal home football game, with that said do you know what event has the Polar population roaring? Homecoming. With the dance Saturday no one seems to be busier than the football players. The stands are filled with fans. Win or loose the football players will not be standing alone. Sept 7, 2012, North beat Hoover in a thriller 22-21, that was the only win of the season. With falling behind in the first half and coming back in the second half to winning the game. Terecnce Bush scored the winning touchdown in the last final seconds of the game. Hoover came to Grubb stadium with the record of 2-1 but leaving with the record of 2-2. Sept 20, 2013, North played Roosevelt with the ending score of 43-13.

These boys have worked harder than ever before and the Bears’ Den has high hopes. This is the game that everyone is talking about, but no words can take action until the night of the game. Let’s go, Bears.

Homecoming Game Checklist: Baby Powder Silly String Streamers Confetti Poppers Loud Voices Team Spirit


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