DNA Diagnostics and Genetic Center – DNA Center India DNA PATERNITY & MATERNITY TEST IN INDIA DNA has gained so much importance, especially in India as the population is ever-growing. In such a populated country to find a reliable and trust-worthy DNA test centre is a tough task. DNA tests are very sensitive tests and any contradictory result might wrongly influence a child’s future or might leave a negative impression on a marriage. So, before taking these tests, one must be aware of the consequences that might follow. Before choosing a DNA test laboratory it is important that a DNA test centre should obtain required accreditations like a certificate of ISO 17025 certificate. Sometimes, under a legal situation like custody cases, property dispute or divorce cases etc., the Court might feel essential to ask for a paternity DNA Test and maternity DNA test. Steps to be followed for legal paternity/maternity test are:a) The samples are collected by a 3rd person not related to the parties involved in the legal matter. The 3rd person can be a doctor, nurse or laboratory representative. b) The parties present for sample collection were identified correctly. c) The sample should be sealed properly with tamper tape and is sent to DNA laboratory for analysis. d) The results are sealed and forwarded to the Court by the laboratory.