DNA Diagnostics and Genetic Center Maternity DNA test
Maternity DNA test (mtDNA) determines whether alleged woman is the biological mother of a child. Every individual’s genetic structure or DNA is unique except identical twins. It is formed at the time of conception and doesn’t change throughout the life. We all inherit nearly half of the genes from both biological parents. Maternity DNA test is used to determine the biological relationship between a child and the mother. In this test, DNA of a child matches with half of the mother’s DNA to discover the relationship. If the probability of maternity result is 0% then the alleged mother is not related biologically to the child and if the probability detected at least 99.9%, the alleged mother proved to be the biological mother of a child. In DDGC, we provide 100% accurate and reliable DNA test result for maternity DNA test. It is done through a cheek swab sample. It is used to solve some complicated cases such as adoption, immigration, hospital baby switches, country specific membership, and surrogacy. Maternity DNA testing is often requested in the following situations: • • • •
An adoptee is trying to prove his/her biological birth mother Proving a maternal relationship for immigration Confirming accuracy for in-vitro fertilization Resolving controversy that sometimes occurs in hospital nurseries such as child swap cases
For more detail DNA Diagnostics and Genetic Center, No – 6D, MIG Block, Pocket – 6, Sector 82, Noida – 201304, UP Opp to Jaypee hospital, Noida +91 7533008488 https://www.facebook.com/dnacenter.in/ https://twitter.com/ddgcindia https://plus.google.com/105120674861526734672
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