Dan Nordmeyer Portfolio

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Daniel Nordmeyer Architectural Works

University of Kansas University of Illinois at Chicago











Marigny District

New Orleans Film Institute The Bywater / Marigny districts in New Orleans are comprised of a variety of building typologies that give the area distinct and colorful qualities. The immediate proximity to the Mississippi River becomes advantageous in establishing a new neighborhood visual connection to the river itself, which serves as the backbone to New Orleans. The view lines start to become the driving force for allocating programs while the residential shotgun houses dictate volumetric scaling. A systematic layering of programs will start to create spaces that will replicate the urban block condition occurring throughout the surrounding residential blocks while also providing outdoor courtyard areas. By using both contextual scaling and visual layering devices, this project integrates both public and private realms into a structure that expressively celebrates the creation and sharing of film culture.

Surrounding Green Space

Coffee Shops & Eateries

Schools & Museums


Mission Statement & Analysis

nceptual Diagrams and Sketches

This diagram illustrates the thought process behind the programming and space allocation within the site. Larger spaces tended to gravitate towards the western edge of the site while the smaller, slender spaces occupy the central and eastern site conditions. By focusing program elements mainly in the north-south direction, the community is re-connected to the Mississippi River which is a significant entity to this particular neighborhood.

Concept Diagram & Plans

















First Floor Plan 1... Lobby 4... Greenscreen 7... Screening Rooms 10... Exterior Terraces 13... Classrooms 8

Floor Plans

Second Floor Plan 2...Theater 5...Production Yard 8...Editing Rooms 11...Exterior Theater 14...Offices / Administration

3...Blackbox / Soundstage 6...Prep Rooms 9...Cafe 12...Lounges




11 DN



10 UP




Third Floor Plan The programming was focused on keeping public spaces near the southwest corner while the private spaces were located towards the quieter, more central-

ized portion of the site. Interior spaces are organized in order to provide continuity of spaces. The louder, big box production spaces sit near the northwest

border of the site, relating to the warehouse that is located directly across the street.


The building elevation is comprised mainly of precast concrete panels that also serve as the anchor points for the open web steel joists which form the main structural components of the building. The large, massive facade mirrors that of the industrial warehouse across the street; while at the intersection, the entry to the building presents a “porch”, consistent with the New Orleans typology. West Elevation West Elevation

Scale: 1/8” = 1’-0”

In section, the building begins to respond to the need to separate the public and private realms. The majority of the public places, the lobby, cafe, and theater all reside on the first or second floors to accommodate pedestrians from street level. The classrooms and offices were put on the third floor to prevent any unwanted interaction or interruption.

North / South Section North - South Section


Section & Elevation

Scale: 1/8” = 1’-0”





Systems Overlay


Systems Diagrams & Perspectives

The main elements of the building are concrete and steel. Precast concrete panels will serve as the main outer wall support. These walls will be spanned with open-web steel joists that will be intentionally oversized in order to allow duct work, electrical wiring, and data cables to run freely throughout. Egress stairs are located towards the rear of the building, serving both as fire stairs and access to lighting various movie sets in the green screen and soundstage.




Central Business District


Masterplan & Hybrid Building Having the world’s sixth largest population as well as 83% of Nigeria’s total population, Lagos is a city that has been overrun with people. Because of this, the city has seen a massive influx of automobiles. Problems have begun to arise as city government cannot keep up with the massive amount of repair and construction projects. Roads have had traffic jams that can last weeks while the canal system has been flooded with garbage. This masterplan introduces a new public transportation system that will help facilitate traffic, create a new water management system, decrease the reliance on the automobile, as well as create discernible spaces used purely for the exchange of goods. The project proposes installing a new train-line above the highway system. This new line will also house the city’s new piping system. By raising it off the ground, it prevents garbage clogging its taps while also making it easier for repairs. Newly dug canals will cross the mainland. By having a mouth at both ends, water can constantly be moving at each end to wash out any potential waste.


Masterplan City Scale

Existing Infrastructure

Proposed Infrastructure

Existing Infrastructure

Proposed Tram Infrastructure

Proposed Tram & Canal Infrastructure

By introducing new infrastructure, Lagosians will have other means to travel to there desired destinations. The intersections of these systems also become unique. They start to accommodate individuals who may need to transfer lines or start to serve as areas of high volume retail. Some of the main areas of trade in Lagos happen while a traffic jam is occurring.

Masterplan with highlighted intersections


These images depict new infrastructure with the new canals and tram system. The new tram line would also provided a shaded area where city residents could escape the daily, intense heat of the African city.

The diagrams below illustrate the circulation patterns that occur throughout the day at one of the main intersections. Ranging from 6am, 12pm, 6pm, and 12am, these times highlight the magnitude of the use of automobiles (black) vs. the normal pedestrian circulation (red). By using this space as a transportation stop with parking below, the parking spaces provide individuals market stalls while still allowing free flowing pedestrian movement through the new infrastructure grid.



The tram line clearly defines the site as a main point of interaction with the city. The tram station platforms were created to provide shade for Lagosians to escape the intense African heat. The area underneath is also meant to facilitate trading between community members. The open space provides an area in which residents can come park their car and buy, sell, or trade goods year round.

Beneath the ramps, cisterns will store the rainwater collected from the roof structure. The roof was specifically designed to cover a majority of the site in an effort to collect as much fresh water as possible.


Floor Plans

The main structure of the system will be constructed of glued laminated heavy timbers, notched in a tongue and groove fashion, with through bolts for additional strength.

In order to provide Lagos with clean freshwater, a plexi-glass and mesh system will be used to collect rainwater that falls on top of the structure. The water will then be guided towards “funnels�. It will then be pumped into cisterns located underneath the tram lines where it will be treated and cleaned. After being treated, the water is then pumped into the newly installed piping system that runs through the tram lines.


This view from the main street,runs parallel to the site allowing for interaction between pedestrians and automobiles supporting spontaneous markets.

View of the main ramp that leads up towards the tram stop. Market activity will always continue below while access to the line will be securely monitored.


Perspectives & Renderings

This is a view from above the tram stop, where the raised platform provides a seamless transition for pedestrian travelers to go from stop to stop as well as create a new spaces to house the water system.

This view from the middle ramp shows how the tram platform keeps the market in shade throughout the day as well as the main structural elements that collect the rainwater.



Wicker & Humboldt Park

California Ave. Bicycle Stop & Masterplan Previously an old railroad used almost exclusively for Schwinn Bicycle production and transporting. The Bloomingdale Line now sits defunct and overgrown on Chicago’s near northwest side. This masterplan proposes to use the old rail line as a new express cycling trail that connects many of the eastern Chicago trails with the western. The line will have intermediate stops at various intersections, allowing cyclists opportunities to pump up their tires or grab some water. Pedestrians will also have access to the line. Even though it will be limited, pedestrian gardens will run throughout the 2.6 mile long train line. In an attempt to revitalize the trail, native plants will be used to remediate the toxic waste that has been accumulating there from old railroad ties. By providing a link between eastern and western trails, the Bloomingdale Line opens up a plethora of opportunities for cyclists who did not previously have access to the lake front or downtown Chicago.

Stop 1: Main east access point. Connects Bloomingdale Line with cycling paths heading downtown. PEED

Stop 3: Large programmatic allocation. High volumes of retail occurring at street level. Access to street routes provides direct link to downtown.







New Bicycle Paths:



As h

East Bicycle Paths: West Bicycle Paths:


Project Statement & Diagram




Stop 2: Small bicycle service station. Overlook to existing park provides seating for the baseball field.


Context images from the overgrown, defunct train line. Native North American plants will be used in an attempt to remediate the soil while the old rail lines will serve as a template in which to construct the cycling lanes.



Stop 4: Small bicycle service station. Not intended for long stops as it is located in a mainly residential area.







Ca li



Stop 5: (Developed Project) Serves as the main bicycle station. Provides a cafe, locker rooms, and bike storage for cyclists. Access to the street creates a connection to the elementary school that sits adjacent to the site.



Stop 7: The western most access point. Allows riders access to the surrounding residential areas. The second major access point on the line.

Stop 6: Major station occurs here. The proximity to nearby public transportation creates a major transfer intersections in which cyclists can access other major parts of the city.

Masterplan Scheme & Photos


This specific site sits at the intersection of the Bloomingdale Line and California Avenue. Mostly a residential neighborhood, this site needs to consider how the site would be used in conjunction with cycling. With an elementary school adjacent to the site, the building program takes advantage of housing an after school program in which children would learn how to recycle and construct new bikes. This public space can house a variety of activities, such as roller hockey in the summer or ice skating in the winter, creating a rare open space within the neighborhood. A cafe and bike storage area programmed to provide spaces on the upper portion of the track is where cyclists can recharge with a snack or purchase accessories for their bikes. 28

Site, Floor Plans & Renderings

Ground Floor Plan

Upper Floor Plan

Site, Floor Plans & Renderings



Industrial Canal

Tower Complexes & Masterplan After being ravaged by Hurricane Katrina, the City of New Orleans provided a rare opportunity for urban planners and architects to explore new and innovative methods for urban design. As the city is predominately below sea level and flooding is the central problem, the projects proposals were wildly inventive. This specific project proposes removing the levee walls that have for so long served as protection, recycle the concrete, let the water level return to it’s natural state, and begin to construct a “new city� above the water level,while always being mindful of the rich culture and colorfulness that has defined New Orleans.

New Orleans, Levee System in tact

New Orleans, Levee System Removed, water level returns to sea level

Site Plan


Project Statement & Diagram

In an attempt to create a unique“ home� identity, each tower would have a different design. This would allow residents to associate themselves with an individual tower.


The Lower Ninth Ward is one of the poorest neighborhoods in New Orleans. Sadly, during the hurricane it also received some of the most damage. The project aims to relocate the people living within a nine block area and put them into a single tower. Not only does this consolidate land, but it also starts to eliminate the need for automobiles, promoting walking and cycling.

9 In order to preserve outdoor space, the upper level of all the infrastructure elements will be used for public parks. Residents will be able to walk from tower to tower through newly landscaped areas. These outdoor spaces will also be utilized for “urban farming� in which people will be able to grow and harvest food for their own consumption.


Diagrams, Concepts & Images


Typical Facade Detail

Wind Circulation Diagram Modular Removal Strategy

Facade Perforations

Due to the strong winds that are prevalent in the city, units of this specific building will be removed to allow for the wind to pass through more freely. This will not only help with the wind loads on the design, but also create outdoor terraces and patios for residents. The atrium space in the middle also allows for air to move through each individual unit and up through the stack, creating natural ventilation.



Galileo’s Pavilion


804_12 Studio 804 Background

Studio 804, Inc., is an independent not-for-profit 501 (c)3 corporation, yet affiliated with the University of Kansas. Participants are graduate students of the School of Architecture, Design and Planning under the instruction of JL Constant Distinguished Professor Dan Rockhill. Studio 804 projects adhere to standard of the highest quality, both in design and fabrication, and address important issues of environmental sustainability, energy efficiency and accessibility. The structures are innovative architectural designs that address important issues pertinent to the professional field. For the last sixteen years, Studio 804 has pioneered new technologies and advanced construction techniques in the area of sustainable design and innovative methods of construction. As a not-for-profit organization, we are committed to promoting high quality architecture and serving the needs of the state, Lawrence, and the Kansas City Metropolitan Area.


Since its inception, Studio 804 has become more ambitious in its pursuits and sophisticated in its methods. Through the efforts of our students we have been successful in gaining support from industry leaders who see us as an opportunity to showcase their new and often innovative products. All aspects of the building process are carried out by the students over the course of a single semester. Students are involved in everything from initial design to the finished construction and documentation. Studio 804’s pursuit of attention to detail, building innovation and energy efficiency has led to a significant amount of national and international exposure and interest in the form of numerous awards and publications. With four LEED Platinum projects completed to date (a feat few, if any, professional firms can boast about), we are proud to be leaders in sustainability among professionals in the region and intend to continue in that effort for the immediate future.


Galileo’s Pavilion The goal of the Galileo Pavilion is to create an environment which is a node of activity and interaction on the campus. Located to the southwest of the Science Building, the structure incorporates and enhances the existing Galileo Sculpture, and amplifies the artist’s, Dale Eldred, concept of working with the sun. The design of the site plays a pivotal role in the pedestrian traffic patters on the south end of campus. The building is arranged on the site and around a courtyard, blending indoor and outdoor with a visual connection between spaces. The interior spaces function as classrooms, meeting rooms, a student lounge, and exhibition / display area.


The site itself has undergone many changes. First, the introduction of Dale Eldred’s sculpture began to bring attention in the form of artistic expression. The addition of the parking garage and the Science Building altered the spatial qualities within the nearest vicinity.

Incorporation of the sculpture became paramount as the design for Galileo’s Pavilion developed. With the sun serving as the main inspiration for the sculpture, the design focused on using the sun as the main concept.


With the goal of LEED Platinum, passive and active heating and cooling systems really began to shape the layout of the building. By utilizing broad southern exposure, the building is able to achieve nearly its entire heating and cooling load passively. Accompanied by a PV array and a wind turbine, a high efficiency mechanical system provides a backup should natural solar and wind not suffice. A courtyard also serves as an anchoring place for the sculpture that had previously defined the site.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Passive Solar Design Photovoltaic Solar Panels Living Roof Wind Turbine Cross Ventilation Earth Tubes Thermal Mass

8 9 10 11 12 13

High Performance Glazing Evaporative Cooling Super Insulation Energy Recovery Ventilators Rainwater Harvesting and Retention Draugh Tolerant Landscaping

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09

Classroom 1 Classroom 2 Lounge Kitchen Restrooms Conference Room Tracked Curtain Living Green Wall Skylights Above

10 11 12 13 14

Relocated Sundails Existing Galileo Columns Reflecting Pool Granite River Rock Patio Galileo Sun Projection Plane


Using recycled glass from a local building as a glazing system, a custom fabricated steel louver system will shade interior spaces during the summer while allowing winter sun to penetrate to heat the spaces naturally. Recycled slate chalkboards will accent the glass as a secondary cladding system.

The building sits on the site in a way which encourages gathering in the courtyard and around the reflecting pool, and allows education and socializing to continue outside the walls of the building.


The classroom spaces create a unique and inspiring place for students to learn. By using sustainability as a model, it will better help students to understand the impact of every aspect of their lives on the environment around them.

Through the generous support of industry professionals, Studio 804 is able to deliver a high quality building for a fraction of its real world cost. As a not-for-profit organization, labor costs are donated, allowing a larger portion of the budget to be allocated towards innovative materials and systems.

The open, accessible design of the building encourages students to pass through on their way to grab a snack or fill up their water bottle while at the same time providing a space for students to gather, interact, and study between classes.

The Galileo Pavilion contains classroom spaces which are available for use by any department on campus. The setting of the space encourages the spread of sustainable learning across multiple disciplines


Construction began in early January as removal of an 80 ton concrete footing from the existing sculpture on site. Excavation and building layout soon followed. Preparation for concrete work also began.

Once the concrete footing were poured, formwork for the foundation walls were erected with concrete being poured the following day. Immediately afterward, foundation drains and moisture barriers were installed around the walls.

Wall assembly consisted of framing 11 1/2” thick TJI’s that would stand 12 feet tall. These super insulated walls were meant to assist our goal in achieving PassiveHaus standards. Construction on the steel curtain wall also started to take place.

The roof framing consisted of 16” deep TJI’s and LVL’s to provide adequate support for the skylights, photovoltaics, and 240 green roof blocks. Over 400 bags of cellulose insulation was used to provide maximum thermal comfort within the building.


Wood TJI floor joists were installed to start to enclose the crawlspace. Installation of additional LVL supports was also needed based off structural loading calculations.

A concrete floor was poured that would begins to connect all the buildings spaces. Mixed using some marble aggregate, the floors would later be polished to help create a unique dynamic in all the spaces.

The organization of the roof was a highly intricate. Tapered insulation guided all rainwater around photovoltaics and green roof blocks to our roof drains which sent the water to a 1700 gallon cistern. The rainwater will be used to feed our living walls as well as our water closets.

A highly advanced VRV system will be used for the heating and cooling of the building. Coupled with six energy recovery ventilators, the HVAC system is highly efficient and even allows for simultaneous heating and cooling of the spaces.


As recycling and reusing materials is a practice that we highly advocate, we decided to clad the building in slate chalkboards that had been reclaimed from schools throughout the Midwest. In total, over 3400 square feet of chalkboard was reused.


The exterior mounting systems involved many different forms of flashing weaved in between steel studs and hat channel. The slate coursings were carefully planned our in order to hit certain “milestones� along the buildings facade.

While the south side was meant to highlight the existing sculpture, the north side was meant to speak to the tactile quality of the slate cladding system.

12 foot tall glass window panes were reclaimed from a building in the Kansas City area to create the massive southern curtain wall. The size of the glass helps us achieve passive heating strategies during the cold winter months.

Installation of the drywall became very complicated; as many measurements and cuts had to be made to work around the complicated lighting system as well as the many different learning tools, i.e. projector, speakers, and viewing screen.

Galileo Pavilion features over sixty feet of living wall with over 5000 ferns. The wall will be watered with rainwater from the cistern. The wall not only brings an amazing aesthetic quality to each space, but also keeps the air smelling fresh.


Reinstallation of the Dale Eldred sculpture as well as the addition of sod started to bring building constructin to a conclusion. Glass louvers to medate the sun during the summer months were also installed. Work continued on the interior with finishes and the installation of the glass vestibule doors.


An aluminum bracketing systems was used to hold the over 600 glass louvers in place. Each bracket had to be custom drilled at the precise measurements as to ensure maximum efficiency when blocking out the sun during the summer.


With the recycled slate chalkboard facade complete, washing and sealing began to take place in order to ensure the longevity of the often brittle stone. The arival of furniture in the classrooms began to program the space while the focus on construction moved mainly from the exterior to the interior.

To make the spaces more dynamic, a custom steel lighting fixture was installed in the lounge as well as both vestibules. This fixture used over 3,000 highly efficient fiber optic lights to create an interesting feature in these spaces.






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