NL 6 - February 14

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Oldfield Road, Hampton, Middlesex. TW12 2HP T: 020 8979 5102

Spring Term

February 2013

Proverbs 22 v 6 – Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life

HEADTEACHER’S NEWS Dear Parents We have enjoyed such a busy half term, learning about so many new things: the children have enjoyed many visitors in their "people who help us" theme as the pictures demonstrate, and many were fascinated in the learning about different cultures and religions linked to the World Day of religion at the end of January. I am sorry I will miss the next few weeks as they promise to be very exciting ones - we look ahead now to Ash Wednesday (5th March) and the start of the Christian period known as Lent in the few weeks before Easter. The trip to the Science museum will herald the beginning of our work for Science week, and I know Mrs. Barton is very much looking forward to accompanying our children and staff on this special trip. Sport relief, organised by Miss Thompson, will keep our children fit and active, and then we turn our attention to sharing our Maths learning morning with you - I do hope you will be able to come. The children are really focusing on being able to write simple sentences now, using their phonics, so do encourage them to write little messages and cards for other family members whenever possible. Let us hope that the better weather is round the corner in order for Scott and his team from Emerson Willis to complete the outdoor works for our lovely school. We shall miss them all when they leave as they have shared this special time of the opening of our school, and I am sure you would agree with me that we owe them a great deal for their care and attention to our building project. With best wishes, Catherine Davis

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Wednesday 5th March – 9.00 – 11.00 – Traidcraft ‘Big Brew’ Thursday 6th March – World Book Day 2014 – Children come dressed as their favourite book character Thursday 13th March – London class trip to the Science museum (children to be in school for 8:30am) Monday 17- 21st March – Science week –details to follow later Friday 21st March – 2.30 : Parents Sharing Assembly – Sport Relief Friday 28th March - 9.00 - 10.00 Maths curriculum morning for parents Friday 4th April – 2.15 : Parents Sharing assembly at St Mary’s Church End of term: 4th April ; Summer term begins for children 23rd April

Dear Parents, As you will see from the pictures a lot has been going on since the last newsletter. We have now finished our topic on ‘people who help us’ and the children have enjoyed learning about what they do and have loved the visits from them as well. London Class asked if they could change their role play area into a Doctor’s surgery so we are now officially open! But like all doctor’s you must ring or come in to book an appointment before seeing a doctor or nurse as the surgery is very busy as we have had a rise in the number of registered patients! Opening times are 9:30am - 3pm Monday to Friday  London Class have also been learning to persevere in all they do and I must say we can really see this through the quality of the children’s work, so well done London Class! We are now encouraging the children to think about their learning. The children are constantly asked ‘what have you learnt today?’, this is to encourage them to really think about their learning and evaluate/reflect on what they have been doing during the day. Maybe at home you could ask your child this instead of ‘what did you do at school today?, you might find you get a better response, hopefully! In the next few weeks we will be looking at tradition tales, mothers and their babies, shape and space and of course we will be doing a lot of reflecting during the period of Lent. We have World Book day on the 6th March coming up, our science trip on the 13th and sport relief on the 21st. So busy busy busy! As always thank you to everyone for all you do for the school. Miss Apicella and Miss Thompson

WHAT’S HAPPENING AT ST MARY’S CHURCH You are most welcome to the ‘All Age’ service, 11:00 on the first Sunday of every month; as well as to 11:00 on other Sundays, where children over 3 can attend ‘Sunday School: Mini – COSMOS’. A crèche is available for younger children, with a parent. Women’s World Day of Prayer Friday 7 March Women’s World Day of Prayer is an international, inter-church movement of informed prayer and prayerful action, organised and led by Christian Women and held on the first Friday in March each year. The service is written by a different country each year and that country then becomes the focus of the world’s prayers on the day itself. This year the service has been prepared by the women of Egypt. The service in our area will be held at All Saints’ Church, The Avenue, Hampton on Friday 7 March at 2pm and 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome – including men!

IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENTS & THINGS TO NOTE Bad weather plan: Icy conditions: Mr Arthur will lay salt on the path, however if it were to remain too slippery, we will place a sign on the gate and revert to using the front/main entrance. Please take great care moving along the path in case small sections on the tarmac are untreated. Snow: The school office will send an email if the school is closed – additionally the school will also update the website – You will see this icon at the bottom of the website. This will also be updated if the school is closed due to snow or any other serious occurrence.

An exciting ‘Show & Tell’ Rocko – Elicia’s ‘Chocolate Pomeranian’ puppy, visits London Class

Conjunctivitis: We still have had a very virulent eye infection spreading around the children and staff; it is highly contagious so please keep your child at home if their eyes are sore, red, bloodshot or weepy, and consult the pharmacist for the correct treatment. It spreads easily after a child wipes their face with their hand and then touches any item in the classroom. Thank you for your co-operation with this.

Chinese New Year – Sharing Assembly

• Library news Working with the Hounslow Library Service, we are working toward a fully operation library in the next month. The books have been entered into the electronic ‘check-out’ and • Please check on the school website for the new Spring menu cycle

More families are now eligible for 15 hours of free childcare for two year olds To be eligible you must be receiving one of the following:      

Income support Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance Income-related Employment and Support Allowance Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit Child Tax Credit, provided you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190, as assessed by HM Revenue and Customs  Working Tax Credit and earn less than £16,190  Children that have left care through special guardianship, residence order Further information and online form:

Don’t forget - We are collecting the ‘Active Kids’ vouchers – please tell your family & friends to collect for you & hand them into the front office – Thank you follow the school on Twitter - @SMHamptonSchool

People who help us…

London Class with Nurse Jenny Broom

Valentines biscuits

•150 g butter, at room temperature •75 g caster sugar •225 g plain flour

Message from Miss A.

• World Book Day: Next Thursday 6th March, we are asking that all the children come dressed as a well known book character and make a donation of £1 which will go towards books for our new school library. • Science Museum: Thursday 13th March – Don’t forget to send your child in with a packed lunch, a spare change of clothes and sensible shoes for walking in. School uniform must be worn! • Safety on the Science Museum trip: The school’s orange tabards will be worn by all and each child will be given a sticker with the schools name, address and contact number on. Mrs Parker will remain at the school and will let you know of any changes throughout the day.

Tree of Friendship Nominations for February 2014 • • • •

At the recent PTFA meeting, much was discussed on raising our profile in addition to allocating member roles and future events to host. As stated previously by Miss Davis, all parents are automatically a member of the PTFA, however to direct the committee the following core roles have been assigned to: Jackie Saunders as Chairperson, Poppy Sheikh as Vice Chairperson and Kezi Smith as Treasurer and Secretary which is yet to be filled. Should you wish to be appointed or learn more about the role and responsibilities, please express your interests to Jackie or I. Now to the fun part; upcoming events consist of quiz night in May and our Sizzling Summer Celebration in late June.

Thanks, Poppy

Traidcraft Big Brew Please come and join us for a ‘Big Brew’ in the School dining room between 9 – 11am on Wednesday 5th March. Come for tea/coffee, cake and biscuits. The morning will include a very short video about Fairtrade, some information on posters & leaflets and a chance to buy Fairtrade biscuits, chocolate, coffee & raisons etc. The children will be thinking about Fairtrade during lent, so this will help you share with them. Looking forward to seeing you; & bring a friend Mary, Hilary & Tanja (from St Mary’s Church)

Mrs Winter & Mrs Merritt Scott Warren (Emerson Willis) Gideon Leila

Build it high!

St Mary’s Hampton CE Primary School 5 March : 9 -11


Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.” -Samuel Johnson

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