Mobile TV: tendencies in Spain February 2007
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
PĂĄg. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Introduction Methodology Highlights The Panorama for Mobile TV Attitudes towards the audiovisual consumption on the mobile 6. Formats and moments of consumption 7. Services that compete with audiovisual contents on the mobile 8. Notes and references
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
1 5 8 12 20 27 34 38
February 2007
1. Introduction
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
The penetration of mobile telephony in Spain (44.3 million lines) and the increase of the bandwidth available on mobiles opens up an interesting perspective for new business models, not only for the operators of mobile telephones but also for the producers and distributors of contents. “The market of telecommunications, with 38.342Mâ‚Ź in 2005, has a volume four times superior to that of audiovisual entertainment. If the content is the element that gives sense to the utility of broadband and to the increase in the capacities of the new access networks, the telecommunications operators will have to develop relationship models with the contents proprietors, that ensure the fast development of new business models for the online distribution of contentsâ€? (Gaptel, June 2006)
In Spain, the impulse of mobile services has been mainly an initiative of the operators of mobile telephony and it has been centered on voice services. The business model based on the incorporation of new users is not sustainable, since the estimations point to an average annual growth of the operators income of 4-5% in the next five years (2004-09E), much below the 22% annual average growth registered in the last 5 years (Gaptel, September 2005). The market prospects indicate that the phenomenon of audiovisual content distribution via mobiles is very near in the future. The largest companies of the sector are beginning to take positions as is the case of Ericson and Sony, who are expanding their alliance to develop technology and contents for mobile television. The Swedish company estimates that a third of mobile users will access television contents regularly towards 2008.
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Mobile TV in Spain: first initiatives In Spain, Orange (Amena) and Vodafone have launched during 2006 offers of TV –with general contents channels-, whereas Movistar offers TV but without making any recent launch. In 2006 Vodafone, Abertis Telecom and Nokia made a pilot study with 300 users (150 of them in Seville) who had to evaluate the mobile television service based on the DVB-H (Digital Video Broadcast Handheld) technology. The users had access, from their mobiles, to 14 television channels and the results indicate that the service was considered quite or very interesting by 72.8% of the participants and that 80%, in addition, would recommend it. In addition to these flattering results, the interesting point of this project is that it also counted on the participation of numerous television groups: Antenna 3 TV, Net TV, Sogecable, Telecinco, South Channel, RTVE, Canal Nou and Veo TV. This is a clear indication of the interest that the mobile television business incites, and the need to take positions and make decisions for the coming future.
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Assesing the market Taking into account the growing interest for the consumption of audiovisual contents on the mobile, in dnx – in collaboration with SSI- we decided to draw the actual market scenario of these services, as well as the expectations of formats and moments of consumption that the their potential consumers have. • • •
• • •
What mobile services do the Spaniards know and use nowadays? What is the position of television on the mobile phone in this set of services? What attitudes do they have towards the consumption, the technology or the rates related to the possibility of watching audiovisual contents on their mobiles? What formats do they prefer? When do they think that they would watch TV on their mobile? Which activities would be replaced by the use of this service?
These are some of the questions that we have wanted to answer with this report. First we have gathered the spontaneous impressions of mobile telephony user groups of different ages, with the purpose of analyzing their discourses and constructing variables that allowed us to measure expectations of these services. Later, we carried out a quantitative study with a sample of the SSI panel formed by consumers with mobiles and access to the Internet, guaranteeing the correct representation of the distribution of the age pyramid in Spain.
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
2. Methodology
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
This study has consisted of two stages Stage 1: Collection of spontaneous discourse For more than 4 years we have been carrying out qualitative research with mobile telephony users, during which we have gathered opinions and spontaneous valuations from diverse age groups on the question of watching TV on mobile phones. This has not only allowed us to elaborate a questionnaire with questions and variables that make sense to the interviewed people, but also to have a frame of interpretation for the results. Stage 2: Online Survey The analysis and the systematization of the gathered discourses in the qualitative field stage has allowed us to elaborate a questionnaire with contrasted variables (that make sense to the users) to be able to explore in depth the opinions and the attitudes of the Spanish consumers in relation to the audiovisual contents on the mobile. For this field work we have relied on the quality and the rigor of the SSI panel, from which we have previously done a qualification with variables relative to the use of the mobile.
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
3. Highlights
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
In Spain, considering the knowledge and use of the services, mobiles are being positioned as multi use devices going beyond voice communication.
41% of mobile users declare that their terminal has a video reproducer, which is the basic functionality required to be able to see videos or TV contents. More than half of them count on 3G/UMTS technology and nearly 40% on GPRS. This means that the first are prepared for streaming videos or TV contents and the second are already able to download short audiovisual contents and watch them later.
However, the ignorance of, and the low use of services that require surfing and/or downloading, as well as the fact that more than half of the people interviewed declare a monthly average expenditure of 30€ in mobile telephony coupled with a strong fear of losing the control of this expense, appear as market barriers for the consumption of video or TV on the mobile.
The general attitudes in relation to the audiovisual contents on the mobile are mainly, caution towards the possible offer of services and rejection of the present pricing forms and the cost of downloads imposed by the mobile telephony operators.
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Virality - as it has happened for some Internet services - does not appear to be a possible market driving force for the penetration of the service (at least in the context of the present business model set by the Telcos).
Young people – under 24 years old - appear to be the most enthusiastic group in terms of the experience of watching video or TV contents and those that have shown less resistance towards the ergonomic limitations of the mobile.
The entertainment content (films, TV series, trailers and music videos) and the informative content (the news and traffic in the city) are the most attractive for the group of people interviewed.
A segmentation of contents by sex and age is necessary: •
Men find the sports (the highlights of a match or sports event), erotic and humor contents attractive.
Women show special interest in interviews with famous people and music videos .
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
The youngest users show a clear preference for the entertainment content and within them (unlike the other groups of age) they appear to be attracted by cartoons and amateur videos.
There exists a strong interest on the part of the over 25 year olds for the informative content, especially the city traffic information .
In a significant way, the videos or TV content will be watched during waiting times: in train stations or bus stops, in the airport and in the car. The consumption in social or private moments appears much lower in the user’s predictions.
Videos or TV on the mobile will compete, in first place, with other mobile services: downloading games, tones and melodies, playing or seeing photos/images. In the men’s case, in second place, it could replace sending SMS, reading/taking a look at magazines or filling in puzzles; whereas in the case of the women it stands out that it could replace playing with the video game console.
It seems improbable that the consumption of audiovisual content on mobile terminals would replace social activities, such as meeting with friends or going out on weekends.
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
4. The panorama for Mobile TV
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
The panorama for Mobile TV
If we think that in the adoption of a technological service, factors such as the state/capacity of the available technology, the knowledge /virality of the service and a suitable market offer take part, it is possible to indicate that in the case of Spain the potential mobile video consumers have a technological capacity in their terminals, and use their mobiles in a way, that does not seem to fit the present model of the Telcos’ offer centered in the voice business, and that penalizes - according to their own users - knowing and learning about the universe of downloading services.
“You´re afraid of surfing the net with the mobile, because it seems that you will get a surprise in the bill. They eat money like a one arm bandit ”.
The limitations of the intermediation of mobile telephony operators as suppliers of content does not seem to be in the market itself , which - as we will see – is interested and is being technologically equipped to consume videos or TV content. Rather, these limitations seem to come from a way of understanding the chain of value that has not yet found its optimal fit with what is demanded.
“When I download a tone, it’s a straight shot… Exploring? no, they drain your card. They charge you for entering the site and for downloading.”
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
The panorama for Mobile TV
The mobile: beyond voice In 2002, a study of The e-business Center Price to water house Coopers & IESE indicated that “the mobile has stopped being exclusively a voice transmitter” (eCPC&I, 2002). This was an affirmation that then included the under 22 year olds, but today is already a reality expressed in all the age segments (see graph 1). 92% of the interviewed people in this study - regardless of age, sex, level of studies or occupation - knows and uses SMS frequently. It is a frequent use in 97% for the under 24 year olds or in 85% for the over 35 year olds. The personalization of mobiles and the expression of identity through downloading services are also dimensions of the use of mobiles that - although more frequent in young people – have permeated all the age segments. 58% of people interviewed know about and have downloaded tones or melodies. This percentage surpasses 60% in the under 24 year olds. Mobiles have also turned into tools for organization and personal expression or that of groups of friends. Services such as sending photographs/sounds or multimedia messages are well known and have been used by more than 65% of the whole of the people interviewed and in the case of the under 24 year olds it surpasses 75%.
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
The panorama for Mobile TV
In the case of older people (> 25 years old) the mobile is also a work tool and more than 25% know of and have used electronic mail services.
Graph 1: Knowledge and use of mobile services acording to age group
Text message Download tones and melodies
More than 25% of people have used electronic mail services
Send photographs/ sounds Download games Multimedia messages Download videos Electronic mail Listen to music (mp3(
Listen to radio
Surf by e-mocion/ vodafon live
20-24 25-34
Surf by Wao or i-mode
35-45 Conference call Television on the mobile Localization
Base: 1.078
100 %
Navigation wap/i-mode or Internet access through the mobile (emotion/vodafone live) is well known and have been used by more than 35% of the whole group. It is not a favorable number, but the information gathered during the qualitative phase allows thinking that this percentage will be higher as long as the pricing forms are not perceived as an obstacle in the users’ control of expenses.
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
The panorama for Mobile TV
Mobiles with video reproducer The Spanish market has “sea of terminals” that could represent an interesting market quota for the agents who embark on the business of providing audiovisual content for mobiles. As shown in graph 2, 41% of the users interviewed declares that their mobile has a video reproducer, which is the basic functionality required to be able to watch videos or TV content on a terminal.
Graph 2: ¿Does your mobile telephone have a video reproducer?
Have GPRS 39.0%
Do not have video reproducer
Do have video reproducer
Have 3G/UMTS 48,3%
Do not know/ No answer 12,7% Base: 1.078
Between these, almost half (48.3%) declares that their mobile is 3G/UMTS and 39% thinks that their terminal is GPRS. This means, respectively, that nearly 20% of mobile users have terminals ready for downloading videos or TV content in streaming mode and 15% can download short audiovisual contents and watch them later.
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
The panorama for Mobile TV
¿Ignorance of the services or problems with the offer? Pese a la transformación del móvil como un dispositivo que va más allá de la comunicación deslocalizada (1) por voz y a la capacidad de la tecnología disponible entre los usuarios, la consolidación de un mercado de contenidos audiovisuales para móviles aún tiene mucho camino por recorrer aunque sólo consideráramos el desconocimiento de los servicios móviles con mayor grado de sofisticación, el hecho de que casi la mitad de los entrevistados declaran un gasto mensual inferior a 30€ y la continua expresión del temor a perder el control del gasto.
Base: 1.078
Used frecuently
Seldom used
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
Tried once
Television on yhe mobile
Conference call
Surf by Wap or i-mode
Surf by e-mocion Vodafone live
Listen to radio
Listen to music (mp3)
Electronic mail
Download videos
Multimedia messages
Download games
Send photographs Or sounds
Descarga de tonos o Melodies
Text Message
Graph 3: Knowledge an use of mobile services
Do not know it
February 2007
The panorama for Mobile TV
Analyzing graph 3, you see that SMS, MMS, sending photographs/sounds, listening to music (mp3) and radio are the mobile services more frequently used by the whole of the people interviewed and this data contrasts with the infrequent use of “video download” and the ignorance of “television on the mobile” If we think that the consumption of videos or TV content requires surfing and downloading, the data allows us to point out that the services related to these actions are not only amongst the least known, but also amongst those which have been “tried once” and are not frequently used.
Graph 4: Declared monthly expediture
4,1 %
6,5 %
10,4 %
7,2 % Less than 10€ Between10€ y 30€
15 %
Between 31€ y 40€
39,7 %
Between41€ y 60€ Between 61€ y 80€ Between 81€ y 100€ 101€ or more
17% Base: 1.078
This pattern of knowledge and use of the services in which, in addition to voice, SMS and MMS are the star services, seems consistent with the 30€ threshold of monthly expenditure in mobile telephony that has been declared by half of the interviewees. Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
The panorama for Mobile TV
There is a clear difference by age ranks in the monthly expenditure, as it is to be expected: young people are at the limit of 30€/month, whereas in the rest of the age groups there is a greater distribution in other ranks of expenses The group of 20 to 24 year olds stands out, amongst the ones in which more than a 30% declares an expense between 30€ to 60€, because it is one of the age groups that shows more enthusiasm towards the idea of watching videos or TV on the mobile. %
Graph 5: Monthly expediture declared by age Base: 1.078
Age 50
14-19 20-24 25-34 35-45
0 Less than 10€
100€ or more
Although the actual early adopters of audiovisual content have a low consumption, this graph is interesting because it illustrates the tendency for the expenditure on the mobile to increase with age. This means that sooner than later young people clearly eager for more and newer services for the mobile will pass to the higher ranks of consumption.
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
5. Attitudes towards audiovisual consumption on the mobile
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Attitudes towards audiovisual consumption on the mobile
Faced with the possibility of downloading videos or watching TV on the mobile, the attitude of the users can be explained from five dimensions (2): •
Disposition to experiment with the service
Perception of price
Resistance related to the lack of information on the service
Barriers related to limitations of the terminal
Importance of the virality in the consumption
Following are gathered the items that form each of these dimensions:
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Attitudes towards audiovisual consumption on the mobile
Caution towards the experience and rejection of the present price model The data that is shown in graph 6 indicates that the Spanish users: • Are cautious towards the service and, in general, they seem less disposed to allow the audiovisual content on offer to demand a change of terminal. “It could be a good option for when I am traveling or waitingâ€? obtains the higher average amongst the items that describe the disposition to experiment with the service. Graph 6: Attitudes towards audiovisual consumption on the mobile (total averages) Completely agree
Completely disagree
The idea seems interesting and attractive to me I am willing to change my mobile to be able to acces these services It could be a good option for when I am traveling or waiting I am only interested in the mobile for making and receiving calls The prices fordownloading videos are too high Internet surfing fees are to high in the mobile My mobile does not have capacity to show videos I do not have information about what can I watch on the mobile I think there is nothing good to watch in the mobile If I download videos I will end up with no memory on the mobile To watch videos or TV on the mobile uses up the battery The mobile is not a confortable device to watch audiovisual content on This is the future but it is still too soon When I see a lot of people usin it I will join in
Base: 1.078
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Attitudes towards audiovisual consumption on the mobile
The forms of pricing and the costs for downloading are, clearly, the major brakes on the consumption of videos or TV content. It seems evident that the present model of pricing and charging based on surfing, and price per download set by the operators, is a barrier for the growth of the mobile services consumption based on the increase of the bandwidth. Graph 7 illustrates how the present form of pricing and the price per download is a barrier for the audiovisual content, regardless of the declared monthly expense.
Graph 7: Attitudes towards the audiovisual consumption on the mobile (Averages by declared monthly expediture) Completely agree
Completely Disagree
The idea seems interesting and atttractive to me I am willing to change my mobile to be able to acces these services It could be a goog option for when I am traveling or waiting
< 10€
I am only interested in the mobile for making and receiving calls
10€ <> 30€ The prices for downloading videos are too high
31€ <> 60€ > 60€
Internet surfing fees are too high in the mobile My mobile does not have the capacity to show videos I do not have information about what can I watch on the mobile I think there is nothing good to watch on the mobile If I download videos I will end up with no memory in the mobile To watch videos or TV on the mobile uses up the battery The mobile is not a comfortable device to watch audiovisual conttent on This is the future but it is still too soon When I see a lot of people using it I will join in
Base: 1.078 1
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
“Ot is a swindle to be charge for surfing and to be charged again for the download”.
“This has to be like the Internet. You should be able to suf as you please and if you see something that you like, you download it. You pay for the content that interests you”.
Attitudes towards audiovisual consumption on the mobile
The results of the qualitative phase of this study are consistent with these data. In the groups and interviews there have been recurrent expressions such as: •
The information available on the offer of audiovisual content is not perceived as a clear limitation for the consumption of these services.
• On the contrary, the users perceive limitations in their terminals to support videos or TV content downloads, mainly in terms of memory and battery. The technological barrier is also perceived independently of the declared monthly expense.
“When thet set a flat surfing rate on the mobile, then we can talk. Meanwhile I’m not willing to get ashock when I receive the invoice”.
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Attitudes towards audiovisual consumption on the mobile
In the qualitative phase, the interviewed people explained these limitations using the following arguments: •
“The mobile serves mainly to make and receive calls. I do not intend to become unreachable, because the battery is used up while I watch a video ”.
“What happens if while I’m downloading a video or I’m watching TV the memory of the telephone crashes? …It will be like download a video, watch it and erase it… Two at the most”
Finally, the data do not seem to indicate that in the consumption of the audiovisual content the virality or the massification of the consumption is perceived as something important for the current mobile users. It is data that is coherent with the idea that this type of services is not relation oriented (as it is the case of SMS, MMS, chats, etc.), but that - as we will see ahead – it would be a personal, intimate consumption, at interstitial moments.
The young people: the most enthusiastic The attitude analysis by age ranks show clearly how the 14-19 years old segment is the most enthusiastic group (graphical 8). These users are the ones who, significantly, find greater interest in the current supply of audiovisual content and those that consider the prices for downloading too high as they are now set by the operators of mobile telephony. Additionally, they do not perceive ergonomic problems in the terminals to allow watching videos .
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Attitudes towards audiovisual consumption on the mobile
Graph 8: Attitudes towards the audiovisual consumption on the mobile (Averages by Age) Completely Agree
Completely disagree
The idea seems interesting and atractive to me I am willing to change my mobile to be able to access these services It could be a good option for when I am traveling or waiting I am only interested in the mobile for making and receiving calls The prices for downloading videos are too high Internet surfing fees are too high in the mobile My mobile does not have capacity to show videos I do not have information about what I can watch on the mobile
Age 14 - 19
I think there is nothing good to watch on the mobile
20 - 24
If I download videos I will end up with no memory in the mobile
25 - 34 35 - 45
To watch videos or TV on the mobile uses up the batery The mobile is not a comfortable device to watch audiovisual content This is the future but it is still too soon When I see a lot of people using it I will join in
Base: 1.078
In addition, the interpretation of the data allows us to point out: â&#x20AC;˘
An inverse relation between the age and the dispositions towards the consumption of audiovisual services is appraised, that is to say, the older segments show a more cautious and critic attitude towards audiovisual consumption on the mobile.
Both under 24 years old groups share certain positive attitudes towards the experience of downloading videos or TV content, in an inverse way to those of 25 years old or more.
There also stands out the coincidence of attitudes, regardless of age, around subjects like the price as a barrier to consumption and the disregard of virality as an engine for the consumption of audiovisual content. Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
6. Formats and moments of consumption
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Formats and momentsof consumption
The 2006 Gaptel report that we have cited says that â&#x20AC;&#x153;downloading TV series episodes on to PCs or portable devices can become something common when it becomes the basis of new television models directed to young people and technophilesâ&#x20AC;? (gaptel, 2006: 102).
Faced with this prediction - that is framed in the crisis seen in DVD sales and rentals, and in the growth of video sales on Internet - it is essential to ask ourselves what types of audiovisual contents are more attractive for the market? What specific formats will videos offered for the mobile have to adopt?
Of the set of proposed formats that was offered to the people interviewed, informative content and those related to entertainment (3) are the ones that turn out to be more attractive to watch on mobiles
As is shown in graph 9, the more attractive contents for the whole of the interviewees are, on one hand news and city traffic, and on the other hand TV series, films or film trailers and music videos. Additionally, some amusing content as jokes/humor also appear above the 3.5 points of global average (in a scale from 1 to the 6). Within the group of entertainment contents, cartoons being the least attractive to the people interviewed (3.3 of average).
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Formats and momentsof consumption
Graph 9: Most attractive contents for the mobile Muy atractivo
Nada atractivo TV Series
Films Film trailers Music videos Cartoons Erotic scenes/ porno
Jokes/ Humor Amateur videos
Game highlights Sporting events
Soap operas Interviews with famous people
Traffic in a city area News
Base: 1.078
Total 1
The need to segment the offer The analysis by sex and age allows us to indicate that, just as with the media and entertainment industry, the supply of video or TV for mobiles requires content segmentation. As it is appraised in graph 10, the entertainment and informative contents turn out to be globally attractive regardless of sex (although girls are attracted a little more to music videos). Nevertheless: â&#x20AC;˘
Men are significantly more attracted to sports and erotic contents.
Women are significantly more attracted (in comparison to men) to interviews with famous people and soap operas.
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Formats and momentsof consumption
Graph 10: Most attractive contents for mobile according to sex Very atractive
Not atractive TV Series
Films Film trailers Music videos Cartoons Erotic scenes/ porno
Man Woman
Jokes/ Humor Amateur videos
Game highlights Sporting events Soap Operas Interviews with famous people
Traffic in a city area news
Base: 1.078
If we are dealing with age, as in graph 11, a clear relation between youth and an attraction for the contents is perceived. However, informative content is of crosssectional interest for all the age groups. Graph 11: Most attractive contents for the mobile acording to age Very atractive
Not atractive TV Series
Films Film trailers Music Videos
Jokes/ Humor
14-19 20-24 25-34 35-45
Erotic scenes/ porno
Amateur videos SPORTS GOSSIP
Game highlights Sporting events Soap operas Interviews with famous people
Traffic in a city area News
Base: 1.078
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Formats and momentsof consumption
It seems clear that entertainment is a type of content especially attractive for the youngest (14-19 years old groups and followed by those between 2024 years old). The under 24 year olds agree in valuing, with a high average, the film trailers and also are the group most interested in cartoons.
As far as amusing contents are concerned, the under 24 year olds agree again when valuing as attractive jokes/humor and amateur videos. These last ones turn out to be especially unattractive for the over 35 year olds.
The news is interesting to all groups, regardless of age, and in the case of the city traffic the interest amongst the 25-35 and 35-45 years old groups stands out.
Short or medium duration sequences for waiting time Although music or radio are contents that allow multiattention (driving, studying, doing the washing up, etc.), what happens with the audiovisual transferred to a device whose major value is mobility. When would the videos and the TV be seen on the mobile?
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Formats and momentsof consumption
Looking at graph 12, it is possible to point out that the consumption of audiovisual contents is expected to be an activity for waiting moments (in sequence of importance): • In the airport/ train or bus station •In the train/ subway/ bus •At the bus stop •While I’m waiting for somebody in my car •In the waiting room at the dentist/ doctor
Graph 12: Moments in wich I would watch videos or TV on the mobile Certainly yes
Certainly not Family meals/ Gets-togethers
In line for the cinema When I’m with my friends/ family Walking on the street In the office/ class In the airport/ train or bus station
In the train/ subway/ bus At the bus stop While I’m waiting for somebody in my car In the waiting room at the dentist / doctor
In the bedroom before sleeping While I watch TV at home While I surf or use my computer
Base: 1.078
total 1
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Formats and momentsof consumption
The mobile audiovisual offer would have to foresee formats whose duration or deferred consumption adapts, fundamentally, to the waiting times in bus-stops or train and bus stations, in the airport and in the car. For example, the average waiting time in the subway in Madrid or Barcelona is around 5 minutes and the waiting time for a city bus can be between 2 to 20 min.(4) The expected consumption during social or private moments appears much below that of waiting moments. When taking gender into account, men and women foresee the same moments of consumption; but seen by ages some differences are noticed in the youngest group: over the others age segments, the under 19 year olds are also willing to watch videos or TV on the mobile during social moments and in the private moments in the bedroom. Graph 13: Moments in wich I would watch videos or TV on the mobile by age Certainly yes
Certainly not Family meals/ Get - Togethers
In line for the cinema When Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m with my friends/ family Walking on the street In the office/ class
In the airport/ train or bus station
14-19 20-24 25-34 35-45
In the train/ subway/ bus At the bus stop While Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m waiting somebody in my car In the waiting room at the dentist/ doctor
In the bedroom before sleeping While I watch TV at home While I surf or use my computer
Base: 1.078 1
33 Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
7. Competitors for the audio visual contents on the mobile
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Competitors for the audiovisual contents on the mobile
In this study we wanted to investigate what type of activities could be replaced by “watching video or TV on the mobile”. We wanted to sound out the consumption expectations to establish the potential competition to the audiovisual offer. The data indicate that the activities, with the greatest probability of being replaced were those related to the own universe of the mobile, as shown in graph 14: • Downloading games on the mobile • Downloading tones, melodies • Playing with the mobile • Seeing photos or images that I have in the mobile
Graph 14: Activities that could be replaced by watching videos or TV on the mobile I will certainly not replace it
I will certainly replace it
Surfing the internet Reading free newspapers Going to the cinema Listening to music Playing the game console Watching TV at home Sending multimedia messages (photos) Downloading games on the mobile Going out on the weekends Listening to radio Downloading tones, melodies
Reading or looking to magazines Playing with the mobile Seeing photos or images that I have in the mobile Meeting with friends Crosswords/ sudokus/ letter soup
Base: 1.078
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Competitors for the audiovisual contents on the mobile
It is interesting to comment that watching audiovisual contents on the mobile would not replace social activities like meeting with friends or going out on the weekends. The data allows us to point out that there does not seem to be a clear relation between sex and the tendency to replace certain activities with video/TV watching on the mobile. However more precisely: â&#x20AC;˘
Men would replace sending text messages, reading/looking at magazines and fill in the gaps passtimes with watching TV/videos on the mobile, to a greater extent than women.
Whereas between the women there is a greater propensity to stop playing with the video game console.
Graph 15: Activities that could be substituted by watching videos or TV on the mobile according to sex
I will replace it
I will certainly not replace it Surfing the internet Reading free newspapers Going to the cinema Listening to music
man woman
Playing the game console Watching TV at home Sending multimedia messages (photos) Downloading games on the mobile Going out on the weekends Listening to radio Downloading tones, melodies Reading or looking to magazines Playing with the mobile Seeing photos or images that I have in the mobile Meeting with friends Crosswords/ sudokus/ letter soup
Base: 1.078
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Competitors for the audiovisual contents on the mobile
By age, young peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s enthusiasm keeps up: the under 19 year olds declare that they would be more susceptible to changing their activities than the older ones, with less signs of change being observed as the age increases.
Graph 16: Activities that could be substituted by watching videos or TV on the mobile according to age I will certainly replace it
I will certainly not replace it Surfing the internet Reading free newspapers Going to the cinema
Listening to music
14-19 20-24 25-34 35-45
Playing the game console Watching TV at home Sending multimedia messages (photos) Downloading games on the mobile Going out on the weekends Listening to radio Downloading tones, melodies Reading or looking to magazines Playing with the mobile Seeing photos or images that I have in the mobile Meeting with friends Crosswords/ sudokus/ letter soup
Base: 1.078
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Notes and references
Notas: (1)
The non-portable home or office telephone allows communication “between places”. The change introduced by mobile telephony was the possibility of communicating “people”. Is in this sense that we used the term “unlocalized”, as being non dependent on a physical location .
A factorial analysis from a question with attitudinal items measured with a Liker scale of 6 levels was made -from “totally in agreement” to “totally in disagreement”. In the end 5 dimensions were extracted that explained 66.5% of the variance observed in the answers of the interviewees
From a question in which a list of possible contents was offered and whose attractive was measured with a Likert scale of 6 levels from “not attractive” to “very attractive” a factorial analysis was made and 5 factors were extracted that explained 73.8% of the variance of the data.
This information comes from: the average waiting time calculated from the schedules boards of “Metro de Madrid” without weighing by hour strips and from the official data of the Barcelona metro and urban buses obtained from the Metro of Barcelona and the Empresa Municipal de Transporte (EMT), Madrid, webs respectively.
The factorial of moments of consumption throws up 3 factors: waiting moments, social moments and private moments that explain 67.5% of the variance.
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Notes and references
References GAPTEL, Contenidos digitales. Junio, 2006. GAPTEL, Comunicaciones móviles e inalámbricas. Septiembre, 2005. PwC&IESE, Uso y actitud de los jóvenes hacia Internet y la telefonía móvil. 2002.
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007
Princesa 29, 3ยบ D | 28008 Madrid Tel. 91 308 08 90 | Fax. 91 319 27 95
Mobile TV: Tendencies in Spain
February 2007