Leadership Research Essay
Leadership Research Essay
Leadership is a process of influencing activities of a particular group of people with the aim of attaining certain stipulated goals. In defining leadership there is need to consider a particular group, the common goals and the duties that are allocated to specific members of the group depending on their abilities (Fiedler 1976). Leadership therefore cannot successfully occur unless members of the group are given different considerations in terms of personality, traits and responsibilities. In considering leadership, it is important to look at the leader, the group or organization they are leading, the members as individuals and the situation; these are...show more content...
The concept of predictability of an individual is an essential psychodynamic element in my way of leadership in the sense that the theory shows that human behaviors are predictable and understandable (Northhouse, 2007). In this sense I easily predict certain individual's behaviors based on their personality and this makes my leadership style to be described best by psychodynamic approach. This can be illustrated by Jung's way of classifying personality such that people's personality can be classified by understanding that human behavior is predictable and understandable, they have preference of how they feel and think and these preferences become the basis of how they work and play their specific roles (Northhouse, 2007).
My Distinguishing Leadership Traits One of the most distinguishing leadership traits I have is the ability to instill some sense of passion to my team and hence leave in the team members a conviction and the will to move on. I also have the quality of listening to my team; in this case I listen carefully and consider various options to the issues raised before giving feedback. In essence, as a good leader, I involve everyone, give everyone responsibility according to their identified abilities and make everybody accountable; thus I am responsible for my actions and the actions of my followers. Another trait that distinguishes my leadership skills is the confidence I manifest. I communicate to my Get
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Hazing: Does It Exist and How Is It Being Prevented?
Often times hazing is a big problem we see occurring in our society. Whether it is occurring within a sports team, sorority, school, friends, or even a group of co–workers, we hear about it on a relatively frequent basis. Often times hazing stories are justified by the person committing the act of hazing and over dramatized by the media. Conducting a full study on whether hazing actually exists and the multiple ways it exists can help members of our society to further understand the implications of the action. Throughout this study the definition of hazing has been explored as well as superfluous examples to prove hazing is prominent in our society and laws and actions taken against...show more content...
Robert Champion, a recent high school graduate was recently killing on a school bus after injuries due to hazing from his peers, shorting after, Bria Hunter came forward stating that she was brutally beaten in a hazing ritual on her school bus as well. James says that "we made our pledges sit outside in dresses and sell lemonade, but instead of selling for money, they were selling one chance to hit a pledge in the privates with a baseball bat". Another Greek life incident occurred at the University of South Florida, requiring the suspension of the sorority Omega Psi Phi in 2012 after former students beat some current students at a nearby vacant store. To support thethought that hazing even exists in NFL football, a few rookie players have come forth admitting that veteran players have hazed them by requiring them to cut their hair in obscure fashions and to hold their heavy equipment to and from practice. Statistics gathered through research prove that hazing is prominent in our society. One and half million high school students are hazed each year and forty–seven percent of students enter college having already experienced some kind of hazing. A survey conducted by Holmes of 11,482 undergrad students, fifty–five percent have experienced hazing and ninety–five percent did not report those hazing incidents. Hazing has also been listed as occurring in the
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Hazing Research Paper
Research Paper
Inclusive education means that all students in a school, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses in any area, become part of the school community. They are included in the feeling of belonging among other students, teachers, and support staff. The educational practice known as, full inclusion may have negative effects on the self–esteem of a special needs child. In 1975, Congress passed the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, also known as Public Law94–142. Before this law came into effect many children with disabilities were routinely excluded from public schools.
Their options were to remain at home or be institutionalized. This law was an important landmark in education and because of this law,...show more content...
Integration presumes that "segregation" exists and students are with their peers without disabilities part–time. The CSIE did many studies and found that inclusion is more effective than either integration or mainstreaming. Ferguson's (1992) project to achieve both social and learning outcomes for students in general education classrooms resulted in the finding that "integration doesn't work, but inclusion does." In 1997 President Clinton signed into law the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act. This law aims to strengthen academic expectations and accountability for the millions of children with disabilities. This law makes it clear that schools have a duty to educate children with disabilities in general education classrooms. With this law in effect the CSIE began to really push the inclusion movement in schools.
When inclusion was proposed, educators' primary concern was how learning–disabled students would benefit academically. Academic concern is important; studies on the success of inclusion have determined that there are social issues that need more attention. A study on inclusion conducted by (B. Dixon) in New Hampshire found that Even when students were first included in regular classes, teams did not focus on the students peer relations unless parents pushed the issue or students
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Gene Therapy Research Paper Gene therapy is described as the transplantation of normal genes into cells in place of missing or defective ones in order to correct genetic disorders. 1 During the 1960's and early 70's the actual concept of what is now known to be gene therapy arose. Many new practices including the development of genetically marked cell lines and the delineation of cells transformation by the papaovaviruses polyoma were in the works. Cloned genes became a product of this new DNA technique and were used to prove that foreign genes could actually correct genetic disorders.2 This new technology in the medical field has a wide range of uses that is constantly growing larger as scientists continue to study and experiment with it. As of right now, the uses ofgene therapy in the medical field consist of replacing missing or defective genes, delivering genes that speed the destruction of cancer cells, supplying genes that cause cancer cells to revert to their normality, delivering bacterial or viral genes as a form of vaccination, providing genes that promote or impede the growth of new tissue and delivering genes that stimulate the healing of damaged tissue.3 With this information, a wide variety of genes are now being used for testing within gene therapy. In the mid 1980's the first use of gene therapy was practiced and then seen in a four–year old girl when she became the first gene therapy patient on September 14, 1990 at the NH Clinical Center. This four–year
Gene Therapy Research Paper
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Importance and purpose of research
Research is important to understand, increase knowledge, and get information for social life. Social research is conducted to extend knowledge about some aspects of society like humanities, business or any social science [asi]. Research is used to form or develop new theories in order to understand the process behind particular event or behavior, or review the correctness of existing theories. In addition, research is also conducted to inform decisions or action to solve everyday issues such as evaluating the effectiveness of policy. [abr] and [brm] of the business research emphasis on the importance of research as getting problem–solving information. Research is the process of studying and analyzing the aspects of the issue as to explore the solution to the business.
The summaries of the core objectives of research are testing existing knowledge, developing new system or generating new knowledge, seeking solution for issues, and analyzing new problems or investigating existing problems [br].
Quantitative and Qualitative Paradigm
[br] a research paradigm is a philosophical perspective that guides how scientific research should be conducted. Philosophy is 'a set or system of beliefs [stemming from] the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence' (Waite and Hawker, 2009, p.685). [w1] The most influential or the dominant ones of philosophical framework are positivism and interpretivism. During the twentieth
Importance And Purpose Of Research Essay
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Our Ethnography Research is how student's religious views affect their political views from a standpoint of three different religions. Since we live in a college town, we decided the appropriate demographic should be a college student between the age of 18 and 21. I got to interview a close friend of mine, Danny. Danny is a sophomore at Oregon State University and he describes himself as a Seventh Day Adventist, which is a smaller branch of Christianity and as a Democrat. I got to ask him many questions that one would not usually get asked, which made the interview fairly difficult, but I got to meet an entirely new friend.
The first question is, "What do you feel shapes your view on pro–choice / pro–life?" His response was pro–life because of his religion. Danny believes that he is pro–life because his parents raised him to accept every blessing as a gift from God. Along with that he reckons that a parent that aborts their child should receive a considerable punishment. If the parents do not want to keep the child they should give it up for adoption instead of aborting a gift from God. As a Christian...show more content...
His parents are against gun control because they believe that guns are good for protection, which he completely disagrees with. He thinks that guns dangerous and they should be harder to obtain. He believes that the government should make it harder for people to purchase weapons. He used the recent shootings as an example of what happens when we do not have strong gun control. With stronger gun control, we can prevent future shootings. I disagree with Danny and agree with his parents, the second amendment says that people have the right to keep and bear arms. I know that they are dangerous, but possessing one does not always that you have a bad intention of using
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Ethnography Research Papers
The Death Penalty Research Paper
Andrew Cruz
Ms. Rachel Williams
28 April 2011
The death penalty is a capital punishment that is put into effect for major crimes. The death penalty is a very controversial topic in the United States and throughout the world. There was a time period were the death penalty was banned for about four years in 1972–1976. Many feel that the death penalty is justice because it is retribution toward criminals who have committed heinous crimes. However the death penalty is inhumane and should be abolished in the United States. The death penalty has been around since the beginning of civilization. "Capital Punishment has been practiced in most known societies over the course of humans history"...show more content...
Research Paper on the Death Penalty
It is irrational to think that the death penalty – a remote threat at best – will avert murders committed in drug turf wars or by street–level dealers" (Bedau). This shows that the death penalty is not stopping murders from occurring. The introduction to the death penalty conducted a survey were top criminologists stated that the death penalty does not deter homicide rates (Introduction). "For 2009, the average Murder Rate of Death Penalty States was 4.9 [Murder rates by the 100,000], while the average Murder Rate of States without the Death Penalty was 2.8" (Introduction). Not only does the death penalty not deter crime but it is also very expensive. The death penalty costs so much because of the appeal process. The appeal process is a very long and expensive process that can go on forever and costs the government millions. Many assume that abolishing the death penalty is wrong because it becomes unfair to the taxpayers because they think the cost is less than that of life in prison without parole. However life in prison is less expensive than the death penalty (Bedau). The death penalty is actually three times more than keeping a prisoner in prison for life without parole (Messerli). Death penalty trials are costly as well. "[S]tudies estimate that death penalty trials cost $1
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Why are essays so hard to write ? Essays take a lot of practice and certain requirements to write them. It takes a lot of practice and counts a lot in parts of your grades. "Most students do not supplement their general study of the law for the essays. They rely on the encyclopedic outline and are fooled into thinking all they need for the essays is general concepts."(writing edge p.5) Although teachers assign them and think that they help us learn most students don't like them and research shows that's you can't have enough practice to write an essay. Essays my be very difficult to write because people like to wait last minute. It is said that "There are a lot of reasons. Many students wait to start writing them until the last minute – and
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Why It Is Hard To Write A Research Paper
Research Paper: A Good Man is Hard to Find
A good man really is hard to find. But what is the real definition of a real man? Maybe it is not just the prince charming you see in fairy tales or the perfect guy walking down Sixth Ave. that you pass by everyday to work. Maybe a good guy is simply someone that is good what they do. In this case the relationship between the grandmother and the misfit is just that. The only thing is if the reader sees it as clearly as the author would like them too or simply as she does. The setting of the story is never really clear to the reader. The author never really comes out and says where and when the story takes place, but with a few clues an idea is given on a pretty clear setting of "A Good Man is...show more content...
This could have been the case between he misfit and the grandmother both. But it's never really clearly said. The misfit could have been known as the evil villain of the story. The grandmother was slowly beginning to turn into one but never made it all the way. "So take a chance, and take a look at Flannery O'Connor. Prepare to laugh, to be shocked, and to think. But most of all, be prepared to see."–Welborn. There are many symbols in A Good Man is Hard to Find. "A Symbol is something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible." –Symbol. The first most obvious symbol is the Grandmother's hat. She wears the hat for one sole purpose; if she were to die she would want the ones who found her body to be able to identify her as a lady. When she prepares for the car trip, she prepares for any accident that may occur. For the grandmother the only thing that seems to matter to her is that she is recognized as a lady, this reveals her selfishness and flimsy moral convention. When the grandmother first gets ready for the trip, the hat is in perfect condition. No tears, no nothing. When the grandmother gets involved in the car accident, just like her moral convictions, her hat begins to fall apart. The rim of the hat begins to tear as she faces the misfit and is thrown from the car. When the Get more content
Research Paper: a Good Man Is Hard to Find
Research Paper: Anxiety Disorders Stephanie Hathaway Liberty University
Abstract Anxiety Disorders are characterized by many symptoms and often associated with depressive tendencies. Although the majority are produced in a person based off of their genetic material, other influences exist environmentally that can encourage or discourage the severity of the symptoms and prognosis it has on one's overall well–being. Early diagnosis and a systematic combination of treatments can help reduce the tensions and encourage a more normal life than what was previously experienced by the person with the disorder.
Introduction Anxiety is a normal part of the human process that involves a reaction to adverse reaction...show more content... The excess of worry and fear is only heightened due to the fact that physical ailments are normally present. If a person with this disorder is concerned over a health related matter, the unexplained physical conditions that are occurring only reinforce the beliefs and worry that is taking place inside their head.
Social Anxiety Disorder This type of Anxiety Disorder has a direct correlation relating to social situations. A person experiencing this disorder has a chronic fear of other people's perceptions of them. They are especially likely to avoid any situation where they are being observed by others such as giving presentations or activities that must be performed in front of an audience, large or small. In extreme circumstances where social anxiety disorder exists, a person will avoid social situations all together and will become a "hermit" in their own individual abode. This disorder is impairing to one's normal life functioning because it often affects a person's ability to perform the essential duties in a work environment. It also deters them from engaging in typical conversations because the fear of being embarrassed or judged is so extreme (Fleming, 2012). The difference between social anxiety disorder and other disorders is that a person is capable of enjoying themselves. This is because they are not impacted as severely physically since their fear is only stimulated in the event that they will have to be Get
Anxiety Disorders Research Paper
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Sea turtles are one of only seven species that survived the extinction of the dinosaurs which makes this line of creatures over 65 million years old (Cave, В¶2). These ancient animals are very special and have not changed since this time making them very sustainable to live in a changing environment, but only to a certain extent (Cave, В¶12). Sea turtles are an ancient species that are very important to marine life; because they are endangered, it is important to take steps to conserve these creatures. The seven different types of sea turtles live all around the world and play an important role in maintaining all the marine ecosystems they are a part of. The main part they do is maintain the health of seagrass beds and coral reefs which are home...show more content...
They provide a key habitat for organisms that other fish by being a habitat themselves or helping maintain one. This relationship between animals helps balance the food webs of the ocean and land as they travel back and forth (Why Healthy Oceans, pg. 5). Turtles have a mutualistic relationship with many species of the water that allows both the turtles and another organism to benefit from each other's natural ways of living. This is why turtles help the ocean environments even though their numbers are diminishing still at this point, and they will continue to be important, even if they do become extinct one day, because they play such a vital role in this
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Sea Turtle Research Paper
Research Paper On Standardized Testing
Standardized Testing Standardized testing is a collectively accepted aspect of education today, it is used to evaluate if students of all ages are being shaped and educated up to the common standard set by the government. Standardized testing can be seen in almost all educational settings from kindergarten classes to exit exams for nurse practioners. Standardized testing came into play when former President George Bush ran his campaign on being the education president and enacted the No Child Left behind Act. Under this act all educational districts are subject to standards and core values they must meet to receive accreditation and funding from the government. Just the other day many students at Moorcroft high school student had to take a...show more content...
Many aspects of students' lives dwell on how they do on tests, such as the ACT, SAT, or even their basic grades to be accepted in to college.
The tests need to be designed to accurately gather information on the knowledge of the student, the ACT only asks you a hand full of questions on basic subject yet take math for instance there are thousands of areas in math to understand and master. Not only are there more than very specific questions asked the tests do not take in to account the different ways people solve problems such as having to write out question. Some students such as myself cannot do mental math and it takes us longer to understand the question we are being asked to evaluate, yet the ACT is a timed test. This creates a bias in the system that students don't know math were the real problem could either be test anxiety or a lack of time given to properly complete the test. Testing is deeply rooted in students' lives, making it an ever more pressing matter to fix the issues that concern us
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"I feel sorry for the person who can't get genuinely excited about his work. Not only will he never be satisfied, but he will never achieve anything worthwhile" (Walter Chrysler). Deciding on what one wants to be in life can prove to be a demanding task. There are so many, yet limited, different opportunities in the world to have an excellent career and make a decent living while doing something one loves. It is limited because there are only a few specific career paths that someone could take to make good money. It is very difficult to make a fulfilling living being a garbage man. There are many different opportunities because, within these specific careers, there are usually various paths to take. Someone who has dreams to be a...show more content...
I am also interested in both design and math and as I was researching a job that incorporated these two skills I came across civil engineering. Right now I have to decide which job path would be the best one to take, counseling or civil engineering. Through the research shown below, I received an overwhelming amount of information on every little detail of these jobs. Psychology "Few fields of study offer more career opportunities than does psychology" (Sternburg 3). There are a wide selection of specialties a person could go into with a bachelor's degree in psychology. In graduate school, which is a must to attend, there is the option to explore the different specialities or to go into the desired specialty without any research of the others. There are also many options within a specific specialty. There is the option to be a teacher, to work for various organizations, be a speaker, to have your own practice, and many others. In the psychology field these options can all be combined. In fact it is expected of psychologists to do more activities involving their specialty than solely sit in an office and listen to patients. There are two specialities that I am interested in however, over the years, these specialties have become very similar. Clinical and counseling psychology have evolved to become one in the same. Someone who specializes in clinical psychology are more
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Career Research Essay
In the field, I was constantly wondering about the results of the data. I had feelings that initial hypotheses were not being proved. I had assumptions that our data was not consistent with the rest of the research team. I felt that it was my approach to the question that was skewing the answers a specific way. However, these restless thoughts helped me identify connections and patterns when the raw data was finally gathered. With a total of 356 surveys from the entire research team and 30 from my partner and I, I've been eager to interpret and compare the gathered data. I'd like to begin with a curious result; an occurrence that surprised me early in the field. The questions under the section for demographics were evidently personal....show more content...
The next results that I found interesting were those pertaining to rent burden. Just as the questions on demographics stirred thoughts while in the field, the questions on rent burden also made me anxious to see the results. While in the field, the responses to the questions on rent burden, led me to believe that our sample was not proving our hypothesis: the majority of renters will be experiencing rent burden. Our hypothesis was based on the studies on the Housing Crisis in Santa Cruz County and the results from the previous research wave. However, when I asked respondents the question: "In the last 5 years, have you experienced any difficulties in order to pay rent?" from my memory, the majority responded no. Unfortunately, the data for this particular question is not yet gathered, but it would be interesting to identify whether the results of my partner and I coincide with that of the entire research team's. However, the actual calculation of rent burden does support our initial hypothesis. From the sample of my partner and I, 73% of respondents experienced rent burden. Similarly, from the sample of the entire survey team, 66% of respondents experienced rent burden. This leads me to believe that the respondents would overwhelmingly report "no" to experiencing difficulties paying rent, because they prioritize the payment of rent or perhaps there may be a
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Research Paper
Market research is a process which companies, industries and organisations carry out to gather, analyse and interpret information gathered from the market. Market research can research about a new product that is going to sell on the market or an existing product and get to know existing and future customers spending habits and their preference. Besides, market research also involves research on competitors business owner face. A successful market research is a market research that can collect accurate information from the market because accurate information help business owner to make the right decisions and thus it helps them to make more profit. Basically market research can be identified into four main class of study. First is...show more content... There are five steps to carry out market research. Market research start with defining objectives that is to identify the end result that needs to be achieved. Next is developing the sample. This is to determine the group which can provide us answers that are related to our research for example if we want to make a market research about education then we can find a target group of parents, teachers and students. If we want to a do a market research about health care then our target group might be doctors and patients. Next is to develop questions. Developing questions is a very important part as the questions asked should not be biased in order to collect useful and accurate information. A biased question is a question that directly or indirectly force the user to choose the answers. For example a question ask "do you want money?". Then this is a biased question because all of us will choose "want" therefore it has force people to the answer. The next step is collecting data. Collecting data can be carry out by giving out surveys through phone, web, mails, face to face interviews and others. There are many factors that can affect the choice of choosing the way of collecting examples are research objectives, cost and timing. The last step is analysing results. This is the most important steps as it is all about understanding and interpreting what the data collected revealed. Market research can be divided into two types of research. The first type of
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WhatВґs Market Research? Essay examples
Research Experience
I have proactively engaged in research activity throughout my undergraduate program. I had my first research experience in Dr. B Anand's lab, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati, during my second year. The aim of the project was to study the non–fluorescent beta–barrel structured proteins and engineer its amino acid sequence to make them into fluorescent ones. Our approach was mainly based upon the studies of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) from a jellyfish Aequorea victoria. Tools like Python programming language, Gromacs, Ribosome, PROSS, and Pymol were used to study the structural components of non–fluorescent proteins. I gained invaluable...show more content...
I was challenged with cloning ydeH gene into the pJT118 plasmids which are green light sensitive. The ydeH gene produces a protein named diguanylate cyclase, which induces the production of c–di–GMP in Rosetta strain. This project gave me an opportunity to participate and win silver at International Bio–molecular design competition (BIOMOD) 2012 held at Wyss Institute, Harvard University, USA. Most of the molecular genetic techniques were extensively used in my project. During this internship, apart from gaining deeper technical experience, I realized that I could work on a research problem with a certain degree of independence, figuring out right approaches and proposing useful experiments. I acquired more confidence in my aptitude for research and it has been boosted while working on my undergraduate projects.
As a part of my undergraduate thesis, I worked on a project 'Extraction and analysis of beauvericin, a mycotoxin produced by Beauveria bassiana and its cytotoxic effects on the SF–21 (immortalized pupal ovarian cells isolated from Spodoptera frugiperda) cell line' under the guidance of Dr. Gurvinder Kaur Saini, IIT Guwahati. Beauvericin metabolite was extracted from the Beauveria bassiana isolates UB17 and UB21, by using n–hexane extraction method and the presence of beauvericin was analyzed and confirmed with High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and Mass spectroscopy (MS). Cytotoxic
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As history events have been noted in books, so that people will hopefully learn from our miss stakes. There are many things that causes certain events to be written down in history books and that would be when something important happen. This can be something that was a good day or an event that cause a lot of problems. Now what this essay is going to talk about is how the day of 9/11 started and how it even finish after everything was over. Also there might be some things on this essay that might make people mad for writing about 9/11 in general or that it could have been an inside job. Many people believe that this weaken the United States. For the longest time this was the first time that more than 2,000 people die in the U.S from an terrorist attack. On the day September 11, 2001 it started off like any other day, people going to work, kids going to school and people flight to places. It happen in the morning at 8:46 A.M when the first plane had hit theworld trade center. Many people believe that the...show more content... This was called ground zero because everything was laid down to waste. There were many people that help the firefighters and the police since there was a lot that had to be done. This help with the search and rescues which saved many lives. There were people that had been found near the towers that were very badly wounded and sometimes there were people that had been found collapse a block away. The smoke that spread when the buildings fell was a couple of blocks. This cause some people to pass out from all the dirt/smoke spread around the builds and it sometime killed people that come not make it out. As the fire men looked for people under the piece of rubble, they also had to make sure that when they did find someone, they had to find a way get the rubble off of that without hurting Get more content
Research Paper On 9/11
English 101 might seem like an easy course to take for some students. For other students such as myself, English 101 was one of the classes I feared and procrastinated on taking. Coming from an ESL background, English was the class I have always struggled with the most. I've always excelled in science/ mathematics courses. I prefer the correct answers to be facts and universal. Creativity is not my forte. The process of putting your thoughts down on paper in an organized manner, with correct punctuation, and citing works used, seemed like a complicated, tedious task before taking English 101 this summer.
Taking a look back at my pastwriting assignments and drafts for each one, I can clearly see the improvement in organization. My first draft for writing assignment 1 was basically one long paragraph. I clearly remember Mr. Bogdaniec's advice on how to separate and create individual paragraphs that only contain one topic or main idea. Also with his handouts on writing an introductory paragraph and how to write the conclusion paragraph were extremely helpful in putting together my first writing assignment in this class. I followed the steps on brainstorming and then steps for creating a plot, and didn't feel overwhelmed and confused as I had anticipated. I followed Mr....show more content... Bogdaniecs teachings and instructions was punctuation, specifically commas. I was one of those people under the wrong assumption that commas were placed whenever there was a pause in a sentence or you are listing off multiple items, adjectives or verbs. Obviously I was wrong. In writing assignment 2 I had a few mistakes where I forgot to use correct punctuation. After reviewing Mr. Bogdanic remarks on assignment 2, I was able to go back and correct my punctuation mistakes and get a 105 out of 100 points for my revision. I finally understood why we use commas, and the importance of placing them in the correct location of a Get more content
English 101 Research Paper