1 minute read
2. WHAT?:
→ WEBSITE COLLECTIVE ARCHIVE a. Collect portfolio & personal branding from RMIT Communication Design studio participants. → Asked everyone in GRAP2657 [Monday Class] for their Portfolios (Mostly) | Personal Branding. b. Create the Website with Cargo.site.
→ Create a community for students who is or going to be a designer and people who are interested in design in general.
→ A contribution website for Designers. (in general)
WEBSITE AIMS: Learn | Explore | Reference | Inspiration
* cargo.site (N.D.)
CONTRIBUTED TO: Beth | Aseye | Echo | RongRong | George | Rosie
| Gayatri | Yew-Qi | Yula | ZhiXuan
→ Everyone who has sent me the portfolio / personal branding.