Ada-und-Theodor-LessingVolkshochschuleHannover, Germany
For further information and theOnlinetoolplease visit the website of the project!
AIFED Granada, Spain Association for Education and Development of Disable people, Kavala, Greece Contact:
Bureau Régional de Colonies de VacancesBRCVSousse, Tunisia Eurocultura, Vicenza, Italy FundacionDocetes Omnes, S.L., Granada, Spain
Youth on the Empowerment
Karriere Club, Vienna, Austria 1. November 2013 – 31.October 2015 Lifelong Learning Program Leonardo da Vinci Partnership 540327-LLP-1-2013-1-ES-LEONARDO-LMP Financed by the European Union
Aims of project
Practical use
The economic development in the last years shows the relevance of mobility for searching an employment opportunity and the necessity to adapt quickly to changes and new challenges. So training of the 8 key competences should be part of the educational process
On the project website
Overview th
The European Parliament and Council of 18 December 2006 recommended 8 key competences as important for the employment of people everywhere in the European Union: 1) Communication in the mother tongue; 2) Communication in foreign languages; 3) Mathematical competence and competences in science and technology;
4) Digital competence; 5) Learning to learn; 6) Social and civic competences;
Under the aim to develop a tool which helps young people to improve their key competences we started a common project in November 2013. Organizations out of Spain, Italy, Greece, Tunisia, Austria and Germany collaborate in “Youth on the Empowerment – YOTE”, we offer an online tool where everybody but especially young people find ideas and exercises to learn more about the key competences and to improve them. The tool is for free. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us!
The project
7) Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; 8) Cultural awareness and expression. Beside a more or less successful formal education young people need these key competences for starting their job career, no matter what they would like to start with.
„Youth on the Empowerment – YOTE“ is financed by the European Union. The project works under the leadership of “Foundation Docete Omnes” in La Zubia, Granada, Spain. The project-team of the 7 international partners