Elist European Learning Innovation for Sustainable Training Transnational Training on Entrepreneurial Competences 23rd – 27th November 2015 Bisceglie, ITALY
DESCRIPTION " Elist European Learning Innovation for Sustainable Training " is a 5 days Training Course, where 70 participants, from 7 countries, will have the opportunity to explore the idea of entrepreneurship and sustainable development in the rural areas. This initiative offers a new approach to these issues, through the direct involvement of participants: in fact they are the protagonists of the entire designing process for a training curriculum of Entrepreneur of sustainable development, creating opportunities to meet and debate, aiming at a sustainable development and focused on good practices. The sessions will be mixed, formal, non-formal and practical, with space for feedback and evaluation, with a session for reflection each day. The path of the training will be an opportunity to make choices and make decisions. The attention of young people and young entrepreneurs for so urgent problems can make it turn into a mission not only at the national and international level but worldwide.
AIM The primary aim of this course is to enhance entrepreneurs's competences to empower people living in rural areas to take active participation in the local development and in the change towards a more sustainable society. We hope to contribute to build a SUSTAINABLE ENTREPRENEURSHIP STYLE between entrepreneurs and the environment and a future in which ENVIRONMENT is no longer an emergency but a way of life and where SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT is no longer a series of concepts to be transmitted but the concrete daily practices.
WHEN AND WHERE The training course will take place in Bisceglie - Italy, in the beautiful Puglia Region. Arrival day of participants: Monday 23rd of November 2015 Departure day of participants: Friday 27th of November 2015 Participants will be hosted in Nicotel Bisceglie, and will be sharing rooms in groups of 2 http://www.nicotelhotels.com/bisceglie/index.html
PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS Apply if you are - Curious to explore the idea of sustainable development in an entrepreneurship initiative in a rural area of your country; - Motivated to learn new tools, methods and ideas to be used as a way to achieve a sustainable style in your entrepreneurship initiative; - Interested in application of some entrepreneurship skills in the activities and initiatives carried out by youth organizations in rural areas of your country; - Ready to actively participate in the whole training and to contribute; - Able to work and communicate in English; - Able to use the acquired skills in future activities. This course is for participants from: Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, COSTS This project has been funded with the support of the Erasmus+ Program for participants from: Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Turkey Travel Subsistence (accomodation and food)
275€ 275€
Accommodation and food: Nicotel Bisceglie, accommodation in double rooms, breakfast and 1 meal included: € 40/day Travel: Participants have to collect all related tickets (including boarding passes) for their travel from and to their country. Austria: E.N.T.E.R. GMBH Bulgaria: Association Generations Greece: ACADEMY OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP ASTIKIETAIRA Portugal: ALDEIA LUSOFONA - Associação para o desenvolvimento intercomunitario Spain: Fundacion Docete Omnes Turkey: Trakya University
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The details of payment will be specify in the single contract signed by the participant and the sending organization of his/her country:
TRAINING CONTENT This training course will be delivered as step of designing and testing of a curriculum for Entrepreneur of sustainable development that a consortium of 7 partners is implementing in an Erasmus Plus Project – KA 2 for adult education, coordinated by GAL Fior d’olivi (IT) The training days are organized organized in 4 sessions: 1. Formal presentation of the topic 2. Good practice presentation 3. Testimonial 4. Open questions The topics of the training will be:
Leader Approach Leadership and human resources management Innovation in the agriculture related sectors Fund raising Sustainable development
APPLICATION PROCEDURE Application form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1wy4NQzzkx_deZwcqV7HptQWWI9bRJLQYeUV6wIU65nQ/viewfor m to be completed before 15th October. In case of any questions, please contact us at (insert your email) More detailed information will be provided to the selected participants.
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AGENDA Project relates idea for sustainable development and the possibility of sustainably using environment as a resource for youth enterprises in rural areas. It promotes ideas for young people to establish environment-based enterprises in local communities – eco-tourism; bio-agriculture; community development projects; eco-villages etc.
The methodology of the training course is conceived in ways that require active participation and exchange between participants. It is based on real experiences and builds on concrete actions for the future. The methodology of the training programme is based on the main principles of experiential learning cycle and mixed formal and non-formal education.
The programme is designed with a logical flow that starts with introduction to concepts and progressively gets into the topic, to end up working on the creation by participants of field research and analysing collected data.
OBJECTIVES OF THE TRAINING: To develop knowledge about environmentally linked enterprises (sustainable development) To develop knowledge about improvement of innovation and/or diversification from agriculture in rural areas (Eco-tourism; bio-agriculture; social projects; etc.) To motivate and support young people to establish environment-based local enterprises through Eu opportunities of funding(fund raising). To implement field research providing information for possible uses of environment as a sustainable resource for employability (ecology, economy and society). To share best practices for management of local environmentally linked enterprises. To promote skills on leadership and team management of youth enterprises METHODOLOGY Each day will provide 3 sessions: 1. Formal presentation of the topic 2. Good practice presentation / Testimonial 3. Open questions
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Elisabetta GIROLAMO and Giuseppina FLORIO
Objective: 1. To promote harmony within the group and for it to become a team 2. To introduce the Leader approach, explaining how it can work for the development of rural communities. Arrival and registration of participants
TEAM BUILDING Facilitating introductions Introducing a topic Reviewing and applying the concepts of learning Team Building and energizing activities of Group LEADER APPROACH The Leader approach to rural development: what is it? The seven key features of the Leader approach Implementing Leader at the local level Leader in the future: mainstreaming Examples of Leader in practice
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Elisabetta GIROLAMO and Giuseppina FLORIO Objective: 1. To help participants to recognize their potential and talent 2. To provide participants with the knowledge and basic skills to develop leadership skill 3. To know the HR function 4. To give the trainees the best tools to create and manage work groups motivated to achieve corporate objectives. LEADERSHIP Leadership: what is it? Leadership Characteristics Leadership styles Leadership and motivation HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT The HR function Recruitment and selection of employees Assessment of human resources as a tool for enhancing and motivation 5
Skills development in the company Organizational climate and well-being
Antonio STASI Objective: Providing attendees with good knowledge about the economic theory of diversification and the potentiality of multifunctional agriculture with a deep focus on social agriculture and its possible impacts on rural economies Content: General firm management theory, in order to better understand the background of the agricultural products market and the new challenges, will be explained. Price volatility together with the increase of energy related products leads to a rethinking of rural economies. In the meanwhile, EU recognizes the role of agriculture for the characterization and the positive externalities of agricultural practices. Multifunctional farms needs then to be fully explored by real examples. Only when analysing the possibilities of multifunctional agriculture, the understanding of the impact of diversification on firm structure and rural income is possible. With such a premise is possible to depict all the possible strategies that can be adopted in a rural environment. Testimonial or good practice presentation Open discussion
INNOVATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT FROM AGRICULTURE IN RURAL AREAS Day 4 Antonio STASI Objective: providing attendees with good knowledge about eco26/11/2015 innovation in food industry and show them empirical findings of the literature showing the main drivers and limitations Content: The importance to the food industry of eco-innovations has risen exponentially in recent years. In this paper we provide a detailed analysis of the drivers of eco-innovation in the food industry. We account for the impact of three sets of drivers (environmental regulation, demand factors and firm-specific and technology-push factors) on the adoption 10.00-13.00 of two types of eco-innovations: cleaner production (CP) and end-of-pipe technologies (EOP). The empirical evidence is based on a questionnaire survey administered to producers. The analysis of a specific industry and product allows us to control for cross-industry differences emerging ELIST– Dissemination plan
from other empirical work on eco-innovation. Our results confirm the importance for eco-innovation of technologypush factors and open innovation activities. Testimonial or good practice presentation Open discussion
FUND RAISING FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN RURAL AREAS EVALUATION AND FINAL RESULTS Pia ANTONACI and Jonida SHEREMETI Day 5 Elisabetta GIROLAMO and Giuseppina FLORIO Objective: 1. to provide participants with information about searching for possible programs to support their entrepreneurship initiative in the Eu funding programs 27/11/2015 2. To assess the degree of learning of course participants; 3. To train the trainees to the development of social and managerial skills
12.00 – 13.00
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Content: The European strategy for funding entrepreneurship and innovation in rural areas Key concepts in designing and managing a project funded by Eu programs • Assessment of learned knowledge trough a selfreport questionnaire • Guided self-exploration of knowledge, skills and abilities Departure of participants