Training course in Athens

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ELIST- European Learning Innovation for Sustainable Training Transnational Training II on Entrepreneurial Capacity Building 15th – 19th February 2016 Athens, GREECE

DESCRIPTION Transnational Training II within “Elist - European Learning Innovation for Sustainable Training” context is a 5 days Capacity Building/Mentoring Course, in which 70 participants, from 7 countries, will have the opportunity to improve their entrepreneurial attitudes/behaviors, knowledge, skills and build innovation capabilities in order to have a positive impact on local development in a sustainable way, considering the environment, the economy and the social context of their communities. This training is asset-based and focuses on the sustainability and the development of a dynamic and growth generating entrepreneurial ecosystem in the agricultural sector, in which multiple stakeholders play a role in facilitating entrepreneurship at international, national, regional and local levels. Youth Trainers acting as Mentors and young entrepreneurs acting as Mentees, are welcome to participate as they can learn from each other and create mutually beneficial and self-sustaining relationships generating jobs, and fostering innovation and poverty reduction through the empowerment of marginalized members of the agricultural community. The sessions will be mixed, formal, non-formal and practical. Special emphasis will be placed on experiential and peer-learning. AIM The primary aims of this training are: a) to provide an overview for a systemic approach to capacity building in entrepreneurship which will facilitate mentors to inspire and enable individuals to start and to grow entrepreneurial ventures in the agricultural sector, and b) to enhance the competences of young entrepreneurs, living in rural areas, to take active participation in the development of their local communities and in the change towards a more sustainable society. WHEN AND WHERE The training course will take place in a suburb of Athens – Greece, near the southern coast. Arrival day of participants: Monday 15th of February 2016 Departure day of participants: Friday 19th of February 2016 ELIST– TT2


Participants will be hosted inLondon Hotel, Athens and will be sharing rooms in groups of 2

PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS Apply if you are: - Curious to explore and implement the idea of entrepreneurial capacity building in a rural area of your country; - Motivated to learn new tools, methods and ideas to be used in the empowerment of aspiring or existing entrepreneurs of your community; - Interested inthe improvement of entrepreneurial behaviors, knowledge, skills and innovation capabilitiesof individuals in rural areas of your country; - Ready to actively participate in the whole training and to contribute; - Able to work and communicate in English; - Able to use the acquired skills in future activities. This course is for participants from: Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Turkey. COSTS This project has been funded with the support of the Erasmus+ Program for participants from: Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Turkey. Travel Subsistence (accommodation and food)

275€ 275€

Accommodation and food: London Hotel, Glyfada, Athens, accommodation in double rooms, breakfast and 1 meal included: ELIST– TT2


€ 36/day Travel: Participants have to collect all related tickets (including boarding passes) for their travel from and to their country. Austria: E.N.T.E.R. GMBH Bulgaria: Association Generations Greece: ACADEMY OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP - ASTIKIETAIRIA Italy: GALFiord’olivi Portugal: ALDEIA LUSOFONA - Associação para o desenvolvimentointercomunitario Spain: FundacionDoceteOmnes Turkey: Trakya University The details of payment will be specify in the single contract signed by the participant and the sending organization of his/her country: TRAINING CONTENT This training course will be delivered as step of designing and testing of a curriculum for Entrepreneur of sustainable development that a consortium of 7 partners is implementing in an Erasmus + Project – KA 2 for adult education, coordinated by GAL Fiord’olivi (IT) The training days are organized in 3sessions: 1. Formal presentation of the topic 2. Good practice presentation/Testimonial 3. Open questions The topics of the training will be: Capacity Building and Learning: individual, organizational and social Design long-term strategies for capacity building and implementation challenges Identification of needs & opportunities at individual, community, and regional level Trainees' empowerment Stakeholder engagement for community empowerment APPLICATION PROCEDURE Application form: see attached file to be completed before 31st of December 2015. In case of any questions, please contact us at (insert your email) More detailed information will be provided to the selected participants.



AGENDA Project relates idea for sustainable development and the possibility of sustainably using environment as a resource for youth enterprises in rural areas. It promotes ideas for young people to establish environment-based enterprises in local communities – eco-tourism; bio-agriculture; community development projects; eco-villages etc.

The methodology of the training course is conceived in ways that require active participation and exchange between participants. It is based on the main principles of experiential learning and peer learning as well as formal and non-formal education.

OBJECTIVES OF THE TRAINING:  To develop participants’ knowledge, skills and competence on capacity building and sustainability for rural development,  To motivate and support mentors in their new role as capacity enablers to take active participation in the development of their local communities,  To support mentors/capacity builders implement a user-centered design for entrepreneurship, taking into consideration trainees abilities, organizational and social context,  To present mentoring good practice principles,  To promote knowledge on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial soft skills,  To support capacity builders in engaging stakeholders for community empowerment. METHODOLOGY Each day will provide 3 sessions: 1. Formal presentation of the topic 2. Good practice presentation / Testimonial 3. Open questions






AimiliaMarkouizou-Gica, Andreas Stefanidis Objectives: 1. To create a warm, friendly, and personal learning environment through team building and ice breakers activities 2. To introduce the capacity building approach, explaining how it can work for the development of rural communities


Arrival and registration of participants


Lunch Content:


TEAM BUILDING ACTIVITIES Facilitating introductions Team building and energizing activities


CAPACITY BUILDING What is it? Key features and approaches Implementing capacity building at the local level Capacity building and sustainability Examples of capacity building in practice

CAPACITY BUILDING AND IMPLEMENTATION: ORGANIZATIONAL AND SOCIAL Day 2 EvangelosAchillopoulos, Konstantinos Tzortzis Objectives: 1. To present ‘asset based’ approach to community development. 16/02/2016 2. To support the building of strong local communities 3. Recognizing a new role for mentors Content:



Capacity building for sustainable rural development involves anticipating change, diversifying industries, value adding, redefining opportunities and challenges, encouraging collaboration and developing organization and leadership. Thus the focus will be on : Ways to analyze the local economy Consider current and future trends influencing the local economy Exploring economic opportunities and challenges Implementation strategies and evaluation 5

13:00-14:00 14.00-16.00

Lunch Testimonial or good practice presentation Open discussion

CAPACITY BULIDING FOR MENTORS AND MENTEES EMPOWERING THE EDUCATIONAL RELATIONSHIP AND THE INDIVIDUAL Day 3 Alessandro Carbone , Sophia Makri Objectives: 1. To apply empowerment definition to mentors and mentees and in general to learning contexts 2. To provide participants with knowledge about empowerment and how this process is developed in individual and communities 17/02/2016 3. To present practical examples and activities so as to raise awareness about the process in participants’ personal and professional life 4. To present Mentoring Good Practice Principles for Rural Communities 5. To support the development of the necessary entrepreneurial soft skills Content: Definition of empowerment and identification of its features The various contexts of empowerment and the educational environment Self-empowerment and community empowerment 10.00-13.00 Empowering mentors and mentees Mentoring Good Practice Principles Development of entrepreneurial soft skills

13:00-14:00 14.00-16.00

Lunch Testimonial or good practice presentation Open discussion

IDENTIFICATION OF NEEDS & OPPORTUNITIES ON SOCIAL LEVEL USER CENTERED DESIGN IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP Day 4 Dr. Maria Giannacourou, Duncan Chamberlain Objectives: 1. To apply user – centered design for entrepreneurship, taking into consideration trainees abilities, task prerequisites, organizational and social 18/02/2016 context 2. To identify community opportunities that will make the most difference 3. To support community leadership

11.00-13.00 ELIST– TT2

Content: Many community strengths are not immediately obvious, and it takes some creativity to discover what skills and 6

abilities are available in the community, and how they might be used. These include the skills and talents of individuals, the resources available and offered by local associations/institutions, culture and heritage of the community. Among these skills, leadership is a key dimension of community strengthening as it helps community members to set directions and priorities, to organize into groups, and to put action on-the-ground to utilize all available resources.

13:00-14:00 15.00-19.00

Lunch Workshop on leadership development methodology regarding entrepreneurial activities Management, cooperation, decision making, selfempowerment




12.00 – 13.00

13:00-14:00 14.00-16.00


Objectives: 1. To stimulate effective development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in rural communities 2. To assess the degree of learning of course participants Content: Multiple stakeholders play a role in facilitating entrepreneurship in rural populations. Among these, large and small firms, policymakers at national, regional and local levels, formal and informal educational institutions are included. A series of actions and approaches will be presented to facilitate commitment for the development of human capital and critical talent in order to facilitate entrepreneurial initiatives. • Assessment of learned knowledge through a self-report questionnaire • Guided self-exploration of knowledge, skills and abilities Lunch Departure of participants


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