ELIST Newsletter I

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ELIST in a nutshell ELIST aims at stimulating entrepreneurship activity among rural populations by providing innovative learning tools, as well as creating the conditions for young urban populations to migrate to rural areas.

2) The contribution to a positive impact on local development in a sustainable way, considering the environment, the economy and the social context.

ELIST therefore will foster employability and mobility of target groups by providing hands-on and inclusive learning methods to improve their competences (knowledge, skills and behaviour) and at the same time address emerging practices on the topic of sustainable development in the rural sector with tangible outcomes at the European level. Objectives 1) The development and consolidation of entrepreneurial competences (knowledge, skills and attitude) in rural populations, aiming at creating new pathways for employment with non-formal and informal learning activities;

Who will benefit? The primary target groups of ELIST project are young managers in agriculture sector and tourism, young people and women (rural and urban periphery) and adult learning practitioners. At the long term the whole regions and their citizens will benefit from the approach of sustainable training.

Main outcomes

What is it about?

NEWSLETTER - April 2015

ELIST provides the design of a state-of-art training course comprising  a curricula,  a blended learning training method (residential and elearning),  an open access internet networking platform (FIME 2.0), and  guidelines for multipliers and for ECVET framework practitioners.

Starting the research phase The first approach is a mapping and surveying activity including different target groups, stakeholders at local and national level as well as the

To the online surveys: ADD LINK


Contact us at: http://facebook.com/elistproject

The next working phases include:   

Analysis of survey and good practices Developing training guide and curriculum National and transnational training activities 2014-1-IT02-KA204-003644 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Kick-off in Bitonto From 2-4 February 2015 the ELIST consortium met for the first time in Bitonto in the Bari region in the south of Italy. The local action group Gal Fior d’olivi hosted project partners from Bulgaria, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Turkey and Austria. The meeting was in the focus of getting to know each other and to plan in detail the project activities. All partners are eager to start the cooperation and to involve target groups and stakeholders at the local level in their home countries. The topic of entrepreneurship to foster regional development promises great potential and interest also at the long term. Therefore, the working phases starting with a needs analysis regarding entrepreneurial competences in the rural agricultural and tourism sector will be very important in order to build a solid basis for developing the training course and related material.

identification of good practices at national level. The survey aims to identify entrepreneurial competences especially needed for the agricultural and tourism sector in areas of rural and urban periphery. The survey will be conducted online and you are very welcome to participate and give us your opinion!

Coming up next

What happened so far?

NEWSLETTER - April 2015

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