Final updates
ELIST Multipliers
Stakeholders and interested persons can become ELIST multipliers (also A 5 days training course with participants from without the transnational training) Portugal, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey and Spain and join a European group of has completed a series of transnational training multipliers—the ELIST4M team. This activities related with entrepreneurial skills for team will contribute to create regional and rural developments. The training took positive impact on local place in Costa da Caparica (Lisbon, Portugal) from 20-24 development in a sustainable way by June. The training focused on the role and related skills to considering the environment, the be a successful multiplier by using and developing real economy and the social context of the communities. case scenarios with ELIST outcomes. Roles of ELIST4M team members 1—spreading information about ELIST products The training contents included: 2—motivating potential users of ELIST outcomes Profile and role of multipliers 3—encouraging possible initiatives generated through ELIST activities Event management 4—supporting the increase of quality of initiative projects inspired by Networking ELIST Planning—Coordinating—Organising 5—participating in multiplier events representing ELIST Communication 6—updating the ELIST committee on rural development approaches Motivation and innovations Consultancy 7— networking at the European level on ELIST relevant topics 8—exchanging experience with other ELIST multipliers
NEWSLETTER - July 2016
Please contact the responsible partner in your home country or the coordinator directly if you are interested or require further information. Gal Fior d’olivi -
Now the ELIST Training programme and other outcomes are finished in their development, have been tested and evaluated and are ready for publication. All contents aim to support the development of entrepreneurial competences especially those connected with regional development aspects and sustainability. Among the topics you will find modules on professional networking, strategic planning, creativity and innovation, development of international markets, quality hygiene and safety, and intergenerational management. In addition a specific training on mentoring for mentors and mentees has been provided. In order to have access to the training course please register at our web platform using the listed enrolment keys to start the training with your selected module. In August the training guide and seven modules as well as further related material will be available for free download in all partner languages on the project website.
Time to say good bye
ELIST training course
NEWSLETTER - July 2016
After two years of transnational cooperation the ELIST project is coming to an end and the developed products are finalised and ready for you to be used! We invite everyone to give us feedback and share experiences and new ideas on the ELIST Facebook page or by contacting us directly. The ELIST consortium would like to kindly thank all collaboration partners that supported the project activities during the past two years! 2014-1-IT02-KA204-003644 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.