FEEL GOOD project aims to improve the relationship competences of healthcare professionals when working with users of healthcare/patients.
Objectives: Increase healthcare professionals’ awareness about issues such as multiculturalism, empathy and active listening. Enhance healthcare professionals’ knowledge regarding Medical Humanities and application of its principles in their daily practice. Assist self-evaluation and self-reflection processes regarding soft skills of healthcare professionals and beneficiaries. Highlight the importance of hidden curriculum regarding health
care professionals’ education.
The FEEL GOOD project is a strategic partnership for Vocational Educational Training which is being implemented under the key action 2 of Erasmus +, Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices.
The partners of this project are five organizations from different European countries, Italy, Spain, Austria and Greece with long experience in non-formal education methodology and health care; working in the field and organizing and monitoring European projects.
For further information, please visit:
The project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. The information reflects the views of the authors and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.