Dissemination in Spain - YOTE Project Flyer

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YOUTH ON THE EMPOWERMENT “YOTE” FUNDACION DOCETE OMNES C/ Padre Villoslada nº 2 18140 La Zubia, Granada Tlf. 958590002 www.doceteomnes.com email: europa@doceteomnes.com

Leonardo da Vinci Project

BACKGROUND The Project Methodology is supported by 2 publication: The first one the Book “Program Euroempleo 115 Bridges from Training to Employment: Good practices from Vocational Training centres” published in 2013 by Docete Omnes Foundation (funding by its regional government through European funds). In the first one we conducted an investigation based on data collected through surveys, analyzing the variables that explain which elements are crucial for the employability of our youth, 106 companies were surveyed. The Experts selected by each partner country to create the methodology, will take into account the results of this research. Also we collected the better practices developed by different educational intuitions in Europe to empower students, to improve their abilities to find a job; also include all the mobility programs adequate for vocational training students. The second one “The recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning” identify and define the key competences necessary for personal fulfilment, active citizenship, social cohesion and employability in a knowledge society. From our experience we have taken theoretical content oriented to employment. From European Parliament and European Council we take the key competences to be empowered.

OBJECTIVES An innovative methodology through an Online Training Course about key skills. It combines theoretical part and practical exercises to acquire a thorough knowledge of the ability, which will improve vocational training and college students capabilities and qualities. Based on the recommendation of the European Parliament and Council of 18 of December 2006. These skills are the same for all members of the European Union, which represents a first step in the harmonization of education systems. The European countries have made great efforts to incorporate the key competences into National Curricula, but to do a complete process it is necessary to develop an assessment... And we did it! Now you can take our Free Online Training Course to learn about key competences for lifelong learning.

National Event

30th of October , 2014 at 10:30 h. Palacio de congresos de Granada

The methodology is based on strengthening the following 8 competences (based on the programme Youth in Action): 1. Communication in the mother tongue 2. Communication in foreign languages 3. Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology 4. Digital competence 5. Learning to learn 6. Social and civic competences 7. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship 8. Cultural awareness and expression For additional information, please visit the website www.yote.eu


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