Network Of SES Supported employment is one of the pillars of the inclusive policy of the European Union and its Disability Strategy 2010-2020 aimed at the removal of barriers, at preventing discrimination and at empowering people with disabilities to fully enjoy their rights and their participation in society with others equally. Supported employment is defined as a system that helps people with disabilities or other disadvantaged groups obtain and keep a paid work in the labour market. Its practicebased evidence is built on an approach based on values that combine processes both personal and business and practical that follow a personalised system. This system can be adapted based on the needs of the parties concerned. Despite its reach, most providers of supported employment cannot count on certified training and on more training programmes yet. These are focused on pragmatic ways of facing and going into changing and fast contexts of European labour markets as well as into career development. Specialists in supported employment that work at partner institutions show that the value of informal learning environments is more significantly important for development and acquisition of competencies than formal learning environments. Within informal learning environments, the value of the professional practice in the field of the current practice was judged with the highest relevance, noting the importance of an orientation training for new professionals in the field in the sense of «practical learning» or «reflective practice». The objectives of NOS are spread awareness about the operational functioning of people with disabilities. Learn about the effective and proven method of professional activation of people with disabilities – supported employment. Update competences and certificates of supported employment specialists (SES) in partner countries, exchange of best practice between specialists in supported employment. Express views of specialists in supported employment on the functioning of the occupational activation system for people with disabilities in partner countries. The results expected by Fundación Docete Omnes and NOS project partners are the platform with project information in the languages of partners, a compendium of best practice in the process of supported employment gathered in all the partner countries and four face-to-face staff trainings at all levels of supported employment aimed at supported employment specialists now well-established and potential supported
employment specialists to observe the adjustment based on the work of the supported employment specialist in partner countries. NOS is funded with the support of the European Commission More information in: &Itemid=82