Between the 8th and the 14th of March, 2015, on Ziemia Kłodzka region (Poland) took place an international study visit with 34 youth workers from Bulgaria, Denmark, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Greece, Italy, Poland and Turkey. This study visit was organized by Europejskie Forum Młodzieży, from Poland, under Key Action 1 of Erasmus + Programme: Mobility of learners and staff. Project title : „Mobility of Youth Workers in Erasmus+ Programme” The main themes of the study visit were: ‐ to develop cooperation strategy aimed at developing mobility among young people, ‐ to share experiences in managing projects for young people, ‐ to reflect on effective methods of non‐formal education, ‐ to introduce to the youth workers institutions in which international volunteers are hosted. During the study visit were held the following meetings: ‐ Meeting with the Mayor of Międzylesie Municaplity; ‐ Meeting with the Mayor of rural municipality of Kłodzko; ‐ Meeting with the Head of Promotion and Sport Department of Bystrzyca Kłodzka Municipality; ‐ Meeting in institutions receiving EVS volunteers and coordinated by EFM (Zespół Szkół Społecznych in Kłodzko, Zespol Szkol Integracyjnych in Klodzko, Miejski Zespół Szkół in Kłodzko, Gimnazjum no. 1 in Kłodzko, Museum of Ziemia Kłodzka region, Center of Culture, Sport and Recreation in Ołdrzychowice, ‐ meeting in "Bystrzaki" Kindergarten and common room in Bystrzyca Kłodzka. This project was co‐financed by Polish National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme.
FOTOGALLERY ‐ meeting in "Bystrzaki" Kindergarten and common room in Bystrzyca Kłodzka
‐ study visit in Center of Culture, Sport and Recreation in Ołdrzychowice
‐ study visit in common room „SNS Academy” in Bystrzyca Kłodzka
‐ meeting with Mr Tomasz Korczak/ Mayor of Międzylesie Municipality
‐ study visit in Zespół Szkół Społecznych in Kłodzko
‐ meeting with Mr Lucjanem Morajda / the Head of Promotion and Sport Department of Bystrzyca Kłodzka Municipality – large scale events – European Voluntary Service ‐ Mountain Running Championship of Poland
‐ meeting with Mr Stanisław Longawa, Mayor of rural municipality of Kłodzko
‐ meeting with volunteers hosted and coordinated by Europejskie Forum Młodzieży in the Center of Integration and Meetings of International Youth in Długopole Górne
‐ study visit in Zespol Szkol Integracyjnych in Kłodzko
‐ study visit in Gimnazjum no 1 in Kłodzko
‐ study visit in Miejski Zespół Szkół in Kłodzko
‐ study visit in the Museum of Ziemia Kłodzka region
‐ workshops